---------------------------------------------- | W W W W FFFFF | | W W W W F | | W W W W W W FFF | | WW WW WW WW F | | W W W W F | | | | nnn oooo mmmm ee rrr cccc y y | | n n o o m m m eeee r c yy | | n n oooo m m m ee r cccc y | | y | | THE ROCK CHARACTER GUIDE y | | VERSION 1.0 | ---------------------------------------------- ------------------- | table of contents | ------------------- -introduction -updates/revisions -controls -the rock biography -the rock statistics -the rock rivals/allies -the rock moves -closing statements & legal crap -------------- | introduction | -------------- Welcome one and all to one guide in a series of Character Guides for WWF No Mercy for the Nintendo 64. This guide will cover pretty much all you'll need for the character in the game, including a detailed biography, statictics, a list of their in-game rivals and allies, and of course, a complete move list. So please enjoy this FAQ and I hope it helps. ------------------- | updates/revisions | ------------------- 11.19.00 - Version 1.0 -The guide is complete with everything. ---------- | controls | ---------- CONTROL PAD -Hightlight options -Control Superstar in ring CONTROL STICK -Taunt (Up, Down, Left, or Right for different taunts) -Finishing Moves (Full Attitude Meter) -Zoom and Turn Superstar (Superstar Select menus) A BUTTON -Select options -Grapple opponent :Weak grapple = Tap A Button :Strong grapple = Hold A Button B BUTTON -Cancel options -Striking attacks :Weak attack = Tap B Button :Strong attack = Hold B Button Up-C Button -Climb through/over ropes -Drag opponent on mat -Tag partner into match (Tag Team mode) -Randomly select Superstar (Superstar Select menu) Down-C Button -Run -Climb turnbuckle -Hop over downed opponent -Slide into ring -Randomly select Superstar (Superstar Select menu) Left-C Button -Flip opponent on mat -Grab weapon from the crowd -Pick-up ladder/Position ladder -Change outfit (Superstar Select menu) -Preview moves and entrace music (Edit mode) Right-C Button -Focus on different opponent -Change outfit (Superstar Select menu) L Button -Reverse/Avoid a grapple -Flip standing opponent (grapple/dazed) -Pin opponent -Hold opponent from behind -Change stables (Superstar Select menu) R Button -Block/Counter striking attacks -Release grapple -Pick up opponent from mat :Half position - Tap R :Stand up - Hold R -Change stables (Superstar select menu) START -Bypass entrances -Pause game Z Button -Toggle CPU - Manual control -------------------- | the rock biography | -------------------- From: Miami, Florida Finishing Move: Rock Bottom; People's Elbow Career Highlights: World Wrestling Federation Champion (5); Intercontinental Champion (2); Tag Team Champion (3) The Rock is a third-generation superstar with immeasurable athleticism -- and cockiness to boot! After graduating as an All-American football star from the University of Miami, Rocky Maivia entered the World Wrestling Federation and quickly became the Intercontinental Champion. Under controversial circumstances, The Rock won the World Wrestling Federation Championship at Survivor Series 1998. The Rock went on to win the title four more times, making the "Great One" a five-time Federation Champion. He's a gifted athlete, he's gifted on the microphone -- he's simply a gifted entertainer. And from the Rolex watch to the $500 shirts to the eyebrow and the Corporate Elbow, The Rock is just plain cool. Whether he's a champion or a contender, a fan favorite or the most hated superstar on the roster, The Rock is a 27-year-old phenom. He's already the "Most Electrifying Man in Sports-Entertainment," and when it's all said and done he may go down in history as the most decorated, well-known and renowned superstar the Federation has ever known. --------------------- | the rock statistics | --------------------- -Profile- Name: The Rock Height: 6'5" Weight: 275lbs. -Fighting Style- Stance: Wrestling Ring Entry: Normal Counter/Reversals: Heavy Speed: Normal Submission Skills: Normal Irish Whip Evasion: Yes Recovery Rate: Normal Bleeding: Rarely Reaction to Blood: Panic Endurance: Normal Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Normal Specific Weapon: Random -Offensive Strength- Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying: 2 -Defensive Strength- Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying: 2 ------------------------ | the rock rivals/allies | ------------------------ Rival 1: Triple H (50%) Rival 2: Chris Benoit (30%) Rival 3: Undertaker (20%) Accompanied By: None ---------------- | the rock moves | ---------------- | GRAPPLING | -Front Weak Grapple- A :: Headlock and Punch Left/Right + A :: Snapmare Up + A :: Eye Rake Down + A :: Scoop Slam B :: Arm Wrench/Elbow Smash L/R + B :: Headlock Takedown Up + B :: Suplex Down + B :: Shoulder Breaker -Front Strong Grapple- A :: Headlock Left/Right + A :: Russian Leg Sweep (FAVORITE) Up + A :: Neck Breaker 02 Down + A :: Small Package B :: Manhattan Drop L/R + B :: DDT 01 (FAVORITE) Up + B :: Stalling Brainbuster Down + B :: Belly to Belly Suplex 01 Control Stick :: Rockbottom (FAVORITE) -Back Weak Grapple- A :: Falling Back Drop D-Pad + A :: Falling Back Drop B :: Shin Breaker 01 D-Pad + B :: Shin Breaker 01 -Back Strong Grapple- A :: Surfboard Stretch D-Pad + A :: Surfboard Stretch B :: Atomic Drop D-Pad + B :: Atomic Drop Control Stick :: Reverse DDT 02 -Reversals- Back Weak Grapple Counter :: Counter Elbow Strike Back Strong Grapple Counter :: Counter Grapple | STANDING | -Weak Striking- B (Arm) :: Elbow Strike D-Pad + B (Arm) :: Hook Punch 01 B (Leg) :: Front Kick 01 D-Pad + B (Leg) :: Front Kick 05 -Strong Striking- B :: Diving CLothesline D-Pad + B :: Rock Punch (FAVORITE) A + B :: Standing Clothesline 01 -Recovering Attack- Ducking Attack :: Low Blow -Counter Attack- Counter Punch :: Rock Punch Special Counter Punch :: Rock Punch Counter Kick [A] :: Leg Push Takedown Counter Counter Kick [B] :: Low Blow Counter 03 Special Counter Kick :: Dragon Screw Counter 02 -Walking Moves- Walking Moves :: Generic 01 | RUNNING | -Running Attack- Down-C + B :: Shoulder Block Down-C + A + B :: Back Elbow Smash 01 D-Pad + Down-C + B :: Rock Clothesline D-Pad + Down-c + A + B :: Rock Jumping Clothesline (FAVORITE) -Running Grapple- Down-C + A (Front) :: Rock Spinning DDT (FAVORITE) Down-C + A (Back) :: Face Crusher 02 -Running Ground Attack- Facing Up :: People's Elbow Facing Down :: Stomp Sitting Up :: Stomp Sitting Down :: Stomp -Evasion- Evasion :: Roll | GROUND | -Upper Body Submission- Facing Up :: Armbar 02 Facing Down :: Sitting Reverse Armbar Sitting Up :: Sleeper Hold Sitting Down :: Mahistrol Cradle Facing Up (Special) :: People's Elbow (FAVORITE) Facing Down (Special) :: None -Lower Body Submission- Facing Up :: Groin Knee Drop (FAVORITE) Facing Down :: Single Crab Facing Up (Special) :: Figure 4 Leg Lock Facing Down (Special) :: None -Ground Attack- Facing Up :: Rock Stomp (FAVORITE) Facing Down :: Rock Stomp (FAVORITE) Sitting Up :: Rock Stomp Sitting Down :: Rock Stomp | TURNBUCKLE | -Turnbuckle Attack- B :: Front Kick 05 D-Pad + B :: Rock Punch Down-C + B :: Rock Clothesline Down-C + A + B :: Rock Jumping Clothesline (FAVORITE) -Corner Counter- Irish whip to Corner Counter :: Boot to Face -Tree of woe Attack- B :: Front Kick 05 D-Pad + B :: Front Kick 05 Down-C + B :: Shoulder Block -Front Turnbuckle Grapple- A (Weak) :: Shoulder Thrusts B (Weak) :: Knee Strikes A (Strong) :: Foot Choke B (Strong) :: Superplex Control Stick :: Super RB -Back Turnbuckle Grapple- A (Weak) :: Forearm Smash B (Weak) :: Forearm Smash A (Strong) :: Super Back Drop B (Strong) :: Super Back Drop Control Stick :: Super Back Drop -Counter Grapple- Front Counter :: Rack Em Up Back Counter :: Super Back Drop -Flying Attack- Standing Opponent :: Double Axe Handle Standing Opponent to outside :: Double Axe Handle Standing Opponent (Special) :: None Laying Opponent :: Knee Drop Laying Opponent to outside :: Knee Drop Laying Opponent (Special) :: None -Turnbuckle Inside Attack- Turnbuckle Inside Attack :: None -Turnbuckle Taunt- Corner Taunt :: Taunt 009 Turnbuckle Taunt :: Taunt 004 | RINGSIDE | -Grapple to apron- Weak Grapple :: Club to Chest Strong Grapple :: Suplex to Inside Special Grapple :: None Counter Grapple :: Suplex Reversal to Inside -Rope Inside Attack- Rope Inside Attack :: None -Flying Attack to outside- A :: None Down-C + A :: Baseball Slide Down-C + D-Pad + A :: Baseball Slide -Running Diving Taunt- Control Stick :: None -Rebound Flying Attack- A :: None | APRON | -Apron Attack- To Inside :: Middle Kick To Outside :: Strong Kick -Grapple from apron- Grapple (Weak) :: Arm Breaker Grapple (Strong) :: Guillotine Grapple (Special) :: None Counter Grapple :: Suplex Reverse -Flying Attack from apron- A :: Dropping Elbow Down-C + A :: None -Flying Attack to ring- Standing Opponent :: None Laying Opponent :: None Standing Opponent (Special) :: None -Apron Taunt- Taunt :: Taunt 001 | IRISH WHIP | -Irish whip Attack- B :: Back Elbow (FAVORITE) -Irish whip Grapple- Tap A (Weak) :: Back Toss 01 Hold A (Weak) :: Samoan Drop 01 Tap A (Strong) :: Powerslam 01 Hold A (Strong) :: Tilt A Whirl Driver (FAVORITE) Control Stick (Strong) :: Rockbottom (FAVORITE) | TAUNT | -Taunt- Up + Control Stick :: Rock 02 (FAVORITE) Left + Control Stick :: Rock 01 (FAVORITE) Right + Control Stick :: Taunt 179 -Special Taunt- Control Stick :: Rock 03 -Ducking Taunt- Control Stick :: Taunt 009 -Celebration Taunt- Celebration :: Taunt 091 -Entry Way Taunt- Taunt :: None | DOUBLE TEAM | -Double Team Grapple- Front Grapple :: Wishbone Split Back Grapple :: Double Atomic Drop Sandwich Grapple :: Double Piledriver Irish whip Grapple :: Double Arm Drag -Double Team Attack- Double Team Attack :: Doomsday Device Attack to outside :: Doomsday Device Attack to ring :: None -Reversals- Counter Attack :: Punching Reversal --------------------------------- | closing statements & legal crap | --------------------------------- This was an original work by KKorn34713. Please do not use this on your website/FAQ unless you ask me. If you ask me, and give full credit, and don't alter this document in any way, I'll be happy to allow you to use it. The latest version of this FAQ can be found at GameFAQs.com. Send any comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at KKorn34713@hotmail.com. If you want to use the format for your own Character Guides, please give proper credit. Thanks.