WWF No Mercy Character Guide for: ________ | ______) _ _ _ _ | (______ ____ ___ | | | | ( \ / ) |______ | | ___) | _ | ( ) ( ) \ \/ / ______) | |(___ |(_)| | | | | \ / (________| |____) |___| |_| |_| _/ / (__/ _______ (_____ | _____) | | _____| | |_____ |_______) _ _ | | | | | |___| | _ _ _ _ | ___ | ___ | | | | ( \ / ) | | | | | _ | ( ) ( ) \ \/ / | | | | |(_)| | | | | \ / |_| |_| |___| |_| |_| _/ / (__/ Version 1.0 Date: 09/05/2001 Written By: Nomad Z 2000 System: Nintendo 64 E-mail: joshuamccammon@hotmail.com --------------- I. Scotty's Bio --------------- Don't get all up in Scotty's grill just because he's mackin' in the World Wrestling Federation. If you're not down, this means don't get upset with Scotty cause he's having a good time. He's got the look, the lingo, and the moves. He's Scotty Too Hotty. Some people think that Scotty and his tag team partner, Grandmaster Sexay, are confused, but the truth is, they're cool. With a language that is hipper than Lenny Kravitz and a look more unique than a Miami snowstorm, Too Cool is one of the most popular tag teams in Federation history. Although their in-ring ability and post-match dancing always get the crowds on their feet, it is perhaps Scotty's Worm Chop that stands out as the most anticipated weapon in their arsenal. Trying his best to bring us back to the mid-80s when break dancing was at its peak, there comes a time in each of his matches when Scotty gets that look of shock on his face and you know what is about to come! "W-O-R-M"...followed by the whooshing karate-like chops in the air...and bam! A move rivaled by only the People's Elbow in its devastation, Scotty's Worm will be in style for much longer than break dancing ever was! ------------------ II. Scotty's Moves ------------------ ************ *GRAPPLING* ************ -Weak Front Grapple- A: Slap A+L/R: Snapmare A+Up: Eye Rake A+Down: Scoop Slam B: Arm Wrench/Elbow Smash B+L/R: Neck Breaker 01 B+Up: Suplex B+Down: Piledriver 02 -Strong Front Grapple- A: Headlock A+L/R: Shoulder Thrusts A+Up: Hopping Rolling Pin A+Down: Backslide Pin B: DDT 01 B+L/R: Underhook BTB Suplex 01 B+Up: Shoulder Breaker Thrust B+Down: Manhattan Drop (F) Special: Powerbomb Pin 05 -Weak Rear Grapple- A: Back Drop A+D-pad: Back Drop B: Back Rake B+D-pad: Back Rake -Strong Rear Grapple- A: School Boy Pin A+D-pad: School Boy Pin B: Pump Handle Suplex B+D-pad: Pump Handle Suplex Special: Reverse Suplex -Reversals- Back Weak Grapple Counter: Counter Elbow Strike Back Strong Grapple Counter: Counter Grapple ********** *STANDING* ********** -Weak Striking- B (Arm): Elbow Strike B+D-pad (Arm): Chop 01 B (Leg): Front Kick 01 B+D-pad (Leg): Front Kick 05 -Strong Striking- B: Diving Clothesline B+D-pad: Punch 03 (F) A+B: Sidekick 03 -Reversals- Ducking Attack: High Flipping Dropkick -Counter Attacks- Counter Punch: Strong Attack [B+D-pad] Special Counter Punch: Back Slide Counter Kick [A]: Leg Pushing Counter Counter Kick [B]: Elbow Crush Counter Special Counter Kick: Special Rear Grapple -Walking Moves- Walking Moves: Too Cool ********* *RUNNING* ********* -Running Attacks- Down-C+[B]: Shoulder Block Down-C+[A+B]: Back Elbow Smash 01 D-Pad + Down-C + [B]: Jumping Back Elbow Attack D-pad + Down-C + [A+B]: Clothesline R 01 -Running Grapple- Down-C + A (Front): Swinging Neck Breaker Down-C + A (Back): Two Handed Facebuster (F) -Running Ground Attack- Facing Up: Elbow Drop 01 Facing Down: Stomp Sitting Up: Stomp Sitting Down: Stomp -Evasion- Evasion: Roll ******** *GROUND* ******** -Upper Body Submission- Facing Up: Clutching Punch Facing Down: Mahistrol Cradle Sitting Up: Sleeper Hold Sitting Down: Camel Clutch Facing Up (Special): None Facing Down (Special): None -Lower Body Submission- Facing Up: Headbutt to Groin Facing Down: Knee Stomp Facing Up (Special): None Facing Down (Special): None -Ground Attack- Facing Up: Scotty Worm Chop Facing Down: Stomp 01 Sitting Up: Dropkick to Knee Sitting Down: Flipping Heel Kick ************ *TURNBUCKLE* ************ -Turnbuckle Attack- B: Front Kick 05 D-Pad + B: Punch 03 Down-C + B: Clothesline R 01 Down-C + A + B: Back Elbow Smash 01 -Corner Counter- Irish whip to Corner Counter: Sling Over Opponents -Tree of woe Attack- B: Front Kick 05 D-Pad + B: Front Kick 05 Down-C + B: Shoulder Block -Front Turnbuckle Grapple- A (Weak): Shoulder Thrusts B (Weak): 10 Punch A (Strong): Superplex B (Strong): High Kick Control Stick: Frankensteiner -Back Turnbuckle Grapple- A (Weak): Forearm Smash B (Weak): Forearm Smash A (Strong): Super Backdrop B (Strong): Super Backdrop Control Stick: Super Backdrop -Counter Grapple- Front Counter: Throw Back Counter: Super Backdrop -Flying Attack- Standing Opponent: Double Axe Handle Standing Opponent to outside: Double Axe Handle Standing Opponent (Special): Missile Dropkick Laying Opponent: Guillotine Leg Drop Laying Opponent to outside: Body Splash Laying Opponent (Special): None -Turnbuckle Inside Attack- Turnbuckle Inside Attack: Corner Sling Body Splash -Turnbuckle Taunt- Corner Taunt: Too Cool Turnbuckle Taunt: Taunt 003 ********** *RINGSIDE* ********** -Grapple to apron- Weak Grapple: Club to Chest Strong Grapple: Suplex to Inside Special Grapple: None Counter Grapple: Suplex Reverse -Rope Inside Attack- Rope Inside Attack: None -Flying Attack to outside- A: Vaulting Body Press Down-C + [A]: Baseball Slide Down-C + D-Pad + [A]: Baseball Slide -Running Diving Taunt- Control Stick: None -Rebound Flying Attack- A: None ******* *APRON* ******* -Apron Attack- To Inside: Middle Kick To Outside: Weak Kick -Grapple from apron- Grapple (Weak): Guillotine Grapple (Strong): Sunset Flip Over Ropes Grapple (Special): None Counter Grapple: Suplex Reverse -Flying Attack from apron- A: Dropping Elbow Down-C + [A]: Running Flip -Flying Attack to ring- Standing Opponent: None Laying Opponent: None Standing Opponent (Special): None -Apron Taunt- Taunt: Taunt Scotty ************ *IRISH WHIP* ************ -Irish whip Attack- B: Flipping Dropkick -Irish whip Grapple- Tap A (Weak): Back Toss 02 Hold A (Weak): Monkey Toss Tap A (Strong): Powerslam 01 Hold A (Strong): Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker Control Stick (Strong): Front Special Grapple ******** *TAUNTS* ******** -Taunt- Up + Control Stick: Scotty 02 (F) Left + Control Stick: Scotty 01 Right + Control Stick: Taunt 035 -Special Taunt- Control Stick: Scotty WORM (F) -Ducking Taunt- Control Stick: Scotty -Celebration Taunt- Celebration: Taunt 035 -Entry Way Taunt- Taunt: Scotty ************* *DOUBLE TEAM* ************* -Double Team Grapple- Front Grapple: Wishbone Split Back Grapple: Double Atomic Drop Sandwich Grapple: Double Piledriver Irish whip Grapple: Double Arm Drag -Double Team Attack- Double Team Attack: Doomsday Device Attack to outside: Doomsday Device Attack to ring: None -Reversals- Counter Attack: Roll-Up Pinning Reversal ---------------------------------------- III. Appearance/Fighting Style/Parameter ---------------------------------------- ************ *APPEARANCE* ************ Name: Scotty Too Hotty Short Name: Scotty Alias: None Picture: Scotty Height: 5'9" Weight: 209 lbs. Music: Too Cool Titantron: Too Cool Body: Skinny 02 (4th) Head: Male 02 Face: Male 25 Hair: Shocked Front Hair: N/A Facial Hair: 18 Masks/Etc.: Gold Chain Hats/Caps: Scotty Hat (Default) Ring Attire: Scotty 2 (Default, Default) Upper Body: None Tattoo: None Gloves: None Wristbands: None Elbow Pad: None Knee Pad: None Feet: Athletic 2 (4th, Default) Entrance Attire: Too Cool 2 (Default,Default) Weapons/Props: None **************** *FIGHTING STYLE* **************** Stance: Wrestling Ring Entry: Normal Counter/Reversals: Light-Heavy Speed: Fast Submission Skills: Novice Irish Whip Evasion: Yes Recovery Rate: Slow Bleeding: Rarely Reaction to Blood: Panic Endurance: Weak Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Normal Specific Weapon: Random *********** *PARAMETER* *********** -Offense- Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying: 4 -Defense- Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying: 4 ************** *ALLYS/ENEMYS* ************** 50%: Edge 30%: Christian 20%: Malenko Ally: Sexay ------------------------------------ IV. Credit and Copyright Information ------------------------------------ This was an original work by Nomad Z 2000. Please do not use this on your website unless you ask me. If you ask me, give full credit, and do not alter this document in any way, I will let you use it. If you want to use the format for your own Character Guides, please give proper credit. Thanks. End of FAQ.