Super Heavy Weight FAQ by GodOfGaming WWF No Mercy for N64 Introduction ----------------- Hi and welcome to my very 1st FAQ for WWF No Mercy.I have compiled a guide soley in helping you to combat Super Heavy Weights.While wrestling one,You might be annoyed to attempting to slam a Super Heavy Weight using one of your Front/Back Grapples and your gonna attempt to either Body Slam/Back Drop a Super Heavy Weight.If successful,You'll have a big jump on your Attitude Meter if you do attempt one. Well,In this very FAQ,I have made a list of every single Front/Back grapples that are possible to do to a Super Heavy Weight. An example is this: You can do a Choke Slam to a Super Heavy Weight,but not a Russian Leg Sweep. The moves that are not listed in my guide means that you cannot do that move (Like the Russian Leg Sweep). Now then,On wth the show ------------------------------------- The Guide -------------- Front Weak Grapples that you can do with the A button 1.Chop 1 2.Chop 2 3. Chop 3 4. Eye Rake 5. Head Butt 3 6. Headlock And Punch 7. Head lock And Thrust 8. Jumping Front Kick 9. Knee Lift 10. Knee Strike 11. Knee Sweep 12. Mini Shin Kicks 13. Throat Thrust 14. Underhand Hook Punch ------------------------------------- Front Weak Grapples that you do with the B Button. 1. Arm Dragon Screw 2. Arm Wrench With Hook Kick 3. Double Underhook Suplex 4. Head Scissor Takedown 01 5. Jawbreaker 6. Knee Strikes 1 7. Knee Strikes 2 8. Knee Strikes 3 9. Mini Chops 10. Piledriver 1 11. Shoulder Thrusts 12. Stall Suplex 13. Suplex 14. Tie Up Knee Strikes 15. Underhook Suplex/ Knee -------------------------------------- Front Strong Grapples ------------------------------ 1. Back Slide Pin 2. Belly To Back Flip Suplex 3. Capture Suplex 4. Chicken Wing Suplex Pin 5. Chokeslam From Hell 6. Chokeslam 1 7. Choke Slam 2 8.Choke Takedown 9. Climb Up Wheel Kick 10. Clinching Slam 11. DDT 1 12. DDT 2 13. DDT 3 14. Death Valley Driver 15. Double Arm DDT 16. Double Chokelift Slam 17. Dragon Screw 1 18. Dragon Screw 2 19. Falcon Arrow 20. Falling Neck Breaker 21. Fire Thunder Driver 22. Fisherman DDT 23. Fisherman Suplex 24. Front Face Pancake 25. Giant Headbutt 26. Guillotine Choke 27. Headlock 28. Hopping Rolling Pin 29: Hopping Sunset Flip Pin 30. Hurricanrana Pin 31. Judo Front Slam 32. Knee Smash 33. Michinoku Driver 34. Northern Lights Suplex 1 35. Northern Lights Suplex 2 36.Powerbomb Pin 1 37. Powerbomb Pin 2 38. Powerbomb Pin 3 39. Powerbomb Pin 4 40. Powerbomb Pin 5 41. Powerbomb Pin 6 42. Powerbomb Pin 7 43. Powerbomb Pin 8 44. Powerbomb Pin 9 45. Reverse Armbar 46. Rolling Leg Lock 47. Running Powerbomb Pin 48. Shoulder Nreaker Thrust 49. Small Package 50. Snap Powerbomb 2 51. Snap Powerbomb 3 52. Somersault Kick 53. Spinning Leg Takedown 54. Standing Armbar 55. Standing Clothesline 56.Stalling Piledriver 57.Super Shoulder Breaker 58. Sweep w/Mounted Punching 59. Tiger Driver 60. Tiger Driver w/Pin 61.Trapping Head Butts 62. Triple Powerbomb Pin 63. T-Bone Suplex 1 64. T-Bone Suplex 2 65. Underhook BTB Suplex 2 -------------------------------------- Back Weak Grapples ---------------------------- 1.Back Rake 2. Forearm Smash 3. Jumping Heel Kick 4. Multiple Headbutts ----------------------------- Back Strong Grapples ----------------------------- 1. Abdominal Neck Wrench 2. Abdominal Stretch 3. Abdominal Pin 4. Big Clothesline 5. Chicken Wing Headlock 6. Eastern Stretch 7. German Suplex 2 8. Jumping Armbar 9. Jumping HH Pin 10. Neck Crank 11. Octopus Stretch 12. Reverse Armbar 13. Rolling Crutch Pin ----------------------------- Legal Stuff --------------- This FAQ should not be copied,Sold,Ripped off,anything like that. WWF,AKI,N64,WWF No Mercy,THQ are all trademarks to there respectful owners (Therefore,I am not associated with them). Special Thanks --------------------- AKI/THQ,For releasing this great wrestling game. Nintendo,For allowing AKI/THQ to release WWF No Mercy on the N64. Aki Man, For being my Super Heavy Weight Tester. Rikishi,For being my Super Heavy Weight Dummy. Me,For Typing this FAQ up GodOfGaming My Email Address: