@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ Garou: Mark of the Wolves @ @ Text/Quote FAQ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ============================================================================= Ryan "Nemesis300" Kelly dark_id@hotmail.com Project Started: November 28, 2001 Project Completed: December 15, 2001 Last Updated: December 15, 2001 Game/Console: Garou: Mark of the Wolves- Arcade/Neo Geo Version: 1.0 ============================================================================= -----Prelude----- Certainly, they existed... Those blinded by ambition. Those consumed with vengeance. But here they do not exist. Only winners and losers here. For here, THE MIGHTY RULE! ============================================================================= -------I. SECTIONS------- Section-------------------------------------Heading I.------------------------------------------Sections II.-----------------------------------------Updates III.----------------------------------------Disclaimer IV.-----------------------------------------Notes V.------------------------------------------Terry Bogard VI.-----------------------------------------Khushwood Butt VII.----------------------------------------Kim Dong Hwan VIII.---------------------------------------Freeman IX.-----------------------------------------Gato X.------------------------------------------Hokutomaru XI.-----------------------------------------Hotaru Futaba XII.----------------------------------------Tizoc XIII.---------------------------------------Bonne Jenet XIV.----------------------------------------Kim Jae Hoon XV.-----------------------------------------Kevin Ryan XVI.----------------------------------------Rock Howard XVII.---------------------------------------Grant XVIII.--------------------------------------Kain R. Heinline XIX.----------------------------------------FAQ XX.-----------------------------------------Contact XXI.----------------------------------------Credits XXII.---------------------------------------Copyright XXIII.--------------------------------------Closing ============================================================================= -------II. UPDATES------- 1.0- Initial Release: This is the start of the whole thing. My Garou: Mark of the Wolves Script. I'm sure there are a few grammical errors (probably some are the result of instances of Engrish.) I'll fix that at a later date (be sure to contact me if there is. Okay?) ============================================================================= -------III. DISCLAIMER------- If you wanna use this FAQ on your site, make sure contact me first of all. After you post it make sure you do all of the following!!! - You do not make any money off of this guide. - You do not edit the FAQ whatsoever(even spacing and gramatical errors) - You give credit when due. - CONTACT ME OR THERE WILL BE TROUBLE! This document can only be placed on a non-commerical or non-profit website. Remember not to alter anything or there will be trouble. You can't use this document as a referrence for your own, unless you give me credit. You can use the layout if you want This is a copyrighted document, so if you steal, I sue! Please try to contact me if your going to use this, I don't want any nasty misunderstandings. ============================================================================= -----IV. NOTES----- 1. After the 2nd match there will always be a story scene with Grant. It is always the same, so I'll place it here: *****Mysterious Warrior***** [In a dark room a shadowy figure is hunched over, breathing heavily] ????: Ah...ah...Ah...ah... [The figure screams out] ????: Oh Gaaaaaaaawd! [The figure has it's hand to his face. It's eye glows green] ????: Argh [The screen goes black] ????: No time left...Come to me...O, Mighty one. ********** 2. Some of the story scene's text is REALLY messed up at times, making it impossible to interpret. Once I get my hands on the Fatal Fury: MOTWs Dreamcast port, hopefully I will be able to fix this (don't expect anything till after Christmas though...) ============================================================================= -----V. Terry Bogard----- *****Mid-Boss: Rock Howard***** [Terry and Rock stand in the parking lot outside of a restraunt] Rock: I've really been waiting for this: the semifinals! Terry: Hey! You made it all the way here? Good job, Rock! If you win, maybe you'll know your mother's secret. Rock: She's got nothing to do with this! This's about me! I fight to test my own power. Enough talk! Let's begin! [Terry and Rock fight. Terry wins] Rock: Still tough, huh. Still the champ. The semifinals and you're not tired at all... Terry: Sorry, Rock. But don't worry. I'll find your mother. Rock: D, Don't bother! I'm no Oedipus! Terry: Hmph! Okay! *****Grant's Intro***** [Terry stands in a dimly lit room] Terry: This's a weird layout. ?: You fight rather well. But you're peak has passed. You're no match for the power of Dark Karate. Terry: Hah! Quite a claim...But you don't convince me hidden like some weenie! [A large figure stands before Terry. Flames erupt from the back of the room] Grant: I am Grant...The Martyr of Might...Now show me the full extent of the power...show me all you have. [Grant and Terry battle] *****Grant's Defeat to Kain's Intro***** [A defeated Grant stands before Terry] Grant: What kind of freak are you? Don't you ever let up? Terry: I'd love to but my enemies just won't leave me alone. Grant: I hear ya! [Grants eyes stop glowing] Grant: Goodbye, legendary one. ....Farewell, Kain! [Grant disappears] [The screen goes black] ???: To end decadence here...all the weak must die. [A well dressed man in white with long blonde hair stands with his hand in his pocket] ???: The truth of humanity is found only in bloody battle! Grant lost? So what now? ????: So the legend really was true. Terry: You must be Kain? Why this competition? Kain: To meet the killer of Geese my dear brother-in-law. Terry: ...Geese? Who are you? [Kain turns around. Behind him is a large portrait of a woman with blonde hair] Kain: To think that Grant lost. His power's the real thing. Or maybe?... Don't get me wrong. Hey! I'm asking you to join me... (Text freaks out again, but Terry obviously disagrees) [Terry and Kain begin the real bout] *****Ending***** [Terry is standing in front of a injured Kain] Kain: Terry, the legendary wolf...You're as good as I thought. Terry: Now you know, one can't live by strength alone. Kain: Yeah, one needs compassion. But it breeds conniving, bias. A lone wolf like you should know of what I speak. These days, no one has it... [Kain's mansion starts to crumble] Kain: The vision to really live! [Kain's mansion collapses] [Terry is shown walking through the crowded streets of Second Southtown] Pedestrian: It doesn't matter anyway. Our lives won't change any. [A flashback of Rock in Kain's mansion] Rock: Terry, I don't know anymore. Was what Kain's tried to do such a wrong thing to try? [Back in Second Southtown, Terry watches two women talk] Lady 1: Excuse me, lady...Isn't that an emerald? Lady 2: Oh, can you tell? I'll take jewels to independence any day! [Flashback to Kain] Kain: A wolf like you should know, people today aren't alive... [Terry sitting on a bench] Terry: I love this town...But... [Terry looks startled] Kid: Hey, Terry! [Three kids are next to Terry, one is holding a basketball] Kid: Terry wins again! Terry: Thanks, everybody! [Terry looks up at the sky, he's holding the basketball] Terry: Yup...It's no bull...It's all about heart! Kid: Terry, how 'bout a game of hoops? Terry: Ooooh...kay! [Credits roll] *****Win Quotes***** vs. Terry: Impersonators are old new, pal. Get a life! vs. Khushwood: HEY! Todey's humiliation's tommorrow's fuel for victory! vs. Dong Hwan: You're a real goof-off! Get serious or get lost! vs. Freeman: Consumed by ambition, you just had to lose! vs. Gato: To win you must first beat your inferiority complex. vs. Hokutomaru: Shiranui Ninja arts? You're master must be... vs. Hotaru: Looking for your brother? I'll tell you if I see him. vs. Tizoc: Sorry. Pro wrestler's just don't scare me. vs. B.Jenet: Wake up and smell the java! You're nothing but a clown. vs. Jae Hoon: You've got the talent. You're just like your father! vs. Kevin: Good job! The country's in good hands with you! vs. Rock: Accept your own strength and you will be unbeatable! vs. Grant: I see you're ready for death. A strong opponent. vs. Kain: After know you ideals, can you make them real? ============================================================================= -----VI. Khushwood Butt----- *****Mid-Boss: The Tizoc***** [Khushwood and Tizoc stand in the middle of a wrestling ring. There is a huge audience] Tizoc: Here's Justice's hero, The Tizoc! Khushwood: Wow! What's with the bird? I'm having fried chicken tonight! Tizoc: This chicken will make you eat your words. [Khushwood and Tizoc fight. Khushwood wins] Khushwood: You're tough, poultry guy! Tizoc: I'm no bird! I'm Tizoc. Justice's hero! Khushwood: Relax! You won't feel a thing! Tizoc: ......I'm finished! Farewell! D'oh! *****Grant's Intro***** [Khushwood stands in a dimly lit room] Khushwood: I feel a strong presence! To whom do I speak? ?: Hmph! A gym breaker? You seem quite disciplined...but you're nothing against my dreaded Dark Karate! Khushwood: A voice, but no face. This Kyokugen disciple will pound in you some sense... Now face the fists of Kyokugen, and destruction. [A large figure stands before Khushwood. Flames erupt from the back of the room] Grant: I am Grant... The Martyr of Might... Now show me your awesome power...show me all you have. *****Grant's Defeat to Kain's Intro***** !!!!!Coming Soon!!!!! *****Ending***** [Khushwood is standing in front of a injured Kain] Khushwood: Whoo hoo! I won! Simply deee-licious! I'm one step closer to equalling Master Ryo! Kain: Hmph. Silly man. Ata a glance, a fool. But you're pure of heart, a true, wonderful mensch! [Kain's mansion begins to crumble] Kain: This place will collapse. Run for your life, Khushwood! [Kain's mansion collapses] [Khushwood is shown walking down the street toward the dojo] Khushwood: I won the contest...And met my old master. [Khushwood apparently notices something is wrong] Khushwood: What's this. That's kind of strange. [Khushwood bursts through the dojo's door] Khushwood: What's going on here? Where's our billboard? [Khushwood has a startled look on his face] Khushwood: Wha?! [Inside the dojo is deserted] Khushwood: What...the heck...What's this all about? [A nerdy looking student in glasses enters] Student: Sorry, we've been closed. Khushwood: Out of business? Why? Student: Huh? Instructor Khushwood? Oh, it's so terrible!... Khushwood: What happened? Student: ...It all began a few days ago when Master Ryo...left for the mountains to train and meditate...while he was gone, that guy dropped by. Khushwood: That guy? Student: ...The Gym Buster! That guy's maniac! He beat all our gym's toughest fighters... Khushwood: Y, You're joking!... [Khushwood looks very pissed] Student: No! He ruined us! Our students all quit. Our billboard's gone! And we're bankrupt, Khushwood! [Khushwood is running down the street, dragging the student behind him] Khushwood: Get back to where it's safe, Jackey! [Credits roll] *****Win Quotes***** vs. Terry: Yo, Legendary Wolf! Meet the Invincible Dragon! vs. Khushwood: Those burning eyes. I'll call you Butt 2. vs. Dong Hwan: Genius? You think you're one? That's why you lost so bad! vs. Freeman: I don't mind long hair, but dye-jobs tick me off! vs. Gato: That's the best that four millennia can offer? vs. Hokutomaru: It's bed time, kid. But I'm ready for action. vs. Hotaru: In battle I'm no gentleman. But I'm a sweety otherwise. vs. Tizoc: Looks like chicken today. I'm gonna barbecue you! vs. B.Jenet: Trying to seduce me... However...Hooowever! vs. Jae Hoon: Your footwork's annoying, but you got real flexibility! vs. Kevin: Protect your country? What a waste of taxes! vs. Rock: Don't pity yourself so. I'll give you some pointers. vs. Grant: Your mask makes you weak. But that cape's real cool! vs. Kain: You got a lot of ideas, but they're Greek to me. ============================================================================= -----VII. Kim Dong Hwan----- *****Mid-Boss: Kim Jae Hoon***** [Dong Hwan and Jae Hoon stand in the middle of a street. There are several students in the background watching] Dong Hwan: You made it to the semifinals! That's my bro! Jae Hoon: Natch! I work my butt off! Unlike a certain someone... Dong Hwan: So what! I win without practice. Enough prattle. Bring it on, bro! [Dong Hwan and Jae Hoon fight. Dong Hwan wins] Dong Hwan: Well? My genius is proven again. I'm too good for practice! Jae Hoon: ...I lost. You're great... But it's the finals next. Watch yourself! Dong Hwan: Yeah, I know! Away I go! *****Grant's Intro***** [Dong Hwan stands in a dimly lit room] Dong Hwan: W, What is this? ?: An interesting man...But...your moves are too unique. Before my Dark Karate, you're way too vulnerable. Dong Hwan: Hmph. That means so much coming from some guy...cringing in the shadows. Show yourself, Mr. spooky! [A large figure stands in front of Dong Hwan. Flames erupt from the back of the room] Grant: I am Grant... The Martyr of Might... Now show me your awesome power...show me all you have. *****Grant's Defeat to Kain's Intro***** [Dong Hwan stands before a defeated Grant] Grant: Unbelievable! You've got all the moves! Dong Hwan: Heh, sorry about that. Facing chumps like you's fun. Grant: You're a piece of work, kid. [Grant's eyes stop glowing] Grant: Later, punk. Goodbye, Kain! [Grant disappears] [The screen goes black] ???: To end decadence here...all the weak must die. [A well dressed man in white with long blonde hair stands with his hand in his pocket] ???: The truth of humanity is found only in bloody battle! Grant lost? So what now? [The man stands with his back to Dong Hwan] Dong Hwan: No way! You're Kain? You look like a queen. Arise, noble subjects. Enter the beautiful queen! Kain: A joker, to the last. You're certainly no knight. You'll eat your words! [Kain turns around, behind him is a large painting of a blonde haired woman] Dong Hwan: If I'm wrong, then what's up with this big palace? Kain: This palace is part of my ideal society, I guess. A world of the mighty, who know what living is! And all weaklings without my lofty ideals, shall die! Dong Hwan: ...Oooh, I'm real scared. A poof with an attitude! [Dong Hwan and Kain fight] *****Ending***** [Dong Hwan is standing in front of a injured Kain] Kain: Am I beaten?... Dong Hwan: ...Didn't I tell you? The self-absorbed are lost! Kain: Thanks for the sermon, but I won't yield my ideals! A willful life is fine, if one loses not what's important. [Kain's mansion begins to crumble] Kain: ...Well...cut it clear...your path of life! [Kain's mansion collapses] [Dong Hwan and Jae Hoon are standing on a cliff, overlooking the ruins of Kain's mansion] Jae Hoon: Gee, that was really close! Dong Hwan: Whew, I am spent. I need to crash a few days. Jae Hoon: He was one tough dude! Scary, huh Dong Hwan? Hey, Dong Hwan! Huh? [Dong Hwan is on the ground, asleep] Dong Hwan: ZZZ...ZZZZ... Jae Hoon: Geez, Dong Hwan. Here? Jae Hoon: ...Oh well. [Jae Hoon is carrying the still asleep Dong Hwan on his back] Jae Hoon: Talk about cool customers. All this hasn't even fazed Dong Hwan's the greatest! Jae Hoon: But he's also my rival! He may be the toughest now, but one day I'll surpass him! Dong Hwan: ZZZZ...ZZZZ... [Jae Hoon smiles] Jae Hoon: You big, lazy loser hothead! Dong Hwan: ...Hothead? Who? Jae Hoon: Who, me? [Dong Hwan is now awake and looks pissed. A drop of sweat appears on Jae Hoon's face] Dong Hwan: Who's a hothead, Jae? Jae Hoon: Uh, were you awake? Dong Hwan: From the rival part...Rival, my patooty!... Jae Hoon: D, Dong Hwan...Calm down, pal! [Jae Hoon runs away. Dong Hwan pursues, still angrey] Dong Hwan: Hey, get back here, runt! Jae Hoon: Yikes! I was kidding! Dong Hwan, I'm sorry! [Credits roll] *****Win Quotes***** vs. Terry: I got my own moves, pal. I'm not my dad, am I? vs. Khushwood: You tough guy! Were you a cockroach in a former life? vs. Dong Hwan: I don't mind imitation, but I expect royalties! vs. Freeman: Wow, I wish I could bend like that! vs. Gato: Yaah! What a scary mug! I hate guys like this! vs. Hokutomaru: Beating up a kid. I'm so immature! vs. Hotaru: With babes like you around, fighting sure's gotten fun! vs. Tizoc: Hey, hey! Give us a 'Cockle-doodle-doo!' vs. B.Jenet: I have a thing for blonds. It must be a complex, huh? vs. Jae Hoon: Because life's so tough, let's take it easy! Party on! vs. Kevin: You must know how an ant feels, groveling like that. vs. Rock: I'll keep this a secret, but you practice poses, right? vs. Grant: It ain't Halloween, pal, what's with the mask? vs. Kain: All that conceit...I bet your eating your heart out! ============================================================================= -----VIII. Freeman----- *****Mid-Boss: Kevin Ryan***** [Freeman and Kevin stand at the edge of a army base. There are helicopters doing exercises in skies] Kevin: That hair... Hey, it's you! A year ago, you killed a cop! Freeman: So. He died a blissful death! Kevin: Ah, it is you! Watch me, Marky! This is what vengeance is! [Freeman and Kevin fight. Freeman wins] Kevin: Oh...Wimp! Too weak for me! Freeman: I did so want to kill you, but not today! Had a blast! Kevin: You! Wait! I'll bust you! Someday... *****Grant's Intro***** [Freeman stands is a dimly lit room] Freeman: No lights, huh? ?: You fight for pleasure... But can a psychotic like you possible beat me? Freeman: ...Hah!...Let's see! [A large figure stands before Freeman] Grant: I am Grant...The Martyr of Might... Now show me your awesome power...show me all you have. *****Grant's Defeat to Kain's Intro***** [Freeman stands before a defeated Grant] Grant: Oooh. So that's it! The destruction of battle...fully realized to it's ultimate potential...by one consumed with the fanatical fire of fury. Freeman: I'm sick of you. Just go ahead and die, scum! [Grants eyes stop glowing] Grant: Kain! What a pity! ...Oooohgyaaaaaaaaah! [Grant disappears] [The screen goes black] ???: To end decadence here...all the weak must die. [A well dressed man in white with long blonde hair stands with his hand in his pocket] ???: The truth of humanity is found only in bloody battle! Grant lost? So what now? [The man stands with his back to Freeman] Freeman: So, you're Kain. This could be fun. [Kain turns around. There is a large portrait of a woman with blonde hair to his back] Kain: Straddling life and death... How truly pathetic of you! But less so than a coward, who only has safety in mind. Freeman: Just what're you on, freak? Enough prattle. Let's get this over! Not the philosophical type, are you, Freeman?... [The two evil men fight] *****Ending***** [Freeman stands in front of a injured Kain] Kain: ...Indeed...Hasty...But the genuine article... Freeman: ...... Kain: But...those eyes...Black pits of a dark soul... [Kain's mansion begins to crumble] Kain: ...Farewell, dark one... [Kain's mansion collapses] [Freeman is shown standing on top of a old house with his arms outstreched. The moon is in th background] [A close-up shot of Freeman, then a shot of a sniper scope aiming at Freeman's heart] Female Agent: The snipers have confirmed the target to be Freeman... [A Inspector with a mustache and a female agent with blonde hair holding binoculars are shown. Two snipers are in the background] Female Agent: Inspector, are we go? Inspector: Of course we are. I'll take responsibility. That scum killed so many of my men, it must end here! [The inspector screams] Inspector: Take the shot! [Freeman is shot in the heart] Inspector: He fell in the river! Find him! [The inspector is in a boat. A soldier is in the water] Inspector: What's going on? How long'll the search take? Soldier: Inspector, he disappeared. We've found no trace of him. Inspector: What? That can't be! Keep searching! Find him! [The inspector and the female agent are in the boat. Several other police boats are in the area. The house is in the background] Inspector: This can't be! Where did he go! [One last shot of the house is shown] [Credits roll] *****Win Quotes***** vs. Terry: Is there a tomorrow that can exceed today? vs. Khushwood: The day must end... Follow it's example! vs. Dong Hwan: Such a fine night. vs. Freeman: Toodle-doo! vs. Gato: Enough suffering. Die! vs. Hokutomaru: I'll teach you the joy of an instant death. vs. Hotaru: Dying innocent is such a luxury... vs. Tizoc: I love a slaughter! vs. B.Jenet: Don't fight it. Die... vs. Jae Hoon: Why do you hang on to such a pitiful life? vs. Kevin: Aren't you dead yet? vs. Rock: Boy, do you know death? vs. Grant: Accept my gift...a gorgeous death. vs. Kain: Dying is a learning experience, too. ============================================================================= -----IX. Gato----- *****Mid-Boss: Hotaru Futaba***** [Gato and Hotaru stand in a bell tower. There are several pigeons flying about] Hotaru: ...Big Brother? Is it really you? Gato: You're mistaken. I don't know you. Hotaru: ...You lie...I know it's you. Don't tease me! Gato: Nonsense! Let's begin! [Gato and Hotaru fight. Gato wins] Hotaru: You are my brother, huh? That move you made, my brother only can do that! Gato: A coincidence. No more, no less. Hotaru: ...Very well. But, if... If you see my brother, tell him this: I will keep on waiting for him. Gato: ...... *****Grant's Intro***** [Gato stands in a dimly lit room] Gato: ...That evil presence. You're the organizer, right? ?: You sensed my presence... Your victory's no fluke. Gato: You got that right. And your presence ends here. Grant: I am Grant...The Martyr of Might... Now show me your awesome power...show me all you have. [Gato and Grant fight] *****Grant's Defeat to Kain's Intro***** [Gato stands in front of a defeated Grant] Gato: Are the jokes over now? If so, hurry up and die. [Grant's eyes stop glowing] Grant: Kainnnnn! [Grant disappears] [The screen goes black] ???: To end decadence here...all the weak must die. [A well dressed man in white with long blonde hair stands with his hand in his pocket] ???: The truth of humanity is found only in bloody battle! Grant lost? So what now? Gato: So, you're Kain. What're you scheming? Kain: Scheming? Me? I'm Kain R. Heinlein... Following Geese's wishes, I've taken over this town. 'Life' is simply winning everyday battles, isn't it? It's all perfectly legal. Gato: You, legal? That's rich! Kain: Then, you don't sense it? Gato: What bull. [Gato and Kain fight] *****Ending***** [Gato stands in front of a injured Kain] Kain: Am I beaten?... Gato: You need 10 years more training to beat me, bud. Kain: ...For sure... You are the victor... Kain: I'm through. Quick! Finish me off, Gato! Gato: That's the spirit. Prepare yourself! [The screen flashes white] Mystery Man: Kyaaaaa hah! [A shadowy figure in a robe stands between Kain and Gato. Gato has his hand to his face] Gato: What the...I can't see! Mystery Man: Always the chump! Gato: That voice?...You? It's not possible! [The mystery man is shown helping Kain away] Kain: Why did you save me? Mystery Man: Your death'd be a waste. [Kain's mansion begins to collapse. Gato is still inside] Mystery Man: Uh oh! Collapse! Let's amscary, pal! Gato: W, Wait! Mystery Man: Gato! You tyro! You'd better start training if you want to beat me! Gato: Wait! Get back here! [The mansion collapses and the screen goes white] Gato: Wait for me...Father! Gato: His presence is gone. I sense ehim no more... [Gato is sitting amidst the rubble] Gato: ...He's right. I was too trusting. But no more! From now on, no more Mr. Nice Gato! Futhermore... [Close-up of Gato's face, looking extremely pissed] Gato: I'm going to make him pay! [Credits roll] *****Win Quotes***** vs. Terry: vs. Khushwood: First crush...then destroy! vs. Dong Hwan: Hardly an ability to bear that huge ego of yours! vs. Freeman: Feeling good now, huh? vs. Gato: Just how much do you intend to tick off? vs. Hokutomaru: It's more than your face that makes people laugh! vs. Hotaru: ...Get lost! vs. Tizoc: If loss is scary, better take off now! vs. B.Jenet: Don't be such a baby! vs. Jae Hoon: Be happy, you're alive. You pathetic loser! vs. Kevin: You government pawn! vs. Rock: Lose your silly emotions! vs. Grant: Don't make me laugh. What'ya going to do? vs. Kain: Ah, hopeless. Can you only disappoint me? ============================================================================= -----X. Hokutomaru----- *****Mid-Boss: B. Jenet***** [B. Jenet stands in front of Hokutomaru. There is a huge submarine smashed into the dock in the background] Jenet: Ooh! What a cute little guy you are! I could eat you up! Hokutomaru: What? You talking to me? Jenet: There, there. Want some candy? Hokutomaru: Hey! Don't treat me like a child! I'm a Gentleman of Japan! And I'm going to make you show me some respect! [Hokutomaru and Jenet fight. Jenet gets worked] Hokutomaru: Now you know my fearful abilities! What say you now? Jenet: Oh, you nasty boy! You hit me! I never! You beast! Boo hoo. Hokutomaru: Uh...I'm sorry... Are you okay? Jenet: Gotcha! Hokutomaru: Oh, geez! Give me a break! You're on your own, lady!... *****Grant's Intro***** [Hokutomaru stands in a dimly lit room] Hokutomaru: It's pitch black here! ?: A kid like you winning... So young and cute...I just can't believe it. Hokutomaru: What's the connection? I'm no tyke, freak show. My master says, 'Actions speak louder than size.' [Grant stands before Hokutomaru. Flames erupt from the back of the room] Grant: I am Grant... The Martyr of Might... Now show me your awesome power...show me all you have. [Hokutomaru and Grant do battle] *****Grant's Defeat to Kain's Intro***** [Hokutomaru stands victorious in front of Grant] Grant: Cruel fate! A punk like you. How did you prevail over me? Hokutomaru: Heh, heh. Pout not, old guy. You're one tough geezer! But a bit too slow for me. Grant: You got spunk kid. [Grants eyes stop glowing] Grant: Farewell. Goodbye, Kain! [Grant disappears, the screen goes black] ???: To end decadence here...all the weak must die. [A well dressed man in white with long blonde hair stands with his hand in his pocket] ???: The truth of humanity is found only in bloody battle! Grant lost? So what now? Hokutomaru: ...Whattya babbling about. ???: The thing's kids can do these days! Hokutomaru: Huh? Who're you? ???: Grant lost? So what now? Those who simply ride it out have no right to live! This current society, wasting it's valueless days...needs to learn how to live more creatively. Or should I introduce myself first, ugly? How do you do. Hokutomaru: Huh? Say what? (Err...his name is Kain...) [Kain and Hokutomaru have begin the final battle] *****Ending***** [Hokutomaru stands in front of a injured Kain] Kain: To lose to such a child! Was I too conceited? Hokutomaru: Don't overanalyze, pal. You should take it easy. Kain: Yeah, kid, but don't forget. Life's an onslaught of choice. Taking it easy is fine...But watch out for regrets... [Kain's mansion begins to crumble] Kain: Now...get out, kid...Bearer of a new generation! [The mansion collapses] [Hokutomaru is shown sitting on a cliff overlooking the mansion's ruins] Hokutomaru: I managed to get out! Whew, I'm beat! Time to head back to the mountain! [Hokutomaru is shown looking glum. In the shadows a figure in a white Gi and long blond hair] ????: Hokutomaru!...I've been watching you! [Hokutomaru in a action stance is shown. Several other scenes of him are shown in the background] ????: You've met a variety of hardships in this voyage. And become stronger... [Hokutomaru is standing on top of a train waving goodbye to the city] ????: You are now a master of the Shiranui Ninja arts! Hokutomaru, you've made me proud. Now I must go. [Hokutomaru is shown running to a cabin in a forest] ????: You're no longer my pupil. I see you now as my rival. If one day you surpass me, nothing'd make me happier. [Hokutomaru's shadow is shown in front of a letter] ????: Take care, Hokutomaru... Best regards, Andy Bogard. [Credits roll] *****Win Quotes***** vs. Terry: As strong as I though. Could you beat my master? vs. Khushwood: I know that odor... Do you hail from the mountains, too? vs. Dong Hwan: Had enough already? You're no adult, are you? vs. Freeman: You don't scare me! I wasn't s, scared at all! vs. Gato: Chinese martial arts? Nice name, bad method. vs. Hokutomaru: A regular doppleganger! You look exactly like me! vs. Hotaru: You're very kind. I know that much. vs. Tizoc: Just a body won't do it. My master's small but tough! vs. B.Jenet: Whew, I was overwhelmed. City life is just so wild! vs. Jae Hoon: I'm young but a ninja. You can't catch me! vs. Kevin: Are you a policeman? No, I'm not a runaway. vs. Rock: You should lighten up. Learn to enjoy life, pal! vs. Grant: A cape, vest, and mask? Just who are you, pal? vs. Kain: You talk a mean battle. But talk doesn't win fights. ============================================================================= -----XI. Hotaru Futaba----- *****Mid-Boss: Gato***** [Gato stands in front of Hotaru. Raging waterfalls are behind them] Hotaru: ...Big Brother? Is it really you? Gato: You're mistaken, I don't know you. Hotaru: ...You lie...I know it's you. Don't tease me! Nonsense! Let's begin! [The siblings do battle, Hotaru wins] Hotaru: I guess I was mistaken. Gato: You won little girl, farewell. Hotaru: No way. He's not hurt at all. Huh? It can't be! He lost on purpose, I bet! Wait! Let me speak to you! *****Grant's Intro***** [Hotaru stands in a dimly lit room] Hotaru: Brother. Where are you? Hey! Who's there? ?: ...A cute little victor. Your brother's memory...gives you your power. That's it, isn't it? Hotaru: ...Are you this contest's organizer, creepy guy? Please, I must ask you something. Show yourself! [Grant stands before Hotaru, flames erupt from the back of the room] Grant: I am Grant... The Martyr of Might... Now show me your awesome power...show me all you have. [Hotaru and the "Martyr of Might" begin their fight] *****Grant's Defeat to Kain's Intro***** [Hotaru defeats Grant in battle] Grant: ...Your brother awaits... You should be hurry up! Hotaru: Thank you... By the way, I... Grant: You don't need to thank me. The mighty are the only truth. [Grant's eyes stop glowing] Grant: ...Goodbye, young lady. Farewell, Kain. [Grant disappears, the screen goes black] ???: To end decadence here...all the weak must die. [A well dressed man in white with long blonde hair stands with his hand in his pocket] ???: The truth of humanity is found only in bloody battle! Grant lost? That girl's tougher than she looks, I guess. Hotaru: Are you Kain? Tell me! Where is my brother! Kain: Who, that guy? Hmm. But...Is that the guy? I don't think the guy you're looking for'll return again. Hotaru: What? You can't be serious! Kain: I'll say this once: He can only find meaning in battle. And I, too, find people's true nature only in battle. Hotaru: You lie! My brother left me with these words: In this world, humans are the loneliest living beings. [Hotaru and Kain do battle] *****Ending***** [Hotaru stands in front of a injured Kain] Kain: Am I beaten?... Hotaru: ...You bet, fool! You've made a terrible mistake. True power comes not from strength but real kindness. Kain: ...Listen well, young lady. When people must choose...They also must throw away something important to them. [Kain's mansion begins to crumble] Kain: Ugh. Don't glare at me such. ...Don't you recall someone? [The mansion collapses] [Gato is shown standing on a cliff overlooking the ruins of Kain's mansion] Gato: Over so soon. That's the best you can do? Hotaru: Big brother? [A close-up of Hotaru is shown, strangely she is lacking a nose (think Final Fantasy Tactics)] Hotaru: You're my brother, right? [Hotaru stands in front of Gato] Gato: You're getting on my nerves, brat! Hotaru: Big brother! Why? Why did you leave? Mother died, you know! [Gato looks very cheesed off] Gato: Enough! [Hotaru slaps Gato and yells at him. Tears roll down her face] Hotaru: ...You jerk! Jerk! Jerk! Jerk! [Gato looks downward, a sad look is on his face] Hotaru: I don't know what went on...that fateful day. But...but we... [Hotaru shown crying some more] Hotaru: We're family! [Gato smiles] Gato: ...same as always. [Hotaru looks surprised] Hotaru: Huh? What was that? [Gato walks away from Hotaru] Gato: This isn't the place. I won't kill today. But next time... Hotaru: Big brother! [Hotaru holds her hands together and her eyes closed, again lacking a nose (BTW, they mispell her name as Hataru 3 times in the ending)] Hotaru: ...Someday...For sure... *****Win Quotes***** vs. Terry: So close, yet so far. Being related's weird, huh? vs. Khushwood: A powerful spirit with a will to win. A lot like me! vs. Dong Hwan: Hee, hee. You're strange! But you're kind of cute. vs. Freeman: I don't understand you... What's your gripe, bud? vs. Gato: I knew I'd find you. Why did you leave us? vs. Hokutomaru: Sorry. Are you hurt? I'll fix you up right away. vs. Hotaru: If I had met my brother, I would've wept for joy! vs. Tizoc: Heart triumphs over Might. You're wonderful, Tizoc! vs. B.Jenet: You're very pretty... Just like I'll be when I grow up. vs. Jae Hoon: You're real fighter. But chicks rule! vs. Kevin: Huh, you're a cop? Where's my brother? vs. Rock: Why the hang dog? You can't escape yourself! vs. Grant: Did you think that get-up would scare me? vs. Kain: You're in the wrong, that's why you lost! ============================================================================= -----XII. Tizoc----- *****Mid-Boss: Khushwood Butt***** [Khushwood Butt stands in front of Tizoc. They are in a lush forest, a small hut is in the background] Khushwood: What a rare foul we have here. Tizoc: I'm no bird! I'm The Tizoc. Khushwood: Fried chicken's my favorite food! Tizoc: I'll see you never eat again! [The two men do battle. Tizoc is victorious] Tizoc: How thrilling a match that was! Khushwood: I won't let that chicken get away. Tizoc: You're tough. Want a rematch? But know me! I'm Tizoc! Bye, Karate boy. *****Grant's Intro***** [Tizoc stands in a dimly lit room] Tizoc: I'm the courageous Tizoc! So someone hit the lights! ?: ...You're only courageous in the ring, you big phoney! Just how courageous are you in this ring of mine? Tizoc: You just don't get pro wrestling, do you? But for the sake of my young fans, I'll show you. [Grant stands before Tizoc, flames erupt from the back of the room] Grant: I am Grant... The Martyr of Might... Now show me your awesome power...show me all you have. [The two huge men begin the fight...] *****Grant's Defeat to Kain's Intro***** [Tizoc stands before a defeated Grant] Grant: Unbelievable! A pro wrestler! Such incredible stamina! Tizoc: You got it, boobala! You ain't so bad yourself! Grant: Ugh. I'm done... [Grant's eyes stop glowing] Grant: Farewell...Wrestler-guy! Bye, Kain! [Grant disappears, the screen goes black] ???: To end decadence here...all the weak must die. [A well dressed man in white with long blonde hair stands with his hand in his pocket] ???: The truth of humanity is found only in bloody battle! Grant lost? So what now? Tizoc: Hmm. You Kain? Kind o' skinny, huh? You need a little more meat on your bones, twig! Kain: Watch it, beak-brain! Tizoc: Say what, beanpole? Kain: So I'll set this city free and let the mighty rule! Societies who tolerate the weak have no future! Too stave off decadence, The weak must be exterminated! Tizoc: You're wacko, twit! And you're going down! Kain: Bring it on, Tizoc! *****Ending***** [Tizoc stands in front of a injured Kain] Kain: Gah!...Me?... Tizoc: It's not strength, pal! You gotta have heart! Kain: Huh?...Heart?...But heart isn't a panacea. How do you tell that to your juvenile fans? Tizoc: ......... [Kain's mansion begins to crumble] Kain: Now, Get out of here. Leave, courageous Tizoc! [The mansion collapses] {Tizoc is shown in a suit. His mask his off, but only the lower half of his face is visable] Tizoc: I won...But I'll never regain my former glory! [Tizoc holds his mask] Tizoc: I won't need my mask. I'm a hero no more...I am but a man! ????: One-two, one-two... Tizoc: What? ???? 2: Jack, watch out! Get back here now! Jack: Aw, Mom! Chill out! I'm okay, don't worry! This is nothing compared to what Tizoc did! [Jack is shown, he is a you boy in crutches] Jack: I want to be like him! Courageous! Tenacious! Jack's Mom: Okay! Just get back to where it's safe, Jackey! [Jack and his mom are shown walking off into the sunset, Tizoc looks on] Jack's Mom: You really like Tizoc? Jack: Of course! He's my hero! Tizoc: Hero?... [Tizoc stares at his mask] Tizoc: He's right! I'm this mask! As long as I have a fan, I still am Tizoc! [Tizoc puts his mask on] Tizoc: No matter when... No matter who I fight... I will keep wrestling! [Tizoc stands in front of the setting sun] Tizoc: As this mask is my witness! [Credits roll] *****Win Quotes***** vs. Terry: Such moves! You've fought a real wrestler before, huh? vs. Khushwood: Not even a punch that breaks rocks can hurt me! vs. Dong Hwan: Pro wrestling's an art! Chide it at your own peril! vs. Freeman: You amoral evil fiend! Tizoc can't forgive you! vs. Gato: Chinese martial arts are nothing to make light of! vs. Hokutomaru: Hah! Kid, it takes more than that to knock me down. vs. Hotaru: Don't worry. I was mad but not at full strength. vs. Tizoc: My identity's guts and justice, not just a mask! vs. B.Jenet: Overdid it, huh? Women todey! Hmph! vs. Jae Hoon: I'll never forget your spirit of justice. vs. Kevin: Meeting such a tough guy outside the ring's a first! vs. Rock: Get right back up, kid! Let your rage burn red! vs. Grant: A formidable opponet, but I'm victorious again! vs. Kain: A once great wrestler said, "Might makes not right. ============================================================================= -----XIII. Bonne Jenet----- *****Mid-Boss: Freeman***** [Jenet is confronted by the mysterious Freeman in a dark alley] Freeman: Hey, babe. It's slaughter time. Jenet: W, What? You dissing me? Freeman: Why do you shake? Heh, don't worry. Jenet: Ha! I'm gonna destroy you! Come on, freak! [Jenet fights the serial killer, she comes out victorious] Jenet: Hah...Pant...I did it! Freeman: You were great! Jenet: You better pay for this dress! Later, weirdo. Bye, bye! *****Grant's Intro***** [Jenet stands in a dimly lit room] Jenet: Yikes! It's so dark! But I know the treasure's here. ?: You're crafty for a woman. But...those arms are weak. Leave this place, now... Jenet: Oh! The organizer appears! Show me the money, freak! [Grant stands before Jenet, flames erupt from the back of the room] Grant: I am Grant... The Martyr of Might... Now show me your awesome power...show me all you have. [The beauty and the beast begin thier fight] *****Grant's Defeat to Kain's Intro***** [Jenet stands triumpt in front of Grant] Grant: Oooh. You sure can fight. But you look like a bimbo! Jenet: You're no gentleman, sir. But you sure know your stuff! Grant: Hmph. You said it... [Grant's eyes stop glowing] Grant: Bye, toots. Goodbye, Kain! [Grant disappears, the screen goes black] ???: To end decadence here...all the weak must die. [A well dressed man in white with long blonde hair stands with his hand in his pocket] ???: The truth of humanity is found only in bloody battle! Grant lost? So now what. That woman's a lot tougher than she looks. Jenet: So, you must be Kain. You're quita a stud, huh? But I bet you're a low-down, scum-sucking criminal. Kain: I have my reasons though. I'm Kain R. Heinlein. ...Following Geese's wishes, I've taken over this town. 'Life' is simpiy winning everyday battles, isn't it? *err...text messed up again* [Kain and B.Jenet begin thier battle] *****Ending***** [Jenet stands in front of a injured Kain] Kain: Ugh...I've lost... Jenet: You're too analytical. Live life with a smile! That's enough, isn't it? Kain: You speak wisdom. You're a fine woman. You seem like a space case, but you see life clearly. Jenet: ...... [Kain's mansion begins to crumble] Kain: D...Don't give me that look. This is...the end...of Kain. [The mansion crumbles and the screen goes black] ????: Quick, get out of here! Jenet: ...Huh, you? No way! ...You lookin' to die? Crew: ...B...oss... [Jenet comes too, her crew is looking at her worried] Crew: Boss... Jenet: ...Ah... [Jenet sits up. All the rest of the crew celebrate] Jenet: What, where am I? Crew: We would've bought it had we not ran for it. [Far off view of Jenet and crew] Jenet: I own you one, I guess. Crew: What are you saying? We're glad we saved you. Jenet: Uh, weren't there two of us? Crew: No, just you, Master. Jenet: Really? Ah, whatever...By the way...Where's our treasure? [Crew all have a worried look and a sweatdrop on their heads] Crew: Well, uh, we were so busy rescuing you...we left it behind. [Jenet looks VERY pissed] Jenet: You pinheaded buffoons! What the heck do you think we did this for?! [Jenet screams and the crew runs away] Jenet: You worthless!... Crew: Yah! Save us! [Jenet stares off the cliff at the ruins of Kain's mansion] Jenet: ...... Ah, what a fiasco... [Credits roll] *****Win Quotes***** vs. Terry: Terry Bogard... My first love... vs. Khushwood: Wow, you chauvinists can be cool, too, can't you? vs. Dong Hwan: I can't believe you kicked me. I'm so angry! vs. Freeman: Oh, shoot! What's this? My dress's ruined. vs. Gato: Why the scary face? Let the sun shine in! vs. Hokutomaru: Oooh! Who's this kid? You're just so cute! vs. Hotaru: You're forgiven, toots. You can look up to me. vs. Tizoc: Aaah! Your fighting spirit burns my blood! vs. B.Jenet: If you have to be me, do it more elegantly! vs. Jae Hoon: You're really lucky! You got to fight me! vs. Kevin: Eeew! He's a cop! See you later, alligator! vs. Rock: What's wrong, stud? Too pretty for you? vs. Grant: Such a great place and no treasure? Fudge! vs. Kain: Yah, hah, hah! I'll take the treasure! ============================================================================= ------XIV. Kim Jae Hoon------ *****Mid-Boss: Kim Dong Hwan***** Jae Hoon: If you try, you're great! Understand? The semifinals Dong Hwan: No big deal for a battle-god like me. I'm just awesome! Jae Hoon: Cut it out. You bragger! I'll teach you the joy of true effort. [The two brothers clash, Jae Hoon comes out the victor] Jae Hoon: Understand now? You big loafer! Dong Hwan: Gasp! Ugh! But training sucks! Jae Hoon: Sacrilege! What would Dad think if he heard that? Dong Hwan: Huh? Pop? All right! Starting from tomorrow, I'll work out. Really! Jae Hoon: Yeah. You'll quit in a few days. *****Grant's Intro***** [Jae Hoon stands in a dimly lit room] Jae Hoon: What is this place? ?: Tae kwon do? All that kicking's fine... But it's just a sport that's no more than child's play. Jae Hoon: I may be green, but those who insult tae kwon do...I can in no way forgive. As my father's my witness! [Grant stands before Jae Hoon, flames erupt from the back of the room] Grant: I am Grant... The Martyr of Might... Now show me your awesome power...show me all you have. [Jae Hoon and the Martyr of Might begin thier bout] *****Grant's Defeat to Kain's Intro***** [Jae Hoon stands the winner of the battle against Grant] Grant: To think it'd come to this! Jae Hoon: Thanks, pops. I knew it! Tae kwon do's the ultimate! Grant: Hmph. Earnest, to the last. [Grant's eyes stop glowing] Grant: Later, kid. Goodbye, Kain! [Grant disappears, the screen goes black] ???: To end decadence here...all the weak must die. [A well dressed man in white with long blonde hair stands with his hand in his pocket] ???: The truth of humanity is found only in bloody battle! Grant lost? So what now? Jae Hoon: You must be Kain, right? Just what're you plotting? Kain: I have one goal. Picture, for me, a city...ruled by force. *text messes up...again* A truly free society! Jae Hoon: Say what, psycho? Whaddya babbling about? Kain: You don't want to face the undeniable reality? [Jae Hoon fights the enemy of justice, Kain] *****Ending***** [Jae Hoon stands in front of a injured Kain] Kain: To lose to you...Is it possible?... Jae Hoon: You were wrong. That's why I won. Kain: Hmph. A direct viewpoint. Direct to a fault...However you, blinded by youth, may believe you are right...But is your belief correct? Jae Hoon: What do you mean? [Kain's mansion begins to crumble] Kain: ...Don't forget...Justice...is easily twisted... [Jae Hoon and Dong Hwan stand on a cliff overlooking the ruins of Kain's mansion] Jae Hoon: Gee, that was really close! Dong Hwan: That blonde freak...'Undeniable reality' indeed! Jae Hoon: ...'Undeniable reality' [Dong Hwan looks at Jae Hoon with a goofy look on his face] Dong Hwan: It's always freaks like him! Idleness makes them crazy. Hey, you listening, Jae? [Jae Hoon looks deep in thought] Jae Hoon: Kain's raving rantings...My father's idea of justice. I've lost faith in my own judgement... Dong Hwan: Hey, Jae! [Dong Hwan yawns and walks away] Jae Hoon: ...Huh. Sorry, what? Dong Hwan: Hey, get off Cloud 9, Jae! Jae Hoon: Chill out, Dong Hwan! I'm listening to you! [Dong Hwan walks away and Jae Hoon chases after] Dong Hwan: You're really hopeless! I'm out of here, Jae Hoon! Jae Hoon: I'm sorry, Dong Hwan. I said I was listening! [A shot of the sky] Jae Hoon: There's only one reality. Now I understand...Father! [Credits roll] *****Win Quotes***** vs. Terry: Such powerful moves! ...Dad never told me about them! vs. Khushwood: To know one in battle...is a fighter's privilege! vs. Dong Hwan: As I thought! You need to hit the mats, Dong Hwan! vs. Freeman: You evil villain! My father is avenged! vs. Gato: Those sharp blades will cut you. Watch out, pal! vs. Hokutomaru: Able to counter all moves, the power of tae kwon do! vs. Hotaru: What a cute Spot, huh? I just love small animals! vs. Tizoc: I always saw you on TV! Keep on fighting, Tizoc! vs. B.Jenet: Women must be humble. It's a virtue in any age. vs. Jae Hoon: Wow, shadow tae kwon do! What an awesome workout! vs. Kevin: I work for Justice! Hit the shower, pal! vs. Rock: It's okay! You will never lose to evil! vs. Grant: I can't forgive evil! Achaaaaaaa! vs. Kain: I can't forgive evil! Achaaaaaaa! ============================================================================= -----XV. Kevin Ryan----- *****Mid-Boss: Terry Bogard***** [Kevin and Terry on on the back of a box car train. The sun is rising in the distance] Kevin: I found you, hippy head! Why'd you kill Marky's father? Terry: You nuts? I've killed no one! Kevin: Don't play the fool with me! I'll make you tell me all! [Kevin fights the suspect, he wins] Kevin: Burning Knuckle? You Terry Bogard? Forgive me. I'm always jumping to conclusions. Terry: No problem. Now you know. So, where is this Marky? Kevin: He was just over there... Could it be?! Sorry, Terry, gotta go now! *****Grant's Intro***** [Kevin stands in a dimly lit room] Kevin: Marky! Curses! Where'd he go? ?: To think someone who got so far would be such a whiner... Even a mercenary cop becomes a father before his child... Kevin: Hey! You there! Where's Marky! Tell me or you'll pay! [Grant stands before Kevin, flames erupt from the back of the room] Grant: I am Grant... The Martyr of Might... Now show me your awesome power...show me all you have. [Kevin and Grant clash] *****Grant's Defeat to Kain's Intro***** [Kevin wins the bout against the powerful foe] Grant: Come on, copper. Take me if you can! Kevin: Oooh. You sure can fight. Answer me! Where's Marky? [Grant's eyes stop glowing] Grant: Ooof. Kain knows...where your brat is. [Grant disappears, the screen goes black] ???: To end decadence here...all the weak must die. [A well dressed man in white with long blonde hair stands with his hand in his pocket] ???: The truth of humanity is found only in bloody battle! Grant lost? So what now? Kevin: Wait!... Marky! ...Are you Kain? Where's Marky? Tell me where he is, and I'll let you go! Kain: Stupid cop! Kevin: What?! Kain: So I'll set this city free and let the mighty rule! Societies who tolerate the weak have no future! To stave off decadence, the weak must be exterminated! Kevin: Better watch it... You're pushing me to violence, Dweebenheimer! Kain: You don't see me running away from here, do you? [Officer Kevin battles the crimelord Kain] *****Ending***** [Kevin stands in front of a injured Kain] Kain: Someone like me lost?... Kevin: It's your last chance? Where's Marky, fiend? Kain: ...You really care for him. Relax. Your boy is safe. Kevin: Well, Where is he? [Kain's mansion begins to crumble] Kain: The boy's...from here...he's under here... [The mansion collapses while Kevin is still inside] Kevin: Marky? Where are you?! Terry, let go of me! Terry: No. You'll die in there! Kevin: Marky! [Kevin and Terry are standing in a field outside of what's left of Kain's mansion] Kevin: Marky, why? You promised to be my partner until we got revenge! Terry: ...... [Kevin looks very upset] Kevin: Marky! Come back... [Terry seems surprised] Kevin: I can't do it alone! Aaah! Terry: ...Unh! [Terry starts laughing and Kevin gets pissed] Terry: Hah! Kevin: Terry! You dirty... [Kevin grabs Terry's shirt and yells at him] Kevin: What's so funny?! Terry: Look, Kevster! [Terry points over toward a tree and Kevin looks] Kevin: What? [Marky is shown sleeping against a tree] Marky: ZZZ...ZZZ... [Shows the previous shot] Kevin: ......... [Kevin grabs Marky, Terry is in the background with a funny look on his face] Kevin: ...Hey! Marky! Get up! Marky: Ah! W, What, Kevin? Kevin: ...You idiot! Marky: Ow! That hurts, Kevin! [Credits roll] *****Win Quotes***** vs. Terry: Justice is more than law. My fists do the judging! vs. Khushwood: I gave up karate. Too much preaching for me. vs. Dong Hwan: Hey, you're slouching. Stand straight there! vs. Freeman: Now do you realize it? The rage of Marky and me? vs. Gato: Give it up. You lost! I win yet again. vs. Hokutomaru: How 'bout it, kid? How 'bout being Marky's pal? vs. Hotaru: Hey, you're a girl! Such power and so slim! vs. Tizoc: You're Tizoc. Yes! I beat a real wrestler! vs. B.Jenet: Hmmm. A regretful angle. And a suspicious individual. vs. Jae Hoon: I'm impressed. How 'bout teaching me tae kwon do! vs. Kevin: Bet it took a while to find clothes like those! vs. Rock: You got a look about you. I'll remember your name. vs. Grant: Arresting a criminal like you'll make me chief! vs. Kain: I'll see you get a nice room in the state prison! ============================================================================= -----XVI. Rock Howard------ *****Mid-Boss: Terry Bogard***** [Rock and Terry stand on one of the cars of a speeding train] Rock: The semifinals. If I win... Terry: You'll know your lineage. Rock: I know Terry. No mercy for you. Terry: Funny! Let's see your stuff. Young wolf cub! [Rock and Terry fight. After Rock wins] Rock: I asked you, buy you hold back. Terry: Nonsense. I gave it my all! You won fair and square, Rock. Rock: The finals...I made it! Terry: Be careful. I smell a rat! Rock: I know. Bye, Terry. *****Grant's Intro***** [Rock stands in a room with a odd design. It is dimly lit] Rock: I don't need this trivial final match...Show yourself, you coward! [Two glowing eyes are shown] ?: Weak dogs bark loudest. But actually this is not so. The weak are too busy soiling themselves, I find. Rock: I hope you're not the latter. That would be so gross. Show yourself, wimp! [The figure stands before Rock. Flames erupt from the back of the room] Grant: I am Grant...The Martyr of Might...Now show me your awesome power...show me all you have. [Grant and the boy do battle] *****Grant's Defeat to Kain's Intro***** [Rock stands before a defeated Grant] Grant: This overwhelming dread...Is this the power of Geese? The power of Evil? Rock: Tell me about mother! Grant: Geese's wife, Marie? [Grant's puts his hand on the floor] Grant: Ask Kain. Argh. I'm done! [Grant disappears] [The screen now goes black] ????: To end decadence here...all the weak must die. [A well dressed man in white with long blonde hair stands with his hand in his pocket] ???: The truth of humanity is found only in bloody battle! Grant lost? So what now? Even if you are a relative. Then maybe my fists can teach you some filial piety! [The man stands with his back to Rock] ????: So blood does tell all. Or maybe? ...? Grant lost?... So what now?... Rock: So, you must be Kain...Why did you call me here? Kain: I've been waiting for you. [Kain turns around, behind him is a large painting of a blonde haired woman] Rock: That picture...it's...You gotta be kidding! Kain: That's right. Your mother, who was my big sister! After their deaths, I took over Geese's empire of crime. If you're Geese's loin seed, then you should join me. Rock: ...I can't be tied down. [Uncle and nephew, both of the same evil bloodline have their Real Bout] *****Ending***** [Rock stands in front of a injured Kain] Rock: Well, answer me! Why use my mother...to summon me here? You're really mother's... Kain: I did it all...for the legacy of Geese Howard! Rock: Geese Howard? Legacy? Kain: After his death...his will was found...But...it's true message...was indecipherable to all... [Rock holds Kain buy his shirt collar] Rock: You think I understand you? Too bad. It's Greek to me! Try someone else, freak. Kain: Hmm... [A close-up of Kain's face] Kain: Even if I know...your mother's alive? [Terry is shown walking through Kain's mansion] Terry: Rock! Where are you? [Kain appears near Terry] Kain: Welcome, Terry Bogard. Terry: Why you! Where's Rock? Kain: Rock? He's here, of course. [Close-up of Terry, looking rather mad] Terry: Rock! [Kain presents Rock] Kain: He's with me now, blondie! We're team now. So back off, wolf boy! Terry: What's going on, Rock?! [Close-up of Rock's face. He has a very serious expression] Rock: Don't talk me out of this. When my accounts are settled, I shall return to this town. [Terry smiles] So be it! It's your choice. Just know I believe in you! [Screen goes black] Rock: Forgive me...Terry. [Kain stands next to a guilty looking Rock] Kain: What do we do now, partner? [Credits roll] *****Win Quotes***** vs. Terry: What's with you, Terry? Hardly a champ now, huh?! vs. Khushwood: I admire your directness. vs. Dong Hwan: I have a violent pedigree. Unlike your family, pal! vs. Freeman: Someone's watching over me. Ever get that feeling? vs. Gato: You can't live by hate alone. That's what Terry told me. vs. Hokutomaru: Shiranui Ninja arts? That sounds familiar... vs. Hotaru: If it's okay with you, I'll look for your brother. vs. Tizoc: You're a hero, aren't you? Get a hold of yourself, bud! vs. B.Jenet: Uh, you really should lose those clothes, pal! vs. Jae Hoon: You respect your father? You're nothing like me. vs. Kevin: The moment I know I'm me is when I'm duking it out! vs. Rock: Stop aping me! It's so pathetic! vs. Grant: Why does my evil blood boil? vs. Kain: I am what I am! No one can tie me down! Special (using Geese's techinques): Why does my evil blood boil? ============================================================================= -----XVII. Grant----- *****Mid-Boss: Hokutomaru!***** Hokutomaru: The semifinals. Let's mix it up! Grant: I too fought as a child. But it was no game for me little boy. Hokutomaru: What are you babbling about? Grant: Know this: Battle reveals the truth in human beings. [The demonic warrior and the young boy do battle, Grant wins] Hokutomaru: Huh? You can't beat me...? Grant: Not today, but tomorrow!... Don't mock me! Hokutomaru: You resemble my master... Grant: Enough talk. Later junior. *****Grant's Intro***** [Grant stands in his dark chambers] Grant: Come...You imposter! Shadow Grant: So...you've come back. But Kain's in my grip. If I finish you off, all will come to a close. Grant: Someone like you won't stop my ambitions... [The imposter stands before the original. Flames erupt from the back of the room] Grant: I am Grant...The Martyr of Might...Now show me your awesome power...show me all you have. [The two identical warriors clash] *****Grant's Defeat to Kain's Intro***** [Grant stands in front of his defeated double] Shadow Grant: That's the true Dark Karate? The Fist of Transcendence? Grant: You got it, shade! Power you know not! Shadow Grant: Got a grudge against shadows? Don't underestimate me, slick! [The clone fades and collapes] Shadow Grant: I know you. I'm the pilot light to your fading fires of life... [Shadow Grant falls and shatters. The screen goes black] ???: We can realize our pledge! Let's do it, together! Grant! Grant: Still chasing ideals, Kain. Kain: Sis! How long has it been? And yet...? Grant: Such sentiment. How rare. What's the story? Kain: Nothing special. Just thinking about...Her. Marie...so long ago...She was...so long ago... Grant: ...... Kain: Grant! Don't you remember? You, Marie, and me? [The two eternal friends, Grant and Kain spar] *****Ending***** [Grant stands in front of a injured Kain] Grant: Losing to me is unusual. Too much on your mind? Kain: No...Grant...A little further...A little further to make our ideals a genuine reality! Be with me, no matter what! If we can't do it together, it's not worth doing at all! Grant: ...... [Several important looking men in suits are having a meeting (probably crime syndicate leaders)] Suit 1: How long you going to let that brat do as he pleases? Suit 2: Relax! I've made my move. He won't be around for long. [Grant smashes through the ceiling and lands on the table, smashing that too] Suit: W, Who are you? Oh, It's y, you! [Screen goes black as Grant kills several of the men] Gyaaah! Arggh! Eee heee! [Kain enters the room, Grant stands by his side. A bald suit is cowering on the floor] Kain: OK, Grant. I'll take over. Grant: Very well. I take my leave. [Grant walks by Kain] Kain: Take care, Grant. Grant: ! [Grant puts his hand on a scar on his chest] Grant: So, you knew all along? [Grant is in the foreground, Kain is has his back to Grant] Kain: I can't say I'm sorry...But we wil realize our dreams. It's inevitable! Grant: Of course. My life to you. [Screen goes black] Grant: My friend, Kain. *****Win Quotes***** vs. Terry: The legend end today... vs. Khushwood: What's up, Mr. Kyokugen? Just a lot of bluster? vs. Dong Hwan: You pathetic fool. Now will you shut up! vs. Freeman: Even if you are crazy, I won't back down. vs. Gato: Wild fists of a demon... But nothing to mine. vs. Hokutomaru: You'll get no mercy, kid. This is a fight to the death. vs. Hotaru: Battle is a holy rite... You're a fool to try it. vs. Tizoc: A man who knows not death can't be defeated. vs. B.Jenet: Wealth is a phantom. Might is the only right! vs. Jae Hoon: 'Justice' is a word used only by the weak. vs. Kevin: Your emotion was the death of you, copper. vs. Rock: If you deny you wild side, then you deserve to die. vs. Grant: Are you ready to pay for your silly charade? vs. Kain: What's wrong, my friend? You've lost your edge. ============================================================================= -----XVIII. Kain R. Heinlein----- *****Mid-Boss: Rock Howard***** [Kain and Rock stand in a parking lot outside of a bar] Kain: You made it, Rock Howard. I'm Kain... The evil force in this city. Join me, and make Geese's dreams reality! Rock: I'm no Geese, fool! I'll end you and his plans here today! Kain: So be it! Stop me...if you can! [Uncle and nephew do battle. Kain wins] Rock: Ooph. I'll never join you! Kain: Hmm. Even if I tell you that your mother is alive? Rock: Whatcha say? My mother...is alive?! Kain: I wait your positive reply! ...Rock Howard! *****Grant's Intro***** [Kain stands in a dimly lit room] Kain: It's been a long time since I've been here. And a while since I mixed it up with you, Grant! Grant: ...Kain! No matter what... Even if it's you alone... Promise me you'll keep chasing your ideals? Kain: What do you mean? [Grant stands before Kain. Flames erupt from the back of the room] Grant: If you can't defeat me...dreames are only realized in pictures... Do you have the power to make dreames reality? I will find out with my fists! [The two friends spar] *****Grant's Defeat to Kain's Intro***** [Kain stands before a defeated Grant] Grant: Realize that as you die! You are strong...Kain! Kain: I won't lose, Grant! Until our pledge is reality! [Grant's eyes stop glowing] Grant: Hmph. You can do it, Kain. Make ideals into reality. [Grant disappears] [The screen goes black] Kain: Hmph. Too bad. You're just a pale shade of my greatness! [What seems to be Kain stands with his hand in his pocket] Kain: To take the place of another is to lack your own identity. [The imposter Kain stands with his back to Kain] ???? Kain: Aaah...? ...So, he's back? Way too late... No matter...it's too late. [The second Kain turns around] Kain: Time to pass the baton. Thanks for standing in. Sorry for all the trouble you went through, Shadow! Shadow Kain: Guess again, fancy pants! I'm in charge now, Kain! Kain: Come again, flunky. Shadow Kain: All humans ARE islands unto themselves, I'm afraid. To realize their ideals, all must become more clever. You're far too nice. Too blinded by emotion. You can't end what you began! [Kain and Shadow Kain fight] *****Ending***** [Kain stands in front of Shadow Kain] Shadow Kain: Unbelievable. So strong. Was I too optimistic? Kain: I despise conniving. But to get people to act...one cannot deny everything or try to eliminate all. Shadow Kain: Ugh. It seems...I was mistaken. You! You can make all my dreams a reality! It's time...to part. I return...to darkness. [Several important looking men in suits are having a meeting (probably crime syndicate leaders)] Suit 1: How long you going to let that brat do as he pleases? Suit 2: Relax! I've made my move. He won't be around for long. [Grant smashes through the ceiling and lands on the table, smashing that too] Suit: W, Who are you? Oh, It's y, you! [Screen goes black as Grant kills several of the men] Gyaaah! Arggh! Eee heee! [Kain enters the room, Grant stands by his side. A bald suit is cowering on the floor] Kain: OK, Grant. I'll take over. Bald Suit: W, Why you're Kain! What're you doing here? Kain: Why, seeing to your guests. So many interesting tales. It was so fascinating! Bald Suit: S, So?... [Kain smiles and holds up his hand, which is engulfed in flames] Kain: Especially for the kind hopitality I received. Bald Suit: Gya...Gyaaaaah! [Credits roll] *****Win Quotes***** vs. Terry: A wolf with no fangs...I'm so disappointed. vs. Khushwood: Just a muscleboy. I bet your brain's muscle, too. vs. Dong Hwan: A foolish young man. But not entirely unlikable. vs. Freeman: With your silly life, you deserve to die here. vs. Gato: A wall like me can't be broken by fists of rage. vs. Hokutomaru: You silly brat... Time for discipline. vs. Hotaru: Hmph. Quite admirable... But a bit of a busybody. vs. Tizoc: Blinded by the cheers. A foolish lump of meat. vs. B.Jenet: You're quite a tomboy. Find your feminine side. vs. Jae Hoon: Effort without results is just self-satisfying bunk. vs. Kevin: Your justice nad mine, you'll never understand. vs. Rock: You got the moves. You Geese's boy all right. vs. Grant: Doing this brings me back. To that day, long ago... vs. Kain: Those with no personality cannot know true freedom. ============================================================================= -----XIX. F.A.Q----- Any questions asked go here, ohhhkay? Q: When was this game released? What was it called in Japan? A: The game was released on 11/29/1999 for MVS arcade board (Neo Geo) as Garou: Mark of the Wolves. It was later released for Sega Dreamcast in North America as Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves. Q: Were any character's names changed for this game? A: Yes, two were. The Griffon Mask became Tizoc and Marco Rodriguez became Khushwood Butt (eh?) Q: Second Southtown? What happened to the first? A: I see you've never played King of Fighters 2000. At the end of King of Fighters 2000, The Zero Cannon (long story) was fired on Southtown, obliterating the entire city. Contrary to popular belief, Second Southtown is not built on the same exact spot as the original Southtown. It is in fact, a few miles to the east of the original spot. On the map screen look to the west and you can see the penninsula where the original Fatal Fury took place. It is also marked in the game's manual (for Neo Geo at least) that there were two towns. Q: Geese Howard died again? When did this happen? A: During Real Bout Fatal Fury (which took place in 1998), play that for some more information (or wait a few weeks and I'll be done with the script for that too.) Q: Andy, Mai, Mary, Yamazaki, where did all the old characters go? A: Off to do other stuff. The King of Fighters Maximum Mayhem (the offical name of the tournament MOTW takes place in) tournament is only a small one, not on the large scale of the regular KOF tourneys. Remember Street Fighter III? Only Ryu and Ken returned for that game, wait for MOTW2 and maybe well get some old vets. Q: Who is this "gym buster" in Butt's ending? A: Eh? Your guess is as good as mine. I'm hoping it's Yamazaki or someone like that, but only time will tell. Q: Which endings really happened? A: Well, just about all of them did. Rock's most likely is the one that will lead into MOTW2 (if there is one.) Grant probably kicked the bucket, but Kain's probably still alive (he never really dies in any of the endings, the mansion just collapses, or he escapes.) Q: Grant. WTF is up with him? I heard he's Geese and rumors like that. A: No, he is NOT Geese. Geese is dead for good this time (I think...) and there is little indication that he would be. Anyways, Grant's real name is Abel (Kain and Abel.) Q: Do your fingers hurt? (this is my question) A: Yes they do. Well, contact me if you want to add any more... ============================================================================= -----XX. CREDITS----- Well, this is it. I'd like to thank: -SNK: For making this great game (RIP...for however long...) -Elly White: One of my best friends. See ya next month. -Claire Evans: My girlfriend -CjayC: For running one of the best gaming sites on the internet. ============================================================================= -----XXI. CONTACT----- dark_id@hotmail.com Okay, you need something from me? If you have a error to report or wanna use this FAQ on your site? Don't bother sending any childish junk, it'll just get deleted. ============================================================================= -----XXII. COPYRIGHT----- I took a long time making FAQ. If I find you steal it, I won't be able to kill you, but I wonder how much Freeman goes for... If I do find you plagiarise this document, I will see you in court =) This FAQ was solely intended for the public use on the www. It cannot be reproduced, retransmitted, or re-written in any other form except by the notice of the author. Any violation of this code will result in harsh and swift cout action If this legal document is portrayed in any commercial use, you are therefor stricten under the code of law----and will be---punished. This FAQ is only to be used by the public itself and cannot be sold. Revisions of this FAQ are only to be done with notice of the author before hand and may be done so as long as the name of the author of the document appears in due credit. This document may NOT be used for sales and broadcasting or commercial use. This FAQ may not be---included in a promotional CD, magazine, or any other use of monetary product. This FAQ may not be used in a password protected area nor---in a high security area/restricted area. This FAQ is in no way possible to be plagerized, without facing court charges. Doing so will bring about damages in terms of law, whether the punishment be civil or criminal law. In other words, DON'T STEAL MY STUFF!!!! This document is copyright Ryan "Nemesis300" Kelly; 2001. All rights reserved. ============================================================================= -----XXIII. CLOSING----- Alright everyone, this is it. The end of the road, all over, adios, fin, thanks for playing...err...reading... See ya next time...