Kazuki Advanced FAQ v1.0 By Kazuki (Ok, it might be a bit much to take Kazuki as my handle, but he IS my favorite character) Overview: A long time ago, when SS4 first graced our arcade, Kazuki was thought to be the Dan of SS4, since he has less range and slashing speed than Sogetsu, and his moves were questionable. Now we know better. A very high level character, Kazuki has power, foot speed, and very specialized attacks. Not for a beginner, he primarily relies on pressure tactics and fast thinking. Keep in mind that Kazuki is also one of most honorable characters. General: Almost all of Kazuki's slashes are very specific in their use. Once you learn the range and abilities of his slashes, Kazuki can hold his own without special moves. Standing, his A punch is a quick, high priority elbow (no weapon needed), his B slash is his "range" attack, and his C is his high power, super slow, VERY painful slash. Crouching is similar, however, the A is now a longer chop, and the C is an "uppercut" type slash. Usually, the crouching C is not needed since is jumping C is more reliable, and Bust has the multi kicks. In the air, Kazuki is very powerful. His A and D, as always, can pick off most attacks, but his B and C are more tricky to use. His B slash has good range, and should be used to pursue and defend in the air. His air C is extremely useful, being a very fast uppercut slash, almost straight up. However, using the jumping C against the ground requires a little practice since its hit area is almost above Kazuki, so use a B till you get the hang of it. Keep in mind if you do hit with the jumping C against the ground, you will land very soon after, usually soon enough to get in another B or C slash. Kazuki is probably the best runner in the game, with almost no lag on the start or end. The only three things you'll need when running are: C - Fast and strong, this slash has a huge arc, and can be used to take out airborne enemies. D - Almost no lag if you hit at the end of his foot. Follow with heavy pursuit. Use it. B into special - Slash can chain the close running B into the flame grab, and Bust can chain into the multi kicks. Risky, but nasty. The only special move both have is the self-explosion, a counter and tick attack that should be used sparingly, or against slow footed, or slow witted, opponents. Tech Specific: Slash: The weaker, but more versatile of the two. Your main goal is to charge up all three fireballs as fast as possible. After that, you have a supreme projectile and grab. Keep in mind, the fireball, unless all 3 flames are used, has a startup time. The more fire, the less lag. The grab is NOT anti-air. More like a close range ground strike, with great damage with fireballs, but almost none without. Do NOT use the counter (A+ C when hit) unless it is to stop a combo, even then, only in emergencies since they do a lot more with real moves (they will, however, stop the opponent from POWing). Only use the super in the chain combo. Bust: Bust is more difficult, but much more powerful. The main thing you MUST learn, is to land the final hit of the power slide combo since it does HUGE amounts of damage. If you miss, you're toast. The slide should only be used if: 1.) The enemy has just missed a huge move (like a Crescent moon slash or power gradation) 2.) You land a B slash to the back. (Note: You CAN pull crush into the corner, then B slash into slide) DO NOT throw the move out randomly or try to use it right after a guard crush. You invite death if you do. The multi kicks (DF + any, then shake stick left and right while hitting button) is a tricky move to use. Since all buttons do the same thing you must land it or go floating in the air. Used as an air counter, it does damage and has good priority AFTER the start up. Make sure you get all 15 so hits, and then use a short pursuit for one more. (Many a fight has been finished with that step) See Misc for more. Notable Styles: The Scrub: A common occurrence in an arcade. Some Kazuki "player" who throws out slides and fireballs (and tries to "Dragon Punch" after). Kill them. The Maniac (Bust): This is my style (as most people in the UCB underground know). Basically, attack like a madman with no regard for self preservation. Use lots of running Ds and if they jump (doesn't matter where) run and jump after them. Never use special moves unless the opening presents itself then make sure you land that last hit! Also, corner guard crushing and combos pick up the rest. Keep circling since eventually, their back will be open. Oh, power block a lot (QCF, F + D) and try to land the super at least once per match =). Fighting Against Sogetsu: Stay close. VERY close. Always remember that after the unPOWed ticks, it's done and the spout is useless. Don't try to poke since Sogetsu's slashes are faster and have more range. Be patient, Sogetsu has many openings, just wait for them. If slash, max out your fireballs and blaze right through the bubble as he throws it. Stay out of corners or the grinder might get you. Against Bust, run under him a lot, since Sogetsu's air time is fairly high. If he throws waterballs, charge him to cover ground, then jump. Fighting Tam Tam: This is ugly. If you haven't read the Anti-Tam Tam section of the Tam Tam FAQ, it basically says play REALLY defense (i.e. turtle) against the A slash fest since you cannot match his range or speed. When POWed: Slash: Nothing of note except the super chain Bust: Slide combo is much stronger, but also much more vulnerable if you miss. Don't try the super unless you are really sure, or in combo. When Weaponless: Slash has no moves. Bust has one. Get that sword. Using the super: Slash: Chain only Bust: See Winning in Style (note: the super can be cut short by hitting ABCD. However, the stun animation will come out.) Misc: After the Guard Crush: Either: Running B into special, running C, standing or crouching B (sometimes misses) BBC combos: Slash:Super (it DOES work, just tricky), Flame Grab, level 3 fireball Bust: Multi kicks (16 hits) After the power block: If you are close, C works (pain), otherwise B Chain Combos: Slash: Flame Grab Bust: Multi kicks (tricky) Nasty Tricks: none Winning in Style: Slash: Land the super Bust: Land the super, either normally or after the first two parts of the slide combo. Timing is essential since the super has a start time. Practice. Keep in mind this combo does not do as much at the final hit of the normal combo. Questions? Comments? E-mail me at perseus@uclink4.berkeley.edu or bchan@ocf.berkeley.edu Note: As long as you give me credit for my work, and don't use this FAQ for profit, do whatever you like.