-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++] DEMITRI MAXIMOV MOVELIST[++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is for your enjoyment and use in SNK vs Capcom. Do not edit, copy and reproduce, or alter without permission. Much thanx. Dimitri Maximov, and all moves of said character, © Capcom 1997 ----[Contents]------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Character Info 2. Command Lengend 3. Throws 4. Basic Moves 5. Special Moves 6. Super Moves 7. Combo System 8. Strategies ----[Character Info]------------------------------------------------------ Name: Demitri Maximov Country: Romania Date of Birth: 1438 Race: Vampire Height: 179 cm Weight: 101 kg Demitri was the prince of darkness, he ruled the Underworld for eons with an iron fist until he was defeated by Morrigan's clan. He fights to prove his massive strength and agility and be hailed once again as the prince of darkness. ----[Command Legend]------------------------------------------------------ For the purpose of simplicity, the machine buttons will be noted in numbers as follows: A=1,B=2,C=3,D=4 the layout- \|/ (1) (2) (3) -o- /|\ (4) f=forward b=backwards d=down u=up @=360 motion @*=720 motion qcf=f,df,f qcb=b,db,b ----[Throws]-------------------------------------------------------------- 1 + 2 when near opponent Bat Dive 3 + 4 when near opponent Dark Kiss ----[Basic Moves]--------------------------------------------------------- -Standing 1 quick thrust punch 2 quick kick 3 strong thrusting punch, has long reach 4 standing kick, also has long reach -Crouching 1 quick low jab, not much damage,links well 2 quick crouch kick, has long range 3 crouching punch 4 the sweep, huge range, very quick -Command Moves b + 1 Devil Blow df + 3 Cape Sweep ----[Special Moves]------------------------------------------------------- qcf + 1 or 3 Fireball (can be done in air) qcb + 2 or 4 Bat Drill (can be done in air) @ + 1 or 3 (when close) Down You Go! dpf + 1 or 3 Demon Uppercut u + 2 or 3 (when close) Devil Spike (must be next to opponent that was just knocked to ground, input command as they fall) [Vampire Dashing] To Vampire Dash, hold 2 + 3 and tap b,f to dash forward. hold 2 + 3 and tap f,b to dash back. there are a few options during the dash: Demon Uppercut -dpf + 1 or 3 Perform while in the dash, can be angled 45 degrees up towards enemy. Super Unknown -qcf + 1 + 3 A super special, easiest when done in teleport. ----[Super Moves]--------------------------------------------------------- qcf + 1 + 3 EX fireball (can be done in air) qcf + 1 + 3 Super Unknown (easiest during vamp dash) 1,1,f,2,4,4 Midnight Kiss @ + 1 + 3 Deadly Oppression @* + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 Ultimate Journey ----[Combo system]--------------------------------------------------------- For those of you who play the Vampire Hunter series, this should be very familiar. Dimitri still has the same combo system, the hunter chain method. It pretty much consists of weaks into fierces into specials, some examples: 1 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 2 > qcf+1+3 1 > 1 > c1 > c2 > c df+3 > 4 1 > 1 > f > 2 > 4 > 4 (this is a combo in itself, ending in Midnight Kiss) Due to the simplicity of the Hunter chain method, Dimitri's combo system is very fluid, and makes for very easy combos, so long as they follow the same formula of links. Most of the hits are canceled into from the preceding move ----[Strategies]---------------------------------------------------------- Dimitri has a very flexible combo system, so take advantage of it at all times. He's quite the jump in fighter too, one good tactic is to toss one or two fireballs, then a superfireball, (which negates almost every other projectile in the game) and jumping in after it. Wait a second, then start the combo. -This is also a great [unblockable] setup for Midnight Kiss, since the button presses for it can connect and then the special,or they can block the hits and take the special anyhow, since your right on top of them putting on the pressure.(this also works for deadly oppression, except you have to do a normal combo, and cancel into it, so it comes out without a pause) -Fireballs are extremely usefull, and a large part of Dimitri's game. always vary between the fast (3) and slow (1) fireballs, it confuses the opponent, who for instance may anticipate jumping over your next fireball, then land on it because it moves slower... :D Always be ready to throw a Super Fireball into the mix with some normal fireballs, since it doesn't have flash or otherwise signify that it's a special move, at a glance it looks like a normal fireball. This is a great advantage since the usual tactic for negating a fireball is to send one of your own, in this case the super plows right through it for 2-3 hits on the enemy. this also works on the Super Fireballs of some other characters. -If you are close enough to an opponent that you can land at least a 5 hit combo, always go with a sweep > Devil Spike on the end of your combo, instead of slapping on two more hits. The Devil Spike will do more damage than half of the combo anyhow, and it looks much cooler to stomp on someone whos laying on the ground... :D -Jump ins frequently get the Dragon Punch treatment, keep a close eye on the enemy, if you see them winding up for a dp manuever, be ready to Bat Drill. If you time this right (its not too hard to do with some practice) you can dissapear at the moment of contact and lay a few hits. Most times in the anti-Dragon Punch Bat Drill, you end up low enough on the enemy to start a ground combo. (another excellent opportunity to Midnight Kiss!) -Always keep a pair of fingers on 2+3 when your not otherwise using them, since they are held to teleport. A nice and quite confusing trick is to start a combo, and abrubtly teleport during the combo, ending up on the other side for a punishing Super Fireball or sweep+spike combo. Always use the teleport,it makes Dimitri confusing to fight, and is very effective at turning opponents into a turtle waiting to be punished. You can also back someone into a corner, and then teleport towards them as they try to fend you off, this is very usefull since your almost on top of them to start a combo. ----[Notes on moves]------------------------------------------------------ - The button used for bat drill determines where Demitri will appear before the drill. 1 is closest to enemy, 3 is half screen - The vampire dash will pass through attacks, it starts with Dimitri visible, then he blinks out.The dash can cancel into -most- moves, but not all. - Midnight Bliss and Super Unknown are unblockable, like Demon Rage. both moves are very similar in action, with the exception of Super Unknown, it has no flash when executed. - Deadly Opression and Ultimate Journey are very simple to perform if the circular motions are done while jumping in or during Vampire Dash. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- special thanks to the kaillera community for good competion for questions or comments on Dimitri's faq, contact ++GriMM ReaPeR++X AIM: GriMM ReaPeR X69 smoreburner@hotmail.com ©GriMM-X