---------- Disclaimer ---------- This FAQ is a free publication so if you see any parts of this document in magazines(like EGM)or any form of media please contact me.If you would like to put this document on your site or whatever kind of media please ask me first for I have no problem with those who would like to use this FAQ(like anyone would anyway),I'd just like to know where my things are.King of Fighters is copyright of SNK/Neo Geo.This FAQ is copyright of Yang Yang He Version:1.4 (August 2001) Email:hebrettofaq@yahoo.com.au Site/s where this FAQ should be found: www.gamefaqs.com -------- Contents -------- 1.Introduction 2.Controls 3.Command and Special Moves 4.Desperation Moves 5.Srtiker Moves 6.Combos 7.S-Team Combos 8.Credits 9.History -------------- 1.Introduction -------------- Benimaru,everyone should know this guy for one reason or another whether it be that he's gay(which he is not,please don't send hate mail for this)or for his hair style.Ever since KOF94 he's being a really good character to play as,and it's still the same in 2000.If you find any mistakes that I might have made or you might have found this FAQ in another site from the ones listed above,please kindly email me(hebrettofaq@yahoo.com) ---------- 2.Controls ---------- All are for the left side of the screen qcf - down,down-forward,forward qcb - down,down-back,back hcf - back,down-back,down,down-forward,forward hcb - forward,down-forward,down,down-back,back dp - forward,down,down-forward The following applies to any character: Charge -Hold a direction for 2 seconds A/B/C/D -In order light punch,light kick,hard punch etc xx -Press two buttons at the same time(like AB) Roll(AB) -You will do a forward roll(slide for some characters)which grants you invincibility for a short time,by holding back and pressing AB you will do a back roll(slide for some characters).If done while blocking you will roll away(roll back if you hold back,roll forward if you leave it neutral/hold forward)from your opponent thus escaping from their attacks but it costs one powerstock Safe Fall(press AB when your just about to hit the ground) -A quick recovery from a fall.Comes in handy sometimes from any off the ground Strikers like Joe Call Striker(BC) -Call out your 4th character for assistance CD attack -A knockdown attack which can be done in the air.If you do this when blocking you will knock down you opponent thus preventing them from doing their attack but it costs one powerstock if you do it and it also does no damage.But you can call out a Striker the moment you press CD Throw(when near opponent,forward or back + C/D) -Throws,who can live without them.If you call out your Striker after a throw they will knock your opponent into the air leaving you for another hit.This process takes up one Striker stock and powerstock Throw escape(tap any button before being thrown) -Stops a throw period.This year you knockdown your opponent instead of pushing them away.You can call out a Striker after you knockdown your opponent for an extra hit.This process takes up one Striker stock Counter mode(ABC when you have 3 powerstocks) -A mode in which you can do unlimited normal DMs and more damage for attacks for a period of time.When the timer runs out,you will not be able to add anything to your power gauge for about 3 or so seconds Armour mode(BCD when you have 3 powerstocks) -A mode in which you will not get into hit stun and do more damage(more than Counter mode)for a period of time. When the timer runs out,you will not be able to add anything to your power gauge for about 3 or so seconds Super Desperation Move(motion of any Desperation Move + AC/BD) -An enhanced version of one of your DMs,the set damage for a SDM is about 50%.When you finish the SDM you will not be able to add anything to your power gauge though for about 3 or so seconds Taunt(press Start) -Just used to annoy your opponent but this year each time you taunt you are given an extra Striker stock but it costs a powerstock.Also,you can't just stop it any time you want like in the other games,so don't do it just because you felt like it unless you feel suicidal.While in Counter Mode(and maybe in Armour Mode),if you taunt you will also get a Striker stock but that will decrease the amount of time you have left for the mode(s?) --------------------------- 3.Command and Special Moves --------------------------- >Command Moves< Jackknife Kick (forward + B) -Benimaru will walk forward and then do a high angled kick.The thing with using this against the computer is that if you connected it from a Standing C/D they won't block it whether it be on the hardest settings or easiest.But don't try this against human opponents Flying Drill (in air, down + D) -When in the air,Benimaru will descend down spinning his body like a drill.You can block this whilst standing or crounching >Special Moves< Raijin Ken (qcf + A/C, can be done in the air) -Benimaru will extend one of his arms(high angled for the C version),then at which an electric orb will be infront of him.This move is good both for offense and defense since its a short ranged projectile(meaning it can cancel out normal projectiles)and it does 3 hits.The air version of this also does 3 hits Iai Geri (qcf + B/D) -A quick kick.Short ranged Handou Sandan Geri (down,up + B/D after Iai Geri) -A follow-up move with the Far D animation and ends with the Super Inazuma Kick(dp + B/D)but not as damaging.To pull this move off you have to quickly do down motion and then up the moment Benimaru hits your opponent,use this only as a surprise attack since it lacks the range Super Inazuma Kick (dp + B/D) -Benimaru will do a back flip somersault with a spark of electricity popping up from the ground following him,also use this as a surprise attack(it's an anti-air)or in combos Shinkuu Katate-goma (qcb + A/C) -Benimaru will put one of his hands on the ground and start spinning.Use this often in combos or by itself since it does good damage and block damage,because you are pushed back after the last hit so it's harder for your opponent to punish you ------------------- 4.Desperation Moves ------------------- ^=Can be done as a SDM Raikou Ken^ (qcfx2 + A/C/AC) -Same as the Raijin Ken except that the orb is now bigger and does 5 hits instead of 3(the C version is still high-angled).The SDM version is a collection of Raijin Ken's put togther.All 3 versions are quite fast and still acts as an anti-air(it can also cancel out normal and S/DM projectiles) Gen'ei Hurricane (qcfx2 + B/D) -Benimaru will have an illusion of himself charging forward to attempt to hit you,if not blocked he will continue for another 6 or 7 more hits.But if it's blocked or if you hit your opponent in the air,he will stop the DM after the first hit and appear where his first illusion ended --------------- 5.Striker Moves --------------- Benimaru-He will jump out and attempt to grab your opponent,if he does he with hold on to them(doing his hcbx2 + A/C DM from KOF98 but no damage)for a amount of time(longer than the amount of time he held them on KOF99) Another Benimaru-When he lands,Another Benimaru will wait for a moment,then he will do a move that looks like Orochi Shermie's qcb + A/C move from KOF98 on your opponent -------- 6.Combos -------- By now from all my other FAQs it should be known that I don't like to do combos involving any Strikers since there are just too many of them.But if you send me a Striker combo and it works I'll post it up with your credits *=Optional 1.(Only against computer) Jump D, Standing C/D, Jackknife Kick(forward + B), follow with: -A version Raijin Ken(qcf + A) -Iai Geri(qcf + B/D), Handou Sandan Geri(down,up + B/D)* -Super Inazuma Kick(dp + B/D) -C version Shinkuu Katate-goma(qcb + C) -Raikou Ken(qcfx2 + A/C/AC) 2.(Can be done against both human and computer) Jump D*, Crouching B, Crouching B, Crouching B*, Iai Geri(qcf + B/D) or A version Raikou Ken(qcfx2 + A) 3.(Can be done against both human and computer) Jump D, Standing C/D, follow with: -A version Raijin Ken(qcf + A) -Iai Geri(qcf + B/D), Handou Sandan Geri(down,up + B/D)* -Super Inazuma Kick(dp + B/D) -C version Shinkuu Katate-goma(qcb + C) 4.a(In Counter Mode,can be done only against the computer) Jump D, Standing C/D, Jackknife Kick(forward + B), A version Raijin Ken(qcf + A), cancel into A version Raikou Ken(qcfx2 + A) 4.b(In Counter Mode,can be done only against the computer) Jump D, Standing C/D, Jackknife Kick(forward + B), A version Raijin Ken(qcf + A), cancel into Gen'ei Hurricane(qcfx2 + B/D) 4.c(In Counter Mode,can be done only against the computer) Jump D, Standing C/D, Jackknife Kick(forward + B), C version Shinkuu Katate-goma(qcb + C), cancel into A version Raikou Ken(qcfx2 + A) 4.d(In Counter Mode,can be done only against the computer) Jump D, Standing C/D, Jackknife Kick(forward + B), C version Shinkuu Katate-goma(qcb + C), on the last hit(should be the 9th hit if you managed to connect the Jump D)cancel into Gen'ei Hurricane(qcfx2 + B/D) --------------- 7.S-Team Combos --------------- These are combos seen in the S-Team combo movies,which were these two very big(71mb and 35mb)Divx files(they came from a VCD full of combos made by this Hong Kong games magazine called "Game Weekly").I decided to add this section for those who can't see them(due to the requirements of the Divx codec)or just couldn't be bothered to download them.The combos are listed as exactly how it was done in the movies.Enjoy 1.(With Yamazaki as Striker and opponent in corner) Jump D, Standing D, C version Shinkuu Katate-goma(qcb + C), on the last hit call Yamazaki, wait a moment before doing SDM Raikou Ken(qcfx2 + AC) 2.(with Kensou as Striker and opponent in corner) Jump D, Crouching B, Crouching B, Crouching B, Super Inazuma Kick(dp + B/D), call Kensou(opponent should now be air-borne), SDM Raikou Ken(qcfx2 + AC) 3.(in Counter mode) Crossover Jump D, Crouching B, Crouching B, Jackknife Kick(forward + B), A version Raijin Ken(qcf + A), cancel into A version Raikou Ken(qcfx2 + A) 4.(with Dong Hwan as Striker and opponent in corner) Jump D, Standing D, A version Raijin Ken(qcf + A), call Dong Hwan, when opponent starts to fall down do Iai Geri(qcf + B/D), call Dong Hwan, when opponent starts to fall down do Iai Geri(qcf + B/D), call Dong Hwan, when opponent starts to fall down do SDM Raikou Ken(qcfx2 + AC) --------- 8.Credits --------- I would like to thank the following in the creation of this FAQ(in no particular order) CJayC -Without him you wouldn't be reading this FAQ (www.gamefaqs.com) Vincent Chua -Many more combos for Benimaru and others at his site.If your interested in finding out stuff about the KOF2000 Hong Kong comics this site is the best for that (www.kofonline.com) Chris MacDonald(Kao Megura) -Always an inspiration for FAQ writers everywhere.Also got Benimaru's moves' names from his FAQ (i.am/kao) Stefan Heap -Beni's not you-know-what Gunsmith -For posting up the S-Team videos,not to mention joining them together(another site posted the same videos up but they were in 10 or so WinRAR files so you had to link them together,all too complicated to me) (www.orochinagi.com) Iie-Kyo -For telling me that I was typing Engrish with my FAQs.(vows never to visit another Engrish site for months a) White Tower Team -A site with tones of combos for various fighting games. (www.white-tower.net) Jared Low (Vivx) -His site also features original combos for KOF2000 as well as characters' moves in graphical view (www.shingohandbook.com) You -For reading this FAQ --------- 9.History --------- version 1.0 (1st March 2001) - Just about everything covered version 1.1 (4th March 2001) - Added S-Team Combos and correction to all versions of combo number 4 version 1.2 (6th March 2001) - Correction to the Credits section version 1.3 (18th June 2001) - Grammar/spelling corrections version 1.4 (13th August 2001) - Changed my email address