---------- Disclaimer ---------- This FAQ is a free publication so if you see any parts of this document in magazines(like EGM)or any form of media please contact me.If you would like to put this document on your site or whatever kind of media please ask me first for I have no problem with those who would like to use this FAQ(like anyone would anyway),I'd just like to know where my things are.King of Fighters is copyright of SNK/Neo Geo.This FAQ is copyright of Yang Yang He Version:1.1 (June 2001) Email:hebrettofaq@yahoo.com.au Site/s where this FAQ should be found: www.gamefaqs.com -------- Contents -------- 1.Introduction 2.Controls 3.Command and Special Moves 4.Desperation Moves 5.Striker Moves 6.Combos 7.S-Team Combos 8.Credits 9.History -------------- 1.Introduction -------------- Shingo Yabuki,when I played my first game of KOF97 I chose this guy(cause I thought he was a secret character since he wasn't in a team and I thought he going to be like a Kyo with the flames and all).I was shocked to see that he didn't have any flames but it was really fun doing those critical hits(I didn't know how to play KOF back then so I just went with doing specials over and over,DMs over and over since I had Extra Mode).Throughout the years that Shingo has been in KOF he has no doubt been weakened but he is still as strong as he was in KOF97/98 if you play him right,I hope this FAQ can help you out with what you need(especially you,Bufa ^_^) If you find any mistakes that I might have made or you might have found this FAQ in another site from the ones listed above,please kindly email me(hebretto@hotmail.com) ---------- 2.Controls ---------- All are for the left side of the screen qcf - down,down-forward,forward qcb - down,down-back,back hcf - back,down-back,down,down-forward,forward hcb - forward,down-forward,down,down-back,back dp - forward,down,down-forward The following applies to any character: Charge -Hold a direction for 2 seconds A/B/C/D -In order light punch,light kick,hard punch etc xx -Press two buttons at the same time(like AB) Dodge(AB) -It's more of a slide that grants you invincibility for a short time,by holding back and pressing AB you will do a back dodge.If done while blocking you will roll away(roll back if you hold back,roll forward if you leave it neutral/hold forward)from your opponent thus preventing from doing their attack but it costs one powerstock Safe Fall(press AB when your just about to hit the ground) -A quick recovery from a fall.Comes in handy sometimes from the any off the ground Strikers like Joe Call Striker(BC) -Call out your 4th character for assistance CD attack -A knockdown attack which can be done in the air.If you do this when blocking you will knock down you opponent thus preventing them from doing their attack but it costs one powerstock if you do it and it also does no damage Throw(when near opponent,forward or back + C/D) -Throws,who can live without them.If you call out your Striker after a throw they will knock your opponent into the air leaving you for another hit.This process takes up one Striker stock and powerstock Throw escape(tap any button before being thrown) -Stops a throw period.This year you knockdown your opponent instead of pushing them away.You can call out a Striker after you knockdown your opponent for an extra hit.This process takes up one Striker stock Counter mode(ABC when you have 3 powerstocks) -A mode in which you can do unlimited normal DMs and more damage for attacks for a period of time.When the timer runs out,you will not be able to add anything to your power gauge for about 10 or so seconds Armour mode(BCD when you have 3 powerstocks) -A mode in which you will not get into hit stun and do more damage(more than Counter mode)for a period of time. When the timer runs out,you will not be able to add anything to your power gauge for about 10 or so seconds Super Desperation Move(motion of any Desperation Move + AC/BD) -An enhanced version of one of your DMs,the set damage for a SDM is about 50%.When you finish the SDM you will not be able to add anything to your power gauge though for about 5 or so seconds Taunt(press Start) -Just used to annoy your opponent but this year each time you taunt you are given an extra Striker stock but it costs a powerstock.Also,you can't just stop it any time you want like in the other games,so don't do it just because you felt like unless you feel suicidal.While in Counter Mode(and maybe in Armour Mode),if you taunt you will also get a Striker stock but that will decrease the amount of time you have left for the mode(s?) --------------------------- 3.Command and Special Moves --------------------------- >Command Moves< Ge Shiki: Goufu "Kakkodake" (forward + B) -Shingo will do a kick from top to bottom(same animation as Kyo's forward + B if comboed into).This does 2 hits up close(when his leg is up and the 2nd when it's coming down)and one from far(when his leg is coming down).This is _not_ an overhead but the hit where his leg is coming down can be cancelled into a special move or DM/SDM >Special Moves< 114 Shiki: Aragami Mikansei (qcf + A) -A very quick punch towards the stomach area.Same animation(sprites)as Kyo's 114 Shiki: Aragami(qcf + A).Use this as a surprise attack,even if it misses it's got good recovery time 115 Shiki: Dokugami Mikansei (qcf + C) -Shingo will walk forward and do a spin before swinging his arm,same animation as Kyo's 115 Shiki: Dokugami(qcf + C).This travels about one third of the screen.Recovery time is slower than his 114 Shiki: Aragami Mikansei(qcf + A)but it's still fast enough to recover 100 Shiki: Oniyaki Mikansei (dp + A/C) -Shingo's anti-air attack,same animation as Kyo's 100 Shiki: Oniyaki(dp + A/C).Best to use A version since it's got faster recovery time and it's damage is just as good as his C version 101 Shiki: Oboro-guruma Mikansei (rdp + B/D) -Shingo's version of Kyo's rdp + B/D from KOF94.He will jump up a little bit with a kick(B version) or two kicks(D version).Sometimes Shingo will fall head down first for the D version and if in range that will also hit thus doing more damage-chances of this happening are varied(but I noticed that it happens more often if you connect from either his command throw in the corner or his shoulder ram DM) 212 Shiki: Kototsuki Mikansei (hcb + B/D) -Shingo will run towards your opponent and if he touches them he will do Kyo's air down + C animation attempting to knock your opponent down.Unfortunately in KOF2000 the speed of this has be decreased so it no longer can be comboed from his Ge Shiki: Goufu "Kakkodake"(forward + B).The second hit of this must be blocked high for it's an overhead attack Shingo Kick (hcf + B/D) -An original move for Shingo.Shingo will turn around and then do a flying kick.B version travels half of the screen while D version travels two thirds of the screen.Do this only if you can predict when your opponent is about to jump Shingo Kinsei Ore Shiki: Nie Togi (near opponent, dp + B/D) -Command throws,you gotta love them.Shingo will hit your opponent with his elbows launching them with his last hit.This might not fully connect if your opponent is crouching when you began the throw ------------------- 4.Desperation Moves ------------------- ^=Can be performed as a SDM Ge Shiki: Kake Hourin (qcfx2 + A/C) -Shingo will run towards your opponent and once he's in range he will attempt to do a shoulder ram.This is faster than it's KOF99 version.Able to juggle if it hits successfully,even if it's blocked it will cause Guard Crush so you can't be punished as easily. Burning Shingo^ (qcb,hcf + A/C/AC) -Shingo will open up the DM with his 114 Shiki: Aragami Mikansei(qcf + A),he will then do two more punches and finish off with his qcb + A/C animation from KOF98.Range is in lacking but the damage is very good With the SDM version,will do about an extra 3 punches before finishing off with his qcb + A/C animation --------------- 5.Striker Moves --------------- Shingo-Shingo will jump in and shortly after he will run up to your opponent and if he connects he will hold onto their legs for a moment or until you attack.This is slower compared to KOF99 but Shingo runs further and holds onto the opponent longer Cosplay Kyoko-This is the closes there is of the Kyo-1/Kyo-2 clones in the game.What Cosplay Kyoko does is exactly what they did in KOF99 with a R.E.D Kick(Kyo's rdp + B/D)and if that hits she will taunt(decreasing your opponent's powerstock).If she doesn't hit with the R.E.D Kick she will continue with a '75 Shiki: Kai'(Kyo's qcf + B/D, then B/D).This Striker always come out from the end of the screen no matter where you are on the screen -------- 6.Combos -------- Well since Shingo's moves' names are so long I'm just going to include the motion of the moves without the names.That and still no Striker combos but like always if you have got one for me and it works I'll post it with full credit to you *=Optional 1.Jump D*, Standing C, forward + B, qcf + C 2.Standing C, forward + B, qcfx2 + A/C, then follow with: -Any normal attacks(excluding Standing CD attack since it's slower) -dp + A/C -rdp + B/D 3.Jump C/D*, Crouching B, Crouching A, follow with: -qcf + A -rdp + B/D -dp + A 4.Jump C/D*, Standing C(shortcut-qcb + C), qcb,hcf + A/C(there is no need to do the qcb if you did it during the Standing C) 5.Jump C*, Crouching B, dp + B/D, follow with: -Any normal attacks(excluding Standing CD attack since it's slower) -dp + A/C -rdp + B/D 6.Jump C/D*, Standing C, hcb + B/D --------------- 7.S-Team Combos --------------- These are combos seen in the S-Team combo movies,which were these two very big(71mb and 35mb)Divx files(they came from a VCD full of combos made by this Hong Kong games magazine called "Game Weekly").I decided to add this section for those who can't see them(due to the requirements of the Divx codec)or just couldn't be bothered to download them.The combos are listed as exactly how it was done in the movies.Enjoy 1.Crossover Jump B, Crouching B, Crouching B, Crouching B, Crouching A, qcf + A 2.(with opponent in corner and in Counter Mode) Jump C, Crouching B, walk forward a bit then Standing C, hcb + B/D, on the first hit cancel into qcfx2 + A/C, as they are falling do dp + C 3.(with opponent in corner and Joe as Striker) Jump C, Standing C, hcb + B/D, call Joe, Jump C, Crouching B, dp + B/D, rdp + D(3 hit version), call Joe, Crouching C, qcb,hcf + A/C 4.(with opponent in corner and Goenitz as Striker) Jump C, Standing C, qcfx2 + A/C, rdp + D(3 hit version), on the first hit of that call Goenitz, after Goenitz hits do qcfx2 + A/C, then a Standing C as they are falling --------- 8.Credits --------- I would like to thank the following in helping me write this FAQ(In no particular order) CJayC -Without him you wouldn't be reading this FAQ (www.gamefaqs.com) Vincent Chua -Many more combos for Shingo and others at his site.If your interested in finding out stuff about the KOF2000 Hong Kong comics this site is the best for that (www.kofonline.com) Chris MacDonald(Kao Megura) -Always an inspiration for FAQ writers everywhere.Also got Shingo's moves' names from his FAQ (i.am/kao) Anyone I versed over the years in KOF(Stefan,Fat Cat Lim,Wolferaizer) -For giving me an goal to beat you guys(except for Stefan,no offense),if not for these people I wouldn't want to learn how to play everybody My gaming friends (Ivan, Bufa, Stefan, Jake, Jacky, Ming, FCL, Wolferaizer, Krizalid, Skinner, Jackson, William and the rest that I might have forgotten) -Another reason for me to play games,to beat you guys(exception to Bufa,Krizalid and Ivan since you guys don't live near me) Gunsmith -For posting up the S-Team videos,not to mention joining them together(another site posted the same videos up but they were in 10 or so WinRAR files so you had to link them together,all too complicated to me).I don't think you can still get them though Neo-geo.com Bulletin Boards -If you want to find out stuff about Neo-Geo hardware or Neo-Geo games,they have a bulletin board their to help you(very helpful).I frequent there everyday (www.neo-geo.com or www.orochinagi.com) White Tower Team -A site with tons of combos for various fighting games. (www.white-tower.net) Jared Low (Vivx) -His site also features original combos for KOF2000 as well as characters' moves in graphical view. (www.shingohandbook.com) Iie-Kyo -What's the point of going to English class when I can just ask him to teach me Game Weekly -For releasing the S-Team combos on VCD You -For reading this FAQ --------- 9.History --------- Version 1.0 (May 31st, 2001) - Done and done Version 1.1 (June 21st, 2001) - Grammar/spelling corrections Version 1.2 (August 13th, 2001) - Changed my email address