The King of Fighters '2001 Perfect Guide Version 3.4 on 09/10/2003 Unpublished work by Toxic: (also know as Toxic Avanger) ICQ number: 146473636 IMPORTANT NOTICE PEOPLE: For reasons that are unknown to me this guide is posted in gamfaqs. What I mean is that I did not have any intention of posting this guide in this page until it was complete, but for some reason this guide has been posted; I don't know the reason but there is no point in questioning that, as there is nothing to do "fix the problem, not the blaim"... In the sake of not leaving such an incomplete work on the web I will add a more complete version, thus this should be considered a 'pre-release'... I don't know how much time will the real work take but I'll try to squeeze some time together in order to do it. The real work will include all the features that are not included, as a so deserved thanks section and the bugs that I have promised, the real work also will include my trademark FAQ line "you are not up to dodge ball". ----------------------------------------------------------------------- What's supported: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here it is a little list of what I do hope to achieve when this guide is completed, the topics are not in any particular order and "fan made" means that the knowledge comes from my own experiences, "not in current release" means that I got to develop and check a few things before releasing the topic, "incomplete" means that I have not yet achieved what I pursue with the section, my objectives is to have 2001 different and somewhat significative combos, hard to do since my previous guide got less than 700 combos and I used so much effort on it... Character move list (fan made, incomplete) Character combos (fan made, incomplete) Bugs (fan made, incomplete) Buffering methods (fan made, incomplete) Guard Crush table (not in the current release) Active Striker table (not in the current release) Striker list (not in the current release) NESTS essay version 2.001 (not in the current release) On the Bugs section thanks goes for Chupiler (for reporting BUGS on the 'basic' active striker feature and the stance bug with May Lee -wich is still inavailable-); the only current bug is the active striker system. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Why?: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The other day I was a the arcades and -while seeing of awful the players are- I realized how low can a human being can get. Fortunatly I am not like that; weither it is my personality disorder problems, either it might be that I am not normal, either might be that I belong to another generation the thing is that I am different, very different to all of them; you'll see, I THINK when I play; I realize when I am good or bad at something. Those people are different, they move by instinct alone and could be cataloged as "animals"... Few of them are actually able to think and fewer are actually able to come up with a combo... To think these creatures speak of "national level"; I say "HA". So; in order for the rest of the world not being some self coinceinted pitiful & low life players; I have seen fit to create this guide so in other contries people learn how not to be so pathetic; because here the problem is behond solution; it is behond hope. Why?; it is simple; someone who is doing something wrong and does not realize it it's most unable to solve the problem, and this is what happens here; people think that they are such hot shoots while in fact they are some poor excuse of a player... it does not matter how many times I speak or how many times I or someone else does beat the crap out of them; they just do not learn, though I am not any kind of legend; just a mid-skilled player I am by far over the level of these habitants. But it is not everything dark in this story; there are some guys with brain that have offered their contributions to this cause; to this combo FAQ. All of these combinations are thought to be performed anywhere; except the combos labeled as "corner combos" wich are -obviously- performed on the corner; for those who had checked the "King of Fighters '2000 Perfect Guide" -I like corny names- will found that the format is very much unchanged; but in this ocasion I have saw it fit to include a move list since most of the moves have different and new properties and some change in the motions. By any means if you are trying to steal any of this info you will be suffering some of the symptoms that these bandits had; I guess that is not what you want, To be a pitiful weakling for the rest of your life? also if you use any of the info it musn't be under any monetary charge; that will be contraproducent to the main objective of the guide, wich is allow a player to perform a big variety of combos. Also using any of this info in any kind of magazine (Club Nintendo pops to my mind) will be something outrageous; this guide is meant with care & dedication to the player; no other person exept myself can express those deeps feelings towards the gaming comunity; if someone else adjudicates this guide to himself will make this document lose its inherit "power" & "strenght". Unlike many other of my "autor rights" speeches; I am very serious with this one. Even though most of these combos are merely thought to show off; there are some that also produce a very mean damage; also the practical thing is that -just as the combo FAQ for the '2000- many of the combos work everywhere (I stated that earlier, right?). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dictionary: FAQ Legend ----------------------------------------------------------------------- fwd: Foward. bk: Back. dn: Down. up: no comment... df: Down-foward. db: Down-back. uf: Up-foward. ub: Up-back. Qcf/Qcb: Quarter Circle foward or back; standar Fire ball motion. With numbers, Qcf is 236 and Qcb is 214. Hcf/Hcb: Half Circle foward or back; standar KoF throw command. With numbers, Hcf is 41236 and Hcb is 63214. Upc/Rup: Uppercut motion or Reverse uppercut motion; better know as dragon punch. With numbers, Upc is 623 and Rup is 421. / : means or. . : Hold the previous direction. ; : Means a different move from the previous one. , : Means a follow up. ~ : Means the the moves must be performed inmediatly one after the other; this is only used for the "button" secuences moves (like Yuri SDM). cr: Crouch. cls: Close standing. far: Far standing. jp: Means short jump. JP: Means high jump. N: Means neutral; may be neutral jump or return the stick to the neutral position, AND if I am talking about an attack it means that it can be blocked or or high. Call xx: Call Striker, Of course, XX is the name of the Striker. Add On: Add on are attacks that can hit the enemy when no other attack can do so; for example with K' you can use Qcf + A, fwd + D; JP C; Qcb + D and the last attack will connect because it's an add on, no other attack will connect in that circunstance. Add ons can hit while the enemy is on the floor; that's the whole thing with Whip's D throw; Hcb + C. Please do note that there are different types of add ons; by one side there are ones that work only with the enemy on the floor (Whip's cr A) and there are those for the enemy on the air or the ground (Whip's Hcb + C). Triangle Jump: The usual "bounce off a wall" jump, jump to a corner and then jump foward again. § : Striker hits. (x hits): The move before this must give a certain amount of hits; if there is no note on a multi-hitting move it is because all hits are expected. - : Means that it is a combo. # : Means that the combo has to start from a counter wire attack. + : Means that the combo uses a super cancel. [ ] : Means that the move between them does not connect. {R} : Means that you can roll recover from a part of the combo. {NR} : Means that the enemy touch the ground; but he can not recover if you perform it well. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dictionary: Game System ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Run: Press the pad foward twice quickly. Back Hop: Press the pad Backwards twice quickly. Jump: Pressing the pad up makes you jump; if you press up fwd or up bk the jump will be directed towards the direction you pressed. Pressing the pad briefly makes a short jump; holding the pad makes a high jump; pressing down and up quickly makes your character give a quicker jump; this quicker jump may be high or short... if you run you can only perform a quick or high quick jumps. Throw: Press foward or back plus C or D near the enemy. Throw Escape: Press foward or back plus C or D as you are being throw if you are thrown with C you have to get off with fwd or bk + C; if you are thrown with D you have to get off with fwd or bk + D... note that are some throws that are unescapable; I got to inquire more on this. Roll: Press A + B... rolling will make your character evade non throw attacks, as always rolling may be performed foward or backwards; you can also use the roll to make a "safe landing" from being knocked down; rolling effectiveness will be incerased while you run, making your character roll a bigger distance. Heavy Attack: Press C + D... this attack knocks down the enemy and can be performed on air. Striker Summon: Press B + C sumultaneosly... this action calls another character to help you; using this will waste a level of power bar, as we all know, if you have three or two strikers when inputting BC you have to either press foward (to call the striker who's picture is foward) or press neutral (to call the striker who's picture is in the middle) OR press back (to call the striker who's picture is on the back); if you have two strikers you have to either press foward or back. Defense Cancel 1 = Roll: While blocking; press Foward or Back + A + B; using this; you may cancel your guard with a front roll or a back roll; this action wastes a power bar. Defense Cancel 2 = Heavy Attack: Using this will make you knock down the enemy canceling your defense; this action wastes a power bar and does no damage. Power Bar: Whenever your character attacks or recieve hits the power bar fills; once it filled it becomes a level; the quantity of levels you can store depend on the tactical order you have selected; also being affected the lenght of the bar. 1 character with 3 strikers is the shortest lenght with a maximun of 4 levels and being 4 characters with 1 level and maximun lenght. Cancel Striker System: In certain conditions you are capable of calling a striker while you are attack; for normal and command attacks the enemy must be standing and must be under a successful impact; for the special moves there are some moves that allow you to call the striker; these moves might fulfill or not fulfill these conditions; just as striker summon; this action waste a power bar and engages a handicap system that will lessen the damage to the half. Handicap System: Once the enemy is struck by a striker the damage of the following attacks will be reduced to a 50% or so, calling several strikers won't affect the damage again (I mean, call one striker and the damage will be 50%; call 3 of them and the damage will still be 50%); note that the damage that the strikers do does not decrease with this handicap; for the contrary, sometimes calling to many strikers at once will activate a propierty that will make one of the strikers will inflict MAJOR damage (I have seen up to 1/4 of energy on 1 character team- it was Ryo-)... so; 1 striker combos can be kind of worthless; but with 2 or more, it means business. Guard Crush: Blocking too much or blocking certain attacks will break your guard for a moment. Counter: Counter attacks are still intact; so I have no need of explain them; do I? The only add that I can give is that there are no more "message pop ups"; I mean, when you break the guard or made a counter the game will not tell you; you just have to recognize it by your experience. Critical Wire Attack: There are some moves that have this propertiy; this means that once the enemy is hit by the attack he will bounce on the wall allowing you time for more attacks. Counter Wire Attack: Exactly the same as the "Critical Wire Attack"; but this is only triggered when the attack hits on counter. Super Cancel: Similar to the Last Blade/Gekka No Kenshi series, canceling some normal moves into Desperation or MAX Desperation Moves is now available; the thing is that to cancel you need a minimal of 2 power bars, let's just say that 1 is the bar necesary to cancel and the other one(s) are the one(s) used for the (MAX)Desperation move. Tactical Order: We all know that the tactical order is a funtion that allows you to select from four to one characters, right? We also know that THAT affects the power bars and the defense power, right?? What we don't know is that the increase in defense varies from the number of enemies you are facing; for example one character team will not lose the same energy in front of a two character team and in front of a four character team. 'Beta': I am talking about the beta-test of this game; though I did not played it (I am very far from japan at this time, even tough I could reach there via raft easily) I was entrusted with valuable info by someone who did played the beta... That's 'Chipuler-sama' for you >>:D ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Buffering Methods: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Active Striker System -as a bug-: I have been informed that there is a nasty bug; whenever the enemy breaks his Guard with a CD or an AB it gives you the right to call an striker on any time; even when you are being hit; there are some restrictions and random features, since it is a bug it can not be exact. Active Striker System -by the rules-: Of course we all know that you can use more than one striker in a combo; that's the idea of having more than one striker... but there are some heavy limitations to when you can call the striker right... that fabled "Cancel Striker System", that says that you can call an striker after SOME special moves and or when you hit the enemy and he is left standing... now: If you use an attack and call the striker and later you use another attack that ALSO allows you to call an striker, you will be blessed with the chance of using a one time active striker system, aka calling the striker anytime and anywhere. Here it is a little example with Makishima-sama: Maxima: Have Hinako behind, Heidern on the middle and Foxy foward, enemy on the corner Give a close standing C (only one hit) and input Qcf Neutral + BC; this will call Heidern an later will perform the system one move... Perform other Qcf + C and call Hinako; While Hinako is hitting use a Qcf + C (but it musn't be a follow up, it must be a "fresh new move"); and then Heidern will hit; then input df + BC and you will call Foxy while giving the df + C; when Foxy hits wait for the enemy to be deep and give a df + C, df + C and finish the combo with an uppercut motion with D (that will be f, d, df + D or 623 + D). If that explanation seems to complicated, here's the combo with my particular simbology. - cls C (1 hit), call Heidern; Qcf + C x 2, call Hinako; Qcf + C; Heidern §; df + C, call Foxy; df + C, df + C; JP CD. You'll see, the second striker is called during the Qcf + C, when Hinako is attacking give the Qcf + C BEFORE Heidern hits, since the Qcf + C allows you to call the striker you will "save" that chance for another time (the df + C) The drag is that if you use any attack on where you can not call the striker you wont be able to call it... so there are some restrictions to this method, but you can still call the striker after any normal attack (crouching or jumping) after some special moves... BUT NOT THAT AFTER, for example if you use that method to call King an then you attack, if you use some special moves you won't be able to call the striker; but you can use as many normal moves as you want (can) and then call the striker, OR use special moves that allows you to call the striker while she is hitting. A final note is that to activate the Active Striker System with command moves or special moves is necesary to call the striker before or at the same time you are inputting the command, I personally am having troubles with using a Desperation move at the same time I call an striker (unless I am canceling it from something), with normal moves you can call the striker after, at the same time or after you have used the attack; note that those normal moves include the CD. Hard to understand??? Something that I'd say??? Don't worry, that's Natural. I just realized that there is a very simple example; with K' use the Qcf + C, fwd + D; then later you can call the striker whenever you want, not necessarily on a combo (though that's the idea since this is mainly a combo FAQ); made a very big observation that the actives striker works only during the combo, if you try to save the striker to defend yourself in some other time the properties will be "dispeled". *********************************************************************** Performing as MAX: As we all should know; when a desperation move says that can be performed as MAX then the only thing that you have to do is inputing the same motion; but using 2 buttons instead of one (if the move is performed with puch; press AC and if it is kick, BD). Follow up order: I have described the moves that had follow ups in a diferent way; let us examinate the case of Makishima-sama: The first move of his system one combination is Qcf + A or C, so the move will be like this: Qcf + A or C: Move description. The second move is another Qcf + A or C; but I will leave an space at the beginning; so the player does not mix it with another move: Qcf + A or C: Follow up description. So, the whole move will look like this: Qcf + A or C: Move description. Qcf + A or C: Follow up description. Qcf + A or C: Finisher description. This is the exact method that Tekken FAQs use to describe follow ups. Now, if you have something like: Motion: Description. Motion: Description. Motion: Description. It means that the move has 2 posible follow ups; as I mentioned, the key is just noticing the space that are prior to the moves; on the moves descriptions I have also hinted posible follow ups; in order to avoid mistakes. -Incoherence is often present on something that I have written- *********************************************************************** Notes about buffering: If ou want to call a "foward" striker and do not spoil any foward involved moves you can easily perform df + BC, same as backwards. Also note that many of the buffering methods that where included on KoF '2000 are also present; but with a slight difference, now is pretty much easy to perform a db attack chained in a foward move without whiffing a Qcf move that might be on the way, for example on KoF '2000 Lin just wouldn't do for the world a cr C (1 hit) into the foward command move, so it was necesary to press "fwd, fwd + A" in order to obtain the move; but now he can do db + C, fwd + A and with good timming the chances of obtaining the Qcf + A are minimal. *********************************************************************** One extra note, when in the move description it says "nothing to brag about" or "nothing extraordinary here" it does not mean that the move is bad or something similar to that; it does mean that the moves does not have any special properties (like add on, overhead, sweep or guard crush). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- K' "Dash": Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command Moves: fwd + A: This move is a 'Counter Wire Attack', this is a very slow punch foward with no particular propierties; if you combo into it it will be faster, it will be interruptable and it will not knock down the enemy as it always does. fwd + B: With this K' will jump foward kicking, this move is an overhead and it can be interrupted when you combo into it. *********************************************************************** Special Moves: Qcf + B or D: Teleporting move, the button you use determinates the length of the move, there is a moment where K' is not there, where he is invisible; on that time the character is invincible. Qcb + B or D: Jumping kick; if I am not mistaken this move has lost his autoguard, this move can be done while you are in the air and the air version can not be followed up by anything, but it can catch air enemies no matter if you can hit them or not, thus being an add on. Qcb + B or D: This move is an interrupt of the previous one, does more damage and can be super canceled, this move doesn't hit low. Qcf + A or C: The good and old Ein Trigger; but major power down to it, while it is still fast enoug to combo from weak attacks, now it's follow ups are not as fast to be granted. The weak version knock down the enemy while the strong version leave them standing. fwd + B: This is a follow up for the Ein Trigger; as we all know, it is a fireball that goes foward; the speed of the move is determinated by the strength of the Ein Trigger, weak trigger is slow and strong is fast. fwd + D: Other follow up from the Ein Trigger; this move will launch the enemy for you to hit them again; this use his CD frame, as we all know; as in all other KoF, this move has almost no priority and should be saved for successful hits. bk + B or D: The last follow up for the Qcf + A or C; this is the Qcf + B or D move, but it comes out faster and it does not travel that far. Upc + A or C: The A version has nothing to brag about; but the C version can be followed up and has some invincibility time, but it is slower than the A version, wich is much more safer. A version can hit up to 2 times while the C version may hit up to 3 times. The first hit of both versions can be super canceled. fwd + B or D: After the third hit C Crow Bite you can use this follow up; wich uses his jumping D frame. Qcb + B or D: This is his air Minute Spike move. *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcf x 2 + A or C: Can be powered up by holding the button; if you delay it long enough this move will be unblockable. Qcf, Hcb + A or C: This move can now catch air enemies depending on how it hits; this move is MAXable. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- K' "Dash": Combos: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cls B; Upc + C, fwd + D, Qcb + D. - cr B; cr A; Upc + A (1 hit). - cr B; cr A; Qcf + A. - cr B; cls A; Upc + A(1 hit), Qcf x 2 + C. + This uses a super cancel on the Upc + A. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cls C (2 hits); fwd + B; Qcb + B. - cls D; Upc + C, fwd + D, fwd + D. - cls C (1 hit); fwd + A; Qcf + C. - cls D; fwd + A; Qcf x 2 + C. - jp CD; air Qcb + D. - fwd + A; Qcf x 2 + C. # This uses a counter wire attack. - cls D (1 hit); fwd + A; Qcf, Hcb + A. * Qcf, Hcb + A may be either normal or MAX version. - cls D; fwd + A; [Qcb + D], Qcb + D, Qcf x 2 + C. + This uses a super cancel. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: - cr B; cls B, call Yuri; Qcf + C; §; [Qcf + A], fwd + B; JP D; Qcb + D. * Input the [Qcf + A] just when the second Uppercut of Yuri is hitting. - cr B; cr B, call Angel; far B; jp C; cr C; Upc + C, fwd + D, Qcb + D. * You must be far away from the enemy when Angel Hits so you can jump foward. - cr B; cls B, call King; Qcf + C; §; fwd + D; JP + D; Qcf, Hcb + A. * The fwd + D; JP + D must hit before King finish does. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C, call Angel; fwd + B; §; cls C, call Kula; fwd + B; Qcb + B; §; [Qcf + A], fwd + B; Qcf x 2 + C. * Just make sure to call the strikers on the second hit of the cls D; you have to input the DM just as the fireball hits; not before; because the character just would not do it. - cls C, call Angel; fwd + B; §; cls C, call Kula; Qcf + C, bk + D; §; Upc + C (2 hits), Qcf x 2 + C. * Another version is changing the Upc + C and the cancel for the Qcf, Hcb + A; it does not matter if it is MAX or normal. + This uses a super cancel after the Upc + C. - cls D; fwd + A, call Iori; Qcf, Hcb + A; §; Qcf, Hcb + A. * Advisable to put Iori on the bk and input Qcf, Hcb + BC. - cls C, call Andy; Qcf x 2 + C; §; jp CD; air Qcb + D. * Input Qcf x 2 + BC between the first and second hit of the cls C, on the juggle part; input jp CD as deep as posible then bk, bk; Qcb + D OR Qcb, ub + D. - cls C, call Andy; Qcf x 2 + C; §; Upc + C (2 hits); Qcf x 2 + C; call Terry; JP D; Qcb + D. * The problem is get the Terry to Launch, needs timming. + This uses a super cancel after the Upc + C. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: - cls C, call Angel; Qcf + C, fwd + B; §, call Iori; cr C; Qcf + C; §; JP D, call Andy; Qcb + B; §; JP D; Qcb + D. * Call Iori before the Qcf, fwd + B finishes, also delay a little the kick or Andy won't hit. - cls C, call Heidern; Qcf + C, fwd + D; JP C; §; call Kula; cls D; call Xiang Fei; CD; §; JP C; Qcb + D. * Kula must hit near the ground so the cls D leave the enemy standing and thus enabling the active striker system. - cr C; Qcf + C, call King; fwd + D; §; JP D; JP CD, call Leona; cr C; fwd + B, call Daimon; Qcb + B; §; jp C. * Leona and Daimon are active strikers, Leona must leave the enemy standing as the cr C after the bomb. - cls C (1 hit); fwd + A; Qcf + C, call Heidern, fwd + D, call Daimon; CD; Daimon §; CD; Heidern §; [Qcf + A], fwd + B; Upc + A (1 hit). * Unput Qcf + BC to call Heidern, Daimon must only hit once. - cls D; fwd + A; Qcf + A, fwd + B; Upc + A (1 hit), Qcf x 2 + A; air Qcb + B. + This combo uses the Super Cancel Feature. * The Upc + A must be delayed and the second hit will miss; the Qcf x 2 + A must be released early in order for you to have the advantage, you'll know if it's right if the enemy isn't burned; the best way to achieve the air Qcb + B is with a back step. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Maxima: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTES: His CD has autoguard; but all other of his normal attacks have lost their autoguards; CRAP! I relied a lot on those guards HAAAAGGGGH!! Makishima! What Happened?! *********************************************************************** Command moves: fwd + A: Overhead; no longer has autoguard, it can be interrupted when you combo into it. df + C: Neutral, quick punch; it is harder to cancel (HHAAGGGHHHH!!!). *********************************************************************** Special Moves: Qcb + A or C: Not so fast yet very damaging punch; dispels projectiles and is a 'counter wire attack'; on the beta this move has autoguard; now either I can't time it (with this character, impossible) or it did had it removed. Upc + B or D: Anti-air throw; this move will only work against jumping enemies. Hcf + B or D: Close range throw; it has less range than other special throws. Hcb + B or D: Running throw; it can be followed up, but it's a darn shame that the opposition can roll recover before the follow up and avoid it, leaving you open. fwd + B or D: Maxima will fall over the enemy hitting them on the ground, this is an add on; but it's useless as it can be "roll recovered" and it's a follow up.. Qcf + A or C: Quick attack wich is very safe, it can be followed up. Qcf + A or C: Two hitting move that can be super canceled. Qcf + A or C: Attack that throws the enemy; I must say that the whole moves does not leave you as safe as it once did in '2000. *********************************************************************** Desperation Moves: Qcf, Hcb + A: The beginning has auto-guard and hits while the character is going up and is outside the screen, then drops with an overhead attack that has auto-guard on the floor, only first frames though. The distance where he drops is determinate by the strength of the button; the button also determinates the speed that this attack uses to come out; being A version fast and close and the C version being slow and far; though it is not that HUGE difference. In the air is an overhead, on the ground is a projectile, thus that hit being a projectile... Is it anyone else bitching about the fact that this moves did lost some of it's damage?? Though it was natural -too abusive- I did enjoyed the frustrated look of my enemy when I connected this move. Hcb x 2 + B or D: Special throw, comboable as DM or SDM. Has it's uses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Maxima: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cls B; df + C; Qcb + C. - cls B; df + C; Hcf + D. - cls B; df + C; Qcf + C x 3. - cls B; Qcf + A x 2, Qcf, Hcb + A. + This uses a super cancel after the second Qcf + A. - cls B; df + C; Hcb x 2 + D. * Hcb + D x 2 may be either normal or Max version. - fwd + A; Hcb x 2 + D. * Hcb + D x 2 may be either normal or Max version. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cls C; fwd + A; Qcb + A. - cls C; fwd + A; Hcb x 2 + D. * Hcb + D x 2 may be either normal or Max version. - cls C; fwd + A; Qcb + C. - cls A; df + C; Qcf + C x 3. - cls A; df + C; Hcf + D. - cls A; df + C; Hcb x 2 + D. * Hcb + D x 2 may be either normal or Max version. - Qcb + C; df + C; Upc + D. # This combo begins from a counter wire attack. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: - cls B; df + C, call Kula; Qcb + C; §; df + C; Upc + D. * Aproach after Kula Hits. - cls B; Qcf + A x 2, call Angel; cls A, call Leona; df + C; Qcb + C; §; df + C; Upc + D. * Nothing difficult. - cls B; Qcf + A x 2, call Angel; JP C; cr A, df + C; Qcf + C x 2, call Angel; JP C; cls C (1 hit); fwd + A; Hcb x 2 + D. * Call Angel at the latest time and the Hcb x 2 + D can be MAX version. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C (1 hit); Qcf + C x 2, call Angel; cr C; Qcf x 2, call Foxy; Qcf, Hcb + A. * Nothing Difficult. - cr C; Qcf + C x 2, call Yuri, Qcf, Hcb + A (1 hit), §; Qcb + C. * Call Yuri at the latest time. + This combo uses a super cancel... you know where. - cls D; Qcf + C x 3, call Iori; df + C; Upc + D. * Call Iori when Maxima is about to chocke the enemy. - cls C (1 hit); Qcf + C x 2; call Xiang Fei, Qcf, Hcb + A; §; df + C Upc + D. * Call Xiang at the latest minute. + This combo uses a super cancel after the Qcf + C x 2. - cls C (1 hit), call Chin; Hcf + D, §; df + C; Upc + C. * You must be near the center of the screen, it is hard. - cls C (1 hit), call Foxy; Qcf + C x 2; §, call Andy; Qcb + C; §; Qcb + C. * Call Foxy before the first Qcf + C hits. - cls C (1 hit), call King; Qcf + C; §, Qcf + C; JP CD, call Kula; df + C; df + C; Upc + D. {NR} * The JP CD hits after King has finished; the first df + C hits just after Kula's slide. - cr C; Qcf + C x 2, call Clark; cls C (1 hit), Qcf + C x 2, call Angel; cls A; df + C; Qcf x 2 + C, call Benimaru; df + C; df + C; Qcf, Hcb + C. {R} * When you call Clark, run foward and time the hit so it hits simultaneosly to Clark last hit, so you leave the enemy standing. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: - cls D, call Xiang Fei; Qcf + C x 2; §; cr C, call King; Qcf + C x 2; §; JP CD; call Xiang Fei, Qcb + C; §; JP C; cls C; fwd + A; Qcb + A. * To call both, Xiang Fei & King; use cls/cr C, Qcf + BC; to call the final Xiang Fei use Qcb N + BC, advisable to have Xiang Fei at middle and King in the front. - cls C (1 hit), call Heidern; Qcf + C x 2, call Hinako; Qcf + A; Heidern §; df + C, call Foxy; df + C, df + C; JP CD. * Works as the previous one, but to call Foxy you must use a df + BC. - cls C (1 hit), call Whip; Qcf + C x 2; §; cls C (1 hit), call Kula; Qcf + C x 2; §; call Andy; Qcb + C; cls C (1 hit); fwd + A; Qcb + C. * Just as the first one, Qcf + BC and almost in the end, Qcb + BC. - cls D, call Andy; Qcf + C x 2; §; call Foxy; df + C; §; df + C; df + C; Upc + D. * Call Foxy just as the second attack of the second Qcf + C hits. - cls C (1 hit); Qcf + C, call Choi, Qcf + C; §; cls C (1 hit); Qcf + A, Qcf + A, call Joe; cls A; df + C, call Daimon; Qcb + A; §; df + C; df + C; Upc + D. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "S.A.L.L.Y. Muchiko Dominatrix" Whip: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE: WHY 'DOMINATRIX'??; well, Ralf and Clark call her that; dunno what's going on; I just follow orders. Huh? WHY S.A.L.L.Y.??; well, she was called like that when the story for the Ikari team was out back in '99; it is her old code name; before Whip. Her cr A is an add on, it seems to be floor only. *********************************************************************** Command moves: fwd + A: This move can be performed up to 5 times; and after the fifth attack the moves is cancelable; you can either input it again or input another move. If this move hits five times it will knock down the enemy; if it hits less it will leave them standing. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Hcf + A or C: Whip will swing his weapon up and then attempt to catch the enemy with another stroke while they are in the air; A version is faster and note that the second attack can ALWAYS catch an air bounced enemy, thus being an add on. Qcb + A or C while you are on a high jump: Muchiko will bounce from one side of the screen to another with a very bitching kick; you must be really high to perform this move. Upc + A, B, C or D: Whip will go straight up and off the screen and then she will fall; the button used determinates where she will land; after she lands Whip will taunt, this taunt can be cancelled with any special move or desperation move; this move is an add on. Rup + A or C: Muchiko will use a gun (she will use "telekinesis" if you are played a censored version) and will shoot to the ground; she begins with 1 bullet; but once she reload the gun (you must perform the move without bullets left) she will get 7 bullets; the strenght of the button determinates the angle of the shoots. Tap A or C: With the previous move Whip will only shoot once; tapping the button will force her to continue shooting until you stop or there are no bullets left; just as the initial move, the follow up is an add on. Hcb + A, B or C: This is one of Whip's more strategical moves; you can delay any of the versions by holding the button that you used to perform it; with any version Whip will give 2 attacks; the first is neutral and the second depends on the button you used: A is Overhead, C is sweep and B is neutral; but the advantage this move has is that it may leave the enemy stunned for you to attack them again; the C version has the advantage that it can ALWAYS hit grounded enemies. While you hold down the moves you can cancel them via pressing D; and the first hit of any version is a super cancel. *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcb, Hcf + A or C: Being her only DM; this can be performed on MAX version... small range but it has good damage and even better priority. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "S.A.L.L.Y. Muchiko Dominatrix" Whip: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cls B; cls A; Hcf + C. - cls B; cr B; Qcb, Hcf + A. * Qcb, Hcf + A may be either normal or Max version. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cls D; fwd + A x 5; Hcf + A (1 hit) - cls D; fwd + A x 5; Rup + C, tap C. {R} * From the Rup + C only 3 hits will connect. - cls C; Hcf + C. - cls D; fwd + A x 5; Hcb + C (1 hit), dn + A {R} - D throw; Hcb + C; dn + A. - cls C; Qcb, Hcf + A. * Qcb, Hcf + A may be either normal or Max version. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: None at the moment *********************************************************************** Striker combos: None at the moment *********************************************************************** Corner combos: None at the moment ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lin "Hizoku": Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE: Why Hizoku, I'd heard you ask?? It's because he is a member of the Hizoku Ninja Clan, the last time I checked clan meant family & families share the last name... Though there are member of a clan that doesn't share the last name I'd rather have Lin with a last name ¬_¬. The Spanish version translare Hizoku as flying pirates; I wonder if that's accurate. Command attacks: fwd + A: Overhead, it is cancelable and remeains as an overhead even if you cancel into it. df + C: Sweep, cancelable and it does look very similar to the overhead one -so mix up time my friends- this move can hit grounded enemies. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Qcb + A or C: A version is quick and hits once; C version is slower and hits 3 times; both are projectiles. Qcf + A or C: Qcf + A has no follow ups and it is a counter wire attacks; C version has follow ups but no special properties. Qcf + Any button: Follow up to the Qcf + C, it is super cancelable. Qcf + Any buton: Follow up to the previous move. Hcf + B or D: Teleporting move; upper body invencibility, the strength of the button determinates the lenght of the move. Hcb + B or D: Flying kicks; B version hits twice; D version hits 4 times and launches. Rup + A, B, C or D: Very complicated move; D version is a feint, depending on the strenght of the button of where his hand will appear; A is close, C is far; besides, this move is hommed; it chases the enemy; depending on the degree of the hand is how the enemy will be launched: if the hand appears uf, the enemy will be thrown uf; up hand, up enemy; ub hand, upback enemy (the cheap one); note that C version launches the enemy for you to use several options; the A and B version launches the enemy to low and you don't have too many options (cls D comes to mind). *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcb, Hcf + A or C: Rushing combinating; it can be performed as a MAX desperation move; note that the MAX version will leave you vulnerable if it hits near the corner..... WHEEEEEEIIIIII. dn dn dn + A + C: Multi-hitting hands; it is similar to Krizalid's punching DM; this move is quick as hell, but it won't work against air bounced enemies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lin "Hizoku": Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cr B; cr b; cr A; Qcf + C x 3. - cr B; cr A; Qcb, Hcf + A. * - cr B; cr C; Qcb + A. - cr B; cr C; Qcf + C, Qcf + C, Qcb, Hcf + A. + Super cancel combo; de Qcb, Hcf may be either MAX or normal. - cr B; cr C; Qcb, Hcf + A. * The DM can be MAX version - cr B; cr C; dn dn dn + AC. - cr B; cr C; fwd + A; Qcb, Hcf + A. * Qcb, Hcf + A may be normal or Max version. - cr B; cls D; fwd + A; Rup + C; Rup + B; Qcf + C. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cls C; Upc + C. - cls C; fwd + A; Rup + B; cls D. - cls C; fwd + A; Qcf + A. - cls C; fwd + A; dn dn dn + AC. - cls C; fwd + A; Qcb, Hcf + A. * Qcb, Hcf + A may be normal or Max version. - cls C; Qcf + C x 3. - cls C; fwd + A; Rup + C; Upc + C. - cls D; Qcf + C x 2, dn dn dn + AC. + Super cancel combo, uses 3 bars. - Qcf + A; Rup + B; df + C. {R} * Combo that begins with a counter wire attack. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: - cr B x 2; Qcf + C, call Angel, Qcf + C; §; cls D, fwd + A; Rup + C; Upc + C. * Call Angel just right when the Qcf + C hits and then follow it up with another Qcf + C. - cr B x 3; Qcf + C, call Kula, Qcf + C; §; Hcb + D (1 hit); Upc + A. * Call Kula just right when the Qcf + C hits and then follow it up with another Qcf + C; the Hcb + D must only hit the last attack. - cr B; cr B, call King; Qcf + C x 2; §; Hcb + D; Upc + C. * Not difficult. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - jp C, call Heidern; cls D; fwd + A; Rup + C; Rup + B; §; Upc + C. * Call Heidern before you touch the ground. - cls C; fwd + A, call Mai; Qcf, Hcb + A; §; cls D; fwd + A; Rup + B. * When the first fan hits run foward with the rest of the combo. - cls C; fwd + A, call Mai; Qcf, Hcb + A; §; Hcb + D; Upc + A. * No need to run, but input the Hcb + D as soon as you can move. - cls D; fwd + A, call Yuri; Rup + C; Qcb + A; §; Hcb + D (1 hit); Upc + A. * Is advisable to call Yuri while inputing the Rup + C. - cls C; fwd + A, call King; Qcf + C; §, Qcf + C; Hcb + D (1 hit); Upc + C. * The second Qcf + C hits while King is kicking. The rest is known by you. - cr C, call Leona; Qcf + C, Qcf + C; §; cls C, call Daimon; [Qcf + C]; §, Qcf + C; Qcf + A; df + C. * Call Leona using Qcf + BC; after giving the cls C (that must hit on air), use Qcf + BC again for Daimon; after that land the Qcf + A REALLY DEEPLY, so the enemy is left close for the df + C. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: - cls C; fwd + A, call Xiang Fei; Rup + C; §; cls C, call Kula; Qcf + C, Qcf + C; §, call Iori; jp CD; §; Qcf + A; df + C {NR}. * Xiang Fei pics the enemy from the floor after the Rup + C, give a step(s) back before the Qcf + A. - cls C; Qcf + C, Qcf + C, call Xiang Fei, Qcf + C; §; far C; cls D; Qcf + C, call Foxy, Qcf + C; §; call Andy; Qcb + A; §; Hcb + D (1 hit); Upc + C. * The far C hits while Xiang Fei hits and the cls D hits after her last hit, of course time Xiang Fei so she can leave the enemy standing. - cls D; Qcf + C x 3, call Hinako; jp C, call Heidern; cls C; Qcf + C x 3, call Daimon; Heidern §; Hcb + D (1 hit); Upc + A. * Hinako must pick up the enemy from the floor, Heidern and Daimon must hit almost at the same time, Daimon must pick up the enemy from the floor again, the Hcb + D must hit on the last hit, as usual. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kyo Kusanagi: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command moves: df + D: Kyo gives a non cancelable two hit sweep. fwd + B: Kyo gives a slow overhead kick, normally it hits once, but when canceled it hits twice, no longer acts as an overhead but it is cancelable. dn + C: This move is meant to be performed while Kyo is in the air, is a quick punch that stuns the enemy for some time, making it easier to combo from the air. *********************************************************************** Special Moves: Upc + A or C: Standar uppercut move, C version is meant to hit twice, while A version usually hits once; unless on counter hit, the first hit of the C version leaves the enemy standing, but it has way more priority than the A version; the first hit of this move is cancelable. Hcb + B: Kyo gives a small jump foward and then he punches the enemy launching them in the air, this move can be supercanceled. Hcb + D: Kyo performs a fast uppercut knocking the enemy down, this move seems to have lost the former invincibility that it had last year. Qcf + B or D: Kyo gives a small jumping kick, unlike the previous years this part of the move leaves the enemy standing, this move has one possible follow up. B or D: Kyo adds another kick to the previous move, launching the enemy into the air. Rup + B or D: Kyo gives a small jump foward with the B version and falls on with a powerful kick, some enemies can crouch this; on the D version Kyo gives a big jump foward before giving the kick; it also inflicts a little more damage. Qcf + C: Kyo gives one step foward and then gives a punch, this move has follow ups and is pretty much safe when blocked. Hcb + A or C: Kyo gives one quick swing after the previous move, this move can be followed up, but when blocked it is not as safe as the first one, also you can not delay this move. fwd + A or C: Follow up to the prior move, Kyo then performs a jumping attack, this move can be delayed a little. Upc + A or C: Kyo finishes the combo with his uppercut. Qcf + A: Kyo gives a small punch without moving from his place. Qcf + A or C: Kyo adds a punch to the prior attack, this move knocks down the enemy. B or D: Kyo finishes the combo with a kick. Hcb + A or C: After the Qcf + A, Kyo gives an overhead punch that leaves the enemy on the floor. B or D: Kyo finishes the combo with a kick, but this move is bond to fail if the enemy was hit by the previous move, thus they are on the floor. fwd + A or C: If instead of the B or D finisher you input this command, Kyo will finish the move with a punch that WILL hit grounded enemies. Hcb + D: If instead of any of the prior finishers you input this command Kyo will pick the enemy from the ground with his old Hcb + B or D "throw". *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcb, Hcf + A or C: This move is very special; it can be delayed by holding down the button you used to perform it; besides the move has some small invincible point when held down, but the point varies depending on the button used to perform it, the A version does not have an kind of invincibility (formerly it had low invincibility) while the C version has upper-body invincibility, also this move can be performed as MAX, and when done so; this move can hit while it is held down, this is due to the flames that surround Kyo in that case. Hcb x 2 + AC: This move is only meant to be performed as MAX, in this case Kyo will throw the enemy and then perform a combo, this move can only be comboed with weak attacks, such as other special throws. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kyo Kusanagi: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cr B; cr A; df + D. - cr B; cr A; Upc + A. - cr B; cls C; Qcf + C, Hcb + C, fwd + C, Upc + C. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cls C; Qcf + C, Hcb + C, fwd + C, Upc + C. - cls C; Qcf + D, D; Hcb + B; Qcf + A. - cls C; Upc + A. - cls A; Hcb x 2 + AC. - cls C; Qcf + D, D; Qcb, Hcf + A. * May be either normal or MAX version. - cls C; df + D. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: - cr B; cr A; df + D, call Angel; jp C; cls C; Qcf + C, Hcb + C, fwd + C, call Kula, Upc + C; §; Hcb + B; Qcf + A, [Hcb + A]; Hcb + D. {R} * It is not difficult; and there is not any special timming for this, just be quick with the jump and the Qcf + A. - cls B; cls A; df + D, call Vanessa; far B, call K'; Qcb, Hcb + A. * K' must hit simultaneosly to Vanessa's last punch. - cls B; fwd + B, call Foxy; Qcf + C; §; cls C, Qcf + C, Hcb + C, fwd + C, Upc + C. * You must time your cls C so you can leave the enemy standing. - cls B; fwd + B; Qcf + C, Hcb + C, call Iori; fwd + C; §; call Kula; cls C; Qcf + A, call Andy; Rup + B; §; [Qcf + A], Hcb + A, Hcb + B. * Kula must leave the enemy standing, the same with the cls C; Qcf + A. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C; Qcf + C, Hcb + C, call Kula, fwd + C, Upc + C; §; Hcb + B; Qcf + A, Qcf + A. * It is not difficult; and there is no any weird advice; just be careful to be quick with the last Qcf + A x 2. - cls C; fwd + B, call King; Qcf + C; §, JP dn + C; [Qcf + A], Hcb + A, Hcb + D. * Call King on the second hit of the fwd + B; the JP dn + C hits while King kicking. - cls C; Qcf + D, call Andy, D; Qcb, Hcf + C; §; Qcb, Hcf + A. * You need to delay a little bit the Andy striker; or you won't be able to follow up. - cls C; fwd + B, call King; Qcf, Hcb + A; Hcb + B; jp dn + C. * The DM hit while King is kicking; the rest is after she ends. - cls C; fwd + B, call Leona; Qcf + C; §; cls C, Qcf + D, D, call Kula; jp dn + C; §; Qcf + A; Rup + D. * The cls C after Leona must leave the enemy standing and you must call Kula just after the second hit of the Qcf + D, D. ********************************************************************** Corner combos: - jp C, call Choi; cls C; fwd + B; Qcf + C; §; cls C; Qcf + C; Hcb + C, call King; cls C; JP dn + C, call Xiang Fei; cls C; cls C, Qcf + D, D; Qcf + A, Hcb + A, Hcb + D. * The only problem is in the JP dn + C, that must be JP dn + BC; there is one cls C that must hit before Xiang Fei finishes. - cls B, call Seth; fwd + B, call Foxy; Qcf + A; Foxy §; jp dn + C, call Daimon; Rup + B; Seth §; Hcb + B; Qcf + A; Hcb + C; fwd + C. * For Seth input fwd + BC, call Foxy before the kick finishes; for Daimon inpunt jp dn + BC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Benimaru Nikaido: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command moves: fwd + B: Somewhat slow kick that advances foward; unlike any previous version of KoF; this move now CAN combo from strong attacks; neutral hit. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Qcf + A or C: The A version hits to the front; the C version is thought to hit air enemies; but they are a lot slower now and they hit only twice; this move can be performed on the air. Qcb + A or C: The A version hits 3 times; but it ALWAYS hit 3 times; C version gives 6 attacks; wich of them a maximun of 5 will connect; but that is at the closest range; normally you will get only 3 hits because after that the enemy is pushed back; this move is a super cancel on the third hit; though I have not been able to cancel the C version (I have seen it, though). Qcf + B or D: Quick kick foward; small damage. dn up + B or D: Follow up to the prior move; this is a critical wire attack; I advise to use the B version because it recovers more quickly; the advantage that the D version has is that it can catch air bounced enemies. *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcf x 2 + A or C: This move follows the same rule that the Qcf + A or C; A is front; C is high, hits 3 times and can be performed on MAX version; on the MAX version hits 10 times and is ony to the front. Qcb x 2 + B or D: Small invincivility at the beginning; then Benimaru rushes foward with an attack; if this attack connect he will follow it up with more strikes; if one of the attacks misses; the move will stop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Benimaru Nikaido: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cr B; cr A; Qcf + D, dn up + B; Qcf x 2 + C. * May be either normal or Max version. - cr B, cr B, Qcf + D, dn up + B; Qcf + C. - cr B, cr A; Qcf x 2 + AC. * Only with Max version. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cr A; cls D; Qcb + A. - cr C; fwd + B; Qcb + A. - cls C; fwd + B; Qcf + D, dn up + B; fwd + B. - cr C; Qcf x 2 + A. * * Qcf x 2 + A may be either normal or Max version. - cls D; fwd + B; Qcb x 2 + B. - cls C; fwd + B; Qcb + A, Qcf x 2 + A. + This is a super cancel, the DM may be normal or MAX version. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: - cr B; cr A; Qcf + D, dn up + B; call Kula; Qcf + D, dn up + D; N JP + D. * Call Kula after the wire attack. - cr B; cr B; Qcf + D, call Yuri, dn up + B; JP CD; §; Qcf x 2 + C. * call Yuri while you are performing the dn up + B. - cr B; cr A; Qcf + D, call Xiang Fei, dn up + B; §; cls D; fwd + B; call Ryo; Qcb x 2 + B. * Call Xiang Fei before you perform the wire attack, when Xiang Fei hits the attack must leave the enemy standing & call Ryo as you input the Qcb x 2 + B. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C; fwd + B, call Iori; Qcb x 2 + B; §; Qcf x 2 + C. * Perform the DM as BC, if Iori is in the Back, no problem; if Iori is in the middle perform Qcb x 2 N + BC - cls C; fwd + B, call King; Qcb x 2 + B; §; [Qcf + D], dn up + D; N JP + D. * Same as before, time right the critical wire attack. - cls C; fwd + B, call Andy; Qcb + A; §; JP D. * Be careful when timming Andy, easy as pie. - cls C; fwd + B, call King; Qcb + A; §; Qcf x 2 + C. * Nothing to brag about. - cls C; fwd + B, call Foxy; Qcf + A; §; call K'; far C; §; JP D. * To call K'; run foward and press d + B or df or df if K's is not on the center; then give the far C. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: - cls D; fwd + B, call Xiang Fei, Qcf x 2 + A; §; cr C; fwd + B; Qcf + D, dn up + B; call Yuri; jp dn + D; Qcf x 2 + C. * Land the jp dn + D as low as posible; the cr C must leave the enemy standing after Xiang Fei hits. - cls D, call Seth; fwd + B, call Daimon; Qcf + A; Daimon §; cls D; Seth §; call Foxy; jp dn + D (1 hit) §; jp dn + D (3 hits); Qcf + D. * The usual BC method, try to land the dn + D deep. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Goro Daimon: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTES: His JP CD is a counter wire attack. *********************************************************************** Command moves: fwd + A: Dispels fireballs; neutral. df + C: Cancelable; neutral. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Upc + A or C: C version is a feint; A version produces an earthquake that will hit unless the enemy is jumping or standing. Hcb, fwd + A or C: Close Range throw. Upc + B or D: Small delay at the beginning; then it is a throw; inlike '98 this throw does not damage more than the Hcb, fwd + A and it has less range. Hcb, fwd + B or D: Running throw; but it is slow as hell. Qcf + B or D: Counter attack for standing mid hits. Hcb + B or D: Emergency roll; it is faster than the normal Roll, but it has some minimal lag time at end. Hcf + A or C: A version is used to grab air enemies; C version is used to dodge low attacks & grab grounded enemies. *********************************************************************** Desperation Moves: Hcb x 2 + A or C: Usual Desperation move throw; can be performed on MAX. Hcf x 2 + B or D: This move has auto-guard at the beginning; then it will attempt to throw the enemy. This move can be performed on MAX and has several posible follow ups. Hcf + B or D: Follow up to the previous move; if you inputed the first move as MAX there it will be no need of performing this with 2 buttons. Upc + B or D: Damaging finisher for the move above. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Goro Daimon: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - far B; Hcb, fwd + C. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cls A; df + C; Hcf + C. - cls A; df + C; Hcb, fwd + C. - cls C; Hcb, fwd + C. - cls D; Hcb x 2 + A. * May be either normal or MAX version. - jp CD; df + C; Hcf + A. # Counter wire attack combo, land the df + C deep and the Hcf + A will connect. - jp CD; Hcf + C. # Counter wire attack combo; the Hcf + C picks the enemy of the ground. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: None at the moment. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls B, call Iori; Upc + B; §; df + C; Hcf + A. * It doesn't work when you are near the corner. - jp CD; call Xiang Fei; jp C, cls B, call Iori; Upc + B; §; df + C; [Qcb + B]; Upc + A. {NR} # Counter wire attack combo. * The jp C hits with Xiang Fei's seconf hit, the last part of the combo is a bug, it will hit the enemy even if they roll recovery, the damage is crap, though. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: None at the moment ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shingo Yabuki: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command moves: fwd + B: Neutral move, interruptable. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Qcf + A or C: A version is a quick punch with short range; C version is a slower punch with better range. Upc + A or C: Standar uppercut. Hcb + B or D: Shingo will rush foward with an elbow and later will give an overhead move; the first attack is super cancelable. Hcf + B or D: Shingo will jump foward with a powerful kick, this attack does not longer knocks down and it is a litter faster here than in the previous versions. Qcb + B or D: This move is a counter attack for medium and low attacks, this is also a counter wire attack. Upc + B or D: This move is unblockable and launches the enemy, meant to be performed from close, similar to a throw. *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcb, Hcf + A or C: Upon performing this secuence Shingo will rush foward with a auto-combo, fast and advances a lot. Qcf x 2 + A or C: A version launches the enemy, C version doesn't... dunno what's the advantage of the C version, this move normally doesn't caught air bounced enemies but when you perform it as MAX it DOES catch then if timed right; Shingo runs before performing the move, but if you press a punch button while Shingo is running he will throw the attack before reaching the enemy -indispensable for some combos-. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shingo Yabuki: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cr B; Upc + B; Qcf + A. - cr B; cr A; Qcf + A. - cr B; cr B; Rup + D. - cls B; cr A; Upc + A. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cls C; fwd + B; Qcf + C. - cls C; Upc + D; Upc + A. - cls D; Hcb + D. - cr C; Hcb + D (1 hit), Qcf x 2 + C; Qcf + A. + Super cancel combo. - cls C; fwd + B; Qcf, Hcf + A. - cls C; fwd + B; Qcf x 2 + C; Qcf + A. * The Qcf + C DM can come out faster if you press the button again to use it earlier; this migh be done in MAX version, and never use the A version. - Qcb + C; Qcf x 2 + AC; Qcf x 2 + AC; Rup + D. # Counter wire attack; the Qcf x 2 + AC will only connect as MAX; the normal version will miss; and even in MAX is hard to get their timming; the Qcb + C is his old counter attack. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: - cls B; cr B, call Vanessa; Qcf + A, call Xinag Fei; cls C; fwd + B; cls C; fwd + B; Qcf x 2 + C; Qcf + A. * Call Vanessa while giving the second B and Xiang Fei while giving the Qcf + A; then the cls C; fwd + A hits before Xiang Fei ends and the rest land it when Xiang Fei gives her final attack. - cls B; cr B, call Angel; Qcf + A; cls C, call Andy; fwd B; Hcf + B; §; Rup + D. * Just as the other combo, no need for explanations. - cls B; cr B; call Angel; Qcf + A; call Whip; cls C; fwd + B; Hcf + B; Whip §; cls C; fwd + B; Qcb, Hcf + A. * Call Angel while you are doing the cr B and call Whip while you are doing the Qcf + A; the rest is easy. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C; fwd + B, call King; Qcf x 2 + C; §; JP C; Qcf x 2 + AC; Rup + B. * King must hit as the enemy is stunned after the DM; then land a JP C before King is done attacking. - cls C; fwd + B; call Angel; Qcf x 2 + C; §; cls C, call Andy; fwd + B; Hcf + B; §; Qcf + C. * Just as the above combo. - cls C; fwd + B; Qcf + C, call Kula; far B, call Heidern, call Foxy; Foxy §; Rup + B; Heidern §; Hcf + D. * Call Heidern and Foxy while you are giving the far B; when Foxy is hitting get behind the enemy and use the Rup + B; so the enemy will be launched towards Heidern. - cls C; fwd + B, call Leona, Hcf + B; call Heidern; Leona §; cls D; call Xiang Fei; Heidern §; Xiang Fei §; jp C; cls C; fwd + B; Qcb, Hcf + C. {NR} * After Leona hits go behind her and give a cls D and call Xiang Fei; while Xiang Fei is Taunting time your jump so the enemy is left standing. - cls C; fwd + B, call Angel; Qcf x 2 + C; §; cls C, call Xiang Fei; Hcb + B; §; Qcf x 2 + A. * Angel must attack while the enemy is stunned by the attack. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: - jp C, call Seth; cls C; fwd + B; Qcf x 2 + C; Qcf + A; §; Qcf x 2 + AC; Rup + D. * Call Seth just as the jp C has connected. - cls C; fwd + B, call Xiang Fei; Qcf x 2 + C; cls A; §; Qcf x 2 + C; Rup + D. * The cls A must hit on the air; the Qcf x 2 + C must hit while the enemy is stunned by Xiang Fei's attack, the cls A and the DM must be landed deep. - cls C; fwd + B; Hcf + B, call Daimon; call Xiang Fei; cls A; cls C; fwd + B, call Andy; Hcf + B; §; Rup + D. * To call Daimon input Hcf + BC, call Xiang Fei before the kicks finishes so the enemy is left standing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Iori Yagami "Yasakani": Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command moves: fwd + A, A: Neutral; two strikes, both cancelable. fwd + B: Overhead, maximun of 3 hits; though only 1 usually connects. bk + B while jumping: Cross up kick; if you use it while you are back hoping Iori will escape at amazing speed. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Qcf + A or C: Ground projectile. Upc + A or C: Standar Uppercut Hcb + B or D: Running attack; dodges low attacks. Hcb, fwd + A or C: Throw; leaves the enemy open. Qcb + A or C: Advancing hook; this move can be interrupted with any special move and it is super cancelable. Qcb + A or C: Second advancing hook this move can be interrupted with any OTHER special move and it is super cancelable. Qcb + A or C: Finisher for the second hook. *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcf, Hcb + A or C: Rushing combination attack. Qcf x 4 + A + C: Follow up for the previous move; wastes and extra bar. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Iori Yagami "Yasakani": Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cls B; fwd + A, A; Qcb + C x 3. - cls B; Hcb, fwd + A; Fwd + A; Qcb + C x 3. - cr B; cr A; fwd + A; Qcb + C x 3. - cr B; cls A; fwd + A; Qcf, Hcb + A, Qcf x 4 + AC. * The Qcf x 4 + AC is an optional follow up that wastes a power bar. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cls C; fwd + A; Qcb + C x 3. - cls C; Hcb + D. - cls C; fwd + A; Qcf, Hcb + A, Qcf x 4 + AC. * The Qcf x 4 + AC is an optional follow up that wastes a power bar. - cr C; fwd + B; Hcb + D. - cls C; fwd + B; Qcb + C x 2, Hcb + D. - cls C; fwd + A; Qcb + C x 2, Qcf, Hcb + C, Qcf x 4 + AC. + Super cancel combo. - cls C; Qcb + C, Hcb + D~Qcb +C, Qcb + C, Hcb + D~Qcb + C.... * Another crappy infinite, you do one Qcb + Punch, then you cancel it in the Hcb + Kick and that you cancel that quickly with another Qcb + Punch and so on... *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: None at the moment. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C; fwd + A; Qcb + C x 3; call Robert; cls C; Hcb, fwd + A; Qcb + C, Hcb + D, call Kula; Qcf + C; Qcf, Hcb + A, Qcf x 4 + AC. * After the Qcb + C x 3 the cls C and the throw hits while Robert is attacking; the Qcf + A hits simlutaneosly to Kula's slide. - cls C; fwd + B (1 hit), call Leona; Qcf + C; §; call Foxy; [Qcb + A], Qcb + A; §; Qcf, Hcb + A, Qcf x 4 + AC. * The Qcf + C must hit almost simultaneosly with Leona's dash, call Foxy just as the bomb explodes and the second Qcb + A is to help her hit twice. - cls C; fwd + B, call Angel; Qcf + C; §; call Leona; cls C; §; cls C; fwd + B; Hcb + D, call Daimon; [Qcb + A], Qcb + A, Upc + A. * The usual stuff, time the thrid cls C so the enemy is left standing after the explosion; call Daimon just when the enemy is about to explode after the Hcb + D. - cls C; fwd + B, call King; Qcf + C; §; JP C; call Seth; CD; Upc + A; §; Qcf, Hcb + A, Qcf x 4 + AC. * King is the same old same old; to call Seth be careful of how much further he is from the corner, his kick must fail and the Upc + A must hit just at the same time that his first hit. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: None at the moment ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Vanessa: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command moves: df + B: Sliding punch, low attack; add on, hits on floor; but it's not a true add on as it can hit only from some attacks (similar to Daimon's Hcf + C). fwd + A: Overhead punches, hits twice; if you cancel into it the first hit becomes cancelable. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Hcf + A or C: With this move Vanessa gives 4 rapid punches, last hit counter wire attack. tap A or C: Inputing this will make Vanessa give more punches, up to 6 punches. Upc + A or C: This move has autoguard at the beginning, the C version can repel fireballs, while the A version dispels them, C version is supercancelable. bk. fwd + A or C: Vanessa slides and then gives a powerful punch that will send the enemy to the air, the lenght of the slide depends on the button you used, since Vanessa crouches a lot this move might dodge some high attacks. Qcb + A or C: Vanessa swings on her place dodging high attacks, holding down the button will make this move last longer, releasing the button will made the move stop. fwd + A or C: Vanessa will give a quick punch, note that if you used Qcb + C, you can not use fwd + C (because you are holding that button) and you must use fwd + A; the same rule applies to the Qcb + A. bk + A or C: Shortcut motion to the Upc + A or C, thus it has all of its properties, this move uses the same rule that the previous one (you can't use the button that you are holding to perform the move). fwd + B or D: Shortcut motion to the Qcf + B or D; thus it has all of that move properties and follow ups. bk + B or D: Shortcut motion to the Qcb + B or D; thus it has all of that move properties and follow ups. Qcf + B or D: Vanessa teleports foward, dodging high attacks on the process; Vanessa CAN dodge low attacks with this move, but that's only on the first moments of the move, before she teleports. fwd + A: Vanessa slides foward and then gives two punches, launching the enemy to the air; this move can be canceled with anything & can be super canceled. fwd + C: Vanessa slides fowards and gives two power blows, this move is a 'critical wire attack'. bk + A or C: Shortcut motion to the Qcb + A or C; thus this move has all of that move properties and follow ups. Qcb + B or D: This is the exact move that the Qcf + B or D, with the only difference that Vanessa teleports backwards, this move shares the same properties and follow ups of the Qcf + B or D. *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcf x 2 + A or C: This move can only be performed from close and it is an overhead; unlike any other "close only" move this move can be blocked and CAN hit airbounced enemies. Qcb, Hcf + A or C: This move can be performed as MAX; small invincibility at the beginning and then Vanessa rushes foward attacking the enemy, unlike last year this move CAN catch air bounced enemies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Vanessa: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cr B; fwd + A (1 hit); Upc + A. - cr B; cls B; fwd + A (1 hit); Qcb, Hcf + C. * Qcb, Hcf + C may be either normal or Max version. * - cr B; cr A; fwd + A (1 hit); Hcf + C, tap C. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cr C; fwd + A (1 hit); Hcf + C, tap C. - cr C; fwd + A (1 hit); Upc + A. - cr C; fwd + A (1 hit); Qcb, Hcf + C. * Qcb, Hcf + C may be either normal or Max version. - cr C; bk.fwd + A; jumping CD. - far C; bk.fwd + C; Qcb, Hcf + C. * Qcb, Hcf + C may be either normal or Max version. - cr C; fwd + A (1 hit); Qcb + C; cr B; fwd + A; Upc + C. * Only for experts. - cr C; fwd + A; Upc + C, Qcf x 2 + C. + Super cancel combo. - cls C; fwd + A (1 hit); Qcb + C; cr C; bk. fwd + A; Qcb, Hcf + A. * Though as hell; I have done it twice. - Qcb + B, fwd + C; Qcf x 2 + C. - Qcf + D, fwd + A; Qcb, Hcf + A. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: - cr B; cr B, call Andy; fwd + A (1 hit); Upc + C; §; Qcb, Hcf + C. * The DM may be either normal or MAX version. - cr B; cr B, call Xiang Fei; fwd + A (1 hit); Upc + A; §; jp C, call Leona; cls C; Upc + A; §; Qcf x 2 + A. * Time right the Qcf x 2 + A, or it won't hit. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C, call Xiang Fei; Upc + A; §; jp C, call King; cls C; §; Upc + A; Qcf x 2 + C. * The second cls C; up + A hits while King is kicking; the DM must be landed while the enemy is on the air. - jp C, call Xiang Fei; cls C; bk.fwd + A; §; far C; bk.fwd + A; Qcb, Hcf + C. * Xiang Fei must hit simultaneosly to the bk.fwd + A; the DM can be performed on it's MAX version. - cls C, call Angel; fwd + A (1 hit); Qcb + C; §; jp C, call Xiang Fei; cls C; bk. fwd + A; §; cls A; cr B, call Angel; fwd + A (1 hit); Qcb + C; §; jp C; far C, call Iori; bk. fwd + A; JP CD; §; Upc + A. * Advisable to put Angel on the front & Xiang Fei in the middle; on the jp C call Xiang Fei and inmediatly hold the pad backwards; when calling Iori call Him on the second hit of the far C. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: None at the moment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Seth: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE: Seth CD Attack has Autoguard. *********************************************************************** Command moves: fwd + A: Shoulder slam; neutral attack. bk + A: Back fist, cancelable. bk + B: Jumping kick, overhead. fwd + B: Quick kick, neutral; it can be chained into the fwd + A. df + B: Short slide, sweep. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Qcf + A or C: A version is quick and hits twice; C version is slower and it is a counter wire attack; both versions are super cancelable, but with the A version is better to cancel it on the first hit, C version seems to have lost it's former auto-guard. Qcf + B or D while you are in the air: The B version will make the character fall where he is with a stomp; D version will make him fall foward with a kick. Hcf + D: Counter attack for standing & front attacks; leaves the enemy open. Hcf + B: Counter attack for some special & jumping attacks; two power hits. dn dn + A or C: Counter attack for low attacks, you can land a extra attack after it. Hcb + B or D: Advancing knee attack; does no longer dodge fireballs (CRAP!). fwd + B or D: Straight kick, it does combo. dn + B or D: Low kick, it doesn't combo. *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcf x 2 + A or C: 1 power hit followed by a multi-hitting projectile; the C version can always catch air bounced enemies; but only the second attack; not the first, thus it is an add on. Qcf, Hcb + B or D: Low kicks; dodge fireballs and launchs the enemy to the air. Qcf, Hcb + A + C: MAX only super; counter attack at all highs, thus counter attacks all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Seth: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cls D; df + B; Hcb + B, fwd + B. - cls D; df + B; Qcf + C. - cls D; df + B; Qcf x 2 + A. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cls C; df + B; Qcf + A or C. - cls C (1 hit); bk + A; Hcb + B, fwd + B. - cls C (1 hit); df + B; Qcf, Hcb + B; Qcf x 2 + A (1 hit). - cls C (1 hit); bk + A; Qcf x 2 + C. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: - cls D; df + B, call Foxy; Qcf + A, call Xiang Fei; Foxy §; Xiang Fei §; jp + C; cls D; bk + A; Qcf x 2 + C. * Foxy must send the enemy to the air and Xiang Fei must leave them standing. - cls D; bk + A, call Ryo; call Leona; Qcf x 2 + C; §; §; cls D; Qcf x 2 + C (2 hits). * call Ryo before the bk + A hits; call Leona doing Qcf x 2 + BC; the enemy will be left vulnerable; then give the cls D canceled into the Qcf x 2 + C. - cls D; bk + A, call Xiang Fei; Qcf x 2 + C; §; cr C; df + B, call Yuri; Qcf x 2 + C; §; Qcf + C. * Call Xiang fei as you are inputing the Qcf x 2 and call Yuri while you are inputing the df + B. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C (1 hit); bk + A, call Xiang Fei; Qcf x 2 + C; §; cls D; df + B; Qcf x 2 + A. * Call Xiang Fei while you are inputing the Qcf x 2 + C; the cls D must leave the enemy standing. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: None at the moment ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Blue Demon" Ramon: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE: WHY DO I CALL RAMON "Blue Demon"?? It's the fault of the promotional poster for KoF '2001; on it Ramon was holding the mask of a Mexican wrestler called "Blue Demon"; note that the son of "Blue Demon" was supposed to be blond, he was called "Blue Demon Jr." if Ramon is inspired on him; he musn't called "Jr."; because he rules ;]. *********************************************************************** Command moves: df + B: A low attack; have you noticed that most characters; when they chain their low command attacks after any attack the attack remains to be low??? Well; with Ramon is a different history; when you chain his low command attack, df + B the attack no longer is low... darn shame. Are we happy about this??? Well; since he is so tough I can over look this. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Hcf + A or C: Special throw; good range, note that the weak version deals the half of the damage if you compare it to the C version... I have no clue of what advantage does it have over the C version. Hcf + B or D: Running throw; not much to add; dodge low attacks. A + B + C: This motion will make Ramon stop the running and will allow him to move faster. I use this to lure my enemy into jumping. Qcb + A or C: Holding this button will make the character walk around; release it will perform an action; the A version will launch Ramon with a flying kick; but the C version does nothing... What advantage can you obtain from this?, I heard you ask?; the thing is that performing Qcb + C and then release C as soon as posible will act as a "cancel" to the normal moves; allowing you to move faster. Rup + B or D: Using this Ramon will run towards the wall to his back; once he is near it he will jump; if you do nothing he will stumble and fall to the ground -face first- D: Tap D and only D while Ramon is jumping towards the wall; using this will make Ramon jump towards the enemy with a cross chop attack. A + B + C: Using this will make Ramon will halt the RUP + B or D move; but this must be used BEFORE Ramon attempts to jump to the wall. Upc + B or D: This move is a counter wire attack; B version is quick enough to combo; it has posible follow ups; unlike KoF '2000; the enemy no longer can roll recover from this attack (YES!). Upc + B or D: Using this will make Ramon follow up with a Suicidal sometsault the previous move, this is an add on. Dn dn + A or C: After the second follow up input this motion and Ramon will pick up the enemy and give a low punch (with his cr C frame); this move can be super canceled. *********************************************************************** Desperation Moves: Hcf x 2 + A or C: DM version if his special throw; it can be done as a MAX Desperation Move. Qcb, Hcf + B or D: Running auto-combo move; small yet suficient invincivility time at the beginning; HUGE DAMAGE and the D version leaves you somewhat far from the enemy when blocked while the B version leaves you next to them in that case, though both versions leave you open when blocked I once was able to input a Hcb x 2 + C BEFORE the enemy could retaliate after the D version, but odds are that the enemy was goofing off at the time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Blue Demon" Ramon: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cls B; cr A; Hcf + A. - cls B; cr B; Hcb x 2 + C. * Hcb x 2 + C may be either normal or MAX version. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cls C; df + B; Hcf + B. - cls C; df + B; Qcb + A. - cls C; df + B; Hcf + A. - cls C; df + B; Hcb x 2 + C. * Hcb x 2 + C may be either normal or MAX version. * - cls C; df + B; Qcb + C; cr C; df + B; Qcb, Hcf + B. * In order to move after the df + B you must release the button the soonest on the Qcb + C, then walk a little for the rest to connect. - cls C; Upc + B x 2, dn dn + C, Qcb, Hcf + B. + Super cancel combo. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: None at the moment. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C; df + B, call Iori; Qcb, Hcf + B; §; Upc + B x 2; dn dn + C, Hcb x 2 + C. + Super cancel combo. * Nothig to brag about; call Iori while you are doing the df + B. - cls C; df + B; Qcb + C, call King; far C; §; JP CD; cls C, call Yuri; Upc + B x 2; dn dn + C; Hcb x 2 + C. + Super cancel combo. * After the Qcf + C, call King, give a step foward and then give a far C; then put the JP CD; then go behind the enemy and near the edge of the screen to put the cls C and Yuri. - cls C; df + B; Qcb + C, call Angel; far C; cls C; df + B, call Iori; Qcb, Hcf + D; §; JP CD. * Just as the combo before this. - cls C; df + B, call Angel; Qcb + C, far C; §; cls C, call Foxy; df + B; Qcb + C; far C; §, call K'; cls C; §; JP CD. * Call K' as Foxy is hitting; nothing more than that. - cls C; df + B, Qcb + C; call King; far C; §; JP CD; call Terry; cls C; df + B; Qcb + C; cr C; df + B; Qcb, Hcf + D. {NR} * Terry must be called in a way that only the Geyser hits & that the cls C leave the enemy standing; after the first cr C; df + B; Qcb + C you must run and then input the rest of the combo. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: - cls C; df + B, call Xinag Fei; Upc + B; §; cr C; Qcb + C; JP + C; cls C; df + B; Qcb + C, call King; far C; §; JP CD; call Xiang Fei; cls C; Qcb + C; JP C; cls C; df + B; Qcf + C. * Like many other "Active Striker" combos; you must use BC while doing the moves; in this case is UPC + BC; after you give the JP CD; give some steps backwads, or Xinag Fei won't connect the 3 attacks, also when calling King, after the Qcb + C you must give some steps foward so the cr C can connect. - cls C; df + B; Qcb + C, call Angel; cr C; Qcb + C; §; N jp + C, call Whip; cls C; df + B; Qcb + C; cr C; §; cls C; df + B, call King; cls C; Qcb + C; JP CD; JP CD. * Just like the previous one; the last part, the cls C; Qcb + C; JP CD must hit while King is kicking. - cls C; df + B, call Joe; Qcb + C; cr C; §; Upc + B, call Andy; cls C; df + B, call Joe; cr C; §; Upc + D, call Andy; JP CD. * Andy uses the active striker system, the rest is like any other combo. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Leona Heidern: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command moves: fwd + B: This move can be performed as bk + B; it is an overhead cancelable if you interrupt into it. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Dn. up + A or C: "Uppercut" move, very good defensive preperties while it doesn't leave as vulnerable when you miss; this move can be supercanceled. Qcb + A or C: This attack is to be performed while Leona is in mid air (that includes her fwd + B). bk. fwd + A or C: This is a short range proyectile, it's purpose is to "stun" the enemy using several hits, A version comes out faster and hits five times; C version is a little slower and hits 11 times; you can hit the enemy when he/she is being hit by the proyectile AND/OR after the proyectile has been dispeled. bk. fwd + B or D: This is a running attack; since Leona ducks SOO much when she runs this move can go under some long range proyectiles (on '97 I loved to run under other beings fireballs; but her normal running animation is different now); the B version leaves the enemy open and so does the D version, the D version of this move can be followed up with another move; and even though both versions leave the enemy open it is quite difficult for you to land anything on that small space (unless the enemy is in the corner). fwd + B or D: Follow up to the D version of the previous move. Qcb + B or D: Leona throws one of her earrings in order to emulate a long range fireball; this attack is low at a certain point, on '99 you could do the Qcb + B and then run foward with a jumping the, if Leona where at one corner of the screen and the enemy was in the other the only true way of escaping this was to roll; I believe that this trick still works here, but it was not that useful as it sound...;P Rup + B or D: Using this Leona will give a "slap", upon contact she will put on of her earing on her enemy and this will act as a time bomb (if you heard "bomb explodes" on a combo, this is it); the more important part is that this move will leave the enemy vulnerable to more attacks; of Leona blocks or recieve an attack the bomb will be dispeled. Rup + B or D: Using this move will make Leona cause the bomb to explode before the usual time line finishes. *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcf x 2 + A or C: Leona will dive over the enemy; just as Heidern, A version will made her land behind the enemy and C version will made her land near where she was; but that only happens upon contact the result will be different, Leona will use her Hakkeshu "powers" (the blood of riot look) and will "drain" energy from her enemy... I wonder when she will use her father's genes and will begin to heal after this move ;P Qcb, Hcf + B or D: Leona will rush foward, upon successful contact she will "plant a bomb" on the enemy. Qcf, Hcb + A or C: This move is meant to be performed on the air; this move can be performed as MAX, the button determinates the angle of the move, the MAX version has the same angle than the C version. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Leona Heidern: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cr B; cr A; dn. up + C. - cr B; cls A; Qcf x 2 + A. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cls C; fwd + B; Air Qcf, Hcb + C. * Air Qcf, Hcb + C may be either normal or Max version. - jumping D; jumping D; Qcf, Hcb + C. * * Air Qcf, Hcb + C may be either normal or Max version. - cls D (1 hit); Rup + D; cr C; dn. up + C. - cls D; Qcf x 2 + A. - cr C; Qcb, Hcf + D. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: None at the moment *********************************************************************** Striker Combos: - cls D (1 hit); Rup + D; cls D, call Kula; fwd + B; §; cr A; fwd + B, call Andy; bomb explodes; §; JP Qcf, Hcb + C. * Kula must be called as fwd or bk + BC; just as Andy, the DM can be normal or MAX version. - cls D, call King; fwd + B; §; cr A; cr C; call Andy; dn.up + C; §; Air Qcf, Hcb + C. * The cr A and the cr C must while king is kicking, the call Andy after she finishes, THEN do the dn.up + C. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: None at the moment ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ralf Jones: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Moves: Upc + A or C: Ralf will punch several times, but this move usually hits once or twice (on counter hit), Ralf can move foward while doing this. Hcf + B or D: Close range throw, if you miss the recovery time is HUGE. Hcb + B: Ralf will launch himself foward with a powerful kick, this move can leave the enemy open and once upon a time ('96, I believe) it DID had a small invincibility point at the beginning, dunno about it now. Hcb + D: Ralf will run foward, this move has autoguard and can dispel fireballs, this move can also hit up to five times. bk. fwd + A or C: Ralf will rush foward with a small combination of attacks; this move can be super canceled on the second hit. Qcf x 2 + A or C: This move is a 'critical wire attack'; it also has autoguard, but for this move to work as a critical wire attack it must hit on the first frames of the move, I mean, it must hit from close. dn. up + A or C: Ralf will strike with his head to later launch himself to the ground with a powerful attack, the second attack can hit grounded enemies, thus it's an add on. Qcf + A or C: This move is meant to be perfomed on the air; this move is in fact a shortcut motion to the dn. up + A, but without the headbutt. *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcf, Hcb + A or C: This move can be performed as MAX, this is only an improved version of the bk. fwd + A; this move can dodge high attacks at the beginning. Qcb, Hcf + A or C: Nothing extraordinary here, just a multi-hitting move that won't work if the first attack misses or is blocked. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ralf Jones: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE: This low combo is not interrupt; you just grab the enemy before he can defend himself. *********************************************************************** Independent low combos: - cr B; Hcf + B. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cls C; Hcf + D. - cls C; Hcb + D. - cr C; bk. fwd + C. - cr C; tap C. - cr C; Qcb, Hcf + D; dn. up + A. - cr C; Qcf, Hcb + C. * Qcf, Hcb + C may be normal or Max version. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: None at the moment *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C; Hcb + D, call Andy; bk. fwd + C (3 hits). * Call Andy on the first hit of the Hcb + D. - cr A; bk. fwd + A, call King; Qcf x 2 + A; CD; dn. up + A. {R} * Give a back hop after the bk. fwd + A and perform as soon as possible the Qcf x 2 + A, then charge down while the CD is being performed so you can cancel it with the dn. up + A; if the CD doesn't hit then walk foward a bit and Ralf might do it to the opposite direction. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: - cls C; Hcb + D, call King; JP C; call Xiang Fei; cls C; Hcb + D, call Leona; Upc + C. * Nothing you haven't done before. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Clark Steel: Move List ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command moves: fwd + B: Neutral kick; this move can be super canceled but does not waste an extra stock. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Upc + A or C: This move is an uppercut, yet it can only caught enemies that are on the air. Hcf + B or D: Standar close range special throw, note its fast recovery time if it misses. Qcf + A or C: Follow up for the throw. Upc + B or D: This throw makes a small and invincible feint, then grabs the enemy, this feint is only for strategical purposes only. Qcf + A or C: Follow up for the throw. bk. fwd + A or C: Two punches, it can be followed up with the Upc + A or C, the first punch is super cancelable, the A version hits twice and the C version hits three times. Upc + A or C: This is the same move than the Upc + A or C, thus it is possible to follow it up with the pursuit. Qcf + A or C: The standar pursuit. Hcf + A or C: Clark run foward attaking the enemy. dn dn + B or D: Clark will roll along the enemy inflicting damage. dn dn + A: Clark will throw the enemy. dn dn + C: Clark will slam the enemy. Qcf + C: Pursuit and follow up to the previous move. *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Hcf x 2 + B or D: Running grab, formerly this move had upper body invincibility, I can not tell now days if that's the case. Hcb x 2 + A or C: Standard super grab, this move can be performed as MAX, note that this is a "super" version of his Hcf + B or D throw. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Clark Steel: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE: These low combos are not interrupts; you just grab the enemy before he can defend himself. *********************************************************************** Independent low combos: - cr B; Hcf + D, Qcf + C. - cr B; Hcb x 2 + C. * Hcb x 2 + C may be either normal or Max version. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cls C (1 hit); Hcf + D, Qcf + C. - cls B; Upc + D; Qcf + C. - cls C (1 hit); bk. fwd + C (1 hit), Hcb x 2 + C. # Super cancel combo, hard as no other. * The Hcb x 2 + C can be either normal or Max. - cls C (1 hit); bk. fwd + C, Upc + C, Qcf + C. - cls C (1 hit); Hcf + C, dn, dn + D. - cls C (1 hit); Hcb x 2 + C. * Hcb x 2 + C may be either normal or Max version. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: None at the moment. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: None at the moment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Heidern: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command moves: fwd + B: Overhead kick, hits twice, if you interrupt into it only the first hit will be cancelable. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Qcf + A or C: Long range proyectile, might leave the enemy vulnerable upon impact. Upc + A or C: "Uppercut" move, very good defensive preperties while it doesn't leave as vulnerable when you miss; this move can be supercanceled. Upc + B or D: Flying attack, when blocked the D version makes you fall in the way on where Heidern where performing the move and the B version makes you fall behind the enemy. Hcb + B or D: This move counter attacks special moves and some mid and high attacks; uppon successfuly stopping an attack (the timming of the move makes it tricky) tap all the buttons and move the joystick to increase the damage, this move recovers some energy for Heidern. Hcb + A or C: Throw move, upon impact press all the buttons and move the joystick to increase the damage, this move recovers some of Heidern's lost energy. *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcf x 2 + A or C: This move is an improved version of the Upc + B or D move, this move can be performed as MAX; also this move recover some energy for Heidern, this move CAN'T catch air bounced enemies. Qcb, Hcf + B or D: Heidern will attempt to stab the enemy, upon successful impact Heidern will make the enemy "explode", this move might be performed as MAX. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Heidern: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: None at the moment *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cr A; Hcb + C. - cls D; fwd + B (1 hit); Upc + C. - cls C; fwd + B (1 hit); Qcb, Hcf + B. * The DM can be performed as it MAX version. - cr C; fwd + B (1 hit); Upc + C, Qcb, Hcf + B. + Super cancel combo. * The DM can be performed as it MAX version. - CD; Qcf x 2 + C. # Counter wire attack combo. * The DM can be performed as MAX. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: None at the moment. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - CD; Qcf + A; call Kula; Qcf + A; Qcf x 2 + C {NR}. # Counter wire attack combo. * Kula must hit 3 times, otherwise the combo will fail. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: - cls D; fwd + B, call Angel; cls D; fwd + B (1 hit), call King; Qcf + A; Upc + A; Qcf + A; Qcf + A; Qcb, Hcf + B. * Input fwd + BC for both strikers; the first Qcf + A and Upc + A must hit while King is kicking. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Legendary Wolf" Terry Bogard: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE: Terry Bogard can interrupt his CD attack with his command moves, unlike many other characters. *********************************************************************** Command moves: fwd + A: Overhead punch, canceled if interrupted into it. df + C: Neutral punch, always cancelable. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Qcf + A or C: A version is a long range proyectile, C version is a short range proyectile but can be canceled in any special move and can be supercanceled. Upc + B or D: Uppercut move, the only difference this move has in relation to other uppercuts is that Terry will attack when he is falling down again with a punch, but that doesn't mean that this is a safe move to do, though is less riskier than his other uppercut. Dn. up + A or C: Uppercut move, supercancelable on the first hit, A version is safer and hits up to five times while the C version is more riskier and hits seven times. Qcb + A or C: "Running" punch; A version is safer and quicker while the C version takes longer to come out, is less safer but travels further and is stronger. Qcb + B or D: Terry hops foward with a multi-hitting kick, B version is very short and can hit up to three times in the right circunstances, while the D version is farther hitting up to five times also in the right circunstances. *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcf x 2 + B or D: Shoulder tackle followed by an auto combo; B version is shorter and faster while D version is slower and goer a little further. Qcb, fwd + A or C: Short range proyectile, might be performed as MAX; normal version produces one blast while the MAX version produces three blasts, one next to the other. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Legendary Wolf" Terry Bogard: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cr B; cr A; Upc + D. - cr B; df + C; dn. up + C. - cr B; cr B; Qcf x 2 +B. - cr B; cr A; df + C; Qcb, fwd + A. * Qcb, fwd + A may be either normal or max version. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cls D; fwd + A; Qcb + A. - cls C; Upc + D. - cls C; Qcf + A. - cls C, fwd + A; Qcf x 2 + D. - cls C; df + C; Qcb, fwd + A. * Qcb, fwd + A may be either normal or max version. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: - cr B; cr A; Qcb + B, call Angel; cls D; df + C, call Kula; Qcb + B; §; call Foxy; dn. up + C. * If you can time Foxy to hit twice then we are talking on GREAT damage, sometimes is better to run behind the enemy before calling Foxy. - cr B; cr B; call Leona; df + C; §; Qcb + B; call Iori; cls D; call K'; df + C; §; Qcb + C {NR}. * Leona hits while the df + C connects and the bomb explodes after the Qcb + B; time Iori so you can leave the enemy standing. - cr B; df + C, call Kula; Qcb + B (1 hit), call Leona; cls D; Upc + B (1 hit), call Kyo; dn. up + C. * Input df + BC to call Kula; call Leona while jumping behind the enemy; Leona must leave the enemy standing; then input Upc + BC for Kyo. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C (1 hit), call Foxy; df + C; Qcb + B; §; call Kula, Upc + B; §; JP CD. * To call Kula is Upc N + BC, Foxy is recommended to be set on front. - cls C (1 hit), call Andy; fwd + A; Qcb + A; §; Qcf x 2 + B (4 hits). * Nothing strange here. - cls C, call King; Qcf + A; §; JP CD; call Xiang Fei; cls C; call Kula; df + C; Qcb + B; §; Upc + D. * In order for the enemy to be left standing with Xiang Fei call her just as King is finishing her kicks. - cls C (1 hit), df + C; call King; Qcb + B (1 hit); §; cls A; JP D; call Lin, Upc + B; §; Qcb + A. * The cls A; JP D must hit before King finishes; pass behind the enemy to call Lin (so he will come out near the corner), and land the Upc + B HIGH so the second hit won't connect (remember that Lin will be hitting by that time). - cls C (1 hit); df + C, call Daimon; Qcb + B; §; call Leona; cls D; df + C, call Andy; Qcb + A; §; dn. up + C. {NR} * Advisable to have Daimon foward, Leona on the middle and Andy in the back; then press df + BC on the first and second striker, hard is to time Leona so the enemy is left standing, harder is to time the cls D so it can leave the enemy standing after the Bomb, on the last part run and hold df, after the enemy is near your head press up + C. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Andy Bogard: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command moves: fwd + B: Overhead kick, cancelable when interrupted into it. df + A: This attack hits twice, the first hit is cancelable regardless if you interrupted into it or not. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Qcb + A or C: The A version is a quick one hit short range proyectile, the C version is a slower short range proyectile that might hit up to five times. Hcf + B or D: Jumping attack that might hit up to five times, B version is faster while the D version goes further. db, fwd + A or C: Running attack, A version is faster and safer, while the C version goes further, supercancelable. Qcf + A or C: Follow up to the previous move, nothing special about it. Upc + A or C: Uppercut move, A version is safer yet it deals less hits; while the C version is more riskier while it deals more hits. Hcf + A or C: This move can only be performed from close and it can not be blocked; this move launches the enemy. Qcf + B or D: This move can be only performed on air. A or C: Follow up for the previous attack, sweep. B or D: Follow up for the previous move, overhead. *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcb, Hcf + A or C: Auto combo, Andy rushes foward quickly upon performing. Qcb, Hcf + B or D: Super version of the Hcf + B or D move, this move can be performed as MAX, being a lot faster and having better priority. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Andy Bogard: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cr B; cr A; df + A (1 hit); db, fwd + A, Qcf + C. - cr B; cr A; Qcb, Hcf + A. - cr B; cr A; df + A (1 hit); Qcb, Hcf + A. *********************************************************************** Indepedent combos: - cr C; df + A (1 hit); db, fwd + A, Qcf + C. - cr C; df + A (1 hit); Qcb, Hcf + A. - cls C (1 hit); Hcf + C; df + A (1 hit); db, fwd + C. - cr C ; Qcb, Hcf + B. * Qcb, Hcf + B may be either normal or Max version. - cls C (1 hit); Hcf + C; df + A; jumping C. - cls C (1 hit); Hcf + C; df + A (1 hit); Qcb, Hcf + BD. * It is only possible with the MAX vesion. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: - cr B, call King; df + A; §; JP CD; call Kula; cr + C; df + A (1 hit); Hcf + D (2 hits). * The cr C and Kula must hit the enemy at the same time, the rest goes when the enemy is on the air. - cr B, call Foxy; df + A (1 hit); db, fwd + A; §, call Iori cr C, call Clark; df + A; §; cr C; df + A (1 hit); db, fwd + A, Qcf + A. * The usual stuff, call Foxy just as you are inputting the df + A; time Iori so the clr C leave the enemy standing and just after Clark hits, run foward and leave the enemy standing again. - cr B, df + A (1 hit), call Angel; db, fwd + A; §; cls B, call Xiang Fei; Qcb, Hcf + A; §; cls C; Qcb, Hcf + A. * The usual method of calling the striker with BC, Angle must be called before inputing the db, fwd + A. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C, call Foxy; db, fwd + A; §; call Leona; cr C; df + A, call King; JP CD; df + A; JP C. * Is hard to call Leona and leave the enemy standing, even harder is to time your attack with the explosion, so the enemy is left standing; the df + A; JP C is hard to get also and it must hit after King finishes. - cr C, df + A (1 hit), call King; db, fwd + A; §; JP CD; call Foxy; df + A; §; Qcb, Hcf + D. * Similar to the combo before this, but much more easier. - cr C; df + A (1 hit), db, fwd + A, call Angel; cls C (1 hit), call Xiang Fei; Qcb + C; §; call K'; df + A; §; JP CD. * Call Angel while inputing the Zan ei ken; call Xiang Fei while inputing the Geki Hishou ken; and call K' before giving the df + A. - cls C (1 hit), call Leona; df + A, §; call Daimon; cr C; §; call Foxy; df + A; §; df + A (1 hit), Hcf + D (2 hits). * The cr C must leave the enemy standing after the bomb and as usual, time Foxy so she can hit twice. - cr C, call Leona; df + A (1 hit); db, fwd + A; §; CD, call Daimon; df + A; JP C. * Just be quick and be careful with the timming of the CD and Daimon. - cls C (1 hit), call King; Hcf + B (1 hit), JP D, call Seth; jp CD; §; JP D; df + A; JP D. * Input Hcf + BC for King, call Seth just as King gives her last attack, the other jp CD must be landed DEEP so you have time to jump again and hit the enemy between Seth first and seconf attack. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: - cls C (1 hit); Hcf + B, call King; JP C; call Seth; Qcb, Hcf + B; §; Qcb, Hcf + D. * The JP C must hit before King finishes her attacks, call Seth before inputing the first DM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Joe "Hurricane" Higashi: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command moves: fwd + A: Interruptable kick; nothing special about it. df + B: Sliding sweep, nothing special about it. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Hcf + A or C: Short distance proyectile, A version fires one while C version fires two hurricanes. Hcf + B or D: Joe rushes foward with a kick kick, B version is faster but D version goes further. Qcb + B or D: Joe hops foward with a multi-hitting kick, both version might hit up to four times but that's really ackward, you will usually see two or three hits, note that just as the previous move, B version is quicker while D version goes further. Upc + B or D: Standar uppercut, B version is safer while the D version has some minimal invincibility time, supercancelable on the first hit. Tap A or C: Multi-hitting punch; there it seems to be no difference between the button you use, this move last a good amount of time, so is advisable to cancel it before Joe finishes the move. Qcf + A: Follow up to the previous move, this is an overhead and a supercancel. Qcf + C: Follow up to the tapping A or C move, this move knocks down and might caught air bounced enemies. ********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcf x 2 + B or D: Low attack, can catch air bounced enemies and you can delay it by holding down the button you used to perform it... there it seems to be no benefict on delaying this move. Qcf, Hcb + A or C: Similar to the Tap A or C move, but on this move all hits are ensured if the first connect from close. Qcf, uf + B or D: Super version of the Upc + B or D move; this move is supercancelable on the first hit (YES, it's super cancelable) and for the record note that this move secuence is the one from Fatal Fury 1 and the way he performs the move is the same he did once then, even the special effect triggered by the move is similar. Qcf x 2 + A or C: Short range proyectile, might be performed as MAX, on where it becomes a long range proyectile. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Joe "Hurricane" Higashi: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cr B; cr A, tap A (4 hits), Qcf + C. - cr B; cr A; Qcf x 2 + A. * Qcf x 2 + A may be either normal or Max version. - cr B; cr A; Qcf, Hcb + A. - cr B; cr A; cr A; Qcf, uf + D. - cr B; cr A; Qcf, uf + D; Qcf x 2 + C. + This is a super cancel combo. * The Qcf x 2 + C can be either normal or MAX version. - cr B; cr A; Upc + D. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cls C; fwd + B; Qcb + B. - cls C; fwd + B; Hcf + D. - cls C; fwd + B; Qcf, Hcb + C. - cls D, Qcf x 2 + A. * Qcf x 2 + A may be either normal or Max version. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: - cr B; cr A; tap A, call King; call Kula; Qcb + B; call Xiang Fei; cls C; §; Qcb + D; far D. {NR} * Calling King is easy; call Kula and then give the Qcb + B, the result is that Kula will hit near the ground and the Qcb + B will leave the enemy standing (allowing you one active striker), but the Upc from Kula will send the enemy to the air; just as you finish the Qcb + B, call Xiang Fei; run behind the enemy and give the cls C (sending the enemy towards Xiang Fei); and allowing the Qcb + D to connect... pheww... - cr B; cr A, call Daimon; Upc + B; §, call Andy; cls D; §; Qcb + D; far D. * Input Upc + BC to call Daimon and call Andy before you touch the ground. - cr B; cr A; tap A, call Iori, Qcf + A; §; call Daimon; far D; §; Qcf x 2 + D. * Time Iori so he hits just after the Qcf + A, the timming varies depending on your distance from the corner. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C; fwd + B, call Mary; Qcf, uf + B; §; Qcf x 2 + D. * Perform Qcf, uf + BC, that will give the move and Mary; then give a back hop and do the other move. - cls C; fwd + B, call Andy; Qcb + B, §; call Foxy, Qcb + D; §; Qcf x 2 + D. * Other active striker combo; but it is not necesary to give any BC shortcuts this time... the Qcb + D hits just after Andy does. - cls D, call Leona; fwd + B; §; Hcf + B, call Kula; Qcb + B (2 hits); JP CD. * Input fwd + B for Leona and Hcf + BC for Kula. - cls C, call Vanessa; fwd + B; §; tap C, call Xiang Fei; Qcf + A; fwd + B, call Daimon; Upc + B; §; tap A (6 hits), Qcf + C. * Input fwd + BC for Vanessa, the Qcf + A must hit before Xiang Fei finishes, input Upc + BC for Daimon. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: - cls C; fwd + B, call Xiang Fei; Qcf, uf + B; §; tap C; call King; JP CD, call Kula; Qcb + D; Upc + D. * One of my favourites; input Qcf, uf + BC (or Qcf, uf N + BC) to call Xiang Fei; then when doing the TNT punch call King when you got like 3 or 4 hits; the TNT punch will give a lot of hits, too many to estimate; the give a back jumping CD and call Kula; if you do it with a neutral or foward JP Kula may apper behind the enemy and won't hit. - cls C; tap C (4 hits), call Seth, Qcf + A, Qcf, uf + D; §; Qcf x 2 + D. # Super cancel combo. * Call Seth before the fourth hit of the TNT punch. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Mary Ryan: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command moves: db + B: Neutral kick, launches the enemy and leaves them open. fwd + B: Two hitting kick, first is a neutral one, then is a low one; this move can be performed with bk + B. fwd + A: Overhead punch, this move can be performed as bk + A. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Qcf + A or C: Jumping kick; this move is FINALLY an overhead. Qcf + A or C: Follow up than can be performed only if the first move hits the enemy while they are on the ground. Upc + B or D: Uppercut kick. Upc + B or D: Uppercut follow up, this move can be supercanceled. bk. fwd + B or D: Sliding attack, this move can be super canceled. Qcf + B or D: Throw follow up to the prior move, this move can only be performed if the first move connected while the enemy is standing. Qcb + A or C: Dodge move, there is a small opening when this move is finishing. Hcf + A or C: Throw follow up to the previous move. Hcf + B or D: Another throw follow up to the first move. Qcb + B: High counter attack, it also counter attack special moves. Qcb + D: Front counter attack, upon successful use this move launches the enemy. *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcf, Hcb + A or C: Blue Mary will run towards the enemy, upon successful contact she will bash the enemy with a serie of running attacks, when blocked this move leaves you behind the enemy, but not totally safe; also note that this move can be super canceled with the other desperation move. A~A~fwd~B~C: This move is a uppercut, if after the uppercut the enemy is launched close to Mary she will add a damaging throw; to perform this move as its MAX version you must replace fwd by bk. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Mary Ryan: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cr B; cr A; Upc + B, Upc + D. *********************************************************************** Normal combos: - cls C (1 hit); bk + B; bk. fwd + B, Qcf + D. - cls D; bk + B; Qcf, Hcb + A. - cls C (1 hit); fwd + A; Upc + D; Upc + D. - cls D; fwd + B; Qcf, Hcb + A, A, A, fwd, B, C. # Super cancel combo, yes, you cancel her DM; cancel the fist hit of her Uppercut finisher. * To perform as MAX replace the fwd for a bk. - cls C (1 hit), fwd + A; A, A, fwd, B, C. * To perform as MAX replace the fwd for a bk. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: None at the moment. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: None at the moment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Invincible Dragon" Ryo Sakazaki: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE: Ryo Sakazaki is capable of interrupting his CD attack with any of his command moves. *********************************************************************** Command Moves: fwd + A: Slow overhead move; this may not be interrupted even if you combo into it, unlike many others overhead command moves. fwd + B: This move is meant to autoguard high attacks; this move can not be interrupted, unless you manage to guard and attack with it and then you interrupt it, the drag is that this move is thought to stop high and mid attacks. df + B: Just as the previous move; this one is a quick autoguard interruptable when you successfully guard and attack; the difference lies in that this move is thought to guard low attacks. *********************************************************************** Special Moves: Qcf + A: Standar short range fireball, not any special properties that you should know of. Upc + A or C: Standar "shoto" uppercut; A version is safer and always knock downs the enemy, hitting twice on counter... C version is more riskier, usually hits twice and it doesn't knock down the enemy; the adventage it has is that it posses more priority, both versions are supercancelable. Qcf + B or D: Overhead move; a small jump on B version and a big jump with the D version followed after a chop; as far as I can tell this move might be used to punish an enemy throwing a fireball. Hcb + B or D: Jumping kick, B version may hit up to 2 times while the D version might hit up to 3 times. Qcb + A or C: Slow move, hits twice and stun the enemy, does good damage and deals a LOT more on counter hit, supercancelable and you can follow up with some moves. fwd, bk, fwd + A or C: Multi-hitting punch, A version is a critical wire attack and can't hit air bounced enemies, C version is not a critical wire attack and might hit air bounced enemies. *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: fwd, Hcf + A or C: Flying proyectile, may dispel many -if not all- normals proyectiles, A version comes out faster, C version TRAVELS faster. Qcf x 2 + A or C: Somewhat slow punch, while the damage it deals it might seem miserable it deals for about four times it's regular damage on counter hit. Qcf, Hcb + A or C: Multi-hitting desperation move; this move can not hit air bounced enemies and there is almost no diference between A or C version except the distance they travel, being C version the one that reachs further and being the A version slightly faster. Qcf + C, A: Max only Desperation move, it is a improved version of the previous move; three important notes about this move is that there it must be some delay from when you input the Qcf + C to when you press the A button; thus being only possible from the cls C (far C is not interruptable), other note is that this move can be done as Qcf + CD, A (so you can perform it from far) and the final note is that this move CAN caught air bounced enemies; a final note will be that both of these moves goes through high projectiles. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Invincible Dragon" Ryo Sakazaki: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cr B; cr A; far A; Hcb + B (1 hit). - cr B; cr A; Upc + A. - cr B; cr A; Qcf x 2 + A. - cr B; cr C; Qcf + C. - cr B; cls C; Qcf, Hcb + A. *********************************************************************** Normal combos: - cls D; fwd, bk, fwd + C. - cls C; Hcb + D. - Qcb + C; Qcf + A. - Qcb + C; Hcb + D. - cls C; fwd, Hcf + A. - cls D; Qcf, Hcb + A. - Qcf + C, A. * The Desperation Move secuence will combo from close. - cls C; fwd, bk, fwd + A; fwd, bk, fwd + C. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: - cr B; cls B, call Athena; Upc + C (1 hit); §; call Andy; Hcb + B; §; fwd, bk, fwd + C. * Tested near the center of the screen, call Andy before the Upc finishes. - cr B, call Iori; cr C; fwd + A; §; call Kula; Qcb + C; Hcb + D (2 hits). * Also tested near the center of the screen; to give cr C; fwd + A use db + C; fwd + A, the Qcb + C must leave the enemy standing after Kula slides, but Kula will still launch with her last hit. - cr B, call K9999; cr C; fwd + A; §; call Hinako; cls C; Upc + A (2 hits). * More ones tested on the center, more of the same. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C, call Vanessa; Upc + C (1 hit); §; call Xiang Fei; Qcb + C; §; cls C, call K'; fwd + A; §; Hcb + D (1 hit). * To call Vanessa input Upc + BC; while you are in the air call Xiang Fei; when you touch the ground give the Qcb + C; and Xiang Fei will stil be hitting after you are done. - jp C, Xiang; cls C, Upc + A; §; jp C, King, cr B, cr B; §; Upc + A; fwd, bk, fwd + C. * Nothing extraordinary here. - jp C, call Angel; cr C; fwd + A; §; cls C; Qcf + A, call Kula; Hcb + D. * Calling Kula is tricky; input the Qcf + A and press BC before the move comes out, remember to time the Hcb + D for it to hit three times. - cls C, call King; fwd + A; §; far A; cr C; call Xiang Fei; cls C; fwd + A; §; call Yuri; cls C; Upc + A; §; fwd, bk, fwd + C. * The far A; cr C is hard, it must hit before King finishes; then the cls C; fwd + A; must hit before Xiang Fei finishes, so the cls C; Upc + A can hit; call Yuri when the fwd + A is about to finish. - cls C, Upc + C (1 hit), call Kyo; call Daimon; Upc + A (2 hits); §; fwd, bk, fwd + C. * Input Upc + BC, input cr BC to call Daimon and the Upc + A and Daimon must hit at the same time. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: - cls D; fwd + A, call Daimon; call Seth; far B; Upc + A; §; Upc + A; fwd, bk, fwd + C. * The far B must hit just after Daimon gives his second hit, in that case Daimon will hit with a thrid move that usually misses; the Upc + A must hit just after Daimon launches with his third hit; the other Upc + A must ONLY HIT ONCE and just after Seth first hit. - jp C, call Xiang Fei; cr C; Qcf + A; §; jp C, call Heidern; cr C, call Iori; Hcb + B; Iori §; CD; §; Heidern §; fwd, bk, fwd + C. * Xiang Fei will usually hit once, call Heidern in the air and with Iori unput Hcb + BC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Raging Tiger" Robert Garcia: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command moves: bk + A: Backfist, this move launches the enemy. fwd + A: Jumping overhead kick. fwd + B: This move can also be performed as bk + B, has no special properties and just as the overrated KoF'98 you can hit the enemy again with an special move if you catch an air bounced enemy with it. df + B: Robert will give a two hitting kick, when canceled into it you can interrupt the first kick. df + B or D: This move is only to be performed while Robert is on the air, this is a diving kick and the strenght of the button determinates the angle. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Qcf + A or C: Long range proyectile, A version travels slowly while C version travels faster. Upc + A or C: Standar "shoto" uppercut; A version is safer and always knock downs the enemy, hitting twice on counter... C version is more riskier, OFTENLY hits twice and it does knock down the enemy, but only on the second hit; the adventage it has is that it posses more priority and will ALWAYS score two hits on air bounced enemies when timed right, both versions are supercancelable. Hcf + B or D: Robert own version of Ryo's Hcb + B or D; this move can hit up to three times on the B version while the D version can hit up to four times. Hcb + B or D: This move is meant to be performed only from close, the last hit of this move produces "Guard Crush" and can be supercanceled. fwd, bk, fwd + B or D: Multi-hitting kick, similar to the C version of the similar move with Ryo.... Will be because they practice the same style?? ;P *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: Qcf x 2 + A or C: Robert will give a back fist to later add a spinning uppercut, nothing special about it. fwd, Hcf + A or C: Flying proyectile, may dispel many -if not all- normals proyectiles, A version comes out faster, C version TRAVELS faster, if you put this move next to the one that Ryo performs you will realize that this move is slower to come out. Qcf, Hcb + A or C: Multi-hitting desperation move; this move can not hit air bounced enemies and there is almost no diference between A or C version except the distance they travel, being C version the one that reachs further and being the A version slightly faster, this move can be performed as MAX version and if you put this move next to the one that is performed by Ryo you will realize that this move is a little more faster. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Raging Tiger" Robert Garcia: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cr B; cr A; bk + B; Hcf + D (3 hits). - cr B; cr A; bk + B; Upc + A. - cls B; df + B (1 hit); Qcf + C. - cls B; df + B (1 hit); Upc + C. - cr B; df + B (1 hit); Qcf, Hcb + A. * The desperation move can be performed as MAX. - cls B; df + B (1 hit); Hcb + B; fwd + B; Qcf x 2 + C. * Remember to land deep the fwd + B; or the Qcf x 2 + C might miss. *********************************************************************** Idependent combos: - cls C; fwd + B; Upc + A. - cls C; fwd + B; Hcf + D. - cls C; Hcb + B; fwd, bk, fwd + D. - cls D (1 hit); df + B (1 hit); Qcf, Hcb + A. * The Qcf, Hcb + A can be either normal or MAX version. - bk + A; fwd + B; Qcf x 2 + C. * Land deep the fwd + B. - cls D (1 hit); df + B (1 hit); Hcb + D; fwd + B; Upc + C. * Land deep the fwd + B. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: - cls B; bk + B, call Iori; Hcf + B; §; call Seth; cls C; §; fwd + B; Upc + C. * Call Seth before the kicks finishes, then go behind the enemy and give the rest; so they'll fall in top of Seth. - cls B; fwd + B, call Angel; Qcf + C; §; cr C; df + B (1 hit), call Foxy; Qcf + C; §; bk + B, call Kula; Qcf + A; §; fwd + B; Qcf + C. * For the first two strikers, input Qcf + C or Qcf N + C; call Kula with bk + BC, the Qcf + A should hit along the slide of Kula... Fireball madness. - cls B; df + B (1 hit), call Lin; Qcf + C; §; call Kyo; Upc + C (1 hit); fwd, bk, fwd + B. The Lin striker is df + BC, Kyo is Upc N + BC. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C; bk + B, call Kula; Qcf + C; §; call Iori; jp C; cls C; call K'; cls C; Hcb + B; bk + B; Upc + C. * After Iori the jp C must leave the enemy standing, and after K' the Hcb + B must leave standing. - cls C; bk + B, call Iori; Hcf + B; §; call Hinako; bk + B; §; Qcf + C. * Call Hinako before the Hcf + B finishes; she must hit after the bk + B. - cls C, call Mary; bk + B; Hcf + B; §; bk + B, call Iori; Qcf + C; §; fwd + B; Upc + C. * Advisable to have Mary behind and perform bk + B, N + BC; Hcf + B very quickly; then give bk + BC to call Iori, or Iori can be the bk + B, N BC; Qcf + C, either way it takes cold blood. - cls D (1 hit); df + B, call Daimon; Qcf + C; §; bk + B, call Mary; Hcb + B (2 hits); §; bk + B, call Daimon; Upc + A; §; bk + B; Upc + C. {NR} * Input df + BC to get the first Daimon; Mary must leave the enemy standing and the rest must leave them "stunned" long enough for Mary to grab. - cls C; bk + B, call Athena; Hcf + B (2 hits); §; call Kim, bk + B; §; bk + B; Upc + C. * Kim must hit right after the bk + B. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: - fwd + A; cls B; bk + B, call Iori; Hcf + B, call Seth; Iori §; bk + B; Upc + C; Seth §; far A; fwd + B; Qcf x 2 + C. * The far A must hit between the first and second hit of Seth, the usual stuff. - cls C; bk + B, call Xiang Fei; Hcf + B; §; cls B, call Heidern; fwd + B; Upc + C, call Iori; cls C; Heidern §; fwd + B; fwd, bk, fwd + B. * Iori hits just after the Upc + C, Heidern does the same after the cls C. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Yuri Sakazaki: Move List ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command Moves: fwd + B: Hits Twice, can be super canceled without the use of an extra bar; besides that nothig. fwd + B: Hits once, follow up to the prior move, can be super canceled without the use of an extra bar. fwd + A: Overhead. *********************************************************************** Special Moves: Qcf + A or C: Short distance projectile; hold the button you used to perform it an it will become the Haoh Shou Koh Ken; when held it leaves the enemy open for more attacks. Qcb + A or C: Distance move, it can be held in order to power it up; when held it can it and dispel projectiles. Qcb + B or D: Jumping Spinning kick, typical move. Upc + A or C: Standard Uppercut, A version comes out fast and C version is slower, always hits twice and can be followed up with another uppercut. Upc + A or C: Follow up to the C version of the prior move, standard uppercut. Qcf + B or D: Yuri will jump and throw an air fireball. *********************************************************************** Desperation Moves: Qcf, Hcb + B or D: Running attack, can work with an air bounced enemy; "drags in" the enemy upon impact, might be performed as MAX version. Qcf x 2 + B or D: Improved uppercut move, Damage is a bitch; but it does less to none damage to air bounced enemies. A~A~fwd~B~C: Running throw, sometimes this attack does twice its damage upon a random chance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Yuri Sakazaki: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cr B; cr A; Upc + A. - cr B; cls B; Qcb + B. - cr B; cr A; Qcb + A. - cr B; cls A; Qcf x 2 + D. - cr B; cr A; Qcf, Hcb + B. * Qcf, Hcb + B may be either normal or MAX version. - cr B; cr C; Qcf, Hcb + B. * Qcf, Hcb + B may be either normal or MAX version. - cr B; cls C; Upc + C (1 hit), Qcf, Hcb + D. + Super Cancel Combo. * Qcf, Hcb + D may be either normal or MAX version. *********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cr C; Qcb + D. - cls D; Upc + C, Upc + C. - cr C; Qcf x 2 + B. - cls C; fwd + B (1 hit); Qcf x 2 + B. - cr C, Qcf, Hcb + B. * Qcf, Hcb + B may be either normal or MAX version. * - cr C; fwd + B; A~A~fwd~B~C. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: None at the moment. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C, call King; fwd + B; King §; JP D; call Xiang Fei; cls D, call Hinako; fwd + B, fwd + B; cr B; cls B; Qcf x 2 + D. * Xiang Fei must be timmed so she can leave the enemy standing from the air, the usual stuff. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: None at the moment: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mr. Karate" Takuma Sakazaki: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command moves: fwd + A: Knock down attack, doesn't knock down when chained into it and can be interrupted either way. df + B: Low attack, add on; interruptable if cancelable. fwd + B: Overhead attack; can be interrupted if chained into it. bk + A: Dispels projectiles. *********************************************************************** Special moves: Qcf + A or C: Long range fireball. Hcb + B or D: Running throw; might go through low attacks. fwd, bk, fwd + A or C: Multi hitting punches. Qcb + A or C: First auto-guard; then a punch, this is a super cancel but it's useless since nothing can connect after it. db. fwd + B or D: "Jumping kick", the D version juggles the enemy. *********************************************************************** Desperation moves: fwd, Hcf + A or C: Kyokugen Ryuu's trademark flying super projectile; it can be held to increase the strenght of the attack; strenght of the button determinates the speed of the projectile. Qcf x 2 + A or C: Close only Desperation move; it can not be blocked. Qcf, Hcb + A or C: The same as his pupil's, multi hitting desperation move; it can be performed as MAX. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mr. Karate" Takuma Sakazaki: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cr B; cr A; fwd + A; Qcf + C. - cr B; cr A; fwd + A; Fwd, Hcf + C. - cr B; Qcf x 2 + A. - cr B; cls B; fwd + B; Qcf, Hcb + A. * Qcf, Hcb + A may be either normal or Max version. ********************************************************************** Independent combos: - cls C; fwd + A; Qcf + C. - cr C; db. fwd + D; fwd + A; df + B. - cr C; db. fwd + D; fwd, bk, fwd + C. - cr C; db. fwd + D; fwd, Hcf + A. - cls C; fwd + B; fwd, Hcf + C. - cls C; fwd + A; Qcf, Hcb + A. * Qcf, Hcb + A may be either normal or Max version. - cls A; cls C; fwd + A; Qcf, Hcb + A. * Qcf, Hcb + A may be either normal or Max version. *********************************************************************** Striker low combos: - cr B; cr A; fwd + A, call Angel; Qcf + C; §; jp C; call King; cls C; §; JP CD; call Xiang Fei; cr C; db. fwd + D; fwd + A; df + B. * The short jump part is hard, but it is just timming; Xiang Fei doesn't need to leave the enemy standing. *********************************************************************** Striker combos: - cls C; fwd + A, call Kula; Qcf + C; §; call Daimon; cls C; §; fwd + A; fwd, bk, fwd + A. * Complicated, just as Kula hits run and jump behind the enemy; when doing so call Daimon and Daimon must hit just after the cls C; the fwd + A must hit just after the second hit of Daimon and the enemy should land on a thrid hit. - cls C; fwd + A; call Kula; fwd, Hcf + C; §; f, Hcf + A. * Easier version of the previous combo. - cls B; call Xiang Fei; Qcf x 2 + A; §; fwd, bk, fwd + A. * Input Qcf + B; Qcf + BC, easy. *********************************************************************** Corner combos: None at the moment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- King: Move list. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command moves: fwd + B: Jumping Kick, Overhead. df + D: Sliding sweep. *********************************************************************** Special Moves: Qcf + B or D: Projectile, B throws one, D throws two... There is no benefict in throwing just one, except the quicker recovery time. Hcb + A or C: King rushes foward giving 4 attacks, super cancelable on first, thrid or second hit. Hcb + B or D: KoF 94' Tornado Kick; B hits once, D hits twice, as usual. Upc + B or D: Multi hitting kick. *********************************************************************** Deperation Moves: bk, fwd, df, dn + B or D: Her AoF 2 Desperation Move, the "surprise rose"; multi hitting attack, this move can catch air bounced enemies. Qcf, Hcb + B or D: MAX able; multi hitting DM, supreme invencibility time, but not as quick as some might wish, this move can catch air bounced enemies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- King: Combos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Idependent low combos: - cr B; cr A; Hcb + B. *********************************************************************** Normal combos: - cls D (1 hit); Upc + D. - cls C; Hcb + C. - cls D (1 hit); bk, fwd, df, df + D. - cls D; Hcb + D. - cls D; Hcb + C (3 hits), bk, fwd, df, dn + B or D. + Super Cancel combo. - cls D; Hcb + A (1 hit), Qcf, Hcb + D. + Super Cancel combo. * The Desperation move can be performed as MAX. ************************************************************************ Striker low combos: None at the moment. ************************************************************************ Striker combos: - cls D, call Xiang Fei; Hcb + C, call Whip; cls D; fwd + B; Whip §; cls D; bk, fwd, df, dn + D. * The usual stuff, input Hcb + BC to call Xiang Fei and call Whip in the last hit of the same move. ************************************************************************ Corner combos: None at the moment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mai Shiranui: Move list ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS CHARACTER CAN DO A TRIANGLE JUMP. *********************************************************************** Command moves: fwd + B: Jumping kick, overhead. df + B: Sliding kick, sweep; first hit can be interrupted if you chain into it. dn + D: Move available only while in mid air; Mai will launch herself further foward attacking with.... Er, you'll know it when you see it, high priority, unlike many other air moves this attack requires you to be at certain hight (just like Whip's air Qcb + Punch). dn + B: Another air only move; with this Mai will do a small second jump and will go straight down, since that jump goes foward a little bit this move is excellent for cross up purposes. dn + A: "Downwards punch" if that evers fits a description; the original move from where Kyo got is air dn + C, you can also use it for the 'bk, bk; dn + A' escape manouver that most character with air moves has. ************************************************************************ Special moves: Qcf + A or C: Standard proyectile. Hcf + B or D: Mai will go foward with a two hit attack, watch the lag time. Qcb + A or C: Fire attack; C version hits twice A version hits once... I remember that this was the key to slay all of those slappy Daimon's users so long ago; if you use the C version the first hit will be super cancelable. Qcb + B or D: Close range fan attack; B version is quick thus can be comboed. Qcb + A or C: This move shares the same properties if it's original version; with the difference that the fire knocks down the enemy and can't be super canceled. Qcb + A or C: Another air only move, Mai will do a little pause and then lauch herself downward with great speed. dn. up + A or C: Mai will bounce in the wall, and then jump foward, that foward jump can increase or decrease speed & rage if you direct it holding back or foward; of course that you can do all of air moves during the jump; if you hold down the button used to perform the move Mai will not jump foward but instead she will use the Qcb + A or B on the air just as she hits the wall. ************************************************************************ Desperation moves: Qcb, Hcf + B or D: It's a more damaging version of the Hcf + B or D; hits five times and has a minimal invincibility (and as many running attacks it has good chances to dodge low attacks at the right distance); can be done as MAX an in that case it has major invincibility, this move can catch air bounced enemies, but unless you use it as MAX is hard to do so. Qcf x 2 + A or C: Mai will 'run' foward and upon contact with the enemy she will uppercut them with her fan; this move can catch air enemies, but it's way easier doing so with this DM than the other one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mai Shiranui: combos ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Independent low combos: - cr B; cls B; Qcb + C. - cr B; cls A; df + D (1 hit); Qcb + D, Qcb + C. - cr B; cls A; df + B (1 hit); Qcb, Hcf + B. * Qcb, Hcf + B may be either normal or MAX version. - cr B; cls A; df + B (1 hit); Qcb + C (1 hit), Qcb, Hcf + B. + Super cancel combo. * Qcb, Hcf + B may be either normal or MAX version. ************************************************************************ Independent combos: - cls C; df + B (1 hit); Qcb + D, Qcf + C. - cls C; df + B (1 hit); Hcf + B. - cls D; df + B (1 hit); Qcb, Hcf + B. * Qcb, Hcf + B may be either normal or MAX version. - cls D; df + B (1 hit); Qcb + C (1 hit), Qcb, Hcf + B. + Super cancel combo. * Qcb, Hcf + B may be either normal or MAX version. ************************************************************************ Striker low combos: None at the moment. ************************************************************************ Striker combos: - cls D; df + B (1 hit), call Andy; Qcb + B; Qcb + C, Andy §; Qcf x 2 + C. * Input df + BC, basic stuff. - cls D; df + B (1 hit), call Xiang Fei; Qcb + B, Qcb + C, Xianf Fei §; cls C; df + B (1 hit), call King; Qcb + C (1 hit), King §; JP D; Qcf x 2 + C. * Put Xiang foward & King on the middle; input df + BC on both striker call, it's hard to time the Qcf x 2 + C correctly. ************************************************************************ Corner combos: None at the moment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hinako Shijoh: Move list ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command moves: df + A: Neutral; hits twice & cancelable on either hit. df + D: Hits low, cancelable. ************************************************************************ Special moves: Tap A or C: Her former Qcf + A or C attack; now it has a "finisher"; it's a multi- hitting attack. Qcb + A or C: Two hits attack, first hit posses auto-guard; second hit knocks down. Hcb, fwd + B or D: Special throw, as any "typical" throw it only grabs from close. Hcf + B or D: Close Range attack, quick; can be blocked. Upc + B or D: First Hinako will dodge, then she will use a standard throw, useful; it is my understanding the this move also dodge special throws (like Goro's Upc + B or D throw in 98'). Hcb, fwd + A or C: Running throw; you must input a follow up quickly or the move won't work (the enemy escapes automatically if you do nothing); if you do follow up the move is inescapable. You can not only use the unique follow ups that the move has but also you can use every other special move as well... I recall having used normal throws from this move as well, but I can't seem to get it again (it was the D throw). fwd, df, dn + A or C: "Slap", critical wire attack. bk, db, dn + B or D: Low kick; nothing special, it seems. ************************************************************************ Desperation moves: Qcf x 2 + A or C: Milti-hitting attack; can be blocked, this move can catch air bounced enemies. Hcf x 2 + B or D: Hinako jumps foward grabbing the enemy, can be blocked; this move can be performed as MAX, this move can catch air bounced enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hinako Shijoh: Combos ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Independent low combos: - cr B; cr A; df + A; Hcf + D. - cr B; cr A; df + D; Hcf + D. - df + D; Hcb, fwd + D. - cr B; cr A; df + D; Qcf x 2 + A. - df + D; Hcf x 2 + B. * Hcf x 2 + B may be either normal or MAX version. ************************************************************************ Independent combos: - cls C; df + A (1 hit); Qcb + C. - cls C; df + A (1 hit); Tap C. - cr C; df + A; Qcf x 2 + C. - cls D; df + A; Hcb x 2 + D. * Hcf x 2 + B may be wither normal or MAX version ************************************************************************ Striker low combos: None at the moment. ************************************************************************ Striker combos: - cr C, call Xiang Fei; df + A (1 hit); Qcb + B; §; cls B, call Iori; Qcb + A or C; §; Qcf x 2 + A. * A little bit difficult since you got to call Xiang Fei while inputing the cr C and after that do the df + A; I suggest putting Iori on the back so you can input Qcb + BC, if you do thing as the should, that's not tapping wildly then this should be easy. ************************************************************************ Corner combos: None at the moment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Li Xiang Fei: Move list ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command moves: fwd + A: Overhead move, if you chain into it it will become cancelable. fwd + B: Sweep, the fact that it uses the same start up frames of the fwd + A it does help to get some mind games; if you chain into this move it does become cancelable. df + D: Quick sweep. ************************************************************************ Special moves: Qcf + A or C: Short range fireball, leaves the enemy open to input more attacks; but such openning can only used if the enemy is on the corner. Upc + B or D: Standard uppercut move, first hit is super cancelable; if you use B version the first hit of the move will knock down, otherwise it will leave the enemy standing. Qcf + B or D: Xiang Fei will roll foward, after that she will use a grab; D version is a headbutt & B version is an elbow attack that can be followed up with the same secuence. Qcb + B: Follow up to the Qcf + B move, only with B. Hcb, fwd + A or C: Close range throw; leaves the enemy standing & vulnerable. Qcb + C: Possible follow up to the prior move; this move can be super canceled, note that the Qcb + C must be inputted to where Xiang Fei is looking, and that will be the opposite direction; timming is kind off tough, input this before the first move ends. up + A or C; dn + A or C or fwd + A or C: To be honest I have only gotten this move by accident trying to perform her close range throw; thus I suppose it follows the same logic that it did on FFRB2; press the dirrections simultaneosly to the button plus the move will only be performed if there is an attack of the opposition; aside that the direction must match where the attack is headed, down for low attacks; foward for mids attack or up for forehead attacks... Since I have gotten this by accident I can't truly say how does it work. ************************************************************************ Desperation moves: A + C: This is the first input to her old RB2 'hidden' deperation move. Hcf + A + C: This is the second input. Rup + A + C: This is the third and last input, it's a critical wire attack. Qcf, Hcb + B or C: Rushing attack, this move can be performed as MAX. Hcb x 2 + B or D: Can be 'MAXed', standard throw; if the throw misses it will become a low damage attack, when MAXed out this move sometimes increases it's damage scoring 2001 hits instead of the usual 103, this is random. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Li Xiang Fei: Combos ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - cr B; cls A; df + D. - cr B; cls B; A + C, Hcf + C, Rup + AC; Upc + D. ************************************************************************ Independent combos: - cls C; Qcf + A. - cls A; fwd + A; Qcf + A. - cls C; Upc + D, Hcb x 2 + D. # Super cancel combo. * The Hcb x 2 + D can be performed as MAX. - cls C; Upc + D, Qcf, Hcb + B + D. * MAX only combo. - cls C; Upc + D, A + C, Hcf + A + C, Rup + A + C; Upc + B; Qcf, Hcb + D. # This combo uses a Critical Wire attack. + This combo uses supercancel, twice. * A pain in the ass; depeding on the distace the enemy has until the corner you must run, retreat or stay put to manage the first hit if the Upc + D, that -of course- must be landed deep. ************************************************************************ Striker low combos: None at the moment. ************************************************************************ Striker combos: None at the moment. ************************************************************************ Corner combos: None at the moment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Anti-K' Kula Diamond: Move list ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command moves: fwd + A: Same as K's one inch command attack; counter wire attack. df + B: Sweep, nothing more to it. df + C: Kula will stretch a pile of ice foward, hits three times and the last hit is a critical wire attack. ************************************************************************ Special Moves: Qcf + A or C: Short range projectile, A version is quick an knocks down; but still leaves the enemy open, C version is slower to come out but leave the enemy standing giving you the chance to run in with a combo or other attacks. Qcb + C: Counter Wire attack move, this move is meant to reflect projectiles; despite that his a great priority. Upc + C: Standard uppercut move; can be super canceled. Qcb + B or D: Jumping spinning kick, similar to Candy's striker action from last year; this move is an add on (and that's the great fault of this game). fwd + B: Follow up to the prior move; Kula 'fires' an ice projectile; hits twice from close and is also an add on; leaves the enemy open for further damage; but such openning can only be put in advantage while in the corner. fwd + D: Sliding kick, also and add on and this move also leaves the enemy open, but such openning can be put to good use anywhere; follow up to the Qcb + B. ************************************************************************ Desperation moves: Qcb x 2 + A or C: This move acts like a "Power Geyser"; this move can be MAXed out. Hcb x 2 + A + C: MAX only super, Kula will summon Diana who will send the enemy away to finish them with on a Freeze Excution. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Anti-K' Kula Diamond: Combos ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - cr B; Qcb + C. - cr B; cr A; Upc + C. - cr B; cr B; cr A; Upc + C (1 hit), Qcf x 2 + A. + Super Cancel Combo. * The Qcf x 2 + A can be performed as MAX. ************************************************************************ Independent combos: - cls C; fwd + A; Upc + C. - cls C (1 hit); fwd + A; Qcf + A. - cls C (1 hit); fwd + A; Qcf x 2 + A. * Qcf x 2 + A may be either normal or MAX version. - cls C; fwd + A; Hcb x 2 + A + C. * MAX only combo. - cls C (1 hit); fwd + A; Qcb + B, fwd + D; Upc + C. * Land the Upc + C deep to ensure the two hits. ************************************************************************ Striker low combos: None at the moment. ************************************************************************ Striker combos: - cls C (1 hit); fwd + A, call Angel; Qcb + B; §; call Foxy; far C; Qcf + A; §; Qcf x 2 + A; Qcb + D. * Easy, as usual try to put Angel on the back. ************************************************************************ Corner combos: - cls C (1 hit); fwd + A; Qcf x 2 + A; Qcb + D; fwd + B; Upc + A. * Easy, a little variation from her boring infinite. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foxy: Move list ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT NOTES: Foxy's CD attack is a counter wire attack, either it might be jumping or standing. ************************************************************************ Command moves: fwd + A: Sword attack, nothing to brag about. df + A: Sword attack, nothing to brag about aside the fact that can be chained from the previous move. fwd + B: This move is meant to auto-guard enemy's high attacks allowing you to interrupt it; just like Ryo Sakazaki this move might be only interrupted if it does block an attack. df B: This move has the same properties than the previous one, but this is meant to block low attacks. ************************************************************************ Special moves: Upc + A or C: Uppercut move, this move can be super canceled on the first hit. Qcf + B or D: Sliding attack, it's a sweep thus hits low. fwd + A or C: This move will cancel the prior move, this move has to be performed before the previous one connects; this move is an overhead. Qcf + A or C: Foxy will take her time; then she will throw her nails that will freeze the enemy for some time upon impact, enough time for you to run foward and connect a combo; if you do naught or you take too long the enemy will be knocked down and will recieve no damage. Upc + B or D: Foxy will teleport foward; this move can be interrupted with any other special move or with a desperation move, this super cancels wastes no extra stock and this teleport has upper body invincibility. Hcb + A or C: Foxy will give a quick slash. A or C: Follow up to the prior move, leaves the enemy open yet such openning can only be put to good use on the corner. ************************************************************************ Desperation moves: Qcf x 2 + A or C: Foxy will rush foward, upon impact she will detonate several attacks on her foe, this move can catch air bounced enemies. dn + B or D: Cancel for the previous move, sweeping attack; note that the second hit can be interrupted on any normal move. fwd + A or C: Overhead move, cancel for the initial move, leaves the enemy open for more attacks. Qcf x 2 + A + C: MAX only move, also air only move; Foxy will first stab with her sword, than after that a 'wave' will come 'opposite direction' that will sweep the enemy; the first stab can hit, but the move will work without the succesful impact of the initial stab. Qcf x 4 + B + D: MAX only move, this is a suicide DM; this move can catch air bounced enemies, can go through proyectiles, but if miss Foxy is dead, if it is blocked Foxy is dead, if it hits Foxy is dead; but if the move connects the enemy will also go to the neither lands; I guess that you should aim for this move when you are on critical condition, when there is no chance of winning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foxy: Combos ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Independent low combos: - cr B; df + A; Upc + C. - cr B; cr B; cr B; df + A; Qcf x 2 + A. ************************************************************************ Independent combos: - cls A; fwd + A; df + A; Hcb + C, C. - cls C; fwd + A; Upc + C. - cr C; df + A; Qcf x 2 + C. - JP D; Qcf x 2 + C. - cls C; fwd + A; Upc + C (1 hit), Qcf x 2 + C. + This combo uses the Super Cancel Feature. ************************************************************************ Striker low combos: None at the moment. ************************************************************************ Striker combos: - cls C, call Angel; fwd + A; §; cls C; Hcb + C, call Kula, C; Qcf x 2 + C. * The first striker must be called during the cls C; the another one uses the usual BC buffering method, input the move with the BC input. - cls C, call King; fwd + A; §; JP C; call Xiang Fei; cls A; cls C; fwd + A; Qcf x 2 + C. * The "universal" striker combo with Xiang Fei & King, but this time around you actually have to call the strikers. ************************************************************************ Corner combos: - cls C; fwd + A; df + A; Hcb + C, C; Upc + A (1 hit), Qcf x 2 + C. + This combo uses the super cancel feature. * Input must be quick or the combo won't work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ K9999 (pronunce K49): Move list ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT NOTE: His cls D is an add on, hits grounded enemies, it's also an overhead move. *********************************************************************** Command moves: fwd + A: K49 moves foward giving several attacks; 6 hits in total, the first three hit can be supercanceled; quick enough to combo from light attacks; please do note that just like Maxima's Mongolian this super cancel does not require an extra stock. ************************************************************************ Special Moves: Upc + A or C: Both vesions are super cancelable; A version is quick and hits once; C version is slower and hits twice; C version juggles the enemy; but if it hits a standing enemy you won't have many options, if it hits an air bone enemy you can do better things. Qcf + A or C: Short range proyectile it's hard to say how much hits does this move gives but most of the time it will be 4 or more; this move can be super canceled, dunno on what hits, I just do it ¬_¬; the trick is to cancel a succesful hit. ************************************************************************ Desperation moves: db, Hcb, df + A or C: Defensive move, dispels projectiles and comes out insanely fast; enough to punish even the fastest light attack; note that this move was also executed on the Akira movie; as a side note I must say that if this move hits on its "best high" it would leave the enemy open, namely to another one of these; 'best high' is when the 'Moon' covers totally K49; please do note that such effect happens only with the A version. db, Hcb, df + B or D: The character creates a gun from his arm and shots the enemy; sometimes hits five times, sometimes hits 9 times; distance perhaps? -> distance it is. dn, fwd, df + A + B + C + D: MAX only DM, also performed on the Akira movie, this move is an Add on; this move dispels proyectiles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ K9999 (pronunce K49): Combos ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Independent low combos: - cls B; cr D. - cls B; Upc + A. - cr B; cls A; db, Hcb, df + A. * Performed easily as db + B; Hcb + A; df + A... But we, the real men of the sea perform it without any buffering methods, I mean; is possible. - cr B; cr A; fwd + A; dn, fwd, df + A + B + C + D. {R} * This combo is not a super cancel; but you catch the enemy on the air due to the add on properties of the MAX desperation move. ************************************************************************ Independent combos: - cls C; db, Hcf, df + A. * Performed easily of you do db, N; C; Hcb, df + A. - cls C; fwd + A. - cls C; Qcf + A; - cls C; dn, fwd, df + A + B + C + D. * MAX only combo. - cls C; fwd + A (3 hits), dn, fwd, df + A + B + C + D. + This combo uses the super cancel feature. * MAX only combo, this combo is ratherly easy as you can input the MAX DM before the fwd + A can come out. - cls D; cls D. - D throw; dn, fwd, df + A + B + C + D. * MAX only combo, do it quick, insanely quick. ************************************************************************ Striker low combos: - cls B, call Angel; cr D; §; call Foxy; cr D; §; db, Hcf, df + A; db, Hcb, df + A. ************************************************************************ Striker combos: - cls C, call Foxy; Qcf + A; §; call Daimon; db, Hcb, df + A; db, Hcb, df + A. {NR} * Call Foxy during the cls C; run next to the enemy to summon Daimon. ************************************************************************ Corner combos: - cls C, call Kula; db, Hcb, df + A; §; db, Hcb, df + A; db, Hcb, df + A. * Remember to use the db, N, C, Hcb, df + BC method; the other two DMs require precise timming. - cls B; cls B, call Angel; cr D; §; cls C, call Kula; db, Hcb, df + A; §; Upc + C (1 hit); db, Hcb, df + A. * Same as the previous one; remember to input the usual buffering method with db, N, C, Hcb, df + BC, of course that if Kula is in the middle you 'ought' to perform db, N, C, Hcb, df, N + BC; if Kula is in the back I don't think this is possible. - JP C, call Seth; cls C; dn, fwd, df + A + B + C + D; §; db, Hcb, df + B (4 hits). * It would be ideal for the jump to hit 3 times and call Seth in the second hit; also in the right deepness the 'gun' DM can hit four times, but don't feel bad if it hits one, two or three times; if you have guts you can do db, Hcb, df, fwd, + B to run with the DM and it will score 8 hits. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel (pronunce Annhell): Move List --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE: Her cr C juggles the enemy. Her jumping C is meant for cross ups. I couldn't figure out an effective way of organazing this blasphemy; if you can't get it you better check my Angel FAQ for further inquiring, as most of it is just copy/paste from it, but more organized. ************************************************************************ IMPORTANT NOTE: CHAIN CIRCLE RULES: ==> I: This rule applies on the "Chain Circle Moves"; and it is only applied if you DO want to extend the chains you are performing; in order to enhance the posible combinations you can do, the rule itself points: " You MAY NOT cancel a punch move with another punch move or cancel a kick move with another kick move; you MUST cancel a punch move with a kick move and vice-versa" ==> II: Also applied to the "Chain Circle Moves", it's consist on: You can't input a Chain Circle Finisher after a Chain Circle Move that needs to press 'up', like the Bye-bye Rogue (up + P) or Shelter From The Storm (up + K). You'll need to use at least another Chain Circle Move to have the possibility to use a Chain Circle Finisher. Although, you can use a Chain Circle Finisher right after all the others Chain Circle Moves (except those with the 'up' motion, as mentioned) that are: dn + P, dn + K, fwd + P or fwd + K. ==> Concluding: You can cancel an 'up' Chain Circle Move into a 'fwd' or 'dn' Chain Circle Move; yet, a 'fwd' into a 'dn' or 'up'; still, a 'dn' into a 'fwd' or 'up' Chain Circle Move. If you use up + K, you can do fwd + P or dn + P; so, if you choose to do fwd + P, after you can do d + K. Then, you can repeat this proccess to add more hits and confuse the enemy with the 'high-low game', but the next motion (in this exemple) must be an up + P, followed by fwd + K, followed by dn + P!!! * Please do check the move list further bellow to fully understand what does this mean. *********************************************************************** Command moves: f + B Annhell will perform a two hit kick, nothing special about it as far as I know, cancelable on both hits.. d + D Air only move, this woman will attack with her knees while she is on the air; this move can be comboed after a jumping A; making two hits on the air; please do note that Angel can use the good old trick to run away, to retreat faster than usal using a back step (bk, bk) and then this move (thus using bk, bk; dn + D). *********************************************************************** Special moves: Hcb + B or D: Angel will run foward; if the enemy is not blocking she will perform a throw on them; this move can be blocked, has good recovery time, is quick as hell, can hit on the air but it does small damage. I like to use this move to go under my enemy when he is jumping. Rup + B or D: Standard throw; Annhell will hold the enemy and then kick them on the air; you may attack afterwards; as far as I have noticed, this throw comes out a little bit slow, similar to Xiang Fei's Hcb, Fwd + A or C. df + B: Angel will perform a kick that must be blocked low; this move may be followed with "Chain Circle Start Moves"; this move is quick enough to combo from a C or D; but not as quick to combo from a A or B. (CHAIN CIRCLE STARTER) A or C: On this Annhell will perform a quick punch; note that this move does combo after the df + B; this move can be followed up with any Chain Circle moves. (CHAIN CIRCLE STARTER) B or D: Using this Annhell will perform an axe kick on the foe; note that this move is not quick enough to combo after the df + B; but it is an overhead; this attack can be followed up with any Chain Cicle moves. (CHAIN CIRCLE STARTER) Qcb + A or C: This move will make this sweety to give a powerful blow on the enemy stomach; this move has small range and is a little slow; yet it's C version produces "Guard Crush" and can be followed with any of the "Chain Circle Moves", yummy. The C version leave the enemy standing and the A version will knock them down; yet the next moves have the posibility to hit because the enemy is left vulnerable. (CHAIN CIRCLE STARTER) Hcf + B or D: This move will force Angel to teleport foward at not so great speed; the thing is that this teleport may be followed with any of the "Chain Circle Moves".... Here is how the move works: while Angel is running perform and "Chain Circle Moves"; and she will do it while she is running... If you do naught or input to late the "Chain Circle Moves" this move will act like Rock's Howard Qcb + D; both of these cases happens upon performing the move with the D version. Now if you do Hcf + B, then just before she teleports near her opponent do one of the "Chain Circle Moves", as it was said; if done with the B version one of two things will happen: 1. If your opponent blocks... Angel will not teleport behind, but instead hit the opponent with something that looks like a teleport, then she will do the chain circle move that was input; this only happens if you use the B version of the move. 2. If your opponent does not block, Angel will "hit" the opponent with the teleport and will appear behind the opponent, then she will do the chain circle move that was input, as it was said, done with B version, I cannot emphatize this one enough. (CHAIN CIRCLE MOVE) up + A or C: Annhell will give a quick hook... this move is quick enough to combo a funny thing of this move is that after it you can access any move that doesn't use the same direction but not any Chain Circle Finisher. (CHAIN CIRCLE MOVE) up + B or D: Angel gives a quick standing kick; this move is quick enough to combo; after this move you can access any move that doesn't use the same direction but not any Chain Circle Finisher. (CHAIN CIRCLE MOVE) dn + A or C: Angel will throw a quick low punch; this move is not only quick enough to combo; but it is a sweep, after this move you can access any move that doesn't use the same direction as well as any Chain Circle Finisher. (CHAIN CIRCLE MOVE) dn + B or D: Angel hops forward a bit and does a low kick...must be blocked low and doesn't combo, after this move you can access any move that doesn't use the same direction as well as any Chain Circle Finisher; this move is an add on. (CHAIN CIRCLE MOVE) fwd + A or C: Annhell will use a standing punch; though this move is not quick enough to combo, hits twice and it is an Overhead, after this move you can access any move that doesn't use the same direction as well as any Chain Circle Finisher. (CHAIN CIRCLE MOVE) fwd + B or D: Angel will leap foward with a kick; this move it is not quick enough to combo and this move is an overhead; after this move you can access any move that doesn't use the same direction as well as any Chain Circle Finisher. (CHAIN CIRCLE FINISHER) fwd ,fwd + A or C: This move will make Annhell send the enemy to the sky; allowing many others follow ups; such as Hcb + K; this move is quick enough to combo. (CHAIN CIRCLE FINISHER) fwd, fwd + B or D: This will make Annhell Spin while she gives a tree hit kick; this move is an Overhead, I need to check out this; this move is not quick enough to combo. (CHAIN CIRCLE FINISHER) Qcb + A or C: Angel leaps back and does a REALLY big punch... this move hurts if it connects; it is kind of slow thus it is not quick enough to combo; but the tasty thing is that this move can not be blocked. (CHAIN CIRCLE FINISHER) Hcf + B or D: Anhell teleports foward and hops on the opponent's back; she snap their neck; or so do it seems. A fact to take in consideration is that the enemy can avoid this even if the previous hit of the Chain successfuly connected; but the most important value for this move is that it leaves you behind the enemy. (CHAIN CIRCLE FINISHER) Hcb + B or D: * This is the exact Hcb + B or D: that it you have without a chain. (CHAIN CIRCLE FINISHER) bk, dn, db + B or D: This will make Annhell grab the enemy with a very stylish throw; I have yet to check how this works; if the enemy must block the previous attack; if the enemy must recibe the previous attack but can not escape; of the enemy must recibe the previous attack and has the chance to escape... further inquiring is required; the problem is that Annhell will give a "back hop" before using the throw; making it hard to land; yet somewhat effective to run away, considerting the special nature of the move I have only managed to grab an enemy when Angel is cornered. ************************************************************************ Desperation moves: bk, Upc + B or D: This DM is a counter attack; as far as I know; it will react differently if it caught an air attack or an standing attack. - Standing attack: Anhell will perform a quick chain that will end up with the enemy on the air ready to recibe more attacks, if you conuter an attack at it's maximum range chances are that the enemy has chances to block the chain. - Air attack: Anhell will give tree powerful attacks on the helpless victim... It is odd; but the last attack can miss. (CHAIN CIRCLE FINISHER) bk, Upc + A or C: This move is a "Chain Circle Finishing Move"; so it must be performed after any "Chain Circle Moves"... this attack can be blocked and is can be described as a "Ryuuko Ranbu"; and that, if you do not know; is Ryo Sakazaki Multi hitting DM... Obviously; this move is quick enough to combo from a successful hit of any "Chain Circle Moves"; this move can be done as MAX. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel (pronunce Annhell): Move List --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent low combos: - df + B, C, up + B, dn + C, Hcb + D. - cr B; cr A; Rup + D; far C. * I have done it one bloody time; needs short distance + lightning fingers. ************************************************************************ Independent combos: - cls C; fwd + B; Hcb + D. - cls C; Rup + B; [Qcb + A], dn + B. * Since the enemy can't roll recovery from the throw the combo is valid. - cls C; df + D, C, dn + C, fwd, fwd + C; Hcb + D. - cls D, df + B, A, up + B, dn + A, bk, Upc + A. * bk, Upc + A may be either normal or MAX version. - cls C; fwd + B (1 hit); df + D, C, up + A, dn + C, fwd, fwd + C; cls D. - cr C; [df + B], B, dn + B, bk, Upc + C. {R} - cls C; fwd + B (1 hit); df + B, C, up + D, dn + A, fwd, fwd + C; CD; [Qcb + A], dn + D; bk, Upc + A. {R} * The DM may be either normal or MAX version; I am not sure if the enemy can roll recover to avoid the combo. ************************************************************************ Striker low combos: None at the Moment. ************************************************************************ Striker combos: - cls D; fwd + B (1 hit); df + D, C, up + D, call King, dn + C; King hits; Qcb + C; CD; [Qcb + C], dn + D, bk, Upc + C. {R} * The CD hits and the Qcb + C is canceled in the d + K; that must leave the enemy standing. - cls C; fwd + B (1 hit); df + B, A, up + B, dn + C, call Vanessa, fwd + B, call Ryo, up + C, call Ralf; Ryo hits, dn + B; Ralf hit; [Qcb + A], dn + B, bk, Upc + C. * Thanks to Chupiler for this one; though it is untested, I can tell it is a very long chain of the Chain Circle Moves aided by the strikers. - cls D, fwd + B (1 hit), call Andy; df + B; §; cls D; fwd + B (1 hit); df + B, up + B, dn + A, call Vanessa; fwd, fwd + A; §; cls D, call Iori; [Qcb + A], dn + B; fwd, fwd + C; §; cls D; df + B, up + B, dn + C, bk, Upc + A. {NR} * I advise putting Andy foward & Vanessa on the middle (thus, Iori is back); to call Andy press fwd + BC; to call Vanessa press dn + BC during the Chain Circle; to call Iori input Qcb + BC. ************************************************************************ Corner combos: - cls D, df + B, A, up + B, dn + A, fwd, fwd + A, [Qcb + A],up + A, fwd + B, fwd, fwd + A. * If you muster skill this can be an infinite. - cr C, [df + B], B, fwd + A, dn + B; Bk, Upc + A. * The Desperation move may be either normal or MAX version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Athena Asamiya: Move list ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT NOTE: This character can do a Triangle jump, that's the usual "jump off a wall" ************************************************************************ Command moves: fwd + B: Neutral kick, hits twice, cancelable on second hit. dn + D: Air only move, this move can be canceled, but it won't leave the enemy open; upon impact Athena will bounce away to safety... almost. ************************************************************************ Special moves: Qcb + A or C: Athena will shoot a proyectile, slow to come out, quick to recover. Upc + A or C: Standard uppercut, can be peformed on air; C version gives more hits but A version has more range; Super cancelable from hits two to five. Qcf + B or D: Teleport move, the button determinates the lenght of the move. Qcb + B or D: Air only move, this move is super cancelable if performed with the D version and in the second hit. Qcb + B or D: Proyectile reflector; B version comes out quick and hits once, D version is slower and hits three times. ************************************************************************ Desperation moves: Qcf x 2 + B or D: Air only move, DM version of the Qcb + B or D: Hcb x 2 + A or C: Defensive move, can be performed as MAX; can be done in air; those who have played Psycho Soldier might recognize this move; normal version can hit up to two hits while the MAX version might give up to three hits. A + B + C + D: This secuence will put an halt to the prior move. Qcb + A or C: Using this Athena will 'use' the energy created from the prior move to shoot a fireball; A version travels in rect line, C version travels first in rect line to later go up to the sky. Hcb, fwd + A + C: Inspired in the mythical 'Deadly Rave' from the man itself, Geese Howard Athena will launch herself foward, upon impact she will do an attack, note that this secuence needs to be continued manually. A, B, C, A, B, C, D: Button input to follow up the prior move, messing up with the secuence will leave Athena open for damage. Qcf + A or C: One of the possibles finisher that this DM has, this move is a Critical Wire attack. Upc + A or C: Uppercut finisher to the chain; this also leaves the enemy open. Hcb + B or D: Fire Sword finisher, this does not leave the enemy open. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Athena Asamiya: Combos ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Independent low combos: - cr B; cr A; Upc + C. - cr B; fwd + B; Upc + A. Independent combos: - cls C; fwd + B; Upc + C. - jumping C; Qcf x 2 + D. - cls C; Hcb, fwd + A + C, A, B, C, A, B, C, D, Upc + C; Upc + C. *MAX only combo. ************************************************************************ Striker low combos: None at the moment. ************************************************************************ Striker combos: None at the moment. ************************************************************************ Corner combos: None at the moment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sie Kensou: Move list ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command moves: fwd + A: Overhead move; this move can be interrupted if you chain into it. fwd + B: Neutral, this move is interruptable. ************************************************************************ Special moves: Qcf + B or D: First auto-guard, then a two hitting kick that does juggle the enemy for you to pound him with damage. Qcb + A or C: Standard pojectile. Hcf + A or C: A version make Kensou move in the ground with a three hit combo; C version makes him soar the sky with a similar three hit combo. Rup + B or D: Uppercut motion; B version knocks down on any hit; D version knocks down on any hit; they are super cancelable on the first or second hit. Qcb + A or C: Air only move, Kensou will dive foward with a punch, hitting several times. ************************************************************************ Desperation moves: Qcf, Hcb + B or D: Kensou will use a three hit kick; then he will use his Rup move to continue the bashing; B version moves around floor and the second hit is an overhead; D version flies towards the horizont. Qcf x 2 + A + C: Must be done only from close, this move is inblockable; this move can only be performed as MAX. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sie Kensou: Move list ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Independent low combos: - cr B; far A; Hcf + C. - cr B; cr A; Qcf x 2 + A + C. * MAX only combo. ************************************************************************ Independent combos: - cls D; Hcf + A. - cls A; Rup + D (2 hits), Qcf, Hcb + B. + Super cancel combo. - cr C; Qcf x 2 + A + C. * MAX only combo. - far C; Qcf, Hcb + B. ************************************************************************ Striker low combos: None at the moment. ************************************************************************ Striker combos: - cls D, call Kula; Hcf + A; §; cr C, call Daimon; Rup + D. * To give the cr C run behind the enemy. - cls C; Hcf + A, call Vanessa; cls B, call Daimon; cls D; Hcf + C. * Similar combo to the one above, I can only think of simple ones like this, so bear with me. ************************************************************************ Corner combos: - far C; fwd + B, call Xiang Fei; Qcf x 2 + A + C; §; far C; Hcf + A, call Ryo. * Performed at the right distance the MAX DM will actually combo and thus can not being escaped. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chin Gentsai: Move list ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command moves: fwd + A: Overhead, this move can always be interrupted, but it will never count as a combo even if you chain into it. ************************************************************************** Special moves: Qcb + A or C: His 94' classic move; with A version Chin will "toss" his bottle foward making good damage; with C version Chin will "toss" both of his bottles; one at the time. dn, dn + B or D: This particular secuence will make Chin law down on the floor; you can move around while he is laying down; during this "stance" you have three following options: up + D: Chin will retreat with a spinning kick. up + B: Chin will jump foward with a two hitting kick. A + B + C + D: This will cancel the "stance". Qcf + A or C: Just like Virtua Fighter Chung, Chin can access new moves once you make him drink; unlike the VF character Chin needs to drink only once in order to use these new options. Qcf + A or C: Chin will spit fire foward; A version spits one flame and B version will spit three flames; just like the moves that will follow this will be only available when "you are drunk". Hcf + B or D: Just like the old days Chin will slide foward attempting to dodge low attacks and then will punch the enemy; this move not only can be accessed after drinking but can also be super canceled. Upc + A or C: Chin trademark uppercut; with A version he will jump foward with several attacks; C version will make him spin in his own place and after a while he will jump foward just as the A version; while he spins in his place he has autoguard, of course this move can only be used after drinking and in both cases the first hit can be super canceled. ************************************************************************ Desperation moves: Qcf x 2 + A or C: This will force this character to spit fire foward; A version will spit the fire in a "high range" angle mainly thought for stopping jumping enemies, but it's hard to hit standing enemies with it; C version will toss the fire foward making it more fleasible to hit standing enemies; this move can be performed as MAX. Qcf, Hcb + A or C: Slow yet damanging combo; in the good old days this move have a very good invincible window; I down know about now though; watch for the lag time if you fail to connect it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chin Gentsai: Combos ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Independent low combos: None at the moment ************************************************************************ Independent combos: - cls C; Qcf + A. * The Qcf + A is the fire, so you have to drink previously. - far C; Qcb + A. * The good old "nightmare poke" that can held Chin at distance. - cls C; Qcf x 2 + C. * The usual DM combo; the sad part is that characters like Goro or Iori you are vulnerable to damage if you use this; so be careful; of course this combo can also be done with the MAX version of the move. ************************************************************************* Striker low combos: None at the moment. ************************************************************************* Striker combos: None at the moment. ************************************************************************** Corner combos: - cls C, call Goro; Qcf x 2 + C. * The Fire should hit two or three times; you recover fast enough to be safe but not fast enough to continue the combo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bao: Move list -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bao: Combos -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kim Kaphwan: Move list -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kim Kaphwan: Combos --------------------------------------------------------------------------