------------------------------------------------------------------------ KOF' 2002 Sie Kensou ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changes from kof'2001 to kof'2002 1. His Rapid Dragon Fangs (hcf + P) has slower start up so you cannot chain it from a light attack. 2. His Dragon Jaw Smash (rdp + K) has lower piority 3. He got his Eat-a-Bun back (qcb x 2 + P) 4. He has the Hidden SDM which powers him up (details below). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impression -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So much for having the "Dragon Spirit". I thought he would be much stronger or maybe he'll become the new lead of kof'2002. Kensou has weaken considerably. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profiles -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fighting Style : Psychic Power and Chinese Kung Fu Birthdate : Sep. 23rd Age : 19 Nationality : China Blood Type : B Height : 172cm Weight : 61kg Likes : Comics Favorite Food : Meat buns Strong Sport : Soccer Important Things : Debut album of Yu Hayami Dislikes : Training Voice Actor/Actress : - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Joystick Layout ] ----------------------------------------------------- ub u uf Jump Backward Jump Up Jump Forward \ | / (up-back) (up) (up-forward) b -- n -- f Retreat / Block Neutral Approach / | \ (back) (forward) db d df Crouch Block Crouch Offensive Crouch (down-back) (down) (down forward) [ Button Layout ] ------------------------------------------------------- A B C D Light Punch Light Kick Heavy Punch Heavy Kick QCF = quarter circle forward (d, df, f) HCB = half circle back (f, df, d, db, d) DP = dragon punch (f, d, df) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Moves -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Measured Strike When close, b / f + C (throws forward) Overhead Throw When close, b / f + D (throws to the other side) Tiger Smack f + A (overhead unless chained) Reverse Kick f + B (overhead unless chained) Psycho Ball qcb + P (typical full screen air projectile) Rapid Dragon Fangs -Earth Dragon hcf + A (ground style) -Sky Dragon hcf + C (air style) Dragon Claws qcb + P (in air) Dragon Jaw Smash rdp + K (scissor like action by both his legs) - D version is super cancel special into S(DM) - can hit opponent trying to cross-over - trade blows with opponent often Piercing Kick qcf + K (auto guard) - juggles - super cancel special ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Divine Dragon Terrible Rending Kick qcf, hcb + B - over-head for second part Divine Dragon Heavenly Kick Dance qcf, hcb + D - anti-air style Eat-a-Bun qcb x 2 + P - eats a bun and recovers some health ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavenly Blast qcf x 2 + AC (when close) (Kensou releases a few blast of power from his palms) - unblockable - opponent can escape by rolling backwards, jumping away or trading blows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hidden SDM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ??? qcf x 2 + BD (Kensou fires a very fast Psycho Ball that flys across the screen. The Psycho Ball returns smaller in size and if Kensou accepts it, his moves does more damage) In order to accept the returning Psycho Ball - Kensou must not be blocking - Kensou must not be hit - Kensou must not negate it with his own fireball You are invincible for a moment when you have your "powering up" animation. Rumors has it that if you perform his DM when powered up, you'll see a dragon, but that remains still a rumor. I tried it and haven't seen any dragon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Combos --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) far standing C (2 hits) -> (S)DM (2) close standing C/D -> Rapid Dragon Fangs (hcf + P) (3) close standing B -> Dragon Jaw Smash (1~2 hits) -> DM/SDM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing with Kensou ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) His Psycho Ball can be used as anti-air even but must not be abused against certain characters. And since his bun DM is back, you had better not turn your controller for your fireball too many times as you may accidentally do IT. (2) Abuse his far standing D and down D, they have a lot of piority --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Ending --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No team ending this year, only a few spoofs that is pretty entertaining until the novelty wears off. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyrights (?) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, there's not much to steal from here anyway. Most of the stuff here can be gotten just about anywhere and can be learnt through experiences. This faq can ONLY be found on www.gamefaqs.com so please visit it to get the latest up-date. Oh, pls give credits for whatever you decided to cut and paste and post it on any kof forum or refer them to this faq which I slogged all day to produce. Another mental note, if you didn't discover the combo and you saw it on some video clip, pls give them credit too. It's pretty obvious when you can't do simple chain combos and yet you post something obnoxiously difficult. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eolith and SNK, the people who took the pain to create kof'2002. www.gamefaqs.com for hosting my faq My e-mail weis@pacific.net.sg Version 1.0 You guys read all that? You guys rock, man!