Ryo Sakazaki King of Fighters 98 FAQ By Nima Mottacki nima.mottacki@virgin.net Version 1.0 26 May 1999 (First version, hence no version history) Version 1.1 05 July 2001 (Lots of details fixed, some facts straightened out, some BS removed. A cleaner, more to-the-point FAQ) The next version will have a much revised combo section, but that will have to wait a couple of weeks. If anyone cares Contents: *The bit about me and why I'm mad enough to write this FAQ *Ryo Who??? *General Introduction To Playing Ryo *Ryo's Moves, Rated and Reviewed *Tactics *Combos For Weak, Impatient Souls *Credits, acknoledgements and thanks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *The bit about me and why I'm mad enough to write this FAQ Ryo Sakazaki can be a deadly character if played right, and the objective of this humble FAQ is to show people how to play right. So I guess the first assumption you need to make is that I can play. Good. No, seriously now, I have been playing Kof since the ’95 version, and since 96 I use the same team of Ryo, Iori and Joe. I know it’s a bit strange, but that’s irrelevant for now. So just read it. *Ryo Who??? Ryo is the older son of Takuma Sakazaki, master of Kyokugenryo Karate, and older brother of Yuri Sakazaki. Being the oldest of the two children of Takuma, he has been chosen to be the heir of the Sakazaki legacy, and Ryo tries to live up to it by training very hard every day in the Kyokugenryo Karate dojo, using the power of the tiger to fight. He has trained since he was a little kid, and wants to make his father proud. He considers Yuri to be nothing more than a pest, and that she must not be training in Kyokugenryo Karate, since she is just a girl, and besides, Ryo fears she might be hurt in a battle. While still training, Ryo receives a new training partner, the son of one of Takuma's friends, Robert Garcia. Both became the best of friends, joined by the same style. They quarrel a bit, especially when Robert gets close to Yuri. However, they both respect each other, and sometimes get in a little battle once in awhile. Both fighters become the top students of the dojo, but suddenly, Takuma disappears with no notice, and Yuri is kidnapped shortly after. Ryo is resolved to go and seek his family in the dangerous and criminal Southtown, aided by Robert. Ryo and Robert divide themselves to look out for clues of Yuri's location. Ryo then meets a lot of enemies and friends, one of them being King, a bouncer of a bar which Ryo thought to be a man, and upon using a Koh-Ho- Ken on her, Ryo breaks King's shirt, revealing Ryo that she is a woman. Pretty ashamed, Ryo offers to help King, and ever since, both have become the best of friends...and even a bit more than that, but both refuse to accept their true feelings... Finally, Ryo is informed that the man who kidnapped his sister was no other than Mr. Big, one of the more important gang leaders of Southtown. Ryo and Robert go to his lair, and Ryo furiously demands Mr. Big to give him back his sister. Mr. Big obviously smiles and tells them that the won't do anything unless they defeat him. Robert takes care in doing so, but then, the defeated Mr. Big calls infor Mr. Karate. This man wore a strange "tengu" (bird) mask, and Ryo sensed a powerful, but familiar, aura from him. Mr. Big orders Mr. Karate to attack them. Robert is exhausted from his battle with Mr. Big, and Ryo takes the battle on. The two warriors fight, and Ryo realizes with astonishment that this man uses Kyokugenryo Karate as well! However, Ryo is determined to save his sister, and with an exceptional display of courage and strength, defeats Mr. Karate. About to finish him off, determining he was the cause of Yuri's kidnapping, it is no other than Yuri herself who bids Ryo not to finish him. It turns out that Mr. Karate was really Takuma, who had been blackmailed by Geese Howard, main criminal leader of Southtown, to fight for him if he did not want Yuri to die. Ryo accords to stop Geese, but he already has his hands full with the Bogard brothers, who had come to exact revenge from him for the death of their father. Ryo decides to retire back to the dojo and continue with his training, now that his father and sister are all right. Ryo, after a few years, has been invited by Takuma to form a team with him and represent the Kyokugenryo Karate style in the new King of Fighters tournament, which introduced the team battle mode. Ryo personally refuses that Yuri to join in their team, since she is too unprepared to fight with them. So, Robert comes with them instead. Ryo then helps his father to show the world the power of Kyokugenryo Karate, and since Ryo is the heir to the family, he fights to live up to expectations, and fights with all his will. However, he dislikes being ordered to train again by Takuma after every tournament. Ryo takes a break in the King of Fighters tournament when Yuri asks him to help her in looking for Robert in Southtown, trying to help a childhood friend. After his return, Ryo is told by his father that Yuri will replace him instead. Ryo refuses that idea with fury, but Takuma has already made a decision. Not willing to stop showing the power of Kyokugenryo Karate, Ryo has to resign. He also has to keep an eye on Robert so he doesn't do anything smart as well! Ryo fights with spirit, but next year. Ryo is faced with the humilliation of the dojo being wrecked and the students in the dojo being defeated and wounded. Ryo is told by his father to go fight in the tournament once again, and clean the name of Kyokugenryo Karate. Now, Ryo is the leader of the Kyokugenryo Karate, the best martial art in the world! Ryo is a proud man, and is a very friendly man, but sometimes pretty stubborn. He cares for his sister very much, that is why he does not want her to be hurt by fighting. He also respects Robert as his friend, but since he is so jealous, he does not want him to get close to his sister. He wants to train hard to keep on to Takuma's exceptions. He is also very interested in King, but he thinks she will not pay attention to him, he tries to stay away. [I feel it necessary to stress that the above description of Ryo as a character is taken directly from Kailu Lantis' "Tormented Battles, The Story Of The King Of Fighters Tournament" FAQ, and is copyrighted to him. This is a class piece of writing, which should be read by anyone interested in KOF. You can mail the author at lantis@mailexcite.com] *General Introduction To Playing Ryo Ryo could be said to be the Ryu/Ken character of the KOF series, i.e. you can win with him even if you are shit. This makes the people that go into the arcades for the first time to play KOF98 happy. This makes the rest of us pissed. Thus, we have scrubs. Nevermind them, though. The main point that is to be made for Ryo’s tactics, however, is that if played correctly, not only will he completely kick other characters’ asses, but he will save us from scrubdom/scrubhood/you know. The reason for this is that SNK, in their divine glory, felt it appropriate to endow him with some real moves and limit the extent to which he can be played haphazardly. If timed right, used right and thought of right, Ryo will show to be a character of much depth. This being my first FAQ and all (you noticed? Well, screw you, too), I thought I’d copy the style of the first KOF98 character FAQ I ever read (check the credits) and list the moves below, together with a ranking out of five and their usefulness I always use Advanced Mode, so the whole FAQ is written based on this: *Ryo's Moves, Rated and Reviewed These are the moves. Not really much to say, except for the explanation below. As always, assume you are facing right: f = forwards b = backwards crouch = crouching jump = jumping move (perform while in air) qcf = quarter circle forwards qcb = quarter circle backwards hcf = half circle forwards hcb = half circle backwards A, B, C, D = corresponding buttons DM = Desperation move, perform while ABC = MAXing in Advanced Mode Standing moves: Standing A: 3/5 Good poking move; has a deceptively long range (it will actually hit very slightly outside of the animation) and can be comboed into the uppercut (only A version) or the knockout kick (either version). That’s about it, really. Priority is actually quite high, as it is for most jabs, but I find usefulness its is limited to catching the opponent off-guard and slamming him with a special move. Close A: 4/5 Much better. A hit with the elbow to the face. Will combo into most anything, is very quick to come out of and won’t leave you hanging if you miss. Use this together with dp + B for quick 3-hitters. A good move is [crouch A, close A, dp + B]. Four quick hits in a very short amount of time. Standing B: 5/5 Right, in the previous version of this FAQ, I came down on this move like a thunderstorm. Completely disregard that, since this move in actual fact rocks and I was being an imbecile for not seeing it. The uses of this move in my Ryo arsenal nowadays range from keeping opponents at bay since it comes out so damn quick, to pissing people off by staying at its maximum range and just poking them with it. Even SNK thought this move was too quick and showed it by slowing it considerably in KOF99 (though I love that game, Ryo and Robert were ruined in it). Close B: 3/5 A quick forward quick to the abdominal area or the face, depending on your opponent, though as useful as the close A. I tend to use it in jumping combos, whereas the close A is mostly used in ground combos. It’s a good companion for both the uppercut and the knockdown kick, so a good combo is [jump D, close B, dp + B/hcb + D]. Again, good for quick bread-and butter combos in pressure tactic games. Standing C: 2/5 Semi-useful. Can be good for quick hit-and-run damage, but can’t be comboed into any useful moves, so we won’t bother with it. Using this is a bad habit that should be got rid of, unless you’re in for some piss-taking. Negative aspects are the delay before it commences, since a quick player could roll right behind you and combo your ass, and the lack of comboing opportunity. Close C: 4/5 I love this move. It is not quite as useful as the crouching C, but it is easier to use correctly. I tend to push the opponent into a corner, and then go [jump D, close C into hcf + C, dp + B]. The part about 'into' I’ll explain in the section about the hcf + A/C. This move is good after having jumped in, so I tend to use it to connect combos, i.e. as a stop-over move while I decide which special/DM/SDM to use. Actually, while jumping in on a standing opponent, you should make a habit out of doing jump D, close C. It will pay off, I promise. Standing D: 3/5 Here we go. Another misjudgement on my part in the last FAQ. Don’t think about comboing, but it is relatively quick, does very good damage, has decent priority and hits high. And it looks cool. If timed correctly, it can kill air attacks, if used sensibly, it’s good addition to your armoury of attacks. Use it when an opponent is out of range for other moves. Good for poking if you’re afraid that a special move might damage you, though the standing B is preferred. Use this move occasionally so as not to get predictable. Close D: 3/5 Not a bad move, but seeing how its range is limited I rather use the close C. Usefulness is equal to close C, and might be preferable if you don’t like to keep switching buttons: for combos finishing with a knockdown kick, use D, for uppercut or KohKen combos, use C, since this has a longer stun. This move can be interrupted into the DMs/SDMs, something that does not seem to be possible with the close C (not with the same ease). Personally, I tend only to link qcf hcb + A/C into combos, and this move is perfect for that reason. Using the DM, do [jump D, close D, qcf hcb + A/C] for a nice 17-hitter. Standing CD: 5/5 Oh yes. LOVE this. Although the range is fairly short, this baby is so quick to come out that it will combo out of almost any air move with ease. Jumping D, standing CD is a great way of pushing the opponent into the corner and it does a load of damage for such a ridiculously quick CD. Priority is quite high (as with a lot of Ryo’s moves), and can be most effective is used in quick series of moves. Over-use is, however, warned against, since there are only so many situations in which it is useful. A human opponent will learn. Against the CPU? Once every five seconds, thank you very much. A bit cheap, though. Pressure your oppononent by cancelling this move into a qcf + B, and vary that with a dp + A/C very occasionally so that your opponent gets caught out and you don not become predictable. If the CD is a counter hit, the game engine allows the special move to combo off it. The qcf + B will always combo in this situation, but the KoHo will only combo in a corner. Crouching moves: Crouching A: 4/5 Good move. Can be used to set someone up for a combo they didn’t know was coming. It will combo into the uppercut and the knockdown kick, which is always useful. If two successive presses are timed right, they will combo for a simple two-hitter that can be interrupted into a special move. Also, it can be comboed into a crouching B into a standing A into a special. It’s useful and should form the basis of your close-up arsenal against defensively apt players who wait for you to make mistakes. How- ever, do not canel it into the hcb + B/D, as opponents have a nasty habit to go into a crouching guard as they see the first hit, and a the kicks will leave you painfully open for revenge. Crouching B: 4/5 I use this a lot. Anyone who played with Ryu or Ken in SFII will now it, since it basically looks the same and is basically the same move. Quick to come out, no real lag and can be comboed into a low A or from a low A. It won’t combo in the same way as the low A will, but that is compen- sated for by the fact that it will combo into the low A, and most specials will connect from there. Use it as a teaser or to set yourself up for a combo from a relatively protected position. Vary this with other quick mid-range moves, such as the standing B. For the tenth time, do not get predictable. Crouching C: 5/5 This is good. This move will annihilate air defence if timed correctly, and for a standing opponent will combo into the KohKen (the ‘fireball’) or the uppercut. Can be used with a quick succession of moves knock to the opponent into the corner, from whence combos galore can commence. More about those later. In other words, this is your standard crouching uppercut move, and analogous to those of other characters in this game, such as Yashiro, it has good vertical range, but poor horizontal range. use it wisely. Mixed with the dp + A/C, it is valuable as a mind-game move. Crouching D: 2/5 You know, good move, but what’s the point of knocking someone down if you can combo with other moves? Considering the amount of combos available at Ryo’s disposal, I mainly use this when I’m low on life and need some scrub-like tactic to get me out of it. Or for the type of player who likes fakes, it will interrupt into almost any special move, like the KohKen, the uppercut and the knockdown kick. Useful in the right circumstances against a specific type of opponent, and can be highly valuable against opponents who are uncomfortable with a high/low game together with Ryo's overhead moves. Jumping moves: Jumping A: 1/5 No. Don’t use this, it won’t do you any favours. No priority, relatively slow to come out... Not a good move, and I believe that for every given situation where you could justify using this, there is a better move which you should have used. If you are of a different opinion, my e-mail is at the bottom of the page. Jumping B: 3/5 Better. Longer range, quicker to come out. It is, however, almost completely horizontal, so it’s best used in air-to-air combat. Priority is still kind of low, but if timed correctly it can take out some solid air defence. I use it regularly against Iori’s uppercut, although a good player will take you out. Jumping C: 3/5 Alright move. Best thing about it is the lag. "What?" you ask, amazed. Actually, the lag seems to be timed so that if done at the same time as the jumping D, it will hit lower. Everyone who remembers the old charts that showed you how to combo in SFII will know that this means more likelihood of comboing. It also means that you’re left vulnerable for longer. However, it goes well with the close C in that the two moves performed in succession will lead to good multiple-hit scenarios (combos, goddammit, just got bored of that word). One of my favourites is [jump C, close C, qcb + A, dp + A]. Does great damage and is practically unstoppable after the first hit. If timed correctly. Jumping D: 5/5 As with most KOF98 characters, the best air-to-ground move. Will combo into everything (well, just about), has immense priority and is quick to come out. However, there is a lag before it hits which is not to be forgotten. Timing is paramount with this move if it’s to be used regularly. As I said before, make a habit out of doing jumping D, standing C when going air-to ground. Will set you up for a lot of combos. Jumping CD: 1/5 Don’t use it. Why? Slow to come out, hits too low, medium priority, can’t be comboed since it knocks down... Anything else? Command Attacks: Tani Otoshi (close f/b + C): 4/5 I’m rating throws, I know. Well, this is an exceptionally good throw. It gets you out of trouble, and will throw the opponent quite far away from you, giving you some opportunity to recuperate if you’re taking a beating. Tomoe Nage (close f/b + D): 2/5 Not bad, but nothing special. Will make you switch sides with the opponent. I can only see this being good in corners, but in a corner, the opponent will make a point out of pounding you. Use the Tani Otoshi. Overhead Smash: 4/5 Quick overhead, and it will combo out of strong attacks (notably close C and D), but it won’t combo into anything and if used alone has a sever amount of lag. It is Ryo's only standing overhead, so it has its uses in high-low games and against turtlers. Bear in mind, however, that the move loses its overhead ability when chained from another attack, so it is less useful in that situation, though it can be used to push yourself further away from the opponent while leaving you open for only a very short time. Special Moves: KohKen [Tiger Flame Punch] (qcf + A/C): 4/5 No range, but has VERY high priority and covers a big area in front of you, so it will be good for combos and incoming opponents alike. You will use this a lot. If you are good, you will learn to stop fireballs with it (use the C version). The A version can be comboed out of a lot of things, notably close C and D. Also good for finishing off the hcf + A/C if you’re not in a corner. More about that in the hcf + A/C section. KoHo [Tiger Roar] (dp + A/C): 5/5 Damn! Not only is this God’s gift to air defence, it will combo out of almost any normal move and comes straight out of the Mo-Ko Raijin Ko (qcb + A/C). Nothing more to say, really. I know VERY few attacks that can take this out, and it’s probably the best anti-air move in the game. Well, I think so. Try to use A version mostly, since the B version doesn’t knock out until the second hit, which is almost never achieved in combos. It has autoguard, so it’ll go through most things, and it’s good for pushing opponents into corners. Its speed allow you to use it as late as you dare, thus virtually eliminating the risk of being hit. Use it wisely, though, and not too often. Mix your game up. Mo-Ko Raijin Ko [Fierce Thunder Tiger God's Might] (qcb + A/C): 3/5 Moderately useful. If it connects, it can be comboed straight into the KoHo, and the A version is good for combos. B version can be, as well, but it’s a hit-and-miss game with the timing. A good move is [jump D, close C, qcb + A, dp + A]. Timing is, however, crucial and is the KoHo misses, the last hit of the qcb A/C won’t knock down, leaving you open. If you’re close enough to combo with this move, you will be close enough to use the qcf A/C. Do that instead. Mo-ko Raijin Satsujin [Fierce Thunder Tiger God's Murder] (qcf + B/D): 4/5 Do use this, and don't listen to my previous version. Used together with the CD knockout, this is a very useful move, arguably the cornerstone of a high-low pressure tactics game. learn the range of the two versions, but don't ause it since it (especially the D version) can be hit mid-air. HienShippuKyaku [Lightning Legs Knockout Kick] (hcb + B/D): 2/5 A less than great move. Can be comboed out of most normal moves, but so can everything else. It is immensely punishable, but its use lies in the fact that it does a great deal of damage and moves both you and the opponent close to the corner. As such, it can be used to great effect, but only if you KNOW it's going to hit. Never, and I do mean never, use it on crouching opponents, who will only be hit by the first kick of either version and can then punish you. Avoid that. The first hit is almost immediate in both versions, so the D version can be used for combos almost all of the time. Kyokugenryu Ranbuken [Kyokugenryu Punch Dance] (close hcf + A/C): 5/5 This move alone will make you into a combo God, and that is a promise. Observe: [jump D, close C into hcf + C, qcf + A]. This move will give you a few useful 8- or 9-hitters, especially if you have cornered the opponent in which case the KohKen can be replaced by a KoHo for even more damage. Do note, however, that the move has a highly limited range, but on the plus side, there is no miss animation, and the worst that can happen if you are out of range is a qcf + A/C. DMs/SDMs: Haoh Sho Koh Ken [Supreme Roar] (f hcf + A/C): 3/5 In terms of usefulness, this is actually not bad, but the problem with it is the whole concept of an SDM that is meant as a projectile. For standing opponents, it will just not do. However, If an opponent is about to land, the sheer speed of the thing is murderous, together with the fact that it covers almost the whole screen vertically. Good, but more useful if you’re playing with Takuma (his version doesn’t use any power- bars). If you manage to get it to connect, the SDM will easily do twice the damage or more in its 5 hits. Use that. It is apparently possible to combo this into the same moves as the other DMs, but as with the close C comboed into a DM, KOF98’s move detection makes this very hard indeed. I don’t use it in combos since it seems to be more trouble than it’s worth. A mind-game move. Ryuko Ranbu [Tiger Boisterous Dance] (qcf hcb + A/C): 3/5 Not one of the best DMs/SDMs in the game, as I stated previously. Ryo lounges forward across 8/10 of the screen if you use A, and the whole screen if you use C, at the expense of some delay, and starts pounding away when he gets to the opponent, even if he/she is blocking. The DM does 15 hits, but the SDM does 28 and is mad. Both moves have godlike priority, they will pull someone down from the air if properly timed and can be comboed easily from jump D, close D. Even if the opponent is blocking, this will do some good damage. Tenchi Haoh Ken [Heaven and Earth’s Supreme Roar] (qcf qcf + A/C): 3/5 No point in using the DM. It won’t do any real damage. However, the SDM leads to an automatic dizzy. Only use I can imagine is as part of a redizzy combo (has to be the fastest in the game), e.g. [ABC, close D, qcf qcf + A]. Question is, is it worth two bars? Maybe, if you have another one left you could go into a [jump D, close D, qcf hcb + A]. I f executed correctly, that little baby is going to do some serious damage, about 80%!!! *Tactics And so we have reached the important tactics part. I don’t have a lot to say that I haven’t said in the rest of the FAQ. Basic guidelines are as follows, laid out for your easy reading: 1) Play offensively. Defensive play is very possible given Ryo’s air defence and his high-priority attacks, but it’s not likely to be very successful against stronger opponents. Ryo's strength lies in his immense offensive ability, his pressure tactics and his combos. Keep the pressure on your oponent, mix your attacks up and do not get predictable. Some opponents will not respond to this, so beware of their style of play. If your opponent waits for you to attack, change your game to accomodate that. Mix high and low attacks with overheads so as to chip away their guard meter and build your super meter, and combo when a hit lands cleanly. 2) Weigh your options at every stage. Ryo has many different attacks, with many different ranges in which he can work. But looking at the ratings above for the moves, it’s obvious that short to mid-range moves dominate the list of top attacks. Ryo is a comboing type of character if played right, so use this and attempt to infer the maximum damage at all times, while protecting yourself against attack, which will surely come when you are this close. 3) Zoning. Follows on from above. Keep the opponent at a good distance away unless you are ready to fight. Gauge his/her style of play. Push him/her into a corner, where it is easiest for you to do a lot of damage, and where Ryo is very comfortable. Once there, pressure them with [CD, qcf + B/dp + A]. Use the standing B's speed to your advantage. 4) Combos. Follows on from above. Combos are best performed in corners. This gives you the most effective and devastating moves. For example, although the 80% combo described above can be started anywhere, it always finishes off in corners. If you’re in your second or third round, have three bars or more and want to kick ass, use that combo and combo something else afterwards, e.g. [jump D, close C into hcf + C, qcf + A]. The last 20% are nothing. *Combos for weak, impatient souls Here’s what you’ve all been waiting for. Combos galore. These are by no means all of the combos possible, but they should be fairly complete. Bread-and-butter: Most of these can be preceded by a deep jumping attack or crossover. Crouch A, crouch A (2) Crouch A, crouch B (2) Crouch A, crouch B, stand A (3) Crouch A, crouch B, stand B (3) Crouch A, crouch A, dp + A/C or hcb + B/D (3/4) Crouch A, close A, dp + A/C (3/4) Crouch B, crouch B (2) Crouch B, crouch B, crouch B (3) Crouch B, crouch B, stand B (3) Crouch B, Crouch B, stand A (3) Crouch B, crouch B, stand A, qcf qcf A (4) Close C, f + A (2) Close C, qcf + A/C [C version won’t actually combo] (2) Close C, dp + A/C (2/3) Close C, hcb + B/D (3/4) Close C, qcb + A/C (3) Close C, qcb + A/C, dp + A/C (4) Close C into hcf + C (5) Close C into hcf + C, qcf + A/C [if not in a corner] (6) Close C into hcf + C, dp + A/C [if in a corner] (6) Close D, f + A Close D, qcf + A/C Close D, dp + A/C Close D, hcb + B/D Close D, qcb + A/C Close D, qcb + A/C, dp + A/C Close D, qcf hcb +A/C Crouch C, f + A (2) Crouch C, qcf + A/C [C version won’t actually combo] (2) Crouch C, dp + A/C (2/3) Crouch C, hcb + B/D (3/4) Crouch C, qcb + A/C (3) Crouch C, qcb + A/C, dp + A/C CD (counter hit), qcf + B/D CD (counter hit), dp + A/C CD (counter hit), qcf + A OK, those were probably the main ground combos upon which to build a successful game. The following are whole combos that I regularly use during gameplay. Most of them were in the text, but a recap won’t hurt anyone. [jump C/D, close B/C/D, dp + A/C / hcb + B/D] (3/4 for uppercut, 4/5 for knockdown kick) [jump C/D, close C/D, dp + A/C] (3/4) C version won’t knock down in this case [jump C/D, close C/D, qcb + A/C, dp + A/C] (5) [jump C/D, close C into hcf + C, qcf + A/dp + B] (7) Use fireball when not in corners. [jump D, close D, qcf hcb + A/C] (17) [ABC, jump D, close D, qcf qcf + A], wait until opponent gets up, [jump D, close D, qcf hcb + A/C]. (3 + 17) Redizzy combo. Lethal if used right. [(ABC), jump C/D, Stand D, f hcf + A/C] (3 if not SDM, 7 if SDM) Friggin’ lethal if you get it in. *Credits, Acknoledgements and Thanks That’s about it, folks. Below is a list of the places Where I obtained information for my FAQ. Although I have yet to detail where I got the exact information from, If the author of any of the Faqs below feels that he or she wants the material contained herein removed, I will gladly comply. All of the below FAQs are immensely useful, and you are well advised to look at them Credits, thanks and acknoledgements, in no particular order, go out to: SNK: For one of the best games of all time (I like LB2 better, but that’s still SNK ["Sacrilege", you scream]. Webpage: www.neogeo.co.jp Joe Palanca: For one of the best FAQs EVER! The translations for the move names come from his KOF98 FAQ. Thank you. E-mail: JGPalanca@aol.com Kailu Lantis: For a brilliant FAQ containing the whole of the storyline for the KOF series. Read it. E-mail: lantis@mailexcite.com m00nrun: For a great combo FAQ, from which I had to get the very last combo in my FAQ. I mailed him and asked, but I still haven't received a mail back. Hope he approves... E-mail:moonrun@moonman.com Brian Lui: For the KOF98 Iori FAQ from which I got most of my ideas, although I'm more longwinded than he is. Good job. Actually, I didn't play with Iori in '98 'till I read that FAQ (he was too weak!), so thank him if you find this FAQ useful. E-mail:luibr@hkstar.com If you have any comments or suggestions, mail me on nima.mottacki@virgin.net I'm going to send this first draft to the KOF mailing list to get some comments. Nuff said.