King of Fighters 98 Computer Tricks Guide July 4, 1999 by: Patrick Hwang email: About this Guide Well, this guide is designed to give you some insight on how to beat the computer easier. Even at level 8 the AI still has patterns. I've played this game so many times that i''ve found some interesting things that the computer does, and some things that the computer falls for. I cant say it will work all the time, but at least for me, it has worked for 80% of the time....just to let you know so i dont get emails saying that im totally off... Character Guide Okay, so these are some of the things you can do TO the computer AS the following characters. Choi If you keep jumping and doing his flying downwards kick special move, the opponent will only block and thus take massive tick damage. Keep doing this and you will wear the computer down. Make sure you dont jump at them, jump backwards or straight up works the best. At harder levels, this tends not to work as well. Terry Bogard One of the few people that can "catch" the opponents. Let me explain. If Terry can land a power charge, then immediately jump after them with a jumping D, land next to them and do a close C, and combo into the power charge again. The computer will not block and you can repeat this over and over again. This is what i call catching the opponent. Only the computer will fall for this, and it will fall for it all the time. Andy Bogard He can also perform a catch. Land a punch dance on them (HCF+A/C), and super jump after them with C, land and do a close C, punch dance, repeat... Shermie: Against Robert, land a Shermie Whip, but do not finish with Shermie Cute. Run next to him and as he gets up do another Shermie Whip, repeat. Iori: Get an opponent across the screen and keep throwing C fireballs. Computer will block and take tick damage. Keep doing this and the opponent will just stay there, blocking.... Mature: Against Omegal Rugal, if he blocks the uppercut,keep on doing it, he will just sit there and block. Mature will do massive tick damage and you will beat him like that. Kyo: Against Chizuru, just simple do his firefist, over and over again, she'll keep taking the hits...hahaha Robert Another catch guy. Do the kick dance, jump after him with a C, land and do a clsoe b, and combo into another kick dance, again, repeat. Mai This doesnt always work. Trap them in the corner and keep on doing the flaming fan attack. They will block and take tick damage. Against the Opponents These are some of the things you can get the computer to do, all of these are the computer's patterns. Goro If you do hop CDs on him, most of the time he will be hit. Some characters CDs are better than others though.... For most of the time, Goro will take the hits. Yuri I find that if i just stand their and block, she will leave herself open. Usually she'll do her "burn knuckle" move and then into her uppercut. Well her uppercut sux and leaves her open for your attack. Take the advantage! Benimaru Jump backwards. Beni will usually follow with his drill kick and leave himself open. Leona If you want to practice your combos or see ur DM/SDMs, Leona is the one. I usually get whole screen from her and tap the A button. This usually will get her to do her head flip move, block that, and do whatever you want, she leaves herself very open. Somtimes, instead of doing the head flip move, she will throw her boomerang projectile. Now thats just asking for punishment. Roll under it as it comes and have your way with her. Heidern Much like his pupil, the master also falls for the same tricks. Do what you do with Leona and Heidern will try to do his rolling neck breaker. Block and you know the rest. Brian Brian is the easies of the USA team IMO. You can easily go offensive and beat him. But defensively, he becomes even easier. Brian is very offensive. Just sit back and block, tap A occasionally to taunt him to attack. He will. Most of the time he will alternate between his charging shoulder and his flying attack movie. Just block and have yourself a free combo. Omega Rugal See my O Rugal guide for more detailed explanation. heheh shameless plug :)