------------------------ The King of Fighters'99: ------------------------ ------------------------------------------- A Word Before We Get Down To The Real Talk: ------------------------------------------- This faq is only for the endings and so. So if anybody have anything to add, please do so. Otherwise... do not bother. ====================================================== The King of Fighters'99 Prologue ------- Yet again this year, invitations for K.O.F. have been sent to the fighters of various lands. This time, however, the tournament doesn't seem to be exciting global event as previous year, and there's something a little more than fishy about the invited athletes. To make things even more suspicious, new rules have been introduced into matches... <3 on 3 Match Format. New Striker Match Protocol Adopted.> The Striker Match --- The fighters cannot hide their confusion with this unfamiliar moniker. Heidren, who senses something rotten about the competition, has sent Ralf and company to get the low-down behind the opening of the tournament. Meanwhile, Benimaru Nikaido has been summoned to join K.O.F., as a member of a special team formed from invited athletes. His teammate's names have been designated simply as K' and Maxima. Benimaru is openly perplexed at these individuals, unknowns in the fighting world. Benimaru, along with the other contestants, reluctantly heads for the tournament. Just what is the Striker Match? Are there evil motives behind the upcoming tournament? As various mysteries abound, the curtain opens once again on the King of Fighters'99!! ====================================================== ----------------- Name of the Team: The Hero Team ----------------- ------------- Team Members: ------------- 1)K' Dash (The burning Hero) 2)Maxima (The Canadian Bombshell) 3)Benimaru Nikaido (The Human Lighting Bolt) 4)Shingo Yabuki (The Beginner Student of Kyo) --------- Ending 1: --------- We are the NESTS cartel. The new world order. Our future, is now! Shingo: We've lost everybody. Benimaru: Let's get going. We're not save here. Suddenly, Shingo fell. Shingo: Aaaah! Benimaru: Shingo! Oh the other side, the soldiers were shooting at K' and Maxima. And Maxima was blocking the bullets by his iron hand. Maxima: Oh, what now?! May be I can get out in the confusion. K', are you okay? K': The globe's gone crazy! Maxima: Holy shish-kabob, K'! You're going to be toast! K': What, this? You can take it? Are you up to it, Maxima? Maxima: If it's like the last time. I can handle a 100 blasts... I think. Then Benimaru went back to Shingo and saved him. K' and Maxima started to attack the soldiers. K': Whoooo-ooooh! Maxima: Checkmate! Maxima they attacked by his gun on his hand. Maxima: I toasted my paddies. How about you, K'? K': The flames won't die now. I'm okay, but you'll be baked! Maxima: No problem with me. Playing with fire... I love this stuff. --------- Ending 2: --------- Shingo: Kusanagi! You're okay! How did you manage it? Suddenly, someone closed all the doors. K': Huh?! Kyo: Who is this guy? ???: Meet you clone, Kusanagi. Unfortunately, he wasn't told. That's man-made life, huh K'? What now? The choice is yours. K': Shut up! I'll do as I please. ???: Very well, we'll meet again. If you manage to survive... you too, Kyo Kusanagi. Kyo: I'll ruin you! ???: Yeah, right. Do as you like. That is, die trying... ====================================================== ----------------- Name of the Team: The Fatal Fury Team ----------------- ------------- Team Members: ------------- 1)Terry Bogard (The Legendary Lone Wolf) 2)Andy Bogard (The Master Bonebreaker) 3)Joe Higashi (The Kick-Boxing Storm) 4)Mai Shiranui (The Captivating Ninja Cutey) --------- Ending 1: --------- We are the NESTS cartel. The new world order. Our future, is now! Joe: Whew! That was close! Andy: Terry! Terry! Mai: No! Oh my God! Terry was caught in the blast? Andy: Aaah! Joe: Andy! A tough guy like him? Don't worry. He can't be dead. Mai: I hope not. Andy: Terry... Then they left the place. Later on, Terry was seen battling a guy and beaten the crap out of him. Terry: Oh yeah! Whaa! Take a hike, fat boy! Whoo hoo! Peace is back! Kid: You're one strong dude! Terry: Thanks kid! Eat your veggies, and you can be tough like me! --------- Ending 2: --------- We are the NESTS cartel. The new world order. Our future, is now! Joe: Whew! That was close! Terry: What a sad fate... Andy: Whatever, it's finally over. Let's get out of here. Mai: Not so fast, Andy! Remember your promise! Mai showed him the wedding dress. Andy: M, Mai! I was just... you can wait, can't you? Terry & Joe: Hah, hah, hah! Andy: Oh noooo! Mai: Andeeeeee! Andy ran away while Mai madly ran after him with the wedding dress. Then Mai fell down, and Andy went to here to check on her. Andy: H... hey! You okay? Then Mai got him... Andy: Ah! You sneak! Mai: Gotcha, Andy! You're mine! :) ====================================================== ----------------- Name of the Team: The Art of Fighting Team ----------------- ------------- Team Members: ------------- 1)Takuma Sakazaki (The Tough Kyokugen Master) 2)Ryo Sakazaki (The Invincible Dragon) 3)Robert Garcia (The Unbeatable Tiger) 4)Yuri Sakazaki (The Kyoku Gen Bombshell) --------- Ending 1: --------- We are the NESTS cartel. The new world order. Our future, is now! Robert: Get out! Yuri: Oh no! Papa! Then Takuma fell off... Ryo: Father... :( Robert: Master! :( Yuri: :( After they escaped, then put a grave stone on the place he fell on... and put his mask and some roses on his grave stone. They prayed for him then while they were leaving the place... Takuma's hands broke the grave stone and they were completely surprised. "To Be Continued..." ====================================================== ----------------- Name of the Team: The Ikari Team ----------------- ------------- Team Members: ------------- 1)Leona (The Serene Woman Warrior) 2)Ralf (The Battleground Tough Guy) 3)Clark (The Laconic Mercenary) 4)Whip (The Battleground Tough Lady) --------- Ending 1: --------- We are the NESTS cartel. The new world order. Our future, is now! Ralf: Where's Whip? Clark: Taking care of a little unfinished business... Leona: ... Krizalid: Why did you leave me and quit the cartel? How could you do it, sis? Whip: I'm not your sister, puke! It's a memory from another... planted in your twisted brain. Krizalid: That can't be. I'm your brother! Whip: Then answer me this, loon. Do you remember father's face? Krizalid: F... father?... Whip: You can't do it, can you? There is no image, right? Krizalid: Who... who did this to me? Whip: You really are a simp. Who else can it be, but K'? Krizalid: But, he's my clone! Oh no! It can't be! Whip: You got it, cruel breath. You're one of K's clones! Krizalid: Then my momery of you... Whip: I was fooled too, photocopy! So that's why I left you! Krizalid: Oh, the treachery! Heidren called Whip... Heidren: Come in, Whip! Whip: I read you! Beginning escape now. Heidren: Hurry up! After she closed... Whip: Thanks for the memories. I won't forget... Krizalid. After she escaped... she found Ralf, Clark, Leona and Heidren waiting for her outside... she greeted Heidren... Heidren: What kept you? Whip: I had to go back for someone. Heidren: Did he make it? Whip: No, but we made our peace. Heidren: Sorry to hear that. Whip: Don't be, commander. It was for the best. ====================================================== ----------------- Name of the Team: The Psycho Soldier Team ----------------- ------------- Team Members: ------------- 1)Athena Asamiya (The Psychic High School Coed) 2)Sie Kensou (The Fiery Psychic Boy) 3)Chin Gentsai (The Lifetime Wild Guy) 4)Bao (The Psychic Kid) --------- Ending 1: --------- We are the NESTS cartel. The new world order. Our future, is now! Kensou: Oh no! Everything's collapsed. As sartre said, NO EXIT! Chin: Whatever! We gotta leave or we'll be squished like bugs. A strange voice called Athena... ???: Athena! Athena: Who was that? Kaoru: Athena, over here! The was out is here! Athena: Kaoru! Then they managed to get out... when they got out... Athena saw Kensou alone and sad... Kensou: In the end. I never got my power back. Athena: I guess not! Kensou: I'm doomed. Athena: Oh, I've had it. Shut up, Mr. Negativity! Athena put her arms around Kensou... Kensou: Huh?! Athena; You'll get your power back. We're behind you. So can it! Kensou: Gosh... Athena: Kensou? Kensou: Umph! Kensou was way off and full of shiness... Bao: Aaaaa! Chin: Uh oh! Looks like an overdose. Come on, Athena. Help me out. Athena: You're right, master. After all, Kensou'd important... he's our pal. A whiney pal, but a pal... nonetheless. --------- Ending 2: --------- We are the NESTS cartel. The new world order. Our future, is now! Athena: Well knock me down and call me pocahontas! There it is! Kensou: There's what? Athena: It's the exit! We're out of here! Kensou: ATHENA!!! Athena: What?! AAAAAAH!! Athena's leg got stuck by a big rock... Kensou: Athena! Are you okay? Athena: My leg... ah! Leave me. Kensou, get out of here! Kensou: I can't do that. Umph! It won't budge. And no esp! A big rock was about to squished them like bugs... Athena: AAAAAAH! Kensou: ATHENAAAAAA!! Bao and Chin managed to get out save and sound with Kaoru. Chin: Kaoru, you saved us. However... Bao: Granpa... huh? Chin: What in thunderations? They saw Kensou holding Athena and a psycho ball was covering them. Bao: Kensou... brother? My power... it's fading. Kaoru: Bao? What's wrong? Chin: Kensou! What's that power? Kensou: .... BOOM! Chin: Whoa... what's going on? What's up with Bao and Kensou? ===================================================== ----------------- Name of the Team: Kim's Team ----------------- ------------- Team Members: ------------- 1)Kim Kaphwan (The Teacher of Justice) 2)Chang Koehan (The Human Wrecker Ball) 3)Choi Bounge (The Incisive Mad Slasher) 4)Jhun Hoon (The Harsh Teacher of Justice) --------- Ending 1: --------- We are the NESTS cartel. The new world order. Our future, is now! Jhun: So now you know. Your way is antique, Kim! Kim: No, you don't understand. You lack human understanding. While Kim and Jhun were talking, on the other side Chang and Choi were hardly complaining. Chang: Lack human understanding! Hmph, all they do is kick butt! Choi: Boy, you said it, Chang. I wish we could lose those two. Chang: Impossible. They'll stick to us like stink on blue cheese! Choi: I guess you're right. Chang & Choi: Ah! Chang: Hey, Choi. There's only one thing left to do... Choi: You mean? Chang and Choi attacked their masters while they were laughing. Choi slashed Kim and Chang destroyed Jhun with his iron ball... and then killed them and laughed at them... and the blood covered all their clothes and faces. Chang: We do that, and we're free! Gah, hah, hah! Chang and Choi were giving the whole idea a big thought... Chang & Choi: We can't do it, can we? Chang: Nope! We've gotten soft. A few years ago, we could've. Choi: Yeah. A few years ago. We're actually becoming... nice! And Kim knows it, too. We've gone legitimate! Chang: This year, I haven't felt guilty about anything! Choi: We'll have to change that! Next year, we get evil! Kim: Chang, Choi... come here! Chang & Choi: Right away, sir! Kim: We talked things over. You're not reformed yet. Jhun: Choi, I'll watch over you and Kim will see to Chang. Chang: Now! I'm so surprised! Ah... Choi: A real shocker! Ah... ===================================================== ----------------- Name of the Team: The Lady Fighters Team ----------------- ------------- Team Members: ------------- 1)King (The Beautiful Kick Boxing Lady) 2)Kasumi Todoh (The Proud Martial Arts Babe) 3)Blue Mary (The Under-The-Covers Agent) 4)Li Xiang Fei (The Energetic Girl) --------- Ending 1: --------- We are the NESTS cartel. The new world order. Our future, is now! Kasumi: Ouch! King: Looks like everyone's okay! Xiangfei: I'm finished! How 'bout some dim sum? :) Kasumi & King: Good idea! Mary: Nice! Xiangfei satrted to eat and finished a lot of dishes. They all were looking at her with wonder. Then King told her that it will cost her a lot, so she better check her money first. Xiangfei was so sure that she brought her pocket with her. The when she ckecked, she could find anything in it. And was shamelessly smiling to her teammates as they were very mad for this. So they had to clean everything to make up for what this ate. Mary: Why do we have to do this? We just saved the world! Xiangfei: Win some, lose some. ====================================================== ----------------- Name of the Team: Kyo's Edit Team ----------------- ------------- Team Members: ------------- 1)Kyo Kusanagi (The Burning Young Noble) 2)Kyo 1 3)Kyo 2 4)Anyone --------- Ending 1: --------- We are the NESTS cartel. The new world order. Our future, is now! ???: Where's Kyo? ???: He's gone! Kyo: What are you trying to do... draining people's strength? Answer me! ???: Harvesting power for conquest! All this will fuel our ambition! K' was the clone who showed power rivalling yours... Kyo: Don't kid yourselves, fiends! ???: With your power, we can hasten our plan by 10 years! Thank you, and goodbye... Kyo Kusanagi... Kyo: Argh! Heidren's men covered the place, then Heidren went to where Krizalid was lying... Soldier: He caused all the chaos. Heidren: Who is he? Soldier: He couldn't say, I tried... but he died before... Then Heidren closed Krizalid's eyes. Heidren: Any other survivors? Soldier: There was one more, but we lost him, sir. Heidren: The perimeter search. Get back to it. Geez! Soldier: Yes, sir! Outside... Kyo: I'm coming, NESTS cartel! I'll ruin you! Bank on it! Inside... ???: Krizalid's death confirmed. Kusanagi, escaped. Do we pursue? ???: Unnecessary. K' has his data. Find K' then begin phase 2. ====================================================== ----------------- Name of the Team: Iori's Edit Team ----------------- ------------- Team Members: ------------- 1)Iori Yagami (The Burning Avenger) 2)Kyo 1 3)Kyo 2 4)Anyone --------- Ending 1: --------- We are the NESTS cartel. The new world order. Our future, is now! ???: Where's Iori? ???: He's gone! Iori: Did you honestly think your puny power would prevail? ???: That's so like you, Yagami. Unlike Kyo, you're no pushover. Iori: Of course not, wimp. Me, do your bidding? Never! ???: We don't expect that. Next time won't be so easy. Iori: Hah! Heidren's men covered the place, then Heidren went to where Krizalid was lying... Soldier: He caused all the chaos. Heidren: Who is he? Soldier: He couldn't say, I tried... but he died before... Then Heidren closed Krizalid's eyes. Heidren: Any other survivors? Soldier: There was one more, but we lost him, sir. Heidren: The perimeter search. Get back to it. Geez! Soldier: Yes, sir! Outside... Iori: Kyo, I'll seek and destroy you... and no one will stop me! Inside... ???: What do we do? ???: Leave him for the time being. Begin phase 2 of our plan. ====================================================== ----------------- Name of the Team: Edit Team ----------------- ------------- Team Members: ------------- Four characters... must not be from one team. --------- Ending 1: --------- We are the NESTS cartel. The new world order. Our future, is now! ???: Hear a heartbeat? ???: A weak one. He's still alive. ???: And the transplant data? ???: We got it. I'll delete it from the clone. ???: Snap out of it... wake up! Krizalid: ... ???: What's your name? Krizalid: Name? My name is... who am I? Heidren's men covered the place, then Heidren went to where Krizalid was lying... Soldier: He's the ringleader. He caused all the chaos. Heidren: Where's he from? Soldier: He couldn't say. I tried... but he died before... Heidren: The perimeter search. Get back to it. Geez! Soldier: Yes, sir! Heidren: ... ???: Krizalid's death confirmed. ???: Good. Begin phase 2. ---------------- Last Words: ---------------- There you have it. If anything is wrong, just send me an E-Mail. Hope there will be some respect for the hard work. Yes, a very hard work... you know why? Because I was so bored and not in mood while I was writing the sleepy endings. The storyline stinks and I do not like this game that much, but because of SNK and the Art of Fighting team (a good reason), I volunteered to do the dirty work. --------------- Special Thanks: --------------- 1)To Gamefaqs. 2)To all my friends for the encouragement. P.S. Sorry, but this game isn't my cup of tea... so, I will not thank SNK for it this time. And really really really thanks to my friends for the encouragement, because I needed a lot of encouragements to write the endings. "Anyone who dares to stand in my way will be crushed!" - Quote from Geese Howard ====================================================== The King of Fighters'99 is Copyright SNK Crop. This document Copyright 2003 Basel If you need to contact me to add or ask me about anything, E-Mail me at Mr_Basel@yahoo.com or Mr_Geese@hotmail.com Credits for GameFAQs and SNK Crop.