AD&D: Hillsfar FAQ/Walkthrough(NES) version 1.1.0 copyright 2004 Andrew Schultz Please do not reproduce this FAQ for profit without my prior consent. However, if you write a polite e-mail to me referring to me(and this FAQ) by name, then I will probably say OK. But if I ignore you that means no--and I am bad about answering e-mail. Sorry. I added maps for Hillsfar on GameFAQs and you can/should save them to view in a graphic editor in one window. Have this in another window and the NES emulator in another. **** AD SPACE: **** My home page: ================================ OUTLINE 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CONTROLS AND CHARACTER IMPROVEMENT 3. STARTING OUT 4. HILLSFAR MAP 5. OUTSIDE MAP 6. WALKTHROUGH 6-1. CLERIC 6-2. MAGE 6-3. THIEF 6-4. FIGHTER 7. ACTION 7-1. OUTSIDE TRAVEL 7-2. ARENA FIGHTS 7-3. ARCHERY 7-4. DUNGEON CRAWLING 7-5. LOCKPICK 8. SPECIAL LOCATION MAPS 8-1. FIXED LOCATIONS 8-2. SEWERS(SEMI-RANDOM) 9. BAR TALK 10. CHEATS AND HEX EDITING 11. VERSIONS 12. CREDITS ================================ 1. INTRODUCTION Hillsfar is a sort of tweener game between the AD&D games Pool of Radiance and Curse of the Azure Bonds. It's 2-d instead of 1st person and it bridges the area north of Hillsfar and Zhentil Keep with the area south. It's a solo game that doesn't quite seem to be an RPG, as it's really largely an exploring game with some peevish little interludes where you go riding on a horse between big locations. The basic plot is: 1) go to your guild and get an assignment 2) go to the assigned place and listen/search to get information or, if the place is a maze, loot all the gold chests until you get information 3) show your skill at the arena or archery range if necessary 4) repeat 2-3 until you solve what you need, then repeat 1 Hillsfar allows for adventures with four classes--fighter, thief, mage and cleric--but the basic way to progress is still the same. It gets a bit tedious if you want to complete all four, and there's really no room to actually cast spells, but once you get into the flow of the game, you'll see neat places around Hillsfar you can't visit yet because the quests there aren't for your character class. If one thing disrupts all this, it's that you often need to get a verbal clue at a tavern or something before moving on to the next location and 'knowing' treasure will be there. 2. CONTROLS AND CHARACTER IMPROVEMENT Special trials are covered in the action section, #7. 2-1. IN HILLSFAR First of all, in the city proper of Hillsfar, you can use the arrows to move around. Well, not quite. If you use an arrow to change direction, it changes the way your person is facing and only after you hit it twice will he actually move. This is a bit obnoxious, but you'll get the hang of things soon enough. There are many buildings in Hillsfar, but you can't enter most of them. The game will note if there's a building you can enter directly in front of you or to the left or right. Just run into the door twice and a dialog will say if the door is locked or not. One trick for getting into non-special houses("Door") is that you can try to enter, and if the door is locked, say no and then try to enter again. Also in Hillsfar you can toggle the status screen by pressing the B button. When it's gone, this means that the screen won't reset whenever you cross into a different quadrant, and you'll be able to see more of the city. It's very convenient. But sometimes you'll need to check your hit points and turn it off again. Note that the SELECT button opens up a menu: --repeat last hint --save game --use healing potion --toggle sound Always save the game after you complete something. You don't have this luxury on the road. Of course if you're using save states you can do so with impunity. 2-2. ON THE TRAIL Pushing any directional button rotates the path your movement star flashes along. No matter which button you push, the game sorts through the paths in a predetermined order. But it always cycles. When a ? shows for a path, it will lead you to a path you can't quite see in most cases. On the trail proper: A = jump horse B = use rod of blasting <>=slow down/speed up horse v = ducking(lasts for a second) Once on the trail, I usually use emulator save states to deal with bad guys. Note that there are two moving obstacles--arrow and bird. There are many stationary objects. If you have the rod of blasting, you can deal with a stationary and airborne object at once by blasting(B button) and ducking. You can duck and blast at the same time. You generally get four crashes before your horse is lost. Your main object is to survive and to be sure to make the easy jumps, and if something impossible comes up, oh well. It costs a few hit points. If you're very low on hit points(i.e. <8) and still have some riding to do, duck into a dungeon(if it's there,) use some health potions, and come back out immediately. 2-3. INSIDE You can move in any of the eight cardinal directions. You're a bit faster than the Plume guards, but when you crash into a wall, you're stuck. You can get a scroll or chest just by walking over it, and if you enter and exit quickly you can escape before the guards open the door. You can even 'solve' some parts of your fetch-quests this way. The B button lets you take a potion. After a bit of time the game will tell you an exit can be found as it plays a short warning tune. The warning is for the Plume Guards that will chase you. You can run from them or find a scroll which freezes them. It teleports to another part of the maze once you touch it. Plume guards standing over an object block it--frozen plume guards in a narrow hallway can block you. If your time remaining is zero and the plume guards catch you, they throw you in the arena, which you don't want. Plume guards can also trap you in a corner if you're not careful, but if you move diagonally you can go over two times as fast as they go. Restart from an earlier position if this happens. I personally go with save states here. 2-4. AT THE ARENA A + (left) = left blow with staff A + (right) = right blow with staff (down) = special move left/right = left/right block up = overhead block 3. STARTING OUT The key to winning Hillsfar expediently seems to be setting your character's dexterity and strength at 18, regardless of the class. I generally go with a human and reroll until I get it. High strength means you can force chests open, and high dexterity means you can avoid traps easily. If you want to move your Hillsfar characters to another game, then this presents a bit of a long-term problem, but you can always get the Chime of Opening to dispell this. But considering Hillsfar as your main objective, here's what to do. Leave your camp. There's only one path to take. The first trip into Hillsfar shouldn't be too bad. It's a short distance on the map, which means there shouldn't be too many obstacles, and they won't be too hard. The first task is to find your guild. For clerics, it's actually the Shrine of Tempus. See the map below if you have trouble finding the map. Fighters: NW Clerics: SW Thieves: SE Mages: center You don't really need to get any experience in this game--knock rings and healing potions are more important--so you can start by breaking down doors, looting places, and if you manage to survive, saving. If you know where secret rooms are, you can really pump up your gold/ring/potion total. With enough gold you can buy your way out of a jam when you run out of knock rings. But you shouldn't really need this. Breaking into unknown places generates a random map, but you can pass by the lock by not entering the first time the game asks you and trying again. Known places have a lock which you may have to bust. Don't bother to go outside until you have a quest assigned to you that requires it. And be sure to save the game after every quest you solve--to save the game, you must go back in the city, so there is a risk you'll run into trouble while traveling. But better sooner(after solving one quest) than later(after solving three or four.) If you take damage and don't have any healing potion, or if you lose your gold early on, you can go to the archery range to win a competition, or you can duck into a secret room in a special location and search around the unlocked chests. If you're not worried about potential aging(and you shouldn't be if you aren't going to transfer the character,) you can just rest at the guild too--1 hit point recharged per rest(1/3 of a day.) 4. HILLSFAR MAP My graphic map on GameFAQs is a bit clearr, but I'll leave this in for posterity as it doesn't eat up too much space. XX XXXX XXXXXXXX XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXXXXXX XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXXXXvvXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXvvXX XX XXXX XXXXXXvvXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXvvXX XXXXXXXXXXXX>>..............XXvv..........XX##XX XXXXXXXXXXXX>>..............XXvv..........XXvvXX XXXXXXXXXX....<<..XX^^..>..XXXXAAXX XX!!vv....vvXX........>..XXXXvvXX XXXX!>............XXXXXXXX^^XX^^ttXX......vvXX..............XXvvvvXXvvXX^^2tXX......vvXX..>..........vvXX XXXXXX..XX^^XX..<3vv..............XX>>..........vvXX XXXX....<>....XX XXXX....<>....XX >>....XXt>..<<....XXXXXX..<<............XXXXXX..XX >>....XX3>..<<....XXXXvv..<<............XXXXXX..XX XXXX..........<<^^............^^..<>..^^..<< XXXXXX^^XX..XXXX....$$....CC......XX..<<..>>..^^..<< XXXXXX....>>....<<....XX..CCCC>>........XX..XX......XX XXXXXX....>>....<<....XX..CCCC>>........XX..XX......XX XXXXXX^^......>........<>..<<..<<..XX XXXXXXJA......>........<>..<<..<<..XX XXXX......XX..........CC....<<..XXXX..X>......XX XXXX......XX..........CC....<<..XXXX..X>......XX XX>>..^^..<<..>..^^..<<..>..<>..<>....<4>>......<<......XXh>............XX XXXX......>>>>......<<......XXm>............XX XXXXXX....XX......XXXX..XXXXXXvv^^XX....rg^^^^..<....vv^^vvXXX>....>..^^..^^XX XXXX......XXvX....vvmsvvXXX>....>..MT..S2XX XXXXXXXX^^ XXXXXXXXdd......X>..........XXXX..XX..XX......XX XXXXXXXXXXXX^X......^^..<<....HH......t>..XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXC>......^^..<<......XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX^^XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX^^XXXXXXXX No labels to a place means that you will get a random area with gold, etc. st = Shrine of Tempus rg = rogues' guild mg = mages' guild fg = fighters' guild # = stables > and then see the last clue. It should correspond to something here; that's the last thing the game records you as having done. Also, in bars, you may need to listen around for a bit even if you're on the right clue. Try talking to the maid as well. Other times your clue will be right there as you enter. When looting an area for treasure, it's possible to find something and then get out of the door right away. Don't count on this, but it's worth a try. Generally when I say 'go to X' and there is treasure in a place, what you need to do is keep opening chests until you find one that discusses going ahead in plot instead of 'You found gold/knock ring/healing potion/trap/old clothes/garbage.' Then start looking for the way out. If there are inaccuracies in this walkthrough, they consist of 1) telling the wrong thing to do in the pub(so you should try all the options) or 2) saying something's in an area's secret room when it's really in the regular one. 2) is remedied by searching the secret area first, which is easy and safe to get to, and then searching the regular area. 6-1. CLERIC The Cleric walkthrough is probably the easiest of them all. I included the relevant hints with each thing you need to do. CL-1-1. Visit the Shrine of Tempus **** "Hello, i am glad you have come to me at this time. I have a special task that i know you can do for me. One of our acolytes was sent to another town to get some magic writings, but he has not come back. I need you to find him. I would try the trading post first, to see if anyone has seen him. Good luck." **** CL-1-2. Take your horse to the Trading Post and talk to the trader. Pay for information. **** You ask the trader if he has seen a young acolyte. "As a matter of fact i have. He said he was going to have lunch at the big tree before heading into town. You might try looking for him there. Have a nice day." **** CL-1-3. Head to the Big Tree, direct from the Trading Post **** You find the acolyte inside the chest. He doesn't look too good. You are able to bring him back to health. He tells you that he was mugged by the forest bandits on his way to the big tree. He also tells you that the bandits took the magic writings along with his other valuables. You tell the acolyte that you will help him back to the shrine of Tempus and will try and retrieve the magic writings. **** CL-1-4. Head to the Shrine of Tempus via Trading Post **** "Thank you for finding brother tom, and may Tempus be with you in your search for the magic writings." You think to yourself that the trading post would be a good place to begin the search for the writings. **** CL-1-5. Head to Trading Post, talk to Cleric **** Someone was robbed near the hermit's place late yesterday. **** CL-1-6. Head to Hermit's place **** You discover a recently deserted camp. You search the area and locate some old clothes and the magic writings behind some bushes. Apparently the bandits threw them away, thinking they were worthless. **** CL-1-7. Head to Shrine of Tempus **** "Thank you for returning the magic writings. Here is a token of our appreciation for your help." The high cleric humbly hands you a bag filled with 1,000 gold pieces. **** CL-2-1. Talk to the master again to start the second quest **** As you finish meditating at the shrine of Tempus. The high cleric steps from behind the podium and waves you forward. The high cleric says, "While you were gone in search of our brother. A thief broke into my chambers and stole some magical incense. I need your help to find this thief and my magical incense. Begin thy search at the sewers." **** CL-2-2. Go to any of the sewers. Open up all the treasure there. **** As you move over the chest, you see a little man counting gold pieces on the floor. Upon noticing you, a look of surprise comes across his face and he begins to laugh. He then says, "So, it seems the shrine is quicker than i thought, nonetheless, i have already sold the incense to kridar, the cleric of talos. If you do not turn me into the red plume guards, i will tell you where you might find kridar." Do you turn the thief into the red plume guards ? **** YES: [wrong answer!] "Fool! you will never find kridar!" NO: [right answer!] The man says, "After selling the incense to kridar. He said something about having a glass of cider at the dragon's lair tavern." CL-2-3. Enter the Dragon's Lair Tavern. **** You overhear two men talking in the corner of the tavern. One of the men says, "Now that kridar left the tavern, i heard he stays at the haunted mansion!" The rest of the conversation grows faint, drowned out by the noise of the crowd. **** CL-2-4. Haunted mansion, secret room **** At the bottom of the chest, you find a crumpled note from kridar to another cleric quickly written. The note says, "The shrine has already sent a cleric after the incense. I will still meet you at the hut. " **** CL-2-5 Exit Hillsfar, go to the hut **** You find an old man sitting against the chest. When you ask him if he saw two clerics in the last few hours. He tells you that they have come and gone, and they were last seen going towards the ruins. **** CL-2-6 Exit the hut, go to the trading post and then the ruins **** As you begin looking through the chest, you notice that there has been some type of struggle in the room. Inside the chest, under a secret panel, you find what seems to be the majority of the magical incense. You get the feeling that you should return to the shrine of Tempus as quickly as possible. **** CL-2-7 Go to Hillsfar via the trading post. Enter the Shrine of Tempus. Talk to the master. **** You see the high cleric and give him what you have found, telling him of your adventure. The high cleric tells you that the red plume guards found kridar and his companion performing some type of wicked ceremony. King maalthiir then banished kridar and his companion from hillsfar. For your reward i give ye 8,000 gold pieces. **** CL-3-1 Instead of talking to the master, search anywhere in Hillsfar. **** a petite and lovely young woman comes up to you. You guess that she is probably a rogue by her manner and dress. She says, "So, you are a cleric. You should go see the high cleric serson at the shrine of Tempus. I understand his need is great." **** CL-3-2 Back at the Shrine of Tempus... **** "I am serson the high cleric." Then serson asks hesitantly, almost pleading, "Will you give a donation for more than 50 gold pieces?" **** NO: Serson turns away in disappointment. His acolytes usher you from the shrine. YES: I am grateful. Please forgive me for asking for so much, but my need is great. If you will find a silver wand engraved with blue runes, and bring it to me, i shall reward you. It has been rumored that several wands have been stored in a secret chamber in the tower. CL-3-3: Go to the mages' tower. Enter the secret room. **** You discern a blue glow in the chest, and discover a wand with strange runes engraved on it. It appears that this is what serson may be looking for. You are diligent indeed! please go now and find dalma and give this wand to her. She is my only hope. I must confess that there is more here than meets the eye. But, please trust me and i will reward you greatly. You should begin your search outside. **** CL-3-4: one square outside the Shrine of Tempus, search(A button.) **** A voice from the shadows whispers, "The one you seek can be found at the rat's nest tavern in the early evening" **** CL-3-5: enter the Rat's Nest in the early evening. Waste time sleeping to get it right. **** A petite and lovely woman sits down beside you. You have a strange feeling that you have met this woman before. She asks you if you have met serson. You reply that you have, and she whispers, "I am the one you seek. My name is dalma. I will take the wand now!" For some reason you decide not to give her the wand. She whispers angrily, "Fool! you had better change your mind and give me that wand within 24 hours, or else!" She turns and leaves. You think to yourself that maybe you should have given her the wand. **** [There's no way to avoid this 'blunder.'] CL-3-6: return to the Rat's Nest. You may have to wait until the next day. Crusty, I know... **** "Finally!" She hisses. "You made me wait long for this! my price has just gone up! you tell serson that i want another 400 gold pieces before i will fulfill my part of the bargain." She turns away from you and begins talking to the tavern keeper. **** CL-3-7: return to the Shrine of Tempus **** "So dalma has raised her price again!" Serson cries in anguish. "I did not wish to entangle you in my affairs, but i have no choice. I believe my daughter tina has been captured or worse. She has been missing for weeks now. I sent my helpers to find her, but they found no trace of her. This woman dalma came to me and told me she knew where tina was. She claims to have proof, a ring of tina's. I will not pay dalma the gold she wishes until i have that ring." Serson looks at you sadly and says, "Please my friend, you must help me if i am ever to see tina again! i will send word to dalma that i need to see the ring, and that i will send you to retrieve it for me." **** CL-3-8: return to the Rat's Nest. Again, might take a few exits before you get this, or you may have to wait a day. **** As you turn to leave you bump face first into dalma. "There you are, you oaf! she hugs you close and presses a ring almost painfully into your palm. As she does this she whispers into your ear, "Here is the ring serson seeks. I will leave now. Stay here awhile before leaving." She quickly ducks out of the tavern. A few minutes later, you realize that some of your gold is missing! it must have been dalma, that thief! **** CL-3-9: return to the Shrine of Tempus **** an expression of relief and joy spreads across serson's face as you approach, only to fade when you drop the ring into his anxious palm. "We have been tricked! this is a cheap brass trinket! tina is lost, lost!" Serson cries. "You must find dalma again. She may know nothing, but she is my only hope. Go to the quarry. You may find her there." **** CL-3-10: go to the Rock Quarry, via the trading post and then the hermit **** You see a person nearby. It looks like dalma! you run to her person but fall back at the last moment as an arrow whizzes by your head. You cannot tell where the bolt came from, and decide to try and reason with the unseen person. A voice tells you to move away from the person and explain why you seek dalma. You tell your story. When you finish there is a long pause. As you slowly try to retreat, hoping not to get caught, the voice tells you that dalma double crossed one person too many. She was a greedy, wicked woman who spoke incessantly of the mansion she was going to live in someday. The ring you seek may be in dalma's hideaway. **** CL-3-11: go to the haunted mansion, secret room, again **** You discover a ring with an inscription with the word 'tina'. **** CL-3-12: return to the Shrine of Tempus **** You sadly return the ring to serson, who greets you with a hug and exclaims, "My friend the search is over! my daughter is here safe and sound. I did not tell you before, but tina left after we shared harsh words. She simply ran away for awhile, but has returned. She told me about meeting a woman named dalma, who befriended her. Tina also said that it was shorlty after dalma left her, that she discovered her ring was missing. You have helped me and risked your life, and for that i shall reward you with 19,800 gold pieces." **** Serson looks skyward and begins to sing a strange song. Suddenly he is surrounded by beams of intense light. He looks upon you and channels the light toward you. You feel warm and peaceful in the wash of light. Slowly the light fades away. Serson speaks kindly to you, "You are now greater than you were. Go now and may tempus be with you." "In addition, with my ring of wishes, i will raise your hit points." The master whispers, "Know ye that those of the silver moon and the silver harp (the harpers) will give ye assistance in future journeys outside the realm of hillsfar." You're famous now, you settle in hillsfar as a retired adventurer. 6-2. MAGE The mage walkthrough starts out straightforward, but eventually you get a few fights at the end, and then the game branches off. Nothing is too complex, though. The big inconvenience here is that the magess' guild is in a corner, behind twisty paths. M1-1: head to the mages' guild **** "Greetings. I am biswon, master of the guild, and i have a special task of great importance that i must ask of you. I am creating a powerful new scroll, and i can't finish it because i am missing the final ingredient. I need you to find the last ingredient for the ink. The ingredient is giant squid sepia. I know that the trader collects some strange and unique substances. I suggest you go and see him first at the trading post." **** M1-2: ride to the trading post **** You ask the trader if he has any squid sepia. He replies, "Squid what?!? never heard of it. Although a trapper came through here not too long ago babbling about some giant octopus that had washed up on the shore near the expired dragon." **** M1-3: go to the dead dragon, via Hillsfar and then the shipwreck(to the south) **** You find some remains of a squid lying next to the chest. Since you're not sure exactly what part of the squid you need, you take off a tentacle to take back with you. You know the magic shops carry spell components, so maybe they will know how to extract the sepia. **** M1-4: go to the magic shop **** "Well, i could have extracted the sepia that you needed if you would have brought me the right part. What you needed to bring me was the squid's eye." **** M1-5: go back to the dead dragon **** You are at the spot where you found the squid before. Somebody must have taken it. There's nothing left except for some stains. You seem to remember the hydra's den tavern is serving a squid dinner special this week. **** M1-6: Go to the Hydra's Den tavern and listen to gossip **** You ask a stranger if he knows where a person could find a squid's eye. He says, "Sure. The trader has a bunch of animal eyes." **** M1-7: Go to the trading post **** You ask the trader if he has a squid eye. He replies, "Oh, i remember you. You were looking for some weird part of a squid. So now you just want an eye eh? no problem, take your pick of these, it's on the house." You feel like punching him, but instead you just grab one of the squid eyes and say, "Thanks". **** M1-8: go to the magic shop **** "I see this time you brought the right part, this will take just a few moments to extract the sepia you need." The shop owner hands you a small vial of strange looking liquid. **** M1-9: return to the mages' guild **** You give your master the vial of liquid. "At last! I have the final ingredient. Thanks to your help I can now scribe the spell." She then hands you a large pouch with 1,000 gold pieces in it. **** M2-1: talk to the master **** I have recently discovered that an ancient book of the darkest wickedness, thought destroyed, was seen recently at the trading post. Recover it for me and i will see you well rewarded. You ask the trader if he has seen the book. "I don't know anything about an ancient wicked book. But about a week ago, a man came in and tried to sell me a strange book he had. I told him to try the book store." **** M2-2: As you begin to open the chest, a stranger approaches you and says, **** "A man showed me a rare book a few days ago. It was interesting, but i don't deal in anything with a strong magical nature. The man said he was going to try and sell it at the magic shop. Maybe you can find it there." **** M2-3: go to the magic shop when it's open **** "Yeah, a man did come in here trying to sell me a book. I told him there wasn't much of a market for magic books here in town. He didn't like the price i offered him, so he left with the book. I think i've seen him before over at the archery range." **** M2-4: go to the archery range and keep winning until Tanna notices you. **** Tanna approaches you, admiring your marksmanship. "Nice shooting! the man you are looking for is named eclipse. He frequents the hydra's den." **** M2-5: go to the Hydra's Den and charm the maid. You'll get interrupted. Weird, but listening doesn't work. **** "Yeah! eclipse told me he hid the book out in the ruins. He figured it would be too dangerous a place for anyone to go and find it." **** M2-6: go to the ruins via the trading post **** In the chest you find a gold pendant on a silver chain. So this is what eclipse hid. Well it must be valuable to him, perhaps he would trade it for the book. **** If you dawdle too long, you get the hint 'You recall that Eclipse does frequent the Hydra's Den.' M2-7: return to Hillsfar and the Hydra's Den **** Eclipse sits down at your table and says, "So you found my pendant did you? and you will take the book in trade? bring the pendant and 500 pieces of gold to the dragons lair tavern. I will meet you there." **** You should have the gold for this from your previous reward, but if not, loot some well known special locations behind secret doors. If out of knock rings, only get the chests you can open easily. M2-8: go to the Dragon's Lair **** Eclipse walks up to your table, and with a scowl, takes your pendant and the gold, and gives you the book. **** M2-9: go to the mages' guild **** "So you have brought me the book. Wonderful. The mages' guild will always remember this service you have done for us. Again, my thanks, and take this bag of gold as your reward!" As you leave the master, you count the gold. There are 5,275 gold pieces in the bag. **** M3-1: the third part. You should rest at the mages' guild to get it. This is random and I will try to cover everything that happens. **** you are suddenly very tired. You dream... You are feeling dizzy... An image forms in your mind... The arms beckon to you... The lips form soundless words.. **** If (You see implanted in your mind's eye a locked door to a magic shop.) Then go to the magic shop when it's closed, break in, and loot it. M3-2a1: loot magic shop **** You find an odd shaped pick with the inscription, 'stonemaster' ... You wonder if the nearby quarry would give a clue.. **** M3-2a2: loot quarry(via trading post, hermit) **** The quarry master looks at the pick you offer him and exclaims, "She told me you would come bearing stonemaster. Diane left this elixir for you." You find a bottle containing a thick, reddish liquid and decide it would be best to take it to the guild master for evaluation. **** M3-2a3: return to guild, talk to master **** "You have found the elixir of diane! i thought this lost with the disappearance of her daughters ..." She uncaps the bottle, and as you smell the fragrance you fall fast asleep... The image shapes into a handsome, striking woman who speaks... 'i am a daughter of diane, trapped in a prison. Only a mage thricely honored may release me from my doom... The first honor must be one of exacting aim on the 4th board. The word 'tanna' forms in your mind. **** M3-2a4: go to archery range, win out **** Tanna takes you aside and whispers, "You are honored this day, bold mage, with the first honor of diane." You will find more of diane's elixir at the wizard's labyrinth located near the ruins. **** If (The formed words... 'search the bookstore at dusk'..) Break in at dusk and loot the bookstore M3-2b1: loot bookstore **** You find a silver cup with 'dragon's lair tavern' inscribed on it. **** M3-2b2: go to Dragon's Lair. Schmooze for a bit. **** "Our treasured cup," Crys the maid. "Diane said you would come. Step into the backroom, please." The owner of the tavern steps from behind the desk eyeing with joy the silver cup. He reaches into a cabinet and offers you a bottle of reddish liquid, saying, "The elixer of diane!" **** **** The second honor is one of freeing the mage's tower from a malevolent shade by opening a special chest within the room it inhabits. **** M3-3: go to the wizard's labyrinth. You'll find the following dialogue in the regular room, but the chime is in the hidden room. **** In the corner of the room you see the dark presence of the malevolent shade. As you open the chest, a shade of good and light pushes past you, aimed as an arrow at the dark shade. The dark shade flees in great haste. The good shade comes to your side and chants, "You are honored this day with the second honor of diane." At the bottom of the chest you see a note addressed to the master of the tower... ]]]]Bottles of diane's elixir have been hidden at the hut. ]]]]We have heard through close sources that bottles of diane's elixir have been hidden at the ruins. ]]]]The hermit has a bottle of diane's elixir in a chest. **** M3-4: The hut seems to be the 'main line.' But you may be sent to the ruins or the hermit. Either way... **** You find diane's elixir. You hold it gently and uncap the bottle... The third and last honor, my daring mage, is one of defeating the proud minotaur, taurus, in the arena. He is the instigator of my imprisonment! i have seen him fight. He always leads with one or more hits to the left followed by a head butt and then one or more hits to the right and then repeats the cycle. **** M3-5: win the fight at the arena. **** As you leave the arena, a woman of status and evident power approaches you and says, "I am diane. With the defeat of taurus you are now thricely honored, my brave mage. The jealousy of taurus caused him to mastermind the imprisonment of my daughters in a mirror of life trapping. Only an honored mage such as yourself can break that mirror. I don't know where it is but i heard a rumor..." ]]A rumor whispered at a tavern nearby. ]]A rumor whispered by the master of the mage guild. ]]A rumor found written in the cemetery. M3-6: go to the Rat's Nest(the main line,) **** JANA: I know you. I saw your name at the range and witnessed your defeat of taurus yesterday. His crazy servant mentioned your name and how he hid a mirror from you in the haunted mansion. **** ...or, there are other paths in the text dump. You may have to talk to the mage guild master, or go to the cemetery. Wherever Diane sends you next. **** MAGE GUILD MASTER: ]]]]I hear the mirror has been taken to the shipwreck. CEMETERY: ]]]]Written in red on a stone is the message, "Jana at the rat's nest knows." **** **** SHIPWRECK: ]]]]You read on a parchment, "Oh great taurus, i have hidden the mirror in the haunted mansion where none may find it!" **** M3-7: go to the Haunted Mansion **** Before you lies the mirror! you take it into your hands and smash it down upon the chest. From the mirror escapes a frosty essence whose image materializes before you in the shape of a beautiful woman. She hugs you and exclaims, "Oh thank you, my honored mage". Diane rushes into the room and upon seeing her freed daughter, embraces her. She turns to you and says, "Return to your guild master and he will reward you." **** M3-8: visit your guild master **** "Take this bag of 21,500 gold pieces as a token of diane's gratitude." "In addition, with my ring of wishes, i will raise your hit points." The master whispers, "Know ye that those of the silver moon and the silver harp (the harpers) will give ye assistance in future journeys outside the realm of hillsfar." You're famous now, you settle in hillsfar as a retired adventurer. **** 6-3. THIEF The thief walkthrough can be annoying as if you bump into a lock the game asks 1)if you want to pick the lock and 2)if you want to smash it. Only once can you actually pick a lock to any degree of usefulness without save states. T1-1: Go to thieves' guild **** Hello young thief. I am swipe, master of all thieves. I sense that you wish to become a member of this guild. But, before i allow you to join, you must fulfill a simple task for me. First you must find me some poisonous mushrooms and then return it to me. Seek information on this poison mushrooms at the magic shop. **** T1-2: go to magic shop **** "That's a very rare type of poisonous mushrooms you are looking for. The only place i've ever seen it is in the damp sewers under the city." On the bottom of the chest you see a yellowish mushrooms, which fits the mage's description of the poison mushrooms. **** T1-4: return to thieves' guild **** Good! i see you have found the poison mushrooms. Now travel to the hermit's place. There you must find a potion with misty white liquid in it. Bring this potion back to me upon finding it. **** T1-5: go to hermit's place via trading post **** At the bottom of the chest you see a vial with misty white liquid, wrapped in black silk. **** T1-6: return to Hillsfar **** Swipe takes the vial and places it in his desk. He then looks at you and says, "You have done a very good job. You are a welcomed member of my guild. I reward you 1,250 gold pieces for your efforts." **** T2-1: talk to the master **** "Hello again young thief. So, you wish to prove yourself as an expert thief. Well, i have just the task that will allow you to do that." "Several months ago, i sent a young thief much like yourself in search of a precious amulet on a gilded chain. There has been no word from him since, so i must assume he has failed. The high clerics of the clerics' guild have possessed this powerful amulet for many years. This amulet belongs to our guild." "If you complete this task, not only will you be greatly rewarded, but you will have proven yourself to all the members of the guild. I hope you are successful, young thief, as the amulet is very important to us. I suggest you begin your search at the nearest tavern." **** T2-2: Bugbear's Cave tavern(it's the nearest to the guild) **** "I recently heard a rumor that a thief stole an amulet from the clerics' guild and has been hiding out in the sewer in the northwest part of town, but i could be wrong." **** T2-3: head to the sewers. You may not need to go to the NW. I found it in the SE. But don't push it. I'm, uh, special. **** You see a huge rat in the bottom of the chest chewing on some torn scraps of paper. You quickly chase the rat away. You collect the torn scraps and try to piece them together. Although partly destroyed, the note reads.. 'i don't know how you pulled the heist, but i am willing to pay a price for the amulet. Meet dragon's lair tavern. Beware! has sent another thief in the amulet. Be sure to **** T2-4: go to the Dragon's Lair tavern **** "A little while ago, i couldn't help but overhear two men talking about a deal that involved some kind of amulet which is to take place later on at the hut. I think the hut is in the forest to the southwest of hillsfar." **** T2-5: take the secret passage to the hut or just go via the trading post. **** You find a scroll of information. It says, 'you should try to pick the cellar door in one of the taverns.' **** T2-6: pick the cellar door and eventually you'll get this advice, or overhear... **** "A thief was lost a short while ago in the northwestern part of the city!" **** T2-7: this time you do seem to have to go to the northwest. I did. **** You find a thief stuffed in a chest. You search him. Clutched tightly in his fingers is a gilded chain. The amulet is nowhere to be found. You now feel that returning to your guild with the chain would be the wisest choice. **** T2-8: go to thieves' guild **** "You have done well my young thief. You have recovered the gold chain that the amulet was on. For this i award you 500 gold pieces." "However, you must still complete your mission. My sources tell me that the amulet itself was never removed from the clerics' guild. I understand that they have it well hidden and locked up. You must enter the guild after everyone has gone home and steal the amulet yourself!" **** T2-9: go to clerics's guild. There's a secret door. **** You find a velvet cushion lying in the chest. On the cushion you see an amulet. You have found it !!! you can't believe your eyes as you reach down to pick it up! at last, you have the amulet in your hands! While gazing at the amulet, you are hit over the back of the head and knocked out. You awaken a few moments later only to find the amulet gone. As you pull yourself up from the floor you notice some broken glass and a blackish liquid on the floor. You realize it was a poison potion! **** T2-10: return to rogues' guild. Rest. You'll come up with the idea... **** the healers have all kinds of potions. **** [if this doesn't work, talk to the master. If that doesn't work, go to the pubs. But I'm 99% sure you just sleep. Seems odd, but there you go.] T2-11: visit the southern of the two healers--not the one in the center town square. **** "Poison! not here! we try to save lives, not take them. However, i hear the old hermit outside of town dabbles in making potions." **** T2-12: go to the hermit's via the trading post **** You find the old hermit's diary, and can hardly read the scrawl. "I sold some potions to two men who said they were looking for a way into the castle." "They weren't very nice to me, so i told them they could find a special pick in the ruins that might help them. Ha ha ha ha! that'll teach em. The castle pick they need is in the rock quarry." **** T2-13: go to the rock quarry, which is along the ? path from the hermit's **** You have found an old rusty pick. **** T2-14: go back to Hillsfar. Here you need to pick the door. Save the game. Use a Knock ring on the castle gate and use the new pick(upper left corner) to open the lock. The game's really anal about time here so be prepared to click around. Also be prepared to restore if you keep getting hit by a trap when using a Knock Ring. If it's successful you'll get all but the last tumbler. Push B if you need to to get the right side of the pick in the lock. This is very tough and once again, SAVE before doing this. You don't want to have to do any backtracking. This is the trickiest part of the whole game. Once in the castle find the secret room. Loot it. **** There it is! once again you finally have the amulet in your clutches. You quickly turn around and look ... There is nobody in sight this time. You heave a great sigh of relief! **** T2-15: go to the Rogues' Guild. **** "Excellent !!! you actually did it! i must admit i did have my doubts at first. You are now a highly respected member of my guild. I reward you with 5,000 gold pieces." **** T3-1: talk to the guild master **** "Ah, young thief, it is good you have come. Another group of thieves has moved into our territory and has placed our guild in serious trouble. Not only are they stealing our work, but the extra rash of crimes is causing a crackdown by the red plume guards, and they might run us out of town. These renegade thieves are pretty clever, but if i can find out what their plans are, i can then run them out of town. The last crime took place at the magic shop." **** T3-2: enter the magic shop when it's closed [WHEN OPEN: I'm afraid we don't have what you're looking for. Ever since the shop was robbed, business has been lousy. ] **** The chest appears empty, but then your hand brushes against something furry on the chest lid. Looking closer, you see that it is a piece of grey fur! you search the chest again and find a broken pick inside with a wolf's head carved into its handle! **** T3-3: Exit and go to taverns and listen around. ...Had a run-in with a bunch of those new trappers at the trading post. It seems that the only thing they trap are grey wolves. T3-4: go to the trading post **** The trader informs you that he's familiar with the trappers. They all come in from the west to hillsfar, but he has yet to see one leave the city. He then says, "I heard they've been causing trouble in the taverns." T3-5: go back to the Hillsfar taverns **** ...But i think arena fights will get better, since they got that orc, ottis, for stealing! i hear that he's got a basic right-left combo, but he's still pretty tough! i'd hate to have to fight him. **** T3-6: fight in the arena. It will take a while to get to Ottis. **** Ottis congratulates you and exclaims, "You're pretty good. You know, i used to be a member of the grey wolves' den. I know they're always looking for someone who has quick hands. They do a lot of their recruiting at the bugbear's cave." **** T3-7: head to the Bugbear's Cave. Talk around. **** You keep an eye on your purse as a rat-faced man approaches you. You recognize his thieves' walk. He asks if you would like to meet later for possible employment. He tells you that tanna keeps an eye out for potential employees who have a proven ability with weapons. If he thinks you have the right stuff, he'll tell you where to meet us. **** T3-8: go to Tanna's. Get the 5000 points after shooting at targets for a while. **** "Say, you're pretty good. I know some people who would be interested in hiring you. If you're interested, go to the outside entrance of the shrine at midnight and keep your eyes open." **** T3-9: search outside the Shrine of Tempus. Doesn't have to be at midnight but it should be pretty close. **** Suddenly a man appears from the shadows. You try to get a look at his face, but it is shrouded in a wolfskin cowl. He says, "I am the master of the grey wolves' den. I hear from tanna that you are skilled in weapons, but to become a member of the grey wolves' den, one also has to prove his skill at theft." "It is rumored that a book of arcane lore is hidden in the mages' tower. A thief who can steal this book would be welcomed into the grey wolves' den." "If you find the book, then go to the door across from the dragons' lair tavern at 4am." Without allowing you to respond, he melts into the shadows. **** T3-10: go to mages' tower, into secret room **** Lying at the bottom of the chest is a bundle wrapped in black velvet. Carefully unwrapping the velvet, you find a very old, crumbling book. Judging by the ancient writing on its cover it must be the book of arcane lore. **** T3-11: return to the Dragons' Lair tavern. Doesn't have to be 4 AM but you should get there nice and late. **** Suddenly, the door opens. Two large men wearing grey wolfskin cloaks escort you inside. You see the master of the grey wolves' den with about a dozen men dressed in wolfskin. You present the book to the master and he snatches it greedily, smiling. "You have done well. This is work worthy of a grey wolf." With that, he takes off his wolf skin cloak and gives it to you. Ugh! now you can see the hideous scar stretching across his right cheek. Ignoring your shudders, he gives you your next assignment. "With the recent royal marriage, i know the castle is packed with riches. The only problem is that you need a special claw pick to open the lock. I need you to find this pick. When you do, bring it to me." As the master of the grey wolves' melts into the shadows, you feel you have enough information to report to swipe. **** T3-12: go to the rogues' guild and talk to the master **** Swipe listens carefully as you tell him all you know. Nodding thoughtfully he says, "So old bridakk is behind all this, eh? excellent, young thief. You have done all that i have asked of you. I think i can take care of bridakk, but you'll have to buy me some time. Go ahead and search for that claw pick; bridakk may be watching you anyway. Hopefully by the time you find it and bring it to the grey wolves den, there won't be anyone to answer the door." **** T3-13: go to any tavern. Listen around. **** ...Hmph! a true thief depends on his wits, not his tools. I'm sick of the way kaden whines about losing that special claw pick while looking for treasure by the expired dragon--you'd think he had lost both arms! **** T3-14: go to the dead dragon, south of the shipwreck along the shore **** Lying just outside the chest is a very odd pick, with a clawish bend at one end. You notice a crudely carved initial, 'k' on the handle, and realize this is the claw pick the other thief lost! **** T3-15: return to the Dragon's Lair for the final sequence **** you expect to see a grey wolf, but instead you are surprised as a member of swipe's guild answers the door! he smiles as he recognizes you. "The wolves' den is no longer. Swipe is pleased with your work, and he is waiting for you at the guild." Swipe greets you. "We don't have to worry about bridakk or his grey wolves anymore. I knew i could rely on you to help solve this problem! in appreciation for your help i am giving you 20,000 gold pieces." "In addition, with my ring of wishes, i will raise your hit points." The master whispers, "Know ye that those of the silver moon and the silver harp (the harpers) will give ye assistance in future journeys outside the realm of hillsfar." You're famous now, you settle in hillsfar as a retired adventurer. **** 6-4. FIGHTER F1-1: go to the fighters' guild **** Greetings i am caratacus the master of the guild. I am glad you wish to join our guild, but you must first prove yourself worthy of admission. Master the art of archery and return here. **** F1-2: win once at the archery range. Use arrows. **** Tanna, the owner of the target range approaches you and says, "You have become a most proficient marksman. I will tell your guild master of your achievement." **** F1-3: return to the guild **** So you have mastered marksmanship. This is very good. Now go and prove yourself within the arena and return here. **** F1-4: go to the arena and win two fights **** The opponent you defeated approaches you and says, "You are an excellent fighter. Return to your guild." **** F1-5: return to the guild **** You have proven your mettle as a fighter and are thus granted admission to the guild for the sum of one hundred and fifty pieces of gold. **** F1-6: talk to the master **** We have a small mission for you to complete for the guild. A member of our guild was recently indisposed and buried in the cemetery. He was carrying valuable guild documents. We wish you to recover these documents for us. If you do, you will be well rewarded. **** F1-7: go to the cemetery **** In the chest you find the items the late courier was carrying when he was indisposed. The documents are not within. However, there is a note that some of the possessions have been removed and are being stored in the jail, as evidence for the crime. **** F1-8: go to the jail **** In the chest you find the documents you were searching for. There is no evidence that they have been read as the wax seal has not yet been broken. **** F1-9: return to the fighters' guild and talk to the master **** "So, you have recovered the documents. We appreciate your help. Take this pouch of gold and our good will with you, as you journey throughout the realm." **** F1-10: talk to the master for the next mission. **** caratacus says, "People are currently gathered outside the castle gates trying to find out information regarding last night's burglary. A reward will probably be offered for the capture of the thief. You should search outside the castle gates for clues." **** F2-2: go outside the castle, where you can enter on the right, and search. **** You overhear a woman whispering to a friend, "I cannot believe that jared jymn, the princess's childhood friend, could steal the princess's jewels and destroy her bodyguard! i hear they are having the funeral at the cemetery today." The friend says to the woman, "I heard that someone actually saw jared running toward the rat's nest tavern." **** F2-3: go to the Rat's Nest **** You hear a burly, unshaven man say to a friend, "I don't know why the red plume guards keep coming around here looking for jared, they should be searching the sewers for scum like him." **** F2-4: go to the sewers. Any one seems to work, but I went to the SE. **** A beggar sitting near the chest says that he will give information regarding jared if you will help him out of the sewers. You agree and he tells you that jared used to fight in the arena for a living. **** F2-5: fight twice in the arena. Win. **** Your opponent starts talking to you about jared and tells you that jared used to spend time at the hermit's place. **** F2-6: go to the Hermit's via the trading post **** You find a hastily written poster recounting jared jymn's crimes. At the bottom of the poster it says, 'mordak, the king's wizard is offering a 7000 gold piece reward for information regarding the whereabouts of jared jymn. Pass on any information at the fighters' guild.' you decide to go to the rat's nest to get more information about jared. **** [see alternate paths below] F2-7: go to the Rat's nest and listen in **** They are sure having trouble locating jared. The only place that hasn't been searched thoroughly is the secret room in the haunted mansion. **** F2-8: go to the haunted mansion and access the secret room **** You notice a man hiding in the shadows. He appears very frightened. You talk to him and he reveals to you that he is jared. He recounts some wild story about being framed for the crimes by mordak, the king's advisor, and that if you will only pass this information on to king maalthir's daughter at the bugbear's cave tavern, she will reward you. Will you help jared? **** [Say YES.] F2-9: go to the Bugbear's Cave **** in the shadows you see a beautiful young woman crying. She glances at you. Do you approach her? "Do you know anything about jared jymn?" [YES:]You tell the maid everything you know. The maid says that she will pass the information on to the princess and that you should stay out of town for awhile and wait at the trading post. **** F2-10: go to the trading post. **** The trader asks if you have heard the news that king maalthiir uncovered a plot to steal the princess's jewels by his own advisor mordak, and that mordak tried to frame jared jymn for the theft. The fighters' guild is looking to reward the person who helped uncover mordak's fiendish plot. **** F2-11: return to the trading post **** Caratacus says, "Thank you for your help in uncovering mordak's treachery. You will always be welcome anywhere in this kingdom and here is a reward of 10,000 gold for the brave deed you performed." **** There's also an alternate path, working as follows. F2-2a: by castle **** I heard about the burglary at the castle and that they think jared did it. Someone said they saw him earlier at the hermit's place. **** F2-6a: Hermit's **** You find an old letter addressed to jared, which is on hydra's den stationery. **** F2-7a: Hydra's Den: **** [YES:] she says to you, "I know of your deeds and bravery and wonder if you would be willing to help me?" I am king maalthiir's daughter. Jared jymn is a close friend and i know he didn't commit any crime. My father is on a hunting expedition in the elven forest, and i don't trust the wizard mordak, my father's advisor. Please find jared before mordak does. Jared and i used to play together as children near the shipwreck. When you have the needed information to clear jared of the crime go to the bugbear's cave tavern. **** F2-8a: Shipwreck: **** An old man walks out of the shadows and says, "King maalthiir's daughter told me to tell you that jared is hiding in the haunted mansion." **** F2-9a: Haunted mansion **** You see a man hiding in the shadows and discover that he is jared. Jared says, "I saw mordak stealing the jewels from the princess's room, so i ran to tell the princess, but i accidently knocked her bodyguard down. His head hit an ornamental vase and he expired. Mordak must have known that i saw him steal the jewels, as he and several guards were chasing after me. He was shouting that i had eliminated the princess's bodyguard and had stolen the princess's jewels. I panicked and ran. I need to discover where mordak has hidden the jewels, so that when king maalthiir returns i can prove that mordak has the jewels and clear my name. Mordak has probably hidden them in a secret room in the mage's tower. F2-10a: Mages' Tower **** You find the princess's jewels, and decide that this information should be passed on to the princess at bugbear's cave tavern. **** (see above) You can also turn Jared in for 7000 gold if you say no when he asks for help. But you can't win that way. F3-1: talk to master **** "Hello fighter! i have a task that requires all of our member's efforts." "The one policy of my guild that i enforce the most is that each member should help one another, especially in a time of need. One of our members, hector sams, has had his daughter taken from him. We're not sure if it's kidnapping because there has been no ransom note. I've told hector that the guild will help him. Search for his home next door to the stables. "I would like you to try to find arlana or any information that might help us find her. Come back to me if you find something and i'll let the others know about it. I'll update you on anything we find. You might want to talk to hector first. Good luck." **** F3-2: from the square facing the stables go 2W, N. Face east. Search. This building neighbors the stables technically, but its exit doesn't face next to it, which confused me. **** Hector sams answers the door. He looks as though he hasn't slept for days. You decide that you should keep this as short as possible. You ask him when he last saw arlana and he says... "It was three days ago. She was going to put some flowers on her mother's grave in the cemetery." He starts to cry and you tell him not to worry and to try and get some rest. He thanks you. **** F3-3: go to cemetery. Loot. **** You notice that the name on the stone next to you is sarah hector and there are some wilted flowers. You also find a rough map with a path marked to a big tree outside of town. **** F3-4: go to the trading post and then to the big tree. **** You find a man hidden in the chest. You recognize him as charlie, a guild member and he is barely breathing! he whispers to you, "I was close ... Almost had him ... Used sling ... Try tanna ...", and he expires, apparently from the blow to the side of his head. **** F3-5: go to Tanna's archery range. Use the sling. Win until Tanna is willing to give advice. **** You ask tanna about anyone who is good with a sling. Tanna says, "There are a lot of people in hillsfar who are good with the sling." You figure that you should tell caratacus about charlie. He may even have some information for you. **** [isn't that an artificial plot device?] F3-6: talk to the master **** You tell caratacus about charlie, and he looks upset and shakes his head. After a moment he says, "Since there was no ransom for arlana, maybe she was taken to get even for something hector may have done. I asked him, but no one came to mind, except for whiplash, the minotaur who fights in the arena. Hector recently beat him in a match, but whiplash has been beaten before, and he never got angry about it." **** F3-7: go to the arena and defeat Whiplash. **** Whiplash congratulates you on your victory. You ask him if he has any hard feelings after losing to hector. He says, "No, i've been beat before. But, i heard someone lost a lot on the fight." "You see, i had beaten hector before, so i was a heavy favorite to win again." "While in a tavern, i heard that a man lost everything betting on that fight." **** F3-8: go to any tavern **** "Did you hear what happened to franklin smith?" "You mean the guy who works in the healer's shop?" "Not anymore. Seems he lost everything he had on a bet and hasn't been seen since." **** F3-9: go to the healing shop on the bottom, not the one in the center. "Yeah, i know smith, he was a strange fella, always looking for a get-rich- quick scheme. Then one day he lost it all on a sure thing. I offered him my help but he said he didn't want it. Said he was going to get even, and then he left." "I saw him once on the trail when i was getting some supplies at the trading post. He had a desperate look on his face. He was heading north, maybe to the rock quarry." F3-10: go to the trading post, hermit, and then the ? path that is the rock quarry **** You find a little girl's bonnet. You realize that smith must have her! you decide to tell caratacus, so everyone can try to find him. **** F3-11: talk to the master **** "I've heard about smith, but it doesn't make sense. There must be some way he intends to make money out of this. More than he could make off a ransom. If we knew how, then we could probably find him. Well, good work so far, but keep looking and let me know if you find anything." **** F3-12: go to a bar. **** "Maalthiir is starting to send some of his red plumes to patrol the areas around town. I heard there is a slave ring in the area looking for young, healthy people to sell in other lands" **** F3-13: talk to the master. **** You tell him about the slave ring. "Hmm... Maybe we should check out the area ourselves. I'll check the shoreline to the east, and i'll send others to the north and south. I would like you to check out the ruins to the west. We'll meet back here. Good luck." **** F3-14: go to the ruins via the trading post. **** You see some movement in one of the bushes nearby. You investigate as quietly as possible. You find a man sleeping, and nearby a little girl tied up, struggling with her bonds. You easily tie up the man and after helping the girl, she tells you her name is arlana and she wants her daddy. You decide to take them both to caratacus. You see a lot of cuts and bruises on caratacus. He explains that he had a struggle with a few men. By the time it was over, they confessed that they worked for the slavers. They had a ship hidden in a secret cove. He then asks, "How did you fare?" **** F3-15: go back to talk to the guild master one last time. **** You pull arlana from behind you and tell him what happened. Caratacus has one of the men take arlana home and another take smith to the guards. "We could not have done this if it weren't for your help, so, for all your efforts i give you 26,000 gold pieces." "In addition, with my ring of wishes, i will raise your hit points." The master whispers, "Know ye that those of the silver moon and the silver harp (the harpers) will give ye assistance in future journeys outside the realm of hillsfar." You're famous now, you settle in hillsfar as a retired adventurer. **** 7. ACTION 7-1. OUTSIDE TRAVEL Here you need to be acquainted with all the hazards that may fly at you. Often it's useful to use save states to know what's coming next. You can usually jump over even three barriers in a row, but don't worry if something especially tough comes up. If you make it over the double- or single- barriers you can afford a crash. Also when a flying object comes by and there's no way to avoid it or an obstacle, be sure to time your duck to avoid it. Otherwise you can get hit with double jeopardy, falling off right after you get up because there's an obstacle just after where the bird felled you! Feh. First, note that a fall isn't the end of the world. You get four, so if you get some bad luck, no big deal. You just need to hit all the easy jump. Also, it's usually best to go as fast as possible to be done with it, because no matter what speed you go at, something can trip you up with little to be done about it, and quite frankly this all is fatiguing. And even if you go flying half across the screen after hitting something, you usually just lose one hit point anyway, same as a regular fall. Let's meet the obstacles. From above: 1. bird 2. arrow These seem to be triggered well in advance of obstacles. There's some luck here involved without save states. If a bird/arrow nails you as you're about to jump, reload the save state and slow down before reaching the obstacle. This will disrupt the timing. You can duck under the bird/arrow and continue to speed up with a jump. Be very proactive about this because if you're not traveling fast enough, some jumps won't be possible. I recommend saving a state RIGHT after a successful jump. Birds sometimes appear from behind, and when they do, you should slow down and duck so that they go by quicker. Note they pass by quicker from the right if you're going fast. You can leap most single obstacles with a jump from several places, but the horse you're on seems to jump only when its legs are in. This means there are only a few spots you can jump from, and occasionally you will be screwed before you make a jump--with save states you can slow up a bit, go back to speed, and try again. However, you need to watch for the three-post single obstacles. Don't jump too soon for these as you get caught from behind even when it looks like you're clear. Also for single obstacles, you'll need a fast jump to clear the big bales of hay, and the purple shrubs trip you up if you don't jump soon enough. Also note that you can seem to jump late over many single obstacles, but due to perspective your horse clears it with no problem. Jumping over two obstacles isn't much harder. Usually they're close together. If you're going full speed it isn't a problem. Three obstacles would be the worst. Again there's a big problem if a bird comes flying in--possible double jeopardy. Usually you can jump right before a small green shrub and make it across all three. Your horse's hooves are your body's length away from it. Logs seem different--often you need to jump between the 2nd and 3rd log and jump again. It's nothing to sweat, though-- make sure you just JUMP, and if you trip over the final bit, oh well. 7-2. ARENA FIGHTS Lefty the Orc: an easy fight. Just push A/Left when the screen starts and don't let up. It took me three successful blows to knock him down, and he didn't even get a shot in first. "LISTEN KID, I'LL TELL YA HOW TO BEAT LEFTY THE ORC. IF YOU WATCH HIM CLOSE, YOU'LL NOTICE THAT HE DROPS HIS GUARD RIGHT BEFORE HE ATTACKS. IF HE ATTACKS WITH A LEFT, YOU COUNTER WITH A LEFT, AND IF HE TRIES A RIGHT, YOU TRY A RIGHT. I'VE ALSO NOTICED THAT HE FIGHTS IN A PATTERN OF THREE LEFT BLOWS FOLLOWED BY A RIGHT. SO REMEMBER WHAT I TOLD YA AND HE SHOULD BE NO PROBLEM." Red Minotaur: another fight that's not too bad. He attacks left, forward, and right. So block left and forward, then get a few shots in(A/left) until you get blocked. Then block right and repeat the cycle. "I'VE BEATEN THE RED MINOTAUR BEFORE, HE ISN'T AS TOUGH AS THEY SAY. HE TWITCHES HIS HEAD BEFORE EACH ATTACK, TWICE WHEN HE PLANS ON RAMMING YOU WITH HIS HEAD. HE USUALLY ATTACKS WITH A LEFT, FOLLOWED BY A RAM, AND THEN AN ATTACK FROM THE RIGHT." Ssslader: He attacks to your left, then right, but push A-left just after he attacks left. He'll go down pretty quickly. "THAT SSSLADER IS A VERY STRONG LIZARD MAN, BUT HE CAN BE BEAT. HE TRIES TO FAKE YOU OUT BY OPENING ONE OF HIS HANDS. WHEN HE DOES THAT, YOU KNOW HE IS GOING TO ATTACK WITH THE OTHER HAND. SO IF HIS LEFT HAND OPENS UP, THEN THAT'S YOUR SIGNAL TO SMACK HIM WITH A QUICK RIGHT!" "HE USUALLY USES A RIGHT-LEFT COMBO, BUT SOMETIMES HE WILL OPEN EACH HAND AND THEN TRY TO GET YOU WITH HIS TAIL. IF YOU CAN HIT HIM RIGHT AFTER HE ATTACKS WITH HIS TAIL, THEN HE'LL BE DIZZY, AND YOU CAN PROBABLY GET IN A COUPLE OF EXTRA BLOWS." Note that right-left is HIS right-left and YOUR left-right to block. Morin: this guy is a bit tougher. He starts with lefts which you should block. "MORIN IS A TOUGH FIGHTER, BUT HE'S NOT PERFECT. BEFORE HE ATTACKS, THE FEATHERS ON HIS HELM WILL MOVE, AND WHICH EVER END OF HIS STAFF IS HIGHER, THAT'S THE END THAT IS GOING TO SMASH INTO YOU. "HE HAS A STRANGE PATTERN TOO, HE SEEMS TO ATTACK WITH HIS LEFT FOR A WHILE, THEN HIS RIGHT FOR A WHILE, THEN HE'LL CATCH YOU OFF GUARD WITH A QUICK, LOW BLOW." Ottis is similar to Ssslader. After blocking to your left, A-Left repeatedly to bring him down. Unless he blocks. Then block right, block left, and try again. Taurus is a bit tougher. I'd save before trying him. You need to take him down after he hits from above, but you can't really anticipate his moves since he goes lefts, forward, rights. He acts a bit like the Red Minotaur but the key is to notice what direction his staff goes in. If it's at a 45 degree angle from the ground and Up-left/down-right then he will attack left. He rears his head back if he's going to head butt. Your reactions have to be very quick here, and for I often just anticipate blocking forward after blocking left and a left block after blocking to the right. Save states are helpful to win this fight. Usually when I see what happens I can't move in quickly enough. After he strikes at you, A-Left once to see if you can take him down. The best time seems to be after he head-butts you, but try once or twice after each strike to make sure. If you must play fairly, save before this fight, because it does have a big random element to it. But you can also use save states after a successful strike or successful block. Whiplash: see Taurus above You don't need to win any of the fights below, so don't worry about them. Some have easy patterns, though, but if you win all the fights, your next is against Lefty and it hangs the cartridge. Or ROM image. Keller Bone breaker Smasher Hisssa Kallak Bloods bane Moodra Enoc Scarheart 7-3. ARCHERY Sometimes you'll be told to talk to Tanna. This means going to the archery range and hitting an object 10 out ot 10 times until Tanna deems you worthy of talking to. This is really not too tough of an event. You just have to remember to aim a bit left of the target center--one or two taps--and you'll hit it every time. With high dexterity your target won't jiggle too much. I recommend using a sling unless you have to use arrows(first fighter task) or don't have one(mage, then use a wand.) First, you'll hit a bunch of yellow targets. If the windmill in the lower left is moving, be sure to hit to the left of the white dot, on the yellow. Ten of these and you move to the bullseyes, which are easier. But you get 200 points for each and not 100. The third target involves rotating bullseyes. You just need a bit of patience here. Line up your shot and wait for the target to finish spinning. If you're still a nudge or two left of the center, fire. You get 200 points and you may finish in last for this competition, but that's OK, as long as you get ten hits. You'll get to go to the target moving back and forth. Line up in the cente of when it's facing straight down--it has five positions. Forward, half forward, down, half back, and fully back. Aim so that you'll hit the center and fire when the target's fully back. You may have to wait to aim perfectly, but hey, this is the toughest bit. 7-4. DUNGEON CRAWLING Being able to get in, locate treasure, find the stairs, and get out is great. The general policy of walking counterclockwise around a wall edge works well. You might not want to walk too close to edges, as that costs that much more time, and you'll want to move diagonally when you can help it. If you have a predetermined location, study the map. There are ways to get stuck in buildings--i.e. if Red Plume guards block you in a corridor--so beware of that. In fact if you freeze red plume guards beware that they may get stuck in corridors, which ultimately hurts your mobility. If they are chasing too close and you have a general feel for the map, by all means jump on a teleport square. That will shoo them--they're clumsy turning around. Diagonal movement works well in a chase as long as you don't run into a wall. If you run into it at an angle you won't get the benefit of the doubt and be moved along the wall. Fortunately there are maps for all locations outside of Hillsfar, and you can save anywhere in Hillsfar, so it's not too inconvenient if you get caught. You'll have to restart as you're kicked to the arena and this can muck with quests, but it's not too bad. With save states things are a cinch--you can explore a dead end and if there's nothing there, keep on. If there's a trapped chest with nothing in it, reload the save state and keep that knock ring you used. Just be sure, save state or no, that after the stairs appear, you remember to check the places you've been as well as where you haven't been. 7-5. LOCKPICK Lockpicking, how art thou useless? Let me count the ways! 1) there's not time to choose a lock and put it in the tumbler even if you use save states 2) you still set off a trap sometimes 3) getting a lock jammed in the tumbler and pushing 'A' to push it through sometimes makes the NES think you want to use that to open the NEXT tumbler, too, which breaks it 4) If you forget to push 'B' to get the right end of the pick, it snaps 5) some locks have tumblers you can't pick even with the full set of picks 6) strength usually works much better. Only a thief ever needs a pick, and that's a special one followed by a knock ring. 8. SPECIAL LOCATION MAPS Maps for undistinguished inside locations are random, as are maps for treasure rooms in back of certain defined areas. The first is a bit of a worry, but the second shouldn't be, because you don't have any guards attacking you. I'll list the maps below with relatively little comment. Once you see their general layout, you should be able to find a pattern to browse through them, find all the chests, and loot what you need to. Note that you can leave a few seconds after you enter, and if you manage to find a chest that has ther info you need in that time, more power to you. Also note that secret locations have two exits: the first, as you came in, leads outside just as the stairs do. You can take all day in the secret locations. On the road, you can also nip into a special location, use a healing potion, and nip back out, if you need to heal from falls from a horse. The following places have randomly generated secret locations, but the doors are always in the extreme north: Mages' Tower Wizard's Labyrinth Haunted Mansion Castle 8-1. FIXED LOCATIONS I will refer you to the maps I sent to GameFAQs. Here I only mention the secret doors. CASTLE: The castle has a secret door in the very northwest nook. HAUNTED MANSION: There's a secret door at the long edge of the north center narrow corridor. MAGES' TOWER: Look for the secret door in the northeast passage. You run into the wall to the west, not from the top square, but the square down and left from it. SHRINE OF TEMPUS: There's a secret door in the north narrow corridor, if you face to the west at the end. WIZARD'S LABYRINTH: There's a secret door in the northwest part of the north room, with the pillar in the middle. Push west when in that corner. 8-2. SEWERS(SEMI-RANDOM) Again, see my GameFAQs maps. 9. BAR TALK "`t old hound for the watch dog didn't do nothin' but snore!" "We couldn't find where ol' fatso kept his cash, but we did manage to make off with three barrels of ginger ale!" "...And across from me were two of the ugliest ghouls i had ever seen! i casually rolled up my sleeves and raised my mace. The special power was with me as usual, as the nasty creatures dissolved!" "...Well, i spent all last night purifying the food and water in this place. I received quite a few donations to our cause. The high cleric will be pleased." "When that big oaf called me a foolish old myth chaser, i brought out the war hammer and asked him what he thought of this myth!" "I think i've located the 'chime of opening' that Avaul has been looking for. I heard that it's been in the old wizard's labyrinth for some time now." "gold is necessary to survive in hillsfar." ** it's easy to find. And you don't need that much. "Much gossip can be heard in the taverns." ** you probably heard this in the tavern "The red plume guards are heavy handed." ** and heavy footed thankfully "You may need to search buildings more than once since some chests may not be discovered the first time." ** if you're not careful, that is. "Watch out for hidden traps in locks." ** nah, just use brute force. And if you get sprayed, use a knock ring next time. "Tanna is a well informed person." ** sometimes archery range gives you clues "Don't drink too much root beer in the taverns." ** don't bother drinking anything. "Not all information you receive will be reliable." ** that's what this guide section is there for. "There is more than one way to open a lock." ** from best to worst: use strength, knock ring, magic chime, and lockpicks "Listen for clues in the taverns on how to beat the arena monsters." ** or just slug them after you figure the pattern on your own "There are more routes from the stables than is apparent." ** That ? mark is a secret passage "Do not waste a knock ring on the castle doors." ** actually, as a thief, it's a good idea. You get to the last tumbler and then use the rusty pick you found. "Look for the 'chime of opening' deep in the old wizard's labyrinth." ** which is far in the corner of the outside map. "Search for secret rooms in the upper left corner of some buildings. Touch the wall to find the secret door." ** Correct. Usually in a dead end. "For higher scores at tanna's range, shoot the mouse when he is standing still." ** unverified, but I usually can't reach the mouse. Targets are easy enough to hit. "The keeper at the tavern is really maalthiir in disguise." ** No he's not. But maybe he's Tyranthraxus! Dawg ain't showed up anywhere else in da game! "Climb the walls in the tavern for a unique experience." ** and useless. "The shrines are run by a bunch of con artists." ** Big deal, most religious types are. If we had TV, they'd be televangelists. "Some beverages served in the tavern are actually elixirs of great power." ** you don't need power in this game, just stealth "Some knock rings may not be what they appear to be." ** A few can be duds. "The arena has a secret escape route." ** It's called the reset button. Or save states. "Hired thieves will not stay with you when you sleep." ** they're worthless when you're awake too "Fast horses scare birds." ** didn't seem to help me "Untold fortune lies in the hollow trunk of the old tree." ** better just to run through treasure rooms "Broken picks may be mended by the old wizard." ** and you STILL can't unlock a door quickly enough "The amulet is used for resurrection of the dragon in the moonsea." ** that thar's a lie "The castle holds many secret tunnels to underground fortune." ** only one, and other secret-room places are better "A magic sword may go to the victor of battle in the arena." ** then again, you may just wind up finding a bug if you win all the fights "Wak rathar is actually an illusion." ** as ignorable as the real thing "The rock quarry is a strong source for those who seek power." ** possible to find Rod of Blasting "Maalthiir oversees the arena." ** doesn't do anything "There are many taverns in the city of hillsfar." ** 4 all told. See map. "Tarl is the arm wrestling champion." ** you can brag about beating him as a fighter, but so what? "There are none tougher than the red plume guards." ** fortunately you're faster and smarter. "The arena is in the northwest part of hillsfar." ** it looks so big and important anyway that if you don't look into it on your own, you're a total doofus "Many buildings are guarded constantly." ** every one except guilds and taverns tho' you can sneak in and right back out "Wak rathar is crazy." ** either gives gold or throws you in the arena "The maid is a cheerful gal." ** gives lots of info "The thieves guild is a powerful group of thieves." ** they can't hurt you though Powerful is the magic within the mages' tower." Some thieves hide among the shadows." ** you can learn stuff in bars that way There is a expired dragon in the moonsea." ** he's part of a quest or two Zhentil keep is hillsfar's rival." ** so what, never get there "Swipe is a greedy man." ** so what "Success depends on your wit." ** not really, just following instructions 10. CHEATS AND HEX EDITING In a Nintendo save state, Knock rings are your most critical item, and they are located 0x20 units ahead of the start of your name. Your name appears in two places in the file, and you may want to change both entries, although it seems to follow the first of the two entries. For FCEU it is at 0x776 hex. End of FAQ proper ================================ 11. VERSIONS 1.0.0 submitted to GameFAQS 4/20/2004. Should be complete although I sometimes fudge what happens if things go wrong. 1.1.0 removed text maps 9/14/2007. 12. CREDITS Thanks to the usual GameFAQs gang. They know who they are, and you should, too, because they get some SERIOUS writing done. Good people too--bloomer, daremo, falsehead, RetroFreak, Snow Dragon/Brui5ed Ego, ZoopSoul, and others I forgot. Lots of people/entities I don't know well chipped in for this in different ways. romnation because although the ads are horrendous, they gots da goods Axe for the hex editor overdrive for inspiring me via his Pool of Radiance FAQ and general comments in a discussion thread for having documentation as well as a shell solution Tachibana Ukyo for a very amusing review of Hillsfar that bucked me up when I got down/mad at this CJayC for offering a bounty on this game