Game: Amagon System: Nintendo Genre: Action Author: Seraph 0 Real Name: Andrew Almeida E-Mail: Date: August 22, 2003 October 5, 2004 ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Introduction 2. Story 3. Controls 4. Items 5. Enemies 6. Bosses/Midbosses 7. Walkthrough 8. Review 9. Copyright --------------- 1. Introduction --------------- I remember seeing this game at a small strip mall store I used to go when I was younger. I always passed up renting this game, because it didn't look interesting. Ten years later, I found a rom of the game and its pretty fun. Also, note that the dinosaur names are real, but may not be the same dinosaur in the game. -------- 2. Story -------- You are Amagon, a pilot who crashed and is now stuck on a small, crescent shape island. On the other side of the island you see a boat, your only means to escape the island. Armed only with your rifle, you must journey across 12 dangerous zones and escape on the boat. ----------- 3. Controls ----------- D-Pad - Move Amagon/Megagon Select - Turn into Megagon Start - Pause B Button - Shoot/Swing Rifle, Uppercut A Button - Jump Down - Crouch Up + B - Energy Arc {only as Megagon} - You can only turn into Megagon after you get the Mega Key. - This game is what you would call a "One Hit Wonder", meaning if you get hit once, your dead. The only time you have hit points is when you become Megagon. - To increase the amount of hit points Megagon has, you must accumulate points. To get max hit points get 70,000 points. - You can jump 2x higher as Megagon. - If you kill a boss in Megagon form, you revert back to normal afterwards. -------- 4. Items -------- During the course of your journey, you will come across some items that may help you. 500 - 500 points to total. 1000 - 1000 points to total. 3000 - 3000 points to total. 5000 - 5000 points to total. Black Crown - 10000 points to total. Magazine - Replenishes 20 bullets. Mega Key - Looks like a muscular arm. Allows you to transform into Megagon. 1Up - Looks like Amagon's face. Extra Life. ---------- 5. Enemies ---------- During your journey, you will encounter many enemies from deranged animals, to dinosaurs, to even aliens. Zone 1 Pink Sparrow - These pink birds are usually too high to attack and fly away when you get to close, so just pass them. When they do attack, they fly lower and in the opposite direction your moving {left}. They also stop in mid-air and attack you in an arc or bowl shape, so watch out. Bullets - 1 Bat - These blue mammals don't seem to fly at you, but fall down on you from trees. They will be stunned for about 1 second, so take they advantage and crouch attack. If you leave them alone, they move back and forth very fast and jump at you. They also jump over the bullets you fire, so time it right. Some attack as soon as they hit land. Bullets - 1 Mushroom - How a Mushroom came to life is beyond me, but they are easy to kill. They usually stay in one spot and continually jump. Make sure you watch their pattern on how they jump and attack when you think the time is right. They also sometimes move back and forth in a very small area. Bullets - 3 Snake - This red snake moves back and forth spewing three venom balls. The best strategy is to wait until it moves away and do a crouch attack. Bullets - 1 Hornet - This blue insect flies upwards, firing three stingers in a cone shape pattern, {spread shot}. It's easier just to dodge and wait until it flies away. If not, shoot it when it stops to fire. Bullets - 1 Lion-Man - A creature with a body of a man and a head of a lion. It will come straight at you and it will kill you no matter how many bullets you pump into it. Other then it's body, it's only attack is an uppercut, similar to Megagon. The only way to kill it, is with Megagon. Use two Energy Arcs, and it will die. Bullets - NA Zone 2 Elephant-Man - The strongest enemy so far. This enemy looks like a fat man wearing a elephant head, a gray vest, and elephant feet. Elephant-Men fire bubbles from its trunk. DON"T RUN AWAY, it will chase you down. Just take your time and kill it. They also can climb the platforms. Bullets - 16 Red Dragonfly - These insects move in a wave like pattern and retreat at the end. Easiest enemy there is. Also an excellent source of Magazines for your rifle. Bullets - 1 Porcupine - Like the Bats, they stay in trees and fall on you. Bullets - 1 Mole - These little critters jump out of pits and run towards you, but don't stray to far from the pit they jump out of. Bullets - 1 Frog - Like the Snakes, they jump back and forth spewing poison out of their mouth. Easily dodged, easily killed. Bullets - 1 Bee - Like the Hornet, but drops three balls of pollen in a cone shape, {spread shot} vertically. Bullets - 1 Zone 3 Crayfish - These little, red crustaceans move back and forth in a very small area, like the Mushrooms. When you get too close, they jump at you and either kill them selves, or continually jump at you. Bullets - 1 Crocodile-Man - Like the Elephant-Men, they run after you if you run away. They fire crocodile tears as its attack. They can also jump out of the river to attack. Bullets - 16 Snail - Like the Moles, these blue snails jump out and return shortly after to there jump point. You can see the shell of the enemies before it jumps. They also move very quickly for a snail. Bullets - 1 Sea Horse - These creatures jump up out of the water and swim with the river in a wave pattern. If you follow them, they do a high jump towards you and disappear in the river. No real threat. Bullets - 1 Piranha - These red, carnivorous fish jump out of the water and try to bite you. Although their jumps are not high, they are long. Bullets - 1 Zone 4 Specter - These tear shaped spirits swirl straight at you. It's easier just to dodge them. They also swirl up and down in one spot. Bullets - 1 Shrew - These gray animals have no attacks except for using themselves as weapons. They can charge you straight on, or continually stop and go. Bullets - 1 Blue Head - A zombie head that spits blue fireballs. It will run away if you get too close Bullets - 1 Red Head - Same as Blue head, only with out blue fireballs. Moves fairly slowly, and watches your movement. Some have a long jump to attack you. Bullets - 1 Owl - You can only see a silhouette and the eyes of this bird of prey. Basically swoops down and flies away in an arc. Bullets - 1 Will-O-Wisp - These red and orange fireballs ascend from the ground. They stay at the far end of the screen and if you get too close, it will come at you in an arc formation. Bullets - 1 Zone 5 Archaeopteryx - This pink feathered and larger form of Archaeopteryx, will land and slowly walk towards you. When you, or it, gets too close, it will jump over you and run away. Others just run at you. Bullets - 8 Blue Minmi - Small pink, turtle like dinosaurs. Moves back and forth in small areas. Can also do small jumps. Bullets - 1 Dino-Man - These blue humanoid reptiles walk slowly towards you and spit venom at you. If you get close and start jumping at it, it will run away. Bullets - 16 Silvisaurus - These small blue dinosaurs are like the Shrews. Bullets - 1 Pterodactyl - A black Pterodactyl will fly above and drops Minmis. Afterwards, it acts like an Owl. Bullets - 1 Dino-Woman - Like the Dino-Men, only without the venom. It runs faster and jumps higher. It's also a stalker, so take the advantage of its slow approach. Bullets - 16 Brown Minmi - These Brown Minmis are the same as Blue Minmis, but continually jump at you. Bullets - 1 Zone 6 UFO Man - This alien walks back and forth in a small area. If you get too close, it kneels on one leg and fires a Plasma Pulse from its mouth. It also has the ability to disappear/reappear. At times, they act like the relentless Elephant-Men or Crocodile-Men. Bullets - 16 UFO - These unidentified flying objects keep to the skies most of the time. When they do attack, they just charge you. No real threat, crouch or kill. Bullets - 1 Alien - Resembles an octopus, but jumps about on land. Aim your attack right and make sure it doesn't get to close. Bullets - 1 Lobster - These blue lobsters like to climb the palm trees and jump on you. Best time to attack is when their in the tree. Bullets - 1 Red Sparrow - Same as the first enemy you meet when you started, only a different shade. Bullets - 1 Blue Vehicle - A space vehicle to drives back and forth. When you get too close, it jumps up and drives away or forward slowly. Wait until it lands to shoot. Bullets - 1 Blue Dragonfly - Exactly the same as Red Dragonfly, only blue. Bullets - 1 Grey Vehicle - Exactly the same as Blue Vehicle, only gray and they attack from behind. Bullets - 1 ------------------- 6. Bosses/Midbosses ------------------- Here is a list of bosses and midbosses, straight from the walkthrough. Lion-Man Zone 1-1 This midboss has a body of a man and a head of a lion. You cannot kill him with Amagon, only with Megagon because he continually moves toward you and kills you just by touch. He can do little jumps and his attack is an Uppercut. A couple Energy Arcs and it dies. If you wish to kill it with Amagon, {for a challenge, etc.}, I believe it requires a lot of bullets. Leo King Zone 1-2 This large lion head spits red fireballs. It will stay stationary until you hit it a few times, unless you're Megagon, then once. Then Leo King will flash and start to jump towards you. After four hits with Megagon, it will flash again and begin to rise. The Leo King will grow another face on the back of its head. This head spits faster, blue fireballs. His movement is predictable, so watch it. After another few hits either with Uppercuts and Energy Arcs, it will disintegrate. Elephant-Man, x2 Zone 2-1 Not really midbosses, but you do have to defeat them to enter the next zone area. First, jump on the branches to dodge the one from behind. Turn into Megagon and wait at the far right end of the branch. The Elephant-Men will climb the highest platform, in attempt to hit you, but you are the only one that can hit them. Energy Arc are Uppercut twice to finish them. Dark Yggdrasil Zone 2-2 This living tree spits black bats out of its mouth, which move in a wave pattern. As Megagon, you can easily kill it. If it is getting to close, crouch at the left end of the screen. Its weak point is its eyes. Use your Energy Arc 3x and it will die. If you Uppercut it, its 3x for each eye. The bats it spits out should give you a Mega Key, so you should not have to worry. Crocodile-Man, x2 Zone 3-1 Again, not really midbosses, but you have to fight them to pass. Just kill them any way you can. Hippo King Zone 3-2 It starts out at two large eyes in the water, firing water bombs at you. After two Energy Arcs, the screen goes black and the enemy reveals itself. The Hippo King fires large water globs at you through its nostrils. Its weak point is its eyes. As Megagon you can kill it with three Energy Arcs and it will disintegrate. Cadaver Zone 4-2 The humanoid skeleton moves like Megagon. It will continually follow, even jump on the branches if necessary. After two Energy Arcs, it will break up to three pieces: Skull, Torso, and Legs. The Skull will relentlessly follow you, the Torso tracks you in mid-air and tries to crush you, and the Legs stay in one spot moving up and down. The Torso and Legs need only one Energy Arc to kill, while the Skull needs two. Dino-Man, x3 Once again, not real midbosses, but you have to finish them off. Three Dino-Men, one from the left, the others from the right. Energy Arc their a@# to pass the zone. Salamander Zone 5-2 This giant horned snake, has the ability to spit rings of fire. The rings of fire cause the ground to catch fire for a short time. It also spits at a slow and fast speed. Fairly easy with Megagon, just jump and hit its horn twice with Energy Arc. If not, Uppercut its neck and its head will fall. Then Uppercut its horn 3x, before it re-grows its neck. UFOs, x6 Zone 6-1 Just six UFOs. Use Energy arc on the four lowest ones and then Energy Arc the high ones for a quick kill. Alien Overlord Zone 6-2 A large alien that fires laser beams from both hands. You will notice it fires in a left, right pattern, so try to attack when it fires in the opposite direction. You will also notice a strange small star encircling the Overlord. That is its weak point. You cannot kill this creature with Amagon, like with most bosses. Successfully hit the star 3x with Energy Arc and victory is yours. -------------- 7. Walkthrough -------------- Your journey begins... Zone 1-1 Zone Enemies - Pink Sparrow Bat Mushroom Snake Hornet Start by moving right. Don't mind the Pink Sparrows, just keep moving right and watch out for the Bats in the trees. Soon you will encounter the Mushrooms. You can just go under some of them, but the rest you have to kill. Continue right and there be about five Pink Sparrows in the air. You can shoot about two of them, but that just a waste of ammo. After jumping over the little water hazard, the Pink Sparrows will start to attack. You can dodge some of them by crouching or jumping, but it may be easier just to kill them. Continue killing and dodging the Pink Sparrows, until you come across the Snake. Just wait until it moves away and crouch attack. Continue right, watching for Bats and killing snakes, until the Hornet appears. Kill or dodge it and continue right, jumping over the water hazards. Sooner or later, you will come across a coral sticking out of the water hazard. You can jump on it to continue your journey. Be cautious when moving right, because a Pink Sparrow will arc attack you. Afterwards, you will come across a whole bunch of coral sticking out of the water. Jump to get across but beware of more arc attacks from the Pink Sparrows. Continue right until you pass a Bat, who decided to stay in the tree. at this point, enemies will come from behind and front of you, so beware. Kill that Bat, because he will give you a Mega Key, which will help you for the boss fight. At some point, the background will be nothing but sky and the music will change. This means the boss will pop up soon. Continue right, killing the Pink Sparrows and Snakes that attack, until the background becomes a mountain. Your first mid-boss will appear. Lion-Man - This midboss has a body of a man and a head of a lion. You cannot kill him with Amagon, only with Megagon because he continually moves toward you and kills you just by touch. He can do little jumps and his attack is an Uppercut. A couple Energy Arcs and it dies. If you wish to kill it with Amagon, {for a challenge I guess}, I believe it requires a lot of bullets. Zone 1-2 Begin by moving right. Kill the Mushroom by crouching behind the rocks. Continue right and more coral to jump on and over, but be careful of the Hornets. Continue right, jumping from coral to land, until you pass a large pile of rocks. Be careful of the two bats, the right one falls first. Next are more coral, but be careful of the two Mushrooms, one jumps on and off the coral and the other jumps from land to land. After passing the second Mushroom, Pink Sparrows will come at you fast. Continue right and the Pink Sparrows just keep coming and there are large piles of rock to jump over too. When you get to three Mushrooms, the Pink Sparrows will stop. After the Mushrooms are a bunch of Bats and one Mushroom. After that are more coral jumping and one Pink Sparrow to dodge. Continue right until there is a lone Mushroom. Get close enough for it to jump around and wait for it to kill itself. Soon you will be on open land and all the enemies will start to attack. Dodge and kill them until another Lion-Man appears. Kill him and another will appear shortly after. After killing the second Lion-Man, the sky will go dark and thunder will strike. The boss of the zone will appear. King Leo - This large lion head spits red fireballs. It will stay stationary until you hit it a few times, unless you're Megagon, then once. Then King Leo will flash and start to jump towards you. After four hits with Megagon, it will flash again and begin to rise. The Leo King will grow another face on the back of its head. This head spits faster, blue fireballs. His movement is predictable, so watch it. After another few hits either with Uppercuts and Energy Arcs, it will disintegrate. Zone 2-1 Zone Enemies - Elephant-Man Red Dragonfly Porcupine Mole Frog Bee This zone is a jungle area. Begin moving right, and you will encounter your first enemy of the zone, Elephant-Man. Don't run, take your time and put 16 bullets in it. Continue right and kill the Red Dragonflies, because they usually drop Magazines. Soon you will meet Porcupines and Moles. The Porcupines you can easily dodge, but the moles you can kill easily. Jump over the pits and you will encounter Frogs. More easily prey, continue right. Be careful at the next pit, three Moles pop out. If you read the tip on the map before the level, it said "Ride the Turtles". Gamera fans, like me, find this funny, but others would find this weird. Be careful jumping over the other pits, because these Moles seem to pop out randomly. Continue right and there will be another Elephant-Man. Dispose of him and watch out for the Porcupines. Use the branches to your advantage, you can dodge enemies and kill the Porcupines. If you want to get rid of the next Elephant-Man, just stay on the branches at the far left, it will disappear. Continue right and another Elephant-Man. Hopefully you get, or have gotten, a Mega Key item for one of them. The next turtle will fly you forward, but Amagon can still move around the turtles back. Dodge and kill the enemies you fly by. A new enemy will try to kill while you're on the turtle, the Wasp. Sooner or later, another turtle to jump on. Jump on land and continue right. Stop near the next pit and allow the first Moles to attack, so you can get some ammo. Continue right, but watch out for the last pit, the Moles jump really high and longer. Pass the vine bridge and continue right. In one area, there are no enemies, but the end of this area is when the Red Dragonflies start to fly. Continue right, killing and dodging the Red Dragonflies and Porcupines. Soon there are more pits, a flying turtle and more annoying Bees. Continue right and the music will start to change. The mid-boss is very near. Elephant-Man - Not really midbosses, but you do have to defeat them to enter x2 the next zone area. First, jump on the branches to dodge the one from behind. Turn into Megagon and wait at the far right end of the branch. The Elephant-Men will climb the highest platform, in attempt to hit you, but you are the only one that can hit them. Energy Arc are Uppercut twice to finish them. Zone 2-2 Begin moving right and two Bees will do an air strike. Continue right, until you reach large platforms. This area is like a gauntlet of Frogs and Bees. Dodge the Bees and kill the Frogs. At the end, Moles will try to jump you, but will end up killing themselves, because there is another pit there. Continue right until the next turtle, but don't jump on, because there are high jumping Moles that can easily kill you. So just jump from platform to platform, avoiding the next pit of small jumping Moles. Continue right and you will encounter an Elephant-Man. You might want to kill this one, because it may have a Mega Key. Another turtle awaits to take you across the pit, as well as the porcupines ready to fall. The turtle will actually take you past the pit and further, so stay on. Later on, there will be a tree that continually drops Porcupines, so watch your self. At the end, another gauntlet of Frogs and Porcupines. A Elephant-Man will make an appearance soon, and another from behind, so watch out. At this time you should turn into Megagon, so you don't waste any bullets on your enemies. Continue right and be cautious of the next pits. Continue right and more Frogs to kill. You can force them to fall down the pit just by getting closer and closer to them. Continue right, killing anything until the next turtle. Next to the turtle is an Elephant-Man, and since your Megagon, its easy prey. Another Elephant-Man awaits afterwards as well as the boss of the zone. Dark Yggdrasil - This living tree spits black bats out of its mouth, which move in a wave pattern. As Megagon, you can easily kill it. If it is getting to close, crouch at the left end of the screen. Its weak point is its eyes. Use your Energy Arc 3x and it will die. If you Uppercut it, its 3x for each eye. The bats it spits out should give you a Mega Key, so you should not have to worry. Zone 3-1 Zone Enemies - Crayfish Crocodile-Men Snails Sea Horse Piranha This area is a jungle with a long river at the bottom. Begin moving right and the first enemy of the zone appears. You can easily dodge them by crouching at the foot of the platform that they our on. Although, they may have Magazines for you. After the two river pits, two Crocodile-Men will attack. Like the other humanoid animals, 16 bullets to kill. To save your ammo, jump on the high platform and stay near the end. The Crocs should fall in the river. Continue right, jumping from platform to platform and watching the river for enemies. You will see a lone Crayfish on a lower platform. It will drop a needed Mega Key, but it's tricky not to make him commit suicide. Continue right and a Crocodile-Man will poop out of the river. You can't avoid this one, that's why I told you to try to get the Mega Key. Shortly after, there will be a tree log that you can ride on the river. Dodge the Sea Horses, and a Crocodile-Man will be at the end of the ride. Continue right until the waterfall, but watch out for the Snails that drop from the waterfall. Continue right, dodging all the Snails until you get to the next tree log. Continue right until another log and a new enemy will appear, the Piranha. Ride the log and dodge any Piranha until land. On land, you will face two Crocodile-Men and soon the music will change. The mid-boss is near. Crocodile-Man - Again, not really midbosses, but you have to fight them to x2 pass. Just kill them any way you can. Zone 2-2 Begin moving right and watch the pits, some are tricky jumps. A tree log is ready for you at the end. More Piranha will try to kill you, so kill them for ammo or dodge them by crouching. The next land has two Crocodile-Men and one should have a Mega Key. When there are smaller platforms with enemies on them, jump forward and press back quickly, so they commit suicide. Continue right until the next log. Piranha and Sea Horses will be along for the ride. If you're Megagon, you can jump onto the High platform, but watch out for the two Crocodile-Men. A already moving log will be at the end and you have to jump off it right at the end or it will sink. Another log awaits and the next area is nothing but Crocodile-Men. Another log, and more Piranha and Sea Horses. Continue right until the waterfall, where the boss of the zone will appear. Hippo King - It starts out at two large eyes in the water, firing water bombs at you. After two Energy Arcs, the screen goes black and the enemy reveals itself. The Hippo King fires large water globs at you through its nostrils. Its weak point is its eyes. As Megagon you can kill it with three Energy Arcs and it will disintegrate. Zone 4-1 Zone Enemies - Specter Shrew Blue Head Red Head Owl Will-O-Wisps These zone is the dark haunted part of the jungle. Begin moving right and Specters will come straight at you. They carry Magazines, so you may want to kill some of them. Continue right until the vine bridge and watch your back, because the Shrews will attack. You may want to kill few until you get a Mega Key from one of them. Soon you will encounter Blue Head. Just jump forward a bit and press back, so that the Blue Head runs off. Continue right and you will meet the weaker Red Heads and some Owls. The Owls and Red Heads can be easily dodged. Continue right, watching the trees for Owls. Later you will encounter another Blue Head, but you can't use the same tactic as the last one. So, just drop down in the little space and fire. Continue right and the Specters will start again. Soon the Will-O-Wisps will begin to rise. You can easily dodge this spirits, so no worries. Continue right and take the head road, because it's easier. Sooner or later, Shrews will be coming from left and right and your going to have to drop down. Later there are small tree branches to help dodge the Shrews. When you get to the Red Heads, the Shrews will stop and there will only be about three at a time. You will get to the end of the level and you need to kill all the creature left on the screen to exit. Zone 4-2 You are in the deepest and darkest part of the jungle now. Move right, killing any enemies in your way, until the Specters appear. A Red Head will follow from behind shortly, so watch out. After the third Specter, many Red and Blue Heads will attack from behind and front. Jump on the small branches to dodge most of them, but watch for the Red Heads. Shortly after the next pit, four Red Heads will come jumping at from the left screen. Shortly after that, you will see many eyes in the shadows. Most of them are just background, but some are Owls. Continue right, killing anything and everything in your way. Later on, there will be a lone Specter with lots of Red Heads behind it. After all the Red Heads, the boss of the zone will appear. Cadaver - The humanoid skeleton moves like Megagon. It will continually follow, even jump on the branches if necessary. After two Energy Arcs, it will break up to three pieces: Skull, Torso, and Legs. The Skull will relentlessly follow you, the Torso tracks you in mid-air and tries to crush you, and the Legs stay in one spot moving up and down. The Torso and Legs need only one Energy Arc to kill, while the Skull needs two. Zone 5-1 Zone Enemies - Archaeopteryx Blue Minmi Dino-Man Silvisaurus Pterodactyl Dino-Woman Brown Minmi This area consists of mountain areas and dinosaurs. Move right and the first enemy will appear. Just run at it and continue right. Take either road, but watch your back, a Archaeopteryx will follow at the end of the pits. Jump on the cloud and the next platform has a Dino-Man. Just run and jump near it so it runs away and becomes easy killing. Continue right and soon you will get to a platform-to-platform area. Be careful, some of the platforms fall after a few seconds. At the end, some Minmis will greet you. Continue right, it should be clear for a while. After you see no more Triceratops skulls, a Pterodactyl will fly above. make sure it doesn't drop a Minmi on you. Continue right until you see a cloud. A Archaeopteryx will be right behind you, so watch out. Ride the cloud and kill the Pterodactyl because it should have a Mega Key. Continue riding the cloud, even when you see land. At the end of the ride, a Dino-Man awaits. Continue right and a Dino-Woman will appear. Kill it, because it's a stalker. Continue right until the music changes. the mid-bosses await. Dino-Man - Once again, not real midbosses, but you have to finish them off. 3x Three Dino-Men, one from the left, the others from the right. Energy Arc their a@# to pass the zone. Zone 5-2 Begin moving right, and kill all the enemies that come at you, because you can get an early Mega Key item. Continue right, killing the Dino-Man and take the high grounds. Soon you will have to jump over some odd shaped piles of rock, with Brown Minmis trying to jump towards you. Continue right and take the low grounds, that way you can dodge the Dino-Woman easily. At the end, a Dino-Man, but just jump to the higher grounds and jump over the pit. When you get to more platform to platform jumping, a Archaeopteryx will come from behind. Shortly after you will needed to ride a cloud. Ride it to the end and take the low grounds, but be careful because they can fall down from above. Continue right and kill all the Silvisauruses that come in your way. After a while, you will come across the boss of the zone. Salamander - This giant horned snake, has the ability to spit rings of fire. The rings of fire cause the ground to catch fire for a short time. It also spits at a slow and fast speed. Fairly easy with Megagon, just jump and hit its horn twice with Energy Arc. If not, Uppercut its neck and its head will fall. Then Uppercut its horn 3x, before it re-grows its neck. Zone 6-1 Enemies - UFO Man UFO Alien Lobster Red Sparrow Blue Vehicle Blue Dragonfly Grey Vehicle This is the last zone. It takes place on the beach and for some reason, aliens are attacking you. Move right and get a bit close to the UFO Man, because it might give you an early Mega Key. Forget about the UFOs in the sky and watch your back when you continue right. Continue right and you will meet a new enemy and old enemy. Continue right until the Blue Dragonflies and watch out for the Grey Vehicles from behind. Continue right, killing the Blue Dragonflies and Grey Vehicles. When the UFOs start coming, the end of the level is near. Continue right and UFO Men will appear. When you get to close to one, another appears behind you and both attack. The best to dodge this is to let the first one get close to you. This way the one from behind will not attack right away and you just need to dodge just the one. Soon, the music will change and the mid-boss will appear. UFOs - Just six UFOs. Use Energy arc on the four lowest ones and then Energy x6 Arc the high ones for a quick kill. Zone 6-2 The final zone area. Begin moving right and try to kill the first Red Sparrow by crouching, because you can get an Early Mega Key. Just crouch for the rest of the Red Sparrows and when you get to the end, use the tree stomps as platforms. Watch out for the Blue Dragonflies, they can pop out of nowhere fast. Continue right and will encounter a UFO Man using a different tactic. Kill this one quick and move on. Later, another UFO Man using the same tactic, but its easier to kill, because your on a lower ground. Continue moving right, dodging, jumping and killing anything that gets in your way. When you get to a lower ground with lots of Aliens and a UFO Man, the boat is but a stone throw away. Six UFOs will be guarding the boat and the final boss awaits you inside. To get in, just jump from above. Alien Overlord - A large alien that fires laser beams from both hands. You will notice it fires in a left, right pattern, so try to attack when it fires in the opposite direction. You will also notice a strange small star encircling the Overlord. That is its weak point. You cannot kill this creature with Amagon, like with most bosses. Successfully hit the star 3x with Energy Arc and victory is yours. Ending You will be transported back on the ship with thumbs up and fireworks exploding. You go back to the first level, where you see in the background the boat sailing off. "You Survived your Mission" appears with you at the wheel. -------- 8.Review -------- Graphics = 3/5 Sound/Music = 2.5/5 Gameplay = 3/5 Overall = 3/5 Amagon is a game that probably won't blow you away, but is a fun game to play. Graphically it's OK. There need more graphical distinctions and animations from the other enemies and Megagon looks ridicules. Sound and Music is just plain average. I can't say it fits, but I can tell you it gets annoying. Gameplay is OK. It definitely needs more weapons, power-ups and also needs better jumping control. Overall, a bit of an above average game that's worth trying out, but don't expect anything spectacular. ------------- 9. Copyright ------------- Copyright 2003 - 2005 Andrew Almeida This document cannot be used for profit, such as printing it in magazines. This document may not be posted on any website without the permission. You cannot reproduce this document and alter it to make it looked like your own. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.