------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astyanax Game Script ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents Asty1) A Few Words From Your Fearless Leader Asty2) Version History Asty3) Prologue Asty4) Round 1-1 Asty5) Round 2-2 Asty6) Round 3-2 Asty7) ROund 4-2 Asty8) Round 5-2 Asty9) ROund 6-1 Asty10) Round 6-2 Asty11) Ending Asty12) Thanks To... Asty13) Legal Stuff/Contact ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Few Words From Your Fearless Leader Asty1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, and welcome to my second game script. After my very first one, I thought I would never be doing this again; turns out I was wrong because here I am. You may be asking yourself why I would be doing this for a game that's nearly 20 years old and that nobody cares about anymore. ... Well, if you can come up with any good reasons I'd like to hear them, because I have NO FRELLING CLUE. AT all. Now then, in this script you may notice some "errors", such as missing punctuation marks and what have you. This is how the text appeared in the game itself, and as such it's the translators fault, not my own. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version History Asty2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0: - What you're reading right now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pre And Post Title Screen Asty3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Woman: Astyanax.... Astyanax... (voices come from the darkness) Astyanax... I'm waiting.... Astyanax: That same dream again... strange. I'm Astyanax. The name is from Greek mythology, I think. I'm a freshman here at Greenview High. I don't understand what the dream means.... And who is that girl??.. The other day I was walking to school.... Voice: Astyanax. Astyanax. Astyanax: What the heck..... Wooooooo...... Where am I? Cutie: This is Remlia, my name is cutie. I brought you to this world. Astyanax: Whaa? A talking butterfly!?? Cutie: Listen carefully to what I'm going to tell you. The girl who appears in your dreams is princess Rosebud of Remlia. She is being held captive by the evil wizard, Blackhorn. Astyanax, please save our princess! Astyanax: But.... I'm only sixteen. How could I save her? Cutie: Astyanax. You are the warrior chosen by this world. You possess the wonderful miracle power within you.. And also.... Only the princess can send you back to your world. I can't do it myself. Take this magic ax, Bash. This is the only way you can get back to your world. Blackhorn has many monsters at his command. You have no choice..... I'm sorry.... Astyanax: OK then.... lead the way! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 1-1 Asty4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thorndog: Blackhorn, Caesar has been killed.. Blackhorn: Vermin! He was brought here by Cutie, princess Rosebud's friend. Thorndog: What?! I put Cutie into the cell. I'm positive! Blackhorn: Look at this! In this world, the power of the human is strong. He must be the root of our trouble. You must destroy him! He can not stop me from taking Rosebud's power.. Thorndog: Yes sir. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 2-2 Asty5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cutie: Astyanax? Astyanax: Yes? Cutie: You miss your world, don't you? Astyanax: Yeah.... is it that obvious? Cutie: I can see the sadness in your eyes.... Thelenea is so far away. I'm sorry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 3-2 Asty6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blackhorn: I feel.... they are coming..... They are close.... Thorndog: Don't worry sir, this is our territory. They will not make it any further. I have strengthened the spell binding Rosebud. She can no longer communicate with Cutie telepathically. Rosebud: You're wrong, Thorndog! They will come. Blackhorn: Ha ha ha ha.... what can they possibly do? One silly human and a fairy.... Soon, I will transfer your magical powers to me and rule the world! Your friends are already doomed! Ha!Ha!Ha! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 4-2 Asty7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astyanax: We've arrived at last! Cutie: That is the castle Thelenea. Astyanax: OK, let's go Cutie! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 5-2 Asty8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astyanax: What is this??? Is this really a castle? Cutie: Be careful, we are in the maze! Wait, I can hear the princess' voice. Rosebud: Pay attention to the signs. So...you...can reach... Astyanax: Her voice faded away.... Cutie: Something has stopped her telepathic signal. Astyanax: A sign!.... Let's go.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 6-1 Asty9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thorndog: Welcome brave warrior from another world! I am Thorndog. Cutie: Where is the princess? Thorndog: Ha ha ha..... you are a noisy fly. She will be a slave to Blackhorn soon. Astyanax: Wrong ugly! First I'll destroy you, then I'll rescue her. Thorndog: Tough talk, insect! Can you back it up? (After Thorndog's defeat.) Astyanax: Thorndog is defeated! Woooo..... Thorndog: Ha ha ha ha well done! But by defeating me, you've doomed yourself. You have been bound magically and must die with me. Long live Blackhorn!!!!! Ha ha ha ha..... Astyanax: I'm stuck! Cutie: Astyanax.... Listen.... No one can erase Thorndog's seal without sacrificing their life. Astyanax: No Cutie..... Cutie: Astyanax, I'm sorry that I brought you to this world. Astyanax: No Cutie,don't do it! Cutie: You must save the princess. Please Astyanax, you want to get back to your world.... Astyanax: But not this way.... Cutie: Don't worry about me.... So long Astyanax, maybe someday.... Astyanax: Cutie!!! Augggghhhhhh! ......Cutie. Nooooo!!!! Blackhorn.... you'll die for this..... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 6-2 Asty10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blackhorn: You've come at last. Astyanax: Did you really think your evil creatures could stop me? Now release the princess at once! Blackhorn: Ha! Your boldness is exceeded only by your stupidity! Your princess is here, trapped. Now you will join her! Rosebud: Be careful Astyanax. Blackhorn's true face is..... Blackhorn: You will see me controlling this world after you die. You'll just be a wandering soul. Astyanax: Can you defeat me? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending Asty11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rosebud: Astyanax. I appreciate you risking your life to save me. Astyanax: Cutie gave her life so I could free you. Rosebud: She will be remembered always. Your efforts have saved this country and all it's people. Please, let's go back to Remlia. Everybody is waiting for you. We'll have a big celebration. Astyanax: Thank you, but I would like to get back to my world. My mom and dad are probably going nuts looking for me. Rosebud: I see. We will never forget you, Astyanax. Please be happy in your world. Astyanax: I'm back!!!! Was it all a dream? Huh? You! Cutie: Astyanax! Astyanax! Astyanax, Astyanax! I've missed you so. Astyanax: Oh Cutie! You're alive!! But how?? Oh! Now I understand. Rosebud: Astyanax, Cutie....this is a reward for your bravery. THE END ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks To... Asty12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nobody at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal Stuff/Contact Asty13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2008 by Lu Aza (kylepiscesATyahooDOTcom) Unlike your normal author, I don't care who uses this Walk Through. Yes, that's right, I don't care if you post this on your little sites, rip off every other word or what have you. The copyright thing is just a formality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End Of File. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------