_________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE BARBIE FAQ/WALKTHROUGH By Twisted Silence For Nintendo Entertainment System game console _________________________________________________________________________________________________ (no explicit ASCII art for j00!) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 000. Update History 001. What the heck?! 002. Controls/Features/Animal List 003. Introduction 004. Walkthrough 005. Level 1 - The Mall (Sports, Toy Store, Boutique) 006. Level 2 - The Center of the Mall (Galleria, Waterfalls, Food Court, Pizzeria) 007. Level 3 - The Beach (Coral Reef, Sand Castle, Throne Room) 008. Level 4 - The Soda Shop - Part One 009. Level 5 - The Soda Shop - Part Two (Fast Food, Thick Shakes) 010. Item List 011. Disclaimer 012. Contact Information 013. Special Thanks _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 000. UPDATE HISTORY _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3/15/02 - Started this FAQ/Walkthrough. Finished the "What the heck?!" and "Controls/Features" sections, and completed the walkthrough up to the Galleria. 3/16/02 - Continued the walkthrough up until the Soda Shop Entrance. 3/26/02 - Yay, it's my birthday. Updated the animal list. Continued the walkthrough to the end of the game (???). 3/27/02 - Finished the guide and submitted it to GameFAQs.com. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 001. WHAT THE HECK?! _________________________________________________________________________________________________ "What the heck?" Yes, that was the question that I asked myself when I started playing this game. What the heck. Well, I'm not going to mince words with you: I was bored, so I wrote this FAQ/Walkthrough. That's right; not because this game is a masterpiece (which it is); because I was frankly bored out of my mind. I could have just written a review, but NOOOOO, I had ran out of witty comments for the day. One thing lead to another, and I'm on a quest to write FAQ/Walkthroughs for all of the Barbie games published. Basically, Barbie is a game based off of Mattel's ever-popular series of dolls that have been popular for more than fifty years. The plot of this game, it seems, is taken from the depths of the average suburban female 6-year-old mind and manifested onto a Nintendo Entertainment System cartridge (oddly enough, this game is almost completely devoid of violence). Barbie has a big day planned tomorrow, and she's so excited that she begins to have strange dreams, in which she explores the mall, finds inanimate objects turned into semi-vicious monsters, and throws strange crystals at jungle animals. Somehow I think that every blonde has these kind of dreams. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 002. CONTROLS/FEATURES/ANIMAL LIST _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Well, this isn't too hard to understand. The NES controller has one directional pad and four buttons - select, start, A, and B. A: This button makes Barbie jump. B: Throws one of Barbie's crystals at a 45-degree angle. Holding down B makes the crystal go farther along the path, letting go of B drops the crystal. This takes some getting used to, but eventually grows on you. Select: Changes the effect of the crystals on animals. Start: Pauses the game. Directional pad: Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out, folks. Crystals are Barbie's multipurpose weapon of choice. Pressing select changes the crystals' properties. For some enemies, it's necessary for Barbie to throw a crystal at them to defeat them. Other times, Barbie must switch to the <-> function (using select) and throw a crystal to an animal, such as a dog or a toucan; in turn, the animal will do some kind of favor for Barbie, such as removing an enemy (nonviolently, of course, in the first level, a dog steals the tennis racket enemy's tennis ball). Like in many early NES games, Barbie's objective is to clear a 2D, linear level while collecting as many points as possible and not dying. Points are usually gained by collecting large round "B" coins, which also give her one Z on her life meter. Barbie's life meter in this game is a bar of Z's at the bottom right corner of the screen. Barbie starts off with five Z's; when her meter is depleted by contact with enemies, it's GAME OVER for Barbie. She wakes up momentarily; you get to decide whether she wakes up for good (ends game) or goes back to sleep (continue). Be careful, though, you only get a limited amount of continues. This is the list of animals that help Barbie out in the game, when given a <-> crystal: Puppy dog: Removes an enemy Kitten: Pushes "B" coins into an area reachable by Barbie Toucan: Flaps up and down, allowing Barbie to jump on its back and reach other areas Seahorse: Grabs otherwise irretrievable starfish and pearls and gives them to Barbie Fish: Swims upward or downward, indicating the correct path Barbie should take Dolphin: When given a "?" crystal, the dolphin lets Barbie grab onto its tail, and drags her through a part of the level. Ice Cream Cone: Switches hopping direction when given a <-> crystal; throws ice cream upward when given a "?" crystal. Car: Goes either in an up-down or left-right pattern until given a "?" crystal, when it switches direction. Burger: Spits a meat patty when given a "?" crystal; aids Barbie when given a <-> crystal. Popcorn: Acts exactly like an Ice Cream Cone, but spits popcorn instead. Soda: Acts exactly like Popcorn and Ice Cream Cone, but when given a ? crystal, launches Barbie up in the air. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 003. INTRODUCTION _________________________________________________________________________________________________ SETTING: BARBIE, ALONE IN HER BEDROOM AT NIGHT, HAVING A CONVERSATION WITH HERSELF... Once upon a dream... "Wow, what a great book!" "I love reading about mermaids!" "But... yawn!..." "I'm getting sleepy now." "I need my rest--" "Tomorrow's a busy day!" *Barbie turns out the lights and lies down* "I'm having lunch at the soda shop..." "Going swimming at the beach..." "Meeting Ken at the party tomorrow..." "But... yawn!..." "First I have to go to the mall to pick up that new outfit..." "So much to do..." _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 004. WALKTHROUGH _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ----005. Level 1 - The Mall---- Part 1 - The Sports Department Barbie starts off, you guessed it, at the mall in her dreams. She appears in the SPORTS department, conveniently wearing a sports bra and aerobic pants. Walk to the right and collect the round B from the platform (all you have to do is jump). Keep on walking to the right. You'll see a tennis racket dribbling a tennis ball menacingly while seeming to stare right at Barbie's chest. Pervert. To amend this situation, you'll need to enlist the help of the game's first animal - the puppy dog. You'll see him to the right of the tennis racket, wagging his widdle tail. Press Select until you come to the <-> option on the panel in the lower left hand corner of the screen. Then hold the B button to the throw the crystal; wait until the crystal is almost above the dog, then release B to let it drop onto the dog. The helpful little mutt will run over to the racket and steal its ball, allowing Barbie to pass through. Head to the right and hop up on the platform and grab the B coin, but be careful - there's a malicious badminton racket lying in wait, and it has a birdie with Barbie's name on it. When you get to the edge of the platform, jump IMMEDIATELY to the next platform to avoid the birdie. In case you fall, jump IMMEDIATELY again over the badminton racket to avoid being pegged again. After that ordeal, Barbie comes face to face with a stack of boxes that is JUST too high to jump over. What's a model to do? Enlist the help of Mr. Toucan, of course. Make sure you're still on the <-> setting and toss the toucan a crystal. He'll fly up and down, allowing you to jump on his back and use him as a platform, allowing you to jump over the stack of boxes. But before you do that, get a running start on the toucan and jump to the left to grab the bottle of perfume. Hop on the toucan again and jump over the boxes. Next, you'll see a white box with a B on in floating in the middle of the screen. Jump and hit it from below (Mario style) and you'll see a little B fly out of it. Grab it. That is temporary invincibility, and it will be your new best friend for the next 10 seconds. When Barbie starts flashing, run like hell (like there was a sale at the end of the stage!) to the right, hopping over the next tennis racket and running straight through the dueling tennis rackets at the end of the stage. If for some reason your invincibility runs out, carefully jump over the platforms above the last two tennis rackets. You'll know that your invincibility is almost out when Barbie starts flashing rapidly. Congratulations! You've cleared the Sports Department! Part Two - The Toy Store Right when Barbie appears in the Toy Store, a ball will be hopping straight toward her. Head to the left and jump on the raised platform to avoid the ball, then make your way toward the right, hopping on the platforms. Jump over the stack of boxes. You'll see a B coin and a toucan below you. To reach it, throw the toucan a crystal, then hop on its back when it flies over the raised platform. Grab the B, then jump back on the platform. But be careful - all throughout this level, beach balls are rolling on the ground, nonstop. Stay on raised platforms whenever possible. To the right, you'll see an unaccessable B coin on a high platform, next to a cat. Toss the little a kitten a crystal and it'll push the B onto the ground for you to grab. But WATCH OUT! It's a trap! As soon as you run over to grab it, two evil kites will swoop down and try to rid Barbie of her newfound Z's. Jump immediately to avoid them. Keep heading to the right; two more kites will come, but they're rather easy to avoid. At the end of the stage, you'll see another kitten sitting in front of a wall with a trap door on it. That's where the beach balls are coming from! Balls pour out of the wall endlessly. This will test the blonde wonder's intellect like it has never been tested before. When the beach ball comes toward you, jump over it; while in the air, throw a crystal to the cat. The trajectory will take some getting used to, but when the cat gets the crystal, it'll run over and try to close the trap door. Do this three times and you're done with the Toy Store. Congratulations! You've cleared the Toy Store! Part Three - The Boutique Right when Barbie enters the boutique, she'll see a hat flying toward her in a sine-wave pattern. Since Barbie didn't get past Algebra I in high school, she's in the dark on what in the world a "sine wave" is. So let's clear it up a little bit - the hat goes up, down, up, down, in a curvy line, while moving to the left (for clarification, left is the side that when you hold up your hand in an L, it's NOT backwards). Jump over the hat as it comes toward you, and then head right. Also, jump over the shoe that walks toward you when you go to the right; it's not that hard to avoid. Again, you'll see a cat on a high platform by a B coin. Toss it a <-> crystal and it'll push the B coin to the ground. Don't worry, there's no traps here. Soon you'll see a dog, and two gloves coming down from the ceiling. Throw the puppy a crystal and he'll remove one of them, leaving you to try to avoid the other. It's pretty simple; just wait until it jabs down, then jump over it. Next you'll see some gowns floating up and down; jump over them. The hardest part is keeping your balance on the narrow boxes. And then you'll come to the boss of the level - a conglomeration of clothes floating in midair. First, it'll throw its shoes at you. Avoid the shoes while they bounce around, and throw crystals of any kind at the remaining sections floating in the air. Barbie should defeat this menace in no time at all. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU'VE COMPLETED THE FIRST LEVEL! ----006. Level 2 - The Center of the Mall---- Part 1 - The Galleria Barbie has a brand new outfit for this level - an elegant, frilly blue dress! In this level, head to the right. Watch out for the fountains, they spurt out water vertically (that's in the UP direction). Wait until they stop spewing and walk past them. Keep heading right. Soon you'll reach another B block. Hit it and get the temporary invincibility. Go right. This part is kind of tough: jump up onto the purple block, then jump left to the purple platform; get a running start and jump over the fountain on top of the wall. That might take you a few tries. Next, you'll see a really long fountain. This is particularly tough because you can't be sure where the spouts of water are going to come up unless you watch carefully, so tread with care on this fountain. The spouts come up at approximately the far left, the center, and the far right. Another long fountain is ahead. This one spawns droplets instead of full blasts of water, so look before you leap. There are four sources of droplets, evenly spaced throughout the fountain. After that, there are three large fountains in a row. The part that makes it hard is that the spouts and droplets come very quickly, so you often get hit after you walk past them. Run over them and try not to get Barbie's dress wet. Next is another long fountain... be very careful, because this consists of water spouts and fish. And they're very close together, about one Barbie width between each other. Wait until the spout/fish goes down, and then walk JUST past it. Then wait for the next spout to come up and repeat the process until you're finished. Now the next part is a bit strange. There are three fountains, and one fish jumping between them. The fish starts at the right, jumps to the middle, jumps to the left, and jumps all the way back to the right. Just walk under him and make sure you don't get hit. A similar scenario happens to the right, except the fish jumps in a right-middle-left-middle-right patterns. There is a B block above Barbie's head. Jump and hit it when the fish subsides; you should get a B coin for your efforts. It gets confusing here. There are three fountains, but with TWO fish this time. They seem to jump randomly from one fountain to the next, so walk under them CAREFULLY. The fish jump very quickly, so be on your toes. After that, there's four fountains with a fish jumping between them. There's another B block with temporary invincibility inside (this game passes them out like candy). The ten seconds that it lasts should be enough to let Barbie run past the rest of the fish fountains and arrive at another long fountain. This long fountain has several water spouts and fish jumping between them, making it Barbie's toughest endeavor yet. Congratulations! You've cleared the Galleria! Part Two - The Waterfalls When Barbie appears in this level, you'll see two holes in the wall, with water pouring out of one of them. Don't touch the water, you'll lose life. Wait until the water stops pouring, then walk past it. Really, that's basically the whole level, with very few variations. At the end of the level, you'll see two fountains with water spouts. Walk past them and you've beaten the level. Congratulations! You've cleared the Waterfalls! Part Three - The Food Court Right when you enter the food court, you'll see a pizza rolling at you. Jump over it and head to the right. You'll see a palm tree; hop on its leaves and use them as a spring board to jump to the next raised platform with a potted plant on it. Keep heading to the right and eventually you'll see a toucan; give it a crystal and use it as a platform to clear the stack of boxes. Head to the right. You shouldn't have too much trouble clearing the level. Part Four - The Pizzeria That's right, folks: it's the pizzeria, complete with the cheesy white-and-red plaid tablecloths. Walk to the right and jump over the tables. And then you'll see it... THE GIGANTIC PIZZA MACHINE FROM HELL. There are four sections that shoot pizzas at Barbie; the bottom one is closed off, but the other three above it are still firing away. Use the floating platforms to avoid low-flying pizzas. Throw crystals at the openings; two shots and that slot will be closed. When you close all three slots off, you win. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU'VE COMPLETED THE SECOND LEVEL! Now you get to see a cutscene where Barbie throws several B coins into a fountain. A toucan brings her a pretty new dress! "Okay..." "Time to go the beach..." "...I wonder what it'd be like to be a mermaid..." "Just like the one in my book..." ----007. Level 3 - The Beach ---- Part One - The Coral Reef Barbie starts off as a mermaid. The controls are about the same; up and down are now used to propel Mermaid Barbie up and down. If you repeatedly tap A, instead of jumping, it makes Barbie swim faster. You have to hurry in this level, because an evil jellyfish is stalking Barbie. Swim quickly to the left and grab the starfish for points. Head to the right. Immediately below you, you'll see a grey little dolphin. Switch to the "?" setting on the Barbie's bracelet and throw a crystal at the dolphin. If you follow it, Barbie will grab onto its tail and it will drag you throw the next section without fear of being harmed by seashells and coral. It drops you off after the end of the first corridor. Keep going to the right. Avoid the evil pieces of coral and seashells. Below you there's a pearl, which is the equivalent of a B coin in this level. Grab it and head right; if the jelly fish is far behind you, you can take the bottom corridor to the left and grab the starfish. You'll see a sea horse; give him a crystal and he'll fetch you the pearl that is otherwise unaccessable. Now you have a choice - take the top or the bottom corridor? If you give the stationary fish a crystal, he'll swim downward, indicating that the bottom one is the correct path. The top dead ends, with a pearl at the end. It's really your choice, but keep in mind that you're probably going to get stung by the jellyfish if you take the top path. Another choice comes after that. Take the top path; it's slightly harder, but there's a pearl on the way. After a while, you'll come to a mean looking sea horse. Throw it a <-> crystal; it'll get an otherwise irretrievable starfish for you. There are several more forks in the road ahead; take the top road every time. Don't bother turning back and getting the pearl; it's a decoy. Eventually you'll see a Barbie block in the upper right hand corner; if you touch it, you'll warp to a dark, secret room. Swim around it and grab the invisible starfish, then head back out the bottom and continue to the right. If you give the sea horse a crystal, he'll grab a starfish for you from the coral reef. Next there is a rather strange scene... tons of point-giving starfish spell out the word "Barbie". Grab as many as you can and don't worry about the turtles; they won't hurt you. Just before the end of the level, there's a pearl; grab it. You'll know you've passed the level when you arrive at the gates of an underwater castle. Congratulations! You've cleared the Coral Reef! Part Two - The Sand Castle Barbie starts off on top of a massive underwater sand castle. Watch out for the water tornadoes; they can't hurt you, but they will throw off your swimming patterns. The tornadoes are so powerful that you won't be able to swim upward for a while; throw the sea horse a crystal and he'll retrieve the pearl for you. Hit as many blocks as you can; most of them will give you points, but one will give you temporary invincibility. Grab it and swim as fast to the right as you can. When you see a blue dolphin, switch to the "?" setting again and throw it a crystal. Hold onto it and let it take you away. Grab the starfish and head into the interior of the sand castle. Congratulations! You've cleared the Sand Castle! Part Three - The Throne Room When you swim into the throne room, you'll see a huge jellyfish guarding the imprisoned king and queen crabs! Stay near the top of the screen and throw crystals at the little lock on the floor above the royal crabs. Three hits to the lock and you'll restore the king and queen to their rightful thrones. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU'VE CLEARED THE THIRD LEVEL! Another cutscene appears here - Barbie throws her pearls into a giant clam. The clam shuts its shells, and then opens them a second later to present Barbie with a beautiful pearl ring! "Hmm... that was fun..." "But now I'd better hurry to the Soda Shop..." "Can't be late..." ----008. Level 4 - The Soda Shop - Part One ---- Part One - The Soda Shop Entrance Barbie has a new outfit for the soda shop: a modest, retro '50s pink dress and white shirt. Head to the left and collect the retro sunglasses for 100 points. Go right and use the teacup to jump onto the platforms and grab the ABSOLUTELY GROOOOOVY record near the ceiling. Go right and you'll see a magnet inching toward another record; jump on the glass, then on the B blocks, and then grab the record before the ABSOLUTELY EVILLLL magnet snatches it away! Don't worry about touching the magnet; it can't hurt you. Head right and touch the single B block; a "Z" will pop out. Grab it and you'll get 1 Z added to your life meter. Next you'll see a big soda fountain that you can't pass, and an ice cream cone hopping around. Hit the cone with a <-> crystal to make it change directions. When it comes under the fountain, switch to "?" crystals and give it one. It'll toss its ice cream up into the air and turn off the soda fountain. Keep heading to the right. Hit the B blocks floating in the air; the first one gives you a record. Next you'll see a stack of teacups; wait for the steam to subside, then jump over them. Next, you'll see a blinking pair of retro sunglasses and two flying '50s cars (with eyes, no less). Giving them "?" crystals changes their direction of movement from left-right to down-up, and vice- versa. Jump on the first one and make it go up and down. Grab the specs before they fade out. Go right and jump across the soda glasses. Avoid the projectiles being spat horizontally and vertically at the same time by a malicious (jealous, perhaps?) paper cup. You'll see another ice cream cone to the right; use the same strategy as before to retrieve the record on the platform. Head right and jump over the stack of steaming teacups, again. Jump on the car and go down to grab the record on the floor, but WATCH OUT for the disguised blocks that drop from the ceiling. Next, you'll see a little burger next to a faucet of soda. Giving it a ? crystal makes it spit out a meat patty, but giving it a <-> crystal makes it jump on the faucet and close it, allowing you to pass. Hitting the B blocks on the faucet gives you a record. Jump onto the platform, then onto the car, then onto the B blocks so that you can jump up and grab the record. Keep heading right. Jump over the soda bottles and you'll see a burger next to a record; give it a <-> crystal and it'll push it to where Barbie can reach it. Keep going to the right. Below the platform, you'll see a bag of popcorn and a record. Treat the popcorn just like you would the ice cream cone, waiting until it's under the record and then giving it a ? crystal to throw the record into range. Head right and you'll see a burger next to three faucets. Wait until the burger is facing right (manipulate it via <-> crystals if needed) and feed it a ? crystal. If planned correctly, the launched meat patty will turn off all three streams at once Next there is a VERY tough jump. Take a running start and leap across the gap, making sure you don't collide with the evil skate on the other side. After that, you'll see a soda walking around; wait until Barbie is next to it and give it a ? crystal. This should launch Barbie up in the air and over the stationary soda bottle. A B block ahead gives Barbie another Z. Keep going right. Near the ceiling is a hard-to-get record; get a running start and jump left to grab it. It might take a few tries. Head right. The boss of this level is a large pipe with several faucets that drip soda. This is relatively easy; jump over the drops on the floor while throwing crystals at the faucet handles to shut each valve off. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU'VE CLEARED THE FOURTH LEVEL! ----009. Level 5 - The Soda Shop - Part Two ---- Part One - Fast Food At the beginning of the level there is a record at the top of the ceiling that is very hard to get. Wait until the hamburger bun raises to the roof, then duck under it before it falls; jump off of the patty and try to grab the record. You really only get one chance to grab it, but don't worry, it's not the end of the world if you don't. To the right, you'll see a spoon; walk across it and it will launch you over the obstacle. Walk past the french fry boxes, being very careful not to be hit by the vertically launching projectiles. Soon, the french fries will start launching from box to box in a manner reminiscient of the fish in the second level. Now, they're much harder to predict, so you just kind of have to blindly run past the boxes and hope you don't get hit. The next time you see a spoon, jump on it and try to grab the temporary invincibility. Run like hell to the right past the french fries. When you see the Dessert Menu, you know you've reached the end of the stage. Congratulations! You've cleared the Fast Food section! Part Two - Thick Shakes (boss fight) Now this boss is one tough customer. Stay on the floor and throw crystals as fast as you can at each of the three stacks of ice cream. Avoid the cherries. When the soda cup comes, jump on the platforms to avoid it. When all three stacks of ice cream in the float are completely depleted, you've beaten this boss. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU'VE CLEARED THE FIFTH LEVEL! Okay, at this point, I'm not really sure where to go. My cartridge might be glitching up here (it is almost ten years old), but there is nothing else to do here. Barbie enters a place that looks like a dance floor, but the floor seems electrified and pushes her back every time she tries to cross the floor. I've tried everything, and nothing works. Seems like there's three possible explanations to this... 1) My cartridge is messed up. There's really no solution for this, seeing as how Barbie is long out of print. 2) The programmers knew no one would buy this game, so they did what another team did to a certain Atari game - made the last level unbeatable to cut corners and save time. This isn't terribly likely, but eh, anything's possible. 3) I am dumb. The answer could be sitting right in front of me, and I am too snowblind to see it. This is Twisted Silence here, folks, so you can't expect too much from him, intellectually. I'm very sorry if I couldn't help you get past anything from here on. This is Barbie though, folks. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 010. ITEM LIST _________________________________________________________________________________________________ --B Coin-- The unique item for the mall levels. Adds one Z to Barbie's life meter, and is used to calculate the point multiplier at the end of the level. --Small B Symbol-- Grants Barbie temporary invincibility for ten seconds. These are passed out like candy in the beginning of the game. --Pearl-- The unique item for the mermaid levels. Adds one Z to Barbie's life meter, and is used to calculate the point multiplier at the end of the level. --Starfish-- Worth 100 points. Found in the mermaid levels. --Record-- The unique item for the soda shop levels. Adds one Z to Barbie's life meter, and is used to calculate the point multiplier at the end of the level. --Retro Sunglasses-- Worth 100 points. Found in the soda shop levels. --Ball of Protection-- Grants Barbie temporary invincibility while circling around her, and automatically activates the ability of any animal that it touches. --Small Z Symbol-- Adds one Z to Barbie's life meter. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 011. DISCLAIMER _________________________________________________________________________________________________ This FAQ/Walkthrough was written entirely by Daniel "Twisted Silence" Rowe. This FAQ/Walkthrough may not be reproduced in its full form or in part without the expressed permission of the author. The author is not responsible for any damage to your game cartridge, console, or peripherals that may have occured as a result of following the information presented herein. The only website currently authorized to use this FAQ/Walkthrough is: http://www.gamefaqs.com In other words, steal my work and your ass is grass, punk. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 012. CONTACT INFORMATION _________________________________________________________________________________________________ The author of this FAQ/Walkthrough may be reached via email at twisted_silence@hotmail.com, or via AOL Instant Messanger, screen name GrandMasterEight. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 013. SPECIAL THANKS _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Twisted Silence would like to thank- -The music of Slayer, Pink Floyd, Tool, System of a Down, and Mudvayne, for providing the background music when I was tired of hearing the Barbie music. -GameFAQs.com, for just about everything. -Porno. Yes, pornography. Why? Because. -Everyone at the Final Fantasy IX Social Board and the now-defunct GameFAQs Hell. For being cool. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ -Finshed 3/27/02, at 1:39 AM EST