Save State Hacking FAQ for Baseball for NES by: PKT_Paladin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Introduction II. Revision History III. Offsets IV. Credits V. Contact Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My alias is PKT_Paladin, but that is not my name. For this FAQ you don't need to know my real name =). Please don't steal anything from this FAQ for your site or for your own FAQ unless you provide some sort of credit. I wrote everything in this FAQ. These offsets are specifically for the emulator Nesticle and the game these offsets for is Baseball for NES. The reason this guide was not included with my other Baseball FAQ was that I didn't want to bother the people playing the game with "emulation." Chances are if you are using emulation to play this game it is because your Nintendo is broken and not because you want to cheat the company. If you have a working Nintendo this game could be easily purchased for a quarter. If you are new to Save State Hacking, this is how it is done: Download Hex Workshop from Install it, run it, and open up the save state file. On the left you will see addresses on the left and 16 columns on the right. There are actually 16 bytes each in groups of two. Observe: 0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 10 0000 0000 0000 00FF 0000 0000 0000 0000 The location of the byte FF is actually 17. In hex, as opposed to the regular number system we are used to that goes from 0-10, the numbers go from 0-F (0-10 and then A,B,C,D,E,F). That means FF is the highest value and 00 is the lowest (FF is 255 in decimal and 00 is 0). Find the location that I have listed in the savestate editting section and modify the bytes to as high or as low as you desire. When you are done, save it on the hexidecimal editor and load it in the emulator and you should be done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II. Revision History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v.99 : You can go nuts with this guide! You can hack the amount of BALLs, STRIKEs, OUTs, and runs that you have for both teams. You can change which inning you are in and which team you are, making the only thing left to be done is how to hack players onto your bases. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ III. Offsets ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2062 - Number of BALLs - The maximum amount of balls you can put is four. If any extras are added, it will overlap out of the black box. 2063 - Number of STRIKEs - The maximum amount of strikes you can put is three. If any extras are added, it will overlap out of the black box. 2064 - Number of OUTs - The maximum amount of outs you can put is three. If any extras are added, it will overlap out of the black box. 2065 - Score for Player 1 - If you put anything higher than 99 (63 in hexidecimal) it will say 99 in the score box. If you put FF, the next time you score a run it will go back to 0. 2066 - Score for Player 2 / Computer - If you put anything higher than 99 (63 in hexidecimal) it will say 99 in the score box. If you put FF, the next time you score a run it will go back to 0. 2033 - Inning - Here's how the inning offset works: 00 is for the top of the first inning, 01 is for the bottom of the first inning, 02 is for the top of the second inning, etc. 2034 - Player 1's Team - If you modify your team, the only letter that will change is the letter at the top of the scoreboard The uniform color changes will not take effect until after the top or bottom of whichever inning is over. - Also, if you modify your team, you can put any digits you would like to get various different colors. For example, if you put 07, which is not one of the available teams, you will get a weird symbol as your letter and you will have blue uniforms and blue eyes. This has no bad side effects to the game whatsoever. 2035 - Player 2's Team - If you modify your team, the only letter that will change is the letter at the top of the scoreboard The uniform color changes will not take effect until after the top or bottom of whichever inning is over. - Also, if you modify your team, you can put any digits you would like to get various different colors. For example, if you put 07, which is not one of the available teams, you will get a weird symbol as your letter and you will have blue uniforms and blue eyes. This has no bad side effects to the game whatsoever. Team Digits 00 - A 01 - C 02 - D 03 - P 04 - R 05 - Y Inning Digits 00 - Top of First 01 - Bottom of First 02 - Top of Second 03 - Bottom of Second 04 - Top of Third 05 - Bottom of Third 06 - Top of Fourth 07 - Bottom of Fourth 08 - Top of Fifth 09 - Bottom of Fifth 0A - Top of Sixth 0B - Bottom of Sixth 0C - Top of Seventh 0D - Bottom of Seventh 0E - Top of Eighth 0F - Bottom of Eighth 10 - Top of Nineth 11 - Bottom of Nineth ~~~~~~~~~~~ IV. Credits ~~~~~~~~~~~ NINTENDO OF AMERICA - They created this game. That deserves at least a little bit of credit, no? =) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ V. Contact Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to send me an e-mail, please send it Since there are a few things that I have yet to know that you might know, I would appreciate any submissions (you will be given credit, of course) to help further develop this FAQ. Please submit any questions so I can answer them for you and anyone else who reads this FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This guide was written by PKT_Paladin ( Please do not use this guide without permission or take direct information from it. Doing that is illegal. I am in no way affiliated with the makers of Baseball.