BATMAN STRATEGY GUIDE VERSION 8.10.04 -for the NES game "Batman"- by Stephen Thomas ( =============================================================================== "Gotham City--It's a dark deserted city governed by crime and violence. The whole town is now in preparation for the 200th anniversary of the Gotham City Festival. Joker--The City's Evil leader. He has spread poisonous nerve gas all over town and has terrorized the population. Vicki Vale--A shrewd photo-journalist tracking the poison gas mystery is endangered many times but rescued each time by a mysterious black figure, who, infact is...... Batman--While fighting against Joker, recalls him as the murderer of his parents many years ago. Batman, with full force, will wage his last fight against the Joker to eliminate the wordly evil and avenge his parents death." =============================================================================== *********************** ** TABLE OF CONTENTS ** ** ** **-Introdcution ** **-Game Controls ** **-Enemy Guide ** **-Walkthrough ** **-Boss Section ** **-Game Script ** **-Game Genie Codes ** **-Game Credits ** **-Closure ** **-Copyright Info ** ** ** *********************** =============================================================================== == INTRODUCTION ============================================================= =============================================================================== This was the first Batman game released for the NES, back in 1989. For the day it had wonderful graphics and sound. I'm not sure how it was recieved by the press, but I can't imagine it got any sort of bad reviews. The graphics are very crisp for the day. Batman has some superb animations, the enemies are, for the most part, very detailed, and the backgrounds look amazing. Sunsoft also released Batman: The Return of Joker for the NES a few years later, and the graphics were so impressive on that game that it almost looks like it's on a 16-bit console. The cinema sequences are equally as impressive. It's awe inspiring when you think they only have 4 colors to use for each sprite. The music is great. They did a wonderful job working with the NES' sound architecture. The game only has 5 tracks while your playing, but the first stage and the last stage share the same music. The other track is heard when you fight the bosses. There are also some tracks played during the cinema sequences. The sound is also surperb - everything seems very fitting to the overall mood of the game. Perhaps my only complaint for this game is the controls. They're fine once you get the hang of them, and perhaps they're just how the developers wanted them, but initially everything seems a bit lagged. As well, sometimes if you have to punch rapidly, Batman simply won't, while othertimes he does it just fine. This can lead to some frustration, but it really doesn't distract one from the overall enjoyment of the game. As far as gameplay goes, this game plays like most other sidescroller. You go through the stages smashing the baddies, though you do get to use three weapons. Each enemy drops either points, health, or ammo. There is also a bit of strategy involved in how you transverse the stages, with some rather tricky bits of travel in the later stages. Overall, the game play is very solid and addicting, and I can't find anything wrong with it. Batman is a good game that was probably a hit during its day, but is not mentioned much these days. I recommend it to anyone who wants a fun side- scroller. =============================================================================== == GAME CONTROLS ============================================================ =============================================================================== -Control Overview: Left - Move Left Right - Move Right Down - Crouch B - Attack A - Jump Select - Pause Start - Select Weapon Batman has the choice of three weapons. A boomerang, a gun, and some mean looking throwing discs. The boomerang (Batarang) is the most versatile and uses 1 ammo point per throw. The gun uses two ammo points per shot. Lastly, the throwing discs use three ammo points per shot. Personally, I feel that the boomerang is the best weapon choice, followed by the throwing discs, and then the gun. Batman can also walljump, which is an extremely important element of getting past the game. To walljump, simply push towards the wall you're trying to jump from and push the jump button. He will catapult himself off of the wall and go in the other direction. You can walljump to get more airtime out of your jumps, to go higher, and to go farther. You can also perform consecutive walljumps. One last note of interest - the jump button is time sensitive. The longer the jump button is held down, the higher Batman goes. If you tap it, Batman will stunt his jump and not go very high. This is particularly useful in some situations throughout the course of the game. =============================================================================== == ENEMIES ================================================================== =============================================================================== ENEMIES: -CLAWBOT: These are little machines that shoot out a claw attached to a chain at what seems to be random intervals. They can be annoying when placed in the right places. Easy enough to destroy - just try not to get hit. -CLAWMEN: Clawmen are probably easier than the runner to defeat. They move very real slow, and swing their claws at you. Just punch them to death before they can get an attack off. They first make an appearance in stage 2-1. -FLAME THROWERS: The Flame Thrower variety in the game are men in what appear to be some sort of firesuits, kneeling down, shooting their flame throwers at a predictable interval. Just wait until they're not flaming and pummel them to death. These guys are only dangerous when placed in strategic locations. -GUNMEN: Gunmen aren't really much of a threat. They stay in the some location, while standing up and firing a gun at you. You can dodge the bullets by either jumping or ducking. Do note that you can see these guys on screen before they start firing, and can kill them before they are "activated", much like the Jumpers. -JUMPER: Jumpers are nasty little enemies that first appear on Stage III. They can cause alot of damage if you don't learn how to take them out. The best strategy is to simply walk back and forth under them as they jump, punching them a few times as they land. They take 5 punches to kill. Also, you can see them before they see you. This makes it possible to destroy them before they can be "activated". -JETGUNNERS: These guys only show up in the first level - which seems like a waste of a very good enemy to me. One or two may show up on stage 1-2. Just use your throwing discs to take them out. I'm not sure, but maybe this is the boss you fight at the end of the stage showing up before hand. (?) -MOBILE BOMB DROPPER: [MBD] [aka Item Dropper] These things cling to the ceiling, and take many shots to kill. You'll know when you find one because they'll drop bombs when you enter their proximity. These bombs will scuttle toward you, then explode either when they make contact, or hit an edge. One good thing about these enemies is that you can use the bombs they drop to refill on health and ammo, as the bomblets seem to always leave something behind. -NINJA: This guy makes one appearance in the whole game. In Stage 1-2. He makes a decent enemy, so I'm not sure why he wasn't used more. He can slash his sword, jump, and throw chinese stars. He'll stand motionless for a second before going ninja-crazy - kill him then. I'm not sure, but maybe this guy has something todo with the movies or the comic book? Not being a big Batman fan I can't say for certain. -RUNNERS: The first enemy you see in the game, and also the easiest. The can cause some mischief if you allow them too. Punch them once to destroy them. They reappear often, so you can use them strategically to gain back some health. -SLIDING MINE: Sliding mines are mines that fly toward you on the ground when you enter their zones. They detonate when they hit you, or after traveling a certain distance. The best way to dispose of them is to jump above them after setting them in motion, or to run out side of their radius. You may find it helpful to take them out with throwing discs when you can. -TRAINS: Little trains that have spikes on them. They're pesky, at best, and require very little to destroy. When you are on the same level as them they will increase speed. They do damage when they hit you, so destroy them first. =============================================================================== == WALKTHROUGH ============================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------ - Stage I: Gotham Streets - ------------------------------ ::PART ONE:: After falling from the sky, make your way left and kill the runners and train you see. You'll come across a Flame thrower - the suggested way to take out these goons is to wait until they're not flaming, the move in and throw a few punches. Go past the flames, and hop up and walk across the uprising that's blocking your path. Right past that uprising there are two Gunmen. Take the first one out, but keep an eye open for the train that nears as you approach the second one. Easy enough, just keep on trucking through the stage. You'll come to the enterance of part two before you know it. ::PART TWO:: As you begin this section, you'll see some sliding land mines on the ground. They blink, and as you approach they'll slide directly at you and explode on contact. You can kill them with throwing discs from afar if you wish, but it's just as easy to jump over them. Just make sure you take out the runners before trying to get past the mines, otherwise you'll get jumbled up and take some damage. After a short distance, you'll come upon two flame throwers on ledge. The most obvious way to handle this situation is the wait until they're not flaming, then jump and destroy them. You can safely jump to the ledges they are on if you punch while you land - in doing so you won't take any damage. At the top you'll see a sliding mine. Simply jump down and jump back up to get past this one. Make quick work of the train and continue on. You'll get to a part where theres 4 trains on 4 different legdes that you must go up. This is fairly obvious, but jump on the ledges when the trains are heading away - this will give you time to land, duck and begin punchin. At the top of these ledges, you'll come across a somewhat challenging enemy. The Jetgunner may pose a problem. You can punch him to death if you feel up to losing some health, or you can use your throwing discs. Just a little bit farther down the path another one shows up, but this time you don't have the same kind of cover you had. Deal with him quickly - don't be discouraged if he hits you once or twice. When you get to the end drop down to the ground. There will be a Red Ninja here. He only shows up this one time in the whole game - maybe it's something out of the movie or comic book, I dunno - he'll stand still for awhile, wipe his mouth, then do some crazy ninja things like jumping around, slashing his sword and maybe even throwing some ninja stars. Kill him before he has a chance to react. Just beyond the Ninja is the boss. Refer to the boss section for hints. ------------------------ - STAGE II: Factory - ------------------------ ::PART ONE:: Make your way to the green sludge stuff, killing some runners and some claw- men as you do so. This green slime is highly toxic, so stay out of it at all costs. It will do approx. 1 damage pers second. There are also spots there droplets of this slime will fall from above, so avoid those as well. When you get to the spot where you have to jump on ledge after ledge above the toxic slime, you may find it helpful to use your weapons on the clawmen, other than that, this area is straight foward, so keep moving until you come to another pool of green slime. There will be two blocks dripping the stuff, one above the other. To get across the pool of slime, drop down and walljump off of the top block. With any luck, you'll reach the other side. Use the boomerang to kill the flame man before advancing to part two. ::PART TWO:: The area is fairly self-explanitory, but be cautious of the sparks moving around the coils - if you touch them you'll receive damage. Make your way through this area - use some common sense when dealing with the clawbots. You'll also come to some spots where you may only have to tap the jump button to get the desired result. Eventaully you'll end up in a spot where you must wall jump up a long series of blocks, landing on them sometimes to kill Clawmen, and switching from one side of the blocks to the other to get around the electric coils. This area is also simple, but be patient and wait for the clawmen to move away from the edges of the ledge before trying to destroy them. At the top you'll be in a tight spot - to get past this area, wait for the train to make its way away from you, then drop down and walljump off of the block you were standing on. You should clear the small coil at the bottom very easy. Past this, you'll get ontop of blocks without hitting the ceiling coils. To do this, wall jump from the right blocks to the left block, then only tap the jump button to jump back over and land ontop of the right blocks - if you do it right you won't hit the coils on the ceiling. Past this, you'll have to drop down and walljump off of the blocks you were standing on again to clear some long coils. You should have these techniques learned by now, so keep moving onto part three. ::PART THREE:: You'll come across a Mobile bomb dropper (MBD), dropping bombs down pretty far onto an area with a sliding mine. This can be tricky, so it's advised to take out the MBD using some weapons. It will take 11 throwing disc shots to kill it, which equals 33 ammo - but you should regain this throughout the stage. Just below, you'll need to duck and kill the train before dealing with the gunman. Continue on and you'll end up on some conveyor belts. These will make it harder to move in one direction, but easier in another, so be cautious with them. Also, don't touch the spinning gears/saws - obviously they'll damage you. Make your way over until you see the MBD. Past this is a flameguy on a ledge, and a pit you must jump down. Be careful jumping down the pit because of the saws on both sides. A good way to do this is to run all the way across the conveyor, then wall jump up on the ledge and kill the flamer. After he's dead you can simple walk off the ledge and align yourself safely to fall down the pit. Once you land, you have two paths. Going on the top one is the easiest. To get to the top path, drop and walljump off of the ledge your standing on. If you fall, you'll have to jump over some saws and kill two gunmen, not to mention negotiating a rather dangerous walljump, thanks to a MBD, up to the top path at the end. On the top path there are two MBD's and a train. All you have todo is run and jump over the train, and the rest is cake. Once your past this area, drop down into the next pit. At the bottom, you'll be facing a huge line of saws, and two convery belts to help navigate through this area. It's easy - on the first conveyor belt just tap jump clear the gap. If you do a full powered jump you'll slam head first into the saws above you. Once on the next converyor, simply wait until it's clear to jump down and kill the trains. Becareful, though, if the first train hit's you, you will be knocked back into the saws. Negotiate through this last corridor - killing some runners before you come to 4 saws on the ground. To clear these, jump up and wall jump off of the convery towards the wall, then walljump off of the wall onto the conveyor. The boss is next. Refer to the boss section for tips and hints. ---------------------------- - Stage III: The Sewers - ---------------------------- You'll soon notice a two new enemies when you make your way thru this stage. These large jumping beasts can inflict some serious damage if you're not careful. They jump back and forth around batman, which can become annoying if you don't avoid them as they fall. Just move left or right, accordling, and punch the beasts as they land. It takes 5 punches to destroy one. An alternate, but expensive tactic, is to creep slowly until you only see the edge of the jumpers on the screen. Then, you can hit them with three throwing discs, and they will be destroyed. This is a preferred method if you have the ammunition todo it. The other type of enemy, you'll see in Part Three, is a large moving robot that fires missles. These guys are pretty difficult, and so far I havn't found a really good way to defeat them other than to jump their fireballs and return fire with your gun or any other weapon. ::PART ONE:: As soon as the stage begins make your way left, defeating the enemies in your path. When you make your way to the waters edge, jump inbetween the two sliding bombs and then jump immediately up to avoid their explosions. Also, be cautious of all of the fan/propeller things you see on this stage, as touching them will damage Batman. When you get to the section with three spinning propellers on the bottom, you can wall jump around them using the block and the pipe. Wall jump off the block and then let Batman fall a ways before wall jumping off of the pipe - with any luck you'll land up ontop of the block, and be able to clear the fans easily. The jumping beast direclty past this section is a little tricky so you may wish to use weapons to defeat him before he is activated. Towards the end of the first section of the stage there will be a mobile bomb dropper. If you need to, you can kill the moving bombs it drops and regain some ammo or health. ::PART TWO:: Make your way to the right and drop down the opening, but be sure to guide yourself left onto the block or you'll land on some propellers. Kill the enemies down here if you need health or ammo. At the bottom of the next drop there's a jumper waiting. As you drop, fall the right a little and take care of him. Just the right there will be another jumper, which given the terrain you may find a bit tricky, so use caution or kill him with weapons before he activates. You'll have to wall jump up to reach the next area, which contains another bomb dropper to the very left. Use it cautiously if you need health or ammo. If not, continue to wall jump up and you'll reach the next area. ::PART THREE:: You'll be in a cavernous looking area now. Head right and you'll see the robot I described earlier. Destroy him and climb to the next section and head right. Be careful when trying to destory the train, because a robot will fire at you. Make your way through the rest of the stage with caution. When you get to the part where you wall jump up the side of the cliff, be careful. The spinning fans on the piping will hurt you and it's hard to walljump off of them. Make good use of the fact that you can vary your jump height by only tapping the jump button to land in the middle of the two spaced fans - you'll have todo this twice before you reach the top. When you get the top, head left a little, but watch for fire from a robot. To kill this one easily, go left and duck infront of the ledge he is on. He won't be able to hit you easily from here. Right after he fires jump and shoot him with your gun. Do this until he is dead. [NOTE: If you have near full life, meaning only one or two slots away, you can defeat the next boss easily.] Right past that robot is the boss for this stage. Refer to the boss section for tips on how to defeat him. ------------------------------- - Stage IV: Another Factory - ------------------------------- ::PART ONE:: This stage is tricky. You're heatlh should be in decent shape, even if the last boss tore you up pretty nicely. You're going to need everybit of it - move cautiously! From the beginning, make your way left on this stage. Use your throwing discs to take out the first two bomb sliders you come across. When you see the mobile bomb dropper know that there is a Jumper right next to it. I suggest taking him out with three disc shots. Then, if you need to, use the MBD to refill some health and ammo before moving on. Slowly make your way past the three monitors with Joker laughing on them. There will be two Jumpers in a row - I suggest taking both of them out with Throwing Discs to avoid any problems. Just past them you'll enter the second part of the stage. ::PART TWO:: Head left, killing some Runners along the way. Eventually you'll come to a section where the ground is spinning. These spinning gear type things will cause damage, so make your way over them. Use the second and first block to wall jump up ontop of either one. To make it across the damaging portions of the floor, you'll need to drop between each block and wall jump over to the next, as jumping from one to the other is virtually impossible. Continue through the stage until you reach the area where you have to jump over a "floating, spinning gear". There will be a MBD above the area. Wait until it drops a bomb then wall jump over it, being sure not to hit the dropper or the gears. Just past this area is the enterance to Part Three. ::PART THREE:: Don't be fooled by the Exit door, because although it is your exit, you're going to have to transverse the stage before you can reach it. Begin by going down the "shaft". You'll seem some red roller carts that slide back and forth and cause damage. Just do your best to avoid them - jumping works great. Also avoid the electricity generated by the spinning gears. You'll get to a section with a MBD and one of the rail trollies. Just punch the trolly if it comes near you, and the damage buffer will allow it to pass through you harmlessly. Drop down the bottom and continue on. When you get to the area with the single blocks of spinning conveyor move carefully. Wall jump ontop of the first generator, but don't hit the bolts that travel between it and the wall. Then, kill the train on thats over on the fourth block from the second block. Then move to the block the train was actually on by dropping down onto the convery blocks and wall jumping back up. Continue onward... When you come to the robot/s on the stairs who is blocking your path, be sure to duck on the first stair on the set. You'll want to jump over every other shot he fires, returning a shot while your in the air. Do this until he is dead. Continue up the stairs until you come to an area with a flamethrower and a train. Jump and kill the train before hoping up to finish off the flamer and his friends. Make your way to the top of the stairs, and then go left toward the boss. See the Boss Section for strategies to defeat the blocks. ------------------------------ - Stage V: The Bell Tower - ------------------------------ Back on the streets of Gotham again. This is the last stage of the game, so don't expect it to be easy. ::PART ONE:: Make your way through the stage until you see a group of 9 or so gears that are spinning near some blocks. Above will be some Flamemen. You need to listen to the sounds of the fire and figure out which one is responsible for which sound. You'll want to start wall jumping up right when you hear the sound for the flame, then punch the first one to death, and immediately push the left direction to avoid being hurt by the gear. Then, hop up and kill the next flame thrower with a boomerang. When you come to the gap following the Flame throwers, you'll need to drop and wall jump off of the blocks your standing on. You need to time it just right to get across, and jump off of the very bottom of the blocks. Be sure to keep your boomerang equiped, because the legde you land on has a MBD. As soon as one drops fire off two boomerangs and kill the train and the bomb, then quickly hop over to safety. You can refill on health or ammo here if you need to. Next, you'll have to wall jump up past two enemies. A clawbot and a flame thrower. Listen for sound clues, and time your jumps carefully. If you're lucky you'll make it up in one trip. Once you get to the top, you'll have to squeeze inbetween two gears. Todo this you'll need to drop and wall jump across the gears. Time this very carefully - jump just before you hit the bottom gear, and only lightly tap the jump button, otherwise you'll hit the top. With luck, you'll get across without taking damage. Otherwise, if you fall or hit the top, just jump over before you get hurt anymore. You'll face more of the same until you get to the top, which has a MBD. Use the MBD to refill completely on health and ammo, then continue onto the the boss. Refer to the Boss Section below for tips to defeat him, and the last boss, Joker. =============================================================================== == BOSS SECTION ============================================================= =============================================================================== ----------------------------------------- - First Stage Boss: Flying Beetle Man - ----------------------------------------- This boss is very easy. He has two general attacks, a projectile move that launches 4 'hadoken' style missles down at Batman and a swooping move. He stays airborn the entire battle, and his only weakness is when he swoops down to hit you. When the battle begins, select your throwing weapon and stay to the left hand side of the stage, waiting for the boss to either throw his project at you or launch his swooping assualt. When he throws the projectiles at you, just get in a spot where he can't hit you with one of them and stay there. Finally, when he comes down to swoop at you, throw what you've got selected at him. Boomerangs work very well. He only takes a few hits to destroy. Now that was hard! ------------------------------------------- - Second Stage Boss: The Room of Death - ------------------------------------------- I like this "boss", because it isn't really a boss, it's a big obstacle. It's not as easy as the 'flying beetle' you faced in the first stage, but it's not hard either. The room has 3 ways to hurt Batman. One, the one you'll notice first, are the two turrets that fire bullets at you from across the room. Two, the little laser carbines that fire downward onto Batman, and thirdly a 3-way gun which only shows up after you destroy the blue target next to the conveyor belt. When the battle starts, select your gun and get ready to duck and jump over the bullet the turrets fire. When the top cannon is shooting at you, duck down and open fire on the turrets (you'll hit them both at once if you're ducking). When the bottom ones are firing at you, simpy jump over them. After 9 shots from your gun they will explode. After you've finished the turrets, make your way to the converyor in the center of the room and stand as close as possible to the blue target without falling off. You'll simply want to pelt shots at the blue target until it explodes. If you stay as close as possible to the blue target, you'll only have to avoid the left-most laser carbine, which makes this section of the battle much easier. When it explodes, the last target will appear, along with a "triple-turret" gun. The best thing todo here is avoid the shots and get as close as possible to the target. When the gun comes out to fire, simply jump over all of the bullets at once, and punch the blue target a few times. It will explode after only a few hits. Congratulations - victory is yours. ------------------------------------------ - Third Stage Boss: Electric Claw Man - ------------------------------------------ You'll have to make the most of the terrain in this battle to survive. There are two ledges you can get on to avoid the boss' main attack. Keep this in mind, and alternate between the two ledges and the ground throughout the battle. It's your most powerful defense. This boss has two basic attacks. He'll charge up and swipe his claw, which releases a huge wave of a electricity that can only be avoided by jumping onto the ledge. His other attack is to simply jump at you while your on the ledges. He will almost always fire a wave after jumping, and sometimes will walk back and forth instead of jumping. You'll want to keep a few things in mind while fighting this guy. First, the throwing discs and gun seem almost useless, so the boomerang is my personal weapon of choice. Second, you'll want to spend most of your time up on the ledges, avoiding his jumps. You may want to alternate between both of the ledges and jump towards the walls then wall jump back onto the ledges to avoid him. Just try not to let him hit you when he jumps. The key to the battle is to pick one ledge of the other, and wall jump from it to the wall, then wall jumping back into the same ledge. You can avoid all of his attacks and jumps if you do this at the right times. Sometimes the boss will jump, then face the near wall, and fire a shot at it. When he does this, he'll jump up and you can punch or fire shots at him when he is in the air. This is very time consuming, but eventaully he will die. ALTERNATE METHOD: If you have full health, you can optionally just stay on the ground the whole time and bombard the boss with boomerangs. If you're effective, 99% of the time he will die before you. This will leave you lacking a bit of health for the next stage, however. ------------------------------------- - Fourth Stage Boss: Duel Blocks - ------------------------------------- This blocks are actually very easy - much easier than the boss on the third stage if you ask me. The blocks move around the room in a predictable manner and fire shots at what seem to be random intervals. This the one boss in the game that you can defeat using only your fists. As soon as the battle starts, quickly wall jump up to the top of the center block. When the blocks are about to cross your path, simply punch them the entire time. If you keep the blocks flashing, they'll pass harmlessly thru you. Be careful, though, because they can still damage you with their shots. You may want to move occasionaly to avoid some shots, but spend most of your time on the middle block. You may lose some health, but don't worry. When you destroy one of the blocks, the other block will start to move at a faster rate of speed and shoot a scatter-type of fireball that goes up, then splits into 6 pieces and fires across the room. This would normally prestent a problem, but there is a weakness. Simply head to the very left of the room and start throwing punches. You won't be harmed by the projectiles, and any time the block comes toward you'll be fine as long as you punch him. Pretty easy. --------------------------------------- - Fifth Stage Boss: Batdemon Thing - --------------------------------------- This guy isn't too hard. Like all the other bosses, he only has two attacks. First, he'll come up and bash you with his fists. Second, he'll launch some fireballs at you. Don't be scared to take damage on this stage. If he comes up and pummels you just duck and fire some boomerangs at him. If he shoots a fireball, simply jump over it. Don't worry so much about him pummeling you as you do him blasting you with fireballs, as he seems todo that more often. If you can dodge enough fireballs while returning as much fire with your boomerang he'll die before you do. You'll fight the joker after this guy, and probably die doing so. Good news is you only have to fight the "Batdemon" once, if you continue and do stage 5 over again, you'll go immediately to The Joker. ---------------------------- - Final Boss: The Joker - ---------------------------- This guy is tough, although he's pretty much idenitcal in character to the last boss except his moves do a ton of damage. Don't be surprised if you die over and over trying to defeat him. You have infinite continues, and you won't have to fight the sub-boss after the first time, so just keep trying. Anyway... The Joker is tough, but only because his gun causes severe damage loss, which nothing else in the game does. It does something like 4-slots of health per hit. You can jump to avoid it, but there's useually no warning time, so you will have to be fast with your fingers if you want to survive. For his other attack he'll raise his hand, and 4 things of lightning will come down. This attack only causes 1 point of damage, but you'll still want to avoid it. And lastly, the Joker will also run back and forth really fast through the stage, which causes 1 point of damage. You can jump him to avoid this if you are fast enough. You'll probably want to use the boomerang to fight the joker - hopefully you stocked up on them before the fight. The boomerang is good because it hits Joker more than once ber swing. When he's standing there doing his multiple lightening attack, bombard him with boomerangs. When the battle begins, check and see if he shoots his gun. The gun causes extreme damage, so avoid it at all costs by jumping it. To avoid the gunfire you can stand just at the end of the gun, and it will not hit you when he fires it. This is a good technique throughout the battle - stand as close as possible to Joker without hitting him. He will probably still hit you when he charges across the room, but do your best to avoid it. Bombard him with Boomerangs whenever you get the chance - but be sure to avoid his gun and the lightning attacks. Find the safe spots to stand when he does the lightning attack, and then get ready to either jump over him or a gun shot when he's finished "casting" it. It takes around 40-50 boomerangs to kill Joker. You'll know he's dead when he falls backwards onto his face. He'll keep try to get back up, but fall miserably. If you want, unload the rest of your ammo on him. Approach his fallen body to finish him off. Good luck! When you beat Joker, you've beaten the game. Sit back and enjoy the ending cinema. =============================================================================== == GAME SCRIPT ============================================================== =============================================================================== (INCOMPLETE) ----------- - INTRO - ----------- "Gotham City--It's a dark deserted city governed by crime and violence. The whole town is now in preparation for the 200th anniversary of the Gotham City Festival. Joker--The City's Evil leader. He has spread poisonous nerve gas all over town and has terrorized the population. Vicki Vale--A shrewd photo-journalist tracking the poison gas mystery is endangered many times but rescued each time by a mysterious black figure, who, infact is...... Batman--While fighting against Joker, recalls him as the murderer of his parents many years ago. Batman, with full force, will wage his last fight against the Joker to eliminate the wordly evil and avenge his parents death." ------------------- - AFTER STAGE 2 - ------------------- *The Penguin is shown firing a gun at the screen.* "Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? Ha ha ha......" ------------------ - ENDING/OUTRO - ------------------ "I know you murdered my parents, now you will dance with the devil in the pale moonlight!" =============================================================================== == GAME GENIE CODES ========================================================== =============================================================================== Here is a small list of Game Genie codes - although the author of these codes is unknown, I got them from Jim Chamberlin's document. Thanks Jim! :D -SZUGGTVG Infinite Lives -AEESKGZA Start with 1 Life -IEESKGZA Start with 6 Lives -AEESKGZE Start with 9 Lives -GEEPOTPA Extra Energy on Heart Pick-Up -GZNOUGST Infinite Pellets after Pick-Up -GPSPXVZA Double usual Pellets on Pick-Up -IASPXVZA Half usual Pellets on Pick-Up =============================================================================== == GAME CREDITS ============================================================== =============================================================================== -Programming: Suzuki Keiichi Hiro Kun Zap Yuichi -Design: Kaz Sp.Taka Iwata Kun Sakai Noriko Tadashi -Music: Nobuyuki Kun Kodaka San -Special Thanks: Don Gavacho N.M. Tomy Mieko San Paul San =============================================================================== == FAQ CREDIT, CONTACT & THANKS ============================================= =============================================================================== Written by: Stephen Thomas Thanks goes too: CJayC for obvious reasons Jim Chamberlin for the Game Geniue codes Nobuyuki Kun & Kodaka San for making some nice sound tracks Sunsoft for making this superb game !THAT'S IT, I HOPE YOU FOUND THIS GUIDE HELPFUL! =============================================================================== ******************** ** COPYRIGHT NOTICE ** ******************** This document is copyright 2004 Stephen Thomas. Do not reproduce this document unless reproduced in it's entirety. Do not publish excerpts from this document. Do not make profit from this document. ===============================================================================