Bee 52 FAQ/Walkthrough By DocDragon 1. Table of Contents 2. Bee 52? 3. Controls 4. Enemies 5. Power-ups 6. Front Door levels 7. Back Door levels 8. Secrets 9. Revision History/Legal 2. Bee 52? Bee 52 is an interesting game released by Camerica/Codemasters. That's right, the guys who brought you the Game Genie actually brought you a GAME. Not exactly a common game, you'd be really lucky to find one, and even more lucky to find one that works. Anyhoo, on to the game. You play a Bee. Bee 52, to be precise. Bee has to go to the flowers so she(yes, Bee is a she. All worker bees are shes) can collect pollen to be made into honey back at the hive. Yeah, I can see why this game is so obscure. Anyway, it's fun. 3. Controls Control pad: Move Bee 52 This needs very little explanation. Press a button, and Bee will move in the direction you pressed. If you don't hold anything, Bee will just hover there. A button: spit Bee's weakest weapon, but it travels all the way across the screen, and can pass through certain walls. B button: sting Far more powerful than Bee's spit attack, the sting can take out just about anything in one hit. The range though, is pretty much just below Bee. A+B button: use bomb THE most powerful weapon Bee possesses,the Bomb will instantly kill just about any enemy on the screen. But first you must HAVE bombs in order to use them. They can be obtained as power-ups from the Fireflies (see the "Enemies" section). Start: pause Pause the game... Yeah. 4. Enemies Note: Enemies can't be permenantly destroyed in this game. They can be temporarily destroyed by applying the appropriate amount of violence to them, but they will respawn soon afterwards. In the latter levels, some of them may respawn almost immediately after you destroy them, expecially if you use a Bomb. Ants: First appear in level 1 Ants crawl along the ground, or the bottom of the screen. The only way to beat Ants is with the Sting, or a Bomb. Do NOT let an Ant reach your hive, or else they'll steal your honey, and you'll have to go back to collecting it from the flowers. Spiders: First appear in level 1 The main weapon of the Spiders is the sticky thread that they hang from. If you fly into that thread, you won't be able to move, except for going up and down. If you fly into the thread, go down and sting the spider. Otherwise, fly under the spider or use a Bomb if need be. Butterflies: First appear in level 1 Butterflies are pretty harmless. They just flutter toward you in a predictable wave pattern. Shoot them down. Sprayers: First appear in level 1 Sprayers are harmless by themselves, but can be deadly in conjunction with badly-positioned enemies or a rapidly-approaching time limit. Sprayers, well, spray stuff in varying patterns, and you get knocked back if any of it hits you. Wait for an opening and zip by. Inchworms: First appear in level 1 Inchworms are just that. They inch upward to the top of the screen, then they turn around and inch most of the way down. Then they start inching back up. Sometimes, if whatever it is they're inching on ends before they reach where they normally turn around, they simply drop. Shoot them or sting them, they go down quickly either way. Fireflies: First appear in level 2 Fireflies are where you get power-ups from. Shoot or sting them to release the power-up, then grab said thing to up your power. Spitting Spiders: First appear in level 2(front)/3(back) I'm not exactly sure what kind of bugs these are, so I'll just call them Spitting Spiders. These critters hang out around the top of the screen, and spit strands of sticky stuff down at you. Get hit by one of these, and you get sucked up into contact with the bug, and die. Fly above them if at all possible , or shoot them up. Grasshoppers: First appear in level 3 Grasshoppers... They hop. They hang around at the bottom of the screen, then hop up and try to nail Bee 52. Either sting them on the ground, or shoot them when they hop up. Weevils: First appear in level 3(front)/4(back) These creatures hide in holes, and in flowers in the later levels. Avoid the stuff they shoot at ya, then shoot them and take a look in the holes. You may find a power-up or something. Flower Bugs: First appear in level 4 Flower Bugs don't do much. They just take up space in flowers, waiting for unsuspecting Bee 52s. Just shoot 'em. Wasps: First appear in level 4 Wasps sit and wait until you come close, then they swoop up and try to get you. They're about as fast as Bee 52 is at top speed, so dodging is as important as attack. Shooting them is preferred to stinging, since stinging makes Bee 52 stop for a second, and that's all that wasps need to get you. Bugeyed Bubble Monsters: First appear in level 5 These creatures effectively replace Ants after level 4. They float along, towards the hive, seeking to snag your honey. Sting 'em. Bubbles: First appear in level 5 These float up from the water in the pond/swamp levels. Shoot them or sting them, just get rid of 'em. Water Beetles: First appear in level 5 These critters jump out of the water or dive from the overhead vegitation. They're not all that dangerous unless they catch you by surprise, and can be taken out with either a few shots or a sting. Gnats: First appear in level 5 Mostly harmless, hang about in little swarms, buzzing around aimlessly. Shoot 'em up good or bomb 'em out of the way. Frogs: First appear in level 6 Frogs swim about in the water, then jump out and try to eat Bee 52. Shooting them takes a lot of time, and they can be beaten with one sting, so just sting at them to beat them quickly. Fish: First appear in level 7 Fish lurk under the water,unseen until you get close, then they leap out. Usually they just fall back into the water, but sometimes they can "swim" in midair for the distance of most of the level. Sting them if you want to get rid of them, otherwise just avoid them. Dragonflies: First appear in level 8 Dragonflies are some of the most dangerous enemies in the game. They're fast, they shoot stuff, and they're hard to dodge. If at all possible, when you see one perched on something, take it out with a barrage of shots before it's able to take off, otherwise, dodge it and sting once you get above it. Blue Firefly-ish bugs: First appear in level 8 These bugs look SO much like fireflies it's scary. They just fly in a circle, leaving little glowing spots in the air behind them. Shoot the bug and wait for the glowing spots to drop before passing, or weave between the spots. Venus Flytraps: First appear in level 9 Okay, that does NOT look like a Venus Flytrap. Anyway, these things shoot out "Tongues" when Bee passes over them, so either zip over them really quickly, sting them with equal quickness, or bomb them into the dust. No-Pest Strips: First appear in level 9 Not exactly enemies, but obstacles nonetheless. If Bee runs into a no-pest strip, his speed is reduced to the airborne equivalent of a crawl. Bee's speed is returned to normal once Bee is clear of the no-pest strip. Oven: First appears in level 9 Another obstacle, the Oven's burner will force Bee upwards and kill him if he touches it. Faucets: First appear in level 9 Yet another house-based obstacle, the drips will kill you if they touch you. Just avoid 'em. Fleas: First appear in level 10 Some of the most annoying critters in the game, Fleas are like grasshoppers, just a LOT smaller. Avoid them, bomb them, or shoot them while they're idle, since shooting or stinging them is REALLY hard once they start hopping. Sniper Spiders: First appear in level 11 These critters pop out of the ground and shoot at you. They either fire several shots straight upwards, or three shots in a volcano-ish pattern. Either sting them in between firings, or bomb them, or simply fly over them when they duck back into the ground. Mystery Green Bugs: First appear in level 12 These are, without question, THE most annoying critters in the game. They're small, they're fast, they're shot-proof, and they're plentiful. They float up to your level from wherever they're perched on, and charge right at you. In order to get rid of these things, either sting them before they charge, make judicious use of bombs, or just avoid their charges. 5. Power-ups Bombs: Looks like a bomb. Each one gives you another Bomb. There's no limit to the number of bombs that Bee can carry, but it only shows three at a time. Rapid-Fire: Looks like three of Bee 52's spit-shots. Allows you to have more spit-shots on-screen at once. Normally you can only have two, but with the Rapid-Fire you can have 5. Invincibility: Looks like a shield. Renders Bee 52 invincible for a long period of time. Anything you hit is instantly destroyed. Sting Enhancer: Looks like Bee 52's stinger. Enhances the strength and range of Bee 52's sting attack. Now it can kill just about anything in one hit, and the range is double, though that's not saying much. Junior: Looks like a tiny bee Junior is a tiny bee that orbits Bee 52. Junior serves the double purpose of absorbing 1 hit for Bee 52, and adding to Bee 52's firepower. Junior will match Bee 52 shot-for-shot. Three-Way Shot: Looks like arrows going in three directions. The Three-Way Shot splits your shots into three directions. It's possible to hit the enemies with more than one shot at once. Power Shot: Looks like a starburst-y thing. The Power Shot doubles the strength of Bee 52's spit-shots. Auto-Fire: Looks like an A. The Auto-Fire powerup allows you to hold down the A button to fire Bee 52's spit-shot continuously. 1-Up: The words "1UP" in the bubble Gives Bee an extra life. 6. Front Door levels 6a. Garden Levels(1-4) The Garden Levels serve to introduce you to the game. Enemies are not very threatening, there isn't much in the way of hazards, and you'll finish most of the levels in less than half the time given. In the first ones, you even start the level with your honey jar partly to mostly filled. Level 1: If this is your first level, then you start with the honey jar almost filled. If you've gone through the back door and this is level 13 for you, then the jar is totally empty. To start with, there's a spider, then a fence in the background with holes in it. Go into the third of these holes (face it on the same level and fly towards it) to get a Bomb. After the fence are two flowers, a butterfly and a sprayer. Collect the pollen from the flowers, then go past the sprayer to find a wall, another flower close to the ground, and an ant. Gather the pollen from the flower and sting the ant, and then head back to the hive. If this is the first level for you, then congratulations, you've beat the level! If not, keep reading. After the flower, there's a stick with an inchworm on it, then a tree with two inchworms hidden in the leaves, two tall flowers, and a spider. After that, there are two more flowers and a sprayer, with four sticks with inchworms on them between the flowers and sprayer. Afterwards, there's a flower, a flower close to the ground, and the edge of the level. Level 2: If this is the actual Level 2, your Honey Jar starts half-full. If this is level 14 to you, then the jar starts off empty. To start with, shoot the Spitting Spider and wait for the Inchworm to drop out of the tree. Gather the pollen from the flower, shoot the Inchworm on the stick, then get the pollen from the next flower, and the flower after that. Go back to the hive and dump your stuff, then go past where you were before and sting up the spider. After the spider is a flower close to the ground and a sprayer. This sprayer sprays in an odd, semi-irregular pattern, so just hover just above and to the right of it, and wait for one of the sprays to fire right next to you before zipping past it. After the sprayer there's a flower, a spider, another flower, a spider dropping in from the top of the screen, a flower close to the ground and another one right next to it, and a little higher up. After that is an ant, an inchworm, a flower close to the ground, two spitting spiders and a sprayer. After the sprayer are two more spitting spiders, two more flowers, and the edge of the level. Note: The fireflies in this level give bombs, then an Automatic power-up, followed by a rapid-fire power-up, then a three-way power-up. Level 3: This is the first level where you have to fill the honey jar all the way up. To start, there's a grasshopper, then a flower with Junior in it. A Firefly should buzz by right about now with a power-up, so get it, go left until you find a spider, then sting it and collect the pollen from the flowers. By now you've figured out that Bee can only carry 3 flowers worth of pollen at once, so head back to the hive when necessary. In the later levels it makes more sense to go to collect the pollen from the flowers at the end of the level first so you don't have to scramble all the way across the level multiple times. After the flowers(there's 4), there's a fence with weevils hiding in holes. The fourth hole contains a three-way shot power-up. Just after the fence, there's a sprayer and a flower. The flower is close enough to the sprayer to be difficult to get to, so watch the sprayer, and zip in between shots. After the sprayer/flower thing, there are two more flowers flanked by sticks with inchworms on them. Another flower follows soon after, and there's usually Grasshoppers here. After the flower and grasshoppers, there's a flower close to the ground, then a bunch of sticks and another flower, then a few more sticks, two more flowers, and the edge of the level. Level 4: This level starts off with a grasshopper, followed by some spitting spiders and your first wasps. A bit past this is a fence with Weevils in holes, then the first two flowers, one with a weevil hidden in it. Right after the flowers is an inchworm hidden in a tree and a grasshopper. After the tree, there are two more flowers, one with a weevil hiding in it. Then, there is an inchworm, another flower, and an Ant. There is then a fence, and the first hole in said fence contains a Shield power-up. After the fence, there's a flower, then another flower, a grasshopper, and a flower with a flower bug in it. Following that flower is an inchworm hidden in a tree, an ant, a wasp, then two more flowers. Then, there is a wall, a flower with a flower bug in it. A short flight after this, is an inchworm, two flowers, an ant and a sprayer with a wasp perched on it. Following this, there's an ant, three flowers, one with a flower-bug in it, a wasp, and the edge of the level. 6b. Swamp/Pond Levels(5-8) The Swamp/Pond Levels are where the game starts to get more difficult. The enemies are more numerous and dangerous, but aside for a few areas where Bee has to do some tricky manouvreing, these aren't THAT much more difficult. Level 5: The first of the Swamp/Pond levels starts off with a new variety of flower, on one of the lilypads, that opens upwards. This one has a weevil in it. Don't worry, touching the water won't kill Bee. A short flight after the lilypad, there's a few reeds that mean you have to go up to the top, and an inchworm hanging out of a flower at the top of the screen. After the flower, there are bubbles floating out of the water which you have to shoot or fly past. Following the bubbles are some vines that you have to go under, with a water beetle hanging off them. Past that, another water beetle drops off the top of the screen, then another, then there are more vines that you have to duck under. After those vines is a cloud of gnats, two lilypad-flowers, and a stump. There's a 1-up in the hole in the right side of the stump, but you have to ignore the bubbles that emerge from the holes. There's also your first bugeyed bubble beast here. Just after the stump are vines that you have to duck under, and another lilypad-flower. After that flower, a water beetle drops from the top of the screen, and a wasp is perched on a rock. Then, there is a lilypad-flower, a water beetle dropping from the top of the screen, and a bugeyed bubble thingy. Then, there is a water beetle jumping from the bottom of the screen, another lilypad-flower, some bubbles floating up from the bottom of the screen(possibly with a bugeyed bubble thingy, and a flower hanging from the top of the screen. After the hanging flower are some vines that you must duck under with a water beetle hanging off them, a water beetle hiding at the bottom of the screen, a lilypad-flower with a weevil hiding in it, and the edge of the level. Level 6: The level starts with two frogs, a lilypad-flower between them, and another lilypad-flower just past the second frog. After this, there's another frog perched on a rock, then a few sets of vines that you have to duck under, with a frog perched on a lilypad, then a weevil in a flower hanging from the top of the screen, then one in a lilypad-flower. After this is a bunch of vines that you have to duck under, one of which has in inchworm, then a lilypad-flower, some reeds that you have to go over, another lilypad-flower, more reeds, and a flower with a weevil in it hanging from the top of the screen. After that, there's a frog, and another flower with a weevil hanging from the top of the screen. There is then a stump, bubbles, a bugeyed bubble thingy, and a few wasps, then a lilypad-flower. Then, there's more vines that you must duck under, a wasp, a stump with a shield power-up in the right hole, two more lilypad-flowers, one with a weevil in it, and the edge of the level. Level 7: This level begins with a fish jumping out of the water, then a stump with a weevil in the hole on the left side, and a lilypad-flower. Following this are some reeds that you have to fly over, a flower hanging off the top of the screen with a Weevil in it, and another fish that hops out of the water right under the flower. Following this are some reeds that you have to fly over, a lilypad-flower, and a stump with a weevil hiding in the hole on the right side. After the stump is a lilypad-flower, a fish, another lilypad-flower, another fish and a wasp perched in a tree. Then there is another fish, two lilypad-flowers, and a stump with a weevil in the hole on the right and a wasp perched on it, followed by reeds that you have to fly over and a pair of flowers hanging from the top of the screen. There is then a lilypad-flower flanked by reeds and guarded by a cloud of gnats. Following that is a series of vines that you must go under, a wasp perched on a lilypad, a stump with a bomb hidden in the hole on the left, three lilypad-flowers guarded by wasps, and the edge of the level. Level 8: Immediately after exiting the hive, you meet a firefly-esque bug , a cloud of gnats and a fish. After that is a vine that must be ducked under, another fish and your first dragonfly, then a lilypad-flower. Then, there are two more fishes, a lilypad-flower with a weevil in it, vines that must be ducked under, and another lilypad-flower. There are then reeds that must be flown over, and two flowers hanging from the top of the screen, positioned to create a narrow path filled with bubbles that you must fly through. Sting the bubbles, shoot the weevil in one of the flowers, and gather the pollen from the flowers. After this are vines that must be ducked under, a lilypad-flower with a weevil in it, and a dragonfly perched on a lilypad. Just after the dragonfly is a reed, and a lilypad-flower guarded by a gnat swarm, vines and another lilypad-flower. After that flower is another reed, another lilypad-flower, then two more lilypad-flowers, one with a weevil in it. After the flowers is a stump with a dragonfly perched on it, and a bomb hidden in the hole on the left side of it, then a lilypad-flower, some vines and reeds, and a flower hanging from the top of the screen with a weevil in it. After that are another set of reeds and vines, two more flowers, a cloud of gnats and the edge of the level. 6c. House Levels(9-12) The first House Level is not that much more difficult than the Swamp/Pond Levels, but the difficulty soon ramps right up afterwards. The enemies are dangerous and numerous, the levels are rife with hazards, and you're likely to fly into the hive with the last of the honey JUST as you're about to run out of time. Level 9: The first of the House levels starts with a pair ofspitting spiders on the house's door, followed by obstacles forming a passage that you must go through. Fly up the gap formed by the two hanging cabinet-things to shoot the weevil in the hole, then fly back down and past where the hole was(there's nothing in it), and past the cabinet(I think that's what it is), to the first two flowers, one with a weevil in it, and a hole in the wall with another weevil. After those are some obstacles largely made up of jars, the first flytrap, a flower with a weevil in it and a firefly-esque bug. There is then another flower with a weevil in it, the first oven, a spitting spider and a firefly-esque bug, the first no-pest strip and the next flower, also with a weevil in it. There's then another no-pest strip, another flower, and an area with a flytrap a flower, a hole with a weevil in it, a wasp perched under a no-pest strip, more obstacles and the first real difficult obstacle. There are two dripping faucets below, and a no-pest strip above. Now, you can either fly through the no-pest strip, although this takes a while, quickly zip under the droplets, bomb the whole thing, or fly right up to the no-pest strip, down to beneath the level of the faucets, then zip by the remaining one. Regardless of how you handle it, there's a weevil in a hole, two flowers, a wasp, and the edge of the level. Level 10: This is the first level where I recommend getting the flowers at the far end of the level first, to avoid a last-minute scramble for the hive. The level starts off with a spider hanging under the hive, and a firefly-ish bug going right towards you. There's then two flowers, with a flytrap on a jar resting between them, followed by an oven and the first flea, then a flower with a weevil in it. After the flower is another flea, a no-pest strip, a flower with a weevil, a flea, a hole with a weevil and another flower. After that is a half of a flower, a spider, and a sink with two dripping faucets and a spider just above the second faucet. Either zip under the water, bomb the spider and go over it, or fly over the first faucet and under the second. After the sink is a no-pest strip, a flytrap and a flower, followed by another no-pest strip, a flea and a firefly-ish bug. After the window that the flea and firefly-thing are in front of, there's a flower, a hole with a weevil, a flytrap in a very narrow passageway, three flowers, one with a weevil in it, a cloud of gnats, a flea, a narrow passage with a spider, a hole with a weevil and a bomb in it, a flower, and the edge of the level. Level 11: Okay, getting close to the end now... The level starts off with a butterfly perched on the doorknob, follwed by a no-pest strip with the first sniper spider hiding below it, then a flower. After that is another sniper spider, a window, two flowers with weevils and a flea. After the flowers is a no-pest strip, a flower, a sniper spider in a tight space, a no-pest strip, two holes, and two flowers. After those flowers are a sniper spider hiding in a jar, a wasp, another flower, a window, and then another sink, with two dripping faucets, a sniper spider hiding between them, and a no-pest strip right above it. If you have any bombs remaining, now's the time to use them. After the sink, there are two holes, no-pest strips, bubbles rising from off the bottom of the screen, a window, two flowers and a wasp. Afterwards, there are bubbles rising out of a jar, a sniper spider in another jar, an oven, a flower, a hole with a weevil in it, then two more flowers. After the flowers, there's a sniper spider, a few obstacles, a window, a sniper spider in a tight spot, a no-pest strip, a flower with a weevil in it, and the edge of the level. Level 12: Last of the Front Door levels, this is what all 11 previous levels have been building up to. The level starts with a mystery green bug perched on the doorknob, then three holes, two with weevils in them. Then two more holes with weevils, a flower, then a sink with two dripping faucets, a no-pest strip blocking passage, a mystery green bug on the second faucet, and a flytrap between the dripping taps. After the sink is a flower, a hole with a weevil in it, a no-pest strip and another flower. After the flower is a narrow passage which widens in the middle, with a flytrap in said middle. After the passage is a flower, then a window with a firefly-ish bug flying in front of it, an oven with a mystery green bug between the burners, some no-pest strips, and another window with a firefly-ish bug in front of it and a mystery green bug flying up from the bottom of the screen. After the window is a flower, then a no-pest strip with a flytrap right under it, and another flower. After that is a hole with a weevil in it, a mystery green bug, a window, and a sink with one tap and a no-pest strip. After the sink is a flower, a spider, another flower, a no-pest strip with a flytrap right under it, a hole with a weevil in it, a whopping FIVE(5) flowers, then another flower, a window with a firefly-ish bug and a flea, a flower and the edge of the level. That's it! You've beaten all the front door levels. Now on to the back door! Or if you've already beaten the back door levels, Congratulations, you've beat the game! 7. Back Door levels 7a: Garden Levels(1-4) The Back Door Levels are pretty similar to the front ones, except instead of going right-to-left, you go left-to-right. This is why I personally recommend handling the Back Door levels first. Level 1: Like the Front Door's level 1, this starts you off with a mostly-full honey jar if this is the first level. The level starts off with two spiders, then a wall that you must fly over, a stick with an inchworm on it, another wall, the first three flowers and a butterfly. After the flowers is a spider, another flower, a wall with a flower right next to it, and a butterfly. Right after the butterfly is a wall, two sticks with inchworms on them, a flower, then two more sticks, one with an inchworm on it. After that is a wall, a flower, a big tree with an inchworm hiding at the far right of it, another wall with a stick with an inchworm, then a sprayer right after it, another spider, two flowers, one with a butterfly on it, and the edge of the level. Level 2: Once again, if this is level 2(not 14), you end up with a half-full honey jar. As soon as the level starts, wait a few seconds for a spider to descend from the top of the screen. Sting it before proceeding to the first flower. The second flower and a wall are right next to it. After the wall is a stick with an inchworm, a sprayer, another stick with an inchworm, and three flowers. After the flowers is a spider, another flower, some sticks with inchworms on them, a tree with an inchworm hiding in the foliage on the left, three spitting spiders, a flower, a spider, then two more flowers. After the flowers is a tree with an inchworm in the foliage on the left, and a spitting spider. After the tree are two flowers with an inchworm-on-a-stick between them, then the edge of the level. Level 3: Here, we start off with a Grasshopper. If it hops off the edge of the screen with the hive on it, then it's not coming back, fyi. Anyway, fly to the right to find a flower (with a Junior Bee inside it), and a Sprayer. After the sprayer is another flower and another grasshopper, then a wall with a Spider followed by a tree with an Inchworm and several Spitting Spiders. After the tree are two flowers with an inchworm-on-a-stick between them, then a grasshopper, another flower and several short walls, one of them with a grasshopper, the other with an ant. Two flowers with a spider between them immediately follow afterwards, then a wall and two more flowers. After this is a short wall wit two grasshoppers, two flowers, a sprayer, then two more flowers and the end of the level. Level 4: The level starts off with a fence, with 2 Spitting Spiders on it and a Grasshopper below it. After the fence are two flowers with Flower Bugs in them, a short wall, a sprayer, and a third flower with a Flower Bug occupant. After the third flower, there is a plant with an Inchworm hiding in it, ashort wall with a Wasp on it, a stick with an inchworm, then three, count 'em, THREE flowers! After this nectar-y bonanza, there are two sticks with Inchworms, another flower, and a third inchworm-covered stick. After the stick are two Spitting Spiders, another flower, a Sprayer with a Wasp on it, and a third flower. Following this are several wasps, a flower, and then a fence with Weevils hiding in holes. None of the holes have power-ups in them, so just go past the fence to the next flower, and get your nectar after removing the Flower Bug. Go past the Sprayer and there are two Wasps and two flowers. After the second flower, there are two more wasps, two more flowers, and the end of the level. 7b: Swamp/Pond levels(5-8) After you beat all the Front Door Levels(or all the Back Door Levels), you play through the other set of levels, with a few changes. Firstly, all the power-ups that you've garnered over the previous 12 levels are gone, with the exception of extra lives. Secondly, you don't start the first few levels with the honey jar half-full. Thirdly, Bee is no longer able to hover. Bee will drop if you take your thumb off the control pad. Level 5: At the start of this level, there are a few bubbles rising from the swamp, and a flower with a Weevil inside it. After the flower are tall reeds, a Water beetle, and some more reeds with an Inchworm crawling on them. Then there's low-hanging vegitation, a Water beetle hanging from the lowest-hanging vegitation, then a cloud of Gnats, a tall reed, MORE low-hanging vegitation, and a flower. After the flower is a tall reed, a bubble rising from the pond, low-hanging vegitation, another bubble, more vegitation, and a flower with a Weevil. After this flower are more bubbles, low-hanging plants with a Water beetle hanging off 'em, reeds, low-hanging stuff, and two flowers up at the top of the screen, one with an Inchworm lurking within it. After these flowers there lurks a Wasp, and then two more flowers, one with gnats flying over it. After the two flowers, there's a stump. A one-up is hidden in the hole on the right side. After the stump, there's a flower and a Water beetle seeking to drop on you from the bove, then another flower, gnats, an inchworm, and the end of the level. Level 6: Starting off this level is a grouping of bubbles floating from the pond, followed by tall reed and some low-hanging plants with an Inchworm. After those are tall reeds, and our first Frog. Just after the Frog is our first flower, with a Weevil making itself comfy inside it. Following this are two more Weevil-infested flowers, low-hanging vegitation, a bubble, and another flower. Right after this flower is a tall reed, another flower and a strech of plenty of bubbles and tall reeds. After the tall reeds, there's low-hanging vegitation with an Inchworm, and two Frogs. Following the vegitation is a flower with a Weevil inside it, some tall reeds and two more flowers, then a wasp. Following the wasp, there are two flowers, one with a Weevil, some low-hanging vegitation, and a third flower beneath a cloud of gnats. This ends the level. Level 7: The level begins with some low-hanging vegitation, followed by a group of bubbles and more vegitation, then a flower at the top of the screen with a Weevil hiding inside it. After the flower there are some more hanging plants, then two flowers, one with a Weevil. Be careful of the fish leaping up from the bottom.Following the flowers are hanging plants, a tall reed, and a flower with a Weevil. For this next section, you'd want to fly up at the top of the screen to avoid the Fish, and sting the Wasp before it notices you. After the Wasp are three flowers, one with a Weevil in it. After those flowers there are some tall reeds, and anoter section where you gotta fly high up to avoid the fish. After it's safe to go down again, there are two flowers, a Wasp, a flower with a Weevil, low-hanging vegitation, and yet another flower beneath a cloud of Gnats. Following this flower is some low-hanging vegitation, and another flower. Then MORE low-hanging plants, and ANOTHER flower. Then, more plants, a tall reed, another flower with a cloud of gnats, and the end of the level. Level 8: The level starts off with a stump with a Frog on it, and a cloud of Gnats right after it. No power-ups in the stump, though. After the Gnat cloud, there's some low-hanging plants, a tall reed, two Frogs, and two flowers. Following the flowers is another stump with a Dragonfly on it, some low-hanging plants, and another flower. Following the flower is a tall reed, a Dragonfly, two flowers, a stump populated with Weevils, a Frog, and two flowers, one with a Weevil. After the flowers is a Wasp, another flower with a Weevil in it, and two flowers beneath the first of the Blue Firefly-ish Bugs. Following the bug in question is some low-hanging vegitation, tall reeds, a stump, hanging vegitation flanked by tall reeds with a cloud of Gnats buzzing around the bottom, two flowers, one with a Weevil in it, and a Wasp. After the Wasp are some more tall reeds, a flower and a Frog, then two more flowers, one with a Weevil, a Frog, and the end of the level. 7c: House levels(9-12) If you've already beaten the other half of the game, these levels will be the most maddeningly difficult you've ever played, no question about it. The time limits will have you flying into the hive at THE very last second. Level 9: The first enemy you encounter in this level is a Spitting Spider crawling down the door. After the Spider there are a few holes in the wall, the bottom one containing a Weevil. The top one contains an Invincibility power-up. After the holes, duck under the cabinet and find the first flower, guarded by a Weevil. Following this is a Firefly-ish bug, and another Flower. Duck under the cabinet again to reach the other side, shooting the Weevil in the hole (nothing in the hole) and meet the first Flytrap. After the Flytrap is the first No-Pest strip, and two flowers, one with a Weevil. Following the second flower is a Spitting Spider, and a tight squeeze with a Flytrap. After the Flytrap is a sink with two Faucets, and two No-Pest strips above it. After the sink, there's a Spitting Spider and a Firefly-ish Bug, a flower, a Flytrap, and the first Stove. There's a Weevil on the other side of the Stove, a Wasp, and two flowers. Following these flowers are a Flytrap, two more flowers, one with a Weevil, and the end of the level. Level 10: The level begins with you encountering a cloud of Gnats and your first Flea. After the Flea, there are a few holes in the wall, one with a Weevil in it, and then a No-Pest strip and a Spider hanging from some low cabinets. Following the Spider is a Firefly-ish bug, a flower, a Flytrap, and another flower. After the second flower is a Stove, a No-Pest strip, two flowers and a Weevil positioned to shoot you up good while you're pushed up by the Stove. After this, there is another Firefly-ish Bug, a hole in the wall with a Weevil in it(no power-up in the hole), and a Spider in a tight squeeze. After the Spider is a sink with one Faucet and a No-Pest strip above it, three Fleas, a No-Pest strip, two flowers and two Fleas. After that is another No-Pest strip, two more flowers with Fleas, and a sink with two Faucets and a No-Pest strip. Following that is a Flytrap, two No-Pest strips, a Weevil in a hole (no power-up), three flowers, a few fleas, and a hole with bubbles coming out of it, and the end of the level. Level 11: The level starts with a Wasp on the doorknob. Following said Wasp are two No-Pest strips, with a Sniper Spider hiding under the second. After the Sniper Spider is a hole with a Weevil in it, a sink with two Faucets, a No-Pest strip above it and a Sniper Spider hiding between the Faucets. After the sink, there's a flower with a Weevil in it, and the first Butterfly we've seen in quite a while. After the flower and Butterfly there is a Sniper Spider hiding in one of the jars, a Weevil in a hole, a No-Pest strip and another Sniper Spider. After those, there are two flowers with a wasp between them, a hole in the wall, a bubble rising from the bottom of the screen, a No-Pest strip, two more holes in the wall(the bottom one has an Invincibility Power-up in it), a stove, a No-Pest strip, two flowers, a hole in the wall with a Weevil in it, a Wasp, and two more flowers. After those flowers is a Sniper Spider, two flowers, a Flea, two more flowers, a Sniper Spider, two flowers, one with a Weevil in it, and the end of the level. Level 12: If you've beaten the Front Door levels, then this is it, the last level. It starts off with the first Mystery Green Bug, perched on the doornkob. Following this is a hole with a Weevil, and a Spider hanging from a No-Pest strip, then a Flea, and another No-Pest strip. After these, there are THREE Mystery Green Bugs, a hole with a Weevil in it, two flowers, a No-Pest strip, and a Flytrap. Following that is a sink with two Faucets, two No-Pest strips hanging above it, a Spider and a Flytrap. After this mess there are two flowers with a Flea between them, a Mystery Green Bug, a Spider, a No-Pest strip, and a Flytrap. After the Flytrap there is a No-Pest strip, a Stove with a cloud of Gnats, a Spider, a hole in the wall with a Weevil in it, another No-Pest strip, and two flowers with a Firefly-ish Bug. After those flowers, there is a Mystery Green Bug, two Firefly-ish Bugs, a Flytrap and a hole in the wall with a Weevil in it. After those are three flowers with a Firefly-ish Bug, a hole in the wall with a Weevil, another flower, a Mystery Green Bug that will follow you whereever you go until it's finished off, two flowers, a Flytrap, two No-Pest strips, three flowers, a Flea, and the end of the level. 8. Secrets Level Warps: If you want a quick trip to level 4, just start a new game, then pick your door. After the game starts at level 1, go to the very end of the level and enter the last flower. POOF! Level 4! Start with Junior: At the start of the game, after selecting the number of players and pressing Start, press Right, A, B, A, B and Start. If this is successful, you'll see the word "cheat!" appear on the bottom of the screen. Select a door, and you'll start with Junior. 9. Revision History/Legal This guide is allowed only on, and is property of the author(me). Version 0.3-07/13/2005: First uploaded. Basic info, and the walkthrough of the front door levels complete up to level 6. Version 0.6-07/16/2005: Front Door walkthrough completed. Version 0.8-07/12/2006: Long time since I updated this thing... Anyway, Back Door walkthrough complete up to level 7. Version 1.0-07/19/2006: Okay, FINISHED! Back Door walkthrough complete. Front Door Walkthrough complete. Everything else complete.