oooooo oo oo oooooo oooooo oo oooooooooo ooooooo oo oo ooooooo ooooooo oo oooooooooo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo ooo oo oo ooooooo oo oo ooooooo ooooooo oo oooooooo oooooo oo oo oooooo oooooo oo oooooooo ooooooo oo oo ooooooo ooooooo oo oooooooo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo ooo oo oo ooooooo oooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooooooo oooooooooo oooooo oooo oooooo oooooo ooooooooooo oooooooooo oooooo oooo oooooo oooooo ooo oooooooooo ooooooo oooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooo oooooooooo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo ooo ooo oo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo ooo ooo oo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo ooo ooo oo ooooooo oo oo ooooooo ooooooo ooo oooooooo oooooo oo oo oooooo oooooo ooo oooooooo ooooooo oo oo ooooooo ooooooo ooo oooooooo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo ooo ooo oo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo ooo ooo oo oo ooo oo oo oo ooo oo ooo ooo oo ooooooo oooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooooooo oooooooooo oooooo oooo oooooo oooooo ooooooooooo oooooooooo ooooooooo oooo oooo ooooooooo oooooo oooooo oo oooooo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oooooooo oo oo oo oo oooooooo oo oo oo oo oo oooooo oo oo oo oooooo oo ooo oo oo oo oo ooo oo oo oo ooooooo oo oo oo oo ooo Copyrighted by Taito 1988 Written By: Brian P. Sulpher Version: 3.1 E-Mail: I dedicate this to Andrew Biemers for buying me a copy of this game in the summer of 2001. I appreciate you going through the trouble for me, and I hope your marriage is a success. Also, for Cougar. I miss you, and I hope you are living it up in the afterlife as you did in this world. You will always be in my memories, and you will never be forgotten. ----------- Version 1.0 ----------- -Submitted guide on August 25th, 2002 ----------- Version 2.0 ----------- -Submitted guide on August 29th, 2002 -Added in the locations of Magic Itmes and Regular Items to each Floor ----------- Version 2.5 ----------- -Submitted guide on May 30th, 2003 -Decided to clean the format up ----------- Version 2.6 ----------- -Submitted guide on June 11th, 2004 -Further formatted FAQ to match my current (and I think best) look for almost all my FAQs -Removed some trailing spaces on my Level Maps, which were Copy and Paste errors on my part ----------- Version 3.0 ----------- -Submitted guide on March 24th, 2005 -I added in Honestgamers as a site allowed to use my FAQs -Added in a "one player solution" for the crystal ball on level 99 (thanks to "haron" for pointing this strategy out) -Altered the format somewhat, making it a bit easier to follow ----------- Version 3.1 ----------- -Submitted guide on June 22nd, 2005 -I added in Retronintendo as a site allowed to use my FAQs -Altered the format to make it easier on the eyes of the reader ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Table of Contents----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A) Introduction B) Controls C) Enemies D) Items E) Helper Bubbles F) Popping Enemies G) E-X-T-E-N-D & Other Extra Lives Methods H) Special Techniques I) Walkthrough J) Super Drunk Strategy K) Super Bubble Bobble?!? L) Final Word ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Introduction-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A) "Now it is the beginning of a fantastic story! Let us make a journey to the cave of monsters! Good luck!". With these words, begins one of the best games for the NES. You play as Bub (Player 1), and Bob (player 2) set out to save your girlfriends that have been taken hostage by Super Drunk! He is the largest, baddest, toughest monster of them all, and he is using your ladies to draw you into the trap that is the cave of monsters. Your only defense against the baddies is to encase the enemy in bubbles, and then pop them. Good Luck, cause the enemies can prove to be wily indeed! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Controls----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- B) This section will review all of the functions of the controller. D-Pad : LEFT and RIGHT move you accordingly. UP and DOWN have no apparent uses. B Button: Causes your dino to blow a bubble. When continuing, this will move the level number down (to round 01). A Button: Causes your dino to jump. When continuing, this will move the level number up (to round of the password ). START : Pauses and unpauses game. Also enter your choice on menu at the start of the game. SELECT : If pressed by Player 1 while the game is paused, he can borrow a life from Player 2 (if he has at least one in reserve). He can also give an extra man to Player 2 if he wishes. The only way this works if one player is out of lives completely. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Enemies------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C) This section will review each enemies behavioural patterns, and how they can kill you. A few things that apply to all enemies are: They all can be trapped in a bubble. If they are in a bubble too long it will pop, and they will come out red (meaning they are mad). This means they will move faster, and will be more aggressive than before, thereby increasing the difficulty of busting them down. o----------o | Zen-Chan | o----------o These are the wind-up baddies that populate many of the levels. There only way of attacking is to touch you. They can jump gaps, jump through floors, and walk around. They first appear on stage 1. o--------o | Mighta | o--------o These are very similar to Zen-Chans but they do not run around as much, and they shoot balls of slow moving fire. They look like little guys in white robes. These guys first appear on stage 6. o--------o | Monsta | o--------o These are purple, flying whales that just fly around on a 90 degree angle. They can be very annoying to get in a bubble since they can go where ever they please. They first appear on stage 10. o--------o | PulPul | o--------o These are floating elephant baddies who kind of move in long, sweeping motions horizontally while barely moving vertically. They first appear on stage 20. o---------o | Banebou | o---------o These are the spring baddies. They hop instead of walking, which can make it exceptionally difficult to trap them at times. They can jump over gaps, and they can jump through floors. They first appear on stage 30. o-----------o | Hidegonsu | o-----------o These fellows throw the first fast moving projectile (fireballs), and they can only do the jump through floors jump, not the regular jump for gaps. They first appear in stage 40. o---------------o | Space Invader | o---------------o These guys can only walk, and have no jumping ability. This make them sound like pushovers, but they are usually strategically placed so you have to contend with their deadly laser projectiles. They first appear on stage 49. o-------o | Drunk | o-------o These guys are the smaller version of the big boss baddie. He moves just like a Zen-Chan, but he also throws a wickedly fast boomeranging bottle. This enemy is tied with the Space Invader as the most dangerous regular baddie you will have the misfortune of meeting. They first appear in stage 49. o------------------o | Baron Von Blubba | o------------------o This is the special enforcer for the Super Drunk. He is kept in reserve on every level to come get you if you take too long. First you will be warned with a very frantic sounding "HURRY UP!". This will speed the music up, and about ten seconds later, HIS music will hit. Baron Von Blubba is a skeletal Whale, and he will relentlessly follow you around while you desperately try to kill the remaining enemies. He will speed up his movements, and his delay in between movements. If playing with two players, two will appear. The only way to get rid of him is to destroy the enemies, or to get hit by him (at the expense of your life reserves, so it is not the preferred method of dealing with him). o-------------o | Super Drunk | o-------------o This is the boss baddie, and he is the largest, meanest guy in the cave of monsters. To beat him, just read the in-depth strategy listed in section J) below for all you need to know. Many thanks to Ron Glenn for the proper names for enemies. Otherwise you poor people would get my personal names for them, but as I know when I use FAQ's, I want the proper information! So, once again, I thank you Ron Glenn for your contribution! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Items-------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- D) Items are not random in this game. To get an idea of how this works, just read the arcade guide to this game that is present on this site. It will help you to understand why certain items seem to appear on a certain level a lot (look, I just can not explain, so read Ron Glenn's set-up for an idea of what happens). There are four different groups of items and all of the items will be segregated according to their root family grouping. o---------------------o | Random Points Items | o---------------------o -These appear in every level to give you a point value of 200 to 900. -Bubbles can also turn into these after the last enemy is popped. This can happen for one of two reasons: it is programmed into the level, and your score having the same digits in the hundreds and tens columns (except double zeros). -Stage 1, and every 8th stage following will do so without the above requirements being in place. o----------------o | Power-Up Items | o----------------o -These will enhance the abilities of your dino. Blue Candy..: This will allow your dino to shoot longer ranged bubbles. You will be able to trap enemies from a greater distance, which keeps you safer than a closer encounter would. Green Candy.: This will allow your dino to shoot bubbles faster. You will be able to trap enemies faster than normal. Purple Candy: This beauty of an item gives your dino both of the above listed candy powers. Speed Shoes.: These increase your running ability. They come with a disadvantage though, you fall faster, it is harder to jump on bubbles, and you fall through blocks easier. o-------------o | Bonus Items | o-------------o - These are items that will give you some extra points, letters, or even an extra dino to go after Super Drunk with. Blue/Green Potion: These will remove all enemies from the screen, and it will put little icons all over the screen. Each icon is worth 500 points, and it is a race to collect more than your partner. If all are collected, then the player who get the most icons will be rewarded with 100,000 points (other player gets 50,000 points). If there is a tie, I believe that both players receive 100,000 points. You get an extra man for completing the challenge of collecting all of the icons. White Necklace...: This item is from a set of three necklaces in the game. This item will cause a red dino to appear (that grants an extra life), and any bubbles on the screen when last enemy popped will become a pink dinos worth 200 to 900 points. Blue Necklace....: This item will cause a number of E-X-T-E-N-D bubbles to come on screen if there is a gap to do so. If no gap is available, then the next level with a gap will have the letter bubbles. Magic Cane.......: This item will cause a large item worth 10,000 points to fall down to the bottom middle of the screen when the last enemy is popped. It tends to be a popsicle, but can be other items. Also, bubbles will become smaller versions worth between 200 to 900 points each. Treasure Box.....: This item will do the same as the above, except no small random items worth between 200 to 900 points. Once again thanks to Ron Glenn there will be items if the random items rules are met, then the small items will happen. Umbrella.........: This item allows you to skip a few levels. The blue umbrella moves you about four levels, and the orange around six levels. o--------------o | Weapon Items | o--------------o -These are used to cause direct harm to the evil monsters of the cave. Green Book..: Will cause all of the bubbles you blow to be lightning bubbles (see Helper Bubbles to get explanation). You can use those bubbles to shoot the enemy. Blue Book...: Will cause a large earthquake to kill all of the enemies on the screen. Green Tiara.: Apples will fall down from everywhere, and it will destroy all the enemies. Blue Tiara..: Stars will fall down from everywhere, and it will destroy all the enemies. Green Cross.: Will cause a large lightning bolt to fly from the top right to the lower left part of the screen. This will kill the enemies on the screen. Blue Cross..: Will cause a large flood in the level, and all enemies will drown. You seem to be able to breathe underwater. Red Cross...: Will cause you to blow fireballs. It has a limited quantity. Red Necklace: The most common of the three necklaces, it will cause a NINJA DEATH STAR to fly around (actually it is just some sharp object, but anyway). It will kill in one hit, including enemies trapped in bubbles. Also, when it is triggered in a level with helper bubbles, no more helper bubbles will appear on that level. Chakn Heart.: You can run into any enemy with this and they will be defeated immediately. If you fail to kill all of the enemies before it ends. They will be RED (angry), and you must then trap them, and kill separately. You also move as if you had running shoes when you pick this item up, but only while the item lasts. Bomb........: This makes a very satisfying BOOOOOOOM! as all the enemy are blown away. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Helper Bubbles------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- E) There three types of elemental helper bubbles: fire, lightning, and water. Each can kill an enemy at a single touch, and yield elemental crystals worth many points. These appear in certain levels, and are useful usually to attacking an enemy hiding in a hard to reach/dangerous to reach area. o--------------o | Fire Bubbles | o--------------o When popped, it will cause a single flame to fall downwards until it makes contact with the floor. It will then spread, and it will kill any baddie who touches it. This will cause the enemy to turn into a red crystal. o-------------------o | Lightning Bubbles | o-------------------o When popped, a lightning bold will shoot out in the opposite direction you are facing. If it makes contact with an enemy, the enemy will die. This will cause the enemy to turn into a purple crystal. o---------------o | Water Bubbles | o---------------o When popped, a jet of water will slide down through the level. If it makes contact with an enemy, they will die instantly. This will cause the enemy to turn into a blue crystal. These are decently rare, but they are helpful, so make good use of them for killing the annoying enemies that you must face and destroy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Popping Enemies----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- F) This section will review all of the methods available for popping an enemy trapped in a bubble. o-----------o | Squishing | o-----------o Run an enemy in a bubble into a wall/ground. o---------o | Falling | o---------o Fall onto a bubble from above. o--------------o | Running Down | o--------------o Run till you overtake the bubble. o--------o | Spines | o--------o Can be done two ways: jump into the bottom of a bubble, or let the air current carry the bubble into your back (where the spines are). These tactics are very important to know, and even more important to master. You need these to do well in this game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------E-X-T-E-N-D & Other Extra Lives Methods------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- G) This section will take a look at all the possible ways to gain extra lives. If the method was previously listed already, then the instructions will direct you to the proper area of the FAQ. o-------------o | E-X-T-E-N-D | o-------------o This is done by spelling the word EXTEND with the bubble letters as they flow into the level. They are produced by the following formula: number popped enemies at one time - 2 = number letter bubbles. So, you can get up to five on one level. EXTEND will also skip the current level you are on when you collect the last letter needed. Another way to produce letter bubbles is to collect a blue necklace that will send a random amount of bubbles onto the screen whenever the first gap in the level is available. o-------------o | Point Total | o-------------o You gain an extra man at the following point intervals: 30,000 100,000 200,000 400,000 1,000,000. No more may be gained after 1,000,000 points through the totalling of more points (not that many can reach that high of a total anyway). o----------------o | White Necklace | o----------------o Listed in Items Section, and it is in sub-section BONUS ITEMS. o-------------------o | Green/Blue Potion | o-------------------o Listed in Items section, and it is in the sub-section BONUS ITEMS. You can use E-X-T-E-N-D over and over as well as the white necklace method. The points are finite though at 1,000,000. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------Special Techniques--------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- H) This section will talk about all of the available techniques to you that will help you to play better, and get further. o----------------o | Bubble Hopping | o----------------o This is an extremely important technique to master because it is needed to beat many of the levels, or at least to beat levels with greater ease. To do this technique, you usually do it against a wall. You blow a bubble, jump towards the top of the bubble, and while holding the A Button down, you blow bubbles on the upward movement of your hop. This will allow you to climb to otherwise unreachable levels. o--------------o | Auto-Popping | o--------------o This is a procedure that requires a player to blow their bubble just as an enemy is about to touch them. It is of the greatest use when you need to kill enemies quickly, or when you are in a confined area where bubbles do not travel far or very well. It can also be used as a last chance to avoid an enemy who snuck up on you, leaving you no time to trap them. o----------------------o | Monster Manipulation | o----------------------o You can make some of the monsters behave the way you want them to. Specifically, you can make them jump to a higher level with you for trapping. Also, you can make them move into an area that will be the end of them due to a helper bubble/weapon item. o--------------------------o | Popping Multiple Targets | o--------------------------o You get a doubling of points for each baddie you pop in one jump. 1 = 1,000 2 = 2,000 3 = 4,000 4 = 8,000 5 = 16,000 6 = 32,000 7 = 64,000 Additionally, the fruit that is given up by the popped baddies increases by 1,000 with each fruit within a multiple enemy popping. 1 = 1,000 2 = 1,000+2,000 3 = 1,000+2,000+3,000 4 = 1,000+2,000+3,000+4,000 5 = 1,000+2,000+3,000+4,000+5,000 6 = 1,000+2,000+3,000+4,000+5,000+6,000 7 = 1,000+2,000+3,000+4,000+5,000+6,000+7,000 This means if you add the amount for baddies popped at the same time, plus all of the fruit they give up to you, you can score quite high no matter the level provided you can actually collect all of the fruit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Walkthrough------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I) This will give you a description of every level, how to best handle the level, and the location of the magic item (M)/random item (R). It will also have stats for number of enemies, and Passwords. Your dinos always start in the bottom corners of a room. Player 1 in the lower left, Player 2 in the lower right. I will rate the rooms based on the following: simple = 1 easy = 2 pretty easy = 3 tough = 4 hard = 5 difficult = 6 frustrating = 7 o----------o | Level 01 | o----------o - Password: Gives password for Level 2 (real password is BBABI) - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 3 - This is a simple level with 3 enemies. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Trap the three Zen-Chan, let them float to the top to group together, blow bubbles away from them (for random item drop), and then pop all of the enemies at once. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX01XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 02 | o----------o - Password: BAAAB - Enemies: Zen-Chan X4 - This is a simple level with 4 enemies. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Trap all of the enemies, let them gather at the top, and then pop them all at once. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX02XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 03 | o----------o - Password: BABBI - Enemies: Zen-Chan X4 - This is an easy level with 4 enemies. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Jump to the middle to collect any letters that appear, then use the trap, wait, and pop technique to get the enemies all at one time. XXXXXXXXXX XX03XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX M R XX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 04 | o----------o - Password: BIIFB - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 6 - This is an easy level with 6 enemies. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Trap them, let them gather, and pop them. XXXXXXXXXX XX04XX XXXXXXXXXX XX X X XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX XXXX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX M XXXX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X R X XX XX XXXXXXX XX XXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 05 | o----------o - Password: BIFIG - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 4 - This is a simple level with 4 enemies. There are water bubbles on this level. - This level is quite difficult to trap multiple enemies at a time so I advise you to utilize the water bubbles on your opponents to get as many water crystals (get for killing with water bubbles) since they are worth more points. XXXXXXXXXX XX05XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X R X XX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX XX XX XX XX X X XX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX X M X XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 06 | o----------o - Password: BFFIG - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 2, Mighta X 2 - This is a simple level with 4 enemies. There are water bubbles on this level. - Another level where multiple enemy pops are near impossible to do, so use the water bubbles as much as possible to score larger amounts of points. XXXXXXXXXX XX06XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX M XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 07 | o----------o - Password: BFIFG - Enemies: Mighta X 4 - This is an easy level with 4 enemies. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Trap the four Mightas, and then wait for the magic item to appear, collect it (if you want it), and then go pop all four guys at one time. XXXXXXXXXX XX07XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX M XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 08 | o----------o - Password: BJJCB - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 2, Mighta X 2 - This is a simple level with 4 enemies. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. The trick is to trap all of the enemies in bubbles on the same half of the screen, so the bubbles will gather all in one spot. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX08XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X X XX XX X M X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XX XX R XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 09 | o----------o - Password: BJCJI - Enemies: Mighta X 7 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - The drawing in the middle is a Mighta. - Trap all of the enemies, and let them gather in the bottom right corner. If you pop them as they are all tight together, you can pop all 7 together for a lot of points, plus many letters to appear in the next level. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX09XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXX XX XX XX XXX XXX X XX XX XX X XX XX X XX XX XX X XXXXX X XX XX X X XX X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X XX XX XX X X XX XX X XXXXXXX X X XX XX X X XX XX XX R XX XX XXXX X X XX XX XX XX X XX XX X X X XX XX X X X XX XX XX XX X XX XX X X XX XX XX X XXX X XX XX X XX X XX XXX X M XX XX X XX X XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 10 | o----------o - Password: BCCJI - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 4, Monsta X 3 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. There are water bubbles on this level. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Jump to the top of the level, trap the Monstas, and then work your way to the middle slowly trapping any Zen-Chan as you go. Than just try to pop them all at once, and collect any letters that appear. XXXXXXXXXX XX10XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX M XX XXXX R XXXX XX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX X X XX XXXX XXX XXX XXXX XX XXX XXX XX XX XXXXX XXXXX XX XX X X XX XXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXXX XX XXX XXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XXXXX XXXXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXX XXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX X X XX XXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 11 | o----------o - Password: BCJCI - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 3, Monsta X 4 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. There are water bubbles on this level. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Use the trap, wait for them to gather in the middle, and then pop as many as you can in one shot. XXXXXXXXXX XX11XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXM XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXX XX XXX XX XX X X XX XX XX XX R XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 12 | o----------o - Password: BGGEB - Enemies: Monsta X 6 - This is an easy level with 6 enemies. There are water bubbles on this level. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Try to trap all 6 on one half of the screen, so they will all float into the same alley on the one side. If you fail at this, you will not be able to score higher, and you will get less letter bubbles to appear. XXXXXXXXXX XX12XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX X X XX XX XXX MXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X X X X X X XX XX X XX XX XX XX X XX XX X XXX XXX X XX XX X X XX XX X XX R X XX XX X XX X XX XX X X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X XXXX XXXX X XX XX X XXXX XXXX X XX XXX XX XXX XXX XX XXX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 13 | o----------o - Password: BGCJJ - Enemies: Monsta X 7 - This is an easy level with 7 enemies. There are water bubbles on this level. - Just kill the two monstas outside of the heart, and then use the water bubbles to flush the PulPuls out of the middle for maximum points. XXXXXXXXXX XX13XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX MXXX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X XX X X XX XX XX X XX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XX XX XX XX X X XX XX XX XX XX XX X X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXR XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X XX XX XX X XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 14 | o----------o - Password: BECJJ - Enemies: Mighta X 2, Monsta X 5 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. - The drawing in the middle here is a Monsta. - At the start of the room, move to the middle platform on the bottom (between the two pits), and proceed to trap every monster that comes at you. Pop the opposition every chance you get to do so. XXXXXXXXXX XX14XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XXXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX X XXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXX X XX XX XX XXXXXXX X XX XX XX XXXXXXXX XXX XX XX X XXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXM XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 15 | o----------o - Password: BEJCJ - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 5, Mighta X 2 - This is an easy level with 7 enemies. There are water bubbles on this level. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Immediately jump up to the third platofrm, and quickly trap the two Mightas and one Zen-Chan that appears there. Then, go up by way of the right side, and jump and trap the remaining four Zen-Chan. Then you just need to pop the enemies as they group for you. XXXXXXXXXX XX15XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X R XX XX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX M XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXX X X XX XX X X XX XX XX X XX XX X X XX XXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 16 | o----------o - Password: AAABI - Enemies: Monsta X 7 - This is an easy level with 7 enemies. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Jump up to the platform that is an arrow pointing North West. Then trap the five Monstas on the loose, then jump up to the one block floating above you, and trap the two Monstas in the small area. Then pop all seven for 64,000 points, plus bonus fruits (up to 28,000 points), and then five possible letters on the next level. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX16XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX R X X XX XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX XX X X XX XX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX X X XX XX XXXX M XX XX XX XX XXXXXXX X XX X XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XXXXXXX XXX XX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 17 | o----------o - Password: AABAI - Enemies: Mighta X 2, Monsta X 5 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. There are lightning bubbles on this level. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Fall through the bottom, and bait the two Mightas out while you trap monstas as they come through the hole themselves. Let them gather together, and pop multiple enemies. XXXXXXXXXX XX17XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX M XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXX X X X X X X XXXX XXX X X X XX X X X XXX XX X X X XX X X X XX XX X X X X X X XX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX X X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X XX XR X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXX XX XX X X XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 18 | o----------o - Password: ABBBI - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 6 - This is an easy level with 6 enemies. There are water bubbles on this level. - Use your auto-pop to eliminate as many as you can quickly, and use the helper bubbles as much as you can for higher point totals. XXXXXXXXXX XX18XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX M XX R XX XX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XXXXX XXXXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XXXXX XXXXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XXXXX XXXXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 19 | o----------o - Password: ABAAI - Enemies: Monsta X 7 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. There are lightning bubbles on this level. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Trap the first two monstas who down to your starting area, and then dive through the hole. Land on top of one of the skinny stands, and trap the remaining five (jumping from stand to stand as necessary). Then pop all seven in the middle of the room. XXXXXXXXXX XX19XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX R XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XX M XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXX XX XX XX XXX XXXXXXX X XX X XXXXXXX XX X X XX X X XX XX X X XX X X XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 20 | o----------o - Password: AFFFB - Enemies: PulPul X 3, Monsta X 2 - This is a pretty easy level that is the first level to require the use of the Bubble Hop Technique to beat it. There are water bubbles on this level. There are 5 enemies in this level. - Trap the thre PulPuls, then bubble jump up to the high platform. Next, trap the two Mightas, and then pop all five if they gather close enough together. If letters appear at the bottom, use a water bubble to get them before you are forced to exit the room. XXXXXXXXXX XX20XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX X X XX XX XX XX X M X XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX X X X X XX XX X X XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 21 | o----------o - Password: AFIIG - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 4, Monsta X 3 - This is a tough level 7 enemies. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Jump up the side, so the enemy will be baited into jumping out of there hiding place. Then go to the bottom, and trap them all. They will gather in a central apartment, where you can pop many at one time. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX21XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXM XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX XX X X XX XX XX XXX XXXXXXXX XXX XX XX XX X X X X XX XX XX XX X X X X XX XX XX X XXXXX XXXXX X XX XX X X X X X X XX XX XXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX XX XX X X X X X X XX XX X XXXXX XXXXX X XX XX X X X X X X XX XX XXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX XX XX X X X X X X XX XX X XXXXX XXXXX X XX XX X X X X X X XX XX X RX X X X X XX XX XXXXX XXX XXX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 22 | o----------o - Password: AIIIG - Enemies: PulPul X 4 - This is an easy level with 4 enemies. There are lightning bubbles in this level. - Use the lightning bubbles here to pick off the PulPuls in the central tubes. If you re pressed for time, you can also jump up to them, and auto-pop them as well. XXXXXXXXXX XX22XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX M XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXX XX XXX XX XX XX X XX XX XX X XX XX X XX XX XX X XX XX X XX XX XX X XX XX X XX XX XX X XX XX X XX XX XX X XX XX X XX XX XX X XX XX X XX XX XX X XX XX X XX XX XX X XX XX X XX XX XX X XX XX X XX XX XX X XX XX XX XXXR XX XXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 23 | o----------o - Password: AIFFG - Enemies: PulPul X 5 - This is a tough level with 5 enemies. - This is a good level to pop multiple levels at once. - Trap the one coming up through the hole in the floor, and then stay on the right side of the platform you began on. Trap the three PulPuls travelling in a line, and then go trap the remaining PulPul. Let them gather in the middle area, and pop them at the same time. XXXXXXXXXXX XX23XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXX XX XX XXX XX M XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 24 | o----------o - Password: ACCCB - Enemies: PulPul X 7 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. - The drawing in the middle is a PulPul. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Trap the bottom three PulPuls (hard not to pop them), and then climb the structure, trap the two PulPuls, cross over to the other side, and trap the other two. Then go get all the remaining enemies in the bubbles, and pop them together. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX24XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XXX X XXX XX XX XXXX X X XXXX XX XX XXXXXX X X XXXXXX XX XX XXX XXXX X XXXX XXX XX XX X X XXXX XXXX X X XX XX X X XXXXXXXXX X X XX XX XX XXX XXX XXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX XXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXX XXXX XX XX RXXXXX XXX XXXXX M XX XX XXX XXXXXXXXX XXX XX XX X X XXXXXXX X X XX XX X X XXXXX X X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 25 | o----------o - Password: ACJJI - Enemies: Monsta X 6 - This is a pretty easy level with 6 enemies. There are fire bubbles on this level. - The picture is of a frying pan, and when the fire bubbles are triggered inside of it, the Monstas hit it and "pop" like popcorn. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - You can use the fire bubbles to fry the opposition, or you can try to trap each one individually. The latter will get you more points if you succeed (and letters too), but it is much more dangerous. XXXXXXXXXXX XX25XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXX XXX XXX XX XXX XX XX XX XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX XX XXX X X XXX X X X XX X X XX XX X XXX X XX XXX X X X X XX XX XX XX X X X X X X X X X X X X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX RXXXXXX XX XX X X XXXXXXXX XX XX X XX XX XX X X XX XX XX M XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 26 | o----------o - Password: AJJJI - Enemies: Mighta X 7 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. There are fire bubbles on this level. - Use the trap and runa pproach here to whittle your opposition down. Also, make use of the fire bubbles here, as these enemies are ground based, so they will walk into the fire. XXXXXXXXXXX XX26XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX R XX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXX XXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX XXXX XXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XXXX XX M XX XX XX XXX XXX XX X X X X XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 27 | o----------o - Password: AJCCI - Enemies: Monsta X 4, PulPul X 3 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. - Jump into the space above you, and trap the two enemies there. Then trap the PulPul in the centre, and then trap the enemies at the top. Then you can attempt to pop multiple numbers of the enemies at once. XXXXXXXXXXX XX27XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXX XX XX XXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXX XXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXR XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX XX XX XXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXX XX XX XXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 28 | o----------o - Password: AEEEB - Enemies: Mighta X 7 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Trap all seven as fast as you can, and they will gather right at the bottom for easy popping convinience. Just be wary of them breaking out quickly. After you beat them, start jumping upwards towards all of the letters you just created. XXXXXXXXXXX XX28XX XXXXXXXXXX XX X X XX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXX M XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXX XXXXXX X X XXXXXX XXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXXX XXXXXX X X XXXXXX XXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXX XXXXXX X X R XXXXXX XXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXXX XXXXXX X X XXXXXX XXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXX XXXXXX X X XXXXXX XXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXXX XXX X X XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX X X XXX XXX XX X X XX XXX XXX X X XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 29 | o----------o - Password: AEJJJ - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 6 - This is an easy level with 6 enemies. - The drawing in the middle is a Zen-Chan. - Jump up to bait the enemy out of hiding, and quickly trap the Zen-Chans. Then pop as many as you can at once. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX29XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX X XX X XX XX X X X XX XX X XXXXX XX XX X XX XX X X XX XX X XX XX X XXX X XX XX X XX XX X X X XX XX X XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXX X X X X XX XX X X XXX X XX XX XXXXXXXXX X X XX XX X XXXXX XX XX X X XX XX RX X XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X X X X M XX XX XXXXXXXXX XXX XXXX XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 30 | o----------o - Password: AGJJJ - Enemies: Banebou X 5, PulPul X 2 - This is a tough level with seven enemies. - Auto-pop the PulPuls, and lightning bolt the Banebous into an extra crispy state. If you are pressed for time, then use the auto-pop on the Banebou as well. XXXXXXXXXXX XX30XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX M XX XX X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X XX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 31 | o----------o - Password: AGCCJ - Enemies: Mighta X 7 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. - Use the trap and run approach once more to slowly eliminate the overwhelming numbers you face here. Pop enemies whenever you are presented with the opportunity. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX31XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX MXX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX R XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 32 | o----------o - Password: IIIIB - Enemies: PulPul X 7 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Jump up to the top, trap any PulPuls that escaped, and when the opening presents itslef, fall into their cave. Trap the rest of the PulPuls, and pop them all at once. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX32XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX X X XX XXX X X XXX XX X M X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XXX X X XXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 33 | o----------o - Password: IIFFB - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 6 - This is a pretty easy level with 6 enemies. - Start by auo-popping the first three Zen-Chan to come after you, and then jump up to the next highest platform (auto-pop the Zen-Chan just above you). Then jump to the right, and auto-pop the Zen-Chan located there. This leaves one guy who has probably got himself stuck in the big hole on the right. To deal with him, drop flames down the hole in the top right to get the bad guy hiding in the hole. XXXXXXXXXXX XX33XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X R X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX XXXXXXXXXX X XX XX X XXXXXX X XX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XX X XXXXM XX XX X XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 34 | o----------o - Password: IFFFB - Enemies: Mighta X 7 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. there are ligntning bubbles on this level. - Trap and run and pop and/or auto-pop is your best bet on a hectic level such as this one. XXXXXXXXXXX XX34XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX X X X XX XX XX XX XX M XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X X X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X X X XX XX R XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X X X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 35 | o----------o - Password: IFIIG - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 7 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. - Destroy the bottom enemies, and then bubble jump up to the next platform. If you die from this maneuver, quickly use the bubble jump to get up to the top section of this level, and quickly wipe the enemies out. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX35XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXX X X XXXX XXXX X XX XX X X X X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X X XXXX XX XX XXX XXXX X X X X X XX XX XX XX X X R XX XX X X XX XX X XXXX X XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XX X XXXXXXXXXX X MXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 36 | o----------o - Password: IBBBJ - Enemies: Banebou X 7 - This is a hard level with 7 enemies. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - This level is hard because the trapped enemies float to the top of the question mark, and then quickly pop. This makes it extremely hard to trap and pop easily as you need to bubble jump successfully, and in a very short amount of time. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX36XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX M XX XX XXXXX XX XX XXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XXX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 37 | o----------o - Password: IBAAJ - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 7 - This is an easy level with 7 enemies. There are fire bubbles on this level. - Trap the four enemies coming for you right at the start, and pop them immediately. Then you just need to auto-pop/trap and pop your way across the jungle gym like interior of this room (from left to right). You can also use the fire bubbles to finish the ehemies for more points, if the opportunity presents itself. XXXXXXXXXXX XX37XX XXXXXXXXXX XX MXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XX X X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX X XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX X XX XX XXXXX X XX XX XXXXX X X XX XX X X X XX XX X XXXXX XX XX X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX X XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX X R XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 38 | o----------o - Password: IAAAJ - Enemies: Banebou X 7 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. There are fire bubbles on this level. - Go to the top of your ladder, and then wait till one fire bubble is at the top, and another is floating up. Burst the first one, and bounce on the second one till enough baddies have been cleared away for a safe landing. Then kill the remaining Banebous however you wish. XXXXXXXXXXX XX38XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R M XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XXXXXX XX X XX X XX XX X XX X XX XXXXXX XX XXXXXX XX X XX X XX XX X XX X XX XXXXXX XX XXXXXX XX X XX X XX XX X XX X XX XXXXXX XX XXXXXX XX X XX X XX XX X XX X XX XXXXXX XX XXXXXX XX X XX X XX XX X XX X XX XXXXXX XXXXXX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 39 | o----------o - Password: IABBG - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 7 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. There are fire bubbles on this level. - Kill the one who comes down near you with an auto-pop kill. Then bubble jump to get out of your hole, and destroy the rest one at a time. XXXXXXXXXXX XX39XX XXXXXXXXXX XX R XX XX XX XX X XX X XX XX XXXXXX XX XX X XXXXXX X XX XX XX X XX X XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX X XX X XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX X XX X XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX X XX X XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX X X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X X M XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 40 | o----------o - Password: IGGGB - Enemies: Mighta X 5, Hidegonsu X 2 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. There are water bubbles, and lightning bubbles on this level. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - First level you see the Hidegonsu and their vicious fire breath. Use the helper bubbles to quickly thin out the crowd. Also use trap and pop as neede. The bricks between the two indent brick formation are false (meaning you fall through them). XXXXXXXXXXX XX40XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XXX XXX XXX XX XX XXXX XXX XXX XX XX XXXX XX XX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXX XX XX XXXX XXX XX XX XXXX M XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXX XX XX XXX XX XX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX XXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XXX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX R XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 41 | o----------o - Password: IGEEB - Enemies: PulPul X 7 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. There are fire bubbles on this level. - The lines in the top two thirds of the screen draw an elephant. - Use the fire bubbles to destroy the enemy hear, and make use of the trap and run approach to get through this close-quartered level. XXXXXXXXXXX XX41XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX M XXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX XXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX R XX XX XXX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 42 | o----------o - Password: IEEEB - Enemies: Hidegonsu X 7 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. - The drawing in the middle is a Hidegonsu. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Auto-pop the three that come down on one side, jump up to a new level before you get fireballed, and then return to the bottom to finish three more off. Now you just need to blow a bubble to the lower right corner, bubble jump off of it to get just below the remaining, trapped enemy. Then, you just need to auto-pop him, and you are done. You can also just trap, and wait to pop multiples at once, but this works much better ona two player game. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX42XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X XX X XX XX XXXXXX XX XX MXX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX X X X XXXX XX XX X XXXXX XXX XXXX XX XX X X XXX XXXXXX XX XX X X X X X XXXXXXX XX XX XXX X XXX X XX XX XXXXXXXXX X X XX XX R XX X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXX X XX XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX XXX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 43 | o----------o - Password: IEJJJ - Enemies: Monsta X 3, Mighta X 2, Hidegonsu X 2 - This is a frustrating level with 7 enemies. There are lightning bubbles on this level. - This is the first truly frustrating level because of the unfair positioning of the baddies. First do auto-pops on the Mighta and the Hidegonsu, and then hop up till your directly below the Monsta. Then hop up when the Monsta is touching the outside wall, and do an auto-pop to rid yourself of it. Then go about your usual bad guy popping ways. XXXXXXXXXXX XX43XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX X XXXXXX X XX XX X X X XX XX X X M XX XX X X X X XX XXXX X X XX X XXXX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX XXX XX X XXX XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XXXX X X XX X XXXX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX XXX XX X XXX XX XX X X X X XX XX X R X X X XX XX X X X X XX XXXX X X XX X XXXX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 44 | o----------o - Password: IJGGG - Enemies: Hidegonsu X 4, Monsta X 2 - This is a pretty easy level with 6 enemies. - Auto-pop as fast as you can, and make sure to keep switching your position, so you can confuse the Hidegonsus. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX44XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX X X XX X XXX XXX XXXX X XXXXXX X XXXX XX X XXX XXX XXXXXX XXXXXX X XXXXXXX X XXX XXX X XXXXXX X XX X XXX XXXXXXXX X XXXXXX XXXXXX XX X XXX XXX XXXX X XXXXXX X XXXX XXXXXXXX XXX X X XX X XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX M RXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 45 | o----------o - Password: IJEEG - Enemies: Banebou X 7 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. - The drawing in the middle is a Banebou. - Trap and pop all of the enemies her. Just be sure to not allow any breakouts, because Banebous are just mean when they are angry. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX45XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX M XX XX XXXXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX X X XX XX XX X XXX XXX X XX XX XX X X X XX XX X X XX XX X X X XX XX XX X XX XX XXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX X XXX XXX X XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXX XX XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXX RXX XX XX XXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 46 | o----------o - Password: ICEEG - Enemies: Banebou X 7 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. - You need to be able to keep moving and stay ahead of the big spring loaded, hopping conga line. Shoot a few bubbles, run, shoot a few bubbles, run, etc. until you have beat the floor. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX46XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX X XX X X XX XXX X X XXX XXX XX X XX X XXXX XXX X X XXX XXX XX X XX X XXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXX X X X XX XXX X X XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XXXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX R M XX XX XX XXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 47 | o----------o - Password: ICGGJ - Enemies: Banebou X 4, Hidegonsu X 3 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. There are fire bubbles on this level. - Drop fire upon any enemies who gather in the middle depression. Otherwise, you should proceed to trap and pop as usual. XXXXXXXXXXX XX47XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX M XX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX X X R XX XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 48 | o----------o - Password: FFFFB - Enemies: Monsta X 2, Mighta X 2, Hidegonsu X 2 - This is a tough level with 6 enemies. - You need to stay towards the centre so you can use the one brick blocks to escape the projectiles of the ground based baddies. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX48XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XX X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX M X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 49 | o----------o - Password: FFIIG - Enemies: Drunk X 3, Invader X 2, Hidegonsu X 2 - This is a hard level with 7 enemies. There are water bubbles, and lightning bubbles on this level. - This is the first level you meet the two most frustrating enemies in the game: Invaders and Drunks. Make sure to use the helper bubbles to your advantage, and make sure to be wary of any projectiles since all three types of baddies here can in fact use their own variations. XXXXXXXXXXX XX49XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XXXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXX XXX XX X X X X XXX XX X X X X XXX XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXX XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXX XX M XXX XX XX XXX XXX XX X XX XX X XXX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX X XX XX X XXX XX X XX XX X XXX XX X XX XX XX XX X XXX XX X XX XX XX XX X XXX XX X XX XX X XXX XX X XX XX R X XXX XX X XX XX XX XX X XXX XX X XX XX XX XX X XXX XX X X XXX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XXX XX XXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 50 | o----------o - Password: FIIIG - Enemies: Invaders X 6 - This is a pretty easy level with 6 enemies. - All you need to do in this simple level is to work your way into the centre by removing one enemy at a time by using the auto-pop. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX50XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX R M XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X XX X XX XX X XX X XX XX X XX X XX XX X XX X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX X X XX XX X X XX X X XX XX X X XX X X XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 51 | o----------o - Password: FIFFG - Enemies: Drunks X 7 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. - Go to the right side, and eliminate the four Drunks that are loose. Then, go up top and eliminate the Drunks as you bait them out of their holes. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX51XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX M R XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XXXXX XX XXXXX XXXXXXX XX X X XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX X X XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 52 | o----------o - Password: FAAAJ - Enemies: Drunk X 3, Invader X 2, Monsta X 2 - This is an easy level with 7 enemies. There are water bubbles on this level. - Use the water bubbles to eliminate the opposition on this close-quartered level. XXXXXXXXXXX XX52XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXR XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX MXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 53 | o----------o - Password: FABBG - Enemies: Drunk X 4, Hidegonsu X 2, Invader X 1 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. There are fire bubbles, and lightning bubbles on this level. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - Trap and run and pop coupled with auto-popping is your best bet on this level. XXXXXXXXXXX XX53XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX M XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 54 | o----------o - Password: FBBBG - Enemies: Drunk X 5, Mighta X 2 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. - After finishing off the four Drunks on ground level, bubble jump to reach the top half of the screen to finish off the opponents there. Just try to time your climb so you can get up when the Mighta is not blocking your ascent. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX54XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX M XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X XX X XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX R XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX X X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 55 | o----------o - Password: FBAAG - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 4, Mighta X 3 - This is an easy level with 7 enemies. - Yet another run and gun level for you to test your enemy evasion skills on. XXXXXXXXXXX XX55XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX M XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX R XXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 56 | o----------o - Password: FEEEB - Enemies: Monsta X 2, Hidegonsu X 2, Zen-Chan X 2 - This is a pretty easy level with 6 enemies. - The drawing in the middle is of Baron Von Blubba. - Auto-pop everyone you can at the start of this level, and then go out hunting with the trap and pop/auto-pop techniques in hand. XXXXXXXXXXX XX56XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXX X XX XX XXXXX X XX XX XXXXXX X X M XX XX XXXXXX X X XX XX XXXXXXX X XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX X R XXXXXXXX X XX XX X XX XXXX XX XX X XX XX XXXX XX XX XXXX XX XXXX XX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 57 | o----------o - Password: FEJJJ - Enemies: Invader X 4, Monsta X 1 - This is a frustrating level with 5 enemies. - EVERY Bubble Bobble veteran knows this level as the most evil creation ever concocted in the history of sentient beings throughout the multiverse. I have developed a strategy to beat this however, and I will now share it with you. - Avoid the laser shots of the Invaders, and quickly kill the Monsta (most likely with auto-pop). Then go to the middle of the room, and collect the random item. Then, as soon as you collect the magic item for the level (provided it does not finish your opponents off for you), count the laser shots. When you see the enemy throw their 13th volley, start towards the left wall. Then use your bubble jump to get up top, and whenever you get up to their level, always blow a bubble to do an auto-pop to safeguard yourself. After you dispatch one side, it is a simple matter of dispatching the other side. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX57XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R M XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 58 | o----------o - Password: FGJJJ - Enemies: Zen-CHan X4, Mighta X 3 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. - Enemies are capable of breaking out within a few seconds on this level, so auto-pop is highly recommended for maximum efficiency. XXXXXXXXXXX XX58XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX M XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 59 | o----------o - Password: FGCCJ - Enemies: Monsta X 3, Hidegonsu X 2, Zen-Chan X 2 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. - The air flow is extremely fast here, and when coupled with the quick break out from your bubbles, you have to either auto-pop, or catch and pop. XXXXXXXXXXX XX59XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX M XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXX XXX XXXX XX XX XX XXXX X X XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XXXX XXX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX X X XXX XX XX XX XXXX XXX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XXXX XXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XXXX XXX X XX XXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX R XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 60 | o----------o - Password: FCEEG - Enemies: Invaders X 4 - This is an easy level with 4 enemies. - The trick to successfully navigating this level is to climb to a level, avoid the laser shower, continue moving up. Go till you enter their level, kill as many as you can (possibly all), and if you miss any, just move to the top, and wait for them to fall through bottom to get back up top. Just beware of trapping them, and then NOT popping them, as they will float up, break free, and rampage downwards with you still below them. XXXXXXXXXXX XX60XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX MXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX RXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 61 | o----------o - Password: FCGGJ - Enemies: Invaders X 6 - This is a hard level with 6 enemies. - immediately run through the hole in the floor, and move to one end of the platform at the top. Trap the enemy (the short time for enemy break out has been abolished for this level), and pop them. Then you need to get the enemy stuck in the holes. Stand below the enemy on the second step, jump and blow a bubble, and then bubble jump up to auto-pop the enemy. Repeat on the other side for the finish of the room. - The drawing in the middle is of an Invader. XXXXXXXXXXX XX61XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X XXXX X XX XX X XXXXXX X XX XX X XXXXXXXX X XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX M XXXXXXXXXXXX R XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXX XXXXXX XXX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XXXX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XXXX XXXXX XX XX XX X XXXXX XXXX XXXXX X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 62 | o----------o - Password: FJGGJ - Enemies: Drunk X 4, Invader X 3 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. There are lightning bubbles on this level. - This requires you to run and gun (this is becoming a habit). XXXXXXXXXXX XX62XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXM RXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 63 | o----------o - Password: FJEEJ - Enemies: Invader X 4. - This is a pretty easy level with 4 enemies. - The routine of bubble jumping to the otherwise unreachable platform once again is upon you. This time it is a a simple matter since you have an unobstructed path up. The downside is the bubble fall away, but with some good jumping skills, this is not a problem. Then just trap and pop. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX63XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX M XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 64 | o----------o - Password: JJJJB - Enemies: Invader X 6 - This is a pretty easy level with six enemies. There are water bubbles on this level. - Use the water bubbles to eliminate the opposition. Use trap and pop if threatened by the enemies. XXXXXXXXXXX XX64XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X X XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX X X XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX X X XX XX XX XX XX XX X X M XX XX XX XX XX XX X X XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX XX X XX XX XX X XX XX X XX XX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X XX XX XX X X XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 65 | o----------o - Password: JJCCB - Enemies: Invader X 3, Monsta X 2, Hidegonsu X 2 - This is a tough level with seven enemies. - To make this level a breeze, bubble jump up to the top, and move over to where the Invaders/Monstas congregate. Trap and pop them, and then move down to the bottom to get the Hidegonsus impatiently awaiting you. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX65XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX X X XX XXXXXX X X XXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX X X XXXXXX XXXXXX X X XXXXXX XXXXXX X X XXXXXX XXXXXX X X XXXXXX XXXXXX X RM X XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXX X X XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X X X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 66 | o----------o - Password: JCCCB - Enemies: PulPul X 4, Hidegonsu X 3 - This is a hard level with 7 enemies. There are fire bubbles on this level. - Most of the bricks hear do not really exist, so be do not take any of them for granted (they probably will not stop an opponent). Use auto-pop as much as possible, and try to use the fire bubbles to your advantage. XXXXXXXXXXX XX66XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXX XX R XX XXX XXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXX XXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXX XXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 67 | o----------o - Password: JCJJI - Enemies: Invader X 3, Banebou X 1, Hidegonsu X 1 - This is a tough level with 5 enemies. There are lightning bubbles and fire bubbles on this level. - Bubble jump up to their platofrm, and quickly disptach all opposition with trap and pop/auto-pop methods. XXXXXXXXXXX XX67XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX M XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 68 | o----------o - Password: JGGGB - Enemies: Monsta X 3, Banebou X 2, Invader X 2 - This is a hard level with 7 enemies. There are lightning bubbles on this level. - Almost all the bricks in this level are false, so you and the enemies will pass right through them. - Bubble jump to the top, and move over so you are partially in the Invaders space (auto-pop him). Then do the same to the Banebou. Next, try to trap the three Monstas in the middle as you continue to fall. Then work your way over to the other side to get the Invader/Banebou combo over there (auto-pop again). XXXXXXXXXXX XX68XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXM XXXX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXX XXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXR XXXX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXX o----------o | Level 69 | o----------o - Password: JGEEB - Enemies: Banebou X 4, Mighta X 3 - This is a hard level with 7 enemies. - Once more you revert to the tried and true method of trap and pop/auto-pop to best handle the situation. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX69XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XX XXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXX X XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX XXXX XXX XXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX X XXXX XXX XXXXXXX XXXX X XXXXXXXX XXXX XXX XXXXXXX XXXX X XXXXXXXXX XXXXX XX XXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX RXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX M XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 70 | o----------o - Password: JEEEB - Enemies: Banebou X 5 - This is a pretty easy level with 5 enemies. There are fire bubbles on this level. - Just rain fiery death upon the hapless foes in the depression. Then drop into the newly created space, and waste the rest of them to come into your auto-pop range. XXXXXXXXXXX XX70XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX X X XX XX R XX XX M XX XX X XXXX XXXX X XX XX X XX X XX X X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XXXXXX XXXXXX X XX XX X XXXX XXXX X XX XX X XXXX XXXX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 71 | o----------o - Password: JEJJJ - Enemies: Banebou X 3, PulPul X 2, Zen-Chan X 2 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. - Use the bubble jump to get into the left depression. Auto-pop the Zen-Chan, and then bubble jump out to stand on the top of the wall. Make your way to the far side (maybe killing PulPul or two), and do another bubble jump from below to get the other Zen-Chan. Then you have to time your fall into the middle to get the rest. This level requires a fair amount of luck in your favour to complete successfully. XXXXXXXXXXX XX71XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX M XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XXR X X X X XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 72 | o----------o - Password: JBIII - Enemies: Banebou X 5, PulPul X 2 - This is a hard level with 7 enemies. - Bubble jump out, trap the Banebous, and then pop the Banebous. The breaking out time for enemies is rather short however, and thusly be quick about it. This is similiar to room 46 with the run, trap, run trap method. The PulPul's should not pose a serious threat. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX72XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX X X X XXX XXX XXX X X X XX XX X X X R X X X X X X XX XX XXXX X XX X XXX X XXXX X XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XX X X X X XXX XXX X X X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XM XXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 73 | o----------o - Password: JBFFI - Enemies: Hidegonsu X 4, Monsta X 2, Banebou X 1 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. There are water bubbles and lightning bubbles on this level. - This is a real mixed bag of a level. Jump into the first chute and auto-pop the two falling Hidegonsus. Auto-pop the Hidegnosu then jump into the next section to your right, and then auto-pop the Banebou. Then get the two Monstas, and then use one of the gathered water bubbles to destroy the remaining Hidegonsu. XXXXXXXXXXX XX73XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXX XX X X X XX XX X X X XXXXXX XX X X XXXXX X X XX XX X X XXXXX X X XX XX X X XXXXX X X XX XX X XXXXXXXXX X X XX XX X XXXXXXXXX X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X R XXXXX X X XX XX X X XXXXX X X XX XX X X XXXXX X X XX XX X XXXXXXXXX X X XX XX X XXXXXX X X XX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX X X XX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX X X XX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX M X X XX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX XX X XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 74 | o----------o - Password: JAFFI - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 4 - This is an easy level with 4 enemies. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - This is a simple level that only requires a bubble jump or two to complete. Just simple trap and pop techniques required. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX74XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX M XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX RXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 75 | o----------o - Password: JAIIB - Enemies: Hidegonsu X 7 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. - This level has one simple goal for you; staying alive. These fellas do NOT play around at all, so use auto-pop as much as possible. If you do trap an enemy, let it float away (unless you can pop it immediately). It will come out mad, but it will almost always have a long fall, so you can line up an auto-pop quite easily. After getting rid of the five on the loose, go get the two hiding in the sides of the room. Baron Von Blubba will show up quite quickly, so be quick about your tasks here. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX75XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XX X XXXXXXXXXX X XX XX X X XXXXXXXXXXXX X X XX XX X X XXXXXXXXXXXX X X XX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXR X XXXXXXXX X MXX XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XXX XXXX XXX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 76 | o----------o - Password: JIBBI - Enemies: Invader X 5,Banebou X 1, Mighta X 1 - This is a hard level with 7 enemies. - Yet another level where there are no special techniques required, just trap and pop/auto-pop. XXXXXXXXXXX XX76XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX R XX XX XXX XXXXXXXXXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX M XXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 77 | o----------o - Password: JIAAI - Enemies: PulPul X 3, Monsta X 2, Invader X 2 - This is a hard level with 7 enemies. There are water bubbles and lightning bubbles on this level. - Pretty hard level since you have to let the enemy come to you. Auto-pop is an extremely good idea hear since chasing enemies bubbles is not really an option. XXXXXXXXXXX XX77XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX M XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 78 | o----------o - Password: JFAAI - Enemies: Invader X 7 - This is a difficult level with 7 enemies. - This is diffcult unless you know the easy way to complete this level. Start by getting beside the tall wall to prepare for auto-popping mayhem. You can get up to five at once on the first run. Then, no matter which way they go at the top, just wait till they get near the bottom, and auto-pop those guys as well. XXXXXXXXXXX XX78XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX X XXXX X XX XXX X XXXXXX X XXX XX X XXXXXXXX X XX XX X XXXXXX X XX XX X XXXX X XX XXX X XX X XXX XX X XXX XXX X XX XX X XXXXX XXXXX X XX XX X XXXXXX XXXXXX X XX XX X XXXXXXX XXXXXXX X XX XXX X XXXXXX XXXXXX X XXX XX X XXXX XXXX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX X XX XX X XXXX X XX XXX X XXXXXX X XXX XX X XXXXXXXX X XX XX X M R X XX XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 79 | o----------o - Password: JFBBJ - Enemies: Invader X 4, Monsta X 3 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. - Bubble jump up to the top, and make it to the middle where you will disptach the Monsta. Step down onto the little platform between the Invaders. Now you need to auto-pop the Monstas, and then wax both of the Invaders on your right with auto-pop. Then move across the way to the other two, and use a bubble jump to get high enough to auto-pop the top one, and then finally rid yourself of the last Invader to finish the level. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX79XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXM XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXX XR X XXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXX XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX X X XX XX XX XX X X XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X XX XX X XX XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 80 | o----------o - Password: CCCCB - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 7 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. There are lightning bubbles and fire bubbles on this level. - Yet another room that is kind of a break from the more challenging rooms you have faced so far. Use auto-pop, and trap and pop to rid yourself of the enemy in any fashion you wish. XXXXXXXXXXX XX80XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX X XX XX XX XXX X X XX XX XX X X X XX XX XX XXX XXX XXX XXXX XX M X X X X XX XX XXXX X X X X XXX XX XX X X X XX XX XX XX XXX X X XX XX X X X XX XX XX X X X XXX R XX XX XX XXX X X XX XX XX X X XXX XXX XX XX XX XX X X XX XXXX XX X X X X XX XX XX X X XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 81 | o----------o - Password: CCJJI - Enemies: Monsta X 4, Invader X 3 - This is a difficult level with 7 enemies. - Use your bubble jump to get to the top, and be quick so you can get the Monsta coming for you. Then get the other Monsta when it comes back from the one side. Then blow a bubble so it it is lined up with the small alcoves on the left or the right. Then bubble jump up through the top of the room, and get into the contained structure below. Get rid of the enemies any way you wish, but be sure to rid yourself of Invaders before you traverse under areas where they are. This level requires excellent control of your dino in moving, jumping, and bubble jumping, so that is why it gets a rating of 6 out of 7 (difficult). XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX81XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX M R XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X X X XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 82 | o----------o - Password: CJJJI - Enemies: Drunk X 6, Invader X 1 - This is a hard level with 7 enemies. - At first glance, this level is not so bad (most of the enemies are contained). Start by getting the two loose Drunks, and then bubble jump up the second shaft from either side to get on top of a structure containing two of the Drunks (auto-pop as they jmup out). Then jump back down to the ground, and dispatch the other two remaining Drunks (who also left their structure). Then you just need to bubble jump up the side (this is the safest route), and proceed to rid yourself of that annoying Invader who has plauged your progress on this level. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX82XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX X XM X X XX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX X X X X XX XX X XXXXXX X XX XX X X X X XX XX X XXXXXX X XX XX X X X X XX XX X XXXX XXXXXX XXXX X XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XX X X X XXXXXX X X X XX XX X XXXX X X XXXX X XX XX X X X XXXXXX X X X XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XX X XXXX XXXXXX XXXX X XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XX X XR X XXXXXX X X X XX XX X XXXX X X XXXX X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 83 | o----------o - Password: CJCCI - Enemies: Drunk X 6, Invader X 1 - This is a difficult level with 7 enemies. - This level has one truly challenging obstacle, and that is the nearly impossible to access Invader in the middle. The method I suggest is to jump in there immeditely, and try to bubble jump up to his level blowing bubbles like a maniac. If he gets you, quickly charge again while you are invincable, and repeat the procedure. Then you just need to get out of the structure, and dispatch the unruly Drunks. You could also get lucky with an excellent magical item. XXXXXXXXXXX XX83XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX X XXXXXXXX X XX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX X X XX XX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XX X X XX XXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXX XX X XXXX X XX XX XX XX XXX X X XXX XX XX XX XX X X X X XX XXXXXX XXX X X XXX XXXXXX XX X XXXX X XX XX R XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XX X X XX XXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXX XX X X XX XX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XX M XX XXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XX X X XX XX X X XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 84 | o----------o - Password: CEEEB - Enemies: Invader X 7 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. - This is another level where you need to keep moving, and whittling the opposisitions numbers down little by little. The difficulty lies in the fact these are the relentless Invaders being allowed to roam freely. Just keep an eye out above you for the Invaders as they enter the screen. XXXXXXXXXXX XX84XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X X X X X X XX XX R XX XX XX XX XX X X M X X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X XX X XX XX X X XX XX X X X X XX XX XX X X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XX X X XX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XXX XX XX X XX XX XX XX X XX XXXXX XX XXX XXX XX XXXXX XX X X XX XX X X XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 85 | o----------o - Password: CEJJJ - Enemies: Invader X 4 - This is a pretty easy level with 4 enemies. - This is a good level to pop multiple enemies at once. - To take the easy route on this level, run to the right immediately, bubble jump to a level higher than the lowest (where the Invaders are), and let them fall to the bottom floor. Then follow them, trap all four, and pop all four. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX85XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXX X X XXX XX XX XX X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X XXXXX X X X XX XX X X X X X X X X XX XX XXX X X X X RX XX XX X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X X XX XX X M X X X X XXX X XX X XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 86 | o----------o - Password: CGJJJ - Enemies: Monsta X 7 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. - Use whittling tactics of hit and run to bring the Monstas down a peg or two. Use the middle portion to jump out of to pick off stragglers from the large group. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX86XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXX XX XXX X XX X XX XX XX X X XX XXX XX XX X XXXXX XX XX X XX X XXX XX XX XX XXX XX XX X X X XXXX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX X XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX MXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X X X XX XX X X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX X X X X X XX XX X X X X X XX XX X X X XXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX X XXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX X X X XX XX X R X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 87 | o----------o - Password: CGCCJ - Enemies: PulPul X 7 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. There are lightning bubbles, and fire bubbles on this level. - Once more use hit and run to rid yourself of the opposition (this time it is PulPuls). Also, you can use the helper bubbles to do your work for you, if you are skilled enough. XXXXXXXXXXX XX87XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXX XXXXXX X XX XX X XX X X XX XX XX XX X X XX XX X XX XXXXX XX XX XXX X R XX X X X XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X X XX XX XX X M X XX X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XXXXX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XXXXXXXXX XXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 88 | o----------o - Password: CAFFI - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 7 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. - The strategy here is to drop fiery death from above on the enemies. To do this, you need to move the fire bubbles from the eddies they become jammed in. This is done by bubble moving them for you. Use the left side, and blow bubbles to move the fire bubbles till it is positioned over the hole, and then drop the fire to bring the pain. XXXXXXXXXXX XX88XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XR X XX XX XX X X X X X X XX XX XX XX X X X X X X XX XX XX XX X X X X X X XX XX XX XX X X X X X X XX XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XXXX XXXX X X X X XXX XXXX XX XXXX X X X X XXX XX XX XXXX X X X X XXX XX XX XXXX X X X X XXX XX XX XXXX X X XXX XX XX XXXX M X X XXX XX XX XXXX X X XXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 89 | o----------o - Password: CAIIB - Enemies: Hidegonsu X 4 - This is a pretty easy level with 4 enemies. There are fire bubbles on this level. - Jump up to the level below the Hidegonsu, and then time a bubble jump up to there level. Then you should throw bubbles at them, but be ready to jump there fireballs. Trap and pop till none remain. XXXXXXXXXXX XX89XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX M XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 90 | o----------o - Password: CBIIB - Enemies: Invader X 5, Monsta X 1 - This is a tough level with 6 enemies. - This is an almost rehash of room 57, but it has an easier (safer) path to the top. First, kill the Monsta while dodging laser rain from above, then bubble jmup up to the Invaders, and waste those fellas. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX90XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX M R XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 91 | o----------o - Password: CBFFB - Enemies: Hidegonsu X 5, Monsta X 2 - This is a hard level with 7 enemies. There are fire bubbles on this level. - Pop the Monstas, and drop fiery death upon your evil foe the Hidegonsu. This is hard to do because of the harsh air flow speeds in the room. Also, the bricks above the enemies in the holes are false (two brick wide), so use this to your advantage as you try to beat this level. XXXXXXXXXXX XX91XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R M XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 92 | o----------o - Password: CFAAI - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 7 - This is a hard level with 7 enemies. There are water bubbles on this level. - The plan of attack here that best works is to drop through so you land in the funnel in the middle. Follow the enemy downard (killing any that decide to jump up at you), and use any water bubbles you can to your advantage (this leaves you vulnerable for a few seconds however). Just use these tactics till only Bub remains in the room. XXXXXXXXXXX XX92XX XXXXXXXXXX XX X XXXXXX X XX XX X XXXXXX X XX XX X XXXXXX X XX XX X XXXX X XX XX X XXXX X XX XX X XX X XX XX X X XX XX X R X XX XX X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XXX X X XXX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX XXX X X X X XXX XX XX X M X XX XX X X XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 93 | o----------o - Password: CFBBJ - Enemies: PulPul X 7 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. There are lightning bubbles on this level - The small area you can fight in makes this a tough level to crack, but just use your run and gun approach to stay alive, and remove the amount of enemies still there, a little at a time. XXXXXXXXXXX XX93XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XX X X X X X X X X XXXX XXXX X XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX X X X XXXX XXXX X XXXXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX X X X XXXX XXXX XXXXX X XX XX XXXX XXXX XXXX X X X XXXX XXXX XXXXXX X XX XX XXXX XXXX X X X XX XX X X X XX XXXX XXXX XXXXXX XX RXXXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX M XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 94 | o----------o - Password: CIBBJ - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 7 - This is an easy level with 7 enemies. There are lightning bubbles on this level. - This level is very easy if you stay at the bottom, just under the many compartments. Destroy the few Zen-Chan that are loose, and then proceed to bait each out in turn by jumping up through the open compartments, return to the ground, and auto-pop the enemy as it falls. XXXXXXXXXXX XX94XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXX XXXXXXXX XX XXXX XX XXXXXXXX XX XXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX R XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XXXXXXXX XX XXXX XX XXXXXXXX XX XXXX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XX X X X XX XX XX X X XX XX X X X XX XX XXM X X XX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XX X X X XX XX XX X X XX XX X X X XX XX XX X X XX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 95 | o----------o - Password: CIAAJ - Enemies: PulPul X 3, Drunk X 2 - This is a tough level with 5 enemies. - Bubble jump up the side, trap and pop/auto-pop. You know the drill by now, since it has been the best strategy to use to conserve your lives. XXXXXXXXXXX XX95XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX M R XX XX X X XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 96 | o----------o - Password: GGGGB - Enemies: Invader X 6 - This is a hard level with 6 enemies. - At the start, go to the edge of the platform you start on, wait till two laser volleys have passed, trap and pop two of the Invaders. Then bubble jump to the platform above, blow a bubble toward the wall, bubble jump off it, and auto-pop the Invader now trapped in the narrow hole. Run across towards the right hole in the floor, and dive through when there is a break in the laser fire. Then fall to the right of the opposition. You now need to bubble jump same way as on the other side to auto-pop the last three Invaders. You will be into HURRY UP mode regardless of how fast you are, so the Baron may cause some difficulties for you in the last third of this strategy. XXXXXXXXXX XX96XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXX XXX XX XX XXXXX XXXXX M XX XX XXX XXX XX XX X X XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X R X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 97 | o----------o - Password: GGEEB - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 3, Hidegonsu X 2, Drunk X 2 - This is a hard level with 7 enemies. There are lightning bubbles on this level. - Wait at the bottom of the large structure, and auto-pop the five enemies on the loose. This leaves the two Zen-Chans wihtin the structure, so yuo can use lightning bolts, or you can try to get in there with them to pop them. The remaining Zen-Chans will likely be faced with the HURRY UP warning, followed quickly by Baron Von Blubba. XXXXXXXXXXX XX97XX M XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX XX X X XXXXXXXXX XX XX XX X X XXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXX XX XX XXR XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX X X XX XXXXXX XX XX XX X X XXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 98 | o----------o - Password: GEEEB - Enemies: Drunks X 7 - This is a difficult level with 7 enemies. - Yet another level where auto-pop is pretty much a required way to destroy the opposition. Use the hit and run tactics that have been getting you through the last 15 rooms. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX98XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX X X XX XX XXX XX XX X XXX XXX XX X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X XX XX X X X XX XX XX X X X X X XXX XX X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X XX XX X XXX XX XXX XX XX X X XX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX X XXXXXX X XXX XX X XXXX X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX R X X X XXXX X X X XX XXXX XXXX XX XX X X X X XXXX X X X X XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MXX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level 99 | o----------o - Password: GEJJJ - Enemies: Monsta X 4, Banebou X 2, PulPul X 1 - This is a diffcult level with 7 enemies. There are fire bubbles on this level. - This is the level that you absolutely must collect the magic item if you want to reach the "TRUE END". This also requires player 2 to be involved, because the Crystal Ball (the magic item) is on that side, and makes player 1 chances of getting it not plausible. Once it is collected, the door will open in the small space with the lone PulPul. Fall through the bricks, auto-pop the PulPul, and enter the door. This is an extremely hard thing to do at first, but with practice becomes easier. If it is done correctly, you get the following message... THE DOOR IS OPENED! TAKE THE SECRET ROAD! XXXXXXXXXXX XX99XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX X XXXX X XXXXXXXXX XX X X XXXX X X XX XX X X XXXX X X XX XX R X X XXXXM X X XX XX X X X XXXX X X X XX XX X X X XXXX X X X XX XX X X XXXX X X XX XX X XXXXXXXXXX X XX XX X X XXXXXXXXXX X X XX XX X X XXXXXXXXXX X X XX XX X X XXXXXXXXXX X X XX XX X X XX XXXXXX X X XX XX X X XX XXXXXX X X XX XX X X XXXXX XX X X XX XX X X XXXXX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXX XX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX - HOWEVER! I have recieved an e-mail from "haron", who states getting the Crystal Ball and into the door to the secret road is possible on one player. The following information is his own, so note that I did not come up with this strategy: - Start by moving to the right, jumping straight up, and holding right at the correct time. Since you have such nice maps available Brian, I will illustrate the approximate position using your map (and changing the fall through positions from x's to *'s): XXXXXXXXXXX XX99XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX X XXXX X XXXXXXXXX XX X X XXXX X X XX XX X X XXXX X X XX XX R X X XXXXM X X XX XX X X X XXXX X X X XX XX X X X XXXX X X X XX XX X X XXXX X X XX XX X XXXXXXXXXX X XX XX X X XXXXXXXXXX X X XX XX X X XXXXXXXXXX X X XX XX X X XXXXXXXXXX X X XX XX X X XX XXXXXX X X XX XX X X XX XXXXXX X X XX XX X X XXXXX XX X X XX XX X X XXXXX XX X X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XX *XXXXXX XX XX X **XXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XXXXXXXXXXx XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX - You'll have to play around with it a bit before you find the fall through position, but it is there! Jump straight up from the lower left "*", hang in the air for a moment, then push and hold RIGHT. You may have to repeat a couple of times before it works for you. Once you fall through it is still very challenging to get the Crystal Ball and then double back to get into the door, but it is possible! o----------o | Level A0 | o----------o - Password: GJGEG - Enemies: Monsta X 4, Banebou X 2, PulPul X 1 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. There are fire bubbles on this level. - Use your run and gun tactics, and combine that with continual fire bubble use to get through this room. XXXXXXXXXXX XXA0XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX X XX XX X X XXXXX XX XX X X XX X XX XX XX X X X XX XX X X XXXX X X XX XX X X X X X XX XX XX XX XXXX X X XX XX X X X XX XX X X X X X X XX XX X X X X XXXX XX X XX XX X XXXXXX X XX XX X XXXXXXXX X X X XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX X X X X XX XX XX XXXX XX X XXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX X X XR XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX M XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level A1 | o----------o - Password: GJEGJ - Enemies: Drunk X 7 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. - Trap, pop, repeat. You know what needs to be done now. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXA1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX MXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level A2 | o----------o - Password: GCEGJ - Enemies: Drunk X 7 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. - Same as the above room strategy, just now the enemy will have more difficulty ganging up on you. Also, you might want to stay on the bottom level if you wish to collect the magic item when it appears. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXA2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX MXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level A3 | o----------o - Password: GCGEJ - Enemies: Drunk X 7 - This is a hard level with 7 enemies. - This is yet another run and gun level, but with all of the small platforms here it is harder than most to keep yourself one step ahead of the opposition. XXXXXXXXXXX XXA3XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXX XX XX XXXX R XX XX XXX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XXXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX MXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX X X XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX X X XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level A4 | o----------o - Password: GIBAI - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 7 - This is a pretty easy level with 7 enemies. - Still another run and gun strategy needed to whittle the oppositions numbers down. Another good strategey is to auto-pop through the left wall of their contained area, which is also a little safer. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXA4XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXX XXX XXX XXX XX XX XXX XXX XXX XXX XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XX XX XXX XXXXXX XX XX XXX XX XXX XXX XX XX XXX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X XX XXX X XX XX X XX XX X R M XX XX X XXX XXXXXX XX XX X XX XXX X XX XX X XX XX X XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level A5 | o----------o - Password: GIABJ - Enemies: PulPul X 6 - This is a tough level with 6 enemies. - The drawing in the middle is a butterfly. - This level gets a higher rating because you are facing the more dangerous PulPul, rather than a ground-based enemy. They start out contained, and will not get out too fast. Use this to your advantage to auto-pop one side, ad then rush to the other side to attempt a similiar feat. Just be wary of their sweeping motions because they can have unexpected bounces off of the walls. XXXXXXXXXXX XXA5XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX X X XX XX X XXX X X XXX X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X XX X X XX X XX XX X X X X X X XX XX XX X XXXX X XX XX XX X X X X XX XX X XX R X X XX X XX XX X XXXX X XX XX X X X X XX XX X XXX X X XXX X XX XX X XXXX X XX XX X M X X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX X X X X X X XX XX X X X X X X XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level A6 | o----------o - Password: GFABJ - Enemies: Monsta X 4, PulPul X 3 - This is a frustrating level with 7 enemies. There are lightning bubbles and water bubbles on this level. - This level requires you to be a master of helper bubbles and/or the auto-pop. With no bricks that can be stoof on, you will continually free fall. Try to keep an eye out in all directions, but most importantly below you. The total helplessness you can feel is normal, and thusly this level gets the hardest difficulty rating of 7 (frustrating). XXXXXXXXXXX XXA6XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX R XX XX XX XX XX XX M XX XX XX XX XX o----------o | Level A7 | o----------o - Password: GFBAJ - Enemies: PulPul X 7 - This is a difficult level with 7 enemies. There are water bubbles on this level. - Many of the bricks in this level are false, but the level is designed with a maze like set of real bricks. Carefully progress forwards, and auto-pop as much as possible to avoid unecessary movements in unknown walking areas. Use the PulPuls movements to access the rough area of the walls. XXXXXXXXXXX XXA7XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXRXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level A8 | o----------o - Password: GBIFG - Enemies: Monsta X 7 - This is a hard level with 7 enemies. - Use your hit and run strategies (you should be a real pro at them by now) to take the enemy down efficiently. Try to pick as many off as you can, and then move up to a block in the sky. Stay there defending that piece of real estate as you are threatened, and if Baron Von Blubba appears, head out to hunt down any remaining Monstas. This is a very challengin level because of the design coupled with Monstas fast flying abilities. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXA8XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX M XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X X XX XX R X XX XX XX X X XX X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X XX XX X XXXXXXXX X XX XX XX X XXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XX XX X X XXXXXXXX X X XX XX X X X X XX XX X X X X XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level A9 | o----------o - Password: GBFIJ - Enemies: Zen-Chan X 5 - This is a pretty easy level with 5 enemies. - The drawing in the middle appears to be a face (probably MTJ). - This is like a vacation compared to some of the evil levels you have faced recently. Pop the one Zen-Chan who comes right for you, and then jump to the level where two roam (blow a bubble as you enter there space, and then another following that). This leaves two left, so go right, bait the enemy into jumping to the level you are on, and auto-pop them. You can also bait them to jump, and drop down to their level while they are in the air so you cam surprise them when they land. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXA9XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X XXX XX X X XXXX XXXXXXX XXXX XX X X XXXX MXXXXXXX XXXX XX X X XXXX XXX XXX XXXX XX X X XXXX XXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX X X X XX XX X XXX X XX XX X XXXXX X X XX XX XXXX XXXXX XX X X XX XX X XXXXXX X X X X XX XX XX X XX X XXX XXX XX XX XX X XX X XXX XXX XX XX XX XXXX XXXX XXXX XX XX XX X X R X X XX XX X XX X X XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level B0 | o----------o - Password: GAFIJ - Enemies: Monsta X 3, PulPul X 2, Hidegonsu X 2 - This is a tough level with 4 enemies. - Bubble jump up, go right, fall down, wait for the two Monstas and one Pulpul to draw near, and auto-pop each in turn. Then continue left, fall down, and auto-pop as many as you can through the wall. Be wary of the two remaining fliers coming down for you in your safe location. The other option is to stand just underneath the end of their platform, and let the Hidegonsu fall so you can auto-pop them. Either way, you will probably have to go hunt the remaining fliers down a little farther into the spiral. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXB0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XX X X R M XX XX X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X X X XX XX X X X XX XX X X X XX XX X X X XX XX X X X XX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX X X XX XX X X XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level B1 | o----------o - Password: GAIFJ - Enemies: Hidegonsu X 6 - This is a tough level with 6 enemies. There are water bubbles on this level. - This level is make or break on you being able to auto-pop the three Hidegonsus coming for you. Jump up and auto-pop the bottom one on the right, then land and auto-pop the one on the left, and quickly turn right to auto-pop the last enemy. Then bubble jump out of your hole, and cross over to the other side to drop fiery death upon the remaining three Hidegonsus. XXXXXXXXXXX XXB1XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX M XX XX X XXXX X XX XX X XXXXXX X XX XX X XX XXXX X XX XX X XX XXXXXXX X XX XX X XX XXXXXXX X XX XX X XXXXXXXXXX X XX XX X XXXXXXXX X XX XX X XXXXXX X XX XX X XX X XX XX X X XX X XX XX X X XX X XX XX X X XX X XX XX X X XX X XX XX X XX XXX X XX XX X XXX XXXX X XX XX X XX X XX XX X XX XX X X X XX X X XX XX X X XX X X XX XX X XX XX X XX XX X XX RXX X XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX o----------o | Level B2 | o----------o - Password: EECJJ - Enemies: Drunk X 7 - This is a tough level with 7 enemies. - The drawing in the middle is of the ultimate baddie... - Auto-pop the first two baddies on the left, and then jump up to get number three as he descends (this does not allow the enemy from behind to throw bottles at you). Then head back to the ground level, and disptach all who remain to oppose you there. Having defeated all of the Drunks here, the drawing in the middle shows a charcter who looks a lot like a drunk (just a little bit different). Maybe the next room will shed some more information on this depiction... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXB2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX R XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXX XXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX X XX X X XXXXXXX XX XX XX X X XX XXXX X XX XX XX X XXXXXX XX XX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXX X XX XX XX XX XX X XX XX XXXXXXX XXXXXX XX XX XXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX X X XXXXXX XXXXXX XX XX X X XXXXXXXXX X XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XX XX M XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Super Drunk Strategy--------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- J) This section is going to review what is involved in defeating Super Drunk, his movement patterns, his attack patterns, and a map of the room to help show the strategies. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX##XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX LB LB XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Super Drunk requires 80 hits to be hurt enough to be trapped in a bubble. How do you do this you ask? Well, where the letters LB appear on the map is what you need to collect before you can hurt him (this gives power of speed shoes, green candy, and lightning bubble blowing abilities). You need to pop the lightning bubbles to throw bolts at Super Drunk, with each hit removing one number from the counter (down to 0 to trap him). Super Drunk attacks with bottles like his smaller counterparts, but he can throw multiple amounts of them in one throw (in a large arc). They can be destroyed with well aimed lightning bolts, but it is better to try and avoid them. Super Drunk also likes to crash into you killing you at a single touch. Super Drunk moves the same as a Monsta, but he ignores the small platforms in the room, and he only changes his direction (90 degree turn) when he hits a wall and/or ceiling. To do well, you must get the Lightning Bottle quickly, get down to the ground, and try to stay on the opposite side of him. Blow a bubble at ground level, hop on it, and bubble jmup while rapidly fire bubbles to build up a large number, and then pop them when you are above Super Drunk. This will cause a lot of bolts to connect with Super Drunk. An alternate is to blow numerous bubbles at ground level, and then jump into them to send them flying at your opposition when they are coming towards the ground. This baddie takes a little bit of practice, but just think of your attack like this: it is hit and run tactics that just take a little longer to chop the enemy down to size. Rememeber to get the best ending, you need to pop the Super Drunk, pause the game, and press SELECT to bring player 2 in (only if you have at least one extra dino in reserve). You did it! You have won! Enjoy the credits, read the story, and give yourself a pat on the back. But wait! What is this?!? BUT YOU ADVENTURE IS NOT OVER YET... So now you ask yourself, what does that mean? Well you are given a password BBAJI which allows you to access... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Super Bubble Bobble?!?--------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- K) Yes, whem you beat Super Drunk, it is not the true end of the game. You must use the password of BBAJI to access the game of Super Bubble Bobble. Now you may ask, what are the changes? Have they created even more levels to challenge my skills? Are there new enemies? Is your goal any different than before? Does level 57 still exist? These are all good questions, and I will try to state all of the differences. Just be warned that this might spoil the story of the second go round at the game, not to mention all of the surprises! o---------o | Changes | o---------o -Some of the enemies have been switched with another set of enemies throughout the game. The list is as follows: Zen-Chans are switched with Hidegonsus, PulPuls are switched with Monstas, Mightas are switched with Banebous, and Drunks are switched with Invaders. -The pallette for each level has been changed. -There are no new levels, but thanks to the baddies being switched around, some levels play completely different (some more difficult, some simpler). -Passwords have been changed for every level. -Super Drunk will also take more hits than before to kill. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------Final Word----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- L) As is the usual, this walkthrough is copyright property of Brian P. Sulpher, 2003. The only website, group, person, etc. to have access to post it is,,, and You must ask for permission before posting this, as doing so without consent is a violation of international copyright law. If you liked it, hated it, have anything to add, then please E-mail me at You can also contact me through MSN messenger through the same E-mail address. This game has been near and dear to my heart, and when I started my first FAQ (How To KO Tyson Everytime!!), I have wanted to do one for this game. I realized I would need to do somehting that did not exist before it, and thus the room by room guide was born. I hope it is of great use to you in your quests to save your girlfriends, and then again through the cave for your parents. I hope you enjoy this game as much as I do, and I hope you have as much fun trying to improve your skills on this simple, yet very addictive game.