************************************************** Captain Tsubasa Vol.II: Super Striker Made by TECMO Guide version 1.0 Made by EonLeader ************************************************** ******************* Table of Contents ******************* 1. Introduction 2. Controls and commands 3. Walkthrough 4. Characters and techniques 5. A description of the techniques 6. Curiosities, Tips, Tricks and Special Codes 7. Miscellaneous 8. Acknowledgements and Final Words **************** 1. Introduction: **************** Hi, this is my second guide about the Captain Tsubasa games. This time it's the second game which was made in 1990 by TECMO forthe Nintendo (NES / Famicom). In this game you follow Tsubasa Ozora's debut in Brazil with his new team, São Paulo FC, which is led by Roberto Hongo, then use the Nankatsu team and eventually use the Japanese team to go on and win the World Cup. I hope this guide will please everyone. ************************ 2. Controls and Commands: ************************ ########## Controls: ########## Directional pad: Allows you to choose your plays and move your players through the field. A button: Mainly serves to accept the plays that you have previously selected with the directional pad. Apart from the above function this button allows you to fast forward certain cutscenes besides making the referee kickoff the game. B button: Allows you leave any command you have chosen previously erroneously, besides having the function to pause the game during play. Select button: Allows you to skip some of the game cutscenes. Start button: Allows you to cancel the intro cutscene and make the start menu appear and choose between the two options you have. ######### Commands: ######### ******************* Starting the game: ******************* Kick Off: Allows access to the story mode. Continue: Allows you to continue the game from where you were using a password. When you choose this option, it brings up a screen with the Japanese alphabet with which you form a key that makes you continue the game from where you have been. The order of the letters is as follows: A Ka Sa Ta Na Ha Ma Ra Ga Za Ba Pa Ya I Ki Si Chi Ni Hi Mi Ri Gi Ji Bi Pi Yu U Ku Su Tsu Nu Hu Mu Ru Gu Zu Bu Pu Yo E Ke Se Te Ne He Me Re Ge Ze Be Pe Wa O Ko So To No Ho Mo Ro Go Zo Bo Po Enter *************** Main menu: *************** > Information: This option gives you some short information about the opponent. > Score Memo: This option will give the password of the game you're playing, giving you the opportunity to play another time. > Team Data: Team Data has several options which allow you to make a strategy against the opposing team. Now I will explain, in detail, each option of Team Data. A) Formation: A.1) 4-3-3: This formation has the distinction of having a defense with a sweeper (5) and a centreback (4). This is a formation with which one can put together a strong team in defense and attack. However it has the disadvantage of having 2 forwards very much forced to the wings (7 and 11) and therefore leaves only a single forward (9), which is not great if you need to make quick and decisive counterattacks. It must be taken into account that your number 9 will move around constantly, while other forwards will take time to take their positions. To play with this type of formation without any kind of problems, you should have two wingers with good dribbling skills who can also score from outside the area. Apart from that, you would have to have a midfielder who also have the same skills. A general recommendation for any formation is to always put players with good aerial skills as a forward, so that they can receive the ball within the area without fear of losing it against a defender. A.2) 4-4-2: This is my favorite because this formation has two strikers up front (9 and 11) without losing the balance between the midfield and defense. This formation also has the benefit of having a centreback (4) and a sweeper (5) like the 4-3-3 besides having two wide midfielders (6 and 7) on the wings, which helps for counterattacks and, last but not least, also has two central midfielders (8 and 10), which is quite helpful as they can move down the field through 1-2s. This is a perfect formation which I suggest using. For this type of formation with two strikers, I recommend that one has good aerial skills so that you can support the other if the first cannot score. A.3) 3-5-2: This formation gives a lot more control in midfield, but is very vulnerable to counterattacks from opponents. For someone who dares to play in this formation, I recommend putting the best defender in the centre. However, to me this formation is not recommended as it will never have a defense or goalkeeper that is completely safe. A.4) Brazil Type (4-3-3): This is a formation that has the peculiarity of having a forward pulled to one side (7). This formation, after the 4-4-2 is the best option to choose for a formation, since it has a defensive line with 4 players which gives enough security, 3 midfielders like the 4-3-3 formation, which is very beneficial when one is defensive, and 3 forwards of which 2 will be central while the other is at one wing where you'll have enough space for a center or to take a shot with little coverage. The small disadvantage of this formation is that the attack begins to get predictable, as it can only attack down the wing with your number 7. To override this, you should strengthen another wing with players with good skill. That way it makes your attack unpredictable. B) Defense Type: B.1) Normal Type: In this type of defense, a player who is close to the opponent who has the ball will try to mark him. The downside of this type of marking is that it is not convenient to mark with one player, because this way it will be very difficult to recover the ball. B.2) Pressing Type: With this type of defense several of your players will head immediately to an opponent who has the ball. In this type your defenders will stand still before a player past the midfield. This defensive tactic gives you defensive power and you mark your opponents quickly and continuously, preventing your opponents coming closer to your defense. As yourdefense does not leave many spaces in the back, this results in an extremely compact device. If you want excellent results with this type of defense I recommend putting stronger defenses to thereby put your rival between a good defense and midfield. The most annoying flaw that this defensive tactic has is that your defense can usually be anticipated, which may cause problems if the opponent ends with a shot in your area. Another shortcoming that this tactic has is that it makes your forwards also fulfill defensive functions, which makes it difficult to perform fast and secure counterattack, but you can solve this problem if you have an adequate formation for counterattacks, such as 4-4-2 or Brazil Type. B.3) Counter Type: This tactic makesit so when defending, your defense and midfield retreat while your forwards wait for a counterattack. Once you have the ball in your hands your midfield will regain their positions for the attack. The most advantageous factor of this defensive tactic is that your defenders will always be in your area, which helps a lot in case you fail your counterattack, as you are not weakened in defense as is the case with the defensive tactics of Pressing Type. From my point of view, this strategy is the best one, since you use it against teams that always seek to directly confront your goalkeeper, or teams that always seek aerial shots in your area. C) Change: This allows you to make changes in your lineup. When we play with clubs, we can only change the positions of the players we have. However, when you play with Japan you have substitutes who you may use. D) Level: This allows you to see the level of your players and their skills and special techniques if they possess any. When you enter this menu, you can see a list of the names of your players with the guts that they have at that moment. When you have selected one of your players a screen will appear in which you see the maximum guts and level of your player as well as their skills in different situations such as when the ball is on the ground, or in the air, measured in numbers. If your player has special techniques then you can see the name and guts of each by pressing A. E) End: Exit Team Data. > Kick Off: This option allows you to start the game. ***************** During the game: ***************** During a game you can see white and blue numbers on a map of the field. White numbers correspond to our players while blue corresponds to opposing players. The player with the ball in his possession is represented on the field by a ball. When the opponent has the ball in his possession, one of the numbers of your players has a silvery glow. That number corresponds to the player who you can move to make the player do what you want. If you want to change the number of the player, to the player on our team closest to the opponent with the ball, just press the A button when you want a player number that's higher, or the B button if you want it a player number that's lower. -------------------- Basic movements: -------------------- A) player with possession of the ball (Free or marked) Pass: "Left" Allows you to direct the ball to any part of the game you desire. You don't necessarily have to use this technique to give accurate passes, but care must be taken if you want to perform deep passes since you may end up giving the ball back to a player of the opposing team. One-Two: "Down" Allows you to make a 1-2 that is a combination of passes. For this it is essential that there is a player close by to perform this, otherwise a message explains that you can't do this and you should try another play. This move is important because with it you can avoid being marked and possibly losing the ball. To avoid unwanted markers, you have to do it close to your marker, but without being marked. Then use a 1-2. Remember that there should be a close player out of the way of your marker or markers so they can't intercept the 1-2 either. This requires 60 guts. Dribble: "Up" If you are being marked by one or more players, this command will allow you to dribble past those markers. If you are unmarked this command allows your player to keep moving around the field. Shoot: "Right" Allows you to make a shot towards goal. If the shot has been made in your own half, then the ball fails to reach the goal. For this reason shots must be done in the opponent's half if you want to get good results. This requires 80 guts. Note: Special shots always reach the goal regardless of the position they've been used. B) Marking a rival player Tackle: "Up" Allows you to take the ball from an opponent with a tackle. Pass Cut: "Left" Allows you to intercept a pass which your opponent has used. Block: "Right" Allows you to block any opponent's move, especially shooting towards your goal. Do not move: "Down" This option makes the opponent continue its movement in the field without you losing your marking. Seemingly, this move makes no sense whatsoever, but letting the opponent move makes it possible that you can mark him with more players and thus have more chances at taking the ball. This command also allows you to rest players who have insufficient guts. C) Receiving the ball in the opponent's area low down: Pass: "Left" Allows you to direct the ball to any part of the game you desire. Trap: "Up" Allows you to bring the ball down for a move on the ground. Shoot: "Right" Allows you to use a volley, or use a special that can be done with the ball at low height. This requires 90 guts. Through: "Down" Allows you to pass the ball through a dummy. By selecting this move, the field map appears, showing the direction that the ball will go in case we use it. If the ball is going to a teammate then using it is possible, but if not you should think of another move. This move is important because when you use it, the opposing goalkeeper is unbalanced for a short period of time which can be exploited, since putting the goalie in that state makes it easier to score a goal. D) Receiving the ball in the opponent's area high up: Pass: "Left" Allows you to direct the ball to any part of the game you desire. Trap: "Up" Allows you to bring the ball down for a move on the ground. Shoot: "Right" Allows you to use a header, or use a special that can be done with the ball at high height. This requires 90 guts. Through: "Down" Allows you to pass the ball through a dummy. By selecting this move, the field map appears, showing the direction that the ball will go in case we use it. If the ball is going to a teammate then using it is possible, but if not you should think of another move. This move is important because when you use it, the opposing goalkeeper is unbalanced for a short period of time which can be exploited, since putting the goalie in that state makes it easier to score a goal. E) In your own area on the ball: Pass: "Left" Allows you to direct the ball to any part of the game you desire. Trap: "Up / Down" Allows you to bring the ball down for a move on the ground. Clear: "Right" Allows you to clear the ball. Be very careful with this move because while clearing, the ball can fall into the hands of one of our players or possibly go out of play or to an opposing player. However, this play is sometimes necessary when someone is marked in the air by an opposing player. F) Marking in your own area Pass Cut: "Left" Allows you to intercept a pass that the opponent makes. Do not move: "Down" This option takes your players out of the play. Unlike the command on the ground, this move is unwise, since the opponent will have your goal at his mercy. Clear: "Right" Allows you to clear the ball and avert the danger from your goal. Follow: "Up" This option makes your player approach the opposing player and wait for him to trap the ball. If the player of the opposing team then decides to trap the ball, your player will mark him immediately. Otherwise your player simply does nothing. G) Marking in the opponent's area Pass Cut: "Left" With this option you can intercept passes made by the opponent. Press: "Right" This command allows you to hinder the opponent player by deflecting the ball with your chest to another part of the field. It's worth mentioning that it's possible that you can deflect it to one of your players, but it's also possible that the ball goes out of play or goes to another player on the opposing team. Either way, this is a play that is highly recommended. Do not Move: "Up / Down" This option does not perform any marking on the opponent player. H) Goalkeeper in the air: Jump: "Up" Makes your goalkeeper jump out at an opposing player. With this move it is possible that your goal gets left unguarded, thus making you likely to concede a goal, so I recommend using this play when you are sure your goalkeeper can get the ball from the opponent he's marking. Stay in goal: "Left / Right" This option makes your goalkeeper wait in his goal when marking the player of the opposing team. I) Goalkeeper 1-on-1: Dribble stop: "Up" Makes your goalkeeper mark the opponent player's attempt to dribble. Shot stop: "Left / Right" Makes your goalkeeper mark the opponent player's attempt to shoot at goal. Note: Be very careful what you choose because if you choose wrong then it will be a sure goal for the opponent. There is also the possibility that the ball flies away with both of the commands, which will leave your goal unguarded. As you progress through the game, even guessing correctly what the opponent does won't work. This is because your goalkeeper has a much lower level relative to the opponents you face. Similarly, if your keeper has a much higher level, then they can easily get the ball even if you have not guessed the correct play. J) Goalkeeper against shot: Catch: "Left / Right" Allows you to catch the ball with your hands. Punch: "Up" Allows you to clear the ball with his fists. The clearance may not necessarily fall to one of your players. It may go out of play, or to fall to one of your opponents, but this play is more effective than catching the ball. Sankakutobi: "Down" (Ken Wakashimazu only) Ken Wakashimazu's special technique that involves taking momentum from one of the goalposts to be more likely to save an opponent's shot. ########################### Commands out of play: ########################### A) What to do?: Each time you stop play, these two options appear on the screen. The first is called 'Return to the game' while the second is called 'Changing the Team Data'. Return to the game: This option allows you to continue with the game. Changing the Team Data: Allows you to enter the Team Data. At halftime the menu also appears, but with the options in reverse order, ie. first will be 'Changing the Team Data' and then 'Return to the game'. B) Penalty Kick: In the case of an opposing players committing a foul in the area then a menu appears in which you have to choose the player who takes the penalty kick. After we have chosen the player a menu appears called 'Where to shoot?'. This allows you to choose between three directions to place your shot. After choosing the direction, simply press the A button. The options are: Center: "Up / Down" Allows you to kick toward the center of the goal. Left: "Left" Allows you to kick to the left. Right: "Right" Allows you to kick right. When we have fouled the opponent in the area then the menu appears asking 'Where to jump?'. This menu has the same options as 'Where to shoot?'. Center: "Up / Down" Allows you to jump to the center of the goal. Left: "Left" Allows you to jump left. Right: "Right" Allows you to jump to the right. When a game goes to penalties, a menu appears on-screen where you have to pick five players in your lineup for the penalty shootout. Once you have chosen your five players the menu 'Where to jump?' appears so we can choose the side to which we want our goalkeeper to jump, then the menu 'Where to shoot?' appears, to choose the direction where we want to shoot, and so on until one team misses more shots than the other. If the scores are equal after five penalties each, then the penalty shootout will continue with players who we have not chosen until someone takes an advantage of one goal. C) Free Kick: When you have been fouled far away from goal you only have the option to send a pass to who you want. But when you have been fouled near the penalty area then you have the opportunity to execute a direct free kick. Then if you have been fouled then the menu will appear in which you must choose one of your players to take the free kick. After we have chosen the player who takes the free kick a menu appears in which the two options are: No Change: If you choose this first command you then immediately go to choosing what to do with the free kick. Change: If we choose this second option then another menu appears which has two other options which are: Change: This option lets you select one of your players and place them in the position you want. When you move your players I'll give the following recommendations: When your team is performing a free kick: - If you're going to pass to a player to score a goal, place him somewhere he won't be marked. - An elaborate play that I use is one where I place one of my forwards in front of goal, then I place another player in a corner of the opposing team's area. Once you've done that, give the ball to the player on the corner, then immediately pass the ball to the forward in front of goal. This way the goalkeeper can't mark you when you shoot on goal, or go 1-on-1. - Locate your defenders so that they can be on the lookout for a counterattack from opponents. End: Allows you to exit the menu to immediately choose your command. When the free-kick is ready there will be two options to do, which are giving a pass to a teammate or firing a direct shot. If you chose to shoot then a menu appears in which you can choose the direction of your shot. The options to choose are: Left: "Left" Allows you to shoot the ball to the left side. Right: "Right" Allows you to shoot the ball to the right side. If it is the other team who takes the free kick then a menu appears which has the same options. The options to choose are: Left: "Left" Allows you to cover the left side. Right: "Right" Allows you to cover the right side. When you're taking the free kick and the opponent does not guess the direction in which we shot, then our shot passes the wall. Otherwise one player in the wall gets in the way of the shot. If the shot is very strong the defender will slow it down but if not, the defender will stop it easily. If you are on the defensive and you guess the direction of the shot then you can stop the shot or at least reduce its power, but if we have not guessed the direction then the shot will evade your wall. D) Corner Kick: When you have the opportunity to take a corner an option appears in which a player must be chosen to take it. Thereafter, as in the free kick menu, you can move your players at your leisure. When you use the change menu I recommend you do the following: When the opponent is taking the corner: - Put your best air markers next to the most dangerous players on the opposing team who are within your area. - They must be located with your best blocking defenders in a vertical line to your goal, so they can deflect or at least slow down a possible direct shot from the corner. - You must locate an effective striker in the penalty area so that when you have the opportunity to counter, that player can get to the opponent's goal without problems. When you're the one that take the corner: - You must locate the attacker you want to use in a position which does not have any markers. - A number of defenders should be located around the forwards of the opposing team who are closer to our goal. This way you can avoid a catastrophe in the event that the opponent tries a counterattack. When you go to take the corner, you only you have two options, which are to give a pass to a teammate or shoot directly toward the goal and try for an 'Olympic goal'. ************ 3. Walkthrough: ************ ############## Brazil Rio Cup ############## > Lineup of São Paulo: GK Renato 02-Lima 03-Marini 04-Amaral 05-Doutor 06-Batista 07-Tahamata 08-Babington 09-Gil 10-Tsubasa 11-Platão > Tips for this league: The most important players you have on your team are: Amaral, Doutor, Babington, Gil and Tsubasa. These players have to be used to the max in every game so that they can increase their level continuously so that they may be useful in the final stages of the league. Amaral is a defender with a good ability to mark both on the ground and in the air, besides having a good header which can serve much help at key moments in some games. Doutor is another good defender who, like Amaral, has good skills to mark both on the ground and in the air, besides having a good volley shot which can be very helpful in some games. I recommend that you use Doutor and Amaral's attack skills when you have an opportunity to perform an action when the ball goes out of play. Place them as forwards when your attackers need some guts. When opponents try an aerial move you should use the Clear command. It will work best we even until the final stages of the tournament. I recommend you use Counter defensive tactics so that you can keep your defenders inside the area and so give them a defensive mark in the air. Furthermore, as the Counter defensive tactic makes your forwards and wingers perform the same function as the Press defense, you can cause mistakes in the opponent team in midfield, making for the simplest counterattacks. When the opposing team has a forward as its main star, use the Counter defensive strategy since usually they leave your midfielders behind when they have the ball. The Press defensive strategy will be useful only for games where the opposing team has some stars with aerial shots, as usually this kind of team will only pass the ball to their forward at the last moment. These tips not only apply to the Rio Cup, but for the whole game, so always keep these in mind. Babington's a good player whose virtues are having good passing ability, dribbling and volleys. This makes this player one of the most important in the team. Gil is a player who is mostly low-skilled, but he has two skills that are very important to the team, which are his volleys and headers which can cause problems for the opponent's goalies. Tsubasa is the player who has the highest skills of the team and is therefore the most important Tsubasa has very good special techniques, such as Drive Shoot, which is a shot can score easily to most goalkeepers in the league, Heel Lift, which is a dribble with which you can dribble past any player including the goalkeeper, and an Overhead Kick aerial shot with little expenditure of guts which will be very effective on many occasions. From the start, I recommend that you use this player as a striker instead of a midfielder because in many situations you need him in that position. Although at times your goalkeeper can have some miraculous performances, you must'nt trust him as he is a largely mediocre goalkeeper. The remaining players on the team will be nothing but pawns. That means you should not trust them. Pass the ball quickly with them and do not lose it foolishly. > São Paulo vs. Fluminense Special players: None Strategy: This first game is very easy and you won't have many problems getting a positive result. This game will help us more than anything to learn the game, so just dedicate yourself to completely dominating the game because the next game will not be so easy to win like this. > São Paulo vs. Corinthians Special players: 10-Riberio: Banana Shoot 09-Satrústegui: Dynamite Head Strategy: In this game you will face two very dangerous players who can score very easily with their special techniques. The first is the forward, Satrústegui, who seeks to get into your area by using 1-2s and then finish with a volley or uses his powerful Dynamite Head which is difficult (although not impossible) for our goalkeeper to stop. The second but no less dangerous is the midfielder Riberio who has a special shot called Banana Shoot, which is very difficult to stop but not as much as the Dynamite Head of Satrústegui. Their plays on ball center around Riberio who will look to shoot his Banana Shoot directly or enable his teammate Satrústegui to try an aerial shot. You must prevent opposing players marking you, especially Riberio who is very good at intercepting passes. In this match I recommend that you use Press Type defense so that you can exert strong pressure on the midfield and thereby prevent the ball reaching the feet of Corinthians most dangerous players. To score you will not have many problems as Corinthians' goalkeeper is quite mediocre. Rather, you have to be careful not to waste your guts. You must take into account the following considerations: There is no need to use either the Drive Shoot or Overhead Kick in this game so I find it best not to use these techniques unless the situation requires. With Tsubasa you can simply perform simple aerial shots, say volleys and headers. You can also go 1-on-1 with the opposing goalkeeper, then try to dribble or shoot at close range to the goal, always using simple techniques. You can use the Heel Lift against the opposing goalkeeper, but really it's unnecessary because it's enough just to use a normal dribble, although you can use this special technique to ensure the first goal and take the lead. Babington can win the 1-on-1 by dribbling and can also beat the goalkeeper with a close range shot. This player can also score without difficulty using his volley shot. Gil can score to Corinthians' goalkeeper using his air shots or shooting from close range. You can also score with the header of Amaral or Doutor's volley. You can use these two when the ball goes out of play or you can also use one of them as an attacker because they themselves are better finishers than Gil or Babington. When the match ends, a cutscene is shown where the goalkeeper of Gremio challenges Tsubasa and beats him by catching his special shot, Drive Shoot. > São Paulo vs. Gremio Special players: 09-Da Silva GK-Claudio Meão Strategy: The first thing you should know before playing this game is that Tsubasa's Drive Shoot will not work against Gremio goalkeeper Claudio Meão. That's why I recommend you don't use this shot throughout the match, unless you use it in 1-on-1s with the goalkeeper. During the game Meão will be shown as unbeatable to any shot you make. For that reason I advise you not to use Tsubasa to finish off the goal because all you will accomplish is wasting your guts. After shooting 2 or 3 times a cutscene appears in which Tsubasa learns a new special technique called Drive Overhead Kick, which gets past Meão. Thus, you score an automatic goal in your favor. Before this automatic goal cutscene the only way to score will be going 1-on-1 with the rival goalkeeper. After the automatic goal cutscene we can beat Meão with any of Tsubasa's specials, except Drive Shoot, of course. To avoid wasting guts with shots on goal you can try to dribble past the goalkeeper with Tsubasa's Heel Lift. This is a play that you have to use many times when you face a very powerful goalkeeper. Drive Shoot can work only if you go 1-on-1 with the goalkeeper. This applies throughout the game, that is, before and after the automatic goal cutscene. You may also use Gil's aerial shots, Babington's or Doutor's volley and headers by Amaral. Obviously these will be more effective after the automatic goal cutscene. Another very important opponent player is striker Da Silva, who does not possess any special techniques. However, he's very dangerous with his dribble and volley shots or headers. For this reason you should prevent the ball from reaching this great Uruguayan player. Bear in mind that the new special Tsubasa gets spends 320 guts so it is better not to use it throughout the league. At the end of this match, we see, talking with Carlos Santana, a mysterious character... > São Paulo vs. Palmeiras Special players: 11-Ney: Kieru Feint and Booster Shoot (in combination with Toninho) 09-Toninho: Drive Shoot Strategy: Palmeiras has in its ranks two good players: Toninho and Ney. Toninho is a striker who has the same special shot as Tsubasa, Drive Shoot, which he does not hesitate to use as soon as he is near your goal. The other danger with Palmeiras is Ney, a player who uses his special dribble called Kieru Feint to advance through the field without anybody stopping him. Beyond that he also has a special shot in combination with Toninho called Booster Shoot which will be a lot to handle for our goalkeeper. Ney is the centre of most of Palmeiras' plays, and he'll look to shoot himself with Booster Shoot or enable teammate Toninho to shoot. Scoring methods remain the same as in the match against Corinthians. Our goalie can stop special shots from Ney and Toninho providing one or more of our defenders slows the ball down before it reaches your goal. If Palmeiras players start looking for an air shot then you should try to have as many players in your area in order to win the aerial duel using the Clear command. > São Paulo vs. Santos Special players: 09-Zagallo: Double Eel and Goin na Dribble 04-Dilceu: Cannon Head, Power Block and Power Tackle Strategy: Santos is a team that has two very special players who will be dangerous, Zagallo and Dilceu. Zagallo is a player who has two very strong special techniques. One is Goin na Dribble, which is a powerful dribble that tries to blow away markers. The other is the Double Eel technique which is a strong zigzag shot. It will be impossible to stop. Dilceu is the other major player of Santos. His job is to protect the defense of his team with his Power Block and Power Tackle, but that's not the only thing. If the opponent is on the offensive he will join the attack to use his Cannon Head which is a powerful header and which is virtually a certain goal. Zagallo is also responsible for implementing corner kicks. There he may shoot towards goal or pass to teammate Dilceu, so be careful with both of them. If the opposing team has a corner, I suggest to you place Doutor and Amarau to mark Dilceu. Take Lima, Marini, Batista, Tahamata and Platão and place them in a line across goal. If Zagallo shoots you can slow down his shot this way. To score we can keep using the same method as in the previous games. Unlike the previous game, the other players will cause problems, which is why you should not try to get past markers, but rather attempt to move with passes and 1-2s, always making sure the opponent can't touch the ball. > São Paulo vs. Flamengo Special players: 10-Carlos Santana: Overhead Kick, Mirage Shoot and Bunshin Dribble 06-Santamaria: Banana Shoot 02-Getúlio: Drive Shoot Strategy: This is the most difficult game up to now and here we face the "Soccer Cyborg" Carlos Santana, who does not compare at all with the players we saw earlier. Carlos Santana is the most important player in Brazil, for he has dangerous special techniques such as Bunshin Dribble and Mirage Shoot which will wreak havoc with your team. The first technique is an unstoppable dribble in which he moves so fast, he seems to multiply The other techniques is its Mirage Shot, which is an amazing shot where the ball appears to multiply due to its enormous speed. Besides these techniques he also has the Overhead Kick which he strives to use when he has the chance. Santana will be in charge of free kicks when we foul them close to our goal. He will always use his shot and you can not do anything to stop it. Another important player is Santamaria who is the axis in the midfield, one of his main functions is to send passes to Santana. He will also be in charge of corner kicks where he will use his Banana Shoot, which will be quite effective against us. The last major player in Flamengo is Getúlio who is a fullback playing up and down the wing. You must be very careful with him because if he has the ball he can use his Drive Shoot, causing you many problems. If you want to win the match, you must not worry about Flamengo's goals because at some point they will fail. But you can't afford that luxury, so make sure you score with Tsubasa's powerful shots then secure the ball until the end of the game so that you get the win. When you defend yourselves you have to try to take the the ball from Flamengo in midfield, preventing the ball reaching Santana or Santamaria in any way. Always use the Clear command if a player marks Flamengo in the air, so you can clear the ball and start a counterattack. ###################################### National Championships: ###################################### > Lineup of Nankatsu: GK- Yuzo Morisaki 02- Takeshi Kishida 03- Shingo Takasugi 04- Ryô Ishizaki 05- Masao Nakayama 06- Hanji Urabe 07- Mamoru Izawa 08- Hajime Taki 09- Shun Nitta 10- Tarô Misaki 11- Teppei Kisugi > Advice for this league: Misaki is the captain and best player on the team. He has only two special techniques, Overhead Kick and Jumping Volley Shoot which are very effective, especially the latter. This player's air shooting skills are very good. Despite not having a special dribble, we can trust in his normal dribble which is quite good. Also, he has a good tackle and pass intercept. It would be great to have this player on the front accompanying Nitta. Nitta is the main striker of Nankatsu, due to his good header and volley. The latter will be increased with his special technique, Hayabusa Volley Shoot, which is a variant of Hayabusa Shoot which is made on the floor, unlike its improved version. Ishizaki would be ordinary but for his special technique called Ganmen Block, with which he can stop any shot with his Face. This technique is hugely effective. The bad thing is, Ganmen Block is only usable on the ground and also spends a lot of guts. Use it only when you're sure you're in imminent danger. The other players I can highlight who have skills are Izawa, who functions as the team axis besides having a good header. Taki is also quite decent with a good dribble, and Kisugi has aerial shots that can help us. In addition to Ishizaki in defense we also have Takasugi who can help in of protecting our goal, which is a headache to protect as you have a very weak goalkeeper who can barely stop shots from common players on the opposing team. To score, just trust Misaki and Nitta until you take a substantial advantage. After that, defend with everyone using Press to steal the ball. That will later help in retaining the ball. Take your time and end with another shot from Misaki or Nitta and you'll be good in this league. Avoid being marked because you may lose the ball. By now the opponents will have a level above yours, which is why you must keep the ball as much as possible. Another thing I suggest is you use the Clear command every time you mark an opponent in the air so you can start several counterattacks. Nankatsu vs. Kunimi Special players: 09-Mitsuru Sano: Overhead Kick 04-Hiroshi Jito: Power Block, Power Tackle, Goin na Dribble and Sano to no Combi Play (Combination with Sano) Strategy: This match will not be easy because Kunimi features two very good players. They are Hiroshi Jito, who is a very powerful defender, and Mitsuru Sano, who is an elusive striker. Jito will be a defender who is very difficult to pass, even with Misaki. Make sure you don't get close to him. But that's not the only thing. He makes for a good defense, but also adds to the attack when the situation demands. At that moment he does not hesitate to use his special technique called Sano to no Combi Play, which is a shot in combination with his teammate Sano, which will be very effective against us. The truth is that with this goalkeeper there nothing you can do. Another technique this player has is Goin na Dribble with which he blows away anyone who crosses his path. The other major player is Mitsuru Sano who will be very dangerous with his dribbling and aerial shots, especially with Overhead Kick. Sano will be responsible for performing corner kicks, where in general he'll direct the ball to his friend Jito to shoot it. Try to keep Ishizaki close to Jito always to block its shot with Ganmen Block. Besides this, attempt to keep multiple players in your area to hinder the movements of Sano. When attacking, do it rationally with Misaki and Nitta. Remember they are the centre of your team and are more secure on the ball. Do not use long passes, play from behind to then with short, accurate passes to get to the goal and finish with special shots from Misaki and Nitta. This advice will serve you well throughout the league. Also do not forget to use the Clear command every time you mark the opposing players in the air. Nankatsu vs. Akita Special players: 11-Kazuo Tachibana: Skylab Hurricane, Skylab Tackle, Skylab Block, Skylab Passcut, Gemini Attack and Twin Shoot (All these special techniques are performed in combination with brother Masao) 9-Masao Tachibana: Skylab Hurricane, Skylab Tackle, Skylab Block, Skylab Passcut, Gemini Attack and Twin Shoot (All these special techniques are performed in combination with brother Kazuo) Strategy: This match is either more or less difficult, but it can reach become a real headache when the Tachibana brothers use their combination of passes called Gemini Attack. They have a quick and easy way towards our goal to then use a Twin Shoot or Skylab Hurricane which are unstoppable for our goalkeeper. But that's not the only problem. These brothers also have defensive plays. You must both avoid their marking and keep your passes away from them. To avoid these headaches, you have to make it very hard for Akita's defenders and midfielders so that the ball doesn't get to the Tachibana brothers. For this, Press and Counter defensive tactics will help you a lot. If the brothers get to your area with the ball in the air all you have to do is use the Clear command. If at least one player marks them in the air, you might well get to divert the odd shot. To get goals you will not have many problems, only use the special shots of Misaki and Nitta near the goal. If the ball comes into the possession of the brothers, there is nothing you can really do. But they will make mistakes which you should take advantage of. Don't go straight on the attack, strike rather slowly but effectively. Don't forget that opponents have infinite energy while ours is limited. Nankatsu vs. Tatsunami Special players: 04-Makoto Soda: Kamisori Tackle and Kamisori Shoot GK-Taichi Nakanishi Strategy: The Tatsunami is a team with two players and one star. First is the goalkeeper Nakanishi who can be overcome easily with special aerial shots from Misaki and Nitta. Another effective way to beat Nakanishi is using the Hayabusa Shoot of Nitta 1-on-1. You can also try to dribble with, Misaki although this second way is less effective, but can at least cause a rebound for another player to shoot from without the goalkeeper bothering you. The most dangerous player is Tatsunami defender Makoto Soda, who will be very difficult to pass, as this player has a tackle called Kamisori Tackle, with which we can get the ball. You must prevent him marking you. Makoto Soda also has a special shot called Kamisori Shoot which will cause you many problems, especially when he steps into attack when his team has the ball. Also he tends to use it at free and corner kicks. All you have to do to win this game is to prevent Soda attacking. For that, keep the ball throughout the game ensuring that the opposing team can't do anything about it. Only attack when necessary. Nankatsu vs. Musashi Special players: 10-Jun Misugi (2nd half): Hyper Overhead Kick Strategy: When beginning the game Musashi will not have any special players. However some players are quite skilled and not to be underestimated. You must attack all-out from the start without giving any opportunity for the opponent to react. It would be of much help if the end of the first half you had at least two goals. Only use the Hayabusa Volley Shoot of Nitta or the Jumping Volley Shoot of Misaki because the goalkeeper Musashi is notso easy to score against. You can also try to dribble round the goalkeeper with Misaki or use Hayabusa Shoot with Nitta. These moves are somewhat risky but at least you can try to force a rebound and thus leave the goal totally unguarded. In the second half Jun Misugi will come on. He is an extraordinary player who can do with you whatever he wants. It is for this reason that in the first half you must have taken a good advantage on the scoreboard. To top it off, Misugi has a special technique called Hyper Overhead Kick which is unstoppable. Really, anything that this excellent player does will be terrible for you. As I warned, it is best to get an advantage of at least two goals so you can take the second half more calmly and you can get a certain victory. If you're level at the end of the first half, you can still save the game. However, you'd likely have no choice but to time your attacks throughout the match to finally score at the last second. Nankatsu vs. Furano Special players: 10-Hikaru Matsuyama: Nadare Kôgeki, Eagle Shot and Overhead Kick Strategy: Here things get tough as making his appearance is Hikaru Matsuyama, who is a very good player, and not only that but the other players will also cause us problems. Matsuyama has the ability to make him and his teammates move at high speed with his exclusive to Furano special called Nadare Kôgeki, but that is not all you have to worry about as Matsuyama has two special techniques. One is the Overhead Kick, and another is the special shot called Eagle Shot with which he can score from any position, without you being able to do anything about it. For how dangerous he can be, it is of utmost importance that Ishizaki is always this close enough to Matsuyama to mark him and use the Ganmen Block to prevent the Eagle Shot causing problems with your goalie. Another important thing is that the goalkeeper of Furano is difficult to beat. only uses the Hayabusa Volley of Nitta and the Overhead Kick or Jumping Volley of Misaki until you have a certain advantage. Then you can try the Hayabusa Shoot of Nitta or the dribble of Misaki in a 1-on-1. If things are getting intense for your team, try and make time and avoid their players. That way you won't suffer as much. Nankatsu vs. Toho Special players: 10-Kazuki Sorimachi 09-Kojiro Hyuga: Tiger Shot, Neo Tiger Shot, Overhead Kick, Tiger Tackle, Goin na Dribble and Toho Combi 06-Takeshi Sawada: Toho Combi GK-Ken Wakashimazu: Sankakutobi Catch Strategy: This is the end of the Japanese tournament and as such it will be difficult to get the victory. In truth, I do not blame people who at this point lose games to raise the level of their players. But that is not my style. So, I'll give you some tips that I hope will keep you unbeaten after this meeting. Hyuuga is a striker with lethal shots so you should make sure the ball never reaches him. To do so I recommend the Press tactics. If he gets the ball in his power, mark him with multiple players and try and stop his Goin na Dribble. However, if he gets near your area, that effort will be wasted as Hyuuga is able to destroy your defense and goalkeeper with his Tiger Shot and Neo Tiger Shot. Hyuuga and Sawada have a combination of passes called Toho Combi which is a serious problem because this way he prevents you marking him and also quickly reaches your area. Sorimachi is a striker who does not possess any special techniques but is very dangerous with his volleys and headers so we have to be very careful with him. Wakashimazu, the goalkeeper, can be overcome with the special volleys of Misaki and Nitta. It's also possible to beat him with Hayabusa Shoot from Nitta or Misaki dribble in 1-on-1. But you must be very sparing with the guts of these players. When you have the ball and are attacking, send the ball backwards and analyze the opponent's movements, and then make short and precise passes that finally finish with a goal. The use of 1-2s is important because this way you can avoid unwanted markers or losing the ball in case you are marked. Making time is fundamental to this game because not only does it helps burn minutes, but it can also maintain the result for for and refill your main players with guts again to make another attack. I recommend that when you have a superior opponent, you progress down the wing and then pass into the opponent's area. The last four tips are very important not only for this game, but for those coming afterwards. ######### Japan Cup ######### > Advice for this league: Basically you have to play just like you did in the Rio Cup. However, this time the only player who will get goals is captain Tsubasa Ozora. São Paulo vs. AS Roma Special players: 09-Lampion: Rocket Head Strategy: Unlike Rio Cup matches, in these games you can only use Tsubasa to score goals for your team so you must be very careful with his guts. The only dangerous player for Roma is Italian striker Lampion who has a superb special header called the Rocket Head, which can rack up goals very easily, so prevent the ball from getting to him, else he will seek to perform aerial moves through 1-2s. You can try to prevent aerial attacks by marking Lampion with several players in the area. You should located two or three players on the penalty spot, preferably Amaral and Doutor. I think with the experience you've gained so far, and using the tips from previous matches, I doubt you'll have problems winning this game. São Paulo vs. Uruguay Special players: 11-Ramón Victorino: Overhead Kick 09-Da Silva Strategy: Here you face the Uruguayan team. This team has Da Silva who we already faced in the Rio Cup. However, the greatest danger is not him but Ramón Victorino with his volleys and Overhead Kick. He can be a real pain. Mark him heavily with Doutor and Amaral but do not neglect Da Silva. If anything with his volleys and headers he can also chalk up several goals. Uruguay's goalkeeper is sometimes hard to beat, so use only Tsubasa, his effectiveness is very important. Do not forget to mark the defenders and midfielders since this is how you keep them on the defensive and ensures the forwards have no chance to receive the ball. São Paulo vs. Hamburg SV Special players: 10-Hermann Kaltz: Harinezumi Dribble 07-Theodor Kapellomann: Sidewinder 06-Metza: Top Spin Pass GK-Genzo Wakabayashi Strategy: This match is very complicated because Hamburg has several excellent players. One of them is the Teutonic forward Theodor Kapellomann, who incessantly attacks down the wing. He has the zigzagging special called Sidewinder shot which he uses at corner kicks and when on the attack. Kaltz is the axis player on the team and has a special dribble called Harinezumi Dribble, which is difficult to stop even if we use Tsubasa, Doutor or Amarau. You can only stop him if you're lucky. Metza will send passes deep with his Top Spin Pass so try to get the ball off him before he performs one of these terrifying deep passes. Finally, we have Wakabayashi who is an extremely difficult goalkeeper to overcome, so much so that he can even stop the Drive Overhead Kick of Tsubasa. To score against Wakabayashi without wasting your guts you can try dribbling round him with Heel Lift or use Drive Shoot in a 1-on-1. Another option to score is giving the ball to any player in the the area and using the Through command to dislodge the goalkeeper. Since Tsubasa is the only player who can score, make it so when you use the Through command for the last time, the ball is going to him. In this game you must use all the knowledge from your previous matches, such as always using the Clear command when you mark in the air, make time, use Press tactics to steal the ball in midfield and attack on the wing. Using this to your advantage, you can win this difficult match. São Paulo vs. Japan Special players: 11-Shun Nitta (1st half): Hayabusa Shoot, Hayabusa Volley Shoot. 11-Jun Misugi (2nd half): Hyper Overhead Kick 10-Tarô Misaki: Jumping Volley Shoot, Overhead Kick 09-Kojiro Hyuga: Tiger Shot, Neo Tiger Shot, Overhead Kick, Goin na Dribble, Tiger Tackle 08-Kazuo Tachibana: Twin Shoot, Skylab Hurricane, Skylab Tackle, Skylab Passcut, Skylab Block, Gemini Attack, Skylab Twin Shoot 07-Masao Tachibana: Twin Shoot, Skylab Hurricane, Skylab Tackle, Skylab Passcut, Skylab Block, Gemini Attack, Skylab Twin Shoot 06-Mitsuru Sano: Overhead Kick 05-Hikaru Matsuyama: Eagle Shot, Overhead Kick 04-Ryô Ishizaki: Ganmen Block 03-Makoto Soda: Kamisori Shoot, Kamisori Pass, Kamisori Tackle. 02-Hiroshi Jito: Goin na Dribble, Power Tackle, Power Block, Sano to no Combi Play GK-Ken Wakashimazu: Sankakutobi Catch Strategy: The special shots of the Japanese team will be very complicated to contain and the only way to save one is if a player slows down the ball before it reaches the goal. Usually Soda, Jito, Matsuyama and other try to score from afar every time they have the ball, but if the shot is in the way of Tsubasa, Doutor and Amarau can sometimes deflect the ball. Renato may stop any of these defenders' shots but this will only happen in the event that the shot in question has been slowed down by one or more of your players. The Tachibana brothers always use their Skylab Twin Shoot which is a shot by the twins together with Hiroshi Jito. It will be impossible to stop. Moreover, Hyuuga also looks to score many goals using special shots. The remaining players will find themselves in a situation wondering which is the best in this repertoire to use. Do not forget to use the Clear command each time you mark an opponent in the air, because this way, sooner or later you end up with the ball and so you can start a counterattack which must end with your star player, Tsubasa Ozora. I suggest in this game you use the Counter defensive strategy so you can steal the ball in the opponent's midfield and so you always have your defense well positioned in your area in search of an opportunity to retrieve the ball. To beat Wakashimazu without wasting your guts, try the Heel Lift dribble or the Drive Shoot as close as possible to the rival goal or 1-on-1. ####################### Asian qualifiers ####################### Advice for playing with Japan: When you start to play with the Japanese team, you must always have Genzo Wakabayashi as goalkeeper because he is the only goalkeeper we will use till the final stages, and you must raise his level and get used to him while we are at this stage. In the Asian qualifiers you will find no very powerful goalkeepers, but still it's better to use powerful shots such as SkyLab Twin Shoot with the Tachibana brothers, Hyper Overhead Kick with Misugi, Jumping Volley Shoot with Misaki, Twin Shoot with Misaki or Tsubasa, Drive Overhead Kick with Tsubasa, Hyuga's Neo Tiger Shot, Matsuyama's Eagle Shot and Nitta's Hayabusa Volley Shoot. In general, if we face a difficult goalkeeper, try to dribble past him with Tsubasa's Heel Lift or perform a special shot in 1-on-1 with Tsubasa, Hyuuga or Matsuyama. Take into account the power of the goalkeeper who you face. In the Asian qualifiers you have to get used to using Kamisori Pass with Soda to spare the trouble and risk of the opponent intercepting the ball. The best defensive tactics that can be used is Press so you can mark opposing players with several players. Avoid being marked by opponents because you will lose. Unbalancing goalkeepers using the Through command facilitates you a lot, but just make sure there is no risk of giving the ball away when you use the command. You'd better get used to using Jun Misugi throughout the game. Remember that he spends 5 guts per move, unlike others who use 3 guts per move. This player will have 0 guts for the next if he ends a game with less than 100 guts. If you want to use him throughout the game, use him as a forward but only use Misugi to score once. After that, place him as a central defender. In this position he will help because he has quite good marking skills both on the ground and in the air. Whenever your usual scorers are tired, put Misugi as an attacker again, but again, I remind you not to abuse him, because you won't be able to use this great player next time you play. Aside from these tips, I will teach you a bug that will be very useful to you from now onwards. To use it, you have to place Tsubasa or Misaki at any point on the very end of the opponent's half, with the exception of the small area where the opposing goalie appears to be. Afterwards, next to that area, use the special 1-2, Golden Combi. Once you do, you'll no longer be in the opponent's half but will appear on the end of your own half instead. This bug can be used to burn minutes if you require. Later on you'll encounter very difficult teams to beat and this can help you a lot. Preferably use this bug only with Misaki because you'll need Tsubasa to score goals. For more details on this bug, check the "Curiosities, Tips, Tricks and Special Codes" section. Japan vs. Syria Special players: None Strategy: This game does not have many difficulties, you just have to use the whole arsenal of special shots at your disposal. What would be good to do is that you begin games with Wakashimazu playing as goalkeeper and then change in the second half, or if he is tired, to Wakabayashi, so you can raise the level of your two best goalkeepers. I suggest for this and the following matches you use all your players so that all or most of their levels may rise soon. Use the best shots you have in the area and you'll get good results. Japan vs. China Special players: 11-Li Hanne: Shôryûkyaku 09-Li Bankun: Shôryûkyaku Strategy: This game can become complicated as the Chinese team has the Li brothers with a special shot in the area. It is very difficult to contain it. You must be careful not to allow these two to get the ball and come to the area because they will score a lot of goals. For marking these acrobatic players, use the two Tachibana brothers and their Skylab PassCut. Another serious option is to use one of them and Jun Misugi. Both ways are effective. Although Misugi has a good pass cut, it is best he uses the Clear command because, curiously, it will be more effective than his cut. The rest of the team is not a worry because with this team you have no problems with scoring. Japan vs. Iran Special players: None Strategy: This team is extremely aggressive. You can take advantage of this in your favor to draw fouls. However, unless it is inside their area, do not let them mark you at all as all you will achieve is wasting time in vain. Iran's goalkeeper is also very tough in 1-on-1s. It's better if you don't go for 1-on-1s. To score there won't be any major troubles. Just use the stronger shots that you have in your repertoire and make sure with aerial shots defenders do not mark you, else you may lose the ball. Overall, this is a simple game. You possess players with special techniques and they do not. Japan vs. North Korea Special players: None Strategy: The players on this team, despite not having special skills, are very annoying, especially when making volleys and headers. But we can undermine their attack by locating the two Tachibana brothers in central defense, or one of them next to Misugi. The opposing players are good at cutting passes so do not make passes that have the possibility of being cut. Think about your moves before you make them so you can move safely. Japan vs. Saudi Arabia Special players: None Strategy: They have no stars but they have quite skilled players, especially their goalkeeper. For him you need your team's most powerful shots, with a clear goal in front, or you can face him 1-on-1. The Saudis are very good at headers and volleys. It is therefore best to have the Tachibana brothers or one of them and Misugi marking them so you avoid difficulties. The Saudi goalkeeper is rather good. To get sure goals, use the best shots you have in a 1-on-1. Other ways to score would be using the Through command to unbalance the keeper. Tsubasa's Heel Lift also works 1-on-1. When you already have a positive result, you can bombard the Saudi Arabia goalie with shots from the best players on your team. Japan vs. South Korea Special players: 10-Kim: Twin Shoot 09-Cha: Twin Shoot Strategy: This team in general has a good level, and also has two special players, midfielder Kim and Cha up front. Kim and Cha possess the Twin Shoot with which they can score very easily. For that reason it is ideal to place the Tachibana brothers in central defense. You can also locate one of the Tachibana brothers with Misugi in the same position. Both ways can prevent a move by these two South Korean players. Anyway, it is better to keep the ball from reaching these players, so you have to use Press or Counter. In my opinion the more dangerous of the two is Cha because, aside from having Twin Shoot, he has the special Goin na Dribble with which he can easily get rid of his markers. The other players should also all be marked with the defensive weapons you have. To score you will not have many difficulties if you use the best shots in your repertoire, that is the Twin Shoot of Tsubasa and Misaki, Eagle Shot of Matsuyama, Hyper Overhead of Misugi, Hyuga's Neo Tiger Shot, Tsubasa's Drive Overhead Kick, Skylab Twin Shoot and Jumping Volley Shoot. Otherwise you can use your best special shot in 1-on-1 and can also dribble past the goalkeeper with Tsubasa's Heel Lift. ######################## Practice match ######################## Japan vs. Vasco da Gama Special players: None Strategy: This game will be very easy and you can score a goal with any kind of shot, special or not. Use all your players in this match so that they can climb levels. Otherwise you will have problems in the upcoming matches. ####################### Friendly matches ####################### Japan vs. Poland Special players: 11-Macher GK-Dzajic: Rolling Save Strategy: The difficulty is back again. Macher does not have a Special, but he has an enormous speed and will come to your goal very quickly. He has good dribbling and tries to beat your goalkeeper. You should always choose to stop his dribbles, then you can stop it at times. Macher also has good volleys and headers, which will be quite dangerous. The best you can do is locate the Tachibana brothers or one of them with Misugi in defense so you can prevent him scoring many goals. Another important player on this team is the goalkeeper Dzajic, who has a special save called Rolling Catch. To score, the best you can do is face the keeper in a 1-on-1. There, you can use the Heel Lift or Drive Shoot with Tsubasa, Tiger Shot or Neo Tiger Shot with Hyuga and the Eagle Shot with Matsuyama. If you have the opportunity to use the Through command, which unbalances the goalkeeper, once you're done use the strongest shots you have. Japan vs. England Special players: 09-Lorimer 04-Robson Strategy: This game will be easier than the last, but not that easy since the English have in their ranks two good players: Lorimer and Robson. Lorimer has no special techniques but undoubtedly is a excellent striker, since not only are his dribbles good, but he also has strong shots both on the ground and in the air. Robson is the English central defender who is able to stop any type of pass or shot that crosses his path. The English goalkeeper is not hard to beat, just use your team's stronger shots and you'll get good results. If you have difficulty, the Neo Tiger Shot is a guaranteed goal 1-on-1. You can also try to dribble round the goalkeeper with Tsubasa's Heel Lift or try to unbalance the goalkeeper with the Through command. From now on you'll want to avoid being marked by the opposing players since they are several levels above yours. Japan vs. USSR Special players: 09-Belyaev GK-Lashin: Bunshin Save Strategy: The Soviet team will be as difficult as that of Poland, as they have in their ranks a very good striker called Belyaev and a goalkeeper called Lashin. Belyaev is a striker with a very dangerous header and volley. For him you should put a good central defenders with the Tachibana brothers, or one of them supported by Jun Misugi. Prevent the ball from reaches this dangerous player by using Counter or Press as defensive tactics. The other major player is the Soviet goalkeeper Lashin, who has a special save. In this case, use the same tactic we used against Dzajic i.e. use the Heel Lift or Drive Shoot with Tsubasa and Hyuga's Neo Tiger Shot in 1-on-1. If Tsubasa and Hyuga have low guts and you need to score, you can also use the Eagle Shot of Matsuyama in 1-on-1. You can also unbalance the goalkeeper using the Through command to then shoot with the strongest shots of the best players on your team. Japan vs. France Special players: 10-Elle-Sid Pierre: Eiffel Kôgeki, Slider Cannon Twin Shoot and Slider Shoot 09-Louis Napoléon: Eiffel Kôgeki, Goin na Dribble, Cannon Shoot and Slider Cannon Twin Shoot Strategy: A tough game in which we find two excellent players: Pierre and Napoleon. Napoléon is a striker who has Goin na Dribble with which he can blow away markers. He also has his powerful special shot called Cannon Shoot with which he can score with relative ease. Pierre is the master and axis of the French team who has a shot called Slider Shoot, which will be really annoying. Besides having individual techniques Pierre and Napoleon also have two techniques in which they demonstrate the power of their combined game. The first technique is a succession of passes with called Eiffel Kôgeki which can easily get to our area, to use the second technique which is an air shot called Slider Cannon Twin Shoot, which is practically impossible to contain. The other players can be a hassle if they make aerial shots. In that case you can only clear shots and hope to get lucky that the ball reaches you. However if they shoot on the ground,it is best to try to catch the ball instead of punching it, especially if Pierre and Napoleon are already in the area. Luckily the French goalkeeper will not be a problem. Use Tsubasa, Hyuga, Misaki, Misugi and Matsuyama's special shots. You can even dribble past the French goalkeeper with Tsubasa's Heel Lift. When you have taken an advantage, or if your best players have all already attacked, make time until one of your players has regained their guts, or until the end of the game. To keep the ball as long as possible, you can use the bug of the Golden Combi as mentioned previously. The key point in this game is to steal the ball before Pierre or Napoléon are in your area. If you do this, the game is not that complicated after all. It's more feasible to stop Pierre's Slider Shoot or Napoleon's Cannon Shoot rather than the combination of both. ########### World Youth ########### Japan vs. Mexico Special players: 10-España Strategy: The only annoyance of the Mexican team is striker España who has no special techniques but has dangerous shots, volleys and headers. The goalkeeper and other players will not be a problem but with the difference in levels it is better to use your most powerful shots. If you want to avoid problems you can try to beat the Mexican goalkeeper 1-on-1 using the Neo Tiger Shot with Hyuga or the Heel Lift with Tsubasa. If you beat the French team you will not have problems in this game. Just keep using the tips from previous matches. Note that there are other games which have similar strategies. Japan vs. Italy Special players: 09-Lampion: Rocket Head GK-Hernández Strategies: In the ranks of the Italian team is the forward Lampion who, as already know, has a very powerful special header that is quite dangerous. The major problem in this game is that goalkeeper Hernandez has no special saves but his ability to stop shots is amazing. You can beat him using the Neo Tiger Shot in 1-on-1 or you can also unbalance the goalkeeper using the Through command before finally using your more powerful special shots. You can also use the Heel Lift with Tsubasa where you can get Hernandez to deflect it and leave his goal unguarded for a rebound. While using the Heel Lift is an economical method, it is very risky because you risk a counterattack trying it. I recommend using this only when really necessary. Japan vs. Holland Special players: 09-Islas: Kosoku Dribble and Overhead Kick 04-Libuta: Power Tackle and Power Block Strategy: Holland has very good players. Among them is Islas who has a special dribble called Kosoku Dribble, which is practically unstoppable. Apart from this move he also has the Overhead Kick. For that reason, prevent the ball from reaching him. Libuta is a very strong defender who you can not pass with anybody. Avoid facing him. To beat the Dutch goalkeeper you just have to be persistent and use the best shots in your repertoire. If you want to get a sure goal, use the Neo Tiger Shot 1-on-1 with the goalie. I also encourage you to use the Heel Lift with Tsubasa in the same situation. Japan vs. Argentina Special players: 11-Alan Pascal: Argentina Golden Combi 10-Juan Diaz: Drive Shoot, Overhead Kick, Zenten Shoot and Argentina Golden Combi 09-Satrústegui: Dynamite Head 08-Babington 04-Galvan: Power Tackle and Power Block Strategy: This game is quite difficult as Argentina is led by football genius Juan Diaz. But our team has a new special, which is Tsubasa's new shot called Cyclone Shoot, which is the most powerful shot in the game. The first time you use it will be an automatic goal...better save it for the following matches unless you do not have another option. Back to the subject. Juan Diaz has very effective special shots such as Overhead Kick, Drive Shoot and Zenten Shoot. He also has the ability to increase his speed and dribbling, being able to dribble past all your players, including the goalkeeper...some say this is the picture of Diego Maradona. Apart from this he also has the Argentina Golden Combi which is a combination of passes with teammate Alan Pascal. Another important player is Diaz's team mate Alan Pascal who uses the Golden Combi of Argentina combined with Diaz, but this is not the only thing that makes it important. He is also very good with shooting, volleys and headers. Galvan is the defender of the team. His special techniques are very effective. It's not the best idea to confront him. You also have to prevent him being in the path of your shots because he will stop them very easily. Satrústegui is a player you already know caused you problems with his Dynamite Head. Finally we have Babington who you had the opportunity to use in São Paulo. But for this game, he's improved a lot and even he is able to score a few goals. The good thing about this game is that Argentina does not have a very skilled goalie so there will be no problems beating him with strong shots from Tsubasa, Hyuga, Misaki and Misugi. If you want to avoid difficulties you can ensure about three goals by using the Neo Tiger Shot in 1-on-1s. You can also try using the Heel Lift with Tsubasa 1-on-1. As I have already mentioned this game is quite complicated, so you'd better use all the moves you've learned previously. Japan vs. West Germany Special players: 11 Karl-Heinz Schneider: Fire Shot and Overhead Kick 10-Schester 09-Margas 08-Hermann Kaltz: Harinezumi Dribble 07-Kapellomann: Sidewinder 05-Metza: Top Spin Pass GK-Deuter Müller Strategy: The German team is a formidable team as it has many excellent players. In goal is Müller, a giant goalkeeper who will be very difficult to overcome. What you can do to score is use the Cyclone Shoot with Tsubasa, preferably in the air and close to the goal. Another way is to use Hyuga's Neo Tiger Shot in a 1-on-1. You can unbalance the goalkeeper using the Through command too, to make some more powerful special shots. Metza, Kaltz and Kapellomann are players who you've already had the opportunity to face them so I will not go into describing them because these players perform virtually the same functions they did at their club. Schester and Margas are players who do not have a special technique but who will be quite troubling with their constant shots on your goal. Lastly is Karl-Heinz Schneider who is able to score easily with his volleys or with his special techniques, which are Overhead Kick and Fire Shot. The latter will be used with great regularity so it is advisable to have Ishizaki near the player to to block that shot with Ganmen Block. Be careful when you go into the match as Schneider will increase his speed and ability if his team is losing. If you want to save yourself problems in this situation, mark him with players with special defensive techniques so you can stop him before he's too close to your goal. If you want to mark him in any situation, use the Tiger Tackle with Hyuga against Schneider. It will almost certainly do some damage. In this game you have to do everything possible to make sure Schneider and Kapellomann do not have the ball in their possession. This way you can claim a positive result using the tips here. This will be crucial for victory. Japan vs. Brazil Special players: 11-Ney: Kieru Feint and Booster Shoot 10-Riberio (1st half): Banana Shoot 10-Arthur Antines Coimbra (2nd half): Overhead Kick and Mach Shoot 09-Carlos Santana: Bunshin Dribble, Overhead Kick and Mirage Shoot 08-Toninho: Drive Shoot 07-Zagallo: Double Eel and Goin na Dribble 06-Santamaria: Banana Shoot 05-Dilceu: Cannon Head, Power Tackle and Power Block 04-Amaral 03-Doutor 02-Getúlio: Drive Shoot GK-Elzo Gertis: Dark Illusion Strategy: Finally, you've reached the final match of this game, where you will face the powerful Brazilians. This party is going to be extremely difficult because Brazil has eleven excellent players who you know most of from the Rio Cup. Guarding the Brazilian goal is Gertis, who has a special save with which he can stop any shot. Therefore it is recommended you use Cyclone Shot with Tsubasa to score, preferably with a clear goal, after unbalancing the opposing goalie with the through command or in a 1-on-1. To score you can also use the Neo Tiger Shot with Hyuga in a 1-on-1 against Gertis. However you should use this move only when you have no guts with Tsubasa to use your Cyclone Shoot. Brazil's defense is comprised of players who met in the Rio Cup. They are Getulio, Doutor, Amaral and Dilceu then the midfield, Santamaria, Toninho and Riberio. Santamaria will be responsible for performing corner kicks. Riberio will not get into the game much, but when it he does he'll cause danger to your goal. Finally, Toninho has a habit of firing his Drive Shoot when you feels cornered by your players. That should be harnessed as it is the only shot you'll have a chance to stop, so I advise you to corner him when he receives the ball in midfield. This way we can stop his shots more ease. After, you should make a counter which you shouldn't miss. The front of the Brazilian team has the most dangerous opponents we had in the Rio Cup. They are Zagallo, who you already know is able to knock down anyone who stands in their way using its Goin na Dribble andDouble Eel, Ney who is unbeatable with his individualist plays, and finally Santana whose special plays, Overhead Kick and Mirage Shoot, are well beyond stoppable for you. But this is not the only worry. Because in the second half Riberio is switched for Arthur Antines Coimbra, who is an extremely fast player and has two special techniques which are Overhead Kick and Mach Shoot. The latter is an unstoppable shot which travels at an enormous rate, so much so that it is able to disappear momentarily from view. A short cutscene with your goalkeeper even appears showing him observing the powerful shot. Well, this game is quite difficult to win, especially if you got here without losing. However, I will give you some tips that you have to use if you want to win this match with as little mishaps as possible. For defense you can put the Tachibana brothers as central defenders. You can also put one supported by Jun Misugi or Ryo Ishizaki. Ishizaki is always key in games where you face players with special shots on the ground, because you can save yourselves from those using his Ganmen Block. Streamline your guts, especially Tsubasa and Hyuuga since they will be the only ones able to score to Brazil's goalkeeper. Use Kamisori Pass with Soda as much as you can, but avoid passing the ball near a Brazilian player. If Hyuuga and Tsubasa are already extremely tired, it's better to keep the ball until they are recharged. To keep the ball as long as possible you could use the bug with the Golden Combi, but using only Misaki who will not do much otherwise in this game other than maintaining control of the game. When you want to go 1-on-1 and you have several Brazilian defenders around you, use the bug that allows you to move without being marked. ***************************** 4. Characters and Techniques: ***************************** * Platão (São Paulo) * Gil (São Paulo) * Tahamata (São Paulo) * Batista (São Paulo) * Babington (São Paulo / Argentina) * Doutor (São Paulo / Brazil) * Amaral (São Paulo / Brazil) * Marini (São Paulo) * Lima (Sao Paulo) * GK. Renato (São Paulo) * Riberio (Corinthians / Brazil) -Banana Shoot * Satrústegui (Corinthians / Argentina) -Dynamite Head * Da Silva (Gremio / Uruguay) * Ney (Palmeiras / Brazil) -Kieru Feint (Vanishing Feint) -Booster Shoot * Toninho (Palmeiras / Brazil) -Drive Shoot * Zagallo (Santos / Brazil) -Gôin Na Dribble (Forcible Dribble) -Double Eel * Dilceu (Santos / Brazil) -Power Tackle -Power Block -Cannon Head * Santamaria (Flamengo / Brazil) -Banana Shoot * Getúlio (Flamengo / Brazil) -Drive Shoot * Teppei Kisugi (Nankatsu / Japan) * Mamoru Izawa (Nankatsu / Japan) * Hajime Taki (Nankatsu / Japan) * Hanji Urabe (Nankatsu) * Shingo Takasugi (Nankatsu / Japan) * Masao Nakayama (Nankatsu) * Takeshi Kishida (Nankatsu / Japan) * Mitsuru Sano (Kunimi / Japan) -Overhead Kick * GK. Taichi Nakanishi (Tatsunami) * Sorimachi (Toho / Japan) * Lampion (AS Roma / Italy) -Rocket Head * Ramon Victorino (Uruguay) -Overhead Kick * Theodor Kapellomann (Hamburg SV / West Germany) -Sidewinder Shoot * Metza (Hamburg SV / West Germany) -Top Spin Pass * Hanne Li (China) -Shôryûkyaku (Rising Dragon Kick) * Bankun Li (China) -Shôryûkyaku (Rising Dragon Kick) * Kim (Korea) -Twin Shoot * Cha (Korea) -Twin Shoot -Gôin Na Dribble (Forcible Dribble) * Macher (Poland) * GK. Dzajic (Poland) -Rolling Save * Lorimer (England) * Robson (England) * Belyaev (USSR) * GK. Lashin (USSR) -Bunshin Saving (Clone Saving) * Spain (Mexico) * Islands (Netherlands) -Overhead Kick -Kôsoku Dribble (High Speed ​​Dribble) * Libuta (Netherlands) -Gôin Na Dribble (Forcible Dribble) -Power Tackle -Power Block * Galván (Argentina) -Gôin Na Dribble (Forcible Dribble) -Power Tackle -Power Block * Manfred Margas (West Germany) * Tsubasa Ozora (São Paulo / Japan) -Drive Shoot -Heel Lift -Drive Pass -Overhead Kick -Drive Overhead Kick -Twin Shoot -Golden Combi -Drive Twin Tiger Shoot -Cyclone * Carlos Santana (Flamengo / Brazil) -Bunshin Dribble (Cloning Dribble) -Overhead Kick -Mirage Shoot * GK. Claudio Meão (Gremio) * GK. Yuzo Morisaki (Nankatsu / Japan) * Tarô Misaki (Nankatsu / Japan) -Overhead Kick -Jumping Volley Shoot -Twin Shoot -Golden Combi * Kojiro Hyuuga (Toho / Japan) -Tiger Shot -Overhead Kick -Gôin Na Dribble (Forcible Dribble) -Tiger Tackle -Neo Tiger Shot -Tôhô Combi * Ryô Ishizaki (Nankatsu / Japan) -Ganmen Block (Face Block) * Shun Nitta (Nankatsu / Japan) -Hayabusa Shoot (Peregrine Falcon Shoot) -Hayabusa Volley Shoot (Peregrine Falcon Volley Shoot) * Kazuo Tachibana (Akita / Japan) -Twin Shoot -Gemini Attack -Skylab Hurricane -Skylab Tackle -Skylab Block -Skylab Passcut -Skylab Twin Shoot * Masao Tachibana (Akita / Japan) -Twin Shoot -Gemini Attack -Skylab Hurricane -Skylab Tackle -Skylab Block -Skylab Passcut -Skylab Twin Shoot * Hiroshi Jito (Kunimi / Japan) Sano to not Combi Play -Gôin Na Dribble (Forcible Dribble) -Power Tackle -Power Block * Makoto Soda (Tatsunami / Japan) -Kamisori Shoot (Razor Shoot) -Kamisori Tackle (Razor Tackle) -Kamisori Pass (Razor Pass) * June Misugi (Musashi / Japan) -Hyper Overhead * Hikaru Matsuyama (Furano / Japan) -Eagle Shot * Takeshi Sawada (Toho / Japan) -Tôhô Combi * GK. Ken Wakashimazu (Toho / Japan) -Sankakutobi Catch (Triangle Jump) * GK. Genzo Wakabayashi (Hamburg SV / Japan) * Hermann Kaltz (Hamburg SV / West Germany) -Harinezumi Dribble (Hedgehog Dribble) * Louis Napoleon (France) -Cannon Shoot -Gôin Na Dribble (Forcible Dribble) -Eiffel Kôgeki (Eiffel Tower Attack) -Slider Cannon Volley Shoot * Elle Sid-Pierre (France) -Slider Shoot -Eiffel Kôgeki (Eiffel Tower Attack) -Slider Cannon Volley Shoot * GK. Gino Hernandez (Italy) * Alan Pascal (Argentina) -Argentina Golden Combi * Juan Diaz (Argentina) -Argentina Golden Combi -Drive Shoot -Overhead Kick -Zenten Shoot (Front Flip Shhot) * Franz Schester (West Germany) * GK. Deuter Müller (West Germany) * GK. Elzo Gertis (Brazil) -Dark Illusion Catch * Karl-Heinz Schneider (West Germany) -Overhead Kick -Fire Shot * Antines Arthur Coimbra (Brazil) -Overhead Kick -Mach Shoot ****************************************** 5. Description of Special Techniques: ****************************************** Drive Shoot (200): A shot where the ball rises to a great height and then suddenly comes back down. Used in this game by Tsubasa, Diaz, Toninho and Getúlio. Drive Pass (40): A pass with the effect of a Drive Shoot. Exclusive to Tsubasa. Heel Lift (90): A dribble that is used only by Tsubasa, It involves putting the ball over an opponent by using his heel. Overhead Kick (160): Known worldwide as a "Chilean", this is a shot that is executed when the ball is at a high height and the player's back is facing the goal. Drive Overhead (320): A move Tsubasa cleverly invented against the goalkeeper Claudio Meão in the match Sao Paulo vs. Gremio. This move involves performing the Drive Shoot in combination with an Overhead Kick. The result is the ball goes the opposite way of the Drive Shoot, going low then suddenly rising high. Dynamite Head: A header that has incredible power and effect. Used only by Satrústegui. Banana Shoot: This is a shot that travels with a very sharp curve towards the goal. Used by Riberio and Santamaria. Kieru Feint: A special Dribble used by Ney. In this technique, the player moves at high speed, disappearing from view of his markers, before returning with the ball without anyone tackling him. Booster Shoot: A shot by Ney with the help of Toninho. In this play, Ney shoots, after which Toninho volleys the ball, giving it more strength. Goin na Dribble (80): A dribble which involves using physical force to overcome the opponent's marking. Double Eel: A very strong zigzag shot that is used by Zagallo. Bunshin Dribble: A dribble belonging to Carlos Santana in which he moves with such speed that it gives the appearance of him multiplying. Mirage Shoot: A shot by Carlos Santana in which the ball has a strong effect that causes it to generates illusions, confusing the goalkeeper. Jumping Volley Shoot (250): A fast scissor-kick volley used by Misaki. Hayabusa Shoot (200) A fast shot without an effect which is used by Nitta. Hayabusa Volley Shoot (240): The Hayabusa Shoot, volleyed to make the shot have much more speed. Ganmen Block (400): A technique used only by Ishizaki in which he uses his face as a shield to prevent any shot reaching the goal. Power Tackle (200): A powerful, physical tackle used by powerful players such as Jito, Galvan and Libuta. Power Block (180): A powerful block players used by large players such as Jito, Galvan and Libuta. Twin Shoot (180): A volley where two players hit the ball at the same time, giving it a vibratory motion. Used by Tsubasa, Misaki, Kim, Cha and the Tachibana brothers. Gemini Attack (80): A technique used by the Tachibana brothers where they use two successive 1-2s, so they go farther than with a conventional 1-2. Skylab Hurricane (200): In this play by the Tachibana brothers, one of the brothers uses his legs to push the other into the air and head the ball. Skylab Tackle (200): In this play by the Tachibana brothers, one of the brothers drives the other so that the tackle by him is more effective. Skylab Block (180): In this play one of the Tachibana brothers drives the other so that he has more power to block a possible shot. Skylab Passcut (180) Is effectively identical to the Skylab Block, except that it is for cutting passes. Skylab Twin Shoot (380): This spectacular play see Jito drive the Tachibana brothers with his legs where they then use a Twin Shot in flight. Eagle Shot (200): Matsuyama uses this shot, a shot where the ball travels along the ground, this shot will be more effective the further away you are from the goal. Kamisori Shoot (200): In this shot by Soda, the ball goes to one side and then make a sharp turn at fairly high speed. Kamisori Pass (40): A pass by Soda which has the same effect as Kamisori Shoot. Kamisori Tackle (200): A tackle used by Soda to take the ball from opponents with much precision. Hyper Overhead Kick (250): A Overhead Kick use by Misugi at a higher than normal speed. Tiger Shot (250): A shot by Hyuuga where the ball has a high speed and strength. Neo Tiger Shot (370): An improved version of Tiger Shot where Hyuga makes the ball travel at a greater speed and force than its predecessor. Tiger Tackle (180): This is the most powerful tackle in the game, where Hyuga violently blows away an opposing player to take the ball. Sankakutobi Catch (200): This is a catch by Wakashimazu where he jumps off one of the goalposts to be more likely to catch an opponent's shot. Toho Combi (80): Hyuuga and Sawada use successive 1-2s to make further progress down the field than with an ordinary 1-2. Rocket Head: This technique is performed by Lampion, where he heads the ball from behind at high speed so that the header has more power. Shoot Sidewinder: A shot by Kapellomann where ball heads to the goal with a meandering path. Top Spin Pass: A pass with similar effect to Drive Pass that is used by Metza only. Harinezumi Dribble: This move by Kaltz sees him dribble hard and fast, side to side, to knock away those who stand in his way. Golden Combi (120): Tsubasa and Misaki perform a series of 1-2s to move down the field. It's worth noting that of all the special 1-2s this moves the farthest down the field. Drive Tiger Twin Shoot (200): This shot is a combination of Tsubasa's Drive Shoot and Hyuga's Tiger Shot. It is quite possible that this is the most powerful shot in the game. Shôryûkyaku: This play is performed by the Li brothers. In this play, one of the brothers jumps over the other's shoulders and jumps up off them, and then hits the ball with a volley. Rolling Save: In this special save, Polish goalkeeper Dzajic makes a series of turns to stop the ball. Bunshin Saving: In this special save, Russian goalkeeper Lashin moves at high speed to create many images of himself so he can catch the ball. Cannon Shoot: A shot made by the French striker Napoléon. This shot is characterized by its power in addition to carrying a strong bullet-like effect which makes it difficult to stop. Eiffel Kôgeki: Pierre and Napoléon use a good combination to attack more easily. Slider Shoot: This shot is used by the French captain Pierre. The Slider Shoot has a similar effect to Drive Shoot, however the difference is that in Slider Shoot, the ball goes less high up, and it has a much more pronounced curve. Slider Cannon Twin Shoot: A mighty shot which combines Pierre's Slider Shoot and Napoleon's Cannon Shoot, to make a virtually unstoppable shot. Argentina Golden Combi: In this play, Pascal and Diaz perform successive 1-2s to attack. Zenten Shoot: This is a special shot used by Argentine Juan Diaz. In this impressive move, Diaz leaps at the ball like he will volley. However, at the end, he makes a somersault in the air and then hits the ball in the middle of it. Fire Shot: This is a powerful shot by Karl-Heinz Schneider. The Fire Shot is a shot in which the ball carries a tremendous strength and rotation, making it appear to burn. Mach Shoot: This powerful shot is considered one of the best in the game and is used only by Arthur Antines Coimbra. The Mach Shot is a shot with a strong vibratory effect and a tremendous speed which causes the ball to disappear from view of the goalkeeper. Dark Illusion Catch: By far the best special save, Gertis can use it to stop any shot, even Cyclone and Drive Tiger Twin Shoot. Cyclone (400): This shot is learned by Tsubasa after playing the match against the Dutch national team. The Cyclone becomes a improved version of Drive Shoot, where the ball, apart from having the same effect as its predecessor, travels at greater height with more power, also carrying a strong rotating effect. ************************************************** * 6. Curiosities, Tips, Tricks and Special Codes: ************************************************** * > Tips: A) Sound Test: Press Start + Select + A + B when the main screen appears. After, a menu, from which you can listen to the BGM of the game, will appear Select music by pressing up or down and then press the A button to play. B) '2nd' Brazil match: To play against Brazil with Coimbra from the start of the game, all you have to do is draw the first game against them. Once extra time is finished, you don't go to penalties. Instead, the match will be repeated, but this time Brazil will feature Coimbra in the first half. If this match is a draw after extra time, then you go to a penalty shootout. C) Get Drive Overhead Kick and Cyclone prematurely: The first thing to do is to put in the corresponding cheat to have these techniques in a game. After that, copy the password that the game gives you, then it will no longer be necessary to put in a cheat to have these moves. With this password you can give Tsubasa Drive Overhead Kick and Cyclone Shoot from the first game. D) Secret cutscenes: -São Paulo vs. Flamengo Press Down + B instead of the A button when the commentator finishes his first dialogue. If the trick is done properly, a fun character appears called Mighty Bomb Jack who will celebrate by the victory of São Paulo. -Nankatsu versus Toho Press Down + B instead of the A button once the commentator finishes his second dialogue. If the trick was done correctly, Mighty Bomb Jack will appear and celebrate the victory of Nankatsu, then suddenly fly and fall on the commentator's head. -Japan Versus West Germany Press Down + B instead of the A button once the speaker finishes his fourth dialogue. If the trick was done correctly, you will see a short cutscene where Tsubasa has a conversation with Schneider. > Passwords: A) Normal passwords: São Paulo vs. Fluminense Ro Go Zo Bo Po A Ka Sa Ta Na Ha Ma Ra Ga Za Tsu Ho Mu São Paulo vs. Corinthians U Gu Po Yo To Zu Ta Te Ro E Te Re Po Ne Re Tsu Ro Ne São Paulo vs. Grêmio Fu Ze Ni Ge U Gu Gi Wa Nu Zu Pe To Gu E Ne Tsu Zo Shi São Paulo vs. Palmeiras Bo Te Gi Po Ma Su Yu He Ba Mu Nu Ra Ki Bo U Chi Zo Na São Paulo vs. Santos O Pa Na Ri Mi Ni Ga Pi Bi Ki Ni Su Ku Ki Sa Po Ga Ri São Paulo vs. Flamengo I Na Sa No Ya Ga Ma Ya Chi Ko Gu A Ri Ho Ru Yo Ro Pa Nankatsu vs. Kunimi Yo Hi Ro Be Ha Te To Ko Za Ha Ta Za I Pe Pi Yo Sa Hi Nankatsu vs. Akita Gu Gu Bo Pe Yo O Zo Fu Te No He Mi Re Go Bo Ke Ge Go Nankatsu vs. Tatsunami Te Ki Bu Wa Re Ru Nu Mu Pe Pu He Ka So Ku Pi Sa I Re Nankatsu vs. Musashi Ma Hi Go Mi Zu Ki Ha Pe E Pa Na Shi Ne Ji Wa Ne Tsu To Nankatsu vs. Furano Ta Go Gu Mi Ra To U Ga Pa Hi Te Pu Shi Po Re Chi Go Bo Nankatsu vs. Tôhô So Ki Yo Ge Mo Bi No Wa Bo Se Yo Zu Sa Ni Te Gu Za Se São Paulo vs. AS Roma Ji Yo Ke Yo Na Ge He Pi Ga Bi Ri Ka Ya A Yo Ke Po Gu São Paulo vs. Uruguay Me Pa Wa Sa Pe Go To Bi A Mi So Te Mo Chi Mo Sa Nu Hi São Paulo vs. Hamburg SV Se Ho Ke Mo Te Ge He Fu Re Ra Za Shi Pe Sa Yo Chi Ko Shi São Paulo vs. Japan Zu No Ta To Ji Ka Ra Gu U Yo Ga Ne Nu Ri Gu Gu Ri Po Japan vs. Syria Gu To Me Ko Gi Ri Ta Mo Te Po Ra Te Tsu So Mi Gu O No Japan vs. China Ri Go Ya E Wa He Ha I Su Na Te No Ro Bu Pu Su O E Japan vs. Iran Ge Bu Na A Ku To Zu Ke To He E Ro Zu Mi Ri Mi Ha Ro Japan vs. North Korea Ya Zo Nu Sa Mu Fu Nu Ta Ri Ha Me Ka Ke Ya Na Ge Tsu I Japan vs. Saudi Arabia Ne Ma Ma Po Ji Ba Chi Pu Wa Po Gi Ge Nu Ze Ta Ho Ri Wa Japan vs. South Korea Fu Mo Bo Mi Ha Bo Pe Hi Su Bu Bi Ne I Pa Hi Mi Yo So Japan vs. Vasco da Gama Re Bu No Za Ge Tsu Ru Sa Ni Ko Zo Ta To Ta Ze Za Nu Ni Japan vs. Poland Gi Bi Be Ru Hi Ge Ka Ge O Wa Fu Gi U Ka Gu Za Ta Po Japan vs. England No Ta Yo Ne Ta He Go Yu Bo Ji Shi Pe Pa Ro Ko Su Su Ke Japan vs. USSR Chi Ki I Re Ku Hi Ga Ru Pi Re Ha Go Zu Ta Nu Ge Po Mo Japan vs. France A Ro Zu Ne Pu Po Ji Gu Me Ne Tsu Ma Me Pe Ma Mi Su Ri Japan vs. Mexico Ru Tsu Po Se Ru Ze Po A Fu Ki Ta I Se Ze No Re Zo Bo Japan vs. Italy Ru Ka Ra Ta Ru Ba Be Ne No O Ko No Se A Te Re Ha Bo Japan vs. Holland Ri Ru Hi Zo Ba O Na O Go Hi Ga Yo Hi Gi Ri Re Ge Zu Japan vs. Argentina Bu A Hi Ba U Nu Bu No Zo Yu Ke A Gu Ri Gu Bi Me Pe Japan vs. West Germany Yu Shi Na Bu No Ho Ya Ro Pe Su Chi Ro A U Ma Yu So No Japan vs. Brazil Ke Ya Wa Po Pe Sa Ya Fu Yu Ma Chi Ru No Yo Mu Re Bu Ko B) Special Keys: Japan with some strong players and Tsubasa with Cyclone Shoot against the Iranian team: - Go Go Go Similar passwords: - Ha Ru - Be Be Be - Be Ji I Ta - Bu Ra Ji Ru Wa - Mo Te Ru Tsu Ba Sa - Mo Mo Mi Ta I Na O Shi Ri - Ta Ka Ha Shi Yo U I Chi No Ma - U Sa Gi Ha Te Ku Mo No Ma A Ku - Tsu Ba Sa Yo Ri Tsu Yo Ku Na Ri Ta I - Sa Na E Chi Ya No O Tsu Pa I Ha To Te Mo Ya Ra Ka I - Su Ne Ru No Mu Ge Pu Go Bu Wa Sa A Ke Ru Pu He Ji Ba São Paulo with a high level: - Ka Chi Ma Tsu Ha Ri Ba Ru Za Pi Ki Pu I Po A Fu O Ke - To U Ho U A Ta Ta Tsu Na Mi Ku Ni Mi Fu Ra No O - Tsu Ba Sa To Mi Sa Ki Go U Ru O U Ba E Shi Yu U To Japan with a high level facing Brazil: - Su Ne Ru No Mu Ge Pu Go Bu Wa Se A Ke Ru Pu He Ji Ba Japan with some players in the team at high levels vs Italy: - Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Japan with some players at high levels vs Argentina: - Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Japan vs Brazil with Coimbra from the start: - Go Ku Ra He Ma Shi Zo Wa Me Za Bu Ko Ki Ze Ba Bi Ni Pu Japan with all high level players vs Brazil with Coimbra in the first half: - Pu E Ra Ha U Ne Zo Mi I Be Ba E Bo Pa To To Pi Me São Paulo with Tsubasa having Cyclone Shoot from the first game: - E Ke Se Te Ne He Me Re Ge Ze Be Pe Wa O Po Po Po Ki This is a password in which, as I mentioned earlier, you only have to put a cheat in to give Tsubasa Drive Overhead Kick and Cyclone Shoot, then copy the password to give him them for the rest of the game. - Ke Ke He Ra Ru Hi Ku He Pu Ri Hi Yu Se Ya Te Su Ke Yo This password is for the same game as the above password, but with a very high level. > Special techniques: Drive Tiger Twin Shoot: The Drive Tiger Twin Shoot is the most powerful shot in the game, where, obviously, Tsubasa and Hyuga combine their Drive Shoot and Tiger Shot and therefore shot with an extremely high power and effect. It is virtually impossible to block for opposing goalkeepers. To make this shot, you have to make the rival goalkeeper catch or divert one of our shots at a time where Tsubasa and Hyuga are near each other, on the same vertical line, one alongside the other. If done properly, a cutscene shows with Tsubasa's face, where he is angered. After that happens, give Tsubasa the ball and select this powerful shot in his shooting options. You only have a short 4 minutes to use this secret shot. After that shot, it just disappears from Tsubasa's shooting options. You also have to keep the ball on the ground, else it will also cancel the shot. The likelihood of this shot appearing is 1 to 8. This technique is only used by Tsubasa and costs 200 guts. Critical punch and catch: The critical punch and catch can be identified by if extra letters appear before the word 'catch' or 'punch'. When it happens, your goalkeepers has a better chance to save than they normally do. Apparently, you have a very high chance of getting a critical save if, at a free-kick, you guess the correct direction of a shot. This rule only applies in this Tsubasa game, incidentally. All keepers in the game can get criticals, although only Wakabayashi, Wakashimazu and Morisaki have a special cutscene when they get one. Notably, Wakabayashi has a much higher chance to get a critical, and he has a special cutscene when he gets one. This can help massively in later games. Critical tackle: Critical tackles can be identified if letters appear before the word 'tackle'. This makes your tackle more powerful than normal. Critical tackles seem to happen most often when you 'guess' the direction an opponent is dribbling when you mark him and are facing him. It won't always work though. If a player with a 'face' cutscene gets a critical tackle, an extra cutscene with them will appear for a short time just they use the tackle. Critical shots, volleys and headers: Critical shots make your shots become more powerful and therefore more dangerous. Critical shots appear very rarely and seem to depend on the current situation in the game. Rebounds and off-the-line clearances: These moves often come down to chance, but we can force them to happen quite often. When you make a shot, try to have another player within the opponent's area. If your shot comes off the post, the other player will score from the rebound. Similarly, before a shot is made that can beat your goalkeeper, put one or more defenders in your area. If you're lucky one of the defenders will come out of nowhere and clear the ball off the line and save you from conceding a virtually certain goal. > Game Genie codes: These work like so: As an example, to get Tsubasa's Drive Overhead Kick at the start of the game: 0446-01-04 The first four digits is the address, the next two digits are the player that gets it, and the last two digits are the special you get. Now, onto the codes. -Have any player on your team or the opposing team. Your players GK: 0300 02: 030C 03: 0318 04: 0324 05: 0330 06: 033C 07: 0348 08: 0354 09: 0360 10: 036C 11: 0378 Opposing players GK: 0384 02: 0390 03: 039C 04: 03A8 05: 03B4 06: 03C0 07: 03CC 08: 03D8 09: 03E4 10: 03F0 11: 03FC Address of characters to select: 01-Tsubasa Ôzora (São Paulo) 02-GK. Renato (São Paulo) 03-Lima (São Paulo) 04-Marini (São Paulo) 05-Amaral (São Paulo) 06-Doutor (São Paulo) 07-Batista (São Paulo) 08-Tahamata (São Paulo) 09-Babington (São Paulo) 0A-Gil (São Paulo) 0B-Platão (São Paulo) 0C-Hanji Urabe (Nankatsu) 0D-Takeshi Kishida (Nankatsu) 0E-Masao Nakayama (Nankatsu) 0F-GK. Yûzô Morisaki (Nankatsu) 10-Shingo Takasugi (Nankatsu) 11-Tarô Misaki (Nankatsu) 12-Mamoru Izawa (Nankatsu) 13-Hajime Taki (Nankatsu) 14-Ryô Ishizaki (Nankatsu) 15-Shun Nitta (Nankatsu) 16-Kisugi Teppei (Nankatsu) 17-Masao Tachibana (Japan) 18-Kazuo Tachibana (Japan) 19-Mitsuru Sano (Japan) 1A-Kojiro Hyuuga (Japan) 1B-Makoto Soda (Japan) 1C-Jito Hiroshi (Japan) 1D-Hikaru Matsuyama (Japan) 1E-Kazuki Sorimachi (Japan) 1F-Takeshi Sawada (Japan) 20-Jun Misugi (Japan) 21-Genzo Wakabayashi (Japan) 22-Ken Wakashimazu (Japan) 23-Satrústegui (Corinthians) 24-Riberio (Corinthians) 25-Da Silva (Gremio) 26-Claudio Meão (Gremio) 27-Toninho (Palmeiras) 28-Ney (Palmeiras) 29 Zagallo (Santos) 2A-Dilceu (Santos) 2B-Santana (Flamengo) 2C-Santamaria (Flamengo) 2D-Getúlio (Flamengo) 2E-Hiroshi Jito (Kunimi) 2F-Mitsuru Sano (Kunimi) 30-Masao Tachibana (Akita) 31-Kazuo Tachibana (Akita) 32-Makoto Soda (Tatsunami) 33-Taichi Nakanishi (Tatsunami) 34-Jun Misugi (Musashi) 35-Hikaru Matsuyama (Furano) 36-Kojiro Hyuuga (Toho) 37-Kazuki Sorimachi (Toho) 38-Takeshi Sawada (Toho) 39-Ken Wakashimazu (Toho) 3A-Lampion (AS Roma) 3B-Ramon Victorino (Uruguay) 3C-Da Silva (Uruguay) 3D-Theodor Kapellomann (Hamburg SV) 3E-Hermann Kaltz (Hamburg SV) 3F-Metza (Hamburg SV) 40-Genzo Wakabayashi (Hamburg SV) 41-Kojiro Hyuuga (Japan) 42-Shun Nitta (Japan) 43-Mitsuru Sano (Japan) 44-Tarô Misaki (Japan) 45-Jun Misugi (Japan) 46-Masao Tachibana (Japan) 47-Kazuo Tachibana (Japan) 48-Jito Hiroshi (Japan) 49-Ryô Ishizaki (Japan) 4A-Makoto Soda (Japan) 4B-Hikaru Matsuyama (Japan) 4C-Ken Wakashimazu (Japan) 4D-Li Hanne (China) 4E-Li Bankun (China) 4F-Cha (South Korea) 50-Kim (South Korea) 51-Macher (Poland) 52-Dzajic (Poland) 53-Lorimer (England) 54-Steve Robson (England) 55-Belyaev (USSR) 56-Lashin (USSR) 57-Louis Napoleon (France) 58-Elle-Sid Pierre (France) 59-Espana (Mexico) 5A-Lampion (Italy) 5B-Gino Fernandez (Italy) 5C-Islas (Netherlands) 5D-Libuta (Netherlands) 5E-Alan Pascal (Argentina) 5F-Satrústegui (Argentina) 60-Juan Diaz (Argentina) 61-Babington (Argentina) 62-Gabriel Galván (Argentina) 63-Karl-Heinz Schneider (West Germany) 64-Manfred Margas (West Germany) 65-Hermann Kaltz (West Germany) 66-Metza (West Germany) 67-Franz Schester (West Germany) 68-Theodor Kapellomann (West Germany) 69-Deuter Müller (West Germany) 6A-Carlos Santana (Brazil) 6B-Zagallo (Brazil) 6C-Riberio (Brazil) 6D-Ney (Brazil) 6E-Santamaria (Brazil) 6F Toninho (Brazil) 70-Doutor (Brazil) 71-Amaral (Brazil) 72-Dilceu (Brazil) 73-Getúlio (Brazil) 74-Elzo Gertis (Brazil) 75-Arthur Antines Coimbra (Brazil) Special Techniques: Address: 043C Values ​​for shots: 00 - Shoot 01 - Volley 02 - Header 03 - Drive Shoot 04 - Drive Overhead Kick 05 - Hayabusa Shoot 06 - Hayabusa Volley Shoot 07 - Kamisori Shoot 08 - Skylab Hurricane 09 - Twin Shoot 0A - Skylab Twin Shoot 0B - Eagle Shoot 0C - Tiger Shot 0D - Neo Tiger Shot 0D - Overhead Kick 0F - Hyper Overhead Kick 10 - Jumping Volley Shoot 11 - Drive Tiger Twin Shoot 12 - Cyclone Shoot 13 - Sano to no Combi Play 14 - Banana Shoot 15 - Booster Shoot 16 - Mirage Shoot 17 - Mach Shoot 18 - Sidewinder 19 - Slider Shoot 1A - Cannon Shoot 1B - Fire Shot 1C - Dynamite Head 1D - Cannon Head 1E - Rocket Head 1F - Shôryûkyaku 20 - Zenten Shoot 21 - Slider Cannon Shoot 22 - Double Eel Values ​​for dribbling: 00 - Dribble 01 - Heel lift 02 - Goin na Dribble 03 - Kieru Feint 04 - Bunshin Dribble 05 - Kosoku Dribble 06 - Harinezumi Dribble Values ​​for passes: 00 - Pass 01 - Drive Pass 02 - Kamisori Pass 03 - Top Spin Pass Special saves: Address: 043E Values: 00 - Normal 01 - Rolling Save 02 - Bunshin Saving 03 - Dark Illusion -Change guts: Address: GK: 0302 02: 030E 03: 031A 04: 0326 05: 0332 06: 033E 07: 034A 08: 0356 09: 0362 10: 036E 11: 037A Value: 00: Very low guts 01: Medium guts 02: High guts 03: Very high guts 04: Guts higher than 999 (you may see some glitches) -Change level and skills: Address: GK: 0303 02: 030F 03: 031B 04: 0327 05: 0333 06: 033F 07: 034B 08: 0357 09: 0363 10: 036F 11: 037B Value: Keep in mind the following: Level to be = L Value of first digit = V1 Value of second digit = V2 So: L = 16 * V1 + V2 Example 1: I want to have a Level 99 player at number 7 99 = 16 * V1 + (V2 + 1) V1 = 6 V2 = 2 Address: 034B Value: 62 Do not forget that: V1: This value is the nearest multiple of 16 that is lower than the level you want. In this example, 96 is the closest multiple of 16 to the level we want, which is 99. V2: This is the remainder of the value you need to get the level you want. Example 2: I want to have Level 63 player number 8: 63 = 16 * V1 + (V2 + 1) V1 = 3 V2 = 15 (as this is a hexadecimal system, use the letter F to get 15) Address: 0357 Value: 3E Remember that in the hexadecimal system: 10 = A 11 = B 12 = C 13 = D 14 = E 15 = F Note 1: Going over level 99 may cause some glitches. Note 2: Although the hexadecimal values equal 99 and 63 here, that is not the value you put down, because you put in the formula of "L". What happens is that if you put V1 and V2 to the value of 0 then your level will be 1, which makes the formula L = 16 * V1 + V2 + 1, not L = 16 * V1 + V2 as it would otherwise be. -Other Codes: Tsubasa's Drive Overhead Kick as an option in any match: Address: 0446 Value: 05 Tsubasa's CycloneShoot as a normal option in any match: Address: 0448 Value: 01 Tsubasa with Drive Tiger Twin Shoot as a normal option in any match: Address: 0449 Value: 80 > Tips: - Add levels continuously without losing a match: The only way to accomplish this is by having players have very good performances in every game either scoring a few goals, making assists or scoring against the star player of the opposing team. It is virtually impossible to continuously make the levels of all the team's players rise, but what you can do is choose certain players who will be key throughout the game. Those players you have chosen should always end with low guts if they want good results. Although it is difficult to do, you can also make your goalkeeper continuously increase, but to do this you have to keep the opposing team shooting until your goalkeeper is exhausted. If if you're going to do this make sure you do not harm your attempt to go unbeaten for the whole game. - Add two levels in one game: This can only be done in the São Paulo vs. Corinthians or the Sao Paulo vs. Gremio match. To achieve this, you have to score six goals with the players you want to level up. If you achieve this feat, once you've finished the match the players who managed it go up two levels. Doing this with all the players on your team is really impossible, so it's best to focus on two players at most. You can't make this happen after the Gremio match. This can only be done once, and in these matches. - The Golden Combi bug: To use this bug, you have to locate Tsubasa or Misaki on the very end of the opposing team's half, i.e. the places marked 'X' on this diagram of the field. ---------------------- X| X| -------- | X| | X| | ---- | | |_ | | | | | | |_| | | | | ---- | X| | X| -------- X| X| ---------------------- Once there, use the Golden Combi. Surprisingly, the player who uses the Golden Combi appears at the end of your own half, right in the same line you were located before using the combination. Using this combination, you can maintain control of the ball for a long time which can also help us to organise a 'counterattack' from your defense. The reason for this appears to be that, when calculating where a 1-2 will eventually end up on the field, the Golden Combi is strong enough to make the position value underflow, meaning the game places you on the other side. Notably, the Gemini Attack is not strong enough to do this and simply keeps you on the end of the opponent's half. Because of the way 1-2s work, it's difficult to run into this by accident, unless you use it as a way to get away from a defender (plausible with Misaki, to be fair), which is probably why the programmers never noticed it... - Bug to advance without being marked: This bug can be of great help, as you can move forward to where you want without the fear that an opposing player will mark you. To perform this bug, take one step, then press the B button, then choose the option of Dribble. Repeat until you're where you want to be. This bug will help you, more than anything, to go into 1-on-1s against the goalkeeper, because usually there will be many defenders in the way of the goal who'll try to take away the ball before you get to the oppnsing goalkeeper. Deep passes: In this game there is no offside rule which is very beneficial to you. Therefore deep passes will be very helpful to make counterattacks. In these cases, you simply have to place the cursor in a position in which your player is closest to the ball. The following diagram will show you a classic example so you have an idea of ​​what I'm explaining. ----------------------------- | | E | | | ------| E _ | |_ X------|_| | | | / | | | / | | | E / | |_| / | | / | | / ------| O | E | ----------------------------- Legend: O: your player with ball. X: your player receiving the ball. E: opposing players. As you can see, the pass cursor is not in the position of the player, because passing straight to that same player runs the risk of having the pass cut. Place the cursor on a blank area, but in a place where your player is the first player to reach that point. Bear in mind that the player who gets to the ball first is the one whose starting position is the shortest distance from the pass cursor and therefore the final position of the ball. The deep pass also serves to prevent opponents marking us, so you must locate the cursor so it is your player who gets to the ball first and without any opposing player in the way of the pass. On several occasions you'll find yourselves in a situation in which you'll know who pass to. While obviously the opposing players try to cover every possible space, you can still create chances by knowing how to use the deep pass. In this following diagram, you will see that the player in possession of the ball is in a rather difficult situation, where he has to pass the ball to his teammate, but can not because he is covered. X | | E | | E O E Using a deep pass: _ X----------|_| / / E / / / E O E There are several situations like this one in which you have to use your common sense to see where best to play passes. -Use of the 1-2: When you want to use a 1-2 you must consider that when you use it you move a certain distance so that the distance between the player starting the 1-2 and the support player is the same before and after performing this move. In the chart below you can see in more detail what treatment explain. O-----------O \ / Legend: \ / O: Player with ball possession. L \ / L X: Player supporting the 1-2. \ / L: Distance between players, length of 1-2. X When a 1-2 is carried out, you should be careful that no opposing player crosses the two paths between the players on the ball during the 1-2. This must be taken into account because if the player making the return pass has very low passing skills, then there is the possibility that such a return will be cut if an opponent player gets in the way. The following diagram will show what not to do on a 1-2. O-----------O \ / Legend: \ / O: Player with ball. E E X: Player supporting the 1-2. \ / E: Player of the opposing team. \ / X The 1-2 must always be performed looking to evade players and move down the field without any problem until the goal. In the following diagram, I show a very common situation in the game, and where the 1-2 is used correctly. E E O-----------O Legend: \ E E / O: Player with ball. \ / X: Player supporting the 1-2. \ E / E: Player of the opposing team. \ / \ / X Given all these tips, I think it will be easier to play this great game. ************** 7. Miscellaneous ************** > The Dream Team: In my opinion the ideal team would be armed as follows: Formation: 4-3-3 GK- Elzo Gertis 02- Galvan 03- Dilceu 04- Libuta 05- Robson 06- Diaz 07- Coimbra 08- Santana 09- Hyuuga 10- Tsubasa 11- Schneider > Specs: Name: Captain Tsubasa Vol.II: Super Striker Creator: TECMO Game type: RPG / Soccer Console for which it was created: NES / Famicom Release year: 1990 Director: Fighter Otomi Inn Game Program: Yocchan Outo Game Program: Akihiko Planner: Akai Kitsune Outo Game Director: Uma Animation Director: Niwakamaru Music: Yama San Metal Yuuki Mayu Sprite Action: Super Gonta Kun Back Work: Masshian Graphic Team # 1: Kenna Pakko “Shinpiroessuâ€￾ Graphic Team # 2: Murasaki Zuu Fuyu Fuyu Data Work: Satou Daikon Yahemi Debug Chief: Kikyouya Jyuubee Outo Game Adviser: Sakurazaki Package Design Manual: Mondo Eko Pancho Taka Chan Original: Yôichi Takahashi ************************************** 8. Acknowledgments and final words: ************************************** - Yoichi Takahashi for creating Captain Tsubasa. - TECMO for creating this great game. - GameFAQs for letting me upload this guide. This is the end of this guide, which I hope has been welcome for all of you. For now, I say goodbye. Any questions or suggestions can be sent to the following E-mail: - eonleader4@gmail.com - eonleader@googlemail.com See you soon.