CastleQuest FAQ/Walkthrough version 1.0.0 by Andrew Schultz ================================ This document is copyright 2001 Andrew Schultz. Please do not reproduce for profit without my permission. If you wish to use my FAQ contact me(please use my first name and refer to this FAQ specifically) and I will probably grant your request. I have also written a CastleQuest page that currently has pictures of all rooms as they are before you enter them. I may put animated GIFs in there soon, but that would require moving some files(I have "only" 2 MB left right now.) ** AD SPACE ** If you enjoyed my CastleQuest page, maybe you'll enjoy other pages I made: My home page My maps page(Apple games mostly) Feel free to mail me ANY mistakes I may have made while writing this FAQ. It is to be expected in such a detailed game as CQ. This is the biggest FAQ to date I've written and although it will probably have the most errors, I'd like to cut down on that as much as possible. Also, if many people mail me about something they don't understand, it is likely a stylistic concern that I need to fix. Don't assume you're "just missing it." Castlequest may already make you feel stupid enough and this FAQ wasn't meant to make you feel even dumber. ================================ OUTLINE BASIC BORING STUFF AUTHOR'S STATEMENT ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT/TERMINOLOGY SCORING NOT REALLY CHEATING, BUT SETTING YOU UP FOR BIGGER AND BETTER THINGS AND FINALLY, CHEATING OPTIONS, TO LIVEN UP THE BORING STUFF CONTROLS AND STRATEGY GENERAL TIPS/MISCELLANEOUS GUIDE TO USELESS DOORS STUFF YOU CAN PUSH OR SNEAK AROUND THE MONSTERS NEATO ITEMS TEXT MAPS + WHAT TO DO IN EACH ROOM LEGEND ANNOTATIONS AND THEIR PURPOSES--HOW TO NAVIGATE THIS DOCUMENT THE ROOMS, WITH DESCRIPTIONS AND RECOMMENDED PATHS THE OVERALL WALKTHROUGH, HOARDING AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TABLES AND STATISTICS VERSIONS AND CREDITS ================================ BASIC BORING STUFF AUTHOR'S STATEMENT I hope this is not too pompous and that it does not cross too far into review territory, but I wanted to address briefly some of the major virtues and shortcomings of CastleQuest. Many of the bad parts are a little too obvious. The sound is terrible and nonfunctional. The game is front-loaded with some annoying quick dexterity puzzles and probably gets too tough too quick after the first two keys, which are not too tough to get. Many of the rooms are also "stoppers." You'll have to perform an action very quickly. Now given that the stoppers are frontloaded, you will seem to lose a lot more men early on than later on; the lives at the beginning test dexterity more, and later on you're more likely to lose a life resetting a board in an impossible situation, although you can usually back out of this sort of board. So the fifty lives seem to be adequate, until you find puzzles that you must complete, otherwise you will be stuck, and you make little errors even when you know the solution. Yet parts of the layout are wonderful. The opening scene, with the two easy doors to open, has a green key and yellow key above where you can't quite reach. However, the green key seems to be meant to open a door to the underground, and the yellow key is clearly intended to open the door to get the map you can see above. Then the next room has a yellow key and three yellow doors--which one to enter? Many puzzles also have elegant solutions, even though the solving may be ruined by a slip on the controller or the keyboard(if you have an emulator. Although you may wind up running in circles, and many puzzles don't get you anywhere when you solve them(the game doesn't even recognize you when you open certain doors) there is still a good deal of imagination in the puzzles. The nonlinearity is also fascinating; in several rooms, you will need to take one route through if you enter on one path or another--that actually crosses--on another path. The game teases you a lot with "bet you can't get over here." Overall, a game like Lolo is superior overall as a game, but CastleQuest managed to throw in some tough abstract puzzles that reach beyond the usual gaming experience. If that's your cup of tea and you can get past the video-game aspect, this is one wonderful game. The walkthrough I have is hopefully tolerable. However, looking into the game requires an exhaustive effort, and you will perpetually find wrinkles where your performance becomes more efficient, and if I've made any inaccuracies, I'd love to hear about them. I believe all the major puzzle rooms have correct info but there are many places to slip up or just overlook a clever tactic to save a key. As for this guide, I wanted to cover the game from every useful angle I can think of. I've tried to arrange things so that you can see as many hints as you want. Formatting experiments were thought through and made. If anything looks very wrong, tell me and I'll try to modify it. This game has a lot of wild quirks and I'd like to capture as many as I can as comprehensively(and comprehendably) as I can. There are still questions about CastleQuest that are tough to prove or answer and some that are fun and some that are both. What's the minimum number of rooms to visit? What's the highest score you can get? What's the maximum of any one key you can have at game's end? The maximum total keys? Can you visit every room and win the game? Pick up every key? (I doubt this one. There are too many red doors.) Where are the "bad" doors to open? ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT/TERMINOLOGY It's a bit unromantic to refer to castle rooms by boring numbers but it allows quicker searching. To find any castle room type its location in parentheses, i.e. (0004)- -Horizontal, then vertical. You start at 0002, for instance. Each entrance will also be described. Examples, possibly hypothetical, are below. 0203u1 would be the leftmost entrance to the room at (2,2) from above. 0501d2 would be the second-leftmost entrance to the room at (5,2) from below. 0407r1 would be the top entrance to the room (4,8) from the right. 0801l2 would be the second-top entrance to the room (7,1) from the left. The entrance will never perfectly correspond to the room number, but I wanted to make the document searchable, so that if you go from, say, 0606 down, you can search for 0606d1 and continue reading through the walkthrough/room summaries. Eventually you will be able to search for entrances by this key number. Note that although, say, 0505r1 is the same door as 0605l1, 0505u1 is not necessarily the same as 0605d1 as there are one-way passages down(falling through, or lift above, nothing below) or up(lift below, nothing above.) This is important in the walkthrough, which describes which rooms to go to in what order. The rooms give the details as to what to do. The coordinates only references the rooms and ways to arrive. You will need to search for the phrase(i.e. 0102l1) to find what you are supposed to do there. The start of the game is 0002l1, as it is assumed Rafael comes in from the left. The walkthrough/room detail do not have good advice on what to do if you're low on keys. They only discuss abstract solutions. Look in the controls/strategy part for conservation, etc. In general there are several places where you can stock up on keys, and you'll do well to use them. It's possible to finish a game with over 20 keys but that is only if you are familiar with the game. IN-DOCUMENT TERMINOLOGY **square or unit=1/2 of Rafael's height/width. **"back up" vs. "back the game up" may be confusing sometimes. However, "back up" after you've opened a useless door probably means "back the game up" with the options from the game menu on controller two. **'pulley block' or 'lift block' will be the block with arrows that moves a lift up and down when it's next to a pulley. **object=something you can push **monster=something that will touch and kill you **platform=thing that moves back and forth and kills you if you jump into it, or it can be what you walk on. synonym: ledge **up/left/right or up/right/left jump: In the following position, with X being platforms and ! being Rafael, you want to jump up a level. XXXX !! !! XXXX To do so, you execute an up/right/left jump. Start off by jumping right, but quickly move back left when Rafael is just above the higher platform. **up/left or up/right jump Often you will not want to move right or left in a jump until a certain point. See below. XXXX !! !! XXXXXX Going left too soon here will block Rafael, so an up/left jump is the term used to describe how he should move here. **left or right broad jump: Rafael goes all-out here, hitting left or right just along with the jump button. **comeback jump: You can jump off a ledge one direction, then steer yourself back. This is useful when there is a key that seems off to the side. Often it isn't, really. **on the edge, or half-standing on something: It's critical to try standing on an edge as often one icon can make a difference in jumps. On the edge !! !! !! OR !! XXXX XXXX Not on the edge !! !! !! !! XXXX XXXX **creeping: the way by which you can move a consort of two or three blocks in one direction, slowly. 11 22 11 22 Observe above, you can push 2 to the left and then 1 to the left, but you need 2 spaces. With the formation below, you push the blocks one square right in order to displace the whole set-up. 33 33 22 11 22 11 **suicide: killing Rafael for advantage. This is different from reset or back in that it seeks to establish a gain instead of to reset an error. Sometimes you may want to get a key but will be trapped when you do or need to use a key to get out. If you can kill Rafael without leaving, you'll have gained a key normally thought impossible. This is a bit of a sacrifice, as you're trading a life for security at the end-- if you make it. There are some rare cases where suicide works out, but often you'll be able to get the key, etc. without doing so. Only use suicide to get a key. You may not be able to kill Rafael. SCORING --800 for picking up money --1000 for picking up oxygen --400 for picking up a ring --200 for picking up a cross --1000 for picking up a life potion(plus an extra life) --1000 for picking up the map --100 for picking up a key(any color) --NO POINTS for stabbing an enemy or opening a door or solving a tough puzzle(except if there's an item at the end) or even rescuing the princess(hey, you score anyway in that last case, and for an ugly mug as Rafael is in the final scene, that's not half bad...) --you get an extra man for every 10000 points, so sometimes when you get a life potion you can get two extra lives. AND FINALLY, CHEATING OPTIONS, TO LIVEN UP THE BORING STUFF He-e-ey! Oh, all right. So maybe you just want to solve this game and have done with it. Understandable! Seeing as how you'll have to solve some pretty tough puzzles in any case to get to certain elevators that lead to the upper rooms, cheating as described below only gets you so far. However, with the advent of emulators come things called SAVE STATES. The only emulator I'm really secure with is called NESTICLE. I'm not sure if save states are the same across emulators--I suspect not--but I'll show how to cheat at NESTICLE and then how I figured this out. It should help you. However you need to realize that you will need to know some rudimentary computer-operating techniques. 1. Get a hex editor. Kahei's freeware editor( is great for this sort of thing. Microsoft Visual C++ Studio 5 should do the trick too. 2. Make a save state(0/f5 with NESTCL will save to castlequ.sta, 1-9 will save to castlequ(1-9).sta.) 3. Open the file. Go to the offset 2005(in hexadecimal.) 4. Change this byte and the next five to 09. That will give you nine keys of everything. Of course you can futz with the values as you please! 5. Have fun! But beware that this can remove some of the game's challenge as well as its frustration, and solving it 100% honestly feels better. Other values you can change include lives or your score. 2005 = # of red keys 2006 = # of dark blue keys 2007 = # of yellow keys 2008 = # of light blue keys 2009 = # of green keys 200a = # of pink keys 200c/200b=high byte, low byte for (score/10) 2013 = # of lives Also, keep a backup in case you edit something incorrectly and the save state is corrupt. For other save states with other emulators, the following experiments will tell you where the critical information is located. 1. Save the game if you enter a room with, say, a yellow colored door. 2. Go over and open it. 3. Go back to where you were in 1. 4. Save the game to a different slot. 5. Do a byte-compare of the two save-states. If you had three yellow keys before, look where the save state in 1 has 3 in one byte and the save state in 4 has 2 in one byte. You can also repeat this procedure for *picking up* a key. For instance, enter a room, save the state, get a key, leave and re-enter, and save another state. Byte-compare the two. NOT REALLY CHEATING, BUT SETTING YOU UP FOR BIGGER AND BETTER THINGS Save states on emulators are also good because they allow you to try something many times until you succeed. In a grueling game like CastleQuest without a save option, this is a VERY good thing. They also allow you to stop at some point and pick up where you left off. If you have the cartridge and are frustrated trying to solve the game, find a ROM and an emulator. CONTROLS AND STRATEGY GENERAL YOU AND YOUR ABILITIES There are obvious inabilities, like being able to jump quietly. Having a technical grasp of what you can or cannot do will have a big effect on how you go about solving a problem--some puzzles take a while even if you don't wind up saying "gee, I guess this should work" every two minutes. So how does Rafael move around, and how do you use that to your advantage? Some of these points may be echoed later in the FAQ, but the general points here may help to give you the tools to solve a puzzle without giving spoilers. --The game is played on a 40x20 screen of icons although it must scroll for you to see it all. --Rafael and all his enemies and most objects occupy a 2x2 space of icons. --You can hold down a direction before you press the button to start a scene. This is crucial when an object on a conveyor belt is coming at you or if you want to catch an elevator. --Rafael's maximum vertical is four squares, although he will cut off his jump if you release the button. --When Rafael jumps, he has the ability to move one square horizontally for each unit of time, just like walking. This means he can go diagonally down at a forty-five degree angle, and he can even move while hanging at the top of his jump. He can also make twisting jumps where he moves one way and another, and these are in fact crucial to the game. See the terminology section. --Over the first four squares, Rafael can ascend if you hold the button down. If you hit the ceiling, Rafael's vertical will be limited even if you steer to the side. --To do the very broadest jumps, push left or right just before you jump. That will give Rafael an extra horizontal square. --Remember to release the jump button if you don't want to jump again-- it's left or right you have to hold down. --Rafael cannot open a door unless he is standing next to it--jumping at a door and thrusting the key in the keyhole is, apparently, out. --Remember that Rafael can stand halfway on a crate, halfway off and never worry about his balance. This gives Rafael an extra horizontal unit in range for his jumps that you wouldn't think of intuitively. Crates may also be stacked cockeyed as well. --Suicide can be effective--see the terminology for details. --Water is lethal unless Rafael has recently grabbed oxygen. This is true even if Rafael wades in it(i.e. halfway in.) It lasts for a certain time before Rafael again dies in water. --Water is also just like regular underground. --Graphics can deceive in some cases. Rafael may die unexpectedly jumping over plants or jumping over/swerving during a jump to avoid spikes. On the other hand, spikes from above may brush Rafael and he'll be okay. Weird. --When Rafael has gotten oxygen, there's no warning for when it stops. However, if he kills himself before it's over, the room starts over with the oxygen remaining when he entered the room. --Alternatively, if Rafael gets oxygen, it runs out, and he kills himself, that is big trouble. He'll have to back up, as the oxygen will be gone on restart. Here's some relatively less important trivia: --Rafael can jump one square to the side of a key and still pick it up. This does not work for items. TIPS/MISCELLANEOUS --Monsters don't go through doors. Remember this when dodging them. They also don't fall off ledges, but they can walk over elevators. --Remember that you can walk off a screen and walk back on to reset the board. This only works fully if an item has NOT been destroyed yet. The only items that can be permanently destroyed are crates--safes are OK as are jugs and candles. --You can stick yourself in a trap where you'll always get killed by standing on edge of an elevator when you ascend. If you wind up *inside* a brick or on a spike, you are killed. Of course, you can back the game up, but that wastes lives. --You will probably get frustrated with the game before losing all your lives :D, so use the reset/back option frequently if you use up keys too fast--this may allow you to explore multiple paths at a small price. --Even trades aren't generally worth it. Often when a key is behind a door you don't want to open that door, because you can get around it. --Just because a key is in the same room as a door with its color, don't go opening that door right away. Try to figure where it leads. If it obviously leads nowhere, leave it alone, and if a pit you can't see the top of falls into it, consider that there may be something special above it STUFF YOU CAN PUSH OR SNEAK AROUND Objects are the same size as Rafael, and if next to him they block his way when walking. However, he can jump on them to reach some place he couldn't get before. Rafael can jump the equivalent of two objects in height. Sometimes Rafael will have to push objects into a certain formation to reach a door that is far off to the side. Objects can balance on each other, so something like the below is plausible. How it is done is another matter; Rafael must be careful pushing objects around or they may fall on him. Another thing to be careful of is if you push an object so that it blocks a door. Two things you CANNOT do with them are: 1. push an object down the shaft below a wide elevator platform 2. push an object out the door so it disappears. This is the more serious of the two as it can actually block you from leaving the room. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Example of how an object might fall on Rafael. ** ** !!** !!** XXXX If Rafael moves two squares right, the object above will lose its support below and fall. If Rafael only moves one square, he will be OK. Many objects are identical(safe, barrel, jug, crate) except for the graphics. The only ones truly different are the CANDLE, which you can't walk over, and the PULLEY BLOCK, discussed below. In fact, if you fall above it, you may get singed even if you swerve out of the way. If you have the following situation(X=platform, .=candle, !=Rafael) you will be okay unless Rafael walks right but the one after that is not always. !! !! XX.. XX.. !!(jumping down, trying to go left on the platform will kill you) !!(jumping across is safe if Rafael has the "hops.") ..XX ..XX The PULLEY BLOCK, when connected to a pulley, moves a lift tied to the pulley up and down. Some times you must push the pulley block into place, and you can always push it out if you are careless, ruining its effect. Each unit you push the pulley block will send the lift up or down one if the lift is mobile, and the pulley construction determines which way the lift goes, although it is usually (push the block right, pulley goes down, push left, pulley goes up.) You can push the pulley block back and forth as much as you'd like, and sometimes it's needed several times for a certain room. The pulley block can also be used as a standard object. The "ordinary" objects are a crate, a barrel(heh..crate and barrel) a safe and a jug. They can be pitched down a chute and re-appear if you re-enter the level, but if they are crushed by an elevator then they are gone for good unless you reset the board. This happens even if you die instead of just leaving the room. Sometimes destroying a block doesn't matter or is to your advantage; other times it will render a room unsolveable. Frequently you will need to push an object while on an elevator. Be warned that an elevator pushing you into an object from above is just as deadly as it crushing you against a ceiling. You have eight units of movement for each unit the elevator moves, so you can run a block across an elevator, for instance. XXXXXXXX !!** !!** XXXX^^XX You'd be able to make it across, here, although a refinement might be to push the block on the elevator and then push it when it is at Rafael's waist-height; this eliminates some of the timing needed. You can also push a block one unit above or below you as long as you(or it) is not impeded. ** !!** !! XX In the diagram above you can push the object one unit right. In the diagram below you can push the crate all the way down the stairs. !! !!** XX** XX XX XX XX An object can even support two objects, and you can even climb on any of your ramshackle creations. Both diagrams below are OK--1, 2 and 3 are separate objects. !! !! 1122 ** 1122 ** 33 ** 33 ** THE MONSTERS In general, you will want to knife mortal monsters well before they get to you. This is a total fracture of reality, but hey, it is a fantasy cartridge. I guess they walk up and say "ooh, look, shiny...oww!!!!" You can also drop objects on monsters to kill them or to box them off and finish them later. Monsters never jump off ledges(except Attack Cats in special cases,) so you can see a monster move back and forth if you pin it to the edge of a platform. Monsters usually bounce back and forth, changing direction when they hit each other, the edge of a platform, a wall or an area where a door is/was. They never change directions on a whim. Monsters also consider elevator platforms as an extension of a platform, so they often get fooled and possibly crushed. You can drop an object on a monster(objects fall at the same rate monsters move, which is the same rate you move.) You can also push it into the monster although there is a risk the monster will bounce off it. Once a monster is killed by your knife, you dropping something, spikes, water, or an elevator, it goes off the screen provided you do not reset the level or go back. I've never seen a monster get killed by a candle or force-field floor or falling lift, but I suspect it can. If monsters fall into a gap and vanish, they will re-appear the next time you enter a screen. On rare occasions I've been able to perform a trick where you are running behind a monster and can knife it. The monsters are listed below--each one has a special characteristic. Attack Cats Well, they're called attack cats but for my money "copy cats" would be truth in advertising. They look like they're wearing ruffled shirts, which is kind of funky, but their defining characteristic as it relates to Rafael is that they jump whenever he does. The effect is often random, but if Rafael times his jump correctly, a pesky cat can be tamed pretty quickly. They jump two squares into the air up and two to the side, unless they are boxed in. They also possess the ability to bounce back onto a platform if they sense they will fall, and in one particularly nasty room they will fall when you do, crowding you out a bit. Once on the ground they just move back and forth. The most annoying thing they can do is land on each other. Then one can walk on top of the other and if you stab the lower of the two the one above may fall on you. Still, you can often sucker them into falling where they don't want to go. Fireballs These guys usually appear on screens with wide-open spaces. It's a convenient kludge so that you can't ever actually drop anything on them to kill them, which would be surreal. However, they can get crushed by elevators(the best way to get 'em) and quite frankly in a room near the beginning of the game that is the only way to get rid of one of the things--you get set to crush yourself in an elevator and hope the fireball goes after you, unless you are lucky to be able to move "the right way." Fireballs are relatively rare and move slower than you do. They seem to focus on your horizontal location and move in, so jumping can fool them. If you jump up as they line up with you, they can sail off to the top of the screen. Witches Thankfully, witches do not summon fireballs or plants. However, they summon other monsters in a puff of smoke. If they do so, especially if a bishop appears, leave the room and the summoned monsters vanish, unless you are confident and sadistic. Clearly killing witches is your first order of business in a room--before keys, before other monsters. They have no other special powers and are defenseless by themselves. The summoned monsters are random. Note that with enough summoned monsters they can walk on top of each other which will drive you nuts. Not sure what happens if you kill a witch and not a summoned monster and then you die. Bishops Bishops are invincible to your weapons. You touch them, you die. Frequently you will be required to jump over a bishop in a tight situation(there may be an overhead of just two squares with spikes surrounding it,) and often there will be two bishops bouncing around and against each other that you need to get past. In this case you may need to jump twice in succession. You can often jump at a bishop when you know he's going to turn around and follow him if he is bouncing back and forth guarding something, then run the other way when he turns around. Warriors Warriors shoot arrows at you. The arrows take up two icon spaces and if, for instance, you are one square above the warrior, the arrow will run into the stair and you will not be harmed. The arrows seem to be shot at random--sometimes you suspect the warriors are clever, but either way you will do well to jump when they're near you and run to them before they turn around. Then you can surprise them with a quick knife thrust. Plants Plants may actually be the least special of all the bad guys. However, they will bloom when you least expect it. When they are "closed" they are easier to jump over as they take up a screen height of one icon and a width of two. When open they make weird faces and take a height of two icons. Often they are in corridors of height three, meaning you need to time your jumps. They cannot be killed by your knife, but you may find it useful to plow over them with a crate if you can. NEATO ITEMS Occasionally Rafael will run across some neat items that may help him in his quest--some are necessary, some helpful. I don't count treasure here other than life potions(which allow for more mistakes) but I'll briefly describe the functionality of a few of them. Oxygen: Oxygen makes it possible for Rafael to treat water like air. Even if he wades he gets killed--maybe it is fast acting pneumonia, or the water is toxic. After getting the oxygen he doesn't float but sinks to the bottom and can walk/jump at the same speed. Oxygen can last through several screens although you can only use it once. Often it is in places where you have a one-time shot, so when you see it, be alert and be quick. Pause the game to plot out your course. Rays: Rays make Rafael invincible for a short while. He can touch spikes, enemies...anything. It lasts for a few screens, too. The drawbacks are that the tune that plays when Rafael is invisible ends without warning and that, if you enter a room and die, you are not invincible on restart(i.e. the time left when you entered is not reinstated.) Fortunately this never kills off your game, but it's inconsistent compared to Oxygen. Also on the bright side, Rafael can return to a room to get recharged while Oxygen is a one-off. This more than offsets you not getting 1000 points. GUIDE TO USELESS DOORS This feature is not fully functional, but hopefully when it is I will show you which doors are to be avoided, which probably shouldn't be open, and which are a good idea. TEXT MAPS + WHAT TO DO IN EACH ROOM LEGEND The legend was a bit tricky to finalize, and it may not satisfy everyone as some letters are re-used, but here goes: x X * = different types of walls ~ = water / \ = angled brick | = elevator hoist OR columns ^^^^ ^^ = elevators(wide or small) >> << = conveyor belts(left or right) +. . + .+ + . = spikes == = moving platform {} = plant :: MA :: = crate P! = map () ju () = barrel g. = jug SA ca FE = safe nd = candle wi ca tc = witch ts = attack cat bi fi sh = bishop re = fireball wa fa rr = warrior ir = fairy LT lt BL = light blue door bl = light blue key DK dk BL = dark blue door bl = dark blue key RE re D! = red door d! = red key YE ye LO = yellow door lo = yellow key PI pi NK = pink door nk = pink key GR gr EN = green door en = green key $$ ri $$ = money bags ng = ring cr LI os = cross FE = life potion H2 RA -O = oxygen YS = power rays <> ^v = block that moves pullies ANNOTATIONS AND THEIR PURPOSES--HOW TO NAVIGATE THIS DOCUMENT (0000) says the room is 0 above and 0 right of the focus point. You start out 2 above. You can search for any room here by looking for (0x0y). You can search for where any exit out of a room leads by looking for that room number, adding the direction you're going(u/d/l/r for up/down/left/right) and the exit number. For u/d it starts at 1 and increases as you go right. For l/r it starts at 1 and increases as you go down. If you wish to use the walkthrough, you can reference (0x0y) for a room. Then for the walkthrough, reference :0x0y. You'll need to flip back and forth between these for the full walkthrough, so I strongly advise you print the shortened walkthrough out and navigate the rooms by searching for (0x0y). IF you wish to reference a specific exit, you search for (0x0yab) where a and b are the directions and number. Remember 0x0y should be the same as the room you're leaving. You can simulate an actual walk through the castle with this and I hope it is not too non-linear. This format is experimental, so many complaints will result in my writing a short separate walkthrough. THE ROOMS, WITH DESCRIPTIONS AND RECOMMENDED PATHS Map for (0000): xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DK xx xxxxxxxxxx xxxx BL xx xxxxxx xxxxxx xx xx xx xxxx xx xx xx xx ltxx xx xx xx xxH2xx xx^^^^xx blxxxx xx xxxx xx xx-Oxx xxxxxxxx SA SA SA xx xx xx FE FE FE xx xx GR XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxx xx EN XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxx xx xxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxx xx$$$$xx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx xx$$$$xx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx xxxx$$xx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx xxdk$$xx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx xxbl xxXX~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx xxxxxxxxXXXX~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LT xxxxxxxxXXXXXX~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This room has an extra key that's easy to get, so it is worth visiting. Even if you don't get the oxygen(although it makes jumping easier) it's worth trading off a life for a light blue key, although it's really best to enter this room from above. --If you entered through the LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you can only exit the same way. You can't quite jump up the ledge(five units.) --If you entered through the DARK BLUE DOOR, you should perform the following actions. 1. Move the middle safe to the left into the hole. 2. Move the rightmost safe into the hole so you can walk across. Don't worry about wasting the oxygen, which you won't need. 3. Move the left safe and stand on its left half. 4. Jump left, get the key, and continue left. 5. Open the green door but ONLY if you know you need a dark blue key. 6. Get the key and money 7. Jump back across to the safe 8. Jump up the shaft and onto the elevator and exit. --If you entered through the ELEVATOR SHAFT, you can proceed as you did for the DARK BLUE DOOR. First you have to get to the far right, but with a few jumps(note you jump from the pit where the safes go to between the safes, then up onto the next ledge) you can make it. Map for (0001): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx ye xx xx lo ju xx xx g. xx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx YE xx bi LO xx sh xxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx xx xx xx xx YE xx xx :: LO xx xx :: xxxx xx xx X X X X xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx :: :: YE xx xx :: :: LO xx^^^^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This room has a neat puzzle for getting back up to the top without much pressure. You'll need to go back through the top yellow door to pick up valuable supplies as the way down the shaft leads to a room where the best move is back up, but it's still worth checking. You also will need to drop something on the bishop unless your timing is impeccable, although trapping him is fun too. If you drop the jug at just a certain time the bishop will be trapped and not killed and bounce back and forth on the same square. (0002d1)--If you entered from the SHAFT ABOVE, jump across the hole to the left, push the jug onto the elevator, get the yellow key, jump over the jug, push it back to where it was before, and drop it on the bishop. If you miss, you can always fall down the elevator shaft and try again. You can jump over the bishop and barely make it but this is very risky and less violent. (0000u1)--If you entered from the ELEVATOR BELOW, get the key, push the jug right and hit the bishop, then jump over it and open the top yellow door. (0101l3)--If you entered from the UPPER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR without killing the bishop, you're in trouble. (0101l1)(0101l2)--If you entered from the MIDDLE RIGHT YELLOW DOOR or LOWER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, you must position the crates on the bottom floor as follows: 1. The crate to the right should be positioned a square to the right of where the crate above it will fall. 2. The crate to the left should be positioned so that the two are one square apart. 3. You then jump onto the two crates, onto the platform with the third crate, over the crate, and push it off to the left. 4. Jump on the crate to the bottom right. Then push the crate on top as far to the left as it can. 5. Jump on the crate on top. Go as far left as you can. Jump left and you'll hit the ledge that will get you to the elevator. 6. Wait for the elevator, then wait for it to get to the top. Then knock off the bishop with the jug if you need to. If you're just trying to solve the game, I don't recommend leaving through the middle yellow door as you have to solve a tough puzzle for only an even trade. Map for (0002): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX $$$$ riri|| XX $$$$ ngng|| XX wa || XX rr || XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX grye XX MA || XX enlo bi YE P! || XX sh LO || XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX \XXXlt cr++++XX XXbl os....XX XX wa XX XX rr LT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX BL XyeXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XloXX XX XXXXX YE GR \XXXX LO EN \XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \XX This is, of course, the first scene. Boy, the first two keys are easy enough to get. Note the foreshadowing--the green and yellow keys you can almost reach--and the treasure above. All in all, this scene is busier than you'd expect if not as tough, but the game of course wants to make a good first impression. That the green and yellow keys should be used elsewhere for a clean solution is one of the ironic wrinkles of the game. The map is useless, but if you can get to it, you're on your way to winning this game. (0003d1)--If you fall from ABOVE, TO THE FAR LEFT, you will need to roll up your sleeves and re-enter the advanced levels via the room 0502 elevator. (0002l1)--If you enter from the LEFT, jump up and get the yellow key and open the yellow door. Jump right onto the next platform and jump for the cross. Then jump just before the warrior is about to turn back to the left and follow him so that he's less likely to surprise you with an arrow. Knife him a bit before he turns--if you wait until the intuitive time, you'll get killed. Then get the blue key and jump right where you can exit through the light blue door. (0003d2)--If you enter dropping down FROM ABOVE, CENTER, head off to the right to get two rings, and jump left just before the warrior turns. Stab him when he turns around and get the money. Then drop off to the right. Again you will have to jump to the left before the bishop turns, and you will need to jump for the green key. This is a good place not to worry about sacrificing a life. It's more important to get the valuable green key. (0102l1)--If you enter from the RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, you'd better just be resetting 0102. Don't wimp out so soon! :) **I'm going to Be Controversial here and say--DON'T get the map! It's a waste of a yellow key. Also, DON'T use the green door to exit to the dungeons below. You may have to use an extra yellow key, but you already saved that by not using the map. Hey, I got maps for you, so why bother? Map for (0003): XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX crcrcrXXXX XX XX osososXXX/ XX XX XX/ YE XX X/ LO XX XX / XXXX XX XXLI XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXFE XXXXXX riri XX \XXX XXXXX/ XXXXX/ ngng XX \XX XX/ LI XXXX/ XX XX X/ FE XX XX XX XX YE XX^^ XX LO XXXX XX bi XXXXXX XXXX XX sh XXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXX XXX XX XX XXXX ..........XX/ LT XX XXXX^^ ++++++++++XX BL XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX You'll probably go through this room twice, and the upper part is harder. Getting the life potion is slightly tricky, and if you want to pick up the treasures as well you will need to time the elevators, which are not synchronized--so you may be squashed helplessly on the bottom one after getting through successfully the first time unless you're willing to wait. (0004d1)--If you fall from ABOVE, TO THE FAR LEFT, you are in for it. You cannot drop anywhere to climb back up. (0103l1)--If you enter from the BOTTOM RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, jump up and get the rings, then move right to get back on the ledge where you started. Fall off the ledge and open the blue door to the right. Fall down the hole. (0103l2)--If you enter from the TOP RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, just jump off the ledge and be sure to go to the left while jumping. Then you can take a bit of the detour once you get on the second elevator; get the three crosses and the life potion below them. Observe the elevators so you can time your ascent, as I mentioned in the intro, although if you get crushed you can just run directly through this room. The other life potion is rather tough to get. I suppose the best way to get it is, after you've entered the room, to jump hard left from the left edge of the ledge, then let go when you are above the life potion. When you pick it up, go hard left again. If you delay you will touch the tip of the spikes. Map for (0004): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX GR XXLI EN XXFE XXXX \XXX.. .. XXXXX \XX++ ..++XXXXXX \XXX.. SA ..++XXXXXXXX \XX++ FE ..++XXXXXXXXXX \XXX SA SA ..++XXXXXXXXXXXX XX FE FE ++XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX LTSA SA GR BLFE FE EN XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX grXX XX XX XX enXX== XX== XX== XX XXXX XX XX XX XXgr XX grXX GR XXen XX enXX EN XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The green keys are worth picking up, although the way the safes block you, the room is cleverly divided in half and you'll have to get one when you enter from the left and one from the right. The puzzle in the top half is more tedious than anything and I don't see any real way to get the life potion without killing yourself or having to backtrack--if you push the safes to the left, it will be tough to push them back to the right, and you can't exit to the right either. (0005u1)--If you fall from ABOVE, TO THE FAR LEFT, you can make it back up. But don't just let yourself fall, as that will put you back at the beginning. (0003u1)--If you enter from the ELEVATOR FROM BELOW you start in the bottom left. Pick up the green key on the ledge just above and then, when halfway on the ledge, jump left and go back right. Open the light blue door and drop the safe so that the moving platform below will wind up to the right(i.e. when it is at the left side)--once it does, it stops. This will allow you to get the green key with ease, as you'll just make it when you stand on the safe and jump out. Then jump up to the room with the spikes and use this pattern: move the lower right safe one square right, then the left safe, then the upper right safe. Repeat until the lower right safe is next to the spikes. Then move the left safe one to the right, jump on it, and move the upper right safe onto the spikes. From there, stand on its right half and jump right. You'll just make it to right by the green door. The life potion in the upper left is only accessible at the cost of a life, so it's not worth it, but you use the same sort of inching strategy. Just remember not to drop the left safe down the hole. (0104l1)--If you enter from the TOP RIGHT GREEN DOOR you are backtracking. (0104l2)--If you enter from the MIDDLE RIGHT GREEN DOOR you can drop onto the platform, move left, and jump to the other side of the chasm. Drop the safe so the platform winds up on the left(i.e. when it's at the far right), get the green key, and leave after an up/right jump on the safe. That's about all you can do. (0104l3)--If you enter from the BOTTOM RIGHT GREEN DOOR you can jump on the platform and proceed as in the MIDDLE RIGHT GREEN DOOR. You must exit via the top green door, but it's a neat gain on the whole, as you should have picked up two green keys in the previous screen. Map for (0005): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXye XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXlo XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX wa XXXXXXXXXX \XXXXX rr XXXXXXXX \XXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXX \X xxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXX X xxlt YE XX xxbl LO XX xxxxxxxxxxxxxx SA XX xxxx wi xxxxFE XXXX xxxx tc xxxxxx XXXXXX xx xxxxxx^^xxxxxxxx XXXXXXXX xx wi||xx XX xx tc||xx XX xx xxxxxx||xx ==XX xx wi ||xx XX xx tc ||xx wa GR xxxx^^xxxxxx||xxxxrr EN XXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXX It's not especially easy to perform what is essentially a swap of a green key for a blue key, but this room is a neat challenge, and it will allow you back to the right room with the safes reset, which can allow a potentially advantageous swap. The warrior starts by shooting an arrow at you, so be on guard. Note that the three witches in the boxed-off part can never get to you. Fun to watch them kick the bucket, though. (0006u1)--If you fall from ABOVE, TO THE FAR LEFT, don't worry too much. You cannot drop anywhere to climb back up until the room below. (0105l1)--Otherwise you must enter from the GREEN DOOR TO THE RIGHT. The warrior to the left fires an arrow immediately, so you may wish to move left and quickly jump. You'll probably have to vault the warrior, then turn around and stab him. From there, you may want to jump on the small ledge before getting on the moving platorm, jumping over the safe, getting the key behind the yellow door, and killing the warrior on the ledge above--jump from the safe to get there. Then jump to get the yellow key, but be sure to leave yourself plenty of time to jump back. It's not a tricky jump but the consequences of failure are annoying. Map for (0006): XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX crcrdkXX XX ososblXX XX^^ .. {} XX \XXXXX++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \XXXXXX.. XX ++++++++++XX \XXXXX++ XX ..........XX \XXXXXX SA XX XX XX FE ^^XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX++++ >>>>XX XX XXXX PI .... XXXXXX xx XX NK ju xx XX XXXX g. DK XX XXXXXX%%%%XXXXXX>>>>>>>> BL XXXX xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx XX xx LIxxxxxxxx XX DKbi :: FExxxxxxxx XX BLsh :: ==xxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This one has two time-intensive puzzles--the plant and the jug. It's not particularly fun and getting the life potion, which looks like the least possible thing to do, is actually the easiest. But don't exit through the hole above center. That will force you to use a dark blue key. (0007d1)--If you fall from ABOVE, TO THE FAR LEFT, just reset. Otherwise you may have to go through a bit of a grind again. (0106l1)--The DARK BLUE door on the right is the only one you can enter through. The timing here is tough, as you need to go left, jump on the jug, then jump on the conveyor belt. From there you must jump off, only you can't hit the spikes. In fact, you need to make a bunch of small jumps to leave the conveyor belt, and when you jump off the belt, only go two squares left. From there, there's not much after you open the pink door, although if you like you can go after the life potion below. For that, simply drop on the right side and go hard right. Fall and walk on the platform to get the potion, and when the force field stops again, stand on the left edge of the crate and jump up/left/right. So the dark blue door below is of course useless, but you can go for the crosses and dark blue key in the upper right fairly easily, unless you get impatient(by this point in the game, however, waiting may not be easy.) You just have to wait for the plants not to be blooming and jump right when you're on the top of the elevator. From there, push the safe a square left, get on its edge, and jump left with all your might, except that you need to touch left just after you jump. You'll make it to the elevator that will lead you up. Map for (0007): XX**** **** ****+. **** **** XX**** ** **** ** .+** \X**** ++** ^^**** .+** \**** ..** **** .+** \X**^^****** ** ++ .+** \************%%%%%%**** .. X** \X******** \****** \X**** .... ** ** X** ****++++**** ** XX ******** ** PI $$$$$$LI.. ** NK .. $$$$$$FE++ ** XXX ++******************+. ** **********++**++**++******+. xxxxxx .. .. .. xx DK ** ** BL ** ** **~~~~~~~~~~**** ****xxxxxx**************************** Look out! Don't fall off the left ledge. It'll drop you back a bit and possibly down to the start if you're totally inattentive. This room is a bit of a break if you go up the left with treasure as the only real problem is a timed jump. Off to the right, this serves as a transition room. The dark blue door is useless as you want to explore the two rooms above to get their keys and you can't jump across the pool anyway. Both elevators are potentially useful but the left one is safer. (0006u1)--If you enter from BELOW TO THE LEFT, don't worry about the dark blue door to the right. Just jump on the ledge to the right, then jump up and to the right. Open the pink door and fall down. Then jump over the spikes to pick up the cash and potion. Then with a two-square space between you and the spikes, jump up. Move right at the top of the jump, and then stand with your right half on the ledge above. Jump and when at your apex steer left. From there you need to wait for the elevator. You can also jump over the spikes pointing up, then jump up and left at the apex, then up/right to get on the middle elevator when it's all the way down, but it is such a trick jump. There's an easier way to get to that area. By the way, there's an incredibly inconvenient way to die here; stand on the edge of the elevator when it goes up. Each time you start off, you'll die immediately. Of course you'll have to back up, but it's intriguing to see this peculiarity. Until you have to jump over that darned jug below on the restart. (0006u2)--If you enter from BELOW IN THE MIDDLE, you might want to back up and enter to the left. You probably want to go straight to the upper left here and you are trapped(save using a valuable key) as it stands. (0008d2)--If you enter from ABOVE, TO THE RIGHT, you can just make it to the ledge below the force field, but you must steer left very carefully to avoid the spikes. Then go left and fall off and jump over the spikes. (0008d1)--If you enter from ABOVE, TO THE LEFT, just go back up the elevator to the left. (0107l2)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT SIDE, you are backtracking. (0107l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT SIDE, fall off and exit to the lower right. Although you can jump left--very carefully to avoid the spikes--to pick up any keys you may not have gotten already. Map for (0008): XX** ******** ****** ********** ** XX** ++++**** || **** ** XX** ....++** || ** XX**^^ ..**^^ || ** XX**|| ** || .+ XX**|| || .+ XX****** ** .+ XX**** ju .+ XX** .. g. **** ****%%** XX** ++ ****** **~~~~~~** .+ XX** ************ ****~~**** .+ XX** ++******** ****** .+ XX** ..++**** **** .+ XX** .. ** **%%%%**** .+ XX** **ye ||** ** XX** **loye|| XX**^^ ******lo|| XX**** .. ********|| XX**** ++ ************ XX******** ******************** **** This level is a sampling of the rewards ahead. The biggie's above. This one poses considerable risk as well. You may have to go through it a couple of times as well. The upper left spikes are a nuisance so you may have to cut a jump short. (0007u2)--If you enter from BELOW, IN THE MIDDLE, the two yellow keys are obviously easy to get. Then you can jump up and left to get on a ledge, then up and left again. Push the jug two units left and jump on it, then get on its right edge and jump left/right/up when the elevator above is at its second-from-bottom state. If you get on the other elevator, it will propel you into empty space, and you will fall. (0007u1)--If you enter from BELOW, TO THE LEFT, jump up/left(immediately if possible) then up/right. Jump over the spikes, push the jug over, and jump on it. Wait until the force field activates, and push the jug one left(this means you don't have to jump over the force field and hope it starts up again at the right time--an up/left jump will leave you safe) and wait for the force field to stop. Drop through it, get the keys, jump on the jug, jump back up, and go up the left elevator(stand on the edge of where the jug was and jump left, but not too much height.) Then when you return, jump on the jug and on the elevator from there. (0009d1)--If you fall FROM ABOVE, ON THE LEFT, see the situation above. (0009d2), (0009d3)--If you fall FROM ABOVE, ON THE RIGHT, or IN THE CENTER, don't drop through the force field, which leads to a dead end unless you fall further, which will cause a protracted loop at best. Jump across the water and push the jug left. Get on the jug as in BELOW, IN THE MIDDLE. If you are invincible and already have the keys above you can go through the spikes and to the next screen for kicks. (0108l1)--If you enter FROM THE RIGHT, you have no choice but to fall down. Map for (0009): X \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX/ XXXXXX/ XX XXXXX/ ****** XX XXXX/ ************ XXXX XXXX ********++**** XXXXXX XX** ** ||****++.. XX XX** ****** || **.. XX** ********ye|| ++ XX** ******lo|| .. ** XX** ****lt|| ****** ** XX****** **bl|| || ** XX****++ **yeye ||lt ** XX**++.. **lolo **bl .. ** XX**.. ****ye **ltlt++ ** XX** ** ******lo YEblbl** ** XX** ****** ****** LO **** ** XX** ****************** ********** ** Eight free keys! Little or no risk! Truly this is a room to be passed through again and again! The biggest nuisance for key-hoggers is the yellow door you don't want to open and--don't worry, if you have more than nine of one color key, the computer remembers even if it doesn't show. If you do open the yellow door, oh well, it probably won't cost you the game. But why do it if you don't have to? (0109l1)--Entering from MIDDLE RIGHT is backtracking. (0008u1)--Entering FROM BELOW, FAR LEFT will just kick you back down but is useful to reset the room. (0008u2)--Entering FROM BELOW, MIDDLE LEFT may need to be taken in a couple of parts, but it is lucrative if done right. Jump one unit up and to the left twice. Then stand on the left edge, jump up, and move left when Rafael has half-passed the spikes. It's a bit tricky to get to this ledge, but it's harmless unless you hold down left too long. Then when above the spikes jump up/right and then up one unit and right twice. Fall off to the right to get the yellow and blue keys. Now hog the trough again--repeat the previous instructions except for the falling bit and jump up/right. Go right until you fall. Now, one time through, you will want to go left after you fall, and one time, you sit there. To get the yellow keys, fall left and drop left off the next platform. Before you fall through the hole, go left, jump up and go left, and fall through the hole. The second time, you just drop through the hole, get the light blue key, jump up and go left, which gets you two blue keys as you drop, jump up and go two squares right, then jump up and go right at the apex. You should fall back below but if not, no big deal. You will want to go through a third time, where you exit to the right. When you drop through the hole where you got the blue keys, land to the left. Then jump to the right to land on the small ledge. Map for (0100): xx xx DK XXXX GR BL |||| cr EN xxxx cr||||cr os xx xxxxxx os||||os XXXX xx xx XXXXXXXX ri||ri xx xx gr || || ng||ng xx xx en || || XXXXXX xx xx || |||||||| XXgr|| xx xx || ||****|| YEen|| xx xx || XX********XX LO || xx ** XXXXXX************XXXX XXXX ** **~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~** **~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~** **~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~** ****~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**** **~~~~~~~~~~~~~~********~~~~~~~~~~~~~~** LT~~~~~~~~~~~~************~~~~~~~~~~~~GR BL~~~~~~~~~~****************~~~~~~~~~~EN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Overall, I find this screen to be useless except for gaining points, which don't matter anyway. It costs you keys as well. But it's a nice looking scene--sort of a gem-encrusted city floating on the water. So maybe you can visit it and hit "back." (0000r1)--If you ENTER FROM THE UPPER LEFT DARK BLUE DOOR, you are backtracking. (0000r2)--If you ENTER FROM THE LOWER LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you will have to exit through the green door. Reversing direction leaves you trapped underwater. But first you can jump on the near ledge to get the green key. Jump up to get the cross from there. Now while you could unlock the dark blue door, you just came from there, so that is pointless. Jump up from the cross and swerve right. Drop down to get the cross. You should have time to get the other three treasures but if you want to play it safe, drop down and open the yellow door. Stand on the edge and jump to get the green key. After you drop, unlock the green door. (0200l1)--If you enter from THE UPPER RIGHT GREEN DOOR, be sure you have a dark blue key to go left or be prepared to commit suicide. Jump to get the cross, jump over the top of the structure and fall down to the left to get the green key. Get the other green key through the yellow door as above. If somehow you got the water on the previous scene, exit through the dark blue door by jumping on the far left shelf and then up/right. If not, accept the loss of a life. Jump to where the green key was and then up/left and you'll need just one jump to get to the green door. (0200l2)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT GREEN DOOR, jump on the far right ledge, then up/left and up/left a few times and follow the procedure in the UPPER RIGHT GREEN DOOR case. Map for (0101): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxltlt ****** yexx xxblbl LI++LI loxx xx FE..FE xx xxxxxxxx== xxxxxx YE LT LO BL ****** xxxx ** .+** xxxxxx ** **{} {}xxxxxxxx ** ******+. xxxxxxxxxx YE **%%**LILIye.. xxxxxxxxxxxx LO ** FEFElo++ xx ** ** == ** xx **^^** .+** .. xx ****** ** .. ++.. xx **********>>>>>>** ..++******++.. xx YE ++**********++ LT LO ************** BL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Lots of yellow and light blue keys here. It's not too hard to get the two top life potions either, although the center-left room is so obnoxious that I don't believe I've ever gotten all its treasure safely. Note that you can go from upper right to the lower left exit but lower left to upper right is not feasible. Here though it's okay to open two doors on one boundary. This is also a good early room to get the hang of swerving while you jump. The jump headed right between the plants is also instructive. Also, once you get either life potion on top, fall away from the spikes to safety. (0300l2)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you will have to backtrack and enter through the upper left. The spikes are too high. Maybe even reset the game back a scene as it's not necessary to open this door. (0300l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you will want to stand on the ledge edge one unit down, jump up/left/right and get the yellow key. When the platform comes by, walk on it until you get the life potion. Then drop off and go left when you're past the first spikes. Exit through the bottom yellow door. (0100r3)--If you enter through the LOWER LEFT YELLOW DOOR, you will probably want to backtrack, but you CAN jump over the spikes to the other side. Probably a waste of a key though. (0100r1)--If you enter through the UPPER LEFT YELLOW DOOR, you should drop one ledge and go to the edge. Jump up/right/left and get the two blue keys. Walk onto the platform and drop off after you get the life potion. Land on the platform left of the plant. When on its edge, jump all the way right, and hold down right but NOT the jump button(which would make you jump into the other plant.) Jump up high and go right in the air to get over the other plant, and open the light blue door on top. Remember not to hit your head on the platform in the process. (0100r2)--If you enter through the MIDDLE LEFT YELLOW DOOR, it's probably not worth your while to get everything, but if you must, wait for the force field floor to stop moving. Fall through when you will miss the platform. Go on the conveyor belt and then run opposite to it until the platform passes you by. Jump up to get the potions and key and, if possible, stay on the platform. Jump left off the conveyor belt(don't worry about dying--you're a life potion to the good) and time your jump so you land on the platform and there's no force field floor above. Jump again to leave. Map for (0102): XX XX\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ || XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX || XXXXX/ cr cr cr XX || XXXX/ os os os YE || XXXX LO XX XX XX XX XX XXXX || yeXX || loYE || LO XX^^^^XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX LIXX XX FEXX XX :: .+XX LT :: .+XX BL XXXXXXXXXXXX>>>>>>>>>>>>XX XXXX XXXXXXXX/ \XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX bi YE XX sh LO XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This room gives a good taste of what's to come. You need to use a variety of strategies and yes, sadly, waiting longer than you'd like for the elevator is going to be a big part of the game, too. Still, you can use the crate in several different ways, pass the bishop in two different ways, hop the islands for treasure(try to jump far right to far left and you'll fall,) and learn that the most obvious door to open isn't the best one. (0002r1)--If you enter from the LIGHT BLUE LEFT DOOR for the first time, there are several things to do. 1. You can jump onto the crate and then jump right to where the yellow key is. Don't open the door to the right; instead, go two squares left, jump up, and steer right, and open THAT door before banging around a bit and coming back two keys richer. 2. Pick up your first life potion. This looks tricky, but it's a good way to familiarize yourself with conveyor belts and jumping tricks. Push the crate onto the belt, then follow it. Jump onto it, and when you're on its right edge, jump, hit right and hit left. Yay! You got it. Now exit the room and return, resetting the crate. 3. You can jump across the gap and over the crate. Push the crate left until it's almost over the hole. When the bishop comes by, drop the crate on him. If you miss, leave the room and try again. Even if you succeed, leave the room and come back to reset the crate. Now drop through the hole and go right to unlock the yellow door unmolested. An alternate solution is to wait over the hole until the bishop goes right and stalk 'im. Wait where the ceiling is raised and jump right over the bishop as he walks by. You'll need to exercise caution when you come back; stand in the doorway until he turns the other way, follow him, wait and jump over him again. 4. But enough clowning around--eventually you'll need to move on. You can move the crate right and then jump from the crate to the elevator shaft(don't let the elevator fall on you) or you can jump right from the crate, jump across the islands to get the crosses, and drop to right of the shaft. (0202l3)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, you're backtracking. (0202l2)--If you enter from the MIDDLE RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, consider backing up the game if you just opened the door.(DKruzer pointed out through his walkthrough that this didn't need to be opened...) (0202l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR hopefully you just got the pink key or ran through the one-way elevator in the basement. Map for (0103): XX ye XXXX lt XX XX lo XX bl XX XX == XX YE XXXXXX XX LO XX XXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXX XXXX yeXX XX XXXX XXXX loXX XX XX XX XX YE wi XX LO tc XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XXX XX ye XXXX lt XX X XX XX XX lo XX bl XX XX XX XX XX XX LT SA YE SA wa LT XX BL FE LO FE rr BL XX^^^^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The most obvious way through the bottom of this level is not the easiest. It's probably your first experience with a witch, and you'll want to make it a quick one. The warrior and keys can wait for later. Note the further foreshadowing of something above this room the first time you enter. The top part is pretty easy as even if you fall off the platform you just need to avoid the gaping hole. (0003r2)--If you enter from the BOTTOM LEFT YELLOW DOOR, you just backtracked. Go back to 0003 and follow the instructions there. (0003r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT YELLOW DOOR, you're just backtracking. You really want to avoid falling down the hole, which will undo a lot of your work and cause a lot of backtracking. (0203l1)--If you enter from the LIGHT BLUE LOWER RIGHT DOOR, you may just be finding the right way or timing to jump over that barrel. (0102u1)--If you enter from the elevator shaft in the LOWER LEFT, you have a chance to pick up another key. Although it looks obvious that you just go along the bottom and you'll be OK, in fact, there's a way to do better. Jump over the safe and push it so that you can jump on it and "see" the next ledge up. Go right and knife the witch before she can create anything else, but if she does, just leave and return. Only when the monsters above are cleared should you drop down and pick up the yellow key. Jump back on the safe, go up and right and get the yellow key in the upper corner. Fall through the shaft but go left as you descend. This will put you on top of the safe near the light blue key, which you can get. Push the safe so that it kills the warrior. It shouldn't be tough to time but only push it one square at a time in case you don't nail him right away--you'll get another chance. As long as the safe winds up two or more squares away from the door, you're OK. Sure, you can squash him against the door, but then you'll have to give up a life or a yellow key to get out. Then you can either move the safe back under the hole and jump and go left to trade a blue key for a green(WARNING--if you do it your first time through this screen and you will be stuck without a blue key, forcing you to go through the green door on the first screen and disrupting my walkthrough) or you can go right and through the blue door. (0104d1)--If you FALL FROM ABOVE, it's not too bad to jump on the middle ledge and get both keys. You can either jump and make it back to the ledge in one swoop or jump, fall, and jump back up onto the ledge. Just time your jumps so the platform's nowhere near and jump over it to get to the other side of the ledge if you need. Then open the yellow door to the left. Map for (0104): XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX GR XXLI gr||||gr LT EN XXFE en||||en BL XXXX XX |||| XXXX XXXXXX^^XX+. |||| XXXX XX XXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX GR bi bi GR XX XX EN sh sh EN XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX GR wa LT EN rr BL XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XX grgr |||||||| crcr XX XX enen |||||||| osos XX XX |||||||| XX GR |||||||| XX EN XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX This is a very pleasant place to be once you learn how to time things to trail bishops. You get four green keys for giving up two, and there's more to come. The warrior is your main obstacle, as he seems nastier than in other places. Falling down leads potentially to a nice loop as well. The bishops look daunting, but timing your jumps will help you avoid them. Even if they trap you next to the door on your way out, just let yourself get killed. Before you fall down you might as well veer left and pick up the crosses. (0--If you entered through either of the BOTTOM TWO GREEN DOORS, you have been backtracking, or maybe you just finished collecting a green key. --If you entered through the TOP LEFT GREEN DOOR, there's only one way to go--backtracking to 0004 is a dead end. --If you entered through the MIDDLE RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you have a few hoops to jump through to get all the keys. First there is the matter of killing the warrior. Standard jumping when he turns his back. Then you have 3 options: 1. Get the two green keys above the bishops. I present a how-to for the left one, as the right one is a symmetrical idea. Jump up and time your jump so that you're right behind the bishop. Move a bit left and jump to the left. Steering to the right, you should just make it onto the ledge above. Get the key and jump down, or if you want, stand on the edge and jump up/left and swerve back right. Even if you fail you will only lose the bonus life you just got. 2. Jump down through the hole to the left. Get the two green keys and unlock the door. There's another green key to the left, so your net gain is one green key for this cycle. 3. Jump down through the hole to the right. Might as well get the crosses before you fall off this screen--this leads to a very low-risk loop where you get extra keys. --If you entered through the TOP RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, getting one of the green keys is very easy. However, it's a bit of a chore to get back up. Either way, you will encounter difficulties. Map for (0105): XX yeSA ltSA SA XXXX XX loFE blFE FE XXXX XX XXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXX XX LTgrGR SA XX XX BLenEN FE XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XX XX SA XX XXXX XX XX FE XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXX XX XX XXgrXXpiGRgr XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XXenXXnkENen XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XX YE XX XX LT SAlt XX XXXX LO XX XX BL FEbl ltXX XXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX blXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXX SA LTgrXXXX XX XX FE BLenXXgr XX GR XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX GRen LT EN XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX EN BL XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Wow, some puzzles, and some fairly simple free keys if you enter from the left. Four(net,) to be precise: the two on the very top and the two light blue and the green in the corner, before leaving to the right. You can come back through to go through the yellow door and get the green key, but it's a bit of a loop--more tedious than lethal, though. (0205l1)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, all you can do(immediately) is pick up the green key and leave. In fact, if you can get anywhere much, you've already wasted a key, net. (0005r1)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT GREEN DOOR, you have an interesting puzzle. First, push the safe into the hole. Now I recommend trading the light blue key for the green one if possible, after which you should push the safe above and to the right(one up-right jump) off to the right for two easy light blue keys. You should be able to jump to the top and push the very top safes to the left; jump up- left, then up-right at the hole, then on the second ledge from bottom in the structure, up-left and then up-left. This will get you a yellow(remember to move back to the right in midair) and a blue. After all this, you may leave to the right and come back to get the easy green key. (0104u1)--If you enter from the ELEVATOR BELOW, see above, but don't go left unless you just want to see all the rooms. NOTE: you _can_ reset the level by going left and right(trading a green key for a blue,) or alternatively going right and back, opening the lower light blue and green doors as well, which wastes a key. However, resetting the board will allow you to trade the yellow for the green(see the yellow door/green key on the left.) As you need to trade a green for a blue to do so(unless you loop the loop rather painfully) it isn't worth the bother. I also ignored the pink key because you seem to waste a key(net) to get it. Basically after dropping the first safe in the hole as you enter from the left, you must get the green key surrounded by the blue and green doors. Then you fall left and push the safe to the right down. Then you push the safe at the top down two platforms(drop to the right and go left to push the second time) and you trade two keys for one--I suppose two light blues for a pink is not too bad. Although I could be missing something. Map for (0106): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX YE<>LT XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX LO^vBL SA XX ############## SA XXXXXX FEXXXX XX## ## FE XX XX XX## ## XXXX XX XX##XXXXXX##XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX##XXXX############## SA XXX XX XX## FE XX XX## XXXX XX XX##XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX xx XXXX XX xx XX DK SA SA XX BL## FE FE SA XX xxxx ^^XXXXX XXXX XXXXX FEXXXX xx XX XXX XX xx SA SA YE xx FE FE LO xxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This is certainly a fun one. It's pretty much a pure puzzle room and very much a stopper that hides bigger and better levels. Opening the doors and pushing the pulley block isn't good enough. It has to be dropped in to where it touches the pulley, and even then it can't go too far. Of course, you have to unlock the yellow and light blue doors even to get to it. I don't see any way to win without leaving the room, so I'll give my solution here. (0006r1)--If you enter from the DARK BLUE DOOR ON THE LEFT, you'll bump into the trolley if you try to move anywhere. Get on with your quest already :)! (0206l1)--If you enter from the YELLOW DOOR ON THE BOTTOM RIGHT, you have a puzzle in two parts, where you leave the room for an intermission: 1. unlock the yellow and light blue doors 2. push the block down to where it will move the pulleys so that the carriage no longer blocks the door. --The very first order of business is to jump on top of the trolley. The way to do that is to jump onto the ledge just left of the yellow door. Jump left, then onto the safe. From the safe, standing to the left of its center, jump left and go all the way left. You can then jump up and push right at the top of your jump, and the safe to the right should be pushed only ONE SQUARE further. Then you can unlock the yellow door. Then jump back on top of the trolley, go all the way right, and jump on the platform one unit up with the safe. Push the safe a square right, go back to the safe that helped you open the yellow door, and push it off the edge. It should only fall one square. Now you need to go back around--remember the safe you jumped off to get to the upper reaches? Go back on it, jumping right this time. Then go to the right edge of that platform, jump to the next one, and jump over the safe you pushed off the edge. Push it one square right, jump on it, then jump right from it so that you are above the other safe, which you must push so that it is fully on top of the safe below it. Jump onto the piled-up safes and unlock the blue door! Sadly you can't push the up/down block onto the pulley, but if you leave(go all the way left, down, right, down and out.) When back in the room or after re-entering, it is not hard to jump so that you're to the right of the block. However, on the way, push the safe that helped you get the yellow door open off its ledge to the right. Then go all the way back down, jump up(see above) to just right of the block--in this case you may have to be halfway on the ledge below it, then jump up, left and right. But once you start pushing the block, you don't need to stop until it's fallen into the groove. Don't worry; it's already moved the pulley enough. You are free to go left. The elevator seems to be a bogey here, and it may inconvenience you every now and then and even provide a false lead. Map for (0107): ************ ******************XX ************ ******** XX ****/ ririri \X****X XX ** ngngng **** GR ** **** EN ** ****== XX **** ** **** ** **\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/**** ** ************************** == ** ************************** ** **X/ ****** ** **/ **** ** **** == ** .. ** ..++** ** ++****~~~~~~~~~~****** ** ** ********~~~~~~**************~~~~**** **************~~******************~~**** **************************************** You must exit and re-enter this room as part of a loop, but it's not one of the sexier rooms in the game. The platforms are rather tough to master especially considering that you may have used an invincibility ray that requires you to get through them in a certain time and that it doesn't replenish if you die. (0108d1)--If you FALL FROM ABOVE, quickly pick up the rings(don't waste more than two jumps as invincibility will soon wear off when you return to this room) and go left. Not much choice here. (0207l1)--If you ENTER FROM THE RIGHT GREEN DOOR, you are backtracking. (0008r1)--If you ENTER FROM THE UPPER LEFT, you obviously have little choice but to turn around. (0008r2)--If you ENTER FROM THE LOWER LEFT, it's probably a good idea to be invincible. If you are not, go back left and up to 0109, maybe even losing a life with the "BACK" option to do so, and GET invincible, as I've ben unable to make the jump. This next part is hard even with save states. You can jump up, curve right, and land right of the spikes, followed by another leap right. Then come the four platforms. These guys are tough. Your best hope is to jump while you are in the middle. Be sure when you estimate where you will wind up that you are ahead of where the platform will be, and remember that you can move horizontally at the same speed as the platforms, so even if your timing is off you can adjust it. Try to swerve left/right onto it and then walk over it. Repeat this process until Rafael gets to the top. Then run him into the green door. By the way, isn't it interesting how Rafael gets briefly stuck in the middle of a platform if he is invincible? Map for (0108): ****+. .+**** XXXXXXXXXX ** ****+. .+**** XXXXXXXX LT **+. .+**** XXXXXXX BL **+. .+**** XXXXXX ** +. ****** XXXX ** +. ****** DKDK **** +. .+****** BLBL **** +. .+****** **************** **LI .+******+. ************** +.FE .+******+. ************ +. ********+. ****$$$$** +. ********+. ****$$$$ +. ******+. ....**** ** +. ******+. ++++**** **** **+. .+**** ********** **** .+**** ********** ****** .+**** .+**** .. .+**** ++ ************ ******************** There are a lot of relatively nondescript transition rooms in the upper left, without keys or doors, and this is another one of them. Fortunately there are some goodies to cheer you up unless you fall from the upper right. (0109d1)--If you FALL FROM ABOVE TO THE LEFT, you should probably be invincible(in fact, it's easy enough to GET invincible above, and it's fun, so why not?) otherwise steering through the spikes is a nightmare. With invincibility it's easy to get the life potion too. After that you must go left. (0109d2)--If you FALL FROM ABOVE IN THE MIDDLE, you can't quite make it right, so just enjoy the parachute ride. There'll be enough fun at the end, and you'll wind up over there soon enough anyway. (0109d3)--If you FALL FROM ABOVE TO THE RIGHT, you might want to consider backing up unless you've opened the light blue door. Two dark blue keys are much too much to waste. (0008r1)--If you enter FROM THE BOTTOM LEFT, well, not much you can do but turn back. (0208l2)--If you enter FROM THE BOTTOM RIGHT, you can save yourself some loops headaches by turning back. (0208l1)--If you enter FROM THE MIDDLE RIGHT, well, same as above. Although you might want to pick up the dough before going back to the invincibility ray. With a swerving jump you should just make it. Map for (0109): \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \~~~~/ XXXXXXXX X \/\/\/\/\/ XX \~~/ \XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX RA \XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX YS XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXdkXX XXX ca GRblSA SA ts EN FE FE ** **+. XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX ** **+. ********** XXXXXX ..** **+. ********** XX ++** ** ********X XXdk**** ** ********/ XXbl**** ** ******X/ X X X X ^^XX ++** **** ******/ XXXXXXXXXXXX ..** ****+. .+****** \XXXXXXXXXXX ** ****+. .+****** \XXXXXXXXXX ** First: don't fall to the right, Trust me. This room may be your first experience with an invincibility ray, and the cat to the right isn't as dangerous as he looks. The part to the right is largely useless although you can exploit a bug to access the roof. (0009r1)--If you enter FROM THE LEFT, you should jump first to shake off the attack cat, who will fall into the spiked pit if you jump around a lot. Woo, fun. Then stand on the edge of your small ledge and jump right with all your might. Ah! The jump is pure poetry! Jump up and left when on the edge of your new platform, and you will be able to zap yourself with RAYS! Yippee! You can probably fall down the middle if you'd like to snag a life potion while thumbing your nose at spikes(there's a brief loop) or you can go right to the chase, trading a green key for a dark blue, knocking a safe into oblivion until you enter this room again, and F-A-L-L-I-N-G! (0209r1)--If you enter FROM THE RIGHT, you may want to turn around unless you have opened the blue door below you. See, the dark blue key looks tempting, but there are TWO dark blue doors below. There's a light blue door, but you'll have to jump for it, so if it's not open, the BACK command is your best bet. Map for (0200): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GR PI EN ju NK xxxx g. xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxH2 xx xx-O ju xx xx g. xx xx xxxxxx xx xx GR xx EN ** ** xxxx xxxxxx xx **~~~~** xx **~~~~** xx **~~~~** xxxx xxxx xx **~~**** xx **~~~~** xx GR~~~~****== xxxxxx xx EN~~~~**** xxxxxx^^^^xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This room seems particularly useless. Unlike 0100, it doesn't even look neat and doesn't have any keys. Given its risks(and that of the next room over) there's really no point in going through it except to see every room. You even lose keys in the process. Nevertheless... (0300l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT PINK DOOR, push the jug so it falls down, fall on it, push it right, and push it to the bottom. Then jump over to the next ledge and then the ledge before the water. Jump left and up, get the oxygen, and open the green door below. Exiting through the upper left green door is not recommended. (0100r1)--If you enter from the TOP LEFT GREEN DOOR, you probably went that way before. (0300l2)--If you enter from the MIDDLE RIGHT GREEN DOOR, just get on the elevator and wait around. Hopping up platforms should not be too bad, and you can leave through whichever green door on the left you want to-- I recommend the lower left one as slightly less bad. (0100r2)--If you enter from the BOTTOM LEFT GREEN DOOR, jump up/right quickly twice to avoid drowning. You can probably jump to get the oxygen as well. Then jump to the right of the jug and decide whether you want to waste a pink key or a green to leave to the right. Map for (0201): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx++ :: xx xx.. :: xx xxLI >>>>>>>>>>>>>> xx xxFE .+xx ^^xx LT .+xx xxxx BL .+xx xx xxxx .+xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx .+xxxxxxxx :: xx xx YE ye :: xx xx LO lo xx xx xxxxxxxx xx xx xxxxxxxx <<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> xxblxxxx xx xx LT LT BL BL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This is a time-dependent puzzle without monsters but with a high risk and frustration factor for the novice. Entering from the left, you can't reach the lower right blue door, and it's tough even to get to the upper right. Entering from the right, you need to be quick to get to the other side. The timing takes practice but it's doable, and fortunately, you get as many chances as you want. (0101r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you might as well pick up the life potion. Get under it and jump--but don't hold the button down. Now the only thing to do is to exit to the upper right. To do so, hang off the right edge and jump--it's easier to judge getting by the spikes than standing right next to the door and jumping, since you're closer to safety. I think you need to wait for Rafael to go up two squares, but intuition generally sems to work for me. When you get past the spikes, floor it right. Another big jump will get you to the top conveyor belt. Remember, if you are on the conveyor belt and the elevator is not available to jump on, hold left a bit and maybe even jump left if you're too close to the edge. When the time comes, let yourself slide and jump hard right. (0101r2)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR(not a recommended door to open,) you can jump up the ledges on the left, jump up and right, get on the conveyor belt, and exit up. Backtracking won't be much use. (0301l1)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, jump up to get the light blue key if it's your first time. Then exit and come back. The next time, go left until you're next to where the boxes will fall. Jump up and steer right at the apex--you don't have to be touching the boxes for this to work(which can create problems with timing--you risk pushing the lower box over, which stops your jump and may crush you.) Then jump up again, swerve right and go hard left. You can then get the yellow key to open the yellow door. Follow the instructions above to leave the room to get to the surface, or enter the upper left blue door if you haven't gotten those keys yet. Entering the upper left blue door is also good on general principles as if you hit the spikes jumping, you will start there instead of behind the boxes, which is tricky even if you're experienced at it. Getting the life potion is a gamble, but you might as well. You have nothing to lose but a bonus life you just got. Map for (0202): \/\/\/\/\/\/\/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXpi pi LI.+XXXX XX ye XXXXnk nk FE.+XXXX YE loca XXXX ==XX LO ts XXXX $$ XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX$$$$ XX XX ye XXXX XXXX$$$$ XX YE lo XXXX XXXX$$$$ XX LO XXXXXX XXXX$$$$ XX XXXX XX XXXX$$$$ XX XXXXXX :: XX XXXX$$$$ XX XXXXXXXX :: XXpiXX XXXX$$$$LT XXXXXXXXXX XX XXnkXXXX XXXX$$BL XXlt XXXXXX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXbl XX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX YE ^^XX LT LO ||XX BL XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This is a very nice room! Not only do you get six keys for having spent three(three ways to get two keys and leave as you came, none difficult) but there's a one-way exit from underground to here(well, you have to do some circling to get to the right, and a two-way would have been PERFECTLY nice, but ahh well.) You can probably waste your light blue key the second time through the lower right as well. (0302l1)--If you entered throught the MIDDLE RIGHT BLUE DOOR, go left and tap the jump button several times in a row to get all the cash. After getting the last bag of money, wait until the platform passes by and jump into the corner for one pink key. When the platform comes back walk across it to get the other pink key, and when you get the life potion, walk off to the left. Leave as you came. Congrats, you've gone through possibly the biggest combined points/lives/keys bonanza in the game. (0302l2)--If you entered through the LOWER RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, push back to close the door unless you need a pink key in 0302. (0102r2)--If you entered through the MIDDLE LEFT YELLOW DOOR, you might as well pick up the yellow key, but you made a mistake. Reset to the previous room if you can. (0102r3)--If you entered through the BOTTOM LEFT YELLOW DOOR, you can jump on the ledge to get the blue key and quickly move to the elevator, which you ascend. Jump over it to the yellow key and then run back. Go down the elevator and exit as you came. Reverse the order of keys if you're not confident you can do the task quickly. (0102r1)--If you entered through the TOP LEFT YELLOW DOOR, walk right and knife the cat before getting the yellow key. Drop down the shaft, get the pink key, go right and jump all the way back up the diagonal. Leave as you came. Map for (0203): XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX PI XX NK XX XXXX XX XXXXXX == XXXXXX XX^^^^XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX== XX XX+.LI PI XX+.FE NK XX+. XX XX== XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX$$$$$$$$ XXXXX XX XX$$$$$$$$XXXXXXXX bi XX XXXXXXXXXXX sh XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX ()ltXX XX LT ()blXX PI BL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XX NK XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Here's a simple(in conception) time-critical puzzle followed by another. If you feel you slipped up at any time before jumping the barrel, simply leave to the left and come back. The upper part is relatively relaxed although it's a potential opportunity to get an extra key. (0204d1)--If you enter FROM ABOVE, you can walk onto the platform to the right and open the pink door, where there's a treasure room to increase your score and your total complement of keys. It's a bit tougher to get the potion and money below, but you can drop from the top two platforms pretty easily. Then jump on the platform below and when you almost touch the spikes, jump up as the momentum of the platform does not affect your jumping. Hold the button down--but don't move horizontally- -so the platform passes under you to the right and grab the loot. Jump back up carefully. The jump onto the second platform is tough but jump ahead of where it's going to be and swerve into its path. Remember, DON'T FALL through the hole or you'll probably want to back up the game or meet the bishop. (0103r1)--If you enter FROM THE LOWER LEFT BLUE DOOR, walk right until you're next to the conveyor belt, jump right and when you land jump right again. You'll just miss it. In order to make sure you start right away, hold right and THEN press the button to start the room action. Jump lightly on the conveyor belt while holding right to get the blue key. Now you have a choice--suicide to return to the room to the left, or passing the bishop to go right. If you want to go back to the previous room(Recommended for my walkthrough,) simply let yourself get killed by the bishop. Then you'll be where you entered, you'll have the light blue key, and you can go left to pick up a green key. It may save a bit of time in my walkthrough. To get past the bishop, jump as he runs toward you and is halfway there, and then follow him as closely as possible when he turns, jumping into the hole. You can also jump on the platform, then jump off it and swerve back on im mid-jump when he turns. Then when under the hole, jump into it. The bishop passes under, and you can exit lower right. (0303l3)--If you enter FROM THE LOWER RIGHT PINK DOOR, you've been backtracking. (0303l1)--If you enter FROM THE UPPER RIGHT PINK DOOR, walk onto the platform, back to the elevator and up. Falling through the hole will set you back quite a bit. (0302l2)--If you enter FROM THE MIDDLE RIGHT PINK DOOR, stand half off the edge, jump to the platform above, jump up again, and then walk on it until it deposits you in the upper left. Take the elevator. Map for (0204): XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX LT XX XX BL XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX ju XXXX DK XX XX g. XX^^ BL XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX xxxxxxxx XXXXXXXX XX XX xxxx xxxx XXXXXXXX XX XX xx fa xx XXXXXX LT DK DK ir xx XXXXXX BL BL BL xx XX XX XX xxxx xxxx PI XX XX xxxxxxxx ^^ NK XX XXXXXXXXXX ||||dk XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX ||||bl XX XX XX |||| GR XX XX |||| EN XX^^^^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Lots going on in this room. The fairy is probably worth it although not strictly necessary to complete the game, and you can get a dark blue key and cycle back quickly if you have none left, but it's tough to leave once you get her red key. I recommend suicide. Downward under the elevator you have the prospect of getting an extra key. Take one of the extra doors to the left to start a rather long loop that will yield extra keys, or if you're fortified enough, will send you to the upper left corner of the castle and then to the right to solve the game. (0304l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT DARK BLUE DOOR, you can get to the fairy if you have another dark blue key. If not, you can go up the elevator to 0205 to get a couple and loop-the-loop back here later. It's not easy, though. But to get to the fairy, push the jug off the ledge to the right. Stand on it, open the door, and get the red key. Then stand on the jug, jump up and right, and get on the elevator and commit suicide. This will allow you to start next to the dark blue door. Get on the elevator and enter more lucrative grounds. (0304l2)--If you enter from the MIDDLE PINK DOOR, you can sneak out by jumping left off the elevator at the right time. However, you won't have the luxury of an easy exit via the upper right. You need to push the jug just right and jump right from it, unless the leftmost dark blue door is open. (0304l3)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT GREEN DOOR, I think you've made a mistake, but at this point just get the dark blue key and get back out unless you can back up the game and save those four green keys you chucked to get here. (0104r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, just wait for the elevator to go all the way up. Actually, if you like, you can try to fall under the elevator and detour through 0203 right to a room where you can gain a key. However, the dark blue door to the right of the shaft is worthless. You might as well circle around to right of this room if you want the key. (0104r2)--If you enter from the MIDDLE LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you're probably backtracking, but if you haven't gone up and circled to the right, do so. (0203u1)--If you enter from BELOW, TO THE LEFT, go to the middle left door unless you want to circle around up and to the right. (0205d1)--If you enter from ABOVE, TO THE LEFT, duck into the middle blue door and drop through the shaft for an extra key. Then go through the door you opened once you're back here. Map for (0205): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX fi XX XX re XX XX YE XX LO XX XXXX XX fi XXXX XX re XX XX XX XX XX XX ^^^^ XX XX || XX XXXXXX || XX XX ^^^^ || XX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXyecr YEdkdkXXXXXX XX XX XXXX loos LOblbl XXXX XX LT XXwa XXXX XX YE BL XXrr XXXX XXXX XX LO XX^^^^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This is a queer but rewarding room. You can choose many interesting paths from here, but you should not miss the rewards from falling under the left elevator if you haven't been there. You also should not miss dropping off to the right and looping to get the dark blue keys if you haven't done so already. Avoiding the fire beasts is really not too bad here. I recommend staying on the lower of the two elevators, and if a fire beast chases you, jumping to the other should psyche it out. Eventually you will find a gravy train if you use the elevators although you will need dark blue and pink keys in reserve--although the elevators are one-way, there is a wide loop that will bring you back here, a bit richer for your troubles. If you want to net a red key, the loop above describes how. (0204u2)--If you enter FROM THE ELEVATOR LOWER RIGHT, have a bonanza picking up the keys(net gain, two blue) and exit through the elevator shaft if you haven't already. The elevators are one-way. (0204u1)--If you enter FROM THE ELEVATOR LOWER LEFT, you should probably go up. If you really need a red key, it is off to the right and down. (0305l1)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, there's not much to do except go up. (0305l1)--If you enter FROM THE UPPER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, you're backtracking. Map for (0206): XX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX YE XX XXXX XXXX LO XX XXXX XX^^ XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXX^^^^ XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX YE XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX LO X X XXXX X X XXXXXX X {} X XXXX LT XXXXXXXX XXXXXX BL XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXltye XXXXXXXX XXbllo XX YE wi PI LO tc NK XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The big gravy train is off to the left. Of course, there's an annoying puzzle first which requires a dark blue key, but hey! If you don't have one, back the game up and make the small loop(right-down-left-up) and come back here. If this is your first time through you probably just got a couple below. Note that leaving via the light blue and pink doors gets you the same results, so the pink door can be ignored. In fact you probably won't need the light blue door, either. (0205u1)--If you entered from BELOW LEFT you should probably knife the witch before doing anything else. Then go left and get the light blue and yellow keys. Exit left and get to business! (0205u2)--If you entered from BELOW RIGHT it's the same as BELOW LEFT. (0306l1)--If you entered from the LOWER RIGHT PINK DOOR you have probably wasted a key. But you can still go off to the left--better still is to back up and go down/left/up. (0306l3)--If you entered from the LOWER RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, just go left. (0306l2)--If you entered from the UPPER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, the elevator at the end is actually useful as it can put you in a place you could not have gotten to without invincibility. It's better to have invincibility in the first place, but this will do if you've got a glut of yellow keys and are in a hurry. (0306l1)--If you entered from the VERY UPPER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, you'll probably need to drop down and use the elevator. Quite frankly that door is a waste of a key. Map for (0207): XXXX********** **** **********XX XX ++** ** ******** XX XX ..**** ^^** **** XX GR **** **** **** YE EN **** ** ****LI LO XXXX**** ****FE ****XX ****** ****** ** **** XX ** H2 ********** ****** YE ** -O.+******** **** LO ** **+. .+****** **** **XX ** **** .+**** **** **XX ** **~~~~~~**~~~~~~**** ** **XX ** **~~~~~~~~~~~~****** ****XX ** ****~~~~~~~~~~**** ** YE ** **~~~~~~~~~~** ** LO ** ****~~~~~~**** ** XX ** **~~~~**** ** .+**** XX ** **~~~~** ** ****pipiYE ** ^^****~~**** **** ** nknkLO ************************ ********XX Exiting up the elevator is good here, as if you can leave via the top right yellow door you will be in business. After all this roundabout movement you will go to much more linear parts of the game and, when you get to the right side, will be able to climb up to the castle top. Note that two paths cross around the oxygen tank. (0208d1)--If you entered from ABOVE, you may want to steer to the left, get the life potion, and jump right so that you can exit through the top yellow door. Dropping down may cost a yellow key, and you really want to use it to go to the next area. (0206u2)--If you entered from BELOW, IN THE MIDDLE, you could jump up to the second-top yellow door, but that is just a waste of a key--a couple of keys if you follow the path. Just drop down the shaft instead. (0206u1)--If you entered from BELOW, TO THE LEFT, you can jump up/left/right on the elevator then again to get parallel with the oxygen. Then jump the gap and climb up if you haven't been there before. Otherwise settle for jumping, getting the oxygen(don't hold right down) and going through the water. (0107r1)--If you entered from the UPPER LEFT GREEN DOOR, being invincible will allow you to drop on the spikes to the left and jump right over the gap. Otherwise you should probably drop down, get the water, get out, and come around again after you turn invincible, but take less time about it. It is a one-off respite. (0307l4)--If you entered from the LOWEST YELLOW DOOR, you are backtracking and have gotten the pink keys. (0307l3)--If you entered from the SECOND LOWEST YELLOW DOOR, drop down to get the two pink keys and exit. (0307l2)--If you entered from the SECOND HIGHEST YELLOW DOOR, just jump down the shaft. It's backtracking but it's the right choice and you can't reclose this door and take the yellow key back. (0307l1)--If you entered from the HIGHEST YELLOW DOOR, you may want to go back. A contorted path through there will take you to some important places and slightly augment your key count as well. Map for (0208): ******** ** XXXX LT ** ** XX BL ** .. **** XX **** ++********^^** XX **** **** ****** XXXX **** XXXX ****** XXXX ******** ****** XXXX ****** ************ XXXX ****************** **** XXXX ********yelt**LI **++ XXXX ********lobl**FE ****.. XX ** \~~~~/ **** ++++ XX **** \~~/ **** .... XX ****** RA **ri.. XX **** YS **ng++ **.. XX ********** ri**.. ****++.. XX ng**++ ******++ LT **** ******** BL ************************** ************ There's one place productive to go in this level: down the hatch. Going through the light blue door, you unfortunately cannot get any of the keys in that room. You must approach it from above, and even then, the whole loop loses you keys. Fortunately, dropping down the hatch is never too tough, and you even have invincibility rays to protect you here beforehand. (0209d1)--If you enter from ABOVE, well, you want to fall off into the shaft. Drop onto the platform to the right and then walk off it and the ledge below it. Not very productive at the outset, as you're not currently in the pattern, but you made the right choice in the last room. (0108r2)--If you enter from the MIDDLE LEFT, get under the rays, get the yellow and light blue keys, and jump up to get the rings. The up/left jump for the life potion shouldn't take too much time but recharge yourself under the rays if you miss the first few times. Walk over the spikes and tumble down. (0108r3)--If you enter from the BOTTOM LEFT, do the same thing, except jump to start out instead of falling. BTW just for fun you may wish to pick up the money you saw on 0108. The rays never lose their charge. (0308l1)--If you enter from the BOTTOM RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, jump straight up and swerve left just before the apex. You should just make it. (0108r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT BLUE DOOR, again, you want to fall down the hatch. You'll need to jump right when you get to the edge of your platform, fall right, and walk off left. Map for (0209): XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX$$$$ XX \XXXXX$$$$ XX \/\/\/ X \XXXX ** XXXXXXXX~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~XXXX ** XXXXXXXX~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~XXXX xx XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xx XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DK \XXXXXXXX BL \XXXXXX/ xxxx ** XXXXX/ SA xxxx ** XXXX/ FE .+xxxxxx ** XXXX XXXX .+xxxxxx **** XXXX .+xxxxxx **** XXXX .+xxxxxx **** YELT .+xxxxxx ** LOBL xx ** **** DK ** **** BL ****************^^****^^****** xx This room is pretty useless unless you just want to see all the rooms and uncover a funny bug as well. The least harsh loop starting in the room to the right(right, right, down, left, left) will cost you two blue keys and a light blue for a green. Ouch. Off to the left there's a dark blue key, but you have to pay dearly to get it. It's easy enough to push the safe right and open the yellow and light blue doors, but it isn't worthwhile to jump left and up to the next screen. Getting the money bags is an exercise you should be well familiar with by now, so I leave trying it to your discretion--remember to jump from the elevator. There's actually a way to get to the very top. If you've just immersed yourself in the rays in room 0208 below, quickly get on the elevators, and you WILL NOT BE CRUSHED when the elevator hits the ceiling. Jump then(if you're halfway crushed, nothing will happen) and you'll wind up in the water. An up-left jump will get you on the roof. It's not totally impractical as this will allow you to avoid using the yellow and light blue keys if you want to go left quickly. (0109r1)--If you enter FROM THE LEFT, you are just backtracking. (0208u1)(0208u2)--If you enter FROM BELOW then you probably want to drop back down that way. However, if you *must* see the puzzle off to the right, you'll want to push the safe onto the elevator--the right edge, preferably, as the elevator falls. Then climb on the safe and if you can get on the right edge and jump you are sure to make it to theright. (0308l1)--If you enter FROM THE UPPER RIGHT DARK BLUE DOOR, I don't blame you. That puzzle is tough. (0308l2)--If you enter FROM THE LOWER RIGHT DARK BLUE DOOR, you have probably wasted a key and should hit the back button. Map for (0300): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx PIye PI NKlo NK xxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXX xxxx xxririri XX^^^^ xxxx xxngngng ca XXXXXX xxxxxxxx xx ts xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXX xx GR$$$$$$ XX xx EN$$$$$$ XXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxx :: xx xxLIyeLI ::xx xx xxFEloFE xxxxxxxx%%%%%%xxxxxxxxxx xx xx ++++++++ ++++++++xxxx xx xx ........ ........ xx xx bi bi YE xx sh sh LO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This room provides a nice simple challenge as well as your first serious contact with force fields. The points and life potions and yellow keys are also a nice morale booster. This level even kicks you back upstairs easily. I don't recommend opening any of the doors here unless you have to, although going through the yellow door can actually get you pretty far in the game. Wastes too many pink keys in the room ahead, though. Don't worry about losing a life at the very bottom. The important thing is to come back upstairs with two yellow keys, net, and maybe even some treasure, 5800 points worth. (0301d1)--If you enter FROM ABOVE, the first order of business is to pick up the "free" yellow key. Then you drop down and jump around a bit so that the cat is predictable. Drop to the force-field level and knife the cat when he gets too close. You can then pick up the gold and rings at your leisure. Considerably more difficult is the problem of the bishops. They are pesky. Try to time the drop through the force-field so that the bishops are both on the left side. Then you can race up the right side and position the crate to drop through the force field. When it does, you can push the block around--probably it's best to place it to the left and move it that way, as you can reverse the direction in the sub-room to the right to bop the other bishop. If you're nonviolent you can wait until the bishops are on the right, run to the left, and jump against the wall when they approach, following and jumping between the spikes to elude them as they pass back to the left. Either way, get ready to jump over them a lot. (0200r1)--If you enter FROM THE LEFT PINK DOOR, there's nothing to add to the above, except you've probably wasted a key. (0200r2)--If you enter FROM THE LEFT GREEN DOOR, ditto. (0400l1)--If you enter FROM THE RIGHT PINK DOOR, ditto. (0400l2)--If you enter FROM THE RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, ditto. Map for (0301): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx++++LI++++++ xxxxxx xxdkxx xx ....FE...... xxgrxx xxblGR xxbi LTenxx xx EN xxsh BL xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxlt xx xxbl YE xx wa () LO xx rr () xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xxxx xx xx xxxxxx xxxxxx xx xx xxxx xx xxxx xx xx LT xxlt YE xxpi YE LT BL xxbl LO xxnk LO BL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx You need to evaluate whether or not to get the green/dark blue keys by what you have, and this room may need a second look for you to get all the keys in the right order for the first part of the castle. When you start the journey in earnest, as my walkthrough goes, you will need as many green and dark blue as you can muster. They are in special locations, though. In my walkthrough you will want to pass on getting the dark blue key the first time through as you should only have one green key, and you will want to trade a green for the dark blue key in (0000). Getting the life potion here looked impossible at first, but actually if you jump from the platform to the right of the bishop, follow him, jump between the spikes, go left, jump when he returns, follow, jump between the spikes, and go right, you'll be OK. I actually followed him too closely, jumped immediately, and landed on him, so there's more time than you'd think. (0302d1)--If you entered FROM ABOVE: Wow, there's a treasure trove of keys here. You may not be able to get all the keys here(or want to) but if you do, it should happen. First, drop to the ledge with the warrior and push the barrel onto him. Jump over the barrel and get the light blue key. You may want to drop down below to get a couple of yellow keys. You'll also want to check out the room to the left and get the light blue key in the meantime(worry about the puzzle later.) (0201r1)--If you entered FROM THE LOWER LEFT BLUE DOOR: you are probably just resetting the next room to try again. But you'll have to go that way *some* time to get back to the surface, at least when you're starting. (0401l1)--If you entered FROM THE RIGHT YELLOW DOOR: you probably wasted that key. Oh well. (0401l2)--If you entered FROM THE LOWER LIGHT BLUE DOOR: you probably wasted that key. Even for 1000 points(The oxygen tank next to it) that's not good enough. (0300u1)--If you entered FROM THE ELEVATOR BELOW: wow, you should have two extra yellow keys now. Upgrade them to light blue and pink with the two yellow doors internal to this room. You can get the green or dark blue keys here by putting the barrel on the right edge and jumping right or putting it under the hole and jumping up, respectively. Map for (0302): XX+. .+XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX+. .+XXXXXXXXXX XX XX+. XXXXXX XX XX+. \XX/ XX XX+. XX XX XX+. XX :: XX XXXX+. XX ca :: XX XXXX+. XX nd XXXXXXXX XX XX+. XX XXXXXX ye|| XX XX+. XX ||LI lo|| YE XX XX ||FE || LO LT XX || || XXXX BL XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXX XX |||||||| XX XX XX |||||||| XX XX XX fi||||fi XX XX XX re||||re XX LT PI |||| XX BL NK ^^ |||| ^^^^XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Ahh, your first fireball, your first candle, and probably your first puzzle with a crate. It may soon be your first look at the underworld unless you used the green key as I specifically said not to :). Quite frankly, I hate this room. The fireball to the right is a real doofus-- he gets knocked off soon enough--but the one on the left stinks. Then there is the matter of falling down through the spikes and getting to the ledge on the left, which is at least rewarding, and of course there's a tough jump over the candle--don't fall in that mini-room without dumping the crate first! (0303d1)--If you enter FROM ABOVE TO THE LEFT, you need to swerve to avoid the spikes. The best way to do this is to swerve right after falling two squares. If this is your first time through, once parallel to the spikes on the left, swerve back left. You want to get to the hard-to-get light blue door, which hides two pink keys. (0303d2)--If you enter FROM ABOVE TO THE RIGHT, you will in all likelihood want to go right and back to 0502, which has an elevator back up to the "more advanced areas"(you'll go on a little loop) and what is in my opinion the best way to drop down to the detour in the lower right corner, 0900 et al. But you've probably been there and can't return that way. (0202l1)--If you enter FROM THE MIDDLE LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, drop down and open the pink door. Don't worry, the fireball won't come after you through the pink door! Once you enter the room is when to worry. The fireballs seem to zoom in on your vertical location, and you can often trick them by jumping when they are on the ground. They may search all the way up. The best time to fake them out is when the elevator is low. If it looks like they'll catch you on the elevator, don't lean out. Let them touch you, because if they get crushed by the elevator, they disappear. I always have trouble with the left fireball here, and this seems the most effective way to destroy him. If you're lucky enough to get past him, lean out the elevator, jump up/left/right, and then jump over the candle and onto the crate. The right fireball, who is a putz, will probably be eliminated by the lower right elevator and his own stupidity in the meantime--but about that crate. Push it into the room below, get the key and potion, and jump out. Now there is a bit of a choice here. If it is your first time through the room, explore the underground by jumping off the lower right elevator. Otherwise, take the yellow door to the right--but only if you have a dark blue key. A green key as well wouldn't hurt, although one can be obtained. (0202l2)--If you enter FROM THE LOWER LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, shame on you! You wasted a blue key! Still, see above for dealing with the fireballs. (0402l1)--If you enter from the RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, I'm not sure what you should do. You've probably been backtracking. Make sure you've got all the keys from below, and if so, go right and continue with the meat of your quest. Map for (0303): XX ****** XX PI XXXXXXXXXXXX PI NK ******ri ri**** NK XXXX XXXXXX ng ng****** XXXX XXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXpi GR ri****ri GRri** XX XXnk EN **ngXXXXng ENng**** XX PI ******gr GRpi XXXXXXXXXXXX XX NK XXXXen ENnk riXX ri XX XXXX **** XXXX ngGR ng XX XXXX ri******gr EN XX XX ngXXXXXXenXXXXXXXX XX XX SA ********ri XX XXXXXXXXFE **xxxx**ng XX XXXXXXXXXX xxxx XXXXXXXXXX XX XX xxxx XX XX XX XX xxxx XX XX PI XX xxxx XX PI NK XX xxxxxxxx XX NK XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX Look at the pretty tree! The pretty rings! With respect to CS Lewis, how Narnian! The pretty pink doors to exit! Obviously the lower exits, one of which you'll see early on, don't afford much choice, but the upper left ones can net you a key with a little care. The upper right one will let you break even if you haven't pruned the tree yet. You can get all the rings, but it may not be worth it. The ring right behind the green door is of course a waste of time and the lower ones are an interesting challenge, but coming from the left there's an easy way to pick up an extra key. (0203r3)--If you entered from the LOWER LEFT PINK DOOR, just fall through the hole. (0403l2)--If you entered from the LOWER RIGHT PINK DOOR, just fall through the hole. (0203r1)--If you entered from the UPPER LEFT PINK DOOR, drop down to get the pink key. Then open the two green doors to the left; the others will yield no keys and they won't help you go anywhere. Picking off the other keys should not be too bad. You can then return from whence you came with a little ledge-hopping. (0403l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT PINK DOOR, you can blaze through to the left. Open all three green doors except the one hiding just the ring and then be sure to get the pink key before entering the top left pink door. (0203r2)--If you enter from the MIDDLE LEFT PINK DOOR, you can follow roughly the same procedure as for the upper left. Just leave as you came in. The two lower rings are accessible although you must drop the safe on the left-hand side to safeguard against falling and trapping yourself. Map for (0304): XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXX :: XXXXXX XXXXXX **** :: ^^ XX ****** xx XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX xxxxxx xx || xx DK || DK BL XXXXXX || XX BL xxxx ||LI || || xxxx xx ||FE || || xx ** ||ye X || || ** XX ||lo ....|| || XX XX ||ye ++++|| || XX XX ||loXXXXXXXX || XX PI wa || || XX NK rr || || XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX GR GR GR GR EN EN EN EN XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This is probably best described as a transition room. The two yellow keys are nice, but if you don't have a dark blue you can go back up, but your game is probably still in serious trouble. The best bet to make progress is to exit to the left, where you can make a short loop that may net a red key. (0305d1)--If you enter from the HOLE ABOVE TO THE CENTER, push the crate to the left and jump to the left ledge. Use the dark blue key to open the door to the left. If you want, you can detour by jumping right from the ledge, falling to the right and swerving left, falling left and jumping back up and back onto the ledge. (0305d2)--If you enter from the HOLE ABOVE TO THE RIGHT, steer left and hope you make it. I haven't tried this but noticed it was possible. Steering right if you have a dark blue key and two reds will work out as well if you can land. If neither works, you can go all the way right and things will be OK--if you have a lot of keys. Probably you should back up, though. (0404l1)--If you enter from the TOP RIGHT DARK BLUE DOOR, jump left and fall down and follow the detour above. (0303r1) (0404l2)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT GREEN DOOR, you've probably wasted a key as you'll have to trade off three greens for a blue. Harsh! (0204r3)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT GREEN DOOR, you've already made that mistake. (0204r2)--If you enter from the LEFT PINK DOOR, you're probably thinking you trapped yourself nastily. Relax and see what's written up for the room to the left. (0204r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT DARK BLUE DOOR, you're backtracking. Map for (0305): XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX$$ $$ $$ XX XX$$ $$ $$ XX YE XXXXXXXXXX^^^^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX LO XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXX############XXXXXXXXXX XX ##########XXXXXXXX##########XX XX <> ## XX XXXX ^v ## XX XXXXXX <<<<<< XXXX ## XX XXXXXXXX ##XX XX XXXXXXXXXX ## YE XXXXXXXX >>>>>>>> XXXXXX## LO XXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX## XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX^^XX XX## XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ## XX XX XXXX XX YE XXXXXXlt bibi XX SA XX LO XXXXXXXXbl shsh XXXX FE XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX##XXXXXX That light blue key would be nice, but those pesky bishops are in the way. Moving the lift up and falling under it seems creative, but you don't want to get stuck where you'll wind up falling. How to drop the safe on the bishops? NOTE--before falling through you'll want to have a dark blue key. If you have a dark blue key, then your goal is to drop through the hole where you will double your investment. If not, it's a fun puzzle to get the light blue key, but avoid the hole. I'll assume you have a dark blue key for the puzzle, because if not, you are likely in serious trouble anyway. If you've already been through this room then you are probably at the stage where you need a red key, so just exit to the right for that detour. You can also go up the elevator to trade a green key for a pink, which may help ease your way back to less hectic areas after you get the red key. You may also just be using this as part of a re-tread to pick up a blue key. If so, ignore this. Note in any case that getting rid of the bishops establishes a bit of a loop from here, down/left/up/right. (0306d1)--If you enter FROM ABOVE, follow the instructions. (0405l1)--If you enter the room FROM THE YELLOW DOOR TO THE RIGHT, follow the instructions. (0205r1)--If you enter the room FROM THE UPPER LEFT YELLOW DOOR, follow the instructions. (0205r2)--If you enter the room FROM THE LOWER LEFT YELLOW DOOR, follow the instructions. Instructions The safe seems to be a bogey here, but you can run the block through the conveyor belt, crush it with the elevator, and push the safe all the way down if you want. This way's simpler. 1. Get to the right side of the pulley block. Push it left when you can. 2. Drop down and follow it on the conveyor belt. Push right until it is on the elevator. Then jump left and push right when the block resurfaces. Go up the elevator and circle around on the conveyor belts. 3. Push the pulley block right until it falls all the way down. 4. Push it left so that both bishops are squashed. Jump left to get the key. (0304u1)--If you enter the room FROM BELOW, it may be best to go back down unless you have no dark blue keys--in which case you'd better hope there are some left at the beginning stages of the game. Map for (0306): XX XX XX YE XX XX LO XXXX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \/XX XX XX \/ XX XX XXriri \/ XX YE XXngng \/ XX LO XX XXXXXX%%%%XXXXXXXXXXXX~~~~~~~~XX XXXXXX XXXXXX%%%%XX ju XXXX~~~~~~XX XX XXXX XX g. XXXX~~~~XX LT XX XX ju wi XXXX~~XX BL XX XX g. tc XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXpi XX ju XX XXXXXX XXXX XXnk XX g. XX XXXXXX XX XXye XX ju XX XXXXXX XX XXlo XX g. XXpiXX PI YE XX ju wi GRnkXX NK LO XX g. tc EN XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX^^^^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX There's a few keys above the drop-in from the center-right. There are two doors to exit through in this case--the middle or bottom yellow doors. The puzzle in the lower right is rather tough, but if you need a pink key, it can be worth it. Best not to open the doors on the left if you can help it, as falling down leads to a pleasant loop. (0305u1)--If you enter from the MIDDLE ELEVATOR BELOW, and you need a pink key more than a green, you should be able to destroy the witches with patience. First, as you go up, you can push each jug a square right. This may require a bit of timing. Then push the top one two right. Then the second-top one can go two right, and that will nail the witch. Every jug below that can be pushed one right, and if you can't get the witch on the bottom, simply drop off the elevator and push the lowest jug one right at the appropriate time. Now that doesn't help you get to the pink key, but leaving and returning can take care of that. However, you have to leave and return quite a bit. (By the way, if the witches summon anything, you can leave and return then as well.) Once the witches are destroyed you are free to destroy the jugs one at a time. Here's how you do it: 1. Push the top one to the right so it falls. Do the same for the second-top. Push the third-top one to the left onto the elevator. When it's crushed by the ceiling, jump down. 2. Push the third jug one unit right. Jump over the fourth jug and push it onto the elevator. You *could* push the second jug one unit right but then it would just destroy the third jug and the fourth would drop on you if you weren't careful. 3. Push the second jug one unit right, jump over the third jug, push it on the elevator. 4. Now you can jump over the jugs, get the pink key with the green, and jump back over the jugs. I'm not sure what happens if you destroy the top jug and then slowly push each bottom jug left and move out of the way. This might require only two theres-and-back. (0307d2)--If you enter FROM ABOVE, TO THE FAR RIGHT, just get the rings and fall through the floor. Get the yellow and pink keys on the way. Fall through the hole--there are more frugal and not terribly more roundabout ways to go left. (0307d1)--If you enter FROM ABOVE, TO THE MIDDLE RIGHT, not much choice here. You will want to go through the light blue door if you haven't been to the "gravy train" yet, or you can go through the lower yellow door and loop back into action. (0206r4)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT PINK DOOR, consider backing up. (0206r3)--If you enter from the MID-LOWER LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, also consider backing up. It's not as big a loss as going through the pink door, but it will still hurt your bottom line. (0206r2)--If you enter from the LOWER OF THE TWO LEFT YELLOW DOORS, return and go up the escalator. (0206r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT YELLOW DOOR, you can't back up to save the key, and you've probably completed the loop to the far left, so choose between the middle or bottom yellow door to open, and leave through it. Map for (0307): XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXX XX YE XXXX XX XX ^^XXXXXXXX ^^XX LO XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX XX XX XXXX LT XX XXXX XX XX XXXX BL YE XX XX XXXX XX XXXX LO XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX LT XX XX XXXX XX BL YE XXXX XX XX XX XXXX LO XXXX ca XXXX XXyeXX XXXX XXXXXXXX ts XX XXloXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXltXX XX YE ^^XXblXX LT LO ||XXgrXX BL XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXenXX XXXX Another neat room where paths can cross. The upper right room means you'll have to stay in the nasty puzzle of 0308 and have to surrender a light blue key. The other elevator also sticks you there. It may be worth going through the lower right twice--through the left and right chutes--to get as many keys as you can. But it may take serious time. Note that falling into where the attack cat roams is a bad idea and you may want to commit suicide to get out of that situation. Otherwise a light blue key will be lost. (0207r2)--If you enter from the SECOND-UPPER LEFT YELLOW DOOR, note: DO NOT GO TOWARDS THE ELEVATOR. Turn around, or you'll wind up in the puzzle room you can't solve entering from below, and you'll use a light blue key getting out in the process. (0207r1)--If you enter from the TOP LEFT YELLOW DOOR, go right and fall down the shaft. Jump left across the gap and enter the yellow door, and see you in a few seconds when you enter through the lowest door. Speaking of which... (0207r4)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT YELLOW DOOR, go right, up the elevator, and through the light blue door. Not much choice, really. (0207r3)--If you enter from the SECOND-LOWER LEFT YELLOW DOOR, you've probably backtracked and have nowhere constructive to go anyway. (0407l1)--If you enter from the TOP LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you're backtracking. (0407l3)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you should probably fall to the left where you can replenish a pink key. Retro analysis shows you may have lost a few recently. (0407l2)--If you enter from the MIDDLE RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, fall down the left shaft if you haven't already--you can always loop back and fall down the right shaft later. Map for (0308): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ** XX XX RE XX rere XX ju D! XX d!d! XX XX XX XXg. ju ** XX XX XX XX ju g. ** XX XX XX XX g. ****** XX XXXX XX XXXXXXXX ** XX XXXX XX ** XXXX XXXXXX ju XX ju ** XX XXgrXX g. XX g. ** XX$$ricr XXenXX XX^^XX XX ****** XX$$ngos XX XX XX||XX RE XX XX XX||XX D! XX XX XXXXXX ** XX XX ** ** XX XX ju ** XX XXXXXXXXXXXX g. ** LT :: ju ju ** BL :: g. g. ** XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ****** Another nasty room where you must enter from one door(top right in this case) to solve it, and you don't get enough of a reward for it. If you're a hard-core CastleQuest playa, this is the sort of room that you would've been waiting all game for, except 0309 probably took a lot out of you as things stand. (0208r1)--If you enter from the BOTTOM LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you can't do much here. You'll need to return or back the game up. (0307u1)--If you enter this room from the ELEVATOR BELOW IN THE MIDDLE, back the game up if you can but just leave to the left if you can't. (0307u2)--If you enter this room from the ELEVATOR BELOW TO THE RIGHT, just jump on the jug, stand on left edge, jump left, and move the crate left, jump over it, and leave. (0408l2)--If you enter this room from the MIDDLE RIGHT RED DOOR, you just need to leave, too. (0408l1)--If you enter this room from the UPPER RIGHT RED DOOR, you can get all three keys. You have to pitch a lot of jugs down the shaft and then do some fancy footwork, but it's possible and really rather clever. 1. Push the two jugs across the shaft from the red door down the shaft. Start with the top one, of course. 2. Push the middle jug on the right down the shaft. 3. Jump down the shaft, steering left and pushing the crate left, jumping over it, and turning it around. Leave it one unit from the jug to the right, jump on it, and push the jug above it one to the right. 4. Jump on the jug you moved, up the platform on the right. From the left edge, jump up/left/right again. Another up/left jump, then up, then left allows you to drop the jug from the top. Now you can push that jug to the left from the two-unit platform. But only to above the very bottom jug. 5. Push the jug in the lower right one square left. Then jump on it and push the middle jug to the left a square left. Jump onto the platform above and then onto the jug. 6. From there you can jump to the elevator area. You can push the jug there off to the left. Then you can jump down to the right, get on the crate you pushed over, flying jump left and then push the jug two squares left. Stand on its left edge to jump and get the green key. Then if you have trouble standing on the right edge to jump to the elevator, go back to the three stacked jugs(stop thinking that!!!!) and jump to the elevator area. 7. Now you may only be able to nab one red key at a time per jump. No big deal, notice the ledges on the left and right you can jump back and forth BETWEEN. After you get the two red keys, go to the ledge in the middle near the bottom. Stand on edge and jump left to clear the treasures. Leave to the left. Map for (0309): XX ca xx XX nd DK XXca ca () () () ****** BL **nd nd () () () () () () xx ******************** () () () xx ************************** ****** xx ** ju xx DK g. ju xxxx BL XXXXX g. xx xx XXXX XX xx xxxx xx xx ju ju ca xx xx g. g. nd xx xx **** **************** xx xx :: **** xx xx :: **** xx xx xx DK **** BL ************************************ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This may be the wickedest puzzle in the whole game. It took me a tremendous amount of thought to figure it out, and there are many false trails. The most notable is that you can push all the barrels off to the right, but you will wind up a unit BELOW the door, so you can't open it with your key. There are also ways to trap yourself if you don't notice subtleties even in the ORDER you move objects about. For instance, if you move the candle on top over to the right hoping to climb over it to get to the door, you are in trouble! Nasty details like that pop up all over. You even have to push some items around several times before they wind up in their ultimate correct positions. Be careful out there! You probably want to solve this puzzle once you've faced it, as falling down the shaft to the right of this room will get you a couple of red keys(although you net only one, as you enter through a red door,) providing you solve another tough puzzle! (0409l1)--If you enter FROM THE UPPER RIGHT BLUE DOOR, you are backtracking. There's a deep drop to the right but don't make me push you off! (0209r1)--If you enter FROM THE UPPER LEFT DARK BLUE DOOR, the solution is listed below. 1. Push the candle to the right so that it is almost under the two- unit platform. 2. Fall down to the bottom and push the crate so that the jug above and to the left will be halfway on it when it falls. 3. Jump up on the far right, then jump onto the two-unit platform(up/right/left from the right edge of the long platform) and jump off to the left. 4. Drop the jug on the crate. 5. Drop the jug above IT on the jug. 6. On the precariously balanced jug, move right to push the other jug over. 7. Move left to push the balanced jug over. You now have a new way to jump back up if you fall into the right corner. You'll need it. 8. Push the candle so it's on the right edge of the platform. 9. Push the jug so that it is between the two-unit and four-unit platforms, i.e. it can support two objects. 10. Drop the jug just near it down. 11. Jump to the top and drop the barrel below the candle through the hole. 12. Drop to the lower right, Jump on the crate and jug, and push the barrel that just fell to the right. Now you have a path for the next barrel, sort of. 13. Jump back up to the top and push the only barrel you can to the left. 14. Jump over all the barrels and when you get to the second candle from left, push it left. 15. Going right, push each subsequent barrel two to the right. 16. Now you can push the barrel that seemed stuck before. Push it down the chute, then go around to where you're to the left of it, and push it off the right edge. It will fall on the candle. 17. Now jump up, push the candle on top left, jump over it, push it right, go back around so you're to the left of it, and push it right so it's on the barrel's edge. Well, you can just barely jump back up the hatch. Do so. 18. Push the barrel to your right off the right edge. Now there are three barrels to push to the right. 19. Push the third barrel from the left down the hatch. 20. Do the same for the second barrel, leaving you a walkway. 21. Push the final barrel so it is on the edge of the extended platform you made with a previous barrel falling. BUT-DON'T-LET-IT- FALL-OFF!!! :) 22. Walk across it and open the dark blue door with a key. Which I - hope- you have. (0209r2)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT DARK BLUE DOOR, you can't really start the pizzle effectively. You are at a dead end as far as I can tell. To start the puzzle you need to push the lower left jug onto the crate. But to get to it, you need to place the crate to the far left to get on the platform. Won't work. You can't even open the dark blue door to the left--no way to line the jugs up unless I'm missing something brilliant. I've zoomed in on the final result below in case it's trouble to visualize--6 and 1 should be candles. 2 and 3 should be jugs. xx DK ****** BL aa xx aa xx ******99******77 xx 99 77 xx 88 66 xxxx 88 66 xx XXXX3344XX55 xx 3344 55 xx 22 11 xx 22 11 xx ************ xx Map for (0400): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PIye yePI NKlo loNK xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxgr xx xx ltxx xxen xx xx blxx xxxxxxxx YE YE xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx LO LO xxxxxxxxxx xx$$LIxxxxxxxxxx ^^^^H2xxxxxxxxxxLIdkxx xx$$FExxxxxxxxxx || -OxxxxxxxxxxFEblxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx dkxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxblxx xx== xx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xx xxxxxx xx {}{} xx PI xx xx xxxxxxxxxxxx xx NK YE DK PI PI xxxxxxxx LO BL NK NK xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This room does not look pretty with all those doors below; however, entering from the upper right, you can clear out quite a bit, netting two keys. You must take the oxygen for the room above; however, that room has some nice treasures as well. Entering from the lower left will eat up a lot of keys; however, it can get you pretty far in the game if you've picked enough keys in other places. You probably don't want to go through the top part of this room twice, as the only way out that doesn't cost a pink key is a one-time deal(using the oxygen.) (0500l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT PINK DOOR, you can't really go back, so grab the two yellow keys. Then open the yellow doors to get the green and light blue keys. Get the water and jump on the elevator as it's going up. (0300r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT PINK DOOR, then you must have exited from it--there's a drop on the other side. You've probably wasted a key, but you should leave where you came unless you forgot to trade yellow keys for pink above. (0500l2)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT PINK DOOR, you are again going seriously backwards. (0300r2)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT YELLOW DOOR, you'd better have some serious pink keys or you'll need to turn back--in fact, if you really want to solve the game and not just explore, you'll want to turn around and admit to the loss of "just" a yellow key. You can easily jump to the ledge above and then to the ledge near the money and life potion. Then drop and go through the pink doors to the other side. Stand, not next to the pink door, but on the ledge just above and to the left, on the right edge. When the platform is not there, jump up and right. You should just make it. When you land, jump left and make sure the platform's nowhere in sight before your right jump clears two dark blue keys. Map for (0401): xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxLI |||| ca xx xxFE{} |||| nd xx xxxxxxxx xx ******** xx xxxxxxxx xxpixxxx xx~~~~~~~~~~~~xx xxxxpixx xxnk YE xx~~~~~~~~~~~~xx YE nkxx xx LO xx~~~~~~~~~~~~xx LO xx YE **^^^^xxxx~~~~~~~~xxxx xx GR LO ****XXXXxxxx~~~~~~~~xxxx xxxx EN ******** xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ******** xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxH2 |||| xx xx-O |||| xx xx xx ******** xx xx xx xx~~~~~~~~~~~~xx xx xx xx~~~~~~~~~~~~xx xx xx xx~~~~~~~~~~~~xx xx LT xx xxxx~~~~~~~~xxxx xx xx BL xxxx xxxx~~~~~~~~xxxx^^^^xxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The life potion seems to be a cruel hoax. I can't see any way to push anything onto the plant guarding it. However, it's worth trading a yellow key for a pink here(twice) especially if you've come from below, and the pools aren't too treacherous. This room is a one-timer. (0400u1)--If you enter from the ELEVATOR BELOW you should jump right and jump up and turn right at the apex of your jump, falling onto the elevator. You will have plenty of time to unlock the yellow door to the right, grab the pink key, and wait for the elevator to come down. NOTE: a sort of finesse is to grab the oxygen just as the elevator on the right has started rising. It's worth an extra thousand points but you'll have to wait around a bit longer. When it is level with you quickly run left and jump left when you're fully on it. This will lead to the water above, where standing on the left ledge and jumping will allow escape. From there open the yellow door to the left if you haven't gotten the pink key--of course, get on the elevator when it's descending to do so. (Don't worry if this doesn't work out perfectly. Even if this fails, you will get to re- start with the oxygen you had before, and the second time through will be a cinch.) (0301r1)--If you enter from the YELLOW DOOR TO THE LEFT you should get the pink key and leave. It's probably all you can do. Only open one of the yellow doors to get this key. (0301r2)--If you enter from the LIGHT BLUE DOOR TO THE LOWER LEFT you have probably wasted a key, although you can try to trade two yellows for the pinks as in the entrance from below. It's quicker to go this way, but in the long run you want to conserve keys unless you are sure you won't need them all. (0501l1)--If you enter from the LEFT GREEN DOOR(not recommended) you are probably at a dead end, as there's no oxygen for miles around, but the pink key could be useful for the pink door to the right on the next screen. Map for (0402): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxx XX~~XX~~XX xx XX~~XX~~XX xx XXXXXXXX XX DK XXXXXXXX XX~~XX ye xxxxxxxx BL XX\/\/\/ XXXXXX lo xxxxxxxxxx XX XXXXXX xx XX XXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX YE XX XX LO XX XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX :: :: XX XX :::: :: YE XX ::XX^^XXXX LO XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX^^^^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Ooo, this is a goodie. This may be the last puzzle I --fully-- solved. Even the "initial" solution(the first I found and probably the less obvious of the two) that destroys a crate and may eventually force you to use a key somewhere else is a doozy. You have lots of waiting for elevators and moving the crates to the middle here. I'm including the two solutions here to show the good/better contrast and give a glimpse of my suffering. (0502l2)--If you enter through the LOWER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, you're backtracking and have wasted a key. (0502l1)--If you enter through the UPPER RIGHT BLUE DOOR, you're backtracking. The action is in the next room and the room above that. (0302r1)--If you enter through the LEFT YELLOW DOOR, you can drop down to pick up the yellow key, allow yourself to commit suicide getting crushed by one of the elevators, and then jump across to the dark blue door if you have that key. That is the ultimate goal--don't waste a crate getting back up. (0401u1)--If you enter FROM BELOW, see either crate/elevator trick below. Note that you'll have an agonizing wait for elevators. MY IFFY SOLUTION: 1. If there are three crates left, push the rightmost one off its ledge and push the next-right one all the way to the right. 2. Then push the leftmost one left, push it on the elevator, jump over it(be sure you can get on the elevator--if not, fall down the shaft) and push it right. 3. Make sure the crate is on the left edge of the elevator. Get on the left edge of the crate and jump up/left/right one square below when you are about to be crushed. Hold down the left button just before jumping and it should just work. I don't think you can make it off the screen in time to save the block, but you shouldn't need to use this screen too often. This is very tricky and made me find an alternate solution. 4. If there are two crates left, and they are adjacent, push the right one all the way right and push the left one left. Get it on the elevator and proceed as in step one. Otherwise just push the left crate all the way left onto the elevator and see step two. 5. With one crate left it must be pushed left; get it on the elevator and see step two. ALTERNATE(AND BEST) SOLUTION, which requires almost no timing: 1. Bring a crate up to the top as before. Be sure you do NOT push the center crate up against the right crate. You'll need the two crates. 2. Push the crate past the right elevator, but be sure you can jump over it to push it back left. 3. Push the final crate up the left elevator and drop it so one unit separates it from the elevator. 4. Push the crate to its right left. The elevator will pick you and it up. Push it left three squares. Now you can jump on the upper crate and the jump up and to the right is not so bad. But waiting for the elevator can be a total nuisance. Map for (0403): XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX PI X \XX/ X :: GR NK \X X XX X X/ :: EN XXXX \X XX X/ XXX XXX XXX/ \XX XX/ XX \XX XX XXXX \ XX / XX XX XX \XXX X X XX XX XX \XX+.LI.+XXXX XXXX XX XXXX FE XXXX XXX/ XX XX/ XXXX XX XXXX XX XXXX XX \XXX XX pi XXXX XX XX ::nk XXX/ XX XX ::XX <<<<< XX XX XX ## ^v XXXXXX XX XX ## XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX ## SA XX XX ## FE XX XXXX XXXX##XX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX == XX## lt XX XX XXXX XX## bl ^^XXXX XX XXXX== XX## XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXX XX XX XXXX == XX <<<>>> NK XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX This puzzle requires precision and is not terribly obvious, although it at least lets you get a quick key. Note that pushing a block to the left will stop the platforms moving. The witch is easy enough to kill but the puzzle itself is bizarre. The safe and the pulley block really move around. (0407d1)--If you enter from the HOLE ABOVE, there's not much choice. Climb on the elevator and get out. (0405u1)--If you enter from the HOLE BELOW, you'll just fall back to 0405. (0506l1)--If you enter from the RIGHT PINK DOOR, you have an interesting challenge. You will want to drop the safe down the shaft where there are several platforms going back and forth, as that will stop them and allow you down. But it is not so easy. The alternative (falling in the safe hole) costs you a key, but this gets you one. 1. Jump left and knife the witch. 2. Jump into the lift and, leaning halfway out, jump up/left/right. Get the blue key. Jump to the top and push the pulley block three units right. This number is VERY important, as the lift must be in a specific position. 3. Go down a platform and wait for the elevator to descend. Then push the safe onto it. Walk over the safe and stay there. When you are able to, jump on the safe and go left to the nook in the upper left. When the safe comes by, push it right and off the ledge. Now you're on the other side of the pulley block, so push it all the way left and make it fall. You now have a slope to push the safe down. 4. Jump over the elevator and get to the right of the safe. Push it all the way left. It should fall onto the top platform, the pulley brick, the lift floor, the floor(one unit below the lift floor) and then down into the shaft. All the platforms will stop. It doesn't matter which side they're on; the brick will disappear, and you can fall down the center. Map for (0407): XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XX XX || XXXX XX XXXXXX || XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX || XX XX XXXXXX || XX LT XXXXXX || XX BL XXXX XXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XX XXXXXXXX XX XXXX^^ XX XXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXX XX LT XXXXXXXXXXXX XX BL XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXX bi XX XXXXXXXX sh XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX LT PI PI PI BL NK NK {} {} NK XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Another interesting room where two paths cross but can't be switched. It's a bit of a hub, but there aren't any really major decisions to make here, with the only trick being a swerving jump after you shadow the bishop. The bottom doors are all useless. (0406u1)--If you enter from BELOW, TO THE LEFT, the safest bet is just to exit left. You'll gain a few keys that way and if you haven't accumulated keys on the far left, this is a good chance to do so. However, you can also open the pink door and jump back up and catch the elevator which leads to the upper right. See the (0408d1)--If you enter from ABOVE LEFT, fall right and when you get to the bottom of the structure, jump left and open the light blue door. You should net some keys and you can circle back, although you may want to drop all the way to the bottom and get the elevator next time through. (0408d2)--If you enter from ABOVE RIGHT, steer for the left and then wait for the elevator to come down to jump on it. You might want to use the back command if you opened the light blue door to fall down this hatch. (0307r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, go right and fall off. Jump onto the ledge when the bishop's back is about to turn and then follow him. When you are out of the tunnel, jump up and swerve left. Wait for the elevator to come down and jump up/left again. You're on your way. (0307r2)--If you enter from the MIDDLE LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you're backtracking. (0307r3)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you probably want to back up the game. Map for (0408): ** ****** X** XX RE RE RE XX D! D! D! bi XX **** ****** ****** sh ^^XX **************XX XX**********XXXXXX ************** ****** ltlt XX ************ ** blbl XX ** LT LT YE ** BL BL LO ** XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ** XXXXXXX/ XX XX RE XXXXXX LT XX D! XXXX BL XX **** XXXX XXXXXXXX YE **** XXXX XXXXXX LO **** PIPI XXXX XXXX **X/ NKNK XX \XXX **/ ..XXXX () bi XX.... \XX ** ++XXXX () sh XX++++ XX ** XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX A little creative amd knowledgeable jumping will go a long way. The top part, if you are wondering, is utterly useless although it looks important with all those red keys. The lowest of the light blue doors does not need to be opened, and the yellow door below it doesn't either, but you should probably open the two above them(there are other ways to get to the upper right side of the map, but this is the least wasteful, I think) and the blue one to the left--of course it is less costly than climbing on the barrel and opening the pink doors. The left light blue door leads down a chute where you may loop around. To the right, some fancy footwork is needed to navigate that room. (0407u1)--If you entered from BELOW, ON THE ELEVATOR, immediately jump left to clear the bishop. Climb over the barrel and push it into him. That way he'll be gone if you come back. Jump onto the ledge from the barrel, stand on edge, jump up/left/right. Open the light blue door and get the two keys. Dropping down to the left through the blue door should net you a green and a yellow key ultimately, but you can also just pick up the keys and barge right if you don't need those. (0508l1)--If you entered from the UPPER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, get the light blue keys and go back right. If you managed not to open the blue doors, congratulations! You've found something I couldn't. (0508l2)--If you entered from the LOWER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, go back to the previous screen so you don't lose that one. (0409d2)--If you entered FROM ABOVE, IN THE CENTER, drop off to the upper right light blue door and open it. (0409d1)--If you entered FROM ABOVE, IN THE LEFT, open the door to the left if you've got a red key. You'll be rewarded with a chance to get a couple back. (0308r1)--If you entered from the UPPER LEFT RED DOOR, get back in there and solve the puzzle. (0308r2)--If you entered from the MIDDLE LEFT RED DOOR, use the back option to regain the key you used. Map for (0409): xxxxxx******** xxxxxxxxxx**** DK **** xxxx DKRERE BL **** xxxx BLD!D! xx xxxx xxxx xxxx**** xx xxxx SA xxxx**** xx DK FE PI ** xx BLSA XXXX NK ** xx xxxxxxFE XXXXXXXXXX XX xx xxxxxxxx XXXXXXXX XX xx ******** XXXXXXXX XX xx ****** XX XX xx ** XX XXXX xx ** X X X X X ^^XX XX xx RE XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX xx D! X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX xx XXXXXXXXXX ******** ** xx XXXXXXXXX ****** ** ** XXXXXXXX/ RE ** ** XXXXXXX/ X X X X D! ** XX XXXXXX/ XXXXXXXX************** If this room is not a complete waste of keys for nosey parkers who insist on poking around then I don't know what is. Some doors look utterly useless, and even though the room to the right has a ton of keys, I don't think that it is physically possible to open all the red doors here and to the right in order to get those keys and solve the game. There are 13 keys total, minus two to get the three-key haul, minus one for the lower right fairy, minus one for dropping left from here to get two reds, minus another for the chute loop in the upper right. Four keys go to the princess's room. Going from left to right gets rid of three red keys. With the rarity of dark blue keys(which you'll also need in this area) as well, you will have to work very hard at making travels to the right useful. (0408u1)--If you enter FROM BELOW, TO THE RIGHT, you've already wasted one red key, so hit the back button before you waste one more red or--at the very least--a pink key before you push the safe away and jump out. (0309r1)--If you enter FROM THE UPPER LEFT DARK BLUE DOOR, you may want to drop down, and if you have an extra dark blue key, circle back. Then, the second time through, open the dark blue door to the right, push the safe off, and fall through. You will actually be pretty close to the princess's room as a result, but hopefully you'll have been able to conserve a dark blue key, which you'll need. (0509l1)--If you enter FROM THE UPPER RIGHT RED DOOR, go back to the room to the right, unless you can't use your keys to get through. You might as well get the keys you suffered for. Map for (0500): xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PI xx$$ GR NK xxxx$$ EN xxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxgr ye xx xxen lo xx xx xxxx xx xx wa xx xx rr xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PI xxxx ++++++++++ ++++++++++++xx NK xxxxxx .......... ............xx xx xxxxxxxx bi bi GR xx xxxxxxxx sh sh EN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The best part about this room is the smallest, in the upper left. Still, if you enter from the lower right, you can keep on track although the lower right door beyond the colliding bishops is the better bet of the two. The money is a pedestrian puzzle, as are the keys. (0501d1)--If you FALL FROM ABOVE then you don't have much choice but to enter the pink door to the left, where you'll gain a key(net) in the end. (0600r1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT GREEN DOOR then you can pick up the green and yellow keys after you kill the warrior. Unfortunately there's no way to get to the pink door to get the two dark blue keys to the left, so you will need to backtrack. (0600r2)--If you enter FROM THE LOWER RIGHT GREEN DOOR you are a glutton for punishment and probably retracking. There's no way to get by the bishops and nowhere to go if you did. (0400l1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT PINK DOOR there's nothing to be done, so turn around. (0400l2)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT PINK DOOR then the warrior is your first order of business. Time it so you can jump onto the ledge and shadow him--knife before he runs into you and the green and yellow keys are easy pickings. To practice your broad-jumping try for the money bag way up there but the upper right green door is not for you. So next, you'll probably want to(that's a relative term!) jump over the bishops. The upper right green door will get you to the same location but waste more and more valuable keys in the process. To get past the bishops, stand left of the pit where you drop in on them and wait until you can see them collide. After the left bishop turns right, drop in. Jump twice over him when he returns and then follow him right. You'll need to go right and jump twice again to avoid the other bishop, then run for the green door to the right. Whew! Map for (0501): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xx$$ $$$$ $$xxxxxx xx xx xx$$ $$$$ $$xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx== xx PI xx NK GR xxxx EN xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xx xx xxxx xx xx xx LT xx xxxx BL xx xxxxxx LI.. xxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxFE++ pixx xx xxxxxxxx nkxx xx xx xx :: LT xx :: BL xxxxxxxx^^^^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This is a weird, barren looking room. However, at the end of your travels, it will net you a key and allow you to trade a yellow for more valuable ones. Going through it twice will allow to different runs to accumulate keys. Some tricky jumping and use of the crate is needed. The money in the upper left can't be gotten in the course of the standard walkthrough without wasting a key. (0502d2)--If you enter from the ABOVE RIGHT, you may want to back up. No matter which door you opened to fall this way, you either didn't have to open it(green door) or slipped majorly(yellow door.) (0502d1)--If you enter from the ABOVE CENTER, you have a couple of choices based on where you want to go. I offer the options in recommended order. 1. Going right: the best door to enter is the middle light blue door. However, first, you'll need to push the crate left across the elevator as you'll want to pick up the key. Once it's on the other side, jump over it, and wait for the elevator to come back down to push the elevator right. You may have to wait for the elevator to go up and down again before pushing the box further, but when you push it, line it up so that you can jump up and swerve right onto the platform above. You can probably jump hard left, get the life potion, jump right and then, if you fall all the way back down, up. 2. Going under the elevator below: this is not too terribly tough. Just push the crate left and slip under the elevator at the right time. You may want to get the pink key as well. This is actually a one-shot deal due to the water and oxygen tanks you'll see below. (0401r1)--If you enter from the LEFT GREEN DOOR, you probably want to back up. Even if you ran out of water in the scene to the left, you can retry. (0601l1)--If you enter from the TOP RIGHT PINK DOOR, consider backing up. (0601l2)--If you enter from the MIDDLE LIGHT BLUE RIGHT DOOR, consider backing up. (0601r3)--If you enter from the BOTTOM RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, consider backing up. Map for (0502): xxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xx XX xx ca XX DK ts YE BL XXXXXX^^^^XXXXXX LO xxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXX XX xxxxxxxx XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXLIri XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXFEng crcrXXXX XXXX crriXX XX ososXXXXXX XXXXXX osngXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXX XX XXXXXXXX%%%%%%%%XXXX XXXX%%%%%%%%XXXX XXcr XX XXXX YEos XXXXXX XXXXXXXX LO XX XX piXX XXXX GR GR nkYE XXXX EN EN LO XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX Falling down this shaft is a somewhat one-way ticket but nets some keys and is also the most efficient way to get to the bottom right of the castle, I feel. Getting the treasure is very possible with the force field dead although you'll want to wait for a couple of iterations. You simply get next to the rooms below it, jump on the platforms, and jump again. Wait for the force field to stop and go to the other side. I think you should run through this room twice in the game--once to circle back up and down to get some keys, and once to go off to the right to explore the castle further. (0402r2)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT YELLOW DOOR, backtrack and try again. A yellow and a green don't quite add up to a dark blue at this stage. (0503d1)--If you enter from ABOVE, you may want to go back on the elevator to solve a puzzle in the room above, or you may have goofed coming down here. There's no need to return here from upstairs although you may come through the dark blue door twice. (0602l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, you might want to backtrack unless you are compelled to use the elevator here. (0602l2)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, you could backtrack if you've used the green key(in which case you should not have missed the pink key) but otherwise a yellow for a pink is a good trade. (0402r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT DARK BLUE DOOR, you may want to detour to above, then drop down with the intention of heading left and back around for the first pass. For the second pass, drop down intending to go right. Map for (0503): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX GR XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX EN .+XXXX++XXXXXXXXXX++XXXX XX== XX .. ++XX++ .. XX XX XX $$ .. .. LI XX XX $$ FE XX XX XX XXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX..^^..XXXX XX XX :: riXX++||++XXLI XX XX :: ngXXXXXXXXXXFE XX XX :: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXX :: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX :: XX XX :: XX XX XXXXXX XX^^XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX XX ltXX XX PI grXX YE blLT YE NK enXX LO BL LO XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX^^^^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This level should be seen as a cul-de-sac, as you want to get a green key and get out, but you'll need to re-enter it after destroying a crate. The life vials on the right are rather annoying to get and probably not a good idea on the actual console. Don't trust your eyes; the shaky collision detection will psyche you out. I figured what to do by process of elimination. They are perhaps the toughest in the game. Even with the miracles of emulation I am hard-pressed to get there and back again. You basically want to stand as far right as you can, jump right--release the button, but not too quickly--to land on the elevator. When it is on a level with the ledges, do the same jump again. Drop down to get the potion, then quickly jump to get the potion below the spikes. Reverse the procedure to go left and get out. If you have trouble getting out, even if you get killed you've gained 1.2 lives, in effect. You'll also have reset the room with a slight gain. (0502u1)--If you enter FROM BELOW, you can trade a yellow for a green, very useful in the early stages. This requires re-entry. 1. Open the yellow door, get the light blue key and open the light blue door. You can actually leave and come back to reset the elevator, which may save some time if you're quick with controls. 2. On the elevator, push the top crate left so it falls. 3. Push the next-top crate left so it falls. 4. Push the new-top crate onto the elevator so that it's on edge-- well, it doesn't have to be, but that saves time. Wait for the crate to be crushed. Leave below and come back. 5. Jump on the elevator, run over the boxes, and get the green key. 6. Jump on the ledge to the left of the key. Jump up/left/right from there. Then jump right and back down the elevator. I don't know if going left through the green door is viable here, but my first "big break" never considered this room, so I generally use this room as a safety valve and not as part of my walkthrough. If you are not trying to salvage the green key, just get to the top and jump on the top left ledge to the platform and open th green door. (0603l1)--If you enter FROM THE LOWER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, chances are that you are recovering from some key-draining rooms. You'll probably want to exit through the green door. (0403r2)--If you enter FROM THE LOWER LEFT PINK DOOR, try backtracking in case you just used a key to preserve it. (0403r1)--If you enter FROM THE UPPER LEFT GREEN DOOR, see above. Map for (0504): ************** RE RE D! D! ^^ ****** **** ************ **** ** ** ca ca || XX xxts ts || XX xx xx || XX || XX || XX ca || XX ts || XX XX ||LI piXX !!FE nkXX XX XX XX XX () PI PI () NK NK XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX There's something behind them thar red doors--three red keys! First you'll need to dispose of the cats and you should have just enough vertical to make it. After that, either your safety valve to the lower right or a backtrack to the left should keep your net keys in line. (0604l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT RED DOOR, congratulations! You just gained a red key(net.) If you want to go back to where you were, take the elevator up and get ready for some serious leaping. Eventually you will have to spend a dark blue key(go back left) or a pink key(the whole ordeal of dropping down between where the two red doors were leads to that once your path loops back.) (0604l2)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT PINK DOOR, you are backtracking. Jump off to the right, as you will otherwise waste a pink key getting back where you were. Make sure to get the life potion first though. (0505d1)--If you enter from ABOVE, FALLING, see how to jump back up below. (0404r1)--If you enter FROM THE LEFT, here is how to jump up. 1. Kill the cats. They should fall quickly, so just stab them. If you can get over the barrel and run it into them, great! 2. Place the barrel below and to the side of the lowest platform. Jump up and swerve onto the platform at your apex. You'll just make it. Then do two up/right jumps. Open the two red doors. Trust me. There's good stuff behind them. Map for (0505): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PI ri PI LILI PI ri PI NK ng NK FEFE NK ng NK XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX YE XX XXXX LO XX XXXXXXXX XXXX || XX || XX || XX || XX ||gr yeXX XXXX ||en loXX || XX || YE || LO XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Only useful if you are entering from below(circling back to the regular path) or the lower right(netting a green key.) The top looks impressive until you see there are no keys there whatsoever--remember, never trade keys for treasure. (0605l2)--If you entered from the LOWER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, pick up the green and yellow keys and leave. (0504u1)--If you entered from the ELEVATOR BELOW, you can jump to the ledge above to the left, then jump and drop below to the left. Exit left to take a shot at a life potion. (0605l1)--If you entered from the PINK DOOR TO THE UPPER RIGHT, you probably want to go back. You'll waste a lot of pink keys getting to the other side. (0405r1)--If you entered from the PINK DOOR TO THE UPPER LEFT, you may want to go back. You'll waste a lot of pink keys, again. (0405r2)--If you entered from the HALL SPACE TO THE LEFT, there's worse than opening the yellow door and falling to get two keys. (0405r3)--If you entered JUMPING FROM THE LEFT, there's nowhere to go really but back left. Map for (0506): XX XX XX ca :: :: SA SA PI XX nd :: :: FE FE NK XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX XXX XXXXXXX XXX XXX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX^^ XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XX pi dk piXX XX nk bl nkXX XX XX XX XX PI PI NK ................................ NK XXXX++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++XXXX Hoo-hoo! This is an interesting one. If you enter from the lower left or right pink doors then obviously you can't get the dark blue key in the center. However if you can drop the boxes in the right places, you can escape alive. If you can't figure the puzzle fully(i.e. leave without dying,) you can grab each key, committing suicide in the process--which is still not trivial! You really do need to get the keys here, though, as you have just gone through some rooms that have drained your pink key supply. (0606l2)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT PINK DOOR, you may want to back up, actually, and try the previous room's puzzle again. If not, grab the pink key, exit, and go down the chute in 0606. (0406r1)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT PINK DOOR, you can kill yourself getting the pink key(if it's there--you've probably backtracked) and exit. Not much else to do. (0606l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT PINK DOOR, you can proceed as follows. 1. Drop off to the left, run for the elevator, and jump all the way to the right when it gets to the top. You can make it to the elevator right off the bat if you're quick. 2. Jump up to the top and push the far right safe off to the right. 3. Drop down to the left, jump left to the three-unit platform, jump up and push the safe to the right. 4. Jump right and fall off. Climb on the safe you originally pushed in (2) and now jump back on the platform above. That safe gives you the height you need. Push the other safe off to the left. 5. Jump left until you are between the two crates, jump up and push the right crate to the right. 6. Circle around to the right, push the crate left, fall left onto it, drop to the left, and push it right onto the spikes. 7. Get to the left of the other crate. Push it right. Then get to the right of it(platform-jumping again) and drop it off to the left. 8. Jump all the way to the right and push the safe in (2) off to the left. Then jump back to the gap right of the elevator and fall down. 9. Push the top crate to the left after dropping right of it. Get on the right edge of your two-crate platform and jump all the way right to get the blue key. Repeat for the pink key. Then jump all the way left from the edges. You should make it to the pink door. If not, well, you can just jump from the top left and with the keys gone it's easy to fall off. Map for (0507): XX ju ju ca () () <> XX XX g. g. nd () () ^v XX XX XXXX XX XXXX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX$$XXX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX$$XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XX ju ca ca ju juPI XX g. nd nd g. g.NK XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXX ################## XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XX##LI LI () ca () () XX XX##FE FE () nd () () XX XX##XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX PI XX NK## XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX^^>>>>>>>>XX<<<<^^XXXX This is a crazy one where you have to balance a barrel on a candle flame. How poetic. But it requires tons of analysis and the right start, followed by some split-second timing, and if you do not watch it you can even get yourself stuck just before it's time to leave. It's perhaps the third-hardest puzzle in the game behind 0308 and 0309, and it's only slightly more useful if you want to solve the game. (0508d1)--If you arrive from the LEFT HOLE ABOVE, reset the game and take the loss of life. (0508d2)--If you arrive from the RIGHT HOLE ABOVE, reset the game and take the loss of life. (0407r1)--If you arrive from the LOWER LEFT PINK DOOR, you don't have much choice. The lift is in your way. (0607l1)--If you arrive from the RIGHT PINK DOOR, you have a serious puzzle on your hands. You will also have plenty of waiting to do. 1. Drop the jug to your left onto the elevator. 2. Go to the top ledge, wait for the jug to come by, and push it left into the hole. 3. Go back down the elevator and push the two barrels in the bottom right left. The one barrel will move right because of the conveyor belt. 4. Go onto the other elevator. Jump on the conveyor belt to get there. Then push the barrel into the hole and the candle one square right. Do not let it fall. For future reference, with the barrel and candle blocking the way, in order to move between the two you need to go back up to the top and jump over the obstacles. Be sure to avoid landing on the candles. 5. Push the jug and the candle directly above to the left. Go up top, around, and to the elevator. 6. Push the jug and candle right of the ones in (5) to the right. If you are clever you can save some time for step 7 by jumping up ledges. 7. Push the barrel just left of the lift-moving block left. When the elevator goes up, push the lift-moving block left into the hole, which should be gone now. 8. Now deal with the items on top. Sadly you can't dump the candle in the hole, so push the barrel left and the jugs right. Then push the candle left until it falls. Jump over where it is to the far left. 9. Push the candle right onto the elevator. Let it drop. Time your fall down the shaft so that the candle base is three squares below the platform where the pulleys are--two below and you'll get burnt. Be sure to hold left while you fall. 10. Fall off the platform to the left, come back to the right, and send the candle onto the conveyor belt. There's enough time for this, but you can't dawdle either. 11. Wait on the elevator, and go right to where the half-balanced candle is. Push it off. Blammo! The cube to move the lift is now pushable. When the elevator comes back down, you have more than enough time to grab the potions to the left. Do so, catch the elevator up, go up and around, and push the lift-moving cube left. It will raise the lift. Just be sure not to let the cube fall, or it will block you exit. Whew, you're done! Map for (0508): XXpire XXXX XX XXnkd! GRLT YE XXyelt ENBL LO XXlobl XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX YE YE LO {}{} LO XXXX == **** ==XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX YE {}{} YE LO XX == XXXXXX == XX LO XXXX XXXX XX XX XX wa wa XX XX rr rr XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX Man, those keys sure look tempting. Whatever you do here, don't fall all the way down, or you will need to use the "reset" or "back" option-- of course, use it anyway if you fall from the top. The room below will be impossible if you do. The thing to remember about the platforms is that the ones on a level with each other bounce around the same amount of space--so there is no waiting for timing. They move such that you can only jump to the left on top and to the right on bottom. (0509d1)--If you arrive FROM THE HOLE ABOVE you will really want to go left eventually, but first land to the right, explore to the right(green keys if you don't have any,) come back, take a huge leap to the left standing on the edge, open the doors, make another huge leap standing on the edge, and get the keys. If you don't have a light blue key then you are in big trouble, and if you have only one, open the double-doors to the left first before exploring the light blue door on the screen to the right. You won't want to drop a level here--do so on the screen to the right. (0608l1)--If you arrive from the UPPER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR you will have the same assignment as above. (0408r1)--If you arrive from the MIDDLE LEFT YELLOW DOOR you'll want to drop down to cross to the right. (0408r2)--If you arrive from the LOWER LEFT YELLOW DOOR(which shouldn't be opened) you can jump across twice to the right. Although the platforms are synchronized with each other they are not synchronized with the plants, so feel free to time your jump for when you're sure you can clear the plants. (0608l2)--If you arrive from the MIDDLE RIGHT YELLOW DOOR you may want to back up if you've already gotten the blue keys a screen left. Otherwise you can jump left twice to get them. (0608l3)--If you arrive from the LOWER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR you can't do much, so back up. --If you arrive FROM BELOW, you can only avoid falling down by standing on the edge of the elevator as it comes up. However, you won't be able to jump up from there anyway, so you are trapped. If you're curious, the only way to leave through the lower left yellow door is to fall off a platform above and duck in. Map for (0509): **************xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx+. RE RE RE DKyeltgrgr xx D! D! D! BLloblenen xx **** ********xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ** **** ********xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ** XX **** ******xxxxxxyeltltgr ** XX XX ** xx xxloblblen XX XX XX RE DK DK xx XX XX XX ** D! BL BL xx XX XX XX **********xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XX XX XX **********xxxxyeyeltgr XX XX XX PI RE DKloloblen XX PI XX NK D! BL xx XX NK XX **********xxxxxxxxxxxxxx XX^^XX XX **********xxxxxxxxxxxxxx XX||XX ** ********xxxxyeyeltlt XXXXXX ** ** ** xx loloblblSA XX ** GR PI DK FE PI ** EN NK BL xxxx NK ************xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XX Look at all the choices! Unless you have a lot of red keys when you enter from the left, go down. Despite the choices this room is on closer inspection an utter waste of time and (valuable) keys no matter where you enter from. Any one passage nets you a key, but you trade rarer ones for commoner ones. This reminds me of the Shel Silverstein poem where the guy trades a dollar for two quarters for three dimes for four nickels for five pennies. (0609l1)--If you enter from the MIDDLE RIGHT PINK DOOR there's nowhere to go but back to the other screen. It may allow you to the top of 0609 but there are more frugal ways to get there. (0609l2)--If you enter from the BOTTOM RIGHT PINK DOOR then you probably want to fall down as there will be a whole lot of keys below. Still you'd have been better off falling on the screen to the right--where you came from. (0409r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT RED DOOR then you probably want to drop all the way to the bottom and pick up all they keys you can find. Push the safe over and leave. You simply can't afford to give up two red keys so quickly unless you've been very conservative previously. Map for (0600): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx GR xxLI xx EN xxFE bi xx xxxx XX sh xx xxxxxx ^^^^XX XXXXXXXXX xx xx XXXXXXXX SA xx xx XX XX FE xx xx PI XXXXXXXXX xx xx NK LI xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx** FE xx xx ^^^^ ....XXXXXXXX xx xx || ..++++XXXXXX xx xx ju || ++XXXXXXXX xx xx g. || xxxx XXXXXXXX xx xxxxxxxx || XXXXXX xx xx || xxxxxx xx xx || xxxxxx xx GR || xxxxxxca YE EN ^^^^ || xxxxxxts LO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This room isn't terribly useful for the main-line walkthrough, but if you've come from the bottom left there's a neat puzzle to get all the way right. (0500r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT GREEN DOOR, you will have to spend a pink and a yellow to get to the pulley room any way you look at it. I'd recommend just jumping on the elevator and going right and down. It's easier than the solution below, which is an instance of where the programmers let you save a key in return for solving a puzzle. (0700l1)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT YELLOW DOOR, maybe you are just backtracking from the pulley room. (0500r2)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT GREEN DOOR, you will want to jump on the elevator and jump up to the ledge. If you can move the jug on the elevator as it goes up, great. Push it off onto the descending elevator and then push it to the right edge of the platform to the right. Get on its right edge and jump up/right. You should just make it. Now you need to get to the left edge of the platform you're on and jump up/left/right, preferably as the bishop has turned around. A sharp left jump followed by a return right will net you the life potion. Now to fake out the bishop. Jump up/left/right and if need be make a running jump right into the niche so that the bishop passes under you. From there you can drop down and hit left when you see the life potion. The cat below may be annoying but your best bet is to fall down when he is on the far left. The drop takes enough time that he will be away from you. Knife him for sadistic fun and leave. Map for (0601): xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx PI LT NK :: :: BL xxxx:: :: xx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx xx xx xx LT ^^^^ ^^^^ xx xx BL **** **** xxLILILIxx xxxxxxxx******************** xxFEFEFExx xx pi xx caxx xx nk xx tsxx xx xxxxxxxxxx LT PI BL NK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A little tricky footwork with the crates here. The three life potions are nice, and they're surprisingly easy and low-risk to get as I tell you when to jump below(be sure to move right and knife just before you hit the floor.) Still, if you enter from an above left door, it's your best hope; there's a jackpot above if you've got a dark blue key. (0501r3)--If you enter through the LOWER LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you may want to back up, close it, and try to enter through the middle door. It won't save you on this board but could allow you to explore other lucrative areas, i.e. upstairs. (0701l1)--If you enter through the UPPER RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you've probably just given away a blue key for treasure. Unless you are out of yellow keys(go up then to find one) go backwards and use a different key. (0701l2)--If you enter through the LOWER RIGHT PINK DOOR, you've been backtracking. (0501r1)--If you enter through the UPPER LEFT PINK DOOR, see below, where it may have been slightly better to enter. (0501r2)--If you enter through the MIDDLE LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, there's quite a bit to do here. You can get the pink key for free and maybe even the three life potions. To get the pink key for free, do the following: 1. Push the right crate onto the elevator and then to the gap between them. 2. Jump under the elevators and push the crate one right. It will now support you pushing the other crate across. 3. Drop the other crate onto it. Push the other crate as far to the right if you can, although you will probably want to stand on the left edge of the crate below with the right edge of the other crate on the other side. 4. When the elevator is nowhere near, push the crate all the way right and off the ledge. Yippee! Now you can jump for the pink key, jump on the crate, and back to the ledge near the elevators. 5. This is optional but low-risk; to snatch the three life potions from where the cat is, drop down just as the cat is on the left edge. Before you land, turn to the right and stab. If it works, great, three free lives. If not, you net 1000 points. You can also jump to the middle platform and fall off the right to try again with no risk. --If you enter from ABOVE LEFT, jump over to the right elevator and look around there. --If you enter from ABOVE RIGHT, it's time to open the lower right pink door and go onward. Map for (0602): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX ltXX XX SA blXX YE FE LT LO XXXXXX BL XXXXXXXX wi XXXX XX$$$$ tc XX XX$$$$ XXXXXXXX XX XX |||| XX XX |||| XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ltltXX XXdkpi blblXX XXblnk bi bi XX XX sh sh XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxx XX XXye XXXX xx XX XXlo |||| xx XX YE |||| DK:: LT LO |||| BL:: BL XXXXXXXXXXXX^^^^XXXX^^^^xxxxxxxx******** This room is a handy treasure trove if you've got a dark blue key. You get it back, plus a pink key and a light blue key and possibly an extra yellow or pink key. However, you need to circle to the room to the right. (0502r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT YELLOW DOOR you are backtracking, as the door can only be opened from this side. (0502r2)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT YELLOW DOOR you are again backtracking, but maybe you netted a nice pink key from the deal. Fall through the elevator shaft and go up the right one. (0702l2)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR you are backtracking. (0601u1)--If you enter from the LEFT ELEVATOR you should get the yellow key and fall back down under the shaft. If you have opened the green door on the next screen, don't open the yellow door. Otherwise there will be a pink key waiting to the left, worth trading a yellow key for. You'll then come right back here. (0601u2)--If you enter from the RIGHT ELEVATOR you must beat a quick retreat if you have no dark blue key, but if you've got it, push the safe over four squares and jump up for the two light blue keys. Exit lower right. You'll come back soon to kill the bad guys. (0702l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, get the light blue key, jump across, drop the safe on the witch(exit and retry if necessary) and drop the safe onto where the bishops are. Whether you split them or they both wind up on one side, you should be able to crush them with the safe: plow it to the left if they both wind up there, or stand on the safe and drop left when the left bishop turns away before pushing the safe right--if you're lucky you can jump over the safe, come back, and nail the bishop and even get the keys. If you are not so fortunate, and you stick the safe in the corner, go to the lower right exit and circle back up again. Remember to pick up the money bags some time. You may wish to use a yellow key and exit to the left if you've already passed through the water in the very lower right. Map for (0603): XX || XX || pi XX || nk XX || $$ XX || $$ XX || ri XX || ng XX || XX || XX || XX || XX ye|| XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX loXX XX YE XXXXXX LO XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX cr ri cr cr ri XX YE os ng os os ng GR LO EN XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Looping to get the pink key above is a good test of your skill. However, the yellow door on the left provides you the most graceful exit from the 0603-0604-0703-0704 complex, of which this is the only sane- looking room. (0604d1)--If you enter from ABOVE LEFT, just fall down, get the yellow key, loop right/up/left/down if you want that pink key, and go through the yellow door. Once you're back, go right and jump for the treasure before unlocking the yellow door to the left where you'll find yourself in a saner room. (0604d2)--If you enter from ABOVE, just wait to pick up the key, etc. Then exit left. (0703l1)--If you enter from THE RIGHT, you'll probably just want to leave. (0703l2)--If you enter from the RIGHT GREEN DOOR, get the treasure and-- again--may I recommend to Monsieur the loop for the pink key? Map for (0604): ********** XX RErerere PI D!d!d!d!** NK **** XXXX ********** XX **$$$$ XX XX$$$$ fi XX XX re XXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX$$$$ GR XX$$$$ EN XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX XXLI XXFE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%XX XX LI XX PI FEbi wa XX NK sh rr XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX You can probably tell this room's major purpose by looking at it. Yup-- those three tantalizing red keys, which actually only net you one, since two red doors guard them. Man, this game is cruel sometimes. The fire is a bit of a nuisance but shouldn't be too much danger as long as you don't let it get too close. It makes opening the worthless pink door a challenge, I suppose. The best exit from this mess is probably down, but you can pick up the treasure if you want. (0504r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT RED DOOR, well, you know what to do. Enjoy the three red keys. (0704l2)--If you enter from the MIDDLE RIGHT GREEN DOOR, you're just backtracking. Try again. (0704l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT PINK DOOR, you've wasted a pink key(can't even back up) and are backtracking. (0704l3)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT, there are a few things you can do. 1. Drop down to kill the warrior. Then jump across and stalk the bishop, jump to get the life potion, and turn around. Jump up and swerve right at the right edge when the floor turns itself off if you want, or you can fall through the hole to get a pink key and some treasure before coming back up.. 2. Loot a left ledge, go to the edge, jump up/left/right, and repeat until you get to the top. Agonize over how close those red keys are. 3. Four units left of the right edge, jump and swerve right at the apex. Enter the green door for an interesting puzzle. (0504r2)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT PINK DOOR, hopefully it's because you got the red keys and this is your escape route. Fall down and exit left at the next screen. Map for (0605): XXXX xxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PI DK :: LT NK BL :: BL XXxxxxxxxx XXXX XXxxxxxxxx :: XXXX XXXXXX XX :: XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX :::: XX XX XXlt :::: XX XX XXbl :::: XX XX :::: XXXXXX XX :::: XX XX :::: XX YE ^^^^ PI LO XXXX || NK XXXXXXXXXXXX>>>>>>XXXXXX^^^^XXXXXXXXXXXX This board is tricky and doesn't even really get you a whole lot. However, it's an interesting puzzle requiring you to leave. The puzzle's object here is to get to the light blue door in the upper right(bringing you back to more main-line areas,) although sneaking out below the elevator is OK, and whatever you do to leave you'll want to go the the left to net a quick key. The upper left wastes serious keys. This room has a bit of melodrama what with the crates falling a square. (0505r2)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT YELLOW DOOR, jump on the platform and get the light blue key. Wait for the two crates on the left to get smashed. Leave and return. Jump on the platform and then on the remaining left crate. Jump from there on top of the three stacked crates. Run to the left and then push the crate off just in time. Fall after it and see below for the solution. (0505r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT PINK DOOR, keys have been lost. You'll probably want to go through with this puzzle if you can, though. (0606d1)--If you enter from the HOLE ABOVE, open the dark blue door(the alternative leads to a dark blue door and wastes a few pink keys) and wait for the top crate to get where you can push it off. Do so, and jump on top of it. Then follow the instructions below. (0705l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you have been backtracking. (0705l2)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT PINK DOOR, you should run across to the yellow door. IF you have no yellow key, the game is likely unsolveable, but backtracking or falling through the elevator shaft is the only hope. Solution to the puzzle: Your final arrangement should look as follows: LT BL 55 55 4433 4433 22 22 11 11 XX How to get there? 1. Move the crate that fell from the elevator(where there were six) onto the platform to the right of the right-hand elevator. 2. Jump on the crate on the left elevator--use the small platform between the two elevators. Get to the top, and push that crate to the right. Push this crate into position two. 3. Jump on the left elevator and push this crate into position three. 4. Push the second-highest crate remaining to position four. 5. Push the remaining mobile crate off to the right and into position five. Walk over it and open the light blue door. Map for (0606): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PI ju ju XX ju PI NK g. g. g. NK XX jg XXXX XXXX XXXXXX XX XX u. XX XX XX jg XX XX XX u. XX XX XX jg ju XX XX XX u. g. {} XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX <<<<<>>>>> <<<<<< .+XX XX NK XX+. .+XX XX XXXX XX fi fi XX XXXX XX XX re re XX XX XX PI PI XX XX NK ........ ........ NK XX XX XXXX++++++++{}{}++++++++XXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ XX XX ............ ............ XX XX bibi PI XX^^ shsh NK XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Grr! The sub-room in the center is very annoying and it seems to be a permanent trap. You may pass through this room in the lower parts, as the bishops are not so bad. (0608d1)--If you enter from the TOP CENTER, you will be forced onto the magic floors and into the center chamber. You are in big trouble and should reset the screen. Although it appears you can get out by jumping on the elevator and then falling off and steering to the side, in practice, I have never been able to do this. (0707l1)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT PINK DOOR, stay and wait until the bishop passes by. Then move two units in. Jump just after you see the bishop and be prepared to jump again. Move left quickly until you pass the spikes, and two more jumps will see you past the bishops. Get on the elevator going up, stand halfway on it, jump and steer right and then left. Exit through the left pink door. (0507r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT PINK DOOR, it can be proved you are backtracking from the difficult puzzle room to the left. Well, you'll have to go back there some time anyway. Map for (0608): XX XXXX XX grgr XX YE XXXX XX enen LT LO cr cr BL XXXX os os XXXX XXXXyeyeXXXXXXXX XXXXXX^^ XXXX XXXXloloXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XX cr cr XX YE os os LT LO BL XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX YE LT LO XX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX BL XXXXXX XXXXXX/ \XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX Knowing which doors to open in this room is a good idea. Note you can't move up from one set of ledges to the next and absolutely DO NOT want to fall down to the lowest. Still, your first time through you can get the yellow keys, and te second time through may be more lucrative as you can get to the top. (0609d1)--If you entered FROM THE HOLE ABOVE, then you'll want to land on the top ledge, get the green keys, and probably go off to the left through the top yellow door first. You really should have a yellow key at all times at this point but if not drop down to get them and go right. You can cycle back with relative ease, since you've opened a lot of doors in the princess's chamber. At this point I am assuming you have light blue keys in abundance. If not, then at the second platform from the top you can jump left which may lead you to a couple of light blue keys if you haven't been in that area before. In either case, rich key troves lie to the left and the right at the very top. Just NEVER fall into the hole below. (0508r1)--If you entered FROM THE UPPER LEFT YELLOW DOOR, go right if you haven't opened the top right light blue door. Then drop down and enter whichever light blue door might be open--if neither is, go for the top one. (0508r2)--If you entered FROM THE MIDDLE LEFT YELLOW DOOR, jump for the two yellow keys and get the crosses. Jump across and enter an opened blue door or the top one if both are closed. (0508r3)--If you entered FROM THE BOTTOM LEFT YELLOW DOOR, not much choice. Jump across to the left and exit through the lower right blue door. (0708l1)--If you entered FROM THE BOTTOM RIGHT BLUE DOOR, I don't believe you can go too much further left productively. The room to the right should allow you to step up to the middle blue door. (0708l2)--If you entered FROM THE MIDDLE RIGHT BLUE DOOR, there are some keys to the left, but not much, and you'll probably wind up coming back this way. (0708l3)--If you entered from the TOP RIGHT BLUE DOOR, you may have to jump down eventually, but explore to the left first. There's keys in them thar hills. Map for (0609): X \/\/\/\/\/\/\/ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \XXXXXX PI XX X X X X X X X XXX NK XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PI XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/ NK \XXX XX XXXXXXXX/ XXXXXX \XX XXpipi\XXXXXX XXXXXX XX XXnknk \XXXX XXXXXX XX XX XXXX XXX XX PI PI PI XX NK NK NK XX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XX XXXX XXXXX/ \XXXXXyeyeyeXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXXlololoXX XX XX XX XX PI GR GR PI NK EN EN NK XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX If you have three yellows and a red when you get to the lower pink door(and you should; you've gotten around the castle a bit, and there are three yellows above you!) then you will want to go right and unlock all the doors in preparation for being able to enter the Princess's room the other way. All the pink doors except the far right ones are worthless, to the best of my knowledge. Being so close you may be worried that you can't solve the game. If you don't quite have enough red keys yet, though, don't worry. There are enough places where you can get them. (0709l1)--If you enter from the TOP RIGHT PINK DOOR, fall down and jump up to get all three yellow keys if this is your first time through. Then go through the PINK DOOR if you have a red and three yellows. If you've got two greens, use them to get to the pink keys on the left after ledge-hopping. If you've only got one green key, just fall off the ledge to the left below. You probably should have a red key if you looped around in 0808-0809-0909-0908 and exhausted the three chutes on 0809. If not, be sure to come back here before going to 0708 and using the elevator up, or you'll be trapped. (0709l2)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT PINK DOOR I hope it's because you were just unlocking doors as a prequel to the second time through this room. (0509r1)(0509r2)(0509r3)--If you entered through LEFT PINK DOORS or the TOP LEFT, you may have to waste some keys, but depending on how many you have left you'll want to drop(be sure to fall off close to a ledge) or go right and open the doors to the right of the jug in the princess's room. Be sure to get the two pink keys here before falling off. If you have a red key, open the other green door, get the yellow keys, open the pink door and open what you can. Otherwise you may be in big trouble, but at least you have a way to get to the bottom of the princess room without opening all the doors on top. Map for (0700): xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx ############################xx xx <> ## xx xx ^v ## LT xx xx^^^^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## BL xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## xx xx xx##xxxx xx xx ## xx xxSA SA SA ## xx xxFE FE FE ## xx xxxxxxxxxxxx xx ## xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## xxxxxx xx SA xxxx xx FE xx xx xx^^xxxxxxxxxx xx xx xx||xxyeyeltxx^^SA xxxx xx xxxxxxxx||xxlolobl FExxxxxx YE xxxxxxxxxx||xx xxxxxxxx LO xxxxxxxxxxxx||xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This room is the first really serious pure puzzle in that you don't have to worry about monsters but just about moving what where. If you destroy anything be sure to reset the game, as you need each block to pass to the right. You are rewarded for your puzzle-solving with the net gain of two yellow keys and the prospect of more in the rooms to the right. (0600r1)--If you enter from the YELLOW DOOR, you have an interesting puzzle ahead of you that I describe below. (0701d1)--If you enter from ABOVE, proceed as below. (0800l1)--If you enter from the RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you've just completed this room and shouldn't be here. There is no need to return. Proof? In order to get into this room this way, you must get by the jug blocking the door to the right. But the only way to do that is to move it right, and the only way to do that is to enter from the left. 1. In all cases I will ignore waiting for the elevator(unfortunately you can't.) There's a lot of running over the elevator area and back, as well as waiting. First move is to move the safe right of the lower elevator left so that its left side is hanging off the edge. 2. You will also want to push the pulley-block left a couple of squares. This allows you to... 3. Push the safe near the bottom onto the lift. Move the pulley- block to the right so that the pulley-block is level with the two platforms near the top of the lift. Push the safe off to the right. This forms a third of your support. 4. Brief detour to get the three keys below. 5. Push the pulley-block so the lift floor is level with the safe that's on the edge. Push the third-left safe to the right until it's in the lift. Push the pulley-block back to where it was in 3. Then push the block off to the right. 6. Repeat 5. but with the second-left safe. 7. Walk across and open the blue door! Hooray! Map for (0701): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xx xxrixxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx GR xxng xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx EN LT xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx BL xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx $$$$$$xxxx xxxx $$$$$$xxxx xx xxxxxx xxxxxx crLIxx xx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx{}osFExx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx YE xx xx xx xx LO xx xx PI xx xxxxxx LT() PI NK xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BL() NK xxxxxx^^^^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hmmph. Another dead-looking room, but you can pick up some nice treasure easily if you do things right. Although the light blue and pink doors lined up look important and do in fact lead to an important room, you can't do anything significant there, so they are a waste of keys. This room may also be passed through a few times if you are trying the key-hogging walkthrough. (0702d2)--If you drop from ABOVE, TO THE RIGHT, you'll want to open the green door. (0702d1)--If you drop from ABOVE, TO THE CENTER, you may be in trouble, and it may be too late. Likely you've already passed through 0900 and such, and you can't back up. If not, exit through the yellow door. If you have, you're not trapped, but you will need to open a few doors to the left to get back to the elevator to 0503, which will take a toll on your key count. (0700u1)--If you enter from BELOW, ON THE ELEVATOR, there's not much to do. The real action is in the pulley puzzle room below, which is a pure puzzle without any keys required of you. (0601r1)--If you enter from the LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you have backtracked and probably wasted the light blue key for this door too. (0601r2)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT PINK DOOR, go right, jump and swerve right, and then jump to the top of the hill. On the left edge of the hill, jump up/left and repeat. You should be under the ring, so reach up and grab it. Fall off to the right and jump over the pit and get the first money bag. Now you can jump and hit right to get the goodies back there. To get out, stand to the right of the plant and jump up, hit the ceiling, and go hard left. Exit through the yellow door and sneak under the elevator. (0801l2)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT PINK DOOR, you are backtracking. (0801l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT GREEN DOOR, you are backtracking. Map for (0702): XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX$$ LIXX XX :: XXXXXX$$ FEXX LT :: XXXXXXri riXXXX BL XX XXXXXXngcr crngXXXX XXXX XX XXXXXXos osXXXXXX XXXXXXXX^^ XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX .+XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX .+XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX ==XXXX XX XXXX X ca X XXXX YE XX X nd X XXXX LO XX X X :: XX XX X X :: XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXX X XXXX XXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX LT XXXXXX XX XXXX BL XXXXXX XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX That treasure above looks tempting but the best parts of this room are the left and lower right, which serve as transitions to a fairy room and the upper part of a key-rich room. Using the platform is an interesting puzzle and the candle in the middle seems to be for effect. (0703d1)--If you enter FROM ABOVE IN THE CENTER, you may wish to back up, despite the treasure, unless you've already visited the fairy room below and to the right. If you've been there, you'll still have to muck around a bit. Push the crate over, exit through where the yellow door was, re-enter, and fall through--go through the fairy room as before. (0802l1)--If you enter from the YELLOW DOOR TO THE RIGHT, just drop down to the next room. (0602r2)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you can jump up/left to one ledge then up/right/left to another. Walk onto the moving platform. Try to be in front of it so you can stop and jump straight up under the hole. When on the elevator push the block left. Failure to do so creates a one-way door where you'll waste a green and yellow key with some treasure as a very minor consolation before you get back here. Better to hit back if that happens. (0602r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT BLUE DOOR your way will be blocked by the crate, so you must turn back. Map for (0703): XXXX XX ^^^^ || ca || ca || ts || ts || || || || || ri ||****|| LI || ng ||XXXX|| FE || ca || ||XXXX|| || cr || $$ nd || || || || os fi || $$ || || || || || || re || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXcr ri XXXX cr gr cr lt XX GRos ng XXXX os en os bl LT EN XXXX BL XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX There are some tricky jumps here, and the cats aren't too pleasant either. To shake them off land on solid ground and jump a lot, and then you can oceed as if they aren't there. The fire's a bit tougher to shake, but you can probably jump over it if it gets too close. The lower right is part of the key-grabbing walkthrough, but you have to pass through other similar spots first. (0603r2)--If you enter from BELOW, TO THE LEFT, you may want to back up. However, if you'd like to try getting the treasures, open the green door to the left. (0803l1)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, backing up a screen will do you little good, so just pick up the treasures and fall down the hole. (0603r2)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT, jump first when you land to make the kitties fall into the holes. Then you can just barely get the money, stand on the right edge, jump over the candle(don't go immediately right on jumping,) get the ring, jump up, cross to the other side, and get the potion and cross. The only thing you can do then is to jump back across and hope you don't fall in the pits, where you'll have to reset/backup. The elevator isn't too useful, but it can get you one key back. (0704d1)--If you enter FROM ABOVE, see the upper left for what to do. Map for (0704): XX lt lt XXXX PI bl () () bl XX NK () () XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX LT XXXX :: :: BL XXXX== :: :: XX XXXX XX XX || XXXXXX XXXX XXXX || XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX || GR || EN || XXXX || XXXXXXXX ^^^^<<<< || XXXXXXXXXXXX || || XX || XX || XX || XX || XXXXXX XXXX XXXX What a yucky level. Even if you manage to escape the whole box you're in(light blue door to the left) you face a long trek back to friendlier climes as the light blue door has a red door behind it. Nevertheless, it's a decent challenge to get the light blue keys, and if you're stuck in this zone, you might as well. (0703u1)--If you enter FROM BELOW, stand on the platform's edge and jump left. Jump up/left and exit left. (0604r3)--If you enter FROM THE LEFT, BELOW THE DOORS, turn back. The screen to the left is more fruitful. (0604r2)--If you enter FROM THE LEFT GREEN DOOR, drop down and jump across to the new platform when the elevator is going down. Jump across it and jump slightly on the conveyor belt. You'll need to get to its right, then jump and swerve left to get to the next level. Jump across to the right, then up/right to climb the crate. From there you can push the barrel onto the crate and push the barrel off again. Jump the gap and push the barrel to the edge to get the other light blue key. Drop onto the barrel when you know the platform won't hit you and push the crate to the right. Push it again to the right but be sure to jump first if the platform is coming. Now the platform will pass to the right. Jump up to the top and now, with a bit of timing, fall off to the right and push the crate right while on the platform. It might take a few failures but when you do you can push the crate down two flights, jump when the platform comes, walk over it and run into the blue door. Got it! Go east to perform most of a fruitless loop. (0604r3)--If you enter FROM THE UPPER LEFT PINK DOOR, go back. You've wasted a pink key. (0804l1)--If you enter FROM THE UPPER RIGHT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you might as well get the blue keys if you haven't already. Map for (0705): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX == XX XX GR XX EN XX == XXXX XX XXXX XX grXX XX enXX XX == XX XX wa wa XX XX rr rr XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX ++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ XX XX .............. .............. XX PI bi bi PI NK sh sh NK XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Two colliding bishops. Nothing fancy here. You can't jump up to get the green key, sadly, so you'll need to complete the puzzle to the left. The warriors look menacing but with proper movements you should get the green key with no problem and exit. (0605r2)--If you enter from the LEFT PINK DOOR, you're probably backtracking, but mirror-image the directions below to get by the bishops after waiting in the door for the bishop to pass by you. (0805l2)--If you enter from the RIGHT PINK DOOR, go left two squares and jump when the bishop comes by. Jump again because he will bounce into the other bishop and come back quickly. Then follow him diligently until you get to the center. Jump over a bishop twice more and your path to the left is clear...provided you have another pink key. (0805l1)--If you enter from the RIGHT GREEN DOOR, you just backtracked. Get back into that puzzle room. (0605r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT, your object is to get the green key, open the green door, and get out. First you need to walk on the moving platform. Then you need to drop off it when you can time the platform below you to be under you. Do that again, then walk on the platform until you get the green key. You can afford to wait before you jump and swerve right to exit--make sure the platform above is nowhere near. Map for (0706): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PI XX XXXXXX XX NK XX ^^^^XXXXXX XX XXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX######XXXX GR XX XX XX############## EN XX XX XX <> ## XXXX XX XX XX ^v ## XX XX XXXXXX DK XXXXXXXXXX##XXXX XX XX XX ++ BL XXXXXXXXXX##XXXX XX XX XX .. XX ## XX XXX \/ XX ## XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX XX XX+. XX :: XX XX+. \/ XX :: ** XX+. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX##XXXXXXXX**** XX+. XX++++++++++XXXXXX++++++xxxx XX+. \/ .......... ...... xx XX+. DK XX+. BL XX>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>xx That elevator up looks important, but it isn't really. It can waste you a few keys, actually. This room should have you go from lower right to upper left, but the upper right room has a neat solution. You want to push the crate so that you can walk on it to get to the light blue door. However, once you do, there is the problem of getting rid of the block above. Again, a neat puzzle room that doesn't actually help you solve the game much. Also, if you stand on the left side of the elevator when you go up, you will get crushed by a falling safe and may have to hit "back." How sweet of the designers to blindside you! (0606r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT PINK DOOR there is not a lot to do here. (0806l2)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT BLUE DOOR then take a ride on the walkway and walk right when you are just left of the first small platform. Jump and go hard left. Then jump two more times up/left, then up/right and up/left. That wasn't too tough, but the next parts will be. (0806l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT GREEN DOOR, get ready. This is a good'un, about as tough as you can get for shifting two blocks around. When you need to jump up a platform, stand halfway underneath an open space, hold down the correct arrow key, and jump. Swerve- jumping is too hard here. 1. Push the pulley block three squares left. Drop off to the right and swerve left as you fall. Go to the left edge, jump while holding the left button, and swerve back right. 2. Push the pulley block three squares right. 3. Push the crate so that it is two spaces away from the right wall. 4. Jump over the crate and to its right. Push it onto the lift. 5. Jump up two platforms. Push the pulley block three squares left. 6. Jump down a platform. Push the crate to the left, but NOT YET so that you could stand on it and reach the dark blue door. Then you'd have to drop the pulley block on it. Wicked! Also leave the crate so it can be pushed to the right. 7. Drop a platform, go left, jump up two platforms, and push the pulley three squares right. 8. Drop two platforms, go right, jump up two platforms, push the pulley block off the left edge. 9. Drop a platform and push the crate to the left edge. 10. Jump up a platform and drop onto the crate. Open the dark blue door. Map for (0707): XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX GR XX XXXX XXXX EN XX XX XX XXXX XXLI XXXX XXXXXXXX XXFE{}XX XXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX ^^^^ XX XXXX XXXX XX XXXX XXXXXXXX XX XXXX $$ $$ XX XXXX $$ $$ XX XXXX XX%%%%XX XX XXXX GRSA XX GR XXXX ENFE XX EN XXXX XX== XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX ==XXXX PI XXXX crXX PIgr XXXXXX NK XXXXXX XXosXX NKenXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This is an odd level. Perhaps you can make a hard-left jump to get the life potion, but it only seems to be good for moving from the lower right green door to the lower left pink door. Ascending the elevator without opening the pink door to the left in 0708(A tough task) forces you to use a red key, so DON'T GO THERE unless you already unlocked that pink door. The upper right green door is utterly worthless. The middle compartment is from a one-way elevator. (0706u1)--If you enter from BELOW, just back up unless you are sure you can make it to the princess's room and are taking a shortcut. (0807l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT GREEN DOOR, back up. (0807l2)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT GREEN DOOR, jump to avoid the platform, get the green key, jump on the platform, jump up/left to get the money, go across the floor(jump if necessary) and drop to get the cross if you trust your timing. Jump off to the left and exit through the pink door. (0607r1)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT PINK DOOR, you're backtracking. Map for (0708): XX piredk|||| XX LT nkd!bl|||| ^^DK BL |||| ||BL XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX||XX XXXXXXXX############XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX##XXXXXX##########XXXXXXXXXXXX XX ## <> XX LT ## ^v XX BL ##XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXX ## XX XX ## XX XX ## ^^ ^^ XX XX XXXX##XX||XX%%%%%%%%XX||XXXX XX LT XX##XX||XXXXXXXXXXXX||XX XX BL ##XXXX XX XXXXXXXX XX XXXX XX PI ** PI XXXX :::::: NK ** XX NK XXXX :::::: XX RE XX XX XXXX XXXX^^XXXX XX D! XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX******XXXXXXXXXXXX Lots of waiting here, and those keys above will probably look tempting. Of course the elevator is the real treat, but your anticipation will disappear as you attack a puzzle here. It's a lot like 0700 except that you have to time the annoying force field floor to move all three crates to the right. (0707u1)--If you enter from the ONE-WAY LIFT BELOW(CENTER,) you may wish to consider resetting your man. Otherwise you'll have to waste a red key. Still, if you'd like to go through with things, you can stand on the ledge near the right pink door, jump up/left/right and start the procedure below to exit to the right. (0808l1)--If you enter from the DARK BLUE DOOR RIGHT, don't go up unless you've opened the all left doors in the princess's room. Otherwise you'll have to waste a red key to get out--if you have one. In fact, if you don't have a red key and haven't unlocked the red door to the right, your game is over and you're trapped. (0808l2)--If you enter from the RIGHT PINK DOOR, there's not much to do here, so turn around. (0608r1)--If you enter from the TOP LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, just pick up the keys and get out. (0608r2)(0608r3)--If you enter from the MIDDLE LIGHT BLUE DOOR, or the LOWER LIGHT BLUE DOOR, then you have a task to open the pink door on the right. It's more time-wasting than difficult, but you won't have to redo it on coming back through here. 1. Move the pulley-block left until the lift floor is level with where you can walk on the magic floor(1st platform) 2. Move the block to the right. If you get on the elevator square and it looks like the force field floor is about to dissapate, go left, and wait for the timing to be right. If it isn't, the block will fall into the force-field, and you'll have to exit, re-enter, and try again. It may take a while to push the block to the right, but make sure it falls off to the right. 3. Go to the left and push a crate onto the lift. 4. Go to the right on the lower platform and push the pulley-block left so that the crate is level with the lower platform. 5. Push the crate to the right and off the edge, with the same stipulations as in 2. 6. Jump on the crate, drop to the left, and push it right. Use a pink key and get out! NOTE: You can also open the pink door in the center. To do so, raise one crate, push it to the side, lower the lift, raise another crate, push it to the side(drop it on the force-field floor if necessary,) lower the lift, walk across and drop the crate to the right. Jump on it and open the pink door. This is useful as a shortcut back up in case you fall down(by accident or to get a red key) later. Map for (0709): \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ XXXX********xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx********XXXX XXXX********xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx********XXXX PI YE DK YE RE GR NK LO BL LO D! EN XXXX************** **************XXXX XX+. || || .+XX XX+. || || .+XX XX+. ************ .+XX XX+. ca ** RERE ca .+XX XX+. ts ** pr D!D! ts .+XX XX+. SA ** in **** SA .+XX XX+. FE X********X FE .+XX XXXX X X X X ******** X X X X XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX X****X XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX ** ** ** PI YE YE YE REju RE NK LO LO LO D!g. D! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX You've found her! But can you get to her? This room requires a lot of keys, so you'll need to have saved them. If you've proceeded correctly in the rooms to the right, this should not be a problem, but of course you'll need to enter this room several times to solve it(from above right, lower left, and finally from below.) The actual puzzle and lack of guards compared to what might have been(I mean, bishops or wizards would seem more practical--but maybe the Mad Mizer skimps on security, and only now his sins come home to roost, yada yadi) is almost an anticlimax, but the suspended room is a cool effect, and you've probably been shocked enough when you entered from the upper right. Just seeing her and not being able to do anything--why, it' only increases Rafael's yearning and stuff, or something. (0609r1)--If you entered from the UPPER LEFT PINK DOOR, you have been backtracking. (0609r2)--If you entered from the LOWER LEFT PINK DOOR, open the doors to the right of it if you can. You'll need to, to move the jug. (0708u1)--If you entered from the ELEVATOR BELOW(RIGHT OF JUG) push back unless all the doors to the left are open. If you're clear, push the jug to the left, jump over it, and push it to the right so that you will be able to push the safe on top of it. Jump around a bit so that the cats come down and stab them to get them out of the way. Climb on the jug, Jump up to the platform, jump onto the safe and walk off(but carefully!) and push the safe so it's halfway off the edge. You can then jump on it, open the two red doors, and WIN THE GAME!!! HOORAY!!! (0809l1)--If you entered from the UPPER RIGHT GREEN DOOR, you'd better have a lot of keys, or you're in trouble. If you have them, just plow through to the other side. The two yellow keys will immediately be replenished, and if you have an extra green key, so will it. Note--the situation may not be too bad. You can shemozzle a dark blue and a green key in room 0909. Hopefully you will have a couple of yellow and a pink you can scrounge up as well. If not, you are (sigh) not worthy of the beauty in the tower :) (0809l2)--If you entered from the LOWER RIGHT RED DOOR, well, that red key you've wasted, you'll never get it back. Map for (0800): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx $$ $$ $$ $$xx xx $$ $$ $$ $$xx LTju wa GR BLg. rr EN xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx xx xxgrye H2 YE ye GR xxenlo -O LO lo EN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx>>>>>>>>>>xx xx xxpi pixx xxnk nkxx xx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx xxxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx xxxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx xxxxxxxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx xxxxxxxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YE xxxxxxxxxxxxxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Here begins a huge body of water that seems to divide the "opening" of the game from the middlegame. However, you may actually go through it twice by falling from above. Be sure to move quickly, though. The first time through there are neat finesses where you can kill yourself and get an extra key or two for free. If you're playing for keys, I highly recommend doing so. (0700r1)--If you enter FROM THE LIGHT BLUE DOOR ON THE LEFT, watch out. The warrior's a bit pesky. The first order of business is to push the jug forward two, jump over it, and drop to get the green and yellow keys. Jump onto the warrior's platform. Stick him FIRST before getting the money, then open the green door to the right. In this walkthrough, you will return shortly after picking up a valuable additional pink key. (0900l1)--If you enter FROM THE GREEN DOOR TO THE TOP RIGHT, drop down and open the yellow door, then get the yellow key. Fall into the water over the pink key to get it, then swim left and get the pink key in the upper corner. Open the lower right yellow door. [Note: you can get away with not opening the right yellow door with the embellishment at the end of my walkthrough. However, this is most practical if you just want to get through the game.] (0900l2)--If you enter from the GREEN DOOR TO THE MIDDLE RIGHT, you may be lost if the yellow door left of that isn't open. The oxygen is behind the door, you can't jump back to the other side, and water is all around you. But that green door shouldn't be open anyway. (0900l3)--If you enter from the YELLOW DOOR TO THE LOWER RIGHT, you've been backtracking. (0801d1)--If you enter from the HOLE ABOVE, you can proceed as if you came from the left--however, if you haven't picked up the two red keys, you are way off course. If you have, run to the right as fast as you can go and don't stop until you're on the elevator in the next screen! Map for (0801): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx SA xx xx GR SA SA FE xx xx EN FE FE xxxxxx :: xx xx== ************H2xx :: DK xx ************-Oxx xxxxxx BL xx **** **** xx xx ** fa** :: xx xxxx ** irX/ xxxxxx :: xx xx ** xx xx xx xx RE xxxxxxxxxx xxxx D! XX xxxxxxxxxx xx ****~~~~****~~~~~~XXXXXXXXXX xx ************~~~~~~XX dk XX xx XXXX~~~~~~~~XXXX bl XX xx XXXXXX~~~~~~~~XX~~~~~~XX PI xxxx XXXXXX~~~~~~~~~~~~XX NK xxxxxx XXXXXXXX~~~~~~~~~~XX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For many people, this will be the first room with red keys that you will encounter. Unlike the other fairy room you get TWO keys here instead of one, although you can squander one quickly trying to save time. Actually, you don't need to. Be sure to use the oxygen wisely. It's a neat puzzle to go out the dark blue door but dropping through the hole to save a red key may help you get through the game more quickly. (0701r2)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT PINK DOOR, you should probably back up a screen and drop below the shaft in 0701 or go through the green door on top, because you will have wasted the pink key. (0901l1)--If you enter from the UPPER RIGHT DARK BLUE DOOR, you can't really do much unless the red door is open, in which case you've already done what you needed to. (0701r1)--If you enter from the UPPER LEFT GREEN DOOR, first walk across the platform and then jump over the two safes. Push the third one down the hole to the right. Fall on it, jump right, and push the crate off the ledge to the right. Fall onto it and push the crate to the left in its hole. Jump over it and push the safe to the left into the water. Then stand on the left edge, jump up/left, get the water, and dive down for the dark blue key. Then jump on top of the safe and into the room with the fairy. The fairy will leave two keys, and it seems you need to use one of them to open the door to the left. However, there are three ways to get out. 1) using one of the red keys to go right Now you can't leave through the dark blue door yet, but there are two ways to go out through the green door and reset the room--jump back up the shaft where you came from, landing on all the ledges, or jump left from the red door and stand on the edge of the bottom ledge from the right. Jump up/right/left and then up/left to get where the green door was. Re-enter and drop the safes as follows: 1. The leftmost safe should be pushed onto the moving platform so briefly that you are on the edge of the "building" where the fairy was. It will fall and land on the ledge below, on the edge. 2. Then the middle safe can be pushed on the leftmost safe, and you can now walk into the fairy's room. 3. Push the lower crate right into a hole 4. Push the upper crate right(after jumping to get there) over the lower crate. You can now get to the dark blue door, so exit that way. 2) (DKruzer--thanks for the BIG hint here) you must proceed quickly, but if you get the oxygen, get the keys, pick up the dark blue key in the lower right, jump back up and fall through the hole, you have time to go right and jump out of the water in 0900. You can then proceed as in the walkthrough to get back where you started. 3) This wastes a few keys so I should warn you before you try it; specifically, if you followed my walkthrough and go down at 0804, you lose two greens, a pink, a yellow and a light blue but end up at the other fairy room where you can start a lucrative cycle. Follow the exits left, up, right(upper door), left, left, left, left, left and up and you'll be at the other fairy room. Map for (0802): XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXgrlt XX XX XXenbl XX XX XXpi XX XX XXnk XX XX%%XX XX%%XX%%XX XX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX ||LIXXXXXX XX XXyeXX~~XX~~~~~~XX~~XX ||FEXXXXXX GR XXlo\XXXXX~~~~~~XXXXX/ || \XXXXX EN XX \XXXXXXXXXXXXXX/ || \XXXX XX XX \XXX++++++XXX/ || \XXX^^^^XX YE \XX......XX/ || \XXXXXXXX LO ++ ++ || \XXXXXXX XXXX .. .. || \XXXXXX XXXX .. XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX ++ \~~~~/ XXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX \~~/ XXXXXX XXXX riri wa RA XXXXXX XXXXXXngng rr YS XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Cool, rays. If this is your first time through, don't worry. You'll get to the green door in time. This is a pretty easy room all told. (0902l1)--If you enter from the GREEN DOOR TO THE RIGHT, you don't really have much choice. There's a dead end two screens back, and so you need to get on the elevator, grab the three keys, and exit up. Hopefully you have already opened the light blue door above or you'll have to waste a red key. (0803d1)--If you enter from the HOLE ABOVE TO THE LEFT, there's obviously one place to exit, but you should have fun with the rays first. Drop down, jump right over the water, and fall through the right force-field to get the life potion. Then drop off the ledge below when the warrior hits the right side and follow him. Stand where the rays are. Woohoo! You're invincible! Stab the warrior and get the rings. Jump up and then jump up/left again with no fear whatsoever of the spikes. Jump up for the yellow key before you open the yellow door. (0702r1)--If you enter from the YELLOW DOOR TO THE LEFT, there's nowhere really to go, although it can be part of a sequence to net a green key. Map for (0803): XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX PI || || XXXXXX NK || || XX || || XX || || fi XX XX%%%%%%%%XX re XX || || XX || || XX || || fi XX || || re XX || || PI || || NK || || XXXX || XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XX ** ltLT LT $$ ** XX ** blBL BL $$ ** LT RE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX RE BL D! XX == XX D! XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The exits to the right lead up to an interesting puzzle. However, you'll probably want to hit the light blue door in the center left first. It'll lead you to the first fairy room. If you're saving red keys then open the light blue door on the right first. (0802u1)--If you enter from the ELEVATOR BELOW TO THE RIGHT, get the money and hope you remember you opened the light blue door close to you when you fell down the other light blue door. If not, your whole detour to get a red key will have been wasted. If so, then jump up and jump up again to where the lower pink door is. Enter it. (0804d2)--If you enter from the TOP, FALLING FROM THE MIDDLE, you can easily avoid the fireballs. You will need a blue key and use it to open the light blue door on the left. Fall left to get the light blue key but don't fall through the hole yet. Jump back up and go to the right to unlock the light blue door, which you'll need to pass through later, otherwise you'll need to go through the red door. While it does lose a key(light blue and pink vs. red) in the long term, a red key is the most valuable of them all, as you'll find when you get to the last board. (0903l1)--If you enter from the TOP RIGHT PINK DOOR, you backtracked and wasted a key to get there. Use the back button. (0804d1)--If you enter from the TOP, FALLING FROM THE LEFT, you can't really back up anywhere useful. If you exit through the lower left blue door, you'll need to take a contorted path back to more fruitful pastures and it will cost you some keys, and going through the red door will at best let you break even on red keys for your hard work. (0903l2)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT PINK DOOR, you backtracked. (0703r2)--If you enter from the LOWER LEFT LIGHT BLUE DOOR, you backtracked. (0903l3)--If you enter from the LOWER RIGHT RED DOOR, you __________. Map for (0804): XXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX ** LT XX ** BL LT RE XXXX BL D! XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ******XXri riXX%%%%%%XXri riXX || || XXng ngXX XXng ngXX || || XX XX XX XX || || XX XX XX XX || || XXXX^^XXXX XXXX XXXX || || XXXXXX XX XXXX || || XX || || XX || ||LI ca XX || ||FE ts XX || || XXXXXX XX || || XXXXXX XX || || XXXXXXXXXX LT || || XXXXXXXXXX BL XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX^^XXXX Here's a room where you have a serious choice of directions the first time through. Going down leads to a lucrative loop. The second time through, you should probably take the road you didn't travel the first time. The rings on the right are actually not too bad to get if you jump for them when the elevator is just below them. However the ones on the left really are tedious to get. (0904l2)--If entering from the LOWER RIGHT BLUE DOOR, immediately jump up left. That will shake the attack cat off. You actually have two routes you can follow from there. The left leads(hopefully) to the fairy with a path that winds to the upper right if you have enough keys and skill--be sure to jump from the second left step to get the life potion before you fall down. Going up you can solve an interesting puzzle with barrels and go all over the upper right reaches of the castle. Either way has lots of puzzles, but the second yields a red key much sooner. If you go up, you'll need to have a good supply of pink keys. Note that you can't go up from the left elevator as you will fall right back down. (0904l1)--If you entered from the UPPER RIGHT BLUE DOOR, go back because you may have wasted a perfectly good key. Go up the elevator there and face the huge safe puzzle. (0805d1)--IF you entered from ABOVE, TO THE LEFT, you may want to back up. (0805d2)--If you entered from ABOVE, IN THE MIDDLE, you have the same choice as in the first case, as you just fell from your elevator. The cat's a little easier to take care of, though. Map for (0805): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XX##############XXXXXXXX XX XX ## <> XX XX ## ^v () XX XX ##XXXXXXX () ^^ LIXX GR ## XXX || FEXX EN ## || $$XX XX XXX || $$XX XX || $$XX XX || $$XX XX ## () || $$XX XX () () || $$XX == () XX XX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX PI PI NK NK XXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX^^XXXX I don't recommend opening any doors in this room, although entering from the pink door may be the result of picking up a few extra keys after getting a red key. Moving the barrels to get on the elevator is a priority here. However, you can also arrive in this room from the rather tough safe room to the right. This may be the first puzzle where you must have objects stand on each other's edge. Falling through the left hole is also not a *great* idea. However, you may be able to finagle your way back here. (0804u1)--If entering from the MIDDLE ELEVATOR you will fall back down. (0804u2)--If entering from the RIGHT ELEVATOR you will start the barrel puzzle. (0705r1)--If entering from the UPPER LEFT GREEN DOOR you can again start the barrel puzzle. (0705r2)--If entering from the LOWER LEFT PINK DOOR you can start the...drumroll...barrel puzzle! (0806d1)--If entering from the HOLE ABOVE TO THE RIGHT, ditto, although you probably just solved the puzzle...if you're in a hurry, just back up the game. The barrel puzzle works as follows: 1. Jump on the left barrel. Jump onto the lift, then right onto the three-unit platform. Jump up and push the pulley block left two. Do so one square at a time. You need to make sure that the platform is not under the lift when you push it across the second square. If you push it too far left you won't be able to push it back right. 2. Then get on the lift and push the barrel to the bottom floor. 3. Get on the lift edge and jump up/right/left and jump up and steer right. You'll be on the top of the lift. Push the block one square so the platform is released. 4. Drop down and land on the platform. Walk right on it and push the barrel one square right. This takes timing. 5. Now get back on the lift and jump right and push the barrel above off its platform. 6. Jump on that barrel and lean on its right edge. When the upper right elevator is going down and one square from the bottom, jump hard right. Now you have a nice low-risk little detour where you can jump right and get the life potion and money. Just return to get on the elevator and go to the next level. Map for (0806): XX relt XX XX XX d!bl GR PI XX EN NK GR XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX EN XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX PI XX NK XX {} {} XX XX XX%%%%%%%%XX%%%%%%%%%%%%%%XXXXXX XX XX ...................... PI XX ++++++++++++++++++++++ NK XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ::XX XX dk||dk XX::XX ** bl||bl ::XX **%%%%%%XX || ::XX xx || XXXXXXXXXX^^XX xx || XXXXXXXXXXXXXX DK || ca XX PI BL || ts XX NK xxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX<<<>>>>>>>>> XXXXXXXXXX If you are in the middle right, you can risk jumping to get the keys, etc. However, falling through the hole is safer. If you are in the lower right corner to start, you just fell through this room's hole and got a light blue key just below, so all in all you'll have netted a green key (and a dark blue key if you're slick) from this room. This room stocks you up on keys for another room in the future if you play your cards right--there's a non-obvious way to save a key here. (0908u2)--If you came from BELOW, TO THE RIGHT, Jump onto the next ledge up, get the light blue key and unlock the door, stand halfway off the ledge and jump up, and jump up ledges some more. BRUTE FORCE: Open the LIGHT BLUE DOOR and get the pink key, then get the dark blue key to open the door in front of you. Then get the green key and open the pink door. Net change: you've traded a light blue key for a green key. BETTER BUT TOUGHER: You can ignore the dark blue door if you are resourceful. You can jump left from the upper right ledge, then jump left, then jump up and right to behind the door. Then you can exit via the either left door and save a valuable dark blue key. Of course, since it's easy to recover from a fall, this is worth trying. If you have confidence you can complete the trick I describe in 0809-top, go there, otherwise go to the bottom pink door, where you can exit and re- enter at will to reset the board. (0908u1)--If you came from BELOW, IN THE CENTER, start jumping right immediately and don't worry if you fall in the hole. It's safe. When you feel braver, try to jump up and get the ledge next to the light blue door, but even the ledge by the yellow door is OK as you can start jumping up--in fact, you can open the yellow door, drop down, get the light blue key, and essentially trade a yellow for a light blue by arriving in the lower right and getting the light blue key behind the light blue door. (0809r1)--If you came from the TOP RIGHT PINK DOOR, go back where you came and stop chickening out. (0809r2)--If you came from the MIDDLE RIGHT PINK DOOR, go back where you came and stop chickening out, and feel a little extra embarrassed that you probably missed the jump above. If you entered this door AFTER entering the top one, you have wasted a pink key. "Ah, the wastrel prince." By the way, if you jump a certain way in this level, one cat can land halfway on top of another and walks on it, which is amusing to watch! THE OVERALL WALKTHROUGH, HOARDING AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE The walkthrough is largely in code with only bare detail so that little is spoiled and you can still try to solve the puzzle available, but if you want to, you can see the general path and figure which keys to pick up. Re-entries and loops are annotated where I feel it's appropriate. The basic part of this walkthrough will leave you with thirty-three keys when you get to the princess at the end. However, there is a bit of a tricky move to get one of the red keys, so I have a side loop for getting another red key, which essentially trades a green key for a red and three yellows. Of course, you can take this side loop and still use the tricks. I also have a side loop that picks up another key but is a bit of a waste of time. So overall it seems the most keys you can conveniently wind up with is thirty-seven. I haven't officially gone through the game in this way, but I've verified the thirty-three key walkthrough and each of the side trips individually. Remember that you start in (0002.) Keys (start with) DLPGY: : RKTIRE: Exit : Keys EBBNEL: thru : used, DLLKNO: : found ---------------------- 000000:0002r1:+Y-Y+LB-LB 000000:0102r1:+Y-Y 000000:0202l1:+Y+P 000101:0102r3:-Y 000100:0202l3:+Y+LB 001101:0102u1: 001101:0103r1:-LB+Y+Y+LB-LB 000103:0203r1:+LB-P 001003:0303d1 001003:0303d1 000003:0302l1:+P+P 000203:0202r1: 000203:0302d1:-P+Y 000104:0301l1:+LB-LB 000104:0201r1:+LB [well, you need to leave the screen and come back to get past the boxes and get the key too] 001104:0301d1:-Y+LB-Y+P 002202:0300u1:+Y+Y 002204:0301l1:-LB+G 001214:0201l1:+Y-Y-B 000214:0101l3:+Y-Y 000214:0001d1: 000214:0000u1:+LB-G+DB 011204:0001r1:+Y-Y 011204:0101r1:+B+B 013204:0201u1: 013204:0202l1: 013204:0102u1: 013204:0103l1:-Y 013203:0003d1:-LB 012203:0002r1:+Y+G 012214:0102u1: 012214:0103r1: 012214:0203r1: 012214:0303d1: 012214:0302d1: 012214:0301l1:-G+DB 022204:0201u1: 022204:0202l1: 022204:0102u1: 022204:0103r1: 022204:0203r1: 022204:0303d1: 022204:0302r1:-Y 022203:0402r1:+Y-DB 012204:0502u1: 012204:0503d1:Y+LB-LB+G 012213:0502d2: 012213:0501r2:+P-LB 011313:0601u1:+P 011413:0602l1:+Y-Y 011413:0502r2:+P 011513:0602d1: 011513:0502u2: 011513:0602r2:-DB+LB+LB-LB 002513:0702l1:-LB 001513:0602d2:+LB+DB+P 012613:0601l2: 012613:0501d1: 012613:0500l1:-P 012513:0400u1:+Y+Y-Y+LB-Y+G 013523:0401u1:-Y+P-Y+P 013721:0402r1: 013721:0502d2: 013721:0501r2: 013721:0601r2:-P 013621:0701d1:-Y 013620:0700r1:+Y+Y+LB-LB 013622:0800r1:+G+Y-Y+Y-G 013623:0900l1:+G+P [suicide here after getting the keys] 013733:0800r3:+P+P-Y (6)--suicide trick for extra key 013932:0900u1:+Y+LB 014933:0901u1: 014933:0902u1: 014933:0903u1:-Y 014932:0904l1:-LB+LB-LB 013932:0804u1: (1)--loop for extra keys 013932:0805u1: (2)--loop for extra key 013932:0806r4:-P 013832:0906l3:+P-P 013832:0806r2:-P [crush the two plants here, exit and return] 013732:0906r2: 013732:0806l1:+DB+DB-DB 023732:0706l1:-P 023632:0606l1:-P 023532:0506l1:+P+DB+P-P 033632:0406d1:+LB 034632:0405d1:+Y+Y 034634:0404l1:-DB 024634:0304l1:+Y+Y-DB 014636:0204u1: 014636:0205d1:+DB+DB-Y+Y 034636:0204l2:-LB (3)--loop for extra key 033636:0104l3:+G+G+G+G-G 033666:0004r2:+G-G 033666:0104d1: 033666:0103l1:+Y+LB-Y 034666:0003u1: 034666:0004r1:+G-LB+G-G 033676:0104u1: 033676:0105l1:-LB+G+LB+LB+LB+Y-G 035677:0005r1:-Y+LB+Y 036677:0105r1:-Y+G-LB 035686:0204l1:+G 035696:0104r1: 035696:0204u1: 035696:0205l1:+Y+LB-Y 036696:0105l1:-Y-LB-DB 025695:0005u1:-P+DB 035595:0006u1:-P 035495:0007u1: 035495:0008u2:+Y+Y 035497:0009d2:+Y+LB+Y+Y+Y 03649b:0008u2: 03649b:0009r1:+LB+LB+LB 03949b:0109d1:-G+DB 04948b:0108l1: 04948b:0008d2: 04948b:0007r2: 04948b:0107r1:-G 04947b:0207u1: 04947b:0208d1:+Y+LB 04a47c:0207r1:-Y 04a47b:0307l3:-Y 04a47a:0207r4:+P+P-Y 04a679:0307r1:-LB 049679:0407u1: 049679:0408r1:-LB+LB+LB-Y (4)--loop for extra key 04a678:0508r3:-Y 04a677:0608r3:-LB 049677:0708r2:-P 049577:0808r1:-Y 049576:0908u1:+Y 049577:0909d1:-Y 049576:0908u2:+LB 04a576:0909l1:+LB-LB+P+DB+G-P 05a586:0809XX:+R+R (commit suicide) 25a586:0809l1:-G 25a576:0709l1:-R-Y-DB-Y-P 14a474:0609r2:+Y+Y+Y-P 14a377:0709l2:-Y-Y-Y-R 04a374:0609d1:-G-G+P+P 04a554:0608r1:+G+G-LB 04a554:0708l1:+P+R+DB 14a644:0608l1:-Y 149664:0508r1:-LB-G+LB+Y+P+R 259764:0608r2:+Y+Y 259766:0708r2: 259766:0808r1: 259766:0908u1: 259766:0909l1: 259766:0809d1:+DB (5)--loop for extra key 269766:0808l1:-DB 259766:0708u1: 259766:0709++:-R-R Left-over: *059766* = 33 keys. ...and YOU WIN THE GAME!!!! ****DETOURS FOR THE GREEDY**** I believe there is a way to get up to 43 keys--maybe 44--expanding on my walkthrough. There are five detours to take; only number 2 has been tested in game play. The others all look reasonable. There is a very hypothetical sixth. 1. When you get to the room under the barrel room, room 0804, go down. Open the pink and light blue doors to the right and go through the light blue door to the left. Pick up the red keys, etc. and go up to the safe room(0905.) Get all four keys there and exit to the left. You will now have found a roundabout way to go up, but after all the exchanges you've traded a green key for three yellows and a red. 1a. If you're just going for keys and not hogging red keys, you can choose not to open the blue and pink doors in 0803. Instead you can just follow the pattern and exit through the red door. You can still solve the game with the indicated walkthrough, and you'll have traded a red key for a light blue and pink one relative to 1. 2. After you complete 1., go down the left hatch of the barrel room. It's a LOOONG drop but you can exit left through a light blue door where a light blue key and a green key are waiting. Get the treasure too--and the treasure in the room below. Then fall off and get on the ledge to the right. Push the box off and go through the yellow door you opened the first time through. Go right back. Woohoo! Now you can go down. Loop back as you did in 1. Net gain: a green key. 3. When you get to the left side of 0204, exit to the middle light blue door. Come back and drop under the elevator after it rises above you. Go to the right, where you open a pink door to get to 0303, the tree room. Get the obvious pink key, open the green door and recoup the green, and behind the next green door there are a pink and a green. Net gain: one pink key. Go back to 0204 and exit the elevator through the door you opened. 4. In 0408, the walkthrough tells you to go right through a light blue door. What if you go through the left one? Drop through the hole and on the next screen follow the trail to the middle light blue door. Go through that and you'll have a choice of two drops. Go through the left one first; blue, green and yellow put your net key total at +1. Then enter the light blue door to the left in the room below--you're even, but here's the plan. Restart the cycle from 0206 to 0408(cutting out picking up the keys, etc., of course) and go back to the choice of two drops at 0307. Go down the right one. When you fall you'll see a pink and a yellow in the room below. Drop two rooms down, go left, up and up. You'll be at 0206 and so you should go to 0408 where you can finally go into the top left door. Net gain: green, pink and two yellows vs. two light blues. 5. This one is the biggie and the last I found. I'm the least confident it works, but it still looks pretty good. You also need to take this detour before truly "solving" the room in order for the gain of keys to hold up as you can't exit twice through the upper left. In 0606, instead of going left, drop down through the hole. Open the dark blue door and exit through the yellow door quickly. You'll find two keys to recoup your initial investment. Go back in the room and get the light blue key and drop through the shaft--you may have to wait until a crate is crushed, leave, and come back to jump over the 2x3 stack of crates, and try to fall from the right side(jump over the shaft and fall in) so that you'll avoid the fireball. In this room you'll want to enter the pink door to the right is also OK if you can't avoid the fireball. There are two light blue keys in this room. Get them and commit suicide if you opened the green door(much easier than falling a level and I don't see any sure way to jump down on a platform and back up.) Leave to the left. Drop through the force field and nail the warrior, then drop through the hole. Goody, plus three! Now you'll have to go through room 7,3--with the big pedestals, cats and fireballs- -make it back up to 0704 and then exit off to the right via the light blue door. Fall down--you've been here before in 2. Work your way back around through the doors you've opened previously. Yeah, this will take a while. 6. Again, I stress that this is hypothetical, but if you get the scuba gear, exit the room, enter the water, get the pink key to the left, drown, and restart, you'll get your scuba gear recharged. Drop off to the right and you won't have to enter the yellow door below. I'm not sure if the timing will work out but you seem to get TABLES AND STATISTICS TABLE OF KEYS AND DOORS EDGE INNER KEYS DOORS DOORS | | D| L| | | Y|| | D| L| | | Y|| | D| L| | | Y| | | K| T | G| E|| | K| T | G| E|| | K| T | G| E| | | B| B| P| R| L|| | B| B| P| R| L|| | B| B| P| R| L| | R| L| L| I| E| L|| R| L| L| I| E| L|| R| L| L| I| E| L| | E| U| U| N| E| O|| E| U| U| N| E| O|| E| U| U| N| E| O| | D| E| E| K| N| W|| D| E| E| K| N| W|| D| E| E| K| N| W| ----+--+--+--+--+--+--++--+--+--+--+--+--++--+--+--+--+--+--+ 0000| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0100| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 1| 0200| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 3| 0| 0| 0| 0300| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 2| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0| 0400| 0| 2| 1| 0| 1| 2|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|| 3| 2| 0| 0| 1| 2| 0500| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 2| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0600| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 1| 2| 0| 1| 0| 0700| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 2|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0800| 0| 0| 0| 2| 1| 2|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 2| 0| 1| 1| 0900| 0| 0| 1| 1| 1| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 2| 0| 1| 0| 0001| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0101| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 2|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0201| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0301| 0| 1| 2| 1| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 2| 0401| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1| 2| 0501| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0|| 1| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0601| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0|| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0701| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1|| 2| 0| 1| 0| 0| 1| 0801| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0901| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0002| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1| 2|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 2| 0102| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0202| 0| 0| 1| 3| 0| 2|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0302| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0|| 0| 1| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0402| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0502| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 2| 3| 0| 0602| 0| 1| 3| 1| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 2| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0702| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0802| 0| 0| 1| 1| 1| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0| 0902| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0003| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0103| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 3|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 1| 0203| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 3| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0303| 0| 0| 0| 2| 2| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 5| 0| 0| 4| 0| 0| 0403| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 3| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0503| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 1| 0| 1| 0| 1| 1| 0603| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1| 1| 0703| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0803| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 1| 0| 0| 1| 2|| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0903| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0004| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0| 0| 0104| 0| 0| 0| 0| 4| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0|| 0| 0| 3| 2| 0| 0| 0204| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 2| 2| 0|| 1| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0304| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2|| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 2| 2| 0| 0| 0404| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0| 1| 0504| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0604| 3| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 2| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0704| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 1| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0804| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 1| 0| 0| 3| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0904| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0005| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 1| 0105| 0| 0| 3| 1| 5| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 3|| 0| 0| 1| 3| 0| 1| 0205| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 1| 0305| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0405| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0505| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 2| 2| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0605| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1|| 2| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0705| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 2| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0805| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 2| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0905| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 3|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0006| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0|| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0106| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0206| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0306| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 1| 2| 1| 0406| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0506| 0| 1| 0| 2| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 3| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0606| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 3| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0706| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0806| 1| 2| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 4| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0906| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 4| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0007| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0107| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0207| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 4| 0| 0307| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 4| 0| 0407| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0|| 1| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0507| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0607| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 2| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0707| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 1| 2| 1| 0| 0| 0807| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0| 0| 0907| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 1| 0008| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0108| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 2| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0208| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0308| 2| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 2| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0408| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0|| 2| 2| 0| 0| 0| 3|| 0| 2| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0508| 1| 0| 1| 1| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 5| 0| 0608| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 2|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0708| 1| 1| 0| 1| 0| 0|| 0| 1| 1| 0| 3| 0|| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0808| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0| 0908| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0| 0009| 0| 0| 4| 0| 0| 4|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0109| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0209| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0309| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0409| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 3| 1| 2| 0| 0|| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0509| 0| 0| 6| 0| 4| 6|| 1| 4| 0| 5| 0| 0|| 2| 2| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0609| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 3|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 4| 3| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0709| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 4| 0| 1| 0| 0|| 2| 0| 1| 0| 0| 5| 0809| 2| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 2| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0909| 0| 1| 1| 1| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 2|| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| So here are the key totals listed below: | |DARK |LIGHT | | | | | |RED |BLUE |BLUE |PINK |GREEN |YELLOW|TOTAL | ------+------+------+------+------+------+------+-------+ KEYS |10(+3)|18 |50 |33 |40 |61 |212(+3)| ------+------+------+------+------+------+------+-------+ INNER | | | | | | | | DOORS |19 |20 |24 |27 |24 |34 |148 | ------+------+------+------+------+------+------+-------+ EDGE | | | | | | | | DOORS |6 |11 |27 |42 |27 |35 |148 | ------+------+------+------+------+------+------+-------+ TOTAL | | | | | | | | DOORS |25 |31 |51 |69 |51 |69 |296 | ------+------+------+------+------+------+------+-------+ You see that there are almost as many yellow keys as doors, and there are almost as many blue keys as doors. The worst ratio is for red, even with the three keys you can get from the two fairies. Of course inner doors should never be opened unless you see a clear purpose for doing so. TABLE OF TREASURES | | | | | O| P| | C| | M| | X| O| | R| R| O| | Y| T| | O| I| N| M| G| I| | S| N| E| A| E| O| | S| G| Y| P| N| N| ----+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 0000| 0| 0| 3| 0| 1| 0| 0100| 3| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0200| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0300| 0| 3| 3| 0| 0| 2| 0400| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1| 2| 0500| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0600| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0700| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0800| 0| 0| 4| 0| 1| 0| 0900| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0001| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0101| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 4| 0201| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0301| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0401| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0501| 0| 0| 4| 0| 0| 1| 0601| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0701| 1| 1| 3| 0| 0| 1| 0801| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0901| 0| 4| 4| 0| 0| 2| 0002| 1| 2| 2| 1| 0| 0| 0102| 3| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0202| 0| 0| 8| 0| 0| 1| 0302| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0402| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0502| 4| 2| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0602| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0702| 2| 2| 1| 0| 0| 1| 0802| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0902| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 2| 0003| 3| 2| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0103| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0203| 0| 0| 4| 0| 0| 1| 0303| 0| 9| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0403| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0503| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0| 2| 0603| 3| 3| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0703| 4| 2| 1| 0| 0| 1| 0803| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0903| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0004| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0104| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0204| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0304| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0404| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0504| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0604| 0| 0| 4| 0| 0| 2| 0704| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0804| 0| 4| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0904| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0005| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0105| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0205| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0305| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0| 0| 0405| 2| 2| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0505| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0605| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0705| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0805| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0| 1| 0905| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0006| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0106| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0206| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0306| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0406| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0506| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0606| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0706| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0806| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0906| 0| 0| 4| 0| 0| 1| 0007| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0| 1| 0107| 0| 3| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0207| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0307| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0407| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0507| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 2| 0607| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0707| 1| 0| 2| 0| 0| 1| 0807| 1| 1| 1| 0| 0| 1| 0907| 1| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0008| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0108| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 1| 0208| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0308| 1| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0408| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0508| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0608| 4| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0708| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0808| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0908| 2| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0009| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0109| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0209| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0309| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0409| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0509| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0609| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0709| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0809| 3| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0909| 2| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| The items are worth points, of course. Although you cannot pick them all up in the course of an efficient game, here are the totals: # * value = Cross: 48 * 200 = 9600 Ring: 57 * 400 = 22800 Money: 74 * 800 = 59200 Map: 1 * 1000 = 1000 Oxygen: 8 * 1000 = 8000 Potion: 56 * 1000 = 56000 [keys]:212 * 100 = 21200 300[fairies' 3 red keys] -------------------------- max total =178100 TABLE OF OBJECTS | | | | | || | | | | | P| P| | | | | B| C| || B| B| | | P| L| L| | | | C| A| A| || E| E| | F| U| A| A| W| | | R| R| N| S|| L| L| R| I| L| T| T| A| | J| A| R| D| A|| T| T| A| E| L| F| F| T| | U| T| E| L| F|| -| -| Y| L| E| M| M| E| | G| E| L| E| E|| L| R| S| D| Y| W| S| R| ----+--+--+--+--+--+--++--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 0000| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0100| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0200| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0300| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0400| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0500| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0600| 1| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0700| 0| 0| 0| 0| 5|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 1| 0| 0800| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0900| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0001| 1| 3| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0101| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0201| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 3| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0301| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0401| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 1| 0501| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0601| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0701| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0801| 0| 2| 0| 0| 3|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0901| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0002| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0102| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0202| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0302| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0402| 0| 3| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0502| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0602| 0| 1| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0702| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0802| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 3| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0902| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0003| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0103| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0203| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0303| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0403| 0| 5| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0503| 0| 3| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 1| 0| 0603| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0703| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0803| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0903| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 2| 0| 0004| 0| 0| 0| 0| 5|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0104| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0204| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 1| 0| 0304| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0404| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0504| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0604| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0704| 0| 2| 2| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0804| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0904| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0005| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0105| 0| 0| 0| 0| 7|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0205| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0305| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 2| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 1| 0| 0405| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0505| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0605| 0| 6| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0705| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0805| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0905| 0| 0| 0| 0|11|| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0006| 0| 1| 0| 0| 1|| 2| 0| 0| 1| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0106| 0| 0| 0| 0| 8|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0206| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0306| 5| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 1| 1| 0406| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 2| 0| 0| 0| 1| 2| 0| 0| 0506| 0| 2| 0| 0| 2|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0606| 7| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0706| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0| 0806| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 3| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0906| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0| 0007| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 2| 0| 1| 0107| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0207| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 1| 0307| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3| 0| 0| 0407| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0507| 3| 0| 3| 2| 0|| 2| 0| 0| 0| 1| 2| 0| 0| 0607| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 2| 0| 0| 3| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0707| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0807| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0907| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0008| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 3| 0| 1| 0108| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0208| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0308| 8| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0408| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0508| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0608| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0708| 0| 3| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 1| 1| 3| 0| 0| 0808| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0908| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 1| 0009| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0109| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2|| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0209| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0309| 4| 0| 6| 4| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0409| 0| 0| 0| 0| 2|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0509| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0609| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0709| 1| 0| 0| 0| 2|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0809| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0909| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| ****SUMMARY STATS**** Jug:Sum total = 36. Crate:Sum total = 48. Barrel:Sum total = 19. Candle:Sum total = 9. Belt:Sum total = 26. Safe:Sum total = 62. Total belts:26 in 18 rooms Belt-L: Belt-R: Rays:3 Field:26 in 16 rooms Pulley contraptions:7 Wide elevators:73 Narrow elevators:47 Bodies of Water:16 in 15 rooms So safes are the most popular things to push around. I was surprised there were only nine candles, but there you go. THE TABLE OF MONSTERS | | | | | |W| | | |B| | |A| | |W|I|P| |R| |C|I|S|L|F|R| |A|T|H|A|I|I| |T|C|O|N|R|O| |S|H|P|T|E|R| ----+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 0000|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0100|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0200|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0300|1|0|2|0|0|0| 0400|0|0|0|2|0|0| 0500|0|0|2|0|0|1| 0600|1|0|1|0|0|0| 0700|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0800|0|0|0|0|0|1| 0900|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0001|0|0|1|0|0|0| 0101|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0201|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0301|0|0|1|0|0|1| 0401|0|0|0|1|0|0| 0501|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0601|1|0|0|0|0|0| 0701|0|0|0|1|0|0| 0801|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0901|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0002|0|0|1|0|0|2| 0102|1|0|1|0|0|0| 0202|0|0|0|0|2|0| 0302|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0402|1|0|0|0|0|0| 0502|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0602|0|1|2|0|0|0| 0702|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0802|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0902|0|2|0|0|0|0| 0003|0|0|1|0|0|0| 0103|0|1|0|0|0|1| 0203|0|0|1|0|0|0| 0303|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0403|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0503|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0603|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0703|2|0|0|0|1|0| 0803|0|0|0|0|2|0| 0903|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0004|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0104|0|0|2|0|0|0| 0204|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0304|5|0|0|0|0|1| 0404|3|0|0|0|0|0| 0504|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0604|0|0|1|0|1|1| 0704|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0804|1|0|0|0|0|0| 0904|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0005|0|3|0|0|0|2| 0105|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0205|0|0|0|0|0|1| 0305|0|0|2|0|0|0| 0405|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0505|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0605|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0705|0|0|1|0|0|2| 0805|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0905|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0006|0|0|1|1|0|0| 0106|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0206|0|1|0|1|0|0| 0306|0|2|0|0|0|0| 0406|0|1|0|0|0|0| 0506|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0606|0|0|0|1|0|0| 0706|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0806|1|0|0|2|0|0| 0906|1|0|0|0|0|0| 0007|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0107|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0207|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0307|1|0|0|0|0|0| 0407|0|0|1|2|0|0| 0507|0|0|0|0|2|0| 0607|0|0|2|2|0|0| 0707|0|0|0|1|0|0| 0807|2|0|0|1|0|0| 0907|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0008|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0108|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0208|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0308|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0408|0|0|2|0|0|0| 0508|0|0|0|4|0|2| 0608|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0708|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0808|0|0|1|0|0|1| 0908|3|0|0|0|0|0| 0009|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0109|1|0|0|0|0|0| 0209|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0309|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0409|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0509|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0609|0|0|0|0|0|0| 0709|2|0|0|0|0|0| 0809|1|1|0|0|0|0| 0909|3|0|0|0|0|0| END OF FAQ PROPER ================================ VERSIONS AND CREDITS 1.0.0: submitted to GameFAQs 11/01/2001(tho' it sat around since 10/10/2001) with text maps and walkthrough complete. I expect there will be errors in such an ambitious document. Not many features I can think of to add other than a Table of Useless Doors or a Cheating Walkthrough(i.e. start with 20 of each key) later. This was the FAQ where it was most clear I could not put the best effort forth on my own. Since this is my biggest FAQ it's no surprise that my biggest thanks section is here. Thanks to DKruzer on GameFAQs for allowing me to reference his CastleQuest FAQ on GameFAQs--the original one! Places where he helped are marked DKruzer. Thanks of course to the creators of the game, for all its flaws and shortcomings. There are some genuinely neat puzzles in here, guys. Thanks even to the reviewers who trashed this game and the GameFAQs denizens who bemoaned its difficulty. It built up the game that much more in my mind! Thanks to eBay for having this auction and user Youoy11(who frequently holds some really nice Nintendo auctions) specifically for holding the auction where I got the game for a good price. Thanks to the makers of NESTICLE whose thoughtfulness allowed me to play the game with save states(ahh...) and take PCX screenshots. Thanks to JASC and PaintShopPro as their product is a wonderful and quick PCX to BMP converter. Thanks to my own company, Stellent Inc. (NASDAQ:STEL,) for the file viewing technology and the handy test application that let me page through graphic files and for helping me build my programming skills that allowed me to create huge chunks of this FAQ(text maps) at once. Thanks to for the first document I ever saw with the Windows BMP format that allowed me to 1)create BMP's from scratch and 2)modify some of the screenshots to make the pictures on my website perfect. Thanks to kahei at for the AXE hex editor which helped me determine how to modify bitmaps I needed to change. Thanks to the unknown writer(s) of bmp2gif.exe for writing the command- line BMP to GIF converter so I could make web-page maps, which made my walkthrough easier to visualize. I actually have two unique BMP2GIF applications which is good as one or the other repeatedly gets misplaced in my directory structures. Thanks to for the freeware C compiler that helped hash together the graphics, which also made seeing the whole castle easier and the prototype text maps possible. Thanks to GameFAQs(CJayC) for offering a bounty, without which I would never have looked twice at this intriguing puzzle game. Thanks even to Microsoft for WordPad and Visual Studio 5 which helped me when I stayed late at work.