Castlevania II: Simon's Quest NES 1988 ****************************************************************************** Walkthrough writen by Colby Haymond 934400 Walkthrough Started: 12/23/10 Walkthrough Ended: 12/24/10 Walkthrough Updated:N/A Walkthrough Version: 1.00 Contact information: & ****************************************************************************** ============================================================================== LEGAL INFORMATION ============================================================================== To get this out of the way. I don't want this to be seen on any other website than the following: I am fine with people printing out the walkthrough and using it that way. I just don't want to see it on a website that I haven't posted above. ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION ============================================================================== Hello, my name is Colby Haymond, I have written several FAQ/Walkthroughs this is my third walkthrough of a game, my other two are Castlevania: SOTN and Lemony Snicket's a series of Unfortunate events. I wrote this Walkthrough because I have played Simon's Quest several times and I have grown to love the game. At first it is a hard & confusing game but it gets more fun the further you play through. This is a walkthrough of the game I don't really plan on adding FAQ content since I'm not too experienced with all this game has to offer, this is a simple guide. It's intent is to help you beat the game and offer you what each thing does and if it's worth your time. This game is one of the black sheep of the Castlevania fold but it is still a fun game. I'm using the Virtual Console version of this game, since I don't have an NES, they should be the same content wise and controls. The story to this game is after Simon had beaten Dracula (castlevania one) he had put a curse on the land. It is for Simon to travel around the land apparently collecting Dracula's body parts to ressurect him and kill him so he can rid the curse from the land. That's essentially what the story is, you go around towns,kill skeleton's and collect Dracula's body parts!!! Cool, let's dig in!! ============================================================================== WALKTHROUGH ============================================================================== ITEMS WHITE CRYSTAL 50 HOLY WATER 50 THORN WHIP 100 DAGGER 50 CHAIN WHIP 150 TOTAL HEARTS NEEDED 400 APPROXIMATE LEVEL: 1 ----------------------- Alright we are now in the game, when you start up the game you should start in the town of Jova. Now exit the city through the right hand side of the town. You will now be in the Jova woods, you need to collect a total of 200 hearts. You start out with 50 so you technically need 150, hearts in this game are the currency to buy things, you will then buy with your 200 hearts a thorn whip, white crystal and holy water. When you are collecting your hearts the day will turn into night making the monsters stronger requiring a couple more hits than before. You also get higher returns because they are stronger, making your adventure to 200 hearts faster. If by any chance you didn't get 200 hearts in the night go to the town heal up at the local church at the top part of the town, if you have around 100 hearts go buy the thorn whip which is located in a door on the left side of the town use the "up" button to go in the door. Once in the door press the B button or 1 button to talk to him. He will offer 100 hearts for the thorn whip. This will make getting the other hearts easier, since you have a stronger whip now. After you have finally gotten the hearts neccesary go back to town when it's morning, if it isn't morning keep killing monsters to get extra hearts. When you enter town take the stairs closest to you go up them and you will see a guy in a grey cloak talk to him to get the white crystal, then go into that door to buy the holy water. FYI all of those guys will ask you to buy things from them this what they will look like, sometimes in different color cloaks. Now pause and press down to get the arrow on the holy water, you can now use the holy water by pressing up B/1. Now that the grunt work has been down we can now adventure on, go back out of town the same way you came in. A rule I would like to set is, when it's morning you travel and buy things in town. At night that is when you farm for hearts and train Simon so he can get levels up, on even levels such as 2,4,6 he gets a life bonus meaning he gets more life bars that appear on the left side. The more hearts you have and the less you loose all 3 lives the less time you have to take to buy the crucial items that you will need. The first part of the woods you will encounter skeletons and wolves, with your new whip it takes one hit for skeletons and two for the wolves, in night that is. This next area is where you meet the merman who will jump up when you jump to a platform, make sure that you jump and swing your whip at the same time so if they do jump up you can hit them before they hit you. This new area you will have a choice to break the bricks in front of you with the holy water or jump on them and take that route, take the second option. The first one just takes more time. In the next area you will want to take the stairs down to the next village, if you are still morning then go to the town and buy a dagger and chain whip. Which will cost you 200 hearts total. If it is still night by the time you get to the second town farm hearts until you get to 200, heal at the church if you need too. When you enter the rooms you will notice that they are empty, the first room you will have to break the two bricks at the bottom right of the room to talk to the scary looking guy. The next guy will be at the end of town you will have to walk up stairs to get to him. In this room you will have to break the floor bricks and travel down to buy the whip. Next go out of town the way you came, the left direction of town. ========= RECAP ========= This section is where I summarize what I just explained in the particular area. You started out in a town, you farm for hearts up to 200 so you could buy a white crystal, holy water and thorn whip. Next you traveled the countryside until your next town where you healed at the local church and bought the dagger & chain whip which will help you kill monsters a lot easier. Now you are headed towards the first Mansion. ============================================================================== SECOND TOWN TO THE FIRST MANSION ============================================================================== ITEMS OAK STAKE 50 RIB OF DRACULA FREE.99 TOTAL 50 HEARTS APPROXIMATE LEVEL: 1 ------------------------------ After buying your goods go out of town via the left hand direction of town, go back up the stairs and head in the right direction once up the stairs. Make sure you heal soon church's will become a luxury not commonplace anymore. The next area you will encounter another merman jump on the platform jump off to the otherside and the next area will be the first mansion to get a Dracula body part (oh yeah can't wait.) When you enter the mansion make sure the white crystal is selected if it is you will see two bricks floating up and down, if not you didn't select the crystal. Jump on the bricks and then jump on the area where you see the knight with a lance. Continue pressing to the right direction, you will see two stairs leading you down or up, take the stairs that lead you to the upstairs. If you see a couple of blobs then you are in the right spot, continue moving to the left direction. At the end of the hallway will be a spot for you to jump on platforms to make your way up. YOu will have to plan your jump right before you are about to fall (you will have to do this for all jumps in this game.) Once up the stairs go to the direction opposite of the lancer knight. You should encounter some blobs, duck down and when they get close hit them with your whip. At the end of the hallway you will encounter two skeletons and some spikes, if you use the holy water at the two blocks at the bottom of the wall you will find a message saying "A symbol of evil will appear when you strike the stake." Except they misspelled appear to appaer, there are several misspellings like that one but you just deal with it. Now go back to where the Lancer was. Jump to the lancer and swing your whip then go up the stairs and kill the two skeletons that are up there. NOW here comes a tricky part, Konami thought they were cool by putting bricks that really don't support your weight. You will have to jump but you can't jump on the first two bricks you will have to jump to the third one or else you will fall, there are more in this game to let you know. The next area you should see that guy who likes to sell you things, below you continue going right. YOu could go down the stairs but just jump down to save you some time. Go down the second stairs and head left, then jump over the two bricks in front of you and head up the stairs that are right next to you. Then if you have 50 hearts go buy the Oak Stake from him and hit the wall with your holy water again to get this message "Destroy the curse and you'll rule Brahm's Mansion." In other words you will be the owner of this mansion once you beat Dracula, great you now have a house to live in. Now that you bought the Stake DON'T USE IT UNTIL I TELL YOU TOO, IT IS NOT A SUBWEAPON LIKE I THOUGHT IT WAS. You only use it at the end of each mansion. Now head down the stairs where the lone skeleton is, next you will want to go to the right and head down a long and narrow hallway, you should see a blob. Hit the wall with your holy water to get another message saying "A flame flickers inside the ring of fire." I'm sorry I don't know what this means at the current time. Now go back and head down the stairs. Now that you are downstairs go right but be careful in the background you will see columns, the second one is a good frame of reference because the two bricks below it are those tricky bricks you will fall if you don't jump over them and you will have to traverse this stupid mansion from basically the beginning. After that lifebreaking decision you are now at the end where you get a piece of Dracula. Make sure you do all of the following, get Simon as close as you can to the orb that is on the small column, make sure he is facing the orb. Next equip the oak stake (it is the item to the far right of the holy water) once equip use it like you do the holy water, it should break the orb and you should now "Prossess" Dracula's rib, equip the rib like you did the white crystal, when you aren't doing anything (like standing) a shield will be shown and you can reflect projectiles that come your way. Now head back and this time fall down where I told you to jump over this way is easier to back track since you don't have as much area to cover, congratulations you beat the first mansion. ========= RECAP ========= After you have bought the dagger and chain whip head back to the area that you were just at then head in the right direction. You will then be in the first mansion. You will essentially go in a clockwise direction in the mansion. You will find several riddles in the walls of the mansion. You will then come accross the guy who sells you things this time he wants to sell you an oak stake, buy it if you have the hearts, if not farm for them. You will now come accross an area that is very straight, in the background is columns, the second one to the right is the one you are concerned with. The bricks that touch it are the stupid fake bricks jump over them. Then use the Oak stake and make sure you are in the direction of the orb when you use it, now you possess the rib of Dracula proceed out of the mansion and back to the town where you bought the chain whip and dagger to heal up. ============================================================================== SECOND TOWN REVISITED TO THE SECOND MANSION ============================================================================== ITEMS GARLIC(2) 50 A PAIR LAURELS (4) 50 A PAIR SACRED FIRE FREE SILVER DAGGER PRICE OF ONE GARLIC OAK STAKE 50 DRACULA'S HEART FREE TOTAL 200 HEARTS APPROXIMATE LEVEL:2 -------------------------------------- Now that you made it back to the second town to get healed you now need to go back to the entrance of the first mansion, I'm sorry to keep you going back and forth this game is a very not forgiving game so healing is so worth it, if by some chance you don't need to get healed then head to the right direction. This next area will introduce you to the new monster the bat, just as annoying as ALL the other Castlevania's, take the upper path don't bother to break the rocks those paths are usually the stupid and pointless ones to take. This next area will also introduce you to the spider which are pretty dangerous if you dwell too long by them the web can be deflected by the whip but is pretty hard to do so, so just hit them if they are conveient otherwise just blaze past them. With this new area you will be in a cave looking background, the only thing you have to do here is just go straight right and into the next area. This next area will have eyeballs and bats, they take one hit to kill. When you get to the bricks that are at the bottom hit them with your holy water then travel to the end and destroy the bricks there to gather the holy flame which is a very good sub weapon of killing Dracula with. Now exit to the next area. This area will have spiders and skeletons be careful of the spiders. Now go to the town if it is morning if it isn't keep farming for hearts and experience until it is. Then buy Garlic, Laurels (buy twice for 4) and at the top of the town trade your white crystall for a blue one they unfortunately don't have a church to heal so hopefully your aren't too low on health. When it is night time make sure you go to the graveyard that is to the right of this town, use the garlic you just acquired and throw it on the ground next to where you will walk out of. Now that everything here is taken care of go back two areas to where they had stairs for you to walk down on. WHen you walk down the stairs and enter the new area you will be in the area that looked like you were in a cave. Jump onto the platforms and stay on the platforms, there are the eyeballs that may give you trouble make sure you kill them when you are in position, going backwards to kill them is a smart thing so you don't die since you can't hit them. Keep going on the upper path then jump down. Now you are probably thinking to yourself what in the heck is a water doing here and most importantly how do I cross it? Have no fear we will cross it together like Moses did with the people of Israel. Turn on the pause menu and select the blue crystall and have Simon duck down and wait for the water to dissappear making it possible for you to go down and into the next Mansion. (Konami they were creative people,LOL.) Once you are in the mansion keep going to the right and skip the stairs. You will then have to jump to make it to the platforms, the second platform will look like you can't jump past it, but you can. Next jump over the water spots and continue going right. YOu will then find a moving platform, stay where you are wait for it to come to you then jump on it and then jump onto the platform that is stationary. Next go down to where the spikes are and be careful, that is where you will get the Oak Stake buy it from him. Next go back to where the moving platform is and jump onto the platform and go to the top of where you bought the oak stake from. You will have to be careful since there are two spots that align exactly with the spikes making it easy for you to die. At the end break the brick and you will get the message "Destroy the Curse with Dracula's heart." Now that you have the Oak Stake go back only past the moving platform, you will see a set of stairs go up them, then go up the next two. You will then make your descent down a couple of platforms in the right hand direction. Next go up the stairs that has two lancers by them. You will now have to make very precise jumps here or else you will fall and have to make your way back up since you will fall pretty far down. Now that you made it up here you will notice that this mansion is apparently under water or it has a pool on the roof of the mansion. Either one works for me. Now keep pressing in the right hand direction. At the end of the hallway you will break the wall and get this message "Garlic in the Graveyard summons a stranger." Hopefully you have already done that at the past town, the one that doesn't have a church to heal at. Now drop down the small hole and use the oak stake of the orb to receive Dracula's heart, hooreay!!! Now blow this popsicle stand and get out of this mansion. Now you will have the fun of backtracking all the way to Jova which is the first town and the one you started out on. You will have to keep going in a left direction you should pass the first mansion, if you do you are heading in the right direction. ========= RECAP ========= We did a lot in this section, you went back to the second town to get healed since the third town are too holy to have a church. Then you left the town in the left hand direction, then went up the stairs and went in the right hand direction. Next you will get to a town where you bought a pair of garlic and two pairs of Laurels which will come in hand later in the game and a chain whip to keep up on the ever increasing monsters. Then after you will head all the way to the top left of the town and trade a guy the White Crystal for a Blue one. Now that it will get to be dark, go to the right of the town and throw down a garlic a man that looks just like the man who sells things to you will give you a silver knife. Now exit the graveyard and town, then go down the stairs which will eventually lead you to an area with water in which you can't cross, you will equip the blue crystal and have Simon duck. Wait for a second or two and the water will decrease allowing you to jump down and into the second mansion. In the mansion you will keep going straight (right) don't go up any stairs. You will then jump onto platforms and the second one will make you think that you are at a dead end, the bricks are fake so you can jump through them. The next area will be where you see two bricks that move back and forth jump onto them and jump to the stationary bricks jump down to buy the oak stake. Next go back past the moving bricks and up the stairs that are exactly past the moving bricks. Climb up them and you will be in a pretty straight forward position where you will eventually get to the orb to use the Oak Stake, then you will have to leave the Mansion and backtrack ALL THE WAY BACK TO JOVA WHICH was the first town on this game. ============================================================================== JOVA REVISITED TO THIRD MANSION ============================================================================== ITEMS OAK STAKE 50 GOLDEN DAGGER blood and sweat from killing death DIAMOND FREE DRACULA'S EYEBALL FREE TOTAL 50 HEARTS APPROXIMATE LEVEL:2 ----------------------------------------------------------- Now that you have painstaking backtracked make sure you are healed. We are going to the third mansion which is a tricky way to get there, this mansion was one that I did after the fifth mansion because there is a trick to getting there that makes it easy to forget. Now after you are ready go to the left hand side of the town and exit that way. You should face some pretty scary looking monsters, they are easy to kill but from here own are some pretty tough monsters to face. Further in this area is a swamp you will want to use one Laurel to get through it, it is a small area there is a huge one in which you will need the rest of the Laurels to get past. After you get past the swamp pause and switch from the rib to the heart, then talk to the ferryman, here is where you will get to the third mansion. IF you didn't equip the heart you would have gone right past the third mansion, crazy right?! Jump off of the ferryman and continue in the left hand direction. You will find yourself in the third mansion. Now head right then climb up the stairs. Next climb up the next two set of stairs, once up the second set of stairs head left and up those stairs. Then head right and up those stairs, then after fighting two skeletons go up the next set of stairs. If you have encounter those jumping gargoyle things then you are in the right spot, at this point go to the right, the left is a way for you to get out faster. You should now be in a new area that has two flying gargoyles, after killing them head down the stairs. At the end of the stairs will be a Lancer be careful to not get hit by him and fall into the spikes after you kill him use the holy water on the bricks in the corner which reads "Wait for a soul with a red crystal on Deborah cliff." I guess this is how Konami will justify a furture event that you will get to when you trade the blue crystal for the red one!! After receiving that insight from the riddle head to the new area to the left. In the new area you should see that guy who wants to sell you the coveted Oak Stake, buy the Stake then head down the platforms. Now head down several stairs. Next walk into the next room that is on the right in this hallway is three bats that will be overhead, go to the next room which you will encouter Death he throws scythe's at you, you can deflect them with your whip, the holy fire is a good sub weapon to use he will stop when you use it on him. After you defeat him you will get the golden knife which is a stronger version of regular and silver knife, it also requires hearts. After killing death (HAHA) go to the next room to get Dracula's eyeball. Now backtrack all the way back to the entrance of the third mansion, next go to the left. You will face some fairly strong enemies if you face them in the night, you will also have to jump on platforms to get to the other side, make sure you jump when then are at the peak of their height you will only be able to make it to the other one if you do it correctly. There is a dead end which has that same scary guy, he will graciously give you a diamond which really doesn't do much it is like the rebound stone in Symphony of the Night. Now go back to the ferryman. ========= RECAP ========= You finally made it to the first town you headed in the left hand direction. You equiped the heart when you came to the ferryman because of the heart he took you to a different place, you then made your way to the third mansion. While you were there you found some insight into what the red crystal does, (I was going to tell you) you once again found the guy and bought an oak stake then you fought Death who requires a lot of hitting and use of the holy fire. After he was dead you received the golden dagger a stronger version of the regular and silver dagger. You then went to the next room and use the Oak Stake to break the orb and get the eyeball of Dracula. You then traversed through the mansion and went to the entrance of the mansion. YOu then went left and continued that way to find another weird guy who would give you a diamond which works like the rebound stone from Castlevania SYmphony of the Night, which is a stone that will richochet when it hits ground. You then went back to the ferryman and he took you to the fourth town, Aldora. ============================================================================== FOURTH TOWN (ALDORA) TO FOURTH MANSION ============================================================================== ITEMS MORNING STAR 200 DRACULA'S TOOTH FREE TOTAL 200 APPROXIMATE LEVEL:2-3 ---------------------------- When you get to the ferryman stay on him, he will take you back to where you originally came from, stay on him because you need to go that direction. It may seem weird but you have to go the way we just came from to get to the other mansions in this game. You should now be in another town if its dark like it annoyingly is you will have to farm since you will soon be needing 200 hearts for the coveted morningstar. The items we need in this town is to get the red crystal if you need Laurels and Garlic you can buy them but the Laurels are only needed if you don't have more than 2. To get the red crystal talk to the guy who just like the one who traded us the white crystal for his blue one, he is alone and closer to the right side of the town, after doing that go to the left side of town and exit. In this next area you will face more blobs and skeletons that shoot fireballs at you, all you need to do is get close then stop so your shield can block it then you can swing your whip when they aren't shooting fireballs at you. In the next area you will find another monster which looks like the skeleton next to it but isn't, if you kill it you can get more hearts and experience. Next go down the stairs and jump on those platforms, they do have some fake bricks so if you fall use one of your laurels you should be able to get accross with just one Laurel. Now in this next section it has very strong monsters which require lots of hits of your whip, be careful the blobs are going to be the most difficult make sure you get them before they jump too much around you, if you got to the end at night use a garlic if you don't go back to town and get one. Use the garlic and the same guy will appear and give you a silk bag which I believe gives you more space to get Laurels and Garlics with. Now go back to the next area. Once you get there you will now go left instead of taking the detour down to the graveyard, after you have gone a little bit you will find another town called Olden like usual if it is night time farm for hearts. When it is morning if you need laurels you get them on the right side of town. At the top of the town is a door which leads to you buying the Morning star, you SHOULD buy the morning star it is stronger and will help by requiring less hits from the whip. It does require 200 hearts so if you have the hearts go get the Morning Star, then proceed to the left side of the map. In this next area you will face the flaming head things and a mummy. Next you will have to jump over the bricks, like last time remember to jump when the bricks are at the peak of their height. After the stones comes an amazing event you are about to witness having the red crystal equipped go by the rock and duck down then wait. . . . . . . . . . . . for a Twister/Tornado to come and pick you up and drop you off by the fourth Mansion!!! Entering the fourth mansion you will come accross a Lancer and some skeletons. Climb up the next five stairs before you climb the fifth and final stair watch out for the fake bricks that are by it make sure to jump over them. Now that you are all the way up go to the right, then keep going right then you will choose from going down or up go to the up path and jump through the top two bricks to be in another area. Keep going down, after going down the two platforms you will have to quickly kill the skeletons before they take too much life out of you. Then go right and hit the 2X2 bricks at the bottom with the holy water and jump through and kill the skeleton. THen go right and you will go past an area that has two set of spikes on the ground go past and up the stairs and head left where you will use the holy water to break the two bricks that were previously above you. When you do it will be another riddle saying "The curse has killed the Laurel Tree." Then jump down and head right and then head down the stairs. You will then get to a point where you think you are at a dead end but you aren't go to the left and you should go past some fake bricks, then walk left there isn't any fake bricks in which you will drop down from you will then see the guy who sells the Oak Stakes. Then go left and you will drop down kill the skeleton and head left, then jump down and head right. Then in this room is where you will use the Oak Stake to get Dracula's Nail, then walk all the freakin way back to the entrance of this mansion. ========= RECAP ========= This was a big section that we accomplished, you came back to the ferryman to take you to the right direction not the unknown way. When you got off of the ferryman you went to the town of Aldora and traded your blue crystal for a red one. Next you went to the graveyard and dropped a garlic which appeared the weird guy who sells you things but he gave you a silk bag which allows you to hold more garlic and laurels. Next you headed out of the graveyard and in the direction of Oldon town in this town you hopefully bought the morningstar which will give you more power to rip through the enemies. With the red crystal you used on Deborah cliff by ducking down and waiting for a Twister of all things to come and pick you up and take you directly to the fourth mansion. At the fourth mansion you had to go around the top of the mansion and make your way to the far right end of the mansion and drop down and go left to find that the Oak Stake guy is hiding above where you get Dracula's body part. You then dropped down and went right and used the stake to get Dracula's tooth then you left the mansion and went to the Fetra town that is on the right of the mansion to heal yourself then you went back to the mansion ready to take on the next section. ============================================================================== SECOND LAKE TO FIFTH MANSION ============================================================================== ITEMS OAK STAKE 50 LAURELS GIVEN TO YOU DRACULA'S RING FREE TOTAL 50 HEARTS APPROXIMATE LEVEL: 3-4 IF NOT HIGHER ------------------------------------- Now that you are out of the mansion head in the right direction you will be in a fairly easy area they all take two hits, then you will be in a new town, the main thing you want to do is heal since getting healed is a luxury now since only a few towns have church's. After healing make your way back to the mansion, once you get there you will now go the left direction. You will come accross another water section just do the same thing you did last time, the red crystal still works like the blue one. In this next section the only main concern here is to upgrade your morningstar into a flaming morningstar to do this jump over the one brick and then jump onto the platforms that move up and down once at the end use the holy water to break the bricks then jump over and talk to the guy who will give you the best whip you can get in this game!! Next climb up the bricks and head left you will have to face some floating skeleton heads but that is pretty much it. Don't waste your time with the top part of this area. This new area will introduce you to the fireman dispatch him quickly his little fireballs he throws at you are hard to deflect he takes two hits. In this next area is what I have been preping you for, all of the laurels you have will pretty much go to this next spot. This is a huge swamp that will take a toll in your life even if you had full life it would still kill you to walk past it, this is where the laurels come in you will have to use about 3 Laurels so you should be fine if you have six Laurels. Now walk through but don't worry about the monsters just keep walking. After crossing that swamp you will be at the entrance to the final Mansion!! In the mansion go to the right and jump on the bricks and go up the stairs. Once up the stairs jump onto the platform on the right and continue going to the right you will jump over some bricks then skip the stairs that lead down, jump over some more bricks and you will be in a new area. In this new area jump on the platforms to in the upward way, keep going right and you will come accross spikes if you haven't noticed until now like I did every time you buy an Oak stake from him he is always by spikes, except however to the guy on the fourth mansion but the others apply. Now that you have the Oak Stake go back to the left and go down to where you just entered. Next continue going down until you meet another guy but this time he is giving you laurels, jump ontot he platform and watch out for the spikes that will shoot up, if you would like you can use a laurel so you don't get injured. When you get past that you will now be able to enter a new room, this time it is a boss, but funny enough its a very easy boss. Death was a lot harder than this boso. You should have no problem with this guy stand a distance away when he circles around jump and hit him you should be able to hit him twice when he comes around. After he circles around he stops and shoots fireballs that hit in a certain area, just stand still and your shield will just block it, then he does the same thing over and over again. After you kill him you will possess the magic cross, now go to the next room to get Dracula's ring, then make your way out of this mansion and to the entrance. ========= RECAP ========= Not so much happened this go around you used the red crystal to draw the second lake dry then you went through the huge swamp using Laurels to not take damage. You then went through the fifth mansion grabbed the Oak Stake and while in there you were able to get more Laurels you fought a stupid boss to retrieve the holy cross that allows you to gain access into Dracula's castle. You then received dracula's ring using the Oak Stake and you left the Mansion. ============================================================================== TIEING UP LOOSE ENDS TO CASTLEVANIA IN DEFEATING DRACULA ============================================================================== Our next destination is CASTLEVANIA home of Dracula you will now have to go past the fourth mansion and travel for awhile to get there. If you would like on your way to Castlevania buy garlic & Laurels they will help you, but as of right now you don't need hearts anymore to buy whips or anything just those two items. On your travels after you have gone through several screens/areas you will have a choice to go right or go down the stairs and then right. choose the second option the other leads to a dead end that isn't worth being there anyways. Once you are in the dead town of Ghulash there is no doors that are worth going in. Just proceed right, to Vrad's graveyard (vlad?) Now keep going right and you will end up at the bridge to Castlevania. Break the bricks and enter Dracula's castle, it will have no enemies in it since he is gone, use the holy water to break the bricks and soon you will be in the room ready to ressurect Dracula!!! Once you have traveled through his castle and get to the door you will be in the room where you will fight Dracula. You could if you want use the holy fire when Dracula gets ressurected just sit there and use the fire he won't budge and you can win that way. Or you can use your Laurels to become invincible and you can hit him using your other sub weapons like the golden knife would be useful since you aren't going to be needing your hearts after this point in the game. GOOD LUCK!!! After beating Dracula the land was rid of the curse and Simon wasn't able to recover from his wounds so he will die eventually. Good job in beating a very underrated game, now if you want you can play it again and I believe that you can get the best ending if you beat it in under a couple of game hours. ============================================================================== CREDITS ============================================================================== This game is really a fun game it does have its moments where it can be tedious and retarded but I really enjoyed this game and I hope you do too. I wrote this guide in one day I had a lot of fun I had beat the game a second time the day before and thought to myself I should write this guide tomorrow. I did and I hope you like it, this is a great series of games and a great game as well. CASTLEVANIA ROCKS!!! SEE YA LATER!! COPYRIGHT (c) COLBY HAYMOND 2010-11