CLASH AT DEMONHEAD FAQ/Walkthrough For play on Nintendo Entertainment System Presented by Joseph Shaffer (Joe the Destroyer) Version: 1.63 Last Updated: 11/12/10 Phase: Technically Complete THE FOLLOWING SITES HAVE BEEN GIVEN HOSTING PRIVILEGES: GameFAQs ( RoyalRanger's NES site ( IGN ( HonestGamers ( If you are e-mailing me about feedback, questions, or anything having to do with any FAQ, please send it to IMPORTANT: If you are going to send me an e-mail regarding any FAQ or review I've written, please include the game's name in the subject, OTHERWISE IT WILL BE DELETED. This FAQ is technically complete. Any information that can be contributed to this can be accepted and accredited once it is validated as true. _______________________________________________________________________ UPDATE HISTORY 8/7/2001- N/A- Just started with all the basic stuff. Got the introduction section down and found a site to help make the ASCII title at the top. 8/8/2001- v0.5- Got all the bosses listed, but still not finished updating the boss section. Completed Section 2. Started Section 3A. Added walkthroughs for routes 1-6, 9, 11, 14, and 35. Completed Section 3B: Bang to the Rescue. Got started on Section 5. Completed 5A, almost finished with 5B (just need to add prices), and pretty much done with 5C (might need some touching up). Started Section 6. Will put up more FAQs as time permits. Also completed Section 7. Will add more to Section 8 as more continue to help and support this FAQ along. 8/9/2001- v0.94- Added walkthroughs for route 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18-20, 22-25, 27-29, and 31-34. Included boss strategies for route 7, 16, 28, and 31 bosses. Gave the location for Joe and Michael. Section 5B: Stored Items completed. New name(s) in the Thank You section. Began Section 4 and completed it. Added information on the Force Skills: Micro Power, Teleport, Levitation, Energizer, and Karate Power. Caught a mistake in the first version. It claimed to have a walkthrough for route 20 that didn't exist. Also caught some mistakes in Section 3 with mislabeled mini-sections right after I submitted the FAQ at about 11 PM last night. Gave locations for Pandar, Growth Boy, Mushroom Guy, and Fish Dude. Completed Section 3C and 3E. Added a bit to FAQ section. 8/10/2001- v1.0- Decided to take the day easy. Only added a few new things today. Added walkthroughs for route 21, 37, 39, and 40. Added both locations for Demon and first location for Bopper. Gave strategies for the first battle against Bopper and the second against Demon. Completed Section 3D. 8/11/2001- v1.5- Completed Section 3. That means the walkthrough is fully complete. Caught a mistake. Now have possible route listings for each end of route 28. Same with route 39. Added a bit to the FAQ. Nothing really big. Added Bopper's second location. 8/11/2001- v1.61- Corrected Spelling. 11/27/01- Not considered a full update: I added a bit to the pre-FAQ statements. 11/12/02- FAQ-wide update (affects all of my published FAQs): pre-FAQ statements changed. Legal Bit updated. Do note that versions for any of my FAQs will not change unless new content has been added. 6/16/03- A few boss names corrected. 8/27/03- FAQ wide update... 12/28/03- Changed e-mail, plus put in an extra message. 11/6/10 -9:32 PM Update Proofreading the guide. Be ready. Haha. All but the main walkthrough updated. 11/11/10 -3:18 AM Update Just some quick proofreading before I go to bed. Routes 1-17 completed. 11/12/10 -3:32 AM Update It's late, but that's okay. I'm a night owl, y'see, the kind that doesn't eat mice. Oh, and my updates are complete. Eff... I don't want to go to work tomorrow. Reference Credit goes to: SpinyCloud and Nintendo Power for boss names Contents According to Joe ------------------------- Section 1: Introduction 1A: Storyline: That Darn Bang! 1B: Characters 1C: Bosses (intros, but no strategies) Section 2: Playing the game [C@DS2] 2A: Controls 2B: Screens 2C: Hazards Section 3: Walkthrough [C@DS3] 3A: Routes... Bloody Routes! 3B: Bang to the Rescue 3C: Collecting the first medals 3D: Bang vs. Demon 3E: Bang vs. Pandar (optional) 3F: The Final Showdown Section 4: The Hermit and his Force Powers [C@DS4] Section 5: Items [C@DS5] 5A: Immediate usage 5B: Stored Items (as seen on item screen) 5C: Special Items Section 6: FAQ [C@DS6] Section 7: Legal Bit Section 8: Thanks and Goodbye! -------------------------- / SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION \ ------------------------------ 1A: STORYLINE: THAT DARN BANG! The year is 199X. Our hero, Bang, is resting on a beach with his woman, Mary, after succeeding in a mission. They don't mention what the mission was in the game, but such is en medias res. While relaxing, taking it easy, and listening to the waves crash to shore, Bang gets a call from headquarters. It turns out that the inventor of the well known Doomsday Bomb, Professor Plum, has been kidnapped! DUN DUN DUNNNN! So, Bang jumps to the rescue of not only Professor Plum, but the fate of the entire world. Little do anybody on either side realize that an ominous force sleeping beneath them is slowly being roused to wake... 1B: CHARACTERS Bang- Our intrepid protagonist! He seems to be working for some sort of anti- terrorist group. They don't exactly state it so clearly in the game. They did in the instruction booklet, but I lost that a long time ago. I will update on each character that is lacking in further updates in this FAQ. Mary- Bang's sweetheart. Isn't that cute? The future Mrs. Bang. Wait... That just doesn't sound right. Professor Plum- Inventor of the Doomsday Bomb, a bomb that could destroy the entire world (hence the name). Plum has been kidnapped by a huge terrorist group and placed on top of Mount Demonhead. Man, just the name is enough to keep me away from the place. Bang has a lot of guts to be able to stand strong in the face of something like this. If it were me in his boots, I would probably run away crying for my mom. Joe- Joe is Bang's good friend, and what a helluva studly name he has! Strangely enough, he's taken missing. You can find him in the game all banged up and bloodied on route 32. Michael- He's your "ally in this adventure! But he doesn't take orders from you!" There really isn't much background on Michael. You will see him a bit in the game as meeting him various times is required to succeed. He can first be spotted on route 3. Faysha- A faerie you'll meet along one of the one-way routes. She'll give you a little information on a certain hermit that needs to be helped. Can be first met on route 17. Hermit- A poor hermit with special powers he calls... get this... FORCE! Whew! Look out George Lucas! Anyway, he's been taken by a mean demon named Rowdy. After traveling around a bit, you'll have to fight Rowdy and free the Hermit. It is indeed required that you do this event. Located at route 35. Commander- Oh, wonderful! The guy only really shows up at one point of the game... the end. You'd think someone who's supposed to be the "commander" would make more appearances, but alas he's just not at all important. Tom Guycot- One of the highest ranking generals of the enemies. Why isn't he in the boss section? Just play the game and find out. You gotta love this guy. There's something about a skeleton creature with a flapping scarf that makes me just want to cry out in sheer inspiration. Anyway, this guy will tell you when you first meet him on Route 1 that his base is in route 33. Yeah, where ever that is... Random fact: Tom Guycot shares the last name with Scott Pilgrim character Lynette Guycot, who is the drummer for the fictional band The Clash at Demonhead. Helluva reference! 1C: BOSSES Pandar- The only optional boss in the game. There's only one reason to beat him, and that's bragging rights (or if you're the sporty type, like myself, and you like to defeat every boss you can). This one can be pretty tough if you're not thoroughly prepared. Found on route 31. Demon- Demon is well... a demon. He has been awakened to send his minions of destruction on the world. Wow, first a Doomsday Bomb, now a gigantic hellspawn with a knack for destruction. Are we in for it or what? First found on route 15, then on route 39. Rowdy- The demon that kidnapped the hermit. There's nothing much more to him than that. Found at route 35. Bopper- One of the higher ranking generals of the "bag guys." You actually have to fight him twice. First, he'll appear to you in a strange cruiser-type thing, then you'll have to fight him with nothing but his damn uzi! First found on route 21 and 42. NAMELESS WONDERS... Or "Nameless at One Time" Thanks to SpinyCloud and Nintendo Power, some of the names have finally been revealed... Mush- Oh... Mr. I-Think-I'm-So-Special-Because-I-Have-A-Detachable-Cap-That-I- Throw-At-People. He'll first attack you with his belly dancers. After taking them out, it's on to him. He's found on route 16. Gazh- I remember seeing this guy in the instruction book and thinking, "Whoa! That guy looks wicked!" He was a rhino creature on a motorcycle that looked like he was ready to take names and kick bootay all around the world. When you fight him in the game, however, he looks like a red, robotic head glued onto a moped. You can find this red rocker on route 11. Max- This is a little creature who claims to have defeated your friend Joe. As you shoot him, he gets bigger until he gets so big that he flies up to the top of the screen and throws down smaller version of himself. This one can be battled on route 7. Shark- So, if this guy is half-man and half-fish, then would that mean his parents were... Okay, no more insinuations of bestiality. A strange character that you actually have to submerge to find (it took me forever to actually find this guy, and this was before I had Internet). I love the way he's designed. It looks so... interesting. His hands are fish heads. Not just any fish heads, but a strange type of carnivorous fish. I'll bet it makes lonely Saturday nights difficult... Found on route 28. That Samurai Guy- You'll fight him VERY late in the game. I don't know his name, so he's the only true nameless wonder left. I'm not sure if he's a leader or what, but I do know that he's pretty damn easy to beat. ----------------------------- / SECTION 2: PLAYING THE GAME \ --------------------------------- [C@DS2] 2A: CONTROLS Directions: Up: Move up while flying or swimming; enter a building. Down: Crouch Left/Right: Move in corresponding direction. Move cursor in menus Down + Left/Right: Crawl in corresponding direction. Start: View route screen. Select: Menu screen 2B: SCREENS There are several different screens to this game. The three that you will see the most are the regular game screen, the route screen, and the inventory screen. The regular game screen is set up as a horizontal, side-scroller game. As you walk through the level, you will be approached by enemies. The only way to take most of them out is to fire at them. There are rocket-type enemies that can be destroyed if they touch something other than your bullet (namely "you"). If you can get into a well protected position, you can cause the rockets to crash and explode. Be careful in this game. Not only can the enemies and their projectile damage you, but so can the explosion they produce. The rocket enemies are a major special case here, because when they die they don't just explode, they explode several times. You can also use your bullets to block enemy bullets as they come at you, but hell, you need to be a major pro to hit that often. A lot of times, I've been able to do it out of dumb luck, but not on mental command. The route screen shows you the layout of the routes. At the end of each level is a statue. Touch the statue and it will take you to this screen. You can only select to go to the routes that connect to the route you just completed. There are some routes that are only one-way. At the end of the route there is no statue. These are usually routes with special purposes. For example, on one route at the very end, you will meet the faerie, Faysha. She will give you access to the hermit through route 6. The inventory screen comes up quite a bit, especially when you need to use an item. Bringing up this screen can be achieved through the select button. From here, you can select anything at your disposal, as long as you have one of any item in your inventory. There is also the Force screen which appears once you get the ability to use force. This will be explained a bit more in Section 4 of this FAQ. 2C: HAZARDS Outside of your garden variety enemies and your super-tough bosses, there are hazards in the game that should either be avoided or dealt with in a cautious manner. For starters, there are pits. Pits cannot kill you as they would in many games. That still doesn't mean they're any more friendly in this one. If you fall down one, you will be thrown into a subterranean area where you must walk one way or another to a door. After entering the door, you will be thrown to the route screen, forcing you to either start the route over or take a different one. Another hazard that is easily dealt with is water. If you are under water too long, you will drown and have to start the route over. The only way to get around this is to either use an Aqualung or make sure you have your head above water most of the time, especially if you are running out of life. The last hazard is lava. There are two routes that have lava that I can think of, but the one you will be most involved with is route 27 because there is an item under the lava you can get. Lava is the most deadly of the hazards because the instant you touch it, you die, no questions asked. The only way to survive lava is to use a Supersuit. Don't worry, there is only one time in the game which you will be required to dive under the lava. That is good, especially since Supersuits are super expensive. ------------------------ / SECTION 3: WALKTHROUGH \ ---------------------------- [C@DS3] 3A: ROUTES... BLOODY ROUTES! Breakdown... Route # (Hypothetical starting point. Tells you what direction I assume to be coming from when doing a walkthrough for a route. It helps to know which end you're coming from.) Description- Tells you what to expect in the route. Possible Boss Battle- Only on levels that have bosses. Gives you a strategy on how to defeat the boss. (possible routes that can be followed by each end: tells you which ends lead to which routes) ROUTE 1 You start the game on route 1. You will see some enemies coming at you. Attack them and advance. Eventually, you should come across a strange skeleton flying in the air. Don't try to destroy him because you can't. Let him hit you twice and that will bring up a conversation between you and the skully guy. He will tell you his name is Tom Guycot. What a name for a skeleton! Tom Guycot. I'm now waiting for the goblin named Lewis Anderson or the imp named Greg Smith. Tom will tell you his base is on Route 33. What a guy! Not only does he try to horribly murder you and have a peculiar name for a skeleton, but he tells you where his base is located. The only problem is for first-time players to find out where exactly Route 33 is located. (Route 1 leads to routes 2, 3, 4) ROUTE 2 (assuming route be taken from southern end) Route 2 is nothing special except that it can take you to a very useful route indeed: route 5! Route 5 has a shop that you can call without using a Shop Call. There is also a ton of gold in route 5 that can be traded for money. As far as route 2 goes, avoid the pit at all costs, otherwise you'll have the start the level over. You won't die, but you will be thrown into a subterranean area that takes you to the route screen no matter which way you to. Beware the flying enemies, especially while you are swimming across the small river. They can shoot projectile at you from strange angles. You can easly avoid some of them by swimming back and forth. If you decide to dive, make sure you either have an Aqualung (which I wouldn't recommend for this level since they are useful and this level doesn't really need it) or that you just don't stay under for too long lest Bang should drown. (Route 2 north end leads to routes 5 and 11) (Route 2 south end leads to routes 1, 3, and 4) ROUTE 3 (assuming to be taken from east end) When you start out, you'll see a few enemies and a strange miner. Hey! It's Michael! Michael will claim to be your ally. He'll tell you that there is a sprite on Route 17. Thanks, Michael. In case you haven't noticed, we're in an 8-bit game, and surrounded by sprites. *dodges tomatoes* After a bit of fighting and walking, you should come to a small river. Cross it and advance. Just be careful of the flying creatures as you're crossing. It's very easy to swim into them or their projectiles. After the river should be the statue. (Route 3 east end leads to routes 6, 9, and 12) (Route 3 west end leads to routes 1, 2, and 4) ROUTE 4 (assuming to be taken from west end) You should start out on top of a hill. Walk down the route and fight enemies. You should eventually come to an area where you can jump down to the next screen. After jumping down continue through the level and kill the enemies as you pass by. You should see the statue just a bit of the ways down. (Route 4 east end leads to routes 1, 2, and 3) ROUTE 5 Route 5 is a special one-way route. As you start, be careful of the skull creature in the water. He can be easily dispatched. There should also be some flying creatures just after him. After a while you should come to an area where you'll need to climb by jumping through the platforms to get to the next screen. Head there and take heed of the flying enemies. Take care of them and move up the side of the wall to the next screen. You should see a strange guy there. He's only a one-time character. Talk to him and he'll tell you that there is a ton of gold underneath the water. Just beyond him is a sign that says, "Welcome!" Walk a ways on the sign and a shop should fall. This is one major reason this is useful. If you ever find yourself in a position where you have no more Shop Calls and need some items, come to route 5. (Route 5 leads to routes 2 and 11) ROUTE 6 (assuming to be taken from the west end) You will start off on a hill. Climb down and beware the enemies. A little ways down, there should be some flying enemies that will attempt to dive bomb you, then fly at you after they hit the ground. Be sure you get them out of your hair quickly. A little ways down after that should be a different type of flying enemies. There should also be a little raised elevation in ground. Jump up to it and continue walking. You should see a huge waterfall. Do not jump down the waterfall unless you've already met with Faysha for the first time. If you have met with Faysha, then down at the bottom of the waterfall should be a statue that can take you to the route that the hermit is being held on. Jump to the climbable wall and into the next screen. There should be a small cliff to the left with a couple of enemies on it and the statue leading out of route 6 should be just above you. Climb your way to freedom. (Route 6 west end leads to routes 3, 9, and 12) (Route 6 east end leads to route 14) (Route 6 special location at the bottom of the waterfall leads to route 35) ROUTE 7 (assuming to be taken from the east end) You should start out in front of a few enemies. Take them out easily and advance on, jumping over the pit after you've taken out the turret creature. Keep going until you reach a building. Enter the building, but be prepared for war. BOSS MAX Gotta love ironic names. In his tiny state he cannot hurt you. He will start out by jumping on either side of you, back and forth. So, move to the center of the building, or at least to a position where he does not touch you as he's jumping over you. Time your shot just right and continually hit him as he's jumping. He should grow a little, but he'll still keep jumping on either side. After more shots he'll grow some more and switch his game plan from just jumping to running and jumping. If you hold completely still, he shouldn't hurt you. Just keep firing. After a few shots he should grow to his full size. This means he'll start flying in the air and sending down little versions of himself (his/her/its offspring?). They run the same basic program he does. There is a way to get in just the right position such that he tosses them right over you and they begin jumping around you without touching you. Just blast them a few times and they should disappear. Here's where it gets difficult. Now, he'll throw himself on the board and begin doing those run-jumps again. He can still hit you, even if you are ducking. Once you have enough room, jump and shoot him in the mouth. As he approaches you, not only should you duck, but crawl under him. One thing that I've noticed helps a hell of a lot in this battle is the Thundershot. Unleash those bad boys on him and it should take him down after a while. Grab the medallion. After making minced meat of Max, leave the building. Make your way back down route 7. Jump over the last pit and you're home free. (Route 7 east end leads to routes 10 and 13) (Route 7 west end leads to route 8) ROUTE 8 (assuming to be taken from north end) There is almost no point to taking route 8 from the south end unless you have a Jet Pak. Anyway, continue down route 8 and climb the first wall. You can jump down the it and see a passage that takes you to route 35, but you can only enter it if you have the Force Micro Power. There's really no need to head to route 35 if you already have the hermit. You can try to jump over the pit, but you won't fully clear it. Keep edging right and you should hit the climbable section. Climb up and kill the weird duck-bat creatures. Looks like someone got a little too happy with the genetic engineering. Somewhere along the line, you should hit the statue and your way out. (Route 8 north end leads to route 7) (Route 8 south end leads to routes 4 and 10) ROUTE 9 (assuming to be taken from north end (route 11)) You'll start on some sort of mountain structure with a bunch of those bouncy, helicopter creatures around you. Shoot any that get in your way and grab whatever they drop. Continue moving to the far right side. Now, jump down and into the next screen. There should be a floating enemy as soon as you hit the next screen. Kill it and the jellyfish creatures that appear after it further down the route. Now, make your way to the next screen. This should take you to a few more jellyfish creatures and eventually the statue to end the route. (Route 9 north end leads to route 11) (Route 9 south end leads to routes 3, 6, and 12) ROUTE 10 (assuming to be taken from south end) First, there should be a creature running toward you. He's no real threat, but you have nothing to lose by destroying it. Heh, you can also get some money or Force this way. Anyway, jump down the platforms into the next screen and you should see some soldiers there. Take them out and advance. As you approach the pit, jump to the platform above it and use that to guide you across. Be sure to kill or dodge the strange V-shaped creature coming out of the pit. Press on. You should eventually come to a bunch of soldiers and cabins. Somewhere among the cabins should be a hole in the ceiling with some gold just below it. Get the gold, but ignore the hole. It's nothing. A little ways down, a few more soldiers and cabins later, there should be a hairy beast bouncing around with a hole just above him. Take out the beast and jump into the hole. There should be a solitary cabin with some soldiers around it. Kill the soldiers and enter the cabin. Inside you'll be flanked by soldiers. Take them both out. Hey! There's also an old man in here! Walk up to him and engage in a conversation. This guy is basically useless. He tells you to go the hermit, but gives you no clue where he is (even more useless if you've already rescued the hermit). Exit the area and back down the hole. This next part can be slightly tricky, but it's workable. There should be a platform in the air on either side of the pit that's a ways down after the second hole in the ceiling. Kill the creature coming out of the pit and jump on the platform. Let it sink just a small ways, then do a walking-jump from the very edge of the platform over the pit. It sounds a bit complicated, but once you have it down, it's a snap. (Route 10 south end leads to routes 4 and 8) (Route 10 north end leads to routes 7 and 13) ROUTE 11 (assuming route be taken from west end) As you start, there should be some flying enemies that you can take out. Run into the water and swim across. There should also be some more of those flying enemies above the water, so be careful. After exiting the water, you'll find a wall you can climb up. Do so into the next screen. There should be some soldiers with guns on the next screen. Take them out and press on. You'll come to an area with more platforms to jump up. Do so into the next screen and wait. The reason why is that they are rockets surrounding you. If you just stand still, then they should kill themselves by crashing into the ground/walls. Just a bit further should be a building. Inside the building is one of the bosses. BOSS GAZH My suggestion here is to exit the route at the statue just a bit beyond the door, then re-enter. That way, if you are killed fighting the boss, you won't have to start all the way back at the western end of the route. Now, enter the building. This guy will give you some information on Professor Plum. He'll tell you Plum is making the Doomsday Bomb as you speak! First, Gazh will charge at you. Do not fire yet. Jump over him when he comes at you and as he comes back around. Firing at this guy will cause him to rise to the ceiling and shoot fireballs at you in a line. Shoot the lowest fireball and duck. He'll then come back down at you shooting another line. You will need to be quick here. You'll have to shoot the lowest one again, duck under the rest, then jump over him as he comes at you. This part will take a little timing, but it's a little something I noticed while I was fighting this guy. If you fire at him as he's about to hit the right wall, he'll turn back around and take the fire while he's not only too far right, but underneath the right platform. Shooting him while under the right platform (I'm not too sure about the left since I never shot him while he was down there) will cause him to shoot one less fireball as he's coming down, which is usually the one that you would have to destroy to dodge the rest. This way, you won't have to destroy another one, you can just duck under the second wave. Make sure he's most of the way under the platform. I think if he's sticking out too far, he'll just shoot a regular wave as usual. Repeat this until he suddenly stops and explodes. There you have it, a medal! Note that a Thundershot is also very useful in this battle as well. (Route 11 west end leads to routes 2 and 5) (Route 11 east end leads to route 9) ROUTE 12 (assuming to be taken from south end) It is best that you only take this route from the south end. You could try taking it from the north end, but that would require you to attempt to cross a pit that is regularly uncrossable (i.e. you'll need Jet Pak, etc.). This one is laden with pits! On top of that, you've got a ton of flying monsters just waiting to knock you into them. After crossing the first few pits, you should hit one that has a flying platform above it. The platform is not necessary when coming from the south, but north is a different story. Sometime after the platform, Bang should complain about something trying to "get into his head." I'm not completely sure, but I think you need to have met Michael on route 3 to trigger this. I could be wrong. Anyway, continue going. There should be some platforms and some water. You can do either one. I usually jump in the water, as it is easier to avoid the rockets that way. Keep going, picking off flying enemies as usual. You should eventually come to an edge in the land that is quite higher than the next edge (that is, the left edge should be higher). This is where you would need a Jet Pak or Power Boots to get across if you were coming from the north end. From the south end it shouldn't be any trouble at all. Just jump over it and clear it. Move along and eventually you should hit the statue. (Route 12 south end leads to routes 3, 6, and 9) (Route 12 north end leads to routes 14, 17, and 20) ROUTE 13 (assuming to be taken from north end) You should start up on top of a hill with some bouncing enemies coming at you. Work your way over to the left and jump up the wall and keep moving. You'll notice a drop-off. Basically, it's not recommended to try taking this route from the south end unless you have a means of flying upward via Jet Pak or Levitation. You'll have to crawl through the tight spaces to get to the next screen in the drop off and do likewise to get to the bottom. From there, it's straight forward and there should be more of the same enemy you've been fighting on this route. (Route 13 north end leads to routes 19, 26, and 28) (Route 13 south end leads to routes 7 and 10) ROUTE 14 (assuming to be taken from south end) As you enter you should see some floating platforms with gold on them and flying enemies. You can try to get the gold if you like. Remember one thing, though. When coming from the north end and heading toward the south, you must take those platforms to get out of the level (or you could do it the easy and expensive way and use a Jet Pak). Jump out of the water and walk a little ways down. You should see some more floating platforms and a message that falls from the sky. Grab the message and it will automatically read it. It's your friend Jake! What... He'll take care of Mary? Why that...! Anyway, below the message should be a pit. REMEMBER THIS LOCATION. This is a great place to constantly restore life. Drop down into the pit and there should be three hearts and an invisible enemy. Pay the enemy no mind and just grab the hearts. If you need more after collecting the hearts, leave the area and return. The hearts will respawn. Continue down the route, blasting any enemies that get in your way. Eventually, you should come to the statue. (Route 14 south end leads to route 6) (Route 14 north end leads to routes 12, 14, 17, and 20) ROUTE 15 Yet another one way! Actually, you should be traveling to this one several times. I would recommend only entering this level if you've met Michael on route 3. If not, then this route is pretty much useless. This level has platforms that are so far apart that you can't help falling in the water if you jump regularly. It is okay to use Power Boots here, so be my guest. Careful not to drown, though, if you don't. The enemies really don't make this level any easier, either. You should come to some stone structures along the way. One has a pile of gold on it for anyone who decided to use Power Boots, or anything of the like. Keep walking and you should see Michael. He tells you to head to route 27 and pluck the Magic Stone out. Hmm... Doesn't he seem a bit different than earlier? No matter. You'll see a couple of wells behind Michael. One of them can take you to route 33. For further information on a walkthrough of the wells, refer to the section BANG VS. DEMON. (Route 15 south end leads to routes 18 and 20) (Route 15 via well can lead to route 33) ROUTE 16 (assuming to be taken from south end) Jump over the stone columns and destroy the monsters as you run by. There should be a creature in particular that likes to try to stay on the same level with you by jumping at the exact same time you do. Stay on the other side of the column as him, jump in the air, and blast when you have an opening. There should be a couple more, maybe only one. Keep going until you see some more platforms and some soldiers. Destroy the soldiers and jump up the platforms into the hole above them. This should take you to another screen with some rather pesky flying enemies. Destroy them and keep going. Hmm... A building. Enter it and, yep, you guessed it! A boss battle! BOSS MUSH Yay! Exotic dancers! Bang may have the money for a private dance with one of the general's finest, but he surely doesn't have time. Shoot the dancers as quickly as you can. Stay clear of their bombs. They cannot reach all the way to to the left, so you'll find a safe haven there. The only problem is you'll have to do a spastic jump-shoot combo to hit the higher up one. Everyone's favorite fungus, Mush, should appear after that. He's quite a toughie. Fire a shot at him. He'll stop moving and throw his cap at you. That is his weakness, the cap. Anytime you can, attack the cap as long as you've got a clear shot. Be sure to jump over it as it approaches you. As it's coming back, run just a few paces in front of it. It should drop some bombs and then dive to get you. After it dives, run quickly back under it before it can drop some more bombs on you. Make sure that you have plenty of room when you start running a few paces ahead of the cap. This way you won't run directly into the wall and allow the cap to hit you as you're running. After a while, both the mushroom and his cap will start blinking madly. The cap will explode and the boss will eventually follow suit, joining his cap in Hell. Exit the building and the way out should be just a few paces away. (Route 16 south end leads to routes 18 and 19) (Route 16 north end leads to routes 23, 25, and 27) ROUTE 17 Ahh... A special one-way route. This makes following a walkthrough for it a bit easier. You should start out in front of a bunch of pits. Jump over them and take care of the enemy that's planted in the ground. Jump to where he can crawl under the stone walls. There should be some more of the same enemy down the way and eventually a heart for you to pick up. At the end of it all should be a bunch of hovering platforms. Be very careful when crossing this. Patience is a virtue here, as is timing. If, however, you're not patient enough for a task such as this, try using a Jet Pak. After the platforms should be some land and an enemy. Kill him and progress. Hmm... A smily face carved into the stones... I hope this is a good sign. Crawl under another wall and on the other side should be the faerie, Faysha. After talking to her, grab the hearts behind her if you need them. Crawl back outside and deliberately fall down the pit. You don't need to travel all the way back, this is much quicker. Walk to which ever door you wish and you should be at the route screen again. (Route 17 leads to routes 12, 14, and 20) ROUTE 18 (assuming to be taken from east end) The first thing that'll probably catch your eye about this level is the letter falling from the sky. Defeat the football playerish looking fellow and grab the letter. Aww... Look at that cute little panda on the- WHAT? Mary has been capture by Pandar! He's on route 31? So, of course, you spring into action. You really don't have to defeat Pandar, as it is just a side quest. Nevertheless, carry on through the level. You should approach some water soon. Look out for rocket enemies around this area. Jump down and collect the gold under the bridge then jump onto the next platform and make your way down the river. More football player wanna-bes, more rockets, and more dive bombers. Just keep making your way down. There should be a part where the platforms are too far apart to jump directly across, so you'll have to land in the water. Jump out and on to the final bridge and out of the area. (Route 18 east end leads to routes 15 and 20) (Route 18 west end leads to routes 16 and 19) ROUTE 19 (assuming to be taken from west end) Move right as you enter and jump into the water, staying cautious of the flying bugs as you move. Exit the water and move straight down the path, killing the jellyfish creatures as you see fit. You should come to an area where you can jump down to the next screen. Don't jump down right away. Instead, wait there for the rocket enemies to run themselves into the ceiling and explode. Now, jump all the way down to the bottom and make your way right. The statue should be just up ahead. (Route 19 west end leads to routes 13, 26, and 28) (Route 19 east end leads to routes 16 and 18) ROUTE 20 (assuming to be taken from east end) As you start, there should be several flying enemies and some jellyfish creatures flying and running around respectively. Take them out and push on. As I've said before, careful for the rockets. This is a very short route. You should be to the statue in no time. (Route 20 east end leads to routes 12, 14, and 17) (Route 20 west end leads to routes 15 and 18) ROUTE 21 (assuming to be taken from south end) It almost would be better to actually take this from the north end, that way you'll be closer to the boss. Yes, I did say boss. Head forward and you should come to a base. You can't go beyond the base, you must enter. Be careful for the turrets all throughout this level. They are a major pain. You should see a hovering platform and some more turrets. The platform is useless if you are coming from the south end. Just kill the turrets and keep going. Going down the next part is tricky. You may actually have to take a blow from the turrets or just use a Powerball right around here. Move to the right and you should see a door. Enter and you'll fight a boss. BOSS BOPPER (round 1) As Bopper is coming down toward you, fire at him. Try your hardest to destroy his projectile as they're coming at you. Run underneath him if you can to avoid getting cornered. His projectile move slowly and they do not follow you, so if you run under them, they shouldn't be a problem. Just don't get hit by them. The part that might make this guy a little difficult is his motion. While it is easy to see the pattern, it can be a bit tough to comprehend. Shoot Bopper enough times and his craft will explode and he'll run away. Before the battle, he should've told you where the main base is. Woohoo! Leave Bopper's room and head out, around, and up through the right. You can jump through that big gap above you, so do so. This should take you to the statue. (Route 21 south end leads to routes 30 and 40) (Route 21 north end leads to route 42) ROUTE 22 (assuming to be taken from west end) You'll see some more platforms to jump up and a few hairy beasts. Dispose of the beasts and press onward, jumping through the hole in the ceiling. On the next screen, ascend and defeat the kabukis. Keep walking and you should see a message fall from the sky down over the cliff. Jump down the cliff in to the next screen. Bah! It's the just the commander telling you to meet them at the end of Mount Demonhead once the operation is over. Mighty confident, isn't he? You should see a door next to the message. This door takes you to the gold exchange store, which gladly takes one of your shop calls and exchanges your gold at a certain rate, depending on which selection you made. Descend into the next screen. Kill the mosquitoes and continue on. After a bunch of enemies, you should hit the exit. (Route 22 west end leads to routes 24 and 26) (Route 22 east end leads to route 28) ROUTE 23 (assuming to be take from east end) Walk straight down the path. There really isn't anything for a little ways down. More of those hybrid duck- bat creatures and some other baddies to tide you over. There should be a small wall you can jump over somewhere down the line. Keep going until you hit the statue. Ahh... Another short level. (Route 23 east end leads to routes 16, 25, and 27) (Route 23 west end leads to route 24) ROUTE 24 (assuming to be take from east end) The first thing you should see is a crawl space and a lot of rockets. Destroy the rockets and crawl through the crawl space. Kill the few flying enemies you see and descend to the next screen. More platforms. Jump down from them, polishing off any enemies as you see fit. There should be some floating platforms that descend as you stand on them. Jump from one to another, eventually hitting all four to cross the pit and exit the route. (Route 24 east end leads to route 23) (Route 24 west end leads to routes 22 and 26) ROUTE 25 (assuming to be taken from west end) The first thing you should do as you enter is kill the flying enemies that are coming towards you. Along the way to the right, you should see some water. Jump in and hope for the best. Exit the water and make your way over to the platform and jump down into the next screen. Jump all the way down and take out the enemies floating around down there. You should see one more quick piece of water and then it's off to the statue. (Route 25 west end leads to routes 16, 23, and 27) (Route 25 east end leads to routes 32 and 36) ROUTE 26 (assuming to be taken from south end) Very straight forward level. Definitely one of the shortest in the game. Basically just run and blast everything directly in your path. Just be sure they don't get the better of you. (Route 26 south end leads to routes 13, 19, and 28) (Route 26 north end leads to routes 22 and 24) ROUTE 27 (assuming to be taken from south end) I would recommend coming from the south end if you are coming here to meet Michael. It seems he wants you to pull a magic stone up from the lava so you can split a treasure that's supposedly hidden in route 15. Pass Michael and descend to the lava pit. Be sure you have a Supersuit handy. Dive at the far right end of the lava pit and you should see the Magic Stone. This will also increase your life by an extra two strips if you get it. Go out which ever way you wish. If you plan to head north, then jump out and climb the wall. Kill the enemy in the next screen and advance. (Route 27 south end leads to routes 16, 23, and 25) (Route 27 north end leads to routes 29 and 37) ROUTE 28 (assuming to be taken from northeast end) Destroy the missiles and ready your Aqualung. You'll definitely need one here. Somewhere in the water should be strange contraption protruding from the surface. Dive underneath it and you'll find a boss! BOSS SHARK This can be a very chaotic battle, meaning sometimes you'll stomp this guy, and sometimes he'll stomp you. When you first begin the battle, shoot frantically and make sure you kill the fish he shoots at you or at least dodge them. Be careful. He can appear near you, if not directly on you (I hate when he does that). Keep firing until he's smoked salmon. Ascend to the surface above and keep swimming to the left. Ignore the enemies, just keep going until you've hit dry land. That should take you right to the end. (Route 28 northeast end leads to route 22) (Route 28 southwest end leads to route 13, 19, and 26) ROUTE 29 (assuming to be taken from east end) One of the routes I hate the most, actually. As you start, there should be some flying platforms in front of you. I don't think there's much of need to use them coming from east, but west on the other hand... Anyway, look out for the turret and there should also be some contraptions shooting missiles out at you. Go along a little further and there should be a couple more floating platforms. Carefully use them to jump to the next piece of land and climb into the next screen. Jump around the formation and destroy the turret and progress on. There should be some more flying platforms, only this time they're moving up and down. Careful not to hit your head on the top of the screen when you jump from the first platform to the second. Otherwise, you'll be likely to fall in the pit. You may also want to watch out for that rocket coming at you while you're on the platforms. Press on and climb to the next screen. Destroy the turret and hold still while the rockets wreck themselves into the top of the formation. As you advance, there should be three more turrets and some rockets. Destroy the turrets as quickly as possible and you should be near the end of the route. (Route 29 east end leads to routes 31 and 32) (Route 29 west end leads to routes 27 and 37) ROUTE 30 (assuming to be taken from northeast end) This level has one major pit hazard. It seems you're likely to fall at almost any spot, so be careful. When you start be sure to destroy the soldiers and the flying enemies to help ensure that you won't fall so easily. Jump across to the left and touch down on the ground. Now, jump down to the next screen. Another area just like the last. Again, be careful. Defeat the enemies that you see and progress left. Soon as you make it all the way left, do not be afraid to drop down. You should be right above the statue as you do. (Route 30 northeast end leads to routes 42 and 38) (Route 30 southwest end leads to routes 21 and 40) ROUTE 31 Another one-way. If you've gotten the note before, then you know that this is the domain of Pandar. Make your way straight to the left and destroy any flying enemies and rockets that come to you. You should get to a part with platforms and turret creatures. Destroy the turrets and make your way to the next screen. More platforms and more turrets. Once again, destroy the turrets and make your way to the top and through the door, into your battle with Pandar. BOSS PANDAR First thing you see is Mary! She's tied up. Walk up to her and she'll ask you to surrender. After a little conversation, she gets straight to the point and begins firing at you. Shoot rapidly, destroying her bullets and eventually her. Pandar will call you a fool for killing your girlfriend. Bang pulls out the coolest line in the whole game: "Too bad! Too bad it was so easy to see she was a fake!" After a little more gabbing, the two that make Pandar will do a DBZ fusion and begin firing at you. You'll need something to reach them. I suggest Rolling Stars, Thundershots, Barrier, or Power Boots. I'd also say use a Thundershot because they'll be quite helpful after Pandar comes together as one being. When you shoot him, he'll create a line of panda heads that he'll throw at you. Blasting the panda heads at just the right areas will allow you to dodge them. Just make sure your dodging is one cue and you have a big enough hole in the heads to dodge. This battle actually could take a few times to finally get the tactic behind it down. Continue to fire and destroy heads until Pandar has breathed his/their last. Once he's/they're finished, leave and head back the way you came. (Route 31 leads to routes 29 and 32) ROUTE 32 Another one-way route. Jump onto the rock formation and destroy the two rockets above it. The ones beneath it should just destroy themselves by wrecking into the rock formation. Now, make your way down. More rockets. Take them out before they have a chance to crash into you. Keep working to the right and you'll se another area for you to jump down. Next screen looks exactly the same, except no rockets. There are still some mosquitoes and those bouncing, red creatures. Make your way to the next screen. Ahh... Something different. What's this? A body! It's Joe! Joe knows the secret of the medals. He tells you they can stop the bomb. Now, here's a cool part. Head out and come back down to talk to him. He'll say different things each time. One of those times he will be a skeleton. He'll tell you- yes, TELL you- he's dead. This is actually a good thing because he'll fully restore your life and give you 1 of each item in your inventory. What a guy! Go back the way you came. There's no other way out. (Route 32 leads to routes 25 and 36) ROUTE 33 (assuming to be taken from north end) As you start, work your way left (the north end should be the end you meet Faysha when doing the Demon quest). After a few enemies, you should see a base. If you haven't met Demon yet, then there should be a guy floating in there who tells you Guycot isn't in right now. If you've already met Demon, Guycot should be inside dying. He'll tell you that a demon came and took his medal. You should eventually come to a brick building. That can lead you to route 15 if you take the water passage. Just keep going and you'll reach the end. (Route 33 north end leads to route 39) (Route 33 south end leads to route 34) (Route 33 via secret passage can lead to route 15) ROUTE 34 (assuming to be taken from west end) I don't think there's any reason for this level other than to fill in a little area between route 33 and 39 so that they aren't one-way routes. Walk straight from the west end and you should see some pyramid-like structures to climb. Scale them and kill enemies while doing so. Watch out as your walking along the sand after the first structure. Some sandworms should pop up and try to close their jaws on you. If they do, then you'll have to start over. Not only do they do damage, but they serve the same purpose as a pit hazard. After the second structure, you should see the statue with Devils' Tower in the background. (Route 34 west end leads to route 33) (Route 34 east end leads to route 39) ROUTE 35 After coming through the underground river from route 6 at the bottom of the waterfall, you'll find yourself in route 35. Walk a bit of the ways down and kill the dive bombing enemies as they come at you. After going far enough down you should see a heart and a crawl space that is too small for you to crawl under. Hmm... Climb the wall to the next screen. You should see a big monster there. Kill it as soon as you can and climb all the way up and enter the door. Now, you should be near Rowdy. Just walk a ways down and there he is. BOSS ROWDY When you first see Rowdy, he'll most likely run at you. Try to jump over him or he'll throw you against the wall. His only weakness is his knees. Crouch and shoot repeatedly. Just be careful as he's coming at you. If you fire rapidly and don't give him any chance to move, you should have him beaten within seconds. Now, wave goodbye to our favorite little devil as he bursts into flames! After beating Rowdy, jump onto the platform that is moving up and down and talk to the hermit and claim your reward. Meeting the hermit is indeed required to finish the game. The hermit also gives you two extra life bars! Now, use the Micro Power spell that you get to shrink yourself and you can move underneath that impassible crawl space. This should take you to an ice cavern. Jump down to the next screen and kill the enemies that you see. Keep going through the cave and walk through the door. You should come up somewhere in route 8. (Route 35 via special passage can lead to route 8) ROUTE 36 (assuming to be taken from southwest end) Stay clear of the enemies as usual. There should be some flyers and a couple of radial looking enemies. Jump from platform to platform over the water. There really is no need to jump in. There should be some platforms allowing you to jump up to the next screen. Do so. Jump up onto the next platform above and continue to make your way to the right. Eventually, you should be able to find the statue. (Route 36 southwest end leads to routes 25 and 32) (Route 36 northeast end leads to routes 29 and 31 ROUTE 37 (assuming to be taken from south end) If you are planning on traveling this route, it doesn't matter which end, you will need an Aqualung to get through the underwater path. As you start from the south end, you should be on a hill, surrounded by enemies for you to pick off. After doing so, progress on. When you come to the edge, there should be a climbable wall and a waterfall. Only drop down the waterfall if you want the whopping 1 gold down below. It's not worth it for as high as you have to climb back up. Climb up the next screen, but be careful for the flying creature coming across the screen. Wait until he's past your area and heading back before you fully climb, then shoot him. Jump over to the next ledge and climb the next wall. You'll be in quite a compromised position here. It seems you'll have to take a hit from one of the rockets coming at you. The other will wreck into the ground. Keep going to the right. After a couple more rockets should be some flying enemies and a pool. Jump in the pool and swim to the bottom. This should take you to the passage in which you must use to get to the other side. When you emerge out the other side you should see the statue right away. Just be clear of the jellyfish in the area. (Route 37 south end leads to routes 27 and 29) (Route 37 north end leads to routes 40 and 41) ROUTE 38 (assuming to be taken from south end) I heartily recommend taking this from the south end mainly because route 42 is a bit less frustrating if you take the east path. That way, you avoid that demonic creature on the hills that keeps knocking you down. Anyway, you should start in a tightly confined area. Destroy the enemy and move on, jumping up the platforms into the next screen. You'll see some of those freaky, hybrid duck-bat creatures. Kill them as you go by and advance to the next screen. Now, you'll see a door. Hopefully, you've already done the Demon quest and will recognize this door leads to route 39. Skip it and climb up the wall. Up the next screen is another straight walk into another climb wall. Climb it and the next screen will have one of those pink-haired monsters. Kill it and keep going. From here it isn't too long until you hit the statue. Just watch the swirling enemies. (Route 38 south end leads to route 41) (Route 38 north end leads to routes 30 and 42) (Route 38 secret path can lead to route 39) ROUTE 39 (assuming to be taken from north end) There's really not much of a reason to go straight through 39 from one statue to the next. This level is mainly for fighting Demon. Climb Devils' Tower and beware the red monsters (Mwahahahahahahahaha!). There should be a heart up on one of the cliffs. Right here, you can grab the heart, descend to the previous screen, then jump back up and the heart will reappear infinite times. This is a good place to power up before your big battle. Climb all the way to the top of Devils' Tower and stand in the very middle, then push down. This should take you to the passage that leads to Demon's chamber. Kill the ice throwing monster just before the door and enter. See "Bang vs. Demon" for info on the boss battle. BOSS DEMON (round 2) This guy can be quite tricky if you don't get his rhythm right away. First off, use the Sword of Apollo. Your gunshots will be replaced with swords. Now very NES... You can throw it as many times as you wish until you've completed this section. Be careful for Demon's blocks. They can take off quite a bit of life. You mainly just want to run back and forth around his eye and dodge the blocks at all cost. It doesn't matter if you hit him with his eye open or not. Just attack. After a while, he should expire. Grab the medal and head to the newly opened chamber. DEMON'S EGGS! Destroy them all by attacking them. Another chamber should open. Head down it. It's another ice passage. The climbable section at the end might be a bit hard to get up. I actually had to use a Jet Pak to do it (I think it's because I still had an Aqualung on). This should take you to route 38. Congrats. If you're this far in the route 39 walkthrough, then you must've beat Demon! (Route 39 north end leads to route 33) (Route 39 south end leads to route 34) (Route 39 via secret passage can lead to route 38) ROUTE 40 (assuming to be taken from south end) At the beginning should be a kabuki. Destroy him and move on. Hmm... Make that several kabukis. Within a few steps, you should come to a well and the statue that has the Sword of Apollo in it. This area is vital if you are doing the Demon quest. After the statue should be a pool you can jump into that you must use to get to the other side. Dive in and swim through the passage. You can grab the gold underwater if you wish. Just continue going right until you've hit a hole in the ceiling. You should jump out on the other side of the route where the statue is. (Route 40 south end leads to routes 37 and 41) (Route 40 north end leads to routes 21 and 30) ROUTE 41 (assuming to be taken from east end) Take out the flying enemies just over head a little ways. Now, head right through the level. You should come to a body of water. Jump in and swim across, either avoiding or destroying the flying enemies as they come by. There should be some platforms that are pretty much useless at this point. The statue to denote the end isn't far off. (Route 41 east end leads to routes 37 and 40) (Route 41 west end leads to route 38) ROUTE 42 (assuming to be taken from east end) I do indeed heavily recommend you take this path. The other path is a bit frustrating to try to climb with that devil creature always knocking you down. Destroy the flying creatures you can and use the platforms to help you climb the mountain. There should be a bunch of hairy beasts falling from the top. Dodge them to the best of your ability. You should eventually come to the top. Jump through. Destroy any soldiers or tiki-like creatures that are in your way. Along the way, there should be a hole in the ceiling. That leads to the final area (see section FINAL SHOWDOWN for details). If, however, you're not making your way to the enemy base, then keep going. You should see a drop off. Jump down and you'll see the other side of the mountain. Nothing special here, just extremely hard to climb. Drop down and you should se the statue. (Route 42 east end leads to routes 30 and 38) (Route 42 west end leads to route 21) 3B: BANG TO THE RESCUE This part of the walkthrough is designated for the part of the game which you must rescue the hermit. While walking along route 3, you should come across a man named Michael. He'll tell you to go to route 17, which is where he saw a faerie. At the end of route 17 you'll meet the faerie, Faysha. She'll tell you that a devil named Rowdy has taken the hermit prisoner. She also says that she's opened up a path for you at the bottom of the waterfall in route 6 that should lead you to route 35. There really isn't much to the path. It's just a small, underground water vein that leads to the end. Once in route 35, battle your way to the end and make sure you have plenty of life. You'll then have to battle the boss, Rowdy. He's actually quite easy as long as you're not careless. After defeating Rowdy, talk to the hermit and he'll teach you some Force. The first one he teaches you should help you get out of the area by shrinking you. The others he teaches are not necessary to complete the game, but they are fairly helpful. 3C: COLLECTING THE FIRST MEDALS There are four primary medals you should worry about. The fifth one requires that you complete the hermit quest and begin the Demon quest. The first stop you should make is at route 11 to battle Gazh (see his and other boss strategies above). After adding his head to your trophies, go to route 7 and take on Max. He shouldn't pose too much of a challenge. The third one to face would be route 16, Mush. Afterthat, head to route 28 and take on Shark. Hear me out when I say that Pandar, Tom Guycot, and Bopper do not hold medals. Well, okay, so Guycot does, but you cannot gain his directly from him. 3D: BANG VS. DEMON [NOTE: You need to have completed the event described in "BANG TO THE RESCUE" to begin this quest] You may be in a position where you find that you have all but one medal (there are five before you go the final base, six total). You think Tom Guycot has the last, but every time you go to route 33, he isn't in. As you're moving through route 12, Bang should complain about something trying to "get into his head." He'll dismiss it as nothing until later. If you then head to route 15, you should see Michael, who by now you should've met on route 3. He'll tell you to get a Magic Stone from route 27 so you can open a secret cave inside the well and claim some treasure which the two of you will split. Now, head to route 27 by taking route 18, then 16. On route 27 (south end) you should see Michael. He'll tell you where the stone is located. Put on a Supersuit and dive into the lava below. Dive down into the next screen at the far right. The stone should be there. You even score an extra two life points! Now, head back to route 15 in the same place you saw Michael before at the wells. Jump down the second well and angle to the right. You might get hit a few times by enemies, but unless you're dying it's nothing to fret about. Kill the hairy beasts at the bottom of the well. See that pool over there? That leads to route 33. That's not where you want to go just yet. Go through the door and make your way down the passage. You should eventually come to a climbable section. Climb up into the next screen and keep walking right. After killing a bunch of flying enemies and leaping over stone pillars, you should see Michael. Talk to him and he'll tell you to use the Magic Stone near the entrance. Hmm... this entrance looks rather... I dunno, peculiar. It sort of screams, "Do not enter! Mutant hellbeast at rest!" Use the stone and the door should open. Likewise, Michael will vanish for good. Now, enter the door, you lucky loon! BOSS DEMON (round 1) Demon will first tell you that route 39 (known as Devils' Tower) has been overrun by more aliens. He then tells you his plot to get inside of your head (remember route 12?) that failed. Listen to that Bang! Full of such courage! ...Or maybe stupidity? Either way, you are no match whatsoever for Demon. If you are using Game Genie codes for infinite life, items, or Force, don't try to keep alive. Allow Demon to kill you. He can do so in only a couple hits. Continue at the title screen. As you continue, Bang will claim that he should take care of his duty and forget Demon for the time being. If only it were that easy. Thankfully, they let you start in the caves. Now, head back out and down to the pool that leads to route 33. Do make sure you have an Aqualung. Dive under the water and make your way around. Don't concern yourself too much with the enemies. Now enter the door to the left. Another straight forward passage. Just walk straight to the right, fighting off enemies. You should come out of a brick building. Keep walking right and you should see... YES! Tom Guycot's base! When you enter, however, Tom is on the floor. Talk to him and he'll tell you a huge creature beat the life out of him and took his medal. It has to be Demon! Leave Tom's base and head to the right. There, you should see Faysha. She'll tell you to go see the hermit right away. That means head back to route 6 (this is where Teleport comes quite handy). Once in route 6, you should know to make your way to the bottom of the waterfall and use the statue to get to route 35. Once back in route 35, go to the area where you defeated Rowdy. The hermit should be there. Talk to him and he'll tell you to use the Magic Stone on the chest of the statue in route 40 to get the Sword of Apollo (oh, now it's Battle of Olympus all the sudden), which is the only weapon that can destroy Demon. Which means... Make your to route 40. Like I said, Teleport is mighty handy here. Once you are finally at route 40, get to the statue. The giant statue should be towards the south end of the route. When you get to the statue, jump on one of its shoulders and crawl (that is, crouch-walk) and you should fall below the head into the chest. Use the Magic Stone and the Sword of Apollo will appear. Grab it and you'll not only get two extra strips of life, but you'll have the entire bar full. Now, head back to route 39. Climb Devils' Tower and push down at the very middle. Make your way to Demon's chamber and... BOSS DEMON (round 2) This guy can be quite tricky if you don't get his rhythm right away. First off, use the Sword of Apollo. Your gunshots will be replaced with swords. Now very NES... You can throw it as many times as you wish until you've completed this section. Be careful for Demon's blocks. They can take off quite a bit of life. You mainly just want to run back and forth around his eye and dodge the blocks at all cost. It doesn't matter if you hit him with his eye open or not. Just attack. After a while, he should expire. Grab the medal and head to the newly opened chamber. DEMON'S EGGS! Destroy them all by attacking them. Another chamber should open. Head down it. It's another ice passage. The climbable section at the end might be a bit hard to get up. I actually had to use a Jet Pak to do it (I think it's because I still had an Aqualung on). This should take you to route 38. Congrats. If you're this far in the route 39 walkthrough, then you must've beat Demon! 3E: BANG VS. PANDAR (optional) Along route 18 you should see a letter fall from the sky. It's a message from one of the seven generals, Pandar. He says he has your girlfriend, Mary, held captive. Since this is an optional event, you really don't need to defeat Pandar. Now, if you really want to, make your way from route 18 to the following routes in order: 16, 25, 36, 31. Route 31 is Pandar's Realm. See the walkthrough for route 31 for a boss strategy on Pandar. 3F: THE FINAL SHOWDOWN (Route 43) (must have all other quests complete, except the Pandar quest) Are you ready to battle the last two bosses? I hope so. They really aren't that hard. Anyway, head to route 42 (I suggest taking the east end). Climb the mountain and jump through a hole in the stone "ceiling." You should be in an area with a bunch of soldiers around. This is the top of the mountain. Move over a little and you should see another "ceiling." Jump through the hole and Bang will say that there doesn't seem to be a base around. Now, either use a Jet Pak or use Levitate. Move up (staying clear of the enemies) and Bang should say he sees something. I do recommend getting a password before going through the door. Enter the door and prepare for the first of the two final bosses. BOSS BOPPER (round 2) As you come through the door Bopper will greet you. Be sure you are on the opposite side of the pipe as he is. This is very important. Now, his bullets can't hit you with the exception of any he hits from a perfect angle. Every so often, he'll jump. When he does, jump quickly and fire. Only jump if your shot and your jump looks clear. No reason to go wasting too much life on him. Whenever you aren't jumping, you should be ducking. He should drop the sixth and final medal. If you don't have all the medals, then you can't go through the exit. Climb the wall if you have all the medals and enter into the next area. Destroy the troopers as you go to the left. Hey! It's Professor Plum! Talk to him and... he explodes. Awesome. You move on to the battle that could decide the fate of the world... Be sure you have a Thundershot before going in. It's not necessary, but it really helps. FINAL BATTLE THAT SAMURAI GUY I hope you have a Thundershot because that makes this battle extremely easy. Use the shots against each of the giant, red balls. Once they are both destroyed, move on to that knob in the middle of the machine. If you're quick to fire and destroy everything, then you shouldn't take a whole lot of damage. Once the knob is destroyed, the boss is history. The game still isn't over. Climb up further and destroy the enemy. Keep gong and you should come to walkable area! Yay! If you walk along, you should see an alien. He'll talk to you a bit, but then you've got to move on. Drop to the next chamber and you'll se a crawl space. Crawl under and keep walking. Now you're at the Doomsday Bomb. Here's the deal. There is no set order in which the medallions go in. It is totally random. In other words, it's a different order each time you play. So, you'll basically have to guess which medals go where in five tries or until time runs out. Good luck... ---------------------------------------- / SECTION 4: HERMIT AND HIS FORCE POWERS \ -------------------------------------------- [C@DS4] On your quest to save mankind you are required to rescue a hermit from the clutches of the vile Rowdy. Upon helping this hermit, he will bestow unto you a power known as... FORCE! Bang... Use the Force! Force Skills Micro Power- Gained as soon as you rescue the hermit. This will shrink Bang, allowing you to leave route 35 after you've defeated Rowdy. The Micro Power will only last until you've been attacked or killed. Then, you'll grow to your normal size. Costs 50 Force Points. Teleport- Gained once you get your Force level up to 200. As the name implies, you can teleport to any route conjunction you've previously been to. Costs 60 Force Points. Levitation- Allows you to levitate. Gained when your Force Level has reached 300. Best used if you don't have any Jet Paks. Costs 80 Force Points. Energizer- Gives you the ability to keep going and going and going and going. This is learned at Force Level 400 and is probably the most useful Force Skill of the bunch. This is restore your life for 100 Force Points. Karate Power- Gained once you've hit Force Level 500. This makes you invincible for 30 seconds. It can be useful against some bosses. Costs 120 Force Points. ------------------ / SECTION 5: ITEMS \ ---------------------- [C@DS5] 5A: IMMEDIATE USAGE These are items you'll find laying around after killing enemies or sometimes just laying there, waiting to be snatched up. Remember locations that have hearts laying around, especially if they're near any boss battles as it can sometimes be hard to find power-ups without buying Ultra Food. Hearts- Probably your best friend in the game. A heart will recover one full line of life. Force Apples- Restores 10 Force Points. Money- Can be used to buy items. Gold- Can be exchanged for money. 5B: STORED ITEMS These are items you cannot find normally in the game. You can only buy them. You need many of them not only to make your battles easier, but a few of them are indeed necessary to finish the game. Barrier (GC)- Creates a shield around your body that can stop enemies and projectile shots. Very useful against many bosses. Careful, though. It does eventually disappear after it's deflected so many shots. Usually costs $5000. Rolling Star (RS)- One of the few weapons you get in the game. You can shoot a couple at a time. These will fly out from your gun, then curve upward and around back to you like a boomerang. Typically cost $3000. Powerball (PB)- I found this to be the least useful of all the weapons. This is basically a good weapon if you are above an enemy and can roll the balls down to them. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend using this one too much or spending a lot of money on it. These usually cost around $4000. Thundershot- Very powerful and useful weapon. These shots will blast out in a vertical line and move out towards the enemies. This is especially useful if you're dealing with a boss that uses a lot of projectile shots. This can not only stop the shots, but go through them and damage the enemy. These can cost a whopping $8000, and worth every dollar. Shop Call- Anytime you use one of these, make absolutely sure you can buy another one. They typically cost $2000, which actually isn't much when you see how easy it is to collect money in this game. Using these can call a shop almost anywhere in the game (cannot be used in boss battles). Ahh... From there it's shop till you drop! Power Boots- Another useful item. I actually didn't use this one too often, but sometimes you might want to. These will improve your running and jumping abilities quite a bit. They cost about $5000. Jet Pak- You will need this a couple times in the game. These allow you to fly. Be careful, as they only have a limited amount of fuel. When that runs out, the Jet Pak is gone. They also run a handsome $8000. Aqualung- Another extremely useful item in this game. These can help you dive without drowning. Pay attention to the gauge at the bottom right of the screen. That will indicate how much longer you can use the Aqualung. They are quite expensive at $7000 a pop. Supersuit- An suit of armor granting enhanced defense until the suit is destroyed. This can also allow you to dive under lava. The most expensive item in the game costs $9990. Should read, "Arm and leg." Oh well, you usually have more than $9990, or at least you should if you've been playing and collecting money long enough. Microrecorder- Another must in the game. Make sure you have one on you at all times. These will tell you the password. That way, you won't have to continually start over and over again. These bad boys only cost $1000. Ultra Food- These can also be useful. You should make sure you have a full allotment (3 cans) when going into a boss battle. One can restores one point of life. That may not sound like a whole lot, but if you're good enough, three extra life can go a long way. These will not be used if you have full life, so if you accidentally use one with full life, nothing will happen. Whew. They only cost $2000 each. Dyna Punch- This is bottled drink that can restore a bit of your Force. I think it usually gives about 15 Force Points. Only $1000! 5C: SPECIAL ITEMS There are really only a few special items in this game. Each of them is necessary to collect to complete the game. Medals- The items you get from certain bosses. There are six in all in the game, even though there are seven generals (Pandar and Bopper don't carry any). You need these to stop the Doomsday Bomb. Magic Stone- Found in route 27 under the lava. This can be used to access the room which you first fight Demon and can also be used to obtain the Sword of Apollo. Sword of Apollo- The only item that can be used to defeat Demon. ----------------- / SECTION 6: FAQs \ --------------------- [C@DS6] Q: What order do I put the medals in when I get to the Doomsday Bomb? A: It varies. The order changes every time you get to the bomb, as it is randomized each time you get to it. I usually try putting them all in right away in the order you have them (that is just pushing A to put all the medals into the bomb slots). That's why it's a pretty good idea to use a microrecorder right after you've finished off the final boss. Q: Do you know a good place to find this game? A: eBay is probably your best bet short of emulation. Sadly, this game is not available on Wii Virtual Console. Would have been a great way to hype Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Q: Can you give me a URL where I can get a ROM for this or send me the ROM? A: I can, but I won't. Look into a little something called a "Search Engine." There's a really good one called... Goggle? Gooble? Goodle? Oh, I don't remember the name, but it's something like that. Q: Is this based off a movie/series of some kind? A: I heard from someone that it was, but he was quite an unreliable source. I'm not sure exactly. Q: What's up with that squirrel thing I see flying around sometimes? A: He's basically a neutral in the game. Sometimes, he'll drop you some gold. Others, he'll drop you a bomb. Q: How come when I jump in the water sometimes my life decreases? A: It seems being under water for any amount of time without invincibility or an Aqualung slowly depletes your life. As you should have noticed by now, there are seldom shots that'll immediately take away a strip of your life. They usually take away a small quantity, or percentage, of your life. I would actually recommend that if you are dying to stay away from water unless you wish to die. There are infinite continues in this game, so it's not as though dying is such a drag. Q: Is there any way to fight Tom Guycot? A: Nope. Q: Is there a way to keep Joe from dying? A: Just don't visit him the other three times. Of course, he still won't appear anymore after that, so you'll just have to use your imagination. How could he survive down there? Who knows? He could live off any bugs, squirrels, and such that get too close to him. Q: What happened to Michael when you used the Magic Stone to open the shaft in route 15? A: He disappeared. Duh! Maybe he'll appear on Unsolved Mysteries or on a milk carton. ---------------------- / SECTION 7: LEGAL BIT \ -------------------------- This FAQ is copyright 2002-2010 to Joseph Shaffer, aka Joe the Destroyer or JoeTheDestroyer. Any use of this FAQ for commercial purposes in any way, shape, or form without confirmed consent of the author is strictly prohibited. This can be used for personal use and freely distributed, as long as there is no profit being made off the FAQ without my approval before hand (this includes magazines). This also cannot be posted on any websites without my solid approval. Any failure to comply with said premises can, and probably will, result in legal actions. ----------------------------------- / SECTION 8: THANK YOU AND GOODBYE! \ --------------------------------------- This is my first FAQ and my thank yous will go out to the following people. HonestGamers ( Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for creating a great website with a very much solid idea of having the world's largest database of game information, hints, FAQs, codes, and almost anything you can think of. Dallas for having a very useful FAQ on creating FAQs. GameFAQs poster Sashanan for giving me a little info on version and revision histories. Vic Tokai for making a fun game! SpinyCloud and Nintendo Power for the boss names. Thank you and goodbye! © Joe Shaffer 2001-2010