------ --/ \_/\_ / ___ / /_ /_ \__ / / / \ / / | \/ _____ ___ _ _____ _______ __ | | | _ || \ | ||___ ||____ \ / \ |/| _\ | | | || |\ \ | | | || __ / | |\ \ / \ | |_| || | \ \| | | || | \ \ | _ \ \ \/\_____ |_____||_| \__/ |_||__| |__||__| |_\ \_ \________ \____ ______/ \/ ------------------- Contra Boss FAQ v. 1.1 (C) Pegboy 2003 All rights reserved ------------------- This FAQ is copyright Pegboy (Derek Kader) 2003 and should not be copied, in whole or in part, changed in any way, shape or form, stolen from, or any other illegal crap that you might try to pull. If you'd like to use part of it or post it on your website, e-mail me at kader3@msn.com. Also, if you see it on any other site besides www.gamefaqs.com, e-mail me so I can take care of the problem. If you have anything to add, be it strategies, tips, tricks, or if you know the real names of any bosses, e-mail me at kader3@msn.com. I will credit you with the info in the next update. That being said, sit back, have a coke and enjoy the guide! =============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS =============================================================================== I. Intro and Notes II. Version History III. Bosses | 1. Jungle Boss | 2. Base 1 Boss | 3. Waterfall Boss | 4. Base 2 Boss | 5. Ice Field Boss | 6. Energy Zone Boss | 7. Hangar Boss | 8. Red Falcon IV. Credits and Legal Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. INTRO AND NOTES ------------------- This is not a walkthrough for Contra. However, it is a strategy guide on how to defeat the eight bosses in the game. As I do not know the names of the bosses (except for the boss in Alien's Lair), I will simply call them, for example in Level 1, the Jungle, the Jungle Boss. Suits the purpose quite nicely, doesn't it? So, don't expect a walkthrough for the game, this is simply a Boss Strategy Guide. Why did I do a Boss FAQ for Contra. Two reasons. First, lack of a Boss FAQ on this site, so I thought to myself, hey, why not? Second, Contra just rocks. Period. A classic shoot'em up style game, Contra was originally in arcades all over. When Konami realized what a big hit it had become, they decided to release it on the NES. I just had to contribute something towards this awesome game, and, as there was a lack of an FAQ like this, I wrote one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. VERSION HISTORY -------------------- V. 1.0 - First version of the guide, if you couldn't guess. Why are you reading the Version History section anyway? Get on to the guide! V. 1.1 (7/11/04) - Corrected some minor spelling errors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. BOSSES ------------ There are eight stages in Contra, with a boss at the end of each one. Hence, there are eight bosses. Easy enough to figure out, so if you need help with any of them, here it is. Feel free to skip down to the boss of your choice. Note, though, that each boss fight will be taken from the standpoint that you have only the normal gun and that you are playing solo, just in case you have to fight with the bare minimum. o-----------o |Jungle Boss| o-----------o The boss at the end of the Jungle stage is comprised of three main parts. It is a big wall that blocks your path two the next level. It has two guns in the middle of it that are constantly firing red plasma-like balls and a red target at the bottom of it that does nothing, but acts more or less like a seal that you have to break to defeat him. There is also a sniper sitting in the top of it, partially covered up so it makes him harder to see. First, take out the sniper at the top of the tower. He's just a nuiscence and is the easiest part to take out. Next, concentrate on the two plasma guns in the center of the tower. Drop down to the small platform that is below the top one and to the right. Stand on the far left of it and you should be out of harm's way. Let loose a barage of bullets until the gun blows up. Repeat the process for the second gun; you shouldn't have to move from your current position. Then, fall to the platform that is below and two the right of the one you are on and lay down. Continueously shoot at the final part, the red flashing target until it is destroyed. o-----------o |Base 1 Boss| o-----------o Base 1 boss is composed of four targets that you need to destroy, and also two guns that are optional to destroy but I strongly suggest you do. He is set up like so: _____________________ | |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| | | |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| | | | | | | |_________________| | | | G -\T/- G | | | |_|_|_|_____|_|_|_| | | | T __ T __ T | | |\|_________________|/| | | | | \|_________________|/ ___________ KEY | | T = Target | G = Gun | ___________| Go to the right or left and start shooting at a target. Avoid any shots that might be a threat, as the two guns situated on both sides shoot three shots in a spread gun-like manner. Whenver the first target blows up, destory the gun that is sitting behind where it was. The guns only take a few shots to go down. Whenever you have one of the sides shut down, head over to the opposite side and do the same thing. When both sides have been taken out, destroy the two targets in the center of the structure. When all four targets have been destroyed, an eye will appear in the empty space near the top of the enemy. It will move back and forth quickly across the area in which it is contained and it will shoot blue fire rings. The rings can be destroyed with two shots. Constantly shoot at the eye and each time a bullet comes in contact with it, it turns red briefly. As it gets wore down, the rings come out faster and in more quantity. Continue until it is defeated. o--------------o |Waterfall Boss| o--------------o This boss looks very much like your classic view of an alien, like in many movies. He sits atop a mound of rocks and is blocking the entrance to the next level. He is a huge green alien with red eyes and has arm-like, tentacle extensions that come out from what appear to be arm sockets. His appendages will come out from his sockets at the beginning of the battle and flail around wildly. They shoot small fireball rings out every so often. Every once in a while his tentacles will stiffen up, giving you a free couple of shots, but not usually enough time to destroy them. He is vulnerable in his head/mouth area and you should concentrate there instead of his arms, because it's not worth the time and effort to destroy them. He will shoot three fire rings from his mouth in spread shot form so be careful. He can only be hurt when his mouth is open, in the process of spitting out fire, so bascially dodge his attacks until he is vulnerable and then attack. Repeat this several times and he should go down without too much of a struggle. When he dies, his head will explode and the entrance to the next level will open up. o-----------o |Base 2 Boss| o-----------o The Base 2 boss looks very similar to the Base 1 boss. It has three areas, a bottom row containing three targets, a middle row with a gun, and a top row that is empty until you destroy the three targets. There are platforms in the background between the three layers where normal game enemy soldiers will come out and attack you. Ignore them for the most part and turn your attention towards the center target. Destroy it while avoiding shots from the gun behind it, and then take out the gun. Move to either the right or left, taking out the target on there, then switch sides and take out the other one. When all three targets have been destroyed, two heads will appear in the empty space on the top row. These heads will shoot bubbles, poison bubbles, I'm guessing, and they act much like homing missiles. They will follow you around, and to get rid of them simply shoot them once. The two heads will split into two more heads, making a total of four, and then come back together. The heads are only vulnerable when they are together (when there are two of them). During the time they are split into four, they will appear holographic, continue to shoot the bubbles, and not be able to be hurt. Shoot at either one of them when they are together until they are both done with. You will have to jump around and move a lot to avoid the bubbles, and this boss is aggrevating then most. o--------------o |Ice Field Boss| o--------------o The boss in the Ice Field resembles a small spaceship and is quite easy to defeat. He will teleport around the screen every so often throughout the battle. Get under him whenever he first teleports to a new area and fire away. He will drop small fireballs and even smaller spaceships will come out from each of his sides, land on the ground, and come rushing towards you. With a partner, it's much easier because you can have one person take out the little ships and have the other destroy the boss. Anways, all you have to do is stand under him and shoot constantly and he will be defeated. o----------------o |Energy Zone Boss| o----------------o This boss is basically a giant robot, around four times your size. He is blue and red, and will change colors throughout the fight as his energy goes diminishes. He will walk back and forth across the screen, stopping every once in a while on either side. When he stops, he will jump up in the air, as many as one to four or five times, and occasionally throw out a little spiked discus that will land on the ground an come charging at you, much like the projectiles of the Ice Field boss. The key to beating this guy is the timing of your jumps. When he walks across the screen towards you, you are forced to jump over him, and if your timing's not right, you won't make it and you'll lose a life. Wait until he's about a quarter to a half-inch away from you before you jump, and you should land on the other side. When your not busy getting over him, shoot him repeatedly. He will change color from blue to purple, purple to red, and finally he will explode. The door will open up and you move on to the next level. o-----------o |Hangar Boss| o-----------o This boss is composed of several parts. There is a target above the doorway that leads to the next level, and from that door, regular soldier enemies keep pouring out three at a time. Below the platform that you are on, there are two guns that shoot a plasma ball up, it explodes in mid-air into three balls, and they come raining down on you. If you're daring (i.e. you're using the Konami code), there is a very easy way to defeat this boss. Simply run up to the doorway, angle your gun up, and shoot away until the target explodes and the door opens. But, if not, you need to first take out the two guns below. While dodging enemies coming from the doorway, jump in the air and angle your gun down at the two guns and fire at them until they are destroyed. This can be a long process, but stick with it. When they are finally both done with, you can concentrate on shooting the target until it explodes, opening the door and allowing you to pass into the next level. o--------------------o |Last Level Mini-Boss| o--------------------o Before you reach Red Falcon, there is a mini-boss that you must fight somewhere in the middle of the level. He is a big, worm/alien head that stems down from the top right hand corner of the screen. He is shooting about little aliens from his mouth during the battle. There is a barrier of alien egg shells in front of him. Stand up against the barrier and angle your gun towards him, then fire away. Just make sure that you jump every once in a while to avoid the alien spawns and you should be through with him in no time. o----------o |Red Falcon| o----------o The showdown with the final boss in the game is actually quite easy. Red Falcon is a big, heart-looking organ that pumps out the little aliens that you see during this stage. He has four pods, two below him and two above him, that the aliens are popping out of. Stay to the far left when you enter the battle and take out the alien thing below you. Staying to the left, lay down and shoot at the two pods on the ground until you have destroy both of them, but be careful to pay attention to the aliens coming from his top two pods. To avoid them, time your jumps when they fall down from the ceiling. After the two bottom pods are gone, run up to him and do the same thing you did with mini-boss. The more plasma you pump into him, the faster his beat gets. When he can take no more, he explodes and your journey is over. Congradulations! You have beaten every boss in this timeless classic! Or better yet: CONGRATULATIONS! YOU'VE DESTROYED THE VILE RED FALCON AND SAVED THE UNIVERSE. CONSIDER YOURSELF A HERO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. CREDITS AND LEGAL STUFF ---------------------------- This FAQ is copyright Pegboy (Derek Kader) 2003 and should not be copied, in whole or in part, changed in any way, shape or form, stolen from, or any other illegal crap that you might try to pull. If you'd like to use part of it or post it on your website, e-mail me at kader3@msn.com. Also, if you see it on any other site besides www.gamefaqs.com, e-mail me so I can take care of the problem. If you have anything to add, be it strategies, tips, tricks, or if you know the real names of any bosses, e-mail me at kader3@msn.com. I will credit you with the info in the next update. If you know someone who needs or wants this guide, don't be a jerk. Give it to 'em for free! Don't charge money for MY work! I would like to thank the following people/sites/corporations: GameFAQs - For hosting my FAQs and whatnot. CJayC - For posting my junk on his awesome site. Konami - For creating this awesome title, Contra. Nintendo - For releasing this game on their system, and for so many good times. Also, anybody who helped me develop my writing ability or got me interested in writing FAQs, guides, and reviews for games. Stolen property? If you find my guide on any sites other than www.gamefaqs.com please report it to me immediately by e-mailing me at kader3@msn.com. Thanks a bunch! As always, the newest version of this guide can be found at www.gamefaqs.com. Please, feel free to enjoy this game and use this guide to your advantage (but don't overdo it). Have fun playing Contra and have a great day! (C) Pegboy (Derek Kader) 2003