"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~""" Crayon Shin-Chan: Orato Poi Poi FAQ NES 1993 Version: 1.0 Crayon Shin-chan is a Japanese manga and anime series. The series follows the antics of five-year-old Shinnosuke Nohara and his parents, neighbors, friends, dog and many others. The series is called "Crayon Shin-chan" because "crayon" signifies the fact that Shin-chan goes to kindergarten, and that the unique coloration makes it appear as if the characters are drawn with crayons. "Shin- chan" is the affectionate name for the main character. The game was also released for the Bandai Datach Joint ROM system, a piece of hardware that is plugged into the NES itself and then the cartridges get inserted into that system instead. The cartridge is different and it can only be used in the barcode reader, but it doesn't actually use the reader thus does not add anything more to the game than the standard version. In other words, both games are identical. The Datach version was most likely only released to promote the hardware at the time. BASICS =============================================================================== Controls: ````````` D-Pad Move Shin-Chan up and down, menu selections A Throw Blocks B Switch Blocks START Pause/Resume SELECT Cycle through menus Display: ```````` The screen is split into two areas for both players. The only thing they share is the game area itself, and the comment at the bottom of the screen. You can ignore that, especially if you do not speak/read Japanese. Assuming you are the left player, the box above your head is for the upcoming styles. For example, if you have the card symbols it may display heart and diamond. The box to the right is for collecting each shape, more on that in the next section. Your display picture is below your area, and the number that is shown to the right of that is used for counting down cards. Also more on that later. As mentioned earlier, the center takes up the gaming area. The opponents face off with each other on the sides, their end zones, and the cards are all placed in the middle between them. Menu: ````` The main menu has three options. The top is the quest/adventure mode. You will have a story that has characters battling you from the easiest to the hardest. When you start this, the game will ask at what speed you want to play. The easiest is the turtle at the top and it gets faster the lower you go. You can skip the story events with the START button to get right into the action game. You must beat every opponent to win the game, and you only have 3 lives to get through it. When you lose, use the top option to retry or the bottom option to give up on your quest. The second option is for custom mode. You can select your own choices for a single game. Here are these options: - Speed: Select a game speed, turtle being the slowest, the hare being the fastest. - Style: Select the card styles, there isn't much different about them. If you are used to one style it is easier to stick to it, but the adventure mode will switch so you might want to practice some with all. - Level: This is for the number of cards the computer requires to reach 0. Yours is always at 100, but you can pick from 80, 100 or 120 for the opponent. - Opponent: The opponents are of different difficulty, ranging from the cat to the guy in shades. You cannot pick the boss of the adventure mode, however. Therefore, the easiest game would be on Turtle speed, Level 1, against the cat. The third option is for 2-Player mode. Here you can set the same options as the custom mode, but instead of Level and Opponent you get to pick who has what number of cards to win the countdown. This can range from as low as 20 to SSS which means that player cannot win this way. The numbers on the right of these selections is your current win/loss record. As you start a new game it will say 00 for everything, but after each game this will be updated like the screen immediately following a win or loss. RULES =============================================================================== The aim of the game is to push one of the red solid blocks from the center into the opponents end zone. To do so, you throw cards into the rows and attempt to push them over to the other side. The cards aren't hard-linked to each other as it may appear. They cover two adjacent rows, but once one of them hits another card or block, the second one will continue being thrown until it also hits something. If there is no card in front of the red solid block, it will move over one tile from any kind of shape. To get it moving when there are already cards blocking the path, hitting the first one from your side with the same style will make one disappear and the other one move over one tile along with all the others in that row. When two or more of the same style collide vertically, they will all disappear including horizontally connected ones in this chain. This style will be noted in the long box at the top, on your side of the screen. If you get all four styles in the box, the next two cards will be stars instead. A star will remove any style card on your side of the solid block in the row you throw it into, and also push the solid block two tiles over to the opponent's side. For every card you have made vanish, the number in the bottom box will count down to zero. By getting this number down to 000 you can also win the round. Cards can also disappear into your own end zone, but they don't harm you in any way. This means that often the row changes and it may be possible to push it along with another style than before. Don't think all is lost when they are piling up against your side, only the red block is dangerous near your zone. TIPS: =============================================================================== This is largely an action game with some strategy elements, rather than the other way around. Although it is true that you must be a quick thinker, the opponent's moves often disrupt your strategy which makes it hard to plan ahead. The game also stops a lot when there are things going on in the middle of the zone. Try to aim at one area where one or more red solid blocks have advanced further to the opponent's end zone. Whereas you must watch out for all rows, pushing one ahead may hasten the opponent's failure by quite a bit. Always aim to get the stars, they do not only clear away lots of cards you have on your side and making it easier to overview the situation at hand, but pushing the red blocks two tiles is invaluable at any point in the game. As soon as you have used them up see if you finish off the opponent with some follow-up throws, else get going on another four-symbol collection for the next two stars. Counting down to 000 is nice secondary way to win, but the opponent (even the easiest) tend to be faster at throwing the cards. This is more of a gameplay issue, rather than speed of reflexes. Take that number as a bonus condition to win the game, but you might find yourself in trouble of defeat when the game drags on too long in the zone. If the adventure mode seems too much to handle, get practicing with different options in the custom mode. Good luck! =============================================================================== This guide is available for and to anyone who wishes to use the information on their site or in their own guide. Remember this was posted on GameFAQs first if you want to copy and credit anything. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-