Deep Dungeon III(NES) FAQ/Walkthrough version 1.0.0 by spam spoonerism) Please do not reproduce this FAQ for profit without my prior consent. If you write a polite e-mail to me referring to me(and this FAQ) by name, then I will probably say OK. But if I ignore you that means no--and I am bad about answering e-mail. Sorry. This document is intended to work in concert with my GameFAQs maps. You probably found both of them there, anyway. This document is also in ShiftJis, so some of the text may not make sense if you cannot read it, or you do not set the encoding properly in your browser. But if you are trying to tackle a Japanese game, you probably already knew this! Thanks to odino for sending me his translation work. Thanks to the people who originally translated the game, even though the work was not complete. They helped immensely with my muddling through the menus. Thanks to Last Cetra for changing and amending the translation Thanks to the following site with lots of great Deep Dungeon information: ================================ OUTLINE 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CONTROLS 3. STATISTICS 3-1. ITEM NUMBERS 3-2. EXPERIENCE 3-3. TOWN INFO 3-4. OTHER STUFF 4. WALKTHROUGH 4-1. IN TOWN 4-2. THE DUNGEON 4-3. THE TOWER 4-4. DUNGEON 2 4-5. THE CASTLE 5. CHEATS 6. VERSIONS/CREDITS ================================ 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CONTROLS Up=forward Left/right=turn Down=turn around Options for the various menus will be included below. B=main menu options. Push A to go further ITEMS (select character) (can only click unequipped) (equip/give/drop is next menu) SPELLS CHECK/SEARCH (bring up person who was there before) STATS TALK Armory WEAPON ARMOR LEAVE Inn REST SAVE GAME ORDER PARTY REMOVE PERSON LEAVE Advice 1 2 3 3. STATISTICS 3-1. ITEM NUMBERS 01 たんけん Dagger 02 ておの Axe 03 こんほ″う Club 04 たんとう Short sword 05 モール Maul 06 スヒ°アー Spear 07 フレイル Flail 08 き″んのつえ Silver rod 09 た″んひ″ら Broad sword 0a ルーンソート″ Rune Sword 0b ハンマー Hammer 0c おおつるき″ Big sword 0d シールソート″ Seal Sword 0e くちたつるき″ Rusty Sword. 0f タ″ート Dart 10 スリンク″ Sling 11 アーハ″レスト Everest? 12 フ″ーメラン Boomerang 13 ほのおのむち Flame Whip 14 うて″のたて Wrist shield 15 きのたて Wood shield 16 てつのたて Iron shield 17 サンシールト″ Sun shield 18 まほうのたて Magic shield 19 たてのゆひ″わ Dragon shield 1a レサ″ー Leather 1b くさりよろい Chain armor 1c スフ°リント Splint? 1d ハ″ンテ″ット Banded? 1e フ°レート Plate 1f あくまのマント Demon's cloak 20 うろこのよろい Scaled armor 21 ヒートアーマー Heat armor 22フルフ°レート Full plate mail 23 きぬのころも Silk clothes 24 ろうやのかき″ Jail key 25 めのうのかき″ Agate key 26 クリスタルキー Crystal key 27 ひかりのたま Ball of lightz 28 たいまのすす″ Bell of something? 29 やみのたま Darkness Ball 2a くさのつゆ Vegetable juice 2b しろきのこ White mushroom 2c スムルのみ Nut of Sumuru? 2d ランフ° Lamp 2e なわは″しこ″ Rope Ladder 2f せきは″ん Broken tablet 30 きんそ″く Metal 31 サークレット Circlet 32 てかか″み Hand mirror 33 し″ゅうたん Carpet 34 せいすい Holy water 35 くひ″かさ″り Necklace 36 てか″み Letter 37 ソルンのみ Nut of Solun? 3-2. EXPERIENCE LVL|Total|Next ---+-----+-----+ 1| 10| 10| 2| 50| 40| 3| 150| 100| 4| 250| 100| 5| 500| 250| 6| 750| 250| 7| 1100| 350| 8| 1700| 600| 9| 2500| 800| 10| 3500| 1000| 11| 4700| 1200| 12| 6000| 1300| 13| 8000| 2000| 14|10000| 2000| 15|12000| 2000| 16|14500| 2500| 17|17000| 2500| 18|20000| 3000| 19|24000| 4000| 20|30000| 6000| 21|36000| 6000| 22|43000| 7000| 23|51000| 8000| 24|60000| 9000| 3-3. TOWN INFO Town 1: Inn: 4 gold Advice: 1, 5, 10 Temple: Learn (SlTnOl) Learn (new spell at 5, 100) Magic: Learn (spell 1) Learn (new spell at 5, 100) (L7, 200) Armor: 15,20,25 = 23,14,1a Weapons: Club, Sling, Axe, Dart, Sling 1,3,2,f,10 = 5,8,10,10,20 (Fighters can't use 0f/10 dart/sling) Town 2: Inn: 20 gold Advice: 2, 10, 50 Temple: Misc: 2a,2b,31,2d,37 = 20,40,80,50,100 Weapons: 4,5,6,11,7 = 100,200,250,300,1000 Armor: 15,19,16,1b,1c,1d,1e=80,100,300,300,500,2000,4000 Town 3: Inn: 40 gold Misc: 2a,2b,2c,31 = 20,40,120,80 Weapons: 0b,13 = 8000,10000 Armor: 19,18,21,22 = 100,10000,15000,20000 (Fighters can't use 13,11,19) Advice: 5, 20, 70 3-4. OTHER STUFF ??who uses what Combat can't go left from left w 2 monsters 4. WAKLTHROUGH 4-1. IN TOWN Create at least one of each class. I created two hunters, a monk and a mage. You don't have to do much at the start to get going. Gold is pretty plentiful. You'll start out in the southwest of the town, and you have 100 gold. You should stop off and buy your front guy all the armor you can, as well as an axe. The second guy can buy the rest, up to what he can get. Your first guy gets hit the most, and you'll get enough gold along the way, so it's best to roll the dice a bit with getting one guy good, then moving on to the next. The exits to the first dungeon are in the northwest of the town, which you can roam freely until you go down into the dungeon. 4-2. THE DUNGEON There'll be a lot of back-and-forth to heal at the inn and return, and so forth, and there's an area in the NE you can't cover at first, but your initial trips will be for level building. And the worst part of level building is getting to level 2. You'll get killed a lot, because even with the items you want, you just don't have the hit points. Some monsters, like dogs and skeletons, can be tricky even at level 3. You can stay near the stairs up and wait. Use heal and flame whenever you can. Heal cures about 30 points, so as you get better, it gets a lot more effective. You will want to get to level 5 or so, but it's not bad once you start. Once you've gotten that, head south from the start, then east at the end of the long hall. When you hit the locked door, turn south and go all the way west. That is how you get to the stairs down to level 2. The monsters on level 2 are not appreciably different from those on level 1, so don't worry about that. On level 2, you need to get the iron key. It is all the way north, then east, then 2 north and east through the door. The fight is rather tough, but gang up on whichever row is 2-deep. Picking off the rows one at a time will get you through, and be sure to cast heal liberally. For winning the fight, you get the key, which opens every locked door on this floor except a small one in the northeast that comes later. Only a couple are really useful, so we'll ignore the rest. The rest of level 2 is mostly just generic people being glad you rescued them. The first such door hides the bell. You may wish to retreat and heal first. There's no hurry. From outside the iron key room, go back west through the door, north and then west through two doors. Follow the corridor to the end and the left/east door leads to a prisoner in the far corner who gives you a bell and a whopping 5 experience. Now there are two ways to get to the next town. With the iron key, you can retreat to the first town and then go south along the corridor and east to the door. Use the iron key on the door, then keep going forward. Turn right and climb up the stairs. There you go! This is a common theme in the game-- once you get a new item or solve an area, a door unlocks that makes it easier to retreat to previous areas, so you don't have such a long trek. The other way is a bit trickier and recorded here for posterity. You can just retreat now to outside the iron key room. Go south. There's another fight with eight guys, just like for the iron key. Maybe you've gotten another level by now to make it easier, but either way, just hit them with everything you have. Go north in the next room, then when the path turns east, go south at the second door. There is an iron door where you must use the iron key ahead. Do so, work through some fixed fight squares(they are not hard,) and climb up. You're back on level 1 now--a more secluded part of it. You can go east, north through the door, 2 east, south, and east to the stairs up, to get to a new area. There are still some squares unaccounted for in the dungeon, in the northeast of level 1. These are two separate sectors, and you will explore them later. 4-3. THE TOWER The southeastern part of town leads to the next part of the game. It is the tower, which has much tougher monsters than before. You'd do well to equip yourself with the new items found in town. If you need to beat up monsters to get the gold to achieve this partially, and you get a level from that, so much the better. However, I think it's best to risk a run up the tower for some important swords and such. Offense will help you win fights easily. You may wish to win fights in the first dungeon until you get good, though. You can go back to where you got the iron key, drop the key, and beat up the enemies. This fight becomes easy around level 7 or 8, and it keeps reappearing until you take the iron key, so it is a quick and safe way to pick up experience. The tower has six levels, and you'll probably need a few trips through. It's located in the very southeast of town. There's another dungeon in the northeast, but you don't have the ability to get behind the locked door yet. That will require you to solve the tower. ?? The tower can be diced into several parts, which are: 1) get the hand mirror 2) get the agate key 3) find swords on level 4 and 5: silver rod and broadsword 4) find the right stairs up and beat the boss on level 6. Use the Bell. In the tower, face east and go 8 forward. If you're unsure which direction east is, it's the only one you can go 8 forward in from the stairs. Then search the ground. You'll find a hand mirror, which is a lot like the one you got in DD2. It shows a map of the surrounding area. While you have maps, this is useful for if you hit a spinner square. The mirror also gets you 10 gold if you sell it, which isn't too much, but if you're close to the next item, why not sell it? Walking around will reveal a locked door in the center--there are stairs which function as a sort of elevator shaft there. But you can't use that yet. You have a few things to do on level 1, so let's take care of them. Go forward after getting the mirror, then right at the wall, and at the T, turn right and take the third door on the right. You will talk to a messenger one square further forward. Accept his mission. You need a letter to get into the castle, and you might as well take care of that now. If this doesn't work, don't worry. You'll find another messenger in the next cave. Retreat to the T and then go right, then go east at the next intersection and keep going. There will be two fixed fights behind each of the first two doors, and then you will run into stairs going up. For level 2, you can either teleport to the stairs or walk to them. There's nothing here that you really have to do, so don't feel you have to do much. The monsters are the same here, so don't bother with improving if you're okay with level 1. The first steps are the same--exit via the door to a fight, then go forward for another, then exit via the next door. To use the teleport, turn left and go through the door, then go through the door again. turn right, go 2W, then (N) N (W) W S to the stairs. To walk, turn left and go forward. There is a spinner at the intersection. Turn right from having a near door on the left and follow that passage. Go 1 forward from the T, then through 2 doors to the stairs. For your first task on level 3, get the agate key. Go through the door, hit the intersection and go forward. Turn right, then left, and enter the door. You have two fights you may be able to run from the bird monsters as they are a bit tricky, and then you can open the next door with the jail key. The agate key is in the southwest corner. Once you have it, you can unlock the big central stairwell. Doing so allows you to pick up a couple of treasures quickly. First, on the fourth floor, exit the near door, then go 2S 5E S E (encounter) (E) 2S E (S) E* and search. That nets a silver rod. You should give it to your first player for the moment. It reappears if you drop it, but unfortunately its face value is only 50 gold, so it is not worth selling and returning for. Now you can explore level 5--retreat to the center and take the stairs up, exit the door, go 2E 6S 5E N* to the door, 3W (N) (encounter) E N (N) (encounter) N and search for a Broadsword. Only your first player can use this, so give it to him and give your player #2 the silver rod. You are offensively quite powerful now. Note that you can sell the broadsword if you want to, then you can go and retrieve it. With the agate key, this is a possibility. If you do this several times in a row, you can get enough gold to afford the best armor pretty easily. This should be a big help throughout the game. You will need to hit a couple fights to get back there, but it shouldn't be too tough. You may need to build yourself up here. But in any case, what you really need to do is to find the right stairs up to level 6. There are five, and four lead to dead ends. Fortunately the right one is just behind you--through the 2 doors and down the long hallway, but right at the first T, then (S) S E. If you need to come back, the directions from behind the agate door are 2E 6S 5E 5N 3W (S) S E. You have quite a trek from the stairs. So move quickly. N (N) 2E (N) 3N 3E (E) (N) 3W 3N (W) 2W (S) W S (S) 2S W* 5N (W) 4W 2S W S (S) 2E (E) 4S (E) 2E S (E) E and there is a fight. Then 3E S and you have the big boss. Use the bell?? and then W 4N and search?? for your next item?? and you can continue. But before you go to the next dungeon, go back to the first. Go north, west, west through the jail door, south, then all the way west and down. Then go north all the way, east, 1N, east all the way, north all the way, one west, and through the agate door. Go up the stairs and W 2S (W) S* W* N* (W) 4S W 2S (W) S W and search. You get a tablet. Then retreat. 4-4. DUNGEON 2 In the northeast of the 2nd town, you have a formerly locked door. Enter it and go down. That leads to another dungeon. It has a lot of crazy up and down passages and even wraps around at certain points. And at the end there are wicked spinners. But it also has recharging pools. From the start, you can get to the next floor pretty easily, though there is just a healing pool there. You can skip this, but N* (N) 2E 2N (N) E and down. Then S 5W N (N) 2N E 2N W gets you to the pool. The caverns here are not as clean-cut as the jail dungeon or the tower, so you need to rely on maps more. However, the maps are not enormous, so you can probably deal. First go S 3E N 2E(fight) E N 2E 4N E 2N 4E(fight) and now for a note about a detour to make later. The well is 4S E S E(danger signs) S. You need a rope to go down the well. Then you need a lamp to see what is there. You can't get the sword until you're level 14. But you're probably there by now. You can go N E* N E N 2E(fight) 2N 2E S E* and climb up to a secluded area with a shop. There you can buy a Nut of Sumuru. Or you can go 1W of those stairs, 2S E 3S 5W 2S E 3S 2E 2S E 2S E, and you find treasure. ?? You can also go 2N W 3N 3E 2N W 4N E N E N and now there are two branches. 3N W N W 2N goes through a secret door. If you go E*, that is a dead end that leads to a door only unlocked when you beat this dungeon's boss. If you go W* you get to the next town. However, to get through the dungen, 2E (fight) 2E 2N (tougher fight) 2E 2N and down. N 3W S W S W 3S E 2S 2E N* leads to a healing fountain. There's not too much else to do here but explore, so let's find the stairs down. 5S 2W 2N W N 3W N W 2N W N 2W 2S 2W 3S 2W 2N W 3N 3W N 2W S W S W 4S E S E S 4E 2N W N (2N 2W N runs into a tough fight) 3W (heal if necessary, trap ahead but you probably have the agility to avoid it) 2N E N and down. Level 3 is even thornier. You can go off the east or west side of the 32x32 map, but when you do, you also go a square south. You are in the NW corner and you want to get to the SE. This takes a while. And you have a small side chore first. E 2S 2E 2S 3E N 3E 2N 2E N 3E S 2E 2S 2W S. Go down the stairs. 2E 4N 3W 2S W* N and climb up. W S W* 2S 3E 2S (fight) E* S 3E. Here in the southeast corner, you can trade 300 gold for a lump of metal. Then retreat to the stairs up and go N 2E 2N 3W N 2W 2S 2W. Time to take a different branch. 5S E 2S 4E 2S E S 2E 3N 2E 2N 2E S E S E* S E S 3E S 5E S E S 3E 2S 3E S E S 2E 2N 3E 2S E 3S 2E 2S E* 2S 2E and down. Level 4 is even more twisty. W* 2N 2W 2S 2W 2N 2W 2S W* N W 4N 2W N W N 2W and 2S 4W 2N is a detour for treasure. Come back, then 2N 2W N W N 2W N 4W N 7W 3N W 2N W* and N* through the secret dor. 2E 2N 2E 2S 3E onto the spinner. Now there are a few ways to get through this--use the magnifying glass to check where you are and try to go east with each turn. There are a lot of echo squares distracting you. Here is how to get by the spinners without casting a spell. Rotate so you are facing back the way you came. Turn right and go 2 forward, then right and forward. Spin so there is a wall just ahead and to the left, then go forward two. Spin that way again but go forward one. Turn right, forward two, and rotate to down the hall. There's one fight before the big one. You can take the stairs up three levels once you're done and then go through to the other side. That leads you to the next town. Buy whatever you want/need here to make your party even better. The best stuff includes plate and so forth. You should be able to improve pretty quickly. You can even cheat back at the tower, whipping up on the main enemy to get In a room just south of where you exited, there is a smith. 2W (W) 4S (E) N (E) 2S. Down. 2S E (E) 2N (N) 3E. Trade him the metal for that. He'll say to come back later. You'll need to rest at an inn and come back a day later. This gets you the Big Sword, which will eventually turn into the Seal Sword. Right now, it's just a great offensive weapon. 4-4-1. SHORTCUT You can bypass the boss and get the Big Sword right away. The secret door at the north is there even before you are told about it. 4-5. THE CASTLE There is a locked door on the west edge. It leads to the castle. But it is the sort of locked door you can't get through, so you need to find another way. To get to the castle, go to the southeast of town, which leads you back to dungeon 1--the last remaining bit. You can go west, then up the stairs, and you can now see the castle for good. Give a letter to the guard to the north, and he will let you by. Now loop around the edge of the castle--you can avoid one combat by going (N) W N* E 2N etc and the other by going 2S E instead of 3S when you enter a room. Take the first door of the passage going down, then when you see a door ahead, go 3S E* S 2E 2N W. That gets you to the stairs without any encounters. On level 2, E N (N) W* N* W* S* W* N* W * S* (E) N to get treasure, then exit and go W* S=, E*, S* E through the door and N through the door. Follow E* N* W* N* E* and right after the madman talks, use the holy water. You can't just use the holy water on the square. He gives you a crystal key as thanks. Retreat til you reach a sign, then go 2N, then east through the door, (E) through the next, then N E (E) S E* to get to the stairs to level 3. (S) 2E 2N 2E and you can enter the King's room since you have the Crystal Key. He gives you a necklace to cure his daughter's insanity. That gets you to the king. W* S* E through the door S* W 2S and if you have the Big Sword equipped, it will turn into the Seal Sword when it touches the flame. 2W S W* N* W N* W* 5S (W) 2N at the T, W (N) E* N to the door, E* N and you can run from the fight if you want. Be sure your first player has the ball of light and ball of darkness. Then go east all the way. Use the carpet to go up to the fourth level. This is a tricky place full of teleports. You need to go from the center to the UL and then choose the right doors to get to the lower right. Here is how the teleports work. The left doors send you to the center. The center ones send you to a random location--either the UL, U, UR, L, or DL room. The right ones send you to the next room over. This works no matter what direction you are facing, as each wall has three doors except the one with a niche for the teleport final square. Once you get to the final room, a teleport in the south kicks you to the first one, or you can take the door north of the middle block to actually win the game. You need the tablet to enter there, and then you will fight the princess. In combat, use the necklace the king gave you, and she will thank you. The big enemy will appear next, and you need to kill him off with the Seal Sword. Once you do, you get the ending screen. ?? 5. CHEATS All 2-byte values are low byte first unless noted otherwise. 0xee = x coordinate 0xef = y coordinate (be sure to have the game paused or be in stats mode, as monsters can randomly attack) 0x481/482=low/high byte of first monster HP. Set both to 0 for easy kills. 0x7001-2 = party gold (low byte first) 0x7010 = start of info for player 1 0x7050 = start of info for player 2 0x7090 = start of info for player 3 0x70d0 = start of info for player 4 0x7010 = level for player 1 0x7011-5 = player 1's name 0x7016-7 = experience gained 0x7018-9 = current HP 0x701a-b = max HP 0x701c = current magic 0x701d = maximum magic 0x701e-f = AP/Strength 0x7020 = armor class 0x7022 = agility 0x7023 = luck 0x7024-b = item slots 0x7038 = status flag, 0x80 = ??, 0x40 = ?? End of FAQ Proper ================================ 6. VERSIONS/CREDITS 0.2.0: sent to GameFAQs 12/??/2008 0.9.5: sent to GameFAQs 7/31/2009 1.0.0: sent to GameFAQs 8/18/2009 walkthrough complete (I still have some stuff to fill out about how best to fight) Thanks to GameFAQs for being, well, THERE. Thanks to the NES completion project in general. Thanks to odino for translations(a ton). Thanks to Last Cetra for revising the translations so I could figure a full way through the game. Thanks to the following site with lots of great Deep Dungeon information: Thanks to the usual GameFAQs gang, current and emeritus. They know who they are, and you should, too, because they get/got some SERIOUS writing done. Good people too--bloomer, falsehead, Sashanan, Masters, Retro, Snow Dragon/Brui5ed Ego, ZoopSoul, War Doc, Brian Sulpher, AdamL, odino, JDog, Lagoona, Da Hui, StarFighters76 and others I forgot. OK, even Hydrophant in his current not-yet-banned message board incarnation. I am not part of his gang, but I want him to be part of mine.