Deja Vu' System: Nintendo Entertainment System Gameboy Color By: Numhitzu /------------\ |Introduction| +------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- This is my third walkthrough I've written and posted on Gamefaqs. As you may have noticed from my other walkthroughs, I'm a bit of an adventure game fan. My future plans project that I will have walkthroughs for Riven: The Sequel to Myst and Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers by the end of April. If you have any questions concerning Deja Vu' or this walkthrough, please e-mail them to Make sure to put "Deja Vu" in the file so it is filtered into the correct folder. Also, one last note. This walkthrough was written using the Gameboy Color version. I have played through the Nintendo version using this walkthrough, but I have not been able to discern any HUGE differences. If you do notice a huge discrepency, please let me know. Thanks again. And now, for the rather mediocre game introduction: "You awake from a dazed stupor that feels like a very bad headache after a long and extremely unlucky week spent in Vegas. Taking inventory of yourself, you notice your right hand is covered with blood, though strangely, you neither see nor feel any wounds. Feeling a sharp pain on your left forearm, you roll up you sleeve. A small puncture gives you pause... 'Have I been given something?' You mutter, hearing a voice that sounds strange to your ears. With dawning horror, you then realize... You don't remember who you are! You've no idea why you're here, or even where "here" is! Everything's a hazy blank! You've no memory whatsoever!" /-----------\ |Walkthrough| +-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, now to start off the game. First, open the pockets of the jacket. Take all the items in there, as well as all of the items in the wallet. Take the jacket and the .38 special behind it. Open the stall door and step out. Before you can exit, look at the mirror. After the scene, open the door and step out. There is nothing in the bathroom to the left. Continue on to the restaraunt portion. In here, head up the stairs. In here, another cutscene ensues. Open the door labeled "Private" and enter. Open the desk, and take the Envelope 1 and the bill. Read the bill to get the "Sherman" address. Now, use the key on the door and enter. Inside, open the body's pocket and take the Key 2. Then, open the desk and take the Key 3 and the pencil. Go back downstairs and take the entrance to the cellar to the left. Find the lone bottle on the right of the wine rack and hit it. Inside, open the door to the left and enter. In here, use your coins on the left slot machine. Play until you have 30+ coins. I don't think you can run out of money, I haven't so far. Once you have enough coins, move behind you. Press the button on the wall and enter the elevator. Hit the top button to go to the 3rd floor. In here, open the trash can and take the Capsules. Open the window and head out onto the fire escape. Head on down to the alleyway. Here, you MAY be assaulted by a man who wants your money. Give him a $20 Bill. If you attempt any other actions, he will knock you out and steal ALL of your money, including all your Coins. Without them, you can't finish the game. Now, head onto the main street. All along the street, a man may assault you and try to mug you. You can hit this guy up to three times and get away with it. After he has two black eyes and a busted lip, he WILL kill you, so be careful. Now, use the Key 2 to open door to the car. Enter. Whatever you do, don't touch anything in this car unless I tell you to. Doing so may kill you. Simply open the Dash Board, take the Note 2, map, and snapshot. Examine the Note 2 and the Map. After you get those two addresses, head to west until you see a cabbie. NOTE: Be sure to always take the Blue Cabbie. He's a nice guy, and if you happen to be low on coins, he might let you out for free. The other guy will straight up call the cops on you. Here, speak to him, and choose the Westend address. When you arrive, use the Coins on the slot that says Pay Here. After you've paid, exit the vehicle. Open the door and enter this building. In here, use the card on the slot next to the elevator. Inside, use the card again. In the room, take the picture from the mantle. Examine it to get the Kedzie address. Once you have it, head back to the cab, This time, go to Kedzie address. The door is locked, so bust it down old style. Whip out your gun and fire at the lock. Wow, what a crappy place. Take the Note 3, Note 4, and Earrings from the desk. Open the drawer and take the Key 5 and Diary. Open the diary and take the bookmark. Examine both objects. It seems this "Martha" is pretty sadistic. It also seems that she wants a man named John Sternwood, but his wife is in the way. She is also being bugged by Jerry Siegel, who wants her. Is it starting to come together? Now, head back to Joes bar via the cab to Peoria. Unlock the door with the Key 3. Head back up to Siegel's office. Use the Note 3 on the safe to open it. Take the Folder and Box. Open the folder and take the Note 1. Open the Box and take the Key 4. Open the window and head out onto the fire escape. Make you way back to the car. Move to the trunk and use the Key 4 on it. Holy crap! Who saw that one coming? I did anyways. Now, there's nothing you can do for now, so run back to the cabbie and head to the Sherman address. Pay the cabbie, then enter the hallway to the right. Use the Key 5 to gain access to the office. Now, we need to cure your amnesia. If you bust open the file cabinet and look through the files, you'll find that the medicine you need is Bisodiumitis. Remember the lady in the trunk? Some Sodium Pentothal might help with her. Grab a vial of Pentothal and three vials of Bisodiumitis. Now, use the Bisodiumitis on the capsules, and use the capsules on yourself. Repeat three times and your amnesia is all cleared up. Don't forget to take the files out of the cabinet. Now, head back to the main foyer. Head up the stairs. Before you unlock the door, give that fella a .38 right between the eyes. When he's down, use the Key 5 on the door and enter. In here, open up the file cabinet and take all 3 files. Now, run back downstairs to the cab. Take the cab to Peoria. Go back to the trunk of the car. Take the gag from the womans mouth. If you haven't already, put the Pentathol in the capsules and use it on her. You'll get the Auburn address. Now, head back to the cab and catch a ride to Auburn. Here, open the car. Take the Envelope 2 and Letter 1. Now, head up to the mansion door. Use the door knocker to summon the butler. Give him a good ole' jab to the face, and head up the stairwell. Open the door on the left and go in. Open the drawer and take the Memo. Open the other door and go in. Take the case, then open the drawer. Take the Envelope 3 from it. Take the Letter 2 out of the Envelope and exit the mansion back to the cab. In the cab, use the pencil on the Memo. Now, you have all the evidence you need, but we can't go to the cops YET. Instead, take a cab back to Peoria, and go back in front of Joe's Bar. Open the manhole and enter. Head down, through the pipe, then down again. If there is an Alligator here, use your gun to kill it. Now, time to get rid of evidence. If the evidence is paper, burn it. Trust me, the game won't allow you to burn the good stuff. You need the Diary, The Memo and the Letter 1. Now, go to the Police station, located east of Joe's bar. If you meet a woman, hit her and get outta there. If you got rid of all the evidence against you, Vickers will give in and your name will be cleared. At this point, if you are playing the GBC version of Deja Vu', you will get an epilogue, plus you will be automatically pushed into Deja Vu' 2. /---------\ | Credits | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ God, for making man, which in turn made technology, which in turn made this awesome game. Ultimatly, you could say God invariably made Deja Vu'. My Parents, They pretty much don't yell at me for sitting on my butt and playing video games. I think that's about as supportive as you can be! CJayC, He made Gamefaqs. What more can be said? Kemco, RIP. Even though you ain't around anymore, your legacy still lives on. You, otherwise, why would I have written it? Because I'm a bored, lonely nerd, that's why! And always remember that famous quote, "Life's a garden, dig it!" (That's from Joe Dirt, for those of you who missed the reference.)