M I L T O N B R A D L E Y P R E S E N T S _____ / () ' (---. | /o o'\_| ( [ ) \,___;/_---') __.- / /=== ( . / / _ _ |__| /_/ \_\,// '| '|=== //\ ยท.__ ) | | // __) / \/ | |//--- \ ,---//! \___\ |#### / | | \ ## / /__\ \.,/ |__; /-----. __ ___ ___ ___ -----'\ / _ )/ // __)/ _)/ _\\ o \ / // // // /_ | |_ | _\\ _/__ / // // /| | | | | \| |__ \ __ \ / // // / ( | | | \ || \ \ \ \ \ / // //_/ '____' '___'\_____' \__\|'_\ /\./\..\._-)_0-)_/___________\__.-,.-__/ \___ THE LEGEND OF THE LOST CITY STARRING DIGGER T. ROCK (c)1990 RARE LTD. P R E S S ALL RIGHTS RESERVED S T A R T _________________________________________________________________________________________ Digger T. Rock - Legend of the Lost City (NES) a.k.a. Digger T. Rock Author: Popo2002 - FAQ + Walkthrough Copyright 1990 Nintendo FAQ Copyright 2003 13th Feb - Well, the Ascii art seems to be done for now. If you've been a loyal Digger fan for a long time, then you might notice it's from the Title Screen. Was pretty proud of that, so if you've got anything to add to the Ascii art, or to this FAQ/Walkthrough, feel free to email me and tell me how to improve it if you want. This FAQ is dedicated to: Random NES Request #270something. If the person who requested this FAQ reads this, give me an email at Popo_Nana@hotmail.com and I'll put your name in this bit (if ya want, it's always optional ;) ) If you want to use my guide on your site, please email me first. I've only given permission to 3 sites so far to use this FAQ/Walkthrough. I really don't mind that much (to be honest, I'd prefer to see the world more involved in NES games). *This bit is copied from my Ice Climber FAQ, but it applies now no less than it did before* Of course, no FAQ writer should make an FAQ without making his or her ownership of the FAQ clear. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Basically, if you plagarize my work, sell or give it away, reprint without getting my permission first, host it on any site other than GameFAQS.com, or try to rip me off in any other way and I find out, what you are doing is BAD. You may not use any part of this FAQ in your own guide, unless you get my permission first. Here comes teh FAQ! History ------- 19th February, 2003 - Sent in my FAQ to GameFAQs.com. Since the only help there so far is for Game Genie codes, I'm fairly certain this'll go up within the day. 13th February, 2003 - Saw Digger T Rock was in the FAQ request column. Gave me the feeling of nostalgia, so I decided to help people out the old-fashioned way - write them an FAQ! Contents -------- Hey, even my contents are in the same format as my Ice Climber FAQ! For those of you who don't know how to use this function, look at the number/letter combination (For example, if you want to look at Enemies that you'll come across, note the combination 2a.) Then, at the top of your screen, select 'Edit', then 'Find (on this page)', or press Ctrl+F. Enter in your desired section (2a in our example), and click until it takes you to the section you want (twice should do it). 1a. What is Digger - Legend of the Lost City? 2a. Good things that you'll come across 3a. Enemies that you'll come across 4a. Full Guide 5a. Known cheats 6a. Credits 1a. What is Digger - Legend of the Lost City? --------------------------------------------- Digger - Legend of the Lost City, Digger T. Rock - Legend of the Lost City, or just plain Digger T. Rock (as my friends and I called it) was one of the hardest NES games we owned to date. Sure, we had Super Mario Bros., but we knew about the warps, and it wasn't impossible to finish. We even had Battletoads (and we were stuck on the third level for about 8 years), but despite these, and other classic games, it's the truth that Digger T. Rock was the hardest game that we had for our NES. This game was released in 1990, 1 year before the epic "Zelda: Link to the Past" (see how much the graphics can change in just 1 year? I'm not a graphics person though - if I was, I wouldn't have wrote an FAQ for this game), and Digger T. Rock was one of the last NES games made. Note it's Rare-ship, a sign of wealth and prosperity in the years to come. Through this game, you'll come across millions of respawning enemies, a couple that look like they DO belong in SMB, a couple that look like the little things you shoot in Smash TV, and several other spooky dudes. To pass through each level, you'll need to stand on an extremely flexible piece of pipe as it turns from it's normal colour to pink, or sometimes even red, as it lets you down to a lower part of the level. You then have 60 seconds to find the exit. 2a. Good things that you'll come across --------------------------------------- Digger T. Rock - You. The dude in the baby jumpsuit. Reviews refer to him as Calvin from the Calvin and Hobbes cartoons. Yes, he's you, he has a shovel, and he's got more bite than Lara Croft. And hey, let's face it - this G was around YEARS before Lara even hit the scene! Pipe - This handy pipe works on some pressure-system so that once you, and only you, stand on it, it compresses and waits for you to step off it. Once you do so, the Door Clock becomes activated, giving you 60 seconds to reach the Exit Door. If you miss the time window, you can go back up and step on it again anytime to reset the 60 second count-down. Door Clock - Simple; activated by the pipe, get 60 seconds, race for teh door. Shovel - Your standard weapon. You can never run out of 'shovel power'. My personal favourite weapon, it's useful for smacking small enemies, and to a slightly lesser effect, large dinosaurs. Yo leg! - Yes, sometimes you'll kick enemies or boulders, if they're especially close (and not flying). Deals the same amonut of damage as the shovel and rocks. Rocks - Deals the same amount of damage as the shovel and kick, only it's got a very long range and comes in packs of 9. You can't picked up a thrown rock, but can carry as many as you like. Once you get 10 or more, you can't tell how many you have; it will just write "+", and once you get about 360 rocks (or 40 rock blocks, or 5 diamonds), you will be shown a tick. Since you get 72 rocks for every diamond you sell, it's probably worth getting 3 or more blocks of rocks. It will come in handy towards the end when lots of things are firing at you. In the early levels especially, it's best to save these for a dinosaur boss if at all possible, to prevent having to get close. Ladder - A small ladder used for climbing safely up and down long columns. It's very difficult, if at all possible, to link ladders together. Can hold as many as you want, but these are almost always in demand, so you'll find yourself using them up faster than you can find them. Once you have more than 9, it will write "+". Once you get more than enough (I think it's around 40), it will display a tick instead of a +. If you ever get a tick, you've got way more than you'll need to complete this game - don't bother buying any more. These are second in your inventory, next to shovel/rocks. Select it by pressing 'Select' once in game, assuming that shovel/rocks were originally chosen. Dynamite - Used for breaking stone walls, taking out large numbers of mini-enemies and seriously hurting dinosaurs. These are the third items in your inventory; use them sparingly in most caverns except 7 & 8. Once you have more than 9, it will display "+". Once you have more than enough (Once again, I think it's around 40), it will display a tick instead of +. Select your dynamite by pressing 'Select' twice in game, assuming that shovel/rocks were originally chosen. Diamonds - Possibly the most useful things you can possibly find. Stock up on these, as they'll give you both a 5000 point bonus and can be used as coinage. You can pick these up and drop them if you so desire, although there's no benefit to be found from picking them up again. Seriously, get as many as you can! Up until Cavern 4, they'll seem entirely useless, but these gems are worth more than their weight in gold if you plan on going far. These are the fourth items in your inventory, and you can select your diamonds by pressing 'Select' thrice in game, assuming that shovel/rocks were originally selected. Goblets - You'll find these in the bonus stages between levels. Point bonuses only, so don't worry if you die too soon. Mushroom - Ah, memories from a time when fungus was tEH FuUNKEI. Very well hidden, these members of the grocery aisle give a short invincible burst, turning you pink. Must be kicked to be activated. When you're no longer pink, the effects have worn off. Note that even though you might find one, once you kick it to activate it, you must grab the white ball that goes flying off, otherwise it's a waste of time and a mushroom. 3a. Enemies that you'll come across ----------------------------------- Guys, I've lost the manual for a few years now, and thus I have no idea what their names are. Please email me to tell me their names. Popo_Nana@hotmail.com, s'il vous plait. Goombas? - Small dudes who look like the mushroom-ed Goombas from SMB, only faster and with arms. Easy to kill, regenerate quickly. Mosquitoes - Very common, very annoying. Will often approach during a dinosaur fight to distract you and throw you off guard. Dinosaurs - Change colours depending on how badly they're hurt. Start off purple or green. Move from green (strongest), to grey, to purple, to yellow/red, then crumble. These do regenerate, so you must take them out quickly. They'll also reappear if you go away and come back later. *NOTE: ALL DINOSAURS, in Caverns 2-8, LOVE DIAMONDS*. (Caverns 8 is a special case - only one really likes them). Drop one in front and they will seemingly forget all about you. (Much thanks to Max P for this information) Ghosts - Seemingly invincible enemies. If you use a standard attack on it, it will merely turn green, pause, and shrug off all damage done to it after a second. Note that you *can* kill them, by hitting them when they're both green AND facing you, but most of the time should be avoided. Purple Ghost - The scourge of level 5. This ghost will follow you wherever you go below a certain point. If he catches up to you, he will pick you up. Not good. Use a diamond to distract him, if you feel pressured by it. (Thanks again go to Max P) Boulders - Both tools for good and evil. You'll need these in level 5, but they are very good at killing you too. You'll find this out early in the game, in both the bonus levels and in level 3. Cavemen - aka Red-bearded freaks. Simple. Just whack them twice, then they should be on the ground. Hit them with your shovel to send them flying. Skeletons - Little annoyances. These guys throw bones at you which do a minimal 1 damage, but are annoying, especially when they block your way to the door. Spiky rotating walls - Throw rocks at these to push them down. Require many, many rocks. Hope you've got a tick in the rock box by the time you come up to them. Another way around them is to jump through them, although the timing is difficult to get right. Dragon eggs - Silly me, I keep calling them Dragon eggs, but they're actually dinosaur eggs. Anyway, the dinosaurs in Cavern 8 spit these out, then they hatch. They charge you, smack you, breathe fire at you, and curl up into their egg again before disintegrating. Muchos damage dealt. Stay away from them and throw rocks like a little girl. 4a. Full Guide -------------- Well, here we finally are. The title screen is up, you're fired up and ready to play, and you suddenly appear in Cavern 1. Before you is a long and tough game - can you handle it? We'll soon see. Good luck, Digger! *NOTE* Throughout this game, you may, and most likely will, realise that there are often diamonds where I say there is dynamite, ladders where I say there are diamonds, nothing where I say there are dynamite, etc, in every level except Cavern 1. A clever invention by RARE was to randomly choose which items go where each time you play. This makes it difficult for me to tell you where to go all the time, but remember this: if the item is by itself (eg. rocks are often by themselves, and the ladder in the beginning of Cavern 2 is always a ladder) it will always be where I say it is - if it is in a group of items, or is situated somewhere near other items, they will switch around each game. Learn to explore in each game to get every item needed. ********** Starting depth - 0-16 (Falls at beginning) *Cavern 1* Door depth - 82 ********** Lowest depth - 82 If you need help with racing through this level, then you probably shouldn't even be playing video games. Still, I promised, and I deliver. Here's how to do it. Press down 8 times, and right 3 times. You'll find yourself in an area with the pipe. Stand on it, let it take you down, and run to your right. Jump over the diagonal floor, unless you want to finish the level early. Keep running to the right and dig through the diggable paths, but don't touch the boulders! Get the diamond, and run into the wall. Welcome to your first teleportation wall! Hope you enjoy your time. It will take you up a bit. Now, go up. Dig through the ground to go up more. Jump over the wall which you can slide down (for half a second) and run to your left. You should see the pipe again. Go on top of it, and this time, run down the sliding floor. Turn left and crawl through the tunnel. Eventually you'll see a diamond. Once in the far left area of the cavern, turn right to find another teleportation wall. You'll find yourself near the pipe again. Go down, and run right down the sliding floor. You'll soon come across the exit. You should be able to do this level with at LEAST 50 seconds to spare on the Door Clock (my usual is 55). If you don't slowpoke around, you shouldn't see any enemies in this Cavern, although if this is your first run through this game (not that it would be, since it's been released for 13 years), I suggest you muck around in this level to get the feel of the game. Oh, and also, you should have 3 diamonds if you followed this guide correctly. ************* *Bonus stage* ************* From the second the stage starts, hold onto right. You will collect the goblets and crawl over the boulder. Once you've got the last goblet on the ground floor, jump up and to your LEFT. Crawl up onto the next step, let him stand up, and crawl up again. Make your way to the far left, then come back. You should be able to stay ahead of all boulders falling. Once you fall back to the boulder which you had to crawl over originally, stay on it until two boulder in front of you fall. Jump up, crawl up the right section, grab the goblet (and diamond if in Super Bonus). Wait for the two boulders behind you to fall, then jump out the top, and grab the last goblet. You should be able to complete it just as the very last boulder falls. By the way, the only difference between normal Bonus and Super Bonus is that there are two extra diamonds in Super Bonus mode. Super Bonus is only activated if you complete a level with the timer reading above 40. ********** Starting depth - 82 *Cavern 2* Door depth - 190 ********** Lowest depth - 190 Here comes the fun! Run to your right and jump over the small hole with the walkable-thru ground. If you were to go into this area, you'd fall straight through it and hit the ground below hard (an important lesson to learn for later levels). Crawl through the small space to the right of you, and keep crawling over the breakable-ground, as it won't break if you're crawling over it. Get the ladder in the open area, kill any mosquitoes and move into the crawlspace which goes to the right. Here you'll find a ladder, dynamite and a diamond. Go back out, and try to avoid the mosquitoes rather than fighting them, as you're likely to throw rocks. Drop a ladder down the hole and get the dynamite that sits waiting below. Fall to the bottom of the hole and there's usually a dynamite or ladder there. Go back up the ladder, and move next to the boulders. Kick the boulder to the left of you, and then press B to smack the boulder above the one you just kicked. Move as far left as you can without going up or down, then go straight down. You will go past the pipe. Don't worry, we need to come back later, as it's hard to complete the rest of the level in just 60 seconds. Once you reach the very bottom, walk around under the right roof and press UP a lot - if there's an item here, press up. Otherwise, walk under the third block along, press up, and a mushroom will fall down. Doesn't do much, but it's worth finding. Walk into the right wall to access a transporting tunnel. It takes you a screen to the right, where a couple of items sit. Pick these up, jump up to the ledge and follow the diggable path. You should arriveat an area with one ledge and a pink boulder on the next ledge, acting as stairs. Run off this ledge and jump up to the platform on the left. Go down the hole, and once you arrive at the bottom, you might see a diamond behind a stone wall. Save your dynamite for now (unless you have 4) - drop a ladder and climb down to the bottom. Move to your right, kick/hit the two boulders and go through the little path. There might be a diamond here. If there's not, then don't worry - go back to where you dropped the ladder down. To your left is a stone wall - blow it up with dynamite (be sure to run once you set it!) and move to your left again. Blow up the next stone wall, plus the third one (be sure to pick up the items behind it) and move to the left. Move to the far left open space and walk to your right. You should go through a transporting wall, taking you just to the left of the pipe. Now, step on the pipe and walk to your right. Dig down and jump to the ledge on the right. This should all be familiar. Go down the hole again, down your ladder, and to the left. Now, go down the hole to where the dinosaur paces back and forth. This is your first boss fight so far! If you want to make it quick and simple, place dynamite in front of him so he walks into it as it detonates. Either throw two rocks at him, or hit him once with your shovel, get back, wait for him to finish flashing, and hit him quickly again. Either way should kill him - now race to the finish! If you have no dynamite, fear not. Just throw rocks/smash with the shovel until he collapses. In this boss fight, you'll probably learn how annoying the mosquitoes can be, and how frustrating the pumping music is. ********** Starting depth - 190 *Cavern 3* Door depth - 382 ********** Lowest depth - 400 Race to your right! The ghostly figure will follow you - don't even bother trying to hurt it. If you use a standard attack on it, it will merely turn green, pause, and shrug off all damage done to it. Note that you *can* kill them, by hitting them when they're both green AND facing you, but most of the time should be avoided. You should now come to two diggable paths; take the one on the left. Pick up any items along the way. Also, in the first "break" section (usually dynamite or ladder here), you'll find a mushroom in the roof. Once again, practically useless, but worth picking up. Soon you'll arrive in a section that looks like this: __| | | / | __|/ | / | _____/ | | Don't go down this yet - there will most likely be an item down there, but don't be tempted! Soon enough we'll get that item. Keep going down and you'll come to a 2-block high staircase. Drop down one step, but no more! Drop down a ladder, and if there's an item (usually a ladder), walk across to get it, killing any ghosts that come your way. Now, go down the bottom. There should be some items down here. Walk into the left wall and you should appear in the mushroom area. Go back down to the sloped area which I drew a poor diagram of, and slide down the slope. If you're going to dig up, I suggest very strongly that you dig on the left side ONLY, in case you need to come back down (which you will). Get any diamonds up above, and then go back down. Any further up, and you'll come across the dinosaur + pipe, and while it seems like a good objective to go for, the dinosaur re-appears after he's been killed, and the Door Clock runs out too quickly for the time being. Go down a little bit and move to your far left - you should see two pink boulders below you. Smack them and drop down on top of them without a ladder. Proceed to your left (I don't see any purpose in going to the dead-end - there might occasionally be a diamond or something there), down the slope and jump over the 1-block wide hole. Drop a ladder down the hole to your far left, and dig down the RIGHT lane, as you'll do this bit once more. Go as far down as possible, to 400m, and to the right. I hope you have plenty of lives and quick reflexes... As soon as you enter this little area with 24 boulders, they should start falling. Your exit will be blocked - you gotta see this bit through now. I have a feeling that the boulders fall randomly each game, but here's my most recent recording. 22 19 24 18 23 21 16 17 12 15 13 20 14 11 10 9 5 8 1 7 2 6 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *!Update!* - 19th Feb 2003- It is random. It changes each game. Just going to have to finish those bonus stages to get the extra lives, I'm afraid. That chart above means bogus. Bummer ay? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No chart is going to help you as much as playing it yourself (save states can help), so give it a whirl. Once you're done, go to your right. Door is here - knock the boulders and go up your ladder. Keep going up, then slide down the place I drew *again*. Go up, and follow the path which leads up until you come to the green dinosaur. A bit of work involved here, but you should be able to kill it. Just remember to move when he's at least halfway off the screen before you climb up to the level he's on. 8 consecutive hits should do him in. After you've been pipelining, go to your LEFT. Dig down (preferably the left lane at first), but don't go down the left tunnel! It's a dead end. So, dig down the right tunnel and don't stop until you get to a 2x2 section which has already been tunneled out. I normally have 3 ladders - you'll use 2 of them here. Drop one down quickly, before ghosts appear in hordes, and once you reach the end of your ladder, select the ladder again and drop another one. Move off the ladder onto the ground on your left, and ignore the 3 items above you. Race to the left, go down the already tunneled-out path, turn right at the small crawlspace, kill any ghosts in the way, and get to the door! ********** Starting depth - 382-427 (Falls/Slides) *Cavern 4* Door depth - 460 ********** Lowest depth - 463 Teh bset. LVEL. EVARR. Actually, it's a bit boring. However, this level will be your main stocking point for the game. Step on the pipe (things that are normally pink are now red - odd, huh?) I noramlly have 10 jewels on this level, if you have more, good for you, otherwise, it's no biggie. You should be able to afford everything you need for the next few levels to come anyway. So, once you've started off, you land on the pipe. Don't worry about the Door Clock for now, as there are more important things to worry about than racing to the finish. Go to your right, as you jump over the red-bearded cavemen, and you should come to a little castle-type area. See the black window up there? Climb up to it and move into it from either the left or the right side. Didja teleport? Cool. Now, you should see a whole lot of hill thingoes that look like they belong on Yoshi's Island. Can you see the sparkling area? Move into that from the left side (takes a while to work out; jump up to the area while holding UP, then align yourself with the sparkling dot and move right). Did 8 ladders appear? Good stuff! It's not a glitch, it's what you've been looking for this whole time! Welcome to the shop of 300m-below-ground-level! Once you're in the area, your diamonds should be flashing. Are they? Great! Select your diamonds, and press B. Did you lose 1 diamond? Awesome! Did you get 8 ladders? WoWWEE! If you want 8 more ladders, walk out of the room and back in at the exact same spot. This should make 8 more ladders appear, and send the picture of your diamonds berko. Sick of my stupid, obvious questions? Ok, will stop now. I normally stock up on 3 lots of ladders, but if you have more or less diamonds, fit to proportion. Once you've got enough ladders, walk to the right of the ladder room into the teleporting wall. You'll appear underneath the black window, in front of a white door. As you make your way to your right, jump over both the bearded dudes and the thin floors. Soon, you'll find yourself in front of a castle-type area which looks exactly the same as the last one. Guess what that means? Yep, another shop. Do the exact same thing as before (enter the black window, find sparkly dot, and so on) to get 8 more dynamites. I normally get 2 of these, as you can get more later. 'So the adventurer kept on going, and he found himself at a third shop. This time, the shop sold rocks! Throughout the whole ROCK cavern, the adventurer couldn't find any rocks, so he thought to himself, "Sodding Hell! I know what I'll do! I'll BUY some rocks!" And so he did. Usually 3-4 lots of rocks, since they get used up easily, he thought to himself. He had a smirk on his face, as the cavewoman whispered in his ear, "OOooOOOGIE CHUUUUU!" The adventurer was indeed suprised, and recoiled at the sound of her shrill, 8-bit voice.' If you keep going, you'll come to the door, but you most likely have run out of time. Start heading back now, dodging the red guys, and fall down one of the thin, breaking floors, preferably the one closest to the pipe. Keep heading left and jump up the left side of the Cavern, and you'll find yourself on top of the pipe. Now, race to the end. I can usually do this bit in 12 seconds, time yourself if you really want. I hope you've got all the ladders and rocks you need for the rest of the game - the next stocking level is Cavern 7, but you can only get dynamite there. ********** Starting depth - 460 *Cavern 5* Door depth - 706 ********** Lowest depth - 718 Let the music be a warning to you. The colours of Death and Bone blend with the yellow, rotting flesh which is the earth, and portray this message with a suprising amount of ease, despite the limited palette at the time. Firstly, move to your right without dropping the boulder. Use a ladder to get the dynamite (fair enough exchange). Go back up your ladder and to your right. Take out the little skeletons (1 rock usually does it, but if you went overboard with buying them, you might want to throw until they all die!) Dig down now, and get the items that lie on the ledge. Wait here for the pink thing to arrive, and fend off as many skeletons that as you have to to survive. Once you've jumped onto the pink thing (henceforth known as the "tour guide), wait until you get to the pipe which will appear on the right side of you. Be careful not to get too close to the purple ghost - it will just about always be fatal. Jump onto the pipe, and then jump up and knock the pink boulder down which was about 4 blocks to the right of the pipe. Not much time to waste here, as the purple ghost might want to catch you, so quickly go back onto the pipe so that the door clock stays at 60 seconds. Next, wait for the tour guide to come back down. Make sure that when you go on it, it's heading down, and not up - otherwise, it's a huge waste of time. On your way down, if you see an item, don't worry about it (unless it's a diamond which is easy to grab). Once you get to a large section of dug-out dirt, jump off the tour guide, who will be moving extremely fast now, and head left. Stop when you get to the two boulders, one a few blocks higher than the other. THIS SECTION IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT - YOUR CURRENT GAME MUST BE RESET IF IF YOU SCREW THIS UP! That's right, if you do something wrong here, it can, and will, become impossible to finish, so follow my instructions carefully. See the two boulders? Push the lower one down, so that it falls. Then, move up and push the one above it. Be certain to move out of the way quickly, as you'll die if it squashes you, like every boulder can do. There, that wasn't so hard now, was it? Yeah, that simple bit could screw up your whole game. Aren't you glad you have an FAQ writer here on your side? If you're curious as to how it would be impossible to finish, if you accidently hit the top one first, it would fall on top of the lower one, and thus you could never get in the correct position to make it fall again. Make your way to your left, and dig down. Purple ghostie fella will still be hungry, so move quickly. Door Clock is counting down too - don't be slow! Move to your right and slide down the slopes. Hey, look at this! You've just landed on 3 pink boulders, all somehow magically in the same column! By the way, wou will lose 5 blocks of health, but the finish of the level is just up a bit! ********** Starting depth - 706-712 (Falls at beginning) *Cavern 6* Door depth - 826 ********** Lowest depth - 826 Think Battletoads - Arctic Cavern (lvl 4). Almost exactly the same music too. Even has the same sliding animations, similar spikey walls and death traps. Think Snake Rattle 'n' Roll - Arctic Heights (lvl 9). Almost exactly the same feel minus the 3D aspect. Gotta love Rare. They really re-used ideas, even in 1990. From the starting position, head left. Slide down the slopes, then jump over the holes and dig out the crawlspace. Keep moving right. Once you get to a dig-out area seperated by a pipe (which isn't even the real pipe), go down the left section. Slide on top of the pipe, and dig through that which needs digging. Follow the path until you come to a spiky wall which lifts once you come underneath it. Slide along the icy floor to your left, and then jump up to the higher path. Before you attempt to slide into the crawlspace, make sure you jump so that you slow down. You don't want to have to crash into the wall, as health is extremely important if you're having problems with this next section. Go through the crawlspace on your left, slide down the path, run underneath the flying dragon and slide up to the spiky rotating walls. The first one you can jump over, but the second one you need to jump through. You can do this in any way, so long as his head does NOT hit the roof. If it does, you'll slow down immensely and get hit on your way through. If you're fast enough, a third one won't show up. Otherwise, good luck again. ********** Starting depth - 826 *Cavern 7* Door depth - 916 ********** Lowest depth - 916 Stocking level, much like Cavern 4, except there are many places to fall and you can only obtain dynamite in this level. Seriously, use all your diamonds on the dynamite when you come to it - you won't use them anywhere else, and you'll need close to a couple of hundred dynamite in Cavern 8. Ok, so starting from 826m down, go left and run into the wall. No, it's not a teleporting wall, it's a...disappearing wall? Go into the new space, and follow it all the way down. Walk into a wall on the right at the very bottom to reveal the pipe, and walk into another wall to find a stone wall. Don't bother about blowing it up. Activate the Door Clock, and head back up. Avoid or smack the cavemen to death and then continue your descent. *Hint* Do not go down the hole on the right, it's a big shortcut to the door at an extremely high cost of health. Instead, go to your left, and follow the path down. Jump over holes, and you will soon find another "castle" like from level 4. Use every last diamond you have, and run for the door at the far right of the cavern. If you're lucky like I am, you'll have maxed out both your rock supply and your dynamite supply. Don't worry about ladders - you'll need next to none in the next level. ********** Starting depth - 916 *Cavern 8* Door depth - 982 ********** Lowest depth - 982 Cavern 7 only sells dynamite for a reason - you're going to need it. See the flying loogies? Those are dragon eggs. They remove only 1 bar of health if they hit you, but once they hatch, they deal an INSANE amount of damage. I'm talking about damage similar to that of the ghost's punch and dragon bite. So, jump over them, and make sure you don't land in between pipes. Which pipe is the real pipe? None of these. If you could, I would tell you to drop ladders all over the place here so you don't fall, but unfortunately you can't drop ladders off pipes. Poopies. Head to your right, where the first green dinosaur of the level lives. Drop a load of dynamite in his face and retreat onto the small pipe in front of him. Once he turns purple, he should start to retreat. Now's your chance! Jump over him, Super Mario Bros. style, and climb onto the little hiding spot above him. Once you feel ready, drop down onto the left pipe. Yes, here is the one and only true pipe of this level! Regain your nerves, because here we go! Jump onto the pipe to the right of you, and drop down. After you land, let a ladder fall. Go down the ladder, and leave some dynamite. Quickly scale the ladder. The small pipe will crumble after the explosion. Race to your right and destroy any other pipes in your way. Once you're on the icy surface, prepare to jump over any flying dragon eggs. Drop a chunk of dynamite in his face too, and get out of there. Once he gets knocked back, jump over him and keep heading right. Get the diamond! Once again, it's the most important thing to have, despite there being no more stocking levels. Slide along this surface and let yourself fall down the 2x2 dug-out space - don't keep sliding. Move right to gain access to a small crawlspace and follow it down. Drop dynamite in front of the small pipe which is blocking your way. Get down the ladder ASAP. As you slide over the icy surface heading left, shoot as many rocks as you can. This should reflect all dragon eggs coming your way. Prepare to meet the hardest boss this game has to offer - or the easiest. I really don't want to give away how to beat this dinosaur, as it's an incredibly easy boss to overcome, if you know what you're doing. I found out by accident one day how to get past him when I was pushing select and B for all it was worth. Here's one last hint: I said before that something was extremely important. Put something important near him, and he'll come out to get it. If you're really stumped, read the "Enemies" section on Dinosaurs. Then, when you're ready, run past and into the door. Well folks, that's it for the walkthrough. CONGRATULATIONS YOU'VE FOUND - THE LOST CITY - TO BE CONTINUED Of course, it was never really continued...Or *WAS* it? If you know anything about that, please email me at Popo_Nana@hotmail.com 5a. Known Cheats ---------------- There is only one known cheat so far, and it was submitted by Max P on Feb 7th 2003, almost a year after first writing this! Anywho, here it is: "2nd level to the 3rd level: At the start of the 2nd level you jump over a gap and crawl through a gap. Then jump onto the stones and then without going anywhere else jump onto the rope ladder directly and then you warp to the 3rd cavern." Of course, Cavern 2 isn't that tough - if you NEED to use this, then perhaps you should pick a different game that doesn't involve as much skill...say, a FPS? *OPINION ALERT*. It's just nice to have the option to skip a level there, and certainly exciting to try out. By the way, if you have any other Cheats to add, please email me! 6a. Credits ----------- Thanks to the following people/companies: - Notepad+, for providing a program where there is no limit to the size of notepad files. - Nintendo, Rare, and even Milton Bradly for this hugely underrated game. - John D, for owning this game for many long years. - Alf B, who reads my guides and walkthroughs. - Adam L, for his feedback and assistance in verification of this guide. - Max P, provided the Cavern 2 --> Cavern 3 level warp trick, and information about using diamonds on the other dinosaurs and the ghost in Cavern 5. 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789