_________ __ __ ____ ________ __ \_ ___ \| |__ |__|_____ / _ \ \______ \ _____ | | ____ / \ \/| | \| \____ \ > _ > / <_\ \/ | ` \/ __ \| |_\ ___/ \______ /___| /__| __/ \_____\ \ /_______ (____ /____/\___ > \/ \/ |__| \/ \/ \/ \/ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Author: A I e x | | Completed: July 10th, 2005 | | Email: Legal & Copyright Section | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~\/~| | || TofC || Table of Contents || TofC || | |_||______||______________________________________________________||______||_| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | - Table of Contents............TofC | | - Walkthrough..................1.00 | | - Controls................1.01 | | - Initial Stage...........1.02 | | - Stage A.................1.03 | | - Stage B.................1.04 | | - Stage C.................1.05 | | - Stage D.................1.06 | | - Stage E.................1.07 | | - Stage F.................1.08 | | - Stage G.................1.09 | | - Stage H.................1.10 | | - Stage I.................1.11 | | - Stage J.................1.12 | | - Enemies......................2.00 | | - Bosses.......................3.00 | | - Legal & Copyright............L.0C | | - Credits & Thanks.............C.0T | |____________________________________________________________________________| |~\/~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~\/~| | || 1.00 || Walkthrough || 1.00 || | |_||______||______________________________________________________||______||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For an introduction to the game, please see the review section at the bottom. 1.01 ----------------------------- CONTROLS ---------------------------------- +--------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | D-Pad | Move | |--------------+-------------------------------------------------------------| | A Button | Jump | |--------------+-------------------------------------------------------------| | B Button | Pick up/throw | |--------------+-------------------------------------------------------------| | Select | Status menu | |--------------+-------------------------------------------------------------| | Start | Pause | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ 1.02 ---------------------------- INITIAL STAGE ------------------------------ You will notice that you can pick up all sorts of things about here using the B button including but not limited to apples, boxes and more. Those little flower icons should be picked as as well wherever psosible, they're worth points. Grab a box and head right, be ready to throw it at that chomping enemy. While holding a box or similar item you can press down to hide in the box, any enemy which touches you at that point will be destroyed. Don't forget that if you hold down while on a ledge and press jump, you'll drop down a level. Continue right while destorying all those nasty enemies. Make sure not to stand on the cacti or you will hurt yourself. When you reach a wall then it's time to start climbing up. Since boxes above you will black the way you will have to jump back and forth between the poles. When the screen scrolls up past a certain area you cannot drop back down or you will die. On the left at the top is a large box, when you touch it Zipper will appear and help you out by making you invincible. You can run along even on those electric spark wires without getting hurt, it should wear off around the time you reach another area where you have to jump up. The concrete blocks at the top cannot be thrown as far as boxes but they can be used over and over again. Use them to set down on top of the electric wire so you won't get hit by it. Head to the right while watching out for the electricity and those damn jumping mice. At the end you'll find a door leading to an indoor area. Run along until you reach three of those concrete blocks, you'll have to pile at least two of them on top of one another to reach the top. Drop down and just keep running right until you find a mouse hole. When you open the box here that other rat thing whose name I forget opens the way to the boss. +------------------------------ INITIAL STAGE BOSS --------------------------+ | | | Basically what this boss does is shoot to projectiles from its hands down | | at you. Your job is to dodge these projectiles and throw that red ball | | up to hit the boss in the central green dot it has instead of a face. | | While this crazy contraption pathetically attempts to hit you with its | | slow moving attacks, simply stand in the middle ready to jump at any time. | | Hold up on the D-pad and press B to throw the ball straight up in the air. | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1.03 ------------------------------- STAGE A --------------------------------- Well now you're up in a tree, how nice. Grab yourself a box and get those two acorns on your right. Be careful of these caterpillar things, if you throw a box at them it will just go right over their head, you'll need to duck down inside it and let it hit them and throw it fro ma lower level. Head right and climb up the platofrms to the higher area of the tree. It's just a straight climb from here but watch out! Flyring squirrel enemies will appear with the intent of ruining your day. They can be killed the same way as any other enemy, throw a box at them, however they are more agile and they like to appear from all directions, sometimes a number of them at once. When you reach the top you'll find a door on the right leading to a boss. +--------------------------------- STAGE A BOSS -----------------------------+ | | | The boss of this stage is a stupid owl who likes to fly around the top of | | the screen while dropping feathers down on you. Of course feathers being | | like the softest goddamn things on the planet, of course it's going to | | hurt you as they lightly float down on top of your head. Dodge these | | weightless annoyances while simultaneously throwing the red ball straight | | up to damage the owl in mid flight. Every once in awhile the owl will | | drop down to your level. I don't recommend throwing the ball straight at | | him at this point since it has a tendency to bounce off the wall and | | knock you out for a second. Stick to throwing it straight up in the air. | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1.04 ------------------------------- STAGE B --------------------------------- All right! A diner! You can jump up to the top left and get that box if you really think you need an acorn to heal yourself at this point. Take either the table route on the under-the-table route, both are pretty much the same. It's just a matter of picking up a box, throwing it at a mechanical mouse and repeating. When you get to the far right there'sa hole leading to the next area. Be careful of the new enemy you face here, the bears will move toward you and throw three green balls before running off. To dodge these you can either wait until they are thrown and then jump or move underneath the bear since it is on the hgiher level. This only works for some of them of course. Further along you'll come across some water faucets. The water will damage you, probbaly for the same reason a feather damages you. In order to turn off the water simply jump up on top of the handle a total of three times. Now comes the really annoying part. There's pots on the stove and the only safe place to jump are the handles, however there are also house fly enemies coming down and moving toward you. The best thing to do is carry a box and hide inside it for safety, you don't want to risk missing the throw. In the next area it's more of the same, more pots and more flies. Remember it's safe to jump on the pot handles not just the knobs. Dodge the enemies as best you can until you reach the other side where you'll find a P item. I'm not quite sure exactly what this does, but you got it! Now you will have to face off against your clones! This is a lot more difficult if playing two player, but for one player it's just a nuisance. Kill anything that isn't you and be done with it, the hole to the next area is at the lower right part of this one. +--------------------------------- STAGE B BOSS -----------------------------+ | | | I'm not quite sure how a space ship made it into the kitchen, but the | | fact is that it did and now you have to get rid of it. The ship will | | fly above you and drop space aliens on your head. You need to grab the | | red ball and throw it up at the space ship every time it makes a pass. | | It will pass on one of three levels, high, mid or low. When it's low you | | will need to jump over it but there's a special bonus. If you wait a | | split second when it comes low and then throw the ball right at it, the | | ball will hit the space ship, bounce and hit it a second time. Yeah! | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1.05 ------------------------------- STAGE C --------------------------------- Ah yes, the library. Where weird looking chipmunks go to learn all about this and that. Also happens to be a favoured hangout of the wild tennis kangaroo. These creatures are know to easily be defeated by having two boxes crammed in their faces. It is of course easier to just dodge them. Stay in the mid secion and you'll be fine until you reach the mountain of boxes. Just stay low then jump and throw when it's safe. Climb up the pile of books on the right and bring a box with you. Throw it at the kangaroo at the top and quickly grab the other one and throw that too. The one above this one is easy, it's too high up to hit you while you're standing still, but you can throw boxes and hit it without jumping. Make your way right and watch out for those birds with the bombs, you've got to contend with them AND the stupid kangaroos. In the next area you'll find a 1up star under the pile of boxes below you. Run right across the fans while trying to stay underneath as much as possible, this will give you cover from the bombs dropping down from above. You'll see a box on one of the fans, grab it and start running because Zipper is inside and he's ready to fight. By the time it wears off you'll find another box with one of those P things inside then it's a simple matter of jumping across the light bulbs to the end, no boss in this level. 1.06 ------------------------------- STAGE D --------------------------------- Toy store! It's not time to play though, these toys are possessed by Satan or something like that. And it's not just the toys, you need to be careful of the boxes you pick up as well, many of them are evil boxes! They'll bounce up and down and hurt you. You can tell an evil box from a normal box from looking at it. The evil boxes are noticably more red than the normal ones. Make your way to the right until you encounter some jack-in-the-boxes. THese nasty things will hide from view and pop up to attack. All it takes is one box to eliminate them but they cannot be killed unless they are in the popped- up position. These next enemies are interesting, they spin around and bob back and forth but cannot be killed. Instead what you do is hit them with a box, they'll start spinning but they won't bob from side to side which means you can go underneath fairly safely. The hole leading to the next area is on the lower level. The enemies you'll find here are interesting, they're rabbits that throw rugs at you! Get too close however and they run away so you don't really need a box to defeat them. As you're going along however you'll encounter some super string bupedal chicken enemies. These things punch boxes at you, it's very dangerous. Simply hide in a box and they will stupidly walk into it and die. When you come across an on-off switch, grab a box and stand below the switch. Throw the box straight up to toggle the switch to off. This applies to the second one as well. For the third one don't touch it at all, jump so that you won't land on it since it defaults to the off position. You have no choice but to turn the fourth one on, simply knock it back to off when you reach the bottom. In the next area wait for the jack-in-the-box to go back in since you won't have a box at this point. Rn along beside those purple rectagles as they start to explode, the holes in the ground will drop you down to the lower level. Not too much further now Begin climbing up the coloured blocks (you'll have to be careful of the fake boxes again here) and make your way right past all the fake boxes to the hole. +--------------------------------- STAGE D BOSS -----------------------------+ | | | Now this is what I'm talking about, a giant badass robot that pulls no | | punches. This robot is far too awesome to beat the crap out of you | | himself, instead he just launches some coloured balls into the air and | | that's what will damage you as they fall out of the sky. The colour | | of the balls doesn't matter, they all hurt you, so dodge them as they | | fall. To damage the boss you need to jump and throw the ball. If you | | throw the second he comes on screen you will hit hit BUT if you throw when | | he is at the furthest left it will hit him, bounce and hit him again! | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1.07 ------------------------------- STAGE E --------------------------------- This level takes place on a fence. Whee. Caccoons are floating about everywhere not really offereing much danger but you can smash them if you want. Notice that some areas of the fence are broken, don't touch these areas or it will hurt you. Also after you get past the fence keep a look out for eyes in the bushes, this means a bug is going to pop out and attack. Keep moving right to get to the next area. If you want that free life up there here's what to do. Grab a box and destory the fake box on your right, then grab another one. Jump up so you're exactly below the fake box at the top, but go no further otherwise you'll scroll the 1up right off the screen. Throw the box straight up to destroy it then jump up and get the 1up. You can safely stay on the top until you need to drop down and get the box, there's a boat inside. Ride the boat across to the right then grab the hammer and start smashing through the grey wall. Keep hold of the hammer, it will make getting through the rest of this area easy. In the next area you'll find a full health acorn in the mountain of boxes. Watch out for the slippery sand and the enemies at the bottom. If you're going to pick up bombs be sure to throw them quick before they explode. The final door is just to the right. +--------------------------------- STAGE E BOSS -----------------------------+ | | | This nasty creature is well... nasty. Similar to the first boss in that | | it shoots those electric projectiles at you but far different in that | | it moves around and it fires them much more frequently. Grab the ball | | and start throwing but focus mostly on dodging, there's no time limit. | | The boss is slightly too high to make throwing from a distance very | | effective, wait until you are under the boss and then throw straight up. | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1.08 ------------------------------- STAGE F --------------------------------- Some kind of factory here I guess. The beginning is pretty straight forward, simply jump across when there is no large ball dropping down from above. At the other end stay on the lowest level and you should pretty much be able to avoid all the large balls until the last one. After that there are some of those super strong chicken things, like I said before, simply duck inside a box. Boy do I ever have horrific memories of this next area from when I was a kid. What you need to do is jump up when the platforms are extended. Ignore the one on the right, stand on the box that starts beside and you jump up onto the left platform from below when it sticks out. From here you just have to be fast, if you see an opportunity to jump then take it! You'll find another mouse hole at the top which brings an end to this short but difficult stage. 1.09 ------------------------------- STAGE G --------------------------------- It's casino time. I need someone to explain to me why the lizards in this level are wearing clothes. THEY'RE WEARING CLOTHES. I mean so are you of course, but you're a squirrel or whatever, these are lizards. It doesn't add up. Either way, like any other lizard they die you you smash a box over their face so keep doing that. Stay on the upper level if possible, whether it's a glitch of not the lizards on the upper level will jump off screen and just never come back down. WHen you reach the moving coin things then drop to the lower level and just worry about defeating the lizards. In the next area there's an enemy similar to the strong chicken but this one bodychecks multiple boxes at once, he's even MORE dangerous. Keep running right, it gets worse when the fly enemies start coming down. Jump over the flies and kill the box men. Ignore the upper level with those pincer things until you get to the end, then jump up and knock the boxes out of the way. Through the door you'll encounter more box rhinos, but it's those damn flies again that will really hurt you. At the end you can stack up all those blocks to reach the 1up on top, then stack them again so you can jump across to the door. +--------------------------------- STAGE G BOSS -----------------------------+ | | | Oh no! It's Fat Cat! He sits up top of his slot machine throwing balls | | down at you from above. The direction he throws the depends on where you | | are but he can only throw them on angles on 45 degree intervals. This | | means you'll have to move on purpose to try and draw his attack in another | | direction so you can get underneath and throw the ball up. Of course | | you have to be careful of the spikes as well but that's your problem. | | It doesn't matter though this is the easiest boss ever. If you stand | | between the two spikes and throw it up, just to the left of the middle | | so you aren't getting hit, his projectiles are too small to hit you but | | the ball is bigger so it will hit him. After a few throws, you win. | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1.10 ------------------------------- STAGE H --------------------------------- Of course you knew it couldn't really be over that fast. This level takes place in some kind of sewage pipe. There are crab enemies moving around here, the one thing to keep in mind is never to move below them. They have an attack where they spit bubbles down and it's hard to dodge. Yes that's right, like feather and tap water, bubbles are extremely dangerous. Just keep running right to get through this area, be careful at the parts where the platforms are thing but the gaps are wide. On the right side you'll have to start jumping up but that's when the flying squirrels come down from above. Keep a box in hand ready to throw straight up in the air. If you have the option of going up in the middle, that's an option you'll want to take since the flying squirrels come from the sides. You will come across some familiar enemies in the next area, both the clones and green ball throwing bears from the second stage are back in full force and just as dangerous as ever (which happens to be not very dangerous at all.) That's all there really is to do, when you reach the wall on the right side it's the end of the level. 1.11 ------------------------------- STAGE I --------------------------------- Near the beginning there is a new enemy, the retarded pelican. If you throw a box at this enemy at face level it will eat the box and throw it back so hit it in the legs or from behind or something. Soon enough there's the fans as well, they make it difficult to move forward but once you eventually reach the fan you can jump on top of it. Be careful of the spikes though, or thumb tacks or whatever they are. The fans will blow you toward them so you need to watch out. At the far end there's a door and another cheese box with that mtupid fat mouse again. Time to do battle with some classic enemies, the robo rats are back and as easy to kill as ever. On the third or fourth telephone you'll find a box with Zipper inside, thanks to his help it's a simple matter of getting from here to the end. The door at the top leads to the boss. +--------------------------------- STAGE I BOSS -----------------------------+ | | | Well this is the first boss where it's not painfully easy to dodge | | every single one of his attacks. In fact it will seem like he doesn't | | have any attacks unti lyou actually throw the ball up to hit him. At this | | point he will wait a second or two then explode into pieces which fall | | down on your from above. If you are directly underneath you'll get hit | | but if you're too far to the side you'll get hit as well. Move a bit to | | the left or right from directly under him and you should be fine. | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1.12 ------------------------------- STAGE J --------------------------------- Another factory, but that's fine here. It's got some pretty funky music too. Imagine the worst possible combination in the universe and that's what you have, those stupid box rhinos and flies coming at you at once, with things above your head to keep you from jumping and a conveyor belt to keep you from moving well. Oh well, once you get to the end the weirdest thing in the world happens. You have to move throguh the next area going left! Crazy. You also encounter plunger weasels, which is almost as crazy as scrolling left but not quite. More conveyor belts and something no game can be about. An automatic killing axe machine. Of course the conveyor belt serves to maximize the probability that you will be AXE'D. On the other side those damn lizards in clothes throw their hats at you, try to stay low to avoid this. Up and up further still, turn off those axe crushing machines by throwing a box up at the switches. When you get across be careful once again of the combination lizards with cloths and plunger weasels. Upon finally getting to the other side and going through the door it's time to face off against the boss! +--------------------------------- STAGE J BOSS -----------------------------+ | | | This primary attack is flicking cigar ash at you, that's pretty hardcore. | | There's no surefire way to dodge this easily since he likes to fling his | | cigar around wildly, so as far as I can tell the best thing to do is | | go on the offensive, Instead of waiting for his attack so you can dodge | | go in there and hurl the ball up at his face. A few times and he's toast. | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~\/~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~\/~~ || 2.00 || Enemies || 2.00 || __||______||______________________________________________________||______||__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mecha Chomp Dog - THe first enemies you face, mechanical beast. Robo Rat - Jumps around with the sole intent of KILLING YOU. Tennis Kangaroo - This kangaroo plays tennis for some reason. Explodo Bird - Bird that flies around dropping bombs. Clones - Space aliens that clone you. Hit them with a box. Green Ball Bears - These bears throw three green balls and run like hell. Caccoon - It's just a caccoon, if you kill them, you're a murderer. Invisible Bush Bug - These damn things sectretly attack from behind the bush. Invisible Mug Bug - Hides in mugs. Same as the other bug. Caterpillar - Squirms around harmlessly until you touch it. Flying Squirrel - These things fly in from the side and come right at you! Bee - I saw one of these once at the end of the first level. House Fly - GODAMMIT STOP BEING SO ANNOYING. Lizard with Clothes - Runs and jumps, and throws infinite hats at you. Evil Box - Slightly redder than normal boxes with a spring on the bottom! Carpet Rabbit - This rabbit attacks by throwing carpets. Stupid. Pincer Face - Mostly live in desert sand pits, quite dangerous. Jack-in-the-Box - It's a toy, but instead fo being fun, you die. Spinning Toy - Spins around forever with nothing better to do. Box Rhino - Runs at you while knocking every single box at you. Super Chicken - Punches boxes in your general direction. Retarded Pelican - This thing bobs up and down and throws your boxes back! Plunger Weasel - Equipped with a plunger gun and a badass attitude. ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~\/~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~\/~~ || 3.00 || Bosses || 3.00 || __||______||______________________________________________________||______||__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ INITIAL STAGE BOSS -------------------------- Basically what this boss does is shoot to projectiles from its hands down at you. Your job is to dodge these projectiles and throw that red ball up to hit the boss in the central green dot it has instead of a face. While this crazy contraption pathetically attempts to hit you with its slow moving attacks, simply stand in the middle ready to jump at any time. Hold up on the D-pad and press B to throw the ball straight up in the air. --------------------------------- STAGE A BOSS ----------------------------- The boss of this stage is a stupid owl who likes to fly around the top of the screen while dropping feathers down on you. Of course feathers being like the softest goddamn things on the planet, of course it's going to hurt you as they lightly float down on top of your head. Dodge these weightless annoyances while simultaneously throwing the red ball straight up to damage the owl in mid flight. Every once in awhile the owl will drop down to your level. I don't recommend throwing the ball straight at him at this point since it has a tendency to bounce off the wall and knock you out for a second. Stick to throwing it straight up in the air. --------------------------------- STAGE B BOSS ----------------------------- I'm not quite sure how a space ship made it into the kitchen, but the fact is that it did and now you have to get rid of it. The ship will fly above you and drop space aliens on your head. You need to grab the red ball and throw it up at the space ship every time it makes a pass. It will pass on one of three levels, high, mid or low. When it's low you will need to jump over it but there's a special bonus. If you wait a split second when it comes low and then throw the ball right at it, the ball will hit the space ship, bounce and hit it a second time. Yeah! --------------------------------- STAGE D BOSS ----------------------------- Now this is what I'm talking about, a giant badass robot that pulls no punches. This robot is far too awesome to beat the crap out of you himself, instead he just launches some coloured balls into the air and that's what will damage you as they fall out of the sky. The colour of the balls doesn't matter, they all hurt you, so dodge them as they fall. To damage the boss you need to jump and throw the ball. If you throw the second he comes on screen you will hit hit BUT if you throw when he is at the furthest left it will hit him, bounce and hit him again! --------------------------------- STAGE E BOSS ----------------------------- This nasty creature is well... nasty. Similar to the first boss in that it shoots those electric projectiles at you but far different in that it moves around and it fires them much more frequently. Grab the ball and start throwing but focus mostly on dodging, there's no time limit. The boss is slightly too high to make throwing from a distance very effective, wait until you are under the boss and then throw straight up. --------------------------------- STAGE G BOSS ----------------------------- Oh no! It's Fat Cat! He sits up top of his slot machine throwing balls down at you from above. The direction he throws the depends on where you are but he can only throw them on angles on 45 degree intervals. This means you'll have to move on purpose to try and draw his attack in another direction so you can get underneath and throw the ball up. Of course you have to be careful of the spikes as well but that's your problem. It doesn't matter though this is the easiest boss ever. If you stand between the two spikes and throw it up, just to the left of the middle so you aren't getting hit, his projectiles are too small to hit you but the ball is bigger so it will hit him. After a few throws, you win. --------------------------------- STAGE I BOSS ----------------------------- Well this is the first boss where it's not painfully easy to dodge every single one of his attacks. In fact it will seem like he doesn't have any attacks unti lyou actually throw the ball up to hit him. At this point he will wait a second or two then explode into pieces which fall down on your from above. If you are directly underneath you'll get hit but if you're too far to the side you'll get hit as well. Move a bit to the left or right from directly under him and you should be fine. --------------------------------- STAGE J BOSS ----------------------------- This primary attack is flicking cigar ash at you, that's pretty hardcore. There's no surefire way to dodge this easily since he likes to fling his cigar around wildly, so as far as I can tell the best thing to do is go on the offensive, Instead of waiting for his attack so you can dodge go in there and hurl the ball up at his face. A few times and he's toast. ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~\/~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~\/~~ || L.0C || Legal & Copyright || L.0C || __||______||______________________________________________________||______||__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This document is copyright (c) 2007 by A I e x. I am no longer active writing guides for video games, and thus I will no longer any questions or update with any corrections sent through email. It is likely that after this point this guide will never be updated again. I am aware that there are errors occasionally and I apologize for those. Please do not email me any corrections, or ask me for any help with this particular game, as I will not respond. It is also not necessary to send any email to thank me for the work, I will say right now that you are very welcome. Furthermore, please do not contact me about hosting this guide on your website, I will not grant permisson. I am still willing to take action if I find this guide being hosted anywhere other than GameFAQs.com, IGN.com, or a very small number of other select sites. Finally, if you need to contact me for some reason that is not covered above, then you can reach me at StarOceanDC(a.t)gmail(d.o.t)com. ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~\/~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~\/~~ || C.0T || Credits & Thanks || C.0T || __||______||______________________________________________________||______||__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to CJayC for continuing to keep GameFAQs running smoothly, and the same to Sailor Bacon. Thanks to Sean, Mark and Jeremy here at the University of Guelph, thanks to everyone in the GameFAQs FAQ contributor community for being great people, and thanks to everyone who takes the time to send feedback. Thank you very much finally, to anyone and everyone reading this walkthrough. ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~