Yakuza's faq to ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤Duck Tales(Nes system)¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Date faq was started: 2001-01-22 Date faq was finished: 2001-02-17 *************************************************************** | ___ __ __ __ __ _ _____ _ _ ___ ___ | | | \ || || / \ | / | / \ | | / \ | | | \ || || | |/ | /---\ | |-- \ | | |___/ \\_// \__/ | \ | / \ |____ |___ \ | | \__/ | | | *************************************************************** Version 1.0 (First version ever) I put the credits both on top and bottom of document, because then it's easier to recognise the people. I hope I did not forget anyone. If I did, you know that you should have a spot here too. Then you can always mail me and I'll update it. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Credits: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * To Jeff"CjayC" Veasey for www.gamefaqs.com, the absolute ultimate hyper video site ever!!!! * To SMCfadden for great reviews, Steve, what can I say, you're totally awesome! * To Djellybean for his great work, and hard effort. DJ, you work hard and should definitely have credit! * To Sefirstein for cool work, I like most of his reviews and he is also a good friend, he helped me with some info about submitting things to gamefaqs.com. * To Masamune Shirow for "Orion", "ghost in the shell" and "Akira"(manga) * To Hiroaki for "Blade of the immortal"(manga). You like manga, and don't know about Blade of the immortal? Then I suggest you go out and look for it, I can guarantee it's one of the best manga comics you can find. * To Square for "Chrono Trigger", the best game ever. (Yes it is the best ever, I know what I'm talking about.) I also love Square because of other games, like "Legend of Mana", "Secret of Mana", and other superb games. * To CLS for terrific reviews, he has done one superb to FF3, Final Fantasy 3(ff6) for Snes. It was/is the best review I've ever read. Check it out, it's totally fair! * To Capcom for this and other games * To Gluecoejoe for cool work, his reviews are all mighty, I wish he had a contributor recognition spot.... * To Eddie Murphy(yeah, this might sound real strange, but he inspired me actually, I love his movies). * To Yakuza(myself) for getting my mind together and writing this faq * And of course to all other faq writers that kept me inspired!!!! *************************************************************************** ///////////////////// Table of Contents: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 1. Introduction *|------------------------|* *| (-):Info |* *| A: Story |* *| B: Walkthrough |* *| C: The controls |* *| D: Enemies |* *| E: Bosses |* *| F: Legal info |* *| G: Credits |* *| H: My review |* *| I: Items(K) |* *| J: All text in the game|* *| K: Info about levels |* *| L: Main tips |* *| End of Document |* *-------------------------|* ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 1. Introduction ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Ok, welcome to the ultimate place for cheats/tips/help at Duck Tales for Nes!! First, a warning! I suggest you use this faq only if you're stuck or need help. If you never played the game before, don't read this faq then, because it might ruin your fun! That's just a suggestion.... Another faq for another Nes game. As always, nobody(except me) would do a faq for this game, coz it's a Nes-game, and it seems that not many people cares for the old machine nowadays, it only exists as a nostalgic dusty antique thing, that's for senile dudes....ok, maybe I said too much there, but it seems that Nes isn't so popular, nobody does any faqs nowadays...and that's why I fight for the machine's existence, somebody better do faqs for it...and here's a faq to the old Nes machine, to Duck Tales. Well, nobody did a faq for it, so I will be the first. Here it is! Exscuse me for grammatical/spelling errors, yes I know it's disturbing, I'm sorry but I'm not from an english speaking country, so my english is not 100% perfect. And remember, it may take a while before I update it again, because I have school, sports, and friends to take care of. So please, understand me! I can't spend all my time on these faqs, alright? Also, since I'm not from America (or some other english speaking country) my vocabulary isn't so well developed, so many lines are simply in the same kinda way, I can't express myself in all situations in different ways..... If you want to mail me about anything, info, help, tips, corrections, advices, comments, anything, send me a mail at lufia3@hotmail.com Yeah, that's my main adress. I'll answer all mails I get(I can almost guaratee that). The adress is of course based on the lufia-series for Snes. Sorry for bringing it out so late!!!! It took me a while to do, no kidding, but that's not the major reason. I had some school-stuff to do, I had to write something else for the computer(cleaning up some old files, eradicate wrong files, etc.) tide my room(oh what a disgrace! You should have seen it!) and allover, I was a bit lazy(oh I am). So that's why it isn't out yet, than now. Sorry. It took much more time to do it than it should have done. Anyway, here it is, brand new to see the first new rays of sunlight.... Well, over to the faq.... ########################################################################### (-): Info about the game etc. ########################################################################### Yeah, this is some short info about the things about the game and the faq, it's like a short view of the game and the faq. ----------------- About the game: ----------------- The game is named "Duck Tales" and made by Capcom a long time ago(1989), to the Nes. It's all about oncle Scrooge that is greedy and wants more treasures and money. He decides to go out and look for cash all along the whole world(and also the moon). This will take you on an adventure, everything from jungles to castles. You can play on Hard, Normal, Easy. The difference is just that when you're hit at hard, you lose immediately 1 dot. If you're hit on Easy, it will take several hits before you lose 1 dot. And on normal, it will take a few hits before you lose a dot...that's the only difference, it doesn't effect the ending or the game in any kinda way.. Also, depending on how much cash(score) you gain, you'll have more gold in the ending, like if you just gained low score, there will only be a treasure full of gold(only) but if you get more, there'll be a mountain of gold. That's the only difference in the game... Notice!!! The game is on time, so if you run out of time, you die one life. But that won't happen so often, you have a lot of time in this game! The game has no kind of password function, no kind of saving data system, nothing like that. It's just plain and simple. Here's the precious diamonds and jewels you can get, and what they are worth: Small jewels: 2000p. Big jewels: 10000p. Red diamonds: 50000p. Try to collect everything you can see, even if it doesn't seems to be worth the effort, because if you want a good(nice) ending with much money, you need every single diamond you can find, to increase your fortune. Also, there are many many hidden rooms to discover. In many of the rooms, there are diamonds(jewels), lives, energy recovering items, and other stuff. There are also two items in the whole game that will increase your energy meter by one. If you find both these, your energy will be at max. level 5. Try to find them as quick as you can, because then you'll have one dot more all the time! And it's better to have it so soon as possible, than just wait and get them later. You find them in special hidden rooms, but don't worry, you will find them if you use my faq. I mentioned them in the walkthrough..... ---------------- About the faq: Sorry for bringing it out so late (it's 2000 now, the game was made 1989:P )Duck Tales isn't a very complicated game(pretty easy actually) so you won't get any major problems in the game. And then the faq won't be too complicated either. Anyway, I tried to do the faq as big I could, gathering every kinda information in the game and so, everything in the game worth to notice. Remember! A game is always more entertaining if you find the treasures/hidden places by yourself. Using a faq is easy, finding it yourself can be REAL difficult. But then it's nicer to find it. So, use this faq if you feel for it, but I remind you again, think over the situation before you read on..... Also, once again, sorry for spelling/grammatical errors. ########################################################################### A: Story ########################################################################### Well, this is just a short story I made myself: "Uncle Scrooge notice that his enemy no1, the second richest duck in the world suddenly is richer than himself. Uncle Scrooge is at the second place in world's richest ranking! That can't be tolerated so Uncle Scrooge starts to figure out a way to get more cash so he can remain No1. But it is harder than he thought, almost every factory he owns is working 100% and he can't increase his fortune using them. Then he remembers his young days, when he was young and discovered many hidden treasures and found gold, diamonds, etc. Then he thinks that would be fun to experience again, and maybe he also can earn some money by the way. Uncle Scrooge decides to go out on a journey, to have some fun. But as he is away, he discovers that this is also an adventure for the kids, so he brings them along. Together they discover treasures and money all over the world....Now Uncle Scrooge knows that he can earn money, and he starts to collect precious items that are worth millions at a museum, and by this, he increases his fortune. But, there are many bad guys out there, that try to stop Uncle Scrooge, and still, the richest duck now (that passed Uncle Scrooge a week ago) definitely wants to be the richest, and he will definitely try to stop you in a way, so be careful..." (ok, the story's about that you must collect as much cash and special items so you can be the richest duck in the world again..isn't this a bit greedy?). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B: Walkthrough !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, what do you think a walkthrough is for? Well, maybe some help about the game, but walkthroughs is the whole game from beginning to end. So here you can find everything about the game to end, how/what you should do when you play it, and where to go, etc. The bosses and enemies are not here, they are somewhere else in this document. Where? Well, look around in it!! Ok, here's the walkthrough: ="="="="="="="="="="=="="="="="="="="="="=="="="="="="="="="="=="="="="="=" You can basically start at whichever stage you want, because there is no real order in the game. But here's the levels I play first, if I would play the game. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Level 1: Amazonas -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* I chose this level first because it's the easiest one(so you can practise some or resfresh your skills) and at this one, you don't need any special items(like keys) to get pass blockades. So, just chill on!!! First, go right(you guys that read my faqs is pretty used to this. Hey! Don't blame me, it's the game formed this way!) because that's the only way to go. Search the air and the ground for diamonds meanwhile you're running. If you find treasures and boxes on the way, stop and pick up the contents. You have enough time, don't worry. Keep heading right. Go down in the gap when you're there. You find yourself in a tunnel. To left is a red box. Strike it to the left, so it stops along the wall. Then you use the cane jumping technique on it so you can jump up in a hidden place, if you bounce up and move to left, so you can get "outside" the screen. This is a typical technique you find in this game. There are many secret rooms hidden like this, so check it out! When you're up, go left and take the treasures. You find a few nice jewels that bring some points, then you go back to the right. Drop down from the wall and now there are two ways to continue: You can either choose to climb up again, using the rope or continue to the right inside the tunnel. Notice!!! Either way you choose there will be a jewel worth 50000points(quite much score if you want) up in a "hidden secret room" at the surface where some needles start and there are several green lianes hanging down. When you are there, climb the one in the middle, and you discover a hidden place. I suggest you look for this secret room, if you want points(and remember, points will change the ending if you want it different). But if you're just playing, and don't care about the score, forget about it. Ok, the two ways to continue at the stage: -- 1. If you climb up, you have a less risky and easier way. I think this way is better, if you want a safe journey. The only difference from the way inside the tunnel is that at this way, you won't get the treasures that are down there. But that doesn't really matter anyway, the treasures ain't worth anything. Well, you climb up the rope? Ok, let's continue: You get up at the surface again. Go right. You meet some enemies, but they are easy to avoid/defeat if you want to. Take all the treasures you can find, and still go right. After a while, you'll come to that "hidden secret room place" I mentioned. You will recognize it when you see needles on the ground, and green lianes hanging down. Go up there if you want to earn points, and then go down. Keep heading right. You're next to a green long liane that leads up, next to a wall? Ok, if you want score or just want to recover some energy, there are some hidden stuff along the wall. Go to it, jump with your cane and get it. After, go up the liane. Now you'll be at the same place as you would be if you chose the other way(through the tunnel) so check a little longer down, where the two roads spin together... -- 2. If you continue to the right, inside the tunnel, you are taking a more risky and more dangerous way. But if you like it that way, go ahead. You'll face quite many gaps and a few needles. And some giant spiders. And some really hateful enemies. And....did I scare ya enough now? No? Ok, continue to the right then: Go right, jump over all gaps, make sure the spiders won't hit ya, because then you might fall down in a gap. Head on to the right, cross the place where the needles are, and keep heading right. Pick up the treasures you find(could be a life, I'm too lazy to find out right now) and head on. When you come all the way to the right, climb up. Now you are at the same place you would be if you took the other way. Here're some nice hidden stuff along the wall. Go to it and jump up. A cake and some small jewels will fall down. You're interested about that hidden precious jewel I mentioned before? Well, then just go right for a short while, until you see green lianes and some needles. Climb up there, and you found it. Ok, the two roads are one now, there is only one way to continue, and here it is. Go up the green liane you find at the right wing. Go up. You find some buzzing bees up there. Keep heading up. You see a treasure box guarded by some meateating flowers and wonder if it is worth the effort to take it? Well, inside the box is an ice cream(recovers one hit). Take it or leave it, you're choice. After you decided, go right. Jump from platform to platform. Hook up on the dude's chopter and get to the other side. Keep heading right. There will be a falling bridge here. At the end, climb the liane. Talk to the dude if you want to go home. I say you should say no, because there are some hidden items here. When he finished his talking, jump up to the left and you're inside a secret place! Gain the stuff you want and then hop down again. Go down and right. Now you notice a treasure chest quite high up and some crazy javelin-throwers. You know what? Here's a short cut to the boss! You want to use it? Use the treasure box or the enemies and jump up where there is a little space and press up. You will come to a secret place. Head right all the way and you are soon at the boss. You don't want to cheat, using that short cut? Ok, then just head on to the right. There will be a statue wondering if you want to pay the fare($300000) just to get up. No way! You can get up there for free! Say no. Trick an enemy to go in your direction, towards the statue. When it's close, jump on it and grab the liane. Climb up and you passed that sequence. Ha! You thought you could trick us? No way. When you are up, talk to the duck in the corner if you want, he'll say "use the cane to defeat the treasure keepers". Well, you heard him. Some sort of tips? Crash all the stones and gain one life. Go left. Some stones will fall from the ceiling. Hold on, the stage is soon over. Run quickly over to the left wing, get yourself ready, get rid off the red boxes and then enter the boss room.... (Boss tactics are found at the boss section) -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Level 2: Transylvania -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* You know why I chose to pick this stage secondly? Well, the major options why is that at this stage, you get a key that is neccessary to enter the african mines, plus that you get one more energy dot if you find the secret room(which one I mentioned here). I mean, it's better to get the energy as quickly as you can, because then you have it for the rest of the game. Ok, here we go with the walkthrough: You fall into the stage from high sky. Go right and stand on the knight armor. Jump from it up to the mirror, and enter the special room. Right! Here you find a giant huge treasure chest. Open it and find: The key to the african mines. Now you can open up the lock and enter the mines if you want. You want to do it immediately? Well, then head into the mirror to the left and it will take you to the african mines immediately. You want to take it a little slower? Then just go left again, out the mirror. (I'd do that, because I think it's better to finish one stage than beginning with a new one directly). Ok, you end up outside the mirror.... Head right. Talk to the little girl. She'll say "Help! Huey has been kidnapped! Save him please". Ok, you know what to do. Go right. You can always continue to the right if you want, to find out some things about the stage. You can always test to hit a tombstone with your cane. Either a ghost will appear, or a diamond will pop out. Or maybe nothing happens at all. Head on to the right. Jump on the cane to get through where the needles sit tight. Enter the room where a lot of secret items are located. Take it all. Then enter the mirror. You're back. Go back and climb up the rope. Then go left and jump up where you see a duck and a gang member. Defeat the member and talk to the duck. "Thanks uncle Scrooge. Guess what. This house has an illusion wall". Guess what? I know where that wall is! If you want to see it, go right all the way, past all guards and enemies, everything until you see the wall. Go right through it, like in Zelda2/zelda64. Go on until you find the treasure. Open it and gain the shining star. Your energy will increase by one. Yeah! Go back through the wall and up the rope. Enter the mirror. You come to another place. Drop down into the waggon. Duck when the ceiling is low, and jump when the waggon drops down, so you don't end up in the gap. Ok, you think it's hard? Obviously it is. I had some problems with it too. You think this is just wasting your time, or if you are just too lazy to continue? Then skip it. It's just a secret passage that will give you a few more points and a new secret room. If you skip it, go to the right and enter the mirror to the right. Then go right and enter where the boss is. If you continue driving the waggon, go right and climb down the rope. To left is a 1up in a non-hidden chest. To get the special items, you must hit the knights' armors. Then the head will either transform to a treasure, a cake or just a simple trap. Investigate and have some fun. You want to get out? Ok, then step to the knight armor at the upper pillar, bust the armor and go right. Go right all the way, through an illustion wall. You find two mirrors. The left mirror will take you to the place you were at before. The right one will take you to the boss. Enter the right one. Then go left for a short while and it's time to face the boss... (Boss tactics are found at the boss section). -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Level 3: African Mines -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Since you have the key you found in Transylvania, you can now enter the african mines. Just go through the lock and you're in! Go through the lock and enter the mines. Go right a long way. Don't go down in the first gap you see(there are bats flying around) because there is a few chests waiting ahead. When you've taken them, go back(left) and now down in the first gap you encounter. You climb down a chain. To the right, you find a madam throwing ice creams. Take them if you need some recovery. Your energy should be at least full now. Now, you'll do something pretty dangerous, but it's worth to do it. You see the giant gap to the right? You're supposed to jump over it. No way! It's too huge! Well, there will be green goblins jumping up everywhere, so you can bounce on their heads to get over. Ok, try it and remember to hit them with your cane so you get over the gap. Time it. When you reached the other wing, you find a treasure. Take it and you realize "It's a hidden treasure". Go back(yeah the huge gap) and bounce on the goblins back to the safe ground. Now, go left all the way(you'll see the place where the madam threw ice creams). Keep heading left and go through another "illusion wall". You find a life. Head left some more and you find a red jewel. Go down. To left is a wall you can get up at, a "secret hidden room" is over it. Use the hidden treasures that are stocked along the wall to get up. In the box is one more life. After, go right for a while. You come to a place where a brown ball is located. Release it(hit a boulder) and then run away, so the ball won't hit ya. If you know head up the chain, you recognize where you are. Go back and down the chain. You find yourself in a place with a lot of water. You're in the right place! Head left(watch out for the goblins) and then talk to the dude if you wanna go home. Go down the chain. Go left. (If you die somewhere here, you start where the dude is) Drive with the small ducks inside the waggon. Duck and avoid the ceiling and jump off when the waggon drops into a hole. Go left and shoot away and shoot away the boxes to make some space. Climb down the chain. Go right. Talk to the little girl. "Use this seesaw uncle Scrooge". Step on it and get teleported waaaaay over to the other side. When you're there, climb the chain. Investigate every room cause they might hide something. You should at least find 1 cake and 1 red jewel. Keep going up. Now, all you have to do is walking left for a short while and then you face the boss of this stage..... (Need help? Check boss strategies in the boss section). -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Level 4: Himalaya -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Beware! You can get stuck in the snow if you try to jump with your cane in it. Watch out for it, cause it might make you immobilized for a few seconds. And then some bad enemies might take advantage of the situations. Ok, even if they don't, the whole experience is annoying. Start going to the right. You will encounter some small goats that jump up and down in the snow. (They are actually pretty funny :) Keep heading right. Take the treasures you encounter. Don't go down in the first gap you see, because then you might miss a "secret" room that contains a life. Head on to the right, without dropping down in the gap. You see some jumping bigger goats. Keep heading right and when the screen stops, jump down in the gap to the right. There will be two treasures here. Take it, and then go left(not down). Jump along the left wall and you find 1up. Then there is nothing more to get, so drop down. You find the dude here. Talk to him if you want to go back to Duckburg. But don't do that, it's just a detour. Now there are two ways to choose among; going left, or going down. I suggest you go down, because here's the way to get one energy dot increased. Talk to the duck you find, he says "Bubba's trapped in the ice! Please help him". If you go left all the way(with some treasures ahead :) you find a duck trapped in the ice. Go left and avoid all the gaps, plus the giant spiders. When you are on safe ground, you can relax a little while. You'll see a place that there is a goat jumping up and down from the snow, plus that there are ice needles to the left. Use the goat to jump at and get up to the right wall. There you find a "M", the invisibile item. Now you are invisibile and can run through the needle storm without getting hurt. Run quickly to the left, without hesitating(the M will make you untouchable) until you reach Bubba( the duck trapped inside the ice). When you are there, shoot the red block to the left, so it stand to the left wall, then jump on it with your cane, and up on the ice block that keeps Bubba trapped. He'll be saved. "You save me! Good! I show you secret treasure". Bubba thrashes the wall and reveals a hidden treasure. Open it and the second energy dot is all yours. Now your status should be that you can at least have 5 in energy, if you took the other one at the Transylvania(check this walkhtrough a little bit up). Ok, now you have to go back aaaaalll the way again. Which can be tough, the gaps are not so easy to avoid. When you are back, go up to the room where you had to choose among the two ways, where the dude is that offers you a trip back to Duckburg. When there, head left. Avoid the first gap, it just takes you down to a place where you've been before. Go left a little bit more and then use the cane trick to get up "outside" the screen, up on the "roof". Go left. Hey, there's nothing here! Well, try to climb up then. Aha! There was a rope here! Climb up... Secret hidden room!!! There are one life to the left wall, go and pick it up. Now, how am I supposed to get over that ice blocks to the left? Well, you must do exactly as I say: Go over there, do nothing. Then you press B- button lightly, so you don't make the move. Uncle scrooge will now be ready to strike. Then you jump up and strike with your cane in the very same moment. You will destroy an ice block higher up. You must do this, because if you destroy the lowest one, you won't get through. Then, strike all the ice and go through. You find some stuff and a "M". Go back then. Fall down from the secret room. Go left and up the rope. Watch out for the blue ball that guards the entrance to the next place. Step to the left to watch it roll down. Then go up. Use the enemy to left to get up at the wall, "outside" the screen. There, you can't move anymore if you go left. What to do? Well, test to hit something with your cane. The hero(you) will strike something but you don't know what. Nothing happens! Then try again! And one more time. After you struck 3 times, you can get into a secret treasure room to the left. Take the stuff and then go back. Go right, over the platforms and then go in and face the Yeti.... (Boss tactics are found in the boss sector) -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Level 5: The moon -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* The moon stage is big. First, you must find a key so you can get through a door, that leads to the control-pad, so you can control Gizmo duck and blast that door. And then you have to go down there to fight a giant rat. And there is also a special item to find at this stage. Sounds like a big stage? Yes, it is quite big, compared to others in this game. But don't worry, you got plenty of time. First, go to the right side, over some gaps and you find a green wall if you want to find out why you need the controller. If you don't want to know why, like if you just want to clear this stage quickly, you can get up in the space ship immediately instead. (Read on for further info about what to do, it starts after the wall info). When you come forward to the wall the text says "Find Gizmo duck's remote control! Then he can blast the door". Well, now you need to find the controller. Go back and up in the space ship(like you did if you didn't want this info before, it's pretty worthless to know if you only read my faq). Enter the space ship. The first time you are inside the space ship, you spot some strange aliens. There are red octopusses everywhere and strange fat alien guys and space ducks, and crazy stuff inside. But don't be confused, it actually isn't so strange. Ok, we're in here to get a key, so we can get the control pad. Where do we find the key? Go up to the next floor(using the rope). There will be many yellow balls to the right. That's just some info so you recognize where you are. Go left from there(spikes ahead). You can always go into the S.H.R.(secret hidden room) if you want. There are two octopusses floating around. Defeat them(it's easier to get to the secret room then) and then push the red box to the left wall. Don't touch the stone blocks, because then you can't push the red box. Strike it over to the left side, and use it to jump at. Get "outside" the screen up on the wall and go to the left. You find some nice stuff. Hey, we were searching for the key! Oh, yeah. Go back right and up the rope. Then go left. In there(octopus wardens) is the key inside a small treasure. Now you can open that door, to get the control pad!!! If you head on to the right, you find the dude that can take you back to Duckburg. Well, that isn't tempting. Go back and down again. And go right and down one more floor, to the 1st floor(fat aliens there). Go left if you want some treasures. Just jump on the needles, using your cane to get over there. Pick up the treasures. Go back to the right again. Go all the way, jump on some needles and get up using the rope. You get to another area of the space ship now. Go up again when you see the next rope. If you go up here too(the second rope you see) you are in a secret room, where a special treasure is located, outside the space ship. If you want to have it, go right all the way, jump on the needles, and open up the treasure. Then go back again, preferably in one piece. Go down and you are in the space ship again. To the right is just trash. Go up and left, through the wall(you have the key) and then get the remote control. "Bless me bag pipes!" Now Gizmo duck can blast that wall". Go down to the wall, outside the space ship, and let Gizmo wreck that door. Then go down and face the boss to the right. (You can find help in the boss section, if you want). After you defeated the giant rat, pick up the green moon cheese and you gained the precious item. Yeah, another stage is finished!!! -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Level 6: Transylvania(again!) -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Ok, as you can see, you have a villain to fight. He's stolen your items and you need to retrieve them, if you still want to be the richest duck in the world. And of course you want. So you have no choice but follow the bad guy into Transylvania, where he hides. When you enter Transylvania, everything's as normal. Now you should now this place for sure(you were here before, remember?) so I think I don't really need to explain everything again. All you have to do is walk to the boss, where you face Dracula Duck. If you want help about how to get there, check the walkthrough(this one you're reading) a little higher up in the text, and you find the Transylvania section. Ok, just go to the boss, where you have to face Dracula Duck and a surprise..... After, you either made it and will remain the richest duck in the world, or just fail. Then you must try again. Good luck! You can find help in the boss section. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ C: The controls ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Well, to play a game, it could be handy to know what the different buttons do. Here's a short description(you don't really need it, this game is so simple you learn after a while). A-button: Jump. B-button: Using the cane. If you want to strike with it, stand beside the object you want to hit, and then press in the direction and B-button. If you want to jump and bounce on the cane, jump and press down, plus B- button. Hold down the buttons to bounce. Press B if you want to drop down from heights for example if you hold to a rope, press B to drop down. Start-button: Pauses the game(my favorite button to use when I want to get myself a coca-cola). Select button: Use S.B. if you want to check if you got any special items at this stage. Moving pad: Well, you move in the direction you push at. Press up to climb ropes etc. 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D: Enemies 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 You have your eyes on the enemy section. Here's the place where everything about the enemies is located. As usual, as in many of my faqs, I first have them at a list where you can see every enemy in the game, and if they are enemies or traps. This is a very common list in my faqs, it's almost in every faq I've done...so you better learn it if you want to read my other faqs(hahaha!). Errrr...here's the enemy-list: (Oh! Also, I rated the enemies how hard/easy they are, you know the drills, Very easy is very easy, normal is normal, Dangerous is hard, and so on). All enemies in the whole game: <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> |Gorillas------------Enemies Snakes------------Enemies | |Meateating flowers--Enemies Bats--------------Enemies | |Slimes--------------Enemies Dead duck---------Enemies | |Javelin throwers----Enemies Brown balls-------Traps | |Goblins-------------Enemies Big spiders-------Enemies | |Small white goats---Enemies Jumping big goats-Enemies | |Mummys--------------Enemies Falling stones----Traps | |Gangster members----Enemies Ghosts------------Enemies | |Skaters-------------Enemies Alien fat dude----Enemies | |Red octopus---------Enemies Dropping Needles--Traps | |Knight helmets------Traps Gaps--------------Traps | |Space ducks---------Enemies | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Ok, here we go! Here are the description of them and maybe some helpful info!(Remember, there's not so much to say about the enemies in this game, it's so simple, so there won't be any longer info down here, ok?). ----------- Gorillas: ----------- Enemies Well, the gorillas are black and brown. They look pretty tough when they come running, but they are easily scared. Just jump on them once with the cane(or use a block) and they will disappear. They only exist in the jungles, amazonas. If you're lucky, they leave a diamond.... VERY EASY. Attacks: Comes running into you. --------------------- Meateating flowers: --------------------- Enemies The meateating flowers are hungry and a duck can always taste good(even if it is an old, skinny one). As soon as you touch them, they start biting you and they try to swallow you down. But then they realize you're nothing tasty and spits you out again. To defeat these ones, you need to shoot a block or something at them. Careful, they damage you a lot! But the good side of it is they won't move. Exists over the whole game, but they like warm places....Red coulor. NORMAL. Attacks: Bites. -------- Snakes: -------- Enemies The snakes just sit on the ground, waiting for better times. When you approach, they don't seem to care, they just sit there. If you want to get rid off them, just use your cane attack(you jump and bounce on them with the cane) and they disappear. These snakes are almost friendly, no signs that they want to attack...They only exist at the jungle stage. The snakies are green. VERY EASY. Attacks: Touch them and you'll be damaged. ------ Bees: ------ Enemies The bees fly high up in the air, ready to stick and rumble! If you touch them, you'll be damaged(as all enemies). You can always use your cane attack on these ones. The bees are yellow with black stains. QUITE EASY. Attacks: Touch and get hurt. -------------- Big spiders: -------------- Enemies Big spiders that hang from the ceiling and rush down when you are close! There's no chance in using the cane attack here, they just hit you back! To defeat them, you need something to throw, like a box or something. But often, there are no blocks available, so I suggest you trick the spiders instead. Go near, and when they go down and then go up, quickly get passed the place they guard. The spiders are orange and black. NORMAL. Attacks: Comes quickly down from the ceiling, and if you touch them you'll be damaged. --------- Needles: --------- Traps Needles are all over the game, and if you touch them, you will be damaged. So avoid them if you can(there is no way to destroy them either, a real problem). Grey. #(I can't say how hard this is, it's up to you if you want to step into a needle or not). Attacks: You fall down by an accident and lose some energy. -------------- Brown balls: -------------- Traps The brown balls roll around, often in small narrows. They are quite big. Avoid them, you can't destroy it! But, they are easy to escape from... VERY EASY. Attacks: Rolls around, damaging you. ------------------- Javelin throwers: ------------------- Enemies Orange coulor, he comes carrying a spear. The javelin throwers are only located at the jungle. They run around, throwing javelins. So, what to do? Well, you can always use a block or the cane attack to get rid off them! Also, use the J.T. to get higher, jump on them to reach undiscovered places... QUITE EASY. Attacks: Throws javelins and runs on you. -------- Slimes: -------- Enemies Slimy snails that slide along the ground at the african mines. They do nothing but crawl around. So, leave them or destroy them. Orange coulor. EASY. Attacks: Try to hit you by walking on. ----------------------------- Dead ducks(Skeleton ducks): ----------------------------- Enemies Well, the dead ducks are controlled by some mysterious force that keeps 'em going. They try desperately to hit you with a rush attack. If you go near, they quickly run towards you. To destroy them, use a block or the cane attack. They are grey and skeletons. It only exists at Transylvania. EASY. Attacks: Runs around quickly, trying to hit you that way. ------ Bats: ------ Enemies The bats are all over the african mines, just waiting for you to arrive. When they spot you, they fly down, almost crashing to the ground. Hit 'em with the cane or a block. Black and red coulor. NORMAL. Attacks: They fly immediately into you. --------- Goblins: --------- Enemies The goblins are perfect trampolines. if you wanna get higher or farer, use the goblins to bounce at. You must use the goblins to get the secret item at the african mines. The goblins are green and come jumping suddenly up from a gap. Since you will be surprised, there's a way to get hit. But you'll learn where they are soon... QUITE HARD. Attacks: They are not enemies, you use them to get over gaps. The only way to get hurt of these guys is if you jump on them without using the cane. ------------- Blue balls: ------------- Traps Sorry to say this, but the blue balls are exactly as the brown ones, but in blue coulor. VERY EASY. Attacks: Rolls around. --------- Ghosts: --------- Enemies White and generally looking like ghosts should. Watch out for these ones! They are "unkillable", they can't be defeated. If you try the cane attack, you will only be hit yourself. Leave the ghosts alone, they are nothing to mess with if you can't win. QUITE HARD. Attacks: They fly on you, and then you'll lose energy. ----------------- Knight helmets: ----------------- Traps Sometimes when you search a knight suit, an helmet will fall off. Then you better be quick and avoid it. But this is no real threat anyway..... NORMAL. Attacks: It falls down from the chainmail and if it touches you, you lose one energy. --------- Needles: --------- Traps Well, what do you think? Needles? Can they hurt? Yes!!! #(I can't say how hard this is, it's up to you if you want to step into a needle or not). ------------------- Gangster members: ------------------- Enemies Big guys walking around, almost like the gorillas. These ones are white with red pants. Hit them once with your cane(or a block) and they won't be so tough any longer.... VERY EASY. Attacks: If they come near, you lose one energy. -------- Mummies: -------- Enemies Mummies walking around in Transylvania, trying to see but can't because the paper is in the way...Strike their chain so it hits them, or use the cane attack. Since they walk around so much, they can hit you easily. So be careful if your energy is down... NORMAL. Attacks: If they walk on ya, you lose energy. ------ Gaps: ------ Traps Gaps. If you fall down.......you know what happens. #(I can't say how hard this is, it's up to you if you want to step into a gap or not. If you fall down, you are dead). -------------------- Small white goats: -------------------- Enemies Small white goats that hide in the snow, just to jump up when you're near. Use them to get higher(the cane attack). Also, after you defeated them, they usually give diamonds. Only located at the himalayas(yeah, where else, in the jungle?). QUITE EASY. Attacks: If they get the chance, they jump on you. -------------------- Big jumping goats: -------------------- Enemies Big brother to the small white goats. This one comes jumping towards you. Just avoid it or go on, you're choice. White coulor(yeah what else, red? A red goat, that'd be something!). Only located at the Himalayas. QUITE EASY. Attacks: Also jumps quickly on you. --------- Skaters: --------- Enemies Ice hockey players that love shooting ice blocks at ya. Bounce on them once to teach them a lesson or two. Only located at the Himalayas. EASY. Attacks: They use their club to shoot ice blocks at you. ------------------- Dropping needles: ------------------- Traps #(I can't say how hard this is, it's up to you if you want to step get hit by a needle or not). -------------- Red octopus: -------------- Enemies Ok, you won't believe this, but there actually is a red octopus that flies in outer space! Jump on it once to defeat it. Since there are so many, and since they are flying, you can be hit. NORMAL. Attacks: If it touches you, you lose energy. ------------- Space ducks: ------------- Enemies Space ducks coming flying and want to fight. They sure want to box you, so fight back... NORMAL. Attacks: As many other enemies, if this one touches you, you lose energy. ----------------- Alien fat dudes: ----------------- Enemies Fat aliens walking around along the floor. Hit it once. NORMAL. Attacks: Like the previous enemy. -------- Spikes: -------- Traps #(I can't say how hard this is, it's up to you if you want to step into a spike or not). ----------------- Falling stones: ----------------- Traps Only exist at the amazonas. Before you enter the boss, you experience a stone rain. Run quickly to left, don't stop. # (Well, avoid it if you can). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ E: Bosses +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ok, as you all figured, this is the boss section. I bet you read that I said you should check this place out for help. So, now when you are here, read on. I rated the bosses between 1-10 based on how difficult they are. You find help, info, anything about the bosses here. All bosses in the game: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" |Magica(the witch)--Transylvania | |Dracula Duck-------Transylvania | |Bouncing Statue----Amazonas | |Yeti---------------Himalaya | |The moon rat-------The moon | |The rolling man----African Mines | |Rich guy-----------Transylvania | """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Help, info, tactics, strategy, yeah you name it, everything is here. |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Boss 1 Bouncing statue: |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| ===================== What he looks like: ===================== The statue is grey with red glowing eyes and bounce around. Everytime it hits the ground, there will be a tremor. You can find him in two ways at the Amazonas, by using the short cut or the long way. *"""""|"""""""""""""""|""""* Help/hints/strategies: *"""""|"""""""""""""""|""""* The boss is pretty easy. All you have to do is hitting him with your cane while he is down at the ground. Wait for him to come down and then quickly jump on him with your cane. He'll be damaged. 5 hits and he'll give. The only problem you might get is that when he jumps around, he may be a little difficult to avoid. But you should be able to defeat him the first time you encounter him.... Rated: 1.7/10 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Boss 2 Magica: |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| ============= Description: ============= Magica is an evil witch that rules the spooky castle in Transylvania.Magica is one of uncle Scrooge main enemies because she always tries to steal his first coin he found and melt it down to a lucky talisman. But she never succeded. Uncle Scrooge will fight her in this game, at Transylvania. Magica can transform to a bird and fly high up in the air. She can also summon flashes. I recommend not touching them. She is purple and has black hair. *""""|"""""""""""""|""""* Help/strategy/hints: *""""|"""""""""""""|"""* Magica must be one of the harder bosses in the game. But I'm not even slightly impressed. I tell ya, she is easy to defeat. When you enter the room, try to hit her before she turns into the bird. If you don't make that, she will transform to a bird. Then, if she flies too high, don't do anything about it.. Wait until she comes down. If she flies low, then just hit her with your cane. Remember that she will fall down. Don't be beneath her then, cause you might get damaged. Move aside when she is near. When the bird transforms to the duck, hit her and then avoid the flashes. Repeat this until you win. Rated: 6.8/10 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Boss 3: The rolling man: |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| ========= Status: ========= You find this guy in the african mines. He is pretty weird beacause he will transform to a ball and roll along the floor/walls/ceiling. He is yellow and a bit fat. Actually he looks a bit cute, but he isn't. *"""|""""""""""""""|""""* Help/hints/tactics: *"""|""""""""""""""|""""* Ok, as soon as you step into the room, you find the dude standing in the middle of the room. He will quickly turn into a ball and roll along the floor/walls/ceiling. You must jump over him when he gets towards you, because that's the only way to escape. Yeah! Ugh.... That was harder than I thought. The guy is big!!! He takes so much space so it's hard to avoid him....Yeah, I know. But you still must jump over him, to avoid his body. I suggest you stand on the other side of him, to the right side. You got more space to move over there. If you are lucky, he chooses the other way. Then you get more time to prepare yourself for the jumping. That's the only problem with this boss, the jumping. if you time it right and jump over his body, then you are safe for the second. Immediately when you see he's a "human"(not the ball any longer) then jump on his head with your cane. Five hits will be enough. But you can only hit him once a time. He will transform into the ball again, and start rolling. Jump over him and hit him with your cane. Repeat, repeat, repeat until he gives. I hope you make it, this boss is the hardest in the game(harder than the last one also). But he shouldn't be a big problem if you practise. I mean, I've played many many other games with harder bosses. Good luck! Rated: 8.6/10 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Boss 4: The Yeti |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| ======= Info: ======= White. Shaggy. Strong. Monkey-human. Living in the himalayas. Hmmmm...I heard about that animal before, when I read stories a long time ago...Ah, the Yeti! *"""|""""""""|""""* Help/tactics: *"""|""""""""|""""* The Yeti really loves to bang his fist in the walls so huge snowballs will fall down from the sky. The problem is that you will be damaged by the balls, but not him. Hold on! The balls are pretty easy to avoid, and the Yeti is easily hit. 5 times will be enough. Just try to survive as long as you can, hit the ape and after a few secs the whole stuff will be over..... Rated: 4.8/10 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Boss 5: The moon rat |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| ============= Description: ============= Um...I must be dreaming. This rat is bigger than myself. I wonder how much cheese it really eats everyday? Ok, the rat is grey and big, with a tail. You find him at the moon stage. He's guarding his own cheese, one of the rare items you are looking for. But he won't give it up easily! *""""\""""""""/"""* Help/strategy: *""""\""""""""/"""* The rat got two ways of attacking: One: He runs around at the floor. Two: He jumps up/around inside the room. Now, how will these attacks be avoided ultimately? Well, the easier way to avoid him is standing up on a pillar(I often use the right one). When he comes, just jump away to which side you want. When he stands still for a moment in the middle, hit him with your cane. Five hits are enough. Don't stand at the ground(like in a corner) because then the rat will get mad and run at ya, and you can't escape. You won't have any problems if you just concentrate and keep cool. Rated: 6.3/10 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Boss 6: Dracula Duck |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| ======= Info: ======= Last "boss". The other one coming later is only a "fake" one. At least until you face it. Ok, over to this boss....Dracula Duck has taken all the precious items and strangely left a note for uncle Scrooge--"Ha Ha...if you want to get back the treasures come to Dracula Duck manor". Why? Don't ask me! D.D.(Dracula Duck) carries a black coat and really looks like a vampire. But don't worry, he doesn't eats ducks. Even if his teeth are scaring. You find him at Transylvania. *""-""""""""-""""* Help/tips: *""-""""""""-""""* At first you enter the room, you hear the boss music but no boss appears. What?!? System error? Nah, after a few secs he will appear. The only method to defeat you he likes is to be a coward and send his bats for ya. Well then, use the bats to bounce at and then bounce on the duck. You must time this, because D.D. will disappear if you wait too long. And don't try to hit him if he is too high up. And, when D.D. disappears and you touch him, he won't be damaged but you will. So time it and go for it. 5 hits. Rated: 7.0/10 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Boss 7: The rich guy -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- ===================== What he looks like: ===================== A big fat rich guy dressed in a green suit suddenly wants to steal your treasure and he gets some help from Magica who has transformed into a bird. You meet him after you've defeated Dracula Duck."You may have beaten Dracula Duck but not me! If you want the treasures back you'll need to catch me". *"""¤""""""""""¤"""* Help/strategy: *"""¤""""""""""¤"""* The contest has begun!!! Who will reach the treasure first? You race upside a rope, with your main enemy at the right side. What are you waiting for? Get up quickly! Go up the rope and touch the treasure before the other guy does. If you are first(which is really easy to be) you've beaten the game and see the ending. if you lose, you have to replay everything again, beating D.D. and this guy again. Just hurry up and touch that treasure before the other one does. You made it!!! Congrats! Another game, among the others is beaten again! Watch the ending and relax. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 F: Legal info 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 (Legal info about this faq. Read it please for info about what you can do/not do with it). ¤ Ok, since this faq won't have no real function in this world, you can feel free to use it on your website, whenever/where ever you want. But you could always mail me before you put it there. Ok, go a head, put it on your websites, even if you don't want to mail me, but I would just find it fun to get a mail, from somebody using this faq. This is the only faq I ever did that could be used without my permission, since it's not so important. I didn't work so hard with it also, like the others. So go a head, put it on your website without my permission(but if you have a few secs, get in touch with me, I would be glad). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¤ Don't bring it out in too many copies, it's just wasting paper ¤ Don't sell it for money(like somebody would buy this crap). Well, maybe I should say don't fool anybody to buy it!!! And definitely, don't try to earn cash of it in any way. No, not by your website. Nothing. Just use it because you like it and maybe want to share it to the rest of the world, not for your own money-making. I tell ya, if I find out that you use it for cash(and I will, my connections/friends all over internet find every webpage using gamefaqs) I must tell you to bring it down. And maybe I'll do something more, that isn't so cool. Let's try to avoid that...I really don't want to do that. ¤ And of course, give credit to me where it's due. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, that's it. Be cool bro! <---------\------------------"-----------------/--------------------------> G: Credits(The same as on top) <---------\------------------"-----------------/--------------------------> The credits!!!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * To Jeff"CjayC" Veasey for www.gamefaqs.com * To SMCfadden for great reviews * To Djellybean for his great work, and hard effort * To Sefirstein for cool work * To Masamune Shirow for "Orion", "ghost in the shell" and "Akira"(manga) * To Hiroaki for "Blade of the immortal"(manga) * To Square for "Chrono Trigger", the best game ever. (Yes it is the best ever, I know what I'm talking about.) * To CLS for terrific reviews * To Capcom for this and other games * To Gluecoejoe for cool work * And of course to all other faq writers that kept me inspired!!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ H: My review of the game(also located at www.gamefaqs.com) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Date this review was made: 1999-08-10 My review to the NES-game Duck Tales made by Capcom, 1990. The game is based on one of disney's series, you know the ducks and the scrooge. Well, what can I say about this game? ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Graphic: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ The graphic is not bad, or good to be on Nes. Guess it is a bit over medium. Nothing special, but you see at least what the enemies is(Metroid is a sucker at that), and you can see the most details. Graphic score: 7.1/10 ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Music: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ The music is nothing special. It is like most music to NES is: Good in the beginning, terrible sound with bad tunes, and at last it's getting boring. Like most NES-games. Music/Sound score: 6.8/10 ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Control: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Control is quite good anyway. Not something spectacular, but it is quite good. You can move the hero(uncle scrooge) as much as you need. You move quickly and fast, without any problems. Control is good. Control score: 8.6/10 ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Challenge: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ It is a little challenge to find all items, and clear the game. It takes a while to do it, and is not terribly boring. (Some NES-games really kills me) But this game you can play for a little time without getting bored. A good game for newcomers to play. Quite easy, but big so they learn to play. Challenge score: 8.3/10 ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Replaying the game: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ That is a little boring, but not much. You can play the game again if you want, no problems with that. It's funny to try beat the record, like getting more diamonds and stuff, that will keep you going. There's also some hidden things in the game, that maybe make you play it again. Score replaying the game: 7.8/10 ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Summary: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ This game is a game based on disney's ducks, and ain't nothing spectacular. They did the game to get small kids to buy it, because it's the ducks, and then they earn money. The game is nothing special, it's a medium NES-game. Some hidden things to find, that makes it funnier to play again. Control is quite good, wich makes it a better game. I can't give this game so much, because there are better games out there. Summary score: 6.7/10 TOTAL SCORE(Score on a line between 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10): 7/10 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 I: All text in the game 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 Ok, this game is not so big, so here's all the text in the game. I thought I could list it here, since this is no RPG, where the game is based on the text. You maybe can get some advices by reading it! All text: (Flying dude that can take you back to Duckburg says this): "You want a lift back to Duckburg Mr.Mc. D. Yes-A No-B." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (A duck will say this to you at the ice stage): "Bubba's trapped in the ice! Please help him." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Bubba says this, when you rescued him): "You save me! Good! I show you secret treasure!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (A stone statue says this at the jungle stage): "Pay $300000 to pass through here. Yes-A B-No." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (When you find the ufo key): "It's the key to the ufo!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (A duck says this at the moon stage): "There's a key inside the ufo. We can't go on without it". - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - (A duck says this inside the african mines): "Use this seesaw uncle Scrooge". - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (A duck says this at the moon stage): "Find Gizmo duck's remote control! Then he can blast the wall". - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (When you finished all the stages:) All stages clear!!! "Ha Ha...If you want to get back the treasures come to Dracula duck manor". - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (When you finished the game): "Duck Press--Scrooge remains the richest duck in thw world." "Hooray uncle Scrooge! We're glad you found the treasures. But don't forget we helped too! Right lads! I couldn't have done it without you. I really am the richest duck in the world. END". - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz J: Items zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz All items in this game I found should be listed here. If I forgot one(or more) send me a mail and I update the document. This place got some short info about what they do and why they are handy. All items: ,",",",",",",",",",",",",",",",",",", |Big jewel----Score | |Small jewel--Score | |Red diamond--Score | |Duck---------1 life | |M----------Invicibility | |Block(yellow)Weopon | |Block(grey)--Weopon | |Ice cream----Recovering | |Glowing star-Increasing energy | ,",",",",",",",",",",",",",",",",",", Some description, info about the items, what they do, what function they have. ************ Big jewel: ************ If you pick up a big jewel, you gain 10000p. You find big jewels all over the game, in hidden secret rooms, by defeating enemies big jewels may drop out, and you can simply find them in the air. So look around, you surely will find some. ************** Small jewel: ************** They are exactly like the big jewels, but smaller and then not worth that much. The small ones are worth 2000p. You can also find these ones all over the game. Discover and search everywhere, I'm sure you find some of them. ************ Red jewel: ************ These are a little more rare. The red jewels are worth 50000p. a piece. So you find the red jewels in hidden rooms, in treasures and so on. These won't appear too often, but discover the planet and you'll find some. **** M: **** If you see a M, pick it up quickly. It's an item that makes you invisible. Then use it against baddies, you can't be damaged! But, as in many games, you're not totally safe, if you fall down in a gap, you're dead, even if you have the invisible spell. Also, the M are very rare so use it carefully. ************ Ice cream: ************ Ice cream is nice, so nice that you will recover one energy dot. Thanks to the Ice cream, the game is much easier. You find the ice creams all over the game, in treasures and sometimes even in the air. Gather the Ice creams if you are low on energy, they surely is handy! ****** Cake: ****** Even better than the ice creams!!! These cakes recover the whole energy!! Whoa! Perfect! The cakes are rare, but they also exist in the air, and in treasures. Look around and you find them for sure. ********* Blocks: ********* Use these grey blocks to throw at enemies. You hit the blocks with your cane, and they fly on an enemy. Some enemies can't be killed by the cane, so then the grey blocks can come handy. The grey blocks bounce a bit and then fall down, a few centimeters far away. ******** Blocks: ******** The orange/yellow blocks are also to throw at enemies, but these ones fly from the ground to the air! Use these to defeat flying enemies, that the grey rocks won't hit. ******* Duck: ******* Sometimes, in treasures(and very rarely in the air) you find red ducks. They are 1ups. If you pick up a duck, you gain one life. These are rare. And when you took it once, it won't come back, until you finished the game. *************** Glowing star: *************** As far as I know, there are only 2 glowing stars in the game(one hidden in Transylvania, and one in Himalaya where Bubba badge a tunnel) so look carefully for them. (For more info about how to find them, check the walkthrough). The glowing stars are great to obtain. They increase your energy meter by one dot, so you can have 1 more in energy. You can only find 2 of these, and then you can only have 5 energy dots in maximum. [-]-[-][-][-][-][-][-]-[-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-]-[-][-][-][-][- K: Short info about the stages(Description): [-]-[-][-][-][-][-][-]-[-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-]-[-][-][-][-][- Yeah, this is like a view over the stages. If you read my faqs before, you know what it's all about. If you haven't read none of them before, it's an info place with some information about the stages and what enemies there are at the stage. It's like a view: #¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤# Level 1: Amazonas #¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Information: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Amazonas is the easiest level, no doubt. The enemies are easily defeated, and there are not many gaps to fall into. Though, the level is quite long. You gonna like amazonas, many hidden places, many treasures and green coulors everywhere. There is also a short cut to the boss which is very handy(check the walkthrough for more info). There's not so much more to say, I just tell you that this stage is the one I like most. Yeah! It's time to play a little "Tarzan" now! All over, the Amazonas is (VERY)EASY. ,,,,,,,,,, Enemies: ,,,,,,,,,, Gorillas, Snakes, Meateating flowers, Bees, Needles, Giant spiders, gaps, falling stones. [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Boss: Bouncing Statue ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] The statue is grey, and with red eyes. As soon as you step in the room, it starts to bounce, all over the place. If you want help or more info, check "boss strategies", that's where it is. #¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤##¤#¤#¤#¤#¤# Level 2: Transylvania #¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤##¤#¤#¤#¤#¤# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Information: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, What I don't like with T.is the gaps. I hate it! When I am right about to jump up from that truck(in the hidden place) it always falls down, with me inside! Well, anyway, T. got many hidden secret places(in mirrors, illusion walls etc.) so search the place closely. You can also gain an additional dot at this stage, look in the walkthrough for it. Transylvania is a place with many ghosts, mummys, and maybe worst of everything, duck zombies! You will also find the key that can lock up the padlock at African Mines. You find it in a mirror(check the walkthrough for further details). You will come back to Transylvania again, because a maniac will steal your treasures and you must retrieve them, and he's hiding inside in Transylvania. All over, Transylvania is QUITE EASY. ,,,,,,,,,, Enemies: ,,,,,,,,,, Dead ducks(zombies), mummys, gaps, ghosts, and gang members. [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Boss: Magica(the witch duck you know) ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] The boss in Transylvania is a witch that needs to be taught a lesson. She can transform into a bird and fly high up in the sky. So, if you want to hit her, you better jump high and hit her. For more info and help, check "boss strategies". You will aslo fight Dracula duck and the rich guy here later. ¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤# Level 3: African Mines ¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Information: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The biggest stage in the game(the moon is quite big also). Here, you need a key to enter the mines, and that key you'll find in Transylvania. If you talk to the duck where the lock is, you get automatically teleported to Transylvania(if you don't have the key already, then your trouble are far away). If you get teleported, I can say the key is inside the mirror...Well, this was about the african mines. The african mines is huge and if it was a little bigger it would make a perfect maze. There are also a special precious item on this stage to be found, somewhere(more about that in the walkthrough). The african mines got quite many gaps also, so be careful. The african mines got quite many hidden rooms, and one hidden special item. If you want more info, help, check the walkthrough. Allover, the african mines are NORMAL. ,,,,,,,,,, Enemies: ,,,,,,,,,, Slimes, Goblins, Gaps, meateating flowers, bats. [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Boss: Rolling dude ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] The rolling dude rolls around the room, with his body around walls, the floor, and the ceiling.(If you ever played Mega Man X, a more famous game to compare with, there is a boss named Mandrill or something, he rolls around the walls, exactly as this dude does). He stops in the middle, so you get a chance to hit him. If you want more info about it, check "boss strategies". ¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤# Level 4: Himalayas ¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Information: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The himalayas is full of gaps, so don't fall down! It is also a stage full of ice, so you will slide around. Also, there are many needles falling down from the ceiling. There are quite many hidden rooms at this stage also, so you know what you have here. The boss is a Yeti, hiding a bit over the ground. For more info about H.S.R.(hidden secret rooms) check the walkthrough. I'm sure there are many of them here! The stage itself isn't so hard, but since there are so many gaps, you can get problems. But don't worry, if you keep concentrated, everything will be fine. Also, you can gain an additional dot at this stage(like in Transylvania) if you let Bubba free(check the walkthrough). Allover, the Himalayas is QUITE EASY. ,,,,,,,,,, Enemies: ,,,,,,,,,, Small white goats, Big jumping goats, giant spiders, skaters, falling needles, [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Boss: The Yeti ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] The Yeti jumps around and hits walls, so big snowballs fall down. Try to avoid the snowballs as good as you can, but all you really need to do is defeating the ape before he defeat you. So, interested? Check "boss strategies". ¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤# Level 5: The moon ¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Information: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This should be one of the biggest levels(together with African mines) so you have a lot of time. If you know what to do/where to go, this level should be no problem. But as I said, it's kinda big. The level is based on that you need a remote control to call gizmo duck so he can blast that wall where the boss is. But to get the remote control, you need to find a key first, in the space ship. Well, sounds harder than it is. Just keep cool and you fix this. When you're down in the hole where Gizmo blasted that wall, you face a giant rat, bigger than yourself! All over the moon is QUITE HARD. ,,,,,,,,,, Enemies: ,,,,,,,,,, Alien fat dudes, octopus, space ducks, gaps, needles,(Gizmo Duck, if you consider him as an enemy) [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Boss: The moon rat ]]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[[[[ Have you ever seen a rat bigger than this? It's huge! Anyway, it isn't so dangerous, it could be worse. So, what to do? Well, the rat will start jumping around. Try to avoid it and hit it when it stays in the middle. Still hard to get him? Well, check "boss strategies". ¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤ Level 6: Transylvania(second time) ¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤#¤ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Information: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Yeah, it's the same as Transylvania, but this time you're only here to meet the villain that's stolen your precious items that are worth millions! The only reason why you are here is that you must retrieve them and defeat that monster, so I suggest you just run through the stage quickly and face him...but when you defeated him, a surprise will appear.... ,,,,,,,,,, Enemies: ,,,,,,,,,, The same as in Transylvania(check a few lines up), + a new boss. It's the same stage. [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Boss: Dracula Duck, Rich Guy ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Well, in fact, it's two bosses, but only one real boss. The first one is Dracula Duck. He is the "real boss" Dracula Duck is pretty easy, but as he is the last boss, you might have some problems. So if you want anything(like help) check "boss strategies". When you defeated Dracula Duck, then another type of boss will appear. It is the rich guy will appear, and a bird(I think it is Magica transformed into a bird) and he says something about that he will take the treasure away from you. Then you must run quickly to the rope and climb up before he does, and get the treasure. When you're up there, you cleared the whole game. And as always, looking for help? Check "boss strategies". <->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<-><->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<-> L: Main tips <->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<-><->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<->-<-> If you're looking for special tricks and so, check this place this place out bro!!! :::::::::::::::::::::::: 1. Hidden secret rooms :::::::::::::::::::::::: All around in this game, there will be many secret rooms to find, with many nice diamonds and stuff. To get there, there are several techniques. In many cases, you can use your cane, in one way or another. Often, you can jump up on the wall, so you are above the game"outside the screen". No, don't worry, it's not a system error. You can go up there to a side and drop down to get cash. This is a typical way to get to hidden secret rooms in Duck Tales. The other way to get to H.S.R.(hidden secret rooms) is also by using the cane, like shooting blocks away so you can get there, or another way. Another way is to fall down from heights to drop down in the H.S.R. And, you can also be teleported there by stepping into something(a mirror). The major H.S.R. should be in this faq. Look in the walkthrough section for them. :::::::::::::::::: 2. Hidden items :::::::::::::::::: Are you short of energy? Want more diamonds? Then start to discover the landscape. Almost everywhere is something hidden. And escpecially many stuff are hidden along walls. Jump beside a wall, and almost everytime something will fall down. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End of faq !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great time, where ever you are! Best wishes/Yakuza