DoorDoor FAQ ######################## By DooseEx Contact email: Current Guide Version: 1.00 -==Legal and Copyright Information==- This document is copyright Marc Phillips, 2008 All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Permission is NOT granted for any sites other than to host this file. The most recent version will always be posted on If you are interested in hosting the guide, please contact me directly. Controller ######################## A/B Jump, add left or right to jump into that direction START Stop game, press again to continue L/R Walk left and right Up/Down Climb up and down, walk into the direction you are currently facing Drop off any height to die instantly. Jump over doors to prevent them from opening when you did not want to, such as for double handle doors, or closing it when not intended. This is a trick you need to learn for the later levels or it will be extremely hard to complete the game. Game ######################## The main object of each level is to trap all on-screen aliens behind a door. First you need to open the door for this to be possible, then you have a few seconds to close doors after the alien/s has/have entered. Make sure you slide the door all the way, and get back soon enough before it resurfaces. A small green arrow will point if it is about to return. Getting touched, or otherwise dying will instantly lose a life. You only start with 3 but get a new one for collecting enough points. When you die, the aliens you have trapped already will not be reset but all doors can be used again. You are the white alien in the baseball cap. There are four types of aliens you encounter: Orange Namegon Hunts you directly Pink Youinbe Tends to take routes if there is a chance Blue Amerada-chan Trys to stay on the same level as you Green Otapyon Jumps when you do, thus you cannot jump over it When you have killed all but one alien, the remaining one will get a speed boost. At this point you must pay special attention. Capuring aliens results in points. The more aliens you capture in the same room at the same time, the higher you bonus points. Aliens Points %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 100 2 500 3 1000 4 3000 5 5000 6 10000 All doors have handles either on the left, right or on both. They can only be opened to one side if they only have on handle, but both if it has two. Once a door has been used to trap an alien it will lose its handle/s and can no longer be opened. When you die in a level, it will be reset. Blue Handles. They are on walls you can climb up. Aliens can also climb up and down here. White Wall. You can only slide down, but no way to get back up. Fence. This climnable area can only be used by the aliens. Blue Ladder. Only you can climb up and down. Green Spike. You die when you touch it, but aliens can simply waltz over it. Arrows on the side of the level indicate you can walk off to the side and re-appear on the other. This only works for the direction the arrow is pointing. Each level has a certain spot where an item will appear from time to time. This item will change each time as well. Bomb This will kill you - do not touch! Wait it for to disappear again if you need to get through. Candy 100 pts Popsicle 500 pts Lollypop 1000 pts Ice Cream 3000 pts Cake 5000 pts Mah-jong Tile 10000 pts Levels ######################## If there is no step-by-step solution it is too hard to give one that makes sense to follow. This is very true after Round 15. R-00 #### 1. Open the Door. 2. Let the Orange enter. 3. Close the Door. Item: In the center of the platform. R-01 #### 1. Climb down the ladder. 2. Trap the Orange in the right door. 3. Climb the ladders on the right all the way up. The other two aliens should now be on your tail. 4. Trap them in the top right door. Item: Slightly right from the starting position. R-02 #### 1. Wait at the right door to trap the first two that approach. 2. Run around the bottom level to the left and climb up to the top left. 3. Open the door and trap the Pink. 4. Avoiding the last Blue, make your way to the bottom on the left side and open the door there to trap it. Item: Fourth level, slightly to the left of the middle. R-03 #### 1. Quickly climb the ladders all the way to the top. 2. JUMP over the door to avoid opening it. 3. Slide the door open from the left side to trap the Orange. Item: Below the door. R-04 #### 1. Walk right just out of the screen to appear on the left side. When the Blue has descended the top ladder it should walk towards you. 2. Go back left to the other side of the screen and ascend the ladder. Orange should be on your tails. 3. Trap Orange in the top door. 4. Descend the right ladder halfway and go left to descned to a door. Pink will be following you right now. Blue takes another ladder down on the right. 5. Trap Pink in the left door. 6. Ascend the left ladder and trap Blue who has been following you. Make sure you don't ascend the ladder before it is close enough. Item: Above the starting location. R-05 #### 1. Run left to the left most blue ladder so that Orange runs left after descending the ladder at the top. 2. Go right and up the second ladder from the left. Orange and Green should now be very close together. 3. When they pass you going right, get up and open the door from the left. 4. Go down a bit on the second ladder from the right and wait there until they come back and enter the door. 5. Quickly go up, Pink is most likely walking just by, then close the door. 6. Trap Pink in one of the doors at the top. May need some timing adjustment, but the start to get them walking together is certainly making this easier. Item: Between the left blue ladder and the second left most ladder. R-06 #### 1. Open the right door. 2. Open the left door. 3. Trap Orange and continue walking right past the opened door. 4. Trap Pink. 5. Descend one of the nearby ladders and avoid the Blue. 6. Climb up to the very top and open both doors. Stand on the left side. 7a. If you are lucky, both will come at the same time and you can trap them together. 7b. If not, one of them will be trapped in the top left door. 7c. Wait for the other one to climb up to the top and jump down on the left. Quickly dash right and climb up to trap Blue in the final door. Item: below the left door at the bottom. R-07 #### 1. Go down the ladder once. 2. Go right and open the door going back left. 3. Jump over the on-coming alien, trapping the Orange in the process. 4. Close the door behind Orange. As for the rest, this isn't too hard because you can lure them around either at the very top or very bottom with little difficulty. Item: At the very top in the middle. R-08 #### 1. Follow the Green left. 2. Jump when you get to left side, so Green drops down to the lower ledge. 3. If you have already managed to open the door (risky) then just jump when the alien is ready to hop from one platform to the next. You may fall down but it is easy to climb up again. If you need to adjust a bit for opening the door, jump with the direction buttons. 4. Trap Green when it gets back up. Item: At the very top right next to the door. R-09 #### 1. Walk left, past the first ladder, then go up the second. 2. Continue up to the top. 3. Open both doors. Three aliens should have entered the first door you have opened. 4. Close the first door. If you were too slow the fourth one will catch you. 5. Walk right and let the last alien get trapped in the second door. Item: Left of the starting position. R-10 #### 1. Open the door on the right. 2. Let the first alien walk in, then nudge the door a bit so it's not open all the way. 3. Walk right to pop up on the left, continue walking to open the door again. The alien has returned and is now walking almost the same spot as the other. 4. Trap both aliens at the same time. Item: On the left side. R-11 #### Not much to say, it would be too many directions. There are many spikes on the floor so watch out. Item: In the middle of the second level. R-11 #### Item: To the right of the second floor door. R-12 #### Item: To the right of the ladder on the fourth floor. R-13 #### Item: Just to the right where you start out at. R-14 #### You have to start by walking right. Item: On the right of the starting position. R-15 #### 1. Walk right to open the door, the alien should walk around and over the mesh fences into the door. Item: Left of the starting position. R-16 #### Item: Right next to the third door from the top where the orange alien starts. R-17 #### Item: In the center. R-18 #### Item: Above the bottom right door. R-19 #### Item: Very top, left of the starting position. R-20 #### Use the ladders to hide out. Item: Between the left two spikes. R-21 #### Item: Second floor from the top, dead center. R-22 #### Item: At the top of the 'tower'. R-23 #### Item: Right next to the starting position. R-24 #### Item: Right of the bottom door. R-25 #### Watch out for the spikes. Item: Top left. R-26 #### Item: Right next to the starting position. R-27 #### Item: Underneath the top left door. R-28 #### Item: Middle row, slightly right of the center. R-29 #### Item: Bottom right, left of the ladder. R-30 #### 1. Go right. Item: Left of the starting position. R-31 #### Item: Middle row, center. R-32 #### Item: Below the top door. R-33 #### Item: Right of the start, before the door. R-34 #### Item: Middle floor, where the gap is. R-35 #### Item: Middle row, left where you drop down. R-36 #### Item: Top left, between the long ladders. R-37 #### Item: Top floor, right of the door. R-38 #### Item: Above the lower door. R-39 #### Item: Top floor, center. R-40 #### Item: Right of the starting position. R-41 #### Item: Left of the starting position and the ladder. R-42 #### 1. Go right and jump before the door. Tricky. Item: Left of the starting position. R-43 #### Item: Top left between the ladders. R-44 #### Item: Right of the starting position. R-45 #### Item: Right of the starting position. R-46 #### Item: Bottom right, left of the ladder here. R-47 #### Item: Top floor, above the middle ladder. R-48 #### Item: The lower floor, left of where the green alien starts. R-49 #### Item: n/a R-50 #### Item: Second floor, on the very left small platform. That's it. Not much help for later levels but it is very tricky.