Dragon Spirit Table of Contents. ------------------------ I. Introduction II. Controls III. Frequently Asked Questions IV. Power Ups V. Walkthrough VI. Legal Disclaimer/Credits ------------------------ I. Introduction This FAQ is based on Dragon Spirit: The New Legend. Dragon Spirit: TNL is a semi-sequal to the popular arcade game, Dragon Spirit. It's not much different from its predecessor. In fact, it's almost the same... except in story, and a couple of changes in bosses. Plus, the game is MUCH, much easier. Experienced players'll probably try to beat it without any extra fire power. Nontheless, it's still a good game that everyone shooter fan should own. Unlike a usual shooter where you're in space, you're in different fantasy settings like a jungle, volcano, etc. If I spoil the game for anybody (like anybody would mind), sorry. The game goes like this: You're a dragon, and you destroy enemies and bosses. Proceed to the FAQ to learn more. ------------------------ II. Controls A - Shoot bomb at ground. B - Shoot fireballs in the air Start - Pause. Select - No use. Directional Pad is pretty self explanatory. ------------------------ III. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Why are you making this FAQ? A: Because nobody has made a Dragon Spirit: The New Legend FAQ yet. I thought GameFAQs could use one. Q: Where can I find this game? A: You could find it anywhere that sells NES games, like EB Games or Gamestop/Funcoland. Maybe even flea markets where they sell them for cheap. Q: Whats the difference between Gold Dragon and Blue Dragon? A: Gold Dragon is the easier mode. Gold Dragon has two health bars (6 hits), and firing in the air is already consecutively fast (you don't need 3 Fire up's.) There are less levels, too, and a fake ending to the game. Blue Dragon is the normal game, where theres all the levels, and you got one health bar (3 hits), plus the real ending. Q: How do I recover health or get more lives? A: Some of the maidens (that isn't a shadow) after defeating a boss will give you an extra life or recover your health. There is a powerup that will give you an extra life, but no powerups that'll recover health. ------------------------ IV. Power ups (Note: I don't know the name of the powerups, so I will make up my own names) Fire up - Gives you stronger shots. The maximum you can have is 4. These can be in red eggs. More heads - Gives Lace (as dragon) another head, increasing fire power. The maximum heads you can have is three. These can be found in blue eggs. Speed up - Lets you move faster. White Point - Gives you 1000 points to your score Small - Reduces size of dragon, making you a bit harder to get hit Invincibilty - Makes dragon flash white, and lets you become invincible for a short time. Tremor bomb - Lets your bombs make earthquakes for a short time. Will destroy enemies on the ground Baby Dragons - Become small with two smaller dragons side by side Pink Dragon - Lets you become an invincible dragon with strong fire power for a short time (Note: If you have more than one head and you grab this powerup, it will reduce to a single head) Green Dragon - Turns you into Green Dragon, which has blazing flares that burn all. Very powerful White Dragon - Lets you become White Dragon, which your firing can be shot three ways for one head, and two shots for the other heads (1=3, 2=5, 3=8) X Earthquake - An earthquake will occur, destroying enemies on the ground for a limited time Heart - Gives you one life Skull - Reduces fire power, head, speed, and other colors of dragon Exclamation Mark - Gives you small, invincibility, and White Dragon in one. Not found in enemies ------------------------ V. Walkthrough When you turn on the system, the DS: TNL logo will roll up. The only option you have is Start, so press Start. The Intro will come on, saying that Amru (the guy from the original game who transforms into the Blue Dragon) will fight Zawel (the very first boss.) Intro Stage The screen will scroll horizontally (in all the stages), and you will be controling Amru. The flashing little mushroom monsters that shoot fireballs will give you a powerup if you destroy them with your bombs. The bats will fly at you, so get out of the way, or better, shoot them. Enemies that flash white will give you a powerup, by the way. Try not to get crushed by the pillars. When you reach the end of the short stage, the whole background will turn black, and Zawel will come out and fight you Boss - Zawel So Zawel has been taking it easy a couple of years since his big breakthrough in Dragon Spirit. Thanks to that, Zawel is now an easy boss. He'll fly around, and shoot one boomerang at you at a time. He'll block your shots with his staff, although, he opens it, so thats when you need to shoot him. Hit him enough times and Zawel will be defeated.It's the end of the game already, right? Wrong! This is only the beginning... "Amru and Arisha married and had twins. Amru became ill from his battle with Zawel. The twins were named Lace & Iris. Meanwhile, Galda started conquering the Earth. Galda took Iris away as his victim. Lace took the sword, which his father left him, to slay Galda." The new dragon will be Amru's son, Lace. If you lose on Zawel's Stage, you will be the Gold Dragon, the easier version of the game. If you beaten Zawel, you will be the Blue Dragon, the normal game. After you watch the cutscene where Lace transforms into a Dragon (Blue or Gold), the game will begin. Area 1 - The Paleozoric Area I have no idea what 'Paleozoric' means, but this is the first stage. Watch out for the flames coming down from the top of the screen. There are MANY enemies that shoot fireballs, like the ones that fly, and the ship enemies at the bottom. Halfway through, there are monsters that you can bomb before they jump up at you (meaning you can shoot them.) The bird enemies will fly half a circle at the top of the screen, shoot them before they swoop down at you. The birds feathers will hurt you, so watch out for that, too. When you've reached the end of the level, you'll fight a boss Area 1 Boss - Turtle Dragon (I don't know ANY of the bosses names. Could you blame me for making one up?) This must've been the creature that blew fire throughout the levels. He will swim around, shooting flames at you. Flying above him would shoot fireballs from his shell. His weak point is his head. Shoot him enough times will destroy him. Deafeating a boss will give you points and a speech from a Maiden. Depending on your skill, the Maiden will either be herself, or a shadow. The first maiden you rescue is never a shadow. Arlia - "I'm a maid of Arlia. I was caught by the Monster of Darkness. My friends are also prisoners. They will be helpful to you if they turn up." Area 2 - Volcano Now you're in a setting with Volcanoes, and some of them are active and erupt! Fire birds will also escape in some of the active volcanoes and fly at you. Halfway through, you'll be flying over lava. Watch out for huge fireballs and fire birds, which they will rise from the lava. Area 2 Boss - Two Headed Phoenix Many small firebats will form a Phoenix with two heads. There are barriers around it, and in 12 seconds, the boss will spread and reform at another spot. Hit it enough times and it'll die. Fire Lady - "Stronger enemies are now coming. Heal your wounds and prepare for battle." (Your life will be restored) Fire Lady (shadow) - "The evil lord of the ancient era was awakened by the last moment by Zawel. He is Galda, whose power is much greater than Zawel's." Area 3 - Jungle When you start, you'll see a Blue Egg. Bomb it to get another head (up to 3), and avoid the fireballs from the blue spaceships. Moths and Dragonflys shoot fireballs (Wow, theres alot of enemies that shoot fireballs in this game.) At a certain point, you'll have to shoot the thorns that get in your way. You will get hurt if you touch them. The next part is a bit tougher if you're weak. The screen will scroll slowly, and you'll have to fight your way through the enemies that come out of the cocoons. They'll also trace a line of thorns, so try not to touch it. When you've gotten out of there, there are a few more enemies till the boss. Area 3 Boss - Plant Bulb The Plant Bulb will drop many spike balls, trying to prevent you from destroying the two crystals on each side. The only way you can harm it is to break the crystals with your bombs. When you destroyed four, four more will come up. After destroying those four, the bulb will turn into something that looks like a pink candle fire. Bomb the candle fire many times, and the Jungle has been cleared. Fairy - "As a small token of our graditude, we will give you more lives." (You'll get an extra life) Fairy (Shadow) - "This forest was once peaceful, but now the plants and birds are gone. Only you can restore the beauty and peace again" Area 4 - Grave Yard This is a Graveyard? I don't get it! It looks like a cave with cracks on the earth. Anyway, as usual, you'll fly upwards destroying enemies that shoot fireballs at you, and ones that fly. Man, it feels like I'm repeating myself over and over again. Area 4 Boss - Zombie Wing Looks like the skeleton of a dragon. The heart is the weak point, but its covered with bones. Destroy the skeleton and shoot the heart before the spirits get back in. Flower Fairy - "I am a Flower Fairy. Thank you for rescuing me." Flower Fairy (Shadow) - "The magical force of Galda made the people bad and turned them into beasts. Please slay Galda to change them back to their true forms." Area 5 - Cave Road Finally, a challanging stage. This isn't a stage where you can fly anywhere, because the sides have spikes (or spires, or whatever the hell they are.) They will open and close, making it either easier or harder for you to get through (and to avoid powerups you don't want, like when your a Green Dragon and a White Dragon powerup will fly at you), so rely on being a Small Dragon. The most common enemies you'll see are spiders. They, of course, can shoot fireballs. Typical. Makes me wonder why they didn't shoot webs. At the end of the stage, you'll see a spider web... guess what the next boss is? Area 5 Boss - Mother Spider The spider will crawl down, and crawl around the web, making baby spiders to help her. You can hurt the spider with the bombs, but the spider can jump and shoot webs (that makes more sense) and you can shoot it Girl with horn - "The monsters are coming up in disguise!" -I don't think I ever saw her shadow- Area 6 - Glacier Land Fly upward, avoid enemies/walls, yadda yadda yadda. Seems like the same thing, except you'll need to shoot some breakable walls (some of them even have powerups), and the screen will scroll faster than usual! Be prepared, its difficult for the first time, but you'll get used to it (just don't get hit by any walls) Area 6 boss - Long Dragon Tis a long, fast, chinese dragon. Shooting its head will destroy part of its body (when you're green, it will hurt four) and they will leave with lasers shooting at you. When all the circles (its body) is gone, keep shooting at the head, and you'll win. Mermaid - "You are entering the World of Darkness. No one can help you. All I can do for you is heal your wounds." (Your life will be restored) Mermaid (Shadow) - "Beyond this point lies Galda's Castle. Do your very best." From this point on, there are no more maidens, so be careful Area 7 - Deep Sea What a nice looking underwater stage. Its mildly long with strong monsters. Ones you should watch out for are the spike balls that shoot out shells, and the dragon heads that pop out of the holes near the end of the stage. Area 7 Boss - Manta Ray Seriously, he looks like an orange medallion with fins and a tale. He can shoot lots of fireballs and can make smaller manta rays that circle around the big guy. They can shoot fast projectiles that look like icepicks (I called them lasers) The only way to harm it is to shoot his mouth when it is open. Area 8 - Dark Quarters The stages lights go on and off, so you'll have to work your way through the darkness (there are enemies you can see and some you cannot.) Watch out for jumping jellyfishes, undestroyable spikeballs, and the boss... Area 8 Boss - Evil Entrance His two front teeth comes at you and comes back. When the Entrance's eyes are open, shoot them. Destroy both eyes and it becomes a normal entrance. Thus, entering Dark Castle... Area 9 - Dark Castle This is the final, longest, and hardest stage. Many enemies will come flying/shooting at you, there are traps like spikeballs and spears, and there will be more Skull powerups (reduces power, head, white/green dragon, or speed.) There is an "Exclamation Mark" Powerup if you shoot the burning candle near the end of the first part. When you reach the end, enter the portal to the next. Part 2 - Many spears and tight spaces here, plus at a certain point the screen will scroll faster, just like in Area 6. Enter the portal when you reach it Part 3 - There are these sword throwing guys that act like boomerangs. Destroy the sword and they'll fade away. Enter the portal when you're there Part 4 - Whats this? Breakable walls! Shoot through them! Come on! You can do that! Part 5 - The music changes, and the layout looks similar to Zawel's Stage, complete with pillars. Halfway through, you'll enter a room with statues that swing spike balls at you. You can destroy them by shooting their heads. You're almost there. Part 6 - The last part. Be sure you're powered up before your fight with Galda. He isn't that hard (to me, anyway), but it'll be handy. Along the lines, you'll enter a room with a mini boss Mini Boss - 3 Dragons in a hole (with a new and catchy boss song) Three dragon heads will pop out of a hole and shoot fire at you. Destroy them all and you'll move on! Part 7 - Fooled ya! This is the REAL last part. You'll fly over a bridge with lava, with the rocks from Level 2 flying at you. At the end of the bridge, you'll reach Galda! Boss - Galda He isn't so tough, I think. When he opens his robe, he'll teleport, and shoot lasers at you (lots of them.) Shoot him when his robe is open, and the game will be over... or will it? The screen will turn black, and a monster will appear...could this be Galda's real form? Final Boss - Galda Wow! Now this looks like a hard boss. He can't be hurt with his arms blocking the way, so you have to wait till he opens his arms, and when he does, he will shoot a line of fire. After he does that for the first time, he makes 3 electric balls that bounce around the screen. Shoot him enough times and congratulations! You are victorious at Dragon Spirit: The New Legend! Enjoy the small ending. ==== Gold Dragon Mode The following levels are in the Gold Dragon mode The Paleozoric Area Jungle Deep Sea Part 6 of Dark Castle The first form of Galda A bad ending (But it's oh so adoreable) ------------------------ VI. Legal Disclaimer This FAQ was made by me, and only to be used on GameFAQs. If you put this on your site without permission (like you really needed to) you WILL be in trouble! Credits Congrats and many thanks to -Namco, for making this wonderful game -GameFAQs, the biggest game site I know -CJayC for putting this up. Thank you for reading my cruddy FAQ. I hope you enjoyed it.