Dragon Warrior III - Character Class Analysis Copyright Enix 1988 Written By Brian P. Sulpher E-mail: briansulpher@hotmail.com Version 2.0 Dates Written: May 7th, 2003 This goes out to the big fans of this game, and I hope that you continue to enjoy this game for years to come. This also goes out to the newcomers to the game who want to get the low down before getting too far into this grand old game. Remember, this is a game that falls into that rare category of never playing exactly the same, so try out different combos of characters to really experience this rich game. Also, for Cougar, Howler, and Koonce. I miss you, and I hope you are living it up in the afterlife as you did in this world. You will always be in my memories, and you will never be forgotten. ----------- Version 1.0 ----------- -Submitted guide on 7th of May, 2003 -Always welcome new info, so send it in people ----------- Version 1.1 ----------- -Submitted guide on June 14th, 2003 -Corrected some info on the Merchant Class (thanks to the board at GameFAQs) ----------- Version 1.5 ----------- -Submitted guide on January 23rd, 2004 -Altered copyright slightly -Added some info to the Class Changes section ----------- Version 1.6 ----------- -Submitted guide on June 14th, 2004 -Altered format to make it more pleasing to the eye ----------- Version 1.7 ----------- -Submitted guide on March 28th, 2005 -I added in Honestgamers as a site allowed to use my FAQs -Altered the format somewhat to make it look a wee bit cleaner than before -Also made a slight correction to the Class Change section due to confusion arising from information not actually put into the FAQ (though the game covers that info, so you figure people would actually know it anyway, but I digress) ----------- Version 1.8 ----------- -Submitted guide on July 10th, 2005 -I added in Retronintendo as a site allowed to use my FAQs -Altered the format to make it easier on the eyes of the reader ----------- Version 2.0 ----------- -Submitted guide on June 7th, 2006 -Fixed up the location within the FAQ that the Class Change takes place (thanks to Evan Lawson for pointing out this oversight) -Also made a quick example addition for why to Class Change (thanks to Evan Lawson once more) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------Table Of Contents---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) Soldier 3) Pilgrim 4) Wizard 5) Fighter 6) Merchant 7) Goof-Off 8) Class Changing 9) Final Word ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Introduction------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) I have designed this FAQ for newcomers and the veteran alike to make use of. I know that some may have details to add, so please feel free to e-mail me your thoughts at briansulpher@hotmail.com. I really do value reader input, as they are reason that FAQs exist, so please send me your thoughts, encouragement, ideas, etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Soldier---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) o-------o | Stats | o-------o Strength : High Agility : Average Vitality : High Luck : Low Intelligence : Low Hit Points : High Magic Points : N/A Attack Power : High Defense Power: High o------o | Pros | o------o An unbelievable physical specimen, Soldiers possess great Hit Point, Attack, Defense, and Strength abilities. You will have a virtual one man wrecking crew as this vicious melee man gains levels, this tank can often survive the battles that your team mates will not. Soldiers are able to make use of the most powerful Weaponry and Armor you can find. This means that they will be able to use nearly any weapon you desire them to so your other party members will be better equipped (Soldiers can get by on second rate equipment for sake of weaker party members). o------o | Cons | o------o No Magic ability whatsoever can be a real problem for your team in certain situations. this is very apparent when you are attempting to pass through a long dungeon, and your Solider can not assist in healing the party, other than carrying a few Herbs. The average Agility of a Soldier will quickly be reduced by all the heavy Weapons and Armors he will equip. This becomes very apparent when the Soldier is often last to get an attack in on the enemy out of your whole party. o------------o | Conclusion | o------------o A solid addition to any party, I rarely go without one of these man-of-wars backing the Hero up. They will essentially work as a blocker for your weaker spell casting members in the back of the party. These fellows can also be used to make infinite money by recruiting, selling their equipment, and then releasing them from your list of characters so you can repeat the process as many times as you desire for a lot of money near the start of the game! However, this can cause problems for your hero's magic spell list, so do not abuse it continually. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Pilgrim---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) o-------o | Stats | o-------o Strength : Average Agility : High Vitality : Average Intelligence : Average Luck : Low Hit Points : Average Magic Points : Average Attack Power : Average Defense Power: Average o------o | Pros | o------o Well rounded abilities are the power that the Pilgrim brings to your party. They have good Attack, Defense, Strength, Intelligence, Hit Points, Magic Points, and Agility to make a jack-of-all-trades for your party to rely upon for a myriad of tasks. The Pilgrim learns white magic spells, which are mostly defensive in manner (healing, raising defense, etc.). However, the Pilgrim can also learn some stat lowering spells to use on your opponents (lessen Defense and Speed for example), and the Pilgrim will also learn some moderately powerful attack spells (like the family of Inferno spells). Pilgrims can equip a fair amount of different Armors and Weapons, including some certain higher quality ones. o------o | Cons | o------o The only real annoying thing about Pilgrims are that they will become less useful for attacking as the game progresses. This is not a big problem as enemies near the end of the game will be able to hurt your party quite a bit, so healing will be needed frequently (making them the default healer in almost every turn of the battles). o------------o | Conclusion | o------------o Another excellent team member with something to offer in nearly all stat categories. A person who uses many defensive spells as well as a few attack spells. A person who is so valuable for most of the game that they are a solid choice to be in your party (although their lack of variety can be annoying). Also, their lack of any real strengths can cause you frustration at times. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Wizard----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) o-------o | Stats | o-------o Strength : Low Agility : Average Vitality : Low Intelligence : High Luck : Low Hit Points : Low Magic Points : High Attack Power : Low Defense Power: Low o------o | Pros | o------o Unmatched in attack spells (with the Sage being the exception). With the high amount of Magic points that this master of the arcane arts gets, you will have a lot of magical punch to your attack for a long while on any extended journey into the enemy-laden challenges ahead. High Intelligence assures that your Wizard will damage the opposition greatly with their spells, as well as assure the Magic Point stat will continue to rise steadily throughout their growth as they level up. o------o | Cons | o------o Unbelievably weak physically, these guys attack for little damage (that is not their purpose though). They also take very little time to fall from physical blows (so be sure to put them in the back of your party to avoid most physical attacks directed at your party). Not able to equip many pieces of Weapons or Armor, you will need to be sure to give them the best equipment you can when it is possible to do so. This requires you to keep an eye out for the best equipment ahead of all other classes if you wish to keep your attack magic user as healthy as possible. o------------o | Conclusion | o------------o Although they are the weakest specimens around, they are still a valued member of the team due to their amazing attack spell repertoire. They contribute greatly in your battles, and you should try to bring one along with you if at all possible. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Fighter---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) o-------o | Stats | o-------o Strength : High Agility : High Vitality : Average Intelligence : Average Luck : Low Hit Points : High Magic Points : N/A Attack Power : High Defense Power: Average o------o | Pros | o------o With his extremely fast Agility and high Attack, the Fighter is a formidable... well, fighter. Using his bare hands are the odd claw you find along the way, the damage totals will be impressive. Critical hits are the calling card of a Fighter, meaning massive damage for the opposition (these hits ignore enemy defensive totals). Hit Points will be an asset with the Fighter, as they will make your Fighter stay in the fight for a longer period of time (especially since they tend to be somewhat susceptible to taking large amounts of damage). o------o | Cons | o------o The inability of the Fighter to equip nearly all Armors. There defense is only Average, so the damage they take can be quite extensive (especially if they are teamed up on by a group of enemies). No Magic ability for the Fighter, so healing or attacking with Magic is not his forte (not truly his purpose though). o------------o | Conclusion | o------------o A Fighter is like a poor man's Soldier. On the plus side, more critical hits will land, and there is minimal equipment upkeep costs. On the down side, Fighters are not as tough as a Soldier, and they do not have any Magic to call upon. Not a bad choice if you are a fan of having a physical party with a couple solid hitters, or if you love to have a guy who can rip enemies apart with a timely critical hit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Merchant--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) o-------o | Stats | o-------o Strength : Average Agility : Low Vitality : Average Intelligence : High Luck : Average Hit Points : Average Magic Points : Average Attack Power : Average Defense Power: Average o------o | Pros | o------o A well rounded party member to have, and the Merchant does not struggle in any important areas. The Merchant can equip many Weapons and Armors, and the Attack stat is quite impressive, though just a smidge above Average overall. After a fight ends, your Merchant will often find the party some extra Gold Pieces among the carcasses of your enemies. The more Gold won in the fight, the greater the amount the Merchant can garner for the party, meaning you can afford expensive equipment that much sooner. o------o | Cons | o------o Low Agility will often delay the Merchant from doing anything until later in the round of fighting. This can be very bad if the Merchant is your sole healer in the party (other than the Hero of course). The lack of spells also hurts this class a fair bit. The Merchant will fall behind your other fighters in quality of stats as the game progresses (especially Soldiers). o------------o | Conclusion | o------------o The Merchant is good for the beginning of the game, but as the game progresses, their usefulness drops off considerably. However, you will need a merchant later on in the game, so you might consider using one sometimes until the Merchant is needed as it will save you some time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Goof-Off---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) o-------o | Stats | o-------o Strength : Low Agility : Low Vitality : Average Intelligence : Low Luck : High Hit Points : Average Magic Points : N/A Attack Power : Low Defense Power: Low o------o | Pros | o------o High Luck rating that Goof-Offs give your party will help you in finding items after defeating enemies (especially since they have a sky high rating). Although weak in every category, you might want to bring one along on your travels to see what could develop (consult a special book in the game for details or check the Class Changes section). o------o | Cons | o------o Brutal stats in almost every category, the Goof-Off can not protect itself adequately. You can not control the Goof-Off. The Goof-Off will just do whatever it pleases, which usually means it will waste it's turn. Sometimes it will attack, but just as often it will hurt itself instead or attempt to do something that is far beyond any abilities the fool has! Even worse is that they beocome less and less entertaining as you journey, since you will have seen all of their screw-ups many times. o------------o | Conclusion | o------------o Not a pick for a beginner, but a Goof-Off can prove to be useful if properly handled. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Class Changing------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8)This section will look at the Class Changing that can be done at the Shrine of Dhama. o--------------o | Requirements | o--------------o To change class, a character must have achieved at a Level of at least 20. o------------o | Why Do It? | o------------o The reason to do so allows a player to fully customize a character into the being that they desire them to be. You can make a character that has all types of abilities while having better stats than they normally would. ======== Examples ======== A character started as a Pilgrim, and learned all of the spells that it could. Now changing this character into a Soldier would allow that character to gain higher Hit Points, Strength, Defense, and Attack abilities. Now you have an increased (stat wise) Healer who can also equip better weapons and armors as well. Another great example is to make a change to a similar class, like a Soldier to Fighter (gain in Strength from Soldier will be augmented by superior Speed from the Fighter) or a Wizard to a Sage (great Intelligence is not hurt but increase Hit Points, Strength, etc). o-----------o | The Price | o-----------o Keep in mind however, that with each class change made to a character, their stats will be halved. This means that whatever class they began as, they will lose half of their hard-earned stats (stats that you wanted them to build up for this character). Also note that after a class change, the character's Level will revert to 1, no matter how far past Level 20 they were. o-------o | Sages | o-------o This hard to get class can be achieved through two different methods. ========== Method One ========== The first method involves heading north from the Castle of Dharma to the Tower of Garuna. They must then locate the Book of Satori to use when requesting a class change to become a Sage (a being who can use both attack and defensive spells). This means that a Sage learns the spells that both a Wizard and a Pilgrim learn (essentially you get two characters in one!). It has also come to my attention that the Book Of Satori can also be found by defeating enemies called "Blue Beak". They can be found around the New Town that your Merchant works on building up. I am unsure of any other places that they appear in the game, so I welcome reader input on this matter. ========== Method Two ========== Raise a Goof-Off to the required Level 20 for a class change, although you will not be able to control the Goof-Off. You may wish to wait until you have progressed further into the game before returning to Aliahan to recruit one to raise it quickly. Once Level 20 is reached, go to the Shrine of Dahma and attempt to class change your Goof-Off, at which point you should notice that these apparently useless classes can become a powerful class like the Sage without having possession of a Book of Satori. o-----------------o | Is It Worth It? | o-----------------o If you are playing the game to get through it and beat it with minimal fuss, then using the Class Changing of the Shrine of Dhama is not for you. However, if you are a player who enjoys the micro-management involved in stats, spells, and equipment usage, then you will love the Shrine of Dhama and what it has to offer for your characters growth potential. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Final Word-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) As is the usual, this walkthrough is copyright property of Brian P. Sulpher, 2003. The only website, group, person, etc. to have access to post it is www.gamefaqs.com, www.ign.com, www.retronintendo.com, and www.honestgamers.com. You must ask for permission before posting this, as doing so without consent is a violation of international copyright law. If you liked it, hated it, have anything to add, then please E-mail me at briansulpher@hotmail.com. You can also contact me through MSN messenger through the same E-mail address. So now you have met all the character classes, create the characters you wish to use (remember that you can make more than your party holds as you can switch them in later). Once done with your character creation, go pick your party members, and then head out of town to start your long journey to avenge your father!