/=============================================================================/ | ドラゴンクエスト | | DRAGON QUEST Japanese Game Script and Mini Playing Guide v5.11 | | (C) 2006-2010 Jason Kuntz (x_loto) | | x_loto@hotmail.com | | Based on the Japanese release of "Dragon Quest" | | (C) 1986 Enix (Famicom/MSX/MSX2/NEC PC-9801) | | (C) 1986 Enix, (C) 1991, 1992 Mitsuru Kamiyama (X68000) | | Also released in North America as "Dragon Warrior" | | (C) 1986, 1989 Enix, Licenced to Nintendo (NES) | | Start Date: 03/27/2006 | | Latest Submission Date: 07/09/2010 | /=============================================================================/ NOTE: This file uses Japanese (Shift-JIS) encoding. It looks best when viewed in Word using a fixed-width Japanese font. If you are unable to use Word, don't worry, as the only minor problem in the browser (as long as you enable Shift- JIS) is with lining up columns in certain tables. 「ドラゴンクエスト:1986年からパフパフして、名前を書き取っていく!」 /=======================================/ | Table of Contents | /=======================================/ 1. Foreword/Mission Statement . . . . . . [1FOR] 2. Transcription/Translation . . . . . . . [2TRA] ACT I: PRINCESS LORA A. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . [AINT] B. THE CENTRAL LANDS . . . . . . . [BCEN] i. Ladatorm Castle ii. Ladatorm iii. The Cave of Loto C. THE NORTHWEST: GARAI . . . . . . [CGAR] D. THE EASTERN LANDS . . . . . . . [DEAS] i. Maira ii. The Rain Shrine E. THE SOUTHERN ISLAND . . . . . . . [ESOU] i. Rimuldar ii. The Holy Shrine F. BEHIND LOCKED DOORS . . . . . . . [FLOC] i. Ladatorm Castle Unlocked ii. Ladatorm Unlocked iii. Garai Unlocked iv. Maira Unlocked G. THE RESCUE OF PRINCESS LORA . . . . . [GRES] i. The Marsh Cave ii. Ladatorm Castle Revisited iii. Ladatorm Revisited ACT II: THE DRAGON KING A. THE SOUTHERN LANDS: MELKIDO . . . . . [AMEL] B. THE RAINBOW DROP . . . . . . . [BRAI] i. The Rain Shrine Revisited ii. The Holy Shrine Revisited C. DEMON'S ISLE: THE CASTLE OF THE DRAGON KING . [CCAS] D. EPILOGUE . . . . . . . . . [DEPI] i. The Cheers of the People ii. Ending Proper iii. Credits ACT 0: OUTSIDE THE PLOT A. CURSED! . . . . . . . . . . [ACUR] B. MAXIMUM LEVEL . . . . . . . . [BMAX] C. BONUS! BACK OF THE BOX . . . . . . [CBOX] D. DUMMIED TEXT . . . . . . . . [DDUM] 3. Navigating the Game . . . . . . . . [3NAV] a. Starting Up . . . . . . . . . [3STA] b. Basic Command Windows . . . . . . . [3BAS] c. Battle Command Windows . . . . . . . [3BAT] d. Shopping . . . . . . . . . . [3SHO] 4. Item Lists . . . . . . . . . . [4ITE] a. Equipment . . . . . . . . . . [4EQU] b. Tools . . . . . . . . . . . [4TOO] 5. Magic List and Effects . . . . . . . [5MAG] 6. Monster List . . . . . . . . . . [6MON] 7. Experience Points Chart . . . . . . . [7EXP] 8. Special Passwords . . . . . . . . . [8PAS] 9. Version History . . . . . . . . . [9VER] 10. Credits/Thanks/Legal . . . . . . . . [10CR] /==1.===================================/ | Foreword/Mission Statement | /===============================[1FOR]==/ It has now been twenty-four years since the world was first introduced to "Dragon Quest." It is one of the most popular and persistent RPG series in existence, spawning a myriad of sequels, remakes, and spin-offs over the years. To me, all this attention is well-founded, as it is also (in my opinion) one of the best RPG series for a console system. Although the games after the initial trilogy have little to do with each other plotwise, they are extremely consistent--same style of monsters, same style of world, same style of storytelling. Some would say this makes them boring, but with the application of some imagination there is a lot that these games have to offer. The early games may not have aged terribly well, but they are still important, and they set the stage for a long line of whimsical creatures in memorable worlds. However, because of Nintendo of America's tight reign on the content of its games in the '80s and early '90s, much of what we saw in the U.S. was watered- down or otherwise altered. For example, have you ever heard of a Puff-puff? This mysterious massage technique is well-known to fans of recent "Dragon Quest" games, including "Dragon Quest VIII," but you may not know that it actually made its debut in the Japanese release of the very first game! (In the American release, the woman who offers the Puff-puff says instead that she has no tomatoes. For the record, Nintendo, there is a huge difference between a Puff-puff and a lack of tomatoes! :-P) This is where I enter the story. I have had a life-long interest in the languages of the Far East, Japanese in particular. The characters used in writing Japanese have always fascinated me, but the language itself, with its complex honorific grammar system, strange usage of particles, and yes, even those beautiful kanji characters, seemed all but impenetrable. But now, finally, I've decided to buckle down and learn Japanese, using video games as a tool-- and sharing the fruits of my labors with you, O Lucky Readers! Therefore, I am providing my translation of the original Japanese version of "Dragon Quest" so that you can see along with me where it differs from the American version. (And it just seemed like a good idea, since no one else had done it yet!) But more than just that, I am also asking for your help, O Knowledgeable Readers. If you are reading this, and you know Japanese (or at the very least you know it better than I do), and you find a mistake, please do not hesitate to send me an email so I may correct it, and you will be credited in the next release. As one final note, let me point out that this is not a walkthrough. It is simply the script, plus a mini-guide to get you playing in Japanese if you wish. Just a little trivia: ・The Japanese release used a password system of twenty characters to save progress. The battery-packed RAM method was added onto the American release, which was published a year after "Dragon Quest III" became the first Japanese game in the series to use it. ・As the first game of the series, it introduced many recurring elements. Among these are: the Nameless Hero, the "Dragon Quest March," the ubiquitous Slime, the Puff-puff, and a peculiar absence of dragons throughout the majority of the game. ・Among the elements that didn't see further use: dungeon music that plays in a lower key and tempo as you descend to lower levels, and the requirement of torches or magic to light the way. Well, that's enough for this long introduction, O Intrepid Readers. It is my sincere hope that you enjoy this guide, and perhaps even find it useful! /==2.===================================/ | Transcription/Translation | /===============================[2TRA]==/ In this section, I have transcribed the game text. First, the text is reproduced exactly as it appears in the game (there shouldn't be any typos at this point, but the possibility remains); then I present my translation of the original text into English. This translation is very literal, but it is as accurate as possible to the best of my knowledge, though some passages were altered to make better-sounding English. To make mistakes easier to spot, I have marked passages that I am unsure of with "(?)" although in all probability there are also other errors that I don't realize I have made. Also, even after two full playthroughs and a text dump, there is still the chance that I haven't seen 100% of the game text. If you know of anything that is missing, please let me know and I will try to fill in the empty spots sometime in the future. I have marked the beginning of each "Act," as well as each major and minor section, with a distinctive header to aid in browsing. Likewise, I have marked each separate event or conversation with "★" to make it stand out. Where the player's name appears in the text I have used the name えっくす (Ekkusu)--the Japanese pronunciation of the letter "X." The text in this file is from the Famicom version of the game, but the MSX and MSX2 versions *should* be exactly the same throughout. I have tried, as much as possible, to arrange the text in the order it would be seen in actual gameplay, but for organization's sake some of the ordering may have been changed. As a supplement to this file for those who actually want to play the game in Japanese, I have also made maps of the entire game with the Japanese names of items and locations (with translations, of course) available on GameFAQs.com. These can also be used with the U.S. version, as only the names will be significantly different. And now, without further ado, I present to you: ドラゴンクエスト Dragon Quest ________--------~~~~~~~~ ACT I ~~~~~~~~--------________ PRINCESS LORA ~~~~~~~~--------________ ________--------~~~~~~~~ ==I.A.========================== ----<<<<{{{{(((( INTRODUCTION ))))}}}}>>>>---- ========================[AINT]== ★King *「おお えっくす!   ゆうしゃロトの ちをひくものよ!   そなたのくるのをまっておったぞ。 Oh, X! The Descendant of the Hero Loto! I have been waiting for thine arrival. *「その むかし ゆうしゃロトが   カミから ひかりのたまをさずかり   まものたちをふうじこめたという。 It is said that long ago the Hero Loto was given a Ball of Light from God and sealed away monsters. *「しかし いずこともなくあらわれた   あくまのけしん りゅうおうが   そのたまを やみにとざしたのじゃ But the Dragon King, evil incarnate, appeared from nowhere and shut the Ball in darkness. *「このちに ふたたびへいわをっ! Peace on this Earth has been shattered once again! *「ゆうしゃ えっくすよ!   りゅうおうをたおし そのてから   ひかりのたまをとりもどしてくれ! Hero X! Please defeat the Dragon King and take back the Ball of Light from his hand! *「わしからの おくりものじゃ!   そなたのよこにある   たからのはこを とるがよい! These are gifts from me! Take the treasure chests at thy side! *「そして このへやにいる   へいしにきけば たびのちしきを   おしえてくれよう。 And if you ask the soldiers in this room they will teach you knowledge for your journey. *「では また あおう!   ゆうしゃ えっくすよ! Well then, let us meet again! Hero X! ==I.B.=============================== ----<<<<{{{{(((( THE CENTRAL LANDS ))))}}}}>>>>---- =============================[BCEN]== --I.B.i.--------------------------- ----++++**** Ladatorm Castle ****++++---- ----------------------------------- ★King: Before Leaving the Throne Room *「たびのしたくが できたなら   また わしに あいにくるがよい   まっておるぞ えっくすよ! If you are prepared for your journey, you should come to meet me again, and I shall be waiting, X! ★Guard: Throne Door L (Before Leaving the Throne Room) *「このおしろをでると となりに   まちが ある。 When you leave the castle, there is a town nearby. *「そこで まず ぶきと ぼうぐを   かいそろえることだ。 So first of all get your weapon and armor purchases in order. *「たたかいで きずついたときは   まちにもどり やどやにとまると   きずが かいふくするだろう。 When you are injured in battle, the wounds will recover if you return to town and stay at the inn. ★Guard: Throne Door R (Before Leaving the Throne Room) *「たからのはこを ぜんぶとったなら   そのなかに かぎが はいっていた   はずだ。 If you took all the treasure boxes, there should have been a key inside. *「かぎは 1どつかうと なくなって   しまうが そのかぎで とびらを   あけたとき…… When you use the key one time it will disappear, but when you open the door using the key... *「おまえのたびが はじまるだろう。 your journey will begin. ★Guard: Throne Room *「ローラひめのことを ごぞんじか? Do you know of Princess Lora? │ ├はい:Yes │*「えっくす! │  どうか ひめを │  たすけだして ください! │X! Please rescue the princess! │ ├いいえ:No │*「ひめさまが まものたちに │  さらわれて はんとしになる… │It has been nearly half a year since the princess was kidnapped by monsters... │ │*「おうさまは なにも │  おっしゃらないが │  とても くるしんでいるはず。 │The King says nothing, but he must be very worried. │ │*「えっくす! │  どうか ひめを │  たすけだして ください! └X! Please rescue the princess! ★King: Giving a Password *「おお えっくす!   よくぞ ぶじで もどってきた。   わしは とても うれしいぞ。 Oh, X! How good that thou hast returned safely. I am very pleased. *「そなたが つぎのレベルになるには   あと __ポイントの   けいけんが ひつようじゃ。 Thou needest __ experience points to reach the next level. *「そなたに ふっかつの じゅもんを   おしえよう! Let me teach to thee the Spell of Restoration! [Password] *「これを かきとめておくのだぞ。 Thou shouldst write this down and keep it. *「では また あおう!   ゆうしゃ えっくすよ! Well then, let us meet again! Hero X! ★King: Returning to Game *「おお えっくす!   よくぞ もどってきてくれた!   わしは とても うれしいぞ。 Oh, X! How good that thou hast returned! I am very pleased. *「そなたが つぎのレベルになるには   あと __ポイントの   けいけんが ひつようじゃ。 Thou needest __ experience points to reach the next level. *「レベルが あがったときは   わしに あいにくるようにな。 Thou shouldst come to meet with me when thy level has risen. *「では また あおう!   ゆうしゃ えっくすよ! Well then, let us meet again! Hero X! ★King: Returning from Death *「おお えっくす!   しんでしまうとは なにごとだ! Oh, X! You died on us! [NOTE: Thanks to CygnusZ for helping with this one!] *「しかたのない やつだな。   おまえに もう いちど   きかいを あたえよう! It can't be helped. Let us give you one more chance! *「たたかいで キズついたときは   まちにもどり やどやに とまって   キズをかいふくさせるのだぞ。 When you are hurt in battle, returning to town and staying at the inn will heal your wounds. *「ふたたび このようなことが   おこらぬことを   わしは いのっている! I am praying that another experience like this does not happen! *「おまえが つぎのレベルになるには   あと __ポイントの   けいけんが ひつようじゃ。 You need __ experience points to reach the next level. *「では ゆけ! えっくすよ! So go! X! ★Guard: Throne Door L *「おかねが たまったら ぶきや   よろいを たかいものに   かいかえることだな。 Once you save some money, replace your weapons and armor with more expensive ones. *「そうすれば もっと つよく   なるだろう。 If you do so, you will become much stronger. ★Guard: Throne Door R *「ひとびとの はなしに みみを   かたむけることだ。   きっと やくにたつだろう。 Listen to the words of the people. Surely they will be useful. ★Guard: Stairs Top *「ふっかつのじゅもんが あれば   それをきいたときの じょうたいで   よみがえることが できるだろう。 If you have a Spell of Restoration, you can restore things to the conditions at the time that you heard it. ★Guard: Stairs Bottom *「たびをいちど やめたいときは   おうにあい ふっかつのじゅもんを   きいておくことだな。 When you want to stop your journey for a time, first meet with the King to hear the Spell of Restoration. ★Man: Main Hall *「ここ ラダトームは そのむかし   らくえん でした。   それを まものたちが… In the old days, Ladatorm was a paradise. The monsters changed that.... ★Woman: Main Hall/Guard: Posted E of Hall *「ああ ローラひめは   いったい どこに… Ah, where on earth is Princess Lora... ★Guard: Walking E of Hall *「どうくつに はいるときは   たいまつを もってゆけよ。 When you enter a cave, take a torch. ★Old Man: Healer *「おお カミよ!   ふるい いいつたえの ゆうしゃ   えっくすに ひかり あれ! O God! May the light be with the Hero X of the ancient legends! ★Guard: Gate L/R *「ラダトームの おしろに   ようこそ! Welcome to Ladatorm Castle! ★Merchant: N *「わたしたちは たびの しょうにん   です。 おおくのなかまが   まものたちに ころされました。 We are traveling merchants. Many of our colleagues have been killed by monsters. ★Merchant: S *「うわさでは まものたちに   ほろぼされた まちも   あるらしいです。 According to the rumors, there are even whole towns that have been destroyed by the monsters. ★Man: NW Room *「まものたちと たたかって   けいけんを つんでください。 Please fight with monsters and build up experience. *「そうすれば ゆうしゃとしての   レベルが つぎつぎとあがり   つよくなってゆくでしょう。 If you do so your level as a hero will rise one by one, and you will become stronger. ★Guard: NE Room *「とびらを あけるには   カギが ひつようだ。 You need a key to open the door. --I.B.ii.------------------- ----++++**** Ladatorm ****++++---- ---------------------------- ★Man: Entrance *「ラダトームのまちに ようこそ。 Welcome to the town of Ladatorm. ★Woman: Arms Shop *「いらっしゃいませ。   なかにすすみ つくえ ごしに   はなしかけてくださいな。 Welcome. Please come inside and talk to the person across the desk. ★Old Man: Near Arms Shop *「どくのぬまちに きをつけなされ。   ぬまちを あるくときは   たいりょくに きをつかうようにな Be careful in the poison marsh. When you walk through the marsh, pay attention to your strength. ★Man: Center *「このまちの ずっと きたにいき   うみべを にしにあるくと   ガライのまちが あるそうです。 If you go all the way north from this town and walk west along the beach, there is the town of Garai. ★Merchant: Center *「どうか まものたちを   たおして ください。 Please defeat the monsters somehow. ★Soldier: S Central *「おおくのゆうしゃが   まちから とおくに たびにでて   そして しんだ。 Many heroes have left from this town to journey far away, only to die. *「ゆうしゃ えっくすよ   おまえを しなせたくないものだな Hero X, I do not want you to die. ★Soldier: E Central *「おまえが ロトの ちをひくもの?   なにか しょうこが あるのか? You are the descendant of Loto? Have you any proof? ★Guard: E *「たたかいで けいけんを つみ   レベルが あがったときは   おうさまに あいに いけよ。 When you have gained experience through battle and your level has risen, go meet with the King. ★Soldier: NE Corner *「はしに きをつけろ! Be careful of bridges! *「はしをわたって とおくにいくほど   おそろしい まものたちが   あらわれるだろう。 Terrible monsters appear when crossing faraway bridges. ★Man: E, Left Room *「うわさでは どこかに まほうの   カギをうってる まちが   あるらしいですよ。 Rumor says somewhere there is a town that is selling magic keys. ★Old Man: E, Right Room *「もし そなたが のろわれたなら   ここに くるがよい。 If thou art cursed, thou shouldst come here. [NOTE: Interestingly, here (and apparently every place where the phrase がよい appears) the symbol used to end the sentence is the handakuten (゜) by mistake, rather than the full-stop (。). It's not easy to notice in-game, however. The handakuten is designed to be placed on the line above the kana, so it is drawn in the bottom region of the space and still looks basically the same as the full-stop.] ★Woman: S *「いーえ わたしは   ローラひめじゃないわ。 No, I am not Princess Lora. ★Guard: Inn *「おうさまに つたえてくれ   ローラひめの そうさくたいは   ぜんめつしたと… Please tell the King that the search party for Princess Lora was annihilated... *「わたしも もう だめだ…   ぐぶっ… I too am done for... Cough... ★Man: SE *「ラダトームのおしろのみなみから   うみのむこうに おしろが   みえるでしょう。 A castle can be seen across the sea south of Ladatorm Castle. *「りゅうおうは そのしろに   いるとか…。おお こわい…。 They say the Dragon King is in that castle.... Ooh, scary.... ★Man: Item Shop *「そこの へこんだところから   なかへ すすんでください。 Please go inside through the indentation. --I.B.iii.-------------------------- ----++++**** The Cave of Loto ****++++---- ------------------------------------ ★Stone Slate えっくすは せきばんを みつけた。 X discovered a stone slate. せきばんには こう かかれている。 On the slate this is written. *「わたしのなは ロト。   わたしの ちをひきしものよ。 My name is Loto. You are my descendant. *「ラダトームからみえる まのしまに   わたるには 3つのものが   ひつようだった。 To cross over to Demon's Isle, which is visible from Ladatorm, three objects were necessary. *「わたしは それらを あつめ   まのしまに わたり   まおうを たおした。 I collected these objects, crossed to the Demon's Isle, and defeated the Devil. *「そして いま その3つの   しんぴなるものを 3にんの   けんじゃに たくす。 And I now entrust these three mysterious objects to three sages. *「かれらの しそんが それらを   まもってゆくだろう。 Their descendants will protect these items. *「ふたたび まのしまに   あくが よみがえったとき When once again evil is resurrected on Demon's Isle, *「それらを あつめ   たたかうがよい。 collect those items and fight. ==I.C.================================== ----<<<<{{{{(((( THE NORTHWEST: GARAI ))))}}}}>>>>---- ================================[CGAR]== ★Old Man: Item Shop *「ふるい いいつたえでは いだいな   ぎんゆう しじん ガライが   このまちを つくったそうじゃ。 According to the old legends, the great minstrel Garai founded this town. ★Old Man: SW Corner *「うわさでは ローラひめは   どこかの どうくつに とじこめ   られたそうじゃ。 The rumors say Princess Lora was imprisoned in a cave somewhere. *「もう たすけだされたのかのお… Will she be rescued soon.... (?) ★Soldier: Near Arms Shop *「おれは みやおうだ。   キムこうを さがしている。 I am Miyaou. I am searching for Lord Kim. [NOTE: Thanks to CygnusZ for tipping me off on this! This seems to be an encounter with one of the game developers. It appears Miyaou is actually Hiroshi Miyaoka, who assisted in the scenario development.] ★Woman: Center *「むかしがたりのまち   ガライに ようこそ! Welcome to Garai, the Town of Reminiscence! ★Man: East Side *「わたしは きいた!   なんと ひめを さらったまものが   ひがしのほうに とびさったとか! I heard! They say the monsters that kidnapped the Princess fled to the east! ==I.D.=============================== ----<<<<{{{{(((( THE EASTERN LANDS ))))}}}}>>>>---- =============================[DEAS]== --I.D.i.----------------- ----++++**** Maira ****++++---- ------------------------- ★Old Man: SE Corner *「ここは マイラの むらです。 This is the village of Maira. ★Man: Center *「みなみのしまは とても こわい   ところです。 The Southern Island is an awfully dreadful place. *「じゅうぶんに ちからをつけてから   いかないと いきて   もどれないでしょう。 If you don't gain enough strength before you go, you won't return alive. ★Woman: Center *「どうか まものたちを   たおして ください。 Please defeat the monsters somehow. ★Guard: Center *「ゴーレムは ふえのね が   にがてだときく。 I hear the Golem doesn't like the sound of the Flute. ★Soldier: Center *「おれは ゆうていだ。   キムこうを さがしている。 I am Yuutei. I am searching for Lord Kim. [NOTE: Thanks again to CygnusZ for this info! It seems that Yuutei refers to Yuji Horii, who wrote the scenario for the game.] ★Old Man: NE Corner *「ふるい いいつたえでは   ようせいたちは ゴーレムを   ねむらせた そうじゃ。 In the old legends, they say the fairies made Golem sleep. ★Soldier: Arms Shop *「ドムドーラの はるかひがしに   すばらしいぶきを   うっているまちが あるらしい。 Far to the east of Domdora is a town that is selling magnificent weapons. ★Woman: Fountain *「ここは ろてんぶろで   ございまーす。 This is a bath. *「こうようは りゅうまちで   ございまーす。 It helps rheumatism. ★Old Man: NW Corner *「ロトの ちをひく ゆうしゃよ!   しかし そのぶきでは   りゅうおうを たおせまいぞ! Hero descended from Loto! But you cannot defeat the Dragon King with that weapon! *「また くるがよい! You should come again! ★Old Man: NW Corner (With Sword of Loto) *「ついに てにいれたな。   ゆうしゃ えっくすよ! At last you have obtained it. Hero X! ★Man: W Area *「おまえが ロトの ちをひくもの?   なにか しょうこが あるのか? You are the descendant of Loto? Have you any proof? ★Guard: SW Corner *「うわさでは リムルダールに   カギをうるみせが あるらしい。 According to rumor, there is a shop in Rimuldar that sells keys. ★Merchant *「みなみの しまに いきましたか? Have you gone to the Southern Island? │ ├はい:Yes │*「なんと! とても つよい │  まものたちが いるとききましたが │What! Although very powerful monsters are there, you made it back! │ ├いいえ:No │*「みなみには リムルダールという │  まちが あるらしいです。 └In the south there is a town called Rimuldar. --I.D.ii.-------------------------- ----++++**** The Rain Shrine ****++++---- ----------------------------------- ★Old Man *「そなたが まことの ゆうしゃか   どうか ためさせてほしい。 I want to test whether thou art the true hero. *「このちの どこかに まものたちを   よびよせる ぎんのたてごとが   あるときく。 I hear that somewhere on this earth there is a Silver Harp that summons monsters. *「それを もちかえったとき   そなたを ゆうしゃと みとめ   あまぐものつえを さずけよう。 When thou hast brought that, I will recognize thee as a hero and grant thee the Staff of Clouds. ==I.E.================================= ----<<<<{{{{(((( THE SOUTHERN ISLAND ))))}}}}>>>>---- ===============================[ESOU]== --I.E.i.-------------------- ----++++**** Rimuldar ****++++---- ---------------------------- ★Woman: E Side *「おいで ぼうや。   ぱふぱふしてほしいなら   50ゴールドよ。 Hey there, boy. If you want a Puff-puff, it's 50 Gold. ★Man: Center *「リムルダールのまちに ようこそ! Welcome to the town of Rimuldar! ★Soldier: Inn *「いよお えっくす!   えっくすじゃないか!   ひさしぶりだなあ。 Hey X! You're X, aren't you! It's been a long time, hasn't it. ★Soldier: S Side *「ゆびわは せんしの たしなみだ。 A ring is a warrior's fashion. ★Soldier: S Side (With Warrior's Ring) *「ゆびわなどして   おまえは はずかしいやつだなあ。 Isn't a guy like you embarrassed, wearing rings and such? ★Guard: Near SW Building *「うわさでは ラダトームのおしろに   たいようのいしが あるらしい。   もう てにいれたか? According to rumor, the Sun Stone is in Ladatorm Castle. Have you obtained it yet? ★Old Man: Small Island *「ふるい いいつたえでは ロトは   このしまの にしのはずれに   にじをかけたそうじゃ。 The old legends say that Loto attached a rainbow to the western end of this island. *「そして まおうの へやの   かくされたる いりぐちより   やみにはいったときく。 And I hear that he entered the darkness through an entrance that was concealed in the Devil's room. ★Man: North Room L *「おまえが ロトの ちをひくもの?   なにか しょうこが あるのか? You are the descendant of Loto? Have you any proof? ★Woman: North Room R *「あなた だれ?   でてゆかないと ひとをよぶわよ! Who are you? If you don't leave I'll call someone! ★Soldier: Arms Shop *「りゅうおうの うろこは   はがねのように かたいらしいぜ。 They say the Dragon King's scales are hard as steel. ★Woman: SW Room *「やがて このまちも   まものたちに……   ああ カミさま…… Soon even this town will be...by the monsters.... Ah, God.... ★Soldier: SW Room *「りゅうおうの からだを   つらぬける つるぎが このよに   あるのだろうか…… Is there a sword in this world that can pierce the Dragon King's body.... ★Man: SW Room *「みなみに いっては いけません。   もっともっと つよいまものが   すんでいる そうです。 You must not go to the south. They say that many, many strong monsters live there. ★Old Man: SW Room *「ここは よげんじょ。   せいなる ほこらをみつけたか? This place gives predictions. Have you found the Holy Shrine? │ ├はい:Yes │*「あめと たいようが あわさる │  ほこらじゃ。 │It is the shrine that unites the Rain and the Sun. │ ├いいえ:No │*「みなみに ゆくがよい。 └You should go south. ★Man: NE Corner *「ちゅん でーす。   かのじょを まっています。 I am Chun. I am waiting for my girlfriend. [NOTE: Chun, of course, is a reference to ChunSoft, which was named after the hero of Koichi Nakamura's first game, "Door Door."] ★Woman: SW Corner *「もう ちゅんさまったら   おそいわねえ。 ぷんぷん。 If Chun isn't already late meeting me! Grrr. ★Merchant: Key Shop *「いらっしゃいませ! Welcome! ★Old Man: Inn *「わたしは よしりーん。   マイラのおふろから みなみに4つ   あるき しらべるがよい。 I am Yoshiriin. You should investigate four steps south from the bath in Maira. [NOTE: Almost every proper name in the game refers to someone involved in its creation, so I would be surprised if Yoshiriin were an exception. However, I don't know who this could be.] --I.E.ii.--------------------------- ----++++**** The Holy Shrine ****++++---- ----------------------------------- ★Old Man *「そなたが ロトのちをひく   まことの ゆうしゃなら   しるしが あるはず If thou art the true hero descended from Loto, thou shouldst have the Mark. *「おろかものよ! たちされい! Fool! Leave! ==I.F.================================= ----<<<<{{{{(((( BEHIND LOCKED DOORS ))))}}}}>>>>---- ===============================[FLOC]== --I.F.i.------------------------------------ ----++++**** Ladatorm Castle Unlocked ****++++---- -------------------------------------------- ★Guard: Treasury *「まことの ゆうしゃなら   ぬすみなど せぬはずだ。 If you are a true hero, you shouldn't steal. ★Old Man: Church *「ゆうしゃのため いのりましょう。 Let us pray for the Hero. *「ひかりが そなたと ともに   ありますように… May the light be with thee.... ★Soldier: Near Church *「わたしは ちかしつを   さがしている。 おしろの   どこかに あるらしいが… I am searching for the cellar. They say there is one somewhere in the castle... ★Guard: Before Barrier *「たいりょくに じしんが   あるなら はいるがよい。 If you have confidence in your strength, enter. ★Soldier: Behind Barrier *「ガライのはかは ガライのまちに。   まちに はいり くらやみのかべを   おすがよい。 The Tomb of Garai is in the town of Garai. Enter the town and press on a wall of darkness. ★Woman: Near Key Shop *「あめと たいようが あわさるとき   にじのはしが できる。 When the Rain and Sun unite, a Rainbow Bridge is formed. *「ふるい いいつたえ ですわ。 It's an old legend. ★Old Man: Basement *「わしは まっておった。   そなたのような わかものが   あらわれることを… I have been waiting. For the appearance of a young man like thou... *「さあ たからのはこを   とるがよい。 Come now, take the treasure box. ★Old Man: Basement (After Obtaining Sun Stone) *「ここには もう ようがないはず。   いくがよい。 Thou hast no more business here. Thou shouldst go. --I.F.ii.---------------------------- ----++++**** Ladatorm Unlocked ****++++---- ------------------------------------- ★Soldier: Inn *「うわさでは ガライのはかに   ぎんのたてごとが あるらしい… According to rumor, there is a Silver Harp in the Tomb of Garai.... --I.F.iii.------------------------ ----++++**** Garai Unlocked ****++++---- ---------------------------------- ★Old Man: Inside Building *「うわさでは どこかに   ゆうしゃ ロトのきていた   よろいが あるらしい。 According to rumor, somewhere exists the armor that the Hero Loto wore. ★Man: Inside Building *「はるか みなみに ドムドーラの   まちが ありました。   いまも あるのでしょうか……。 Far to the south was the town of Domdora. Is it still there now.... ★Woman: Inside Building *「おとこなんて きらいよ。   しっしっ。 I hate the likes of men. *Glare* ★Merchant: Inside Building *「えーい もってけ! どろぼう! Hey, hold it! Thief! (?) ★Guards: Inside Building, L/R *「わたしは いそがしい。   となりのやつに きいてくれ。 I'm busy. Ask the next guy. ★Old Man: Tomb Entrance *「たてごとは まものたちを   よびよせる。   ガライのはかに ちかよるな! The harp summons monsters. Do not approach the Tomb of Garai! --I.F.iv.------------------------- ----++++**** Maira Unlocked ****++++---- ---------------------------------- ★Old Man: W Room *「ふえを てにいれたか? Have you obtained the Flute? │ ├はい:Yes │*「メルキドのまちに ゆくがよい! │You should go to the town of Melkido! │ ├いいえ:No │*「よしりーんが もっていたが │  リムルダールにいくといって │  むらをでて それっきりかえらぬ。 └Yoshiriin had it, but he left the village saying he was going to Rimuldar, and he has not returned. (?) ==I.G.========================================= ----<<<<{{{{(((( THE RESCUE OF PRINCESS LORA ))))}}}}>>>>---- =======================================[GRES]== --I.G.i.-------------------------- ----++++**** The Marsh Cave ****++++---- ---------------------------------- ★Princess Lora ローラ「ああ! たすけだしてくださる     かたが ほんとうにいたなんて     まだ しんじられませんわ! Lora: Ah! I cannot believe that I have truly been rescued! ローラ「わたしは ラルス16せいの     むすめ ローラです。 Lora: I am the daughter of Lars XVI, Lora. ローラ「わたしを おしろまで     つれてかえってくれますね? Lora: Could you please take me to the castle? │ ├いいえ:No │ローラ「そんな ひどい……。 │Lora: How cruel.... │ ├はい:Yes │あなたは ひめを だきかかえた。 │You embraced the princess. │ │ローラ「うれしゅうございます。 ぽっ └Lora: I am happy. *Kiss* --I.G.ii.------------------------------------ ----++++**** Ladatorm Castle Revisited ****++++---- --------------------------------------------- ★King *「おお えっくす! よくぞ   ひめを たすけだしてくれた。   こころから れいをいうぞ! Oh, X! How good that you have rescued the princess. From my heart I thank you! *「さあ ローラ。   わたしのとなりへ。 Come, Lora. To my side. ローラ「まってください。 ローラは     えっくすさまに おくりものを     しとうございます。 Lora: Please wait. It is proper that I give a gift to X. (?) ローラ「えっくすさまを あいする     わたしの こころ。 どうか     うけとってくださいませ。 Lora: It is the love for you in my heart. Please accept it. [If inventory is full] ローラ「そして ローラにも     あなたさまから     なにか ひとつ… Lora: And one thing from you to me as well.... ローラ「えっくすを ローラに     くださいませね。 Lora: Please, X. [NOTE: At this point, Lora takes one of your non-essential items. I have not yet seen this occur in the Japanese version, but I have confirmed it in the North American release. However, in the Japanese translation it doesn't seem apparent which item is being taken, although in the N.A. release the item is explicitly stated.] ローラ「ああ! たとえ はなれて     いても ローラは いつも     あなたと ともに あります。 Lora: Ah! Although we are separated, I am always with you. ローラ「では えっくすさま…… Lora: Well then, X.... *「そなたに ふっかつの じゅもんを   おしえよう! Let me teach to thee the Spell of Restoration! [Password] *「これを かきとめておくのだぞ。 You should write this down and keep it. *「では また あおう!   ゆうしゃ えっくすよ! Well then, let us meet again! Hero X! ★Princess: Speech 1 ローラ「ああ! たとえ はなれて     いても ローラは いつも     あなたと ともに あります。 Lora: Ah! Although we are separated, I am always with you. ★Princess: Speech 2 ローラ「えっくすさまを ローラは     おしたい もうしております。 Lora: I miss you so much. ★Princess: Speech 3 ローラ「えっくすさまは ローラのこと     を おもってくださいますか? Lora: Will you please think of me? │ ├いいえ:No │ローラ「そんな ひどい……。 │Lora: How cruel.... │ ├はい:Yes │ローラ「うれしゅうございます。 ぽっ └Lora: I am so happy. *Kiss* ★Guard: Throne Room *「おお えっくす!   すばらしき ゆうしゃよ! Oh X! Wonderful hero! ★Woman: Main Hall *「ひめを たすけだしてくれて   ありがとうございます。 Thank you for rescuing the princess. ★Guard: Posted Near Hall *「ああ いとしのローラひめ…   わたしは えっくすが にくい。 Ah, my lovely Princess Lora.... I despise you, X. ★Using the Princess's Love ローラひめの こえが きこえる。 Princess Lora's voice is heard. ローラ「あなたが レベルをあげるには     あと __ポイント     けいけんが ひつようです。 Lora: For you to increase in level, you need __ more experience points. ローラ「わたしのいる おしろは     [きた/みなみ]に__ [ひがし/にし]に__     の ほうこう です。 Lora: My castle is in the direction of __ to the [north/south] and __ to the [east/west]. ローラ「えっくすさまを ローラは     おしたい もうしております。 Lora: I miss so much. --I.G.iii.---------------------------- ----++++**** Ladatorm Revisited ****++++---- -------------------------------------- ★Guard: Inn (After Rescuing the Princess) *「わたしに さわるのは だれだ?   もう なにも みえぬ…   もう なにも きこえぬ… Who touches me? I can see nothing more... I can hear nothing more... ________--------~~~~~~~~ ACT II ~~~~~~~~--------________ THE DRAGON KING ~~~~~~~~--------________ ________--------~~~~~~~~ ==II.A.======================================== ----<<<<{{{{(((( THE SOUTHERN LANDS: MELKIDO ))))}}}}>>>>---- =======================================[AMEL]== ★Guard: Near Entrance *「じょうさいのまち   メルキドに ようこそ! Welcome to the fortress town, Melkido! ★Man: E Side *「えーん。 あてが まいごの   キムこう だす。 Yeah. I'm who you're looking for, the lost child Lord Kim. (?) [NOTE: Thanks to CygnusZ for helping with this one. It seems that Kimu-kou represents another scenario writer for this game, Hajime Kimura. However, this person is not listed in the game credits.... Perhaps that's why Yuutei and Miyaou were looking for him?] ★Guard: E Side, Near Shops *「うわさでは ロトのよろいは   ひとから ひとへ。 Rumor says that Loto's Armor has passed from person to person. *「ゆきのふ というおとこの てに   わたったそうだ。 It seems it had passed into the hands of a man called Yukinofu. [NOTE: Considering all the other encounters with developers, and more than a passing resemblance in the names, I believe Yukinofu is actually Yukinobu Chida, the game's producer.] ★Merchant: E Side *「むかし うちのじいさんが よく   いってました。 In the old days, my grandfather often said this. *「ともだちの ゆきのふは   じぶんのみせの うらの きに   なにか うめたらしいと… He said his friend Yukinofu buried something at a tree in the back of his shop.... ★Old Man: SE Corner *「ふるい いいつたえでは   ゆうしゃロトのつかった つるぎは   はがねをも くだいたそうじゃ。 In the old legends, the sword used by the Hero Loto smashed even steel. ★Guard: Near Inn *「りゅうおうの つめは てつを   ひきさき そして はく ほのおは   いわをも とかすという。 It is said that the Dragon King's claws split iron, and the flames he breathes melt even stone. *「えっくすよ それでも ゆくか? X, will you go even so? │ ├はい:Yes │*「おお! あなたこそ │  まことの ゆうしゃだ! │Oh! You surely are a true hero! │ ├いいえ:No │*「それが いい。 │  だれも おまえを おくびょうとは │  いわないだろう。 └That is good. No one will say you are a coward. ★Woman: Near W Shops *「こんやの おかずは   なんに しようかしら…… I wonder what I shall make for a side dish tonight.... ★Merchant: W Side, L Shop *「まいど!   きょうは だいこんが やすいよ! Welcome! Radishes are cheap today! ★Woman: W Side *「ねえ わたしの ぽーとぴあと   あなたの ドラゴンくえすとを   かえっこしてよ。 Let's exchange my "Portopia" for your "Dragon Quest." [NOTE: "The Portopia Serial Murder Case" (Portopia Renzoku Satsujin Jiken) is a game released by Enix six months before "Dragon Quest," also written by Yuji Horii.] ★Merchant: SW Corner *「わたしの いえは そのむかし   ドムドーラのまちで みせやを   していたとか。 In the old days my family ran a shop in the town of Domdora. *「みせは まちのひがしに あり   ゆきのふじいさんのとき   まちが まものたちに おそわれ… When Grandfather Yukinofu's shop was in the east of the town, the town was attacked by monsters... (?) *「このまちまで にげてきました。 I escaped to this town. ★Old Man: Under Roof *「そなたが しるしをもとめるなら   このまちの しんでんにすむ   ちょうろうを たずねるがよい。 If thou seekest the Mark, thou shouldst ask the elder who resides in the temple of this town. ★Old Man: Behind Barrier *「ゆうしゃのため いのりましょう。 Let us pray for the hero. *「ひかりが そなたと ともに   ありますように… May the light be with thee... *「ゆくがよい。   そして さがすがよい。 You should go. And you should search. *「ラダトームの おしろまで   きたに70 にしに40の   そのばしょを! In the place where Ladatorm Castle is 70 to the north and 40 to the west! ==II.B.============================= ----<<<<{{{{(((( THE RAINBOW DROP ))))}}}}>>>>---- ============================[BRAI]== --II.B.i.------------------------------------ ----++++**** The Rain Shrine Revisited ****++++---- --------------------------------------------- ★Old Man: With Silver Harp *「おお えっくす!   たてごとを もってきたな! Oh, X! You have brought the harp! *「わしは まっておった。   そなたのような わかものが   あらわれることを… I have been waiting. For the appearance of a young man like thou... *「さあ たからのはこを   とるがよい。 Come now, take the treasure box. --II.B.ii.----------------------------------- ----++++**** The Holy Shrine Revisited ****++++---- --------------------------------------------- ★Old Man: With Mark of Loto *「ロトの ちをひくものよ。   いまこそ あめと たいようが   あわさるときじゃ! Descendant of Loto. Now is the time that the Rain and Sun will unite! *「そなたに にじのしずくを   あたえよう! To thee I give the Rainbow Drop! ★Holy Shrine: After Obtaining Rainbow Drop *「ここには もう ようがないはず。   いくがよい。 Thou hast no more business here. Thou shouldst go. ==II.C.==================================== ----<<<<{{{{(((( DEMON'S ISLE ))))}}}}>>>>---- ----<<<<{{{{(((( THE CASTLE OF THE DRAGON KING ))))}}}}>>>>---- =========================================[CCAS]== ★Using the Rainbow Drop えっくすは にじのしずくを てんに かざした。 X held the Rainbow Drop toward the sky. ★Using the Rainbow Drop (Incorrect Location) しかし、 ここに にじは かからなかった。 But no rainbow appeared here. ★Searching the Dragon King's Throne Room ぎょくざの うしろから かぜを かんじる。 You feel a breeze from behind the throne. ★Searching Behind the Throne なんと かいだんを みつけた。 There you discovered stairs. ★The Dragon King *「よくきた えっくすよ。   わしが おうのなかの おう   りゅうおうだ。 You've done well to come here, X. I am the Dragon King, King among Kings. *「わしは まっておった。   そなたのような わかものが   あらわれることを… I have been waiting. For the appearance of a young man like thou... *「もし わしの みかたになれば   せかいの はんぶんを   えっくすに やろう。 If you become my ally, I shall give half of the world to you. *「どうじゃ?   わしの みかたに なるか? What say you? Will you become my ally? │ ├はい:Yes │*「ほんとうだな? │Is that true? ││ │├はい:Yes ││*「では せかいの はんぶん ││  やみのせかいを あたえよう! ││  そして… ││Then let me give you half of the world, the World of Darkness! And... ││ ││*「そなたに ふっかつの じゅもんを ││  おしえよう! ││Let me teach to thee the Spell of Restoration! ││ ││[Password] ││ ││*「これを かきとめておくのだぞ。 ││You should write this down and keep it. ││ ││*「おまえの たびは おわった。 ││  さあ ゆっくり やすむがよい! ││  わあっはっはっはっ ││Your journey has ended. Come now, and rest easy! Wahahaha.... ││ ├┼いいえ:No ││*「おろかものめ! ││  おもいしるがよい! └┴Fool! You will realize! ★The Dragon King's True Form りゅうおうが しょうたいを あらわした!! The Dragon King revealed his true form! ★The Fall of the Dragon King りゅうおうを たおした! You have defeated the Dragon King! そして ひかりのたまを りゅうおうのてから とりもどした! Thus you took back the Ball of Light from the hand of the Dragon King! あなたが ひかりのたまを かざすと まばゆいばかりの ひかりが あふれだす…… When you hold the Ball of Light aloft, it overflows with a dazzling light.... このくにに へいわが もどったのだ。 Peace returns to the land. ==II.D.===================== ----<<<<{{{{(((( EPILOGUE ))))}}}}>>>>---- ====================[DEPI]== --II.D.i.----------------------------------- ----++++**** The Cheers of the People ****++++---- -------------------------------------------- ★Cheer 1 *「ゆうしゃロト ばんざい!   ゆうしゃえっくす ばんざーい! Hurrah for the Hero Loto! Hurrah for the Hero X! ★Cheer 2 *「あなたさまの おかげで   へいわが もどりました! Thanks to you, peace has returned! *「おうさまも きっと   およろこびでしょう! The King must surely be delighted as well! ★Guard: Ladatorm Inn *「…………… [NOTE: Well, that *is* what he says! ^_^] ★Everyone: Ladatorm Castle *「さあ はやく おうさまのもとへ! Come now, quickly, to the foot of the King! --II.D.ii.----------------------- ----++++**** Ending Proper ****++++---- --------------------------------- ★King *「おお! えっくす!   すべては ふるい いいつたえの   ままで あった! Oh! X! All the old legends were true! *「すなわち そなたこそは   ゆうしゃロトの ちをひくもの! That is, thou surely art the descendant of the Hero Loto! *「そなたこそ このせかいを   おさめるに ふさわしい おかた   なのじゃ! Surely thou art the appropriate man to rule this world! *「わしに かわって   このくにを おさめてくれるな? Wilt thou take my place to govern this country? しかし えっくすは いいました。 But X spoke. *「いいえ。 わたしの おさめる   くにが あるなら それは   わたしじしんで さがしたいのです No. If there is to be a country that I rule, I want to search for it myself. ローラ「まってくださいませ! Lora: Please wait! ローラ「その あなたの たびに   ローラも   おともしとうございます。 Lora: I ask that I may accompany you on your journey. ローラ「このローラも つれてって     くださいますわね? Lora: Will you please take me along also? │ ├いいえ:No │ローラ「そんな ひどい……。 │Lora: How cruel.... │ ├はい:Yes │ローラ「うれしゅうございます。 ぽっ └Lora: I am so happy! *Kiss*  えっくすの    あらたなたびが はじまる。 X's new journey begins.                 GREAT !!            YOU REGAINED PEACE              TO THE WORLD !         BUT YOU DECIDED TO START            ON A NEW JOURNEY .            MAY GOD BE ALWAYS                WITH YOU ! --II.D.iii.---------------- ----++++**** Credits ****++++---- ---------------------------              DRAGON QUEST                 STAFF           SCENARIO WRITTEN BY                YUJI HORII          CHARACTER DESIGNED BY              AKIRA TORIYAMA            MUSIC COMPOSED BY             KOICHI SUGIYAMA               PROGRAMED BY             KOICHI NAKAMURA               KOJI YOSHIDA            TAKENORI YAMAMORI              CG DESIGNED BY              TAKASHI YASUNO           SCENARIO ASSISTED BY             HIROSHI MIYAOKA               ASSISTED BY               RIKA SUZUKI             TADASHI FUKUZAWA            TITLE DESIGNED BY              KAZUO ENOMOTO          MANUAL ILLUSTRATED BY               TAKAYUKI DOI            SPECIAL THANKS TO            KAZUHIKO TORISHIMA               DIRECTED BY             KOICHI NAKAMURA               PRODUCED BY              YUKINOBU CHIDA                COPYRIGHT          ARMOR PROJECT    1986          BIRD STUDIO      1986          KOICHI SUGIYAMA  1986          CHUN SOFT        1986                ENIX  1986                   ENIX                 The End ________--------~~~~~~~~ ACT 0 ~~~~~~~~--------________ OUTSIDE THE PLOT ~~~~~~~~--------________ ________--------~~~~~~~~ ==0.A.===================== ----<<<<{{{{(((( CURSED! ))))}}}}>>>>---- ===================[ACUR]== ★Attempting to Enter Ladatorm Castle *「のろわれしものよ、でてゆけっ! Cursed one, be gone! ★King: Dying While Cursed *「おお えっくすよ!   しんでしまうとは なにごとだ! Oh, X! You died on us! *「しかも のろわれているではないか   のろわれしものよ、でてゆけっ! Furthermore, you are cursed. Cursed one, be gone! ★Removing the Curse: Old Man at Ladatorm *「のろいをといて しんぜよう。 I shall offer to dissolve the curse. *「さあ ゆくがよい。 There now, go. ==0.B.=========================== ----<<<<{{{{(((( MAXIMUM LEVEL ))))}}}}>>>>---- =========================[BMAX]== ★King *「そなたは もう じゅうぶんに   つよい! なぜに まだ   りゅうおうを たおせぬのか? Thou art already strong enough! Why canst thou not yet defeat the Dragon King? ★Using the Princess's Love ローラひめの こえが きこえる。 Princess Lora's voice is heard. ローラ「あなたのレベルは もう     さいこうで ございます。 Lora: You are already at the highest level. ==0.C.==================================== ----<<<<{{{{(((( BONUS! BACK OF THE BOX ))))}}}}>>>>---- ==================================[CBOX]== ★Title Caption ドラゴン クエスト DRAGON QUEST 超本格大冒険ロールプレイングゲーム Ultra Large Scale Role Playing Adventure Game ★Main Body 邪悪な竜の化身が支配するアレフガルド。あなたは伝説の勇者ロトの生まれかわりとな って、広大なアレフガルドを大冒険! あるときは怪物たちと戦い、またあるときは城 や町で人々と話し、魔の竜を倒すため、旅を続けます。登場人物は、なんと100人以 上、そして、いろんな倆性を持つ多くの怪物たち。ドラゴンクエストの世界は、あなた をさっと魅了することでしょう。さあ、あなたの旅は、今、はじまったのです。 Alefgard is ruled by the incarnation of a wicked dragon. You, becoming the Descendant of the Legendary Hero Loto, are on a grand adventure in the magnificent land of Alefgard! At times you will battle with monsters, speak with everyone in the castles and towns, defeat the Demon Dragon, and continue your journey. As for the characters, there are over 100, and many monsters that possess various characteristic skills. The world of Dragon Quest will probably fascinate you suddenly. Come, your journey now has begun. ★Caption: Picture of Opening Scene in Throne Room 主人公はあなた自身。ゲームスタート時にあなたの名前を入れると王様や町の人はその 名前で話しかけてきます。 The main character is you yourself. When you start the game and enter your name, the King and the townspeople will call you by that name. ★Caption: Picture of a Battle Against a Ghost Knight 怪物と戦うことで、あなたは成長し、どんどん強くなってゆくことでしょう。成長すれ ば10??の呪文がつかえるようになります。 By battling with monsters, you grow, steadily becoming stronger. If you grow, you will become able to use 10 (?) spells. ★Caption: Picture of the Hero Speaking to a Resident of Ladatorm Castle 城や町に入り、人々の話に耳を傾けましょう。きっとあなたの旅に役立つはずです。 Enter the castles and towns and lend an ear to the words of everyone. Surely it will be useful on your journey. [NOTE: The character name used in the two previous screenshots is こういち--as in Koichi Nakamura, the director and lead programmer.] ★Caption: Picture of the Area near Rimuldar 広大なアレフガルドには2つの城と6つの町や村が…。しかし、それらがどこにあるの かは自分で見付けるしかありません。 In the magnificent land of Alefgard, there are two castles and six towns and villages.... However, you must discover where they are located yourself. ★UPC Box 株式会社 エニックス Enix Incorporated ==0.D.========================== ----<<<<{{{{(((( DUMMIED TEXT ))))}}}}>>>>---- ========================[DDUM]== This extremely small section contains text which might not have been used in the game. If you know where it appears, please let me know! It was apparently translated for the North American release, since it appears in the text dump submitted by Blueberry Buttface, but I have no idea where it could come up. ここでは はいれない。 You cannot enter here. [NOTE: This one appears within the block of menu command results, but I can't think of anything to make it show up. Attempting to use stairs where there are none, using Keys where there is no door, trying to open a door where there is no door...I'm stumped.] ________--------~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~--------________ FIN ~~~~~~~~--------________ ________--------~~~~~~~~ /==3.===================================/ | Navigating the Game | /===============================[3NAV]==/ This section is provided for those who would like to play this game in Japanese, but are not familiar with the language. /--3.a.---------------------------------/ | Starting Up | /-------------------------------[3STA]--/ Starting the game is easy, as the title screen options are in English! :-D Simply use the Up/Down Directions to choose START or CONTINUE, and use the Left/Right Directions to choose a MESSAGE SPEED of SLOW, NORMAL, or FAST. Once you have made your choices, press the Start Button. If you choose to START a new game, you will be confronted with the message なまえを いれてください ("Please Enter a Name"). You may enter up to four characters, choosing from the forty-six hiragana, as well as the small versions of "tsu" (sokuon) and the "Y-row" (sutegana). You can also use the ゛ (nigori or dakuten) and ゜ (maru or handakuten) diacritic marks, which each takes up its own character rather than combining with kana. You cannot enter a space in your name. Two commands are available on the bottom row, もどる ("Back") and おわり ("End"). If you choose to CONTINUE a previous game, you are presented with the message ふっかつの じゅもんを いれてください ("Please Enter Spell of Restoration"); this is the password system for the game. The Spell of Restoration consists of twenty hiragana, chosen from the sixty-four choices available on this screen. On the bottom row are three commands, もどる ("Back"), すすむ ("Advance"), and おわり ("End"). If you make a mistake, you will be given the message じゅもんを ちがいます ("The Spell Is Wrong"), and you will have to correct any errors. /--3.b.---------------------------------/ | Basic Command Windows | /-------------------------------[3BAS]--/ When you press the A Button in walkabout mode, the following windows appear:            ┌────コマンド────┐  ┌─えっくす─┐  │ はなす   じゅもん │  │レベル  1│  │ つよさ   どうぐ  │  │HP  15│  │ かいだん  しらべる │  │MP   0│  │ とびら   とる   │  │G    0│  └────────────┘  │E    0│  └──────┘ Translated, these windows look like this:            ┌────Command ────┐  ┌─X   ─┐  │ Speak    Spell   │  │Level   1│  │ Strength  Tool   │  │HP  15│  │ Stairs   Examine  │  │MP   0│  │ Door    Take   │  │G    0│  └────────────┘  │E    0│  └──────┘ Of course, the caption of the window on the left is your character's name. When you select "Speak," another window appears:  ┌───はなす──┐     ┌───Speak ──┐  │   きた   │     │   North   │  │ にし  ひがし│  →  │ West  East │  │   みなみ  │     │   South   │  └────────┘     └────────┘ Since your character graphic can only face one direction in the original Japanese release, this window allows you to choose a direction in which to speak. When you select "Strength," your status window is displayed:  ┌───つよさ──────┐     ┌───Strength─────┐  │   レベル:   1 │     │    Level:   1 │  │   ちから:   5 │     │    Power:   5 │  │  すばやさ:   5 │     │   Agility:   5 │  │さいだいHP:  15 │     │Maximum HP:  15 │  │さいだいMP:   0 │  →  │Maximum MP:   0 │  │ こうげき力:   5 │     │Attack Power:   5 │  │  しゅび力:   2 │     │ Def. Power:   2 │  │  ぶき:    なし │     │ Weapon:    None │  │ よろい:    なし │     │  Armor:    None │  │  たて:    なし │     │ Shield:    None │  └────────────┘     └────────────┘ The other six commands either perform their action immediately ("Stairs," "Door," "Examine," "Take") or bring up a list of available choices ("Spell," "Tool"). The various items that can appear under these commands are listed in sections 4 and 5 of this guide. There are several messages which can appear when you choose an action. These include: ★Speak そのほうこうには だれも いない。 There is no one in that direction. ★Stairs ここには かいだんが ない。 There are no stairs here. ★Door ここには とびらがない! There is no door here! カギを もっていない! You don't have a Key! ★Spell えっくすは ____の じゅもんを となえた! X casts the spell of ____! えっくすは まだ じゅもんを つかえない。 X cannot yet use spells. MP が たりません。 There is not enough MP. しかし なにも おきなかった。 But nothing happened. トヘロスの こうりょくが なくなった。 The effect of Toheroth was lost. ★Tool たいまつは くらいところで つかうものです。 A Torch is to be used in dark places. えっくすは せいすいを からだに ふりかけた。 X sprinkles the Spring Water over his body. せいすいの こうりょくが なくなった。 The effect of the Spring Water was lost. ここでは つばさを つかえない。 You cannot use the Wings here. えっくすは つばさを おおぞらに ほうりなげた。 X flung the Wings into the heavens. えっくすは りゅうのうろこを みにつけた。 X put on the Dragon's Scale. りゅうのうろこは すでに みにつけています。 You are already wearing the Dragon's Scale. えっくすは ふえをふいた。 X played the Flute. つかえるものを まだ もっていない。 You do not have anything to use yet. えっくすは せんしのゆびわを はめた。 X put on the Warrior's Ring. えっくすは せんしのゆびわを はめなおした。 X adjusted the Warrior's Ring. えっくすは ____を にぎりしめた。 X grasped the ____ tightly. えっくすは たてごとを かなでた。 X played the Harp. えっくすは ____を みにつけた。 X put on the ____. ____が あなたの   からだを しめつける。   あなたは のろわれてしまった。 The ____ tightens around your body. You have been cursed. ____が あなたの からだを しめつけている! The ____ is tightening around your body! ★Examine えっくすは じぶんのあしもとを しらべた。 X searches around his feet. しかし なにも みつからなかった。 But nothing was found. たからのはこが ある! There is a treasure box! なんと ____を みつけた。 There you discovered ____. ★Take しかし なにかをすてないと これいじょう もてない。 なにか すてますか? But unless you throw something away you cannot hold more than this. Will you throw something away? なにを すてますか? What will you throw away? ____を あきらめた。 You gave up the ____. ____をすて、 ____を てにいれた。 You threw away the ____, and obtained the ____. それを すてるなんて とんでもない! No way, you can't throw that! ここでは なにも とれない。 There is nothing to take here. えっくすは __ゴールドを てにいれた。 X obtained __ Gold. えっくすは ____を みつけた。 X discovered ____. なかは からっぽだった。 It was empty inside. /--3.c.---------------------------------/ | Battle Command Windows | /-------------------------------[3BAT]--/ When you enter into a battle, you will see three windows. On the upper-left is your mini-status window, which contains your name and most important stats, and has already been covered in the previous section. On the bottom is the text window, and in the upper-right is the Battle Command Window. It looks like this:  ┌────コマンド────┐     ┌────Command ────┐  │ たたかう  じゅもん │  →  │ Fight    Spell   │  │ にげる   どうぐ  │     │ Escape   Tool   │  └────────────┘     └────────────┘ Choosing "Fight" or "Escape" will execute the command immediately, while choosing "Spell" or "Tool" will bring up a list of options, as in walkabout mode. Here is a list of the text you can see in battle, and what just happened if you see it: ★Beginning of Battle ____が あらわれた! ____ appeared! コマンド? Command? ____は にげだした! ____ runs away! えっくすが みがまえるより はやく ____は おそいかかってきた Before X is ready the ____ quickly rushes him. ★Player: Fight えっくすの こうげき! X's attack! かいしんの いちげき!! A rewarding blow!! ____に __ポイントの ダメージを あたえた! Gave __ points of damage to the ____! ミス! ダメージを あたえられない! Miss! Gave no damage! ____は すばやく みをかわした! The ____ nimbly parries! ★Player: Escape えっくすは にげだした! X runs away! しかし まわりこまれてしまった! But the space was blocked! ★Player: Spell それは たたかいに つかえない! You cannot use that in battle! しかし じゅもんは ふうじこまれている! But the spell is sealed! しかし じゅもんは きかなかった! But the spell is not effective! ____を ねむらせた! Put the ____ to sleep! ____の じゅもんを ふうじこめた! Sealed the ____'s spells! ★Player: Tool えっくすは やくそうを つかった! X used an Herb! ゴーレムは しずかに めをとじる… ねむってしまった! The Golem peacefully closes its eyes.... Put to sleep! ____は うれしそうだ! The ____ is delighted! [NOTE: I had a hard time placing this, but it is the text that appears if you use the Silver Harp in battle.] ★Player: Asleep えっくすは ねむっている…… X is sleeping.... えっくすは めをさました! X awakens! ★Enemy Attacks ____の こうげき! ____'s attack! えっくすは __ポイントの ダメージを うけた! X takes __ points of damage! ミス! ダメージを うけない! Miss! You take no damage! ____は ほのおをはいた! The ____ is breathing flames! ★Enemy Spells ____は ____の じゅもんを となえた! The ____ casts the spell of ____! ____は きずが かいふくした! The ____'s wounds healed! えっくすは ねむってしまった! X is put to sleep! えっくすの じゅもんは ふうじこまれた! Sealed X's spells! ★Enemy: Asleep ____は ねむっている… The ____ is sleeping.... ____は めをさました The ____ woke up. ★End of Battle あなたは しにました You have died. ____を たおした! Defeated the ____! けいけんち __ポイントかくとく Acquired __ points of Experience. __ゴールドを てにいれた! Obtained __ Gold! ★Level Up えっくすは レベルが あがった! X's level rose! じゅもんを 1つ おぼえた! Learned one spell! ちからが __ポイントあがった! Power rose __ points! すばやさが __ポイントあがった! Agility rose __ points! さいだいHPが __ポイントふえた! Maximum HP increased __ points! さいだいMPが __ポイントふえた! Maximum MP increased __ points! /--3.d.---------------------------------/ | Shopping | /-------------------------------[3SHO]--/ To help you navigate the various shops, this section shows what the shopkeeps will say. Due to the fact that the order is largely determined by user input, each block under each heading may appear in almost any order. I've put the welcome message first and one of the possible farewell messages last, but beyond that each block is basically its own entity. I apologize for the lack of order, but there's nothing I can do about it short of cluttering up the whole section with flow charts. ;-) Keep in mind that はい is "Yes" and いいえ is "No"; using the lists in the following sections you can see what is for sale. Good Luck! ;-) ★The Inn *「たびびとの やどやへ ようこそ。   ひとばん __ゴールドですが   おとまりに なりますか? Welcome to the Traveler's Inn. One evening is __ Gold, but will you be staying? *「さようなら たびのひと。 あまり   むりを なさいませぬように。 Good-bye, traveler. Don't overdo it. *「では おやすみなさいませ。 Then, good night. *「おはよう ございます。   ゆうべは よく おやすみ   でしたね。 Good morning. I see you rested well last night. *「おはよう ございます。   ゆうべは おたのしみでしたね。 Good morning. I see you enjoyed last night. *「では また どうぞ。 Well, please come again. ★Spring Water Shop  *「まものよけの せいすいは   いかがでしょう?   ひとびん 38ゴールドですが。 How about Spring Water to ward off monsters? One bottle is 38 Gold. *「ありがとうございます。   もう ひとびん   かわれますか? Thank you. Will you buy one more bottle? *「あなたに かみの ごかごが   ありますように。 May the protection of God be with you. ★Key Shop *「どんなとびらも あけてしまう   まほうの かぎは いらんかな?   ひとつ __ゴールドでどうじゃ? Don't you need a magic Key that will open any door? How about one for __ Gold? *「ほれ。 かぎをひとつ わたそう。   まだ かぎを かうかな? Wonderful. I'll give you one Key. Will you buy another Key? *「わるいが これいじょう   うるわけには いかんな。 It's too bad, but I can't sell any more than this. *「おまえさまは おかねが   たらないようじゃな。 You don't have enough money. *「では またな Well, till next time. ★Tool Shop *「いらっしゃいませ。   ここは どうぐや です。   どんな ごようでしょうか? Welcome. This is the Tool Shop. How can I help you?  ものをかいにきた:I came to buy things.  ものをうりにきた:I came to sell things. *「どれを おもとめですか? What are you looking for? *「____で ございますね。   まいど ありがとうございます。 ____ it is. I appreciate your business. *「おかねが たりませんが。 This is not enough money. *「それいじょう もちものを   もてませんが。 You can't hold any more items than that. *「それいじょう やくそうを   もてませんが。 You can't hold any more Herbs than that. *「ほかに なにか かわれますか? Will you be buying anything else? *「どれを おうりですか? Which will you sell? *「____で ございますね。   それなら __ゴールドで   かいましょう。 いいですか? ____ it is. If so, I will buy it for __ Gold. Is that okay? *「それを かうわけには   まいりません。 I can't buy that. *「まだ なにか うってくれますか? Will you sell something else? *「もちものが ありません。 You have no items. のろいで からだから はなれない! You can't remove it from your body because of the curse! *「ざんねんです。 That's too bad. *「では またの おこしを   おまち しております。 Then I will be waiting for your next visit. ★Arms Shop *「ここは ぶきとよろいの みせだ。   なにか かうかね? This is the Weapon and Armor Shop. Will you buy anything? *「____だね。 ____ is it. *「すまないが おかねが   たりないようだ。 I'm sorry, but this isn't enough money. *「では いまつかっている   ____を   __ゴールドで ひきとろう。 Then let me take the ____ you're using now for __ Gold. *「それで いいかね? Is that okay? *「ほかに なにか かうかね? Will you buy something else? *「なにを かうかね? What will you buy? *「そうか ざんねんだな。 That's too bad. *「どうも ありがとう。 Thank you. *「また きてくれよな。 Come again. /==4.===================================/ | Item Lists | /===============================[4ITE]==/ This section contains the Japanese name and English translation of each item in the game, listed in the order they appear in the game's internal memory. The names as translated in the North American release are also provided. /--4.a.---------------------------------/ | Equipment | /-------------------------------[4EQU]--/ WEAPONS Japan Translation North America ------------------------------------------------- たけざお     Bamboo Pole Bamboo Pole こんぼう     Club Club どうのつるぎ   Copper Sword Copper Sword てつのおの    Iron Axe Hand Axe はがねのつるぎ  Steel Sword Broad Sword ほのおのつるぎ  Flame Sword Flame Sword ロトのつるぎ   Sword of Loto Erdrick's Sword ARMOR Japan Translation North America ------------------------------------------------- ぬののふく    Linen Clothes Clothes かわのふく    Leather Clothes Leather Armor くさりかたびら  Chain Mail Chain Mail てつのよろい   Iron Armor Half Plate はがねのよろい  Steel Armor Full Plate まほうのよろい  Magic Armor Magic Armor ロトのよろい   Armor of Loto Erdrick's Armor SHIELDS Japan Translation North America ------------------------------------------------- かわのたて    Leather Shield Small Shield てつのたて    Iron Shield Large Shield みかがみのたて  Mirror Shield Silver Shield [NOTE: I've done some searching to try and see what the み at the beginning of this word could be, and I've come up with everything from "seeing" to "honorable" to "body"--even "water." There seems to be no agreement on what this word really is, so I'm leaving it like this until I can be sure, or at least until I come up with something that is actually a word!] /--4.b.---------------------------------/ | Tools | /-------------------------------[4TOO]--/ Japan Translation North America ------------------------------------------------- やくそう     Medicinal Herb Herb かぎ       Key Magic Key たいまつ     Torch Torch せいすい     Spring Water Fairy Water キメラのつばさ  Chimera Wing Wings りゅうのうろこ  Dragon's Scale Dragon's Scale ようせいのふえ  Fairy Flute Fairy Flute せんしのゆびわ  Warrior's Ring Fighter's Ring ロトのしるし   Mark of Loto Erdrick's Token おうじょのあい  Princess's Love Gwaelin's Love のろいのベルト  Cursed Belt Cursed Belt ぎんのたてごと  Silver Harp Silver Harp しのくびかざり  Death Necklace Cursed Necklace たいようのいし  Sun Stone Stones of Sunlight あまぐものつえ  Staff of Clouds Staff of Rain にじのしずく   Rainbow Drop Rainbow Drop /==5.===================================/ | Magic List and Effects | /===============================[5MAG]==/ This is a list of all the magic spells in the game, listed in the order they appear in the game's internal memory (which in this game is also the order in which they are learned). Since the magic spells have nonsense names, my "translation" here is simply how I would expect the word to be pronounced if it were actually English. Also given is the corresponding spell name from the North American version. A translation is provided for spells which give in-game text, and a short description is given for all spells. If more than one spell uses the same text, I will only list it for the first occurrence. Japan Translation North America ----------------------------------------- ホイミ    Hoimi HEAL Restores a small amount of HP: 4 MP Learned: LV 3 ギラ     Gira HURT ____に __ポイントの ダメージ あたえた! Gave __ points of damage to ____! Deals a small amount of damage: 2 MP Learned: LV 4 ラリホー   Ralihoh SLEEP ____を ねむらせた! Put ____ to sleep! Causes Sleep status: 2 MP Learned: LV 7 レミーラ   Remihra RADIANT Lights a cave: 3 MP Learned: LV 9 マホトーン  Mahotohn STOPSPELL ____の じゅもんを ふうじこめた! Sealed the ____'s spells! Seals spell usage: 2 MP Learned: LV 10 リレミト   Liremito OUTSIDE Transports to the exterior of a cave: 6 MP Learned: LV 12 ルーラ    Ruhla RETURN Transports to Ladatorm Castle: 8 MP Learned: LV 13 トヘロス   Toheroth REPEL Wards off weaker foes: 2 MP Learned: LV 15 ベホイミ   Behoimi HEALMORE Restores a large amount of HP: 10 MP Learned: LV 17 ベギラマ   Begirama HURTMORE Deals a large amount of damage: 5 MP Learned: LV 19 /==6.===================================/ | Monster List | /===============================[6MON]==/ This section gives the Japanese name and English translation of the monsters in the game, listed in the order they appear in the game's internal memory. For some names written in katakana it is difficult to tell exactly how the game designers intended the name to be pronounced, so I have put forth my best guess. The names as translated in the North American release are also provided. Japan Translation North America ------------------------------------------------- スライム     Slime Slime スライムベス   Slime Beth Red Slime ドラキー     Drakee Drakee ゴースト     Ghost Ghost まほうつかい   Magician Magician メイジドラキー  Mage Drakee Magidrakee おおさそり    Big Scorpion Scorpion メーダ      Mehda Druin メトロゴースト  Metro Ghost Poltergeist ドロル      Droll Droll ドラキーマ    Drakeema Drakeema がいこつ     Skeleton Skeleton まどうし     Mage Warlock てつのさそり   Iron Scorpion Metal Scorpion リカント     Lycant Wolf しりょう     Spirit Wraith メタルスライム  Metal Slime Metal Slime ヘルゴースト   Hell Ghost Specter リカントマムル  Lycant Mammal Wolflord メーダロード   Mehda Lord Druinlord ドロルメイジ   Droll Mage Drollmagi キメラ      Chimera Wyvern しのさそり    Death Scorpion Rogue Scorpion しりょうのきし  Spirit Knight Wraith Knight ゴーレム     Golem Golem ゴールドマン   Goldman Goldman よろいのきし   Armored Knight Knight メイジキメラ   Mage Chimera Magiwyvern かげのきし    Shadow Knight Demon Knight キラーリカント  Killer Lycant Werewolf ドラゴン     Dragon Green Dragon スターキメラ   Star Chimera Starwyvern だいまどう    Great Mage Wizard あくまのきし   Demon Knight Axe Knight キースドラゴン  Kith Dragon Blue Dragon ストーンマン   Stoneman Stoneman しにがみのきし  Deathgod Knight Armored Knight ダースドラゴン  Darth Dragon Red Dragon りゅうおう    Dragon King Dragonlord りゅうおう    Dragon King Dragonlord [Second Form] /==7.===================================/ | Experience Points Chart | /===============================[7EXP]==/ Because it doesn't relate to the game text, I normally wouldn't have included a chart of experience points for each level. I decided to add it for the sake of people using this as a guide to play the game since the numbers in the Japanese version are slightly different from those in the North American release from Level 17 onward. Level EXP ----- ----- 1 0 2 7 3 23 4 47 5 110 6 220 7 450 8 800 9 1300 10 2000 11 2900 12 4000 13 5500 14 7500 15 10000 16 13000 17 17000 18 21000 19 25000 20 29000 21 33000 22 37000 23 41000 24 45000 25 49000 26 53000 27 57000 28 61000 29 65000 30 65535 /==8.===================================/ | Special Passwords | /===============================[8PAS]==/ This section concerns the "Spell of Restoration" system of the game. Being a game that uses a password save feature means that it is relatively easy to pick up the game from any point, and even to play under special circumstances using passwords that can be discovered through experimentation. Here are several interesting "urawaza," as they are called, that I have come across. ・Starts at full strength, but with no quests completed. まむずいか かるたとみぐじ ぞなのへみ まよれ Name: はにまる Level: 30 HP/MP: 200/210 Str/Agi: 129/120 Gold: 65535 Equipment: Weapon: None Armor: None Shield: None Items: Medicinal Herb--6 Princess: No ・Starts at the ending, with everything completed. ぶぶちまこ すぼとるてすた てめこそつ すろた Name: きすまみ Level: 30 HP/MP: 190/181 Str/Agi: 140/130 Gold: 65535 Equipment: Weapon: Sword of Loto Armor: Armor of Loto Shield: Mirror Shield Items: Medicinal Herb--2, Key--4, Fairy Flute, Princess's Love, Mark of Loto, Rainbow Drop, Warrior's Ring, Torch, Cursed Belt Princess: Yes ・Start with absolutely nothing. Gives the lowest Str/Agi growth, presumably average HP/MP growth (since it's normally not possible to have the same growth rates for all stats at the same time). おけすちな のへむゆるがご ぜづびあお けすち Name: 0000 Level: 1 HP/MP: 15/0 Str/Agi: 3/3 Gold: 0 Equipment: Weapon: None Armor: None Shield: None Items: None Princess: No ・Has two Sun Stones and two Marks of Loto. くわたやま くらしのずかな かはたはら くろま Name: にょ2ふ Level: 17 HP/MP: 90/90 Str/Agi: 72/78 Gold: 11705 Equipment: Weapon: Bamboo Pole Armor: Chain Mail Shield: None Items: Medicinal Herb--4, Key--2, Torch, Sun Stone, Mark of Loto, Mark of Loto, Death Necklace, Torch, Cursed Belt, Sun Stone Princess: No ・Has two Death Necklaces. くわたきよ はらしのずかな かはたはら いしい Name: ねるおふ Level: 25 HP/MP: 157/161 Str/Agi: 102/100 Gold: 11676 Equipment: Weapon: Bamboo Pole Armor: Chain Mail Shield: None Items: Medicinal Herb--4, Key--2, Princess's Love, Sun Stone, Death Necklace, Torch, Death Necklace, Torch, Cursed Belt, Sun Stone Princess: Yes ・Has two Staffs of Clouds. いのきばば つるたちようし ゆうりきふ じなみ Name: はる6さ Level: 26 HP/MP: 165/154 Str/Agi: 117/105 Gold: 38196 Equipment: Weapon: None Armor: Steel Armor Shield: Leather Shield Items: Medicinal Herb--6, Key--1, Staff of Clouds, Torch, Sun Stone, Death Necklace, Rainbow Drop, Warrior's Ring, Staff of Clouds, Mark of Loto Princess: No ・This is a fairly normal password, except for the password itself, which literally reads "It's Yuji Horii and Enix's Dragon Quest!" with slight modifications to fit with the available kana. Has two Silver Harps. ほりいゆう じえにつくすど らごくえす とだよ Name: おっ゜て (I'm not even sure how to pronounce this--"Otte," maybe?) Level: 25 HP/MP: 157/161 Str/Agi: 102/100 Gold: 43227 Equipment: Weapon: Steel Sword Armor: Leather Clothes Shield: None Items: Medicinal Herb--1, Key--3, Staff of Clouds, Silver Harp, Silver Harp, Torch, Torch, Rainbow Drop, Princess's Love, Death Necklace Princess: Yes ・This password also appears to be a complete sentence, but I can't figure it all out. It appears to say something about Marukatsu Famicom, a Japanese magazine, calling it "the best in the world." Has two Princess's Loves and two Silver Harps. まるかつは やつはりせかい いちだつた のだよ Name: 4きね8 Level: 20 HP/MP: 138/118 Str/Agi: 92/82 Gold: 64673 Equipment: Weapon: Sword of Loto Armor: None Shield: Mirror Shield Items: Medicinal Herb--2, Key--2, Staff of Clouds, Silver Harp, Dragon Scale, Princess's Love, Rainbow Drop, Fairy Flute, Silver Harp, Princess's Love Princess: Yes ・Heheh.... This password reads, "Marukatsu's an idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Stupid!" まるかつの ばかやろばかや ろばかやろ まぬけ Name: ちへねは Level: 8 HP/MP: 46/29 Str/Agi: 20/19 Gold: 17255 Equipment: Weapon: Copper Sword Armor: Leather Clothes Shield: None Items: Medicinal Herb--3, Key--6, Death Necklace, Death Necklace, Chimera Wing, Sun Stone, Princess's Love, Warrior's Ring, Chimera Wing, Dragon Scale (unequipped) Princess: Yes ・"Dragon King, you aren't dead yet! Don't you understand?! Idiot!" りゆうおう おまえはもうし ぬわかつた かばか Name: ねすゃ1 (I'm not sure how to say this one either--perhaps "Neswa Ichi"?) Level: 24 HP/MP: 170/144 Str/Agi: 103/88 Gold: 18287 Equipment: Weapon: None Armor: Steel Armor Shield: Leather Shield Items: Medicinal Herb--4, Key--6, Death Necklace, Torch, Silver Harp, Death Necklace, Torch, Spring Water, Spring Water, Fairy Flute Princess: No ・This password appears to say something about something "ancient," "leaping," and "the sound of water"--I have no idea what it all means, but apparently it's a well-known haiku. Has two Fairy Flutes. ふるいけや かわずとびこむ みずのおと ばしや Name: 4ひえて Level: 10 HP/MP: 51/40 Str/Agi: 34/31 Gold: 15143 Equipment: Weapon: Club Armor: Chain Mail Shield: None Items: Medicinal Herb--4, Key--1, Fairy Flute, Mark of Loto, Cursed Belt, Spring Water, Silver Harp, Sun Stone, Fairy Flute Princess: No ・"People say that Armor Knight and Demon Knight are pleasant." :-/ Has two Sun Stones. よろいのき しやあくまのき しはうれし そうだ Name: た7えひ Level: 26 HP/MP: 180/151 Str/Agi: 117/94 Gold: 33088 Equipment: Weapon: Steel Sword Armor: Leather Clothes Shield: Mirror Shield Items: Medicinal Herb--2, Key--5, Chimera Wing, Sun Stone, Silver Harp, Warrior's Ring, Rainbow Drop, Princess's Love, Chimera Wing, Sun Stone Princess: Yes ・This is a list of Japanese cities: "Toukyou, Nagoya, Oosaka, Kitakyuushuu." Has three Cursed Belts and two Warrior's Rings. とうきよう なごやおおさか きたきゆう しゆう Name: よまもよ Level: 18 HP/MP: 103/108 Str/Agi: 76/84 Gold: 32131 Equipment: Weapon: Flame Sword Armor: Armor of Loto Shield: Nothing Items: Medicinal Herb--1, Key--3, Cursed Belt, Warrior's Ring, Cursed Belt, Cursed Belt, Death Necklace, Warrior's Ring, Staff of Clouds, Torch Princess: No ・The name of the character in this password is Marukatsu. Yes, that's the same name as the magazine appeared in two of the previous passwords! Begins at Level 1, but with pretty much everything, including all the best equipment. どべじでわ ごぜむあずるわ げずりなの がだた Name: まるかつ Level: 1 HP/MP: 15/0 Str/Agi: 4/4 Gold: 0 Equipment: Weapon: Sword of Loto Armor: Armor of Loto Shield: Mirror Shield Items: Dragon Scale (unequipped), Fairy Flute, Rainbow Drop, Warrior's Ring, Mark of Loto, Silver Harp, Sun Stone, Staff of Clouds Princess: No /==9.===================================/ | Version History | /===============================[9VER]==/ v0.90 ・Initial release. Started playing 03/27/2006 Finished game 05/08/2006 Submitted 05/21/2006 "Dragon Quest" maps by x_loto also available at GameFAQs.com! v2.00 ・Fixed a small error in the Table of Contents. ・Changed the title to "Game Script," rather than "Translation Guide." ・Corrected the grammar of the Japanese slogan at the top. ;-) ・Played the game a second time, transcribing the original kana game text. ・Retranslated EVERYTHING! ・Added Magic List and the in-game credits. ・Reworked all associated maps for increased legibility. Started playing 02/05/2007 Finished game 02/27/2007 Submitted 02/27/2007 v2.50 ・Altered the layout for the Transcription section, which is now divided into "Acts." ・Added a translation of the back of the box of the Japanese Famicom version. ・Changed the item "Spring Water" to "Holy Water." ・Corrected a couple more minor errors. ・Added a little to the "Thanks" section. ・Made one last tweak to some of the maps, adding the floor numbers. Submitted 03/20/2007 v3.00 ・Broke up the intro a bit, placing pieces into other sections where appropriate. ・Added information on Command Windows and some other text which is gameplay- related rather than plot-related. ・Added the levels in which spells are acquired and translations of some spell effects. ・Reorganized the "Transcription" section again, subdividing some of the main headings. Submitted 05/22/2007 v4.00 ・Devised fancy new section headers, hopefully making the file easier to browse. ・Changed the title to "Game Script and Mini Playing Guide," since this really is a little bit more than just the script. ・Changed the search codes in the Table of Contents. ・"Version History" section has grown up quite a bit--moved it to the end. ・Added "Experience Chart" section. ・Proofread and cleaned up translation. ・Made other miscellaneous alterations in some sections. ・Revised maps again (last time, I promise!), adding treasure data, attempting to increase legibility, and shrinking larger maps to fit on the screen with less scrolling, as well as adding a coordinate system to the "World" map. Submitted 01/07/2008 v4.10 ・Moved "Command Windows" section to follow the "Transcription." ・Added the new "Special Passwords" section! ・Slight changes to "Castle of the Dragon King" and "World" maps--I think I'm *really* done with them now! ;-) Submitted 01/16/2008 v4.11 ・Changed "Holy Water" back to "Spring Water." I ran a search with both readings in conjunction with the words "Dragon Quest," and I got nearly eight times as many hits with the latter. ・Also did other itty-bitty teeny-tiny things. Submitted 01/22/2008 (I really need to try harder to make sure things are done before submitting so I don't end up with three updates in the same month again! ;-) v4.12 ・Had an issue with my Final Fantasy maps, so for consistency I relabelled these as well...and then revised them again. O_o ・Added some extra release info to the file header. ・Added a kind of flow chart to guide the reader through Yes/No questions in the dialogue (let me know how legible it is). ・Added a bit of trivia about the game to the Foreword. Submitted 08/01/2008 v5.00 ・Changed "Faerie" to "Fairy" (I made the decision that I will not change the spelling of terms when the official translation is already equivalent; updated the maps one final time to match. ・Removed the kanji transcriptions. (I realized it was less than useful for a non-fluent speaker like myself to translate from Japanese *to* Japanese--it was redundant and silly, and served little purpose.) ・Changed the format of the Magic List. ・Reordered the Item, Magic, and Monster Lists to match the game's internal data. ・Added a section for Shopping and expanded Battle Command Windows to include battle text. ・Reformatted the text to include in-game line breaks. This makes it easier to compare this file to the game at a glance. ・Filled in some more kanji from the back of the box. ・Cleaned up the "Thanks" section. It was wordy. Submitted 03/16/2010 v5.10 ・Made some style changes to several sections, including "Transcription" and "Starting Up," and added official North American data to the Item/Magic/Monster Lists. ・Identified a piece of text whose usage had been unknown, and moved it to its correct location. Submitted 07/02/2010 v5.11 ・Corrected some really stupid translation and grammatical errors. >_< Submitted 07/09/2010 Plans for future versions: ・Finishing the back of the box. Just one word left! ・Correcting any obvious translation errors once I play the Super Famicom remake. ...That's probably all! :-) /==10.==================================/ | Credits/Thanks/Legal | /===============================[10CR]==/ Credits: Translation and guide by Jason Kuntz (x_loto). Thanks: ・Glenn Rosenthall, for JWPce ・Jim Breen, for EDICT ・Jack Halpern, for SKIP lookup ・Quietust, for Nintendulator ・All the makers of FCE Ultra ・Genecyst East Software, for WindHex ・MeteorStrike, for his ROM Hack Analysis FAQ (hosted on IGN.com) ・CygnusZ, for translation help and cluing me in on some development team cameos ・Andrew Church, for translation help ・Blueberry Buttface, for the text dump of the North American version ・DQShrine.com, oblivion from aoc, and Mikael_Fr, for box images ・Google translate and Yahoo! Babel Fish, for...occasional help, and for making me laugh ・GameFAQs.com, for hosting all this mess! ・Enix, for creating this monster! :-D Legal: Translation, guide, and layout (C) 2006-2010 by Jason Kuntz. This translation is in no way authorized or otherwise endorsed by the game creators or publishers. Use this guide however you like for your own personal use, but please do not republish it in an altered form, and please do not take credit for it. If you use part of this guide in your own work, please send me an email and let me know; my address is at the top. I can't think of any reason I wouldn't let you, so just tell me. Seriously people, it took me ten days just to get out of Ladatorm Castle! This was hard work for me! I'm exhausted! An up-to-date version of this file may always be found at GameFAQs.com. And don't forget: JUST SAY NO TO PLAGIARISM! /=======================================/ | EOF | /==============================[62pp.]==/ ...Stop reading now, please. You're embarrassing me.