Faxanadu savestate hacking guide for Rocknes savestates By Matthew Shay (dark_lord_zagato@yahoo.com) version 1.0 submitted to game FAQs at May 24, 2004 Contents I. How to use II. Stats III. Inventory addresses IV. Misc V. Inventory Digits VI. End/Contact I. How to use To use this guide, you will need... 1. A Rocknes emulater. It can be found at zophar.net 2. A hex editor. 3. A Faxanadu ROM. 4. A savestate, it will be a .rs0 file. This is a guide for editing savestate data. To use this, you should already know the basics of hexidecimal. II. Stats 03A7 Experience 1 03A8 Experience 2 03A9 Money 1 03AA Money 2 03AB Money 3 03B1 current MP 0448 current HP For exp, set the digits to FFFF for 65535 points. Your level will not increase untill you see a priest. Set money 3 to 01 for 65536 GP. For max HP and MP, set both at hex 50. III. Inventory 03B4 Weapon Slot 1 03B5 Weapon Slot 2 03B6 Weapon Slot 3 03B7 Weapon Slot 4 03B8 Armor Slot 1 03B9 Armor Slot 2 03BA Armor Slot 3 03BB Armor Slot 4 03BC Shield Slot 1 03BD Shield Slot 2 03BE Shield Slot 3 03BF Shield Slot 4 03C0 Magic Slot 1 03C1 Magic Slot 2 03C2 Magic Slot 3 03C3 Magic Slot 4 03C4 Item Slot 1 03C5 Item Slot 2 03C6 Item Slot 3 03C7 Item Slot 4 03C8 Item Slot 5 03C9 Item Slot 6 03CA Item Slot 7 03CB Item Slot 8 03CC Item Slot 9 03CD Item Slot 10 03CE Item Slot 11 03CF Item Slot 12 03D0 Item Slot 13 03D1 Item Slot 14 03D2 Item Slot 15 03D3 Item Slot 16 Although there are 16 item slots, 8 is the maximum. Having more than 8 will cause items to overlap. Current Equipment 03D4 Equipped Weapon 03D5 Equipped Armor 03D6 Equipped Shield 03D7 Equipped Magic 03D8 Equipped Item Quantity 03D9 # of weapons in storage 03DA # of armor in storage 03DB # of shields in storage 03DC # of spells in storage 03DD # of items in storage If you add 8 items, you must change the quantity digit to 8. Or else the items will not appear. IV. Misc 03E9 Music modifier 03EC Room modifier 1 03ED Room modifier 2 03EE Backround modifier 043E remaining time for Ointment 043F remaining time for Glove 0440 remaining time for Wingboots 0441 remaining time for Hourglass V. Inventory Digits Weapons 00 Hand Dagger 01 Long Sword 02 Giant Blade 03 Dragon Slayer FF (blank) Shields 00 Small Shield 01 Large Shield 02 Magic Shield 03 Battle Helmet FF (blank) Armor 00 Leather Armor 01 Studded Mail 02 Full Plate 03 Battle Suit FF (blank) Spells 00 Deluge 01 Thunder 02 Fire 03 Death 04 Tilte FF (blank) Items 00 Ring of Elf 01 Ruby Ring 02 Ring of Dwarf 03 Demon's Ring 04 Key A 05 Key K 06 Key Q 07 Key J 08 Key JO 09 Mattock 0A Rod 0B Crystal 0C Lamp 0D Hour Glass 0E Book 0F Wing Boots 10 Red Potion 11 Black Potion 12 Exixir 13 Pendant 14 Black Onix 15 Fire Crystal FF (blank) VI. End/Contact If you have any questions about this guide, i can be contacted at dark_lord_zagato@yahoo.com FAQ Copyright 2004 Matthew Shay Faxanadu is Copyright Nintendo