FINAL FANTASY 3 (JAPANESE) BOSS/MONSTER FAQ Version 1.1 By: Sir Bahamut Real name: Kristian John Strømmen Sections: I. General FAQ Information ~Purpose of the walkthrough ~About the Author ~Version History ~Copyright Info II Boss Walkthrough. III Monster List. IV Frequently Asked Questions. V Credits. ========================================================= -Section I: General FAQ Information- ========================================================= This is a FAQ that will go as indepth as possible into the attacks, patterns, stats etc. of each Boss and Monster. It will provide as many and diverse strategies as possible, so that if you need help, no matter what your level or desired party be, you will receive as much useful information as possible. ----- About the author: This FAQ is written by Sir Bahamut. Almost all strategies were composed by me, and all information was found through my research. Recommended levels and parties come from MY own experience when playing the game. If you want to contact me: Sir that this is not my real name, but my mailaccount is broken, so use this. E-MAIL POLICY: Make subject "FF3j Boss/Monster FAQ" No unnecessary attachments. If you have valuable information, don't hesitate to send it. If you do give me information, include the name you wish to be called in the credits section. No non-constructive critizism(your guide sucks etc.). Don't send the same message many times. Remember, I will not be able to reply immediately. And you can also find me at the FF3j message board, if you don't want to send E-Mail. There I am known as Sir Bahamut. ------ Version History Version 1.0 - Contained a full Boss FAQ. Version 1.1(Current Version) - Fixed a few mistakes and added some stuff to Boss FAQ. ------ Copyright Information: This game is a copyright Square, but this FAQ is a copyright Sir Bahamut 2003. This is what you may do with this FAQ: 1. You may read it. 2. You may download it to your computer. 3. Send it to others as long as you don't charge them or change the FAQs content, and don't present the author as anyone else but myself. This is what you may not do: 1. Sell this guide for profit(unless consented by the author). 2. Steal information without giving the author all the credit and asking me on beforehand. Websites may post this guide if they follow these conditions: 1. The guide is not changed at all. 2. The author get full credit. 3. You send the author a Mail before posting it, telling me you are going to post it, and include the Web sites adresse. 4. Do not post it without permission, and don't harass if denied. ====================================================== -Section II: BOSS WALKTHROUGH- ====================================================== NOTE 1: All bosses are immune to the following status attacks: Death, Petrification, Frog, Silence, Dwarf, Confusion, Darkness, Poison, Paralysis, Sleep. Or basically, ALL status-attacks. NOTE 2: The only thing you can steal from bosses, is Potions! So I strongly recommend against ever stealing from bosses. NOTE 3: When it comes to MP, I believe if a boss can cast a Spell, it can cast that spell an unlimited number of times(if not, at least something ridiculously much). -BOSS NUMBER 1- ====ALTAR CAVE==== *LANDTRTL* HP: 120 Gil: 500 Exp: 132 Cap: 31 Weakness: None. Strength: None. Attacks: Physical attack(always) Recommended level: 1-4 is enough. More than 4 is overkill. My recommended party: N/A. Strategy: His only attack is "Fight", which at levels 1 to 4 will deal damage in the approximate range of 10-25. Only the Onion Kids who got shields will get the lower end regularly. Anyway, I strongly reccomend not throwing a SouthWind on him(deals about 25-80), as they will be much more useful later on, and he's dead easy to beat anyway. Just constantly use attack, and you will almost never need to use more than 1 Potion. Your attacks should be doing around 6-9 damage to him, so around 15-19 direct hits to finish him. -BOSS NUMBER 2- ====CAVE OF THE SEAL==== *JINN* HP: 480 Gil: 700 Exp: 160 Cap: 6 Weakness: Ice Strength: Fire(not available at that time though) Attacks: Fire, Physical attack. Recommended level: 5-8. In my opinion, level 6 is just right. Level 6 is also very convenient, as that is the level you should be if you never ran away from battles, and never purposefully got into battles. My Recommended party: Fighter-Monk-Monk-Red Mage Strategy: He will only ever use one attack in the battle, which is Fire. Fire will deal between 20-35 damage. Any Fighter should have 2 Longs, and should always Fight. Any Monk should have 2 Nunchucks and should always Fight. Any White Mage should be either casting Cure on the party, or attacking with the Bow+Holy Arrows(or Wooden if you run out of Holy). Any Black Mage should always cast Ice. When you run out of castings attack with Bow+Holy(evt. Wooden), or,if you gave the Bow to someone else, just give him 2 Daggers/Knives and hack away. No more strategy is needed than what I just listed. No healing either. I strongly recommend NOT using a Southwind, as he's not that hard, and you're better off saving it for two later bosses. -BOSS NUMBER 3- ====ROAD TO THE SUMMIT==== *BAHAMUT* HP: 65535(!) Gil: N/A Exp: N/A Cap: N/A Weakness: N/A Strength: N/A Recommended level: Irrelevant. My recommended party: Irrelevant, as all Jobs available have Run. Strategy: Despite what looks like finite HP, it is IMPOSSIBLE to beat him. He will have 65535 HP every round no matter what you do to him. Do as Desh said, and have everyone Run. His attacks won't deal enough to kill you in the time it takes to Run. -BOSS NUMBER 4- ====SEA==== *NEPTO*---OPTIONAL HP: 65535(!) Gil: 300 Exp: 1500 Cap: 4 Weakness: None. Strength: None. Attacks: Physical attack. Recommended level: As FEOKS, any level. As anything else, it all depends on exactly how ungodly lucky you think you are. My recommended party: Unless you're feeling (ungodly) lucky, include at least 1 FEOK(check out both OnionKids "Item Upgrade Trick FAQ and OnionKids and my "Fully Equipped Onion Knight FAQ"). Strategy: You're not supposed to fight this boss really(hence the absurdly high HP), so unless you want a good challenge, ignore him. If you do beat him, he'll still be there again anyway. Unlike Bahamut, Nepto is actually beatable. Although as you can see, with 60000+ HP, it's going to take VERY long to beat him. Unless you brought along 4 FEOKS, which is the only party you could use if you're at all serious in your desire to beat him. His attacks will deal around 1 Damage to your FEOKS and 30 to a normal Job at around level 10-15. If you have several FEOKS you can easily beat him. A party without any FEOKS will need ungodly luck, but it was stated by a user at Gamefaqs that he actually DID beat Nepto with a non-FEOK party at around level 10. Although note that if you do beat him, your ship will be set back one step, and if you move forwards Nepto will be there again! He will never dissapear, and the Experience you get isn't worth the time it takes to beat him(unless you have 4 FEOKS). Also note that you can't Run from Nepto, so if you get into a battle with him, and you want to get away, you have to Reset. -BOSS NUMBER 5- ====NEPTOS SHRINE==== *BIG RAT* HP: 450 Gil: 1000 Exp: 240 Cap: 7 Weakness: None Strength: None Attacks: Fire2, Ice2, Bolt2, Physical attack. Recommended level: 9-10 My recommended party: Black Wizard-Black Wizard-Black/Red Wizard-White Wizard. Strategy: This guy will cast Fir2, Ice2 and Lit2, as well as attacking normally. A spell will deal from 80 to 120, while a normal attack will deal very little. You'll definitely want a magic oriented party here, since you're all Mini. 2 Black Wizards is a good beginning for a party. Get to level 9 too, as then your Magic-attack Multiplier will increase by 2(just like number of Physical hits). Basically, your spells will do lots of damage. Have Black Wizard/s cast Fire2, Lit2 or Ice2 every round, and switch to Fire/Ice/Bolt when you've run out(at level 9 you'll have 2 casts of Elem2 spells). Have White Wizard/s cast Aero every round. You shouldn't need to heal anyone, but if you want to, cast Cure on warriors hit by Spells, or Cure2-All. Have Fighter/s and Monk/s throw SouthWinds, ZeusRages and if you got any from enemies, BombShards. But I strongly recommend against throwing more than 1 or 2, as BigRat is dead easy as long as you have 2 BlackMages and a White Mage, and the battle items will be MUCH more handy against a later boss. Also equip anyone who can, 2 Shields, for more Magic Defense. If you have your warriors do these actions every round he will drop easily, and you probably won't need to heal. -BOSS NUMBER 6- =====TOWER OF OWEN===== *MEDUSA* HP: 980 Gil: 1200 Exp: 360 Cap: 7 Weakness: None Strength: Offensive Magic. Attacks: Break, Physical attack. Recommended level: 10-12. My recommended party: Fighter-Monk-Monk-RedMage Strategy: She will almost always cast Break, which has ridiculously low Hit Rate, meaning you will most probably never be hit by it once. She can attack normally too, but that doesn't happen too often. It will deal around 80-100 damage though, but nothing a Potion/Cure can't fix. Since she is strong against Magic, have EVERY Warrior(Mages too) go to the Front Row and go all out attack. You probably won't even need to heal. She'll drop soon. -BOSS NUMBER 7- =====UNDERGROUND LAKE===== *GUZCO* HP: 1400 Gil: 1500 Exp: 500 Cap: 8 Weakness: None Strength: Offensive Magic Attacks: Fire2, Physical attack. Recommended level: 12-13 My recommended party: Fighter-Monk-Monk-RedMage. Strategy: He will either cast Fire2 or Attack. Fire2 will deal 60-90 on your average Warrior, while Fight deals around 90-120. Remember that when it comes to Elemental Magic, you need to wear Armor of OPPOSITE Element to protect yourself. This means that any Fighter equipped with Fire Armor will be receiving 140+ damage from each Fire2, while a Fighter equipped with Ice, will take only 20-40! If you however are by the boss, and you only have access to Fire Armor for your Fighter, you're better off not wearing Armor at all. Fighter/s should attack with Salamands, Serpents and Mithrils(preferably the two former). Monk/s at level 12 should either be Barefisted, or have two 3-Parts. Any Mage you brought should either Heal or advance to Front Row and attack. -BOSS NUMBER 8- =====FIRE CAVE===== *SALAMANDR* HP: 2100 Gil: 1800 Exp: 700 Cap: 8 Weakness: Ice Strength: None Attacks: Flame, Physical attack Recommended level: 14-15. My recommended party: Fighter-Monk-Monk-Fighter Strategy: He will use Flame every turn, and every now and then a normal attack. His Flame will deal ~200 to any Warrior, but only 50-70 to a Fighter equipped with Ice Armor. Now, the only thing that will really damage this boss, is: *Fighter attacking with IceBlade+Serpent *A 4-hit from a Monk. *A blast of Ice3 from a Black Mage *A SouthWind. You REALLY want your Fighter/s decked in Ice. I can't stress this enough. Give the Fighter with highest skill, the IceBlade+Serpent combo and have him attack every round. Give any other Fighter Serpent+Serpent, or have him throw(preferably not more than 1) SouthWind/s. A Monk should be unequipped, because the hitrate when barefisted is much better than with 3-Parts, so you'll be doing more damage regularly when unequipped(at levels 14-15 anyway). A Monk should just attack every round, don't care if he dies or not. A White Mage should cast Cure2-All EVERY round and once he runs out, just spend his last turns casting Cure-All. A Black/Red Mage should cast Ice3 every turn until he dies. As long as you have one Fighter decked out in Ice and IceBlade+Serpent/Ice Shield you will be ok. Have him throw Hi-Potions(you should have picked up 3 in this Cave, which is more than enough) on himself at low HP if no one else is alive. If you are still having trouble beating him, throw a GodsWine on your IceBlade fighter. His attacks should now deal around 400-500. It is my experience that you should use this GodsWine either here or at Kraken, or Garuda, because in any other bossbattles prior to Garuda, you won't really need to use it, and after Garuda, you get to buy Haste. And you still get 3 more GodsWines which along with the Haste spell is more than enough. If you are going to throw a SouthWind, don't throw more than one, as they will come in handy for the next boss. -BOSS NUMBER 9- =====HYNES CASTLE===== *HYNE* HP: 1600 Gil: 2100 Exp: 1040 Cap: 9 Weakness: Varies Strength: Varies + Physical Attacks Attacks: Fire2, Ice2, Bolt2, Physical attack. Recommended level: 15-16 My recommended party: Knight - Black Mage - Scholar - Hunter/Black mage Strategy: Hyne will attack using Fire2, Bolt2 and Ice2, all at random it would seem. He will start off with a weakness against Fire/Ice or Thunder, but will, randomly it would seem, use WallChange to change his Weakpoint. His spells will deal ~140 damage to a Warrior. ~250 if the Warrior is wearing an Elemental armor with the same element as the spell, and ~40 to a Warrior wearing Armor with the opposite element of the spell. He is also VERY strong against Physical attacks(you will in most cases just miss). This includes weapons/arrows with an Elemental property, so if he's weak to Cold, Ice Arrows will still either miss or do crappy damage. As long as you have a Black Mage and a Scholar(well, at least the Scholar), it doesn't matter what the other jobs are, as they will be throwing battle items. Hopefully you didn't use more than 1 or 2 battle items at BigRat, in which case you should have enough. If you forgot to bring in your battle items, you might as well reset, as you're quite positively screwed. Start off the battle having everyone defend/run/attack, save the Scholar, who should Scan. Next round, have everyone throw the appropriate battle item, except the Black Mage, who can cast the appropriate spell. Do this until he uses Wallchange, healing with Potions/Cure/Cure2 if necessary(although your better off just trying to kill him fast). When he uses Wallchange, repeat the first step, except use the turn to heal wounded Warriors. Once you know his new weakness, continue. He should fall shortly. -BOSS NUMBER 10- =====WATER CAVE===== *KRAKEN* HP: 1950 Gil: 2500 Exp: 1320 Cap: 9 Weakness: None Strength: Elem1 and 2 Spells(not really, but they do crap damage anyway). Attacks: Fire2, Ice2, Bolt2. Recommended level: 17 My recommended party: Knight - Scholar/Monk- Monk- Hunter/Black Wizard/White Wizard. Strategy: Kraken will attack normally or cast Fire2, Ice2 and Bolt2. Physical attacks deal between 80-100, while a spell to a normal warrior deals around 150-200. 400 to a Knight/Fighter/Hunter with the same elemental armor, and 80-100 to a Fighter/Knight/Hunter with the opposite elemental armor. Your Knight is going to want a King+Blood(not Iceblade) and he should attack always. At level 17 he gets 6 Hits which makes him much better than any level under 17. Monk/s should be barefisted, and should just attack as always. Scholar attack with whatever books you like. Don't bother Scanning or Peeping, as he has no Weakness, and Peep does not work against bosses. Hunter attack with any Arrows, casting Cure2/Cure on party members badly wounded. He is especially useful here, because with his high Agility, you should almost always be able to heal the person before Kraken goes. A Black Mage should constantly cast Ice3. Once he runs out, use him to heal with. A White Mage should just always heal. If you're still having troubles with this boss, there are two things you could do: 1) Throw a GodsWine on your Knight/Monk. 2) Throw any level 3 Elemental battle item that enemies dropped on your way in here. A BombrArm for instance, can reliably deal 500+ damage! Although you probably won't have too many troubles, at least not if you're at the recommended level. But if you're going to follow my recommended parties, for the next two bosses, and you still have the GodsWine, just use it here. -BOSS NUMBER 11- =====GOLDORS MANSION===== *GOLDOR* HP: 2250 Gil: 3300 Exp: 1640 Cap: 11 Weakness: None Strength: All Offensive Magic Attacks: Fire2, Ice2, Bolt2, Ice3, Physical attack. Recommended level: 18-19 My recommended party: Knight - Karateka - Viking - Thief Strategy: He can cast Fire2, Ice2, Bolt2 and Ice3. His normal attack will deal around 80-120, and his Elem2 spells will deal ~200. Unequip any Ice you may still have, as you definitely don't want to get hit by Ice3(deals ~300 to normal warrior) which will surely kill you if you're wearing any. You'll want a Fighter oriented party here, and frankly, I don't see many parties besides the one I listed that is really good that way. You could switch the Viking for a White Mage if you really want to Heal. Give a Knight the King+Iceblade combo, and have him attack always. A Karateka should have the Dragon+Catclaw combo, and should always attack. If you want to risk it, you could use Buildup twice(but never more than twice) and unleash an attack of around 700-800 to Goldor, but since Buildup will leave you at 0 Defense and 0 Magic Defense, even just one attack from Goldor will kill you, so you will need some luck. A Viking should be the Healer of the party, throwing Hi Potions, and attacking when he can. A Thief should always attack with the Orialcon+M.Gauche. He will at level 18-19 be dealing 8-hits! A White Mage should cast Cure/Cure2 on party members. A Black Mage(if you were crazy enough to bring one) should be a Healer, like the Viking. A Hunter should heal or attack. You REALLY shouldn't be using any other jobs but these at the moment. Preferably you should ditch the Hunter and Black Mage(for now) too. Don't bother stealing from him(or any boss really). Using my recommended party you won't need to use the GodsWine. With another party though, you should be the judge yourself. But remember, you should use the GodsWine either here or in the next boss battle. You don't REALLY need to use it in either, so you be the judge. Also, if you do decide to use the GodsWine, use it on the Thief if you're at the recommended level or above(he will have 8-Hits then), or if you don't have one, or your Thief doesn't have 8-Hits, the Karateka. -BOSS NUMBER 12- =====SALONIA CASTLE===== *GARUDA* HP: 5000 Gil: 3400 Exp: 2200 Cap: 61 Weakness: Wind Strength: Has high Defense multiplier, meaning less hits from attacks +Thunder Attacks: Thunder, Physical attack. Recommended level: 20-21 My recommended party: Dragoon - Dragoon - Dragoon - Dragoon Strategy: His Thunder attack will deal between 250-420, and he will use it pretty much always. A normal attack might come in, but chances are extremely low. A normal attack can deal around 500 to a normal Warrior. The easiest and best way to kill him is using 4 Dragoons. You didn't get a full set of equipment for 4 Dragoons in this town for nothing! I'd recommend buying an additional 4 Wind Spears, so your first Dragoon has Wind+Wind(and Power equipped) and the rest have Wind+Thunder. You want to avoid using dual Thunders as much as possible, as Garuda is strong against Thunder! In battle just have everyone Jump every turn, forget healing. If you're at the recommended level, only a big dose of bad luck can bring about the doom to this party. Alternate strategy: If you however are stubborn, or are doing a challenge of some sort, and don't want to use Dragoons, you're going to need lots of Hi Potions. A White Mage with Cure2 is also a good idea. Since a Hi Potion will heal more than Thunder damages, as long as you have enough Hi Potions, you can kill him. The White Mage casting Cure2-All is just a way of getting a good start. Keep a heavily Fighter oriented party, and throw the GodsWine if you have it on the strongest attacker. If you don't have the GodsWine anymore you'll need LOTS of Hi Potions. Using this strategy, you'll want to be able to survive 3 Thunders, so level 33-35 is about right. If you however want to stay in the twenties, you're going to need insane luck to beat him. Getting to such high levels so early is quite something, and leveling should be done in the Ancients Cave(which is accessible by Canoe, by following the river west of Salonia). Fight Pyralis and Zombie Dragons(use Ice3 and Fire2 respectively) for loads of experience. Save after every battle though. When your HP is around 1300, you can challenge Garuda. Once in battle, attack until you have about 600 HP, now have everyone throw Hi Potions on themselves(or Cure2 on one person) until they are at full health, then attack again etc. The GodsWine will be EXTREMELY helpful in this strategy! -BOSS NUMBER 13- =====SALONIA CATACOMBS===== *ODIN* HP: 7000 Gil: 5600 Exp: 5000 Cap: 6 Weakness: None Strength: None Attacks: Atom Edge, Physical attack. Recommended level: 26-28 My recommended party: Knight - Karateka - Dragoon - Viking/White Mage Strategy: His normal attack will deal around 1000-1400, while his Atom Edge deals from 700-1000 to all party members. A Knight hopefully has the Defender from the Underwater Cave, so he can dish out nice damage. A Karateka can just attack always. A Viking can just attack always. A Dragoon hopefully has Blood+Wind equipped, and should always Jump. A White Mage should cast Haste on the Knight and/or Karateka, then cast Cure3/Cure4-All. At lower levels, it will be the Dragoon who wins the battle. Just allow the others to die, and keep jumping with Blood+Wind to absorb any lost HP. At higher levels, and with a White Mage casting Haste and Cure3/4-All, you should have no problem. -BOSS NUMBER 14- =====LAKE DOL===== *LEVIATHAN* HP: 7000 Gil: 5700 Exp: 5000 Cap: 6 Weakness: None Strength: None Attacks: Tsunami, Physical attack Recommended level: 32-35 My recommended party: Knight - Karateka - Dragoon - White Mage Strategy: His normal attack deals around 1000-1300, while his Tsunami deals around 500-800 to every party member. Your Knight should have 2 Defenders and 10 hits(aqquired at level 33). Actually, all major Fighters(Knight-Karateka-Dragoon-Viking) get 10-hits at around level 33, so you should be dishing out lots of damage. A Knight should preferably be Hasted, and attack always with Defender+Defender. A Karateka should preferably also be Hasted, and should always attack. Same with Viking. A Dragoon should just Jump always. A White Mage should Haste your 2 main attackers before casting Cure3/4-All. A Black Mage should cast Bio/Bolt3 or heal your fighters. He's not that tough, and as long as you have a Dragoon with Blood + Wind, the battle is secured. -BOSS NUMBER 15- =====CAVE OF BAHAMUT===== *BAHAMUT* HP: 7500 Gil: 3500 Exp: 2800 Cap: 45 Weakness: N/A Strength: All elements + Drain Attacks: MegaFlare, physical attack Recommended level: 34-36 My recommended party: Knight - Karateka/M.Knight - Dragoon - White Mage/Conjurer Strategy: His normal attack deals 1100-1500, and his Megaflare deals a whooping 900-1200 to everyone! I really recommend having either a White Mage with Cure4 and Cure3, or a Conjurer with Odin, or a Dragoon with Blood+Wind. A mix of these is also fine. Have all fighters attack always, and a Dragoon Jump. Now, to ensure victory, there are three things to do: *Bring a White Mage and 3 heavy attackers(Knight-Karateka/M.Knight and Dragoon work well). Start off the battle casting Haste on the Knight with two Defenders and 10 hits. The next turns cast Cure4-All, and Cure3-All when you run out. Have the weakest Fighter throw a GodsWine on the Knight as well, if you are having trouble. *Bring a Dragoon with Blood+Wind. Have him Jump always. Cast Haste on him at the beginning of the battle and he will win 9 out of 10 battles. *Now for the most clever strategy: Bring along a Conjurer with several charges of Odin. When Odin is summoned by a Conjurer, he will cast Wall on the entire party, reflecting MegaFlare back on Bahamut! Keep summoning Odin and attacking with anyone else and he'll fall, quite possibly leaving you unscathed. But don't cast Cure afterwards, as it will bounce off and heal Bahamut instead! A Black Mage brought along should either throw a GodsWine on a fighter, throw Hi Potions, or cast Bio as an attack. -BOSS NUMBER 16- =====CAVE OF DARKNESS===== *HEKATON* HP: 6500 Gil: 4900 Exp: 4800 Cap: 2 Weakness: N/A Strength: N/A Attacks: Physical attack. Recommended level: 35-36 My recommended party: Knight - M.Knight - M.Knight - M.Knight/Conjurer Strategy: He only attacks with a normal attack, which deals from 900 to 1400. Your party members should have 1800+ by now though, so it's not lethal. A Knight should always attack with dual Defenders. A M.Knight should always attack with best weapons available. Have him cast Cure2 on a wounded member if you feel like. A Karateka/Viking should always attack, throwing Hi Potions if needed. A White Mage should cast Haste on the strongest character(M.Knight with Kiku+Kiku), and then heal wounded members. A Black Mage should cast Bio as an attack, and throw Hi Potions if necessary. A Conjurer should cast Titan every round. This boss is dead easy. Just go all out offense and he'll drop in two rounds easily. -BOSS NUMBER 19 =====ANCIENTS LABYRINTH====== *TITAN* HP: 7800 Gil: 4500 Exp: 4400 Cap: 13 Weakness: N/A Strength: All elements + Drain Attacks: Flare, physical attack. Recommended level: 35+ My recommended party: Knight - M.Knight - Conjurer/Karateka - White Mage/Black Mage Strategy: He will attack using Flare, which will deal between 500 and 1100. If you have a Conjurer and Odin, you can reflect it back on him! Now, any M.Knight you have will be using Dark Elemental Swords, so they will do very little damage to him, so if you're going to Haste, Haste the Knight and/or Karateka first. Have any attackers attack always(avoid elemental weapons if you can). A Conjurer should just cast Odin every round, which will reflect his Flare right back on him, rendering you fairly invincible. A White Mage can Haste the Knight/Karateka, then heal people. A Black Mage should always cast Bio. Just keep a steady attack and he'll drop fast. -BOSS NUMBER 20- =====DORGAS CAVE===== *DORGA* HP: 4500 Gil: 4000 Exp: 3400 Cap: 12 Weakness: N/A Strength: All elements + Drain Attacks: Quake, Brak2, Drain, Physical attack. Recommended level: 36-37 My recommended party: Knight - M.Knight - Warlock - Shaman Strategy: This guy has a predictable attack patter, which is: QUAKE-BRAK2-DRAIN-BACK TO START Quake will deal around 500-1000 to all party members. Brak2 will petrify, and has a high success rate(meaning I hope you brought along a Soft or two). Drain will drain about 500-900 HP. He CAN physically attack(chances are VERY low), and if he does, it always acts as an attack OUTSIDE the pattern, and will not act as a substitute for one of the spells. Note that none of these spells will be reflected back with Wall, so you should dump a Conjurer and Summoner(the only other attacks they have are elemental ones, and they do crap damage). A Knight/M.Knight/Karateka/Viking/Dragoon should always attack. A WhiteMage/Shaman should cast Haste on the Knight/Viking/Karateka, then cast Cure4-/Cure3-All, to prepare for the next fight. A Black Mage/Warlock should cast Bio every round. Have everyone save the White Mage/Shaman attack every round and he'll drop fast. -BOSS NUMBER 21- =====DORGAS CAVE===== *UNNE* HP: 4500 Gil: 4200 Exp: 4000 Cap: 13 Weakness: N/A Strength: All elements + Drain Attacks: WWind, Wall, Blizzard, Physical attack. Recommended level: 36-37 My recommended party: Knight - M.Knight - Warlock - Shaman Strategy: She also has an attack pattern: WWIND-WALL-WWIND-BLIZZARD-BACK TO START WWind will reduce HP to a single digit, Wall will reflect back all spells that aren't automatically multiple-hitting, and Blizzard deals around 150 to everyone. As you can see, getting hit by WWind and then Blizzard is instant death, so Cure accordingly. WWInd can be reflected back, but the only effective and good way of getting Wall on all is through a Conjurer, and you should have dumped him by now anyway. A Knight/M.Knight/Karateka/Viking/Dragoon should all always attack. A Black Mage/Warlock should cast Bio the first turn, then cast Quake(so as to net get Bio reflected back in your face). A Shaman/White Mage should use the two first turns casting Haste on the main attacker(hopefully not an M.Knight). She should die before her first Blizzard. If you need to though, cast Cure4 on a member hit by WWind. -BOSS NUMBER 22- =====FORBIDDEN LAND EUREKA===== *AMON* HP: 7040 Gil: 3450 Exp: 4200 Cap: 2 Weakness: Changes Strength: Changes Attacks: Flame, Physical attack. Recommended level: 40-41 My recommended party: Knight - M.Knight - Warlock - Shaman Strategy: An upgraded Hyne with less attacks. His Flame will deal 150-450 on your characters, depending on the jobs stats(obviously, more magic def. equals less damage). His normal attack will deal 500-650. He'll use WallChange every now and then. If you hit him with a strong elemental spell(Ice3, Bolt3, Fire3, Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh) that happens to be his weak spot, it will deal colossal amounts of damage(2500-3000). Two of those attacks and he's practically dead. If you hit him with the opposite element of his weakness, he'll absorb it for about 1000 HP, and if you hit him with any other elemental spell, he'll null it(take 0 damage). His weak spot is random though, so unless you're feeling lucky, you're better off using Bio and such. Have Knight/M.Knight/Karateka/Viking attack, and Dragoon Jump. Have a Shaman haste your best fighter once or twice, then heal. Have a Warlock cast Bio or if you're feeling lucky, an elemental spell. Have a Summoner summon Odin, throw Hi Potions, or summon an elemental summon if you're feeling lucky. He'll drop fairly fast. -BOSS NUMBER 23- =====FORBIDDEN LAND EUREKA===== *KUOICHI* HP: 9000 Gil: 5000 Exp: 4800 Cap: 14 Weakness: N/A Strength: All elements + Drain Attacks: Physical Attack, Mindblast Recommended level: 40-41 My recommended party: Knight - M.Knight - Warlock - Shaman Strategy: Her Mindblast will paralyse your second and fourth character, so use them accordingly. Her normal attack deals 900-1100 to any character. Your Knight should now have Break + FullMoon, so have the Shaman cast Haste on him twice, and he'll start dealing 3000-4000. Any other Fighter should Attack or Jump accordingly. A Shaman should, as stated above, Haste your Knight(or if you don't have one, the strongest attacker) twice, then heal. A Warlock should just cast Bio. A Summoner should summon Odin, or just sit on his ass throwing Hi Potions. She's not too hard. -BOSS NUMBER 24- =====FORBIDDEN LAND EUREKA===== *GENERAL* HP: 12000 Gil: 5200 Exp: 5000 Cap: 16 Weakness: N/A Strength: All elements + Drain Attacks: Physical attack Recommended level: 41-42 My recommended party: Knight - M.Knight - Warlock - Shaman Strategy: His attack deals around 1000 damage normally. 500 to a backrow. A Knight/M.Knight/Karateka/Viking should always attac, and a Dragoon Jump. A Shaman should cast Haste twice on your strongest attacker(M.Knight uses elemental weapons, so go for Knight/Karateka before him). A Warlock should cast Bio. Not much more to say about this boss. -BOSS NUMBER 25- =====FORBIDDEN LAND EUREKA===== *SCYLLA* HP: 10000 Gil: 5400 Exp: 5200 Cap: 16 Weakness: None Strength: None Attacks: Physical attack(1%) + Flare(99%) Recommended level: 41-42 My recommended party: Knight - M.Knight - Warlock - Shaman Strategy: She has no elemental resistance, so your M.Knight will probably deal more damage than your Knight, depending on equipment. Her Flare deals 1000-1800 depending on Magid Def. A Knight/M.Knight/Karateka/Viking should always attack, and a Dragoon Jump. A Shaman should Haste the strongest attacker/s every round, as you can restore magic in the next room. A Warlock can go crazy with Bio. Also, Flare can be Reflected, so if you happen to have a Conjurer, his Odin will be very useful. -BOSS NUMBER 26- =====FORBIDDEN LAND EUREKA===== *GUARDIAN* HP: 12000 Gil: 5600 Exp: 5400 Cap: 17 Weakness: None Strength: None Attacks: Quake - Reflect - Cure2 Recommended level: 41-42 My recommended party: Ninja - Ninja - Sage - Sage Strategy: His attack pattern is: QUAKE-WALL-QUAKE-QUAKE-WALL-QUAKE-CURE2-REPEAT. His Quake deals 800-1100 to a normal warrior, and 300-400 to the Warrior with a Ribbon. Have your Sage/s Haste your Ninja/s, or cast Bahamut. Have your Ninja/s attack always. Exploit the attack pattern to determine when to heal and such. With your new Ultimate Jobs this is easy. -BOSS NUMBER 27- =====SYLX TOWER===== *ZANDE* HP: 21000 Gil: 0 Exp: 0 Cap: 0 Weakness: None Strength: All elements + Drain Attacks: Libra, Meteor, Quake, Flame, Physical Attack. Recommended level: 45-48 My recommended party: Ninja - Ninja - Sage - Sage Strategy: He has an attack pattern: LIBRA-METEO-LIBRA-QUAKE-LIBRA-FLAME-BACK TO START. Note that any physical attack you see, always counts as outside this pattern. His Meteo will deal around 3000 to all warriors. You should have 3500 HP or more. His Quake deals around 2500 to every warrior, but only a measly 500 or so to the one with the Ribbon. Flame deals around 600 to a normal warrior, and 150 or so to a Ribbon-bearer. A physical attack deals around 1000. At levels 45 and above, you should kill him in three rounds(using the recommended party), so you won't ever need to heal. Start off having Ninjas attack. Have Sages cast Haste on both Ninjas(one each). Next round continue attacking, but have the Sages cast Bahamut from now on. He should fall in three rounds. If Meteo kills someone, cast Life2/Life/ FenixDown, then next turn, have the Sages cast Cure4 on the people with less than 2500 HP. Anyway, keep attacking as much as possible, and keep an eye on the pattern to see what's up next. -BOSS NUMBER 28- =====SYLX===== *DARK CLOUD 1* HP: 65535 Gil: 0 Exp: 0 Cap: 0 Weakness: None Strength: All elements + Drain Attacks: FlareWave, Physical Attack. Recommended level: Irrelevant My recommended party: Irrelevant Strategy: She is invincible. Period. Just like Bahamut when you first meet him, just stronger. Her regenerates to max after every round, her Evade is 99, her Defense is 255, and she blocks 32 hits. Basically, you will never (realistically speaking) hit her. Her FlareWave deals 1500-2000 to everyone, so you'll die rather fast. Just have everyone Attack until you die. -BOSS NUMBER 29- =====DARK WORLD===== *CERBERUS* HP: 23000 Gil: 6400 Exp: 6000 Cap: 18 Weakness: None Strength: All elements + Drain Attacks: Lightning, Physical attack(added effect: Petrify) Recommended level: 45+ My recommended party: Ninja - Ninja - Sage - Sage Strategy: His Lighting will deal around 600-900 to a Ribbon-bearer, and 900-1400 to someone without a Ribbon. You should have at least two Ribbons by now, so equip them if you haven't already. If you don't have Shurikens, start off the battle with your Sages casting Haste on one Ninja each, and have Ninjas attack Do the same the next round as well. From there on, have Ninjas attack, and Sages summon Bahamut or cast Cure4 on a warrior at low health. The fight shouldn't last more than 5 rounds. With Shurikens, this is ridiculously easy. Have Ninjas throw Dual Shurikens, and Sages summon Bahamut. Re-equip Ninjas with Shurikens(or switch to weapons if you don't have many) and repeat. He'll die the second round, as a Shuriken will deal 4500-7000 to him. -BOSS NUMBER 30- =====DARK WORLD===== *ECHIDNA* HP: 32000 Gil: 7000 Exp: 8000 Cap: 19 Weakness: None Strength: All elements + Drain Attacks: Quake, Brak2, Drain, Meteor, Death, Flare, Physical attack(rare) Recommended level: 46-48 My recommended party: Ninja - Ninja - Sage - Sage Strategy: She has an attack pattern: QUAKE-BRAK2-DRAIN-METEOR-DEATH-FLARE-DRAIN-METEOR-REPEAT.. Important: Equip Ribbons to anyone who can! Quake deals between 1800 and 2500 to a Ribbon-less warrior, but only 600-1000 to someone with a Ribbon(which should be three of four warriors by now). Brak2 only works on the person without Ribbon. Drain drains about 900-1300 HP, Meteor deals around 2500-3300 to all, Death only works on the Ribbon-less bloke, Flare deals 2000-3000 to a warrior. With Shurikens, you should have the Ninjas throw Shurikens every round, and have the Sages summon Bahamut every round. He'll drop after the third round, and will thus never use Meteor, so you won't need to heal(unless Quake kills the Ribbon-less warrior). Without Shurikens, you'll want to use the first round, having the Sages cast Haste on each their Ninja. The Ninjas should of course attack every round. The next round, have both Sages repeat(if one of them is stuck with FullMoon, have both Haste the one with dual swords). The next round, have one Sage cast Haste on the strongest Ninja, and the other, heal the warrior who didn't have Ribbon when Quak was fired. The next round, have Ninjas attack, and Sages summon Bahamut. Chances are, a few warriors may die from Meteo. Try and count her HP, and determine whether or not you can finish her before her next Meteo (considering the damage of Flare and Drain). Cast Life2 on a dead warrior if needed, and cast Cure4 as well. -BOSS NUMBER 31- =====DARK WORLD===== *2-HEADED DRAGON* HP: 29000 Gil: 6800 Exp: 7000 Cap: 19 Weakness: None Strength: All elements + Drain Attacks: Physical attack always(extremely powerful). Recommended level: 47+ My recommended party: Ninja - Ninja - Sage - Sage Strategy: His attacks are ridiculously powerful. Let me repeat that. Ridiculously powerful. We're talking a steady 7000 or more to a level 47 Ninja on front row with no shields. A steady 3000 to the same Ninja on the backrow, but only 1000 or so to the same Ninja with Shields on the back row. If you have Shurikens, the best strategy IMO, is the fastest one. Put everyone on back row, and equip them with stuff to boost Defense. Give the Ninjas 2 Shurikens(they are ranged, so they deal same damage from back row), and start battle. Have the Ninjas throw Shurikens, and the Sages summon Bahamut, EVERY ROUND. Don't bother healing at all, because he could kill you again anyway, and you really want to end this battle fast. If someone dies, you can cast Life2 on that person, but only in a real emergency. Just attack ALWAYS. Without Shurikens, this will be a battle of patience and luck. Start with everyone in the backrow, and have the Ninjas equip two Shields (Aegis+Crystal or Crystal+Crystal). Now start boosting your Defence using Turtleshells and Safe. Heal anyone that looses a lot of HP(be your own judge here), and keep casting Safe(prioritize Ninjas). Once it becomes ineffective, cast Haste thrice on both Ninjas. Now advance Ninjas to front row, with a shield(Crystal) and a sword. Start attacking, and have Sages cast Bahamut, and revive. Since he can only kill one warrior at a time, you can't loose(unless you get unlucky). Alternate strategy: Keep everyone in the backrow, and give one Ninja two shields, and the other one shield and the FullMoon. Have the FullMoon Ninja attack always, have the Sages cast Bahamut, and the second Ninja revive with FenixDowns, or throw TurtleShells on people. You should win after a while. -BOSS NUMBER 32- =====DARK WORLD===== *AHRIMAN* HP: 35000 Gil: 7200 Exp: 9000 Cap: 21 Weakness: None Strength: All elements + Drain Attacks: Meteor, Flame, Quake, Blizzard, Lightning, Cure2, Physical attack(rare) Recommended level: 48+ My recommended party: Ninja - Ninja - Sage - Sage Strategy: He has an attack pattern: METEO-FLAME-QUAKE-BLIZZARD-METEO-THUNDER-QUAKE-CURE2(on himself)-REPEAT Equip everyone with Ribbons. Meteo deals around 2500-3000, Flame/Thunder/Blizzard around 100-200 Quake around 800-1000. With Shurikens, it's just the same drill. Ninjas attack, Sages summon Bahamut or heal. I reccomend using the Flame/Blizzard/Thunder/Cure2 turns to heal on. Easy, once you know the pattern. Without Shurikens, it's still easy. Start off having Ninjas throw GodsWines on themselves, and Sages casting Haste on them. The next round, have Ninjas attack, and Sages cast Cure4-All. NExt round, have Sages cast Haste on the Ninjas again. From there on, it's Bahamut all the way, save for healing. Heal in the lame/Blizzard/Thunder/ Cure2 turns. -BOSS NUMBER 33- =====DARK WORLD===== *FINAL BOSS- DARK CLOUD* HP: 45000 Gil: 0 Exp: 0 Cap: 0 Weakness: None Strength: All elements + Drain Attacks: Flarewave Recommended level: 50+ (although 47-48 is still possible). My recommended party: Ninja - Ninja - Sage - Sage or if at low levels: Ninja - Sage - Sage - Sage Strategy: Her Flarewave deals between 1000 and 2000. Also, she is invincible if you haven't freed all Dark Warriors. Go all out. Throw Shurikens and use Elixirs and GodsWines. At higher levels(55+), two Sages casting Cure4-All every round is probably going to be enough. At lower levels(47-50), you'll probably want to first have 2 Sages cast Cure4 on two warriors, then the two other Warriors the next round, and so on. Cast Haste if you're not using Shurikens, but only the first round! Healing is a top priority at low levels! Keep trying and you'll eventually beat her. =======================END OF BOSS FAQ======================== ====================================================== -Section III: MONSTER LIST- ====================================================== Yeah, this has been under construction for ages, I know. Sorry, but I'm afraid I really can't be bothered to put all the data into tables here. Instead, if you want a great monster list, go here: Go to the "COMPLETE Final Fantasy Monster list" and select FF3j. Much nicer than I could ever have made it here anyway. ====================================================== -Section V: CREDITS- ====================================================== * Lordskylark, his monster list was very useful for crossreferencing my own results/ theories. * Magus999, for pointing out that in the Nepto section, I hadn't said that you aren't really supposed to kill him. Feel you deserve a place here? Please notify me at the FF3j Message Board. ================END OF FAQ================