================================================================================= Final Fantasy III - Job Evaluation Guide Version 2.1 by Anthony Morales (a.k.a. Fantasy Gamer) fantasy_gamer_x@yahoo.com with special participation of Sir Bahamut ================================================================================= ------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------- 1.0 - Introduction 2.0 - Job Evaluation 2.1 - Warrior Type 2.1.01 - Onion Knight 2.1.02 - Fighter 2.1.03 - Monk 2.1.04 - Hunter 2.1.05 - Knight 2.1.06 - Thief 2.1.07 - Dragoon 2.1.08 - Viking 2.1.09 - Karateka 2.1.10 - Mystic Knight 2.1.11 - Ninja 2.2 - Mage Type 2.1.01 - White Wizard 2.1.02 - Black Wizard 2.1.03 - Red Wizard 2.1.04 - Scholar 2.1.05 - Geomancer 2.1.06 - Conjurer 2.1.07 - Bard 2.1.08 - Shaman 2.1.09 - Warlock 2.1.10 - Summoner 2.1.11 - Sage 3.0 - Miscellaneous 3.1 - Best Record Holders 3.2 - Warlock vs Summoner 3.3 - Summon Spell Effects 3.4 - Job Acquisition Sequence 3.5 - The Author 4.0 - Legal stuff 5.0 - Version History 6.0 - Credits 7.0 - Parting Words ==================== 1.0 - INTRODUCTION ==================== This is my seventh game guide! This is the third installment in our beloved Final Fantasy Series. Sadly, it was never released in English :( There are rumors it will be released in the PS One or GBA, but proof is yet to be shown. Anyway, this FF introduced a better "Job System" as compared to the first FF and gave the first use of the ever famous "Summon" spell. Of all FF, I think this game has the the hardest dungeons... dungeons where you are required to be in "Mini" status and dungeons where there are multiplying enemies that are not affected much by normal attacks. We'll concentrate on the improved "Job System" this game offered us. For those who are lucky to get a hold of this game, I will help you decide which job to use. There are 22 jobs throughout the game. Each have their own distinct character... but not all of them are useful... in the end, you're still the one to decide. This time I tried to be as objective as possible, but sometimes I can't help to give my own personal view. Anyway, not only do we dive into my personal evaluation in this version, but I also included a detailed and comprehensive stat gain chart (courtesy of the great FF3 guru, Sir Bahamut). With that in mind, let's mosey! Happy gaming! FG Baguio City, Philippines 03 December 2003 08 February 2004 (updated intro) ====================== 2.0 - JOB EVALUATION ====================== Description - a short description of the jobs (just like the ones in FF Tactics). Specialty - just listed the special abilities and specialties of a particular job. Usefulness: - I put my idea on which job is most useful until newer and more powerful jobs become available. Evaluation - this is where I will put my overall assessment of the job. Stat Preview - describes the three basic stats of the jobs. I divided the preview on diffrent level ranges because the stat gain trend is not constant. A job may have a bad stat gain at the start, but insanely improves at some point. I made the preview in a wholistic approach. Stat Growth - stats a NOT transferable from one job to another :( If you get a Black Mage to level 10 and switch him to a Fighter- the Fighter will have the stats of a level 10 Fighter, not of a Black Mage. Stats are set for each job. The only transferable stat is the HP you gain from previous jobs. This part lists the stat growth set by the game for each job for each level they gain. Rating - MY overall impression on the usefulness of the job. ======== Legend ======== -------------- Stat Preview -------------- +++ - terrific ++ - great + - good = - decent - - low -- - poor --- - terrible ------- Stats ------- Lvl - Level Str - Strength Agi - Agility Vit - Vitality Int - Intellect Spr - Spirit At# - Number of Hits per Attack Att - Attack Power Ht% - Hit Percentage De# - Number of Hits it Can Endure Def - Physical Defense Power Eva - Physical Evade Percentage MDf - Magic Defense Power MEv - Magic Evade Percentage M1 - MP for casting Level 1 Spells M2 - MP for casting Level 2 Spells M3 - MP for casting Level 3 Spells M4 - MP for casting Level 4 Spells M5 - MP for casting Level 5 Spells M6 - MP for casting Level 6 Spells M7 - MP for casting Level 7 Spells M8 - MP for casting Level 8 Spells -------- Rating -------- 1 - look for other jobs 2 - worth a try 3 - great job 4 - definitely use this 5 - use this as final job =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2.1 - Warrior Type =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --------------------------------- 2.1.01 - ONION KID/ONION KNIGHT --------------------------------- Description : A kid who's playing knights and swords. They fight only for fun of being an illusionary knight. Specialty : --- Usefulness : This job is definitely not useful, unless you get its Onion Equips. You have to use the "Upgrade Trick" or wait until the later part of the game to get such equipments. Once you get all such equipments, it's one of the most reliable job available. Evaluation : This job cannot offer any real advantage over the other jobs for, almost, the entire game. Basically, this job sucks! They wear weak equpments, cannot use any spell and most of all... it increases its stats only every 10 levels... and only by 1! What the #*$! is going on? Now, this insanely useless job becomes the best warrior once you get its 'Onion Equipments' (For a detailed explanation, check the "Fully Equipped Onion Knight FAQ). I don't know what's with the onion, but its the key to a super warrior! There's really no need to level up unless, as Sir Bahamut said, "you really want to beat the crap out of everything!". Once it reaches its late-level 80's, its pathetically useless stat growth will improve to a stat growth that no one can imagine! At max level, this job will have a max level in all basic stats. Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 10-19: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 20-29: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 30-39: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 40-49: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 50-59: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 60-69: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 70-79: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 80-89: Str ---, Agi ---, Vit --- Levels 90-99: Str +++, Agi +++, Agi +++ Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 6 6 6 6 6 2 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42 21 0 85 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 92 92 92 92 92 24 48 99 5 46 23 0 92 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 99 99 99 99 99 26 50 99 6 49 24 0 99 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 Rating : 1 or 5 ------------------ 2.1.02 - FIGHTER ------------------ Description : Training day and night to become useful warriors, they really know how to swing a sword and use the basic bow. Specialty : --- Usefulness : I recommend this as one of your starting job. Balanced offense and defense is very good for newcomers. Evaluation : Able to equip good armor while dealing good damage. This pre-Knight job is a very good starting job. It can stand alone for a while without support because it can wear pretty good armors. Dealing damage is no problem as well. They can use most of the swords in the game. Don't equip a shield. Give him 2-swords to boost his offense. Balanced job in any way. Heh, this is one of my starting jobs in FF and FF5 ... see? They're reliable indeed! Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str = , Agi = , Vit - Levels 10-19: Str = , Agi = , Vit - Levels 20-29: Str = , Agi = , Vit - Levels 30-39: Str = , Agi = , Vit - Levels 40-49: Str = , Agi = , Vit - Levels 50-59: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Levels 60-69: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 10 10 5 2 3 2 6 82 0 2 2 0 2 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 11 11 6 2 3 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 2 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 12 12 6 3 4 2 8 83 0 3 3 0 3 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 13 13 7 3 4 2 8 83 0 3 3 0 3 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 13 13 7 3 4 2 8 83 0 3 3 0 3 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 14 14 8 3 4 2 8 83 0 4 3 0 3 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 15 15 8 4 5 2 8 83 0 4 3 0 4 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 15 15 9 4 5 2 8 83 0 4 3 0 4 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 16 16 9 4 5 4 10 84 1 4 4 0 4 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 17 17 10 4 5 4 10 84 1 5 4 0 4 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00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 39 39 25 12 13 10 20 89 2 12 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 40 40 25 12 13 10 22 90 2 12 10 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 40 40 26 13 13 10 22 90 2 13 10 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 41 41 26 13 13 10 22 90 2 13 10 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 42 42 27 13 14 10 22 90 2 13 10 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 42 42 27 13 14 12 22 90 2 13 10 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 43 43 28 14 14 12 22 90 2 14 10 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 43 43 28 14 14 12 22 90 2 14 10 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 44 44 29 14 15 12 24 91 2 14 11 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 45 45 29 14 15 12 24 91 2 14 11 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 45 45 30 15 15 12 24 91 2 15 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 46 46 30 15 15 12 24 91 2 15 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 47 47 30 15 15 12 24 91 2 15 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 47 47 31 15 16 12 24 91 2 15 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 48 48 31 15 16 14 26 92 3 15 12 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 49 49 32 16 16 14 26 92 3 16 12 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 49 49 32 16 16 14 26 92 3 16 12 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 50 50 33 16 17 14 26 92 3 16 12 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 51 51 33 16 17 14 26 92 3 16 12 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 51 51 34 17 17 14 26 92 3 17 12 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 52 52 34 17 17 14 28 93 3 17 13 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 53 53 35 17 17 16 28 93 3 17 13 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 53 53 35 17 18 16 28 93 3 17 13 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 54 54 35 18 18 16 28 93 3 17 13 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 55 55 36 18 18 16 28 93 3 18 13 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 55 55 36 18 18 16 28 93 3 18 13 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 56 56 37 18 19 16 30 94 3 18 14 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 57 57 37 18 19 16 30 94 3 18 14 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 57 57 38 19 19 16 30 94 3 19 14 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 58 58 38 19 19 16 30 94 3 19 14 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 59 59 39 19 19 16 30 94 3 19 14 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 59 59 39 19 20 16 30 94 3 19 14 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 60 60 40 20 20 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 61 61 40 20 20 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 61 61 40 20 20 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 62 62 41 20 21 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 63 63 41 21 21 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 63 63 42 21 21 18 32 95 3 21 15 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 64 64 42 21 21 20 34 96 4 21 16 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 64 64 43 21 21 20 34 96 4 21 16 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 65 65 43 22 22 20 34 96 4 21 16 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 66 66 44 22 22 20 34 96 4 22 16 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 66 66 44 22 22 20 34 96 4 22 16 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 67 67 45 22 22 20 34 96 4 22 16 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 68 68 45 22 23 20 36 97 4 22 17 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 68 68 45 23 23 20 36 97 4 22 17 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 69 69 46 23 23 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 70 70 46 23 23 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 70 70 47 23 23 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 71 71 47 24 24 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 72 72 48 24 24 20 38 98 4 24 18 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 72 72 48 24 24 20 38 98 4 24 18 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 73 73 49 24 24 20 38 98 4 24 18 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 74 74 49 25 25 22 38 98 4 24 18 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 74 74 50 25 25 22 38 98 4 25 18 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 75 75 50 25 25 22 38 98 4 25 18 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 Rating : 3 -------------------------- 2.1.03 - MONK/BLACK BELT -------------------------- Description : Proficient at bare-hand fighting, they train their bodies in the ways of martial arts. Specialty : Bare-hand fighting. Usefulness : Another good starting job, but basically for the offensive-type of gamers. Great in offense and is very cheap to maintain... just be sure a healer is always ready in case of emergency because you might get some trouble with its defense. Evaluation : If you want to save some gil but still want a good fighter, take this... you'll never go wrong. They are better left fighting bare-handed. Don't worry, their fist are as hard as stone. Before you celebrate the greatness of this job, let me remind you that he can only wear one type of armor... he, he. Don't worry, his great HP progression is very good ... fair enough to compensate the loss in defense. One of my starting job in FF & FF5, also. Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Levels 10-19: Str + , Agi = , Vit + Levels 20-29: Str ++, Agi = , Vit + Levels 30-39: Str ++, Agi - , Vit + Levels 40-49: Str ++, Agi = , Vit + Levels 50-59: Str ++, Agi = , Vit + Levels 60-69: Str ++, Agi = , Vit + Levels 70-79: Str ++, Agi = , Vit + Levels 80-89: Str ++, Agi = , Vit + Levels 90-99: Str +++, Agi = , Vit + Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 10 10 7 1 2 2 8 82 0 3 2 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 11 11 8 1 2 2 10 82 0 4 2 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 12 12 9 1 2 2 16 83 0 4 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 13 13 10 1 2 2 18 83 0 5 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 13 13 10 1 2 2 22 83 0 5 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 14 14 11 1 2 2 24 83 0 5 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 15 15 12 1 2 2 28 83 0 6 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 16 15 12 1 2 2 32 83 0 6 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 17 16 13 1 2 4 36 84 1 6 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 18 17 14 1 2 4 38 84 1 7 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 19 17 14 1 2 4 42 84 1 7 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 20 18 15 1 2 4 46 84 1 7 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 21 19 16 1 2 4 50 84 1 8 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 22 19 16 1 2 4 52 84 1 8 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 22 20 17 1 2 4 56 85 1 8 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 23 21 18 1 2 4 58 85 1 9 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 24 21 18 1 2 6 64 85 1 9 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 25 22 19 1 2 6 66 85 1 9 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 19 26 22 20 1 2 6 70 85 1 10 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 27 23 20 1 2 6 72 85 1 10 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 28 24 21 1 2 6 78 86 1 10 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 29 24 22 1 2 6 80 86 1 11 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 30 25 22 1 2 6 84 86 1 11 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 31 26 23 1 2 6 86 86 1 11 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 31 26 24 1 2 6 90 86 1 12 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 32 27 24 1 2 6 94 86 1 12 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 33 28 25 1 2 6 98 87 1 12 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 34 28 26 1 2 6 100 87 1 13 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 35 29 26 1 2 6 104 87 1 13 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 36 30 27 1 2 6 108 87 1 13 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 37 30 28 1 2 6 112 87 1 14 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 38 31 28 1 2 6 114 87 1 14 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 39 32 29 1 2 10 118 88 2 14 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 40 32 30 1 2 10 122 88 2 15 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 40 33 30 1 2 10 126 88 2 15 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 41 34 31 1 2 10 128 88 2 15 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 42 34 32 1 2 10 132 88 2 16 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 43 35 32 1 2 10 134 88 2 16 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 44 36 33 1 2 10 140 89 2 16 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 45 36 34 1 2 10 142 89 2 17 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 46 37 34 1 2 10 146 89 2 17 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 47 38 35 1 2 10 148 89 2 17 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 48 38 36 1 2 10 154 89 2 18 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 49 39 36 1 2 10 156 89 2 18 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 49 40 37 1 2 10 160 90 2 18 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 50 40 38 1 2 10 162 90 2 19 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 51 41 38 1 2 10 166 90 2 19 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 52 42 39 1 2 10 170 90 2 19 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 53 42 40 1 2 12 174 90 2 20 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 54 43 40 1 2 12 176 90 2 20 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 55 43 41 1 2 12 180 90 2 20 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 56 44 42 1 2 12 184 91 2 21 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 57 45 42 1 2 12 188 91 2 21 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 58 45 43 1 2 12 190 91 2 21 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 58 46 44 1 2 12 194 91 2 22 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 59 47 44 1 2 12 196 91 2 22 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 60 47 45 1 2 12 202 91 2 22 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 61 48 46 1 2 14 204 92 3 23 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 62 49 46 1 2 14 208 92 3 23 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 63 49 47 1 2 14 210 92 3 23 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 64 50 48 1 2 14 216 92 3 24 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 65 51 48 1 2 14 218 92 3 24 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 66 51 49 1 2 14 222 92 3 24 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 67 52 50 1 2 14 224 93 3 25 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 67 53 50 1 2 16 228 93 3 25 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 68 53 51 1 2 16 232 93 3 25 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 69 54 52 1 2 16 236 93 3 26 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 70 55 52 1 2 16 238 93 3 26 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 71 55 53 1 2 16 242 93 3 26 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 72 56 54 1 2 16 246 94 3 27 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 73 57 54 1 2 16 250 94 3 27 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 74 57 55 1 2 16 252 94 3 27 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 75 58 56 1 2 16 256 94 3 28 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 76 59 56 1 2 16 260 94 3 28 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 76 59 57 1 2 16 264 94 3 28 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 77 60 58 1 2 16 266 95 3 29 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 78 61 58 1 2 16 270 95 3 29 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 79 61 59 1 2 16 272 95 3 29 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 80 62 60 1 2 16 278 95 3 30 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 81 63 60 1 2 16 280 95 3 30 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 82 63 61 1 2 18 284 95 3 30 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 83 64 62 1 2 20 286 96 4 31 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 84 64 62 1 2 20 292 96 4 31 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 85 65 63 1 2 20 294 96 4 31 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 85 66 64 1 2 20 298 96 4 32 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 86 66 64 1 2 20 300 96 4 32 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 87 67 65 1 2 20 304 96 4 32 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 88 68 66 1 2 20 308 97 4 33 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 89 68 66 1 2 20 312 97 4 33 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 90 69 67 1 2 20 314 97 4 33 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 91 70 68 1 2 20 318 97 4 34 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 92 70 68 1 2 20 322 97 4 34 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 93 71 69 1 2 20 326 97 4 34 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 94 72 70 1 2 20 328 98 4 35 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 94 72 70 1 2 20 332 98 4 35 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 95 73 71 1 2 20 334 98 4 35 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 96 74 72 1 2 22 340 98 4 36 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 97 74 72 1 2 22 342 98 4 36 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 98 75 73 1 2 22 346 98 4 36 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 Rating : 3 ------------------------ 2.1.04 - HUNTER/ARCHER ------------------------ Description : With super human eyesight, they know how to use the bow well. They can also use up to Levels 1-3 White Magic, except Aero. Specialty : --- Usefulness : Useful at the start when you take the dungeon with many undead enemies (Holy Arrows). Not really useful after that part. Evaluation : I never really used this job that long. If you want to be able to use healing magic, but still want to deal considerable damage, I think, you may consider this. You may use them as an alternate White Wizard for a while. They can use magic arrows, but... magic arrows are quite expensive to maintain! It has a good HP growth and its speed is the best until later in the game. However, they are not as to good to offense compared to the other warriors. BTW, who could ever thought that this guy can use the ever famous Flame Mail for the Fighter/Knight job? Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str --, Agi ++, Vit - Levels 10-19: Str - , Agi +++, Vit = Levels 20-29: Str = , Agi +++, Vit + Levels 30-39: Str = , Agi +++, Vit + Levels 40-49: Str = , Agi ++, Vit + Levels 50-59: Str = , Agi +++, Vit + Levels 60-69: Str = , Agi ++, Vit + Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi ++, Vit + Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi ++, Vit + Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi +++, Vit + Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 5 20 5 5 5 4 4 85 1 2 5 0 5 04/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 6 21 6 5 5 4 4 85 1 3 5 0 5 05/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 7 21 7 6 6 4 4 85 1 3 5 0 6 06/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 8 22 8 6 6 4 6 85 1 4 5 0 6 06/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 9 23 9 6 6 4 6 85 1 4 5 0 6 06/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 9 24 9 6 6 4 6 86 1 4 6 0 6 07/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 10 25 10 6 6 4 6 86 1 5 6 0 6 07/01/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 11 25 11 7 7 4 6 86 1 5 6 0 7 07/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 11 26 11 7 7 4 6 86 1 5 6 0 7 07/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 12 27 12 7 7 4 8 86 1 6 6 0 7 08/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 13 28 13 7 7 4 8 87 1 6 7 0 7 08/03/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 13 29 13 7 7 4 8 87 1 6 7 0 7 08/03/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 14 29 14 8 8 4 8 87 1 7 7 0 8 08/03/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 15 30 15 8 8 4 8 87 1 7 7 0 8 09/03/01/00/00/00/00/00 15 16 31 16 8 8 4 10 87 1 8 7 0 8 09/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 16 16 32 16 8 8 6 10 88 2 8 8 0 8 09/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 17 17 33 17 8 8 8 10 88 2 8 8 0 8 09/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 18 18 33 18 9 9 8 10 88 2 9 8 0 9 09/04/03/00/00/00/00/00 19 18 34 18 9 9 8 10 88 2 9 8 0 9 10/05/03/00/00/00/00/00 20 19 35 19 9 9 8 10 88 2 9 8 0 9 10/05/03/00/00/00/00/00 21 20 36 20 9 9 8 12 89 2 10 9 0 9 10/05/03/00/00/00/00/00 22 21 37 21 9 9 8 12 89 2 10 9 0 9 10/05/04/00/00/00/00/00 23 21 37 21 10 10 8 12 89 2 10 9 0 10 10/05/04/00/00/00/00/00 24 22 38 22 10 10 8 12 89 2 11 9 0 10 11/06/04/00/00/00/00/00 25 23 39 23 10 10 8 12 89 2 11 9 0 10 11/06/04/00/00/00/00/00 26 23 40 23 10 10 8 12 90 2 11 10 0 10 11/06/05/00/00/00/00/00 27 24 41 24 10 10 8 14 90 2 12 10 0 10 11/06/05/00/00/00/00/00 28 25 41 25 11 11 8 14 90 2 12 10 0 11 11/06/05/00/00/00/00/00 29 26 42 26 11 11 8 14 90 2 13 10 0 11 11/07/05/00/00/00/00/00 30 26 43 26 11 11 8 14 90 2 13 10 0 11 12/07/05/00/00/00/00/00 31 27 44 27 11 11 8 14 91 2 13 11 0 11 12/07/06/00/00/00/00/00 32 28 45 28 11 11 8 16 91 2 14 11 0 11 12/07/06/00/00/00/00/00 33 28 45 28 12 12 10 16 91 2 14 11 0 12 12/07/06/00/00/00/00/00 34 29 46 29 12 12 10 16 91 2 14 11 0 12 12/07/06/00/00/00/00/00 35 30 47 30 12 12 10 16 91 2 15 11 0 12 12/08/06/00/00/00/00/00 36 30 48 30 12 12 12 16 92 3 15 12 0 12 12/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 37 31 49 31 12 12 12 16 92 3 15 12 0 12 13/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 38 32 49 32 13 13 12 18 92 3 16 12 0 13 13/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 39 33 50 33 13 13 12 18 92 3 16 12 0 13 13/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 40 33 51 33 13 13 12 18 92 3 16 12 0 13 13/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 41 34 52 34 13 13 12 18 93 3 17 13 0 13 13/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 42 35 53 35 13 13 12 18 93 3 17 13 0 13 13/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 43 35 53 35 14 14 12 18 93 3 17 13 0 14 13/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 44 36 54 36 14 14 12 20 93 3 18 13 0 14 14/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 45 37 55 37 14 14 12 20 93 3 18 13 0 14 14/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 46 38 56 38 14 14 12 20 94 3 19 14 0 14 14/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 47 38 57 38 14 14 12 20 94 3 19 14 0 14 14/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 48 39 57 39 15 15 12 20 94 3 19 14 0 15 14/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 49 40 58 40 15 15 14 22 94 3 20 14 0 15 14/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 50 40 59 40 15 15 14 22 94 3 20 14 0 15 14/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 51 41 60 41 15 15 14 22 95 3 20 15 0 15 14/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 52 42 60 42 16 16 14 22 95 3 21 15 0 16 15/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 53 42 61 42 16 16 14 22 95 3 21 15 0 16 15/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 54 43 62 43 16 16 14 22 95 3 21 15 0 16 15/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 55 44 63 44 16 16 14 24 95 3 22 15 0 16 15/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 56 45 64 45 16 16 16 24 96 4 22 16 0 16 15/10/10/00/00/00/00/00 57 45 64 45 17 17 16 24 96 4 22 16 0 17 15/11/10/00/00/00/00/00 58 46 65 46 17 17 16 24 96 4 23 16 0 17 15/11/10/00/00/00/00/00 59 47 66 47 17 17 16 24 96 4 23 16 0 17 15/11/10/00/00/00/00/00 60 47 67 47 17 17 16 24 96 4 23 16 0 17 16/11/10/00/00/00/00/00 61 48 68 48 17 17 16 26 97 4 24 17 0 17 16/11/10/00/00/00/00/00 62 49 68 49 18 18 16 26 97 4 24 17 0 18 16/11/10/00/00/00/00/00 63 50 69 50 18 18 16 26 97 4 25 17 0 18 16/11/10/00/00/00/00/00 64 50 70 50 18 18 16 26 97 4 25 17 0 18 16/11/11/00/00/00/00/00 65 51 71 51 18 18 18 26 97 4 25 17 0 18 16/12/11/00/00/00/00/00 66 52 72 52 18 18 18 28 98 4 26 18 0 18 16/12/11/00/00/00/00/00 67 52 72 52 19 19 18 28 98 4 26 18 0 19 16/12/11/00/00/00/00/00 68 53 73 53 19 19 18 28 98 4 26 18 0 19 16/12/11/00/00/00/00/00 69 54 74 54 19 19 18 28 98 4 27 18 0 19 17/12/11/00/00/00/00/00 70 54 75 54 19 19 18 28 98 4 27 18 0 19 17/12/11/00/00/00/00/00 71 55 76 55 19 19 18 28 99 4 27 19 0 19 17/12/11/00/00/00/00/00 72 56 76 56 20 20 18 30 99 4 28 19 0 20 17/12/12/00/00/00/00/00 73 57 77 57 20 20 18 30 99 4 28 19 0 20 17/12/12/00/00/00/00/00 74 57 78 57 20 20 18 30 99 4 28 19 0 20 17/13/12/00/00/00/00/00 75 58 79 58 20 20 18 30 99 4 29 19 0 20 17/13/12/00/00/00/00/00 76 59 80 59 20 20 20 30 99 5 29 20 0 20 17/13/12/00/00/00/00/00 77 59 80 59 21 21 20 30 99 5 29 20 0 21 17/13/12/00/00/00/00/00 78 60 81 60 21 21 20 32 99 5 30 20 0 21 18/13/12/00/00/00/00/00 79 61 82 61 21 21 20 32 99 5 30 20 0 21 18/13/12/00/00/00/00/00 80 62 83 62 21 21 20 32 99 5 31 20 0 21 18/13/12/00/00/00/00/00 81 62 84 62 21 21 22 32 99 5 31 21 0 21 18/13/13/00/00/00/00/00 82 63 84 63 22 22 22 32 99 5 31 21 0 22 18/13/13/00/00/00/00/00 83 64 85 64 22 22 22 34 99 5 32 21 0 22 18/14/13/00/00/00/00/00 84 64 86 64 22 22 22 34 99 5 32 21 0 22 18/14/13/00/00/00/00/00 85 65 87 65 22 22 22 34 99 5 32 21 0 22 18/14/13/00/00/00/00/00 86 66 88 66 22 22 22 34 99 5 33 22 0 22 18/14/13/00/00/00/00/00 87 67 88 67 23 23 22 34 99 5 33 22 0 23 18/14/13/00/00/00/00/00 88 67 89 67 23 23 22 34 99 5 33 22 0 23 19/14/13/00/00/00/00/00 89 68 90 68 23 23 22 36 99 5 34 22 0 23 19/14/13/00/00/00/00/00 90 69 91 69 23 23 22 36 99 5 34 22 0 23 19/14/14/00/00/00/00/00 91 69 92 69 23 23 22 36 99 5 34 23 0 23 19/14/14/00/00/00/00/00 92 70 92 70 24 24 22 36 99 5 35 23 0 24 19/14/14/00/00/00/00/00 93 71 93 71 24 24 22 36 99 5 35 23 0 24 19/15/14/00/00/00/00/00 94 71 94 71 24 24 22 36 99 5 35 23 0 24 19/15/14/00/00/00/00/00 95 72 95 72 24 24 22 38 99 5 36 23 0 24 19/15/14/00/00/00/00/00 96 73 96 73 24 24 24 38 99 6 36 24 0 24 19/15/14/00/00/00/00/00 97 74 96 74 25 25 26 38 99 6 37 24 0 25 19/15/14/00/00/00/00/00 98 74 97 74 25 25 26 38 99 6 37 24 0 25 20/15/14/00/00/00/00/00 99 75 98 75 25 25 26 38 99 6 37 24 0 25 20/15/14/00/00/00/00/00 Rating : 2 ----------------- 2.1.05 - KNIGHT ----------------- Description : Valiant and honorable, they are physically and spiritually disciplined in the art of fighting to protect the oppressed. Specialty : Cover - takes the physical damage for allies with critical in HP. Usefulness : A party with a Fighter in its ranks should immediately change for this job once you get it. Very reliable even later in the game. Evaluation : Good damage dealer as well as damage absorber. A combination of good offense and defense. It has the capability to equip the best weapons in the game, but the Masamune. The great HP progression and ability to equip the Crystal Armor, will guaranty that he can stand alone for a long time! Like the Fighter, it is a balanced comnination of Offense and Defense plus, it has good speed. For those who got the Fighter job, be sure to change to this job as soon as you get it. It's not only better, but also looks cooler. Cover is essentially useful when you have your White Wizard in a critical status. Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Levels 10-19: Str = , Agi = , Vit + Levels 20-29: Str + , Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 30-39: Str + , Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 40-49: Str + , Agi + , Vit + Levels 50-59: Str + , Agi + , Vit + Levels 60-69: Str + , Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 70-79: Str + , Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 80-89: Str + , Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 90-99: Str + , Agi + , Vit ++ Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 10 10 10 3 7 2 6 82 1 5 2 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 11 11 11 3 7 2 6 82 1 5 2 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 11 11 12 4 8 2 6 82 1 6 2 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 12 12 13 4 8 2 8 83 1 6 3 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 13 13 14 4 8 2 8 83 1 7 3 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 14 14 14 4 8 2 8 83 1 7 3 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 14 14 15 5 8 2 8 83 1 7 3 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 15 15 16 5 8 2 8 83 1 8 3 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 16 16 16 5 9 4 10 84 1 8 4 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 17 17 17 5 9 4 10 84 1 8 4 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 17 17 18 5 9 4 10 84 1 9 4 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 18 18 18 6 9 4 10 84 1 9 4 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 19 19 19 6 9 4 10 84 1 9 4 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 20 20 20 6 10 4 12 85 1 10 5 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 20 20 21 6 10 4 12 85 1 10 5 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 21 21 21 7 10 4 12 85 1 10 5 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 22 22 22 7 10 6 12 85 1 11 5 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 23 23 23 7 10 6 12 85 1 11 5 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 19 23 23 23 7 10 6 12 85 1 11 5 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 24 24 24 7 11 6 14 86 1 12 6 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 25 25 25 8 11 6 14 86 1 12 6 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 26 26 26 8 11 6 14 86 1 13 6 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 26 26 26 8 11 6 14 86 1 13 6 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 27 27 27 8 11 6 14 86 1 13 6 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 28 28 28 9 12 6 16 87 1 14 7 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 29 29 28 9 12 6 16 87 1 14 7 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 29 29 29 9 12 6 16 87 1 14 7 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 30 30 30 9 12 6 16 87 1 15 7 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 31 31 31 9 12 6 16 87 1 15 7 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 32 32 31 10 12 8 18 88 2 15 8 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 32 32 32 10 13 8 18 88 2 16 8 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 33 33 33 10 13 8 18 88 2 16 8 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 34 34 33 10 13 10 18 88 2 16 8 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 35 35 34 11 13 10 18 88 2 17 8 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 36 36 35 11 13 10 20 89 2 17 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 36 36 35 11 14 10 20 89 2 17 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 37 37 36 11 14 10 20 89 2 18 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 38 38 37 11 14 10 20 89 2 18 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 39 39 38 12 14 10 20 89 2 19 9 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 39 39 38 12 14 10 20 89 2 19 9 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 40 40 39 12 14 10 22 90 2 19 10 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 41 41 40 12 15 10 22 90 2 20 10 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 42 42 40 13 15 10 22 90 2 20 10 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 42 42 41 13 15 10 22 90 2 20 10 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 43 43 42 13 15 10 22 90 2 21 10 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 44 44 43 13 15 10 24 91 2 21 11 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 45 45 43 13 16 10 24 91 2 21 11 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 45 45 44 14 16 10 24 91 2 22 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 46 46 45 14 16 12 24 91 2 22 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 47 47 45 14 16 12 24 91 2 22 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 48 48 46 14 16 14 26 92 3 23 12 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 48 48 47 15 16 14 26 92 3 23 12 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 49 49 47 15 17 14 26 92 3 23 12 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 50 50 48 15 17 14 26 92 3 24 12 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 51 51 49 15 17 14 26 92 3 24 12 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 51 51 50 15 17 14 26 92 3 25 12 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 52 52 50 16 17 14 28 93 3 25 13 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 53 53 51 16 18 14 28 93 3 25 13 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 54 54 52 16 18 14 28 93 3 26 13 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 54 54 52 16 18 14 28 93 3 26 13 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 55 55 53 17 18 14 28 93 3 26 13 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 56 56 54 17 18 14 30 94 3 27 14 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 57 57 55 17 18 14 30 94 3 27 14 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 57 57 55 17 19 14 30 94 3 27 14 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 58 58 56 17 19 16 30 94 3 28 14 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 59 59 57 18 19 16 30 94 3 28 14 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 60 60 57 18 19 16 32 95 3 28 15 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 61 61 58 18 19 16 32 95 3 29 15 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 61 61 59 18 20 16 32 95 3 29 15 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 62 62 59 19 20 16 32 95 3 29 15 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 63 63 60 19 20 16 32 95 3 30 15 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 64 64 61 19 20 18 34 96 4 30 16 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 64 64 62 19 20 18 34 96 4 31 16 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 65 65 62 19 20 18 34 96 4 31 16 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 66 66 63 20 21 18 34 96 4 31 16 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 67 67 64 20 21 18 34 96 4 32 16 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 67 67 64 20 21 18 34 96 4 32 16 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 68 68 65 20 21 18 36 97 4 32 17 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 69 69 66 21 21 18 36 97 4 33 17 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 70 70 67 21 22 18 36 97 4 33 17 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 70 70 67 21 22 20 36 97 4 33 17 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 71 71 68 21 22 20 36 97 4 34 17 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 72 72 69 21 22 20 38 98 4 34 18 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 73 73 69 22 22 20 38 98 4 34 18 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 73 73 70 22 22 20 38 98 4 35 18 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 74 74 71 22 23 20 38 98 4 35 18 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 75 75 72 22 23 20 38 98 4 36 18 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 76 76 72 23 23 20 40 99 4 36 19 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 76 76 73 23 23 20 40 99 4 36 19 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 77 77 74 23 23 20 40 99 4 37 19 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 78 78 74 23 24 20 40 99 4 37 19 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 79 79 75 23 24 20 40 99 4 37 19 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 79 79 76 24 24 20 40 99 4 38 19 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 80 80 76 24 24 22 42 99 5 38 20 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 81 81 77 24 24 22 42 99 5 38 20 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 82 82 78 24 24 22 42 99 5 39 20 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 82 82 79 25 25 24 42 99 5 39 20 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 83 83 79 25 25 24 42 99 5 39 20 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 84 84 80 25 25 24 44 99 5 40 21 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 Rating : 4 ---------------- 2.1.06 - THIEF ---------------- Description : With agile body and hands, they can take someone's property without being detected. Their skill and boldness are legendary. Specialty : Steal - steals items... not very useful. Escape - 100% run, ineffective vs bosses Usefulness : Hardly useful, IMHO. The best trait of this kid is its speed, but surprisingly, the Hunter is faster than it until the late level 80's. Stay with the Knight. Evaluation : Its "Escape" command is essential in tough situations where discretion is the better part of valor. If you want to acquire some items locked in magically sealed doors without the need to waste gil for Magic Key, put him in the lead. I understand he excels in lockpicking, but it's sealed by magic!?! Hmmmm... Thievery is starting to become an art. The "Steal" ability is a no, no! It's a big waste of turn. Well, if you want Potions or Antidotes... GO AHEAD! Seriously, it's not really worth the turn. As a warrior, he's not really that useful as well. You can equip him with boomerangs and put him in the back row, but you can't expect it to provide for all your offense needs unlike the other warriros. With regard to its great speed, unfortunately, its only third in the game :( Think of it as a speed uped Fighter job. Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str = , Agi + , Vit = Levels 10-19: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 20-29: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 30-39: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 40-49: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 50-59: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 60-69: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi +++, Vit = Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 10 15 9 5 1 2 6 83 0 4 3 0 3 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 11 16 10 6 1 4 6 84 1 5 4 0 3 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 12 17 10 7 1 4 8 84 1 5 4 0 4 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 13 17 11 8 1 4 8 84 1 5 4 0 4 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 13 18 11 9 1 4 8 84 1 5 4 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 14 19 11 9 1 4 8 84 1 5 4 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 15 20 12 10 1 4 8 85 1 6 5 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 15 21 12 11 1 4 8 85 1 6 5 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 16 22 13 11 1 4 10 85 1 6 5 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 17 22 13 12 1 4 10 85 1 6 5 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 17 23 14 13 1 4 10 85 1 7 5 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 18 24 14 13 1 4 10 86 1 7 6 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 19 25 14 14 1 4 10 86 1 7 6 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 19 26 15 15 1 4 10 86 1 7 6 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 20 27 15 16 1 4 12 86 1 7 6 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 21 28 16 16 1 4 12 87 1 8 7 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 21 28 16 17 1 6 12 87 1 8 7 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 22 29 16 18 1 6 12 87 1 8 7 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 19 22 30 17 18 1 6 12 87 1 8 7 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 23 31 17 19 1 6 12 87 1 8 7 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 24 32 18 20 1 8 14 88 2 9 8 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 24 33 18 21 1 8 14 88 2 9 8 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 25 34 19 21 1 8 14 88 2 9 8 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 26 34 19 22 1 8 14 88 2 9 8 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 26 35 19 23 1 8 14 88 2 9 8 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 27 36 20 23 1 8 14 89 2 10 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 28 37 20 24 1 8 16 89 2 10 9 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 28 38 21 25 1 8 16 89 2 10 9 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 29 39 21 26 1 8 16 89 2 10 9 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 30 39 21 26 1 8 16 89 2 10 9 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 30 40 22 27 1 8 16 90 2 11 10 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 31 41 22 28 1 8 16 90 2 11 10 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 32 42 23 28 1 10 18 90 2 11 10 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 32 43 23 29 1 10 18 90 2 11 10 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 33 44 23 30 1 10 18 91 2 11 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 34 45 24 30 1 10 18 91 2 12 11 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 34 45 24 31 1 10 18 91 2 12 11 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 35 46 25 32 1 10 18 91 2 12 11 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 36 47 25 33 1 10 20 91 2 12 11 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 36 48 26 33 1 12 20 92 3 13 12 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 37 49 26 34 1 12 20 92 3 13 12 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 38 50 26 35 1 12 20 92 3 13 12 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 38 50 27 35 1 12 20 92 3 13 12 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 39 51 27 36 1 12 20 92 3 13 12 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 40 52 28 37 1 12 22 93 3 14 13 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 40 53 28 38 1 12 22 93 3 14 13 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 41 54 28 38 1 12 22 93 3 14 13 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 42 55 29 39 1 12 22 93 3 14 13 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 42 56 29 40 1 14 22 94 3 14 14 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 43 56 30 40 1 14 22 94 3 15 14 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 43 57 30 41 1 14 22 94 3 15 14 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 44 58 31 42 1 14 24 94 3 15 14 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 45 59 31 42 1 14 24 94 3 15 14 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 45 60 31 43 1 14 24 95 3 15 15 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 46 61 32 44 1 14 24 95 3 16 15 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 47 62 32 45 1 14 24 95 3 16 15 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 47 62 33 45 1 14 24 95 3 16 15 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 48 63 33 46 1 14 26 95 3 16 15 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 49 64 33 47 1 16 26 96 4 16 16 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 49 65 34 47 1 16 26 96 4 17 16 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 50 66 34 48 1 16 26 96 4 17 16 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 51 67 35 49 1 16 26 96 4 17 16 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 51 67 35 50 1 16 26 96 4 17 16 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 52 68 36 50 1 16 28 97 4 18 17 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 53 69 36 51 1 18 28 97 4 18 17 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 53 70 36 52 1 18 28 97 4 18 17 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 54 71 37 52 1 18 28 97 4 18 17 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 55 72 37 53 1 18 28 98 4 18 18 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 55 73 38 54 1 18 28 98 4 19 18 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 56 73 38 54 1 18 30 98 4 19 18 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 57 74 38 55 1 18 30 98 4 19 18 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 57 75 39 56 1 18 30 98 4 19 18 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 58 76 39 57 1 18 30 99 4 19 19 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 59 77 40 57 1 18 30 99 4 20 19 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 59 78 40 58 1 18 30 99 4 20 19 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 60 78 40 59 1 18 32 99 4 20 19 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 61 79 41 59 1 18 32 99 4 20 19 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 61 80 41 60 1 20 32 99 5 20 20 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 62 81 42 61 1 20 32 99 5 21 20 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 63 82 42 62 1 20 32 99 5 21 20 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 63 83 43 62 1 22 32 99 5 21 20 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 64 84 43 63 1 22 34 99 5 21 21 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 64 84 43 64 1 22 34 99 5 21 21 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 65 85 44 64 1 22 34 99 5 22 21 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 66 86 44 65 1 22 34 99 5 22 21 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 66 87 45 66 1 22 34 99 5 22 21 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 67 88 45 67 1 22 34 99 5 22 22 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 68 89 45 67 1 22 36 99 5 22 22 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 68 90 46 68 1 22 36 99 5 23 22 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 69 90 46 69 1 22 36 99 5 23 22 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 70 91 47 69 1 22 36 99 5 23 22 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 70 92 47 70 1 22 36 99 5 23 23 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 71 93 48 71 1 22 36 99 5 24 23 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 72 94 48 71 1 22 38 99 5 24 23 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 72 95 48 72 1 22 38 99 5 24 23 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 73 95 49 73 1 22 38 99 5 24 23 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 74 96 49 74 1 26 38 99 6 24 24 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 74 97 50 74 1 26 38 99 6 25 24 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 75 98 50 75 1 26 38 99 6 25 24 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 Rating : 2 ------------------------- 2.1.07 - DRAGOON/LANCER ------------------------- Description : Imitating flying dragons, this warrior can jump high into the sky and attack its enemies despite their heavy equipments. Specialty : Jump - jumps on the air to deal 2x damage. Safe from enemy attacks while on air. Very useful for some tough boss. Usefulness : It's best used as a boss killer. It will definitely make hard bosses easy. I also find it very useful when traversing dungeons with multiplying (splitting) enemies (if you don't want to spend some MP) while waiting for the Mystic Knight's 'Dark Swords'. For regular dungeons, use the Karateka. Evaluation : One of my most favorite job! It's like getting the Knight, but able to "Jump". Good combination of offense and quickness. It can even use the Crystal Equipments. Despite its heavy equips, this guy is one of the fastest jobs at later levels. Very useful in some tough enemies, especially in dungeons with multiplying enemies ... while waiting for the Mystic Knight. Many boss are not so easy, but a Dragoon can make that battle as easy as possible. Hey! I defeated FF3 & FF5's Bahamut with a purely Dragoon party!!! See? Even the "King of Dragons" bows down before this job? They are pretty quick for a heavy-armored warrior. My only criticism is that why is his HP progression cannot go on par with that of a Knight? It is great up to the later half of the level ladder, but becomes less useful as it reaches the highest level when compared to the other warriors in its batch. Anyway, my flying Knight is still a force to reckon with. Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str ++, Agi = , Vit = Levels 10-19: Str ++, Agi + , Vit = Levels 20-29: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit = Levels 30-39: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit = Levels 40-49: Str + , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 50-59: Str + , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 60-69: Str + , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi ++, Vit = Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi +++, Vit = Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 20 10 10 5 10 2 12 82 0 5 2 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 21 11 11 5 11 2 12 82 0 5 2 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 22 12 11 6 11 2 12 83 0 5 3 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 22 13 12 6 12 2 12 83 0 6 3 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 23 13 12 6 12 2 12 83 0 6 3 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 23 14 12 6 12 2 12 83 0 6 3 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 24 15 13 6 13 2 14 83 0 6 3 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 24 16 13 7 13 4 14 84 1 6 4 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 25 17 14 7 14 4 14 84 1 7 4 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 26 18 14 7 14 4 14 84 1 7 4 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 26 19 14 7 14 4 14 84 1 7 4 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 27 20 15 7 15 4 14 85 1 7 5 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 27 21 15 8 15 4 14 85 1 7 5 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 28 22 16 8 16 4 16 85 1 8 5 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 28 22 16 8 16 4 16 85 1 8 5 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 29 23 16 8 16 4 16 85 1 8 5 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 29 24 17 8 17 6 16 86 1 8 6 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 30 25 17 9 17 6 16 86 1 8 6 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 19 31 26 18 9 18 6 16 86 1 9 6 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 31 27 18 9 18 6 16 86 1 9 6 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 32 28 18 9 18 6 18 87 1 9 7 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 32 29 19 9 19 6 18 87 1 9 7 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 33 30 19 10 19 6 18 87 1 9 7 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 33 31 20 10 20 6 18 87 1 10 7 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 34 31 20 10 20 6 18 87 1 10 7 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 34 32 21 10 21 8 18 88 2 10 8 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 35 33 21 10 21 8 18 88 2 10 8 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 36 34 21 11 21 8 20 88 2 10 8 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 36 35 22 11 22 8 20 88 2 11 8 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 37 36 22 11 22 8 20 89 2 11 9 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 37 37 23 11 23 8 20 89 2 11 9 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 38 38 23 11 23 8 20 89 2 11 9 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 38 39 23 12 23 10 20 89 2 11 9 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 39 40 24 12 24 10 20 90 2 12 10 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 39 40 24 12 24 10 20 90 2 12 10 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 40 41 25 12 25 10 22 90 2 12 10 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 41 42 25 12 25 10 22 90 2 12 10 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 41 43 25 13 25 10 22 90 2 12 10 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 42 44 26 13 26 10 22 91 2 13 11 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 42 45 26 13 26 10 22 91 2 13 11 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 43 46 27 13 27 10 22 91 2 13 11 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 43 47 27 13 27 10 22 91 2 13 11 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 44 48 27 14 27 12 24 92 3 13 12 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 44 49 28 14 28 12 24 92 3 14 12 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 45 49 28 14 28 12 24 92 3 14 12 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 46 50 29 14 29 12 24 92 3 14 12 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 46 51 29 14 29 12 24 92 3 14 12 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 47 52 29 15 29 12 24 93 3 14 13 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 47 53 30 15 30 14 24 93 3 15 13 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 48 54 30 15 30 14 26 93 3 15 13 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 48 55 31 15 31 14 26 93 3 15 13 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 49 56 31 16 31 14 26 94 3 15 14 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 49 57 31 16 31 14 26 94 3 15 14 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 50 58 32 16 32 14 26 94 3 16 14 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 51 58 32 16 32 14 26 94 3 16 14 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 51 59 33 16 33 14 26 94 3 16 14 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 52 60 33 17 33 14 28 95 3 16 15 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 52 61 33 17 33 14 28 95 3 16 15 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 53 62 34 17 34 14 28 95 3 17 15 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 53 63 34 17 34 14 28 95 3 17 15 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 54 64 35 17 35 16 28 96 4 17 16 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 54 65 35 18 35 16 28 96 4 17 16 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 55 66 35 18 35 16 28 96 4 17 16 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 56 67 36 18 36 16 30 96 4 18 16 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 56 67 36 18 36 18 30 96 4 18 16 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 57 68 37 18 37 18 30 97 4 18 17 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 57 69 37 19 37 18 30 97 4 18 17 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 58 70 37 19 37 18 30 97 4 18 17 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 58 71 38 19 38 18 30 97 4 19 17 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 59 72 38 19 38 18 30 98 4 19 18 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 59 73 39 19 39 18 30 98 4 19 18 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 60 74 39 20 39 18 32 98 4 19 18 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 61 75 39 20 39 18 32 98 4 19 18 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 61 76 40 20 40 18 32 99 4 20 19 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 62 76 40 20 40 18 32 99 4 20 19 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 62 77 41 20 41 18 32 99 4 20 19 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 63 78 41 21 41 18 32 99 4 20 19 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 63 79 42 21 42 18 32 99 4 21 19 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 64 80 42 21 42 20 34 99 5 21 20 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 64 81 42 21 42 20 34 99 5 21 20 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 65 82 43 21 43 22 34 99 5 21 20 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 66 83 43 22 43 22 34 99 5 21 20 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 66 84 44 22 44 22 34 99 5 22 21 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 67 85 44 22 44 22 34 99 5 22 21 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 67 85 44 22 44 22 34 99 5 22 21 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 68 86 45 22 45 22 36 99 5 22 21 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 68 87 45 23 45 22 36 99 5 22 21 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 69 88 46 23 46 22 36 99 5 23 22 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 69 89 46 23 46 22 36 99 5 23 22 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 70 90 46 23 46 22 36 99 5 23 22 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 71 91 47 23 47 22 36 99 5 23 22 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 71 92 47 24 47 22 36 99 5 23 23 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 72 93 48 24 48 22 38 99 5 24 23 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 72 94 48 24 48 22 38 99 5 24 23 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 73 94 48 24 48 22 38 99 5 24 23 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 73 95 49 24 49 22 38 99 5 24 23 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 74 96 49 25 49 26 38 99 6 24 24 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 74 97 50 25 50 26 38 99 6 25 24 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 75 98 50 25 50 26 38 99 6 25 24 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 Rating : 4 ----------------- 2.1.08 - VIKING ----------------- Description : Trainnig their bodies to endure even the most deadly attacks, this barbaric knight are good defenders. Specialty : --- Usefulness : The best use of this job is for increasing your total HP upon level up. When you know you're near level up, change to this job (if you don't want the Karateka) to inherit its great HP boost. Return to your former job and wait until the next level up before you consider using the Viking again :) Evaluation : A defensive fighter at best. It's axes and hammers are quite deadly, but the frequent "miss" diminishes its usefulness. Even though it is known that they are sea fighters, there's really no difference in its performance vis-a-vis the performance of other warriors when dealing with sea pests. On the good note, this guy has one of the best defensive capability: Great HP, great Vitality, great Physical Defense. Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str + , Agi - , Vit +++ Levels 10-19: Str + , Agi - , Vit +++ Levels 20-29: Str + , Agi - , Vit +++ Levels 30-39: Str + , Agi - , Vit +++ Levels 40-49: Str + , Agi --, Vit +++ Levels 50-59: Str + , Agi --, Vit +++ Levels 60-69: Str + , Agi --, Vit +++ Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi --, Vit +++ Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi --, Vit +++ Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi ---, Vit +++ Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 15 10 20 5 5 2 8 82 0 10 2 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 16 11 21 5 6 2 10 82 0 10 2 0 5 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 17 11 21 6 6 2 10 82 0 10 2 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 17 12 22 6 7 2 10 83 0 11 3 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 18 12 23 6 7 2 10 83 0 11 3 0 6 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 19 12 24 6 8 2 10 83 0 12 3 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 19 13 25 6 8 2 10 83 0 12 3 0 7 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 20 13 25 7 9 2 12 83 0 12 3 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 20 14 26 7 9 2 12 83 0 13 3 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 21 14 27 7 10 2 12 83 0 13 3 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 22 14 28 7 10 2 12 83 0 14 3 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 22 15 29 7 10 2 12 83 0 14 3 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 23 15 29 8 11 2 12 83 0 14 3 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 23 16 30 8 11 4 12 84 1 15 4 0 9 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 24 16 31 8 12 4 14 84 1 15 4 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 25 16 32 8 12 4 14 84 1 16 4 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 25 17 33 8 13 6 14 84 1 16 4 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 26 17 33 9 13 6 14 84 1 16 4 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 19 27 18 34 9 14 6 14 84 1 17 4 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 27 18 35 9 14 6 14 84 1 17 4 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 28 18 36 9 15 6 16 84 1 18 4 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 28 19 37 9 15 6 16 84 1 18 4 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 29 19 37 10 15 6 16 84 1 18 4 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 30 20 38 10 16 6 16 85 1 19 5 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 30 20 39 10 16 6 16 85 1 19 5 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 31 21 40 10 17 6 16 85 1 20 5 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 31 21 41 10 17 6 16 85 1 20 5 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 32 21 41 11 18 6 18 85 1 20 5 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 33 22 42 11 18 6 18 85 1 21 5 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 33 22 43 11 19 6 18 85 1 21 5 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 34 23 44 11 19 6 18 85 1 22 5 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 34 23 45 11 20 6 18 85 1 22 5 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 35 23 45 12 20 8 18 85 1 22 5 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 36 24 46 12 20 8 20 86 1 23 6 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 36 24 47 12 21 8 20 86 1 23 6 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 37 25 48 12 21 8 20 86 1 24 6 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 37 25 49 12 22 8 20 86 1 24 6 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 38 25 49 13 22 8 20 86 1 24 6 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 39 26 50 13 23 8 20 86 1 25 6 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 39 26 51 13 23 8 20 86 1 25 6 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 40 27 52 13 24 8 22 86 1 26 6 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 40 27 53 13 24 8 22 86 1 26 6 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 41 27 53 14 25 8 22 86 1 26 6 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 42 28 54 14 25 8 22 87 1 27 7 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 42 28 55 14 25 8 22 87 1 27 7 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 43 29 56 14 26 8 22 87 1 28 7 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 43 29 57 14 26 8 22 87 1 28 7 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 44 29 57 15 27 8 24 87 1 28 7 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 45 30 58 15 27 10 24 87 1 29 7 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 45 30 59 15 28 10 24 87 1 29 7 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 46 31 60 15 28 10 24 87 1 30 7 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 47 31 60 16 29 10 24 87 1 30 7 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 47 31 61 16 29 10 24 87 1 30 7 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 48 32 62 16 30 12 26 88 2 31 8 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 48 32 63 16 30 12 26 88 2 31 8 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 49 33 64 16 30 12 26 88 2 32 8 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 50 33 64 17 31 12 26 88 2 32 8 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 50 33 65 17 31 12 26 88 2 32 8 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 51 34 66 17 32 12 26 88 2 33 8 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 51 34 67 17 32 12 26 88 2 33 8 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 52 35 68 17 33 12 28 88 2 34 8 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 53 35 68 18 33 12 28 88 2 34 8 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 53 35 69 18 34 12 28 88 2 34 8 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 54 36 70 18 34 12 28 89 2 35 9 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 54 36 71 18 35 14 28 89 2 35 9 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 55 37 72 18 35 14 28 89 2 36 9 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 56 37 72 19 35 14 30 89 2 36 9 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 56 37 73 19 36 14 30 89 2 36 9 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 57 38 74 19 36 14 30 89 2 37 9 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 57 38 75 19 37 14 30 89 2 37 9 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 58 39 76 19 37 14 30 89 2 38 9 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 59 39 76 20 38 14 30 89 2 38 9 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 59 39 77 20 38 14 30 89 2 38 9 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 60 40 78 20 39 14 32 90 2 39 10 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 60 40 79 20 39 14 32 90 2 39 10 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 61 41 80 20 40 14 32 90 2 40 10 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 62 41 80 21 40 14 32 90 2 40 10 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 62 42 81 21 40 14 32 90 2 40 10 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 63 42 82 21 41 14 32 90 2 41 10 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 63 42 83 21 41 14 32 90 2 41 10 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 64 43 84 21 42 16 34 90 2 42 10 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 65 43 84 22 42 16 34 90 2 42 10 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 65 44 85 22 43 16 34 91 2 42 11 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 66 44 86 22 43 16 34 91 2 43 11 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 67 44 87 22 44 16 34 91 2 43 11 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 67 45 88 22 44 16 34 91 2 44 11 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 68 45 88 23 45 16 36 91 2 44 11 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 68 46 89 23 45 16 36 91 2 44 11 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 69 46 90 23 45 16 36 91 2 45 11 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 70 46 91 23 46 16 36 91 2 45 11 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 70 47 92 23 46 16 36 91 2 46 11 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 71 47 92 24 47 16 36 91 2 46 11 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 71 48 93 24 47 18 36 92 3 46 12 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 72 48 94 24 48 18 38 92 3 47 12 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 73 48 95 24 48 18 38 92 3 47 12 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 73 49 96 24 49 18 38 92 3 48 12 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 74 49 96 25 49 20 38 92 3 48 12 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 74 50 97 25 50 20 38 92 3 48 12 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 75 50 98 25 50 20 38 92 3 49 12 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 Rating : 2 ---------------------------------------------- 2.1.09 - KARATEKA/GRAND MASTER/MASTER KARATE ---------------------------------------------- Description : Marial arts expert who has diciplined their body and soul. They are ready to get toe-to-toe even with the most powerful beings there is. Specialty : BuildUp - increases physical attack up to 4x if used twice. Use it the third time and you'll be losing half of your HP. Sronger when bare-handed Usefulness : If you happen to still using the Monk at this point in time, you better change now. Unless you're using the Ninja or a FEOK, it this is the best physical offensive job you can use. Like the Monk, it's very cheap to maintain. Evaluation : A far better Monk. Now, use "BuildUp" to deal double damage! Use it again to deal 4x damage! Use once more and you'll be "over- loaded" - lose HP and your buildup power will reset to 0. Cast 'Haste' on him and see him thrive! Don't be "too happy", though, "BuildUp" consumes a turn and will make you vitality 0... as if you are trying to flee from battles... while charging up. As usual... no better armor for you. Claws are useless and a waste of gil. Fight bare-handed. Its great Strength, great Vitality, great Attack Power, great Physical Defense and great HP growth is almost uncomparable. Definitely, it's one of the best job! As soon as you get this, change your Monk quickly! It's better in any aspect. Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str ++, Agi = , Vit +++ Levels 10-19: Str +++, Agi + , Vit +++ Levels 20-29: Str +++, Agi ++, Vit +++ Levels 30-39: Str +++, Agi ++, Vit +++ Levels 40-49: Str +++, Agi ++, Vit +++ Levels 50-59: Str +++, Agi ++, Vit +++ Levels 60-69: Str +++, Agi ++, Vit +++ Levels 70-79: Str +++, Agi ++, Vit +++ Levels 80-89: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit +++ Levels 90-99: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 23 10 20 1 1 4 14 82 1 10 2 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 24 11 21 1 1 4 18 82 1 10 2 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 24 12 21 1 1 4 22 83 1 10 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 25 13 22 1 1 4 24 83 1 11 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 26 13 23 1 1 4 28 83 1 11 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 27 14 24 1 1 4 30 83 1 12 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 27 15 25 1 1 4 34 83 1 12 3 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 28 16 25 1 1 4 38 84 1 12 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 29 17 26 1 1 4 42 84 1 13 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 30 18 27 1 1 4 44 84 1 13 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 30 19 28 1 1 4 48 84 1 14 4 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 31 20 29 1 1 4 50 85 1 14 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 32 21 29 1 1 4 56 85 1 14 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 33 22 30 1 1 4 58 85 1 15 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 34 22 31 1 1 4 62 85 1 15 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 34 23 32 1 1 4 64 85 1 16 5 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 35 24 33 1 1 6 68 86 1 16 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 36 25 33 1 1 6 72 86 1 16 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 19 37 26 34 1 1 6 76 86 1 17 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 37 27 35 1 1 6 78 86 1 17 6 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 38 28 36 1 1 6 82 87 1 18 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 39 29 37 1 1 6 84 87 1 18 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 40 30 37 1 1 6 90 87 1 18 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 40 31 38 1 1 6 92 87 1 19 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 41 31 39 1 1 6 96 87 1 19 7 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 42 32 40 1 1 8 98 88 2 20 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 43 33 41 1 1 8 102 88 2 20 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 43 34 41 1 1 8 104 88 2 20 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 44 35 42 1 1 8 110 88 2 21 8 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 45 36 43 1 1 8 112 89 2 21 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 46 37 44 1 1 8 116 89 2 22 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 47 38 45 1 1 8 118 89 2 22 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 47 39 45 1 1 10 122 89 2 22 9 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 48 40 46 1 1 10 126 90 2 23 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 49 40 47 1 1 10 130 90 2 23 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 50 41 48 1 1 10 132 90 2 24 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 50 42 49 1 1 10 136 90 2 24 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 51 43 49 1 1 10 138 90 2 24 10 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 52 44 50 1 1 10 144 91 2 25 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 53 45 51 1 1 10 146 91 2 25 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 53 46 52 1 1 10 150 91 2 26 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 54 47 53 1 1 10 152 91 2 26 11 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 55 48 53 1 1 12 156 92 3 26 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 56 49 54 1 1 12 160 92 3 27 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 57 49 55 1 1 12 164 92 3 27 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 57 50 56 1 1 12 166 92 3 28 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 58 51 57 1 1 12 170 92 3 28 12 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 59 52 57 1 1 12 172 93 3 28 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 60 53 58 1 1 14 178 93 3 29 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 60 54 59 1 1 14 180 93 3 29 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 61 55 60 1 1 14 184 93 3 30 13 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 62 56 60 1 1 14 186 94 3 30 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 63 57 61 1 1 14 190 94 3 30 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 63 58 62 1 1 14 192 94 3 31 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 64 58 63 1 1 14 198 94 3 31 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 65 59 64 1 1 14 200 94 3 32 14 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 66 60 64 1 1 14 204 95 3 32 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 67 61 65 1 1 14 206 95 3 32 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 67 62 66 1 1 14 210 95 3 33 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 68 63 67 1 1 14 214 95 3 33 15 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 69 64 68 1 1 16 218 96 4 34 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 70 65 68 1 1 16 220 96 4 34 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 70 66 69 1 1 16 224 96 4 34 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 71 67 70 1 1 16 226 96 4 35 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 72 67 71 1 1 18 232 96 4 35 16 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 73 68 72 1 1 18 234 97 4 36 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 73 69 72 1 1 18 238 97 4 36 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 74 70 73 1 1 18 240 97 4 36 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 75 71 74 1 1 18 244 97 4 37 17 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 76 72 75 1 1 18 248 98 4 37 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 77 73 76 1 1 18 252 98 4 38 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 77 74 76 1 1 18 254 98 4 38 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 78 75 77 1 1 18 258 98 4 38 18 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 79 76 78 1 1 18 260 99 4 39 19 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 80 76 79 1 1 18 266 99 4 39 19 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 80 77 80 1 1 18 268 99 4 40 19 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 81 78 80 1 1 18 272 99 4 40 19 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 82 79 81 1 1 18 274 99 4 40 19 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 83 80 82 1 1 20 278 99 5 41 20 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 83 81 83 1 1 20 280 99 5 41 20 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 84 82 84 1 1 22 286 99 5 42 20 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 85 83 84 1 1 22 288 99 5 42 20 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 86 84 85 1 1 22 292 99 5 42 21 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 86 85 86 1 1 22 294 99 5 43 21 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 87 85 87 1 1 22 298 99 5 43 21 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 88 86 88 1 1 22 302 99 5 44 21 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 89 87 88 1 1 22 306 99 5 44 21 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 90 88 89 1 1 22 308 99 5 44 22 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 90 89 90 1 1 22 312 99 5 45 22 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 91 90 91 1 1 22 314 99 5 45 22 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 92 91 92 1 1 22 320 99 5 46 22 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 93 92 92 1 1 22 322 99 5 46 23 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 93 93 93 1 1 22 326 99 5 46 23 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 94 94 94 1 1 22 328 99 5 47 23 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 95 94 95 1 1 22 332 99 5 47 23 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 96 95 96 1 1 22 336 99 5 48 23 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 96 96 96 1 1 26 340 99 6 48 24 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 97 97 97 1 1 26 342 99 6 48 24 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 98 98 98 1 1 26 346 99 6 49 24 0 1 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 Rating : 4 -------------------------------- 2.1.10 - MYSTIC KNIGHT/PALADIN -------------------------------- Description : Overcoming their fear of darkness, this knight uses the weapons of darkness against the evil forces. Specialty : Effective vs multiplying (splitting) enemies Usefulness : Worthless when you first get it. The only REAL reason, as far as I'm concerned, to use this job is when you're going through the dungeons where the annoying multiplying enemies appear. Its 'Dark Swords' are the ONLY truly effective weapons against such pests. Evaluation : The best job to use when taking dungeons with multipying enemies. Oh, BTW, it can only use the Crystal Armors found in the later dungeons :( and the ever cool Genji Equipments :) It can use all the best weapons, but Excalibur. However, Dark Swords are where their real use comes from. Using such weapons, you can get past the dungeons with splitting enemies without problem. They can also use Levels 1-3 white magic, except Aero, like the Hunter. In short, they are pretty reliable. Their low HP growth will make you think twice wether to choose other warriors like the Knight, Dragoon or Karateka. Still, it's one of the top tier warriors there is in this game. Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit = Levels 10-19: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit = Levels 20-29: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit = Levels 30-39: Str ++, Agi + , Vit = Levels 40-49: Str + , Agi + , Vit + Levels 50-59: Str + , Agi + , Vit - Levels 60-69: Str + , Agi = , Vit = Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi = , Vit = Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 20 20 10 2 3 4 12 85 1 5 5 0 2 04/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 21 21 11 3 4 4 12 85 1 5 5 0 3 05/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 22 22 11 3 4 4 12 85 1 5 5 0 3 05/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 22 22 12 4 5 4 12 85 1 6 5 0 4 06/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 23 23 12 4 5 4 12 85 1 6 5 0 4 06/01/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 23 23 12 5 6 4 12 85 1 6 5 0 5 06/01/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 24 24 13 5 6 4 14 86 1 6 6 0 5 06/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 24 24 13 6 7 4 14 86 1 6 6 0 6 07/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 25 25 14 6 7 4 14 86 1 7 6 0 6 07/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 26 26 14 7 8 4 14 86 1 7 6 0 7 07/02/01/00/00/00/00/00 11 26 26 14 7 8 4 14 86 1 7 6 0 7 07/03/01/00/00/00/00/00 12 27 27 15 8 9 4 14 86 1 7 6 0 8 07/03/02/00/00/00/00/00 13 27 27 15 8 9 4 14 86 1 7 6 0 8 07/03/02/00/00/00/00/00 14 28 28 16 9 10 4 16 87 1 8 7 0 9 08/03/02/00/00/00/00/00 15 28 28 16 9 10 4 16 87 1 8 7 0 9 08/03/02/00/00/00/00/00 16 29 29 16 10 11 4 16 87 1 8 7 0 10 08/03/03/00/00/00/00/00 17 29 29 17 10 11 6 16 87 1 8 7 0 10 08/04/03/00/00/00/00/00 18 30 30 17 11 12 6 16 87 1 8 7 0 11 08/04/03/00/00/00/00/00 19 31 31 18 11 12 6 16 87 1 9 7 0 11 08/04/03/00/00/00/00/00 20 31 31 18 12 12 6 16 87 1 9 7 0 12 08/04/03/00/00/00/00/00 21 32 32 18 12 13 8 18 88 2 9 8 0 12 08/04/03/00/00/00/00/00 22 32 32 19 13 13 8 18 88 2 9 8 0 13 09/04/04/00/00/00/00/00 23 33 33 19 13 14 8 18 88 2 9 8 0 13 09/04/04/00/00/00/00/00 24 33 33 20 14 14 8 18 88 2 10 8 0 14 09/04/04/00/00/00/00/00 25 34 34 20 14 15 8 18 88 2 10 8 0 14 09/05/04/00/00/00/00/00 26 34 34 21 15 15 8 18 88 2 10 8 0 15 09/05/04/00/00/00/00/00 27 35 35 21 15 16 8 18 88 2 10 8 0 15 09/05/04/00/00/00/00/00 28 36 36 21 16 16 8 20 89 2 10 9 0 16 09/05/04/00/00/00/00/00 29 36 36 22 16 17 8 20 89 2 11 9 0 16 09/05/04/00/00/00/00/00 30 37 37 22 17 17 8 20 89 2 11 9 0 17 09/05/05/00/00/00/00/00 31 37 37 23 17 18 8 20 89 2 11 9 0 17 09/05/05/00/00/00/00/00 32 38 38 23 18 18 8 20 89 2 11 9 0 18 10/05/05/00/00/00/00/00 33 38 38 23 18 19 10 20 89 2 11 9 0 18 10/05/05/00/00/00/00/00 34 39 39 24 18 19 10 20 89 2 12 9 0 18 10/05/05/00/00/00/00/00 35 39 39 24 19 20 10 20 89 2 12 9 0 19 10/06/05/00/00/00/00/00 36 40 40 25 19 20 10 22 90 2 12 10 0 19 10/06/05/00/00/00/00/00 37 41 41 25 20 21 10 22 90 2 12 10 0 20 10/06/05/00/00/00/00/00 38 41 41 25 20 21 10 22 90 2 12 10 0 20 10/06/05/00/00/00/00/00 39 42 42 26 21 22 10 22 90 2 13 10 0 21 10/06/05/00/00/00/00/00 40 42 42 26 21 22 10 22 90 2 13 10 0 21 10/06/06/00/00/00/00/00 41 43 43 27 22 22 10 22 90 2 13 10 0 22 10/06/06/00/00/00/00/00 42 43 43 27 22 23 10 22 90 2 13 10 0 22 10/06/06/00/00/00/00/00 43 44 44 27 23 23 10 24 91 2 13 11 0 23 10/06/06/00/00/00/00/00 44 44 44 28 23 24 10 24 91 2 14 11 0 23 11/06/06/00/00/00/00/00 45 45 45 28 24 24 10 24 91 2 14 11 0 24 11/06/06/00/00/00/00/00 46 46 46 29 24 25 10 24 91 2 14 11 0 24 11/06/06/00/00/00/00/00 47 46 46 29 25 25 10 24 91 2 14 11 0 25 11/07/06/00/00/00/00/00 48 47 47 29 25 26 10 24 91 2 14 11 0 25 11/07/06/00/00/00/00/00 49 47 47 30 26 26 12 24 91 2 15 11 0 26 11/07/06/00/00/00/00/00 50 48 48 30 26 27 14 26 92 3 15 12 0 26 11/07/06/00/00/00/00/00 51 48 48 31 27 27 14 26 92 3 15 12 0 27 11/07/06/00/00/00/00/00 52 49 49 31 27 28 14 26 92 3 15 12 0 27 11/07/07/00/00/00/00/00 53 49 49 31 28 28 14 26 92 3 15 12 0 28 11/07/07/00/00/00/00/00 54 50 50 32 28 29 14 26 92 3 16 12 0 28 11/07/07/00/00/00/00/00 55 51 51 32 29 29 14 26 92 3 16 12 0 29 11/07/07/00/00/00/00/00 56 51 51 33 29 30 14 26 92 3 16 12 0 29 11/07/07/00/00/00/00/00 57 52 52 33 30 30 14 28 93 3 16 13 0 30 11/07/07/00/00/00/00/00 58 52 52 33 30 31 14 28 93 3 16 13 0 30 12/07/07/00/00/00/00/00 59 53 53 34 31 31 14 28 93 3 17 13 0 31 12/07/07/00/00/00/00/00 60 53 53 34 31 31 14 28 93 3 17 13 0 31 12/07/07/00/00/00/00/00 61 54 54 35 32 32 14 28 93 3 17 13 0 32 12/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 62 54 54 35 32 32 14 28 93 3 17 13 0 32 12/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 63 55 55 35 33 33 14 28 93 3 17 13 0 33 12/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 64 56 56 36 33 33 14 30 94 3 18 14 0 33 12/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 65 56 56 36 34 34 16 30 94 3 18 14 0 34 12/08/07/00/00/00/00/00 66 57 57 37 34 34 16 30 94 3 18 14 0 34 12/08/08/00/00/00/00/00 67 57 57 37 34 35 16 30 94 3 18 14 0 34 12/08/08/00/00/00/00/00 68 58 58 37 35 35 16 30 94 3 18 14 0 35 12/08/08/00/00/00/00/00 69 58 58 38 35 36 16 30 94 3 19 14 0 35 12/08/08/00/00/00/00/00 70 59 59 38 36 36 16 30 94 3 19 14 0 36 12/08/08/00/00/00/00/00 71 59 59 39 36 37 16 30 94 3 19 14 0 36 12/08/08/00/00/00/00/00 72 60 60 39 37 37 16 32 95 3 19 15 0 37 12/08/08/00/00/00/00/00 73 61 61 39 37 38 16 32 95 3 19 15 0 37 12/08/08/00/00/00/00/00 74 61 61 40 38 38 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 38 13/08/08/00/00/00/00/00 75 62 62 40 38 39 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 38 13/08/08/00/00/00/00/00 76 62 62 41 39 39 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 39 13/08/08/00/00/00/00/00 77 63 63 41 39 40 16 32 95 3 20 15 0 39 13/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 78 63 63 42 40 40 16 32 95 3 21 15 0 40 13/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 79 64 64 42 40 41 18 34 96 4 21 16 0 40 13/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 80 64 64 42 41 41 18 34 96 4 21 16 0 41 13/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 81 65 65 43 41 41 20 34 96 4 21 16 0 41 13/09/08/00/00/00/00/00 82 66 66 43 42 42 20 34 96 4 21 16 0 42 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/00 83 66 66 44 42 42 20 34 96 4 22 16 0 42 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/00 84 67 67 44 43 43 20 34 96 4 22 16 0 43 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/00 85 67 67 44 43 43 20 34 96 4 22 16 0 43 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/00 86 68 68 45 44 44 20 36 97 4 22 17 0 44 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/00 87 68 68 45 44 44 20 36 97 4 22 17 0 44 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/00 88 69 69 46 45 45 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 45 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/00 89 69 69 46 45 45 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 45 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/00 90 70 70 46 46 46 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 46 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/00 91 71 71 47 46 46 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 46 13/09/09/00/00/00/00/00 92 71 71 47 47 47 20 36 97 4 23 17 0 47 14/09/09/00/00/00/00/00 93 72 72 48 47 47 20 38 98 4 24 18 0 47 14/09/09/00/00/00/00/00 94 72 72 48 48 48 20 38 98 4 24 18 0 48 14/09/09/00/00/00/00/00 95 73 73 48 48 48 20 38 98 4 24 18 0 48 14/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 96 73 73 49 49 49 20 38 98 4 24 18 0 49 14/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 97 74 74 49 49 49 22 38 98 4 24 18 0 49 14/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 98 74 74 50 50 50 22 38 98 4 25 18 0 50 14/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 99 75 75 50 50 50 22 38 98 4 25 18 0 50 14/10/09/00/00/00/00/00 Rating : 4 ---------------- 2.1.11 - NINJA ---------------- Description : The supreme warrior! They use stealth as a means of fighting. They pursue their missions without fear of death. Specialty : Can use the GREAT Shuriken! Usefulness : Recommended to be your final warrior-type job, except if you troubled yourself to make a FEOK. Try to invest on Shurikens to bring out the best in it. Evaluation : Ridiculously over-powered. It can use almost all the the equips in the game. The Shuriken can deal 4000+ damage each... each, though, costs 65000 gil! Their stat progression is unmatched. They're not the traditional Ninja we all knew. I just have one funny thought... what does it feel to see an actual Ninja wearing a Knight's armor? Anyway, only a 'Fully Equipped Onion Knight' can match the brute force of a Ninja... again... ridiculously over-powered Ninja. Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 10-19: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 20-29: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 30-39: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 40-49: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 50-59: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 60-69: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 70-79: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 80-89: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Levels 90-99: Str +++, Agi +++, Vit +++ Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 25 25 20 15 15 4 14 86 1 10 6 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 26 26 21 16 16 4 14 86 1 10 6 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 27 27 21 16 16 4 14 86 1 10 6 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 28 28 22 16 16 4 16 87 1 11 7 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 29 29 23 17 17 4 16 87 1 11 7 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 29 29 24 17 17 4 16 87 1 12 7 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 30 30 25 17 17 4 16 87 1 12 7 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 31 31 25 18 18 4 16 87 1 12 7 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 32 32 26 18 18 4 18 88 2 13 8 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 32 32 27 19 19 6 18 88 2 13 8 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 33 33 28 19 19 6 18 88 2 14 8 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 34 34 29 19 19 6 18 88 2 14 8 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 35 35 29 20 20 6 18 88 2 14 8 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 35 35 30 20 20 6 18 88 2 15 8 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 36 36 31 20 20 6 20 89 2 15 9 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 37 37 32 21 21 6 20 89 2 16 9 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 38 38 33 21 21 8 20 89 2 16 9 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 38 38 33 21 21 8 20 89 2 16 9 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 19 39 39 34 22 22 8 20 89 2 17 9 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 40 40 35 22 22 8 22 90 2 17 10 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 41 41 36 22 22 8 22 90 2 18 10 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 41 41 37 23 23 8 22 90 2 18 10 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 42 42 37 23 23 8 22 90 2 18 10 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 43 43 38 23 23 8 22 90 2 19 10 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 44 44 39 24 24 8 24 91 2 19 11 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 44 44 40 24 24 8 24 91 2 20 11 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 45 45 41 25 25 8 24 91 2 20 11 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 46 46 41 25 25 8 24 91 2 20 11 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 47 47 42 25 25 8 24 91 2 21 11 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 47 47 43 26 26 8 24 92 2 21 11 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 48 48 44 26 26 10 26 92 3 22 12 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 49 49 45 26 26 10 26 92 3 22 12 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 50 50 45 27 27 12 26 92 3 22 12 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 50 50 46 27 27 12 26 92 3 23 12 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 51 51 47 27 27 12 26 92 3 23 12 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 52 52 48 28 28 12 28 93 3 24 13 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 53 53 49 28 28 12 28 93 3 24 13 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 53 53 49 28 28 12 28 93 3 24 13 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 54 54 50 29 29 12 28 93 3 25 13 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 55 55 51 29 29 12 28 93 3 25 13 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 56 56 52 29 29 12 30 94 3 26 14 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 56 56 53 30 30 12 30 94 3 26 14 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 57 57 53 30 30 12 30 94 3 26 14 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 58 58 54 31 31 12 30 94 3 27 14 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 59 59 55 31 31 12 30 94 3 27 14 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 59 59 56 31 31 12 30 94 3 28 14 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 60 60 57 32 32 12 32 95 3 28 15 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 61 61 57 32 32 12 32 95 3 28 15 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 62 62 58 32 32 14 32 95 3 29 15 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 62 62 59 33 33 14 32 95 3 29 15 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 63 63 60 33 33 14 32 95 3 30 15 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 64 64 60 33 33 16 34 96 4 30 16 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 65 65 61 34 34 16 34 96 4 30 16 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 65 65 62 34 34 16 34 96 4 31 16 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 66 66 63 34 34 16 34 96 4 31 16 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 67 67 64 35 35 16 34 96 4 32 16 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 68 68 64 35 35 16 36 97 4 32 17 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 68 68 65 36 36 16 36 97 4 32 17 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 69 69 66 36 36 16 36 97 4 33 17 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 70 70 67 36 36 16 36 97 4 33 17 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 71 71 68 37 37 16 36 97 4 34 17 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 71 71 68 37 37 16 36 97 4 34 17 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 72 72 69 37 37 16 38 98 4 34 18 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 73 73 70 38 38 16 38 98 4 35 18 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 74 74 71 38 38 18 38 98 4 35 18 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 74 74 72 38 38 18 38 98 4 36 18 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 75 75 72 39 39 18 38 98 4 36 18 0 39 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 76 76 73 39 39 18 40 99 4 36 19 0 39 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 77 77 74 39 39 18 40 99 4 37 19 0 39 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 77 77 75 40 40 18 40 99 4 37 19 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 78 78 76 40 40 18 40 99 4 38 19 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 79 79 76 40 40 18 40 99 4 38 19 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 80 80 77 41 41 20 42 99 5 38 20 0 41 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 80 80 78 41 41 20 42 99 5 39 20 0 41 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 81 81 79 42 42 20 42 99 5 39 20 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 82 82 80 42 42 20 42 99 5 40 20 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 83 83 80 42 42 20 42 99 5 40 20 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 83 83 81 43 43 20 42 99 5 40 20 0 43 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 84 84 82 43 43 20 44 99 5 41 21 0 43 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 85 85 83 43 43 20 44 99 5 41 21 0 43 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 86 86 84 44 44 22 44 99 5 42 21 0 44 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 86 86 84 44 44 22 44 99 5 42 21 0 44 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 87 87 85 44 44 22 44 99 5 42 21 0 44 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 88 88 86 45 45 22 46 99 5 43 22 0 45 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 89 89 87 45 45 22 46 99 5 43 22 0 45 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 89 89 88 45 45 22 46 99 5 44 22 0 45 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 90 90 88 46 46 22 46 99 5 44 22 0 46 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 91 91 89 46 46 22 46 99 5 44 22 0 46 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 92 92 90 46 46 22 48 99 5 45 23 0 46 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 92 92 91 47 47 22 48 99 5 45 23 0 47 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 93 93 92 47 47 22 48 99 5 46 23 0 47 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 94 94 92 48 48 22 48 99 5 46 23 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 95 95 93 48 48 22 48 99 5 46 23 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 95 95 94 48 48 22 48 99 5 47 23 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 96 96 95 49 49 24 50 99 6 47 24 0 49 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 97 97 96 49 49 24 50 99 6 48 24 0 49 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 98 98 96 49 49 26 50 99 6 48 24 0 49 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 98 98 97 50 50 26 50 99 6 48 24 0 50 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 99 99 98 50 50 26 50 99 6 49 24 0 50 00/00/00/00/00/00/00 /00 Rating : 5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2.2 - Mage Type =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------------------------------- 2.2.01 - WHITE WIZARD/WHITE MAGE ---------------------------------- Description : Controls holy magic to protect the weak and defeat the darkness. Specialty : Healing. Usefulness : Definitely have one in your party. It's the best healer until you obtain the Shaman and Sage. Evaluation : Your basic healer. Essential throughout the game until you get the Shaman. In battles, it's main offensive use is casting "Haste", which is very essential in winning boss battles, on your warriors. Of all starting mages, the White Mage has the best HP progression... only a little higher than the others, though. What else can I say? You're going to have them for a pretty long time, so you have to love them. Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str --, Agi --, Vit -- Levels 10-19: Str --, Agi --, Vit - Levels 20-29: Str --, Agi - , Vit - Levels 30-39: Str - , Agi --, Vit - Levels 40-49: Str --, Agi --, Vit - Levels 50-59: Str - , Agi --, Vit - Levels 60-69: Str - , Agi --, Vit = Levels 70-79: Str - , Agi --, Vit = Levels 80-89: Str - , Agi --, Vit = Levels 90-99: Str --, Agi ---, Vit = Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 5 6 4 5 10 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 7 08/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 6 7 5 5 11 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 8 09/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 6 7 5 6 12 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 9 10/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 7 8 6 6 13 2 4 82 0 3 2 0 9 10/01/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 7 8 6 6 13 2 4 82 0 3 2 0 9 11/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 8 9 7 6 14 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 10 11/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 8 9 7 6 15 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 10 12/03/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 9 10 8 7 15 2 6 82 0 4 2 0 11 12/03/01/00/00/00/00/00 9 9 10 8 7 16 2 6 82 0 4 2 0 11 12/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 10 10 10 9 7 17 2 6 82 0 4 2 0 12 13/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 11 10 11 9 7 17 2 6 82 0 4 2 0 12 13/04/03/00/00/00/00/00 12 10 11 10 7 18 2 6 82 0 5 2 0 12 13/05/03/01/00/00/00/00 13 11 12 10 8 19 2 6 83 0 5 3 0 13 14/05/04/02/00/00/00/00 14 11 12 11 8 19 2 6 83 0 5 3 0 13 14/05/04/02/00/00/00/00 15 12 13 11 8 20 2 8 83 0 5 3 0 14 14/06/04/03/00/00/00/00 16 12 13 11 8 21 2 8 83 0 5 3 0 14 15/06/05/03/01/00/00/00 17 13 14 12 8 21 4 8 83 0 6 3 0 14 15/06/05/04/02/00/00/00 18 13 14 12 9 22 4 8 83 0 6 3 0 15 15/07/05/04/02/00/00/00 19 14 14 13 9 22 4 8 83 0 6 3 0 15 16/07/06/04/03/00/00/00 20 14 15 13 9 23 4 8 83 0 6 3 0 16 16/07/06/05/03/01/00/00 21 15 15 14 9 24 4 8 83 0 7 3 0 16 16/08/06/05/04/02/00/00 22 15 16 14 9 24 6 8 84 1 7 4 0 16 16/08/07/05/04/02/00/00 23 15 16 15 10 25 6 8 84 1 7 4 0 17 17/08/07/06/04/03/00/00 24 16 17 15 10 26 6 10 84 1 7 4 0 18 17/08/07/06/05/03/01/00 25 16 17 16 10 26 6 10 84 1 8 4 0 18 17/09/08/06/05/04/02/00 26 17 18 16 10 27 6 10 84 1 8 4 0 18 18/09/08/07/05/04/02/00 27 17 18 17 10 28 6 10 84 1 8 4 0 19 18/09/08/07/06/04/03/00 28 18 18 17 11 28 6 10 84 1 8 4 0 19 18/10/08/07/06/05/03/00 29 18 19 17 11 29 6 10 84 1 8 4 0 20 18/10/09/08/06/05/04/00 30 19 19 18 11 30 6 10 84 1 9 4 0 20 19/10/09/08/07/05/04/00 31 19 20 18 11 30 6 10 85 1 9 5 0 20 19/10/09/08/07/06/04/00 32 20 20 19 11 31 6 12 85 1 9 5 0 21 19/11/10/08/07/06/05/00 33 20 21 19 12 32 8 12 85 1 9 5 0 22 19/11/10/09/08/06/05/00 34 20 21 20 12 32 8 12 85 1 10 5 0 22 20/11/10/09/08/07/05/00 35 21 22 20 12 33 8 12 85 1 10 5 0 22 20/11/10/09/08/07/06/00 36 21 22 21 12 34 8 12 85 1 10 5 0 23 20/12/11/10/08/07/06/00 37 22 22 21 12 34 8 12 85 1 10 5 0 23 20/12/11/10/09/08/06/00 38 22 23 22 13 35 8 12 85 1 11 5 0 24 21/12/11/10/09/08/07/00 39 23 23 22 13 36 8 12 85 1 11 5 0 24 21/12/11/10/09/08/07/00 40 23 24 23 13 36 8 12 86 1 11 6 0 24 21/13/12/11/10/08/07/00 41 24 24 23 13 37 8 14 86 1 11 6 0 25 21/13/12/11/10/09/08/00 42 24 25 24 13 38 8 14 86 1 12 6 0 25 21/13/12/11/10/09/08/00 43 25 25 24 14 38 8 14 86 1 12 6 0 26 22/13/12/11/10/09/08/00 44 25 26 24 14 39 8 14 86 1 12 6 0 26 22/13/13/12/11/10/08/00 45 25 26 25 14 40 8 14 86 1 12 6 0 27 22/14/13/12/11/10/09/00 46 26 26 25 14 40 8 14 86 1 12 6 0 27 22/14/13/12/11/10/09/00 47 26 27 26 14 41 8 14 86 1 13 6 0 27 23/14/13/12/11/10/09/00 48 27 27 26 15 42 8 14 86 1 13 6 0 28 23/14/13/13/12/11/10/00 49 27 28 27 15 42 10 14 87 1 13 7 0 28 23/15/14/13/12/11/10/00 50 28 28 27 15 43 10 16 87 1 13 7 0 29 23/15/14/13/12/11/10/00 51 28 29 28 15 43 10 16 87 1 14 7 0 29 23/15/14/13/12/11/10/00 52 29 29 28 16 44 10 16 87 1 14 7 0 30 24/15/14/13/13/12/11/00 53 29 30 29 16 45 10 16 87 1 14 7 0 30 24/15/15/14/13/12/11/00 54 30 30 29 16 45 10 16 87 1 14 7 0 30 24/16/15/14/13/12/11/00 55 30 30 30 16 46 10 16 87 1 15 7 0 31 24/16/15/14/13/12/11/00 56 30 31 30 16 47 10 16 87 1 15 7 0 31 25/16/15/14/13/13/12/00 57 31 31 30 17 47 10 16 87 1 15 7 0 32 25/16/15/15/14/13/12/00 58 31 32 31 17 48 12 16 88 2 15 8 0 32 25/17/16/15/14/13/12/00 59 32 32 31 17 49 12 18 88 2 15 8 0 33 25/17/16/15/14/13/12/00 60 32 33 32 17 49 12 18 88 2 16 8 0 33 25/17/16/15/14/13/13/00 61 33 33 32 17 50 12 18 88 2 16 8 0 33 26/17/16/15/15/14/13/00 62 33 34 33 18 51 12 18 88 2 16 8 0 34 26/17/17/16/15/14/13/00 63 34 34 33 18 51 12 18 88 2 16 8 0 34 26/18/17/16/15/14/13/00 64 34 34 34 18 52 12 18 88 2 17 8 0 35 26/18/17/16/15/14/13/00 65 35 35 34 18 53 14 18 88 2 17 8 0 35 26/18/17/16/15/15/14/00 66 35 35 35 18 53 14 18 88 2 17 8 0 35 27/18/17/17/16/15/14/00 67 35 36 35 19 54 14 18 89 2 17 9 0 36 27/18/18/17/16/15/14/00 68 36 36 36 19 55 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 37 27/19/18/17/16/15/14/00 69 36 37 36 19 55 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 37 27/19/18/17/16/15/15/00 70 37 37 37 19 56 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 37 27/19/18/17/17/16/15/00 71 37 38 37 19 57 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 38 28/19/18/18/17/16/15/00 72 38 38 37 20 57 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 38 28/19/19/18/17/16/15/00 73 38 38 38 20 58 14 20 89 2 19 9 0 39 28/20/19/18/17/16/15/00 74 39 39 38 20 59 14 20 89 2 19 9 0 39 28/20/19/18/17/17/16/00 75 39 39 39 20 59 14 20 89 2 19 9 0 39 28/20/19/18/18/17/16/00 76 40 40 39 20 60 14 22 90 2 19 10 0 40 29/20/19/19/18/17/16/00 77 40 40 40 21 61 14 22 90 2 20 10 0 41 29/20/20/19/18/17/16/00 78 40 41 40 21 61 14 22 90 2 20 10 0 41 29/21/20/19/18/17/17/00 79 41 41 41 21 62 14 22 90 2 20 10 0 41 29/21/20/19/18/18/17/00 80 41 42 41 21 63 14 22 90 2 20 10 0 42 29/21/20/19/19/18/17/00 81 42 42 42 21 63 16 22 90 2 21 10 0 42 29/21/20/20/19/18/17/00 82 42 42 42 22 64 16 22 90 2 21 10 0 43 30/21/21/20/19/18/17/00 83 43 43 43 22 64 16 22 90 2 21 10 0 43 30/21/21/20/19/18/18/00 84 43 43 43 22 65 16 22 90 2 21 10 0 43 30/22/21/20/19/19/18/00 85 44 44 43 22 66 16 24 91 2 21 11 0 44 30/22/21/20/20/19/18/00 86 44 44 44 22 66 16 24 91 2 22 11 0 44 30/22/21/21/20/19/18/00 87 45 45 44 23 67 16 24 91 2 22 11 0 45 31/22/21/21/20/19/18/00 88 45 45 45 23 68 16 24 91 2 22 11 0 45 31/22/22/21/20/19/19/00 89 45 46 45 23 68 16 24 91 2 22 11 0 45 31/23/22/21/20/20/19/00 90 46 46 46 23 69 16 24 91 2 23 11 0 46 31/23/22/21/21/20/19/00 91 46 46 46 23 70 16 24 91 2 23 11 0 46 31/23/22/21/21/20/19/00 92 47 47 47 24 70 16 24 91 2 23 11 0 47 32/23/22/22/21/20/19/00 93 47 47 47 24 71 16 24 91 2 23 11 0 47 32/23/23/22/21/20/20/00 94 48 48 48 24 72 18 26 92 3 24 12 0 48 32/24/23/22/21/21/20/00 95 48 48 48 24 72 18 26 92 3 24 12 0 48 32/24/23/22/21/21/20/00 96 49 49 49 24 73 18 26 92 3 24 12 0 48 32/24/23/22/22/21/20/00 97 49 49 49 25 74 20 26 92 3 24 12 0 49 32/24/23/23/22/21/20/00 98 50 50 50 25 74 20 26 92 3 25 12 0 49 33/24/24/23/22/21/21/00 99 50 50 50 25 75 20 26 92 3 25 12 0 50 33/24/24/23/22/21/21/00 Rating : 4 ---------------------------------- 2.2.02 - BLACK WIZARD/BLACK MAGE ---------------------------------- Description : Controls the power of elements not to cause destruction, but to defeat the ends of evil. Specialty : Weakening enemies. Usefulness : Its status spells can be pretty useful, but not really needed to survive the earlier part of the game. I recommend to use this slot to add another warrior-type character. Evaluation : Not to useful, but I still prefer it over the Red Wizard. The status attacks are quite helpful and are almost always 100% in effectiveness. Use it to weaken a large group of enemies. Later in the game, this mage becomes almost useless as more powerful ones become available. Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str --, Agi --, Vit -- Levels 10-19: Str --, Agi --, Vit - Levels 20-29: Str --, Agi - , Vit -- Levels 30-39: Str - , Agi --, Vit - Levels 40-49: Str --, Agi --, Vit - Levels 50-59: Str - , Agi --, Vit - Levels 60-69: Str - , Agi --, Vit = Levels 70-79: Str - , Agi --, Vit = Levels 80-89: Str - , Agi --, Vit = Levels 90-99: Str - , Agi ---, Vit = Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 5 7 3 10 5 2 4 81 0 1 1 0 7 08/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 6 8 4 11 5 2 4 82 0 2 2 0 8 09/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 6 8 4 12 6 2 4 82 0 2 2 0 9 10/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 7 9 5 13 6 2 4 82 0 2 2 0 9 10/01/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 7 9 5 13 6 2 4 82 0 2 2 0 9 11/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 8 10 6 14 6 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 10 11/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 8 10 6 15 6 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 10 12/03/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 9 10 7 15 7 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 11 12/03/01/00/00/00/00/00 9 9 11 7 16 7 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 11 12/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 10 10 11 8 17 7 2 6 82 0 4 2 0 12 13/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 11 10 12 8 17 7 2 6 83 0 4 3 0 12 13/04/03/00/00/00/00/00 12 10 12 9 18 7 2 6 83 0 4 3 0 12 13/05/03/01/00/00/00/00 13 11 13 9 19 8 2 6 83 0 4 3 0 13 14/05/04/02/00/00/00/00 14 11 13 10 19 8 2 6 83 0 5 3 0 13 14/05/04/02/00/00/00/00 15 12 14 10 20 8 2 8 83 0 5 3 0 14 14/06/04/03/00/00/00/00 16 12 14 10 21 8 2 8 83 0 5 3 0 14 15/06/05/03/01/00/00/00 17 13 14 11 21 8 4 8 83 0 5 3 0 14 15/06/05/04/02/00/00/00 18 13 15 11 22 9 4 8 83 0 5 3 0 15 15/07/05/04/02/00/00/00 19 14 15 12 22 9 4 8 83 0 6 3 0 15 16/07/06/04/03/00/00/00 20 14 16 12 23 9 6 8 84 1 6 4 0 16 16/07/06/05/03/01/00/00 21 15 16 13 24 9 6 8 84 1 6 4 0 16 16/08/06/05/04/02/00/00 22 15 17 13 24 9 6 8 84 1 6 4 0 16 16/08/07/05/04/02/00/00 23 15 17 14 25 10 6 8 84 1 7 4 0 17 17/08/07/06/04/03/00/00 24 16 17 14 26 10 6 10 84 1 7 4 0 18 17/08/07/06/05/03/01/00 25 16 18 15 26 10 6 10 84 1 7 4 0 18 17/09/08/06/05/04/02/00 26 17 18 15 27 10 6 10 84 1 7 4 0 18 18/09/08/07/05/04/02/00 27 17 19 16 28 10 6 10 84 1 8 4 0 19 18/09/08/07/06/04/03/00 28 18 19 16 28 11 6 10 84 1 8 4 0 19 18/10/08/07/06/05/03/00 29 18 20 16 29 11 6 10 85 1 8 5 0 20 18/10/09/08/06/05/04/00 30 19 20 17 30 11 6 10 85 1 8 5 0 20 19/10/09/08/07/05/04/00 31 19 20 17 30 11 6 10 85 1 8 5 0 20 19/10/09/08/07/06/04/00 32 20 21 18 31 11 6 12 85 1 9 5 0 21 19/11/10/08/07/06/05/00 33 20 21 18 32 12 8 12 85 1 9 5 0 22 19/11/10/09/08/06/05/00 34 20 22 19 32 12 8 12 85 1 9 5 0 22 20/11/10/09/08/07/05/00 35 21 22 19 33 12 8 12 85 1 9 5 0 22 20/11/10/09/08/07/06/00 36 21 23 20 34 12 8 12 85 1 10 5 0 23 20/12/11/10/08/07/06/00 37 22 23 20 34 12 8 12 85 1 10 5 0 23 20/12/11/10/09/08/06/00 38 22 24 21 35 13 8 12 86 1 10 6 0 24 21/12/11/10/09/08/07/00 39 23 24 21 36 13 8 12 86 1 10 6 0 24 21/12/11/10/09/08/07/00 40 23 24 22 36 13 8 12 86 1 11 6 0 24 21/13/12/11/10/08/07/00 41 24 25 22 37 13 8 14 86 1 11 6 0 25 21/13/12/11/10/09/08/00 42 24 25 23 38 13 8 14 86 1 11 6 0 25 21/13/12/11/10/09/08/00 43 25 26 23 38 14 8 14 86 1 11 6 0 26 22/13/12/11/10/09/08/00 44 25 26 23 39 14 8 14 86 1 11 6 0 26 22/13/13/12/11/10/08/00 45 25 27 24 40 14 8 14 86 1 12 6 0 27 22/14/13/12/11/10/09/00 46 26 27 24 40 14 8 14 86 1 12 6 0 27 22/14/13/12/11/10/09/00 47 26 27 25 41 14 8 14 86 1 12 6 0 27 23/14/13/12/11/10/09/00 48 27 28 25 42 15 8 14 87 1 12 7 0 28 23/14/13/13/12/11/10/00 49 27 28 26 42 15 10 14 87 1 13 7 0 28 23/15/14/13/12/11/10/00 50 28 29 26 43 15 10 16 87 1 13 7 0 29 23/15/14/13/12/11/10/00 51 28 29 27 43 15 10 16 87 1 13 7 0 29 23/15/14/13/12/11/10/00 52 29 30 27 44 16 10 16 87 1 13 7 0 30 24/15/14/13/13/12/11/00 53 29 30 28 45 16 10 16 87 1 14 7 0 30 24/15/15/14/13/12/11/00 54 30 30 28 45 16 10 16 87 1 14 7 0 30 24/16/15/14/13/12/11/00 55 30 31 29 46 16 10 16 87 1 14 7 0 31 24/16/15/14/13/12/11/00 56 30 31 29 47 16 10 16 87 1 14 7 0 31 25/16/15/14/13/13/12/00 57 31 32 29 47 17 12 16 88 2 14 8 0 32 25/16/15/15/14/13/12/00 58 31 32 30 48 17 12 16 88 2 15 8 0 32 25/17/16/15/14/13/12/00 59 32 33 30 49 17 12 18 88 2 15 8 0 33 25/17/16/15/14/13/12/00 60 32 33 31 49 17 12 18 88 2 15 8 0 33 25/17/16/15/14/13/13/00 61 33 33 31 50 17 12 18 88 2 15 8 0 33 26/17/16/15/15/14/13/00 62 33 34 32 51 18 12 18 88 2 16 8 0 34 26/17/17/16/15/14/13/00 63 34 34 32 51 18 12 18 88 2 16 8 0 34 26/18/17/16/15/14/13/00 64 34 35 33 52 18 12 18 88 2 16 8 0 35 26/18/17/16/15/14/13/00 65 35 35 33 53 18 14 18 88 2 16 8 0 35 26/18/17/16/15/15/14/00 66 35 36 34 53 18 14 18 89 2 17 9 0 35 27/18/17/17/16/15/14/00 67 35 36 34 54 19 14 18 89 2 17 9 0 36 27/18/18/17/16/15/14/00 68 36 37 35 55 19 14 20 89 2 17 9 0 37 27/19/18/17/16/15/14/00 69 36 37 35 55 19 14 20 89 2 17 9 0 37 27/19/18/17/16/15/15/00 70 37 37 36 56 19 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 37 27/19/18/17/17/16/15/00 71 37 38 36 57 19 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 38 28/19/18/18/17/16/15/00 72 38 38 36 57 20 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 38 28/19/19/18/17/16/15/00 73 38 39 37 58 20 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 39 28/20/19/18/17/16/15/00 74 39 39 37 59 20 14 20 89 2 18 9 0 39 28/20/19/18/17/17/16/00 75 39 40 38 59 20 14 20 90 2 19 10 0 39 28/20/19/18/18/17/16/00 76 40 40 38 60 20 14 22 90 2 19 10 0 40 29/20/19/19/18/17/16/00 77 40 40 39 61 21 14 22 90 2 19 10 0 41 29/20/20/19/18/17/16/00 78 40 41 39 61 21 14 22 90 2 19 10 0 41 29/21/20/19/18/17/17/00 79 41 41 40 62 21 14 22 90 2 20 10 0 41 29/21/20/19/18/18/17/00 80 41 42 40 63 21 14 22 90 2 20 10 0 42 29/21/20/19/19/18/17/00 81 42 42 41 63 21 16 22 90 2 20 10 0 42 29/21/20/20/19/18/17/00 82 42 43 41 64 22 16 22 90 2 20 10 0 43 30/21/21/20/19/18/17/00 83 43 43 42 64 22 16 22 90 2 21 10 0 43 30/21/21/20/19/18/18/00 84 43 43 42 65 22 16 22 90 2 21 10 0 43 30/22/21/20/19/19/18/00 85 44 44 42 66 22 16 24 91 2 21 11 0 44 30/22/21/20/20/19/18/00 86 44 44 43 66 22 16 24 91 2 21 11 0 44 30/22/21/21/20/19/18/00 87 45 45 43 67 23 16 24 91 2 21 11 0 45 31/22/21/21/20/19/18/00 88 45 45 44 68 23 16 24 91 2 22 11 0 45 31/22/22/21/20/19/19/00 89 45 46 44 68 23 16 24 91 2 22 11 0 45 31/23/22/21/20/20/19/00 90 46 46 45 69 23 16 24 91 2 22 11 0 46 31/23/22/21/21/20/19/00 91 46 47 45 70 23 16 24 91 2 22 11 0 46 31/23/22/21/21/20/19/00 92 47 47 46 70 24 16 24 91 2 23 11 0 47 32/23/22/22/21/20/19/00 93 47 47 46 71 24 16 24 91 2 23 11 0 47 32/23/23/22/21/20/20/00 94 48 48 47 72 24 18 26 92 3 23 12 0 48 32/24/23/22/21/21/20/00 95 48 48 47 72 24 18 26 92 3 23 12 0 48 32/24/23/22/21/21/20/00 96 49 49 48 73 24 18 26 92 3 24 12 0 48 32/24/23/22/22/21/20/00 97 49 49 48 74 25 20 26 92 3 24 12 0 49 32/24/23/23/22/21/20/00 98 50 50 49 74 25 20 26 92 3 24 12 0 49 33/24/24/23/22/21/21/00 99 50 50 49 75 25 20 26 92 3 24 12 0 50 33/24/24/23/22/21/21/00 Rating : 2 ------------------------------ 2.2.03 - RED WIZARD/RED MAGE ------------------------------ Description : Gifted to use both White and Black Magic, however, they failed to master either arts. Specialty : White and Black Wizard in 1 Usefulness : If you honestly want to use this job, limit it to the earliest part of the game, especially the dungeon with many dead monsters (equip W. Slayer Sword). After that, they're not really worth it if you notice the pace of story progress. Evaluation : Mage who can use magic swords, helm and shields. Although very versatile, I never really used it that much. They are pretty useful warriors early on, but becomes useless as the game goes forward. They can use both white and black magic, but come on! Who would want to use Cure 2 when your White Wizard can use Cure 3 already? Even in other FF's, I did not really liked this job that much... (many will surely disagrre). Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str --, Agi - , Vit -- Levels 10-19: Str --, Agi - , Vit -- Levels 20-29: Str --, Agi - , Vit -- Levels 30-39: Str - , Agi - , Vit -- Levels 40-49: Str --, Agi - , Vit -- Levels 50-59: Str - , Agi - , Vit -- Levels 60-69: Str - , Agi - , Vit - Levels 70-79: Str - , Agi - , Vit - Levels 80-89: Str - , Agi - , Vit - Levels 90-99: Str --, Agi - , Vit - Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 6 7 5 6 6 2 4 81 0 2 1 0 6 04/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 7 8 6 7 7 2 4 82 0 3 2 0 7 05/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 7 9 6 7 7 2 4 82 0 3 2 0 7 06/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 8 10 6 8 8 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 8 06/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 8 10 6 8 8 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 8 07/01/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 9 11 7 9 9 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 9 07/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 9 11 7 9 9 2 6 82 0 3 2 0 9 08/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 10 12 7 10 10 2 6 83 0 3 3 0 10 08/03/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 10 13 7 10 10 2 6 83 0 3 3 0 10 08/03/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 10 13 8 10 10 2 6 83 0 4 3 0 10 09/04/01/00/00/00/00/00 11 11 14 8 11 11 2 6 83 0 4 3 0 11 09/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 12 11 15 8 11 11 2 6 83 0 4 3 0 11 09/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 13 12 15 8 12 12 2 8 83 0 4 3 0 12 10/05/03/00/00/00/00/00 14 12 16 9 12 12 4 8 84 1 4 4 0 12 10/05/03/00/00/00/00/00 15 13 17 9 13 13 4 8 84 1 4 4 0 13 10/05/04/01/00/00/00/00 16 13 17 9 13 13 4 8 84 1 4 4 0 13 11/06/04/02/00/00/00/00 17 14 18 9 14 14 6 8 84 1 4 4 0 14 11/06/04/02/00/00/00/00 18 14 18 10 14 14 6 8 84 1 5 4 0 14 11/06/05/03/00/00/00/00 19 14 19 10 14 14 6 8 84 1 5 4 0 14 12/07/05/03/00/00/00/00 20 15 20 10 15 15 6 8 85 1 5 5 0 15 12/07/05/04/00/00/00/00 21 15 20 10 15 15 6 8 85 1 5 5 0 15 12/07/06/04/00/00/00/00 22 16 21 11 16 16 6 10 85 1 5 5 0 16 12/08/06/04/00/00/00/00 23 16 22 11 16 16 6 10 85 1 5 5 0 16 13/08/06/05/00/00/00/00 24 17 22 11 17 17 6 10 85 1 5 5 0 17 13/08/07/05/00/00/00/00 25 17 23 11 17 17 6 10 85 1 5 5 0 17 13/08/07/05/00/00/00/00 26 18 24 12 18 18 6 10 86 1 6 6 0 18 14/09/07/06/00/00/00/00 27 18 24 12 18 18 6 10 86 1 6 6 0 18 14/09/08/06/00/00/00/00 28 18 25 12 18 18 6 10 86 1 6 6 0 18 14/09/08/06/00/00/00/00 29 19 25 12 19 19 6 10 86 1 6 6 0 19 14/10/08/07/00/00/00/00 30 19 26 13 19 19 6 10 86 1 6 6 0 19 15/10/08/07/00/00/00/00 31 20 27 13 20 20 6 12 86 1 6 6 0 20 15/10/09/07/00/00/00/00 32 20 27 13 20 20 6 12 86 1 6 6 0 20 15/10/09/08/00/00/00/00 33 21 28 13 21 21 8 12 87 1 6 7 0 21 15/11/09/08/00/00/00/00 34 21 29 14 21 21 8 12 87 1 7 7 0 21 16/11/10/08/00/00/00/00 35 22 29 14 22 22 8 12 87 1 7 7 0 22 16/11/10/08/00/00/00/00 36 22 30 14 22 22 8 12 87 1 7 7 0 22 16/11/10/09/00/00/00/00 37 22 31 14 22 22 8 12 87 1 7 7 0 22 16/12/10/09/00/00/00/00 38 23 31 15 23 23 8 12 87 1 7 7 0 23 17/12/11/09/00/00/00/00 39 23 32 15 23 23 10 12 88 2 7 8 0 23 17/12/11/10/00/00/00/00 40 24 32 15 24 24 10 14 88 2 7 8 0 24 17/12/11/10/00/00/00/00 41 24 33 15 24 24 10 14 88 2 7 8 0 24 17/13/11/10/00/00/00/00 42 25 34 16 25 25 10 14 88 2 8 8 0 25 17/13/12/10/00/00/00/00 43 25 34 16 25 25 10 14 88 2 8 8 0 25 18/13/12/11/00/00/00/00 44 26 35 16 26 26 10 14 88 2 8 8 0 26 18/13/12/11/00/00/00/00 45 26 36 16 26 26 10 14 89 2 8 9 0 26 18/13/12/11/00/00/00/00 46 26 36 17 26 26 10 14 89 2 8 9 0 26 18/14/13/11/00/00/00/00 47 27 37 17 27 27 10 14 89 2 8 9 0 27 19/14/13/12/00/00/00/00 48 27 38 17 27 27 10 14 89 2 8 9 0 27 19/14/13/12/00/00/00/00 49 28 38 17 28 28 12 16 89 2 8 9 0 28 19/14/13/12/00/00/00/00 50 28 39 18 28 28 12 16 89 2 9 9 0 28 19/15/13/12/00/00/00/00 51 29 39 18 29 29 12 16 89 2 9 9 0 29 19/15/14/13/00/00/00/00 52 29 40 18 29 29 12 16 90 2 9 10 0 29 20/15/14/13/00/00/00/00 53 30 41 18 30 30 12 16 90 2 9 10 0 30 20/15/14/13/00/00/00/00 54 30 41 19 30 30 12 16 90 2 9 10 0 30 20/15/14/13/00/00/00/00 55 30 42 19 30 30 12 16 90 2 9 10 0 30 20/16/15/13/00/00/00/00 56 31 43 19 31 31 12 16 90 2 9 10 0 31 21/16/15/14/00/00/00/00 57 31 43 19 31 31 12 16 90 2 9 10 0 31 21/16/15/14/00/00/00/00 58 32 44 20 32 32 12 18 91 2 10 11 0 32 21/16/15/14/00/00/00/00 59 32 45 20 32 32 12 18 91 2 10 11 0 32 21/17/15/14/00/00/00/00 60 33 45 20 33 33 12 18 91 2 10 11 0 33 21/17/16/15/00/00/00/00 61 33 46 20 33 33 12 18 91 2 10 11 0 33 22/17/16/15/00/00/00/00 62 34 46 21 34 34 12 18 91 2 10 11 0 34 22/17/16/15/00/00/00/00 63 34 47 21 34 34 12 18 91 2 10 11 0 34 22/17/16/15/00/00/00/00 64 34 48 21 34 34 14 18 92 3 10 12 0 34 22/18/17/15/00/00/00/00 65 35 48 21 35 35 16 18 92 3 10 12 0 35 22/18/17/16/00/00/00/00 66 35 49 22 35 35 16 18 92 3 11 12 0 35 23/18/17/16/00/00/00/00 67 36 50 22 36 36 16 20 92 3 11 12 0 36 23/18/17/16/00/00/00/00 68 36 50 22 36 36 16 20 92 3 11 12 0 36 23/18/17/16/00/00/00/00 69 37 51 22 37 37 16 20 92 3 11 12 0 37 23/19/18/17/00/00/00/00 70 37 52 23 37 37 16 20 93 3 11 13 0 37 23/19/18/17/00/00/00/00 71 38 52 23 38 38 16 20 93 3 11 13 0 38 24/19/18/17/00/00/00/00 72 38 53 23 38 38 16 20 93 3 11 13 0 38 24/19/18/17/00/00/00/00 73 38 53 23 38 38 16 20 93 3 11 13 0 38 24/19/18/17/00/00/00/00 74 39 54 24 39 39 16 20 93 3 12 13 0 39 24/20/19/18/00/00/00/00 75 39 55 24 39 39 16 20 93 3 12 13 0 39 24/20/19/18/00/00/00/00 76 40 55 24 40 40 16 22 93 3 12 13 0 40 25/20/19/18/00/00/00/00 77 40 56 24 40 40 16 22 94 3 12 14 0 40 25/20/19/18/00/00/00/00 78 41 57 25 41 41 16 22 94 3 12 14 0 41 25/20/19/18/00/00/00/00 79 41 57 25 41 41 16 22 94 3 12 14 0 41 25/21/20/19/00/00/00/00 80 42 58 25 42 42 16 22 94 3 12 14 0 42 25/21/20/19/00/00/00/00 81 42 59 25 42 42 18 22 94 3 12 14 0 42 25/21/20/19/00/00/00/00 82 42 59 26 42 42 18 22 94 3 13 14 0 42 26/21/20/19/00/00/00/00 83 43 60 26 43 43 18 22 95 3 13 15 0 43 26/21/20/19/00/00/00/00 84 43 60 26 43 43 18 22 95 3 13 15 0 43 26/21/21/20/00/00/00/00 85 44 61 26 44 44 18 24 95 3 13 15 0 44 26/22/21/20/00/00/00/00 86 44 62 27 44 44 18 24 95 3 13 15 0 44 26/22/21/20/00/00/00/00 87 45 62 27 45 45 18 24 95 3 13 15 0 45 27/22/21/20/00/00/00/00 88 45 63 27 45 45 18 24 95 3 13 15 0 45 27/22/21/20/00/00/00/00 89 46 64 27 46 46 20 24 96 4 13 16 0 46 27/22/21/21/00/00/00/00 90 46 64 28 46 46 20 24 96 4 14 16 0 46 27/23/22/21/00/00/00/00 91 46 65 28 46 46 20 24 96 4 14 16 0 46 27/23/22/21/00/00/00/00 92 47 66 28 47 47 20 24 96 4 14 16 0 47 28/23/22/21/00/00/00/00 93 47 66 28 47 47 20 24 96 4 14 16 0 47 28/23/22/21/00/00/00/00 94 48 67 29 48 48 20 26 96 4 14 16 0 48 28/23/22/21/00/00/00/00 95 48 67 29 48 48 20 26 96 4 14 16 0 48 28/24/23/22/00/00/00/00 96 49 68 29 49 49 20 26 97 4 14 17 0 49 28/24/23/22/00/00/00/00 97 49 69 29 49 49 22 26 97 4 14 17 0 49 28/24/23/22/00/00/00/00 98 50 69 30 50 50 22 26 97 4 15 17 0 50 29/24/23/22/00/00/00/00 99 50 70 30 50 50 22 26 97 4 15 17 0 50 29/24/23/22/00/00/00/00 Rating : 2 ------------------ 2.2.04 - SCHOLAR ------------------ Description : Thru extensive research, they obtain a great knowledge of all things. They use their wide knowledge to determine how to effectively defeat an enemy. Specialty : Peep - looks at enemy's current HP Scan - looks at enemy's weakness Usefulness : Avoid this at all cost! Evaluation : Books! Books! Books! I love books, but I don't love this pathetic nerd. Unexpectedly, this guy has the best Intelligence growth of all pre-Warlock mages. 'Scan' is useful against a certain "WallChange"-using enemies, ONLY... but I never really used it. Instead of wasting your turn to scan the enemies' weakness, might as well use the turn to deal additional damage. Whooo! This guy has a TERRIBLE HP gain! Definitely, a waste of slot in your party. Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 10-19: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 20-29: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 30-39: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 40-49: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 50-59: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 60-69: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi = , Vit --- Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 10 10 1 15 4 2 6 82 0 0 2 0 8 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 11 11 1 16 5 2 6 82 0 0 2 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 12 12 1 17 5 2 8 83 0 0 3 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 13 13 2 17 5 2 8 83 0 1 3 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 13 13 2 18 6 2 8 83 0 1 3 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 14 14 2 19 6 2 8 83 0 1 3 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 15 15 2 20 6 2 8 83 0 1 3 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 15 15 2 21 7 2 8 83 0 1 3 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 16 16 2 22 7 4 10 83 1 1 4 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 17 17 2 22 7 4 10 84 1 1 4 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 17 17 3 23 7 4 10 84 1 1 4 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 18 18 3 24 8 4 10 84 1 1 4 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 19 19 3 25 8 4 10 84 1 1 4 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 19 19 3 26 8 4 10 84 1 1 4 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 20 20 3 27 9 4 12 85 1 1 5 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 21 21 3 28 9 4 12 85 1 1 5 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 21 21 3 28 9 6 12 85 1 1 5 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 22 22 4 29 10 6 12 85 1 2 5 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 19 22 22 4 30 10 6 12 85 1 2 5 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 23 23 4 31 10 6 12 85 1 2 5 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 24 24 4 32 11 6 14 86 1 2 6 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 24 24 4 33 11 6 14 86 1 2 6 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 25 25 4 34 11 6 14 86 1 2 6 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 26 26 4 34 12 6 14 86 1 2 6 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 26 26 5 35 12 6 14 86 1 2 6 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 27 27 5 36 12 6 14 86 1 2 6 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 28 28 5 37 12 6 16 87 1 2 7 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 28 28 5 38 13 6 16 87 1 2 7 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 29 29 5 39 13 6 16 87 1 2 7 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 30 30 5 39 13 6 16 87 1 2 7 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 30 30 5 40 14 6 16 87 1 2 7 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 31 31 6 41 14 6 16 87 1 3 7 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 32 32 6 42 14 10 18 88 2 3 8 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 32 32 6 43 15 10 18 88 2 3 8 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 33 33 6 44 15 10 18 88 2 3 8 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 34 34 6 45 15 10 18 88 2 3 8 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 34 34 6 45 16 10 18 88 2 3 8 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 35 35 6 46 16 10 18 88 2 3 8 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 36 36 7 47 16 10 20 89 2 3 9 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 36 36 7 48 17 10 20 89 2 3 9 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 37 37 7 49 17 10 20 89 2 3 9 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 38 38 7 50 17 10 20 89 2 3 9 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 38 38 7 50 17 10 20 89 2 3 9 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 39 39 7 51 18 10 20 89 2 3 9 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 40 40 7 52 18 10 22 90 2 3 10 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 40 40 8 53 18 10 22 90 2 4 10 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 41 41 8 54 19 10 22 90 2 4 10 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 42 42 8 55 19 10 22 90 2 4 10 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 42 42 8 56 19 12 22 90 2 4 10 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 43 43 8 56 20 12 22 90 2 4 10 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 43 43 8 57 20 12 22 90 2 4 10 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 44 44 8 58 20 12 24 91 2 4 11 0 39 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 45 45 8 59 21 12 24 91 2 4 11 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 45 45 9 60 21 12 24 91 2 4 11 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 46 46 9 61 21 12 24 91 2 4 11 0 41 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 47 47 9 62 22 12 24 91 2 4 11 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 47 47 9 62 22 12 24 91 2 4 11 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 48 48 9 63 22 14 26 92 3 4 12 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 49 49 9 64 22 14 26 92 3 4 12 0 43 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 49 49 9 65 23 14 26 92 3 4 12 0 44 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 50 50 10 66 23 14 26 92 3 5 12 0 44 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 51 51 10 67 23 14 26 92 3 5 12 0 45 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 51 51 10 67 24 14 26 92 3 5 12 0 45 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 52 52 10 68 24 14 28 93 3 5 13 0 46 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 53 53 10 69 24 16 28 93 3 5 13 0 46 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 53 53 10 70 25 16 28 93 3 5 13 0 47 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 54 54 10 71 25 16 28 93 3 5 13 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 55 55 11 72 25 16 28 93 3 5 13 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 55 55 11 73 26 16 28 93 3 5 13 0 49 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 56 56 11 73 26 16 30 94 3 5 14 0 49 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 57 57 11 74 26 16 30 94 3 5 14 0 50 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 57 57 11 75 27 16 30 94 3 5 14 0 51 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 58 58 11 76 27 16 30 94 3 5 14 0 51 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 59 59 11 77 27 16 30 94 3 5 14 0 52 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 59 59 12 78 27 16 30 94 3 6 14 0 52 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 60 60 12 78 28 16 32 95 3 6 15 0 53 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 61 61 12 79 28 16 32 95 3 6 15 0 53 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 61 61 12 80 28 16 32 95 3 6 15 0 54 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 62 62 12 81 29 16 32 95 3 6 15 0 55 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 63 63 12 82 29 16 32 95 3 6 15 0 55 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 63 63 12 83 29 18 32 95 3 6 15 0 56 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 64 64 13 84 30 20 34 96 4 6 16 0 57 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 64 64 13 84 30 20 34 96 4 6 16 0 57 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 65 65 13 85 30 20 34 96 4 6 16 0 57 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 66 66 13 86 31 20 34 96 4 6 16 0 58 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 66 66 13 87 31 20 34 96 4 6 16 0 59 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 67 67 13 88 31 20 34 96 4 6 16 0 59 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 68 68 13 89 32 20 36 97 4 6 17 0 60 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 68 68 14 90 32 20 36 97 4 7 17 0 61 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 69 69 14 90 32 20 36 97 4 7 17 0 61 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 70 70 14 91 32 20 36 97 4 7 17 0 61 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 70 70 14 92 33 20 36 97 4 7 17 0 62 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 71 71 14 93 33 20 36 97 4 7 17 0 63 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 72 72 14 94 33 20 38 98 4 7 18 0 63 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 72 72 14 95 34 20 38 98 4 7 18 0 64 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 73 73 15 95 34 20 38 98 4 7 18 0 64 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 74 74 15 96 34 22 38 98 4 7 18 0 65 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 74 74 15 97 35 22 38 98 4 7 18 0 66 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 75 75 15 98 35 22 38 98 4 7 18 0 66 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 Rating : 1 ---------------------------------------- 2.2.05 - GEOMANCER/ELEMENTALIST/TAOIST ---------------------------------------- Description : Combatants who knows how to use the geography and topography of the earth as a weapon. Specialty : Terrain - uses the nature as weapon. Effects varry in the area where you are. Usefulness : If you're still using the Black Wizard and you ran out of MP, you can still use "spells without MP" using its 'Terrain' ability... the effects depends on the location of the battle, though. Evaluation : I don't see any reason to use this job. Compared to FFV and FF Tactics' Geomancer, this seems to be not the Geomancer we now know. 'Terrain' is not really that useful. Its bells don't work wonders either... that's why I put it in the mage class. Mage-like stat progression, weak weapons and armors, and weak physique are reasons to avoid this job, although, its free spells are quite useful for those who want to have a regular mage in their party without minding their MP consumption. Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str - , Agi = , Vit = Levels 10-19: Str - , Agi = , Vit = Levels 20-29: Str - , Agi = , Vit = Levels 30-39: Str - , Agi = , Vit = Levels 40-49: Str - , Agi = , Vit = Levels 50-59: Str - , Agi = , Vit - Levels 60-69: Str - , Agi = , Vit = Levels 70-79: Str - , Agi = , Vit = Levels 80-89: Str - , Agi = , Vit = Levels 90-99: Str --, Agi = , Vit = Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 10 10 10 20 5 2 6 82 0 5 2 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 11 11 11 21 6 2 6 82 0 5 2 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 11 12 11 22 6 2 6 83 0 5 3 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 12 13 12 22 7 2 8 83 0 6 3 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 12 13 12 23 7 2 8 83 0 6 3 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 12 14 12 23 8 2 8 83 0 6 3 0 15 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 13 15 13 24 8 2 8 83 0 6 3 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 13 15 13 24 9 2 8 83 0 6 3 0 16 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 14 16 14 25 9 4 8 84 1 7 4 0 17 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 14 17 14 26 10 4 8 84 1 7 4 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 14 17 14 26 10 4 8 84 1 7 4 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 15 18 15 27 10 4 8 84 1 7 4 0 18 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 13 15 19 15 27 11 4 8 84 1 7 4 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 14 16 19 16 28 11 4 10 84 1 8 4 0 19 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 15 16 20 16 28 12 4 10 85 1 8 5 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 16 16 21 16 29 12 4 10 85 1 8 5 0 20 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 17 17 21 17 29 13 6 10 85 1 8 5 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 18 17 22 17 30 13 6 10 85 1 8 5 0 21 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 19 18 22 18 31 14 6 10 85 1 9 5 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 20 18 23 18 31 14 6 10 85 1 9 5 0 22 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 21 18 24 18 32 15 6 10 86 1 9 6 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 22 19 24 19 32 15 6 10 86 1 9 6 0 23 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 23 19 25 19 33 15 6 10 86 1 9 6 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 24 20 26 20 33 16 6 12 86 1 10 6 0 24 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 25 20 26 20 34 16 6 12 86 1 10 6 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 26 21 27 21 34 17 6 12 86 1 10 6 0 25 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 27 21 28 21 35 17 6 12 87 1 10 7 0 26 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 28 21 28 21 36 18 6 12 87 1 10 7 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 29 22 29 22 36 18 6 12 87 1 11 7 0 27 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 30 22 30 22 37 19 6 12 87 1 11 7 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 31 23 30 23 37 19 6 12 87 1 11 7 0 28 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 32 23 31 23 38 20 6 12 87 1 11 7 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 33 23 32 23 38 20 10 12 88 2 11 8 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 34 24 32 24 39 20 10 14 88 2 12 8 0 29 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 35 24 33 24 39 21 10 14 88 2 12 8 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 36 25 34 25 40 21 10 14 88 2 12 8 0 30 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 37 25 34 25 41 22 10 14 88 2 12 8 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 38 25 35 25 41 22 10 14 88 2 12 8 0 31 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 39 26 36 26 42 23 10 14 89 2 13 9 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 40 26 36 26 42 23 10 14 89 2 13 9 0 32 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 41 27 37 27 43 24 10 14 89 2 13 9 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 42 27 38 27 43 24 10 14 89 2 13 9 0 33 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 43 27 38 27 44 25 10 14 89 2 13 9 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 44 28 39 28 44 25 10 16 89 2 14 9 0 34 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 45 28 40 28 45 25 10 16 90 2 14 10 0 35 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 46 29 40 29 46 26 10 16 90 2 14 10 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 47 29 41 29 46 26 10 16 90 2 14 10 0 36 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 48 29 42 29 47 27 10 16 90 2 14 10 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 49 30 42 30 47 27 12 16 90 2 15 10 0 37 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 50 30 43 30 48 28 12 16 90 2 15 10 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 51 31 43 31 48 28 12 16 90 2 15 10 0 38 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 52 31 44 31 49 29 12 16 91 2 15 11 0 39 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 53 31 45 31 49 29 12 16 91 2 15 11 0 39 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 54 32 45 32 50 30 12 18 91 2 16 11 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 55 32 46 32 51 30 12 18 91 2 16 11 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 56 33 47 33 51 30 12 18 91 2 16 11 0 40 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 57 33 47 33 52 31 12 18 91 2 16 11 0 41 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 58 33 48 33 52 31 14 18 92 3 16 12 0 41 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 59 34 49 34 53 32 14 18 92 3 17 12 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 60 34 49 34 53 32 14 18 92 3 17 12 0 42 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 61 35 50 35 54 33 14 18 92 3 17 12 0 43 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 62 35 51 35 54 33 14 18 92 3 17 12 0 43 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 63 35 51 35 55 34 14 18 92 3 17 12 0 44 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 64 36 52 36 56 34 14 20 93 3 18 13 0 45 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 65 36 53 36 56 35 16 20 93 3 18 13 0 45 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 66 37 53 37 57 35 16 20 93 3 18 13 0 46 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 67 37 54 37 57 35 16 20 93 3 18 13 0 46 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 68 37 55 37 58 36 16 20 93 3 18 13 0 47 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 69 38 55 38 58 36 16 20 93 3 19 13 0 47 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 70 38 56 38 59 37 16 20 94 3 19 14 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 71 39 57 39 59 37 16 20 94 3 19 14 0 48 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 72 39 57 39 60 38 16 20 94 3 19 14 0 49 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 73 39 58 39 61 38 16 20 94 3 19 14 0 49 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 74 40 59 40 61 39 16 22 94 3 20 14 0 50 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 75 40 59 40 62 39 16 22 94 3 20 14 0 50 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 76 41 60 41 62 40 16 22 95 3 20 15 0 51 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 77 41 61 41 63 40 16 22 95 3 20 15 0 51 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 78 42 61 42 63 40 16 22 95 3 21 15 0 51 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 79 42 62 42 64 41 16 22 95 3 21 15 0 52 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 80 42 63 42 64 41 16 22 95 3 21 15 0 52 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 81 43 63 43 65 42 18 22 95 3 21 15 0 53 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 82 43 64 43 66 42 20 22 96 4 21 16 0 54 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 83 44 64 44 66 43 20 24 96 4 22 16 0 54 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 84 44 65 44 67 43 20 24 96 4 22 16 0 55 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 85 44 66 44 67 44 20 24 96 4 22 16 0 55 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 86 45 66 45 68 44 20 24 96 4 22 16 0 56 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 87 45 67 45 68 45 20 24 96 4 22 16 0 56 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 88 46 68 46 69 45 20 24 97 4 23 17 0 57 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 89 46 68 46 69 45 20 24 97 4 23 17 0 57 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 90 46 69 46 70 46 20 24 97 4 23 17 0 58 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 91 47 70 47 71 46 20 24 97 4 23 17 0 58 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 92 47 70 47 71 47 20 24 97 4 23 17 0 59 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 93 48 71 48 72 47 20 26 97 4 24 17 0 59 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 94 48 72 48 72 48 20 26 98 4 24 18 0 60 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 95 48 72 48 73 48 20 26 98 4 24 18 0 60 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 96 49 73 49 73 49 20 26 98 4 24 18 0 61 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 97 49 74 49 74 49 22 26 98 4 24 18 0 61 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 98 50 74 50 74 50 22 26 98 4 25 18 0 62 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 99 50 75 50 75 50 22 26 98 4 25 18 0 62 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 Rating : 2 -------------------------- 2.2.06 - CONJURER/CALLER -------------------------- Description : Proving to be worthy of the powers of the legendary monsters, they can call upon said beings to utilize its random white or black ability. Specialty : Summon's White/Black Ability Usefulness : Use it if you're terribly addict with summon monsters. Usefulness depends on luck... might as well dump this mage in the trash site. Evaluation : If you want a Red Mage with a twist, get this... but I never really loved Red Wizards... so as Conjurers... if not for my interest in Summons. Their summons are random... unpredictable. However, some summon effect are quite useful like that of Ramuh Shiva and Leviathan's white ability... (check the Miscellaneous). Terrible HP progression and limited MP kills the usefulness of this job! Oh, even its speed sucks! For a good note, don't you think conjurers looks like Hunters than Summoners-in-training? Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str = , Agi - , Vit -- Levels 10-19: Str = , Agi - , Vit -- Levels 20-29: Str = , Agi - , Vit -- Levels 30-39: Str = , Agi - , Vit -- Levels 40-49: Str = , Agi --, Vit -- Levels 50-59: Str = , Agi --, Vit -- Levels 60-69: Str = , Agi --, Vit - Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi --, Vit -- Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi --, Vit -- Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi ---, Vit -- Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 10 10 5 15 15 2 6 82 0 2 2 0 15 02/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 11 11 5 16 16 2 6 82 0 2 2 0 16 03/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 12 11 6 17 17 2 8 82 0 3 2 0 17 04/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 13 12 6 17 17 2 8 83 0 3 3 0 17 04/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 13 12 6 18 18 2 8 83 0 3 3 0 18 05/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 14 12 6 19 19 2 8 83 0 3 3 0 19 05/01/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 15 13 6 19 19 2 8 83 0 3 3 0 19 06/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 15 13 7 20 20 2 8 83 0 3 3 0 20 06/02/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 16 14 7 20 20 2 10 83 0 3 3 0 20 06/03/00/00/00/00/00/00 10 17 14 7 21 21 2 10 83 0 3 3 0 21 07/03/00/00/00/00/00/00 11 17 14 7 22 22 2 10 83 0 3 3 0 22 07/04/00/00/00/00/00/00 12 18 15 7 22 22 2 10 83 0 3 3 0 22 07/04/01/00/00/00/00/00 13 19 15 8 23 23 2 10 83 0 4 3 0 23 08/04/02/00/00/00/00/00 14 19 16 8 23 23 4 10 84 1 4 4 0 23 08/05/02/00/00/00/00/00 15 20 16 8 24 24 4 12 84 1 4 4 0 24 08/05/03/00/00/00/00/00 16 21 16 8 25 25 4 12 84 1 4 4 0 25 09/05/03/00/00/00/00/00 17 21 17 8 25 25 6 12 84 1 4 4 0 25 09/06/04/00/00/00/00/00 18 22 17 9 26 26 6 12 84 1 4 4 0 26 09/06/04/01/00/00/00/00 19 22 18 9 27 27 6 12 84 1 4 4 0 27 10/06/04/02/00/00/00/00 20 23 18 9 27 27 6 12 84 1 4 4 0 27 10/07/05/02/00/00/00/00 21 24 18 9 28 28 6 14 84 1 4 4 0 28 10/07/05/03/00/00/00/00 22 24 19 9 28 28 6 14 84 1 4 4 0 28 10/07/05/03/00/00/00/00 23 25 19 10 29 29 6 14 84 1 5 4 0 29 11/08/06/04/00/00/00/00 24 26 20 10 30 30 6 14 85 1 5 5 0 30 11/08/06/04/01/00/00/00 25 26 20 10 30 30 6 14 85 1 5 5 0 30 11/08/06/04/02/00/00/00 26 27 21 10 31 31 6 14 85 1 5 5 0 31 12/08/07/05/02/00/00/00 27 28 21 10 31 31 6 16 85 1 5 5 0 31 12/09/07/05/03/00/00/00 28 28 21 11 32 32 6 16 85 1 5 5 0 32 12/09/07/05/03/00/00/00 29 29 22 11 33 33 6 16 85 1 5 5 0 33 12/09/08/06/04/00/00/00 30 30 22 11 33 33 6 16 85 1 5 5 0 33 13/10/08/06/04/01/00/00 31 30 23 11 34 34 6 16 85 1 5 5 0 34 13/10/08/06/04/02/00/00 32 31 23 11 34 34 6 16 85 1 5 5 0 34 13/10/08/07/05/02/00/00 33 32 23 12 35 35 8 18 85 1 6 5 0 35 13/10/09/07/05/03/00/00 34 32 24 12 36 36 8 18 86 1 6 6 0 36 14/11/09/07/05/03/00/00 35 33 24 12 36 36 8 18 86 1 6 6 0 36 14/11/09/08/06/04/00/00 36 34 25 12 37 37 8 18 86 1 6 6 0 37 14/11/10/08/06/04/01/00 37 34 25 12 37 37 8 18 86 1 6 6 0 37 14/11/10/08/06/04/02/00 38 35 25 13 38 38 8 18 86 1 6 6 0 38 15/12/10/08/07/05/02/00 39 36 26 13 39 39 8 20 86 1 6 6 0 39 15/12/10/09/07/05/03/00 40 36 26 13 39 39 8 20 86 1 6 6 0 39 15/12/11/09/07/05/03/00 41 37 27 13 40 40 8 20 86 1 6 6 0 40 15/12/11/09/08/06/04/00 42 38 27 13 40 40 8 20 86 1 6 6 0 40 15/13/11/10/08/06/04/01 43 38 27 14 41 41 8 20 86 1 7 6 0 41 16/13/11/10/08/06/04/02 44 39 28 14 42 42 8 20 87 1 7 7 0 42 16/13/12/10/08/07/05/02 45 40 28 14 42 42 8 22 87 1 7 7 0 42 16/13/12/10/09/07/05/03 46 40 29 14 43 43 8 22 87 1 7 7 0 43 16/13/12/11/09/07/05/03 47 41 29 14 43 43 8 22 87 1 7 7 0 43 17/14/12/11/09/08/06/04 48 42 29 15 44 44 8 22 87 1 7 7 0 44 17/14/13/11/10/08/06/04 49 42 30 15 45 45 10 22 87 1 7 7 0 45 17/14/13/11/10/08/06/04 50 43 30 15 45 45 10 22 87 1 7 7 0 45 17/14/13/12/10/08/07/05 51 43 31 15 46 46 10 22 87 1 7 7 0 46 17/15/13/12/10/09/07/05 52 44 31 16 47 47 10 24 87 1 8 7 0 47 18/15/13/12/11/09/07/05 53 45 31 16 47 47 10 24 87 1 8 7 0 47 18/15/14/12/11/09/08/06 54 45 32 16 48 48 12 24 88 2 8 8 0 48 18/15/14/13/11/10/08/06 55 46 32 16 48 48 12 24 88 2 8 8 0 48 18/15/14/13/11/10/08/06 56 47 33 16 49 49 12 24 88 2 8 8 0 49 19/16/14/13/12/10/08/07 57 47 33 17 50 50 12 24 88 2 8 8 0 50 19/16/15/13/12/10/09/07 58 48 33 17 50 50 12 26 88 2 8 8 0 50 19/16/15/13/12/11/09/07 59 49 34 17 51 51 12 26 88 2 8 8 0 51 19/16/15/14/12/11/09/08 60 49 34 17 51 51 12 26 88 2 8 8 0 51 19/17/15/14/13/11/10/08 61 50 35 17 52 52 12 26 88 2 8 8 0 52 20/17/15/14/13/11/10/08 62 51 35 18 53 53 12 26 88 2 9 8 0 53 20/17/16/14/13/12/10/08 63 51 35 18 53 53 12 26 88 2 9 8 0 53 20/17/16/15/13/12/10/09 64 52 36 18 54 54 12 28 89 2 9 9 0 54 20/17/16/15/13/12/11/09 65 53 36 18 54 54 14 28 89 2 9 9 0 54 20/18/16/15/14/12/11/09 66 53 37 18 55 55 14 28 89 2 9 9 0 55 21/18/17/15/14/13/11/10 67 54 37 19 56 56 14 28 89 2 9 9 0 56 21/18/17/15/14/13/11/10 68 55 37 19 56 56 14 28 89 2 9 9 0 56 21/18/17/16/14/13/12/10 69 55 38 19 57 57 14 28 89 2 9 9 0 57 21/18/17/16/15/13/12/10 70 56 38 19 57 57 14 30 89 2 9 9 0 57 21/19/17/16/15/13/12/11 71 57 39 19 58 58 14 30 89 2 9 9 0 58 22/19/18/16/15/14/12/11 72 57 39 20 59 59 14 30 89 2 10 9 0 59 22/19/18/17/15/14/13/11 73 58 39 20 59 59 14 30 89 2 10 9 0 59 22/19/18/17/15/14/13/11 74 59 40 20 60 60 14 30 90 2 10 10 0 60 22/19/18/17/16/14/13/12 75 59 40 20 60 60 14 30 90 2 10 10 0 60 22/20/18/17/16/15/13/12 76 60 41 20 61 61 14 32 90 2 10 10 0 61 23/20/19/17/16/15/13/12 77 61 41 21 62 62 14 32 90 2 10 10 0 62 23/20/19/18/16/15/14/12 78 61 42 21 62 62 14 32 90 2 10 10 0 62 23/20/19/18/17/15/14/13 79 62 42 21 63 63 14 32 90 2 10 10 0 63 23/20/19/18/17/15/14/13 80 63 42 21 63 63 14 32 90 2 10 10 0 63 23/21/19/18/17/16/14/13 81 63 43 21 64 64 16 32 90 2 10 10 0 64 23/21/20/18/17/16/15/13 82 64 43 22 65 65 16 34 90 2 11 10 0 65 24/21/20/19/17/16/15/13 83 64 44 22 65 65 16 34 91 2 11 11 0 65 24/21/20/19/18/16/15/14 84 65 44 22 66 66 16 34 91 2 11 11 0 66 24/21/20/19/18/17/15/14 85 66 44 22 67 67 16 34 91 2 11 11 0 67 24/21/20/19/18/17/15/14 86 66 45 22 67 67 16 34 91 2 11 11 0 67 24/22/21/19/18/17/16/14 87 67 45 23 68 68 16 34 91 2 11 11 0 68 25/22/21/20/18/17/16/15 88 68 46 23 68 68 16 36 91 2 11 11 0 68 25/22/21/20/19/17/16/15 89 68 46 23 69 69 16 36 91 2 11 11 0 69 25/22/21/20/19/18/16/15 90 69 46 23 70 70 16 36 91 2 11 11 0 70 25/22/21/20/19/18/17/15 91 70 47 23 70 70 16 36 91 2 11 11 0 70 25/23/21/20/19/18/17/15 92 70 47 24 71 71 16 36 91 2 12 11 0 71 26/23/22/21/19/18/17/16 93 71 48 24 71 71 18 36 92 3 12 12 0 71 26/23/22/21/20/18/17/16 94 72 48 24 72 72 18 38 92 3 12 12 0 72 26/23/22/21/20/19/17/16 95 72 48 24 73 73 18 38 92 3 12 12 0 73 26/23/22/21/20/19/18/16 96 73 49 24 73 73 18 38 92 3 12 12 0 73 26/24/22/21/20/19/18/17 97 74 49 25 74 74 20 38 92 3 12 12 0 74 26/24/23/21/20/19/18/17 98 74 50 25 74 74 20 38 92 3 12 12 0 74 27/24/23/22/21/19/18/17 99 75 50 25 75 75 20 38 92 3 12 12 0 75 27/24/23/22/21/20/18/17 Rating : 2 --------------- 2.2.07 - BARD --------------- Description : Talented singers who can use their great voices as a weapon. Specialty : Scare - makes enemies miss attack or run away. Cheer - increases party's number of hits. Can be used as many times as you want... effect will be like 'Haste'. Usefulness : 'Cheer' is all you should do if you want to use this job... NEVER EVER attempt to use the 'Fight' command! Evaluation : Offense enhancer at best... and item user at times. 'Scare' is not really that useful. On the other hand, 'Cheer' will give you a little advantage over the enemies especially when your warriors skill level is a little low. In a long battle, the continuous use of 'Cheer' will result in a haste effect. Unlike FF4's legendary Bard, Edward, (Oh... I still can't forget the horror that pathetic character gave me!) this one gave a little justice for the job. Although it has no other use than to 'Cheer' the party, its great HP growth and decent speed makes it more dependable than the rest of the mages before it (except against the White Wizard). I'm just wondering what happend to Edward... o_? Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str ---, Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 10-19: Str ---, Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 20-29: Str ---, Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 30-39: Str --, Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 40-49: Str ---, Agi + , Vit + Levels 50-59: Str --, Agi = , Vit + Levels 60-69: Str --, Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 70-79: Str --, Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 80-89: Str --, Agi = , Vit + Levels 90-99: Str ---, Agi = , Vit + Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 5 15 15 10 10 2 4 83 0 7 3 0 10 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 2 5 16 16 11 11 4 4 84 1 8 4 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 3 6 17 17 11 12 4 4 84 1 8 4 0 11 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 4 6 17 17 12 13 4 4 84 1 8 4 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 5 6 18 18 12 13 4 4 84 1 9 4 0 12 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 6 6 19 19 12 14 4 4 84 1 9 4 0 13 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 7 6 19 19 13 15 4 4 84 1 9 4 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 8 7 20 20 13 15 4 4 85 1 10 5 0 14 00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 9 7 20 20 14 16 4 4 85 1 10 5 0 15 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They use their powers to purify the world from dark forces. Specialty : All-around support. Usefulness : At last! You can now say farewell to your trusty White Wizard. Until you get the Sage, don't give up this rabbit costume. Very good job. Evaluation : Far better White Wizard... plus it's cute rabbit costume is worth using! If you don't have the Sage, you may calmly settle with this one. They are as reliable as the Sages when it comes to healing. It also becomes a useful warrior once you get the "Golem" Staff, which has a petrifying effect... instant kill! Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str = , Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 10-19: Str = , Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 20-29: Str - , Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 30-39: Str - , Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 40-49: Str - , Agi = , Vit + Levels 50-59: Str - , Agi = , Vit + Levels 60-69: Str - , Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 70-79: Str - , Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 80-89: Str - , Agi = , Vit + Levels 90-99: Str --, Agi = , Vit + Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 15 10 15 5 25 2 8 82 0 7 2 0 15 10/09/08/07/06/05/04/03 2 16 11 16 6 26 2 10 82 0 8 2 0 16 11/09/08/07/06/05/04/03 3 16 12 17 6 27 2 10 83 0 8 3 0 16 12/09/08/07/06/05/04/03 4 16 13 17 7 28 2 10 83 0 8 3 0 17 12/09/08/07/06/05/04/03 5 17 13 18 7 29 2 10 83 0 9 3 0 18 13/10/08/07/06/05/04/03 6 17 14 19 8 29 2 10 83 0 9 3 0 18 14/11/08/07/06/05/04/03 7 17 15 19 8 30 2 10 83 0 9 3 0 19 14/11/08/07/06/05/04/03 8 18 15 20 9 31 2 10 83 0 10 3 0 20 15/12/08/07/06/05/04/03 9 18 16 20 9 32 4 10 84 1 10 4 0 20 15/13/08/07/06/05/04/03 10 19 17 21 10 32 4 10 84 1 10 4 0 21 16/13/09/07/06/05/04/03 11 19 17 22 10 33 4 10 84 1 11 4 0 21 16/14/10/07/06/05/04/03 12 19 18 22 10 34 4 10 84 1 11 4 0 22 17/14/10/07/06/05/04/03 13 20 19 23 11 35 4 12 84 1 11 4 0 23 17/15/11/07/06/05/04/03 14 20 19 23 11 35 4 12 84 1 11 4 0 23 18/15/12/07/06/05/04/03 15 20 20 24 12 36 4 12 85 1 12 5 0 24 18/16/12/08/06/05/04/03 16 21 21 25 12 37 4 12 85 1 12 5 0 24 19/16/13/09/06/05/04/03 17 21 21 25 13 38 6 12 85 1 12 5 0 25 19/17/13/09/06/05/04/03 18 21 22 26 13 38 6 12 85 1 13 5 0 25 20/17/14/10/06/05/04/03 19 22 22 27 14 39 6 12 85 1 13 5 0 26 20/18/14/11/06/05/04/03 20 22 23 27 14 40 6 12 85 1 13 5 0 27 21/18/15/11/07/05/04/03 21 22 24 28 15 41 6 12 86 1 14 6 0 28 21/19/15/12/08/05/04/03 22 23 24 28 15 41 6 12 86 1 14 6 0 28 21/19/16/12/08/05/04/03 23 23 25 29 15 42 6 12 86 1 14 6 0 28 22/20/16/13/09/05/04/03 24 23 26 30 16 43 6 12 86 1 15 6 0 29 22/20/17/13/10/05/04/03 25 24 26 30 16 44 6 14 86 1 15 6 0 30 23/20/17/14/10/06/04/03 26 24 27 31 17 44 6 14 86 1 15 6 0 30 23/21/18/14/11/07/04/03 27 25 28 31 17 45 6 14 87 1 15 7 0 31 24/21/18/15/11/07/04/03 28 25 28 32 18 46 6 14 87 1 16 7 0 32 24/22/19/15/12/08/04/03 29 25 29 33 18 47 6 14 87 1 16 7 0 32 24/22/19/16/12/09/04/03 30 26 30 33 19 47 6 14 87 1 16 7 0 33 25/23/19/16/13/09/05/03 31 26 30 34 19 48 6 14 87 1 17 7 0 33 25/23/20/17/13/10/06/03 32 26 31 34 20 49 6 14 87 1 17 7 0 34 26/23/20/17/14/10/06/03 33 27 32 35 20 50 10 14 88 2 17 8 0 35 26/24/21/18/14/11/07/03 34 27 32 36 20 50 10 14 88 2 18 8 0 35 26/24/21/18/15/11/08/03 35 27 33 36 21 51 10 14 88 2 18 8 0 36 27/25/22/18/15/12/08/04 36 28 34 37 21 52 10 16 88 2 18 8 0 36 27/25/22/19/16/12/09/05 37 28 34 37 22 53 10 16 88 2 18 8 0 37 28/25/22/19/16/13/09/05 38 28 35 38 22 53 10 16 88 2 19 8 0 37 28/26/23/20/17/13/10/06 39 29 36 39 23 54 10 16 89 2 19 9 0 38 28/26/23/20/17/14/10/07 40 29 36 39 23 55 10 16 89 2 19 9 0 39 29/27/24/21/17/14/11/07 41 29 37 40 24 56 10 16 89 2 20 9 0 40 29/27/24/21/18/15/11/08 42 30 38 40 24 56 10 16 89 2 20 9 0 40 30/27/24/21/18/15/12/08 43 30 38 41 25 57 10 16 89 2 20 9 0 41 30/28/25/22/19/16/12/09 44 31 39 42 25 58 10 16 89 2 21 9 0 41 30/28/25/22/19/16/13/09 45 31 40 42 25 59 10 16 90 2 21 10 0 42 31/29/26/23/20/16/13/10 46 31 40 43 26 59 10 16 90 2 21 10 0 42 31/29/26/23/20/17/14/10 47 32 41 43 26 60 10 18 90 2 21 10 0 43 31/29/26/23/20/17/14/11 48 32 42 44 27 61 10 18 90 2 22 10 0 44 32/30/27/24/21/18/15/11 49 32 42 45 27 62 12 18 90 2 22 10 0 44 32/30/27/24/21/18/15/12 50 33 43 45 28 62 12 18 90 2 22 10 0 45 32/30/28/25/22/19/15/12 51 33 43 46 28 63 12 18 90 2 23 10 0 45 33/31/28/25/22/19/16/13 52 33 44 47 29 64 12 18 91 2 23 11 0 46 33/31/28/25/22/19/16/13 53 34 45 47 29 65 12 18 91 2 23 11 0 47 34/31/29/26/23/20/17/14 54 34 45 48 30 65 12 18 91 2 24 11 0 47 34/32/29/26/23/20/17/14 55 34 46 48 30 66 12 18 91 2 24 11 0 48 34/32/29/27/24/21/18/14 56 35 47 49 30 67 12 18 91 2 24 11 0 48 35/33/30/27/24/21/18/15 57 35 47 50 31 68 12 18 91 2 25 11 0 49 35/33/30/27/24/21/18/15 58 36 48 50 31 68 14 20 92 3 25 12 0 49 35/33/30/28/25/22/19/16 59 36 49 51 32 69 14 20 92 3 25 12 0 50 36/34/31/28/25/22/19/16 60 36 49 51 32 70 14 20 92 3 25 12 0 51 36/34/31/28/26/23/20/17 61 37 50 52 33 71 14 20 92 3 26 12 0 52 36/34/32/29/26/23/20/17 62 37 51 53 33 71 14 20 92 3 26 12 0 52 37/35/32/29/26/23/20/17 63 37 51 53 34 72 14 20 92 3 26 12 0 53 37/35/32/29/27/24/21/18 64 38 52 54 34 73 14 20 93 3 27 13 0 53 38/35/33/30/27/24/21/18 65 38 53 54 35 74 16 20 93 3 27 13 0 54 38/36/33/30/27/25/22/19 66 38 53 55 35 74 16 20 93 3 27 13 0 54 38/36/33/31/28/25/22/19 67 39 54 56 35 75 16 20 93 3 28 13 0 55 39/37/34/31/28/25/22/19 68 39 55 56 36 76 16 20 93 3 28 13 0 56 39/37/34/31/28/26/23/20 69 39 55 57 36 77 16 20 93 3 28 13 0 56 39/37/34/32/29/26/23/20 70 40 56 57 37 77 16 22 94 3 28 14 0 57 40/38/35/32/29/26/24/21 71 40 57 58 37 78 16 22 94 3 29 14 0 57 40/38/35/32/30/27/24/21 72 40 57 59 38 79 16 22 94 3 29 14 0 58 40/38/36/33/30/27/24/21 73 41 58 59 38 80 16 22 94 3 29 14 0 59 41/39/36/33/30/27/25/22 74 41 59 60 39 80 16 22 94 3 30 14 0 59 41/39/36/33/31/28/25/22 75 42 59 60 39 81 16 22 94 3 30 14 0 60 41/39/37/34/31/28/25/23 76 42 60 61 40 82 16 22 95 3 30 15 0 61 42/40/37/34/31/29/26/23 77 42 61 62 40 83 16 22 95 3 31 15 0 61 42/40/37/35/32/29/26/23 78 43 61 62 40 83 16 22 95 3 31 15 0 61 42/40/38/35/32/29/26/24 79 43 62 63 41 84 16 22 95 3 31 15 0 62 43/41/38/35/32/30/27/24 80 43 63 63 41 85 16 22 95 3 31 15 0 63 43/41/38/36/33/30/27/24 81 44 63 64 42 86 18 24 95 3 32 15 0 64 43/41/39/36/33/30/28/25 82 44 64 65 42 86 20 24 96 4 32 16 0 64 44/42/39/36/34/31/28/25 83 44 64 65 43 87 20 24 96 4 32 16 0 65 44/42/39/37/34/31/28/25 84 45 65 66 43 88 20 24 96 4 33 16 0 65 44/42/40/37/34/31/29/26 85 45 66 67 44 89 20 24 96 4 33 16 0 66 45/43/40/37/35/32/29/26 86 45 66 67 44 89 20 24 96 4 33 16 0 66 45/43/40/38/35/32/29/27 87 46 67 68 45 90 20 24 96 4 34 16 0 67 45/43/41/38/35/33/30/27 88 46 68 68 45 91 20 24 97 4 34 17 0 68 46/44/41/38/36/33/30/27 89 46 68 69 45 92 20 24 97 4 34 17 0 68 46/44/41/39/36/33/30/28 90 47 69 70 46 92 20 24 97 4 35 17 0 69 46/44/42/39/36/34/31/28 91 47 70 70 46 93 20 24 97 4 35 17 0 69 47/45/42/39/37/34/31/28 92 48 70 71 47 94 20 26 97 4 35 17 0 70 47/45/42/40/37/34/32/29 93 48 71 71 47 95 20 26 97 4 35 17 0 71 47/45/43/40/37/35/32/29 94 48 72 72 48 95 20 26 98 4 36 18 0 71 48/46/43/40/38/35/32/29 95 49 72 73 48 96 20 26 98 4 36 18 0 72 48/46/43/41/38/35/33/30 96 49 73 73 49 97 20 26 98 4 36 18 0 73 48/46/44/41/38/36/33/30 97 49 74 74 49 98 22 26 98 4 37 18 0 73 49/47/44/41/39/36/33/31 98 50 74 74 50 98 22 26 98 4 37 18 0 74 49/47/44/42/39/36/34/31 99 50 75 75 50 99 22 26 98 4 37 18 0 74 49/47/45/42/39/37/34/31 Rating : 5 ------------------ 2.2.09 - WARLOCK ------------------ Description : Masters of elements. They use their devastating powers to cause havoc to those who cause danger to the world. Specialty : Enough MP to cast spells. Usefulness : Great for dungeon-crawling. The status spells are definitely a reason enough to use it, especially in the final dungeons. Evaluation : Far better Black Wizard. Now it can use Death, Flare and Meteo. It's very useful now. The best thing that you may consider is its 'Death' magic, which can kill any non-boss enemies instantly. That's all... well, not really :) This guy has loads of MP to cast it's spells. When exploring a deep dungeon, you can always depend in its spells for backup. Forget about attacking physically and cast spells like insane! Also, it is good to note that this guy has the best HP growth of all mages. Thanks to its terrific Vitality progression... thought its a Monk! Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str --, Agi + , Vit + Levels 10-19: Str --, Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 20-29: Str --, Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 30-39: Str --, Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 40-49: Str ---, Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 50-59: Str --, Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 60-69: Str --, Agi = , Vit +++ Levels 70-79: Str --, Agi = , Vit +++ Levels 80-89: Str ---, Agi = , Vit +++ Levels 90-99: Str ---, Agi = , Vit +++ Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 10 15 10 30 5 2 6 83 0 5 3 0 17 10/09/08/07/06/05/04/03 2 10 16 11 31 6 4 6 84 1 5 4 0 18 11/09/08/07/06/05/04/03 3 10 17 12 32 6 4 6 84 1 6 4 0 19 12/09/08/07/06/05/04/03 4 11 17 13 33 7 4 6 84 1 6 4 0 20 12/09/08/07/06/05/04/03 5 11 18 13 33 7 4 6 84 1 6 4 0 20 13/10/08/07/06/05/04/03 6 11 19 14 34 8 4 6 84 1 7 4 0 21 14/11/08/07/06/05/04/03 7 11 19 15 35 8 4 6 84 1 7 4 0 21 14/11/08/07/06/05/04/03 8 11 20 16 36 9 4 6 85 1 8 5 0 22 15/12/08/07/06/05/04/03 9 11 20 17 36 9 4 6 85 1 8 5 0 22 15/13/08/07/06/05/04/03 10 12 21 18 37 10 4 8 85 1 9 5 0 23 16/13/09/07/06/05/04/03 11 12 22 19 38 10 4 8 85 1 9 5 0 24 16/14/10/07/06/05/04/03 12 12 22 20 38 10 4 8 85 1 10 5 0 24 17/14/10/07/06/05/04/03 13 12 23 21 39 11 4 8 85 1 10 5 0 25 17/15/11/07/06/05/04/03 14 12 23 22 40 11 4 8 85 1 11 5 0 25 18/15/12/07/06/05/04/03 15 12 24 22 40 12 4 8 86 1 11 6 0 26 18/16/12/08/06/05/04/03 16 12 25 23 41 12 4 8 86 1 11 6 0 26 19/16/13/09/06/05/04/03 17 13 25 24 42 13 6 8 86 1 12 6 0 27 19/17/13/09/06/05/04/03 18 13 26 25 43 13 6 8 86 1 12 6 0 28 20/17/14/10/06/05/04/03 19 13 27 26 43 14 6 8 86 1 13 6 0 28 20/18/14/11/06/05/04/03 20 13 27 27 44 14 6 8 86 1 13 6 0 29 21/18/15/11/07/05/04/03 21 13 28 28 45 15 6 8 87 1 14 7 0 30 21/19/15/12/08/05/04/03 22 13 28 29 45 15 6 8 87 1 14 7 0 30 21/19/16/12/08/05/04/03 23 13 29 30 46 15 6 8 87 1 15 7 0 30 22/20/16/13/09/05/04/03 24 14 30 31 47 16 6 8 87 1 15 7 0 31 22/20/17/13/10/05/04/03 25 14 30 31 47 16 6 8 87 1 15 7 0 31 23/20/17/14/10/06/04/03 26 14 31 32 48 17 6 8 87 1 16 7 0 32 23/21/18/14/11/07/04/03 27 14 31 33 49 17 6 8 87 1 16 7 0 33 24/21/18/15/11/07/04/03 28 14 32 34 50 18 8 8 88 2 17 8 0 34 24/22/19/15/12/08/04/03 29 14 33 35 50 18 8 8 88 2 17 8 0 34 24/22/19/16/12/09/04/03 30 15 33 36 51 19 8 8 88 2 18 8 0 35 25/23/19/16/13/09/05/03 31 15 34 37 52 19 8 8 88 2 18 8 0 35 25/23/20/17/13/10/06/03 32 15 34 38 52 20 8 8 88 2 19 8 0 36 26/23/20/17/14/10/06/03 33 15 35 39 53 20 10 8 88 2 19 8 0 36 26/24/21/18/14/11/07/03 34 15 36 40 54 20 10 8 89 2 20 9 0 37 26/24/21/18/15/11/08/03 35 15 36 40 54 21 10 8 89 2 20 9 0 37 27/25/22/18/15/12/08/04 36 15 37 41 55 21 10 8 89 2 20 9 0 38 27/25/22/19/16/12/09/05 37 16 37 42 56 22 10 10 89 2 21 9 0 39 28/25/22/19/16/13/09/05 38 16 38 43 56 22 10 10 89 2 21 9 0 39 28/26/23/20/17/13/10/06 39 16 39 44 57 23 10 10 89 2 22 9 0 40 28/26/23/20/17/14/10/07 40 16 39 45 58 23 10 10 89 2 22 9 0 40 29/27/24/21/17/14/11/07 41 16 40 46 59 24 10 10 90 2 23 10 0 41 29/27/24/21/18/15/11/08 42 16 40 47 59 24 10 10 90 2 23 10 0 41 30/27/24/21/18/15/12/08 43 17 41 48 60 25 10 10 90 2 24 10 0 42 30/28/25/22/19/16/12/09 44 17 42 49 61 25 10 10 90 2 24 10 0 43 30/28/25/22/19/16/13/09 45 17 42 49 61 25 10 10 90 2 24 10 0 43 31/29/26/23/20/16/13/10 46 17 43 50 62 26 10 10 90 2 25 10 0 44 31/29/26/23/20/17/14/10 47 17 43 51 63 26 10 10 90 2 25 10 0 44 31/29/26/23/20/17/14/11 48 17 44 52 63 27 10 10 91 2 26 11 0 45 32/30/27/24/21/18/15/11 49 17 45 53 64 27 12 10 91 2 26 11 0 45 32/30/27/24/21/18/15/12 50 18 45 54 65 28 12 10 91 2 27 11 0 46 32/30/28/25/22/19/15/12 51 18 46 55 66 28 12 10 91 2 27 11 0 47 33/31/28/25/22/19/16/13 52 18 47 56 66 29 12 10 91 2 28 11 0 47 33/31/28/25/22/19/16/13 53 18 47 57 67 29 12 10 91 2 28 11 0 48 34/31/29/26/23/20/17/14 54 18 48 58 68 30 14 10 92 3 29 12 0 49 34/32/29/26/23/20/17/14 55 18 48 58 68 30 14 10 92 3 29 12 0 49 34/32/29/27/24/21/18/14 56 18 49 59 69 30 14 10 92 3 29 12 0 49 35/33/30/27/24/21/18/15 57 19 50 60 70 31 14 10 92 3 30 12 0 50 35/33/30/27/24/21/18/15 58 19 50 61 70 31 14 10 92 3 30 12 0 50 35/33/30/28/25/22/19/16 59 19 51 62 71 32 14 10 92 3 31 12 0 51 36/34/31/28/25/22/19/16 60 19 51 63 72 32 14 10 92 3 31 12 0 52 36/34/31/28/26/23/20/17 61 19 52 64 73 33 14 10 93 3 32 13 0 53 36/34/32/29/26/23/20/17 62 19 53 65 73 33 14 10 93 3 32 13 0 53 37/35/32/29/26/23/20/17 63 20 53 66 74 34 14 12 93 3 33 13 0 54 37/35/32/29/27/24/21/18 64 20 54 67 75 34 14 12 93 3 33 13 0 54 38/35/33/30/27/24/21/18 65 20 54 67 75 35 16 12 93 3 33 13 0 55 38/36/33/30/27/25/22/19 66 20 55 68 76 35 16 12 93 3 34 13 0 55 38/36/33/31/28/25/22/19 67 20 56 69 77 35 16 12 94 3 34 14 0 56 39/37/34/31/28/25/22/19 68 20 56 70 77 36 16 12 94 3 35 14 0 56 39/37/34/31/28/26/23/20 69 20 57 71 78 36 16 12 94 3 35 14 0 57 39/37/34/32/29/26/23/20 70 21 57 72 79 37 16 12 94 3 36 14 0 58 40/38/35/32/29/26/24/21 71 21 58 73 79 37 16 12 94 3 36 14 0 58 40/38/35/32/30/27/24/21 72 21 59 74 80 38 16 12 94 3 37 14 0 59 40/38/36/33/30/27/24/21 73 21 59 75 81 38 16 12 94 3 37 14 0 59 41/39/36/33/30/27/25/22 74 21 60 76 82 39 16 12 95 3 38 15 0 60 41/39/36/33/31/28/25/22 75 21 60 76 82 39 16 12 95 3 38 15 0 60 41/39/37/34/31/28/25/23 76 22 61 77 83 40 16 12 95 3 38 15 0 61 42/40/37/34/31/29/26/23 77 22 62 78 84 40 16 12 95 3 39 15 0 62 42/40/37/35/32/29/26/23 78 22 62 79 84 40 16 12 95 3 39 15 0 62 42/40/38/35/32/29/26/24 79 22 63 80 85 41 16 12 95 3 40 15 0 63 43/41/38/35/32/30/27/24 80 22 63 81 86 41 16 12 95 3 40 15 0 63 43/41/38/36/33/30/27/24 81 22 64 82 86 42 20 12 96 4 41 16 0 64 43/41/39/36/33/30/28/25 82 22 65 83 87 42 20 12 96 4 41 16 0 64 44/42/39/36/34/31/28/25 83 23 65 84 88 43 20 12 96 4 42 16 0 65 44/42/39/37/34/31/28/25 84 23 66 85 89 43 20 12 96 4 42 16 0 66 44/42/40/37/34/31/29/26 85 23 67 85 89 44 20 12 96 4 42 16 0 66 45/43/40/37/35/32/29/26 86 23 67 86 90 44 20 12 96 4 43 16 0 67 45/43/40/38/35/32/29/27 87 23 68 87 91 45 20 12 97 4 43 17 0 68 45/43/41/38/35/33/30/27 88 23 68 88 91 45 20 12 97 4 44 17 0 68 46/44/41/38/36/33/30/27 89 23 69 89 92 45 20 12 97 4 44 17 0 68 46/44/41/39/36/33/30/28 90 24 70 90 93 46 20 14 97 4 45 17 0 69 46/44/42/39/36/34/31/28 91 24 70 91 93 46 20 14 97 4 45 17 0 69 47/45/42/39/37/34/31/28 92 24 71 92 94 47 20 14 97 4 46 17 0 70 47/45/42/40/37/34/32/29 93 24 71 93 95 47 20 14 97 4 46 17 0 71 47/45/43/40/37/35/32/29 94 24 72 94 96 48 20 14 98 4 47 18 0 72 48/46/43/40/38/35/32/29 95 24 73 94 96 48 20 14 98 4 47 18 0 72 48/46/43/41/38/35/33/30 96 25 73 95 97 49 20 14 98 4 47 18 0 73 48/46/44/41/38/36/33/30 97 25 74 96 98 49 22 14 98 4 48 18 0 73 49/47/44/41/39/36/33/31 98 25 74 97 98 50 22 14 98 4 48 18 0 74 49/47/44/42/39/36/34/31 99 25 75 98 99 50 22 14 98 4 49 18 0 74 49/47/45/42/39/37/34/31 Rating : 3 ------------------- 2.2.10 - SUMMONER ------------------- Description : Able to get the full trust of legendary monsters, they can call upon these monsters and use its full power to aid them in combat. Specialty : Summon's "Overdrive" Usefulness : Don't bother using this one unless your level is quite high (at least level 42) because its terrible amount of MP will only frustrate you... seeing 'Bahamut', but you cannot use it :( Nice in dealing with multiple enemies. Evaluation : FAR BETTER Conjurer. Actually, it's better than the Warlock... as far as I'm concerned. Summons can deal more damage than 'Flare' and 'Meteo'... providing you got the best Summon in the game. They target all enemies so they're pretty useful. This game gave birth to the most anticipated spell in the Final Fantasy World. Whenever there's a new FF game, everyone is wondering who's the new summon? IMHO, the Summoner is the best offensive mage there is... unfortunately, you don't have that much MP to call your favorite monster for help :( In fact, you'll have a taste of summoning 'Bahamut' not before level 42 when it gets 1 level 8 MP! Anyway, you may not use Summoners as a final party member, but be sure to have, at least, its 'Bahamut' spell in your pocket. Agility has never been a strength of a mage after this game! Unexpectedly, it even ranks as one of the fastest job throughout the game. Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str ++, Agi + , Vit -- Levels 10-19: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit -- Levels 20-29: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit -- Levels 30-39: Str ++, Agi ++, Vit -- Levels 40-49: Str + , Agi ++, Vit -- Levels 50-59: Str + , Agi ++, Vit -- Levels 60-69: Str + , Agi ++, Vit - Levels 70-79: Str = , Agi ++, Vit -- Levels 80-89: Str = , Agi ++, Vit -- Levels 90-99: Str = , Agi +++, Vit -- Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 20 15 5 15 15 2 12 83 0 2 3 0 15 04/03/02/01/00/00/00/00 2 21 16 5 16 16 4 12 84 1 2 4 0 16 05/03/02/01/00/00/00/00 3 22 17 6 17 17 4 12 84 1 3 4 0 17 06/03/02/01/00/00/00/00 4 22 17 6 17 17 4 12 84 1 3 4 0 17 06/03/02/01/00/00/00/00 5 23 18 6 18 18 4 12 84 1 3 4 0 18 07/03/02/01/00/00/00/00 6 23 19 6 19 19 4 12 84 1 3 4 0 19 07/04/02/01/00/00/00/00 7 24 20 6 19 19 4 14 85 1 3 5 0 19 08/05/02/01/00/00/00/00 8 24 21 7 20 20 4 14 85 1 3 5 0 20 08/05/02/01/00/00/00/00 9 25 22 7 20 20 4 14 85 1 3 5 0 20 08/06/02/01/00/00/00/00 10 26 22 7 21 21 4 14 85 1 3 5 0 21 09/06/02/01/00/00/00/00 11 26 23 7 22 22 4 14 85 1 3 5 0 22 09/07/02/01/00/00/00/00 12 27 24 7 22 22 4 14 86 1 3 6 0 22 09/07/03/01/00/00/00/00 13 27 25 8 23 23 4 14 86 1 4 6 0 23 10/07/04/01/00/00/00/00 14 28 26 8 23 23 4 16 86 1 4 6 0 23 10/08/04/01/00/00/00/00 15 28 27 8 24 24 4 16 86 1 4 6 0 24 10/08/05/01/00/00/00/00 16 29 28 8 25 25 4 16 87 1 4 7 0 25 11/08/05/01/00/00/00/00 17 29 28 8 25 25 6 16 87 1 4 7 0 25 11/09/06/01/00/00/00/00 18 30 29 9 26 26 6 16 87 1 4 7 0 26 11/09/06/02/00/00/00/00 19 31 30 9 27 27 6 16 87 1 4 7 0 27 12/09/06/03/00/00/00/00 20 31 31 9 27 27 6 16 87 1 4 7 0 27 12/10/07/03/00/00/00/00 21 32 32 9 28 28 8 18 88 2 4 8 0 28 12/10/07/04/00/00/00/00 22 32 33 9 28 28 8 18 88 2 4 8 0 28 12/10/07/04/00/00/00/00 23 33 34 10 29 29 8 18 88 2 5 8 0 29 13/11/08/05/00/00/00/00 24 33 34 10 30 30 8 18 88 2 5 8 0 30 13/11/08/05/01/00/00/00 25 34 35 10 30 30 8 18 88 2 5 8 0 30 13/11/08/05/02/00/00/00 26 34 36 10 31 31 8 18 89 2 5 9 0 31 14/11/09/06/02/00/00/00 27 35 37 10 31 31 8 18 89 2 5 9 0 31 14/12/09/06/03/00/00/00 28 36 38 11 32 32 8 20 89 2 5 9 0 32 14/12/09/06/03/00/00/00 29 36 39 11 33 33 8 20 89 2 5 9 0 33 14/12/10/07/04/00/00/00 30 37 39 11 33 33 8 20 89 2 5 9 0 33 15/13/10/07/04/01/00/00 31 37 40 11 34 34 8 20 90 2 5 10 0 34 15/13/10/07/04/02/00/00 32 38 41 11 34 34 8 20 90 2 5 10 0 34 15/13/10/08/05/02/00/00 33 38 42 12 35 35 10 20 90 2 6 10 0 35 15/13/11/08/05/03/00/00 34 39 43 12 36 36 10 20 90 2 6 10 0 36 16/14/11/08/05/03/00/00 35 39 44 12 36 36 10 20 91 2 6 11 0 36 16/14/11/09/06/04/00/00 36 40 45 12 37 37 10 22 91 2 6 11 0 37 16/14/12/09/06/04/01/00 37 41 45 12 37 37 10 22 91 2 6 11 0 37 16/14/12/09/06/04/02/00 38 41 46 13 38 38 10 22 91 2 6 11 0 38 17/15/12/09/07/05/02/00 39 42 47 13 39 39 10 22 91 2 6 11 0 39 17/15/12/10/07/05/03/00 40 42 48 13 39 39 12 22 92 3 6 12 0 39 17/15/13/10/07/05/03/00 41 43 49 13 40 40 12 22 92 3 6 12 0 40 17/15/13/10/08/06/04/00 42 43 50 13 40 40 12 22 92 3 6 12 0 40 17/16/13/11/08/06/04/01 43 44 50 14 41 41 12 24 92 3 7 12 0 41 18/16/13/11/08/06/04/02 44 44 51 14 42 42 12 24 92 3 7 12 0 42 18/16/14/11/08/07/05/02 45 45 52 14 42 42 12 24 93 3 7 13 0 42 18/16/14/11/09/07/05/03 46 46 53 14 43 43 12 24 93 3 7 13 0 43 18/16/14/12/09/07/05/03 47 46 54 14 43 43 12 24 93 3 7 13 0 43 19/17/14/12/09/08/06/04 48 47 55 15 44 44 12 24 93 3 7 13 0 44 19/17/15/12/10/08/06/04 49 47 56 15 45 45 14 24 94 3 7 14 0 45 19/17/15/12/10/08/06/04 50 48 56 15 45 45 14 26 94 3 7 14 0 45 19/17/15/13/10/08/07/05 51 48 57 15 46 46 14 26 94 3 7 14 0 46 19/18/15/13/10/09/07/05 52 49 58 16 47 47 14 26 94 3 8 14 0 47 20/18/15/13/11/09/07/05 53 49 59 16 47 47 14 26 94 3 8 14 0 47 20/18/16/13/11/09/08/06 54 50 60 16 48 48 14 26 95 3 8 15 0 48 20/18/16/14/11/10/08/06 55 51 61 16 48 48 14 26 95 3 8 15 0 48 20/18/16/14/11/10/08/06 56 51 62 16 49 49 14 26 95 3 8 15 0 49 21/19/16/14/12/10/08/07 57 52 62 17 50 50 14 28 95 3 8 15 0 50 21/19/17/14/12/10/09/07 58 52 63 17 50 50 14 28 95 3 8 15 0 50 21/19/17/14/12/11/09/07 59 53 64 17 51 51 16 28 96 4 8 16 0 51 21/19/17/15/12/11/09/08 60 53 65 17 51 51 16 28 96 4 8 16 0 51 21/20/17/15/13/11/10/08 61 54 66 17 52 52 16 28 96 4 8 16 0 52 22/20/17/15/13/11/10/08 62 54 67 18 53 53 16 28 96 4 9 16 0 53 22/20/18/15/13/12/10/08 63 55 67 18 53 53 16 28 96 4 9 16 0 53 22/20/18/16/13/12/10/09 64 56 68 18 54 54 16 30 97 4 9 17 0 54 22/20/18/16/13/12/11/09 65 56 69 18 54 54 18 30 97 4 9 17 0 54 22/21/18/16/14/12/11/09 66 57 70 18 55 55 18 30 97 4 9 17 0 55 23/21/19/16/14/13/11/10 67 57 71 19 56 56 18 30 97 4 9 17 0 56 23/21/19/16/14/13/11/10 68 58 72 19 56 56 18 30 98 4 9 18 0 56 23/21/19/17/14/13/12/10 69 58 73 19 57 57 18 30 98 4 9 18 0 57 23/21/19/17/15/13/12/10 70 59 73 19 57 57 18 30 98 4 9 18 0 57 23/22/19/17/15/13/12/11 71 59 74 19 58 58 18 30 98 4 9 18 0 58 24/22/20/17/15/14/12/11 72 60 75 20 59 59 18 32 98 4 10 18 0 59 24/22/20/18/15/14/13/11 73 61 76 20 59 59 18 32 99 4 10 19 0 59 24/22/20/18/15/14/13/11 74 61 77 20 60 60 18 32 99 4 10 19 0 60 24/22/20/18/16/14/13/12 75 62 78 20 60 60 18 32 99 4 10 19 0 60 24/23/20/18/16/15/13/12 76 62 78 20 61 61 18 32 99 4 10 19 0 61 25/23/21/18/16/15/13/12 77 63 79 21 62 62 18 32 99 4 10 19 0 62 25/23/21/19/16/15/14/12 78 63 80 21 62 62 20 32 99 5 10 20 0 62 25/23/21/19/17/15/14/13 79 64 81 21 63 63 20 34 99 5 10 20 0 63 25/23/21/19/17/15/14/13 80 64 82 21 63 63 20 34 99 5 10 20 0 63 25/24/21/19/17/16/14/13 81 65 83 21 64 64 22 34 99 5 10 20 0 64 25/24/22/19/17/16/15/13 82 66 84 22 65 65 22 34 99 5 11 21 0 65 26/24/22/20/17/16/15/13 83 66 84 22 65 65 22 34 99 5 11 21 0 65 26/24/22/20/18/16/15/14 84 67 85 22 66 66 22 34 99 5 11 21 0 66 26/24/22/20/18/17/15/14 85 67 86 22 67 67 22 34 99 5 11 21 0 67 26/24/22/20/18/17/15/14 86 68 87 22 67 67 22 36 99 5 11 21 0 67 26/25/23/20/18/17/16/14 87 68 88 23 68 68 22 36 99 5 11 22 0 68 27/25/23/21/18/17/16/15 88 69 89 23 68 68 22 36 99 5 11 22 0 68 27/25/23/21/19/17/16/15 89 69 90 23 69 69 22 36 99 5 11 22 0 69 27/25/23/21/19/18/16/15 90 70 90 23 70 70 22 36 99 5 11 22 0 70 27/25/23/21/19/18/17/15 91 71 91 23 70 70 22 36 99 5 11 22 0 70 27/26/23/21/19/18/17/15 92 71 92 24 71 71 22 36 99 5 12 23 0 71 28/26/24/22/19/18/17/16 93 72 93 24 71 71 22 38 99 5 12 23 0 71 28/26/24/22/20/18/17/16 94 72 94 24 72 72 22 38 99 5 12 23 0 72 28/26/24/22/20/19/17/16 95 73 95 24 73 73 22 38 99 5 12 23 0 73 28/26/24/22/20/19/18/16 96 73 95 24 73 73 22 38 99 5 12 23 0 73 28/27/24/22/20/19/18/17 97 74 96 25 74 74 26 38 99 6 12 24 0 74 28/27/25/22/20/19/18/17 98 74 97 25 74 74 26 38 99 6 12 24 0 74 29/27/25/23/21/19/18/17 99 75 98 25 75 75 26 38 99 6 12 24 0 75 29/27/25/23/21/20/18/17 Rating : 2 (at low level)/ 4 (for high levels) --------------- 2.2.11 - SAGE --------------- Description : The supreme spell caster! Mastered all the holy, elemental and summon magic to aid those in need. Specialty : Warlock, Shaman and Summoner in 1! Usefulness : Don't think twice! Use this one for your all-around magic needs. Evaluation : No mage in the Final Fantasy World can match the power of this one. It's like FF X's Yuna with max Spere Grid! Change ALL your mages once you get this. It has the best of all mages... even more effective than the Shaman, Warlock and Summoner and they have loads of MP to cast the spells with mindless consideration, more than the 3 lower lifeforms, especially for the lower level spells. Cast! Cast! Cast! Stat Preview: Levels 1- 9: Str = , Agi ++, Vit ++ Levels 10-19: Str = , Agi ++, Vit ++ Levels 20-29: Str - , Agi ++, Vit ++ Levels 30-39: Str - , Agi + , Vit ++ Levels 40-49: Str - , Agi + , Vit + Levels 50-59: Str - , Agi + , Vit + Levels 60-69: Str - , Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 70-79: Str - , Agi = , Vit ++ Levels 80-89: Str - , Agi = , Vit + Levels 90-99: Str --, Agi = , Vit + Stat Growth : Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 1 15 20 15 25 25 4 8 85 1 7 5 0 25 20/15/10/05/04/03/02/01 2 16 21 16 26 26 4 10 85 1 8 5 0 26 21/15/10/05/04/03/02/01 3 16 22 17 27 27 4 10 85 1 8 5 0 27 22/15/10/05/04/03/02/01 4 16 22 17 28 28 4 10 85 1 8 5 0 28 23/15/10/05/04/03/02/01 5 17 23 18 29 29 4 10 85 1 9 5 0 29 23/16/10/05/04/03/02/01 6 17 23 19 29 29 4 10 85 1 9 5 0 29 24/17/10/05/04/03/02/01 7 17 24 19 30 30 4 10 86 1 9 6 0 30 25/18/10/05/04/03/02/01 8 18 24 20 31 31 4 10 86 1 10 6 0 31 26/18/10/05/04/03/02/01 9 18 25 20 32 32 4 10 86 1 10 6 0 32 26/19/10/05/04/03/02/01 10 19 26 21 32 32 4 10 86 1 10 6 0 32 27/20/11/05/04/03/02/01 11 19 26 22 33 33 4 10 86 1 11 6 0 33 28/21/12/05/04/03/02/01 12 19 27 22 34 34 4 10 86 1 11 6 0 34 29/21/13/05/04/03/02/01 13 20 27 23 35 35 4 12 86 1 11 6 0 35 29/22/13/05/04/03/02/01 14 20 28 23 35 35 4 12 87 1 11 7 0 35 30/23/14/05/04/03/02/01 15 20 28 24 36 36 4 12 87 1 12 7 0 36 31/24/15/06/04/03/02/01 16 21 29 25 37 37 4 12 87 1 12 7 0 37 31/24/16/07/04/03/02/01 17 21 29 25 38 38 6 12 87 1 12 7 0 38 32/25/16/08/04/03/02/01 18 21 30 26 38 38 6 12 87 1 13 7 0 38 33/26/17/08/04/03/02/01 19 22 31 27 39 39 6 12 87 1 13 7 0 39 33/26/18/09/04/03/02/01 20 22 31 27 40 40 6 12 87 1 13 7 0 40 34/27/19/10/05/03/02/01 21 22 32 28 41 41 8 12 88 2 14 8 0 41 35/28/19/11/06/03/02/01 22 23 32 28 41 41 8 12 88 2 14 8 0 41 35/28/20/11/07/03/02/01 23 23 33 29 42 42 8 12 88 2 14 8 0 42 36/29/21/12/07/03/02/01 24 23 33 30 43 43 8 12 88 2 15 8 0 43 37/30/21/13/08/03/02/01 25 24 34 30 44 44 8 14 88 2 15 8 0 44 37/30/22/14/09/04/02/01 26 24 34 31 44 44 8 14 88 2 15 8 0 44 38/31/23/14/10/05/02/01 27 25 35 31 45 45 8 14 88 2 15 8 0 45 39/32/23/15/10/06/02/01 28 25 36 32 46 46 8 14 89 2 16 9 0 46 39/32/24/16/11/06/02/01 29 25 36 33 47 47 8 14 89 2 16 9 0 47 40/33/25/16/12/07/02/01 30 26 37 33 47 47 8 14 89 2 16 9 0 47 41/34/25/17/13/08/03/01 31 26 37 34 48 48 8 14 89 2 17 9 0 48 41/34/26/18/13/09/04/01 32 26 38 34 49 49 8 14 89 2 17 9 0 49 42/35/27/18/14/09/05/01 33 27 38 35 50 50 10 14 89 2 17 9 0 50 43/36/27/19/15/10/05/01 34 27 39 36 50 50 10 14 89 2 18 9 0 50 43/36/28/20/15/11/06/01 35 27 39 37 51 51 10 14 89 2 18 9 0 51 44/37/29/20/16/12/07/02 36 28 40 37 52 52 10 16 90 2 18 10 0 52 45/38/29/21/17/12/08/03 37 28 41 37 53 53 10 16 90 2 18 10 0 53 45/38/30/22/17/13/08/04 38 28 41 38 53 53 10 16 90 2 19 10 0 53 46/39/31/22/18/14/09/04 39 29 42 39 54 54 10 16 90 2 19 10 0 54 46/40/31/23/19/14/10/05 40 29 42 39 55 55 10 16 90 2 19 10 0 55 47/40/32/24/19/15/11/06 41 29 43 40 56 56 10 16 90 2 20 10 0 56 48/41/33/24/20/16/11/07 42 30 43 40 56 56 10 16 90 2 20 10 0 56 48/41/33/25/21/16/12/07 43 30 44 41 57 57 10 16 91 2 20 11 0 57 49/42/34/26/21/17/13/08 44 31 44 42 58 58 10 16 91 2 21 11 0 58 50/43/35/26/22/18/13/09 45 31 45 42 59 59 10 16 91 2 21 11 0 59 50/43/35/27/23/18/14/10 46 31 46 43 59 59 10 16 91 2 21 11 0 59 51/44/36/28/23/19/15/10 47 32 46 43 60 60 10 18 91 2 21 11 0 60 51/45/36/28/24/20/15/11 48 32 47 44 61 61 10 18 91 2 22 11 0 61 52/45/37/29/25/20/16/12 49 32 47 45 62 62 12 18 91 2 22 11 0 62 53/46/38/30/25/21/17/12 50 33 48 45 62 62 14 18 92 3 22 12 0 62 53/46/38/30/26/22/17/13 51 33 48 46 63 63 14 18 92 3 23 12 0 63 54/47/39/31/27/22/18/14 52 33 49 47 64 64 14 18 92 3 23 12 0 64 54/48/40/31/27/23/19/14 53 34 49 47 65 65 14 18 92 3 23 12 0 65 55/48/40/32/28/24/19/15 54 34 50 48 65 65 14 18 92 3 24 12 0 65 56/49/41/33/29/24/20/16 55 34 51 48 66 66 14 18 92 3 24 12 0 66 56/49/41/33/29/25/21/16 56 35 51 49 67 67 14 18 92 3 24 12 0 67 57/50/42/34/30/26/21/17 57 35 52 50 68 68 14 18 93 3 25 13 0 68 57/51/43/35/30/26/22/18 58 36 52 50 68 68 14 20 93 3 25 13 0 68 58/51/43/35/31/27/23/18 59 36 53 51 69 69 14 20 93 3 25 13 0 69 59/52/44/36/32/28/23/19 60 36 53 51 70 70 14 20 93 3 25 13 0 70 59/52/44/36/32/28/24/20 61 37 54 52 71 71 14 20 93 3 26 13 0 71 60/53/45/37/33/29/25/20 62 37 54 53 71 71 14 20 93 3 26 13 0 71 60/54/46/38/34/29/25/21 63 37 55 53 72 72 14 20 93 3 26 13 0 72 61/54/46/38/34/30/26/22 64 38 56 54 73 73 14 20 94 3 27 14 0 73 62/55/47/39/35/31/27/22 65 38 56 54 74 74 16 20 94 3 27 14 0 74 62/55/47/39/35/31/27/23 66 38 57 55 74 74 16 20 94 3 27 14 0 74 63/56/48/40/36/32/28/24 67 39 57 56 75 75 16 20 94 3 28 14 0 75 63/57/49/41/37/33/28/24 68 39 58 56 76 76 16 20 94 3 28 14 0 76 64/57/49/41/37/33/29/25 69 39 58 57 77 77 16 20 94 3 28 14 0 77 65/58/50/42/38/34/30/26 70 40 59 57 77 77 16 22 94 3 28 14 0 77 65/58/50/42/38/34/30/26 71 40 59 58 78 78 16 22 94 3 29 14 0 78 66/59/51/43/39/35/31/27 72 40 60 59 79 79 16 22 95 3 29 15 0 79 66/60/52/44/40/36/32/27 73 41 61 59 80 80 16 22 95 3 29 15 0 80 67/60/52/44/40/36/32/28 74 41 61 60 80 80 16 22 95 3 30 15 0 80 68/61/53/45/41/37/33/29 75 42 62 60 81 81 16 22 95 3 30 15 0 81 68/61/53/45/41/37/33/29 76 42 62 61 82 82 16 22 95 3 30 15 0 82 69/62/54/46/42/38/34/30 77 42 63 62 83 83 16 22 95 3 31 15 0 83 69/63/55/47/43/39/35/31 78 43 63 62 83 83 16 22 95 3 31 15 0 83 70/63/55/47/43/39/35/31 79 43 64 63 84 84 18 22 96 4 31 16 0 84 70/64/56/48/44/40/36/32 80 43 64 63 85 85 18 22 96 4 31 16 0 85 71/64/56/48/44/40/36/32 81 44 65 64 86 86 20 24 96 4 32 16 0 86 72/65/57/49/45/41/37/33 82 44 66 65 86 86 20 24 96 4 32 16 0 86 72/65/58/50/46/42/38/34 83 44 66 65 87 87 20 24 96 4 32 16 0 87 73/66/58/50/46/42/38/34 84 45 67 66 88 88 20 24 96 4 33 16 0 88 73/67/59/51/47/43/39/35 85 45 67 67 89 89 20 24 96 4 33 16 0 89 74/67/59/51/47/43/39/35 86 45 68 67 89 89 20 24 97 4 33 17 0 89 75/68/60/52/48/44/40/36 87 46 68 68 90 90 20 24 97 4 34 17 0 90 75/68/60/53/49/45/41/37 88 46 69 68 91 91 20 24 97 4 34 17 0 91 76/69/61/53/49/45/41/37 89 46 69 69 92 92 20 24 97 4 34 17 0 92 76/70/62/54/50/46/42/38 90 47 70 70 92 92 20 24 97 4 35 17 0 92 77/70/62/54/50/46/42/38 91 47 71 70 93 93 20 24 97 4 35 17 0 93 77/71/63/55/51/47/43/39 92 48 71 71 94 94 20 26 97 4 35 17 0 94 78/71/63/55/52/48/44/40 93 48 72 71 95 95 20 26 98 4 35 18 0 95 79/72/64/56/52/48/44/40 94 48 72 72 95 95 20 26 98 4 36 18 0 95 79/72/65/57/53/49/45/41 95 49 73 73 96 96 20 26 98 4 36 18 0 96 80/73/65/57/53/49/45/41 96 49 73 73 97 97 20 26 98 4 36 18 0 97 80/74/66/58/54/50/46/42 97 49 74 74 98 98 22 26 98 4 37 18 0 98 81/74/66/58/54/51/47/43 98 50 74 74 98 98 22 26 98 4 37 18 0 98 81/75/67/59/55/51/47/43 99 50 75 75 99 99 22 26 98 4 37 18 0 99 82/75/67/60/56/52/48/44 Rating : 5 ===================== 3.0 - MISCELLANEOUS ===================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.1 - Best Record Holders (Wholistic View) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level Strength 9 (1) Ninja - 32 (2) Karateka - 29 (3) Dragoon, M. Knight, Summoner - 25 19 (1) Ninja - 39 (2) Karateka - 37 (3) Dragoon, M. Knight, summoner - 31 29 (1) Ninja - 47 (2) Karateka - 44 (3) Dragoon, M. Knight, Summoner - 36 39 (1) Ninja - 54 (2) Karateka - 52 (3) Monk - 44 49 (1) Ninja - 62 (2) Karateka - 60 (3) Monk - 53 59 (1) Ninja - 69 (2) Karateka - 67 (3) Monk - 62 69 (1) Ninja - 77 (2) Karateka - 75 (3) Monk - 71 79 (1) Ninja - 84 (2) Karateka - 83 (3) Monk - 80 89 (1) Ninja - 92 (2) Karateka - 90 (3) Monk - 89 99 (1) Onion Knight, Ninja - 99 (2) Monk, Karateka - 98 (3) Knight - 84 Level Agility 9 (1) Ninja - 32 (2) Hunter - 26 (3) M. Knight, Sage - 25 19 (1) Ninja - 39 (2) Hunter - 34 (3) M. Knight, Sage - 31 29 (1) Ninja - 47 (2) Hunter - 42 (3) Thief, Summoner - 39 39 (1) Ninja - 54 (2) Hunter - 50 (3) Thief, Summoner - 47 49 (1) Ninja - 62 (2) Hunter - 58 (3) Thief, Summoner - 56 59 (1) Ninja - 69 (2) Hunter - 66 (3) Thief, Summoner - 64 69 (1) Ninja - 77 (2) Hunter - 74 (3) Thief, Summoner - 73 79 (1) Ninja - 84 (2) Hunter - 82 (3) Thief, Summoner - 81 89 (1) Ninja - 92 (2) Hunter, Thief, Summoner - 90 (3) Dragoon, Karateka - 89 99 (1) Onion Knight, Ninja - 99 (2) Hunter, Thief, Dragoon, Karateka, Summoner - 98 (3) Knight - 84 Level Vitality 9 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 26 (2) Bard, Shaman, Sage - 20 (3) Warlock - 17 19 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 34 (2) Bard, Shaman, Sage - 27 (3) Warlock - 26 29 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 42 (2) Warlock - 35 (3) Bard, Shaman Sage - 33 39 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 50 (2) Warlock - 44 (3) Bard, Shaman Sage - 39 49 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 58 (2) Warlock - 53 (3) Knight, Bard Shaman, Sage - 45 59 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 66 (2) Warlock - 62 (3) Knight - 52 69 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 74 (2) Warlock - 71 (3) Knight - 59 79 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 82 (2) Warlock - 80 (3) Knight - 66 89 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 90 (2) Warlock - 89 (3) Knight - 73 99 (1) Onion Knight - 99 (2) Viking, Karateka, Ninja, Warlock - 98 (3) Knight - 80 Level Intelligence 9 (1) Warlock - 36 (2) Sage - 32 (3) Geomancer - 25 19 (1) Warlock - 43 (2) Sage - 39 (3) Geomancer - 31 29 (1) Warlock - 50 (2) Sage - 47 (3) Scholar - 39 39 (1) Warlock - 57 (2) Sage - 54 (3) Scholar - 47 49 (1) Warlock - 64 (2) Sage - 62 (3) Scholar - 56 59 (1) Warlock - 71 (2) Sage - 69 (3) Scholar - 64 69 (1) Warlock - 78 (2) Sage - 77 (3) Scholar - 73 79 (1) Warlock - 85 (2) Sage - 84 (3) Scholar - 81 89 (1) Warlock, Sage - 92 (2) Scholar - 90 (3) Geomancer, Conjurer, Summoner - 69 99 (1) Onion Knight, Warlock, Sage - 99 (2) Scholar - 98 (3) Thief, Black Wizard, Geomancer, Conjurer, Summoner - 75 Level Spirit 9 (1) Shaman, Sage - 32 (2) Conjurer, Summoner - 20 (3) Ninja - 18 19 (1) Shaman, Sage - 39 (2) Conjurer, Summoner - 27 (3) Ninja, White Wizard, Bard - 22 29 (1) Shaman, Sage - 47 (2) Conjurer, Summoner - 33 (3) White Wizard, Bard - 29 39 (1) Shaman, Sage - 54 (2) Conjurer, Summoner - 39 (3) White Wizard, Bard - 36 49 (1) Shaman, Sage - 62 (2) Conjurer, Summoner - 45 (3) White Wizard, Bard - 42 59 (1) Shaman, Sage - 69 (2) Conjurer, Summoner - 51 (3) White Wizard, Bard - 49 69 (1) Shaman, Sage - 77 (2) Conjurer, Summoner - 57 (3) White Wizard, Bard - 55 79 (1) Shaman, Sage - 84 (2) Conjurer, Summoner - 63 (3) White Wizard, Bard - 62 89 (1) Shaman, Sage - 92 (2) Conjurer, Summoner - 69 (3) White Wizard, Bard - 68 99 (1) Onion Knight, Shaman, Sage - 99 (2) White Wizard, Conjurer, Bard, Summoner - 75 (3) Dragoon, Viking, M. Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard, Warlock - 50 Level Attack Power 9 (1) Karateka - 42 (2) Monk - 36 (3) Ninja - 18 19 (1) Karateka - 76 (2) Monk - 70 (3) Ninja - 20 29 (1) Karateka - 110 (2) Monk - 104 (3) Ninja - 24 39 (1) Karateka - 144 (2) Monk - 140 (3) Ninja - 28 49 (1) Karateka - 178 (2) Monk - 174 (3) Ninja - 32 59 (1) Karateka - 210 (2) Monk - 208 (3) Ninja - 36 69 (1) Karateka - 244 (2) Monk - 242 (3) Ninja - 40 79 (1) Monk, Karateka - 278 (3) Ninja - 44 (3) Knight - 36 89 (1) Monk, Karateka - 312 (3) Ninja - 48 (3) Knight - 40 99 (1) Monk, Karateka - 346 (3) Onion Knight, Ninja - 50 (3) Knight - 44 Level Physical Defense 9 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 13 (2) Bard, Shaman, Sage - 10 (3) Thief, Warlock - 8 19 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 17 (2) Bard, Shaman, Warlock, Sage - 13 (3) Knight - 11 29 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 21 (2) Warlock - 17 (3) Bard, Shaman, Sage - 16 39 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 25 (2) Warlock - 22 (3) Bard, Shaman, Sage - 19 49 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 29 (2) Warlock - 26 (3) Knight, Bard, Shaman, Sage - 22 59 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 33 (2) Warlock - 31 (3) Knight - 26 69 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 37 (2) Warlock - 35 (3) Knight - 29 79 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 41 (2) Warlock - 40 (3) Knight - 33 89 (1) Viking, Karateka, Ninja - 45 (2) Warlock - 44 (3) Knight - 36 99 (1) Onion Knight, Viking, Karateka, Ninja, Warlock - 49 (2) Knight - 40 (3) Hunter, Bard, Shaman, Sage - 37 Level Magic Defense 9 (1)\ 19 (1) \ 29 (1) \ 39 (1) \ 49 (1) \---------> No job has an inherent 59 (1) /---------> magic defense. 69 (1) / 79 (1) / 89 (1) / 99 (1)/ Level Level 1 MP 9 (1) Sage - 26 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 15 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 12 19 (1) Sage - 33 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 20 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 16 29 (1) Sage - 40 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 24 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 18 39 (1) Sage - 46 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 28 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 21 49 (1) Sage - 53 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 32 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 23 59 (1) Sage - 59 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 36 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 25 69 (1) Sage - 65 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 39 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 27 79 (1) Sage - 70 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 43 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 29 89 (1) Sage - 76 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 46 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 31 99 (1) Sage - 82 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 49 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 33 Level Level 2 MP 9 (1) Sage - 19 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 13 (3) Summoner - 6 19 (1) Sage - 26 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 18 (3) Summoner - 9 29 (1) Sage - 33 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 22 (3) Summoner - 12 39 (1) Sage - 40 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 26 (3) Summoner - 15 49 (1) Sage - 46 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 30 (3) Summoner - 17 59 (1) Sage - 52 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 34 (3) Summoner - 19 69 (1) Sage - 58 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 37 (3) Summoner - 21 79 (1) Sage - 64 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 41 (3) Summoner - 23 89 (1) Sage - 70 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 44 (3) Summoner - 25 99 (1) Sage - 75 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 47 (3) Summoner - 27 Level Level 3 MP 9 (1) Sage - 10 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 8 ( 3) White Wizard, Black Wizard, Summoner - 2 19 (1) Sage - 18 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 14 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard, Summoner - 6 29 (1) Sage - 25 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 19 (3) Summoner - 10 39 (1) Sage - 31 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 23 (3) Summoner - 12 49 (1) Sage - 38 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 27 (3) Summoner - 15 59 (1) Sage - 44 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 31 (3) Summoner - 17 69 (1) Sage - 50 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 34 (3) Summoner - 19 79 (1) Sage - 56 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 38 (3) Summoner - 21 89 (1) Sage - 62 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 41 (3) Summoner - 23 99 (1) Sage - 67 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 45 (3) Summoner - 25 Level Level 4 MP 9 (1) Shaman, Warlock - 7 (2) Sage - 5 (3) Summoner - 1 19 (1) Shaman, Warlock - 11 (2) Sage - 9 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 4 29 (1) Shaman, Warlock, Sage - 16 (2) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 8 (3) Red Wizard , Summoner - 7 39 (1) Sage - 23 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 20 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard, Red Wizard , Summoner - 10 49 (1) Sage - 30 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 24 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 13 59 (1) Sage - 36 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 28 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard, Summoner - 15 69 (1) Sage - 42 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 32 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard, Red Wizard , Summoner - 17 79 (1) Sage - 48 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 35 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard, Red Wizard , Summoner - 19 89 (1) Sage - 54 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 39 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard, Red Wizard , Summoner - 21 99 (1) Sage - 60 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 42 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard, Summoner - 23 Level Level 5 MP 9 (1) Shaman, Warlock - 6 (2) Sage - 4 19 (1) Shaman, Warlock - 6 (2) Sage - 4 29 (1) Shaman, Warlock, Sage - 12 (2) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 6 (3) Summoner - 4 39 (1) Sage - 19 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 17 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 9 49 (1) Sage - 25 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 21 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 12 59 (1) Sage - 32 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 25 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 14 69 (1) Sage - 38 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 29 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 16 79 (1) Sage - 44 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 32 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 18 89 (1) Sage - 50 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 36 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 20 99 (1) Sage - 56 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 39 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 22 Level Level 6 MP 9 (1) Shaman, Warlock - 5 (2) Sage - 3 19 (1) Shaman, Warlock - 5 (2) Sage - 3 29 (1) Shaman, Warlock - 9 (2) Sage - 7 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 5 39 (1) Shaman, Warlock, Sage - 14 (2) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 8 (3) Conjurer , Summoner - 5 49 (1) Sage - 21 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 18 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 11 59 (1) Sage - 28 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 22 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 13 69 (1) Sage - 34 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 26 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 15 79 (1) Sage - 40 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 30 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 18 89 (1) Sage - 46 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 33 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 20 99 (1) Sage - 52 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 37 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 21 Level Level 7 MP 9 (1) Shaman, Warlock - 4 (2) Sage - 2 19 (1) Shaman, Warlock - 4 (2) Sage - 2 29 (1) Shaman, Warlock - 4 (2) Sage - 2 39 (1) Shaman, Warlock, Sage - 10 (2) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 7 (3) Conjurer , Summoner - 3 49 (1) Sage - 17 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 15 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 10 59 (1) Sage - 23 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 19 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 12 69 (1) Sage - 30 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 23 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 15 79 (1) Sage - 36 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 27 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 17 89 (1) Sage - 42 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 30 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 19 99 (1) Sage - 48 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 34 (3) White Wizard, Black Wizard - 21 Level Level 8 MP 9 (1) Shaman, Warlock - 3 (2) Sage - 1 19 (1) Shaman, Warlock - 3 (2) Sage - 1 29 (1) Shaman, Warlock - 7 (2) Sage - 5 39 (1) Shaman, Warlock - 7 (2) Sage - 5 49 (1) Shaman, Warlock, Sage - 12 (2) Conjurer, Summoner - 4 59 (1) Sage - 19 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 16 (3) Conjurer, Summoner - 8 69 (1) Sage - 26 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 20 (3) Conjurer, Summoner - 10 79 (1) Sage - 32 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 24 (3) Conjurer, Summoner - 13 89 (1) Sage - 38 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 28 (3) Conjurer, Summoner - 15 99 (1) Sage - 44 (2) Shaman, Warlock - 31 (3) Conjurer, Summoner - 17 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.2 Warlock vs Summoner =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The bout for the "Best Offensive Mage in Final Fantasy III World" title is now open. The participants: WARLOCK vs SUMMONER (of course we exclude the Sage) ----------------- STAT COMPARISON ----------------- These are the stat advantage of the WARLOCK over the Summoner: Vit - Warlock >>> Int - Warlock >> Def - Warlock >>> MEv - Warlock > MP - Warlock >> These are the stat advantage of the SUMMONER over the Warlock: Str - Summoner >>> Agi - Summoner >> Spr - Summoner >> At# - Summoner >> Att - Summoner >> Ht% - Summoner > De# - Summoner > Eva - Summoner > At level 99, these are the specific stats of each: Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv--M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 99 25 75 98 99 50 22 14 98 4 49 18 0 74 49/47/45/42/39/37/34/31 Warlock 99 75 98 25 75 75 26 38 99 6 12 24 0 75 29/27/25/23/21/20/18/17 Summoner ------------- SPELLS LIST ------------- Warlock M1 - Sleep, Ice, Fire M2 - Blind, Bolt, Venom M3 - Fire2, Ice2, Bolt2 M4 - Ice3, Shade, Break M5 - Kill, Bolt3, Erase M6 - Bio, Fire3, Warp ---> eyes on 'Bio' M7 - Break2, Drain, Quake M8 - Flare, Meteo, Death ---> eyes on 'Death' Summoner M1 - Chocobo M2 - Shiva M3 - Ramuh M4 - Ifrit M5 - Titan M6 - Odin ---> eyes on 'Odin' M7 - Leviathan M8 - Bahamut ---> eyes on 'Bahamut' ------------- PROS & CONS ------------- Warlock Pros - A-lot more MP - Great HP gain - Great vitality - Status spells Cons - Weaker damage - - - Summomner Pros - Better damage - Targets all enemies - Great speed - Good strength - Cooler looks... it's the HORN! Cons - Few MP - Terrible HP gain - Low vitality - --------------------- IN-DEPTH EVALUATION --------------------- To settle this question, we have to distinguish your style of playing. Are you a level up maniac or one who loves challenges- limiting their level as low as possible? In general, the usefulness of the Warlock is really outstanding at lower levels. At higher levels, the Summoner takes the center stage... if I may say. Looking at their stats, highlighting their MP (because they're spell casters), the Warlock is really running past the Summoner by a mile. At level 42 where the Summoner earns its first level 8 MP (for 'Bahamut'), the Warlock aleady owns 8 level 8 MP's! Okay, let's assume you're a challenge freak and your level is at most, say 39, when you got the subject jobs. You'll have the following stats: Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 39 16 39 44 57 23 10 10 89 2 22 9 0 40 28/26/23/20/17/14/10/07 Warlock 39 42 47 13 39 39 10 22 91 2 6 11 0 39 17/15/12/10/07/05/03/00 Summoner The most worthy spells start at level 5, so here's what your bets have below their sleeves: Warlock Summoner M5 - Kill, Bolt3, Erase - 17 M5 - Titan - 7 M6 - Bio, Fire3, Warp - 14 M6 - Odin - 5 M7 - Break2, Drain, Quake - 10 M7 - Leviathan - 3 M8 - Flare, Meteo, Death - 7 M8 - Bahamut - 0 Since most of the bosses in the final dungeons are strong against elements, most probably you'll be using 'Bio' for the Warlock and 'Odin' for the Summoner. The damage dealt by 'Odin' is only a few hundreds higher than 'Bio'. Let's say 'Odin' deals 1000 damage times 5 casting (1000x5), you'll be dealing only 5000 damage to the boss. On the other side, if you use the Warlock and casts 'Bio', which deals, let's say 500 times 14 casting (500x14), you'll be dealing 7000 damage. Of course the damages are just hypothetical, but did you see my point? In terms of fighting regular battles, the Warlock compensates the lack of powerful, all-target spells with its status spells. Weaken the enemies before killing them, instead of instantly killing them with powerful spells. Definitely, if you want to use the Summoner, you have to learn to stretch your chord and save your MP unless extremely needed. Now, let's say you're quite a level up maniac and you got the subject jobs at level 49. Here's their stats: Lvl-Str-Agi-Vit-Int-Spr-At#-Att-Ht%-De#-Def-Eva-MDf-MEv-M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6-M7-M8 49 17 45 53 64 27 12 10 91 2 26 11 0 45 32/30/27/24/21/18/15/12 Warlock 49 47 56 15 45 45 14 24 94 3 7 14 0 45 19/17/15/12/10/08/06/04 Summoner Warlock Summoner M5 - Kill, Bolt3, Erase - 21 M5 - Titan - 10 M6 - Bio, Fire3, Warp - 18 M6 - Odin - 8 M7 - Break2, Drain, Quake - 15 M7 - Leviathan - 6 M8 - Flare, Meteo, Death - 12 M8 - Bahamut - 4 With the availability of a few 'Bahamut' and 8 'Odin' summons, you'll be taking down bosses with few troubles. There's no need to beat down bosses slowly using either 'Bio', 'Flare' or 'Meteo'. If you ran out of MP after a boss fight, all you have to do is use an Elixir. With regard to regular battles, both jobs will not have any trouble as they both have enough MP to deal with normal pests, however, we cannot hide the fact that the Summoner has a very bad HP progression compared to that of the Warlock. Defense will aggravate the problem of low HP. An unlucky Summoner who becomes a favorite target by the enemies will not be able to hold such onslaught. These might make you think twice when you want to consider using the Summoner. The only consolation I see is the fact that the Summoner is very fast. Before an enemy gets a chance to take him down, it can already kill it with one of its summons in the first turn. Taking the above considerations, I STILL favor the Summoner. The title "Best Offensive Mage in FF3 World" depends on your style of play. You want a hard-hittin', but short-livin' mage? Summoner's the name. If you want a slowly, but surely spell caster? Warlock's the right guy for you. Well, I always believe that, " a good defense is a good offense", but I also believe that, " a great offense is the best offense!". For me, it doesn't really matter which is better. I never really used either jobs that long. I'm content with my 2x Mystic Knight (1x Knight and 1x Karateka) and 2x White Mage (Shaman) combo before I get my 2x Ninja (FEOK) and 2x Sage combo. One thing I can say is that, you may say Warlock is better than the Summoner, but Summon is better than Black Magic :) Now, MAKE YOUR CHOICE! http://cgi.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.asp?board=7723&topic=11745424 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.3 - Summon Spell Effects =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Depending on what job you use, either Conjurer or Summoner, you will have the following summon effect: Chocobo (L1) ------------ White: Escape (run from the battle) Black: Stumble (nothing happens) Summoner: Chocobo Kick (physical damage, one enemy) Shiva (L2) ---------- White: HypnoBeam (Sleep, 100% success, all enemies) Black: Icy Glare (Ice damage, single enemy) Summoner: Diamond Dust (Ice damage, all enemies) Ramuh (L3) ---------- White: MindBlast (Paralyze, 100% success, all enemies) Black: God's Thunder (Lightning damage, one enemy) Summoner: Heaven's Rage (Lightning damage, all enemies) Ifrit (L4) ---------- White: Recovery (Recover some HP and status, all allies) Black: Flames of Fury (Fire damage, one enemy) Summoner: Hellfire (Fire damage, all enemies) Titan (L5) ---------- White: Punch (Physical damage, one enemy) Black: Kick (Physical damage, one enemy) Summoner: Earthquake (Earth damage, all enemies) Odin (L6) --------- White: Barrier (Wall, all allies) Black: Sword Cut (Physical damage, one enemy) Summoner: Atom Edge (Instant death, all enemies) Leviathan (L7) -------------- White: Stony Glare (Petrify, all enemies) Black: Tempest (Water damage, all enemies) Summoner: Tsunami (Water damage, all enemies) Bahamut (L8) ------------ White: Aura (Haste, all allies) Black: Rend (Death, one enemy) Summoner: Megaflare (Non-elemental damage, all enemies) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.4 - Job Acquisition =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Want to know what's the next set of jobs waiting for you in the next Crystal? Check this out! 1) Jobs in the Wind Crystal - Fighter (recommended) - Monk (recommended) - White Wizard (recommended) - Black Wizard - Red Wizard 2) Jobs in the Fire Crystal - Hunter - Knight (recommended) - Thief - Scholar 3) Jobs in the Water Crystal - Geomancer - Dragoon (recommended) - Viking - Karateka (recommended) - Mystic Knight (recommended) - Conjurer - Bard 4) Jobs in the Earth Crystal - Warlock (recommended) - Shaman (recommended) - Summoner (recommended) 5) Jobs in the Forbidden Land Eureka - Ninja (recommended) - Sage (recommended) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.5 - The Author =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Real Name: Anthony Lawrence M. Morales User Name: Fantasy Gamer E-mail : fantasy_gamer_x@yahoo.com Gender : Male B-day : February 24 Country : Philippines First Visited GameFAQs.com : ?? June 2000 Joined GameFaqs Message Board: 27 August 2002, 1:48:35 AM (GFAQs time) Regular @ Board : Final Fantasy VII - General RPG's - Everything Else RPG's - Squaresoft GameFAQs World Asia (GameFAQs World Asia: Philippines topic) ----------- FAQs Made ----------- -+- Final Fantasy VII (Playstation/PC) --> Solo Character Initial Equipment No Materia (SCIENM) Challenge Guide http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/file/final_fantasy_vii_scienm.txt http://www.neoseeker.com/resourcelink.html?rid=62610 --> Wall Market - Don Corneo Attraction Mechanics Guide http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/file/final_fantasy_vii_don_corneo.txt http://www.neoseeker.com/resourcelink.html?rid=62607 --> Best Places for EXP, AP & GIL Guide http://www.neoseeker.com/resourcelink.html?rid=62608 --> Sources' Sources Guide http://www.neoseeker.com/resourcelink.html?rid=62609 -+- Final Fantasy X-2 (Playstation 2) --> Angra Mainyu Killing Guide http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/final_fantasy_x_2_angra.txt http://www.neoseeker.com/resourcelink.html?rid=64665 --> Cactuar Searching Guide http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/final_fantasy_x_2_cactuar.txt http://www.neoseeker.com/resourcelink.html?rid=64664 -+- Final Fantasy III (NES) --> Job Evaluation Guide http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/nes/file/final_fantasy_iii_job.txt http://www.neoseeker.com/resourcelink.html?rid=65415 ------------------------------ Contributor Recognition Page ------------------------------ -+- www.GameFAQs.com : http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/37584.html -+- www.Neoseeker.com: http://www.neoseeker.com/members/submissions/Fantasy+Gamer/ -+- www.ign.com http://www.users.ign.com/about/fantasy_gamer_x =================== 4.0 - LEGAL STUFF =================== This guide is solely intended for the public use in the world wide web. All information and work in this document is copyright © 2004 by Anthony Lawrence M. Morales. Without my permission, no other site may post this guide, nor is anyone allowed to reproduce this guide, in any way, for commercial purposes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those who are interested to use this guide in their websites or as reference for their own guide, E-MAIL ME: - INTRODUCE YOURSELF/WEBSITE... THAT'S BASIC COURTESY - GIVE THE LINK TO YOUR WEBSITE - GIVE ME THE PROPER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - YOU AGREE NOT TO ALTER THE GUIDE IN ANY MANNER - YOU AGREE TO THE COPYRIGHT - YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE TO GET THE LATEST VERSION AT GameFAQs.com/ NeoSeeker.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please do not take the credit for someone's work. We authors spent lots of sleepless nights just to be able to present guides for you gaming enthusiasts... we deserve the credit for all our hard work. ======================= 5.0 - VERSION HISTORY ======================= My favorite way of customization in the Final Fantasy Series is the 'Materia System', but the 'Job System' has a very special place in my heart. Not only in Final Fantasy, but also in other RPG's, 'Job System' has made the game more interesting. I would want to have a guide regarding the "jobs", but the games like FF5 and FF Tactics have them already. Ha, ha! They missed FF3's! I think it was really meant for me :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Version 0.99) 22 November 2003 - started the Job Evaluation Guide. 11 December 2003 - finished. 04 January 2004 - submitted to GameFAQs. 04 January 2004 - posted at GameFAQs. (Version 1.0) 14 January 2004 - started first update. - re-evaluated some Jobs after spending 'little' time with them... Mary... (cough)... Sir Bahamut criticized me to the bloody pulp last time... he's so scary!.. (joke!) 14 January 2004 - finished. 21 Janaury 2004 - submitted to GameFAQs. 21 January 2004 - posted at GameFAQs. (Version 2.0) 30 January 2004 - started second update. - major overhaul 14 February 2004 - finished. - Valentine's Day! 14 February 2004 - submitted to GameFAQs.com. 16 February 2004 - posted at GameFAQs.com. (Version 2.1) 11 April 2004 - started third update. - made corrections in the Credits section. 11 April 2004 - finished! 11 April 2004 - submitted to GameFAQs.com. xx April 2004 - posted at GameFAQs.com. =============== 6.0 - CREDITS =============== I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the following who helped me make this guide in any way: -+- Squaresoft (now Square-Enix) For making Final Fantasy III. I'm looking forward to a future U.S. release... it's not too late. -+- Alex W. Jackson, Neill Corlett and SoM2Freak For the translation... allowing me to play this game with full understanding. -+- www.GameFAQS.com/ Jeff "CJayC" Veasey For hosting this guide (my 7th FAQ)... in this great site. -+- lordskylark For his ROM hacking and making HIS excelent stat gain charts. Sorry for the error last time. -+- THE ONE READING THIS This guide is made for you! --> My avid readers Thanks for the continuous support! --> My e-mailers Thanks for the time! Special Thanks to: -+- Fantasy Gamer For encoding, editing and testing this guide. -+- Sir Bahamut For lending his FF3 expertise. Thanks for sending me a copy of stat gain charts, which were a big help in making a more detailed and more accurate evaluation. All I can say is... HE's THE FF3 GUY!... What else can we expect from the man who played Final Fantasy III a hundred times?! (lol) Seriously, thanks-a-lot for all the help bud! Check his FAQs: Fully Equipped Onion Knight FAQ Boss/Moster FAQ No Class Change FAQ Solo Character No Class Change Challenge ===================== 7.0 - PARTING WORDS ===================== I WILL BE GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU! Tell me what you think about this guide... comments, suggestions, added info, corrections, and constructive criticisms are all welcome. I WILL APPRECIATE IF YOU WILL FIRST TELL ME YOUR GFAQs USER NAME. If you think you should be given credit but was not included in the list, contact me and I'll make the appropriate actions. Don't hesitate to e-mail me if you have anything in your mind regarding gaming. I am one of the most hospitable FAQ Contributors here. You're guaranteed to get a reply as soon as I read your mail :) I will be more than willing to help in any way I can. God bless! Fantasy Gamer --- "Let's mosey!" ================================================================================= THANK YOU FOR READING! HOPE YOU LIKED IT! ================================================================================= Final Fantasy III - Job Evaluation Guide Date Started : 22 November 2003 Date Finished: 11 December 2003 by Fantasy Gamer fantasy_gamer_x@yahoo.com