Flipull(NES) FAQ version 1.0.0 copyright 2006 by Andrew Schultz schultz.andrew@sbcglobal.net Please do not reproduce for profit without my consent. You won't be getting much profit anyway, but that's not the point. This took time and effort, and I just wanted to save a memory of a great game and the odd solutions any way I could. Please send me an email referring to me and this guide by name if you'd like to post it on your site. **** AD SPACE **** My website: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Exhibit/2762 ================================ OUTLINE 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CONTROLS 3. STRATEGIES 4. ADVANCE WALKTHROUGH 5. NORMAL 6. CHEAT CODES 7. VERSIONS 8. CREDITS ================================ 1. INTRODUCTION Flipull is an interesting little game, at least for a while. You're an orange blob on a ladder on the right of the screen. There are walls and pipes that deflect the blocks you fire to the left, off at a ninety degree angle, where they bounce on the blocks below. If you touch two blocks together, the still one disappears. In fact there is a chain effect left than down. The first block that is not the same color as yours is flipped back to you. There are also power blocks that will vaporize any color block, too. If you have no legal moves, and you have more than the required number of blocks, you replace your block with a power-up. You have three to start in normal mode. Each level in free mode has a time limit(always 3 minutes, but man do those 3 minutes go fast later on) and a minimum number of blocks to leave on the board. Everything gets faster and tougher as you go from 4x4 to 6x6. It's not terribly linear or sensible and quite frankly 3 minutes is not enough to calculate all the permutations. Let's just say that although Flipull is fun for a while, it was more fulfilling to write an algorithm that solved various levels for the Advance mode. I did that for 33 and 38-on. Even level 46, which my algorithm didn't work for. I figured it out and was doubly ashamed, of my coding error and of not taking a few seconds to look at it. Apparently there's a story tied into Flipull, too, but it's fairly pedestrian. And it has some amusing cut scenes too. Anyway, it deserves a FAQ, so I gave it one. 2. CONTROLS Move your guy up and down the ladder and fire with A or B. You'll get one bounce off a wall or pipe then the block will go at a right angle and bounce back up to you. If you try to make an illegal move, you'll be stunned for a bit and lose 1 power in advance mode. Points are pretty straightforward. 100x^2 points for dispatching x blocks at once 10*(# of seconds) blocks for time left at the end of a normal level (advance has no time limit) 1000 + 1000 * (blocks under limit) in normal 10000 for each level solved in advance Extra power-ups at 20000, 50000, 100000, and every 100000 after that in normal. Clearly it's to your advantage to try to wait as much as possible to knock out a brick, unless you're under 30 seconds(time forfeit unless you're clear or below.) In fact killing a lot of blocks overall is more important than killing a bunch at once, so it pays never to get greedy. 3. STRATEGIES These are a bit spare as Flipull is a nonlinear game. --Sometimes random moves work as well as certain "greedy" strategies so it's tough to strategize. --If you must lose a powerup, try to set things up so that you have an easy time the rest of the way through. They're easy to lose in bunches. --Note that the only way you can get <3 powerups on the board is to take out one sort of block for a losing move. --Pipes can be useful to bounce blocks off. Try at the start of the level to evaluate which columns you can't knock stuff down and try to make those columns a priority when you shoot rows from the side. --Look for rows you can pick off when you get the same color back or even rows that you can almost get. If you have: # oT T TTTx ooo#o --You can knock out the # with another o from the right, Get an o with the # above and then take out the whole row. Note that you also made a 4-row of T's instead of a 3-row. These are combos to watch out for. --Look for columns all of the same color--you can bounce something down there and get it back. Though it is a problem if that's the only thing left. --There's no steadfast rule if one color is good to get rid of or not. Just beware that putting something in the very DL with no other blocks of the same color is dangerous as late on you may have to bounce things off back there. If you have a color 1U1R of the corner that is best. You can get around it. --It's best to keep structures compact. --There's nothing wrong with a one-two between different colors. --I find you can really only look three moves ahead, although if you can eliminate certain moves as definite dead ends then you can go a bit more. 3 is only practical in normal but in advanced you may wish to branch things off a bit more if you don't want to follow the walkthrough proper. --email me if you'd like the C code to look through any random level. 4. ADVANCE WALKTHROUGH Advance mode of Flipull has 50 levels. You can continue endlessly but your score gets zapped. You get no extra power-ups, and the object for each level is to wind up with four blocks: one of each color, where you are holding one. You always have enough power to win a level in advance mode even if you only take one brick at a time, unless you make an illegal move. Many of the first levels are pretty easy to solve but sadly as they got tougher I didn't understand what was going on, so no commentary. Search for "LEVEL X" where you need help. The notation should be pretty clear--(x)U is x stairs up the ladder. 12 is the top. Some of these may cost you a few extra keystrokes, and I may fix that later, or I may have lint to clean out of some bathrobe I never wear anyway. The blocks should make sense too #=green square x=black X o=red circle T=blue triangle Very PlayStation-y, even before the PlayStation! But nothing near Lucky Charms. LEVEL 1 Map for level 1: **** *** ** * x### oxxx TTTT #ooo Start with #3 Nothing fancy here. The obvious moves are the right ones. 2U 3U 2U 1U LEVEL 2 Map for level 2: **** *** ** * xooo #xxx Tooo oxxx Start with #5 Still no tricks yet. 1U 1U 1U 1U 4U LEVEL 3 Map for level 3: **** *** ** * oooo TTTo oooo Tx#o Start with #5 The left-right moves are bad as you get a blue and the rest are hidden. So: 11U (take the right column) 2U 2U 2U LEVEL 4 Map for level 4: **** *** ** * xoxo xoxo oxox #Tox Start with #5 Assault from above is the way to go since there are more items in a row. 8U 9U 10U 11U 10U 2U 1U LEVEL 5 Map for level 5: **** *** ** * x#To #Tox #Tox #Tox Start with #5 Nothing quick here but the solution's not too painful. 8U 9U 10U 11U 8U 9U 10U 11U 8U 9U 10U 11U 8U LEVEL 6 Map for level 6: ***** ** * TT## ooTT Txxx o#Tx Start with #4 Marginally tougher. The first two moves are forced or you reach a quick dead end. Note you can't go 8U until you can "see" a red. This cuts down possibilities further. 4U 11U 1U(2U is a move slower) 2U 1U 4U 2U 2U LEVEL 7 Map for level 7: **** *** ** * x##T TxxT TTT# oxoT Start with #3 Don't be too greedy when you see a row to take out. 11U 4U 3U 11U(get rid of the stray blue) 2U 1U 2U LEVEL 8 Map for level 8: **** *** ** * ##xx T##T TToo oT## Start with #2 More just setting up rows of equal blocks and letting it fly where it makes sense. 4U 1U 2U 3U 2U 1U 3U LEVEL 9 Map for level 9: **** *** ** * TT#x oTxT To#o #xTo Start with #4 The first move is clear and then the 10U 11U 4U 1U 9U(greens are a dead end) 1U 1U 2U 3U 2U LEVEL 10 Map for level 10: **** *** * * xoTo o##o Txoo x#To Start with #1 Picking off the 4-column leads to a dead end. Though there are a lot of ways to go wrong the right solution can be stumbled on--there are actually a lot of combniations that get to it. 1U 4U 11U 2U 5U 1U 1U 2U 9U 1U 3U Flipull kicks a zap-block off th left edge and a triple-size blue triangle block comes down just left. LEVEL 11 Map for level 11: **** ** ** * oxxT oxo# oT## Tooo Start with #3 4U 9U 10U 8U 10U 3U 1U 1U9 LEVEL 12 Map for level 12: **** *** * * ##T# #To# #Tx# To#T Start with #4 Here you want to save a green block in the corner you could have picked off for later. 5U 1U 11U 10U 4U 9U 8U 1U 2U LEVEL 13 Map for level 13: **** ** ** * ooxx TTxT Tox# TTTT Start with #2 That bottom row is tempting but...not at first! 4U 5U 3U 4U 9U 1U 10U 9U 8U 10U LEVEL 14 Map for level 14: **** *** ** * oxT# TxTx To#x #xxT Start with #3 10U 11U 9U 8U 1U 9U 1U 2U 1U LEVEL 15 Map for level 15: **** *** * * T#T# #### Tooo x#oo Start with #5 3U 4U 9U 1U 9U 1U 1U 2U LEVEL 16 Map for level 16: **** *** ** * #ooT xoTo o#oo TT## Start with #3 4U 9U 1U 10U 11U 2U 1U 3U LEVEL 17 Map for level 17: **** *** ** * oTTx ox#T To#x #TxT Start with #5 5U 9U 4U 9U 8U 1U 1U 9U 8U 2U 1U 10U 9U 1U LEVEL 18 Map for level 18: **** *** ** * oTTx ox#T To#x #TxT Start with #5 3U gets you in a trap where you have a single blue blocking a bunch of other blocks. So... 9U 4U 5U 9U 8U 1U 5U 1U 1U 10U 1U LEVEL 19 Map for level 19: **** *** ** * xoxx oToo oT## xTTx Start with #2 8 loses quickly as does 1. Don't try to bite off too much here at once. 4U 10U 2U 11U 5U(4U actually loses) 1U 3U 9U 3U 1U 3U 2U LEVEL 20 Map for level 20: **** *** ** * oox# #oxx TToT #oTo Start with #4 4U 3U 4U 10U 8U 11U 4U 2U 1U 4U LEVEL 21 Map for level 21: **** *** * * To#x #xxx oT#T #oTo Start with #1 1U loses quickly(1 9 11 3 or 5 4) so: 9U 3U (11U 8U 4U loses) 1U 4U 3U 2U 9U 11U 8U 1U 9U LEVEL 22 Map for level 22: **** *** ** * x##x oxoo T#oT xTT# Start with #2 5U 3U 3U 1U 1U 4U 3U 2U 4U 1U 2U LEVEL 23 Map for level 23: **** *** ** * xx#T #oo# To#o T#x# Start with #3 Best to knock off the two X's at once. 11U 10U 2U 1U 4U 10U 9U 2U 1U 2U 1U LEVEL 24 Map for level 24: **** *** ** * oTox ooT# xoo# ##TT Start with #1 10U 1U 1U 5U 2U 3U 1U 3U 2U LEVEL 25 Map for level 25: **** *** ** * ooo# ##o# T#oT ##x# Start with #5 5U 3U 4U 2U 4U 9U 11U 3U LEVEL 26 Map for level 26: **** *** * * xxxxx xxxTx ox#Tx TxTxx Txoox Start with #5 If you can zap a few rows in succession it's rather easy. 12U 10U 5U 1U 11U 3U 1U LEVEL 27 Map for level 27: **** *** ** * xxxxx xT#xx xooxx xxxxx oooox Start with #2 12U 5U 1U 11U 1U 1U LEVEL 28 Map for level 28: **** *** * * To### Txooo Txxxx Toxxx T#xxx Start with #5 So many ways to get close, so few to close the deal. 9U 2U 9U 1U 3U 2U 1U 5U LEVEL 29 Map for level 29: **** ** ** * TTTTT TTTxT TxTT# TxoTT #TTTT Start with #3 5U 3U 1U 12U 9U 3U 9U 10U 9U 1U LEVEL 30 Map for level 30: **** *** ** * ooTxo xooTx TxooT ###o# T#oox Start with #1 6U 11U 3U 4U 1U 4U 3U 11U 12U 2U 10U 9U 1U 2U 9U Blob shuffles under block, hits it underneath and a power up appears Mario style. LEVEL 31 Map for level 31: **** *** ** * Txo#x T#xo# Txoxo T##ox TTox# Start with #2 Clear out a path to the bottom and attack from the top. 5U 4U 3U 2U 3U 2U 1U 9U 2U 2U 1U 10U 9U 10U 9U 1U 5U LEVEL 32 Map for level 32: **** *** ** * xTTo# o#oo# oTxxx xTTTT #T#xx Start with #3 9U 4U 5U 9U 2U 1U 2U 1U 1U 5U 10U 3U LEVEL 33 Map for level 33: **** *** ** * xTTo# o#oo# oTxxx xTTTT #T#xx Start with #3 3U 1U 6U 3U 2U 3U 6U 4U 6U 2U 11U 4U 6U 1U 3U 1U 2U 3U 9U 1U 2U 1U LEVEL 34 Map for level 34: **** *** ** * xT#Tx #xT#T TTxxT ooooT x#xxo Start with #2 5U 12U 2U 2U 12U 5U 9U 2U 4U 10U 2U 3U 9U 11U LEVEL 35 Map for level 35: **** *** * * oTTTx xToTT #T#oT TxooT #TooT Start with #2 5U 12U 10U 5U 4U 11U 6U 5U 2U 3U 2U 1U 3U 2U LEVEL 36 Map for level 36: **** *** ** * oxT#T TTTTT #oxT# ##### T#xoT Start with #3 4U 2U 1U 4U 2U 9U 8U 1U 10U 9U 11U LEVEL 37 Map for level 37: ***** ** * x#TxT #oTxx o##oo x#Txx TxToo Start with #2 (pipe) 4U 11U 2U 4U 1U 4U 10U 9U 2U 4U 1U 11U 9U 1U Map for level 38: **** *** ** * o#oTx xxToT ##TTx To##x TTxoT Start with #2 2U 9U 2U 9U 5U 3U 5U 9U 12U 4U 1U 11U 4U 10U 1U Map for level 39: **** *** ** * xo#xT #To#o #xTox oxoxo ###TT Start with #2 3U 2U 5U 4U 2U 4U 2U 4U 10U 11U 1U 2U 9U 5U 2U 9U 2U Map for level 40: **** *** * * ##Txx ##T## xxT#o ooT#x #xT#x Start with #5 1U 6U 4U 6U 2U 9U 4U 5U 12U 11U 9U 2U 5U 1U 4U 3U 11U 9U 1U 3U Map for level 41: **** ** ** * ToTx# #oox# oxTTo ###Tx xTxTx Start with #1 Map for level 42: **** *** ** * xxxxo #ToxT To#x# oTTxT x#### Start with #4 1U 5U 2U 10U 3U 4U 12U 9U 3U 4U 10U 11U 3U 1U 9U Map for level 43: **** *** ** * #ooxT x#oox oxTo# T##ox x##TT Start with #1 9U 3U 9U 2U 4U 4U 9U 11U 10U 12U 10U 5U 3U 1U 3U 9U 3U 10U 1U 2U Map for level 44: **** *** ** * #xoxo xoToT ##TxT oo#ox oxToT Start with #3 1U 4U 2U 5U 3U 12U 11U 1U 2U 10U 3U 3U 2U 4U 2U 1U 2U Map for level 45: **** *** * * xTTTo To##T Txxx# #T#T# o#xxx Start with #2 1U 1U 11U 1U 6U 9U 2U 1U 5U 4U 9U 1U 9U 2U 1U 2U Map for level 46: ***** ** * xxo### xxoooo xxo### xxTTTT #T#### #x#### Start with #4 Of course, you always get the biggest bonuses for the silliest stages. 1U 10U 2U 6U 1U 1U 1U 1U 11U Map for level 47: **** ** ** * ##xxTT xx#TTT xooooo Txxooo ###xxx Tox### Start with #4 1U 1U 5U 10U 1U 4U 1U 1U 4U 3U 1U 5U 3U 4U 4U 10U 1U 9U 3U Map for level 48: ***** ** * Too#Tx xxxx#x TT##xx #xxxx# T##x## oTTT## Start with #2 Map for level 49: **** *** ** * TTxxxo #xToxo TxxoTx xTTTxo xo##xT xooox# Start with #2 4U 2U 5U 2U 8U 1U 3U 8U 3U 8U 5U 8U 5U 9U 12U 2U 11U 12U 2U 1U 2U 9U 10U 1U Map for level 50: **** *** ** * oTxTxx #xox#x ooooxT x#To## TTxTT# oo#oT# Start with #2 5U 1U 3U 1U 8U 1U 2U 2U 8U 2U 9U 2U 5U 11U 5U 10U 11U 5U 10U 1U 3U 1U 4U 2U 9U 10U 3U 9U The orange blob and his love(purple bow) drift together in the orange sunset. They try to hug, sort of, and wing up getting braided together. There's a big purple heart above them. It reminds me of those weird amoeba slides you used the microscope on in biology. Amusing Japlish below: "Congraturation!" (very weird as Congratulations is spelled right when you win each level) "Directed of software" "Charactor designer" Oh, and if you wait long enough you get "Game Over" and a little "downer" tune. 5. NORMAL You'll probably get a bad shake eventually so it's not worth getting too hot under the collar. If you "just make" a level(ie exactly the blocks needed to clear it) you may get a level with fruits etc. with double the points next round. All you can really do is look 2-3 moves ahead and make sure there are no disasters. Also if there are a lot of one type of square buried in the structure, try to pick away to get there ASAP. Having an imbalance of types is bad. However a temporary one caused by getting a lot in a row is no problem, and if you can set up several of one block in a row by knocking out other colors then do so. Don't worry about perfection either. After level 10 you bash a power square against a pipe and the power square lands on you. After level 30 you throw a power square at a triangle piece and it grows legs and runs away. You bounce after. Level 50: see Advance Mode, but no "game over." Then the cut scenes repeat every 50 levels. I may add details here later. 6. CHEAT CODES This is where the RAM maps in FCEU. You may find it useful for cheats or tinkering around. x40-x6f have the map for the level. The first 6 of 8 bytes store the blocks, and you have 8 rows of 8. xf2 tells what level you're on, minus one. Fiddle with it just after you complete a level to get somewhere tough if you want. Remember (tough level)- 2! You should have enough time to type the level in, and you can make a save state right there just to muck around. xc8-xce are the bytes for your score. Each byte represents a digit, with c8 being millions and ce being ones. x8d1 and x8d2 are low and high bytes for time. x440-444 have information on the walls and how they are spread out. xed tells how many powerups you have left. If you give >9 some garbage appears. x128 tells how many continues you have. If you use save states you can jiggle the controls between levels to get a different random set in normal mode. End of FAQ Proper ================================ 7. VERSIONS 1.0.0: sent to GameFAQs 8/19/2006 with walkthrough of "advance" complete todo: rewrite my algorithm so I can track the best score, best moves 8. CREDITS Thanks to CJayC as usual for such a great site and, though I hate to admit it, the people who write for more popular games so that these old school FAQs can be hosted for free. Thanks to the usual GameFAQs gang. They know who they are, and you should, too, because they get some SERIOUS writing done. Good people too--bloomer, falsehead, Sashanan, Masters, Retro, Snow Dragon/Brui5ed Ego, ZoopSoul, BSulpher(thanks for the encouragement on this particular guide) and others I forgot. OK, even Hydrophant in his current not-yet-banned message board incarnation. Thanks to the fceuxd programming group who let me try all sorts of new things to make this FAQ more detailed. Thanks to the NES, GB and GBC completion project people. You all are a great inspiration. Algorithm brewed with finest microchips and fastest processors.