/============================================================================\ | Frankenstein: The Monster Returns | /****************************************************************************\ .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. Version 1.0 (07/28/2005) Version History: -3/27/2006, added 1up as a host. 1.0: Basic Guide Complete - (07/28/2005) .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. Legality: This Guide is Copyright, 2005, Matthew McIntyre This guide may not be used on a website or in any public forum where it is protected by copyright without the consent of the author. To contact me: entropiclobo(at)yahoo(dot)ca or chaos(dot)wolf(at)gmail(dot)com Websites with permission to use this Guide: www.GameFAQS.com www.neoseeker.com faqs.IGN.com www.1up.com Game copyright Bandai. ****************************************************************************** * Table of Contents * ****************************************************************************** *To jump to a section, hold the Control Key and press F, then type in the section number as it appears (ie type FR1) FR1: Intro FR2: Basics FR3: Walkthrough FR4: Items FR5: Enemies FR6: Script FR7: Credits -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | FR1: Intro | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "IT'S ALIVE! It's alive, It's alive, It's aliiiive. Oh in the name of god, now I know what it feels like to be God!" -Doctor Henry Frankenstein, Frankenstein (movie, 1931) Now, most people who know me can tell you that I love monsters. Whether they're cruel or kind, snap necks or high-tension wires, or whether they have the ability to blow radioactive breath or just clobber you with immense strength. I just seem to be drawn towards monsters. In fact I received criticism in the early grades from my classmates because I enjoyed drawing monsters more than puppies. Heck, I love puppies but monsters let the imagination run. And one of my absolute favourite monsters is the Frankenstein Monster. Whether it's tragic or evil, it always instills a sense of the forbidden. He's a monster that makes you think. So I like a lot of Franky material, from the old Universal films to some of the new ones, from Young Frankenstein to the Marvel comic I have about the "Frankensurfer" - a synthetic Silver Surfer made in the vein of the Monster itself. The "Monster," or the "Creature." The arbitrary name seems to accomodate the miserable existence of the Monster, a persecuted tapestry built from aged for flavour cadavers. But most people call it Frankenstein, after the Doctor. The game is no exception from this. Frankenstein certainly wreaks havoc upon the villages as we see an inferno engulfed village right in the intro. Frankenstein shatters some stereotypes and leads a wide variety of evil creatures in this game. Hey, if he can fight Baragon he can be an evil plotter! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | FR2: Basics | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Right-o, let's get the basics sorted out: Left/Right: Move PLAYER A: Jump A+A: Jump kick B: Attack A+B: Use your attack in the air (no different) Down: Pick up certain items/Climb down stairs, cliffs, etc. Down+B duck and swing. Up: Enter doors/Climb up stairs, cliffs, etc. Down+A on certain ledges: Jump down. Up+B when you have a bomb or orange gem: Use attack. Select: Drink orange potion. Start: Pause Melee attacks: You start with your fists, and these have horrible range. You will eventually get better, but you can always pick up a club by pressing the down button. Jump kick is not as useful in this game as say... TMNT 2 but it is very helpful against one boss. Blasts: By getting certain items, you can fire shots. Getting hit will usually disable your shots. For the first stage at least, try hard to keep your blast. For the Passwords presented in this guide, I used the name PLAYER. Yep, generic and uninspired. Then, this guide is to help you through the game so you can use your own name. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | FR3: Walkthrough | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============================================================================== Stage I ============================================================================== Start by moving forward. The purple dogs that approach, duck and hit them. Continue on until you encounter a red troll. It will jump at you, hit him when he does. After killing it, take the club and the heart and continue on. You should be attacked by purple dogs and red trolls. A troll should drop a red sphere. Pick this up and while you have the club you will be able to fire a wave. While you can fire the shots, you may as well attack from a distance. At the end of your walk you will be attacked by a group of purple dogs. These come from alternating sides of the screen, so after you've killed one be prepared to turn around and attack the next. After slaying them all, you will get a blue potion. Take this for an extra notch on your life bar. On the next screen, there will be a bee. This enemy is best off ignored, but if you can't shake it then try to hit it after dodging its dash. Continue right and you'll see a purple slime on the ground. This will take your shape - just attack it as it rises up. Continuing on, you'll notice large open doors in the background. Press up to enter these. The first you come by will have a treasure chest which contains a heart. Past this scroll the bee off the screen and enter the next door if you wish. This leads you to a sewer. In the sewer, stay out of the water if possible. There will be large blue fleas coming to attack you. If you can't seem to do well hitting them when they jump at you, drop to one of those ledges or into the water and jump and attack. A jump kick works but doesn't kill them. You could also duck and attack. If you go into the water, watch out for the fish. Jump kick if you see one coming. Overall, get to the end and the fleas will die instantly as the Water Dragon challenges you. *** Water Dragon *** It's kind of like Barba from Zelda II, but not half as rad. It will rise, shoot a fireball as it rises, shoot another towards the top of the ascent, and shoot another as it submerges. If you still have the club with wave shots, attack the head as it rises up. Otherwise, you'll have to hit it physically. Either jump kick the head after the third shot if you're in water, try at the height of its ascent if you're on the platform (or duck and hit) if it has shot the second ball already. After defeating it you get more life - jar. Use the jar with the select button when you need it. Go back to the town. The next door you encounter as you head right leads to a room with a man on a chair. This is the village elder. He will tell you to rescue Emily and stop Frankenstein. He will also give you a chest containing another orange life potion. Exit and resume heading right. *** Death *** You will be assailed by the Grim Reaper. It's pattern is fairly simple - it only teleports around the screen. On the final hit ti throws its scythe up and to the right. So if you don't have the wave club, attack it from the left. After killing it, you will be attacked by a bone bat. If this catches you, it will bring you back aways and you'll need to fight death again. Jump and strike it before it gets the chance. After killing head right, you'll fall down a pit. *** Demon Horse *** Demon Horse attacks you, flying in the sky. He stops to blow three fireballs now and then so look out. When he's on the ground he can punch you. Hit him in the brown portion of his body - his horse half. If you have the wave club this is a piece of cake. However, if you don't you're going to have to jump and punch him. After defeating the Demon Horse, you will see a scene with Frankenstein, teh player, and Emily. You will acquire a sword and proceed to Stage II after getting your score. PASSWORD: PCDBJZMRPNFR ============================================================================== Stage II ============================================================================== You're now in a forest. If you had a club, it will no longer be with you. You do have your sword, however. Begin heading right and keep in mind that you can use those tree fungi as platforms. You'll encounter some purple mouths. These appear suddenly and fly towards you. One should drop a red gem when killed - this lets the sword shoot some magic, a much larger blast than the wave club. Keep heading right, using the sword blast to fend off purple mouths. *** He Monster *** This horned dude will charge at you from across the screen if you are on the ground. If you have the sword blast, shoot him from a distance and escape into the trees as he charges. If you lose the sword blast, hit him when he's close with your sword then jump into the trees before he gets a chance to attack you. It will release a heart. Keep going and you will encounter more purple mouths. Go right until you enter the next screen. As you proceed right purple mouths will attack and pink bulls will drop from the trees - these are largely nonthreatening, as they only run at you. Just chop em'. They can drop maces, which have the same Red Gem special as the sword. Take it unless you want the longer reach of the sword. At the end of this area, there will be a cliff face. Press up on it to start climbing up. At the top you will see a knight sitting down. This is Blademaster, whome was mortally wounded in battle with Demon Horse. He gives you a chest containing a blue potion - which means you have an extra life dot. Afterwords you can talk to him to hear him mention a He and She beast of the the trees. Jump off the side of the cliff to the Blademaster's back. When you land, head right. You'll hear a "dropping" noise and an orange rock will fall from the sky. Run back out of range quickly to avoid it. Continue to the right avoiding rocks as you go. *** He and She Monsters *** If you have a ranged attack, jump up and cut loose on the She Monster. Otherwise, dodge her bullets and jump up to hit her up close. The He monster will charge you as before. Hit him to paralyse him briefly and then jump to a fungus platform. After defeating the pair, the He Monster thanks you and gives you an orange potion. It seems that something had imprisoned him and the forest with evil. The Player thinks it must be Frankenstein. Past this screen is a pond with lily pads. Jump from pad to pad but never stop. If you do you'll be dragged into combat with a merman. It isn't possible to escape this, it's difficult to hit him with a melee attack but the blasts are easier. Let me just say that if you can avoid fighting him, do so. After jumping these pads you will face flying orange beetles. These behave the same as bees. The next pond has only one lily pad - you'll have to do battle with a merman. After you kill it, a pad will be there. Make sure you don't fall back in! An orange beetle will be coming so when you jump to the next pad be ready to swing. Progress past the right side of the screen. *** Medusa *** Ah Medusa, comely snake maiden. She will move across the ground whipping her tail - you should go up to her and attack her, move back from her to avoid the tail whip, and then move in on her again. If she gets you backed into a corner, jump over her and do the same tactics. Eventually she will explode and turn into a giant Medusa Head. This dives at you when it's about one length (of it) away from you. Jump at this time and swing, it should hit her. Get out of the way while she's stunned because she will whip her tongue down. She's easier than Demon Horse, but I'll let that slide because she's not as pompous. You will talk to Medusa and then have another scene with Franky and Emily. The stage is now over, get your score. PASSWORD: PHDPJTPDPLDR ============================================================================== Stage III ============================================================================== Keep in mind you're back to your standard sword again. Starting the level, you are in a graveyard. Some graves will literally leap at you. You need to dodge these. Perhaps move into the middle of their trajectory and duck. Keep on right. As you continue, you'll be attacked by some thunder demons. They drop lighning bolts on you, when you see them arrive, let them stop and begin their attack. Move out of the way and jump and attack or stand on a grave to attack. They drop orange spheres, which do a fullscreen lightning attack when you press UP+ATTACK. On the next screen you will have approached a castle gate. a green thunder demon attacks. Kill it and head through the door. In this next screen, there are stone staircases, go to the foot of the stairs and press up to begin climbing them. Or you can head right, ignoring the stair. The first door you come to heading right has a chest. Open it to receive the message telling you to "Find the Key." Keep going - watch out for the windows as they contain blue arms. Jump over the windows. There will be a Skeleton near the second door. Knock it down and then enter the door before it gets back up. The next door also holds a chest. Its message says to "Use the key between the two keys!" Exit and keep heading right. The third door holds the key. Okay, now head all the way back to the stairs. Hot the skeleton as he forms and then jump onto the stairs to avoid it getting back up. Head up the stairs... Some of the statues you will see will come to life. _Run_ from these. Ok, to start you will need to head forward a bit. You will hear a sound, run back near the stair and three javelins will fall. Ok, head to the right, ignoring the statue. Watch out for the thing it throws - it is a boomerang. Head up the first stairs you come to. These should be going into the wall. All you need to do is stand in front of them and press up. From here go left. There's another javelin drop before the exit. *** Gatekeeper *** His head floats along the top and the hand moves arounf the bottom. The hand punches and the head shoots fire. Dodge any fire and strike the hand as it comes at you. Jump over and get ready to strike it when it is coming back. It only takes maybe three shots with the sword to destroy the hand. The head will now be bobbing up and down, you can jump to hit it at the low end of the arc. After pacing the arena two or three times, it comes down to float around your level where it is much easier to hit. Wait for it to get close, strike it with your sword. If you get backed into a corner, strike it so it is flashing and jump over it. If you're having trouble hitting him, jump over his fireball and strike him. After killing him you get an orange potion. Head back right. There will be a new staircase as soon as you enter, climb it. You will meet the Dark Warrior, who explains you must defeat his servants if you wish to fight him. *** Dark Warrior's Servants *** Those stone warriors. Get right in front of them and duck and attack. Their boomerand will go over you and come back high. Back them into a corner and you won't have to move around. Use the Gatekeeper's potion if you need to, these guys can get some cheap hits. *** Dark Warrior *** He's pretty big no? The best way to fight him is with jump kicks. If you miss a jump kick, either get away or duck and swing your sword. Though honestly, attacking might just be the safest route. This guy can seriously work you over quick. He can swing his sword, or raise it in the air and summon lightning. The lightning causes a small, lingering explosion. Jump out of the way. The problem is the Dark Warrior can do that multiple times in a row. So what you do is jump kick him, stopping any attack (though the explosions expire on their own). After the jump kick, he will teleport. Jump kick him as soon as he becomes corporeal. Keep this up and you should win. Now you will talk to Dark Warrior whom explains that Franky is in the "Evil Dimension." Now I'm sorry, but at this point I lost it. I was finding the concept of the Frankenstein Monster being sovreign over all these other monsters a little hard to swallow to begin with, but Evil Dimensions? That's gold Jerry! Gold! Anyways, he gives you a new sword and promises to take you to the Evil Dimension. Get your score and password. We didn't use that key did we? PASSWORD: PNDKJNMJPHDN ============================================================================== Last Stage ============================================================================== *******DANGER******* - Red potions reverse the effect of one Blue Potion. They are _NOT_ worth it. Only take one if absolutely necessary. Yep, the Last Stage. The _Evil Dimension_. Heh, well let's get this started, test out your new sword on those sea anemones. But be careful because they have a serious spay. They may drop a red potion. Those green skulls also drop red potions, but they don't seem to work in succession. Keep on right and you'll be at a miniboss. *** Beholders *** Very simple weird little blobs with eye stalks I'll take to be Beholders as this IS an _Evil Dimension_. Jump over the eyes they shoot and strike them. You should have no trouble with these. *** Manwolf *** Werewolves. Gotta love em eh? Anyways, I'm just crazy about wolves. Oh I;m just wild about "Hairy" and Hairy's wild about me... Clever? No dice? What a drag. Alright, on to the fight. He's a royal pain in the ass, pure and simple. He's very fast and makes little leaps across the ground at you. Hit him when he's on the ground and follow him and keep on hitting him. If he is in midleap when you hit him, jump over him at once. The fight is furious, but not impossible. After you defeat him you get the three-way fire. When you swing your sword, you will release a fire abll at 90 degrees, 45 degrees, and 0 degrees. Nice. When you leave the screen you'll be heading left. Shoot the maggots and dodge their fire. If you get hit you lose threeway fire, bummer. But those green balls drop Blue Potion. RIGHTEOUS! You can have a max of eight life dots. *** Red Balls *** Similar to the green balls but they don't really drop much of anything. Kill them as they approach you. Afterwards, keep on to the left, and go to the next screen. *** Vampire *** Roll reversal babes. A vampire in thrall of The Creature. The Vampire is much, much easier than the Manwolf. He starts the battle by opening his cape and throwing bats (now _where_ have I seen that before?). You can chop the bats with your sword to destroy them. He will turn into a bat, fly a short distance, land, andfire absts again. When he does this, start chopping bats and inch closer and closer to him until you damage him. When you do get out of the way of the bat. The Vampire's pretty simple, it could just take a little while. Only attempt a jump when you're backed into a corner and _watch out_ for the single bat it fires when it flies into the air. After you defeat him, take the chest to get a bomb. To use the bomb, press up+b and two fireballs will travel across the screen in opposite directions and along the floor. It is one use. You will appear heading right, there is a swinging rope over a grotesque pit of brown, red, and green. This drains your life bar _very_ quickly. Jump at the rope when it is coming towards you. This part is difficult, the ropes move at different speeds so you'll have to predict when they'll meet. Jump when the rope has gone as far right as it can, you will jump towards the next, you may need to guide yourself onto it. Do this across the entire river. Keep doing and you'll fight a stone Dullahan. Wait for him to attack with his spear and run in while he retracts it. Start wailing on him and he shouldn't be able to respond and will soon perish. Alternatively you could use the bomb, or have him die by going far enough right to activate... *** Dark Warrior *** After the statue, you will need to fight this dude again. His attack pattern is no different, so handle him the same wau you handled the last time. Grab the heart it releases and proceed to the right. *** FRANKENSTEIN *** Ol' Franky himself finally fights you! At any rate, teh big lug's a cake walk. Stay in the middle of thes tage and swing at him while he jumps at you. He fights like the Hulk basically. He _does_ do a number on you if he can hit you with a punch or jump, but he should hit you very rarely. Go into the door and PLAYER will boast to Emily that he defeated Frankenstein with his sword. Emily tells him Frankenstein can only truly die from Fire, so she gives you "Fire." This is essentially the same blast the sword gained with a red gem. *** Frankenstein Supreme *** A large, naked Frankenstein kneels on the right of the screen. He spews shots from his mouth and his hand flies around the screen. Attack the hand first, lead the shots from close to Frankenstein to far from him for the best dodging options, but while that fist is still flying around it becomes very difficult to dodge anything. After dispatching the fist, attack his chest. It is crucial to the lead teh shots in this part of the fight, from him away from him, then jump back in after him. Hitting him in the chest causes a part of his body to burst into flames. Keep doing this until the fires almost reach his head. The head will detatch to save itself and begin flying around the room. It fires the shots and then ducks down after you, fire at it when it does this. Keep in mind that Franky's body can block your progress to the right of the screen, so your playing field is compromised. He shouldn't be too much trouble at this point, however, and you should prevail. That's it. Emily runs over and embraces you and teh credits roll. *ending spoilers* After the scene of the two with "THE END" some eyes open and then it cuts back to the Bandai logo. Oooooooooh! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | FR4: Items | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There's a few items in the game - press down to pick them up, except for the hearts as they float away and you must jump into them. **** Big Heart: Released by the boss before Frank, refills life. Blue Potion: Extends the life bar. Bomb: One-use item used with UP+B that releases fireballs across the ground. Club: A weapon you can use that replaces your fists. Heart: Floats into the sky. Collect it for some life. Mace: Pick it up to use it for a weapon. Orange Gem: Use for a fullscreen lightning attack (UP+B). Orange Life Potion: Collect it and press select for a life bar refill. Red Gem: Gives a weapon a ranged attack. Red Potion: Refills hp BUT reverses a blue potion. Three-Way Fire: Adds a shooting option to the final sword. Tresure Chest: Open it for items. **** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | FR5: Enemies | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Your standar enemies are listed here, I have the bosses listed during the walkthrough. *Bee: Flies erratically until it dives at you. Try to hit it after the dive. *Blue Arms: Arms that reach from behind gates. Easy to kill. *Bone Bat: Carries you backwards in a stage. *Green Ball: Odd enemies that can become spikey or spray a substance that stops you from moving temporarily. *Green Skull: Lifts off when you approach and fires at you. Drops red potion. *Maggot: Launches shots at you. Slash and jump, slash and jump for the win. *Orange Beetle: Same as Bee. *Purple Dog: Canines that run at you and jump, duck and attack them for the kill. *Purple Mouths: Appear suddenly and chase after the Player. Not hard to defeat, but could take you by surprise. If they catch you they will engulf you and quickly drain your life. Drops red gems. *Purple Slime: Takes your shape, attack it as it is forming for an easy win. *Red Troll: An enemy that jumps at you. Best killed by hitting them after their jump. They will drop clubs, red gems, and hearts. *Sea Anenome: Spays a wild burst of green balls. Temp it and run in. Drops Red Potion. *Skeleton: A skeleton with a blade. Knock them down but they get back up. *Skeleton Fish: Jumps out of the water at you. Avoid it if possible. *Stone Dullahan: Uses a spear, wait until it swings and then run in to chop. *Stone Warrior: Difficult enemies that throw boomerangs. *Thunder Demon: Flies in and drops lightning bolts. They drop orange gems. *Water Flea: Jumps at you. Attack either when it jumps or hit it low. Watch out for the little balls it fires. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | FR6: Script | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here's something I've wanted to try doing for a while, recordign all of the significant statements in the game for posterity. Besides, some of the dialogue is very funny. ****************************************************************************** Opening ****************************************************************************** *Lightning hits and Frankenstein rises" "The sleeping villagers think they are living in peace. But all too soon, they will learn the terrible truth...." "..Frankenstein has risen from the grave!" "The villagers awake in horror" *Village in flames pans by* "As the resurrected Frankenstein lays waste to the neighbouring village. *Windows break* *A figure jumps to a window.* "Help me!" *Frankenstein looking out over the sea of flames.* Frankenstein: "I will take this girl for my own! Ha.. Ha.. Ha.." Emily: "Help me!" Player: "Frankenstein has taken our beloved Emily!" *Screen pans down frankenstein holding Emily* ****************************************************************************** Stage I ****************************************************************************** --------- When you encounter the water dragon: --------- Water Dragon: "Ha... Ha... Ha.. I don't know where you are from boy, but if you want the treasure chest, you must defeat me." --------- Talking to the village elder: --------- Village Elder: "Young lad, listen to my desperate plea!" PLAYER: "What is it?" Village Elder: "Frankenstein has destroyed our village and taken my beautiful Emily! Please find him and bring her back!" "Here, take this potion." Player: "Wha.. What? Me?" Village Elder: "You are our only hope. Good luck!" *When you encounter Demon Horse: Demon Horse:"What's this? I've been waiting for a worthy opponent all these years only to face a mere mortal" "I am the great Demon Horse! You'd better run away while you still can." --------- After defeating it: --------- Demon Horse: "Curses! Beaten by a mere mortal!" PLAYER: "Now tell me where Frankenstein has taken Emily!" *a tone is heard and the screen pans to see Frankenstein with Emily in the distance* "Ah!!" Frankenstein: "If you have to use all your power even to defeat even the weakest enemies, you will not catch me." PLAYER: "Frankenstein!" Frankenstein: "You do seem to have some spirit, even though you're just a human. Ha. Ha. Ha!" PLAYER: "Wait where are are you? Where did you go?" *Frankenstein retreats with Emily* ****************************************************************************** Stage II ****************************************************************************** --------- Meeting Blademaster: --------- Blademaster: Who goes there? A human?" PLAYER: "What happened to you?" Blademaster: "I, the great Blademaster, have been mortally wounded in battle with the Demon Horse." "Are you also pursuing Frankenstein? If that's your mission, I'll give you this secret potion it should help." *take his potion and go over to him again* Blademaster: "Have you faced the evil He Monster and She Monster of the trees?" --------- He Monster after killing She Monster: --------- He Monster: "I should thank you boy." PLAYER: "What do you mean?" He Monster: "The Forest was at peace until a mysterious force took control and" "Turned it into an evil and terrible place. You have freed me." PLAYER: "Wait! You must be talking about.. ..Frankenstein!" --------- Encountering Medusa: --------- Medusa: "I, Medusa, am Master of the Forest. All intruders must face destruction at my hand!" "Come meet your doom!" --------- Medusa Defeated: --------- Medusa: "You are too strong for me. I am defeated." PLAYER: "Medusa, were you also being controlled by Frankenstein like the tree Monsters were?" Medusa: Yes and now I'm free. You must find and defeat the terrible Frankenstein" "Before it's too late for all of us!" PLAYER: "......" Medusa: "Bow! Destroy Frankenstein!" *Pans to Frankenstein* Frankenstein "Medusa, you were nothing but a weak snake monster!" Emily: "PLAYER!!" PLAYER: "Emily, are you alright? Come on Frankenstein! Fight me!" Frankenstein: "Ha. Ha. Ha! I'll crush you!" Emily: "Save yourself! Don't worry about me!" PLAYER: "I've come this far and I'm not giving up now! Where is Frankenstein?" "No matter what it takes, I will save you." Frankenstein: You don't have a chance." *Dramatic shadow of PLAYER on firey background* PLAYER: "Frankenstein, I'll put an end to you once and for all." Frankenstein: "You are not strong" "enough to challenge me yet!" PLAYER: "Wait! Emily! *PLAYER runs after Frankenstein and Emily* ****************************************************************************** Stage III ****************************************************************************** --------- Meeting Gatekeeper: --------- Gatekeeper: "There are no stairs to the top if you cannot defeat me, you will never pass!" "Only a fool will dare challenge me! Prepare to meet your doom!" --------- Meeting Dark Warrior: --------- Dark Warrior: "Welcome PLAYER you have fought well. But to fight me you must first defeat my servants!" "I can not bring shame to my creed. Prepare to meet your doom!" --------- Dark Warrior Defeated: --------- Dark Warrior: "Your strength is amazing! I am vanquished." PLAYER: I've come this far and I'm not giving up now! Where is Frankenstein?" Dark Warrior: "He is not here! He is in the Evil Dimension!" *cuts to Franky accented on a purple sky* PLAYER: "Evil Dimension?" Dark Warrior: "It is the place where Frankenstein's most powerful monsters dwell!" PLAYER: "Tell me more." Dark Warrior: "The girl's life is in great danger! Frankenstein has almost become invincible, but if you were able to defeat me," "You might have a chance against him. Take this weapon and follow me. I'll take you to the Evil Dimension." ****************************************************************************** Last Stage ****************************************************************************** --------- Manwolf met: --------- Manwolf: "Hey, you have guts! Come on and fight me!" --------- Vampire Met: --------- Vampire: "So you have defeated the Manwolf, I must not take you lightly, or it could mean my doom." "But, know this: You have entered the Dark World!" --------- Frankenstein Met: --------- Frankenstein: "I didn't think you'd make it this far. But now your journey will come to a painful end." "Come and meet your fate!" --------- Frankenstein Defeated: --------- *PLAYER meets Emily* Emily: "You've made it! Where's Frankenstein?" PLAYER: "I defeated him with my sword." Emily: "But if you don't use fire he will never truly die. Use this." *Emily gives you fire* Frankenstein: "Ha ha ha... You haven't seen anything yet. My wrath awaits you!" --------- Frankenstein Defeated again: --------- *Emily runs to PLAYER* Emily: "What can I say?" PLAYER: "It is good that you are safe, we have endured much. But I am glad that I could save you." Emily: "PLAYER!" *credits roll* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | FR7: Credits | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= **If somone can tell me the use of the key, email me*** Thanks go out to my hosts for letting you see the guide and Mary Shelly for Frankenstein in the first place, even though he's been perverted from his original state, he's still a radical monster. And Bandai, why do I get the feeling that there were some shots taken at the Castlevania series here? Heh, all of these monsters heeding the Monster's words seems kind of weird, and we never get to see just _why_ he needs Emily anyways. I guess she is kind of cute... Websites with permission to use this Guide: www.GameFAQS.com www.neoseeker.com faqs.IGN.com Game copyright Bandai.