Darkstar Ripclaw Presents... GAIAPOLIS Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Walkthrough Level One LVL1 Level Two LVL2 Level Three LVL3 Level Four LVL4 Level Five LVL5 2. Basics BSCS Contact Info CINF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL ONE LVL1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- •The pacing in this game is a bit awkward so for the most part I will instead be providing a play-by-play description of what to do. •Head north from your initial drop-off point. Some of the Blue-Eyes will come out of the top of the screen. After you take a few out, some more Blue-Eyes will pop out from the top and the bottom, along with a Blue-Cross. Once they are all dead, break open the chests (if they will not crack open when you are standing right next to them, try being slightly diagonal to the box to break it) and grab your bonuses. •Proceed north again. You will encounter some Blue-Eyes, and two Blue-Crosses will also come out, one from either end of the screen. Kill them, break your boxes and move on. •Once you get to the section with all the pottery, two Blue-Crosses will come down from the north, along with one from the south. Once you kill all three of them off, you will encounter a variant of the Blue-Eyes; the Red-Eyes, with more HP, with one coming from the south and north both. Shortly thereafter a red-and-gold variant of the Blue-Cross, the Red-Cross, will come on from the top, followed by a Blue-Eyes and another Red-Eyes from the bottom. Try to clear them out in short order before you get overwhelmed by the sheer number of enemies, then break your chests for your items. •Move up north again to the fence between the road and the sea, and a Blue-Cross will come in from the right end, and two Hover-Pods will come in from the sea. Try to deal with the Blue-Cross first, as a lesser nuisance, then focus your attention on the Hover-Pods. Another Hover-Pod will come on screen during the fighting, ended off with two more Red-Crosses from the right end. •After you get your chest bonuses, continue on right, where you will face off against a lone Red-Cross before getting some bonus chests. •Continue on right, but do not go up the bridge; instead, head all the way right to the chapel-like building, and a Red-Cross will come down from the bridge and a Blue-Cross from the left. The second wave will have a Red-Cross from the left and another Blue-Cross from the bridge. After, a Blue-Reptile will come in from the left, as well as a Red-Eyes from the bridge. Watch out for the Blue-Rep's fire-breathing attack. The last wave will be of a single Red-Eyes from the bridge. After, grab your chest bonuses, then head north onto the bridge. •At the north end of the first section of the bridge, turn around to face a Red-Cross and Red-Eyes coming from the south, followed by some more Red-Eyes and Red-Crosses from the south, a pair of Red-Crosses from the east, then another Red-Eyes from the south, and finally another Red-Cross from the east. •Once you beat all the enemies up, your character will automatically walk off the bridge and onto the docked ship, entering a Boss Battle. ------------------------- BOSS BATTLE ONE - TEMPEST ------------------------- 360HP 15 Damage •Boss battles like these are why I recommended you use Amv; after a while, a mere 2-point difference in Strength adds up when fighting these bosses. •Anyways, the Tempest, as I refer to him as, is fairly large and somewhat quick. The most annoying part is that he tends to walk around diagonally, often in V-Shapes, and will lash out at a moment's notice. •My main recommendation is to go to the diagonally opposite location of where he is; ie. if he's in the northwest, go to the southeast, and stand right at the edge of the ship. When he comes in from the side, turn to face him and start mashing your B button (or hold down an autofire button if you're playing with an emulator) and just cut and hack away at him until he retreats. You start off with all your HP restored so it's worth losing 15HP if you can get at least 3 hits on him. •Once you manage to bring him down to 180HP, the Tempest will disappear, and two blue-colored copies of him will come out. These only take two hits each to disperse, but you should still stick to the side of the ship and let them come to you. •Once his copies are gone, the Tempest will reappear in the top half of the screen, so stay in the bottom for the rest of the battle. Once he comes to you and gets damaged again, he will back off and repeat the process with his phantoms. •Kill off the phantoms again until the Tempest reappears, and repeat until he falls in battle. ----------------- STAGE ONE ENEMIES ----------------- Blue-Eyes A conglomerate of eyeballs stuck together with a blue outline 27HP 4 Damage Blue-Cross Blue-Armored Enemy that wields what appears to be a cross as a weapon 35HP 6 Damage Blue-Reptile Blue-armored reptilian-resembling knight that breathes fire with a nasty range. Be sure to run around him if you have the chance to avoid getting hit by fire. 50HP 12 Damage Hover Pods U.F.O. like hover-pods that can from in from the sea area. 43HP 4 Damage Red-Eyes A conglomerate of eyeballs stuck together with a red outline 50HP 8 Damage Red-Cross Red-Armored Enemy that wields what appears to be a cross as a weapon 42HP 10 Damage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TWO LVL2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- •Head up the screen and onto the walkway on the left side to face off against two waves of a Red-Eye each, and then a Blue-Reptile (with upgraded HP), all coming from the north, and then a Red-Cross and a Blue-Reptile from the south. •Continue north after a while, and in-between the two buildings, you will come across a wave with a Red-Cross from the south and two Blue-Reptiles from the north. The next wave will subsist of two Red-Reptiles from the north, followed by another one shortly thereafter, then grab your bonuses. •Head up north to be ambushed by a Red-Reptile from the south and a Red-Eye from the north, then a pair of Blue-Reptiles, and a final Red-Reptile. Grab your chest bonuses, then continue north. •At the edge of the screen, you will get a single wave of a lone Red-Reptile from the north and a pair of them from the south. After taking them out, claim your bonuses again. •Continue on into a meadow area, where you will face a Strongman, who looks like it's wearing a too-small armor. This will be followed by another Strongman and a Red-Mace from the north, and then a final Red-Mace. Grab your bonuses, then head up a fairly lengthy strip of land. •Further north once you hit the end of the side strip, you will have to fight off two Strongmen, then two Red-Maces, then another Strongman, all coming in quick consecutive order from the north. Grab your chest after, then continue on through the stage. •In between some buildings, you will have to fend off a Red-Reptile from the north, then a Strongman from the south, and a Red-Mace from the north again before you can claim a chest bonus. •Continue on again to face a Red-Eye from the north, a Strongman from both north and south, then another Red-Eye from the north, and then a Red-Mace from the north. After, you will get another wave of a Red-Mace and a Strongman from the north, then a final Red-Mace from the south. •After grabbing your chest bonuses, head north. You will get two Blue-Reptiles and a Red-Reptile from the north, and a Strongman from the south, then two more Strongmen and two more Red-Reptiles from the south. There will not be any chest bonuses here this time around, so continue on north after you have finished beating up the monsters. •Attempt to head into the doorway, and you will get a Red-Reptile, Red-Mace and Blue-Reptile all coming from the right side of the screen, followed by another Red-Reptile, Red-Mace, and Strongman. Grab your bonus and head right to the palace front door. •Here, you will need to fend off a Blue-Reptile and a Red-Reptile from the right side, before a pair of Red-Reptiles ambush you from either side, followed by a Blue-Reptile from the left side and a Red-Reptile and Red-Eyes from the right side, and finally a Blue-Reptile from the left side. After defeating all your enemies here, you will automatically be thrown into a boss battle. ------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE TWO - GOLDEN STATUE ------------------------------- 2200HP 15 Damage •As if showcasing how lazy they are, the developers did not bother to put in a background for this fight, so you basically have a black screen. However, that means you can fight anywhere on the screen you want. •In any case, the Golden Statue, GS for short, is fairly large and unwieldy, and normally only goes up and down and left and right. To hit him, you cannot just hit the edge of him; you have to move in a bit and slash a lot closer in for the hit detection system to register it. •Conversely, the Statue's first attack also has a sloppy hit detection rate. When you are to the side or above the Statue, it will stop (you can best tell by looking at his feet) and spin his axe counterclockwise. Sometimes if you are in range the attack will miss for whatever reason, although it will still connect three out of four times. •The second attack of the Statue's only occurs when you are below the Statue. The Statue will stop, put down his axe, and then breath fire that creates a short line right underneath it. This attack is easily the more exploitable of the Statue's three attacks; you can trigger it simply by being right underneath it. When it pauses, indicating that it is about to begin its attack, run right up beside it and slash at it (you can get two attacks off it each time he does his fire technique) until the Statue finishes up. You can then run back down once he finishes and redo it over and over again. •The Statue's final attack is rarely used, and it does not seem that he begins to use it until he has lost about a fifth of his HP. He will begin to spin his axe, but he will keep spinning it faster and faster, and then while spinning his axe, his body will go up and down diagonally, bouncing off the walls for about fifteen seconds before heading back to the center. When he does this, immediately go for one of the bottom corners; if he is not in the center of the screen, go to the corner opposite of him. If it looks like he is going to bounce into you while on one of his up rebounds, run immediately to the opposite corner. ----------------- STAGE TWO ENEMIES ----------------- Blue-Reptile Blue-armored reptilian-resembling knight that breathes fire with a nasty range. Be sure to run around him if you have the chance to avoid getting hit by fire. 78HP 12 Damage Red-Mace Red-armored soldier who wields a mace. 42HP 10 Damage Red-Reptile Red-armored reptilian-resembling knight that breathes fire with a nasty range. Be sure to run around him if you have the chance to avoid getting hit by fire. 100HP 16 Damage Strongman A man wearing an armor that does not cover his arms or legs, with a shoulder apparently missing. Hits you with his fists. 90HP 14 Damage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL THREE LVL3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- •Proceed left along the checker-floored hallway until you get two Red-Crosses coming from the left and a Strongman from the right. There will not be any bonuses after you have finished fighting off the trio. •Continue down the hall to be ambushed from the right side by two Strongmen, then a Red-Cross and a Skeleton, and then another Skeleton - watch out when fighting your skeletal opponents, as when you take them out, they turn into a pair of legs that will continue walking about. •Grab your chest bonuses, then head up north through the doorframe to be ambushed by a trio of skeletons from the right. Repel them for another chest bonus, then proceed from whence they came. •Continue on right until you hit the stairs, and you will be ambushed by several more Strongmen and Skeleton, primarily from the stairs. After a short while, you will encounter your first Amazon, a whip-wielding female enemy, from the left end. If you want to avoid damage, you will have to run a circle around her to hit her from the side. •Head up the stairs and take down two Red-Crosses from the north. Try to go up after clearing them and you will quickly get attacked by a second Amazon. Grab your bonus after. •The trigger for this seems a bit confusing, but basically head up as far as you can to scroll the screen with you, then go back down to the bottom, then head back up again. Two skeletons will pop out from the bottom, followed by another Amazon, and then two more Skeletons. There will not be any bonus this time around. •Head up the second flight of stairs. At the end of the hallway, you will get ambushed by an Amazon from the north, followed by another Amazon from the south as well as two Strongmen from the north, and finally a Strongman again from the south end. Collect your bonuses then head up into the next room. •Grab some more bonuses here, then head back outside south. Continue down around the balcony counterclockwise, where you will face two Strongmen from the east, then two Skeletons each from the northwest and the east. Proceed east again to face first a Red-Mace from the west and then an Amazon from an east, and snag yourself some chest bonuses afterwards. •Head east and south again and you will get ambushed by an assortment of Strongmen, Skeletons and Red-Maces. •Continue on east after to get ambushed by several waves of lone Skeletons. •Make your way along the path further, and you will get attacked again, starting off with two Strongmen from the east. This will be followed by three Amazon and four Skeleton, all coming from the west end. Once you clear this nest of foes out, it will be off to the boss fight. ---------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE THREE - PRAYING MANTIS ---------------------------------- 2600HP 18 Damage •So named because it definitely resembles a Praying Mantis. •That said, the PM will often wander around the battle arena, walking diagonally. When it does this, once you are either to the side of it or right in front of it, it will slash one of its claws forward to attack you. Curiously enough, the hit detection for its attack really, REALLY sucks, to the point that if YOU are in the middle of your own attack, you are invulnerable to damage from the claw attack. •The Praying Mantis' second attack will occur after he gets hit roughly every third or fourth time. He will then row around at a semi-quick pace around the screen, again diagonally. While he is vulnerable in this form, I highly recommend that you stay out of his way; for whatever odd reason, even if you do not actually touch him, he can still hurt you if you are within a close enough distance to him, so let him wear himself out. Once he reverts back to his normal form, go right back at him. ------------------- STAGE THREE ENEMIES ------------------- Amazon 120HP 20 Damage A female who wields a whip that has a fairly long range. The best way to beat her is to go around her and attack her from the side. Skeleton 128HP 18 Damage A blue-cloaked skeleton that will wander around. It does not actually attack you but simply wanders by, damaging on contact. Once you take it out, however, it will turn into a Skeleton Lower Body, so watch for that. Skeleton Lower Body 60HP 10 Damage The lower body of a former skeleton. It does not actually attack you but simply wanders by, damaging on contact. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL FOUR LVL4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- •Head up north to the end of the screen. Your first foe will be an Amazon from the top of the screen, followed by two red-coloured Gorillas that take short hops from the bottom of the screen, and two Red-Crosses from the north, then another Amazon from the north and a Strongman from the south. •Continue up north, and you will get ambushed by an Amazon from the north, then three Strongmen, then two more Amazon from the north. Collect all your items after, then head up. •From the left side you will get your first Blue Knight of the level (creative names, yes I know). These guys tend to be fairly passive, but when they finally attack they will swing their sword. It will get followed up by a second Blue Knight, an Amazon and a Red-Mace, all from the south end, and then one more of an Amazon and Red-Mace each. The final wave will consist of another Amazon and a Strongman from the west end. Grab your chests afterwards. •Head west, and you will get enemies in the following order: a Blue Knight from the east, a Strongman from the west, a Blue Knight from the west, a Blue Knight from the east, and then finally Strongman from the west. •Make your way west again, and you will be forced to fend off two Gorillas from the north. They will be followed again by two more Gorillas; during the meantime, two Blue Knights shall come in from the right side, one at a time. Near the end, you will get a trio of Strongmen also coming in from the north. •Grab your chest bonuses, then head north, where you will be overwhelmed by several waves of north-south Gorillas, and the occasional Blue Knight popping in from the north or south end. Deal with the Blue Knights whenever they show up as the Gorillas are much more manageable to deal with and run around. •After grabbing your chest bonuses, head north again. This here is just a whole smorgasboard of enemies; a couple of Blue Knights and Amazon will come out from the left and right ends, before you get surrounded by several Amazons, Blue Knights, and Strongmen from the south. You may want to take shelter in the doorframe at the top, and repel the enemies one by one as they try to come in there. After you beat them, the boss battle begins. ----------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE FOUR - FOUR-ARMED DEMON ----------------------------------- 3000HP •The Four-Armed Demon is a fairly sluggish boss, moving around the room at a slow pace. •Under normal circumstances, I would list the boss's attacks, but here, there is no point; why? Because the Four-Armed Demon cannot hurt you. At all. You are basically invincible. •That said, the only way to injure the FAD is to hit it from behind. There are two methods you can do for this; you can follow its back side and slash at it every time you get in range, or you can wait until the FAD has gone to the bottom of the screen. When it does this, go right in behind it to block it from moving around much, turn around to face the north, then just hack and slash until the boss falls. ------------------ STAGE FOUR ENEMIES ------------------ Blue Knight 143HP 25 Damage A blue-armored knight. For the most part, they tend to wander around, even when near the player character, and very rarely actually draw their swords out to swing. Gorilla 188HP 10 Damage A red-colored primate. The Gorilla takes short leaps around the screen, so it is fairly easy to move in and out and take a swipe. In fact, the Gorilla usually stays going in one direction - north to south and reverse or east to west and in reverse. It DOES change directions sometimes, but this is VERY rare, so you can usually position yourself to take a stab at it from the side as it leaps about. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL FIVE LVL5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- •A large segment of this level deals with statues of enemies that will pop to life; however, WHICH statues (past the first one) that activate, and whether any given statue will activate seems to be totally random, so please keep that in mind if the following directions seem to either be vague or are just a list of possible foes as opposed to actual directions. •The final level will start off pretty quickly, sending an pair of Amazon and a Red-Cross at you as soon as the level starts. •After you have disposed of the trio of foes, head up north. After awhile of walking, two statues to the side of the walkway will come to life, one on either side; a Gorilla on the right side and a Red Knight on the left side, which will be followed by a Gorilla from the north, then an Amazon, and another Gorilla and Amazon shortly thereafter. •Grab your chest bonuses, then head up north. On the left side, you will face off against two more statues that turn to life, two Blue Ninjas. Be careful as these guys deal 40 damage apiece and can take some hefty damage, not to mention they are quick. •Continue on north again. At the top, two Amazon statues will spring to life, followed by two Red Knights from the bottom, and finally another Amazon statue. •Head north again. At the split, you will get a Gorilla statue from your right end, a Red-Mace from the north, and a Blue Ninja from the left and southern hallway, and then some more Red-Maces and Blue Ninjas thereafter. •If you low on health, you can go west into a room with two chests that have some fish in them (not that you really need it in this game, considering you have 99 continues...) •After finishing the enemies off, head up north. The first trigger will be a Gorilla statue from the right side activating; this will be followed by a Blue Ninja and Amazon from the north, an Amazon from the south, and another Gorilla Statue. •Head up north again, where you will get three Blue Ninjas coming out from statues, and one Red Knight from both the north and the south end. After you decimate the battalion of enemies, continue on north up to the next nest of foes. •In the next section of the hallway, you will have to deal with a couple (but not all three) of the Amazon statues. Two Red-Maces will come in, one from either end of the hallway, and a Red Knight will come from the south end. •Continue onwards - the statues of all the knights are just red herrings, and you will be able to pass them without incident. A little later in, you will have to take out some Red-Mace statues, but these guys are comparatively much easier. They will be followed up by some more Red-Maces, along with a pair each of Amazon and Blue Ninjas. •The trigger for the next nest of enemies will be a single Gorilla from the southwest corner (all the Gorilla statues on the east side of the hallway are all red herrings). Following that, you will get some Blue Ninjas, Red Knights and Amazon coming in. •This next section after is just plain evil - two Red Knights, two Blue Ninjas, and two Amazons will all come out of statues, while two Gorillas will come from the south. If they surround you, there is not really any strategy I can give except to be good at clearing them out. •For the next portion of the never-ending hallway, you will get some Gorillas and Blue Ninjas from the statues, as well as some Red Knights coming from the north and south end of the hallway. •If you have yet to die, this close-to-the-last portion of the hallway might cause you trouble, with four Amazon and four Blue Ninja statues, as well as Gorillas popping out from the bottom. For the most part, try to ignore the Gorillas and deal with your more dangerous foes first. •After you have grabbed the chest bonuses, if you have a good amount of health (over 150), do not worry too much about the next batch of enemies, as they are the final ones, with some Red Knights, Blue Ninjas and Amazons in the mix. When you have finally cleared them all out, the game will send you off to the final boss. ------------------------ BOSS BATTLE FIVE - SNAKE ------------------------ 2610HP 35 Damage •The vaguely centipede-like boss, Snake for easy reference, is a slithery creature, moving and gliding quickly and easily along the battle arena, so be careful. •When the Snake's tail is red, watch out for its tail - the tail will jab right north of the Snake, and if you are within range of the tail, it will do a full swing around the snake. My recommendation is to stay just in range, and once it begins to swing, quickly move out of the way. •When the Snake's tail initially turns blue is the best opportunity to damage the Snake - it will leap to the top of the screen, and then sink back down with its claws extended to hit whatever is in the way. Go right to the TOP of the screen and face down, then attack the Snake when it comes back up. If you are even slightly south of the direct top of the screen, then you will be injured when it comes right back up. •When the Snake's tail is blue for an extended time, be wary, as it will spit out six star-like projectiles at you. My recommendation is to quickly run away as soon as you think it is going to use the attack; the further away from the snake the projectiles go, the more space in between each projectile as they drift apart, giving you some dodging room. •After you finally win, watch your ending (what little there is) and credits roll. ------------------ STAGE FIVE ENEMIES ------------------ Blue Ninja 250HP 40 Damage Blue-armoured men with long katana. They have some quick speed, so just slash and dash to hit them as soon as they try to come in. Red Knight 200HP 35 Damage A red-armored knight. For the most part, they tend to wander around, even when near the player character, and very rarely actually draw their swords out to swing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASICS BSCS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Controls -------------- A - Swings your sword. Basic enough. You cannot move while swinging your sword. B - Puts up your guard. There is not really any point in this, however - despite having tried several times, I have never seen the Guard actually DO anything. Hold B, then press A - Activates your magic spell Start - Pauses the game, if you die it allows you to continue right where you left off (with 99 continues!) Select - If you have a second controller plugged in and are in 1-Player, this lets a second player join in right wherever you are. Starting Stats -------------- Amv - 70HP, 12 Strength Liv - 75HP, 11 Strength Ken - 80HP, 10 Strength All 'Strength' stats are based off of how much damage each character deals to one of the blue tentacle monsters. My own personal recommendation is Amv - once you get into the later stages, a 10HP difference won't really matter that much, but a 2 Strength difference will, especially against ALL of the bosses. Additionally, in the last few levels there are some enemies that can be taken out by Amv in only two hits, but will require three hits for Liv or Ken. Magic ----- Occasionally, when you break open a chest, you will get a magic spell. If you do not use that magic spell, then every additional spell after that will change it into a more powerful spell, up to a Skull. Here are the magic spells you can get, in the order you get them in. To activate a magic spell, first you must press the B button to put your guard up, then the A button to activate the spell. There seems to be a small amount of lag time in between pressing the A button and the spell activating. Firewall - Sends up a big wall of flame right south of the player character that splits off and goes to either horizontal end of the screen, severely damaging if not outright killing any enemy in the way. Planet - Summons what appears to be the planet Saturn with its big ring, which then expands from the center out to cover about a quarter of the screen and in the process causing severe damage if not outright killing all enemies in range instantly. Star - A six-sided Star of David-like portal will appear on the ground, shooting out a beam of light. While this causes damage, I recommend you just upgrade to the Skull, as the Star has a very VERY small range of attack. Skull - A Skull appears on-screen, shooting out several puffs of smoke in a roughly cross-squared pattern around it, killing all enemies in range instantly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT INFO CINF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gaiapolis is a game with basically no documentation whatsoever (no manual exists that has been scanned online, no reviews, basically nothing, not even any information on the arcade game that it was ported from), so if you have ANY info whatsoever, I implore you to please pass it on to me. You can contact me by emailing me at darkstar.ripclaw AT gmail DOT com. _______________________________________________________________________________ ;;ff LLKK.. ..WW##ii tt####LL DD####DD ii########ii LL########LL ..WW########EE ff############;; ..KK############ff ii##############DD GG################;; ;;WW################jj LLKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKWW####################KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKLL.. ,,GG################################################################ii ..EE############################################################EEttttii,, ttKK######################################################WWLL;;,,;;jjffjj; ..ttKK################################################KKtt::::::::ttjjjjf ..ttKK##########################################LL::::::::::::::::::L ;;LLKK####################################jj ::ii;;;;;;..;;ii; ii;; ;ttGGKK##############################GG::::::::;;,,;;;;.. ..iiii iiii .ii############################KKtt iiii ;;;;;; .tt##########################WWtt tttt ;;, ::DD########################WWii ;; ,;;;; .;;;;WW############EE##########WW.. ;i;; ii;;jj############ff..GG##########;; .. ;;ii....LL##########GG.. ;;KK########;; ii.. 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