Gegege no Kitaro 2(NES) FAQ/Walkthrough version 1.0.0 by spam spoonerism) Please do not reproduce this FAQ for profit without my prior consent. If you write a polite e-mail to me referring to me(and this FAQ) by name, then I will probably say OK. But if I ignore you that means no--and I am bad about answering e-mail. Sorry. My maps on GameFAQs were intended to be used in conjunction with this FAQ. They cover the overworld and all dungeons. One-level castles with no particular branches are only described and not mapped. ================================ OUTLINE 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CONTROLS 3. LISTS AND SUCH 3-1. LEVELS 3-2. ITEMS 3-2-1. FOUND IN RANDOM COMBAT 3-2-2. SPECIAL UNUSABLE ITEMS 3-2-3. SPECIAL ITEMS(BIG SPOILERS) 3-3. SPELLS 3-4. ENEMIES 3-5. SPECIAL LOCATIONS 4. WALKTHROUGH 4-1. INTRODUCTION 4-2. MIAGE-NYUDO 4-3. UP NORTH 4-3-x. POSSIBLY USEFUL DETOUR 4-4. SOUTHWEST 4-5. FETCH QUESTS FOR THE MIRROR 4-6. TWO MORE YOKI STONES, TWO MORE BUDDIES 4-7. VISITING HELL TO RESCUE GYUBI 4-7-1. A LEAP AHEAD, IN THE SOUTHWEST 4-8. HELL, THIS TIME, REALLY 4-9. KILLING TENKO 4-10. THE WHITE SPHERE 4-11. THE BRAIN THAT TERRORIZED SOUTHWEST JAPAN(BLUE SPHERE) 4-11-1. OOPS! A SIDE FIGHT. 4-11-2. AND A SIDE QUEST, TO SAVE TIME LATER 4-12. THE RED SPHERE 4-13. THE BLACK SPHERE 4-14. KOREA 4-15. QUICK OUTLINE WALKTHROUGH 5. CHEATS 6. VERSIONS/CREDITS ================================ 1. INTRODUCTION Gegege no Kitarou 2(GGG) is a first person RPG based on an anime I've never heard of. That didn't stop me from playing the game, and it doesn't have to stop you, either. It's a pretty basic "save your girl and the world while you're at it" RPG, though with the occasional blindsider quests. And the map is in the shape of Japan, with Korea as the final area to tackle. You get new magic weapons from leveling up and solving quests, and you can even get companions to do some dirty work for you. The outside world is a collection of mesas with ramps in certain places, which is a muddle at first, but eventually you realize the line boundaries let you see more areas you can't access yet and thus fit more map in, and eventually you get an item that lets you fly and land in some places. Enough games have water borders blocking you, after all. But more interestingly and, til you figure it out, annoyingly, you have Yoki Storms blocking you from land. Run into the edge of one, and the screen starts shaking. While there's a cheesy way to get around them with a bug, the right way is to enter an underground cave and come out in the middle of the storm. Then you search for the Yoki Stone and destroy it to gain full access to the area. Each area and associated sub-quests become progressively more complex. At the start, you're told Miage-Nyudo may be holding your girl, Yumeko. You can bust him up when you're level three, but of course, she's already been moved elsewhere. So you have to go to the north, behind a Yoki Storm. The boss there regenerates unless you have a special item. Then in the next area, you need a magic mirror to expose the next boss so he will fight you. Then the underground dungeons fork, and you have a couple others to sort through. You can even cross over ahead to the next area. However, the dungeons aren't particularly tough, being either very small or very linear, and this is a let down compared to the outside world. By the sixth area you will have a raft that allows you off the coastline, and you get to fight a mouth, nose and eye en route to fighting a brain. You'll find the rest of your helpers in mazes and even negotiate with the Yokai. Then you take an underground tunnel to Korea. It puts that England-France kiddie-tunnel to shame. Korea's a weird exotic green land and a fitting finale, though it gets a bit annoying to retreat or, saving time, to get killed on purpose and stock up again. By the end of the game, you have a lot of long boat rides and boring fights to hack through(there's no gold in the game and items won should self-replenish) at least until the parts where you need to go down into a dungeon, save all your energy and bash a boss. GGG has little in the way of sound, and the combat mechanics are choppy, but the characters are drawn cutely and are generally sarcastic if you goof up. Its strong point is probably the overhead view where you have a colored contour map of what connects where. Between the contours and Yoki Storm there's always the sense you should be able to explore just a little more than you are, but really, there's a certain formula to dispelling the storms, and then the real puzzles begin. GGG is an attractive game with a challenging overworld to map, and it even allows you places to pick up one of a certain item you've run out of, which would be appreciated in so many other RPGs. But unfortunately some of the clues leave critical items up for grabs. I don't think this can be a translation fault, and they make sense once they've been explained, but unfortunately it's easy to be on the right track and search one square to the side of where you should. And similarly the game just misses the mark. It's a good bit of fun but the overworld size only makes the fetch quests more annoying as you get to the end. By which time you'll just want to get through with it. 2. CONTROLS 2-1. NONCOMBAT Kitaro can move in all four directions but not diagonally. Horizontal trumps vertical. If you push (A) outside, then Kitaro goes into a new screen. If the square is special, you'll have a dialog. Sometimes it says "You've found item X" or has a conversation. Sometimes a special square will automatically activate a conversation, but there are some you're only given clues about. You may have an option to use an item or leave. Here and in other menus, (B) leads you back. Most of the time you'll be able to use an item. You can move left/right among the random combat items that are available. Pushing A activates one, if you can, but otherwise it does nothing. You can also move to (etc) to see the game quest specific items. Push A to use an item. Again the game does nothing if your item doesn't work in the area and continues to the next screen if the item is useful. You may have to push A again in many cases. There are a few bugs in the game that need to be pointed out. If you're on the edge of bridge and in combat, will be stuck if you leave, can't push down, so you must push up/down to move on. This is linked with the bug of jumping past the Yokai storm, and if you are at the edge of the world when you hit an encounter, you'll flip over to there, which stinks, too. The big bug about jumping through the Yokai Storm works best from the top. You can hit the storm, tap back up, and push A. Then push B and you'll flip a square down. You can execute this trick facing down at the end, too, but it is tougher. Also you can run through the side of the right door in hell, level 1, so you don't need to talk to King Enma to get out. But sadly you cannot pass the door you need to this way--the left one. 2-2. COMBAT Combat allows more options the further you get in the game. If you gain a special combat item or a companion, up/down keys help you in combat. Early on it is pretty easy to progress, and later on you will want to hoard Crow Bait, Gecko Food and Rebirth Powder from later monsters, especially when you get to level 10 and can't advance any farther. You will, however, want to flee combat on quests, the farther you get. The monsters are too tough. Compartmentalize the game into level-up and quest blocks to get through it as quickly as possible. You can run most of the time and heal damage for when Yokai are aggressive. Your default selection is among spells. See the spell section for details, but basically #4 is a combat heal and the others go from low potency/cost on the left to high on the right. The default spell costs nothing and is pretty good, so against your average monster, you can just use that, and you'll be okay. If you push down, you get a list of arms. In general, going to the right means they are better. They have unlimited use, and while I'm not sure if one is more effective against a certain type of enemy, they are fun to play with. If you push down again, you get to your other player-characters. They take less damage than you do and have infinite shots, but if they get to 0, that can be trouble. They need to be resurrected at hospitals. Generally, you can drag these guys through the mud well before you're in trouble, and everything will be okay. In fact, if you are low on hit points, these guys act as a mulligan unless Yokai get aggressive. Your allies all have attacks, except for Sunikake Baba, who reduces your enemy's offensive ability(ie how much damage he does.) So use Sunikake Baba first, then go at it with your enemies. Don't use spells frivolously--it may be best to flee from fights if you are heading for a tough boss. At level 10, you can usually beat the ending boss with constant Electrocution spells, if you're fully healed. So if you are unable to beat one boss, just find a place where you can beat up pretty good monsters, level up, get items, and return. Spells are best for building up experience or items for the next big quest, with a house nearby. Or if you are near death. Items you get on winning depend on but are not uniquely determined by the monsters. The sea monsters give Rebirth Powder and the monsters in the center often give crow bait. You may have to face a string of up to three monsters in any one combat. For this, you won't get experience unless you beat all three, but you do get experience for all three, and you'll only face one at a time. Look carefully when they first appear, and run if they seem to be too much. Enemy groups are generally predictable, and there are maybe two or three per new area. Your best bet to build up is to hang around the center, get to 9 crow bait, and then explore the next quest area in the game. 3. LISTS AND SUCH 3-1. LEVELS EXP| HP| SP|ATK|DEF| New Spell -------+---+---+---+---+-------------------- L1 0| 8| 0| 3| 0| L2 10| 24| 16| 6| 7| Hair Needle L3 30| 40| 32| 12| 13| L4 70| 56| 48| 18| 18| Finger Gun L5 120| 72| 64| 26| 22| L6 200| 88| 80| 34| 26| Magical Convert L7 320|104| 96| 43| 30| Earth Anger L8 480|120|112| 54| 34| L9 695|136|128| 66| 37| Electrocution L10 999|144|144| 80| 39| First thing to do is beat up enemies. Then you get the Hair Needle, which allows you to beat them up faster, especially if you have a resting place in the vicinity. In general, you should be able to level up just by fighting whoever is there. You can wait to get the Finger gun, but that still won't be enough to beat sea monster. In general, you can beat up the 1-experience enemies pretty easily up to level 3. But then you may wish to move ahead, as you can kill 2-experience enemies. 3-2. ITEMS 3-2-1. FOUND IN RANDOM COMBAT Gecko Food restores 16 hit points. Tsurubebi gives light in dungeons. It lasts until you leave a dungeon. You can change levels and the light remains. However, the light never lights more than 1/4 of the screen. Crow bait lets you fly. However, you must land on a tree square. So some islands are not accessible until you get the raft. Also, when in the air, you cannot be attacked. It can last indefinitely. Incense seems to let you avoid enemies. It doesn't last too long. Yokai Raincoat allows you into an area you couldn't visit before. This means an area protected by a Yoki Storm. It doesn't last too long, but you don't need it to. Rebirth Powder heals 80 hit points. 3-2-2. SPECIAL UNUSABLE ITEMS Well, you can use these items, but they are used automatically or in combat. You get these from quests, and it is not immediately apparent how to use them. Catnip is found when you beat Miage-Nyudo and is a bit better weapon than normal. RC Geta is found in the southeast of Nurarihyon's castle. It is a bit better than Catnip. The items all seem to increase in potency on the way down. Hellfire is found when you rescue Gyubi from Hell. Chanchanko is found in the Tanuki castle, in a chest behind the gate. Ocarina Whip is found in the Yokai Temple south of where you start. Heavenly Charm is found when you bring the Lotus Flower to the south pit. Raft is not a weapon but allows you to enter the water from grey squares. You will do so automatically. It is better than crow bait, because you can land on islands with out trees, many of which are critical to the game. Oh yes-- there's a square in the sea you need to find, too. 3-2-3. SPECIAL ITEMS(BIG SPOILERS) Bishamon Statue is found in the northeast. It kills Kurokumonushi. Pass lets you into Nurarihyon's. You get it from killing Kurokumonushi. Sacred Branch lets you fight Botchi's parts. Fatsia leaf, Kappa sake, Cucumber and Magic Mirror are part of a barter quest. Magic Mirror lets you fight Nurarihyon. Black, red, white and blue sphere let you cross the underground cavern to Korea. Pandemonium Key lets you enter the final castle. Sealing Remedy is used on the final boss. Southern Seed lets you resurrect the wizard. Treasure Chest is traded for the red sphere. 3-3. SPELLS Hair Needle costs 4 Finger Gun costs 6 Magical Convert costs 16 and heals 64 HP. This is pretty clearly inefficient, but if you are about to die, you will have little choice. Earth Anger costs 10 Electrocution costs 20 The offensive spells do progressively more damage. But you can do a lot of damage with just your regular attack. 3-4. ENEMIES Defense affects how often they can duck, attack how much they can do. There's no absolute formula for how much damage but it seems to be random and roughly 80% of the attack value. I haven't figured what the "special" are for yet. But 8 is regeneration. Monster name | HP|ATK|DEF|SPE|EXP| Where? Special? ----------------+---+---+---+---+---+---------------------------------------- Kamikiri | 6| 2| 2| 5| 1| Starting area, land monster Ubume | 8| 3| 1| 6| 1| Starting area, land monster Tenome | 10| 5| 4| 4| 1| Starting area, land monster Umibozu |150| 17| 2| 5| 4| Water Monster Iso-Onna |140| 18| 3| 3| 3| Water Monster Nure-Onna |200| 18| 3| 5| 6| Water Monster Gama | 40| 4| 0| 1| 1| Dungeon Tsutsugamushi | 18| 6| 0| 6| 1| Dungeon Kumonbi | 50| 8| 2| 3| 2| Northern outside Karasu-Tengu | 35| 6| 7| 7| 1| Western outside Kamaitachi | 65| 8| 0| 7| 2| Western outside Nue | 70| 12| 5| 6| 3| Western outside Karakasa | 25| 7| 8| 7| 1| Miage-Nyudo's Rokurokubi | 38| 6| 2| 5| 1| Miage-Nyudo's Miage-Nyudo | 65| 10| 10| 6| 10| Miage-Nyudo's Yoki Stone | 65| 10| 0| 0| 4| Various houses, fixed fight Kurokumonushi | 95| 15| 10| 6| 15| Boss for north castle Donzaburo |175| 23| 10| 7| 5| In SW Nexus, in the center--friendly Tenko |270| 28| 10| 4| 30| Boss for Tenko's castle Jiraiya | 70| 12| 0| 1| 2| Central dungeon Kasha | 55| 10| 0| 9| 2| Central dungeon Futakuchi-Onna | 60| 8| 0| 4| 1| Central dungeon Kyokotsu | 80| 12| 4| 7| 2| Nurarihyon's Place Futakuchi-Rouba |100| 17| 1| 4| 3| Nurarihyon's Place Nurarihyon |130| 18| 10| 6| 20| Nurarihyon's Place Shinigami | 90| 13| 5| 5| 3| Far West Zunbera |110| 10| 1| 1| 3| Far West Tsuchinoko | 70| 17| 1| 7| 3| Far West Yama-Otoko |230| 18| 5| 2| 6| Far West Fukurosage |100| 10| 5| 3| 2| western dungeon Gashadokuro |200| 2| 1| 7| 5| Far west outside Nurikabe |250| 30| 0| 1| 0| Far west outside Moryo |120| 15| 8| 7| 2| Far west outside Onigashira |240| 25| 0| 5| 6| Far west outside Yako |180| 20| 4| 6| 5| Tenko's Castle Gyuki |330| 25| 1| 3| 13| Korea Shokuin |270| 38| 2| 4| 13| Korea Suiko |230| 30| 4| 7| 12| Korea Suzaku |340| 40| 0| 8| 20| Korea gate guardian Byakko |380| 40| 0| 8| 20| NW Korea boss Soryu |380| 48| 0| 3| 20| SE Korea boss Genbu |420| 38| 0| 8| 20| NE Korea, cloud land boss Nimen-Yasha |410| 20| 0| 7| 17| Korea dungeon Rasetsu |350| 30| 0| 7| 17| Korea dungeon Keiten |280| 25| 4| 5| 14| Korea castle Ryoshitsu |420| 38| 1| 8| 24| Korea castle Ienmin |340| 30| 2| 7| 50| Korea castle Bakejizo |200| 25| 0| 8| 1| Far S statue regenerates Botchi's Eye |210| 32| 0| 7| 12| (inland) Botchi's Mouth |250| 31| 0| 3| 12| (N of coast) Botchi's Nose |150| 17| 2| 5| 4| (NW of SW) Hone-Onna |230| 20| 0| 4| 7| SW Hole Ubagabi |300| 20| 0| 5| 10| SW Hole Kasha | 55| 10| 0| 9| 2| SW Hole Botchi's Brain |300| 32| 0| 1| 40| SW Hole Boss Miira-Otoko |340| 20| 4| 1| 14| Yokai Pyramid Okami-Otoko |280| 25| 1| 7| 12| Yokai Pyramid Chi |280| 25| 4| 5| 14| (1st end boss) Kyubi Kitsune |500| 50| 0| 8| 0| (2nd end boss) Rayun-Henge |+++| 70| 0| 10| 0| if don't seal Kyubi 65535 hp Note: if you cheat to beat Rayun-Henge, Chi appears if you fight again, and you need to start all over. 3-5. SPECIAL LOCATIONS 26,428 Onigushira 380,304 Hell -- the way in 80,502 Hole in downward spiral to Botchi's Brain TRIBUTE SHRINES 436,38 = Tsurubebi if you have none 316,252 = Crow Bait if you have none 436,312 = Gecko Food if you have none 168,360 = Yokai Raincoat if you have none 186,396 = Incense if you have none(need boat to get here) 76,518 = Rebirth powder if you have none 86,524 = Bakejizo fight, which I think always regenerates 460,80 = first bad guy castle 462,56 = infinite gecko food, then fight the guy to get to the north 484,60 = bishamon statue 398,296 = starting clue 272,316 = barter for mirror 256,326 = clue for cucumber 66,444 = clue about brain boss Mailboxes 424,182 444,262 178,322 338,324 204,388 84,396 These don't tell you much more than the basic information, so I won't detail them. 440,296 = Kitaro's House row houses(can rest to regain HP/SP) 478,148 Neko's row house 58,134 Mansion 314,326 Apartment 170,344 "Ittan Momen's a coward" 398,364 Vacant house on isle 192,406 Villa 78,418 Haunted mansion Houses 142,40 Fight with Genbu 78,68 Fight with Byakku 122,82 part of big castle 126,82 part of big castle 156,104 fight with Soryu 368,186 advice about Akiyoshi Cave 104,442 fight with Nurikabe, a helper gates 124,84 part of big castle 90,130 fight with Suzaku 376,246 gate from hell 246,308 After Nurarihyon hospitals 436,244 main area 220,316 center of map 410,376 Yokai Temple 270,396 hole, need Lotus Flower shrines 220,354 Botchi Shrine : eye 184,248 Botchi Shrine : mouth 38,334 Botchi Shrine: nose castles 460,80 2nd big boss, 1st yoki stone area 124,82 Korea castle(Kyubi Kitsune's) 400,252 first guy whatshisface 246,312 Nurirahyon's Castle 204,346 Kitsune Castle 168,386 Tanuki Castle 26,428 fight with Onigashira 4. WALKTHROUGH 4-1. INTRODUCTION First--about improvement. You can't really do much in the way of questing at the beginning, so just move around to get acquainted. You can win two fights with regular enemies before you get killed, but stay away from shorelines. Once you get to level 2, you can beat everyday enemies up more quickly and move out, but you can't really go hunting until level 3. Go south across the first bridge. Check the mailbox if you want to. Go south, and then there is a bridge to the west. Your house is ahead. It is a place where you can recover HP and SP, and it is also where you will go if you get killed. It's not terribly useful right now, and it's not in a particularly convenient place. South of your house is a plateau. You'll notice the different background colors, and the main thing to notice about these is that you always enter a higher plateau from the south, and there's a sort of ramp that leads up to it. Here you can take the plateau and visit the statue. If you have even one Gecko Food, the statue doesn't do anything for you, but if you ever run out, you're in luck. Gecko food isn't useful when you are level 1, since it recovers 16 hit points, and you have only 8. But it gets more useful later. You'll find a lot of it when you win combats, though. There's a maximum of nine of them. Now to the west of Kitaro's house is another bridge, with a building west of there. You will notice if you go to the south and west, the screen starts flashing. This is highly annoying but not a bug. You will need to kill a Yoki Stone to get to this area by overland passages, but you can get there via an underground route, too. The screen will still flash when you do, however. 4-2. MIAGE-NYUDO You can find your first castle right away, but you can't win any fights there. Fishing for fights to mine for experience is not bad. Just find a place where you can run between cliff walls and not into a river. You can beat any enemy one-on-one if you are healed, and if you get killed, it's no big deal either. You need 30 to get to level 3. Once you're at level 2, everything's a lot easier. Once you get to level 3, you can go on your first quest. You could actually follow the instructions below, get close to the castle, and enter right when you get to level 3. Take the bridge west of Kitaro's house and go north, then go north onto the mesa. Go northeast and above a green tree, then a brown, you can climb onto the light-brown area. Go west 5 squares and back down. Then west 7 squares, 4 down, 1 right and up the ramp. You can enter the castle at the bottom. Flee all fights and heal up before the big one. I don't recommend entering the castle to level up, because you only get 1 experience point for some very tough monsters. The difference between you at level 2 and you at level 3 is so great that you can't beat rokurokubi on level 2, but you can beat Miage- Nyudo at level 3. Miage-Nyudo's castle is not very big. Go up the center and run from all fights. Use Gecko Food in case you got hit, then walk up into him. You have to walk up, and the game may not be receptive, so keep trying. Don't bother to speak--just attack. Then just hit him with the Hair Needle a bunch, and he will fall. You get catnip for winning. To exit, go out the right side of the door. 4-3. UP NORTH On the way out you may notice a cave carved into the cliff below. You can get to it by going up and right from the bottom of the cliff. Note that if you go too far past it, the screen starts shaking, and you can't go any farther. This, like the area to the southwest, is not a bug. For this quest, run away from any monsters you don't know until you get to the Yoki Stone. You may suffer some damage, but extra Gecko Food will help you regain your hit points for the big battle. You can use Tsurubebi to work your way around the small dungeon, but actually all you need is to keep going north and east until you get to the end. That will lead to a new part where the screen shakes. It will continue to do so until you get rid of the first Yoki Stone. Go west when you exit. There's a mailbox above, but a bit west and below, you have a ramp south. Take it and go a couple squares west and north. Go east, then follow the path north at the branch. There'll be a ramp to the brown land. You can go east, north and down a ramp, and then there is another ramp in the northwest down. Go north over the bridge and up the ramp to the northeast. There's another one just northeast. Go up that one, too. The path turns north. Go north past one castle and then there'll be a dark brown path north to the top. Heal up, then take the path and enter the cave above. Here is the Yoki Stone. You should be able to beat it, even at level 3, if you just bring the spells. When you get outside, you'll notice the screen isn't buzzing. Now you can move to a lot more places! Now go back all the way south. Curve back west and up at the bottom, then down one ramp, north and northeast-ish, and go down the ramp. Follow the grassland north. It will turn back right. Note there is a detour west past the river. It leads to a statue which will give you Tsurubebei if you do not have any. But you should, so this is not really necessary. The grass path will hook east and then you will want to go south across a bridge, then up a ramp. You can go south in the yellow area until you see a ramp to a forest slightly east. Take it. There will be a bridge just east, so take that, too, then go south. Neko Musume will join your crew. Now go up the ramp to the north and go northeast. Go west through the gap and then north up the passage--you'll find a ramp down to the yellow area at the end. Go into the house nearby. You don't need to inspect the treasure box. It holds a Bishamon Statue. Now go back to the castle you passed to get to the Yoki stone. There's no particularly easy way to get there unless you have Crow Bait, which you probably haven't found yet. You may wish to return home to charge up spell points or to beat up easy enemies to get to level 4. If you are close, the Rokurokubi in the castle are beatable if there is nothing else. You can probably use Gecko Food as needed until you get to level 4 and get a free recharge. But if you can make it through, go southwest after the bridge, go up the forest ramp, and southwest then north, and you've been here before. Go northeast up the two ramps(note--northeast of the first ramp, down the ramp, north over the bridge, north up the ramp and northeast leads to a house that lets you fill up on Gecko Food,) then up the light brown passage until you are 2 east of the castle. Then go up the ramp and enter the castle. This castle has four levels but you only have to remember two stairs to go up to get to the enemy quickly. This dungeon has Rokurokubi as the castle before it did, and you can beat them easily, but it's probably best to run from them. Take the northeast stairs--the first level is divided into four cornered rooms--then go southwest to the next stairs. Go north, then hook east and south for the southeast stairs, then go back northwest and north to fight Kurokumonushi. As before, don't speak. Just shoot the finger gun. Once you kill him, you need to select use item, then the Bishamon Statue. Otherwise, you'll have to fight again, which is no fun. The pass lets you into Nurarihyon's castle in the southwest. We'll go there next, since you have the northern bit cleared. You can just kill yourself off by fighting whatever's in your way as you leave the castle. It will actually save time. Bug here--if you flee, the icon doesn't reappear. 4-3-x. POSSIBLY USEFUL DETOUR A possibly useful detour here, if you haven't found some in random combat, is to find crow bait. Past the mailbox, go down the two ramps southwest of it. Follow the path west, go down a ramp at the dead end, and keep going west across a bridge. To the southwest, you'll have a ramp up which leads to crow bait, if you pray at the statue. This can save you time leaving from one area, or getting to another. However, you should be able to beat tougher enemies and get some at random. 4-4. SOUTHWEST Go back to the cave across the bridges as before, but this time go southwest through it. You don't need light, and you may have to go a square back east, but the path is pretty painless. You can plow through fights right now. Once you exit, go south past the mailbox and east. There's a ramp south. Go southwest to a bridge, then northwest. There's a home ahead where you can rest. You won't need to, but it is nice if you are close to the next level and want to beat up some enemies with your finger gun. North of the house there's a bridge, and then there are three ramps just to the onrthwest in quick succession. Go east after taking the third, and there will be a ramp up, then go southeast for a ramp down. Take another to the southwest, which leads to a bridge and eventually a cave. Heal up before you enter. The cave is rather dark, so use Tsurubebei to see where you are going. Go right, and when spikes are right above you, go up. Turn left at the T, then go up, right, and up, and in the upper left, enter the house so Sunakake Baba joins you. Back to the mazy bit--down, left, down, right til you get to a big room, down and follow the path. Right at the t then up--there is a treasure chest by the water. It holds incense. But fortunately to get to the Yoki stone, you don't need to take on any of the mazy bits. Run right. You'll hit the stairs, though you'll have to go a square down at a wall, then a square back up. The damage will be minimal. You'll come out in another area, one you've probably seen but can't access. Follow the path south and you'll hit a ramp down. Go one east and back up the yellow bit, then up the ramp at the end. Go right, then southwest and southeast to another ramp. Hook around on this mesa clockwise and you will find the Yoki Cave. You can take out the Yoki Stone with one finger gun by now. 4-5. FETCH QUESTS FOR THE MIRROR You have some fetch quests to go on before tackling Nurarihyon. Find one item, then make three trades. I had a dreadful time finding the Cucumber, so I will put it in extra detail here. Retreat through the cave and go across the bridge, northwest up the mesas and back southwest to the bridge above the rest area. Follow the path southwest and you'll see a bridge to the north. Take it. Hook west and go back southwest. Go north when you see a bridge below and a narrow path north. Now enter the house and a guy will give you a clue. The cucumber is up and to the left. Push (A) at the edge. You will find it automatically. You don't have to be in any specific location--the game is pretty generous. But if you do happen to have trouble, go back to the house, all the way up, and then left. Heal up with gecko food(or go west-south-east to get back to the villa) and go west and south from the building, so you are on the light green ground. The dark green area is swampland which drains your hit points, so move through quickly. You can't cut across with crow bait, either. There's a small tree in the northeast of this where you can trade the cucumber for Kappa Sake. Now you've got the Kappa Sake, you can trade it. If you have Crow Bait, use it. You can just fly east and you'll get where you need to go. The square itself sticks out, as it is a lone green forest square in the middle of a bunch of brown ones. Land in a nearby brown tree and walk over to exchange. If you have no crow bait, then just retreat out of the swamp, go south and east, and then return to the rest house. Go southeast and east across the bridge, and up the ramp. Go up the narrow brown passage and east before the lake. Take the ramp and go east and south. The lone green square has a guy who will take your Kappa Sake and give you a Fatsia Leaf. Now you need to go back past the swamp. Crow bait saves time(land just SW of the swamp) but again you'll want to be healed and have 20+ hit points just in case. Across the swamp(NE W SW) you have a mesa with Kagami-jiji, who takes the Fatsia Leaf and gives you a Magic Mirror. You can escape with crow bait again, but that's a waste if you have enough hit points to get out of the swamp alive. You will want to heal up wholly, so retreat to the rest home and return. Outside the swamp entrance, go SW to below the house with the clue, then go north up the narrow green part to get to the castle. Nurarihyon is here. When the guard asks, use the pass to enter the castle and run from everyone. Follow the path--there's a break in the bushes as it heads west. There's an item called an RC Geta in there. Take it and get back on the path. If you were damaged too much, go back and heal. It's one way traffic to the stairs where you will reach Nurarihyon's room to the north. Use item: magical mirror and hit him with all your magic. I was able to win pretty comfortably with level 5. It's worth saving your spell points for this. 4-6. TWO MORE YOKI STONES, TWO MORE BUDDIES Now you can enter the dungeon to the north. It is another small nexus with two passages from the starting point. Go east and follow the path to stairs up, where you have more fuzzy stuff. You'll need to kill that next Yoki Stone. These guys don't get any tougher as you go through the game, so those fights are the least of your worries. You actually have a good way to beat enemies up here, too. There's a house nearby, so just camp out there, use your best magic, and pile up experience. And you have a side trip for a companion, too, where you can just blast all enemies in your way to get there. Head east from the house and go up the ramp. Go north, east and south onto the yellow mesa. There are two brown trees. Push (A) at the smaller one, and Ittan-Momen will appear and join your party! You can retreat to the house. A bit north of the cave, head west and go southwest all the way. You'll cross a bridge. Keep going southwest till you see trees. Then go down the northeast ramp and back northeast. The long narrow strip leads to a fight with a yoki stone. Beat it and then retreat. You'll want to take the lower ramp after going southwest, as you can cut right and get to the villa and heal. Now go back west and enter the dungeon there. Go S E S E N E S E past the water, S and E across a bridge. Go S across a bridge, W and follow the path north then west til you hit a wall, then southerly and back east below the water. Go all the way east, then north and at the top there's one more bridge. Take it and exit. The Yoki Stone building is to the south from here and is pretty easy to find. You have two ramps to navigate. Once you do so, you can defeat the yoki stone and will probably do best to use Crow Bait. There are a lot of places to go here now that you've cleared two Yoki Stones, and the game becomes a bit less linear here, but you can take lots of shortcuts if you've got crow bait. Go straight north and land on one of the bushes to the east. Go north up the yellow, take 2 ramps to the brown and back to the yellow, and enter the cave. Follow the passage and go down the stairs. Go west and north. If you want, you can attack Donzaburo, who is guarding the stairs, but he is one of the good guys. It won't help you get anywhere, as the next gate is guarded, and you need to solve a separate quest to get there. So just retreat. Go south to the grass and across the bridge and, yes, you've been here before--follow the path west, north and back east across two bridges and then take the east bridge, the north bridge and the west bridge. You can speak to the Mujina to avoid a fight. Climb up to the palace. Head east, loop around to the north, and go south along the edge. Go back west and up the ladder. You can go down first, and the upper left chest has a Yokai Raincoat. This will help you jump ahead a bit, if you want. See section 4-7-1 for that. Note the other chests are probably empty, but actually, each one will replenish an item you don't have, if you're low. Upper right: Gecko food Lower right: incense Lower: crow bait Lower left: tsurubebi Let the guy throw you in prison. You will meet up with Konaki Jiji in the cell across from you. Go into the southwest of your cell for a hidden door, then go southeast and northeast. Konaki Jiji will be at the cell gate. He will join you. Exit his cell in the northeast. You can go to the southwest to get back to the main cell area, or the southeast to get to the minor nexus. I'd go to the southeast, then come out above ground and use the crow bait. 4-7. VISITING HELL TO RESCUE GYUBI Well, you need to go visit hell now that Konaki Jiji has told you about Gyubi. Remember that place by the second Yoki Stone? You can enter it now. It's probably worthwhile to heal up a bit, or a lot, before moving on to tackle Hell. For that reason, I recommend you either cheat your way to the southwest or use the Yokai Raincoat to get through that area. While Hell technically seems to come before the southwest in the game progress, exploring the southwest is possible and makes Hell easier. See 4-7-1. Crow Bait makes getting there quicker. Just fly east and land northwest of Hell, then go up the northeast stairs, around east and southwest and around and up a few ramps to the center of the mountain. The monster there will let you down for a price, which is one gecko food, unless you have none--then it is Tsurubebi. Or Crow Bait. And so forth. This is the standard price for information in the game. Hell is just a bunch of mazes with tough monsters. You may need to heal up a lot. 4-7-1. A LEAP AHEAD, IN THE SOUTHWEST If you haven't gone to the southwest, do so now. From the Kitsune castle(where you can get the raincoat south of the stairs to short circuit the next walk) you can walk west across two bridges and loop around a few more. You can also go west of the castle and one screen down with crowbait, or go southwest from the Yoki Stone in the west--basically you need to get near the west edge of Japan where going south almost gets you to the mailbox, but there is a force field. There are two ways to get around the force field. 1. Use the Yokai Raincoat. Go south. Ignore the tunnel. 2. Run into the force field. Tap up. Push A. Push B. Oops! You flipped a square south. This is a bug. But not too terribly useful as the Yokai Raincoat is about as easy to get. Okay, now that you've cleared that, go SW on the grasslands and across the bridge. Rest in the villa and go west across another bridge, then up a ramp, SW and SE. Down a ramp/bridge you can go east and then south to a row house that gives advice about the Brain, the boss in this area. Basically, as a preview, there are three enemies to defeat. You can go south and up the ramp, then east and through the swamp NE and up the ramp. There's a detour here--east across the bridge and up the ramp and you can fight Nurikabe in the row house. He is a future party member, but you have to beat him up to get him. Throw everything at him. He may help you clear the last bit. Go up the narrow yellow passage, then east through two more narrow places, then northeast along the coast. Go up the ramp and into the Yoki Stone building. Biff, sock, pow. You've done it! The Yoki Storm is over. You can travel anywhere in Japan now. An extra Crow Bait is useful here, as you can fly south and then southwest at the swamp on the east of the peninsula. Land by the western of the two shrines. Enter it and get a free Rebirth Powder. This heals a lot of hit points and will work great in a pinch. Now you have all sorts of weapons and healing to deal with Hell. So go to it. It's not so bad. It's linear, at least. 4-8. HELL, THIS TIME, REALLY Follow the passage down--there's a long tunnel, then you go past a river on the east, and you'll see a tree. If you take the offer to go across the river, it's a pretty steep price--one-half all your items, rounded UP. So if you have rebirth powder, use it beforehand. Same for Gecko Food. There are actually secret walls leading south, east and north across a bridge, and you can probably risk a combat and losing hit points there. Plus it's a pretty cool bridge. You can then go east into a big room. It's tricky to get into the right position to get what you need. Here's how I did it. Run 3 squares right of the entry. Run north into the wall. Run 1 square right. Tap the controller north so you move that way. Run right. A magician should appear. If not, tap up and run to the center of the altar again. Eventually you'll get to talk to a guy who doesn't give you much choice, really. He ignores you if you try to attack and tells you there's no real way to escape otherwise--actually, there is. You sneak through the side half of the right door. But if you speak, he allows you through the left door. for this next bit you need to watch your hit points, and it's best to heal up when you can. Running from a fight is best, but you'll probably get caught a bit, maybe even twice before you can flee. You should have enough Gecko Food to make it, though. I won't remind you again to remember your hit points, because that gets annoying. Just run through as quickly as possible, as there are places that will damage you, too. Enter what looks like a chest but is really a portal to the second level of hell. Follow the passage down, moving right, so you cross a bridge, then go down and right again, then down. Across another bridge and go right, then a square up, then right to the wall. Go up past a bridge and immediately left, then all the way up--through another bridge--and then two squares right and up. The next area is easier. Just go down, along the left wall, and eventually you'll find another chest. It kicks you back to a cut scene where you are congratulated for rescuing Gyobi, and you get Hellfire. The game doesn't say this, but it lets you into the back of the foxes' castle. It sort of implies it, though, if you pull together the dialogue. 4-9. KILLING TENKO Now return to the Tanuki tower(find the lone brush SE of it if you use crow bait--or land on the mesa west to heal in a villa and then go up to the east, all the way east, south and back west) and go down the stairs, left and up, and go left and up. The guards will let you through now. Get the Chanchanko at the end of the passage and climb up the stairs. Talk to what looks like the big beardy dude. He's actually a king fox and will give you Yokai Glasses. Go down, south, counterclockwise and up the stairs past the two bridges(go right after passing them) to get to the Kitsune castle. Move east then south and west and north to get inside a building, then west and south past the stairs. Eat all your gecko food, recharging from the northeast box, and you will be able to climb to the top and face Tenko with all your health. When he talks to you, leave. He will ask whats wrong. Use the Yokai glasses. Just throw everything at him and you will get a raft. This allows you to take off from the greyish shoreline areas and land on other such areas. 4-10. THE WHITE SPHERE This one's really easy. We're going to short-cut some information you get later once you visit the underwater castle in the very southeast. There, Nezumi Otoko tells you Tenko left the white sphere as he fled. But guess what? It's there right after you beat him. You can just go one square south of the right of the throne and push A. Take the sphere. Boy. That was easy. You can go down the coast for sphere #2 now. But first, you may want to use the gecko food treasure to heal up before moving on. If you want, you can get crow bait to fly to where you can get infinite extra gecko food in northern Japan, so you don't have to come back. It's a pain to retrace things if you get killed, and extra gecko food helps guard against that. 4-11. THE BRAIN THAT TERRORIZED SOUTHWEST JAPAN(BLUE SPHERE) The next part requires that you get four spheres(how very Zork) so we will pick them off one by one. The order is not important. Since you're in the southwest, let's start there. First, go take care of 4-7-1 if you haven't already. Then you can start using the raft. The monsters at sea are a lot tougher, but again, you can run. For this quest, you have three items to tackle, and two are on an island that you may not have seen, in a temple. Let's take out the Eye first. It's in the inland sea. You are right by the Kitsune castle, so take the bridges counterclockwise and set sail from the beach past there, south onto the island. Enter the temple and use the Sacred Branch. Press A and you get to fight an Eye. It's not too bad and you can probably beat it in a fistfight. But why not use magic if you can, at least from your assistants? The next enemy is the Mouth. It is north of the one Yoki Stone which was along the coast leading NE/SW. It is easy to get to, too. Just go back north via raft, then up the ram and north/northest, then north up the narrow bit(you know how to heal if you have to.) Take the ramp down and push off with the raft. Go west until the Yoki Stone building is below and a couple squares left, then go up. You'll hit another island with a shrine. Same deal as for the eye--it should not be bad to beat. Then retreat south and go along the coastline. When you pass the pair of bridges, go west. You'll run into a third island. It houses the Nose. This also isn't too bad a fight, and once you've dealt with it, you are ready to take on the Brain. 4-11-1. OOPS! A SIDE FIGHT. There's a side fight here, so recharge your HP if need be. Note you can go south and turn east at the small island. Land on the square to the east and go south to recharge. Now you can get Rebirth Powder below if you -really- need to, but I think you can tackle the next enemy without too much trouble. His name is Onigashira, and he is a handful as well as a mouthful. But you and your buddies should be able to take him out. He gives you advice about seeing a palace south of the wizard's grave. That allows you to see it. Another sphere is there, but first, let's brain the brain. 4-11-2. AND A SIDE QUEST, TO SAVE TIME LATER You probably want to get some Rebirth Powder first. You can sail south, then southeast along the coast, and northeast below the rebirth powder temple. Land, go up the ramp, SW and S, then come back. Of course you can double dip to make sure you're fully healed. You can dip to the south and there'll be an island with beach there. Search the south part of the mesa to get the Southern Seed and then come back north. (Note: Tennin gives you this clue to resurrect Sennyo later, but that does not make the seed appear. So doing things now saves a long fetch quest later.) Crow bait is the easiest way to get to the brain dungeon, but if you must get there old-fashioned-like, walk to Nurikabe's and go south. Take the southwest ramp and go west-southwest to go over the bridge and up and southeast. Go south down the ramp. This is much quicker said than done. The brain dungeon is not difficult to navigate. You have either a spiral or a move east-south-west, and they alternate, and there are no side branches, so this one is pretty easy. At the bottom, you'll have a bunch of lava and...the brain. It's a tough customer, but if you heal up and whale away, you'll take it out. If you're bored of running in circles, you can just kill yourself on the lava to get back to the start. You'll still have your raft when you wake up, and in fact it makes the next bit easier. 4-12. THE RED SPHERE The next island is south of Kitaro's home, or, if you took the non-lethal way, east of the Yoki Stone building as you go NE up the coast. Now go directly south of the Wizard's Grave(the grey building on the island in the southeast, with the three beach squares) and push (A) to search. If you get the right square, the spellcastress turns up and you get your final NPC. You also get the treasure chest! I found it a bit of trouble, so what I did was to hit the south of the world, tap up twice and push A. If you do it wrong, you wind up behind the Yoki Storm that covers the edge of the world, so save your state/game first. If you did it right, leave immediately say hi to Nezumi-Otoko! You don't want to stay, because you lose a level when you do, which is nasty. Now return to the grave and go to the swamp island northwest. Push (A) at the non-swamp square and jump into the pit. There's a connecting tunnel leading north with some bends east, and then you go up a ramp to the pyramid of the Yokai. There is a small maze here--nothing too horrendous. The pyramid is not difficult to navigate. The Ocarina Whip is in the northeast, and the Yokai altar is in the center. West, north at the T, all the way east and north, then go east for an Ocarina Whip, a new weapon. Then go all the way west, south and east. At this T, go north, then east all the way from the next. The winding path leads to an altar. Head up to it and trade the treasure chest for the red sphere. You may need to push A a couple of times and try to give them some items. It's sort of weird. But you'll be by some stairs when you push A, and the rest will pan out. You may need to tap up/down to get to the center of the square by the Yokai Altar to get the conversation. When you do, they should automatically swap the Treasure Chest for the Red Sphere. Now get going back. There are two more spheres to find. 4-13. THE BLACK SPHERE This is in many ways the easiest of them all. But I saved it, because after this, no more free mass Gecko Food. Just go north to the house of the guy that gives free Gecko Food. Attack him, and he disappears, and a new guy takes ownership. Accept his offer to go into a dungeon. Take the raft across the water and go all the way north. Approach the north pole and offer to leave two friends. Come back three times in a row right away and hooray! You get the Black Sphere as thanks for your/their efforts. A bit cheesy, but I'd be really mad if you had to come back there continually after some long quests. There are enough treks in this game. 4-14. KOREA Now there is an underground cavern in the western area. That Yoki Stone house after the big long NE/SW coastline? Well, go back to the villa south of it. Loop north, northwest, southwest and take the ramp to the east. Go southwest and there'll be two ramps and a dungeon. In the dungeon, go to the north of the shore and the east edge of that. Push A, and use an item. Use each sphere in any order. Okay, you're at the final flashing place. I think we can assume it is Korea, because though it's a bit east of where it should be, that's probably a limitation of the game map's size, and it's the right shape. And just like in the real world, you shouldn't even think about crossing the thirty-ninth parallel to get into North Korea. Unlike the real world, however, that's because North Korea is just water. Go east and a bit north and west to rest in the mansion. Come back east and go through the gate to the north. Defeat Suzaku--throw everything at him. Heal up at the mansion, then go up the west side and around the river. Byakko is your next opponent, and he is in the northwest of the swamp. Defeat Byakko for the Pandemonium Key. The Pandemonium Key lets you in castle. But you still have a bit more to do. First, tackle the yoki stone. Enter the dungeon. To do that, go east and up the ramp. Go across the top of the lake and there'll be a dungeon insode a small mesa. Go there. Go a bit west, then south and east. Don't go up the stairs. Instead go north and east, then hook back southeast when you can, and continue to go that way til you hit the stairs. You'll come up near the Yoki Stone. It'll be the easiest fight you'll have here. Re-enter the dungeon and go to the west. Go up and then take the passage east. It's worth healing up for this. Go up the ramp and enter the house to defeat Soryu. Once again, throw it all at him. He will give you some advice-- ask Tennyo to resurrect Sennin. A bit cryptic, but it means there'll BE something at the Wizard's Graveyard when you go back there. You have a bit more to do, though. It's worth it to heal up again though you can always just fly south, get healing stuff, and go back north--or take the underground cavern. Crow Bait is okay too, to rest by the mansion. The only problem is that you have a long walk either way. To get going, go up the southeast coast, up the ramp, then take the west passage down. Enter the building in the cloud area--watch out, as your hit points get drained on the cloud--and win another big fight, with Genbu. It gets you the Lotus Flower. Now you want to go back to the mainland. Errm...yes, Japan isn't the mainland of Asia, but that's just for this game. Fly about a screen east, then south all the way, then east at the castle. Then fly south when you see a stone conflagaration on a brown mesa. Land there and use the Lotus Flower for a pass, which kicks you back to Korea. That kind of sucks, since you can't use the spheres to get back, but it gets you a Charm which will help you raise the Wizard from the dead. It may be cheaper to get yourself killed before continuing, so you can get back to the Wizard's Grave, but flying directly south and then east at the swamp works okay too, especially with a fast emulator. There, use the Southern Seed when asked, and then you get the Sealing Remedy. Back to Korea you go! Take either the dungeon or the crow. Now you need to get to the castle by water. Your raft works fine, and the best place to use it--about the only place, really, is on the west coast, just past the gate. Once you get there, use the Pandemonium Key to enter. You'll be in a grid of rooms the size of your screen, all with identical tiling. Barring the occasional drop down a level, they're not so bad. This is a 4x4x4 maze, so it is not hard to map out even if you don't want to use mine. Walk around the edges in the rooms marked with a *, or you will be dropped to the next level below. N E and go up. W W and go up. N N E E E and go up. W W S and fall through the center. S U. W* N N N and you should walk up to Chi. You'll need your pals' help for this one. Immediately attack and defeat Chi. Defeat Kyubi Kitsune. Use the Sealing Potion. Watch the ending. 4-15. QUICK OUTLINE WALKTHROUGH Get to level 3. Defeat Miage-Nyudo in castle in the foothills to the northwest. Go north through the underground passage and kill the Yoki Stone. Get Neko Musume and the Bishamon Statue. Beat Kurokumonushi in his castle and use the statue to get a pass. Go southwest through the underground passage and then enter the passage by the waterfall. Go east and take out the Yoki Stone. Get Sunakake Baba in the northwest of this connecting dungeon and leave. Get the cucumber on the ledge between the house and Nurarihyon's castle. Go to the swamp nearby and trade if for the Kappa Sake. Fly east and trade that for the Fatsia Leaf. Go beyond the swamp where you got the sake and get the magic mirror. Enter Nurarihyon's and show him the mirror and fight. Enter the next dungeon and go northeast. Detour S-E-N-E-S for Ittan Momen if you want. Exit and go SW/NE to the Yoki Stone building above. You can cut back and east to go to the dungeon to shortcut to the next Yoki Stone building(east of this dungeon) to clear most of this area. You can also take the side route south(with or without the Yokai Raincoat) to clear the other bit out, too, and you can get Nurikabe back in your party as well. Just be prepared to run from monsters. While getting the Yoki Stone from the dungeon, you can cut back and go to the prison. You can also talk to Tenko to go there. Go up the northeast stair in the maze below and pick up Konaki Jiji. Now go back to the central dungeon and walk across--or use crow bait--and go down the portal to hell. Go through the ice and fire circle to resurrect Gyubi. Now you can return to the Tanuki castle. You can go up the stairs in the center of the nexus maze to get to the other side, and you can get past the gate. Get the chanchanko and go up the stairs for the Yokai glasses. Go to Tenko's castle and leave and use the Yokai glasses. Beating him gets you the raft. Search for the white sphere just below him, fight Nurikabe to get him to join if you haven't, and take the raft to tackle the nose and mouth(NW and N of the mainland) and the eye(inner lake) before going south to the pit where Hell is. Loop around and kill the Brain to get the blue sphere. Get the southern seed at the very south with the raft, then go east from the swamp on the east side of this peninsula and go to the wizard's grave, and directly south, enter the water castle and leave. You have all six helpers and the treasure chest too. Enter the swamp isle NW of the wizard's graveyard. Search the tree square. Go north-ish and then enter the pyramid. Get the Ocarina Whip and in the center, trade for the red sphere. Now go all the way north, enter the villa SW of Kurokumonishi's, stock up on gecko food, attack, and go down and follow the north passage. Drop your friends off, check back three times, get the black sphere and return to the southwest. There's a cave you haven't visited. Enter it and go to Korea. Defeat Suzaku at the gate, then Byakku north of him. Enter the cave and get the Yoki Stone(SE exit) and fly south to hit Soryu. Genbu is at the top, in the clouds. He gives the Lotus Flower. Fly south, then east in the middle of the inland sea, then go down the hole and use the Lotus Flower. That kicks you back to Korea. Fly south and east, turning at the swamp by the mansion in the south. Enter the Wizard's Grave and trade the Southern Seed for Sealing Remedy. Go back to Korea. Enter the castle with the Pandemonium Key, and in the NW of level 4, defeat Chi and Kyubi Kitsune. Use the Sealing Remedy. You win! 5. CHEATS Here are the offsets for changing certain values. 0x00ab = low experience byte 0x00ac = high experience byte(set to 4 for level 10--skipping a level does not matter) 0x00ad = status for Neko Musume (byte 80 = in your party) (byte 20 = they are also helping out the battle up north) low nibble = hit points left 0x00ae = status for Sunakake Baba 0x00af = status for Konaki Jiji 0x00b0 = status for Ittan Momen 0x00b1 = status for Nezumi Otoko 0x00b2 = status for Nurikabe 0x00b3 = various weapons and weird items (byte 80 = catnip) (byte 40 = RC Geta) (byte 20 = chanchanko) (byte 10 = ocarina whip) (byte 08 = heavenly charm) (byte 04 = hellfire) (byte 02 = raft) (byte 01 = possibly unused) For the next six items, you can have up to 15(0xf.) While 0x80 = (do you have any of this item) 0x40 = (is this item currently active) you can just set the value to 0x82 and you'll have as much as you want. The actual status byte is somewhere else. 0x00b4 = gecko food 0x00b5 = tsurubebi 0x00b6 = crow bait 0x00b7 = incense 0x00b8 = yokai raincoat 0x00b9 = rebirth powder(heals everything) 0x00ba = quest items(bits or'ed together) 01 = fatsia leaf 02 = sacred branch 04 = pass 08 = kappa sake 10 = lotus flower 20 = magical mirror 40 = cucumber 80 = bishamon statue 0x00bb = quest items(bits or'ed together) 01 = black sphere 02 = red sphere 04 = blue sphere 08 = sealing remedy 10 = pandemonium key 20 = southern seed 40 = treasure chest 80 = yokai glasses 0x00bc = quest flags(bits or'ed together) 80 = white sphere(in Tenko's after you beat him) 0xbd = quest flags(bits or'ed together) 04 = Yoki stone(green land) 08 = Yoki stone(SW) 10 = Yoki stone(W) 20 = Yoki stone(S) 40 = Yoki stone(center) 80 = Yoki stone(north) 0xbe = quest flags(bits or'ed together) 01 = defeat Suzaku 02 = defeat Tenko(a rare double-flag-set) 04 = defeat Onigashira (west of southwest) 08 = defeat Botchi's Mouth(off north shore) 10 = defeat Botchi's Nose(central island) 20 = defeat Botchi's Eye(central island) 40 = defeat Donzaburo 80 = defeat Nurarihyon 0xbf = quest flags(bits or'ed together) 01 = visit north pole 3x 02 = speak to King Enma in Hell(can exit left gate) 04 = run from King Enma in Hell(can exit right gate) 08 = visit north pole 2x 10 = not known but not necessary to win game 20 = visit north pole 1x 40 = defeat bad guy in north 80 = defeat Soryu(SE Korea) Fixing up yourself ================== 0x02da = current hit points 0x02db = current magic 0x02dc = attack value(this is more important than level, for damage) 0x02e5 = max hp 0x02e6 = max magic 0x0386 = your defense Fixing the enemy ================ 0x0370 = low byte of monster HP 0x0371 = high byte of monster HP 0x0372 = monster offense 0x0373 = monster defense 0x0374 = monster special power 8 = regenerate 0x0375 = monster experience End of FAQ Proper ================================ 6. VERSIONS/CREDITS 1.0.1: sent to GameFAQs 1/9/2009, fixed Tenko/Kitsune/Tanuki goofage 1.0.0: sent to GameFAQs 1/6/2009, complete Thanks to aishsha for the patch and for tips on how to get the Cucumber. Thanks to dragomorph for explaining how to get the Yokai Glasses and the White Sphere and for tracking down the original video walkthrough on Nico Nico Douga, which I'd never known about beforehand. Thanks to GameFAQs for being, well, THERE, to accept my guides for games like this. Thanks to the NES completion project in general for helping keep me interested in games like this. Thanks to the usual GameFAQs gang, current and emeritus. They know who they are, and you should, too, because they get/got some SERIOUS writing done. Good people too--bloomer, falsehead, Sashanan, Masters, Retro, Snow Dragon/Brui5ed Ego, ZoopSoul, War Doc, Brian Sulpher, AdamL, odino, JDog, Lagoona, Da Hui, StarFighters76 and others I forgot. OK, even Hydrophant in his current not-yet-banned message board incarnation. I am not part of his gang, but I want him to be part of mine.