_______ _________ _________ _______ _______ ( ____ \ \__ __/ \__ _/( ___ )( ____ \ | ( \/ ) ( ) ( | ( ) || ( \/ | | | | | | | | | || (__ | | ____ | | | | | | | || __) | | \_ ) | | | | | | | || ( | (___) | _ ___) (___ _ |\_) ) | (___) || (____/\ (_______)(_)\_______/(_) (____/ (_______)(_______/ -A Real American Hero Game Script A guide by Rob Furbee AIM: MudTurkey3334 ICQ: Mud Turkey 3 Email: MudTurkey3@gmail.com GameFAQs Username: furb Table of Contents A...Introduction Level 1 - Amazon Jungle Base Assualt Level 2 - Antarctic Missle Base Level 3 - New York Sewers Level 4 - Black HIlls Battle Level 5 - Sahara Desert Rescue Mission Level 6 - Pacific Island HQ Ending Password Compendium B...Legal Information ******************************************************************************* A-----INTRODUCTION ******************************************************************************* Fact is, most tie-in games are bad. Whether it's a video game for the block buster movie of the summer or a title starring your favorite cartoon characters -- they almost universally terrible. Typically, little effort goes into the development of such titles as they are merely viewed as promotional items or just trying to cash in on the popularity of the franchise; however, sometimes some decent tie-in titles are produced. For instance, the Capcom series of NES games starring different Disney franchises. Those are all great games. The sad part is that for every Duck Tales or Rescue Rangers there are 12 Total Recalls or Ghostbusters. This trend holds true even in modern gaming. G.I. Joe was one of my favorite TV shows as a kid in the Eighties and early Nineties. I had many of the figures and tons of the vehicles and a myriad of trading cards. I begged for the G.I. Joe NES game, but I had little economic pull in the family as an 8 year old. Eventually, I got my hands on this game in middle school. I was stunned by how good it actually was and how well it kept true to the Joe universe. Many of my favorite Joes were playable and as well as many of my favorite Cobra villains were in the title. The game even throws a bone to fans by including several authentic vehicles too. In other words, the game is a true rarity -- not only is it a good game in its own right, it's also a truly good tie-in title. The game was made by Taxan. Taxan is one of those unknown video game firms that produced a few titles for the NES. Their most notable titles would be Low G Man and Burai Fighter. Some may also include Fist of the Northstar too. G.I. Joe's basic game engine reminds me almost exactly of Low G Man's engine only tweaked and improved. The graphics are also nearly identical in as far as animation and sprite appearance. Most of Taxan's games are playable although far from great. Average is the best way to describe their top games. Somehow, with the aid of software developer, Kid, they managed to put together one great and must play NES game. Bottom line, even if this title weren't Joe related, it would be a near top tier NES title. ******************************************************************************* _______________________________________________________________________________ Level 1 - Amazon Jungle Base Assualt - Team Leader: Duke _______________________________________________________________________________ General Hawk: GOOD MORNING MEN. THE TIME HAS COME TO RID THE WORLD OF THE COBRA ORGANIZATION. FOR TOO MANY YEARS THIS GROUP OF THUGS HAS TERRORIZED THE INNOCENT OF THE WORLD AND IT'S TIME TO ACT. WE HAVE SOME GOOD INFORMATION ON LOCATIONS OF THE MAIN COBRA BASES, AND WE FEEL THAT SOON WE WILL BE ABLE TO LOCATE THE SECRET BASE WHERE COBRA COMMANDER IS HIDING. THIS MISSION WILL BE AN ATTACK ON THE JUBLE BASE DEEP IN THE AMAZON. DUKE, YOU'LL BE THE LEADER OF THIS MISSION, PLEASE SELECT YOUR TEAM YO JOE!!! ************* Mission 1 - 2 ************* RANGE VIPER: SO JOE, YOU THINK YOU ARE PRETTY TOUGH!!! WELL, I'M WAITING! *Pans to a time bomb* HURRY UP! ************* Mission 1 - 3 ************* RANGE VIPER: YOU DEFEATED MY FORCES, BUT I WON'T BE SO EASY!! MISSION COMPLETE PASSWORD 63V9NXXGG _______________________________________________________________________________ Level 2 - Antarctic Missle Base - Team Leader: Blizzard _______________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL HAWK: GRAET JOB MEN, THE AMAZON BASE IS GONE, AND WE ARE ON THE MOVE! THIS MISSION WILL BE AN ATTACK ON THE MISSLE BASE IN ANTARCTICA. BLIZZARD, YOU'LL BE THE LEADER OF THIS MISSION, PLEASE SELECT YOUR TEAM YO JOE!!! ************* Mission 2 - 2 ************* METAL HEAD: THE RANGE VIPERS ARE WIMPS. FIGHT MY FORCES AND YOU'LL FREEZE TO DEATH!! *Pans to a time bomb* HURRY UP! ************* Mission 2 - 3 ************* METAL HEAD: O. K. , SO MY MEN WERE NOT SO HOT, BUT I WILL BLOW YOU AWAY JOE!! MISSION COMPLETE PASSWORD 3ZZX95QXF _______________________________________________________________________________ Level 3 - New York Sewers - Team Leader: Snake Eyes _______________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL HAWK: THAT WAS CLOSE! THEY ALMOST LAUNCHED, GREAT JOB MEN!! THIS MISSION WILL BE AN ATTACK ON THE SUPER COMPUTER BASE UNDER NEW YORK. SNAKE EYES, YOU'LL BE LEADER OF THIS MISSION, PLEASE SELECT YOUR TEAM YO JOE!! ************* Mission 3 - 2 ************* THE OVERLORD: DOWN HERE IN THE SEWERS, YOU WILL NOT FIND LIFE SO EASY!! *Pans to a time bomb* HURRY UP! ************* Mission 3 - 3 ************* THE OVERLORD: COME FEEL THE POWER OF THE OVERLORD!!! MISSION COMPLETE PASSWORD 9ZZX05XX5 _______________________________________________________________________________ Level 4 - Black HIlls Battle - Team Leader: Captain Grid Iron _______________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL HAWK: WELL MEN, YOU ALMOST MADE THAT LOOK TOO EASY, GREAT WORK!! THIS MISSION WILL BE AN ATTACK ON THE BASE IN THE BLACK HILLS. CAPT. GRID IRON, YOU'LL BE THE LEADER OF THIS MISSION, PLEASE SLECT YOUR TEAM YO JOE!! ************* Mission 4 - 2 ************* VOLTAR: BEFORE YOU TAKE ME ON, YOU'LL HAVE TO PASS THE ROADPIG!!! *Pans to a time bomb* HURRY UP! ************* Mission 4 - 3 ************* VOLTAR: FALL WHILE FIGHTING ME, AND YOU'LL BE VULTURE MEAT!!! MISSION COMPLETE PASSWORD 533GBHZGB _______________________________________________________________________________ Level 5 - Sahara Desert Rescue Mission - Team Leader; Rock & Roll _______________________________________________________________________________ GENEARL HAWK HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED!! ROCK AND ROLL, TAKE YOUR BEST MEN INTO THE SAHARA DESERT, WHERE HE IS BEING HELD, AND RESCUE HIM. COBRA COMMANDER THINKS THAT HE CAN HOLD US OFF BY WEAK TERRORIST ACTS, HE'LL FEEL THE POWER OF OUR TEAM! YO JOE!!!!! ************* Mission 5 - 2 ************* DESTRO: DESTRO'S FORCES WILL BE YOUR ULTIMATE CHALLENGE!! ROCK & ROLL: GENERAL HAWK!! GENGERAL HAWK: THANKS MEN, I KNEW I COULD COUNT ON THE JOE TEAM FOR MY RESCUE. I'LL MEE YOU BACK AT HEADQUARTERS, I HAVE SOME VERY SO HURRY AND DEFEAT DESTRO!!! *Pans to a time bomb* HURRY UP! ************* Mission 5 - 3 ************* DESTRO: SO, YOU HAVE MADE IT FAR. NOW FEEL THE MIGHT OF DESTRO!! MISSION COMPLETE PASSWORD GSSZV5HZD _______________________________________________________________________________ Level 6 - Pacific Island HQ - Team Leader: General Hawk _______________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL HAWK: THANKS MEN, I REALLY OWE YOU FOR THAT ONE! ANYWAY, WHILE I WAS BEING HELD PRISONER, I OVERHEARD A FEW VIPERS DISCUSSING THEIR LATEST ORDERS, AND THEY MENTIONED THE LOCATION OF THE BASE WHERE COBRA COMMANDER IS HIDING OUT! THIS IS GOING TO BE OUR TOUGHEST MISSION YET, SO I'LL LEAD THE TEAM. WISH US LUCK, WE JUST MIGHT EARN OUR WAGES THIS TIME! YO JOE!!!! ************* Mission 6 ************* COBRA COMMANDER: I ALWAYS HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF PROBLEMS MYSELF, NO PROBLEM!! _______________________________________________________________________________ Ending _______________________________________________________________________________ CONGRATULATIONS!!! COBRA COMMANDER IS FINALLY DEFEATED, AND ALL OF HIS MAIN BASES HAVE BEEN DESTROYED. THE WORLD IS NOW FREE FROM THE TYRANNY OF THIS GROUP WHICH HAS BEEN TERRORIZING THE WORLD FOR SO MANY LONG YEARS. THE GRATITUDE OF THE WORLD IS NOW YOURS, AND THE G.I. JOE TEAM WILL LIVE LONG IN THE MEMORIES OF THE PEACE LOVING PEOPLE OF EARTH. PASSWORD: ZND39N5XF _______________________________________________________________________________ Passwords _______________________________________________________________________________ Level 1 - 63V9NXXGG Level 2 - 3ZZX95QXF Level 3 - 9ZZX05XX5 Level 4 - 533GBHZGB Level 5 - GSSZV5HZD Level 6 - ZND39N5XF ******************************************************************************* B-----Legal Information ******************************************************************************* Copyright 2007 Rob Furbee All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This FAQ is intended for private or individual use. Any reproduction or rehosting outside of GameFAQs must be approved by the author.