Godzilla 2: War of the Monsters Godzilla is a regestered trademark of Toho Co. Ltd. For the Nintendo Entertainment System A guide to the slot machine system of GODZILLA 2: WAR OF THE MONSTERS Version 1.0 (c) 2005 David Cochrane (i.e. Raidenovitch) ________________________________________________________________________________ [TABLE OF CONTENTS] 0. UPDATE HISTORY 1. The Slot Machine -Why I spent one Sunday morning inventing an FAQ 2. The Icons -What they are, what they do, and their phone numbers. 3. Legal Shmegal Stuff -Who owns what, etc. ________________________________________________________________________________ 0. UPDATE HISTORY ________________________________________________________________________________ VERSION 1.0 Uploaded March 15, 2005 -Created the FAQ. -Not much else to brag about. ------------------ ________________________________________________________________________________ 1. THE SLOT MACHINE - Gamble with the world's fate. ________________________________________________________________________________ Why on earth they decided to use a Slot Machine with a strategy game, I'll never know. Such is the oddness of Toho, Inc. But nonetheless this is a simple system to comprehend once you know the facts surrounding it. A problem facing this game is many people either don't get a manual when they purchase it, or they play the game illegially with a computer. In either scenario, players don't know what the heck the icons stand for, and often lose because they cannot operate it properly. This FAQ seeks to better inform the curious, and define clearly what the icons stand for. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. THE ICONS - Sorry, no Lucky Seven and BAR icons here. ________________________________________________________________________________ There are eight icons in total on the slot machine. While I cannot post images of the icons in this FAQ, I can describe them enough so you know what I'm talking about. The icons are divided into two sides - Blue for your forces, and red for the Monsters. Not surprisingly, getting Blue Icons will help your forces take less damage and inflict more, while Red Icons will cause more damage to your forces, and make your attacks miss. An exception to this rule is if you manage to achieve three of the same icon, the effect of the three bonuses is given to the Player (Even with red icons). _________________________________ BLUE ICONS (Allied Forces) _________________________________ BLUE HEART -Increases the offense of the player's character. BLUE SHIELD -Increases the defense of the player's character. BLUE RIFLE SIGHTS -Increases the hit percentage of the player's character. JP DIAMOND -Wildcard. Increases hit percentage, defense, or offense at random. _________________________________ RED ICONS (The Monsters) _________________________________ RED HEART -Increases the offense of the enemy's character. RED SHIELD -Increases the defense of the enemy's character. RED RIFLE SIGHTS -Increases the hit percentage of the enemy's character. RED SKULL -Wildcard. Increases hit percentage, defense, or offense at random. SO, if you were to roll a Blue heart, blue rifle sights, and a red shield, your character would have increased offense and better odds of hitting the enemy, while the enemy would have increased defense. It's really that simple. :) ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. LEGAL SHMEGAL STUFF ________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright info: Godzilla 2: War of the Monsters (c) 1991 by Toho Co. Ltd. Godzilla, and all other Godzilla-related properties (C) 1943-2005 Toho Co. Ltd. and its related entities. This FAQ was written by David Cochrane, aka Raidenovitch. (c) 2005. The only site with permission to host this work so far is GameFAQs. Should I see any or all of this FAQ reproduced without permission, I'll raise holy hell. All rights reserved. As usual. ------------------ Contact info: To contact about any tibits that should be added or for potential corrections, email me at: playitbogard(at)hotmail(dot)com Obviously, replace (at) with @, and (dot) with . This is intended to prevent spybots from spamming my address. THE END -Cheesy Godzilla roar-