Game: Gremlins 2 - The New Batch System: Nintendo Genre: Action/Adventure Author: Seraph 0 Real Name: Andrew Almeida E-Mail: Date: October 23, 2004 ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Introduction 2. Story 3. Controls/Tips 4. Items/Shop 5. Enemies 6. Bosses 7. Passwords 8. Walkthrough 9. Review 10. Copyright --------------- 1. Introduction --------------- Gremlins is one of my favorite movies. I liked the second Gremlins more then the first, but only because it's comedic. They did a very go adaptation from movie to game. -------- 2. Story -------- Since the tragedy of Billy Peltzer hometown, Gizmo the Mogwai, has lived with Mr. Wing for six years. Mr. Wing is approached by Clamp Enterprises to buy out his shop, but has refused several times. Soon after, Mr. Wing dies and Gizmo narrowly escapes the wrecking crew of Clamp Enterprises. Just when Gizmo thinks he is safe, a genetic scientist from Clamp Enterprises picks him up and brings him the Clamp Enterprises. While in the lab, Gizmo begins to sing and a courier hears the tune and begins humming himself. Billy Peltzer, who happens to work at Clamp Enterprises, hears the hum from the courier. Billy asks where he heard the song and the courier says he heard it in the genetic labs. Billy then heads for the labs. ---------------- 3. Controls/Tips ---------------- D-Pad - Move Gizmo Start - Pause/Inventory Select - / B Button - Attack A Button - Jump - Each Heart is two HP, so if one if the Heart throbs, it means you got one HP left for it. - Attacking in mid-air causes you to stop moving and fall, which is bad if your over a pit. - While jumping from conveyer belt to the next, {over a pit}, it's best to see what direction the conveyer belt is moving. If it's going your way, then let it do the work and jump at the right moment. --------------------- 4. Items/Weapons/Shop --------------------- During the course of the game you can either find items, or buy items from the spirit of Mr. Wing. You can enter a shop by finding the small door. You can only buy one item at a time. As for weapons, you get them at the end of the some stages. Items: Info: Crystal The currency of the game. These orbs are dropped by most enemies and you get twenty for one. Light Bulb A small light bulb that produces a bright flash once touched and destroys all enemies on screen. Pogo Stick Once touched, Gizmo begins bouncing about. It's basically a invincible item, and lasts about seven seconds. Don't jump over pits or onto moving platforms when Pogo Stick is engaged, because you will most likely not make it. Stopwatch Looks like a pocket watch. Once touched, the enemies in the stage will be paralyzed for eight seconds. Although they are paralyzed, they can still hurt you by touch. Weapons: Info: Pygmy Tomato Your first weapon of the game, which also means the weakest. You throw small tomatoes that travel a short distance. Match Stick Found at the end of Stage 1-2. Slightly longer distance then Tomatoes. Shoots fireballs from the tip of the stick. With the Power Canister, you fire another fireball from left and right sides of Gizmo. Paperclip Found at the end of Stage 2-3. Fires a small paperclip straight ahead. Longer range then the Match Stick. With the Power Canister, it causes a spread shot, which is devastating at close range. Paperclip Bow Found at the end stage 3-3. Fires a small arrow straight ahead. Has the longest range. With the Power Canister, it fires three arrows in a 45* angle forward, {spread shot}, and fires another one arrow 90* left and right. Fire Bow Found at the end of stage 4-3. The strongest weapon in the game. Fires a flaming pencil that explodes. The explosion causes four small fireballs to fire outwards in a X pattern. The power of the attack is 3x stronger then the other weapons. With the Power Canister, the explosion is a swirling tornado of fireballs that move outwards then inwards. Shop Item: Cost: Info: Balloon 10 Balloons are used to save you from pitfalls. If you fall in, you automatically use the balloon and have five seconds to get to safety. Max 5. Gizmo Doll 100 A small, plush Gizmo Doll. Adds a extra life. Max 9. Heart 100 A large heart. Adds one Heart to your max. The only problem with this is that it only lasts to the end of the stage. Max 4. Heart Bottle 50 A small bottle with a heart on the label. Restores one Heart. Max 4. Power Canister 50 A long, blue cylinder with a P label. Allows you to fire more projectiles. Depending on the weapon, the direction of the projectiles changes and how many are fired. Max 1. ---------- 5. Enemies ---------- You come across a variety of enemies, including animals, genetic fruit, and of course, Gremlins. This list is ordered by appearance. Mouse HP - 1 You first and basic enemy. Must be a mouse accidentally let loose from the labs. Runs either up/down or left/right. If it hits a barrier, {like a wall}, it will either reverse direction, or go start moving the other direction, {from up/down to left/right}. Giant Tomato HP - 4 A giant, genetically altered tomato. The geneticist were developing bouncing tomatoes, so it would be easier to transport, but they must of accidentally left some loose. It has no intelligence, but can be bothersome. It bounces either up/down or left/right. Take your time and attack from the opposite direction. Bat HP - 1 A bat accidentally left out from the genetic lab. Has no movement pattern, meaning it moves randomly around the screen. It occasionally pauses for a few seconds. Either carefully attack it when it's moving or wait for it to stop. Spider HP - 3, 2 Another escaped creature from the labs. Like the Bats, has no predictable movements, but is slower. It can fire a projectile that travels vertically, but rarely does. Once hit 3x, the Spider breaks into two, smaller Spiders. They are a lot faster the big Spider and moves in a larger field. Another two hits and the small Spider dies. Mine HP - 3 A proximity mine that tracks you. Once your close enough, it will activate and will chase you after about two seconds and detonate after about one second. The best strategy is to attack it when it's dormant. Beanie Gremlin HP - 2 A Gremlin with a large propeller hat. Very much like the Bats, because they move in an unpredictable pattern and they pause occasionally. Like the Bat, try to take out from a distance. Smoker Gremlin HP - 4 You should recognize this Gremlin from the movie. A larger Gremlin then most, it's stands stationary and spews out fireballs. Also one of the harder Gremlins to kill, because of it's HP and it rarely pauses from it's continual attack. Another problem is that the fireballs have a limited homing capability. Try attacking from an angle and use a hit and run strategy. Hare Gremlin HP - 4 Another recognizable Gremlin from the movie. This goofy Gremlin has a rabbit-like head and buckteeth. Like a rabbit, to hops about as it chases you. Either attack it head on, or see if you can get on to a platform where it can't get you and attack from the distance. Gremlin Claw HP - 2 From the elevator scene with Phoebe Cates, these are the arms and claws of Gremlins that pop out of the ground. They also fire small, spherical projectiles. They can only fire in eight directions, {Up, Down, Left/Down, etc.}, so attack them at an angle you won't get hit from. Frag HP - 2 This strange looking, living mines are stationary until you get close. Then they move a super speed towards you and explode. The explosion will fire three round, projectiles in a spread shot pattern and it aim towards you. Take it out from a distance and dodge the fragments. Medley Gremlin HP - 4 Drinking the same formula the geneticist used on the Giant Tomatoes, {to make them easier to transport}, the Gremlin changed into a vegetable/fruit Gremlin. These Gremlins disappear and reappear, {I thinking into the ground, because you don't see their lower torso}, and throw pineapples at you. The pineapples explode into five slices. Three go down, in a spread shot pattern, and the other two go diagonally left and right. When it starts to fade in, get on either side of it and attack. Bat Gremlin HP - 4 It's a shame that the Bat Gremlin dies so quickly in the movie, because it was one of the coolest looking Gremlins, aside from the Spider Striped Gremlin. After been injected with Common Bat formula by the Intellectual Gremlin, {not shown in the game}, this Gremlin sprouts large wings and turns black/gray. The Bat Gremlin moves like the Bats, but when they pause, they flap their wings quickly and creates six small tornadoes. The tornadoes move randomly around the screen for several seconds. Either wait for them to pause or take them out as the move. Pygmy Gremlin HP - 2 These Gremlins must have pop out of another Gremlins back to early, because they are as big as Gizmo. They have no attack, other then their bodies. Luckily, they are cowards, and seem to run away from you when you get too close. Take them out at your own leisure. Mad Gremlin HP - 4 This crazy Gremlin is the one that was mistaken to be Gizmo. With a top hat and wand, it spins about randomly, throwing top hats in a clockwise fashion. It will stop for about one or two seconds, so when it stops, quickly attack. --------- 6. Bosses --------- Here is a list of the bosses, straight from the walkthrough. If you loose all your lives, you will be sent to the beginning of the last stage you were on. Gremlin HP - 25 Stage 2 Fairly easily. This large, gray and black Gremlin hops about while chasing you. It's only attacks are it's body and it can slash you with it's claws. Since it chases you, you can predict where it will go. So just let it follow you while attacking it. Just make sure you have enough room to run away. Also, it occasionally stops to laugh, so take advantage of it. Electric Gremlin HP - 35 Stage 3 After drinking a formula that increases bioelectrical energy, this Gremlin turns into a living lightning. It hovers about the ground and chases you while attacking. It's attack is an electric energy ball, {which is thrown}, forward a few feet and explodes. The electrical explosion causes four smaller electrical orbs to disperse in a X pattern. Then the orbs move randomly in their respective, angular pattern. This can be difficult, but try to learn it's attack pattern, like how far it's attack goes and the general area of the attacks. Other then that, it can be an easy battle. Striped Gremlin HP - 35 Stage 4 Ditching the white, fuzzy mohawk from the first movie, this time around it is a spiked mohawk of spines. This battle can be a pain, because of the spiked floors and the fact the Striped Gremlin is quite fast. Like the other bosses before him, this boss chases you and occasionally pauses. It's attack is an Uzi, which it got from the weapons locker in the genetic lab. It's a short-range weapon that fires several bullets just a few feet away from him. It fires it quite a bit, so not only do you have to avoid him, you have avoid it's rapid fire. There is however is a good tactic to fight it. Run around the outside of the room, and turn around to attack when it pauses. Continue running around until it runs away. Spider Striped Gremlin HP - 35 Stage 5 After drinking a black widow formula from the genetic labs, the Striped Gremlin mutates into a spider. This is boss can be fairly easy once you know what to do. Because of it's size you either stay on the lower portion of the level or upper portion. It will move back and forth for a while then pause for about two or three seconds. Then it will lunge down and begin walking back and forth for a shorter period of time, before returning to it's original position. While it does this, it attacks by throwing pulsating, orbs vertical, {I'm thinking it's balls of webbing}. To kill this beast, stay in one position and attack it until it pauses. Then either get between the legs or move to the side of the screen where it is less. If you move in between it's legs, you will have to move with it as it moves back and forth. When it moves back up, continue the pattern until it burns. ------------ 7. Passwords ------------ Here are the passwords for each stage. I believe you loose everything in your inventory, {except for your weapon}, when you use a password. Stage 1-2: BVKF Stage 2-1: DXNH Stage 2-2: CGMW Stage 3-1: NJTD Stage 3-2: ZFPJ Stage 4-1: SHMC Stage 4-2: VLBB Stage 5-1: NXRD -------------- 8. Walkthrough -------------- Cinematic: Gizmo sits silently and head down in his cage. Suddenly, a hand opens up the cage and Gizmo looks up. It's Billy Peltzer, your friend and owner. He gives you the thumbs up to get out of here. Stage 1-1 Enemies - Mouse Giant Tomato Bat Begin moving up, and carefully move around the pits. You will encounter you first enemy, the Mouse. Take them out carefully and continue up. You will soon encounter two more enemies, the Giant Tomato and Bat. Get off to the left side and take out the Bats first, then take out the Tomatoes. Carefully jump on the moving platform on the left. As soon as you cross the gap, another two Giant Tomatoes, bouncing horizontally. Get beside the planet for protection and carefully take out the fruits. Now go up and you will see a small door. This is your first shop stop, so the selection isn't great. I would recommend the Gizmo Doll, but it's your choice. Continue down and carefully jump over the next pit, because there are Bats around it. One of the Bats will have a Light Bulb, {most likely the first one you see}. There is also a Mouse on the same platform. Continue left onto another moving platform, and jump to the next platform. You will encounter two Bats, and one of them will have a Pogo Stick, {most likely the first one you see}. Grab it and continue left, killing all enemies you see. When you can't go left anymore, continue up, and you will reach an elevator and the end of the level. Stage 1-2 Enemies - Mouse Bat Spider If you want an extra Crystal, go right and kill the lone Mouse. If not, continue left. Be careful of the spike floors and make sure the Bats don't push you over the edge. Continue up and stick to the sides, because you will encounter your first Spider. Take your time when killing it and it's spawn. Continue up, past the moving platform slowly move up. You will encounter two Bats and a Spider, and of the Bats has a Light bulb. Continue right and you will see a small platform to jump to, but it has a Spider and two Bats. Try hitting the Spider at the edge of the platform. Hopefully the Bats are near and get killed as well. Continue right then up and watch out for the Bats. Go up , and you will see another shop door in the cubicle. I suggest you buy the Heart. Continue left and look for a Mouse, because it has a Pogo Stick. Use the Pogo Stick to plow through the Spiders and Bats and you should reach a set of moving platforms. When you reach the end, continue left and up, while taking out any Bats. You will reach Billy's cubicle and you will receive the Match Stick. Cinematic: Water accidentally spills on Gizmo and he begins to convulse. Several black Mogwais appear and approach Gizmo. They open up a vent, and push Gizmo in. They close the vent as Gizmo looks through the bars. Stage 2-1 Enemies - Bat Mine Mouse Begin moving up and you will see a spiked orb, moving left/right and a Bat. Try to tale care of the Bat first and carefully pass the orb, {because it is indestructible}. Continue up, taking out the Bat, but stop after the second spiked orb. You will see an object on the left side. It's a Mine, so take it out before you activate it. After destroying it, there is another on the right. Continue up, and carefully jump over the electric wires and pit to the right. Hit the Mouse for a Pogo Stick and go up. Take out the Mines and Bats, then go right to see a shadowy Gremlin run to the right. Before continuing right, go left to a shop. I recommend the Power Canister. Carefully follow the right path, jumping over wires, pits and what obstacle comes your way. You will soon reach an upward path, filled with spiked orbs, Spiders, wires and other obstacles. With the Power Canister, it should help a little. Continue the path, and after a Bat, you will see a Mouse to the right. Kill it quickly for a Pogo Stick and haul ass up and left. After a few Bats, you will reach the final path. The path consists of wires an spiked orbs. The area you have to jump in is narrow, so be careful. When you finish that, continue up and you will enter the next level. Stage 2-2 Enemies - Beanie Gremlin Smoking Gremlin Hare Gremlin Skater Gremlin This level has quite a bit of pits and spiked floors. Begin moving down and to the left to encounter your first Gremlin, the Beanie Gremlin. Take it out, and you will find two more to the left. After the Beanies, you will encounter a Smoker Gremlin to the left. To kill this one, you will have to jump at an angle towards the platform beside it and attack. You should also wait for it to attack first, so you have a chance to jump and attack, without being hit by his fireball. After killing it, continue up, past a moving platform and you will see another Beanie and a spiked orb. Take out the Beanie, jump to the platform with the spiked orb and quickly jump back. You will see a Hare Gremlin. Kill it and continue right. After the second spiked orb, you will encounter Skater Gremlin. Get to the left of the spiked floor that connects that platform to the one with the Skater Gremlin. This way you are protected from it's bombs, while you attack. Carefully jump to the moving platform on the right and watch out for two Beanies. Continue up, past another moving platform and you will encounter another Hare. Kill it and continue up to another Smoker. I wouldn't bother with this one, so just go around it and up. Continue left, past a few Beanies and towards another shop. If you lost your Power Canister, get it again. If not get either other item. Continue up, and after a moving platform you will encounter two Skaters, which could be a problem. Try to stay near the edge of the spiked floor and attack, and hopefully you won't get hurt. You may need to get closer for the farther Skater. Continue the path, jump to the next platform and quickly jump back. Another Hare awaits you, so attack from a distance. Continue the path and you will encounter two more Hares. After disposing of them, continue down, past the two spiked orbs to a Skater. Kill it and wait at the edge of the platform, because there is another Skater. Take it out and continue the path. Take out the last Beanie, and continue the path to reach the end of the level. Stage 2-3 Your first boss. You will be in a small room with a cocoon that hatches. Gremlin HP - 25 Fairly easily. This large, gray and black Gremlin hops about while chasing you. It only attacks are it's body and it can slash you with it's claws. Since it chases you, you can predict where it will go. So just let it follow you while attacking it. Just make sure you have enough room to run away. Also, it occasionally stops to laugh, so take advantage of it. After the battle a Paperclip will appear. Grab it and you finished the stage. Stage 3-1 Enemies - Beanie Gremlin Gremlin Claw Hare Gremlin Frag Medley Gremlin Bat Gremlin Begin moving up, and a Gremlin Claw will pop out of the ground and a Beanie will Swoop in. Take out the Beanie first and watch where the Claw's projectile moves. Attack it where it cannot aim, and before you continue up, take the right path and take out another Claw. Continue the left path and another Claw will pop out. This Claw will drop a Stop Watch. Grab it and continue on. Attack the frozen Beanie, jump the moving platforms and the Stop Watch should stop just after the moving platforms. Watch out for the spinning spiked ball when you reach the next area. Time it so you pass and take out any Beanies before you cross. Afterwards an Claw an Hare will be coming up next. Take out the Claw first, then the Hare and then continue forward. After that, another Hare, a Beanie and a shop door awaits you. Buy anything you need and continue forward. You will reach a moving platform and see a platform with strange new enemy, the Frags. Attack the two you can see and dodge their projectiles. There are another two on the platform, so be careful when you attack them. Continue moving from platform to platform and you will see another swinging spiked ball. You will have to carefully jump to the platform near the spiked floor. Continuing on, you will reach a kitchen, where the two Medley Gremlins will appear. Be careful where you move, because the disappear and reappear. When you see one, quickly take it out before it throws it's pineapple. Continue on and after a moving platform, you will reach a graveyard set. Continue up and you will be attacked by Bat Gremlins. Take them out quickly and continue up. The next platform you have to jump on has two Claws, so take them out from your platform. Then continue on, taking out the last Bat Gremlin and head towards the exit. Stage 3-2 Enemies - Beanie Gremlin Hare Gremlin Bat Gremlin Pygmy Gremlin Skater Gremlin This level has quite a few hazards, so watch yourself. Begin moving up and left. Watch the direction of where the conveyer belts are moving, and either jump or move across with caution. Kill the Beanie and watch out for the swinging spiked ball. The conveyer belt to the next platform is going left, so carefully move around the swinging spiked ball and go up. The next platform is a little tricky, because of the fire floors and there are two Hares and a Beanie. Take the left path and wait for a Hare to show up. Kill it, go up two platforms and quickly turn right. You will see a Beanie and Hare begin to move, so kill them quickly. You now have to jump from a conveyer belt to another conveyer belt. Walk on the left edge, and quickly jump and hold up. Then you will see another problem, s spinning spiked ball, around a conveyer belt that goes to a fire hazard. It's easier just to take a hit, then to time it right. You can however, jump over the chain of the spiked ball. The next jump require timing, because your jumping on three conveyer belts. Try just letting the conveyer belt move you to the edge, before you jump. At the end, you will be greeted by two Bat Gremlins. After taking care of them, the next moving platform is another tricky jump. You have to jump over an electrical line, as your moving with the platform. The next platform has Pygmy Gremlins, who are easy kills, so just follow the path until you reach a Skater. Quickly take it out and go down. Stay on the right edge, because of moving spiked orbs. After two more Pygmies, another hazard course awaits you. You have to jump from conveyer belt to conveyer belt, while avoiding fire and electrical hazards. After the first course, you will be greeted by two Pygmies, then another hazard course. When go through the second course, let the second conveyer belt move you to the edge, before you jump. After that, continue right and into the boss stage. Stage 3-3 You will appear in Mr. Clamp's office, which is a small room, with a wall of TVs. The Electric Gremlin will explode out of the ground and the boss battle will begin. Electric Gremlin HP - 35 After drinking a formula that increases bioelectrical energy, this Gremlin turns into a living lightning. It hovers about the ground and chases you while attacking. It's attack is an electric energy ball, {which is thrown}, forward a few feet and explodes. The electrical explosion causes four smaller electrical orbs to disperse in a X pattern. Then the orbs move randomly in their respective, angular pattern. This can be difficult, but try to learn it's attack pattern, like how far it's attack goes and the general area of the attacks. Other then that, it can be an easy battle. After the battle, the Electric Gremlin will try to escape and the Paperclip Bow will appear. Pick it up to go to the next stage. Cinematic: Electric Gremlin will try to escape through the phone, but Billy traps it in call waiting. Stage 4-1 Enemies - Beanie Mad Gremlin Hare Gremlin Frag Gremlin Claw Begin moving up, past the two Beanies and you will encounter the Mad Gremlin. Keep your distance and wait for it to stop spinning, then attack quickly. Continue right, and stay to the right edge when passing the spinning spike ball. After two Beanies and a Hare, continue up the path and take the left conveyer belt. You will have to stick close to the spinning spiked ball and jump over the chain. Once you get the rhythm going, time your jump to the conveyer belt. After two Beanies, continue the path up and you will encounter two Hares. Finish them off and continue right. You will see two paths. The upward path has two Beanies, a Hare and a Frag, but it also has a shop. The right path is an easy jumping course. Either way you end up at the same area. Watch out for another Mad Gremlin at the end of the paths. Continue down, past a small hazard course with a Beanie, then continue right. You will encounter another Mad Gremlin, so finish it quickly. When you reach the area where you go up, you will be treated to a jumping course where you have jump over electric fields, while on a conveyer belt. It's easy once you get the rhythm, but the last two courses has a Gremlin Claw in the middle of the second course, and one at the end of the last course. Before that jump, go of to the side and wait for the hand to pop up and attack it. Afterwards, head up to exit the level. Stage 4-2 Enemies - Pygmy Gremlin Hare Gremlin Bat Gremlin Beanie Gremlin Begin moving up. Take out the three Pygmies and go left through a small, conveyer belt course. Remember, let the conveyer belt do the work, and jump at the right time. On the next platform, jump on the first conveyer belt and quickly jump back. This will cause a Hare to follow you and make it easier to kill. Then carefully continue the path. After the spinning spiked orb, you will encounter a Bat Gremlin, so watch out. Now you can either jump onto the moving platform and jump over a hazard while moving, or use the conveyer belts. On the next platform you will encounter a Beanie and two Hares. Continue right, you will encounter a Hare and a tricky obstacle. You will have to get in the path of a spinning spiked orb to get to the other side. Remember to time your jump over the chain. Take out the three Beanies on the next platform and go right if you need to shop. If not, go up. Carefully time your jump to dodge the swinging spiked ball and jump onto the moving platform. Then jump onto the next platform and quickly take out a Bat Gremlin. When you continue left, be careful of the the spiked orb moving back and forth. The next bit has quite a Hares. When you reach another swinging spiked orb, try to jump forward a bit and pull back. This should cause the two Hares to follow you. Take care of them and carefully pass the swinging spiked orb. Next you have to jump onto a moving platform, then over a spiked hazard, onto a conveyer belt, which is near a swinging spiked orb, and quickly over another hazard to the exit. If this is to hard, use a balloon. Stage 4-3 We enter a small arena with Gremlin spectators and a experimental cow. The arena is filled with spike floor hazards, so you will have to be careful when you attack the Striped Gremlin Striped Gremlin HP - 35 Ditching the white, fuzzy mohawk from the first movie, this time around it is a spiked mohawk of spines. This battle can be a pain, because of the spiked floors and the fact the Striped Gremlin is quite fast. Like the other bosses before him, this boss chases you and occasionally pauses. It's attack is an Uzi, which it got from the weapons locker in the genetic lab. It's a short-range weapon that fires several bullets just a few feet away from him. It fires it quite a bit, so not only do you have to avoid him, you have avoid it's rapid fire. There is however is a good tactic to fight it. Run around the outside of the room, and turn around to attack when it pauses. Continue running around until it runs away. After the battle, the Fire Arrows appear. This will give you the Fire Bow, the most powerful weapon in the game. Grab them to enter the next stage. Stage 5-1 Enemies - Beanie Gremlin Hare Gremlin Frag Gremlin Claw Mad Gremlin The last stage of the game, so of course it has to be difficult. If you have a lot of Balloons, you may want to just fall in a pit and use the Balloon to travel across the level. First you have to go up, jumping from conveyer belt to conveyer belt. Then go left and you will encounter a Beanie and two Hares. Afterwards, you face another conveyer belt course. If you can, get to the small conveyer belt and jump off it quickly, because the large one can be just as annoying. Take out the two Frags from a distance, and continue down to encounter a Beanie. Past the large conveyer belt is a Hare and spinning spiked ball. If you want, go back across the conveyer belt and face the Hare there. Carefully pass the spinning spiked ball, and carefully cross the conveyer belt. You will have to jump onto a few more conveyer belts, each with some hazards and enemies. The first conveyer belt your on has a Hare and is lined with drill bits in the floor. The second has three Beanies and is lined with a fire hazard. The last one has three Frags and a Hare, and is lined with electrical hazard. The next area is a bit of a jumping course with Gremlin Claws popping in the area you need to jump in. It also has a Hare. Continue up across a few conveyer belts and a few Hares, until you reach a large conveyer belt. You will have to jump onto a moving platform, which the area around it is surrounded by electric lines. After that, you will land on another large conveyer belt with two spinning spike balls. Quickly move across the conveyer belt and jump onto the next platform. Continue right, and you will encounter a Hare and Mad Gremlin. Afterwards, go into the shop if you need it, {I highly recommend a Balloon to make the last past of your journey easier. Continue right and take care of another two Hares. The next little bit is annoying. First there is small conveyer belts to jump to and Frags waiting for you to get close. Next is a fire field with a Hare, Beanie and more conveyer belts. In between these two is moving platforms with electric lines around it. I suggest you use two balloons to get across more easily. When you reach the end, you will enter the final boss stage. Stage 5-2 The stage is black and very large. Only because the boss is almost as big as the screen. Spider Striped Gremlin HP - 35 After drinking a black widow formula from the genetic labs, the Striped Gremlin mutates into a spider. This is boss can be fairly easy once you know what to do. Because of it's size you either stay on the lower portion of the level or upper portion. It will move back and forth for a while then pause for about two or three seconds. Then it will lunge down and begin walking back and forth for a shorter period of time, before returning to it's original position. While it does this, it attacks by throwing pulsating, orbs vertical, {I'm thinking it's balls of webbing}. To kill this beast, stay in one position and attack it until it pauses. Then either get between the legs or move to the side of the screen where it is less. If you move in between it's legs, you will have to move with it as it moves back and forth. When it moves back up, continue the pattern until it burns. Ending The Gremlins are all gathered in the lobby of the building, as Billy and Kate look down on them. Billy gets a phone and taps it into the phone in Clamps office. He yells to push the call-waiting button as he points the phone towards the Gremlins. The Electric Gremlin is unleashed in a flash of lightning. The lightning strikes the Gremlins, and they all melt. Billy, Kate and Gizmo watch as the last Gremlin melts. --------- 9. Review --------- Graphics = 5 Sound/Music = 5 Gameplay = 5 Overall = 5 Like I wrote before, one of my favorite Nintendo games. Graphically, probably one of the most detailed Nintendo games ever. The detail on the characters are awesome, the cinemas are really well done, and the animations are great. The only thing that might have been done better, is maybe more colors on the enemies and less blending, but that's Nintendo for you. Sound/Music are top notch as well. With a good amount tracks, {even one well done translation of the theme from the movie}, and good Sound FXs, this is probably one of the best sounding games for Nintendo. Maybe a few more Sound FX, but I don't hold that against it. Gameplay is a great mix of action, adventure, and platform gaming. The controls are easy to learn, even the jumping is done quite well. Overall, if you can find this game and you still have a Nintendo, grab it, because this is movie to game translation at its best. ------------- 10. Copyright ------------- Copyright 2004 - 2005 Andrew Almeida This document cannot be used for profit, such as printing it in magazines. This document may not be posted on any website without my permission. You cannot reproduce this document and alter it to make it looked like your own. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.