==================================================================== The FAQ/WALKTHROUGH for GYROMITE, v0.9 or "I Don't Need No Stinkin' Robot." Written and maintained by Torro (aka SubSane) Last Updated June 17, 2004 ==================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 About the Game 1.2 About the Guide 2.0 BASICS 2.1 Game Start 2.2 Status Screen 2.3 Controls 2.4 Items 2.5 Points 2.6 Controlling Gates 2.7 Avoiding Smicks 3.0 WALKTHROUGH 3.1 Game A 3.2 Game B 4.0 USING ROB 5.0 LEGAL / MISC. 5.1 Version History 5.2 Guide Credits 5.3 Contact Information 5.4 Legal Stuff ==================================================================== ===== 1.0 INTRODUCTION ============================================= -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 About the Game -------------------------------------------------------------------- You want to talk ol' school? Man, THIS is ol' school! Yup, Gyromite is about as ol' school as you can get with the NES. The game was released way back in '85 as part of the Nintendo's ROB series (the only other game in that series was Stack-Up). The ROB games were created to be used with ROB, a little NES robot that could fill in as a game buddy for kids with no friends. Unfortunately ROB sucked hard, so the series ended as soon as it was released. But Gyromite was still a kick-ass game that could be played with actual people. The game follows the dynamite-gathering adventures of doctors Hector and Vector. The goal is to gather all of the dynamite in each room until all 40 rooms have been cleared. There is also a game where your goal is to help the sleep-walking doctors get through a treacherous construction site. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 About the Guide -------------------------------------------------------------------- Its a real simple guide for a real simple game. Each phase in Game A has six TNTs, so I number each one from 1 to 6 and include any info about how to get 'em. I included the correct paths to go for each phase in Game B. You can search for specific sections by highlighting the section number up in the table of contents, then pressing Ctrl + C to copy it, Ctrl + F to pop up a find screen, and Ctrl + V to paste and search. ==================================================================== ===== 2.0 BASICS =================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Game Start -------------------------------------------------------------------- Press Start to get past the title screen and access Select Mode. PHASE - - - Press A and B on controller 1 to scroll through the different phases for Game A. TEST - - - This is used to test ROB's focus on the screen. Press Select and the flashing green screen should get ROB moving. DIRECT - - - - Press Up, Down, Left, Right, A, and B to test the commands with ROB Select to exit. 1P GAME A - - - - - This is the 1 player mode for Game A. 2P GAME A - - - - - You guessed it: its the 2 player mode for Game A. Players alternate going through the Phases GAME B - - - - The other game mode available in the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 Status Screen -------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, there's not much going on... Game A screen - - - - - - - You have your point total on the top-left, and remaining time on the top-right. Phase Screen - - - - - - - The phase number and remaining lives will be shown at the beginning of each phase in Game A. Game B Screen - - - - - - - Score in the top-left corner, R (Phase) in the middle, and remaining lives on the right. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3 Controls -------------------------------------------------------------------- Controller 1 - - - - - - - Command | Action | Other ---------------------------------------------------------------- Start | Switch to ROB command | Select in menus Select | Pause game, again to quit | Move thru menus Left | Move left in Game A | Move ROB arms left Right | Move right in Game A | Move ROB arms right Up | Climb up rope | Move ROB up Down | Climb down rope | Move ROB down B button | Pick up and drop turnips | Close ROB arms A button | Pick up and drop turnips | Open ROB arms Controller 2 - - - - - - - Command | Action | Other ---------------------------------------------------------------- Start | - | - Select | - | - Left | - | - Right | - | - Up | - | - Down | - | - B button | Open and close red gates | - A button | Open and close blue gates | - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4 Items -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dynamite - - - - - The dynamite scattered around in each phase of Game A must be collected before time runs out. Turnips - - - - Turnips can be picked up and carried around in Game A. Drop them near Smicks to distract and get by them safely. Red Arrows - - - - - - These red arrows appear in Game B. The professor (or professors) will pick them up along the way. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5 Points -------------------------------------------------------------------- Action/Item | Number of points ------------------------------------------------------------ Squish a Smick | 500 points Dynamite | 100 points Remaining time | 10 points per second Arrow (Game B) | 100 points Time (Game B) | 10 points per step -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.6 Controlling Gates -------------------------------------------------------------------- With controller 2. Going... down - - - - - - - Pressing B lowers the red gates, pressing A will lower the blue gates. Going up - - - - - Both the red and blue gates are already in their full and upright positions. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Avoiding Smicks -------------------------------------------------------------------- Turnips - - - - The red turnips scattered throughout each phase are used as distractions. When a Smick comes across a turnip it will stop and chew on it for a while, allowing you to pass by without losing a life. Learn the ropes - - - - - - - - The Smicks have the ability to climb ropes. One good way to avoid the ones climbing up and down the ropes is to grab the rope and jump off to the side. You'll fall to the ground while the silly Smick climbs its silly rope. Squishie squishie! - - - - - - - - - - Dude, the BEST part of Gyromite. Any time a Smick walks over a gate you are given a golden opportunity. Wait for the right moment... then squish the little green freaks! Relish in the sights and hilarious sounds of squishing little green bugs between a gate and a hard place. ==================================================================== ===== 3.0 WALKTHROUGH ============================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Game A -------------------------------------------------------------------- Phase 01 ======== 1. Lower the first blue gate and grab the TNT. 2. Pick up the turnip and use it to distract the Smick ahead if it bothers you. Climb up the rope and jump to the left to grab the next TNT. 3. Lower the red gate and climb down the rope, then jump left to get the TNT. 4. This one is easy to spot on the ground below. Get down there and pick it up. 5. Use a red or blue gate to squish the Smick in the middle if he's still around, then climb up the rope to the middle level. Run left and pick up the TNT. 6. Get to the far left of the middle level and jump down to reach the final TNT on the left. Phase 02 ======== 1. Jump to the right and up the rope. Use that red gate on the right to squish the Smick, then lower the gates to reach the TNT on the right. 2. Run to the right and jump off the edge to get the TNT below. 3. Climb up the left of the two ropes and onto the middle level. Get the TNT to the left. 4. The next one is to the left. 5. And this TNT is to the left of number 4. 6. Jump off the platform to the ground below and get the final one. Phase 03 ======== 1. Real easy. Jiggle up that rope and jump left to grab the bottom TNT. 2. Get back on the rope and climb up to the second one. 3. Jump to the right and onto the top level. Proceed to the right and past the blue gate, then down the rope to get that next TNT. Pick up a turnip along the way. 4. Lower the next blue gate and get the TNT on the left edge of the platform. 5. Jump down and drop the turnip if the Smick is down there. Get the TNT while the Smick is out of the way. 6. Run to the right and to the rope at the far right. Climb up and get off at the top to grab the final TNT. Phase 04 ======== 1. All of these are easy. Wait for the Smick to start climbing up a rope, then fall down. Climb up the left rope and jump left at the top to get the first TNT. 2. Climb up to the platforms in the middle and get the TNT on the left edge. 3. Use the ropes to get to the next one at the top. 4. Lower the gates to get the fourth. 5. The next one is just to the right of number 4. 6. Wait for the Smick to get out of the way, then jump down and get to the rope on the right. Climb up the rope to get the final TNT. Phase 05 ======== 1. Well, might as well climb down the rope and get the TNT at the bottom. 2. Climb back up and grab the turnip, then continue to the top. The Smick is pretty much stuck in that loop, so wait for it to jump right and quickly grab the TNT and climb back down. 3. Lower the red gate on the left and TNT number 3 is yours. 4. Go to the right and lower the red gate to enter the middle level and get that fourth TNT. 5. Lower the blue gate and use your turnip to fend off the Smick. The TNT in the corner is now yours for the taking. 6. Climb up the rope and get to the other side of that blue gate for the final TNT. Phase 06 ======== 1. Shimmy up that long rope and lower the blue gate to reach the TNT at the top. 2. Drop down from the top of the platform and get the TNT on the ground to the right of the next rope. 3. Climb up that rope and grab the TNT in the mid-level platform. Pick up the turnip as well, just in case. 4. Run to the right and lower the red gate to reach the TNT at the bottom. 5. The Smick from above may come down, so drop the turnip under the rope to take care of it. Pick up the other turnip and run to the right and climb up that long rope to the top. Drop the new turnip if you need to, then grab the TNT. 6. Lower the blue gate to get the last one. Phase 07 ======== 1. Run to the right, past the distracted Smick. The first TNT is on the ground to the far right. 2. Lower the blue gate (make sure you're not under it), to get the Smick out of the way. Then grab the TNT next to the top of the rope. 3. Get on the blue gate to reach the ropes above. Jump from one to the next and climb up to get the TNT above. 4. Drop back down to the bottom and onto the rope in the middle. Jump left into the mid-level platform to get the fourth TNT. 5. Get back on the rope and climb up. Lower the red gate to get that TNT on the left. 6. Jump across the ropes to get the final TNT on the left. Phase 08 ======== 1. Its right there on the left, man. Go get it. 2. Lower the blue gate and use the ropes to get across to the right. Do this quickly to take advantage of the Smick's distraction, then cross the ropes on the left and get the TNT on the steps. DO NOT fall into the hole on the far left. 3. Climb up the ropes and return to the right. Lower the blue gate if you want to get the Smick out of the way, then get that TNT next to the red gate. 4. Lower the red gate and get that TNT next to it, then ride the gate to the top and pick up the turnip. 5. Jump across the ropes and get the next TNT in line. 6. Lower the blue gate and ride it down, then climb down the rope onto the steel beam. Don't fall into the Smick pit. Run left and get the final TNT from there. Phase 09 ======== 1. Climb down the rope and get the TNT. 2. Slide down some more to get the second one at the bottom. 3. Climb back up and up the rope on the far left. Use the blue gate to squish the Smick, then get the third TNT next to it. 4. Get to the far right and climb up the rope to the top level. Run left for the TNT near that turnip. 5. Lower both the red and blue gates to reach the TNT on the left. 6. Climb back down the rope on the right and lower the blue gate to reach the TNT on the ground below. Phase 10 ======== 1. Bring down the blue gate and fall off the right edge to get the first TNT. 2. Climb up the rope and lower that red gate on the left. Run left, pick up the turnip, and wait for a Smick to get near. Keep the red gate down and squish the Smick when it reaches the gate. Use the turnip to get past the other Smick. Now, this next TNT requires a bit of timing. First lower the red gate, then place the professor on it. Now release the red gate and make sure to RUN RIGHT when the professor is lined up with the TNT. You'll probably have to start moving just before the professor is lined up with it, or you may get squished. 3. Get that turnip left of the red gate and use it to distract the Smick if you need to. Get the TNT on the right side of the second red gate when you're good to go. 4. Lower the red gates to get the other Smick out of the way, then ride up to the platform using the blue gate. Ride down the red gate and run left to get the next TNT, and get the turnip as well. 5. Climb up the rope and head to the right. Drop the turnip to distract the Smick, then go up that long rope. Jump left from the top of the rope to get TNT number 5. 6. Climb up the short ropes to the left and jump left to reach the final one. Phase 11 ======== 1. Drop down onto the platform and lower the blue gate, then jump left and get the TNT. 2. Jump back onto the blue gate and ride it up. Run to the right until you reach the turnip and rope. Grab the turnip and climb up the rope. Jump right to get that next TNT. 3. Get to the third rope and climb up. Lower the blue gate and hop on to get the TNT above. 4. Lower the next blue gate to get that Smick out of there, then ride down yourself and grab the TNT on the ledge. 5. Use the turnip if the Smick is still in the way, then climb up the rope and get the TNT next to the red gate. 5. Get that turnip at the top and climb down the ropes. Stand on the edge over the Smick in the corner and drop the turnip in the pit. Jump in and get the last TNT while the Smick is distracted. Phase 12 ======== 1. Wait for the Smick to start chewing on the turnip and get the TNT on the left. 2. Follow the Smick and use the red and blue gates to the right to squish it. You're free to grab that TNT on the ground when the Smick is gone. 3. Climb up the rope to the right and pick up the turnip. Lower the gates to let the Smick out, then go stand on the red gate. Time it so that you jump to the right of the red gate just as it is rising up. The TNT is yours if you can pull it off. 4. The next one is right there to the left. Use the turnip if you need to distract the TNT. 5. Use the far right blue gate to reach the rope and climb up to the top. Run left until you fall on the red and blue gates, then bring them down to get the fifth TNT below. 6. Climb up that rope for the final one. Phase 13 ======== 1. Run to the left run past the red gate in the corner. Climb up that long rope to get the TNT above. Remember to grab the TNT as well. 2. Run to the right and return to the blue gate with the TNT next to it. Run onto the blue gate and jump left just as the professor is lined up with the TNT. 3. Ride down the red gate and pick up the third TNT. 4. Fall to the ground and get the TNT to the left. 5. Lower the blue gate at the top-right corner to get the fifth TNT. 6. The final TNT below is a bit tricky to get if you don't know what's going on. Simply hold Right to keep running and lower the blue gates. You'll barely thread the needle, so to speak, to get the final TNT. Phase 14 ======== 1. Run all the way to the left and lower the blue gate. The first TNT is right to the left. 2. Use the blue and red gates to squish the two Smicks at the bottom, then jump down. Get the TNT on the floor. 3. Climb up the rope and jump onto the middle platform. First lower the blue gate, then the red gate, then raise the blue gate, and finally raise the red gate. Get the TNT. 4. Jump down and climb up the rope to get the next TNT on the platform above the last one. 5. Get to the top-right corner to find the fifth TNT. 6. Lower the red gate below and get the final TNT. Phase 15 ======== 1. Get up the first rope and grab the turnip, then jump down all the steps to get the TNT at the bottom. 2. Climb up the ropes to reach the small platform above. Bring down the blue gate and ride up on it to get the next TNT. 3. Get to the small ropes and stop on the middle one. Drop down to get the third TNT below. 4. Lower the next pair of gates and grab the TNT. 5. Climb up the ropes when the Smick has been cleared and get the TNT below the middle rope. 6. Climb up the rope on the right and ride the red gate to the next rope above. You can get the TNT from there. Phase 16 ======== 1. Climb down that rope in the center, but don't go all the way down. Stop next to the short ropes and lower the gates to grab the TNT on the left or right. 2. Get the TNT on the other side. 3. Climb back up to the top and head left. Lower the blue gate to get the TNT on the ground. 4. Climb back up and return to the center platforms. Run to the right and cross the ropes to climb down the long rope. Grab the TNT from the ledge in the center. 5. Jump left from the rope and grab the TNT on the ground. 6. Drop the turnip into the pit to distract the Smick, then get the last TNT. Phase 17 ======== 1. Cross onto the platform to the right and lower both platforms. Jump down from the rope and get the TNT. Grab the turnip too. 2. Climb back up to the platform and jump across to the right to get the TNT. 3. Use the turnip on the Smick climb up he ropes to the top. Stay on the top platform and get the TNT on the far right, above the ropes. 4. Fall to the left and ride up the red gate to get the TNT in the gap. 5. Climb back up the ropes and head left. Climb down that rope that leads into the center of the platforms, and grab the TNT inside. 6. Fall to the ground below and get the last TNT on the left. Phase 18 ======== 1. First kill ALL the Smicks by squishing them with gates. Then climb up to the top and stand on the second red gate and use it to reach the TNT above. 2. Run down to the next platform and get the next TNT in line. 3. Run to the left and stand on the blue gate to reach the TNT in the air. 4. Jump left from the rope to get TNT number 4. 5. DO NOT get the TNT in the hole. Use the red gate to cross the ropes and get the TNT on the far right. 6. Now you can go back and fall into the hole to get the final TNT. Phase 19 ======== 1. Fall down to the bottom and lower the red gate. Jump to the right to get the TNT. 2. Climb back up to the top and use the long rope to get the TNT high up at the top. 3. Head right and run through the middle platform by lowering both gates. Ride up on the blue gate to get the third TNT above. 4. Cross over the pit by jumping from rope to rope and get the TNT at the end. 5. Climb up the long rope and ride the red platform to reach the TNT up in the air. 6. Drop a turnip down into the pit to distract the Smick, then climb down and grab the TNT next to the rope. Phase 20 ======== 1. Ride any of the platforms to get the TNT above the starting point. 2. Ride on the red platform and get the TNT on the right. 3. Pick up the turnip and use it to distract the Smick, then get the TNT on the far right. 4. Fall to the right and pick up another turnip, and use it if you need to. Squish the Smicks if you can. Run left and climb up the rope to get the TNT on the steel beams. 5. Run to the left and pick up the turnip, then cross the rope and get the TNT from the top of the blue gate. 6. Climb up that short rope and jump right to get the final TNT next to the blue gate. Phase 21 ======== 1. Run left and grab the first one. 2. Drop to the red gate below and ride down to get the TNT down there. 3. Bring down the blue gate and head to the right. Drop a turnip on the Smick below, then ride the red gate on the right to get the TNT in the air. 4. Lower the blue gate on the right and get the TNT. 5. Ride up the gate and grab the TNT above. Pick up the turnip as well. 6. Go all the way to the left side of the level and drop down to get the final TNT. Phase 22 ======== 1. Climb up the first rope. Grab the turnip and the TNT on the right. 2. Go up the second rope and grab the TNT on the other side of the red gate. 3. Run right and climb down the rope, then get the TNT in the gap on the left. 4. Get down to the first platform from the bottom and lower both gates to reach the TNT. 5. Climb up the rope and grab the TNT in the top-right corner. 6. The final TNT is right there on the left. Phase 23 ======== 1. Get the TNT on the right there. 2. Climb up and lower the red gates to get the TNT on the level above. 3. Get up to the top level and run to the right to get the next TNT. 4. Run left and ride down the blue gate to get the TNT. 5. Lower the red gate and fall in the hole to reach the TNT on the ground. 6. Run right and up the rope to grab the final one. Phase 24 ======== 1. Fall to the right to grab the short rope in the air, then jump left onto the next rope. Climb down when the Smick is clear and grab the turnip. Climb back up and head right to get the TNT on the right. 2. Climb down the rope for the next TNT. 3. Use the red gate to reach the next TNT. 4. Ride up on the blue gate and then up the rope to get the TNT. 5. Cross the ropes to the right and get the TNT on the platform. 6. Run left and fall down to the ground level to reach the final TNT on the ground. Phase 25 ======== 1. Lower the red gate and get the first TNT. 2. Run left and climb down the rope and jump left. Fall down to the ground level and run right to get the first TNT. 3. Climb the rope and head right for the next TNT. 4. Climb up that long rope at the end and get the TNT at the top. 5. Lower the blue gate and climb up that rope, then run left and get the next TNT. 6. Get the two Smicks in the pit trapped on the left side, then lower them and run right. Climb up the rope to get the final TNT. Phase 26 ======== 1. Jump down and cross the ropes on the bottom. DO NOT fall down. Go past the blue gate and climb up the ropes to reach that TNT on the top. 2. Get back to the top again and lower the gates to get across. Climb up the ropes to the right to get the TNT in the top-right corner. 3. Cross the ropes and jump down onto the TNT on the top ledge. 4. Fall down to get the TNT below. 5. Cross the bottom ropes to the left and lower the red gate to get the TNT on the steel beam. 6. Climb up the rope and lower the blue beam to reach the final TNT on the ground in the bottom-left corner. Phase 27 ======== 1. Grab the turnip and get to the pair of gates. Lower the gates and use the blue one to reach that TNT that's in the air above it. 2. Climb up the ropes and get the TNT in the top-left corner. 3. Run right and climb down that rope to get the TNT. Use the turnip if you need to. 4. Run right to get the TNT. 5. Cross the gates at the end to reach the TNT at the top. 6. Lower the final red gate to reach the TNT on the ground. Phase 28 ======== 1. Ride down the red gate and get the TNT on the right. 2. Run left for that turnip, then lower the gate and get the TNT below. 3. Ride up the blue gate for the one above. 4. Cross over the pit by using the ropes above, then get the TNT below the rope at the end. 5. Run left and lower the blue gate to access the next TNT. 6. Run left again for the last one. Phase 29 ======== 1. Lower the blue gate and the get the Smick out of there, then jump right and get the TNT. 2. Climb up the rope and get the TNT at the top. 3. Get back to the top and lower the red gate to get the next TNT. 4. Climb up the next rope and lower both gates, then bring them up to get the TNT inside. 5. Go back to the rope and enter the first small platform from the bottom. Lower the red gate to get the TNT. 6. The final TNT is right there on the ground below. Phase 30 ======== 1. Use the red gate on the right to squish the Smick, then climb down the rope and get that TNT below. Run to the left and get a turnip as well. 2. Drop to the ground and run straight right for the next one. 3. Get the next TNT on the ground. 4. Run back to the rope and get the TNT at the top. 5. Lower the gates and run across for the TNT. 6. Drop to the ground and drop the turnip into the hole with the TNT. Jump in while the Smick is distracted to get it. Phase 31 ======== 1. Climb down the first rope to grab the TNT below. 2. Pick up the turnip at the top and get down to the red gate. Bring 'er down and get the TNT inside. 3. Use the turnip on the Smick and climb up the ropes. Jump left to get the TNT in mid air. 4. Run onto the beams and grab the turnip along the way. Lower the blue gate to reach the TNT at the bottom. Use the turnip to get up the ropes again. 5. Climb up the long rope on the right and jump left to get the TNT from the air. 6. Lower both gates and get the final TNT on the right. Phase 32 ======== 1. Climb up the ropes and fall down for the first TNT. 2. Use the gates to squish the Smick at the top, then use the first blue gate to reach the TNT in the air. 3. Lower the red gate and fall in that hole, then run left to get the third. 4. Grab the turnip and return to the top. Lower the red gate and fall in the hole again, but this time head right. Jump right from the rope ahead to get the TNT. 5. Run right and climb the rope. Jump left for that next TNT. 6. Get back on the rope and jump right for the final one. Phase 33 ======== 1. Jump left and fall in the pit. Lower the blue gate to get the TNT. 2. Go right and get the next TNT. 3. Grab a turnip and return to the top. Run right for the third TNT. 4. Run right for the fourth. 5. Continue to the right and fall in the open pit. Lower the red gate and climb the second rope, and grab the TNT in the bottom corner. 6. Return to the ropes and climb to the very top. Jump left for the TNT in the hole on the left. Phase 34 ======== 1. Run right and grab the turnip. Squish the Smick at the top with the blue gate, then lower the red gate and ride down to the lower platform. Grab the TNT. 2. Bring down the blue gate and get the next TNT, then return to the long red gate and ride it up. 3. Climb up that short rope and head right to get the third TNT. 4. Run right to fall onto a small platform and get the TNT. 5. Climb the long rope on the right and jump into the TNT in the gap on the right. 6. Run left along the ground to reach the last TNT. Phase 35 ======== 1. Fall down and pick up the turnip, then get the TNT on the bottom. 2. Climb up the rope and get the TNT near the red gate. 3. Ride up that red gate and run right, then lower the blue gate and get the TNT. 4. Ride down the red gate and run left for the next one. 5. Fall to the ground and run right. Climb up the rope and jump onto the first platform to get the TNT. 6. Lower both gates at the top and get the TNT. Phase 36 ======== 1. Run right and pick up the first TNT. 2. Pick up the TNT on the ground below. 3. Lower both gates and grab the TNT at the top. Climb onto the ropes and return to the left. 4. Run left and drop onto the blue gate. Ride down both gates and get the TNT inside the beams. 5. Climb back out and grab the turnip, then run left for the fifth TNT. 6. Climb up the long rope on the left and lower both gates. The TNT is right there at the top. Phase 37 ======== 1. QUICKLY run right and climb up the rope before the Smick lands on you. Get the TNT to the right. 2. Use the red gate and blue gates to reach the next TNT. Pick up the turnip. 3. Use the rope to get the next TNT in line. 4. Get to the ground and squish the Smick with a gate. Lower the red gate on the left to reach the TNT. 5. Drop a turnip to distract the Smick, then jump left from the rope to get the TNT. 6. Run right for the final one. Phase 38 ======== 1. Run left and climb down the ropes. Lower the blue gate to grab the TNT, then return to the top. 2. Get to the next blue gate and ride down for the next TNT. 3. Return to the top and get the third TNT. 4. Ride down the next blue gate and jump left to reach the TNT on the rope. 5. Run right and ride down the red gate for the next TNT. 6. The last TNT is on the ground. Duh. Phase 39 ======== 1. Run right and pick up the first TNT on the right. 2. Return to the left and ride down the red gate. Wait for the Smick to get out of the way and make your way to the right. Fall down to grab the TNT on the ground, but DO NOT fall left of the raised platform. 3. Climb up the ropes on the right and get the TNT at the top of the level. 4. Get the turnip and use it on the Smick, then grab the TNT on the far right. 5. Go all the way back to the platform near the starting point. Lower the red gate to reach the TNT on the rope to the far left. 6. The final TNT is on the ground once again. Phase 40 ======== 1. Bring down the blue gates and use them to squish the Smicks. Then, use ropes to get the TNT at the top corner. 2. Run to the right and get to the double gates. Lower the blue gate, then the red, then raise the blue gate, then raise the red. Grab the turnip and go up to the double gates above. Run left and jump off the platform to get the TNT to the left. 3. Run right again and fall in the gap to get the TNT. 4. Run to the right and climb up the rope, then lower both gates. Use the blue gate to reach the rope and get the TNT at the top. 5. Fall down into the gap again, then run left to get the TNT. 6. Run left again and get the final TNT. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 Game B -------------------------------------------------------------------- R = 01 ====== Pretty straight forward. Just move the gates when necessary. R = 02 ====== Again, no branches. Just follow the path. R = 03 ====== Lower the blue gate and three reds to get the professor up to the top. He'll grab the arrow along the way for extra points. R = 04 ====== Lower the red gates to take the bottom branch. You can go up or down at the end; it doesn't matter. R = 05 ====== Make sure to take the TOP path. R = 06 ====== Take the top path to get the arrow. R = 07 ====== Take the top path to NOT DIE, then lower the red gate to go down. R = 08 ====== Keep the blue gate up, then lower the red gate and wait for him to get on. Raise the get to have the prof. take the top ropes. R = 09 ====== Either path is good, so I suggest the bottom path. Lower the red gates to let him pass through. R = 10 ====== Take the bottom path. Lower the red gate to get down there if you're at the top, then lower the blue gates. R = 11 ====== Go up the top path. R = 12 ====== Take the top or bottom path. Whatever. R = 13 ====== Go with that red arrow at the bottom, will ya? Then ride up the two blue gates to take a path in the middle. R = 14 ====== Worra der... worra der! The bottom path ya uncultured fool. Then stay on the top path. R = 15 ====== Keep the blue gates up and ride down the red gates. R = 16 ====== Bring down both gates, then ride up on the red, then the blue. R = 17 ====== Lower all gates immediately or the Smick will chew up the professor like a big hunk of chewin' tobaccy. R = 18 ====== Take the top path and lower the blue gates to get through. R = 19 ====== Lower the blue to ride up, then the red to pass through, then the blue to ride up again. Keep the final red gates as is. R = 20 ====== Pretty easy for the big 2-0. Lower the blue gate, then raise up the next one. R = 21 ====== Bring down the blue, then raise 'em up to go up the top path. Lower and raise the red gates to finish safely. R = 22 ====== Lower the red gate to take the bottom path, then lower the next one and use it to get the professor to the top rope. R = 23 ====== Lower the blue gates and use them to get up to the red gates. R = 24 ====== Get through the blue gates and lower all three gates at the end to reach the end. R = 25 ====== Bring down the red gate to reach the next rope, then bring down the blue to reach the floor. Keep the next blue and red gates up and the professor will get to the nice little house at the end. ...and then it starts all over again. Of course they wanted to add some challenge, so the professors now walk about twice as fast. See how far you can go before ya lose yer cool and get swallered by one of dem Smick-type bugs. ==================================================================== ===== 4.0 USING ROB ================================================ Before I crappily explain ROB, take a look at these links: http://members.chello.nl/jakottma/ROB.JPG http://www.atarihq.com/tsr/manuals/robmanual.txt A picture of ROB and the instruction manual can probably do a better job than I, but I'll give it a shot... ====== I'll admit, I don't dig the robot. I had the thing way back with my first NES and it was never useful. I think I enjoyed watching the gyro things spin more than I did using the robot. Start by getting some batteries into ROB. The lil' guy takes 4 size AA batteries. Then, switch on ROB. If its working properly the arms should open and face forward. Now sit his plastic ass in front of the television. I'd say about 6 or 7 feet should do it. Close all windows and turn off lights to eliminate glare on the television, and make sure there's no text (such as "CHANNEL 007" or "VOLUME |||||||||----") on the TV screen. Once he's set up his eyes should start to flicker somehow. Now pop in Gyromite and turn it on to begin. Now all you should do is try out the Test and Direct modes in the main menu. The Test screen is used to focus ROB. Press Select to get ROB moving. Direct mode is used to test the commands that ROB can perform. So that'll do it. Enjoy playing with the ROBsta'. ==================================================================== ===== 5.0 LEGAL / MISC. ============================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Version History -------------------------------------------------------------------- June 17: Version 0.9 - - - - - - - - - - - Whoa, a FAQ that's not for a Simpsons or Mickey game. Enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 Guide Credits -------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to... 1. Wilson Lau gets mad props for his kick ass 'Bart vs. the Space Mutants' guide. That thing was a great inspiration for the stuff I've done these past two and a half years. 2. Nintendo for this sweet old game, as well as the tons of other games they brought to the world. 3. World-of-Nintendo.com for providing a text version of the manual. 4. Thank YOU for reading. After all, I didn't write this for my own health... -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3 Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------------------- The address is: subsane@gmail.com The issue of too many e-mails isn't a problem, so I'll most likely respond to any questions (for now). But, I do delete e-mails without a subject. Put 'Gyromite FAQ' or something similar in the subject line. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4 Legal Stuff -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gyromite is copyright © 1985 Nintendo. 2. This guide copyright © 2004 Torro (AKA SubSane). This guide may be distributed freely as long as it remains in it's ORIGINAL and UNALTERED form. It is only for private use and may not be reproduced for commercial purposes. If I discover that this guide has been altered in any way and is being displayed publicly, I reserve the right to have the guide removed from that location.