HIGH SPEED - (C) 1991 Williams Electronic Games INC Published by RARE, Ltd Licensed by Nintendo of America ----CONTENTS---- (USE YOUR BROWSER FIND FEATURE TO FIND THE VALUE FOR THE FAQ SECTION LISTED. CTRL-F for IE, / for Firefox) !!!NOTE THE DIFFERENCE BELOW!!! 0 = Number Zero O = Letter "O" 0A - About this Guide 0B - Basics/Controls 0C - Enemies 0D - Goals 0E - Bonus Stages 0F - Bonuses 1A - Glitches/Bugs 1B - Closing [0A] - About this Guide This is a general guide for HIGH SPEED, the NES conversion of the (IMHO) best pinball game ever made. Revolutionary for its time, it was ported to the NES for home users who couldn't afford buying a table (like myself). I played this game for HOURS on end as a child, but enough about the windy, nostalgic intro. This guide will help you with your experience on HIGH SPEED. Jump to a section to get started! [0B] - Basics/Controls + pad - Left Flipper, Aim Cannon (special, see 0E) A but - Right Flipper, Launch ball, Fire Cannon (special, see 0E) B but - Nudge, Detonate bombs (special, see 0F) Select- Nudge the table Start - Pause (Hold for 1sec) At the title, select the number of players, then use the A-button to launch into play. Before long, enemies will show up. [0C] - Enemies Oil Slick [VERY EASY] Effects: slows your ball down. Appears: Early in the game (20-30,000 points) How to destroy: Go through it at a moderate to high speed Gate [VERY EASY] Effects: Prevents the ball from travelling through an area Appears: After about 5 million points How to destroy: Hit the gate twice from the front or once from the rear Cop [EASY] Effects: "Cuffs" your ball, sending it towards the drain Appears: After 1-2 million points How to destroy: Hit him at very high speeds Tumbleweed [MEDIUM] Effects: Entraps your ball and sends it towards the drain Appears: After about 150,000 points How to destroy: Nudge the table QUICKLY, but don't overdo it Bomb [MEDIUM] Effects: Destroys one flipper Appears: After 300-500,000 points How to destroy: Two methods. Use the flippers to bounce the bomb into the air. If done correctly it will only shake the flipper a bit upon detonation. OR, Use the ball to go through it and blow it up. Acid [MEDIUM] Effects: Erodes, then removes one flipper Appears: After 300-500,000 points How to destroy: Use the ball to go through it. Otherwise, it'll take out a flipper. Not fun once your score is nice and high, as they show up in waves. Dark Oil Slick [HARD] Effects: Destroys the ball after 2-3 seconds Appears: after 3 million points How to destroy: QUICKLY nudge the table, but don't overdo it Magnet Chopper [EXTREME] Effects: Lifts the ball off the table, out of play Appears: After 3-5 million points How to destroy: GOOD LUCK. Nudge the table like there's no tommorow. After about 20+ million points, forget it. It just won't let go. ALL POINT VALUES ARE APPROXIMATE. [0D] - Goals "Run the light -- and get away - at high speed." That's the point of the game. Light up the target lights to get the light red, then run it once (do the top loop with the top flipper). The cops will then sound over the radio. Run the light once more, then multiball will engage. MAKE SURE TO LAUNCH EACH BALL FULLY, otherwise you'll only have two balls. [0E] - Bonus Stages There are 2 types of stages. Collect 3 of each symbol (Chopper or Safe) and you'll launch the ball(s) into a chopper or safe, respectively. GO INTO EACH BONUS GAME WITH MULTIBALL!! IT WILL MAKE LIFE SO MUCH EASIER! CHOPPER - Racing Minigame 1 Ball - 1 Ball within the game 2 Balls- 2 Balls within the game 3 Balls- 3 Balls within the game Use the ball to hit the red car (you) to boost. Hit other cars to crash them out. Nine laps wins. You have 59 seconds. Collect Nitro to boost up, collect +10 sec to get 10 more seconds, and collect the "PRESS B" to crash all cars by hitting the B button. Simple. Every 3 tables gives a bonus. End of Game Score 1st - 75000 Time remaining - 2000 points per second Score to aim for - 100,000+ SAFE - Cannon Minigame 1 Ball - 59 Seconds 2 Balls- 79 Seconds 3 Balls- 99 Seconds Annoying, but fun. Launch all the balls into the cups on the board. Careful, as your arsenal is limited, and it takes time to regenerate. Some boards are easy, others will make you crazy. Every 3 tables gives a bonus. End of Game Score Each Ball - 5000 points Time Remaining - 2000 points per second Balls Remaining - 200 per ball (it adds quickly) Score to aim for - 150,000+ If you lose: Each ball - 1000 points [0F] - Bonuses These are collected in the bonus stages. KICKBACK - The kickback bumper is activated permanently. Must be collected twice to be effective for both bumpers. BALL RETURN - If the ball goes down the drain, it comes back immediately. One time effect. DRIVE AGAIN - Extra ball. Bonus will still be lit, bonus from prior ball carries over, except for multiplier. BOMBS - Rids the field of enemies, collects bonuses There are two special bonuses that I've discovered. SPACESHIP - Takes you to a special screen: HIGH SPEED CONGRATULATIONS. YOU'VE BEATEN THE SYSTEM ...SO FAR. BONUS 1,000,000 POINTS [YOUR SCORE HERE] Gives you 1,000,000 points FOR FREE. Pretty neat deal. ROCKET - Takes you to another screen. HIGH SPEED CONGRATULATIONS. YOU'VE BEATEN THE SYSTEM FOR NOW. BONUS 2,000,000 POINTS [YOUR SCORE HERE] Gives you 2,000,000 points for FREE. Sweet deal. Usually nets a "Drive Again." [1A] - Glitches/Bugs - If 2+ balls are coming down the same gate ramp (through a spinner), they'll pass over each other, instead of the ricochet effect. - On "ESCAPE" mode, you can loop through running the red forever. The spinner will eventually spin down and keep going. Try it and see what happens. - Occasionally, the ball will jump off the flippers for no reason when you're performing a "trap." [1B] - Closing This guide is (C) Elias Puurunen 2005. All other material used within is (C) their respective owners. "Run the light -- and get away - at HIGH SPEED."