Hyokkori Hyoutanjima: Nazo no Kaizokusen Released by Yatuka - April 25th, 1992 Walkthrough by GForce This file is Copyright Garrett Swiatek ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This game is based on a Japanese children's show called "Floating Gourd Island" which aired from 1964 to 1969. There is no English translation as of September 20th 2011 and the entire game is in Japanese. It is very heavy in cut scenes and dialogue and some parts require the player to make a selection of 3 choices. Be sure not to quickly skip through the cut scenes as you may make a wrong choice. This is an action/adventure game with many characters and the game is divided into various stages. I cannot read much Japanese so I will do my best to vividly describe and explain the steps to complete the game from start to finish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Started ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When the game starts, a long introduction story begins. You can skip this by pressing start. At the title screen you have 3 options. The first is to begin a new game, the second is to input a password to continue a past game, and the third option is to read the profile of all the game's characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After selecting the first option to start a new game, a lengthy scene starts but don't skip through it. You must make some selections to make the game progress correctly. The first picture is of a man in black on a cliff talking down to several children. When the picture changes to children on a wooden ship we get our first question. Choose ANSWER 3. A second question follows, choose ANSWER 2. A third question follows, choose ANSWER 1. The scene ends and we are now to the character selection part. Choose the second character which is a LION CUB and press A. You are given 2 options to confirm or deny your choice. The top choice is "YES" and the bottom choice is "NO". Choose "YES". ---The Pirate Ship--- (Outside) The first section is a vertical scrolling section that has wooden columns and hanging ropes. The lion cub must climb to the top while avoiding the enemies and collect the treasure chest on the top. Some wooden columns have circular platforms on them which you cannot pass. Also there are gaps in the columns which cannot be crossed. This is a very simple maze type level, the only mild challenge is avoiding the enemies. Once you reach the treasure chest the screen changes to a picture of a large wooden door. A text scene starts but you can skip through it till you see a picture of empty room with a large wooden table. Don’t skip this because a multiple choice part is next. For the first question, choose ANSWER 3. A second question follows, choose ANSWER 1. A third question follows, choose ANSWER 3. The picture should change to a closer view of the wooden table with 3 items on it now. Advance the text until you get to the next multiple choice part. For the first question, choose ANSWER 3. The picture will change to a large wooden door again. Then it will quickly change to a different room with 3 treasure chests and more questions. For the first question, choose ANSWER 1. For the second question, choose ANSWER 2. The picture should show the open treasure chest then change to show an open book and a treasure map. The picture changes to a top down view of a room with the 4 children and the lion cub. A very long text segment is next with pictures of the book/map again, then the large wooden door, then a black screen with more text. Keep advancing the text till the children appear in a light blue circle, then the wooden door, then the total black screen. Now you have finished the first stage of the game. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Getting Started) The main portion of the game is slightly similar to the Adventure of Lolo gamesor Boxxle type games. You have to push some box or object to a certain destination to complete a task. Be careful not to push the object intoa position that blocks you in or doesn’t allow you to move the object to a different location. During these levels, you will see red and white targets on the floor. These are the markers that you need to push objects on to. The first room is very simple, push the top left barrel down once to reveal the stairs. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Arrows & Barrels) In this room we see enemies to the right and arrows all around you. Don’t worry about the enemies too much, they don’t attack really. They just move back and forth in the same line and pattern. The arrows are similar to the ones in Adventure of Lolo because you can only walk in the direction that the arrow is pointing. Once you step onto an arrow, it will continue to push you until you reach the regular floor portion. Start by walking north onto the top arrows, they will carry you left, down, and around to the bottom of the room. Very close to you is a barrel next to a red and white target so push it once to the right. Walk down and right then up to the top right corner of the room and push the next barrel onto the next target. Be careful of the enemy walking back and forth, you have to time it care- fully. Walk left while avoiding the enemy, up and over the arrow, then left and down so you are next to the other barrel and target. Push that barrel to the rightonce then walk left and back onto the arrows so you are carried to the bottomof the room again. Make your way around again and get to those stairs in the upper right area of the room. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Tiny Treasure Room) Push the barrel down and touch the treasure chest. Now it will cut to a text scene with the treasure chest, then 3 doors, then you choose a new character. There’s no multiple choice questions so don’t worry. Choose the first character with black hair and large glasses. Select the top choice to confirm your selection. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Portals Galore) There are no barrels in this room, just enemies and portals. Start by going in the blue portal closest to you, it will move you to the red portal below you. Walk right to the opening, up 2 spaces and right all the way. Enter the top right blue portal and it will move you all the way to the lower left part of the room. Walk far right as possible, then walk up while avoiding the crab, 2 spaces right, then down and around to the treasure chest area. There are 3 barrels blocking the treasure chest. Of the 3, push the top and bottom barrels once to the left. The middle barrel only remains so push it down or up and you are free to get the treasure chest. Cut to a text scene with the treasure chest, then 3 doors, then the character select menu. Again, there are no multiple choice questions. Choose the LION CUB and confirm your answer to start the next area. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Rope Bridges) The next area doesn’t have any targets, barrels, or portals to worry about. There are only some enemies and one treasure chest in the top right corner of the room. Start by walking south across the rope bridges and make your way to the lower left while avoiding the enemies. Walk across the wooden floor to the right to a new set of rope bridges. Walk north across the rope bridges to the center of the room while avoiding enemies. Continue walking right then up to the top right corner and touch the treasure chest. A text scene begins but there are no multiple choices till later. We see the single treasure chest, then 3 doors appear, then a set of stairs appear in front of the middle door, then a room with a barrel and table, and finally a picture of a table with a boomerang on it. Now begins the multiple choice portion. For the first question, choose the THIRD option. For the second question, choose the FIRST option. The scene should change to a single wooden door and then the character selection screen now. Select the boy with a tall, narrow head with black hair. Confirm your choice with the top option to continue. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Intro to Switches) Now your character is equipped with the boomerang. It has great range but doesn’t kill your enemies. It only freezes them for a short time so you are able to pass them or even walk over them. Another new element is introduced in this stage, the switches. You can see along the north wall is what looks like grey padlocks. If you hit those with your boomerang, it activates or deactivates the bridges around the room. Start walking south and lure the ghost out so you can hit it with your boomerang to freeze it. Pass the ghost and walk up to the first 2 switches you see and hit them with your boomerang to make the bridges appear. Continue right and then down along the narrow path to the bottom of the room where you see a pink ghost moving side to side. Hit the ghost and walk right and up to another set of 2 switches in the middle of the room. Hit the first switch and walk around and push the barrel to the right all the way. You should be standing right in front of the other switch now. Hit it and a bridge will appear above you in another part of the room. Make your way back to the bottom of the room but beware of a new hazard, the breakaway floors. These parts of the floor look different and only allow you to walk on them once. The sections of the floor disappear after you walk across them so plan ahead. Walk across the 2 segments of the breakaway floors to the bottom right corner. Continue up and then left to where you see 2 enemies. Freeze them and find the next 2 switches. You can hit them both but only the right one is needed. Make your way back to the far right edge of the room by freezing the ghosts again. Walk up and left to get across the narrow walkway to the very end where you can see another switch on the north wall. Hit the switch and walk right, repeat this 2 more times and watch out for the ghost. Freeze the ghost and get to the door in the top right corner to finish. Cut to another screen with 2 characters and the lion cub. After a lot of dialogue, another room appears. It seems to belong to a pirate because we can see the black hat and treasure chest off to the left. Next is the character selection menu. Choose the first character with black hair and large glasses. Confirm your choice with the top option. Suddenly, a ghost pops outof a treasure chest but it is blasted away by an off screen character. A manall in black with sunglasses and holding a laser gun appears. Sit back and enjoy a long conversation that lasts well over 3 minutes. If you are able, maybe you’d like to fast forward this part and continue the adventure. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (4 North and 4 South) You will come to another character selection screen. For this level you will be able to use weapons and attack enemies. Choose the LION CUB and choose the RIGHT option to pick your weapon. Then confirm the decision at the YES (top) and NO (bottom) menu. The level starts inside the pirate ship and you are equipped with a fast moving laser like weapon. You can see some while ghosts flying in the right part of the room. You can shoot them to freeze them permanently. On the left side of the room you see 4 red and white targets. Start off by standing above each target and shooting your laser across the room to freeze each ghost. Once a ghost is frozen you can push it around the room. The goal is to move each ghost onto each of the red targets to open up the hidden stairs. When you have frozen the first four ghosts, push them left to between the red and white targets. Start with the southernmost frozen ghost or else you may get trapped. Be sure to use save states often. When you start the bottom part of the room you will see one more ghost and 4 more red and white targets on the right side of the room. This time you have to more brown wooden barrels onto the targets. Start by pushing all 3 barrels to the right so they are between the red and white targets. Don’t push them onto the targets just yet, please read carefully. Go down to the very bottom, cross right, and walk up to the lowest barrel. Push the lowest barrel down ONCE, push the next one above you down ONCE and push the top barrel up TWICE. Now go back to the frozen ghost and position it between the first and second line of brown crates. Push it all the way right until it is between the red and white targets. Walk back, down, and around until you’re now above the ghost. Push it down now then go above the last barrel on top and push it down now onto the last target. The staircase is now open on the left hand side of the room. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Full House) In this room you can see 3 ghosts to the left, 2 barrels together just below you, and 5 red and white targets in the lower left corner of the room. Walk left and freeze each of the ghosts but make sure that they are not side by side or else you may not be able to push them where you need to. Freeze them while they are apart so you have space to walk between them. Next, walk south so you are just below the 2 barrels. Push the right barrel up TWICE only. Then push the left barrel straight down and then to the left until it is on the bottom left red and white target. The next part all depends on where exactly you froze your ghosts. Push one ghost to one space above where that left barrel first appeared. Walk left, down, and across the top 2 red and white targets. Then walk north and around the right side of the top barrel. Be careful not to push the barrel up or you won’t be able to continue. Stand just above the ghost, push it straight down and all the way left until it is next to the bottom left barrel. Then stand below the ghost and push it up ONCE so it is now on the middle red and white target. The rest should be easy now because you just have to repeat that process again. Get the next ghost into position, walk back left, then down and around over the 2 open red and white targets, walk north around the barrel, and push the next ghost into place. Repeat it again for the third ghost and push it onto the top left red and white target. Then finish it up by moving that final top barrel onto the top right target. The stairs will open up in the upper right corner of the area. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Elementary) This is a very simple room, I won’t go into detail. Push the barrels right and make your way to the stairs. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Choose Wisely) Walk to the top right corner and enter the door. Next is a very long text sequence that requires you to choose between 3 options. I will write the number of the answer (1, 2, 3) along with X’s that correspond with the amount of Japanese characters in that answer. The characters aren’t important really it’s just to make sure you are following along in the correct place. Each answer will bring you to a new set of 3 doors. Here’s a quick example: 2: XXX This means you must choose answer number 2 and there are 3 Japanese characters in that answer. Let’s begin… 1: XX 2: XXXX 1: XX 3: XXX 1: XX 2: XXXXXXX 3: XXX 1: XX 3: XXX 1: XX 1: XX 3: XXX 1: XX 2: XX 3: XXX 1: XX 3: XXX 2: 4XXX 1: XX 3: XXX 1: XX 3: 4XX14XX You should now be in a room with a table and brown barrel. 3: XXX Now you see two children and the lion cub for some dialogue, then a picture of the three doors, then to the character select screen. Select the third character. He has black hair, no glasses and a wide head. Choose this left weapon and confirm the choice with the top option. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Undead Skulls) You are equipped with a boomerang which is useful to temporarily freeze the skulls and pass over them. Be careful because the skulls start moving again after a few seconds so be quick. Start by freezing the skull and walk to the top left switch on the northern wall and hit it. Walk to the new wooden bridge that appeared and hit the second and third switches to form the bridge connecting to the right portion of the floor. Freeze the next skull but don’t forget about the previous one, it may be chasing you so keep it in mind. Hit the next 2 switches and more floor panels will appear below you which you will need soon. Hit the last 2 switches and walk to the far right edge of the room. You now see some breakaway flooring and portals. Cross over the breakaway flooring and enter to blue portal and reappear just south on a red portal. Walk left quickly over more breakaway flooring and walk up to 3 barrels and targets. Push each barrel onto a target, walk back down to the southern edge, walk left over more breakaway flooring but don’t go to the very end. Walk up and around the thin segments of solid flooring and get to the exit. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Southern Treasure) Walk to the middle of the room and push the left barrel down twice. Walk around to the right and then south to get to the treasure chest. Next you will see a cutaway of the treasure chest, then 3 doors, then the character select screen. Choose the LION CUB, the right weapon option, and confirm your selection. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Skulls into Ghosts) You have the laser again in this room and the skulls and ghosts return again. The laser can freeze the enemies permanently now and they can be pushed into place onto the targets again. I cannot give exact details about this part because it depends on where you freeze the enemies but the principle is still the same. You have to move barrels and frozen ghosts onto the red and white targets again. On the right edge of the screen you can see 3 targets lined up from top to bottom. Begin in the top right corner where you see 2 barrels, push the bottom one 2 spaces to the right onto the red and white target. Walk down the center path of the room and freeze the skull that is coming toward you. Walk toward the bottom right target and push the barrel 2 spaces to the right so it is just above the red and white target. Return to the top right corner through the middle path again. Walk down along the right edge and push the barrel down once so it is now on the red and white target. Now only the middle right target is empty so simply push the barrel next to it onto the space to complete the right side. The left side is more difficult because you have to freeze the enemies and push them into place. The enemies don’t instantly freeze so be careful not to touch them until they have completely changed into a ghost. The left side has 4 targets and the enemies move around making this part hard to explain. It’s up to you to freeze them and push them onto the targets carefully. If you need one last barrel to fill a target, go back to the middle path and push the barrel down to the black cannons then left. Remember to save often and plan ahead. Once all the targets are covered, find the exit stairs on the lower right edge of the room near the long black pit. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Long River) There are only 2 enemies in this room and they don’t move. You have to shoot them and pass over them while they are flashing. Walk to the long river of water, go up, shoot the enemy to pass over him, and push the left barrel up once. Step on the blue portal and reappear in the bottom right corner of the room. Cross over the one way arrows and now walk up on the right side of the river. Shoot this enemy to pass over him and push the right barrel up twice. Step left one space onto the blue portal again to reappear in the bottom right corner. But this time, don’t cross left over the one way arrows. Walk down one space onto the regular floor part and step back onto the red portal from where you just came. You will return to the blue space in front of the treasure chest. Push the treasure chest left once, then walk up once so you are next to the treasure chest and touch it. Now you see a cut screen of the chest, then 3 doors, and then the character select screen. Select the first character, the boy with black hair and large round glasses. Choose the right weapon and confirm your choice to start the next segment. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Corner to Corner) You have the laser gun again and you can permanently freeze the enemies into ghosts. It’s a large room with a lot of wasted space but it’s pretty easy. Walk down and make your way onto the brown rope bridge. Your character is slow and the enemies are fast so try to hit them from a far distance apart. Sometimes the scrolling and movement of the screen makes it difficult to see off screen enemies before it’s too late. Keep firing and try to freeze the enemies while walking to the bottom left corner of the room. Don’t cross the breakaway flooring, just go to the blue portal in the bottom corner. It moves you across the room to the bottom right corner next to a treasure chest. Touch it and watch a cut scene of an empty treasure chest, 3 wooden doors, and then a trap door opens and you appear in a different room. Here there is a bed on the wall, a circular table, and a barrel in the corner. This part has more questions so please follow carefully and don’t skip through. Again, I’ll tell you which number answer to pick and use “X” to show you how many Japanese characters are in the answers. 1: XXX 2: XX 3: XXXX 3: XX 2: XX 1: XXX The scene changes to a single wooden door, more text, and then the character selection screen. Choose the 3rd character with black hair, wide head, and no glasses. For the weapon, choose the 3rd option on the right. The Japanese characters look like (square) (minus sign) (7 degrees). Confirm your choice to begin the next part. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Out of Control) This room is almost all arrows except a few black floor tiles, 2 portals, and the exit. Walk down onto the first arrow and you’ll be sent on a wild ride around the room 3 times. You are powerless and just have to ride it out till you stop on a set of 4 black floor tiles. Walk left and step into the blue portal and appear on the red portal in the bottom left of the room. Use the exit stairs right below you. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Grappling Action) You have a new weapon that can freeze enemies and be used as a grappling hook to allow you to cross over gaps in the floor. You need to shoot you weapon at the short wooden posts and it will carry you across the open gaps to the other side. From where you start there are 2 wooden posts, stand under the left post and face down. Shoot your grappling hook gun to the post on the other side of the gap and you will be carried over. Walk to the bottom left corner and across the breakaway flooring. There’s no need to go onto the ‘island’ with the 4 posts and skull. Continue walking right and you’ll see that the path turns north. Ignore that too and try to walk right to advance the screen scrolling. There is another post and skull across the gap. First, freeze the skull and then shoot the grappling hook to the post and get over the gap. There is a large part of breakaway flooring next. Move over that and get to the bottom right corner of the room. The exit stairs should be visible now in the middle section of the room. Repeat the process of freezing the skull first and grappling across and get to the exit stairs. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Switch Bridge) Here is another extremely simple room. Walk right, hit the switch on the northern wall to make the floor appear and repeat till the end. A cut scene appears in what looks like the engine room of the pirate ship. Next is another very long text segment that requires the player to select answers. Again, I will write the answer name along with “X” to symbolize how many Japanese characters are in that answer. 3: XXXXXXX 1: XXXXXXXX 2: XXXXXXX The scene changes to a pirate skeleton holding a scroll. Next is the character selection menu. Choose the 3rd boy with black hair, no glasses, and a wide head. Select the middle weapon and confirm your choice. Another cut scene begins with the 2 boys reading the scroll and joined by the lion cub. During the dialogue another question appears. Choose the top option to continue. More text is show then back to the character select menu again. Choose the lion cub, the 3rd weapon, and confirm your choice. ---In the Machine Room--- (Gears and Cogs) This is a simple maze room and you must exit the top right corner of the screen. Your weapon can temporarily freeze the enemies so you can pass over them. Be careful moving too fast because the screen may not scroll enough to see enemies that are close. I won’t go into detail because if you’ve already made it this far you are quite capable of completing this basic stage. Prepare for a very long cut scene again. It involves a pirate skeleton, the man in black, ghosts, lasers, and pigs in sunglasses. Finally the character selection menu appears again. Choose the first boy with black hair and big glasses, the 3rd weapon choice, and confirm to start. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Quick Escape) This is a large room but you only need to make your way across the top edge of the room. Remember, your weapon only stuns the skulls for a few seconds and they do move faster than you. Walk down as far as you can and grapple to the post to your right. Stun the enemy, walk right to the edge of that platform, and then up again. Watch out for the middle skull, stun it and walk to the top edge of the room near the post. Grapple across 2 consecutive posts and get to the door in the top right corner of the room. A cut scene shows the main boy being reunited with a red haired girl. The character selection menu appears. Choose the first boy again, the second weapon, and confirm to begin the next room. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Five in a Row) This room has 5 red and white targets lined up from top to bottom. I will refer to them with numbers. The top target is 1 and they count down in consecutive numbers with the bottom target being number 5. There are also lots of barrels and crates so move carefully and save often. Move the middle barrel right 2 times so it is between targets number 3 and 4. Walk up and push the top barrel onto target number 1. Push the next barrel right once and up once onto target number 2. Then push the barrel between targets 3 and 4 up once so now targets 1, 2, and 3 are covered and 4 and 5 are not covered. There should be two remaining barrels below you in the middle section of the room between the crates. Of the two remaining barrels you need to move the top one first. Move it up twice, left thrice, and up twice more. Return to the last barrel in the middle section and push it up four times and left once so it is between crates. Stand above the barrel that is located on target 3 and push that barrel down five spaces so it is below target 5. Go to the left of the barrel that you just moved between the crates. Move it right twice and down twice so it is between targets 4 and 5. Go to the top left barrel that you move earlier. Push it down twice and to the right four times so it is between targets 3 and 4. The room should have targets 1 and 2 still covered but next is target 3, then barrel, target 4, then barrel, target 5, and then barrel. Finish the puzzle by pushing each barrel up once starting with target 3, then target 4, and then target 5. Exit the room on the right side but don’t forget about the enemies still in the room. Freeze them and get out of there. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Easy as 1,2,3) In this small room you see 3 barrels lined up vertically. Push the bottom barrel all the way to the right onto the target. Push the top barrel left just once. Push the middle barrel down and to the right onto the target. Push the final barrel down once to reveal the exit stairs. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Four Corners) You’re in another room with 4 targets, one in each of the corners of the room. To your left is a barrel between some black cannons, push it down 2 times. Go down and push the bottom barrel to the left 1 time onto the target. Push the barrel that is above you up to the north wall and then left onto the target. Now only two barrels remain on the right side of the room. Push the bottom barrel right 1 time, go around and push it all the way down to the bottom right corner onto the target. Push the final barrel right once and then all the way up onto the final target. Exit the room in the middle stairs. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Outrun) This room has no targets or barrels, just a treasure chest all the way to the left of the room. There are a few quick ghosts and a lot of breakaway flooring. It’s up to you to freeze the ghosts or outrun them. They can’t pass over gaps in the floor so use your weapon and breakaway flooring to neutralize the ghosts and get to that treasure chest on the left. Touching the treasure chest sets off a very long cut scene but without any questions so don’t worry. You will see a pirate skeleton sitting at a desk, a scary surprise, and you’ll receive a special item for the final puzzle of the game later. Keep advancing the dialogue until you get to the character selection menu. Choose the boy with the long, tall, funny shaped head with black hair. Choose his third weapon and confirm it all to begin. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Fleet Footed) This new character walks faster than some of the other children so this room may be easier for you. Start by shooting the skull to your immediate right as soon as possible. You have the grappling hook again so it will only stun your enemies instead of killing them. Walk down the left edge of the room and grapple across to the wooden post over the gap. Walk down 3 spaces and grapple to your right where you see a wooden post right next to a barrel. Walk down 2 spaces and grapple all the way to the post on your far right. Walk up 4 spaces and shoot the ghost if he is close to you. When you have the chance, grapple to the right again over the gap. Walk down and then across a long segment of breakaway flooring. Walk up, stun a ghost to pass over it, and get to the north wall next to 2 barrels. Push the top barrel to the left ONLY twice. Walk down and through crates to the exit stairs. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (A New Friend) Just walk to the right and push the barrel in front of you until you reach the treasure chest. Touch it and a pig will join you in your quest now. Walk to the right and exit the room. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Left to Right) Work your way across the top of the room with your new friend in tow. Cross the one way arrow, shoot and stun an enemy and exit the door in the top right corner. A quick cut scene of three doors and then the character selection menu. Choose the boy/girl with orange hair, choose the middle weapon, and confirm it with the top option. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (A New Foe) This room introduces a new enemy that cannot be permanently frozen with your laser gun. I don’t know his official name so I will call him “Purple Priest” but from now on refer to him as “PP”. His modus operandi is hindering your progress by pushing object off the targets that you have placed on them. It’s best to prepare the barrels and frozen ghosts next to the targets, then freeze PP and quickly push the targets into place for a quick exit. You start in the top left corner of the room. Walk down over the breakaway flooring and ignore the barrels. Walk to the right over more breakaway flooring and go the far right edge of the room and walk down into the corner. From here you should see the 4 targets and 2 barrels on like an island of flooring. Also lurking around are 2 or 3 skulls that need to be frozen and pushed. Be careful not to freeze them in a place that you are unable to get around and push them into place. The PP walks up and down in the same line and pushes anything off the two left side targets. Begin by pushing items onto the two right side targets. Keep your eye on PP because he can kill you too. Keep stunning him and line up two more items next to the left side targets. Stun him one last time and move the two items onto the targets and hurry to the exit in the middle. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (2 For 1) The next two rooms are so simple I’ll write about them in the same entry. In the tiny room with water just walk to the bottom exit and don’t fall through the floor. In the next room you may recognize it from a short time ago. Walk to the right and push the barrel out of the way until you reach the treasure chest and get the pig again. Exit to the right to continue. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Revisited) Perhaps you recognize this room again. It’s the same as my previous entry entitled “Left to Right”. You start in the bottom left corner this time and have to get to the top right corner. Use your laser to freeze the ghosts and go to the exit door for another cut scene. You see a quick shot of 3 doors and then the character selection menu. Choose the first boy with black hair and glasses, choose the first weapon and confirm to start. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (The Perfect Storm) This is the last major room of the game. It has three of the major puzzle elements of the game: switches/bridges, portals, and targets. Start by pushing the closest barrel to the right and hit the first switch on the north wall to make a segment of floor appear. Push the barrel to the right more and hit the second switch. Walk down and right to the spot where you can hit the third switch on the wall. Go back up to the north wall where you were pushing the barrel. Push it to the right as far as it can go and you will see 3 barrels lined up vertically and more switches on the north wall again. Stand next to the middle barrel and push it right once and then push the top barrel up once. Now you have a space next to you where you can stand and hit the switch on the north wall to make the floor bridge appear. Just below you is that first middle barrel, push it down once and start to walk across the thin bridge. As you cross, hit the next two switches to reveal more of the hidden floors. Make your way around the crates and boxes at the edge of the room and go down and toward the red and white target to the left. You can find a barrel to the northwest of the target and push it into place. By know you should be quite adept at this task so I will spare you the details. Once the barrel is in place, walk to the red portal on the right edge of this room. You will be relocated to a blue portal a short distance away. Walk right and step into the next blue portal and you will be carried to the far left bottom corner for the second portion of this room. Look out for the skull that may be quickly approaching you. Stun it and pass it by and work your way over to the right side of the room. Be cautious and watch out for a second skull as you pass more switches on the northern wall. Stand below the right most switch and activate it. Walk onto the newly revealed segment of floor, hit the next two switches, and step onto the blue portal. You will appear next to the exit stairs, take them. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Pig Pal) Walk right and push the barrel over. Touch the chest, get the pig, and exit. ---Inside the Pirate Ship--- (Revisited Redux) In this final room you need to cross over the set of three arrows first. Walk left and then up and over the rope bridge. Stun the last enemy and exit in the top right corner. You have a lengthy cut scene to watch and then the last character selection menu. Choose the boy with black hair and glasses, the second weapon, and confirm for the final task. ---Musical Mystery--- (Spoilers Below) This last puzzle shows musical notes, a line of 8 empty spaces, and a line of 8 objects that you have collected. Each of the 8 objects makes a sound when you click on it. You need to place each object into a box that matches with the musical note above it. When you have placed each object into a box, click on the blue box to listen to your creation. If you arranged them correctly, you will engage the ending scenario and final credits which runs more than 11 minutes. Here is the correct placement: Box-White Gear-Ring-Blue Spring-Spool-White Spring-Grey Gear-Book ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There you have it. Congratulations and thanks for reading my first walkthrough. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or comments you can email me at gforce645 (at) hot mail (dot) c-o-m. This walkthrough is for GameFAQ specifically to help fulfill the Nintendo Completion Project. I’d like to thank all the guys whose codes, cheats, maps, and walkthroughs I’ve used over the years. You probably don’t know me even though I’ve read so much of your work. I’m talking about guys like AdamL, Rey, Odino, BSulpher, ASchultz, DMorgan, and all the other regular contributors to the completion project. I’m trying to beat as many games as there are for NES, FC, and FDS so thanks for keeping Nintendo alive and going. Copyright © Garrett Swiatek – October 5, 2011