Version 1.4 7/30/02 ________ ________ /||||||||\/||||||||\ |||||||||||||||||||||| /||||||||||||||||||||||\ /||||/ \||||\ |||||/ ___ ___ \|||| |||||/ _/ \ / \_ \|||| |||||/ / \ \|||| ||||| / \ ||||| ||||| (______) ||||| ||||| ______________ ||||| ||||| \____________/ ||||| \|/ \ \__________/ / \|/ \ / \________________/ Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu Walkthrough by The Lost Gamer ( Copyright 2002 Table of Contents: 001. General information 002. Story 003. Important Information 004. Walkthrough 004a. Place One 004b. Place Two 004c. Place Three 004d. Place Four 004e. Place Five 005. Game Genie Codes 006. Credits 001-General Information ----------------------------------------------------------- This is a walkthrough for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game called Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu. In case you don't know, Jackie Chan is a dude who is in a lot of those Japanese fighting movies (Rush Hour). They made this game about him, with a character who looks nothing like Jackie Chan. Or maybe it did when this game was made. You can email me at, but make the subject blank so I know that it's not spam. If you want to use part of this guide for something, please ask first. Now let's start this action-packed FAQ! 002-Story ----------------------------------------------------------- (copied from manual) Jackie Chan and his twin sister, Josephine, were two of China's best kung fu fighters. Trained together from birth, they were a formidable team. All was fine, until their Master's arch enemy, the Sorcerer returned from behind the Great Wall to seize power and rule China. The Sorcerer put a spell on Josephine and made her disappear, believing that neither twin would be strong enough to defeat him without the other. Along the way, the Sorcerer sends his henchmen to try to destroy Jackie. Watching over the young Kung Fu master, his master guides and instructs him through the action-packed ordeal. Jackie must now rescue his sister and save China by defeating the Sorcerer and the evil monsters created by the Sorcerer's magic. 003-Important Information ----------------------------------------------------------- (All from the manual) How to use the controller A button: Jump B button: Punch and kick/Special attack mode Left/Right: Movement control Up: Press to activate special attack Down: Crouching position Start: Start or continue game --- Status window You will find a status window at the bottom of your screen as shown below. - Lifemeter - 6 points max - Number of special attacks remaining - Psycho waves - Bonus jades collected --- Items and attack modes Item frog Kick or punch this frog and it will give you one of the following: Energy bowl - Eat it and you'll gain 2 life points Tornado attack - Number of uses - 7 times - Attacks the enemies while spinning in mid-air. - Press "DOWN" to stop and land where you desire. Bonus bell - This is your chance to earn points to refill your life points, psycho waves, and gain continues. Psycho wave - Status window indicates number of uses remaining. Bonus jade - Will appear after defeating an enemy. - Collect 30 to fill up your life points and psycho waves. 180 degree spin kick - Number of uses - 9 times. - Attacks the enemy you are facing. 360 degress spin kick - Number of uses - 7 times. - Attacks the enemy as you spin around and kick. Sky attack Number of uses - 7 times. Attacks the enemy as you kick upwards. Effective against enemies in mid-air or ones that charge at you while jumping. 004-Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------------------- Jackie is deep in meditation. He then jumps up, does a cool move, and walks right to the master. He pays the master his respects and walks off. Jackie's at the bottom of a big scroll. You'll have to fight your way to the top. 004a-Place One ----------------------------------------------------------- Go right. Hit the frog to get a special attack. See how the bottom middle now has a thing. By holding up and then pressing B, you perform that attack. However, you can only do the number that's listed there. If you head right, you meet some dude with a sword. Kill him and he'll leave some ball behind (most enemies do). It's a bonus jade. Next to it tells your number of physco waves (five in all). Hold B and release it to do a physco wave. The special attacks, physco waves, and hit points are all able to be healed by the random thing a frog leaves behind. If you go right, you'll go across some waterfalls. Birds attack, and more samurais. If you stand still, you fall to a lower level of the waterfall, which has a lot of spikes. Jump to get back to the upper level. Go right past the waterfall. Past the waterfall is some sort of big pit. Jump across the moving platforms in midair to avoid sinking in the pits. Past the pits is an item frog. Go right for more pits. Before this pit is a bell in midair. You can get it and get taken to the master's secret level. The idea is to jump from cloud to cloud, and jump on as many clouds before time runs out. You get a bonus accordingly. After the bonus level, you get sent to the place you where. Go across the pits like you did last time. Go right through this area. You get another item frog. You also face two tigers. The tigers will crawl and pounce at you. Try jump kicking them in mid-pounce. Jackie goes into a different part of the same area. Go right, and you'll overlook a water area. Throughout this area, nunchucks fly at you, propelled like helicopters. That's something you don't see everyday. Jump to the platform. Jump to the platform right of that, looking out for the attacking fish. Jump to the platform right of this. Get the item frog, and jump over the snake onto the platform there. Duck to avoid the nunchuck. Submerge into the water and walk right. Stand under the first platform you come to, and jump up when the nunchuck is out of the way. Jump to the next two platforms (fish attack), over the snake, and to the platform right of that. Aha! A hand in a basket is the thing that's throwing the nunchucks. Jump to the platform the basket is on (don't hit a nunchuck in mid-jump) and trip it (down + B). Walk right. Jackie goes to another part of this building. The floor is covered in spikes. Jackie looks funny when he hits a spike (sorta Super Mario 64, when Mario's butt catches fire and he bounces super high). Go right and jump over the gap. Right of this platform is a thingie. It'll tilt when you're on it. You'll get the idea when you see it. Move across the tilt thing to a platform. Duck. Some thing shoots spears at you. When a spear passes over your head (it misses if you duck, that is), jump attack it. Go right across the next area, with more nunchucks and the tilting platforms. Past it is a guy with some sort of weapon. Kill the guy, and get the item frog. Go across another gap with two tilting platforms and a spiked ball. Kill the crab, and go across another gap. Kill the weird guy here, and go right. Jackie makes it to another part of this building. This part is the most foreboding. It side scrolls right at a quick speed, so you have to move right as fast as you can, or you die. It's extremely hard. It stops eventually. Then you have to jump up and up along many platforms. You'll make it to a high place, where you can go right to another part of this building. Go right. Beat the white guy. Now walk right across a waterfall (you don't get hit) and Jackie goes to another part of this building. Crickey, how many parts does this freaking building have? This is the last one. Go right, and jump onto the second pillar thing. The statue in the background comes to life. It moves its hands at you. Jump attack the statue from the pillars. At first it's easy as the statue stupidly uses the wrong arms. Eventually, the statue's face changes (it gets madder) and then it starts using the right arms. Mess this up by going to the opposite side of the room, and then attacking again. When the statue dies, Jackie falls through a hole in the floor (where did that come from?). He moves a short distance up in the scroll. 004b-Place Two ----------------------------------------------------------- Even an idiot could do this part. Go right until you fall off the platform. Unfortunately, that's the end of all the easiness. Oh great, you're above a steaming pool of hot lava. Go right. Attack the fire birds as they come at you (otherwise they will turn and attack you from behind). Jump to the blocks in midair, and jump to the blocks right of them (kill the bird). These blocks are strange. Stand on one that's not directly above hot lava. Stand still, and the rock breaks into little pieces. Look out for them. Go right. Go onto the higher platform. Wait for the guy to shoot some fire stuff at you. Jump over the fire and attack him (two hits does him in). Kill the bird that flies at you too, and go right. You'll have to move across this gap here by jumping from platform to platform. The trick? They're the falling blocks. Lucky the blocks break up only if you stand on them, so go across with a lot of jumping (kill the fire guy). Past a normal platform is more of the same thing. However, weird guys with poles are putting spells on the blocks so they crumble twice as fast. Move as fast as you can past them. Past the third one is an item frog. Go right up the stair-like blocks (they crumble). Jump onto the platform that's moving left and right. Let the block right of it crumble, and jump to the block right of the one you land on. Another bonus round! Finish it and you end up where you left. Jump to the block right of you. Jump to the higher block, and onto the platform that moves up and down. Jump off it and walk across the blocks, and jump to the normal platform. See how you're on a lower platform? Jump to the higher one and walk right. A fire monster attacks. As soon as you see it, go to the leftmost part of the lower platform to avoid being injured (jumping wouldn't do any harm either). Another fire monster attacks as you go right. And a bit right past him is the hardest part yet. The screen will start sidescrolling up. The lava level will slowly get higher and higher. You'll have to jump up and up and up to make it to the top. The hard part? You have to jump off of those crumbling bricks. You won't believe it, but this is really, really hard. Once it's over, go right to another part of wherever you are. Hey, it's an ice-themed place. First the lava theme, then the ice theme. Original. Wait, no it's not. Wait, maybe it was when the game came out...I don't know. If you go right, you'll meet a guy who looks a lot like Krillin from DBZ. You know, bald with six dots on the forehead and kicks a lot of butt. If you're really DBZ pressed, try to imagine that you're playing as a young version of Gohan and not Jackie Chan (he's got the young Goku outfit, but when he dies he looks just like Gohan). ANYWAY, Krillin whacks a pole on the ground. Three icicles fall down to the ground. He spins around and then does it again. You have to avoid the icicles, either by being far away or conveniently standing between two of them (not easy to stand still on ice). Find some way to either kill Krillin or pass him by. Past Krillin, go up the stair like things and right. You meet one of the dudes who shoot lava at you. This time, he shoots an icicle. You should try two jump attacks on him, and pray that you jump over the icicle he shoots. Past it, there are some ice platforms in the air. Jump from platform to platform right. This is tough due to the fact that the platforms are ice. If you fall off, you'll have to continue right through some icicle dudes and pick up when the platforms above you stop. Past that are some lobster things. They move left/right. You can kill them by tripping them, or you can just jump over them. It's a pain in the butt, and you get rewarded with an item frog. Right of the frog is another Krillin. Krillin is guarding some ice platforms in the air. Kill Krillin and go right across the platforms. If you fall off, your journey is a lot harder. Past the platforms, go down a slope (three mice attack). When it levels out, you come to some spear shooting enemies. Jump attack the first one as soon as you see it to avoid being hit. Duck on the ledge left of the next spear monster. Once you're in the clear (when a spear has recently been fired and it is reloading), jump attack it. Go right (an item frog comes). Flying monsters that are big, scary, and pink (Pink! They ARE scary!) attack. Three of them do. If they miss, they turn back to attack you. That's lame. Past the monsters is a guy who shoots an icicle. Walk past him to another area. Boss fight time! Go right and the boss appears. It's a statue thing with a big arse pole stick in his hand. You know, the kind Donatello uses (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). The statue slams the stick into the ground. Some lava comes up. Hope it misses you. Attack the statue now, as the lava will fall down and come back up in the same places. This happens three times. You can do a lot of damage during this time. After a while, the statue (which also looks like Krillin) will make and evil face and the stick jumps around, trying to hurt you. It's a good shot. Try being as far away from it as possible. It will come at you, so try to run under it. A good spot to stand in (I thought it was good, anyway) is directly right of the righter black space. Try to damage the boss as much as possible during this time. Eventually the boss dies. 004c-Place Three ----------------------------------------------------------- You move a large distance up the scroll. All right! This first part is wacky. It has a bunch of levels that go up. You can fall down to a lower level. So I'll do a level-by-level guide, starting with the first level. Level one: Hold onto the right button. You walk through some water and get attacked. However, you suffer no damage. When you hit something, jump over it and continue. Jump on the turtle shell to ride up. Level two: Walk left across the platform. Jump on the turtle shell when it goes close. When it is close to another turtle shell, jump onto the shell that goes up and down. Jump off it, and jump up across the nonmoving, close together platforms. Level three: Jump on the first turtle shell. Ride it, and it goes down and then right. Avoid the bird, and jump onto the second turtle shell. It falls as soon as you touch it, so jump off it right. Go up more easy platforms. Level four: Jump onto the shell that goes up and down. Jump off it onto the shell that's moving around in some weird pattern. Jump off it to the platform left, and go up the easy platforms. Level Five: Go right. There are three turtle shells. The shells move diagonally, up and to the right, then down and to the left, and then it repeats the pattern. Once you've got that figured out, you can easily jump over them to the easy platforms. Level Six: Go left. The three turtle shells here fall as soon as you touch them, so jump across them as fast as you can to the easy platforms. Level Seven: Go right. Jump off the first shell (falls when you touch it) onto the second shell. Ride it (kill the bird) and jump off it onto a shell that goes up and down. Duck on it and the pink turtle that attacks will miss. Jump to the turtle right of it, and onto the one that moves around. Get to the upper right corner and walk right. Hey, that's the end of the dumb level things! Now you're in some sort of swamp thing! Yay...I think. Go right and onto a log. It'll ride you right. Jump left off it and duck. The current takes you right. Provided you're ducking, you don't get hurt at all (heh heh heh). You'll hit something and stop moving, so when that happens, jump up and get the item frog. Then go right over the thing you hit (you fall down a waterfall). Do the same duck in the water thing. Jump over the thing that you hit and continue ducking. You go down another waterfall. Duck again. Too bad for you, a warrior goes into the water at you. Kill him and continue the ducking thing. (Ducking thing...that sounds naughty). Trip the turtle that falls into the water at you and punch the snake. Jump over the thing you hit and down a waterfall. Ride the water right and jump over the thing you hit. Duck through the next area. Before jumping over the thing you hit, wait for the hawk to pass. Then jump over. In the next area, ride the log right and avoid the fish that attacks. Jump over the thing that stops you and duck through the next area. Jump over the thing and duck through the next area (close misses). Jump over the thing you hit, and down a waterfall. Ride right, and jump onto a log past the turtle. Wait, that's a moving platform. Go across the moving platforms to avoid puffer fish. Past the puffer fish is another waterfall. Ride right. Jump over the thing you hit (beware of the turtle's boomerangs). Duck through the next area. Avoid the fish while getting the item frog. Duck through the next area and go right for the boss fight. Go right. Hey, an item frog. Wait a's mutating! The mutant frog flies in the air. Stand on the platform underneath it. Do some special attacks until the frog turns red. Now go left. Jump onto the lower branch. From here, shoot some physco waves at the frog (hold B). Do this until the frog dies. 004d-Place Four ----------------------------------------------------------- Cool, you're near the end now. Well, this first part is somewhat easy. Go right and onto the elevated ground. Punch the pink thing that flies at you, and before going off this platform, trip the pink monster that flies down there (more pink monsters are in other places). Go right and duck under the pink monster that flies close to you. Punch the other one and continue right. You'll meet two more guys that look like Krillin. These guys have long weapons that they hold in front of them, and you don't have a good shot. Try to hit them in their heads with jump kicks. Past them, you walk into a different spot. You appear to be in the mountains. It's snowy. Go right and kill one of the pink things. Past it is a yeti. It pops out of the ground with a snowball and throws it in your direction. To avoid the snowball, be close to the yeti. Hit it when the snowball's gone. Four pink things attack you right of here. Kill them all before getting the item frog. Right of it is another yeti; this one is easier to kill. Right of that is a tiger. Kill the tiger like you did last time. That was long ago, so I'll refresh your memory: jump kick it when it is in mid- pounce. Continue right, past two yeti and another tiger to a different part of this level. Go right and face a yeti. Walk on the lower ground here. Kill the pink thing that flies past you. Continue right and jump on the cloud. Much like Kirby's dream stars, you get taken to a new place. Hey, you're in some clouds! You automatically bounce when you're on the clouds, and you can also do a super jump by pressing A on the clouds. Cool! Go right. Bounce off the tops of the clouds here (if you fall, do a super jump back on them). You avoid two puffer fish this way. Go onto the rocks at the bottom past the fourth cloud. Wait for the two toucans to pass. Then get onto the lower cloud. Do a super jump right off it onto another cloud (if you fall off here, a weird pink leg kicks you back to the start of this part while doing one damage). Super jump off this cloud onto a turtle shell. Jump off it onto more clouds. Bounce to the lower cloud, and super jump off it onto the higher cloud (missing the two toucans). Stay on this cloud for a while (try bouncing in place). Jump to the next cloud when the puffer fish stops obstructing your path. Jump from cloud to cloud here. Get off the clouds past the first puffer fish you see. Use the sharp drop (press down while in midair) to do this, which helps you avoid a second puffer fish. Jump to the first pillar past the row of pillars. Wait for another puffer fish to get out of the way before jumping to the pillar it guarded. Jump off this pillar to the item frog (life upgrade). Get onto the higher of the three clouds here. Jump off it to the high pillars. Wait for the puffer fish to come at you, and jump over it while landing on the same group of pillars. By then, the puffer fish on the clouds below should gone. If not, you have to wait a bit. When it's gone, go to the clouds below and head right (super jump over the puffer fish). Jump to the cloud in the air, and off it to the pillar. Duck under the toucan, and kill the next two that come. Then get to the cloud right of these pillars. Wait until a puffer fish is gone before progressing to the next pillars. Jump to the cloud right of these pillars. Now jump to the turtle shell right of you, and jump off it to the turtle shell right of that, and jump off it to the lower pillar (in case you didn't realize, the turtle shells fall once you touch them). Wait for the toucan to pass before going to the higher pillar. Then jump to the turtle shell right of you and off it onto a pillar with an item frog (prep. for the upcoming boss fight). Go right. Be on the left side of the second cloud, and wait for the puffer fish to attack. It'll barely be on the right side of your cloud. Easily jump over it and go right to meet the boss. Hey, it's the pink/purple monster that hits you if you fall down! A nasty cyclops! It opens its eye, and tries to hit you with its hand. To do damage to it, hit its eye. The eye will get redder and redder until it gets black. To hit the eye with a jump kick, you have to do a super jump. A physco wave on a plain bounce works, but you should try to save that for last. The special moves also work well. Attack the eye while avoiding the hand. This boss should go down, no sweat. 004e-Place Five ----------------------------------------------------------- Woah! Looks like you're at the end! Go right. Trip the bad guy from the safety of the ledge, and get the two lobsters right of there. Then trip the bad guy just like last time. If you go right, the lights go out. No matter. Keep going right. An enemy's outline falls to the floor. Jump attack it ASAP and you should see the lights return. Don't worry about that now, finish off the enemy. Ah, the light comes from a bad guy who holds a candle. Go right past him (try to get the bat). Of course, the lights go out. Kill the enemy that falls like last time and continue right. When the lights return, go a bit right and jump onto the first platform you see. The lights go off. Jump up and to the right (mostly up) onto a high platform and continue right there. Kill the candle guy if you want to (get the bats first). Go right and you fight another of the falling enemies. Keep going right, and get the item frog. Shortly right past the frog, the lights return. Jump up the platforms hyah to the higher part and continue right. Stand on the pillar right of the candle guy, and punch the falling enemy as it attacks. Then kill the candle guy and continue right. Go right while jumping a lot. Duck under the puffer fish that attacks if you can. Go right, and the lights turn on. Go to the higher platform when a puffer is out of the way. The lights won't go off again from here. Go right, and jump over the spike ball. Kill the two falling enemies, and get as far right as you can. From here, you have to jump from platform to platform up (there's no penalty for messing up) until you get to another part of this area. Hey, a mechanical place. Basically, the ground here is like the clouds before and the platforms all are conveyor belts that are moving right. Jump over the bad guy to a conveyor belt. Here you have to jump from belt to belt over the spike balls (the down while in midair really helps). Falling kinda makes you hit all the spike balls, which as you can guess, is uncool. Jump over the next bad guy onto the conveyor belt. Jump over the spike ball by jumping off a belt before it. Go carefully across the next area as the weird helicopter nunchuck bad guy attacks. Past the helicopter nunchuck freak, jump from belt to belt (the belts in midair) through the next area. In the next part, kill one of the dudes with an icicle. This is pretty much it for this part. Right of here, you have to jump from belt to belt up. This is harder than you think. Try the walking left across the belts over the jumping. It's much slower, but works better. Anyway, you get to the next part once you've gone up the platforms from hell. This next part is just like a previous part. It side scrolls right, and you have to work to keep up. It is really #%@#-ing hard. Good luck to you. I'm sorry, but there's not a really good way to describe the next part. Basically, you have to jump from platform to platform up. There are certain things that fire stuff, so you have to avoid them. Do a lot of ducking in this area and just be really careful and you should do well. Once you're done, head right. There are many pillars that you pass behind, along with spike balls floating around. Try to defeat the falling enemies while not getting hit by the spike balls (and you don't see much by being behind the pillars). The bonus stage you can reach with the bell helps some. This part ends with a freaky looking elevator that takes you up. Woo hoo! You're finally in the last part of the game! Just need to find the jerk that stole your sister and you'll be out of here. It's not that easy, as the jerk has hired some dragons to whup your butt. Go right and a stone dragon turns to life. Stand on the lower platform in midair to avoid being hurt by the dragon's fire. Jump attack the dragon wisely here. The dragon dies and you get an item frog while you go right. Now there's another dragon. The place to stand on is right of that tall pole (it's the second lowest part in this area, just above the ground). You get another item frog as it's on to the third (and final) dragon. There isn't a place to hide here. You have to do timely jumps right to avoid being hit. And hit the dragon at the same time. Tough. Past this dragon is the master, who heals you two life points. Right past that is the jerk who took Josephine. Jeez, this is tough. You should try to constantly avoid her. Just be close enough so you can do a jump kick and attack her. Do this a lot, but especially when she shoots out some werid move (is that a double ki?). But what's messed up the most is that the bitch has a heart on her forehead. What's up with that? Once the bitch is dead, she turns into a bubble and flies off. Go right and you see Josephine. She refills your life totally. Despite being as good at karate as you are, she doesn't wish to join you in continuing your quest. Totally lame. Go right, and jump onto the cloud the master summons (nimbus?). Go down, and you meet a boss. The bubble reforms into a giant spider. You can't come too close to touching it without taking damage. Try some special moves on it until you're out, and then try physco waving from a distance. The spider shoots stuff at you. One is a red thing that splits into three pieces (it's circular). The other is a red thing that follows you around. Do a figure eight to try to avoid this thing. Jump attacking the spider also works. This is good when the following red things are around, as you quickly go to the bottom of the screen. DOn't worry about falling as the nimbus catches you. Beat the spider to see the ending. Hope you liked the game! 005-Game Genie Codes ---------------------------------------------------------- Infinite special attacks? Wow, that'll make boss fights a lot easier. Nine Tornado Attacks on pick-up: PESIKYYE Nine 360 degree Spin Kicks on pick-up: PESIVYYE Nine Sky Attacks on pick-up: PESINYYE No Tornado Attacks on pick-up: AESIKYYA No 180 degree Spin Kicks on pick-up: AESISNPA No 360o Spin Kicks on pick-up: AESIVYYA No Sky Attacks on pick-up: AESINYYA Unlimited special attacks: SXSKEXVK Max energy from Energy Bowl: TAVGXZZA Less energy from Energy Bowl: PAVGXZZA Another cheat (this one from the manual): Secret Code: Press - UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, UP, DOWN, B, A Then press B on the other controller. You now have 99 continues. 006-Credits ----------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is copyright of The Lost Gamer, 2002. If you want to use any part of this FAQ, ask me first (instructions under general information)